#wasabi pizza
eliodoralu · 3 days
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anti-male-society · 1 year
this would’ve took me longer to do if I didn’t have enough motivation
well, i was gonna make this a shitpost at first. but it’s not even a shitpost because of how much i rendered it
context for golden cheese and wasabi being back there:
i ship ananascheese and bonesabi so i wanted to include them. sorry for outing myself as a shipper.
Enjoy this lump of pixels!
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morethansalad · 2 years
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Vegan & Gluten-Free Sushi Pizza (Brown Rice Crust with Nori, Braised Asparagus, Zucchini, and Wasabi Mayonnaise)
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tenshusuto · 2 years
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Well, people do have questionable food tastes — one knows not to judge. ~ And he shouldn't be the one talking.
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hyunnie04 · 8 months
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“i smell something burning.” you sniff, poking your head through the bright room. seungmin and felix had just finished their daengnyang school live, texting you to quickly come over. you were already on your way to them anyways, but suspicion immediately came into mind once you saw the message.
you had no idea what they were up to, but whatever it was, it wasn't good. all you heard was that they were preparing something food related.
felix is amazing when it came to baking and cooking but when seungmin is involved, it all somehow goes down hill. what did the kitty cat and puppy do now?
you do a once over at the room, slightly amused of the damage they've caused in such a short amount of time. the condiments and other baking materials were scattered all throughout the table, the pan they've used also had burnt batter residue sticking to it, probably the sole cause of the slight fog that engulfed the room.
“y/n, try it! i made this for you.” seungmin practically beams, shooting from up his seat and holding a plate out. it was a normal enough looking bungeo-ppang, but he has a grin that says evil written all over it.
you glance over at yongbok, the blonde's face morphs into an immediate 'no don’t do it' face while shaking his head vehemently. now you're curious. "what's in this?"
"you have to guess!"
“is this gonna kill me?” 
“no, i promise.” he laughs, holding it to your mouth.
“if i die i'll kill you.” you decide to humor him, taking a very, very small bite out of it. it was spicy and a bit tangy, but the subtle sweetness of the batter contrasted with it in a strange yet palatable way.
“oh, it’s actually pretty good.” you say, grabbing seungmin's wrist to take another bite. felix just watches you with pure disappointment in his eyes.
“see!” the puppy says quite proudly, tail practically wagging.
“what’s in it?”
“sriracha and wasabi.”
“you are trying to kill me!”
"but you liked it!"
"you should try this one y/n." felix says, lifting up his own plate with his creation. you didn't need to think twice since yongbok made it, it's bound to be better than seungmin's. it was different, you thought, tasting cheese and some sort of sauce in the filling.
you went back to taste the sriacha wasabi bungeo-ppang and comparing it to the vaguely pizza flavored one. oddly enough, you found yourself still liking seungmin's better, the expression is clear in your face.
"what?!" seungmin laughs at felix's reaction, patting his back. "you're weird," the blonde snickered, shaking his head.
"we should give this to chan-hyung." the black haired puppy snaps his fingers. your eyes widen, just because you liked it, it doesn't mean chan is gonna think the same way. that man has an abysmal spice tolerance.
"you're planning on giving this to chan? are you trying to kill him?"
before he can reason out why he wants to give this to poor chan, you take the plate out of his hands. "…give it here."
a/n: yeah i know it wasn't that bad so i had to take artistic liberties HAHA but i would eat the sriracha one ok just to spare channie LOL
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How the Doctor satisfies alien tastebuds on Earth, headcanons:)
*Yaz in tears after kissing the Doctor, both having forgotten that the Doctor had just snacked on a handful of red pepper flakes*
*The Khans watching her eat a whole lemon, peel and all, because she was ‘craving something sweet’*: O_O 0_0 o_o 0_0
*Out at a Japanese restaurant* “And can we get a very large bowl of sliced ginger on the side please? Oh and a bowl wasabi :)”
“Um.. Sure.”
Yaz: “This.. this mouthwash was full yesterday..”
*Khans order some pizza* *Doctor rummaging through their cabinets looking for something to add on top* “You guys wouldn’t miss these candy canes from December, right?”
Hakim: *Cooking* “Where did the paprika go? It was just here?”
Doctor: *Stirring her tea* “…You’re all out…”
Najia: “How? Just… How?”
Doctor: “Oh.. I, uh, lost quite a few of my tastebuds in a.. Football incident!”
Najia and also the Doctor: 🤔🤔
*After convincing the Fam to go trick or treating with her* *Negotiates hard, almost threateningly, for all of their sours*
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
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pedge-stuff · 1 year
Fic request: Pedro or reader has an intense panic attack in a public. Reader has to talk him through it and calm him down enough so they can leave the event. Holding each other in bed.
clean up, aisle 4 (pedro pascal x gn/m!reader)
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a/n: same vague universe as “marked," per usual.
thanks, as always, for everything.
summary: sometimes, you deal with the downsides.
"I feel like we tried this and didn't like it."
Pedro inspects the back label on the box— some kinda chickpea flour protein pasta 'alternative' that came less-than-highly recommended by his personal trainer— before re-shelving it alongside the other sad, fake noodles.
The grocery store has become a little bit of a minefield. Gladiator 2 prep was exciting, until the rigorous hours in the gym started requiring a specialized diet. He can't eat carbs, you don't eat meat, both of you love frozen pizza, and neither of you really want to participate in the whole classic disordered Hollywood eating thing. And yet, here you are.
Home-cooked meals have consisted mostly of roasted vegetables and dry, baked proteins. You're attempting to eat "clean" in solidarity with him, but...
"We don't need pasta," Pedro laments, turning away from the shelving altogether. "What's left?"
You pull the notes-app list back up. "Whatever kind of frozen fruit you want for smoothies, plus pitted dates. I'd love those wasabi almonds from last month, but I dunno if they have them again. We could get Skinny Pop, if you want it?"
A grimace. "That's fine."
"We don't have to get it, Pedge."
"It's fine, really. We need something for the movie tonight, right?"
His shoulders slump as he pushes the cart onwards. The back right wheel is making a little squeaking sound, sharp and grating on your last damn nerve. This grocery store feels more and more like a minefield with every aisle turn. The balance between supporting Pedro in his training, and wanting him to just say fuck it and be happy, feels entirely precarious.
