#was over all night and they lost track of time and now it's daylight and it's not like he can go outside to get home
ceilidho · 6 months
take me home, country road
You have nothing on your person apart from a hastily packed suitcase and the dress you came into town wearing, on the run from trouble back home. Too bad John's missing a bride that matches your description. Or: the 1800s (mistaken) mail order bride au (part 8)
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
Now a nocturnal animal emerges into the daylight hours.
A week becomes two and your shoulders untense. It’s not something you notice at first because you’re used to an ever present strain between your shoulder blades and an ache in your jaw from grinding your teeth at night. Then a fortnight goes by without so much as a missive with your name on it floating across John’s desk or a stranger appearing in town after tracking you down, and you wonder if maybe the world really is big enough to hide in. 
It sure feels that way at times. The woods beyond the bounds of John’s property stretch out farther than the eye can see and even walking it feels like you could disappear into another realm. Old spruces shoot up high into the clouds, and deeper into the woods, huge rock formations grow more and more prominent as you near the mountains. John takes you through the woods on horseback, following the rough trails carved into the dirt by a century of wagons and carts using the same path. The footprints of a different time. 
Up in the trees, birds warble and chirp, talking to one another in songs that you’ve never heard before. A woodpecker drills into the side of a tree. Pinecones snap out of the upper branches and drop to the forest floor. 
There is only a single trail and it’s easy to lose. You grow a bit nervous when John takes you off the trail and deeper into the woods, but he does so with the confidence of a man that knows these woods like the back of his hand. You go quiet when he stops Buttercup to let a herd of deer wander by, the stragglers hurrying to catch up with the group, throwing the two of you nervous glances before they disappear into the thicket. 
“Should we be out this far?” you ask in a whisper, reluctant to disturb the silence. Though the woods are full of animals that bleat, chirp, chatter, and hoot, the sound of your own voice feels preternaturally loud and shrill. 
“We won’t get lost, darlin’. I know my way around,” John reassures you, curling an arm around your waist to hold you to him. These days, you hardly worry about tumbling off the horse. Not with him at your back anyway. 
“That wasn’t really my worry,” you mumble, trailing off.
“Then what’re you getting all worked up about?”
“Aren’t there wolves out here? Or bears?”
He snorts, the sound making you jolt. You don’t topple over because he has such a firm hold around your waist. “They don’t usually come this close to town. They’re more scared of you than you are of them.”
“That sounds like something mothers tell their children to stop them crying,” you say flatly. You draw your legs up automatically when John directs Buttercup through a shallow basin, a shortcut back home. It makes you anxious for a moment, but the water barely goes up to her ankles, so you relax when you realize that you’re in no danger of being swept away by the current.
“That doesn’t mean a bear or wolf can’t wander by, but it’s rare.”
“And there it is.”
You can feel the heat of his glower on the back of your head. “We could spend the night out here if you want to see for yourself.”
At that, you shut your mouth. Even if he were to prove his point, you have no interest in camping out in the woods now that you’ve become accustomed to the luxury of a soft bed. Granted that you’re forced to share that same bed, still you’ve never slept half as well as you do these days. You wake up rested after nine hours of blissful shut eye, a sleep so deep that your dreams only come in half-remembered flashes. Often they involve the man you wake up wrapped around, and for that you’re grateful that they remain submerged. 
A new desire has started to burrow its way into the back of your mind in recent days. It starts out as a thought so brief that you hardly notice it before it skitters away. 
And then it lingers. 
You wake up in the middle of the night hot, sweat dripping down the nape of your neck and a fire burning in your loins, a red-hot coil wound around itself, fit to burst. Pulsating. At some point throughout the night, you must have thrown a leg around John’s waist because it rests there now, your hand planted in the middle of his chest and your sex all but rubbing up against his thigh. Under your hand, you can feel his heart pump strong and steady.
You hold very, very still, waiting for him to wake. But John sleeps on, his palm loose where it rests along the curve of your hip, fingers curling into the flesh of your backside. 
You can hardly look at him these days without shaking. You’ve come to fixate on the sway of his hips when he walks and the flecks of silver in his beard. The grooves in his weathered hands. The way your head fits in the palm of his hand when he cradles it to his chest. The fond glimmer in his eyes that shines the brightest when he puts his hat on your head and it slips past your eyes, too big for your head. 
When you tip it up in order to see, the folds around his eyes become more pronounced with the force of his smile.
“There you are, bug,” he says, taking the hat off your head to set it back on his and reeling you in for a kiss. 
Bug, love, honey, darling. The constant flux of endearments makes your head spin. John never calls you by the name on your marriage license. It’s like that name means nothing to him, cast away at the first opportunity and replaced by an endless stream of pet names.  
He hasn’t touched your sex since making you come on the porch swing the week before. He pulls you into a chaste embrace at night, the only evidence of his own desire being the stiff shaft nestled against the small of your back in the early morning hours, which he takes care of on his own in the bathroom downstairs after pressing a kiss to your cheek. You feel robbed of something, though you don’t know quite what. 
You’re tempted to offer your help, but you don’t know exactly what that would entail. Inexperience and fear of rejection hold you back, stay your tongue. In the two weeks you’ve been married, he hasn’t once tried to pin you down and rut between your thighs like you expected and dreaded that very first night. 
Now that that time has passed, you don’t know how to initiate that moment again. 
John promises to teach you how to ride a horse. You can’t see a reason to protest, much to your chagrin. Despite your apprehensions, even you can’t deny that it would be a helpful skill. A train only goes one way after all, confined to a single track. A horse has no such laws to obey.
The thought stays nestled at the back of your mind as the days continue on.
You flounder around in the kitchen on the day that John invites his deputies over for supper. You’ve met the big one—Simon—now a small handful of times, each encounter marked by a silence that sucks the air out of the room when he turns his gaze on you and holds it. Perhaps you’ve simply ascribed too much importance to his person, given that every time you’ve seen him, your life has changed irrevocably. His presence is always followed by revelation it seems. The archangel of vicissitude. A harbinger of uncertain times.
The other two are new. John introduces you to them when you bring out the cutlery and crockery to set the table, and you nearly go cross-eyed when they reach across the table at the same time to offer their hands. You go to meet them halfway, but flinch when John brings his hand down on the table with enough force to make the silverware jump.
“Sorry, darlin’,” he apologizes to you first before turning his glare on the other two. “That ain’t proper, boys. You wait for the lady to offer her hand first—you don’t treat a woman like she’s a mutt you’re teaching to shake.”
“Ah, sorry, hen,” the one on the left says, his voice a thick Scottish brogue like a purr. He’s possibly the handsomest man you’ve ever met, but there’s something dangerous and wild in his eyes. When he smiles, it curls up in a roguish sort of way that makes you falter, like he’s in on a joke that you aren’t. “Dinnae mean to offend. No’ often we get ta meet such a pretty lady.” 
“Sorry—” the one on the right apologizes in a voice far more earnest than his counterpart’s. “And sorry for him. We think he was raised by wolves.”
“What’s yer excuse then?” the Scot sneers, knocking his knee into the other man’s under the table. “Dinnae see ye waitin’ for her fuckin’ hand like a gentleman—apologies, hen.”
“Christ,” John sighs, leaning back in his chair and staring up at the ceiling. 
Simon stays silent at the other end of the table, but the whole table jumps when he aims a kick at the Scott’s leg. He hisses and blurts out a word in a language you’ve never heard before, the word unmistakably vitriolic. He clutches at his shin and shoots a nasty look at Simon, though he doesn’t make a move to retaliate. 
“Name’s Kyle. Kyle Garrick,” the other introduces himself, and you finally reach across the table to offer your hand. His hand is warm against yours when he takes it, dark skin burnished in the candlelight. There’s something inviting about him; something about his eyes, so dark that you almost fall into them. Thick lips curl up into a smile. “And this here is Soap.”
You frown. “Soap?”
The man in question runs a hand down his front, emphasizing the cut of his shirt and the way it clings to the muscle of his chest. “‘Cause of how well I clean up.”
Simon barks out a laugh at that. The sound comes so sudden and sharp that it startles you. “You got it ‘cause your mum had to wash out your mouth with soap.”
It’s the most you’ve ever heard out of him and you can only stare wide-eyed at the lot of them as they dissolve into bickering and squabbling after that. It’s almost a relief to head back into the kitchen to finish cooking. 
Dinner is a similar messy affair, punctuated by the sound of Soap practically gnawing the meat off the bone. He only apologizes when John barks at him for making a mess, more food on the floor around him than on his plate, but his table manners don’t last very long. John doesn’t seem so much embarrassed on their behalf as annoyed, but it’s an annoyance that comes with an aftertaste of warmth. You can tell without asking that they’ve known each other for years. 
There’s room enough in you for food and envy. Back home you had friends. Never close friends, but acquaintances at least. Maids you could recognize by face. Small talk while ascending single-file up the servants’ staircase. Perhaps little more than that. You’d never been particularly close to any of them, but how could you? You worked from morning ‘till night, up and down the stairs, moving in the shadows. Never making too much noise lest your employers take notice of you. 
Like he did.
You shake it off. That’s no matter now. You’re hundreds of miles away and living under a new name. A married woman, to the county sheriff no less. It only sometimes hurts your heart to think of how lonely you’d been. 
When they leave, you stand at the window and watch as they disappear into the black of the night, Simon at the front of the pack, his torchlight leading the way. The sound of horse hooves beating against the dirt recedes the farther they get. 
His hands warm your shoulders. You don’t know how long he’s been there, standing behind you while you stared out the window after the boys. All you know is that his hands are warm, and the kiss he presses to the back of your head makes you arch back into him, unconsciously gravitating closer to him. Needing to be near. 
In bed, you curl your fingers against his chest. On a rough exhale, you wake. You dream still of something terrible that happens somewhere else, in another city, in an old life. His heartbeat lulls you back to sleep.
John takes you to the local seamstress to have you fitted for a pair of pants and suddenly you’re out of excuses. They fit you comfortably, like a second skin, and you find yourself pulling at the legs at your final fitting as if to stretch out the material. The seamstress nearly jabs you with a pin and glares up at you until you stop fidgeting. 
You come to terms with it when he brings you into the stables and makes you fetch the saddle from where it rests on its stand. It’s heavier than you expected. You stumble back over to where John now has Buttercup standing in the middle of the stable, holding her by the lead fixed to her bridle. 
“I don’t know if—” you start, trepidation climbing up your chest until it grips you by the throat. For as many times as you’ve ridden her, you’ve never done it alone. 
John fixes her lead to a post and walks over to you, taking the saddle from your hands and letting it drop to the ground. He cups your face in both hands to tilt your head up. “Hey, honey. We’re not doing much of anything today, alright? Just a walk around the paddock so you get used to sitting on Buttercup on your own. I’m not gonna smack her ass and send you down the trail at full tilt..”
That gets a laugh out of you. “You promise?”
He smiles. “Promise, darlin’.”
And he keeps it. The only thing you do that day is learn how to tack a horse and how to properly mount and dismount her. The latter part of the lesson is devoted to you trying to find your balance while John leads the two of you around the pen at a leisurely pace. He calms you down when he sees you grow too stiff, stopping to coo and rub your thigh until you gradually relax. It’s heartwarming until Buttercup begins to tense up too for a reason unbeknownst to you and you watch in righteous fury as John calms her down the same way.
John gets you a hat to keep the sun from beating down on you, but there’s little he can do about the soreness between your thighs and the stiffness in your legs the next day. All you can do is hiss and moan in pain, hobbling around the house until he forces you down into a chair and hikes up your dress in order to apply an arnica salve to your inner thighs. 
It’s a relief and an affront at the same time. The duality of man. The salve soothes much of the ache, but you twitch nervously around John for the rest of the day, the memory of him pinning you to the chair and forcibly spreading your thighs haunting you. The lingering ache in your core is just the salt in the wound. 
It rains another day. A light drizzle while the sun is still out.
Every day you sit and you think, will it be today? And then the wash basins are emptied out in the field, the horses are taken out to the paddock, you pin the laundry up on the line to dry, and John presses a farewell kiss to your forehead when he leaves you with Kate and nothing happens. Every inch of you waits for more, anticipates more. Throbs when he leaves you wanting, only a chaste kiss and a squeeze around your waist before he’s off. 
You can feel it coming to a head. An itch you can’t shake. 
That day comes with another ache you can’t shake. 
“Please,” you beg, clasping your hands in front of you. “One day of rest. That’s all I’m asking. I can’t do this anymore, John.”
John snaps the lead in his hands. “Let’s get a move on. We’re burning daylight.”
You hang your head low on the march over to the stables, John taking up the rear like he expects you to bolt. An executioner’s walk. The thought of escape has never seemed further away—not even because of its feasibility, but because all you want to do is lie down and rest.
“You can quit your moping,” he says as you tack up Buttercup, a pout on your lips. “Got something special for you today.”
That makes you perk up, regardless of the fact that he doesn’t specify what that is. Anticipation mounts in you when he helps you up onto Buttercup and then climbs up behind you himself. He steers her away from the paddock and towards the trail leading into the woods, the sun at its zenith now, illuminating everything as far as the eye can see.
You’ve ridden this trail before. A week ago, with John at your back as he is now. Through the fields and over the hills until the trees start to number in the tens and then the hundreds, no clear delineation between plain and forest. Simply there and then everywhere.
By now, after hours of sun beating down on the path, the trail is mostly dry, yesterday’s rain long since having sunk into the earth. You think it’d still be a tough hike on foot, but on horseback you cover acres of land at a brisk pace, Buttercup hardly breaking a sweat. You cross paths with a small group traveling by horse and wagon, but John breaks off from the path not too long after that, steering Buttercup deeper into the wilderness, where the only gullies are the ones carved out by years and years of rainfall. 
You only see it when the land begins to dip and you’re forced to hold onto the horn and tighten your thighs around the fenders to keep steady. At the bottom of a hill, a small stream opens up into a larger river, narrowing out at the other end where the land rises again and the water can only trickle over the pebbly riverbed. On the other side, a rocky outcropping cuts the stream off from view.
“Is this where you used to come to bathe?” you ask, recalling an earlier conversation.
John sighs. “Thought I’d take you for a swim as a treat, but if you’d rather just tease me—”
“Well now, let’s not be hasty,” you say, already trying to dismount on your own, eyes glued on the stream glimmering in the sunlight. John chuckles, keeping you pressed to him until he guides Buttercup under a tree for shade and dismounts first, helping you down after him. 
All you want to do is wade in the stream up to your ankles, so that’s what you do. Boots kicked off, Buttercup relaxing in the shade of a tree, John standing by the water’s edge with his hands on his hips and watching you tiptoe over the smooth rocks below. You roll up your pant legs, but eventually you feel the ends grow damp as you venture farther out. At its deepest, you would probably sink up to your waist.
“Don’t you want to swim?” John asks from somewhere behind you.
You splash around a bit, kicking your feet through the water. “Hard to do that with clothes—”
When you turn back around to face him, your eyes dart down momentarily at the sight of skin before you squeak and whirl back around, sending up an arc of water. Twice now you’ve seen him naked. 
“You’ve no clothes on,” you state, bluntly enough that it almost sounds stupid. 
You hear the water splash and ripple when he takes his first step in. “Right—you better think about doing the same if you don’t want to ride home soaking wet.”
“I was perfectly fine just getting my feet wet,” you say indignantly.  
“We came out here to swim, not get your feet wet,” John laughs. You stiffen when his hand comes down on your shoulder, conscious of the fact that your husband is standing right behind you, entirely divested of his clothes. “So best get to steppin’.”
“You can’t make me.”
“Oh, honey,” he says pityingly. “Yes, I can.”
You squeeze your eyes shut as you make your way back to shore, careful not to allow yourself a glimpse of him. Your boots are stacked beneath the shade of another tree, John’s clothes folded neatly beside them. You strip slowly, attentive to the world around you; though unlikely, it’s not impossible that someone might wander by. Your only consolation is that John is still within sight, though you keep your back to him because in recent days, you’ve developed a hunger for him that even now makes your stomach hurt.  
Though the air is warm, you shiver. When you turn around with your arms crossed over your breasts to hide them from sight, you find John wading in the river up to his waist. You’ve seen him like this once before, the hearty body of a man in his prime. Sturdy and strong. The hair on his chest is darker than that on his head, wet too from the dip he must have taken when your back was turned. His hair is slicked back too, a wet hand combing it back. 
“Come on, darlin’,” he calls, beckoning you forward with his hand.
The water is a cold shock when you step in past your ankles. Ice cold tendrils wrap up your legs, sucking the warmth from you. 
You suck in a soft breath when he pulls you into his arms and heaves you up, big hands gripping under your thighs. Your breasts press against the wet skin of his chest, nipples already pebbled. The river is deeper than you assumed; John pulls you deeper in until it pools around your waist and then your chest. Cold enough that you shiver until John dips his head down and the kiss he presses to your lips melts you from the inside out. 
You can’t escape the intimacy of water-slick skin. When John drags you up his chest, your nipples brush over his and the shudder that passes through you is violent, toe-curling. You know that he can feel the heat of your core even underwater. With your legs wound around his waist, every inch of you is plastered to his front. Even your fingers play with the ends of his hair, arms draped over his shoulders. You can’t look away.
