#was it a druid or something idk its awesome
buppydoll · 1 year
on my fourth rewatch of dungeons and dragons honor among thieves even tho ive neevr played dnd a day in my life. also holgas fucking HOT. and strong. god i want her
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demonstars · 1 year
oh youre right, i could totally see dsmp as a dnd campaign with the rp and bloopers are nat 1s while rolling a dice. what classes would u think dteam be?
HI ANONIE this will be so long bear with me. i love dnd i love it so much i think about it every day of my life
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like youre so right with the nat 1 analogy i just know sapnap could say the most awesome action ever and be hit by one and having their dm just describe in detail how badly he fucked up. Anyway, based on lore
i think dream would either have a warlock or a druid. with the first, THE DRAMA. i feel like him getting the book of revival and making a literal deal with the devil to revive people an becoming bent into learning everything about that power, its limits and how it can be used is soooo warlock also he would love to fuck with them dark magics and his character would be so fucking dramatic and i'm all here for it. also like this is so cdream
Unlike bookish wizards, warlocks supplement their magic with some facility at hand-to-hand combat. They are comfortable in light armor and know how to use simple weapons.
for the second i just think necromancer druids are just so fucking COOL and dream would adore to have animals on his side IS HIS DISNEY PRINCESS SWAG also he can still have magic nd stuff just less powerful -> maybe more focus on fighting? maybe even be the healer of their group
sapnap would obviously be the tank he'd love to have the physical prowess and buff and i just think he'd find it just fun to do the battle scenes — so like obviously barbarian and fighter are options. but i also think Maybe paladin? csapnap is just so loyal and is so faithful. he'd taje the blade oath but also he'd never get as good as other members of it <- about to throw up. OR PALADIN OF THE SHIELD. thinking outside of the dsmp and onto another character i think he'd have so much fun with is of course a ranger, also it would make for such awesome lore for druid dream + ranger sapnap growing up together in the forest. My dreamnappies they're family....
finally. george astounds me. a part of me says ranger too because of the stealth and the way he kind of slips into the foreground to get what he wants on the dsmp, but i also don't know if that's something he'd enjoy ... a While ago i shared more thoughts about dteamDnd but i can't find them and honestlu i just Don't Know... my gut says sorcerer or artificer tho. But idk if he'd have Fun. Maybe bard for the cunt of it all ... honestly if you have any idea .. cgeorge is a rogue tho no doubt of it
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and another oc asks for emil <3
- local emil kisser
i finally organised all my oc banners into the same folder. are you proud?
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🛏️ What does your OC’s bed look like? What would they like their bed to look like?
Well he doesn't have a home. Or a consistent place he stays. Emil is on the run? So I guess i'll answer the second half! He misses his king sized bed with the deep red sheets and the black canopy, he wants that back one day. It was so comfortable.
🐁 Capybaras are friend-shaped. What shape does your OC have?
A problem shape.
🌧️ What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
Preferably inside a warm tavern with a glass of the strongest alcohol the place serves.
🪨 Someone gifts your OC a shiny rock. What do they do with it?
If its a small enough rock he'll keep it! He doesn't have much storage on the run but he appreciates the gesture.
🐹 Which would be your OCs favorite Pokemon? What kind of trainer would they be?
In the pokemon au he's the Cadea Region's Champion's Royal Guard! His team is as follows: Gardevoir (Marceau), Shuppet (Narcisse), Sylveon (Colette), (Shiny) Phantump (Roselle), Snom (Cutest Boy Ever also known as Snom Nom and Oriane), Sableye (Evrard)
🎲 If your OC played a pen and paper RPG, what class would they pick? Warrior, mage, thief, ranger, cleric, paladin, druid, necromancer, bard (or other, if that’s not enough).
I actually played Emil as an Order of the Mutant Bloodhunter! It was super awesome! I think he'd choose a Bloodhunter too! Maybe Ghostslayer though. :)
🎮 If your OC lives or would live in the modern world, would they like video games? What would be their favorite game?
He'd love video games! I like to think he'd make an awesome fps/horror streamer
👎 Is there someone your OC can’t stand, despite them being on the same side or sharing basic values?
Emil doesn't get along with most people due to his standoffish personality. Even if they're on the same side. This misunderstanding leads to a lot of people he can't stand.
🌈 Does your OC speak more than one language? If so, how many and which?
(Fantasy) English, French, and conversational German.
🥪 On a scale from ‘burns water’ to '5 course menu’ how well can your OC cook?
He's a 2. On what scale? Idk. But he's a two. he's not great. he will fail at a recipe seven times before making something edible, but at least he gets there.
📚 Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose?
The aristocracy in relation to ancient times.
🪄 Does your OC have any special powers? If so, are they normal in this OC’s universe?
Same sort of thing where allogenes aren't common but they aren't not normal. Emil does later become an 'interstice' though. Someone that lives between living and dead. Who will die but cannot stay dead, forever existing in a limbo sort of state. THAT isn't normal.
🎨 Does your OC have any craft skill, as a hobby or profession? If so which?
Not really lol
🌳 Would your OC survive for a week on their own in the wilderness?
🌊 Has your OC ever seen the ocean? If not, do they want to? What do they think of it?
He's seen it. He's seen more impressive things though.
🥞 Does your OC take proper care of themselves, like getting enough sleep and eating properly?
Emil tries to? But its kind of hard. He doesn't sleep very well, insomniac.
🤝 Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
Laure usually. He trusts her to be there for him but not ask questions. He appreciates not having to spill why.
🌌 If your OC has a nightmare, what’s it most likely about?
Losing his sisters.
🪤 What is one thing that could be used to lure your OC into a trap?
Said sisters. Or Ohm, strangely enough.
🎒 If your OC had to pick three things of all their belongings to keep, which would they chose?
His (rather, Mitch's) hair clips. His sword. A bracelet Alexis made him.
🕐 Was there ever a time your OC would have given everything to turn back the clock 5 minutes? What happened?
When he lost his eyesight + gained his Vision. He'd have struck first.
🎭 What is the one thing your OC regrets most? Would they undo it, considering how their life turned out?
Leaving his sisters behind. He'd undo it. Bring them with him.
🔪 What does your OC think how they’ll die? 
Emil figures he should be dead already, he's thankful every day he gets to push forward and keep going. Unbridled human determination. So he tries not to think of how.
📅 If your OC had one day left to live, how would they spend it?
He'd go home.
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thecrushheb · 5 months
Finally finished Pathfinder Kingmaker! Clocked in at 158 hours. A full 20 more than Wrath of the Righteous. Unlike WotR I played on core difficulty and never had to drop it, more because of me than either game. I'm sure WotR gets spikier due to the epic levels thing going on, but I'd have to give it another go to see if it's actually that much harder. Biggest difference in difficulty for me was that this time I actually understood how to buff for each situation (on second thought, the 20 hour difference might just have been in buffing lmao, not really but, like fr).
Spoiler review below the cut
The story isn't quite on par with WotR, and the companions are nowhere near, but the diversity of the campaign was vastly vastly superior. From kobolds and trolls, to liches, to barbarian hordes, to fey, and really almost everything in between it felt like. I mean there were times where it really felt like peak rpg for me. Vordekai right into Armag was an insanely cool stretch. Compare that to WotR where its really one note, just demons and cults. From P:K to WotR there was a huge jump in quality basically across the board, except for that one drawback.