"Almonds," Pedro mutters, veering right, around an obnoxiously large Goldfish display and the toddler sobbing loudly in front of it. An obstacle course of bright lights and loud sounds. "Almonds, almonds—"
"Ohmygod, Pedro Pascal."
Immediately, no. Two college-aged, tri delta-looking, fresh-from-the-salon type girls, grinning like they'd won the damn lottery. Fans— no one he actually knows says "Pay-drow."
The wheel squeaks again as they grind to a forceful halt; the girls are standing directly in the path of the cart.
"Should we ask for a picture?" They speak at full volume, to each other, as if he isn't standing right in front of them.
"We have to, for the gram. Oh my god."
"Maybe Deuxmoi will pick it up."
Pedro grimaces as they start rummaging for their phones. He's always generous with his time— sometimes a little too generous, so concerned with hurting peoples' feelings that he'll take selfies through the drive-thru window, or walking the dogs. Even one memorable time, pumping gas.
Only at night, lights off, tucked away, does he ever confess his frustrations. As though he should not want privacy; as though being grateful was more important than being safe. Guilt eats him in ways that you alone cannot heal. All you can do is hold him a little tighter.
A phone is thrust towards you. "Can you take a picture of us?"
Before either of you can react, one girl has her arm over Pedro's shoulder. The other, on his waist. He's never been one to shy away from affection— had been pushing the cart single-handedly, with the other on the small of your back, since the dairy section— but that intimacy does not extend to strangers.
They are laughing, chattering— something about Game of Thrones. You distinctly make out so sexy and slay.
But you hardly register them, instead frowning at your partner as you snap a couple pics without looking. He is frozen, eyes fixed somewhere past you, though he offers a wan smile for the camera. Answers a question you can't hear with a half-hearted laugh, before gesturing to the next aisle. A polite gesture, too far from the fuck off on the tip of your tongue.
Pedro attempts to move away, but the girl's arm is still snaked around his waist. Trapped. She reaches to wrap the other around, attempting to encircle him in a teddy bear-style hug. This, here, is the limit.
With a rough, jerky motion, he forces her off of him. "Sorry, sorry," he says quickly. "We need to go."
If you push the cart, and it happens to roll over a perfectly manicured foot, well...
Pedro is a few paces ahead of you, stalking towards the almonds like they owe him a grave debt. His fists clench and unclench at his side.
Not good.
His tells for a panic attack are well-catalogued in your brain. You push the cart to one side, mouthing an apology to the man you almost plow down, before approaching Pedro with caution. His chest heaves as he frowns at the Blue Diamond display, breaths noticeably shallow.
"Pedro." Fighting muscle memory, you don't touch him. Don't want to startle him, though concern burns a hole in your own diaphragm.
"Baby, look at me."
His eyes squeeze shut, instead. "I'm good. I'm good."
"Why don't you go to the car, I'll finish up quick."
"I'm good," he insists, voice cracking.
"It's OK if you're not good."
A hitch in his breath, and Pedro's face crumbles. "Just startled me, is all," he whispers, brown eyes pooling remorsefully. "So stupid. Can't even make it through the fucking supermarket to get my fucking fruits and veggies."
You reach for his hand, lithe fingers prying his clench fist apart. Soothe the red-crescent divots in his palm with the pad of your thumb. Wait for him to continue, as if you're not both standing in the middle of the nuts-candy-and-coffee section.
"Everything is just a lot right now," Pedro says, dragging in a shaky but deeper inhale. His other hand swipes across his cheek.
Mentally, you catalogue how difficult it would be to return the items in your cart; how fast you could retrace your steps, and rush the man home.
You bring his palm to your lips, instead. "Go take a smoke," you suggest. "And then we can get the fuck outta here."
"Someone's gonna post it online again. Everyone's talking about how I reek of cigarettes."
"You have reeked of cigarettes as long as I've known you. They are late to this." Tugging playfully on the hand you still hold, you wait for him to crack the barest, thinest of smiles.
"You still love me, though."
"Enough to fight off anyone else who tries to dry-hump you in this Whole Foods."
Slowly, you both retreat to the abandoned cart. "Can we—" Pedro stops himself, unsure of how to ask.
"Whatever it is, babe, yes."
He pushes forward. "What if I was asking if we could get naked right now and run through the supermarket parking lot so people would think we were crazy and leave us alone forever?"
"Then I'd start untying my shoes. It'd be hard to pull my jeans over 'em."
The wasabi almonds are, finally, pulled from the shelf. You proceed to the freezers. "That's not what I was gonna ask," he admits, grabbing a bag of chunked mango.
"Can we just get some normal fucking popcorn? If one night's worth of fake butter is what does me in, someone else can be the Gladiator, I give up."
For him? Anything.
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sadboi-writer · 2 years
Dear Jack (Series)
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Pairing: Jack Brewer x Reader
Summary: Y/N is a student at the Bobby Wasabi Dojo. Their life changes when Jack Brewer shows up in their life. 
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: Cussing, nothing else really, I kind of alternate between they and she pronouns.
Masterlist ~ Chapter Two
Chapter One: Wasabi Warriors
Y/N was sat with Milton, Jerry, and Eddie eating lunch. 
“Hey, Mil, can you help me with this?” Y/N asked sliding their algebra over to him, “I’m having issues with number five.”
Milton glanced over it, “Quadratic formula.”
Y/N nodded, “Thanks.”
They grabbed a fry off their tray and popped it into their mouth. Jerry looked over Milton’s shoulder.
“Aye yo, look at that new guy.” He said, pointing behind Milton
I looked where he indicated. A pretty boy was standing with his tray, looking around the cafeteria absently.
“You’re drooling.” Eddie commented as he ate
“I am not.” Y/N retaliated
The boys all tried to hide their laughs.
“Mhmm.” Milton hummed, he turned to the new guy
“Hey, new kid!” Eddie called to him
The boy smiled as he walked to the table.
“Hi, I’m Jack.” He introduced
“I’m Milton, that’s Jerry,”
Eddie cut him off, “I’m Eddie, and that’s Y/N.”
Y/N gave a slight wave, “Hey.”
Jack sat down with them, “So, how do you all know each other?”
“We all do karate together.” Milton replied
Before Jack could reply, Milton and Y/N were both hit with falafel’s. 
Y/N scrunched their nose in disgust, “Not again.”
Jerry was hit, “Not cool man.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and stood up. Jack eyed her for a moment.