“C’mon,” he murmurs, breath hot on your face. “Eyes on me.”
As if you could look anywhere else. 
He reaches down under the water to readjust himself and you gasp when his shaft is suddenly right there, trapped between his belly and your heat. It’s the closest you’ve ever gotten to coitus, his glans nestled between your folds. You’d only have to shift slightly for him to slip right in. The thought makes your breath quicken. 
He doesn’t make a move to take you though, even knowing that he could. How easy it would be. How it’s due to him. Your husband that’s waited a fortnight to take you as his own. John kisses you until each slick pass of his lips grows sloppier, clumsier—his lips barely parting from yours before they’re on you again, rendering you a creature of base needs. 
But his hands don’t shift from your backside where he holds you in place. His fingers dig into the flesh hard enough to bruise, but they don’t move to part your folds to make room for his manhood. You expect him to—practically yearn for it and squeeze him around the neck all the harder when he subverts your expectations, doing no more than letting you grind your heat against the base of his shaft. 
“John—John, please,” you beg, mindless for what. You don’t know what you’re asking for. 
“What d’ya need, darlin’?” he asks into your mouth, stealing your answer with another kiss. 
You fall under the swell of another wave. When the root of his cock glides over your clit, your core clenches on nothing, a sob half-bitten off in your mouth, ripped from your chest. 
It doesn’t matter how close to him you get—he gives you nothing. The heat could very well burn you from the inside out. Cold water caresses your skin as it flows past, but the center of you runs so hot that you hardly notice it. 
When he hikes you higher up against his chest, you clench your fingers in his hair, whining when he takes your nipple into his mouth. Your gasp comes out sharp and hurt when the coarse bristles of his beard rub rough against your breast. He sucks at your breast tender at first, gentle, eyes half-lidded like his mind has gone somewhere else, but there’s a glint in his eye that grows wild and dark, that turns him rough. You don’t know what to do except shake and let him use you how he wants. 
Desperation nips at your heels, urging you up the length of him. If you had more nerve, you’d reach down and grasp him under the water, notch the head of his member against your sex and sink right down on him. You need him like you've never needed anything before. Every part of you aflame, searing hot under the sun at its highest point; right overhead, right on top of you. 
His teeth sink delicately into your areola, tongue lapping over your nipple to soothe the hurt, and suddenly, you break.
“Please—” you gasp, wrenching his mouth away from your breast and whimpering when he resists at first, glaring up at you like he might bite. “Please, John—I can’t take it. I need you.”
His eyes darken, the pupil swallowing everything up. “Need me where, wife? Here?”
A hand dips between your thighs, pointer finger gliding over your sex, plump with blood. So tender that your mouth hangs open on a whine when he touches you. 
“Y-yes,” you whimper, gaze swimming. 
John’s breath comes out in a harsh, ragged pant. Completely undone in a way you’ve never seen before. “Get out, darlin’. I’m taking you home. Gonna give you what you need.”
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littlejuicebox · 10 months
Astarion talks in his sleep.
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader/Tav (Shadowheart is our lovely supporting role though.) Summary/Setting: 6 months post BG3, "good/spawn" Astarion ending, all fluff Rating/Warnings: PG / Very mild if any game spoilers but nothing related to major content or scenes Word Count: 900+ Notes: Inspired by this post here!
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Astarion talks in his sleep. It’s something you’ve never mentioned to him, because it’s mostly when he’s having a nightmare about Cazador or some other horrid trauma from his past. You'd quickly determined it not worth bringing up, for fear of embarrassing him. Plus, if you were being honest, part of you found it rather endearing... especially the lighter drabble that would escape his lips. Delighted giggles, little purrs... it could be overwhelmingly adorable, on occasion.
In fact, the first time you ever heard him say he loved you was in his sleep. Then you'd waited weeks… anxiously, impatiently, unbearably for the revelation to come out while he was awake, under his own terms.
But tonight, the talking and tossing isn't cute. The vampire writhing in bed disturbs you, and your eyes flutter open, catching the smallest glimpse of daylight between the thick, tightly drawn curtains and shuttered windows of your bedchamber. You'd just fallen asleep, and you'd be lying if you said you weren't the slightest bit annoyed.
You idly try to figure out the date. Adjusting your schedule to the night life was… difficult; you often lost track of dates nowadays. But somehow you manage to remember that it's been nearly six months since you all saved Baldur's Gate; six months since Astarion had been returned to a creature of the shadows. Six months you've been in the house provided by the city as you two adjust to whatever normalcy you are able to conjure up and figure out your next steps. You were a strong proponent for the Underdark; Astarion was not quite sold.
At first you think the silver-haired elf's tossing and turning is a night terror… it’s been nearly two weeks since the last one. He’s overdue. You ready yourself to pop out of bed and grab your calming herbs to steep a quick sleeping draught. But then you hear him, soft and garbled, laced with thick strings of sleep.
“Will you marry me?”
You turn to stare stupidly at the elf, eyes piercing through the blackness of your room; his face is obscured, you cannot tell if he’s awake. “…what did you say?”
Silence. A long, unbearable stretch of silence where your heart is pounding into your throat, practically rattling around your chest cavity at the sudden shock. And then he’s snoring again, and you’re left with your brow furrowed and robe half pulled onto your shoulder. Well, so much for your sleep.
You meander down the hall to the kitchen, where Shadowheart has several jars and plants strewn across the table. She’s practically taken over the kitchen since Gale left, not that you particularly mind, since she’s also taken over the cooking.
“Aren’t you supposed to be asleep right now?” She asks, spotting you out of the corner of her eye, not lifting her focus from the mortar and pestle in her hand.
“You won’t believe what Astarion just said in his sleep.” You murmur in dazed response, walking over to the cabinets and rummaging through the contents. You grab an old kettle and fill it with water, turning to look at the cleric.
“Gods, what was it? I’m quite thankful to be out of the camp... his night terrors woke all of us up at one point or another. It's no wonder you’re struggling with the schedule adjustment.”
“He said, ‘Will you marry me?’” You respond, almost giggling at how silly that sounds in retrospect, as you place the kettle on the stove.
Shadowheart pauses. One, two, three beats of silence. “Shit… well, I guess the cat is out of the bag now.” She murmurs with a shrug, before returning to grinding her herbs.
“Oh, come off, don’t be daft! You had to expect it would be coming sooner or later. Gods, your love is almost sickening… it was sickening, having to hear it all the time... once again, so thankful for the separation of these walls.”
You are frozen, your hand still holding onto the kettle as you appraise your friend. Shadowheart is right. You knew a proposal would come sooner or later… you just figured it would be much later. Astarion was still struggling; more often than not you woke to him in tears or in the throes of a sleeping fit. Countless calming elixirs and teas had been drawn up by you and Shadowheart in the last six months. Truly, you hadn’t thought he was thinking that deeply about it... you hadn't been, if at all. Gods, you two still didn't even know where you were headed after leaving this city-supplied house... the lease was up in a few weeks' time.
“I guess… well, I suppose I didn’t think he was ready.” You sigh, lighting the stove and sitting across the table, watching the cleric as she works.
“Oh, trust me, he’s ready. And he's certain. Perhaps not about anything else... but definitely about this. He's been writing to Gale for weeks trying to source a particular ring." Shadowheart responds, now pouring the contents of her grinder into pouches. "Just promise you'll act like it's a surprise when the time comes... he's been talking about it for a while. He's put a lot of thought into things."
"When will it be?"
Shadowheart laughs, the edges of her eyes crinkling as she flicks her gaze toward the ceiling. She’s now cinching the sachets and sorting them all into a nearby basket. "Now that I'm not telling you. I've already given away too much."
You try for a few more minutes to pry the information from your friend, but she remains tight-lipped. You even threaten her with detect thoughts, though you both know you'd never go through with it. Finally, a whistle from the kettle beckons you back to the stovetop, and the conversation is halted as you ready your tea and aim to go back to bed. You might not know when your love is going to pop the question, but you do know that when the time comes, your answer will be a resounding yes.
Click here for Part 2
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leafofkudzu · 5 months
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Slightly delayed post compared to usual, but hi hello and happy Spring, everyone! I hope the past month has treated you well, because the first Saturday of a new month is coming up real fast, meaning it's time for another art party hosted by my guild, [VS] Verdant Shield!
For those who aren’t familiar with art parties, they’re a concept carried over from Final Fantasy XIV - in-game get-togethers for artists/writers/creatives of all types to hang out, chat, and create together! Get your favorite character/look together, head to the location, find someone that catches your eye, and create! Afterwards, everyone posts their creations in a shared tag (ours is #VSArtParty) so others can see, interact, and share! Tl;dr: the ‘goal’ of an art party isn’t to be drawn, but to draw others, and share with the community!
Time and /squadjoin information is under the cut, but will also be posted again via reblogs as the squads go up on the day of the party!
Location Information:
While scouting out more Ascalon-aligned locations to even out the spread, I remembered this little corner of Fields of Ruin. It houses a grave of one of the characters from the Ghosts of Ascalon novel - and for trivia purposes, everyone who's done Icebrood Saga has met another character from that novel: Ember Doomforge! But this isn't about Ember, it's about Killeen, and her lovely little resting place protected from the Brand. It's very easily accessible just by scooting up the marked path from Tenaebron Waypoint, which is in itself up in the Northwest corner of Fields of Ruin!
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Time & Squad Details:
As we always do, we’ll be having two parties - one on EU servers and one on NA ones - with an hour break in between. People tend to arrive early and/or jump between accounts as soon as the break comes up, so don’t be surprised to see tags and announcements going up ahead of schedule!
The first party will be on EU servers and begin at 9pm Central European Summer Time (aka 3pm Eastern Daylight Time or 5 hours before in-game reset). I’ll be hosting on my EU alt account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Ashelin Falstaff for an invite.
The second party will be on NA servers and begin at 7pm Eastern Daylight Time (aka 1am Central European Summer Time or an hour before in-game reset). I’ll be hosting this one on my main account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Beldahvia for an invite.
Closing Words:
My apologies yet again for a) being delayed in posting this, but also b) posting this in the dead of (NA) night - I've been a bit sick the past week and lost track of time, but we're here now! I do feel like a broke record every time I say this, but thank you to everyone who turns out to these events - you guys are what make everything so memorable and fun! Have a good rest of your week, and I hope to see you all there on Saturday! ♥
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megamindsecretlair · 7 months
Wait For You
Pairing: Big Stunna x Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Smutm fluff, use of pet names, cursing, fingering, (female receiving) , established relationship, all consensual.
Summary: Daylight savings really kicked your ass. Getting home, Stunna has surprised you with breakfast for dinner and knows exactly what to do to make your night better.
Word Count: 2,092k
A/N: Enjoy another self-indulgent fic. After the BS I just witnessed with Watchman, I had to cleanse my brain with something cute and fluffy. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @planetblaque @blackerthings @melaninpov @browngirldominion @we-outsiiiide @thecookiebratz @iv0rysoap @notapradagurl7 @sevikasblackgf @miyuhpapayuh @xo-goldengirl @kindofaintrovert @flydotty @judymfmoody @slippinninque @soufcakmistress @henneseyhoe @westside-rot @twocentuar @blackpinup22 @babybratzmaraj @theyscreamsannii @kiabialia @thedonsfactory @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @nworbaij @hopefulromantic1 @lesbiantreehugger @longpause-awkwardsmile @badassdoll @kholdkill @cardi-bre91 @jay-mach @sageispunk @ciaqui @yourofficialgal
Moodboard by the amazing @planetblaque , I love you so much 🥹
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As soon as you closed the door behind you, you deflated against the door. Your shoulders sagged and your face dropped to its natural resting state. This daylight savings kicked your natural Black ass but you couldn’t let anyone see you deflate. You had to walk with your shoulders back, with a smile on your face so that you weren’t “threatening”. 
Fuck, you were tired of pretending. Your purse slid off of your shoulders just as the smell of pancakes hit your nose. You inhaled and heaved a sigh, like pushing the day off of your shoulders now that you were home and safe. Safe to be you, the real you.
“Baby?” You called out. You toed off your heels, sighing once more at the cool wood under your bare feet.
Stunna appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, towel slung over his wide shoulder and an apron around his slim waist. He smiled when he saw you, holding a mixing bowl and whisk. 
“I lost track of time. I thought I’d have these ready by the time you got home,” he said.
You threw your purse onto the couch and walked over to him, looking into the bowl. “I would’ve gotten dinner started,” you said. You pecked him on the cheek. Well, he had to lean down for you to do so and it was adorable every time he made the concession for you. 
“I heard how tired you were on the phone,” he said. 
Your heart swelled with love, so thick it made your heart beat double time to keep up. “What am I gon’ do with you?” You asked softly. 
Stunna’s eyes softened and he winked at you. “Why don’t you get out of them clothes. By the time you’re done I should be wrapping up,” he said. He kissed your temple and gestured for you to do as he said. 
“Yes, Sir,” you said, a playful grin hovering on your lips. He gave you a warning look, to not test him. But he only looked more adorable and you were getting a sugar high just being next to him.
You went to your room and shed off your clothes. Shed off the day and the bullshit from work. You hopped in the shower, letting the flaming hot water relax your muscles. You washed up quickly and got out, toweling yourself dry. Took your time with your smell goods. You threw on one of Stunna’s old navy T-shirts and nothing else, not trying to be bothered. 
You padded back into the kitchen just as Stunna flipped a pancake onto a waiting stack. Steam rose from the fluffy pancakes and your mouth watered. He smiled at you and gestured for you to sit, so you did. He took off the apron, back to his gray sweatpants and plum colored shirt.
“What you been up to all day?” You asked.
“Did your honey-do,” he said and chuckled. He loved calling it that, though it was him putting most of the items on it. In between running his empire, he was often home alone and able to pay more attention to things that needed fixing. He wasn’t that handy yet, but he was getting there. 
He brought the stack of pancakes over to you, plus some type of apple butter he found at the store that made you want to marry it. It was smooth and spread perfectly, melting into the bread and infusing it with even more deliciousness. You vowed to learn his secret one day.
He forked over two pancakes for you and four for himself. You got to work cutting it into squares, wiggling in your seat. Stunna chuckled and shook his head. “Tell me about work, baby,” he said. 
You told him. There wasn’t much to tell that you didn’t already recap during your afternoon break. You needed those little fifteen minutes to hear his voice. Sometimes, when you had a really shitty day, you paid particular attention to how he pronounced words. How his mouth moved and tongue rolled to make sounds that any human being could. But none did it like Stunna.
You were addicted to this man. And you weren’t trying to go to rehab. 
He listened to you recount the rest of your day. There was nothing particularly wrong about it. You were just a chronically sleepy baby forced to put on your big girl pants and go to work. You were meant to frolic around in a field, collecting berries, or weaving baskets. None of this daily grind bullshit. 
Stunna listened like it was the first time hearing it. He responded just like any of your friends would. Gasping and shaking his head, offering his two cents where it was warranted. You liked that you could gossip to him and he didn’t pretend to not be interested. He loved the office tea as much as you did.
As you spoke, you dug into his delicious food. It managed to be the right kind of fluffy, the kind that seemed to disappear as soon as it hit your tongue. You made sure to drizzle it with the proper amount of syrup, exactly to your liking. 
Before long, you were yawning and trying to keep up with the conversation. Spring Forward always seemed to attack you personally. Like something was altered in the makeup of your body with the seasonal change. You hated it. Your equilibrium was off. 
Stunna kissed your cheek and collected your plate. You knew better than to argue with the man in his dojo. The kitchen was sacred. Or he was king and the kitchen his castle. Whatever metaphor you settled on suited Stunna just fine. The point was, he was in charge and there was no way you were touching a shiny dish while he was around.
You suspected that he really just had an order to things and didn’t want you to disturb his flow. That was okay. 
Stunna hummed while he washed dishes and you took a moment to watch his broad shoulders work. The muscles in his arms jumping. The way his head tilted to the side sometimes while he focused in on wiping the plates and forks clean. He put the rest of the butter in the fridge and then grabbed your hand.
You smiled at him as he pulled you into a standing position. You whined a bit, feeling like a real baby. You didn’t even want to move. “Just to the bedroom and then you’re free to turn into a potato,” he said. 
“Fine,” you grumbled. He led you into the bedroom and closed the door. He turned on the TV and then discarded his sweats and shirt, leaving him in his briefs that clung to a gorgeous ass and muscular thighs. 
You hummed in appreciation, biting your lip as you watched him move. He grinned, showing off that perfect smile of his. You could live a thousand lifetimes with him and never get sick of appreciating his body. Appreciating him. He was just goodness through and through, until Big Stunna had to come out and be ruthless in the streets.
You were a little nervous to tell him, but that was when you were most attracted to him. When he got that serious look in his eye and handled business like a man. Wasn’t nothing sexier than a man you couldn’t tell what to do. 
He turned on the TV, shaking his head at your obvious ogling. He turned it to one of your favorite mindless programs. One of those shows that you could watch over and over and never get sick of. 
He got into bed first, scooting over to the middle and patted his thighs. “You know you don’t have to,” you said. Today had been shitty, but you knew how he got when he tackled the honey-do. He went after it like everything else he did, with a single minded focus that bordered on obsession. 