Speaking of characters, I didn't really connect with anyone except Ekun, Tristian, Harrim aaaand.... Kind of Jubilost? I liked others, Nok-Nok was good of course but had little depth, linzi I was sad to see die but she was a bit too earnest and glowing to not get on my nerves. I finished everyone's quest. ended up killing Jaethal at the end of hers (deserved, i was playing good). Tristians story was the best written, Harrims was compelling and how they let more and more depth to his philosophy drip in was good. Ekun had a great arc and good writing to his story too, probably the best actual positive change arc with how I played him. Have to say the voice acting on everyone was top notch. I'd be lying if I pretended Amiri didn't get old quick, and Octavia is not what I'm looking for in a relationship story and it felt like that's pretty much what she was only written to be so that got old too. Val was interesting but also felt like the writers were trying to say something but they weren't sure exactly what during the writing or they had a good arc and felt like it was too on the nose preachy so they muddled it idk, but it felt kind of all over the place with its point. Hated Reg, he was annoying and evil, Jubilost could have done with a more compelling story I didn't dig the bleaching and he also had no arc. The idea and arc behind Kalikke/Kinerah/Kaessi was awesome but underdelivered and i was kind of romancing them but their class wasn't useful enough to have them around that much or maybe I just didn't feel like putting in way more extra time figuring out how to get them to be great. I did like their story a lot, but then at the end I think there was a glitch and I couldn't recover them in the house and they didn't show up for the last battle. I loved how Tristian and Harrims plots made them seem mythical, Tristian tied into the main plot made him so awesome.
I played mostly with a party of Ekun (and Okbo! Got to be great friends with my panther) Val (fully buffed ended up with 68AC for the battle with the Lantern King) Octavia, Tristian, and Jubilost. Most substitutable was Jubilost because he was just extra DPS but his bombs not missing and being tripping made him indispensable at the end, plus great buffer. I played a Druid, the anti-Fey one, and it was great. Having 3 tanks was dope with my panther, Ekun, and Val.
To conclude, Pacing sucked and Kingdom management was the culprit it wasn't worth all that time for what it was. Companions were good enough with a couple moderately memorable ones. Main plot was good, might have been great with proper pacing because of how varied it was but it's impossible for me to give a better grade, definitely not top or anything because it wasn't really thematic or philosophical at all, but they weren't reaching for that. Mechanically it was absolutely top level. Got me to think deeply about my choices but play with some freedom, pushed me to try not to rest exactly the right amount, couldn't have asked for a better challenge - fun balance. Wont replay probably ever because I didn't feel like I missed anything and the kingdom management would be even more unbearable a second time. It felt decently reactive in the ending slides, but actively reactive... A little lacking compared to WotR or even something like Mask of the Betrayer and certainly not BG3 which is the goat in that regard. 158 hours well spent, didn't regret them, might inspire me to replay WotR but I probably should finish BG3 first at least once.
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trpg-dingusmaster · 8 months
Been blasting through my painting pile of shame, both minis that need to be fully painted and minis that need repair for different reasons.
My regular Wednesday game has been good but different. Our usual setting is on hold because everyone needs a break from it for different reasons. We're doing a scifi hack of 5e that actually feels nice to play. We've tried a couple and not all of them hit right for us.
My Saturday night game is still on hold but I'm still hopeful as are the others. A few have had a lot of real life things so it's all understandable
My roommate wants to run a game, I'll be trying to run a support/utility druid, very different from my usual tank or dps style characters.
I finally got my hands on an owod book I've been hunting for at a reasonable price: changing breeds gurahl. I wanna see how many books from the werewolf line I can get without going over my ideal budget. Prices shift weirdly but are usually pretty high where i look so I'm always surprised when I find a deal on something I'm after. I should widen my search range but idk might involve meeting people and going places which isn't awesome in winter. Well come back to that I guess.
I didn't have time to prep or submit any convention games like I wasted to because of chaos at work, so paying over inflated prices for entry is a burden I must bare for a bit longer than I hoped. Oh well I guess. Hind sight I should have just submitted whatever and playtested later but... I had no way to predict the work situation.
Pre-ordered more InvisibleSun books and things, still never played it but I'm in too deep to stop yet. Tragic.
I ran some 5e games for my Wednesday group, it went OK but the material i used i don't think was playtested as well as I'd have liked i had to do a lot of modification and improv where I feel like I shouldn't have had to. I feel less anxious and bad about my gming I guess but how badly it's gone in the past still has me a little fucked up. Like. I just don't have the enthusiasm and joy I used to and its more... just a thing I have to do sometimes to be a helpful member of the group or to get discounted convention entry.
I'd like to have that enthusiasm back one day, that's the only way I'll probably get anyone to play the weird games like InvisibleSun or glitterhearts or fate of the norns with me is if im running them but... idk. Well see.
I've been working on designing some games. I don't think anyone will ever see them because I don't have the heart to ask anyone to test them and i could never release a thing like that without testing it but it's still a fun way to pass the time.
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kerlonviet · 2 years
Gw2 searing ascent
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Idk if mounts are now useable in this JP (this was pre-PoF) but i'm not going to dignify that "puzzle" with a reattempt even if they are. I respect that people want to be challenged but i really despise the kind of 'challenge' where failure resets your progress or forces you to goo back to an earlier point. every damn time, i hit my head and fell to the ground below, and with no oakheart essence charges remaining there's no recourse but to go back to the checkpoint and do it all over. I tried something absurd like 19 times and every time i missed the stupid pull, which had to be done while gliding, around a sharp corner, up to a spot above you with a low ceiling. I followed the dulfy guide to find where to go (no hope in hell, otherwise), but there's one bit where you need all three charges of your druid magic to get to the next checkpoint, and i just could. Much respect for those who actually managed to get it. happily its checkpoints aren't/weren't required, and i'd already gotten the mastery point for it by TPing to someone at the end. So I'd probably have that finish off my top 3.I made it through chalice of tears - aptly named - but searing ascent was the bane of me. And for the diving one, a rather precise dive is needed at that. I'm sure mounts made it a bit easier - there were some parts where it mounts let me recover from a mistake.I'd put Not So Secret near the top - timing/reflex needed + long puzzle + no checkpoints. I did Draconis Mons after mounts + used Taco, I didn't find it that hard. So maybe it is hard in that it takes a bit of training to do it.There are a bunch that are long but not really hard (Silverwastes come to mind). It took me a while to get Clocktower down, but now I can do it pretty consistently. I just got tired of trying - too much of 'you need to make this jump perfectly' and if you fail, back to checkpoint, which I just did not find fun.Skipping Stones, Clocktower, Winter Wonderland are all timing/reflex ones, so I can see that some people can either do it or not. Several of the falls are a death sentence, so even having a backup portal won't save you.Ĭhalice of tears is the only jumping puzzle that I have not done (I did complete it by porting), so I have to put that at the top. So many traps, combat, and wonky mechanics. I don't think I've ever completed it by myself. I used to run it regularly just to wind down. That is why I do not list it in my top 3. It takes as long as it takes, no matter how many times I have to try from scratch - I do not care anymore. I did not master this place, but I feel no longer stress or frustration doing it. Mostly helping other people, friends, guildmates with achievements and legendary collections. I have spent entire days in Not So Secret. Scavengers Chasm: Even with a guide this thing takes ages to complete.Compared to the Chalice, it is challenging but the view is awesome and there is more than one way to complete it. Griffon Rook Run: With the bomb, no portals and no people fighting the NPCs for you.This thing is basically cheap traps, unneccessary accuracy with jumping and counter intuitive path finding. What makes this difficult is the fact that each instance of the jumping puzzle can have up to 20 people. The puzzle is pretty straightforward jump onto melting snowflakes and go through a variety of obstacles until you reach the end. There are also a pair of (unmarked) diving goggles at the top of the puzzle. Completing the jumping puzzle the first time awards the Abaddon's Ascent achievement and a Mastery point. Most JPs have a beautiful view or interesting mechanic. Winter Wonderland is the second event-exclusive jumping puzzle on our list. Abaddon's Ascent is a jumping puzzle in Siren's Landing, located on the Pilaster Rock island in Siren's Landing, Ruins of Orr. It is one of the most unfun places in the entire game. Chalice of Tears (Ember Bay): Difficult because the creator wanted to make a difficult JP.
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l-a-l-o-u · 4 years
ohh i haven’t done one of these in ages!! @sabertoothwalrus​ (check her out, gr8 content) tagged me in this art thing
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!  
1 - Korra with Raava staff
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this was super fun to finally draw!! i had this idea of an AU where benders use staffs to control their element over 3 years ago (i think) and its great to finally see it beyond random doodles i did in class back then. i really want to design some other staffs too at some point!