“Frank!” Y/N snapped as she walked to the Black Dragons
“Hey!” Jack interuppted, he slung his arm around Y/N, “I like your outfits, are you guys cheerleaders?”
“No! Well, Bryan used to be.” Frank replied, Y/N hated his stupid voice, “So, you got a problem or something?”
Frank went all out demonstrating his karate.
Jack’s eyebrows rose, “ Look, I didn’t come over here to fight man.”
Jack was about to pull Y/N back to the table when Frank moved to punch him. He caught Frank’s fist and pushed Y/N behind him. She rolled her eyes at that.
“You probably shouldn’t have done that.” Jack smirked before flipping Frank
The rest of the dragons got up to fight. Bryan ran at Y/N followed closely by Tyler. She jumped and grabbed his shoulders before swinging around him and kicking Tyler across the room. Jack was doing pretty well himself. 
Bryan dropped Y/N and went to punch her, she swung her leg and took him to the ground. They gave Jerry a look and he tossed them his pudding. She smashed it onto Bryan’s face. Only two of the dragons were left in a position to be fighting, and Jack took care of them fairly quickly.
Once Frank had run out, Jack looked around and saw the damage he’d done. He looked at Y/N with a sheepish grin before booking it out of the cafeteria. 
After school Y/N was at the dojo with the boys. Eddie got absolutely wrecked by Marge.
Y/N laughed hard, “Wipeout, buddy.” 
“Eddie got dusted by Marge the lunch lady again!” Jerry chortled
Rudy was preceded by two guys in business suits. None of them looked very happy.
“Guys, what are you doing?” Rudy demanded, “They said if we don’t win two belts at our next tournament they’re shutting us down!”
“You wanna win some belts just make Y/N do everything.” Eddie groaned from the floor
“Or get that new kid Jack in here.” Jerry added
“Yeah, he took out four Black Dragons at lunch.” Y/N quipped
“You took down two of them.” Milton corrected
Y/N shrugged and grabbed another slice of pizza. Rudy shook his head.
“I don’t care about some cat fight at school.” He insisted, “This dojo is built on the foundation of hard work and discipline. Let’s get to work.”
The boys took their seats and Y/N sat with them. She was close to the decorative wall because she wanted to have everyone sitting on the mat, but there wasn’t enough space. 
After a couple of minutes Y/N heard yelling that sounded like it was coming from behind her. She stood and looked at the wall for a moment before the wall burst open, she let out a scream, then she was on the floor.
“That boy just came right out the wall!” Marge yelled
Y/N’s ears were ringing and she let out a groan.
“Okay, you guys have got to try that.” Came a new and vaguely familiar voice
There was a bit of shouting, a ‘sorry’ , and then Milton and Rudy were standing over her. 
“Holy christmasnuts, are you okay?” Milton asked
Y/N nodded, “I think so.”
Rudy grabbed Y/N’s hand and pulled them to their feet, “Let’s get you sat down.” 
He walked them to the waiting area. She looked and saw Jack being held by two security guards. 
“Hey, Jack.” Y/N greeted
“Hey Y/N.” Jack replied with a wink
Jerry came up behind Y/N and patted her shoulder, “You coming over for dinner again tonight?”
Y/N nodded, “Yeah, your mom is making arepas, right?”
He nodded, “Come on, let’s get going.”
Jerry leaned over and let Y/N wrap their arm around his neck and he aided them in their walk out of the dojo. 
At Jerry’s he sat them down on the couch and rifled through his DVD’s.
“What do you want to watch, hermana?” He asked
“I don’t care, you pick.” Y/N replied
She was distracted, thinking about Jack. He really seemed like the perfect guy. Cute, good hair, nice, confident, willing to stand up for others, and not to mention his insane martial arts talent. Y/N wasn’t even aware they had spaced out, but Jerry was. He saw the soft smile land on their face as their eyes seemed to see something other than his living room. The way that Y/N’s eyes crinkled as they thought. 
“You still with me?” Jerry asked
Y/N shook their head, “Yeah, yeah, sorry.”
“Whatcha thinking about?”
He went to the kitchen and brought out the steaming arepas as he listened to Y/N talk.
“Just about Jack, honestly.”Y/N replied, “He’s just... super cool, I guess. I don’t know. I just think it’s nice that he stood up for us when Frank was messing with us, and he’s talented.”
Jerry handed her an arepa, “And cute?”
“Yeah,” She said absently, “Wait, no!”
“Oh, you do think he’s cute!” Jerry laughed
Y/N pouted and Jerry ruffled their hair.
“No worries, your secret is safe with me!” Jerry assured
The next day Y/N was back to normal, if not a little sore. She opted to not get food with the boys and instead went straight to the dojo. Rudy came out of his office.
“Hey, Rudy!” Y/N greeted
“Hey, where are the boys?” He replied
“Falafel Phil’s, they’ll be here in a bit.” 
Y/N dragged one of the practice dummies out of the corner and started working on her form. It wasn’t long until Jerry, Milton, and Eddie came in. 
“Where’s Jack?” Y/N asked as she hit the dummy particularly hard
“With Kim Crawford.” Milton said as Y/N went in for another punch
She knocked it over with the force, “What?”
Jerry smirked, “Oooh, you’re jealous!”
“I am not!” Y/N insisted, “Jerry, come here, hold up the dummy. I need to hit something.”
He picked up the dummy and held it securely as Y/N unleashed an assault upon it. Hit after hit after hit landed, each one harder than the last. Until Y/N knocked over the dummy and Jerry.
“Sorry.” She panted, helping him off the ground
Rudy was smiling at her, “That’s the kind of energy we need for the tournament, Y/N! Good work!”
As he said that, Jack came in spinning a new bow staff with a stupid cute grin on his face. 
“Sorry I’m late-” Jack started
Rudy rounded on him and cut him off, “Sorry doesn’t cut it, Jack! Where did you get that astronaut bowstaff?”
“It was a gift from the Black Dragons!” Jack smiled, “See! We can all use it!”
He tried to hand it to Y/N who turned her back on him and retreated toward Jerry. Jack’s smile dropped.
“What? Students here are forbidden from even entering that dojo!” Rudy replied to Jack
Jack scoffed, “You can’t forbid me from doing anything!”
Y/N rolled her eyes, and Jerry wrapped an arm around her shoulder. They both watched the interaction, Milton and Eddie quickly crossing to them.