“Get yo sexy ass over here, girl,” he said.
You grinned. You didn’t have to be told twice. You hopped into bed on your stomach, sliding your legs over his and scooting backwards until your ass was high in the air in front of his face. You two adjusted yourselves, scooting and moving until you fit better against each other.
He turned the TV higher and handed you a pillow so that you could squish it under your chest. He had a light smattering of hair on his legs and you reached over to kiss his calf. 
“Thank you, baby,” he said. 
His hands moved to the back of your thighs, rubbing deep circles that brought moans to your lips. Your body relaxed inch by inch, melting into his strong, capable hands. Weariness leached out of your bones the more he rubbed on you, hands moving down to your calves.
“Ouuee,” you moaned, as his fingers hit a sensitive spot.
“Can’t be moaning like that,” he said, his slow drawl making you shiver. 
“Why not?” You asked, sleepily. 
“Gon’ fuck around and get this dick. But I know you tired.” It was almost worth it trying to wrestle up the energy to hop on his dick just because you never wanted to go a day without being filled up with him. 
But you didn’t have the energy to keep up with him tonight. One day, you’d have to look up how to increase your stamina that did not involve running. It was the exercise that most worked for your body type and it was the bane of your existence. 
He moved his big hands to your ass and that’s when you really moaned. He worked out kinks you didn’t know were there. You knew you needed to move more often at work, but when you were in the zone, you ignored everything else. Including bodily signals to take breaks and handle business. 
“Ouue, shit,” you moaned. His thumb pressed in one area that was like hitting the jackpot. Your eyes lazily rolled towards the back of your head as he worked out the knot. 
The more his hands moved, the wetter you got. You couldn’t help it. The minute he smiled in your direction, you were wet and willing for whatever he decided to dish out. But it wasn’t really about the sex. It was just him.
He had a type of natural charisma that could sell ice to a polar bear and make it think it got off with a deal. It was intoxicating watching him turn that charm on you with a simple act like making you breakfast for dinner. 
His fingers moved inward, circling just outside of your dripping entrance. “Hm, getting a little excited over here,” he said.
“A little,” you purred. 
“Mhm, I’ll take care of that,” he said. He swiped his fingers through your wetness, continuing to play with you while you watched TV with him. You both talked about the show, arguing the cases for your favorite characters.
He thought you were tripping to like the villain on the show. You thought he was nuts for not liking the villain. Like…how could he not? 
He argued his point of view, listing reasons why the villain was supposed to remain bad and not worthy of love. He continued to play with your pussy, pushing a finger inside of you. You gasped and groaned as he pumped his finger.
You still tried to make him see your side, your point, but hell, when he cheated like that you couldn’t form words. So you simply watched the moving pictures and stopped trying to fight your consciousness. You let it drift away. You let it drift away with Stunna’s fingers pumping into you and then moving out to play with your clit.
You hissed as he made contact, tracing tight little circles that drew whimpering cries from you. You only grew wetter, soaking his fingers without him being inside. 
The orgasm rolled through you gently, like the first break of dawn after a long night. That first crack of light rose over the horizon just as your orgasm rose over you in undulating waves. Your tender moans filled the room as you shook and throbbed. 
Sleep pulled at you as Stunna withdrew his fingers. The wet smacks of his lips as he licked his fingers made your pussy throb. Sleep fought harder. You relented, falling asleep to the feel of Stunna’s hands returning to your ass to work out a few more kinks and his sweet words of love filling your ears.
The end.
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There's more Stunna to go around! The Secret Big Stunna Files
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spasmsofthought · 8 months
there is no fear now (dick grayson x reader)
been a little while, so i might be a little rusty, but this came so suddenly and i had to get it out.
THIS remix of "unconditionally" by katy perry is to blame for all of these words.
i hope you enjoy this and i hope you know you are deserving and worthy of being loved without reservation or shame.
not proofed or beta'd so please be kind.
Maybe the problem is that you don't think.
It might explain the way you're operating on auto-pilot as you make your way to his apartment. It might be why he's been keeping his distance from you. It might be why his texts are shorter and why he says he's too busy to stop by your place of work.
He knows there's something that's changing, that will change.
Given his background and how much is going on in his life currently, it's logical that he would be resistant to change. Especially a change like this.
Your knock on his apartment door is loud, unashamed.
It's like someone tied a knot in your gut and has been pulling and tugging you to where you have landed yourself in front of his door.
Maybe the problem is that you have always jumped into everything headfirst.
There's no thoughts about self-preservation or how you might embarrassing yourself as the door swings open.
His blue eyes are the first thing you see, tinged with exhaustion and fatigue. But there's a shining warmth too as he registers that it's you.
He says your name softly. And then, "What are you doing here?"
It's 11:30 pm on a Wednesday night. You're normally already in bed, and he's usually getting ready for patrol. You both know this is unusual.
Your mind has been on one track all evening. Scratch that -- all day.
"I love you" comes out.
I love you - pouring coffee into a cup.
I love you - the middle of the morning blue sky.
I love you - as you are getting off the bus at the stop near your apartment.
I love you - a taxi horn blares as you sprint across the crosswalk.
"I do." You say as he stares at you. "I love you. I love you and I think you know."
"I do know." His eyes shine, but there's worry brewing in them too.
"I love you," It comes out a little fiercer this time; a little stronger. You are assured and fearless in this.
Being in love with Richard Grayson should scare the ever-living daylights out of you, but it's the only thing you're certain about.
A weighted moment of silence follows your last confession, and you stand in front of Dick Grayson in the doorway of his apartment at 11:35 pm on a random Wednesday night and begin to wonder what the hell you are doing.
There's a split second where anxiety rules you. Where you wonder if it was actually a good idea to follow your gut instinct on this one. You wonder if you should've left it alone. You wonder if the exposure and vulnerability your confession to Dick will be worth it.
Simultaneously as quick as lightning and as slow as a sloth, Dick's hands reach for your face. His mouth swallows your gasp as his lips press against yours and he gently pulls you closer to him.
One of his hands drops from your face as your touch lingers over his forearms and the slam of the front door is the last thing you hear before you are lost to euphoria.
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Pina Coladas
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TW: smut. Language. Public teasing. 
SUMMARY: A day of relaxation after filming results in a rather sticky exchange between you and Drew. 
Pina Coladas
There was a simple silver lining in being away from Drew as he filmed further inland and that resulted in the delicious tan coming over your crisping skin. The perfect bronze tint to an otherwise perfect porcelain as you spent every second you could on the beach of this chosen resort. The only changes being that of a lounge chair, the positioning of your hat, and the drinks you substituted for any real sustenance. And if you had to be away from him you found a slight comfort in this having been the way spent. 
Having lost track of time beneath another perfect heat and gentle spray of water coming just off the sea, you only noticed the new presence when it washed over you completely. And yet despite the attention you may have received in his absence, it was only his focus you cared to have. 
His fingers danced softly from your knee in ascension to your hip as a smile broke from your lips, interrupting your attempt to slumber. A welcome interception if it meant he had returned to you. 
"Damn..." He played with the knot at your side as you smirked, pushing his grip away before rising just high enough to tease his lips. 
"How was your day?" You asked while leaning on his shoulder, his bare chest allowing your chin to rest on his freckled shoulder. 
"Kept screwing up my lines...because all I could think about was you being here...Not fair to everyone who has to see you, you know...Knowing they can't touch you...but only I can..." 
You pulled back as if he had insulted you. 
"Who says only you can? I mean..." You pulled down your shades. "Maybe he would like to keep me company while you're gone for eight hours at a time...maybe invite him to the hotel room during your night shoots," His jaw pulled to the side with an amused cock. 
"So many long nights…" You groaned, fingers teasing the parting of your legs as you reclined back in the lounge chair. 
But he wouldn't pounce on you as the dominant roles he often portrayed. Instead, he trailed the glass of condensation on your skin as you arched just slightly in reaction. 
"I could always just lock you away in our hotel room…maybe tie you to the bed…" His eyes fell down your body as you both became momentarily distracted at the thought. 
"Leaving me alone in bed won't fix anything…"
"That's because you're impatient baby…" He continued the line from his drink now to your stomach, teasing the line of your bikini as you shifted to the frigid contact. 
"I've been patient all week…" You groaned with a pout. 
"But you haven't behaved yourself…" he teased, using the straw as a holder of sorts before pressing the blended alcohol and fruit components at your navel. Your light gasp made him smirk against you as he lowered to lap up his mess. 
"I've been thinking about this all day, baby…" he continued to kiss up your body, shameless to how he now held you. One hand supporting himself on the creaking chair beneath his palm as the other teased the flimsy ties made of your suit. 
"Then are you gonna act on it or just tease me, Starkey?" You taunted as you looked down to see him pour the edge of his drink between your breasts. The kisses made to dry you only dampened the center of your suit as his fingers pressed at your clothed clit. 
"Take em off…" Your eyes flashed to either side as you were reserved enough to not be a focal point among the other tourists, but still in broad daylight enough to be noted. 
"I'll tear them off if I have to, and then that will bring more attention baby…" 
"Take me to our room…" 
"I want you right here…" he angled himself in such a way that blocked your nakedness as an oversized umbrella assisted with the other side. He pulled your leg over his shoulder and lowered in a twist to conceal you, before his fingers untied those cruel bows. 
"Next time, I'll have you come in the suit since my girl's suddenly so shy…" But as he teased you with this, you felt his scoff at your sex, well aware you were often the one to take advantage of darkness. The darkened theatres and being stopped at red lights on the way to a premiere. And now you blushed as he kept you guarded to all but him. 
"Don't come…" his threat was the only sound prior to the sudden rush of freezing bliss that came to your sex. Another stream of the Pina Colada now taken by his tongue as he savored the pineapple and coconut mixture for the duration of its existence before focusing on you. 
"Drew…ah…" you winced as he smirked again. Only now, with his fingers tightening to your naked hips, pulling you wider. 
"So sweet…" he moaned into you, pouring even more as your cheeks flushed with the need to silence your pleas. In normal instances, you could call between him and God and find an eventual release, but he edged you in repetition. 
"Please…" Your final plea seemed to resonate with him but not for the reasons you thought. 
"Fuck, baby… I can't wait…" He lifted you to stand, wrapping the towel formerly over his shoulder now around your waist. 
"Think you can keep from dripping until we get to the room?" 
"I don't think I can wait…" You moaned, his absence leaving you throbbing as if you'd been tormented for hours with a vibrator on high. The rush of exhibitionism added that acceleration of your desire as you struggled for patience. 
"You're gonna have to baby…don't want to embarrass me by someone getting a picture of how desperate I am to make you come now do we?" He pulled you towards the bar as you groaned, pressing your thighs together for some form of pressure. 
"A Pina Colada-"
"Two-" You added as the bartender offered the empty glasses. 
"Take your time…We're not in any rush." You narrowed your eyes. 
"Maybe that guy from before is-" he pulled you between his thighs as he rested on the barstool,concealed once again. 
"We both know you can't keep a straight face and you definitely can't stay quiet, baby…one of the many reasons I love fucking you…But you need to learn some patience…" The first drink was finished as he took a sip, making notes of corrections, until he'd had enough of how you fell clenching around him. 
"Okay baby…" You led him to the elevator, forced to behave as you weren't alone. His lips behind your ear as you were compressed between other guests. 
"How am I going to explain a soaked and sticky bed to the maids?" He asked while pressing the drink against your lower back. 
"Not my concern…"
"Should be, baby. You're the reason we're gonna get a noise complaint…" The doors came open and you were quick to rush to your room. The key fumbling in your fingers as he kissed the back of your neck. The second the door came open, his fingers pulled the final knot of your suit as you were left completely naked for him. 
"Not fair…" his brow flexed as he pulled his trunks down to reveal his excited anatomy, already tearful at the promise of your touch. 
"This hard after tasting me?"
"Always…but that's just from thinking about you…" he breathed as you lowered to your knees from the edge of the bed where your intertwined walk had set you. His head falling back in disbelief before you wrapped your hand around his base. 
"Shit!" He gasped at the drink drawn in a line at his shaft. Your lips warming the cold skin that threatened to pull him flaccid from the chill. 
"This is only fair…" you teased beneath thick lashes and an ambitious throat as you took him in stride. Just as he found a rhythm of comfort, you pulled him free long enough for another line and consumption of the drink, until he brought you upwards. 
"On the bed-" 
"Sure you don't want me on my knees?"
"Two more sucks and you'd be swallowing me…"
"Wouldn't be the first time…" you taunted as he now forced you to the bed, knees and palms keeping you stationary. The drink dripped down your spine and over your ass as he licked the remnants with a steady "ah" of finality. 
"Just when I think you can't get any sweeter…fuck…" Before you could respond, one finger was inserted from behind. Then two. Your sex thrust in a weak pulse as he set it with the intention to torment you this way. 
"Don't come yet, baby…" 
"But it feels so good…I can't…I can't wait…"
"I know, you're shaking like I've never touched you before, like nobody ever has…And we both know that's a goddamn lie with how often I'm inside of you…" You nodded. 
"But you're gonna be patient baby or I'll just start over…"
You repressed that pulling pleasure building in your lower abdomen as he continued to edge you. His fingers exchanged for his tongue until your moans became a siren's call to his own desire. 
He positioned you onto your side, his cock resting between your thighs. 
"This way…just for a minute…" He ordered as you played with the tip that came to view as he fucked your thighs. The precum at his tip was used as further lubrication. 
"You're so fucking wet already…"
"Please Drew…"
"You want me to put it in, baby?"
You nodded quickly as he kissed your neck. The other hand at your breast as he pulled you into him. 
"Then put it in baby…my hands are a bit busy…" to this, he played with your nipples and clit, a hand devoted to either, as you angled yourself for penetration. The slick excess making this easy as he pulled you even harder and faster against him. 
"I fucking love you…" he groaned, his tone hitched from ecstasy as you wrapped perfectly around him. The flex of his cock fell in repetition as he slammed into you. The only sound interrupting your shared chorused of each other's names would be that of skin to skin and ruffled sheets. 
Minutes losing meaning as perspiration only aided the slide he made of your bodies. 
"On your knees…against me…" you obeyed, his cock returned to you as he pulled your hair hard enough so he could have the top of your head against his chest. Pouring the last bit of his drink in your mouth, he kissed you to share with him as it dripped between you. Moans and smirks breaking the moment as his thrusts became sloppy, announcing his edge. 
"Please Drew…I need to come…" 
His fingers came over your clit. 
"Only if it's with you…" You were adorned by his hands as they shifted from your breast and hip then to your clit and jaw. Never stationary for too long until he came to those crude final thrusts. 
"Fuck!" He belted as you gasped to the rush of pleasure taking over your entire senses. His body shifting and trembling behind you as he pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder. A signature of sorts as he'd always end every interaction this way. No matter the duration or location. 
"I think that might be my new favorite drink…" He teased as you laid on his chest to bask in the moment. 
"We still have mine left…" You reminded. 
"I'm gonna need a minute…you drained me pretty dry…" You would grind over his thighs. 
"Guess I am dripping pretty bad, aren't I?" You felt his cock flex to your words. 
"You want more?" You nodded. "Then get on your back, baby." When your eyes narrowed, he pulled the drink in his hand before lowering to your thighs. 
"Maybe this time I can actually finish…Gonna be drunk off your pussy by the time we're done…As if I needed another excuse…" 
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @drewspisces @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @jjmaybanksangel @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916
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midnightjewel · 3 months
Taylor Swift Songs For Your Relationship With The BNHA Boys <3
(Part 2) Part 1
Characters Include: Midoryia, Mirio, Todoroki, Shinsou
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Mine (Speak Now TV)
Do you remember we were sitting there by the water you saw me start to believe for the first time
Everything has Changed (Red TV)
Is something I know now, know something now I didn’t before.
And all I’ve seen since 18 hours ago is green eyes and freckles and your smile
New Years Day (Reputation)
But I stay when it’s hard or it’s wrong or we’re making mistakes
Cornelia Street (Lover)
Windows flung right open, autumn air, jacket round my shoulders is yours. We bless the rains on Cornelia Street, memorize the creaks in the floors
Daylight (Lover)
And I can still see it all in my mind, all for you all for me intertwined
Sweet Nothing (Midnights)
They say the end is coming, everyone’s up to something I found myself running home to your sweet nothings
Mastermind (Midnights)
What if I told you none of it was accidental…
Champagne Problems (Evermore)
“She would’ve made such a lovely bride, what a shame she’s fucked in the head” they said
Peace (Folklore)
Your integrity makes me seem small, you paint dreamscapes on the wall, I talk shit with my friends… it’s like I’m wasting your honor!
Come Back…Be Here (Red TV)
This is when the feeling sinks in, I don’t wanna miss you like this…
Back to December (Speak Now TV)
I’d go back in time and change it, but I can’t. So if the chain is on your door, I understand.
White Horse (Fearless TV)
Cause I’m not your princess, this ain’t our fairytale, I’m gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well…
Should’ve Said No (Taylor Swift)
I can’t resist, before you go tell me this, was it worth it? Was she worth it..?