2 - Just some gays in a field
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This might be the only thing I posted this year that wasn’t fanart... I rarely get motivated to draw original stuff but I somehow finished this one. yeehaw
3 - BoTW Midna
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a little before Age of Calamity came out, i started a new BoTW file and as i was replaying & thinking about the Lore, i kept thinking about the love of my life, Midna Twilight Princess..... and for like a week i was obsessed with the idea of a Midna reincarnation showing up in the sequel. my Midzel loving ass immediately shipped this dumbass teen version with Zelda, of course,
4 - My tabaxi child
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I started playing D&D regularly this year!! it’s one of my favorite things about 2020!! i absolutely love this character too, druid is my favorite class so far and playing an impolite 13 year old with a bad french accent is SO funny. every other player immediately adopts them its great
5 - The background map & front page art for the Critical Role Wiki
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I finished catching up to all of CR earlier this year, and since i had a tendency to zone out and miss stuff, i would look up a ton of stuff on the wiki, and i always thought it looked so bland! it was still using the default theme and i thought it deserved something nicer. so i decided i would just Do That Myself! and since then i started editing the wiki super regularly, it’s one of my main hobbies now (ranked 19th out of the wiki editors babey)
the map i can’t take full credit for, as it’s only a traced version of this map. the original wasn’t big enough to fit the wiki, so i thought, why don’t i just. ya know. trace over the entire thing by hand. that way i could also decide on the colors and font, etc (plus i love drawing lots of lil tedious details). later on i also made this graphic to put on the front page! both of these had to be WAY downsized to fit the wiki formatting but at least i can share the full size files on here
6 - “Human” Raava 
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idk who remembers but I used to be OBSESSED with the AU where Raava looked like a human, and became younger as she lost power. i suddenly wanted to redraw the concept after all this time and reworked my old design a bit. twas fun
7 - The unfinished Pearl/Rose comic
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in the end I only colored this single panel, but i did post the first 8 pages (which is as far as i got) of an old comic idea from over a year ago. its kinda crazy how hard it is for me to post unfinished stuff.. but in the end i’m glad i did. its very validating to read the tags on that post and see how many people got mad/sad after reading it hehehe
8 - Mighty Nein redesigns
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i started this series of character sheets almost exactly one year ago! so far i only finished Jester and Beauregard (altho i need to update with her winter outfit), but i’m actually nearly done with Caleb, idk why i haven’t posted it yet... in my heart i believe that one day i’ll finish them all. but that might be 5 years from now. special shoutout to all the other CR art i made this year!! i actually got featured in the slideshow a couple times which is pretty unreal
Honorable mention -  New Nameless designs
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this is the only one i posted, but i actually spent quite a bit of time this year developping a webcomic idea. i made a good amount of concept art and wrote a lot about it. it still feels way too ambitious for me to consider starting the webcomic any time soon (i want to make at least one other comic before) but the idea really grew this year!! anyway this is Nameless and her funky animal companion, they are travelling around a fantasy continent and uncovering mysterious lore
im blanking on who to tag uhhh @officialrocketjumper​, @cadetheespeon​ and @butchlinkle​
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solarfreeze · 3 years
So ive been thinking about one of @unendingliveblogging posts, where toriel is like a super fire mage and it got me thinking. What would all the main characters class and level he in the dark world. Ok so for one we gotta establish the max level and its pretty clear that its gotta be 99 or 100. That being said we can now properly give the characters a level. The characters we are going to be looking at are Toriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne and Alphys cus why not. Its fair to say as of now that their powers and ranking is similar to the one from undertale. Thus the rankings would be 1) sans(duh) 2) Asgore/Undyne(i think undyne is stronger but some will disagree) 3) papyrus(its implied he has more power then we know of so he goes here) 4) toriel(shes strong but she was to first boss so yea) and 5) alphys(i dont think this is a suprise but yea). The levels for each of them should look something like this: Sans(lv1 but he’s basically maxed level), Asgore(lv90), Undyne(lv90-100 based on the “D” word(determination)), papyrus(lv60-80 because idk I’m making this up on the spot and lv 80 feels a little high idk), Toriel (lv70 it makes sense as theres no way the kids in deltarune even stand a chance in the real world so shes definitely OP in the dark world), and last but not least Alphys(lv50 but probably has robots or something idk). So we know that in the dark world you kinda transform into your desire or something that could help you get what you desire(Noelle turning into a mage that could help her realize her worth and boost her confidence). Starting from Toriel as we are most definitely going to see her in the next chapter, I’m not sure what her desires would be. She seemed to have achieved her teacher dream and she has children she loves with all of her being. If this is the case then shell totally be some sort of wizard. Shell 100% be really similar to Ralsei, but she will have differences. For one she seems to have a book to help her cast spells(whether its just strong spells or all spells, it helps with spell-casting), and two shell have some sort of robe that kind of looks like what she wears in undertale but more robe-y. Shell be able to do some fire magic and maybe a healing spell cus of her kind nature. Moving on… Asgore! Yea so I’m pretty sure he wants to get back with Toriel or maybe its more like he wants a nice family thats together. Mix this with his gardening hobby and hell probably be like a druid or warden. Hell cast awesome forest or flower magic and probably have his cool trident again. I think the warden thing actually makes the most sense, as i think it matches his personality and he could have a lot of his cool stuff from undertale again(though him being a druid would be cool too). Undyne would be a gladiator, knight or some kind of barbarian. Shell have ridiculous power and would look really awesome. Maybe she could have some kind of determination attack that takes hp or a determination form that slowly drains hp, but something like that would most likely still fit her. We don’t know much of papyrus as of now for deltarune, but if we use what we know from undertale then he could easily be a knight. He’d be pretty awesome. He could also be an eldritch knight as that makes more sense but idk something with justice and knighthood would really fit him. Alphys would be an artificer… if thats a surprise then you must bot have played undertale. She makes gadgets for battle and yea shed be awesome. Finally we have sans. Based on what you believe of sans he could be one of many things. He could be a warlock(for Gaster), he could be a sorcerer, or he could be something completely made up like “reality bender” or something idk. The first two make the most sense and he’s obviously kick ass. Obviously he only deals 1 dmg but it really racks up over time. This was one big rambling that i wanted to do so i could draw them later, but tell me what you think these characters classes and levels would be. :p
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sanktnikolais · 4 years
I Will Not Bow - Angstober (7/31)
A/N: this kind of went longer than i expected. This was supposed to be done and posted earlier but alas, readings and sleep got the best of me.
Based on the prompt ‘Demon’ on the Angstober list. (And a bit of a rough excerpt probably in Storm and the Cursed Prince part II idk man but most likely yeah KHADHFLAF)
For @chaotic-art-druid. Happy birthday! Stay awesome. <3 <3 
Word count: 858
Transitioning back to human had always been the hardest. Sometimes the pull of darkness was still strong, as if the demon didn't want Nikolai to resurface and keep him under its clutches. 
          It demanded strict focus, which had always been one of his weaknesses. Can never sit still, as his former instructors always said, and he found that he agreed to that fact. 
          He felt a growl erupt from his throat, whether it was from the demon who still wanted to take over or from his real self that demanded to be set free again, he didn't know. It was a blur of clashing identities that tore his mind apart. 
          Somewhere in the conscious part of himself, Nikolai heard his name being called. But the continuous battle of authority over his body deemed it unrecognizable. 
          Was it Tolya? Tamar? Genya? David?
          Or even Zoya?
          He didn't know. 
          There was a voice again, much clearer this time. Though he still couldn't recognize whom it was, it sounded familiar, a reminder of someone he knew as himself. 
          So Nikolai held on it like a lifeline. 
          Flashes of brightness started to blink back to his sight, and he willed himself to keep it there. He turned his head to the side, seeing the silhouettes of a few figures before his vision darkened again. 
          Was it his own voice in his mind? If it ever was, he almost wanted to laugh, and he felt the demon thinking the same. At least they could agree on that one thing. 
              Yield, young prince, end your misery and give in. 