“Hey, if it wasn’t for me you would’ve been banned from the mall for two weeks!” Rudy insisted
A silence fell over the room. Jack looked livid.
“Banned from the mall?” Jack demanded, “You told me I was going to jail!”
Rudy’s mouth opened and closed like a fish for a moment.
He sputtered a bit, “Wha- Well, I say a lot of things! I’m what they like to call chatty!”
Jack stormed toward Rudy, “You lied to me! You broke the Wasabi Code! You know what? Kim was right! This place is a joke! I quit!”
Jack marched out of the dojo. Leaving everyone speechless. Then Rudy jumped into action.
He ran toward the door, “Fine! Go!”
Then Rudy turned to the kids, “Who needs him?”
Y/N rolled her eyes and everyone stared at him. 
Then all in unison said, “We do!”
Rudy’s eyes widened as he ran back to the door, “Wait! Come back!”
After that they all left. Y/N was walking to their bike on the bike rack when she passed the Black Dragon dojo. Kim was walking out and smiled when she saw Y/N.
“Hey! How was your day?” Kim asked
“Just swell.” Y/N snapped, “Nothing like hearing that your friend called your dojo a joke.”
Kim’s face fell, “Y/N I’m sorry. But sensei really wants Jack at our dojo-”
“Go away, Kim.” Y/N sighed
The day after that they all resigned to the fact that Bobby Wasabi was going to close. So they all started packing, Y/N was set on rolling up the mats.
“Jack! You’re back!” Rudy burst
Y/N looked at him and gave him a small wave.
“I’m just here to get my stuff,” He specified, “What are you guys doing?”
“Packing up.” Y/N chimed
“Yeah, we’re closing. No Jack, no belts, no dojo.” Jerry finished
Y/N taped up the mat where it was rolled and started to tip it up but it was a bit too heavy, so Jack came over and helped her. He sent her a wink as he did so.
“Milton David Krupnick!” 
Y/N turned around, Milton’s dad was storming through the doors. She sighed, of course he hadn’t known Milton was doing karate.
“So this is your french horn lesson?” His dad snapped
“I’m sorry dad, I started doing karate so that I could defend myself when people made fun of me for taking french horn lessons.” Milton explained, “It doesn’t matter anyway, it’s shutting down. This was the one place I really felt like I belong.”
Eddie nodded, “Yeah, now my mom is going to send me back to Mrs.King’s Dance Academy! My body was not made to mambo!”
“Yeah, guess I’m a lone wolf again! That’s how I like it!” Jerry sniffled, “Don’t think for a moment I’m going to miss any of you meatbags!”
“Guess it���s back to eating lunch with Henrietta.” Y/N sighed, the boys looked at her weird, “My paper mache crab I made for my Earth Science class.”
Milton’s dad motioned for him, “Let’s go, Milton. You’re lucky you didn’t hurt yourself.”
Jack was gazing around at his friends. And then he ran toward Milton.
“Wait, Milton!” Jack hollered, “Why don’t you show your dad how you can break this board?”
Milton gave him a look, “Break a board? Jack, I can barely cut a well cooked piece of fish.”
Jack pulled him up to a board he set on two moving boxes, “Just do it.”
“Jack-” Milton protested
“Do it!” Jack yelled
In a panic Milton slammed his hand into the board and split it in half. Milton’s dad was impressed, and honestly so was everyone else. 
“Milton that was incredible!” His dad praised, then he left
Rudy warily walked to Jack, “These are your friends, Jack. They didn’t break the Wasabi Code. I did.”
They all gathered around them, hopeful glints in each of their eyes. They didn’t want to give this up yet. 
“What do you say?” Rudy asked, then put his fist to his palm, “Wasabi?”
Y/N copied Rudy, which prompted the boys to do so too. Jack smiled and copied all of them.
“Wasabi.” He affirmed
They all got to work. Jack came to help Y/N put the mats back where they went. He looked at her fondly as they worked.
“You’re staring,” Y/N commented as they rolled the mat out
Jack blushed, “Uhm, thank you. For, kind of making me not quit the dojo.”
She shook her head with a small smile, “Keep rolling.”
They all worked hard to get their belts. Hoping to get two, maybe three. 
When the tournament came, Y/N was undeniably nervous. But she came out with her boys in her gi. Flexing their muscles and making a big show of still being there to fight to stay open. They took their seats on the bench. 
“Okay, Eddie’s up first.” Jack said
We all looked at Eddie, he was knelt on the mat praying. Jack ran to him and said something, before seeing Eddie’s opponent.
“What do they feed you, brother?” Jack spluttered
He went back to talking to Eddie before returning to the bench with the rest of the team. Once the match started it was over quickly. Eddie flipped and pinned his opponent easily, surprising all of us. 
“We got our first belt!” Rudy cheered 
“Okay, Jerry, nunchucks is next. All you gotta do is-” Jack began
“Relax, Jack. I got this.” Jerry cut him off and stepped to the mat
His opponent did some fancy moves and Jerry nodded. 
“Oh yeah? Well check this out.” Jerry smirked
It started well, and it gave Y/N a little hope. But before that hope could grow too much Jerry hit himself in the balls and fell to the ground. Y/N was beside him in a moment.
“Jerry, are you okay?” She asked
“Everything is purple.” He groaned
Y/N hauled him to his feet and took him back to the bench. Her match was next so she stepped to the mat. Tyler was the guy she was against. He was huge in comparison to her. 
Jack stepped up next to her, “Hey, you’ve got this. I believe in you.”
He grabbed her hand and gave it a quick squeeze before going back to the team. Y/N took a deep breath and then the match started. With a running start Y/N jumped and landed with her thighs around his neck, which surprised him. She put her weight backward and flipped him over as they both landed on the ground, and kept him pinned until the ref pulled her off.
“Second belt, boys!” Y/N cheered as she went to the bench
Jack enveloped her in a tight hug, “I’m so proud of you!”
They sat as Milton went up for his event. He was against Frank for board breaking. 
Frank broke the one board he was given. 
“Double it.” Milton told the ref
“Ooh! My boy is going for the win!” Jack cheered, being a general dork
Y/N chuckled, “You look so stupid.”
“What, you don’t like this?” Jack asked as he deepened the dumb lunge he was in
Milton won while they weren’t paying attention.  Jack and Y/N cheered as he went around and gloated to the Black Dragons. The red took his belt for his bad sportsmanship.