The Prophecy (TTPD)
Please, I’ve been on my knees, change the prophecy
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So High School (TTPD)
Get my car door, isn’t that sweet then pull me to the back seat. No one’s ever had me, not like you…
But Daddy I Love Him (TTPD)
And I’m running with my dress unbuttoned. Screaming “but daddy I love him!” I’m having his baby… no I’m not, but you should see your faces!
Ours (Speak Now TV)
Don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine but they can’t take what’s ours
State of Grace (Red TV)
And I never (never) saw you coming! And I’ll never be the same…
Begin Again (Red TV)
And we walked down the block to my car and I almost brought him up but you start to talk about the movies that your family watches ever single Christmas and now I wanna talk about that…
And for the first time, what’s past is past
I Know Places (1989 TV)
They are the hunters, we are the foxes and we run. Just grab my hand and don’t ever drop it, my love.
Baby, I know places we won’t be found and they’ll be chasing their tails trying to track us down…
False God (Lover)
We might just get away with it. Religions in your lips. Even if it’s a false god, we’d still worship. We might just get away with it the alter is my hips even if it’s a false god…
So Long, London (TTPD)
I didn’t opt in to be your odd man out, I founded the club she’s heard great things about
The Great War (Midnights)
It turned into something bigger, somewhere in the haze got a sense I’ve been betrayed
Looked up at me with honor and truth, broken and blue, so I called off the truce. That was the night I nearly lost you…
Blank Space (1989 TV)
Screaming, Crying, Perfect Storms
Oh my god, who is she?! I get drunk on jealousy
I Wish You Would (1989 TV)
You always knew how to push my buttons, you gave me everything and nothing…
Is It Over Now? (1989 TV)
Think I didn’t see there were flashing lights? At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight, only rumors about my hips and thighs and my whispered sighs, oh lord
Death By A Thousand Cuts (Lover)
I dress to kill my time, I take the long way home, I ask the traffic lights if it’ll be alright they say “I don’t know…”
imgonnagetyouback (TTPD)
(My personal favorite)
I can feel it coming humming in the way you move, push the reset button we’re becoming something new. Say you’ve got somebody I’ll say I’ve got someone too. Even if it’s handcuffed I’m leaving here with you.
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Love Story (Fearless TV)
Romeo save me I’ve been feeling so along I keep waiting for you but you never come, is this in my head I don’t know what to think he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
Timeless (Speak Now TV)
Even if we’d met on a crowded street in 1944 and you were heading off to fight in the war, you still would’ve been mine we would’ve been timeless
Holy Ground (Red TV)
Spinning like a girl in a brand new dress, We had this big wide city all to ourselves. We blocked out the noise with the sound of “I need you”
Delicate (Reputation)
Sometimes I wonder when you sleep, are you ever dreaming of me?
Dancing with our hands tied (Reputation)
I’d kiss you as the lights went out, swaying as the room burned down. I’d hold you as the water rushes in if I could dance with you again
All of the girls you’ve loved before (Lover)
All of the girls you’ve loved before…
Made you the one I’ve fallen for
The Tortured Poets Department (TTPD)
Sometimes I wonder if you’re gonna screw things up with me. But you told Lucy you’d kill yourself if I ever leave…
Cold As You (Taylor Swift)
And you come away with a great little story, of a mess of dreamer with the nerve to adore you
Mr. Perfectly Fine (Fearless TV)
So dignified in your well pressed suit, so strategized all the eyes on you, sashay your way to your seat, it’s the best seat in the best room
All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Red TV)
You kept me like a secret… but I kept you like an oath…
I Bet You Think About Me (Red TV)
At your cool indie music concerts every week, I bet you think about me in your house with your organic shoes and your million dollar couch
Wildest Dreams (1989 TV)
Someday when you leave me I’ll bet the memories follow you around…
You’re Losing Me (Midnights)
And I wouldn’t marry me either, a pathological people pleaser, who only wanted you to see her
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived (TTPD)
We’re you sent by someone who wanted me dead?
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I Can See You (Speak Now TV)
I could see you in your suit and your neck tie, pass me a note saying “meet me tonight” then we kiss and you know I won’t ever tell yeah….
You Are In Love (1989 TV)
You can hear it in the silence…
You can feel it on the way home
Don’t Blame Me (Reputation)
And baby for you I would cross the line, I would waste my time, I would lose my mind…
Afterglow (Lover)
Hey, it’s all me… just don’t go, meet me in the afterglow
Willow (Evermore)
The more that you say, the less I know. Wherever you stray I follow, I’m begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans
Labyrinth (Midnights)
Lost in the labyrinth of my mind…
Mastermind (Midnights)
And the first night that you saw me I knew I wanted your body…
I laid the groundwork and then, just like clockwork, the dominoes cascaded in a line. What if I told you I’m a mastermind?
Haunted (Speak Now TV)
You and I walk a fragile line… I have known it all this time
Clean (1989 TV)
The rain came pouring down, when I was drowning that’s when I could finally breathe
Now That We Don’t Talk (1989 TV)
I don’t have to pretend I like acid rock, or that I’d like to be on a mega yacht with important men who think important thoughts, guess maybe I am better off
exile (Folklore)
“So I’m leaving out the side door”
“So step right out!”
Right Where You Left Me (Evermore)
When I felt the moment stop, glass shattered on the white cloth…
loml (TTPD)
Your arsons match your somber eyes…
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vimara00 · 2 years
The date (Shigaraki X F!Reader) By Vi ✨
Hi everyone, It's Vi ✨ I decided to write part two of my recent post (if you haven't read it, click here) I hope you enjoy! (Again, I'm sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes, english is not my first language 🙏🏻)
Tag @thickemadame
Warnings: mentions of blood but fluff anyway
All characters reservations to Horikoshi
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Shigaraki has been talking with y/n for over two weeks and they already had planned where they would go to have lunch. It actually took that long to organised because of Tomura's "busy schedule" (which meant finding a day where AFO or the league wouldn't need him) and also because he needed to make sure the place they picked was safe (but she didn't have to know any of that)
All this nights spent together talking and playing games, made him believed that maybe there was a chance to be loved and happy in this world. And he liked the person he became around her, made him feel a little more human and not a complete "monster", like everybody thought.
However, he was scared shirtless of her reaction when she'd put the pieces together and realised who he really was and what he was aiming to achieve. But Tomura wished that when it happens, she'll understand him and stays by his side.
The day of their "date", as he liked to call it, was around the corner and so was his anxiety. What if he was too much of a freak for her? What if she saw him at daylight and thought he was ugly (which he believed he was)? How would he talked to a woman when all his life he was rejected or feared by them? So many questions that didn't let him sleep at night. That and the constant thoughts of her soft skin and how good it felt to have her lips on his cheek. He dreamed about having her in front of him and being able to kiss and caress her body.
He didn't have anybody to share his thoughts and opinions about this and he knew he couldn't ask his master; he would say that she was a "distraction" and would try to hurt her. That's why he reminded calmed and did his own research by watching shitty romantic movies and series.
He was in the middle of "Notting Hill" when a new notification arrived, it was a message from y/n!
Cute girl: Hi Tomura! Can't wait to see you tomorrow ❤️
Cute girl: Oh and Sombra also says hi!
His heartbeat increased a lot every time she sent him a text or call. Tomura really enjoyed talking to her; she always had something interesting and funny to say and make his day better. He's excited to see y/n tomorrow! And his mind drifts to what cute outfit would she use and wonders if he should asked her what colours was she going to wear in order to match with hers but realised it might be a little creepy as they haven't known each other for that long.
Suddenly he felt into the realisation that he hadn't thought about an outfit yet and it made him panicked. Running to his closest and looking for something suitable to wear. He couldn't hide his face behind "father" but he also couldn't wear another hoodie so his long dilema started. It took him almost two hours to find something that made him look decent enough and then, he heard another notification.
Cute girl: Hey, it's everything alright?
Cute girl: If you don't feel like going out, it's ok! You don't have to
Oh god no! He had forgotten to respond. Why was he such an idiot? Now she thought he didn't want to come! As usual, he started to scratch his neck furiously till it bleed. Maybe he was overthinking this too much and forgot that he needed to enjoy
Him: Hi y/n!
Him: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to left you on read! I remembered that I didn't have anything planned to wear and I started looking for something and lost track of time
Him: I'm really excited to see you tomorrow
Him: hope u haven't changed your mind about our date
Cute girl: Oh, don't worry! I just thought you didn't want to come and, if I'm being honest, I was kinda sad 🥺🙈
Cute girl: So... Are we seeing each other tomorrow?
Him: Yes!
Cute girl: Yeiiii! I'm so happy!
Cute girl: See you on tomorrow then! ☺️
Tomura was so happy that she seemed to be excited to see him and what was even better was that she didn't corrected him when he said it was "date" so it meant she wanted to date him too! At least, he hoped it meant that
Tomura arrived half an hour earlier just in case. He didn't want to spoil anything. Today must be perfect! He was waiting on a bench at the park near the restaurant when she appeared. Her h/c hair was down, she had very little make up (as much as he could tell) that made her face lighted up even more and she was wearing a black long sleeve dress with a big scarf that hide part of her face but he could still see the blush on her nose and cheeks. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of her. She looked so adorable and sexy at the same time! How was that even possible?!
When she finally spotted him, she hurried to where he was and gave him a big hug that last more than it should for two people who didn't know each other that well. Tomura stood still while being embraced by her. The last time he was held like this, he ended up decaying his whole family so it made him worried. He wasn't sure if he should reciprocate the gesture so he opted for leaning closer in order to smelt her sweet perfume; she smelt like vanilla and happiness. He wished he smell good enough for her as he took three showers to get rid of blood's smell (he had happened to come across some heroes yesterday and things had scaled quickly)
"It's so nice to see you, Tomura! Thanks for coming" She said while distancing herself from him and he was invaded by sadness as he lost the comfort her embrace provided him.
Then, Y/n looked at him up and down and said "You do look good, gamer boy" and winked at him. At that moment, Shigaraki lost the hability to speak as he was too shocked by her statement. Never in his whole life he'd had someone telling him such a thing and not being joking. Did she truly think he "looked good"? If it wasn't for her innocent smile and those doe eyes, he would've thought it was a joke.
"T-Thanks... You look really pretty" "Thank youuuu! How about we go to the restaurant? I'm starving hahaha" She laughed and Tomura seriously believed it was the greatest melody he's ever heard. As he nodded, she grabbed his arm and pulled from him saying "Let's go then!"
They sat across each other on the floor at a very traditional Japanese restaurant. She did most of the talking and he was glad about it. First of all because he wanted to know everything about her and secondly, cause he still couldn't grasped the fact that he was on a date with the most beautiful woman to ever exist on earth. When food arrived, she went to grab a napkin for both but so was Tomura and their hands touched making her blush adorably and he couldn't help but stared. She looked at him, then to their hands and frowned. He paralysed. Was he staring too much? Did his hand disgusted her? Before he could kept on thinking, she took his hand into hers and said "I don't know what you did but you have to be more careful" as she healed his wounds while caressing them with so much tenderness that he had to suppressed the need to kiss her "There, you are all healed!"
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She released his hand and gave him a look full of curiosity "What?" He asked as he was getting nervous of how intense her stare was "Oh nothing... I'm just wondering which is your quirk, if you have you, of course" Tomura remained silenced for a few seconds and contemplated the idea of telling her the truth. He didn't want to risk their possible future but he didn't want to lie to her either "I have a decay quirk. I turn into dust everything I touch with my hands. I know it's kinda creepy but..." y/n didn't let him finished as she said "Wow! That's such a powerful quirk you have! Nobody would mess with you, that's for sure hahaha"
Shigaraki was glad you took it well as their conversation kept going. She asked many questions about his personal life and also talked about the place she worked at. Apparently, she was a nurse that worked at a local hospital (her quirk being really convenient) and she lived alone with Sombra near the league's hideout
After a while, they left the restaurant but didn't want the date come to an end so they went to the park to chat some more as they walked. Tomura didn't want to overthinking about the fact that his hand interviewed with hers and she didn't complained; actually, she seemed really comfortable and he couldn't be happier.
A few minutes into walking, he realised she was shivering and so he copied the same gesture he saw many times in those romantic movies. He took his jacket off and put it in her shoulder while keeping his arm around her in order to kept her warm. Her face was blushing so hard that he thanked all the time he spent watching TV instead of preparing for the LOV next attack
She was so close that he could just leaned down a little bit and kissed her. They remained on their spot while looking at each other intensively and leaned forward for a very expected kiss. But luck was not with them as it started to rain and they had to run to a tree for shelter. When it stopped raining, he took her to her apartment but didn't leave before coming to the door and saying hi to Sombra.
"I had so much fun today! I was thinking that when you are not busy, maybe you could come to my house. I can cook something nice and we can play games... What do you say?" She looked at him waiting for his response but Tomura sword he was in another galaxy. Of course he wanted to spent more time with her and try what she prepared for him "I would love to. How about next Saturday?" "Yes! Then, see you on Saturday Tomura!" She came closer to kiss his cheek and whispered into his ear "I'm looking forward to see you again, gamer boy"
When Tomura arrived at his bedroom, he saw that he had a new notification; a message from you that made him lose the hability to breathe. (Literally *tomura e.x.e stopped working*)
Cute girl: Tomuraaaa, you left your jacket
Cute girl: I'll give it back on Saturday, ok?
Cute girl: Oh and for the record, I would've let you kiss me in the park 🙈
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yuseirra · 11 days
hello there! i've been lurking on ur blog for a while now, and i absolutely love your art and analyses of hikaai!! you made me realize how good of a ship they are together and how tragic it is, and i think you made me love them as much as i do now. the analyses you write about them have really changed my viewpoint of oshi no ko entirely, and i really enjoy how well written they are. thank you so much for all of it!!
i wanted to ask you if you know some songs that seem very hikaai to you? i want to make a playlist for hikaai because i can't find any on spotify, but right now there's not many songs, so i turn to you for help. i've put mephisto and fatal in there because of your posts with those songs :33
thank you once more !! keep being great !!
Hello!// Wow, it's such an honor! I say this a lot lately but I really mean it.. Really? I am so glad! Ah, this makes me so happy. I've been writing about them in a rather frantic manner, I wish I could be more graceful and calm... I'm suddenly feeling a bit shy hehe but I have to be really stern about wrong things, aren't I!! I can't be so calm when I talk about beings like Ryosuke, there are just some things that I feel really strongly about and can't condone... this manga tackles really dark subjects sometimes, and they always get a reaction out of me.
It may take a few chapters for the current situation in the piece to be fully resolved (idk if they'll drag the idea of Kamiki being the "true villain" for so long.. that's going to be so tiring if they do), but I feel like I am on the right track after having thought over just what exactly this piece is trying to convey. ONK has a theme that's been very clear and consistent, and I believe in the writers to send out a message powerful and meaningful. It's made me think about what people go through, and I appreciate it.
Again, wow, really?/// I had that effect on you? Whew, this is so relieving and fulfilling, you're so kind! Thanks for letting me know! They are quite a lovely and powerful ship, aren't they? People will come to see what they are by the series comes to its closure. I know it will happen! There aren't a lot of pieces dedicated to them yet... but when everyone realizes it's THE Fatal and Mephisto ship, they'll see. Hope my works don't get buried when that happens~ ;v;)/
I would love to help you on this, but I was never really good at making playlists.. will you link me yours when you make yours? :)
I'm really sure I know a lot of songs that have their vibe, but I can't finger them right off the bat:
However, I felt the new songs from P3R really suits them in terms of some of its lyrics because it deals with the loss of someone dear and unknowing what to do without them. I've been listening to those a lot along with onk songs, and it's REALLY fitting!
+OH WAIT NEVER MIND. I found a whole BUNCH of songs.
I hope they suit your taste 'v')/
It feels like my heart is suffocating
How do you make amends when you're gone from me?
Even though with a win how come I feel so lost?
Nothing makes sense to me
I'm so numb, so lost without you
Spending days and nights of silence
'cause no words can explain how I feel In my mind and heart
Oh, I don't know what I am but I miss myself 'cause she's not here anymore
How can I move on? Please tell me
Already lost my keys
To the door wide shut
Only have one wish
Now it's never gonna come true
Trapped in time
Forever in remorse
How could I ever be
In peace when nothing else matters to me?
Phantasmagoria is a interesting song, there are lyric in the description.. its story involves encountering a ghost of a loved one and dancing together before daylight strikes, wishing to return to the old days when they were alive. It's worth a listen!
Hydra from MYTH & ROID is such a powerful song.
ACTUALLY, this is the one song I think would be REALLY fitting, it's SO similar to Fatal in terms of what it's saying!
The lyrics for this go:
Even if I lose everything
I still have something to offer
Be it my future or my life itself
My burned-out emotions, my unanswered prayers
My miserable begging, my foolish giving
My strained voice, my dirtied hands
Even my ripped open heart
I have been wishing for nothing but your happiness
Over and over
Even if everything I hold in these hands is lost
As long as there is still time
I will keep trying over and over again
I don't care if it's meaningless and futile
Even if the days I've spent would end in misery
If my wishes change to curses
Even if it was all in vain, I don't mind
Only you remain in my eyes
At the end of this dark road
It seems as though any light would eventually die out
If that is what is decided by fate
Rather than living by holding onto hope
I sacrifice my all for the now
My burned-out emotions, my unanswered prayers
My miserable begging, my foolish giving
Whatever happens, I don't care
I will give my all for you
Nothing would make me happier than
If I could be with you forever
This song is very interesting too! It has lyrics like:
Please, I’ll do anything, just once, let me turn back time.