          Despite the struggle, a small part Nikolai found to ponder about it, how it would be so easy to let go. Let the darkness take over and unleash it. It would still result in the same end no matter how many times he looked at it in a different perspective.
          He would still lose.
          The pull became stronger and stronger, and he let himself get dragged back. The demon's laugh was becoming too loud, the triumphant tone of it was enough for him to know that he had lost. 
          Nikolai fell deeper to its clutches, and he closed his eyes. It was the end. 
          Then something resisted, an unexpected wave of calmness washing over him. The feel of home. The feel of safety. 
          He opened his eyes, and that was then he heard it. 
          The faintest of lights is enough to shatter the endless darkness. 
          A deep voice that held conviction, but never lost its gentleness and nobility. 
          We'll find a way out of this, just like we always do. 
          A cool voice that could sound dangerous and threatening at times, but never had the intention to harm as the situation deemed fit.
          You have optimism as steel, and it's unbreakable. Never lose it. 
          A shy voice that would only speak at certain times, but always gave the strongest impacts. 
          Do that thing you were always good at—finding a way out of anything. 
          A soft voice that spoke volumes and from experience, one of the wisest and the most sensible, never to cower. 
          Giving up so readily, Prince Wretch? 
          A stern voice that could command armies and make them listen. The same one that never failed to oppose him if he was in the wrong, and the one that held determination and never wavered. 
          The voices overpowered the demon's opposition to Nikolai's sudden want to fight back. 
          Remember who you are. 
          The bastard prince. The broken soldier at Halmhend. Sturmhond. Sobachka. Prince of the Air. Too-clever fox. 
          Nikolai Lantsov. 
          Names born out of spite and notoriety, respectful and mocking, but it was still all who he was. 
          He had never been so appalled to forget it.
          The demon cackled once again, but he could hear the strain in it. It was getting weaker. Hesitating. Yield, it said.
          Not today.
          A hiss erupted from his mouth, as if the demon had been burned as Nikolai barreled through its control. The struggle out of it was easier this time, and whatever bounds the monster had against him loosened as his vision began to clear, the sight of his darkened hands braced on the ground making him laugh breathlessly.
          Slowly, his talons retracted and disappeared, the sound of his laughs were no more maniacal but human, and for once, his mind was silent. 
          Nikolai let out a shaky breath, feeling much better than before. He turned to look to the side and saw Tolya and Tamar staring back at him with relieved expressions.
          Tamar’s hands moved away from her axes. “Good to have you back, Nikolai,” she said, offering him a hand.
          He laughed and took her hand, allowing her to haul him up to his feet. “I wouldn’t want to get butchered just yet,” he replied with a strained smile, though it disappeared as quickly as it came when a thought occurred in his mind.
          Nikolai had fought off the demon, and was successful at keeping it at bay.
          But for how long?
          It would always be the question that remained unanswered, and he could only hope that he lived long enough to see its end.
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gwainefest · 5 years
Gwaine Fest 2019 Prompts
Thank you everyone for signing up! Below the cut are the prompts that are available for claiming. If you have signed up to participate, then please peruse these prompts at your leisure. The claiming form will open on Friday, October 25 at 12:00 PM PST (noon; countdown clock here) and will remain open until Monday, October 8, or everyone has replied (whichever comes first).
You will be asked to list your top 3 choices.
>> Claiming Form << >> Countdown Clock <<
Prompts below!
1. Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Gwaine/Percival, Gwaine/Arthur/Merlin, just general knight friendship and shenanigans Prompts: Modern au: knight group secret Santa and/or snowball fights Either canon or modern: gwaine getting really excited about snow and someone finding it adorable. Bonus points for a grumpy Arthur snowman existing Cuddling for warmth. Preferably Gwaine using Percy as a human space heater. Can be established relationship or catching feelings. Any tropes that really get you excited? I am a sucker for bed sharing, fake relationships, and soulmate au Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? First snow of the year, gift exchanges, drinking warm drinks by a fire, obnoxious sweaters. If modern au, lots of lights (though i guess with magic that could work with canon). Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: No major character death, non-con, dark themes. Its a holiday thing, so mainly looking for fluff here. Hurt/comfort super okay as long as it gets resolved Anything else you'd like your match to know? I'm pretty easygoing! 
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Gwaine, Merlin, Arthur, Knights of the Round Table Prompts: Gwaine’s nobility getting revealed, Merlin and Gwaine going on an adventure, Gwaine finding out about Merlin’s magic and/or dragon lord heritage Any tropes that really get you excited? Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Whump Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? Exchanging gifts!! That’s where it’s at Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: Smut or slash
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? I’m a sucker for all things Perwaine, but also ALL THE KNIGHT SQUAD BOOOIIIISSSSSS i love them Prompts: Soothing nightmares, Gwaine’s childhood, surprise holiday gift, SNOWBALL FIGHTS, traveling around the kingdom, GWAINE WRAPPED UP IN A FUZZY BLANKET WITH SOME HOT COCO WITH MARSHMALLOWS HOLY CRAP Any tropes that really get you excited? Most tropes get me pretty excited Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? Snowball fights, hot coco, roaring fires, SLEDDING, s’mores over said fire, cats playing in wrapping paper, homemade Christmas ornaments, ugly sweaters Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: No smut please. No death please. Keep the clothes on please. Anything else you'd like your match to know Gwaine+ponytail/bun=adorableness
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Gwaine/Percival, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (secondary pairing), Morgana, Kinghts of the round table... Prompts: 1. Gwaine is in the tavern one night when he gets attacked by a group of guys. Percival saves him. 2. Gwaine finds out about Merlin's magic and decides to have fun with it. Any tropes that really get you excited? Hurt/comfort, fluff, humour, angst with a happy ending... Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? Yule or Christmas, but anything is fine! Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: Mpreg, A/B/O dynamics, rape/non-con between main characters, vampires, werewolves, fuck or die, magic made them do it.
5. Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Gwaine and Merlin and Arthur is an iconic trio if this is all about friendship, ship wise I'm into Merthur!!! Prompts: GWAINE TRYING TO GET MERLIN AND ARTHUR TOGETHER SOMEHOW? OR MERLIN MAKING GWAINE GO CHRISTMAS SHOPPING WITH HIM FOR ARTHUR ?? Any tropes that really get you excited? I like meet cutes!! BED SHARING TOO THOUGH IDK HOW THAT WOULD WORK. Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? MISTL E TOE BABEYYY !!! OVERSIZED SWEATERS ADN BEING WARM?? So CUDDLES... I celebrate Christmas so it would be fun to see that~ Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: Don't have anything I can think of from the top of my head! Anything else you'd like your match to know? Nope!
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Percival/Gwaine; (Just a hint of Merthur, maybe) Prompts: - Gwaine helping couples get together, but being totally oblivious to his own love life - Gwaine and snow/winter activities (e.g. ice skating, building a snowman, etc.) That’s it. - A pile of Love Letters to Gwaine just magically shows up on his doorstep and they date back all the way from a decade ago to present day - Or Gwaine writes love letters to this one person he likes over a decade, and they miraculously disappear. Until he realizes someone found them and sent all of it to the addressee (ala To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before) just in time for the Christmas party at said person’s house - Winter ball/masquerade (maybe?) Any tropes that really get you excited? Caught underneath the Mistletoe; Accidental confessions; Scarf/Umbrella-Sharing; Snow in Hair/Eyelashes/Etc. Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? Hot cocoa; snow days; Christmas; Cuddling by the fireplace; Air so cold that your breath can be seen; Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: Character death (it’s unlikely to show up, but still! I can never be too sure.) Anything else you'd like your match to know? Angst is perfectly fine (I actually kinda love angst), so long as a happy ending is involved.