Rudy scolded, “Milton! That was our ticket to staying open! What were you thinking?”
“That this is the best day of my life?” Milton sighed happily
The vertical peg kick was next, Jack’s event. He stood and went to the mat. He shot Y/N a wink. She gave him a little air kiss as a joke. Jack went around the mat and Frank attacked, taking him down by his leg.
Y/N ran to him quickly, “Jack! Are you okay?”
The rest of the boys were close behind her. She knelt beside him.
“I can’t move.” Jack groaned
Rudy panicked, “Yes you can! Don’t you quit on me!”
“Rudy!” Jack snapped, “You’re kneeling on my leg.”
Rudy stood, “Oh.”
Y/N pulled him up and held his shoulders.
“Are you going to be able to compete?” Jerry asked
Jack shrugged, “I don’t know.”
“You’ve got this, I believe in you!” Y/N encouraged
Rudy ushered the boys away leaving Jack and Y/N alone.
“You gonna be okay?” Y/N asked
He nodded, “Yeah, I’ve got this.”
“Good, now go kick the Dragons butts.”
She kissed his cheek and ran back to the bench. Jerry wrapped his arm around her and smiled.
“Don’t think I didn’t see that.” He teased
Y/N shook him off, “You didn’t see anything.”
Milton tapped Y/N as Jack moved to take his spot. He flipped into a hand stand and it occurred to all of them how he was going to do this.
“He’s launching from his hands.” Rudy said incredulously
They all watched as time seemed to slow down, Jack did his gymnastics and knocked the peg off. Y/N stood up and cheered quickly. Followed by the rest of the team.
“We did it! We get to stay open!” Rudy exclaimed
“And we got three belts so we outdid it!” Jerry added
“You guys feeling what I’m feeling?” Rudy asked
They all nodded before doing their high kick.
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nanaloopsy · 1 year
🧃 | s. vinsmoke
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summary : sanji, ever so charming even in daily life
nana says : so i had this dream at 5:34 am yesterday, and i thought it’d be fun to write a little drabble. i love dreams and dream talk so!
warnings : normal au? daily au…? college ish? I DUNNO. sweet sanji. apple is better than orange. OPLA sanji in mind, my beloved!!! ilysm taz ♡ ⋆·˚ ༘ *
⋆·˚ ༘ * ♡
this was a common after classes, so you couldn’t understand why this time was so difficult for you.
you raked your gaze along the wall of fridges in the back of the convenience store, this exact one you’ve been to everyday since the semester started by only now did you decide to be picky.
“i’m not sure if i want something hot like coffee or… maybe just a yogurt drink?” you quietly mutter to yourself as the hum of the store drones behind you. the crinkling of a chip bag drags you out of your stare and you turn to your company, sanji.
he holds a few bags of chips, ranging from wasabi to pizza - and shrimp crackers? you assume all for your classmate and friend, luffy. “have you decided yet, y/n-chan?”
he’s dressed casually like you’ve seen him many times before, he’s got a sweet smile that’s showing his patience and you can’t help but feel bad for holding him up. you gesture to the drinks and he laughs, a deep but lighthearted chuckle.
“might i pick one for you?” he grins and he’s quick to swing open a door. you feel the heat rush to you face despite the light chill of the refrigerators air. any attempt to speak and stop him might hurt your blonde friend more than you.
“i’d be honored.” you snicker.
and so he does, his fingers lightly glide alongside labels of brands and flavors, he considers a many options before stopping at a lower row. you lean in like he’s conducting some study and you notice the white peach drink that’s caught his eye.
“almost as sweet as you.” he pulls it out of its cozy row, others like it falling to fill its spot.
you’re sure your bags become 8 times heavier the way your knees are about to give out. “thank you..” you smile uncontrollably.
he doesn’t hand it over, instead he holds onto it until it’s time to pay - where of course he shows off his etiquette by paying, to which you thank him again and again. (and try to slip money into the pockets of his pants)
once you’re both outside, enjoying the comfortable walk in silence, you take a light sip of the new drink.
you hum softly and sanji doesn’t turn around but you can hear the smile on his face, “how is it then? it’s good?”
“my favorite.”
♡ ⋆·˚ ༘ *
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moonlit-escape · 12 days
˓˚ 。⋆ 💗˚ Dante Mystreet headcanons !!
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i love this lil stinker we're blue-haired buddies <3
bisexual (woman leaning, for the most part of his life, but nowadays is finding himself more attracted to men than he was)
knows spanish, but only speaks it when he needs to (shopping, mostly)
he has curly hair idc idc
can't grow facial hair it looks ugly as hell when it's first coming in, so every time he tries he ends up immediately shaving it off
along with his peanut allergy, he also has a bunch of others, but he just ignores them all (he's like 'whatever, i have meds' and inhales half a jar of nutella before he throws up)
baby brother friend of the group for sure (even with travis around. he's just the older twin, then)
genuinely wasn't even actually into Aphmau, he just has the younger brother instinct and wanted to annoy the shit outta Garroth and Laurance, bc that's one of the ways he shows affection and bonds
in the Mystreet universe, he is the inventor of the "oh Miku, we're really in it now" meme variant
which also means, yes, he liked The Good Place
i feel like he would like Kero Kero Bonito and Shawn Wasabi
LOVES giant fuckin lizards (Godzilla is one of his favourite movie series)
i cant decide whether he was a Naruto or a Dragon Ball Z kid...
likes pineapple on pizza (the entire household hates him.)
also likes mango in his tacos
he just really likes tropical fruits honestly
bananas can go to hell, though
peace tea drinker
gets cocha bread and melon pan confused all the time and is always momentarily disappointed whenever Nana bakes bread bc he was hoping for concha
THE number one Gene defender.
Gene was always really sweet and caring toward him, apart from the typical petty sibling arguments, and practically had to raise him, too; considering they didn't have a father or any other adult around besides their mom (and, on occasion, their uncle). so, it's no surprise he didn't know how Gene was in highschool
Gene took him to his first concert: a P!ATD concert. it was absolutely incredible and, although neither of them listen to them now, Dante still has the t-shirt and cd Gene bought for him. he sometimes uses the shirt as an extra pillow case
he's 100% the typa guy to buy his partner a bajillion things for valentine's day or just any type of holiday or anniversary. it's honestly lucky for all the girls he's dated that they haven't lasted that long.
he has a very, very cute and round, adoring face. he was a super cute baby, and he still is one now
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secretobsessionstuff · 11 months
i have a little set of blair/dakota scenes in my head i wanted to put in a request for please!! one night, they come home after a big dinner, overstuffed and cuddly. blair has indigestion but kota helps get the burps out and they go to sleep. but the next morning, blair is still bloated... and she realizes all that old food is about to be burped right back up. (maybe onto the blanket? toilet? cup by the bedside table?) ty ty!!