I’ll even offer up one, no, two of my fingers.
I can’t bring myself to laugh, ever.
Because even the most natural of my emotions vanished along with you.
Yes, that’s right.
No matter how many years pass, I still live as if I’m dead.
Now, God, break me, break me, please.
I have no idea what happened.
This bone-dry heart of mine, come on
touch it, touch it, please.
Even if a thousand years pass, they won’t heal.
I’ll carry these wounds to the end.
Hey, God, kill me, come on, kill me, please.
It’s all my fault, you see.
Things can never be put back to the way they were,
in the end, just laugh, laugh at me again.
These are some depressing songs, but I feel like those were the type of feelings Hikaru would have felt all along. And the songs involve about wishes to bring someone or to turn back time, so I feel it's very fitting to the situation! If he could do it, he'd definitely bring Ai back. And from what I see, he's disregarding his life a whole lot...
How about "Mugen Nostalgia?" I'm just adding this on because this cover sounds so good! But now that I examine the lyrics, it works!!
Until when will I walk by myself?
It spins round and round, then it slips past by.
Until where will you let me feel lonely?
Are you giggling? Where are you?
I want to see you again.
Is it too rushed to go now? But it's always like this, isn't it?
"Can I see you again?"
Don’t laugh at me with such a blank face, like a scarecrow at the sunset.
I’m still chasing what I've been looking for.
So I will never stop my footsteps until I finally find that. 
There’s no need for such thing as promises.
I'll come for you, so don't worry, it's my classic memory.
Saying “since you’re so lovely I can’t stand it,”
I held tightly to laziness’ hand, feeling completely tamed while it looked my way and laughed laughed so many times, saying, “that’s how it is”while looking at me with distant, pitying eyes
Grieving these horrible times—yes, over and over I’ve suffered
Since salvation without an aim can never reach
There’s nothing left, no, nothing left now
Let’s put an end to it with words
“Ah, I’m satisfied with this” I chanted that over and over
A utopia which slips through my fingers and vanishes
It’s surely, yes, surely a bit too late to return to that time, it seems
I can't get my mind off you
I'm such an idiot
Same as usual
You made me feel so better
It brings back memories
It's things about you
My hands can't take back that the time I passed with you
Some doubts broke me down, broke me down
If you are still alive, I wanted to say it's not your fault
But it's too late for us
Maybe I'm afraid I'm not as tender guy as you think
Looking your eyes, and I say "love you" with fake smile
I don't know what to do
Please tell me what should I do
Just feel so sad inside, but I kiss you
Kiss you...
To end this on a positive note, Lamp from Cö shu Nie seems really fitting to how Ai would feel towards Hikaru, I've been there when TPN was reaching its closure and I'm having so many flashbacks about them seeing how things are playing out in ONK. Emma really wanted to save Norman who was keeping up a strong front and chose to take a path of death for everyone's sake and she was able to bring him back in the end with.. a really huge cost... This song reflects how much she cares for him. She brought him back into the light, and I feel like this is what Ai is going to do for Hikaru too.. it's such a warm song.
It's been confirmed by the creator that it is about how Emma felt about Norman.
Quasi love, quasi love, quasi love. I want to be connected
What you thought was a waste and you removed(your life)
Is irreplaceable to me
Don't stay quiet with such a sad face
Kick it up
Get so dirty that you look pathetic
Do we still have some time left?
You can go beyond
It's warm because we are together
Stand up again and again
I want to protect you forever
Repaint this little world
Keep shining, this road I chose
If you are afraid, it's gonna be okay.
The QUASI-LOVE though. That gets me because. Ai. was so unsure about love even while what she had was so genuine.
hope you enjoy these songs~ I wish I could bring some songs from mainstream pop culture too, o<-< but I think there are some things that anime...ish songs can fill. I mean, I feel they're REALLY fitting.. don't you think? and they're all good songs!! I promise they're all worth giving a listen to!
I'm so glad you found love towards this ship the way I do! ;v;)/ Thanks for reaching out to me to tell me how you feel!! See you around, I look forward to sharing more things with you, and everyone!
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deadmomjokes · 8 months
For anyone interested, following up on that preschool dance time incident, I have finally put together a playlist of my child's (current) favorite songs.
I have, over past few months of building this list and in the past few days of pruning it of old tracks she's not into anymore, asked her the name of each song, the artist, and what she thinks about it. These are her responses.
Time of your life by the band singer called Greeeeeeen Day SHHH NO DON'T TALK THAT'S MY SONG I WANNA HEAR IT!!! *sings along with shocking accuracy*
Middle by Jimmy in the World I think maybe it's about a roller coaster, and you have to be patient too. 'Cause see, it says "It just takes some time," so now you have to wait, and be patient.
PAIN by 'Magine Dragons I'm a freight train named PAIN! So this is my song. ^_^
Gimme that Fire OOOOOOEEEOOOO by.... um... i don't know this guy You know, you should not touch fire, it's HOT. Also, don't say gimme, you can say please, that's more polite.
Polaroid by 'Magine Dragons *too busy singing along to offer commentary*
Here Comes the Sun doo-doo-doo-doo by I don't know, that's a singer but probably I don't know their name I think that's about how it's okay, so don't worry. See? 'It's alright.' So it's alright!
It's the Hotdog Song! by It's Green Day too! This one is really called Polly Anna, but its picture is a hotdog on the music website on the computer, so it makes me think of hotdogs. I think this one is for being optimistic! *thumbs up* YEAH!
Record Player by Um.... It's the guys that sing it, and a girl sings it too What is a record player? Why did she dyed her hair green? 🤔 Oh, he says he's in the elevator, I like to go on elevators too. 😊
Be Careful by I don't know who sings that, I just like it because it says "be careful," and it's good to be careful. It's a dramatic song, so you have to do a dramatic dance. Like BALLET. *the most dramatic ballet dancing you've ever seen*
BONES by That's 'Magine Dragons, too. I think I like 'Magine Dragons a LOT. Magic isn't real, but this is a being determined song. *muscle arms*
I don't know what this one's called, but I think the band is Green Day, because it sounds like that. This one's got the big drums that are really loud, and that's why it's a rock song. I like rock songs, they're DETERMINED.
Am A Mess by A. J. R? He maybe needs a bath if he is messy... [see also] I like that funny whistle sound.
Astronaut in the Ocean (that's a rap song) by *shrug* That's really silly, because astronauts go to space, not the ocean. I think he needs a spaceship instead. Maybe he's lost and that's why he's in the ocean instead of space.
The Stick Song by Um... Mama? Who does sing this one? Stick is not a season-- the seasons are like winter and summer-- but it is a fun song. *proceeds to do a tappy kicky dance* [see also] You should probably not drink alcohol-- some people like to drink it, but it can make you real sick in your brain and your tummy-- so I think he needs juice instead. Maybe his friends will bring some for Christmas.
Shotgun by That guy also sings the other song we heard in the car, and he has a deep voice that is ~calm~ It must be hot where he's going, because he says 'hot sun' a lot. But what does "feelin like a someone" means...? 🤔
Daylight by The Guy Who Sings It It says 'running from the daylight,' but the daylight is just the sun, and you can't run away from the sun because it's all over, so maybe he just likes to stay inside until it is night. Yeah, that's what that means.
Paint the Town Red by Lady Rap Singer There is a part with a rap- a girl rap singer, because most rap singers are boys but she's a girl- and she says UGH like something is yucky. I like that part. But why does she say UGH?
SUNYOOF by ???? It is called SunROOF, but it sounds like he says sunYOOF, so I call it sunyoof. And we have a sunroof in our car, so I like this song in the car the most.
Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift I don't know how the summer is crool, but that's just what it says. [see also] WHAT? Blue is not a shape! *thinks* My body is shaped like arms and legs, not blue....
Liddle Bit of Sunshine by One-Re-Public, that's also who sings the song Counting Stars Mama, when it says SUNSHINE you gotta open the sunroof because it says 'throwing up the shade for a little bit of sunshine," so you gotta let in the sunshine, okay?
Young by Miley Cyrus *also too busy singing along with shocking clarity to make comments*
Antee Heeeero by Taylor Swift I don't know why she says she's a monster on a hill, because she's just a girl.
The one with the deedle-ee-deedle-ee-dee-dee guitar thing by *still busy playing air banjo* I think this one is about being patient, because he says he's gonna wait, and that takes a LONG time. And it has a good harmonies, that's the part where it's like a duet, only lots of guys sing so it goes "ooooooo" together, and then the guitar thingy goes like *kicking and flailing* like that!
I think she's got a future in writing music reviews, js
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mamamittens · 2 years
The Only Choice +18
Spooktober Day 2!
Fandom: One Piece (Highschool AU)
Ship: Yandere!Ace X Petite!F!Reader (Ace is 19 and Reader is 18)
Warnings: Yandere behavior, possessive behavior, murder, Law does not survive, incredibly dubious consent/borderline noncon, coercion, manipulation, groping, kitchen sex, foreplay, nipple/breast play, oral sex (female receiving), aggressive sex, sex as a tool for manipulation, and creampie.
All the red flags here, I stg keep this in mind before reading.
Word Count: 5,231
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To say Ace’s childhood growing up was rough would be… an understatement. While not exactly a feral child, the way he was openly encouraged to explore the mountain range to his heart’s content from a young age did jack shit to his social skills. Instead of learning how to share his blocks and manage his temper, he learned more… useful things. How to move silently at night among predators. How to stalk and hunt prey animals—and later the predators he emulated so well. Ace learned all sorts of important lessons in the heart of the forest.
Then Sabo came along and taught him the things he missed out on. How to hold a proper conversation—that eye contact wasn’t a sign of aggression. Basic social etiquette and behavior—he should not bludgeon competitors to death with a club in broad daylight. What personal space even was—snapping his teeth may be an effective way to clear up space but was undeniably rude. Still, he was incredibly rough around the edges. Really, it was Luffy that taught him how to behave like a more balanced young man, ironically enough.
Wrangling the embodiment of chaos sure does some things to an ingrained pattern of aggressive behavior. And Luffy was quite durable and forgiving for his screw ups, unlike Sabo who gave as good as he got. A perfect little pipeline for a terror of a mountain child to eventually be given to a chaotic family that taught him to embrace but control his wild urges. Whitebeard was indulgent of his behavior—but only to a point. And he was absolutely capable of bringing him back in line when needed.
So, eventually, Ace was ready to enter the school system without being a flight, fight, or tiny terrorist risk. Sure, he was held back a year, but to be fair… no one remembered to teach him how to read in all that socialization. But he worked hard and got back on track. And he would have probably half assed everything right up till graduation if it hadn’t of been for one thing.
His precious little sweetheart. You.
Having transferred in a bit late during their shared first year of high school, Ace had always been aware of her. How could he not? A sweet little thing in a sea of sweaty, hormonal teens. It took a lot of work, but over the course of three years, Ace steadily made his way into the highly prized position of being her best friend. Anyone that wanted to get near her went through him first. Overhyped football players, weak little twig boys, and unredeemable perverts alike.
And he did an excellent job of keeping the filth of the school far away from his sweetheart right up until he had to leave for a few weeks on vacation. Gramps lost several boxes of rice crackers to the ocean under mysterious circumstances for that, even if he did enjoy spending time with his brothers in peace. But look what happens when he leaves her alone! Gone for a month and some fancy fucking prick moves in on her!
What. The. Fuck.
He never wanted to hear a crack about his cowboy hat after seeing the spotted monstrosity Trafalgar D. Water Law wore. And he had the fucking audacity to put his hands on you? To think he was good enough to even hold hands in the hall—mother fucker didn’t even bother to look happy about it! Law just kept wearing that same smug look the whole time like Ace couldn’t see jack shit!
It wasn’t like he’d never seen Law before now. They had crossed paths in the hallways. Shared projects in English class on occasion. And Ace knew Law had a few science projects with you as well over the years. But Law had always kept his nose in his books unless he was required to or walking that massive white dog. Bepo, he thought. Although, is that really all Law had done?
Ace was your best friend. You wouldn’t suddenly date someone without telling him first! Not… not unless you were coerced. He could see it now. You, sweet precious thing that you were, taken advantage of. Lead astray to keep secrets like Ace wasn’t working tirelessly to keep you safe. With a sneer, Ace supposed that in such a scenario, it wasn’t entirely impossible Law nursed a crush in your delicate heart. Encouraging you to think of him romantically. Law wasn’t the most hideous man at their school.
And with Ace gone for a whole month well… a lot of things can happen over a month. He’d need to correct this situation as soon as possible. But first, he needed to know exactly what happened while he was gone. And if this had been brewing for longer than he expected. The punishment had to fit the crime, naturally.
He wasn’t a feral mountain child anymore, after all. Mostly.
Giving you his best smile, he slid over to your other side and beamed.
“Well, well, well. When did this happen? You didn’t tell me you were all grown up now!” Ace teased, ruffling your hair and ignoring your protests. You were smiling and laughing, which was all the go-ahead Ace needed. Law however, was still a smug bastard as he held your other hand, chaining you to his side. Like he had any right!
“Ace! Stop that!” You scoffed, smacking his arm lightly, “And uhm… we… we thought it would be nice to try it out, you know? Just to see where it goes.”
Ace felt his muscles tense with rage but maintained his pleasant expression. This fucker just wanted to string you along! And for what?! How long?! Until he’s taken everything you have that belongs to him—
“Ooo~, what little love birds you two are. Try not to make me gag too much, ‘kay sweetheart?” Ace winked, ruffling your hair again strutting to his class. Unfortunately, he didn’t share any class periods with you this semester. Something he was unable to rectify in time without looking suspicious. Still, it did provide him the space he would sorely need to plan how to get rid of this new pest.
He'd hate to let down Oyaji by allowing a little problem like this to bite him in the ass later. In the meantime,… he’d play nice.
Tigers never found success without stalking their kills first after all.
Still, it was hard for Ace. Watching you fall for Law’s tricks hook, line, and sinker. You both sat together at lunch every day, held hands whenever possible, went on dates when time allowed. And Ace grew to resent Law more with every passing hour. That damn smug look a permanent expression regardless of how cute you acted, hanging off Law’s arm. Ace should have given you the talk long ago and avoided this whole mess to start with. But really… deep down, Ace was a romantic at heart.
And what was more romantic than planning the perfect way to get rid of your soon-to-be-ex so he could sweep you off your feet properly?
As it turns out, it was actually not that hard to plan Law’s death. See, he was actually quite sickly as a child. Some sort of poisoned water situation in his hometown. Eventually he got better, but his internal organs were severely damaged in the process. Not enough to replace them entirely, but enough to require a careful diet for several years. Like, for example, his kidneys.
Honestly, Ace could almost feel bad about the whole thing. Law waxed on about his dream to become a doctor in the hopes of preventing his childhood disaster on several occasions. He was probably smart enough to do a lot of good for the world. If he had kept his fucking hands to himself first that is.
Who knew a few milligrams of mushroom concentrate could cause a total renal failure within hours? And who would have guessed the stoic Trafalgar Law would choose to keep quiet about his little ‘stomach bug’ as his guardians left town for the weekend?
Ace chuckled to himself as he crept away from the house, leaving no trail to follow. The fact that Ace had wrapped Law in a blanket with a gag in place to make sure of it was simply a happy accident. He wanted to tie Law to a chair but the bruises would look suspicious. And arranging a camping trip ‘just for the boys’ was too obvious, even if he fed Law to the mountain lions.
No, Ace was actually running errands for Oyaji all night! Several people can attest to that fact if questioned.
Which no one did.
Because poor Law, honor student and future doctor, passed quietly in his sleep after taking more pain medication for his sudden illness. An illness that proved fatal and swift. What was there to question with those facts in mind?
The toll this took on you, of course, was incredible. You were inconsolable for days, your tender heart shattered from the sudden death of your boyfriend. As much as Ace hated to see you cry—especially over that bastard—it was necessary. Like… removing an invasive species for the betterment of all. But Ace was there every minute he could be. Oyaji was very understanding as well, allowing Ace to stay at your house for as long as needed.
He was also quite proud of how Ace handled the situation on his own, but that little detail was simply icing on the top!
For the most part, consoling you involved watching old movies with your head tucked under his chin. Encouraged by Ace conveniently turning the air down slightly past your normal tolerance. Thinning frame cuddled in a blanket fort at his side as he encouraged you to cry it all out and eat something. Anything. The outside world didn’t exist as far as you were concerned. And while Ace definitely appreciated catching up on personal time with you… your health was something else entirely. This whole ‘mourning’ thing was taking too long. Especially for someone that didn’t deserve to be with you to begin with.
Thankfully, Ace had better tact than to say that… maybe he should have staged an elopement to make this easier for you? Too late now, really. A thought for the future perhaps. Not that there would ever be a chance he lets this happen twice. But how to ensure it? How does he help you move on from Law faster?
