#was fine. it felt good. like the design was part of the shirt. I want that again.
kittlyns · 1 month
My best friend's birthday is in 5 days and I just got her present in the mail and it sucks. So I'm killing myself.
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knightmareaceblue · 4 months
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A redraw of the group photo from the Nether hopping arc! I wanted to get in more practice drawing the characters in this specific style, and also see if I can fix some issues with their designs that were bugging me. I... mostly succeeded on that 2nd part?
Some notes regarding these CG designs (plus some headcannons):
-Red's outfit frustrates me, because I like it a lot without colour, but once I start trying to add colour it always ends up looking off. The current colour scheme is fine, I guess, but I'm a little torn on whether or not the colours suit Red, and not making him too close to the other colour schemes present (which I like a lot more).
-Red's outfits will often have animal motifs designed into them. Usually cat, rabbit, or pig, but they have all sorts of animal clothes.
-Though it can't usually be seen due to not drawing them with their hood up often, Red's hoodie has cat ears. The reason I don't usually draw the hood up is because I like drawing his hair too much.
-Red will alternate between gloves, bracelets, and, post AVM season 3, a yellow headband and armbands.
-Under the hoodie Red will usually wear a tank top or crop top. Though it can't be seen in this photo, the arm holes for the hoodie are incredibly large, so Red's top can sometimes be seen when lifting her arms or looking at them from the side.
-In general, I do like Yellow's outfit. It suits her personality well and has some good colours. My primary concern is that it may be too... plain? Stereotypical? Basically, that it's too stereotypically 'nerd' to be interesting. But I can't come up with anything better, so this'll be her default outfit for now.
-What I do like on Yellow, however, is the hair. I think the short hair with a singular braid is really cool. A nice mix of neat and practical and stylish, especially mixed with the glasses.
-One issue I do have is with the boots. All the shoes in general, actually. They all look so samey, especially Blue and Yellow's boots. This is a pretty simplistic style I'm drawing in though, and I don't want to make anything too complicated. Why do shoes have to be so stupid?
-I used to have the same problem with Second's outfit as with Red's - particularly, with their shirt. However, that's when I realized that Second is an artist, and can change their shirt design at the drop of a hat. So, now the shirt has a different drawing on it regularly. Second will try to use all their friends colours in their designs. If they leave a person off, it usually means their either consciously or subconsciously upset with that stick. If they don't draw on their shirt at all and leave it blank, it usually means something's up with them.
-I also added leggings from the previous design. It felt right.
-Both Second and Chosen dislike shoes. I will not elaborate, but Second's tolerance is better than Chosen. He can handle it for short periods of time, but is usually grumpy and will kick them off first chance he gets.
-I like to imagine Second using her large, poofy hair to put things in, the same way she'd put things in their inventory. I also like to imagine Green is low-key horrified by this, while Red, Blue, and Yellow will also use her fluff to store things. Sometimes without Second even noticing.
-Second carries the belt with them in their hair in their inventory and will put it on before fighting/platforming so their oversized shirt doesn't get in their way. Otherwise they prefer to have their clothing loose and flowing.
-Everyone has a multicoloured accessory. Second was the one who started it with his bracelet, then the others wanted some too so Second drew up more for the gang. An anklet for Red, an armband for Yellow, a belt for Green, and a neckerchief for Blue.
-Green may just have the best outfit of everyone here. It's sleek, it's cool, it suits them, and it's easy to fight in (with an easily striped jacket if need be). I also added a lil choker.
-I don't think I expressed this before, but I didn't like Green's previous hairstyle. Something about it irked me, but I couldn't place what at the time. Now I know it'd needed more on top, haha.
-Blue's outfits tend to be more on the practical side, since they do a lot of manual labour, but with bits of fun and whimsy added in. After AvM Season 3, she trades her funny socks for long funny socks and fun stockings.
-The original intent was for everyone to have a different type of hair, but Blue's and Yellow's ended up a lot more similar than I'd hope. The idea was for Blue to have really thick hair, but it's hard to tell. Might think of something else later.