Hi anon! Thanks for the beautiful request and your infinite patience. 💙
The only reservation they could make was at 9pm. It was a little late for Blair and Dakota’s liking since they both had work early the next morning, but they booked it anyway because they were craving sushi and conversation with each other after a long day at the office. 
The sushi was cold and refreshing, while their conversation was warm and relaxing. Dakota and Blair reminisced over their first few dates while eating sashimi, spicy salmon salad, and sushi pizza. Blair laughed but enjoyed the Canadian invention of making sushi mimic pizza. A fried rice patty acted as the bread, with avocado, crab meat, mayonnaise and wasabi acting as the toppings. 
They didn’t linger in the city for long after dinner. Their bed was calling to both of them by the time they cleaned their plates. Blair could have fallen asleep at the table, with the big meal rumbling in her belly. She got that sluggish over-stuffed feeling from all the food. After taking a swig of water to help her stomach digest, she burped deeply into the empty glass. She excused herself with an embarrassed laugh. 
Together they stumbled up to the front door of their home, drunk on the lethargic feeling of eating too much. The growing nausea also reminded Blair of late-night drinking. Her cheeks felt hot and the fatigue in her bones made her wobble like an alcoholic. 
Blair let out a heavy sigh as she fell onto the bed next to Dakota. Rubbing her full belly she said, “This is why I don’t like eating too close to bedtime. There’s no way I’ll be able to fall asleep like this.” She was all bloated and squirmy, wiggling on the bed to find a comfortable position. 
Dakota pulled her in close, seemingly determined to make her comfy. “I can rub your belly until you fall asleep.” He supressed the urge to say that he would rub something else and glide his hand passed her belly button, because he sensed that she was feeling more than a little full. Her tummy grumbled loudly, and she curled in on herself. He could feel the organ moving beneath his hand. Gurgles and light vibrations tickled his palm. 
Blair pushed her back up against Dakota’s chest so that he spooned her. “Will you rub in big circles like you did the last time? Felt good.” 
“Sure.” Dakota chuckled softly into her hair, then shooed the strands away that tickled his nose. “You fell asleep fast when I did that.”
“Let’s hope I do this time.” She burped into the pillow. “Mm, it’s late. I don’t like feeling so full.” 
“Shh, just focus on the feeling of my hand on your tummy. Nothing else.” Dakota flattened his palm against her midriff. He circled all the way up to ger ribs and down to the waistline of her pajama pants, occasionally using his fingertips to add a light touch. 
Blair must not have found his touch so light because she started to burp as soon as he made one circle around her middle. Her stomach tensed with each build up and release of gas. She shivered, tasting the memory of spicy sushi in the back of her throat. She was glad to be facing away from her boyfriend. 
The belches just kept coming. Some were long and deep; others were quick but painful. It didn’t matter the size or intensity in the burps—nothing was making the indigestion go away. Dakota must have sensed her frustration because he gave her tummy a good push. The burp rumbled up from the pit of her stomach and splashed the back of her throat with a something spicy and unpleasant. She immediately shot up into a sitting position, slapping a hand over mouth. Acid reflux and nausea crawled up her throat. 
“Sorry, honey.” Dakota pulled his hand back fast. The sound that gurgled in her throat made him worry that he nearly just made her puke. “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to make it worse.” 
Blair waited a beat before answering. Her throat moved as she swallowed down the close call. “I’m okay. It kinda helped.” 
Blair’s pale face and wide eyes gave Dakota a moment’s hesitation. “You sure? It looked like you were about to be sick.” 
“For a second I thought—but no I’m fine.” She shook her head to shake off the lingering nausea. It was true, she did almost lose her dinner all over the bed, but then everything settled down just as fast. The massive belch at least helped to bring up the trapped air. She could feel the indigestion losing its grip. 
“Really?” he asked, still on high-alert and propped up on his elbows. He abandoned his comfy spot when Blair jumped up. 
“Yes, really.” She placed her hand on his chest, easing him onto his back again. “I might be able to sleep now. But to make up for scaring me, I get to lie on your chest.” She was already beginning to find a soft spot between his shoulder and pec, and avoiding his collar bone that sometimes dug into her cheek. After many many nights of sleeping this same way, she knew what would feel best. 
“Come here.” Dakota nuzzled his face into her neck and pulled her as close as he possibly could, just short of letting her sleep inside his skin. 
• • •
Blair awoke the next morning to the absolute worst taste in her mouth and dried drool on her pillow. She peeled her face off the pillow with squinting eyes that were still adjusting to the sunlight coming in from the window. She felt like she had the flu or something. Her stomach ached as if it were pumped full of rotting food—in a way, it kind of was. It seemed her stomach hadn’t done any digesting while she slept. It simply let last night’s dinner soak and marinate in stomach acid. On top of it all, her belly was still bloated and gurgling painfully. 
Dakota must have gotten up earlier because his side of the bed was empty. Blair hoped she could shake him awake, but clearly that wasn’t going to happen. She could hear him moving around in the kitchen. 
Shouting for him was not an option when her mouth began to fill with saliva. All that food from last night was coming up now. She didn’t have to time to throw off the blankets before a deep belch burst from her mouth. Blair gagged from the taste that coated her tongue—fishy and spicy, and not something she ever wanted to experience again. 
Thick strings of saliva dripped off her lips as she continued to burp and gag. 
Dakota’s whistling came clearly from down the hall. Blair was happy to have him near when she inevitably puked everywhere, but she was sorry that his first look at her that morning would be of her hunched over, hugging her belly, and gagging on the bed. 
“Baby?” Dakota knocked on the ajar door. “What’s that sound? Are you—Oh shit.” Dakota scrambled for something to do as he watched Blair burp up a wave of old, clumpy sushi onto the blankets. 
The sick fell like mush past Blair’s lips. The texture alone was enough to make her heave again. She choked up another mouthful of vomit onto the bed. She held onto the duvet so tightly that her knuckles turned white.