The answer came with a crockpot that Thatch provided—wonderful big brother that he was, honestly where would he be without his family or you? The crockpot held a hearty soup, perfect for broken hearts. The trick was getting you to eat. The little bites of crackers or ice cream you held down never lasted before a crying fit tossed them back up. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think Law had also poisoned you literally. But he couldn’t hurt you anymore. Not with Ace here to keep a careful eye on your fragile, loving heart.
Ace pondered the dilemma as he waited for the crockpot to heat up. The house empty as your parents were at work and the two of you excused on ‘bereavement’. Well, you were excused. Ace simply had Oyaji excuse him for the time being to support you with the promise that as soon as you were more stable the both of you would have study sessions with Marco to catch up. There wasn’t any sense in letting tragedy derail your education, now was there? Law had done enough damage as it was.
A sniffle in the doorway alerted Ace to your presence as you shuffled into the kitchen. A duvet draped over your shoulders as you gave a weepy smile.
“Smells good… I’m sorry you have to see me like this, Ace.” You sniffled again, “I-I promise I won’t be a crybaby forever.” Ace rushed over, throwing his arms around your covered shoulders and rubbing your back.
“No, no, sweetheart! It’s okay! I’m not going anywhere. That’s my promise.” Ace consoled despite the sneer he hid in your hair, “Law meant a lot to you. It’s perfectly normal to be upset.” Slowly, he walked backwards until he was next to the counter and picked you up. Gently, he set you down on the counter and braced himself to lean over you, kissing your forehead softly.
“Thank you, Ace.” You whispered, moving to rub your eyes but he beat you to it. Gently wiping away your tears with a soft smile as you shivered. Ace frowned in concern and you shook your head. “Just cold. I… haven’t eaten a lot lately. I-I’m so tired, Ace. But I can’t sleep. I keep seeing Law… I wish I could forget. Just… just for a little while.”
Suddenly, Ace had an idea. A wonderful, brilliant idea.
“I hate seeing you like this too… Could… Could I try something?” Ace asked in his softest voice, “I’ll stop if you want me to but nothing else has worked so I thought…” You frowned, cute face scrunched up in confusion.
“Try what, Ace?” Slowly, deliberately, Ace cradled your face in his hands. Warm palms pressing against your cold cheeks. Not wanting to fuck up this soon, he kissed your forehead. Then your nose. Slow, lingering touches against your skin as you made a confused sound at the back of your throat. “W-What are you doing, Ace?”
“Warming you up… giving you something else to think about.” Ace brushed his hands back, threading his fingers through your hair with a deceptively light pressure to keep you still. “Just focus on me, baby. Nothing else matters. Let me help you forget… just for a little while.” Ace tested the waters by pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips. You didn’t move away from him, seemingly frozen in surprise.
He could feel you physically wavering, wanting to pull away out of a misplaced sense of loyalty to a dead man and lean into the creature comfort Ace readily offered. Ace held perfectly still for a long moment before pulling away. Just a little.
And you followed the motion, sliding your lips to press firmly against his own. Ace felt like screaming in victory—but the fight wasn’t over yet. He needed to wipe Law from your mind completely.
Ace sighed, just a little dramatically like he was relieved you didn’t slap him. Pulling open his lips to encourage you to do the same, tongue running across the narrow gap as you gasped. Chasing the sharp inhale eagerly. He slipped his tongue over yours and you pulled away suddenly with a sharp hiccup and tears.
“I-I can’t!” You shook your head, pressing your hands over your mouth as you sobbed. Desperately, Ace soothed his hands over your shoulders.
“Hey—hey, it’s alright. Everything is alright! You haven’t done anything wrong, baby.” Ace pulled you closer to him, ignoring how you tried to jerk away, “I’m sorry… I just hate to see you cry. I want to make you happy again—but I failed—I-I should… I should just leave.” Ace pulled away suddenly and started to turn around.
A cold, desperate hand grabbed his wrist and Ace smirked. You were too sweet for your own good.
“No! A-Ace, please don’t leave me too. I-I just feel so… so alone and cold. I-I don’t know how to make it stop!” You cried out.
Ace slowly turned around with a soft and understanding expression.
“I know, baby. I know.” Ace carefully stepped closer to you, like he was ready to pull away at any moment. “Trust your best friend to make it all better?” Ace leaned in close and whispered into your ear.
With a light sniffle, you nodded, wrapping your arms around his shoulders with a shiver. Thankfully Ace was here to make everything better again.
“J-Just don’t leave me.” You asked of him.
Like he ever intended to, to begin with.
“Never.” Ace swore, pressing slow kisses across your jaw, “Just… trust the process, baby. Trust me to make it better.” Ace reassured you.
“…Okay. I trust you.” You whispered, the words vibrating on his lips delightfully. Giddy, Ace started back where he left off. Your soft lips were just begging to be tasted properly. Gently, Ace titled your chin up and slipped his tongue back in again. Flicking playfully across your own. Slowly overwhelming you with his presence as your head lifted up for more with every pass. Soft pants slipping between your lips at his sufferance.
Ace kissed you deep, refusing to part from your lips until you were dizzy and gasping for air. Your eyes a slim ring of color around the pupils, lips puffy from his abuse. You were as responsive as he thought you’d be to his advances. Even with that… unfortunate distraction, it was clear you were meant to be his. Completely. And if he wanted to prove it, he’d need to get to work.
Softly, Ace caressed your skin, pushing back the blanket still curled around your body. Stroking up your arms and shoulders as he kept kissing you breathless. Slowly, like he had imagined hundreds of times before, Ace slipped his hands under your shirt. Grip firm as he made his wild fantasies a reality, one inch of your skin at a time. You jolted in surprise, a small noise of protest forming.
The sound muffled under his tongue as he moaned loudly, his vocal appreciation flustering you as he slipped even further under your clothes. Palming your breasts blindly, fingertips brushing over your nipples as a shy groan squeaked out. Ace pulled back, toying with the stiff peaks as a sly grin overtook his features.
“You’ve been so cold baby… are you feeling warmer yet?” Ace asked softly against your lips. Flustered, you nodded. A quick pinch forcing you to use your words.
“Y-Yes!” Pecking your cheek, Ace slowly pulled up your shirt and bra.
“See? We’re just getting started and I’m already making you feel better.” Ace cooed, encouraging you to lift up your arms so he could toss away the clothes. “Go ahead. Kiss me. Don’t be afraid.” Ace gently pulled your arms to his shoulders and returned to teasing your breasts.
Face noticeably warm, you were breathless as you leaned forward clumsily and pressed a damp kiss to his neck. Ace groaned in surprise, squeezing your breasts slightly as he struggled to control himself. His cock was straining in his pants and Ace was surprised he didn’t cum from that shy kiss alone. Fuck, he’d been wanting this for years now. And now?
He was so close he could taste it.
But he had to let you indulge first. Allow you to explore his body like he desperately wanted to explore yours. Carefully, Ace let one hand slide down over your stomach, teasing the waistband of your sweatpants as he pinched and pulled on one of your breasts. You moaned, mouth open as you kissed the underside of his chin. Humming eagerly, Ace slipped his hand in, enjoying the sharp gasp in surprise as your nails dug into his shoulders.
“A-Ace! W-W-Waa—hah-o-oh~!” Ace cut you off, his middle finger hooking in low to drag up your clit. The slight dampness wasn’t much, but it would do for now. Dipping his fingers deeper, Ace scooped up the growing liquid that pooled against your underwear and ruthlessly used it against you. Slipping between your folds in unpredictable patterns of fast and slow. Hard and gentle. Until you moaned, hips grinding down on his hand.
You were leaning on him almost entirely now, mouth agape as you panted, occasionally gathering enough of your wits to kiss his neck and chest. Leaning down to your ear, Ace whispered praises.
“You’re so beautiful for me.”
“That’s it. Make that pretty sound again, sweetheart.”
“Mmm… so wet.”
“Am I making you feel good?”
“I always keep my promises.”
“Focus on me. Who’s making you feel like this?”
“Go on. Cream for me. I want to feel you.”
You were crying. Good tears this time as Ace crooked three fingers into your wet pussy. Rocking you against his hand with his body, a mockery of how hard he wanted to fuck you. And you responded beautifully. Bashfully hiding your face even as your pitiful noises echoed in the kitchen. You were so small like this, curled up against him.
Ace wondered if he could convince you to a quickie in one of the school closets, the tight space would do wonders for seeing how creative he could get… but the prospect of anyone else hearing your moans killed the idea instantly. Only he would get to see you like this. Flushed and crying out for his hand. Unknowing how hard he was for you. Your heart beating against his palm as he continued groping your breasts with one hand.
Suddenly, you keened, body freezing as your cunt squeezed his fingers hard. Trying to push him out. He chuckled softly, forcing them deeper into the soft, wet space. Fucking your cunt a little harder to pull out every last moan he could as you started to shake. As you came down from your high, Ace kissed you, stealing those precious sounds from your lips.
He wasn’t done quite yet.
“So beautiful. You did so well… but you could be even better.” Ace pulled his hand free and licked it clean. You tasted somewhat sweet and heady. The taste going straight to his cock as he moaned, much to your embarrassment. “Look at this mess, baby. How can I leave you so wet?” Ace reached down and tugged at your waistband meaningfully.
Your eyes widened as you started to realize what he was implying. You shook your head.
“I-Isn’t that… I-I think this is good enough.” Ace smiled down at you indulgently, hands dipping under your waistband but sliding to your ass instead.
“But I want to make you feel even better. Let me take care of you.” Ace licked his tongue up your neck to your ear, nipping the tip. “I want to put my face between your thighs… lick that cute little clit. Press my tongue between your lips. It must be so wet and messy down there. I want to drink it all up. Let me in, baby. Don’t you trust me?” Ace enticed you, voice a low moan as his hands dipped lower.
You lifted your hips with a moan of your own, allowing Ace to pull your sweatpants down. Leaving you bare on the counter.
Ace, no fool, wasted no time shoving his tongue into your mouth in gratitude. Hands now free to spread your thighs. After moaning, low and deep into the kiss, Ace pulled his head back. Immediately placing one of your breasts into his mouth. Mimicking the motions he was going to make shortly. Flicking your nipple with his tongue and pressing the muscle up and down the supply underside. The sounds you made in shock were divine. You gripped his hair desperately, crying out and panting. Reluctantly, he allowed your soft tit to fall free of his lips.
Slowly losing control, Ace made good on his promise immediately.
Sealing his lips over your exposed cunt and shoving his tongue into your body. Sliding against your walls, eager to taste every inch. Anything you said went right over his head in favor of the twitching heat that surrounded his tongue. Ace was more turned on than ever before at the flood of sweet cream as he fucked you. Occasionally, he nudged his nose up to press against your clit, never failing to inspire a sharp moan from you.
“A-Ah! Ah! H-Hah—ohohoh—A-Ace—ngh! Please! I-I nnnn-ne-HaHn~!” You stuttered and moaned brokenly. Ace’s cock leaking precum as he forced your knees further apart against the force of your twitching thighs.
You yanked his hair suddenly with a scream hard enough to remove him. Ace only had time to glimpse your swollen cunt dripping fresh cum before he snarled and dove back in. Hands moving to grip your ass, knees over his shoulder, as he lifted you up to pin you to his face a few inches above the counter.
You screamed, cunt throbbing hard as you gripped his head, curling over him. He almost choked on the amount of liquid flooding his face, but he noisily sucked it up. Punishing you for pulling away by nipping your clit and triggering a weak splash against his chin. Unable to pull free, you moaned and twitched as he ate to his hearts content. Cock now almost burning against his pants, aching to be deep in your pussy instead of his tongue.
Reluctantly, he set you back down, pulling away just enough to shove his pants down. Cock bobbing free. You jerked back and Ace tutted, gripping your chin to look at him.
“Am I not good enough for you, baby? Can you feel how hard I am? I’m fucking aching for relief, I’ve wanted you for so long…” Ace kissed you, rubbing his tongue still thick with the taste of your own cum around your mouth. Forcing you to taste what had driven him over the edge. “I worked so hard to make your cute little cunt cream for me. To warm you up again. I-I want to feel you around me, baby. Let me have this. Please.” Ace begged softly, grinding his heavy cock into the slick mess between your thighs.
Your eyes were teary as you looked away, still rattled by your orgasm.
Slowly, Ace pressed his hips forward, letting you feel how his cock spread your pussy open. You inhaled sharply and shook your head.
“T-Too much! T-This is too mu—Ah~!” Ace thrust in, hips slapping into your thighs. Ace moaned into your lips loudly.
“O-Oh, I-I’m so sorry baby. Here—oh fuck you’re so soft and tight around me I w-w-want to just ngh!—L-Let me pull out—” Ace slowly dragged his thick cock from the vice grip your cunt had around him. The sudden empty sensation made you dig your nails into his skin and he purposefully slammed back into place. A shrill moan slipped from your lips as he moaned into your open mouth. Ace didn’t need to play up how incredibly turned on he was, gently resting his head on your shoulder and pressing soft kisses onto your skin. “Fuck! Sorry—I-I’m sorry baby—you startled me! T-This time I-I’ll leave you.”
Ace pulled back as reluctantly as he could but his cock didn’t even make it half way before you panicked.
“No! A-Ace—Oh Ace I-I ca-can’t—Y-You pr-prom-promised--!” Ace snapped his hips into your body again.
“Y-You mean it, baby? I-I can fuck you?” Ace whispered in that sad, pathetic voice that always made you tear up.
“Y-Yes! Yes! Ye—AH—OH F-FUCK AHN—Ace I-I-I ooohhhh~hng—ah!” You agreed and Ace wasted no time drilling into you. Slamming his cock into your body fast. Driving all thoughts from the both of you besides how thick his dick was in your cunt and how fast you were already squeezing him.
Just like before, your body was too weak to force him out even as you came. His hips overpowering you to keep fucking you harder and harder. Ace eagerly let every filthy moan and perverse thought spill from him as he worked towards his goal.
“Yes! Y-Your finally mine!”
“I’m going to fuck you so much.”
“Squeeze my cock, baby. I’m so close.”
“I almost came on your tits, you were so fucking beautiful screaming for me.”
“Do it again. Scream for me.”
“Is my thick cock driving you mad? Good.”
“I’m going to cum right here.”
“Remember how good I make you feel.”
“Only for me, baby. That’s right. For me.” Ace felt the electricity shoot up his spine like a live wire as his balls tingled. Every thrust accompanied by a lewd, wet sound from how hard he was slamming into your wet cunt. Nail marks burned along his back as you screamed for him, pussy pulsing around him.
Finally, with a hard thrust, he came as deep into your cunt as he could. The world faded out as his thick cum shot out in hot spurts. He could only faintly hear you crying against his shoulder as his hips made aborted thrusts to fuck his cock deeper. Shakily, Ace rubbed your back, panting into your skin.
It was only after he felt his cock soften that he registered you were crying. Leaning back but not removing himself from the warmth of your dripping cunt, Ace looked at your face.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Ace cradled your face gently, pressing kisses to your cheeks. “Let me make it better.”
“I-I-I… How could I?” You whimpered, shaking your head, “I-I betrayed him!”
Ace frowned, pussy-drunk mind slow to process. When it did, he nearly snarled. Almost threw you to the ground to fuck those stupid thoughts from your sweet, impressionable head.
“No! Baby, no you didn’t!” Ace whispered, kissing your lips softly as he made gentle thrusts to hopefully distract you. “He’d want you to be happy. He cared about you so much… and you’ve been so upset. You’ve lost so much weight. You can barely sleep. You haven’t done anything wrong. Put those nasty thoughts out of your head.” Ace slowly started fucking you again.
You moaned, conflicted but still not thinking straight.
“I-I shouldn’t be… It’s so wrong. O-Oh~A-Ace!” You moaned as you felt his cock begin to harden inside you, “I-I’m taking advantage of you—you’re my best friend!”
Ace chuckled, kissing you into silence.
“If this is taking advantage of me, you’re welcome to keep doing it.” Ace groaned, “I’ve always loved you, baby… I just want to see you happy again. Please…”
Ace’s thrusts sped up, disrupting your sobs with moans as the mix of cum dripped down both your thighs. Ace leaned forward, forcing you back and reaching a new angle that had you weak instantly, head slamming into the cabinet. Forcefully fucking you harder against the counter, Ace smiled. Ace grabbed your thighs and lifted you up, walking over to the kitchen table.
Ace shoved you flat onto the table, lifting your hips up to directly fuck into your body. Your tears of misplaced guilt were quickly replaced by pleasure as Ace drilled into you.
He had wanted to play nice and gentle. Let you slowly forget about Law.
But it seems like he needed to take a more firm approach.
“…Trust me.”
Starting with your inability to sleep.
Fucking you hard until you passed out on his cock seemed like a wonderful start on the road to recovering from your useless ex. One day you’d forget his name entirely. Ace was going to make sure of it.
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spoopy-arcade · 1 year
(Sorry in advance - this ask ended up being long. Swap AU my beloved <3)
Swap AU Cassie is SO BABY……. would love more of her and your beautiful human Roxy.