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Besides Gwaine, Arthur foremost (Gwaine/Arthur would be awesome). Merlin and the other knights would be great, too (as friends, but I'd be interested in Gwaine/Leon romance too!). Prompts: Gwaine finding home and hope in Camelot (basically, a missing scene between S3 and S4). Gwaine sharing a personal holiday tradition with one or more of the boys. As many of the boys as you want having a peaceful and joyful gathering in Arthur's chambers. Gwaine and Percival getting up to no-good in the castle during the holiday festivities (and maybe dragging some of the other knights into it). Any tropes that really get you excited? For Gwaine/Arthur - soul bonds/marks. And generally speaking, I just like the idea of brotherhood among the knights (+ warlock)...is that a trope? Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? Christmas Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: Dub/non-con between the main pairing. Pure smut (Nothing against it! I'd just like something more character-driven this time). Anything else you'd like your match to know? Just how excited I am to see what they create! :)
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Perwaine for sure :) Prompts: Snowball fight Fireplace Ice skating Ugly Christmas sweater! Sharing a scarf!! Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? H o t chocolate!!  Mistletoes !! Snow!! Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: I’m fine with everything ! Anything else you'd like your match to know? I’m french, English isn’t my first language !
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Merlin and Gwaine's friendship / Knight of the round table / Just Gwaine alone is also fine Prompts: Getting up to trouble together / Strength, courage and magic / Fighting side by side / Having a feast together as a family Any tropes that really get you excited? Found family / Chosen one Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? Christmas Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: Shipping
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Merlin/Gwaine, Gwaine & Merlin, Gwaine & Aithusa, Gwaine & Gwen Prompts: - Modern!Merwaine: First holiday together.  - Golden Age AU: Aithusa has to stay in the castle over winter because it's cold - she and Gwaine get up to all sorts of mischief.  - Or, Merlin has to do something and asks Gwaine to babysit her.  - "And there was only one bed" - Merwaine: Gwaine is gone on an extended patrol, filled with pining and letters - Or, really, just general winter shenanigans with a Gwaine and/or Merwaine focus would make me happy lmao Any tropes that really get you excited? - Hurt/Comfort  - Angst with happy ending  - "I didn't know how much I cared for you until I almost lost you"  - Domestic fluff  - Epistolary fic  - (Gwaine!)whump with happy ending - Reunion after one of them thinking the other is dead  - Druid Centric AUs - Accidental Baby Acquisition Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? Yule, Ice skating, hot chocolate, watching the snow fall Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: - Large age differences/underage - Please no Merlin/Arthur even if it's only background Anything else you'd like your match to know? I hope you have fun :D
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noahstilinski · 6 years
Betwitched - Stiles Stilinski
Sorry this one took a while to post, I had to do some research about paganism! I’m not an expert so sorry if I misrepresented it! Also, I read charm as like a piece of jewelry or smth, sorry again if I misunderstood the meaning (english is not my first language)
Hope you enjoy it!
Requested: Yes
Prompt:  Hey, submitting a request! I’m 25, pagan and do a lot of spells, charms and herb-based work, in the woods, so maybe the reader is an apprentice for Deaton or a solo witch? And Derek or Stiles find out about her somehow, (find one of her charms in the woods?). I think they’d either be really suspicious, or try and befriend her, or be really curious about learning with her. Thanks!
Pairing: Stiles x Reader
Word count: 1650
Warnings: Idk
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"Where did you find that?"
Stiles blinked several times at the sudden question, not sure exactly what Deaton was talking about until he traced his glance to the charm dangling from his pocket. He hurried to take it out and hand it out to Deaton for examination. "Yeah about that, I found it when Scott took off and left me alone in the woods" Stiles glared at his best friend, who gave him a sheepish apologies shrug. "Do you know what it is?" He knew it wasn't just some jewelry. The charm had a weird shape, one you don't usually see in gift shop crap or mainstream designs. That, and the fact that he found it just beside what he thought to be a makeshift temple. It had caught Stiles' eye, and he preferred making sure it wasn't some cursed relic or anything. 
"It's a charm belonging to... A student of mine, per say" Deaton began as the boys exchanged questioning glances. "This one specifically helps channeling the earth's power for benevolent spells"
"Bene-- What is this? Witchcraft 101?"  "No" He replied calmly. "It's paganism. It's close to druidism. Not quite the same, but we have some characteristic in common" "So who does it belong to?" Scott finally spoke. "Do we know them?" "Maybe. She does go to Beacon Hills High" Deaton said, shifting his glance to the young alpha. "Her name is (Y/N)" /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ "Hey, (Y/N), wait up!" You furrowed your eyebrows and turned around at the unfamiliar voice calling your name. You watched as a tall, dark haired boy jogged up to you and matched his walking pace to yours.  "You probably don't know me. Or maybe you do, not that I'm assuming you might but--" He paused his rambling when he noticed your raised eyebrow. It was kind of cute, you thought. "Anyway. I'm Stiles"  "I'd introduce myself too, but it seems like you already know my name" You gave him a smile.  "Right" He muttered to himself. "So uh, I kinda found something belonging to you, or so I was told. Here" He reached in his pocket and handed you the charm you had lost in the forest a couple of days ago, when you got caught by the rain and had to leave in a hurry. You grabbed it from him and looked up with wide eyes, clueless as to how he found it and especially how he knew it was yours. "W-Where did you find this?" You asked with a stutter. "How did--" "Hey, I found it totally by accident" He held your arms up in surrender. "And Deaton told me it was yours. I'm not an evil wizard that can trace back possessions to its owner, I swear" You could only blink at the rapidity of the words that came out of his mouth. You went from panicked, to confused and finally to baffled. You had known this boy for a minute and he made no sense to you. Why was he that far in the woods? From where did he know Deaton enough that he entrusted him with your charm? Why would being a wizard was his best alternative explanation? "Uh" You huffed. "Thanks" "You're welcome" He smiled widely, but then it dropped. "I'm not gonna be cursed or hexed for touching it without your blessing, right?" Your first reaction was to laugh. Loudly. It turned heads to your direction, and Stiles sent them awkward waves until it died down.  "Oh god" You clutched your stomach. "No, of course not. Why would you think that?" "I don't know" He shrugged. "You're the witch... Bewitching things. I think" "I think you've got it wrong" You said, a smile remaining on your lips. You had concluded that this boy was not a threat to your secret, and was probably aware of the supernatural by how he dealt so easily--absurdly but easily--with your occupation. "I'm more of a close to nature type of person. I'm not doing actual magic, not like you're thinking" "Huh, good to know I guess" He scratched the back of his neck. He kept walking beside you, like he didn't want to leave just yet. Again, you found him weird, but strangely endearing.  You were curious about him. "... Would you like to see how it works?" You suggested, and he almost jumped in surprise at the offer.  "You'd do that?" He asked, now walking backwards to face you. "Yeah" You half shrugged with a small smile. "I've got a free period right now, and obviously either you're late to class or you have one too" "Observant" He pointed a finger in your direction. "I do have a free period. Let's go" You walked out of the school and crossed the field toward the woods, and only stopped when you were sure you wouldn't be disturbed. You slid your backpack in your hands and sat down on a patch of dry grass. Stiles sat down in front of you, sending you a curious glance. "Why are you trusting me that easily?" His eyes narrowed momentarily as an obvious wave of doubt washed over him. "Well, Deaton obviously trusts you enough to bring my charm back to me" You replied. "How did you even come to meet Deaton?" "Oh, that's a long one" He sighed, leaning back on his hands. "Actually, not that long. Perhaps complicated. Yeah. Not my secret to tell, but long story short, I know too much werewolves and a dark druid pissed me off" "Wow" You blinked a few times at that roller coaster. "I see how Deaton comes to play here" "Yeah" He nodded. "So you're his student?" "Not quite" You said as you reached for some more charms in your backpack. "He helped me with the basics, and guides me from time to time, but our practice differs too much from one another to hold lessons on the regular" "I see" He hummed. "So. How does this all works?" "Well, you see these charms?" You pointed at the four that were lying on the ground in front of you. "Each one represents an element of nature I can draw strength from. I don't have them all here, and I don't have my herbs either, but I still can cast simpler spells with what I've got" "So basically, your environment becomes a source of power, right?" He asked. "Exactly" You nodded. "I can do multiple kinds of spells, but I prefer to stay on the positive side of the spectrum. You know, good fortune and luck spells, spells to end pain. Even protection spells at large scale, but these require more material" "That's awesome" He smiled. "Can you do any right now?" "Of course, it'll even be with the charm you brought me back" You grinned at him as you put back the rest of your charms in your backpack, not to forget them this time. You then drew a construct in the small patch of dirt in between you and Stiles, then grabbed the charm in both of your hands. "This is a strength spell. I will call upon the earth to assist you in times of hardship and give you the power to overcome difficulties. You ready?" He only nodded, not taking his eyes off the construct. You closed your eyes and muttered the first part of the spell, then placed the charm in the middle of the construct. You offered your hands to Stiles, and it took his a second to understand he had to take them.  You chanted the last part of the spell louder, eyes closed and feeling the subtle power of nature take over. Then, it ended and you brought your hands back to you. "All done" You smiled at him. "Alright, this felt weird" He admitted. "Is it normal? Like is it supposed to happen?" "Yes and no" You answered. "Some people might not feel anything, others do. It depends how sensitive to the supernatural you are, and I can only guess you are more than the average" "Is this good or bad?" He seemed worried for a second. "Again, it depends on you" You shrugged. "In your situation, I'd say good. Since you are apparently surrounded by the supernatural, it gives you an edge to understand and anticipate it without being a part of it" "Uh, I guess that explains a lot" He mumbled to himself. "Well, uh, thanks. This is interesting. I mean, really, that's like, totally awesome" "I could show you more spells, if you'd like" You offered as you gently erased the construct from the soil with your hand. "When I have access to all of my stuff, of course" "Seriously?" He perked up at that.  "Yeah" You smiled widely as you stood up. You didn't think he'd be that interested, and his enthusiasm was cute. You certainly looked forward seeing him around again. "Here, text me when you have some free time" You handed him your phone so he could save your number in his. When he gave it back, you walked side by side toward the school again. You made small talk; you learned he was the Sheriff's son, that you had no classes in common and that he was on the lacrosse team. You found out he had quite the sense of humour, and he seemed a pretty smart guy.  He also told you Stiles wasn't his real name, but that he preferred it because it was way less complicated that way for everyone.  "Hey um, it was nice hanging out with you" You said as you paused in from of the staircase when you got back inside the school.  "Yeah, it was" He smiled, and it illuminated his eyes. You definitely liked his smile, you decided. "See you around?" "You have my number" You winked, watching him wave and walk away. You couldn't wait to see him again.