“Fuck honey,” Dakota said gently as he came to sit on the edge of the bed. He helped her sit up straighter and rubbed her back. Big circles. Big circles between her shoulder blades and on her lower back until she was able to catch her breath. 
“Ugh, I’m not done.” she sniffled and wiped the bile that dripped from her lips. “My belly’s so full still.” 
“Do you want a bucket or—” Dakota began but was cut off by Blair belching up another stream of puke. “Oh…nevermind.” He sighed and continued to rub her back. “That’s alright. Get it all up.” 
Blair burped up all of last night’s meal until she felt like there was nothing left in her tummy. The organ still ached and groaned even when she brought up the last small wave of partially digested rice and yellow bile. She coughed and sniffled like a mad woman until falling forward and letting her head hit Dakota’s chest. 
He quickly enveloped her in a hug. “Oh Bee, that’s not a good way to start the day. Your poor tummy,” Dakota cooed as he slipped his hand under her shirt. With the softest touch, he let his hand fall back into the rhythm of big circles. 
Blair allowed herself a few moments to contemplate death inside the hug, until she scrunched up her nose and pulled away from her boyfriend. “Ugh Kota, I have to get up before the smell makes me puke again.” 
“What smell?” 
“Shut up, this is fucking disgusting.” 
“I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.” 
Blair shoved him off the side of the bed. It was nice of him to pretend like nothing was wrong, but she really would spend the entire morning dry heaving if she didn’t start cleaning. The one good thing about this whole mess was that her stomach would start feeling better now that it was empty; she just had to get away from the puke that was soaking into the blankets. 
Dakota helped her wrap up the blanket, ensuring that nothing spilled. Afterword they had the unavoidable debate over whether Blair should attempt to go into the office. It was no surprise that Dakota argued strongly for her to stay home. 
“Baby, you’re going to be shaking and nauseous all day. I know you.” He said adamantly. “I promise you’ll be refreshed and ready to girlboss tomorrow if you take the day to feel better.” 
“But I’m not even sick sick.” 
“You threw up at least three times. By my count that sick sick sick.” 
Blair sighed at his ridiculousness. “Why are you like this?”
“It’s a long story.” He took her hands and dragged her back to the bedroom. “It’s going to take all day to explain so get comfy.” 
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Vegan Sushi Pizza
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DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO Animate Tokuten Drama CD “A Vampire’s Late Night Snack Terror” [Kanato ver.]
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Original title: 夜更かしヴァンパイアの食テロ飯 [カナト編]
Source: Diabolik Lovers ZERO Vol. 5 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kaji Yuki
Translator’s note: Maybe this is a thing in Japan but the dessert/sweet in this track did not sound appealing to me at all. I thought she was going to make caramelized bananas at first but then this girl added PIZZA CHEESE to bananas???? I guess the unholy amount of maple syrup and cinnamon which Kanato poured on top in the end would probably mask the cheese flavor but that still didn’t sound like something I’d dig into. I’d much rather just eat a normal banana to be honest. 
You enter the kitchen.
You rush over to his side.
“What’s wrong? What brings you to the kitchen...?”
You explain.
“I see...You came looking for me...But I don’t feel like going back to my room right now. Please just leave me be.”
You ask what happened.
“What happened...you ask? Can you really not tell by looking at this empty container...!?”
“Somebody ate my pudding! The pudding I kept in the fridge to enjoy as my bedtime snack!! I bet they’re watching from somewhere right now, snickering as they see me suffer from not being able to sleep as a result! It really pisses me off...!!”
You ask who did it.
“Kuh...I don’t care who the culprit is! ...I’ll burn everyone in this manor to ashes...No, that won’t do it. Instead I’ll smear wasabi on top of a cream pie and throw those in their faces! At once!”
You stop him.
“...Why are you stopping me? Could it be...Aah, I get it now. It was you, wasn’t it? You are the one who ate my pudding, aren’t you? Unforgivable...I won’t let you get away with this!”
You shake your head in denial. 
“Do you truly believe you can talk yourself out of this? I am enraged right now. Being deprived of my beloved sweets is basically torture! Uu...How could you...This is simply too much...! I was...looking forward to it so much as well...Uu...My pudding...Uuー”
You try to comfort him.
“You will...make some for me...?”
You nod.
You nod again.
“ーー Please say that sooner next time. Just think about all the unnecessary energy I wasted on crying.”
“Come on. What is taking you so long? Chop-chop!”
You seem surprised how he stopped crying at once.
“Those were obviously fake tears! ...More importantly, get started on that pudding for me already.”
You open the fridge.
“What’s wrong? Don’t tell me...we don’t have the right ingredients?”
You chuckle nervously. 
“Are you...making fun of me, perhaps? Is it fun to give me hope first only to crush it into a million pieces afterwards? Are you so desperate for a severe punishment, is that it?”
You shake your head.
“Hah! Your shamelessness knows no limits, does it? Fine then! I’ll use your blood as the sauce to drizzle on top of my shaved ice!”
You offer to give him another type of candy.
“Are you trying to butter up to me like that? Those sweet words don’t make me happy in the slightest right now! Some store-bought candies won’t calm this anger I feel. ...Unless you serve me something worthy to be on the menu of a high-rate cafe, I’m not eating it!”
You promise to make that. 
“What do you mean ‘fine’? Did you not hear me when I said that I’m only accepting something exceptional?”
You say that you will make that.
“Haah...? You’ll make a dessert when you don’t even have any milk or eggs?”
You nod.
“I won’t believe you right away. Prove that you can make it. I shall put your punishment on-hold until then. ...You better believe I won’t forgive you if you serve me something vile.”
*Rustle rustle*
*Cling cling*
“Are these the ingredients?”
You ask if he would like to help out.
“What nonsense are you spouting? As if I would ever help out!”
You agree. 
“Exactly. If you understand that, hurry up and get those hands moving.”
*Rustle rustle*
*Chop chop chop*
“Hm? You halved a banana before slicing it lengthwise? Hah! What a strange thing to do. You’re repeating that process several times...Let me be so kind as to give you a little warning. If you’re thinking about making something as boring as a fruits parfait, I will boil your blood and make jam out of it, do you understand?”
You ask him to have faith in you.
“I cannot have faith. I can already tell what sort of dessert you will serve me. Do you truly think you’ll be able to exceed my expectations?” 