Although - and forgive me if I ramble a bit here - this takes place in a Ruin equivalent time yeah? Wouldn’t Cassie be more banged up? It’d be sad but she probably would be right? :[
It’s okay, I’m sure Roxy could fix her up. She probably does her own car maintenance ‘cause she’s a badass.
Ooh, now I’m also wondering what a base-game Swap would be like…
Lol, it should take place during the day and Freddy’s trying to smuggle Gregory out, and shenanigans ensue! (Possibly Gregory is due to be scrapped, so Freddy wants to keep the clearly sentient, slightly feral-acting child-like robot from that fate. He got emotionally attached <3)
Of course, if Roxy and Freddy are visiting there then there is prolly some attraction attracting lone adult patrons.. idk what that means for changes to the theme of the Megaplex.. But that’s not important right now!
Also, the main obstacle for Freddy would just generally be that he is trying to steal a child-sized robot in broad daylight while the place is possibly open/at least has workers there that he has to dodge. Good luck to the big guy.
Actually, the now-humans could be workers at the Plex. Like say instead of having tons of bots all over, they only had a few (like Cassie, Gregory, and possibly Vanny?) that were designed specifically to seem/be completely harmless, and more childlike. Cassie and Gregory could’ve been made to attend birthday parties (especially of lonely/upset kids), and Vanny could be a playful and friendly older figure who helps lost kids and cheers up anyone who’s feeling down. (I’d probably include Vanessa as a security program assigned to Vanny because. Security guard. Plus we’ve already seen that with Moon.)
In this case Gregory would probably still be messed up and act weird and get retired and shut down to be scrapped for parts, leading to Freddy finding him and rebooting him and then deciding to take him home once he figures out what’s up.
That kinda begs the question of what everyone’s jobs would be in the Plex, ‘cause how would Freddy find Gregory? And why would Cassie and Roxy be close in this version?
Well I have some answers to that!! ….I have no idea what Freddy’s job would be! He has. Very little by way of interesting character traits. Same with Monty. Why are the men so uninteresting in this game. Maybe Freddy’s a manager, since he was the leader of the band? Maybe he was taking inventory when he found Gregory? Idk!
Chica is definitely easier to pick for because she actually has distinct traits, and gets the obvious choice of working in the kitchen/bakery. (On that note, this kind of feels like a lower tech AU with less automated jobs, so managerial work/cooking/other tasks that are automated in SB I’ll give to people lol)
Would it be a dick move to make Monty a janitor? Lmao I swear I don’t hate him but idk what to give him at this point. Night guard? He could be a night guard.
….do I need to assign Bonnie a job? Wouldn’t he technically be dead? (He’s associated with the wet floor bots right? He could be a janitor.)
Who I REALLY have ideas for is everybody’s favorite, Roxy!! Saved her for last cause I knew I’d go on about her. She would totally be the maintenance gal for the race track - keeping the karts in working order, making sure the track is safe to drive on, etc. I imagine she could also do general maintenance, but her main area she works in is the racetrack.
As for how she and Cassie met. Well. Roxy is shown to be a very insecure person in the games. So what if the people she knew were busy and forgot/missed her birthday? And a little bunny, built for accompanying lonely and upset folks on their birthday, sees how upset she is, and overhears Roxy talking to herself and mention her birthday?
Well, I’m just saying, that little bun might just go hunt down a spare small cake from the bakery to put some candles in, and saunter her way into the nearly empty room to place it right in front of her new friend, smile, and say “Happy birthday, Roxy!”
The thems <3 I hope any of this makes sense I am just Thinking About Them…..
OMG THESE ARE SUCH GOOD IDEAS ANON. BIG BRAINED !!! I love the job choices for the gang (Monty being a janitor/nightguard is so funny 😭) and Vanny being along with animatronic Cassie and Gregory is rlly good, it's something I definitely I thought of! (She would be a rabbit ofc)
And that last part IS SO CUUTE !! I need to draw young Roxy with Cassie.....
And to answer your first question: Yes, it takes place in ruin and she would be banged up. But!! I decided not to draw her ruined version because I wanted to show off her design, if that makes sense?? :0 when I do expand on this au, I'll change it in the future which will be PAINFUL :(
Ty for sharing these with me, anon!!
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 6 months
Aka and Toshi - OC Kiss Excerpt
Word Count: 2.1k TW: Lost in snow. Minimal blood.
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“Toshi!” Aka’s voice echoed through the mountains. Snowblinded and weary, she pushed through the drift up to her knees and clutched the extra scarf Judith had given her. The thick cloth was taken from her neck and wrapped around her hands. They were losing feeling, and she couldn’t have that. If Toshi was found, he was likely injured from that fall. Hours had passed since the unexpected skirmish knocked him off the cliff. The others all had to rest and warm their bodies, but she was more resilient to fatigue and cold than most. Even so, the night was so much worse than daylight had been. Aka cursed under her breath and stretched out her wings. Snow cascaded off them in a thin sheet and ice that had formed underneath crackled and ripped tiny cuts across the surface. Thanks to the same chill plaguing her, the injuries were mostly numb. She shook herself and trudged onward with the wind singing across snow to accompany her. After she’d lost track of time altogether, Aka finally spotted a difference of color on the horizon. Plumes of black were stark against the white shining under the moon and stars, illuminating the path well even through the gusts and thick precipitation. Course charted, she began to move faster, for where there was smoke there must be a fire, and hopefully Toshi would be there. It was hard to imagine anyone other than them would have veered so far off the path above. If the snow died down, then she could fly them out, given the appendages didn’t freeze off. Her heritage may keep her warmer than most internally, but her wings were thin and therefore more susceptible by far. 
Next trek through the snow she would get someone to make a sort of glove for them, if the cost was within means. One she arrived at the source, a narrow cave stretched out before her. With who knew how much dark still behind it, a fire was lit some ways in. Hunched over the fire was a man, or at least seemed so, though only a bit of black hair and a hand waving some paper around were outside the black blanket wrapped around him. The haircolor reignited her hope. 
“Toshi?” The head lifted and he nearly dropped the paper into the flames before snatching it out of the air. “Aka? What are you doing here? It’s fucking freezing and we’re half down the- Get inside!” Every muscle relaxed and her legs would have given out from under her if he hadn’t made such a reasonable demand. Each step further into the cave yielded more warmth, though it never reached anything like the temperatures she was accustomed to, at least he wouldn’t freeze to death. The smoke was a bit much, which made her see the reason for the fan. The smoke was able to crawl out of the cave’s mouth somewhat, but he’d also tied some ripped fabric from his spare clothes into a mask over his mouth. More of the red and white garment was tight around his leg, though it was far more red than she recalled. 
“You’re hurt.” The words left her mouth involuntarily and on a breath that emptied her chest and left it hollow. It was then her legs chose to give, but her hands reached toward the wound before stopping short. 
Healing wasn’t her talent anymore. No one had relied on her for healing for centuries, so the knowledge waned and became sword skills and footwork to challenge the very person she wanted to help now. Her wings jumped up and the gust made the fire flicker when Toshi knocked on the blood bandage over his calf. “It’s fine. I just couldn’t get back in a snowstorm with it, so I holed up in here. My luck seems to be turning about, doesn’t it?” “I wouldn’t call getting knocked off a mountain path lucky.” “Maybe not, but I’d be a handsome icicle if I hadn’t found this cave. That, and I had those books in my bag, so something to burn. I’ll have to ask everyone’s forgiveness when we get back.” 
His chuckle hardly fit the situation, but it did ease her nerves. It had always done that. Back in those days when they were together, had he meant the laughter if not the love? While she was lost for words and adjusted herself to sit by the flames, Toshi was staring at her slackjaw. 
“What is it?” Aka asked. “Your wings… Did you fly here?” “Have you lost your mind? I managed to glide down in small bursts, but wind and ice such as this would be incredibly dangerous to try to fly in, even if my wings could stand it.” “So you searched for me on foot? All this time?” The smile on his face made her drag her tail into her lap and curl up with it nearer to the heat. The smoke didn’t affect her as badly as it did him, and moving in made him cough and her jerk to one palm on the ground. “Easy, easy. I’m just going to help a little.” “Help what?” She bared her teeth and her tail raised as a crystal spiked weapon. When he touched her she gasped and her hand went to her rapier’s hilt, yet his hand was gentle and smoothed something across her wing. A tingling sensation, long forgotten but familiar, let her relax. No one would put medicinal ointment on someone they planned to attack. 
How many nights now had she watched over him since they left Galavarn? Always in his room. Always awake whilst he rested. She stood guard against with her sword in hand, and yet he would fall asleep each night all too easily.  “There. Should help that heal. Can’t fly out of here when it calms down if you're unable to get in the sky.”
“These cuts hardly would have prevented me from taking off, even with your weight in tow.”
He shrugged and put the canister back in his bag. It looked much lighter than it had that morning when they set off from camp. The front had collapsed inward and nothing but a few pages remained in a single text to his left. As the fire dwindled, he tossed the pages and binding in altogether. Aka wrapped her arms around herself. The fire wouldn’t last the night.
“How long until it burns out?”
“An hour or so,” Toshi answered.
Not much time, especially when she looked out and knew it was much longer than that until sunrise, perhaps longer still for the storm to ease up. Her gaze drifted back to his leg as he opened a bottle of soup. For a second, he motioned as if to hold some out for her, then grimaced and took it back. Aka chuckled under her breath.
“Even if I did require that type of sustenance, I wouldn’t take something that contains my own blood. I’m adept at starving myself by now,” Aka whispered.
His hair hung in his face down to his chin, at least what wasn’t long and tied up behind him, so she couldn’t see his expression even as she tried to lean for a better vantage point. He was white-knuckling his bottle of soup. That much was clear. It shook in his grip before he tossed a bunch back into his mouth at once. Uneasy silence filled the spaces between the crackles of fire until Aka cleared her throat.
“You could rest. At least as long as the fire holds, rest would be good for you and your injury. I can watch the fire.”
“I’d rather freeze to death awake.”
Her tail slapped the ground. The jolt through the ground made Toshi sit up straighter and scoff.
“What? You think I have a shot? I don’t have the blood you do.”
“Perhaps not, but the very fact you’ve needed to mix blood in with your food says you aren’t back to being fully human. Something from Yani changed you, and I for one am certain the great Varin wouldn’t have let a little snow be his undoing.”
“I’m not that guy anymore. Just Toshi here, that’s all.”
“Even so, have a little faith you’ll make it through. You set up this fire and everything!”
Aka stared at him and realized with a pink blush she’d leaned in closer to argue her point. Toshi remained still and she wondered how cold he would be once the fire died down. Wasn’t moving about a good thing to do? She’d lived in tropical climes so long there wasn’t a lick of advice that came to mind she could be sure of.
None but one. She gulped and moved around to his backside. Toshi twisted to see her, but she jabbed fingers to his jaw to turn him back around.
“Don’t make anything of this. We need you around.”
“What are you- oh.” Toshi went even more rigid as she wrapped her legs, arms, and wings around him to try and retain the heat. Ointment dried by the flames and made the whole cave smell not only of smoke, but medicine too. Joy. Aka tried to focus on that and the flicker of the flames as both went quiet.
At first, Aka thought it was just a mutual agreement to not talk about holding her sort-of ex like this, yet after a few minutes soft snores rattled under her left wing. She jerked, but he didn’t budge a bit from his slumber. He was wounded. He’d also fought so hard up on the mountain. The least she could do was let him rest. She’d play lookout again. Only this time she was on his side again. Her tail skirted the cave floor back and forth before wrapping over his legs, careful of her spines.
After the fire died, the temperature plummeted fast. The good news was that the wind didn’t carry this deep, so at least they were dry. Every breath was counted in the otherwise silent place. If they stopped, she’d have a whole other problem on her hands. Her wing moved up enough for her to peek at his resting face. Nightmares plagued him many nights she stood guard, but for hours he hadn’t made a peep or tossed about at all. Her wings were a warm and heavy blanket. The notion made her smile until she caught herself.
Even so, Toshi had been nothing but good to her since he returned. Perhaps grating at times during their bickering, but he always did his best as part of the group. He was really intending on paying them all back for saving his neck, wasn’t he? Especially the one whose blade had once rested against it time and time again.
Aka’s wings fluttered beyond her control. It’d been ages since she felt it, so long in fact, she was startled and woke him up with her sharp gasp that echoed. His eyes only opened halfway before he grinned lopsided up at her.
“Hey there. You’re pretty every morning, huh? Guess it’s easy if you don’t ever sleep.”
“I’m only-”
His hand found hers on her knee and lay over it. From the side, his face was so much more sleek. The one she recalled hours and hours at close quarters had been different. Less sleek, more gaunt. She’d admired the scar and his stories, the aged look and wisdom he offered. Adjusting to a pre-deal version he half-healed into was difficult. He was both someone who hurt her beyond anything else, and someone who could smile at her hand with sleep still blocking his vision.
“Thank you. Looks like the sun’s been up a while now. Storm looks to be dying a little. Just a bit longer,” Toshi said.
Was that an observation or a plea?
She was half-answered as he took her hand in his. Her tail raised to high alert and pointed the ending spear-point at him, but he didn’t flinch. She didn’t strike. Toshi smiled after a short stalemate and slid his grip down to only hold her fingers. Before she could tell what he was doing, a kiss was planted on the back of her hand, swift and sure. Toshi smirked at her blabbering and words failing her.
“Was hoping I’d see that version of Aka again. Take it as thanks, or an IOU if you want more later.”
Aka’s tail swatted over his good leg and he yelped.
“You can pay us back the usual way when you’re healed. Let’s get moving.”
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sl-newsie · 8 months
Query: Q x 00 Agent- Ch. 9: Double Trouble
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That night I sleep very well. I’ve noticed that recovering from missions is getting easier, which is something I don’t know how to think about. Is it good that I no longer have night terrors of the people I killed? I wake up feeling calm for once. Sadly now that my Hamburg mission is over all that’s left to do is wait for my next assignment. Unlike Bond I keep up with paperwork, so the only productive thing I can think of is a quick training session. The next 2 hours leave me fatigued but still alert, and it’s only noon.
“Why so glum?” Moneypenny asks as I enter the break room.
“No new work to do. Has M said anything?”
She shakes her head. “He’s been busy with the new security program. You could help Q in the lab, if you want. He’s always hiding in there from broad daylight, so some company could be healthy for him.”
I snag a granola bar and chuckle at her suggestion. “I don’t think my company is something he’d appreciate. So I will go annoy him anyway.” I turn to leave, then realize something’s afoot. “Where’s Bond?”
If Moneypenny is in kahoots with him she’s hiding it very well. “He mentioned something about going to see an old friend.”
My eyes narrow. “I see. Please call if there are any updates, and by that I mean please let me know when he gets fired.”
Moneypenny doesn’t respond as I walk away. Jesus Bond, what are you up to now? I quickly signal a cab and head straight for the security building. When I walk into Q’s lab I find him slumped against his desk holding his head in his hands.
“The car’s gone, isn’t it?”
He doesn’t stir. “All that was left was a cooling bottle of champagne, which I am using to get drunk on.” Q points to the opened bottle on his desk. “Care to join me?”
“You and alcohol are two things I would not put in a sentence, Q. Put that away before you do something stupid.” I relocate the bottle to the back table and tut about the current predicament. “You can’t brag to Bond about a new car and not expect him to swipe it. I imagine he put you up to something?”
“You know I can’t lie.”
Bond’s disobeying orders? Why doesn’t this surprise me? “Must be important. He knows what he’s doing.”
“You’re not worried about M finding out?”
I put my hand on my hips. “He can’t pin anything on me. I’m shocked that you actually caved and let Bond go.”
Q bites his lip and looks to the floor. “He threatened my cats.”
Once again, this does not surprise me. “Oh well that’s on a whole new level of blackmail. Thank heavens, for a moment I thought you lost your marbles!”
Q groans, still holding his head. “Hilarious, 0011. You seem pretty tame for learning that Bond’s not being honest with you.”
I pick up a knife and twirl it through my fingers. “Oh I’m still mad at him. Since he’s always trusted me I thought I’d be left in the loop, but it’s just more secrets being added to the pile. So I’m guessing we just wait for him to call or turn up dead?”
“Lord only knows with that man,” Q mutters, then changes his tone. “Why are you here? M didn’t mention any new assignments.”
Oh, so now I can’t pop in for a visit? My my, Q’s quite touchy.
“I have no new task, so Moneypenny said to help you in the lab.” I turn to face him directly. “If you are so displeased by my offered assistance then I shall go waste time somewhere else.”
Before he can mock my fidgety enthusiasm I return the knife to the table and storm towards the door. To think I was actually willing to help that ungrateful-
“I do have something you could do.”
Stopping dead in my tracks I pivot and face the shaggy-haired geek, who walks over and hands me- keys?
“I don’t understand. What do you want me to do with keys?” I ask.
Q smiles and nods his head at the giant metal door. “Take her for a spin.”
I connect his words with the keys in my hand. “Really? You’re not joking?”
“It’s better for both of you. You’re not stuck inside and that bike’s not collecting dust.” Q shoos me off. “Go on. You can return it tomorrow.”