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gothgoblins · 6 years
heyo a lil bit of a personal post incomin nothing major jus wanna talk
so uh hi
yknow me as nizda or nyde or lugwikk on wyrmrest accord but my name is catty
idk why im saying that i just figured for those that are new to the blog hgjkfh and with the new expansion pack comin up ive been sitting on this for the past few nights
but i just wanted to talk about how much world of warcraft, roleplaying, and the people ive met on there, and how its been such a distraction and coping mechanism for my mental health issues and inner problems
so ive been playing for around over the year, friends (worm squad) got me interested in it, mainly in the lore and roleplaying capabilities, and i figured hey why not try it out?? so i did and well uh it was a rough start since i had a bit of a bad internet connection the first few months and only had a trial for a lil bit but i eventually bought it and
its something
its something that i think frequently ‘how the fuck did i live without this’ like thats how much important this game is to me
eventally i got more ‘into’ rp, lil casual storylines just like right now, and the main thing about it is ive met so many chill people, so many awesome people with amazing imaginations that have treated me so kindly (even among those that are sort of mean and weird but hey all communities are like that) who i still talk to almost everyday
and.. i guess i just want to take a moment to thank everyone of yall, my mutuals, rp partners, and even acquaintances that ive met once or twice or somewhat frequently
like ive met so many swell lads (like @shamanofthewilds @orcdorc @ottobooty @dingodrawsart @dumpsterdragon @usagiyojumbo @goblein @guardian-druid @bladder420, the rest of the worm squad and other people whomstve urls i forget woops)
i truly love you all
even if we have roleplayed together once, or twice, or just a few times spoke oocly, i want you all to know that you and this game are the reason i get up in the morning the reason i still feel like i am worth something even if that sounds a little overdramatic and weird?? its ?? truly what i feel and i just feel like i dont say thank you enough
this community and rp and this fun ass game has helped me with my severe depression, anxiety and my awful panic disorder that i have to deal with everyday of my life
through any drama and conflicts, friends have still stayed, and i dont know how much i can say thank you.
so whether or not we talk almost everyday or a few times a month or barely at all
know that i think about you all pretty much everyday
and know that youve helped someone deeply
thats all i wanted to say, know that nizda and i love you very much, have a good day/evening, remember to drink some water, eat, take your meds if you havent already n have any n all that good stuff
also gonna try and post here more often ! just been a bit of a rut lately woops
take care yall, have a good one <3
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ventrue-rosary · 7 years
All the odd numbers
Thank you so much! I’ll put in a read more because of the lenth of the behemoth!
1. A favorite character you have played.
My elf ranger Lyris is best girl
Plus she’s just really beautiful and kick-ass
3. Your favorite side quest.
Unfortunately we haven’t really done many side-quests, but there was a cool one our DM threw together to rescue our druid’s sister
5. Favorite NPC
Already answered
7. Your favorite downtime activity.
Already answered
9. Your favorite thing about D&D.
There’s a lot of thing I really like about DnD. I adore all the different vast worlds in the DnD universe. It’s on such a scope no one else can possibly compete with. All the different locations, the God’s, the magic, the races and classes…the entire world-building behind it is just breath-taking, and opens up so many opportunities to be creative!
Creating characters! I really love creating characters and DnD gives me a good excuse to scuplt amazing, developed characters. Not only that, but then you get to BECOME these charactera. Which brings us on to roleplay, another of my favourite things. I do adore combat but I prefer roleplaying. Idk why I do I just do.
I really like the current dnd campaign–Tyranny of Dragons. It’s just a super-fun campaign to play, and its only enhance by our DM and our party. It’s sadly on hiatus but I can’t wait to get back into it
11. How often do you play and how often would you ideally like to play?
13. Introduce your current party.
I can’t tag anyone in my Thursday campaign):
We have a halfling rogue named Barrett, who’s rather sly and selfish. Has very sticky fingers but he’s not pick-pocketed any party members yet thankfully. Very tongue-in-cheek when he’s talking to people
The handsome human cleric Ivor. I can’t remember his god, but he seem’s like a nice guy. Very gentle, friendly, gets along well with everyone. Raised amongst a community of tieflings, strangely enough, but still became a very compassionate person.
Humphrey, a dragonborn wizard. I remember his name because its ridiculous. Everyone else chose pretentious fantasy names (myself included). While not a bad guy, he’s a bit of a loose cannon. Tends to keep to himself a little bit, but goes all-out in combat, and thinks up very creative ways for his spells to manifest.
Our tank Azrael, goes by Rel to people he doesn’t know. He is a famed hero and soldier from his lands, but ended up banished and blacknamed by the people he protected. Despite this he has a relaitvely happy-go-lucky attitude.
Then there’s me! Order of the Lycan Blood Hunter, Elvira Branwe, Born into nobility, and into the ancient curse of lycanthropy that plagues the Branwen home, Elvira accidentally killed her own father one transformation. Her mother sent her off the the order to learn to control herself. One might think the strict training and meagre living quarters might teach her humility. Truth is, Elvira holds herself in high esteem above others and isn’t ashamed to use her family name to get what she wants.
Now, onto the on-hiatus Sunday game!