-Anyone who wants something different can go to Second and ask. They all have their own things they like, but they're all willing to try almost anything, with very little exception.
Feel free to let me know your thoughts. I think I really like these character designs I came up with. :)
Original pic used for reference:
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sturniolo-simp4life · 2 months
perfect enemy 2
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y/n has been close friends with the triplets. Well, with 2 off them. The one thing she knows is- Matt absolutely hates her. She doesn’t know why, but he does. Or does he?
warnings- cursing. PREVIOUS PART
series taglist. NEXT PART.
A MONTH EARLIER it was litterly any normal Monday. You waited in front of the boy’s locker room, since hockey practice was about to end.
A boy of smell boys walked out of the locker room, passing by you, until you saw Chris and nick.
and him.
the smile wiped off of your face as Matt smirked at you. “Aww, someone’s grumpy this morning.” He teased.
“Ugh Matt, it’s too early for this.” Nick said.
“I agree,” you muttered as the 4 of you started to walk through the hallways.
the bell rang, and you made it too your first class, which you unfortunately shared with Matt.
“alright class, we will begin with a group project.” A collective sound of groans flooded the classroom, making the teacher roll her eyes.
“You will be paired in groups of 2. Unfortunately, I have prepared groups for you, because our class can’t seem to behave, considering what happened last time you got to choose partners.” The teacher glared at 2 snickering boys.
even more groans where heard across the class. “Alright I will beginning calling names. You will move next to your partner.”
she began calling names, until yours was called. “Y/n and… Matt.”
you couldn’t be fucking serious. You looked to Matt, who was already smirked at you. You glared and turned around.
he came and set his stuff next to you. “Hey princess.” He teased. “Shut up,” you snapped.
“quiet down everyone. For this project, it will be about entrepreneurship. Your objective is to design a t-shirt and phone case based on the school mascot. The first week you will spend researching for softwares and sourcing materials.”
‘This shouldn’t be too hard,’ you thought. You were a really creative person, so you figured it wouldn’t be too hard.
‘Matt is gonna make this so fucking hard me,’ you internally groaned.
Matt could sense your unease. “What’s wrong princess? Worried I’m going mess up this project?” He snickered.
You shot him a glare. “I don’t care if you don’t do shit. But mess up this project for me? Me and you are going to have a far worse problem.”
he lifted up his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. Someone’s angy.”
you scoffed and rolled your eyes.
“You should come over after school. For the project I mean.” He said after a moment of silence.
You raised an eyebrow. “Do you want a good grade or not?” He said. You sighed and reluctantly agreed. “Fine.”
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you felt an odd sense of anxiety as you walked up to his house. You had been to their house plenty of times— why were you nervous now?
you shook the thought as your rung the doorbell.
you where met by Chris. “Oh, hey y/n. What are you doing here?” He asked. “Hey. Uhh, is Matt home?” The words felt foreign coming out of your mouth.
Chris’s mouth dropped slightly. “Asking for Matt? Damn— that’s a first.” He chuckled. “I think he’s in his room.”
you mumbled a thanks and entered the house. You looked around and began to walk up the stairs.
His door was slightly ajar, and you peaked into it. He was on his bed, scrolling through his phone. His hair was fluffy and mess, and his lips were almost red.
Just looking at him made butterflies fly in your stomach. Wait, butterflies?
you shuddered in the thought. Matt was attractive, but there’s no way you were attracted to him. Right?
“like what you see?” His voice snapped you out of your trance. “In your dreams,” you muttered as you walked in.
“Alright so I was thinking we should do these 2 colors,” you said as you opened your laptop. You showed him.
he grimaced. “Hell no. We should do Red and blue instead.” You glared at him. “Red and black looks better.”
Matt groaned and rolled his eyes. “Just do all three, since you’re so stuck up.” You scoffed.
This was going to be a long evening.