*Cling cling*
“Eh...? A frying pan...? Don’t tell me...You’re going to fry those!?”
You put some butter in the pan.
“...! I can smell the rich aroma of butter. It’s finally starting to look a bit more like it. At least for now, that is. ...You’ll add the cut-up bananas from earlier into this pan and fry them, correct?”
You nod and add the banana slices.
“Hm? Why are you arranging them neatly next to one another like that?”
You explain.
“Good point. A good dessert should look pretty as well. If you plate it in a cute way, it’d fit my tastes better. Mmh. I can tell that you put some actual thought into this. I wouldn’t mind getting my hopes up somewhat. ...So, what will you do next?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Did you just sprinkle some cheese on top? It’s the type that melts easily when exposed to heat, correct? ...It’s starting to gradually crisp up, almost like the crust of a pie.”
“You’ll flip them over and fry the other side as well, right?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Then put even more cheese on top...Hmm~ It’s starting to smell delicious. I cannot get enough of this aroma of cheese and butter. Say, how much longer before it’s done?”
You tell him it just needs a few final toppings.
“Ah! I will put the final toppings on there!”
You frown.
“Are you talking back? I’m the one who will enjoy this dish, so do you have an issue with me seasoning it to my personal tastes?”
You shake your head. 
“Fufu, glad you understand~ ...Let’s douse the whole thing in maple syrup~! Next up is a generous amount of cinnamon, no need to hold back with it!”
He adds his toppings.
“Now it’s perfect! ...Melt-in-your-mouth sauteed bananas ー seasoned with maple syrup and cinnamon, all done! ...I can’t wait to dig in! Come on, please put them on a plate!”
*Rustle rustle*
“Ah...Well then, bon appetit~”
He takes a bite.
*Nom nom*
“Mmh~~~!! ...Mm...So sweet...~~ The crispy cheese melts in my mouth...It pairs incredibly well with the maple syrup as well! And the richness from the butter has properly seeped into the banana! The warm bananas are super soft as well, melting on my tongue...This is pure bliss!”
*Nom nom*
“Mm, mm~~ ...Hm? Hmph. You can look at me like that all you want, I am not sharing any with you. This dessert is mine. ...However, if you insist, I suppose I could consider it.”
You seem surprised. 
“Yes. I happen to be in an excellent mood right now after all. I suppose I can let you have just one bite.”
He cuts up a piece for you.
“Come on, open your mouth. ‘Aahn’...Fufu~ I fed it to you, so make sure to savor it thoroughly, okay?” 
You tell him that it’s delicious. 
“Of course! I acknowledged this dessert, so of course it is! Besides, the banana slices have been plated to resemble a flower, so it’s also pretty to look at! ...Say, did you decide to fry them in this shape because you thought I would enjoy it? Of course you did, didn’t you?”
You confirm it.
“Fufu. I see. You are so cute like that. ...Right, let me praise you. You worked hard for my sake after all.”
“Allow me to pat your head. ...Accept your reward, okay?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Fufu...You are so docile tonight. Just like a doll, it’s adorable. The thing about the pudding pissed me off, but I suppose it no longer matters now. I realized that the sweets you make are my favorite after all. I suppose I no longer need Reiji then. I’ll have you make all of my desserts and snacks from here on out.”
You flinch.
“Hm? Do you have an issue with that? Just look at how thoroughly satisfied I am, so you won’t possibly turn down my request, right?”
You shake your head.
“Fufu, good girl. Haah~ I truly feel great tonight. ...I’ll have a sip of your blood as well once I’ve finished my dessert, okay? I’m on a roll right now, so I’ll have plenty.”
“Please entertain me until the morning dawns, okay? Fufu...”
ーー THE END ーー 
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kin-eats · 29 days
do you think i could request meals for a seal kin, with seafood but no squid or octopus?
Sure thing!
Salmon Caesar Salad
Grilled Tuna Steaks with Wasabi-Blueberry Sauce
Creamy Lemon Shrimp Pasta
Trout Tacos
Grilled Shrimp Caesar Wraps
Sardine Pizza
I hope you enjoy! ~Shadow
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clarafyer · 7 months
I should really list my safe foods so here I go - These foods I almost always will eat. Sometimes there are days where the preference against them is so strong that I will physically gag upon just smelling them but it is a rare few foods that that happens
- Bush's chili beans - hot (if possible: with cayenne pepper, black peppercorns, and garlic power)
- Chicken tenders/boneless wings (preferably with buffalo sauce)
- Pho
- My signature Subway sandwich
- IN ORDER: Italian herb and cheese bread with turkey, bacon, provolone cheese - toast. Guacamole lettuce, chipotle southwest sauce (ask if I want onion, sometimes that preference changes)
- CocoWheats for breakfast almost every day
- McDonald's order: 10 pc chicken nuggets with buffalo sauce, large fry + chocolate shake if it's one of those lucky days
- Sushi (Salmon nigiri, salmon avocado rolls, Alaska rolls, dragon rolls, those frickin crunchy rolls with spicy mayo are good :) also wasabi is an absolute yes, SHRIMP IS A BIG NO EW)
- Pizza (Pepperoni, onions are a sometimes thing, buffalo sauce is common but not a dependency lol ALSO EXTRA TOMATO SAUCE IF POSSIBLE)
- Pasta (regular spaghetti or farfalle (bowtie shaped) with just butter, Cavender's seasoning, and occasionally marinera)
- Frozen blueberries
- Spicy cheetos
- Takis (chili lime or the blue one)
- Strawberries
- Pretzels with Nutella/chocolate covered pretzels
- Goldfish (classic or flavour blasted cheddar)
- Oranges
- Chips and salsa (either my recipe or whatever's closest to almost every Mexican restaurant's salsa)
- Apples (slices are awesome but I don't care about whole ones) (ALSO ALMOST EVERY APPLE RELATED DESERT IS AMAZING)
- Saltines
- Doritos
CURRENTLY OUT OF IDEAS BUT THIS IS ALREADY KINDA MASSIVE I THINK-? There are other foods I do like but aren't really an always thing. I used to be a looooott pickier when I was little, but before I even had any idea about being autistic, father dearest told me to at least give new foods a try and not just refuse everything, and I heeded that advice. I'm willing to try foods if they look particularly appetizing, buuuut most of the time it ends up being okay the first 2 bites and then it's bad to me
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