Firstly I’ll introduce @witchyeevee‘s two characters: 
Siria Dovefeathers (that’s her last name right?). A human cleric to the life domain. She may seem friendly, but you serously do not want to get on her bad side. She has no mercy for wrong-doers, and her character intro was pure badass–she essentially saved our skin. Pretty sure she broke alignment last session when threathing a cultist member but she maintains otherwise. I’ll defer to her judgment on this one
On the flip-side, Zinnu Thunderbane in the most precious bean. A dragonborn wizard belonging to a large family, the one she apparently is the runt of despite being, what 8′?? Zinnu is essentially the light of the party, but that doesn’t mean she won’t yell and get serious when the situation demands it (Lyris and Zilong’s intense rivalry one example). Whether she likes it or not my character adopted her. (Oh and I feel it’s important to mention both of these characters are extremey gay)
@that-was-fucking-spectacular plays a dragonborn barbarian names Branek who has the most tragic backstory. Basically, a dragon destroyed his entire city, killed his huband and left him half-covered in horrific burn scars. Despite this, Branek has a good heart, even if he is a it ridiculous at times. He and my character entered a relationship last we played. You blame Beth for the trend in naming our weapons absolutely ridiculous things. 
After our original party’s druid died due to the player dropping out of the campaign, Varis was introduced, yet another druid lol. (can’t tag him because he doesn’t have tumblr I don’t think). As the chaotic neutral, he’s a bit of a wild card and usually ends up in cahoots with my character. They encourage each others drinking habits, knowing or unknowingly, and after a journey with the worlds most unpleasant dragonborn NPC they became pretty tight friends. 
Which then brings us to my character, Lyris Ravendoor, who I talked a little bit about earlier so I won’t go into too much deal. She’s the party’s flirty ranger. While she is really attractive, the girl has no game (the dice apparently hate me whenever I try and flirt). Fenrir is her ever-faithful wolf companion. She’s had a thing for Branek for a while now, abut they’re finally together.
15. Do you have snacks during game times?
Usually I munch on some chocolate or have a bag of sweets nearby
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
Well nothing too strict or anything that really falls outside of DnD rules. @theasexualityfandom is the kind of DM who plays fast and loose with the rules anyways and we love them for it (because it usually means we survive!)
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
My dice rolls are cursed when it comes to flirting with NPC’s
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?
23. Do you use premade modules or original campaigns?
I’ve played in a few premade stuff, in two homebrewed ones. The one-shot I ran was all homebrew content. It’s why it took so long to prep 😫
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?
Haven’t DM’d enough to answer this, so I will answer this for the groups I’m in. @that-was-fucking-spectacular has a tendency to flirt with things that shouldn’t be flirted with–a door, some mushrooms and a giant toad so far. She and my bf Alex flirted with skeletons in a module Dess ran us through… @witchyeevee‘s cleric Siria absolutely going OFF on that NPC last session…a bunch of crazy shit has happened
27. Do you allow homebrew content? 
To an extent, I would, provided it doesn’t add too much extra work on top of what I was doing
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
As a player, I prefer more RP but there’s gotta be balance you know? From a DM standpoint I prefer doing combat
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
Elf and ranger. Shocker, I know
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?
I tend to write very long-winded, in depth backstories, usually starting with their family before talking about hardships or events that sculpted them. I put a lot of effort into backstories.
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?
A loooooot. I love RP’ing in sessions with the other players and NPC’s and I also like doing additional RP between sessions, either privately or with another person or the whole group. Me and Beth have done a few awesome one-on-one RP’s
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delusionalkiing · 8 years
Voltron Season 2 Thoughts
After having some time to process everything that happened, I wanted to do a write up about season two!  I’ll be going over everything I liked and everything I didn’t like (justice for Hunk and Lance plz!!).  I’ll be going over each episode briefly but most of my thoughts will be about the major characters!
Obviously, major spoilers are under the cut!
Episode 1: Across the Universe
Pretty strong season opener!  I’d have to say my favorite parts are Pidge’s junk friends and Allura and Coran’s time loop.  Coran getting younger and younger and poor Allura trying to save him was really good!  Especially when she says she saw him as another father!!  I wanted to cry!  Pidge missing her friends was so painful too.  Liked the Shiro and Keith part too and Keith asking black Lion to help him save Shiro!  Very nice!
Episode 2: The Depths
Oh man I have such mixed thoughts about this episode.  I really loved the underwater world, the mermaids and all the Hance interactions, as well as Lance unlocking a new weapon.
I disliked the continuous pushing of Lance trying to flirt with every mermaid lady... like... this is something I’ll bring up again later but I feel like they really just turned him into girl chasing comic relief.  Justice for Lance tbh.
Episode 3: Shiro’s Escape
I liked seeing how Shiro escaped!!  Though FUCK the Galra /took/ his hand, I always kinda assumed he lost it in the arena or something but fsfjlekjsflsfe SHIRO.  Someone give him a hug.  Ulaz was a really interesting character and the Blade of Marmora’s methods of hiding their bases are super interesting!  The fight was really neat too and Ulaz’s sacrifice was painful too, even though we barely knew him.
I also really liked how it was Shiro that brought up that not all Galra might be evil, despite everything he went through.
Episode 4: Greening the Cube
THE SPORE FIGHT WAS ADORABLE.  I really love moments like this where the paladins all bond together and stuff!  The alien race and their planet and nature tech was really awesome too.  I really love all the aliens races in this show, tbh.  They’re great!
And ahhh Pidge bonding more with her lion was really good!  And her new weapon is really cool and will definitely be useful in the future (and it was!)  I don’t have much else to say about this episode other than I really enjoyed it and the NGE references during the fight!
Episode 5: Eye of the Storm
ALTEAN BIOLOGY LMAO.  I wanted to know more about it but NOT LIKE THIS.
The Klance moments were HILARIOUS, as well as Pidge trying to learn Altean.  Hunk’s cooking did save the day, which was nice.  I just wish later episodes didn’t just focus on this aspect of him...
Not really much else to say about this episode really other than Coran was really funny and Zarkon chasing them was really tense.
Episode 6: The Ark of Taujeer
I found Allura and Keith’s talk in the pod really interesting!  I’m all for Allura having one of one moments with the younger Paladins and getting to know them better.
The design of the alien race made me laugh ahah they look soft.  I enjoyed this episode except for one thing: Hunk’s new power activation.  I kind of have the same issue with how Lance activated his.  Compared to Pidge, there wasn’t a huge focus on connecting with their lions??  Pidge had a whole scene but their power just sorta... happened in the middle of a tense situation and not separate from the fight.  Idk it would have been nice to see them have more of a connecting moment with their lion rather than wham bam new power.
But yeah, that’s about it.  Oh, Red saving Keith and Allura from so far away was great!!
Episode 7: Space Mall
Okay, I won’t lie, all the scenes that take place in the mall had me dying of laughter.  Pidge and Lance’s quest for money, Coran sneaking around, Hunk being Gordon Ramsay (would have been nice to have less food jokes with hunk tho...), and Keith getting distracted by knives lmao.  And the mall cop was HILARIOUS.  I love seeing the younger Paladins able to act like the kids they are despite the war.
ALL THE SHIRO SCENES MADE ME WANNA SCREAM.  Though I’m really glad his connection with the Black Lion got stronger and Black saved him and severed the connection with Zarkon!
Episode 8: The Blade of Marmora
THIS ENTIRE EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, first: The base hiding spot is SUPER COOL and really pretty looking!!  The Blade is also really interesting!  I’ve been waiting SO LONG to get something about Keith’s backstory!!  So of course I was screaming the entire time ahaha.
We were all right that Keith was galra BUT we got it wrong that Thace was his father!  His father is human and his mother is Galra and I LOVE THAT???  I want to know more about her??  Who is she??
And I’m so glad with the whole “Shiro, you’re like a brother to me” line because Keith has always acted kinda distant and like he has no family but he does!  I love that so much!
Also overprotective Red Lion!!!  I love Red’s connection with Keith!!
Episode 9: The Belly of the Weblum
THIS EPISODE WAS GROSS LMAO But I still loved it because of all the Hunk and Keith interactions!!    We finally get an episode with Hunk doing great stuff...  Him distracting the worm and putting himself in danger of the laser thing was so good.  THIS IS THE KIND OF HUNK CONTENT I WANT.
Also Keith saving a Galra was interesting!  I wonder if the Galra soldier will ever come back??  I really want to know more about them tbh...  It was interesting.
But yes, more good Hunk content like this and more Keith interactions with the other Paladins!!