I feel like a kid who just got ungrounded. The gesture is so small, yet so big and trusting at the same time. I don’t know whether to laugh or kiss him- Wait, no. Just no. Strangle that thought and kill it with arsenic. Q just did a very thoughtful courtesy, the least you can do is thank him.
I grip the keys and give him a stern nod. “Thanks, Q. This means a lot.”
He gets a distant look and nods in return. “Like I’ve said before, I know a thing or two about being an underestimated youth. You’re a 00 agent, you deserve your own vehicle. Now go!”
A wide grin spreads on my face as I race to the shining motorcycle, the engine roaring to life like a ferocious tiger. The vintage design reminds me of the bikes I used to race as a teenager, and as I give a final wave to Q before speeding out the back hatch into the street I can’t help but think of how much my life has changed.
The motorcycle runs like a dream. I drive it all around London and even dare to race out into part of the country to test going up to 100 miles per hour. It’s only half the speed and it’s perfect. I know it’s not for me to know, but I wouldn’t mind finding out about where Q learned to work miracles with technology. He’s so talented he could create his own business but instead he decides to be part of the MI6. Putting those thoughts aside I drive back to London, only now realizing I’m not too sure where to go. Is the old central building still operational or has everything been evacuated?
I pull out my cell and dial Moneypenny. Thankfully she picks up quickly.
“Hello, um, where is Cricket?” 
On the other end I hear her yawn. Oh, right. It’s one in the morning.
“Him and your belongings are still at the old compound. I made sure M didn’t touch anything. And yes, Cricket has been fed.”
I sigh in relief. “Thanks, Eve. You’re a lifesaver! Sorry about the call, I know it’s late. Or is it early…?”
She laughs. “Believe me, this isn’t the worst call I’ve gotten. “Goodnight, Levie.”
So I do still have a home. For now. I’ve been meaning to find another apartment but, if I’m being honest I’ve been too busy. I guess my job has become my home. That and it’s been convenient to live in Q’s old lab. Not just the fact that it’s Q’s old lab. Not at all.
I must be tired. After driving to the old MI6 center I wheel the bike in with me to the basement. I’ve never had my own vehicle before and I will not leave this treasure unprotected outside for some random hooligan to scam. My last mission took up two weeks but to me it feels like I haven’t been “home” in months. I crash on the small twin bed and am out like a light in seconds.
Sleep still comes far too easy. When I first began as a 00 agent there were recurring nightmares of all the killing I’ve done. Now I hardly dream at all. When I open my eyes I’m shocked to find the clock reading 2 in the afternoon. That Hamburg mission must have taken more out of me than I thought.
After a quick cleanup and a fresh change of clothes I drive back to Q’s lab. He, as usual, is tinkering with more tech.
“Decided to sleep in, did we?” he taunts lightly.
“I’m not on any assignments. Who says I’m not allowed to?” I remark as I wheel the bike back to the garage. 
“Oh, good. You actually brought it back.” Q seems impressed. “How did she run?”
My eyes widen. “To quote Charles Dickens, ‘as good as gold and better.’ It’s amazing, Q!”
Just then I hear Q’s phone ring so I continue putting the bike away while he takes the call.
“Please tell me that 007 is in London,” M’s voice rings out.
“Oh! Um, yes. I will take a look at that now.”
I look over in response to his uneven voice, seeing Q give me a nervous look. M doesn’t sound happy.
“Is 007 in London?” M asks more urgently.
Q bites his lip as he pretends to check the smart blood status. “Oh, yes. Yes he is.”
Silence slinks by. “He better be.”
The conversation dies down and I’m unable to hear the rest. I can only notice it’s threatening to Q.
“I completely understand, sir.” Q hangs up the phone. “If Bond makes me lose my job I’m going to kill him.”
I put my hands on my hips. “Look at you, mister silver tongue. Lying like a true pro.”
He looks up with a smirk. “Learned all of it from you, 0011.”
Now my phone rings. It must be- Yes. It’s M. Now he’s trying to get me to talk.
“0011, what’s your location?”
I flash Q a look. “Still stuck in London.”
M sighs. “Good, at least someone is following orders. I just got done with the Nine Eyes meeting. The resolution was not unanimous, so it has not been adopted. I am going to attempt to ask C to reconsider.”
He better if he wants to upkeep everything we’ve struggled to build over the years. “It’s best you do, M. This whole program is against all forms of privacy and security it’s meant to represent.”
“Oh. One more thing. Tell Q I send my deepest apologies.”
The moment M hands up my phone dings, showing he sent me a new article. One with a front-page photo of the Aston Martin Bond crashed in a river. No surprise.
I walk over to Q. “That was M. Says the Nine Eyes program wasn’t passed through.”
He tilts his head. “Can’t say I’m disappointed.”
“There’s something else. Not exactly all good news.” I look up at him cautiously.
Q looks down and sighs. “Let me guess. The car’s wrecked?”
I hold up my phone and show him the article M sent. His sad eyes make me think Q’s about to cry.
“I poured part of my soul into that car!” He whines.
It’s sad to see him like this. I put an arm around him and he hangs his head. “It will be missed, dear Quartermaster. Might I suggest you don’t show Bond anymore cars?”
Q nods and lifts his head, only realizing just how close we are now. He stiffens up, making me remember he doesn’t do hugs. But it’s just one arm around his back. How can he be so skittish?
He tightens his jaw and turns to walk over to grab his laptop. “That’s it. I’m going to find him myself.”
Is he serious?
“Q, you can hardly lie to anyone. What makes you think you’re capable of sneaking around under M’s nose?”
He locks eyes with me. “I had a good teacher.”
Glad to know I’m not completely useless to him. Since Q’s all keen on tracking down Bond I don’t see a reason why I can’t help. I’ve got nothing better to do.
“It’ll be nice to be back in the field again,” I comment out loud as I grab a fresh uniform from the storage cabinet and head to the water closet to change.
Q doesn't seem to share my interest. “You shouldn’t risk it. If M finds out you’re involved you could get fired too. Bond’s only trouble for you.”
I step out, dressed in proper mission attire, and strap a holster around my thigh. I notice Q’s stern gaze falters and he quickly looks away.
“He’s trouble for both of us. And right now he needs our help. Particularly your help.”
“Then why are you following me?” Q asks as he grabs his messenger bag.
“You need a bodyguard,” I say simply.
He blinks. “Excuse me?”
I ignore him and gather up some ammunition. “Plus I’m tired of being stuck underground. I’m restless, I can’t help it!”
“You need a hobby.” Q rolls his eyes.
“My job is my hobby. So where are we going?”
“The smart blood shows that Bond is meeting with a new lead in Austria, so we will contact him there. We can take the Eurotunnel.”
I raise a brow. “You just don’t want to fly, do you?”
His stern face doesn’t change. “Not if I can avoid it. Quickly grab whatever necessities you need. I suggest you wear something warm. We leave in half an hour.”
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phoebe-delia · 2 years
Hiya, friend! If you fancy it for Eight Drarry Nights, I'd love to see what you can come up with from Taylor Swift's song, "I Did Something Bad" as a prompt. :D
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Night 3: Pitchforks and Proof
Oh, Krissy, it would be my pleasure. This is one of my favorites off reputation for sure, and I don't think I've done this for Drarry yet! So that's exciting. Thank you very much for prompting it @sugareey-makes-stuff. cw: corrupt police work. Enjoy! Read the other Hanukkah fics so far here.
"Come again?" Robards frowned. "Did you say—"
"We lost him, sir," Jones sighed. "We lost him."
Robards slammed his fist down on the table, making the stacks of files on the surface tremble and everyone else in the room jump. "How?! How did you lot let him slip away? Remind me, Jones—since you seem to be the only one brave enough to speak for the group–is this the first time you've let him get away?"
Jones winced. "Er, no sir."
"Is it the second?"
"It's the third!" Robards roared. "The third time you've let Malfoy get away!" He glared at the room. "Why hasn't one of you put a tracking spell on him yet?"
"Er, sir, don't we need a warrant—"
Robards pushed the papers off the table and onto the floor. He leaned forward, pressing his palms onto the desk as he all but snarled at Jones. "Draco Malfoy is on the Ministry's Most Wanted List! Do you know how much he's stolen? Millions. Millions of galleons from his father's old cronies!" Robards shouted. "My order is all the warrant you need! The Wizengamot can kiss my arse if they've got a problem with it! Do you understand?"
The group mumbled their "yes sirs" and avoided Robards' gaze—all except Harry, who stayed silent in the back.
Robards sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Right. Now get out, all of you."
Harry let the other aurors file out of the room first before he followed behind them, not giving Robards another glance.
Harry stuffed his hands in his pockets and strode purposefully away from the Ministry building. He still hadn't adjusted to the winter weather, with night washing away the daylight sooner than he liked. Still, there was a peacefulness to it; to walking home in the cold, exhaling and seeing his breath in the freezing air, proof he was somehow still warm inside.
Finally, he made it to the apparition point. He closed his eyes, letting his magic take him home.
Harry landed in his flat with a sigh of relief. He tugged on his ear, which was a bit stuffed up from the apparition, to let it relax back to normal. He walked over to his bar cart and poured himself a glass of firewhiskey.
He didn't turn or startle at the sound of the door opening. Instead, he smiled to himself at the sound of the door clicking shut and then footsteps trailing into the room, and then stop.
"One for you, too?" Harry asked without turning around.
"Yes, please."
Harry picked up another tumbler and filled it with the drink. Satisfied, he turned around, and put the other glass in an outstretched hand. "Long day?"
Draco tipped his glass back into his mouth, nearly draining it in one sip. He swallowed and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "You don't know the half of it."
Harry snorted, taking a sip of his own drink. "I have some idea. You're a tough bloke to catch, you know."
Draco smirked. "I know. I aim to keep it that way."
Harry set down his glass and closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around Draco's waist. "As do I, love." He pressed a kiss to Draco's lips. "So, where's this donation headed?"
Draco smiled. "I was thinking Club Care; they've got such a great kids' program. Either that, or Wishing Whale."
"That's the one that fights pollution, right?"
"Yes," Draco said. "Great cause. Plus, I love the name."
Harry chuckled. "You do love a good pun."
"I do," Draco sighed. "It's my only weakness."
Later that night, they were cuddled in bed, with Harry's head on Draco's chest. Their conversation about recent gossip from their friends had fallen into a lull. It was silent, until Harry finally said, "They want to track you."
Draco frowned. "Who?"
"The Ministry. The Aurors. Robards said we have to put a tracking spell on you the next time we see you."
Draco's hand stilled where it had been combing through Harry's hair. "Is he getting a warrant?"
Harry snorted. "What do you think?"
Draco scoffed. "Silly of me to ask. Well, what do you think?"
"I think I should do it," Harry said. "Be the one to cast the spell, I mean. If we're going to keep this up, with me on the inside, then I should be the one with the most access to you, right?"
Draco resumed stroking Harry's head. "Agreed."
They were both silent for a few more moments until Harry spoke again. "We should talk about the way this all ends," he said. "We can't keep this up forever."
Draco nodded. "I know love. I promise we'll figure it out."
Harry glanced up at him. "Together, right?"
"Yes, Harry, together," Draco said with a small smile. "Always."
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letthewhumpbegin · 2 years
Those Hands - The Last of Us
Fandom: The Last of Us Characters: Joel Miller, Ellie Williams Prompt: This was written for the prompt "Bloodied Knuckles" off my @badthingshappenbingo card. (Card at the bottom of this post) Word count: 1313 Warnings: mentions of violence, blood and injuries to hands.
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They had made it out alive, but only just. A simple supply stop at a seemingly abandoned petrol station, turned sideways when Joel and Ellie ran into a duo of raiders.
The first of the raiders was caught off guard by their presence and Joel fairly easily managed to shoot him. But with his weapon jamming after that first shot, and the second raider now aware of them, Joel had no other choice than to finish things with his bare hands.
In the end, Joel didn't remember how many punches he threw. He eventually had the raider worked onto the ground, and after that he saw red. All he could think of as he punched his fists down again and again, was Ellie. If he lost this fight, she would be all alone, and that was something he would not allow to happen.
Joel hadn't lost control over himself like this in a long while, and he only stopped his punches once the raider had long stopped moving underneath him. Joel sat breathing hard, looking down at his bloodstained hands. He had forgotten what it felt like to kill a person, instead of an Infected, and it was a feeling he surely could have done without ever experiencing again.
"Joel...?" He was pulled out of his trance by Ellie's voice sounding from behind him. Joel slowly rose to his feet and turned around to face Ellie. He knew she had seen all of this and he could only imagine what she must be thinking of him now.
Ellie looked back at him with a look of utter shock and disbelief portrayed on her face. From her wide eyes to the single tear track across her cheek, everything told Joel that Ellie was definitely upset from what she had just witnessed. And quite frankly, Joel scared himself with this sudden outburst of violence as well.
"Car." Joel growled the single word, and maybe for the first time since they met, Ellie obliged him without protest or backtalk.
The car ride was spent in silence. Ellie wasn't quite comfortable with the speed with which Joel drove, but she didn't dare say something about it. Everything about Joel currently emanated for Ellie to keep her distance and let him be. From his bloody hands clamped around the steering wheel to the muscles of his forearms flexed to their max, and from his tightly set jaws to his iron gaze at the road ahead, nothing invited Ellie to even utter a single word.
They drove for little over an hour, when Joel suddenly steered the car onto a path leading into a forest. Every day they sought the cover of the trees for the night, but daylight wasn't even fading yet now. They drove deeper and deeper into the forest, until a creek blocked their way and they could go no further.
Joel wordlessly switched the engine off and got out of the car. He nearly stumbled over to the edge of the creek, where he sank down on a stray boulder.
Ellie wasn't sure how long she remained in the car until she finally mustered up the courage to move. She cautiously approached Joel. He looked extremely on edge, but at the same time more vulnerable than she had ever seen him.
"Joel?" Ellie sat down on the grass in front of him and folded her legs. Joel sat unmoving. He didn't respond to her in any way, not with a word, a sound or even a small movement. All he did was sit, slightly hunched over, and stare at his bloodied hands resting in his lap.
Ellie eyed Joel's injured hands with a sudden feeling of sympathy and gratitude. Those hands had saved her life just now, because she sure as hell would not have been able to fight those raiders off alone. Those hands which were now covered in blood, scrapes and bruises. Those hands which now held a distinct tremble to them in the aftermath of everything that had happened today.
"We need to clean that up," Ellie spoke softly, indicating Joel's battered hands. Joel didn't respond. He sat like frozen, turned into himself, and not acknowledging her or anything else around him.
Ellie had made up her mind, though. Joel had saved her life, so the least she could do was take care of his injuries. She quickly collected a pot, towels and bandages from the car, before sitting down in front of Joel again. She scooped some water from the creek behind her and dipped one of the towels in it.
Ellie gently reached for Joel's right hand, which seemed to be in the worst condition. He didn't protest as she carefully pulled his hand towards her and started cleaning off the blood. Most of the blood wasn't his, but especially Joel's knuckles were bruised, bloody and scraped severely, and his ring finger held such a bruise and swelling that Ellie feared it might be broken.
Joel winced audibly when she accidentally ran the towel a little too hard over one of the bigger abrasions on his knuckles. Ellie startled. "I'm sorry..." For the first time since they had arrived here, Joel moved. He rearranged his legs and sat up a little straighter, but he didn't pull his hand away from her. "It's okay," he mumbled.
Ellie took a second before she quietly continued cleaning Joel's hands. She washed off the blood, made sure there was absolutely no dirt or anything left in the scrapes and cuts, and finally dried his hands.
Even though it hurt, Joel didn't make another sound. He saw how Ellie responded to his single wince, and he knew his behavior ever since the fight at the petrol station had scared her.
"Ellie..." Her name rolled off his lips in such a caring way, that her eyes immediately found his face now. "I just need to apply a bandage and then you should be fine," she said softly. Joel recognized her attempt to avoid the subject he really wanted to address with her. He slowly moved to take Ellie's hands in his. It hurt his battered knuckles and broken finger, but he not once ceased the gesture.
"I'm sorry you had to see that." Joel spoke softly, voice full of emotion all of a sudden. "I lost control. It hasn't happened to me in a long time, and I...didn't know how to deal with it for a moment." "You scared the shit out of me," Ellie confessed. "I know. And I'm very sorry about that." Joel hung his head. His heart sank even further when he felt Ellie slowly pull her hands out of his. He had thoroughly fucked this up. Just when he had started to care for her, something he had never thought possible after losing Sarah, he had gone and blown it all to smithereens.
Now it was Joel's turn to startle when he suddenly felt Ellie's warm, comforting hand come to rest against his cheek. He looked up at her and saw tears sparkle in her eyes. "Don't apologize." She almost whispered. "this: the state of your hands, the state of you... it saved my life. You saved my life." Joel nodded slowly, lost for words. Ellie smiled at him, before slowly pulling her hand away from Joel's cheek and started bandaging up his raw, scraped and bloodied knuckles.
Joel watched her work. She was right, he had saved her life. Finally he understood why he had lost control the way he did at the petrol station: there was something to live for again, something to protect with every fibre of his being. And that something was Ellie. Her being okay was worth a few bruises, a broken finger, and scraped, bloody knuckles. And Joel knew, if it ever came to it, he would do it again in a heartbeat.
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