Episode 10: Escape from Beta Traz
I really liked this episode because as someone with severe anxiety, I relate SO HARD to Slav LMAO.  Seeing more of Pidge’s tech genius was great and finding out that Matt is okay and escaped with some rebels is great!  (Though where is her father?????)  
I WAS SO HAPPY FOR THE LANCE CONTENT but it didn’t really go anywhere...  It sort of did with Shiro acknowledging that he’s a sharp shooter but other than that, nothing much else happened with it...  I really hope we get future episodes of Lance struggling with this!!  Please give my son the arc he deserves!!
Also I want the space dog thing it’s so CUTE AND BIG!!!
Episode 11: Stayin’ Alive
Allura!!!  I love her and her interactions with the Balmerans!  AND SHAY ASKING ABOUT HUNK <3  Her fighting the Robeast with the castle until the others arrived with great too.  Also this battle gave me more NGE vibes lmao...
And then at the end of the episode we see Allura being cold toward Keith for being Galra...  Which is understandable but I really dislike how they treat her as being bad for being scared... :/
Also, THACE.  You tried, buddy...
Episode 12: Best Laid Plans
This episode was SUPER TENSE and Keith and Thace interacting was really cool too.  The fighting was really cool and we see that Zarkon is SUPER OBSESSED with the Black Lion.  We still don’t really know WHY but its interesting to see his obsession.
I’m glad Allura talks to Keith and says she was scared and considers the Paladins her new family.  So I’m glad they didn’t really drag this out too much but like... Still not that happy with this plot thread.
Thace’s sacrifice HURT.
Episode 13: Blackout
Oh man this episode... The fight with Zarkon was SO COOL and ahhhhh and Shiro screaming for Allura when she’s injured and ahhhhhh!!!  Allura being a battle princess was SO COOL.  Her fighting Haggar and the other druids was great!!  And the reveal about Haggar... ahhh I wonder who she is???  Does she have a connection to the royal family??  I’m so... ahhhhhhh lmao.
Shiro getting the bayard back and the wings on the black lion....
I don’t really know how to say everything I feel but this was a really good finale.  That cliffhanger ending... WTFFFFF SHIRO WHERE ARE YOU...
Praying for Black Paladin Allura while they search for Shiro...
Final thoughts: 
I dont like how Lance and Hunk were really sidelined in this season.  I really hope that we get lots of character growth for the two of them in season 3!!
And that Shiro won’t die... please... where is he...
Also, it’s good to know we’ll be getting LGBT rep later on!!
I’ll just go over the main characters!
Coran:  I love Coran so much lmao all of his scenes were really great and it’s nice to see him doing a lot of mechanical things!
Allura:  I LOVE HER I was so ready for her fighting in the last two episodes!!  I do wish they had handled her thing about Galra Keith differently...  But I’m happy she got to shine in combat AND unlock new magic???  That was SO COOL.  Also her interactions with Shiro... my heart...  Him calming her down by softly touching her hand was so good...
Shiro:  I love him SO MUCH.  I’m so worried about him!!  His bonding with the Black Lion, his scene with Allura and touching her hand softly, all the great brotherly scene with Keith ahhh this was a good season for Shiro development!  I feel like he didn’t get much development in s1 so this was really nice to see.  BUT THAT ENDING... IS HE OKAY???
Keith:  This was such a heavy Keith season (to the detriment of other characters...) but I was really hoping we’d get answers about his past.  We did get some!  Nice to know his mom is the Galra and his father is human!  His father reminded me of Shiro so maybe they are related??  Cousins or something?  Ugh I want more answers lmao vld s3 give us more answers but don’t ignore the others!
Lance:  MY POOR BOY.  I feel like he was reduced to being aggressively heterosexual comic relief sighs.  I was hopefully when we saw him doubting himself but they really didn’t do much with it... it was over really fast and like... ughhh flesh out his self doubts more please!!
Hunk:  MY OTHER POOR BOY.  I love that Hunk is funny, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like 95% of his content this season was food jokes and talking about food.  I feel like the only ep that really let him shine somewhat was the Weblum episode.  Can we please have more content like that??  Hunk being brave??  Even when his lion got a new power, it was barely touched on, just like Lance’s was.  PLEASE GIVE THESE BOYS GOOD STORY ARCS.
Pidge:  MY TINY DAUGHTER.  I love that her tech stuff got to shine more in this season.  And I’m so glad that she found out that Matt is okay but I don’t know why they didn’t talk about her father??  Like... he’s missing too...  But I think this was a pretty good season for Pidge!
SO YEAH, those are my thoughts!  I really hope we get more character development in future seasons and that the LGBT rep we were promised comes soon lmao
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dork-empress · 8 years
Have some Voltron Trailer thoughts because I’m obsessive like that. (No this is NOT going to be different than what most people have said, shush, its my blog)
Okay, so first new shot not recap shot is Black, Yellow, Blue and Green (I think) lions flying in green swirly asteroid belt possibly? Towards yellow circle (star?) If that IS the green lion, and I think it is but am just slightly unsure cause theres a lot of green in the shot, then it brings up the question of where Keith is. Or should I say, where the red lion is. Maybe Keith’s in Black and Red’s pilotless. Who knows. I assume the voltron people do...
Zarkon’s gettin charged up, which, gut instinct is its his immortal ritual. Could also be powering him up to go fight dudes or teleport (as we see later) Either way, its probably the reason his eyes glow purple and not yellow. 
I think Zarkon’s going to Earth. But IDK. That one’s a stretch, just like ‘no place beyond my reach. *shrug*
Why is Lance in a bathing suit?
Again, Zarkon teleporting to Voltron. I put forward 4 options: 1) he;s tracking Shiro’s arm (most popular theory I’ve seen, would push me towards destroy his Galra tech and make awesome new arm for Shiro) 2) he’s using his connection to the Black lion (possible, but why didn’t he do this sooner? Could go for Shiro’s arm too, I suppose) 3) He just has druid magic that lets him do that (least likely, no mystery or anything to gain from this story-wise) 4) He’s put something in/on Allura from when she was in captivity, like an injection or something (not a theory I’ve seen, but would explain the, ‘haven’t used this til now’ thing)
Hunk is adorable though I hope we get more of Hunk than ‘the chef’ cause dude is brilliant
Keith is also (presumably) in swim trunks. I mean, we can’t actually see it, so who knows. Maybe its a speedo. 
~~two broooos chillin in a hot tuuuuub, five feet apart ‘cause they’re not gay~~
I THINK that’s a Galra standing with Keith, Shiro, Pidge, and Hunk. I also think its the bald/reptilian Galra commander, who, I’ve checked, is unnamed.
Another case of ‘where’s that paladin’ we see black, yellow, green, and blue fly out of the castle...but not red. Putting this together with the first bullet point I think its safe to say there will be a time EITHER where Keith is missing (which could play into things in a minute) OR Shiro’s missing and Keith takes over for Black. (why not Allura is a little odd, but whatevs, her job’s more important anyway.)
waterworld--lookin forward to Hunk and Lance’s adventures there.
Robot...Tree? That has Pidge written ALL over it.
That alien’s weird. Don’t eat Shiro!
GUY IN ORANGE IS THACE I AM CONVINCED there are some alternate theories (and looking at some stills I’m prayin to Alfor thats not a lady love interest for Keith. Give ANY other character a girlfriend. Please. Just not that one)
Considering Keith is fighting with “””Thace””” this may be where Keith is when everyone else is flying with their lions.
That one robot monster Voltron is fighting looks like a fancy trash can. Just sayin. 
LANCE BBY NO (seriously though, I’ve seen some people saying Lance’ll get kidnapped, and....I love Lance but I’m not against it? I think as long as he’s alive there’s some potential stories to be explored there)
Pidge you a badass
Well, thats definitely Hunk and Keith jumping down the chute, and the third Paladin MIGHT be Shiro, but its hard to tell. Could be Lance. 
Mkay, when Zarkon and Shiro are all glowy at the end I’m pretty sure thats a mind-battle between the two of them for control of the Black Lion. I BELIEVE IN YOU SHIRO BBY
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