It’s kind of boring but bare with me guys, it’s coming 😬
taggys-heartsforsturniolo567 fratbrochrisgf lizzysmith110 hottiirr ilovechrissturniolosposts luvbotsblog
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razorblade180 · 4 months
9 days of Lancaster Day 8: Beach Day
Ruby:Jauuuuuune! You ready for next week’s team environmental bonding training!? AKA, the beach!?
Jaune:Umm, yeah. I’m sure it’ll be fun.
Ruby:..Don’t tell me you can’t swim?
Jaune:I can swim fine. Although if I’m honest I’m probably build a sandcastle or something. Maybe read.
Ruby:You sound like Blake. I need you amped! We gotta wipe Yang’s smug look off her face in volleyball.
Jaune:As long as Nora’s on our team.
Ruby:Obviously. Hey, are you already done packing? I didn’t even see you shop.
Jaune:Ren got most of the travel stuff like sunscreen.
Ruby:You owned beach clothes already?
Jaune:I mean…sorta? I have trunks and y’know, a cozy top.
Ruby:Like a divine shirt?
Jaune:More like a…beach hoodie.
Ruby:Jaune, it’s gonna be in the triple digits when we go.
Jaune:I’ll live.
Ruby:Yeah in an emergency room! What’s with you? Do you have a weird scar or something?
Jaune:No. I…*rubs arm* I don’t know. Being shirtless really isn’t my thing. Never had the confidence.
Ruby:Really? I mean i get it; especially before training but you look good! Nora calls you Mr. Muscle.
Jaune:Hehe, yeah it’s a wild thing. I know it’s in my head but after getting picked on when I was younger I kinda became self conscious. Hoodies have always felt cozier after that.
Ruby:….Wanna make a deal?
Jaune:A deal?
Ruby:I actually have been trying to gain more confidence in myself and shake off some awkwardness. I was planning on wearing this older one piece I own. But, there’s also a part of me that wants to try a bikini for the first time. If you step out of your comfort zone then I will do it too. We can be awkward together.
Jaune:I bet you would look nice in a one piece though.
Jaune:..Yeah, that didn’t sound quite right coming from your boyfriend in this situation.
Ruby:I got the sentiment, but yeah. Not your finest moment. *holds his hands* Let’s take the plunge together. We can even be a little gross and get matching outfits. *smiles*
Jaune:Haha. That would be something, wouldn’t it? I…eh, why not? Sure, let’s try.
The fateful day arrived. After lots of second guessing himself, Jaune stood on corse hot sand underneath a recently planted umbrella . His hoodie was nowhere in sight and his new white swimming trunks fit nicely. All he knew about the design was the at the right leg had a gray pail pouring water out of it like one of those watering buckets.
???: Nora might be onto something with Mr. Muscle.
He turned around to see a red reaper holding her beach bag. More importantly, on her was the bikini she picked in secret. It was the average cut for a standard bikini, with the top being green on the straps and upper rim. Meanwhile, the cups and bottom were bright red with a few yellowish specks. Jaune quickly realized Ruby was a red as the strawberry design she chose.
Ruby:S-So? Any thoughts? How do I look?
Jaune:That’s not- I mean- *covers face*…. You look really nice. Man this hasn’t been my week.
Ruby removed the boy’s hands to get a good look at him. He wasn’t as cut as her but man did he bulk up! Not too much though. Jaune was still pretty lean and Ruby found that wonderful. She moved her arms under his own and gave a gentle hug while her fingers traced his back.
Ruby:If ya ask me, you look, feel, and smell good. I’m one lucky gal.
Jaune:*red* Thanks. I’m pretty lucky too. *hugs her*
Ruby:Well your luck isn’t over. I kinda need your help. *pulls out sunscreen*
Jaune:..You’re really trying give me a heart attack.
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littlemissjellyfish1 · 8 months
HEAVILY inspired by @meowbyacow60004 comic! Hope you don't mind my little rendition! (Lmk if you'd like me to take it down!)
The sound of heavy automaton footprints across the Parisian streets echoed against the buildings. Adrien continued towards Marinette's house, unwavering and never tiring. Asleep upon Adrien's cold, metal back; Marinette listened to the soft whirring of mechanical parts as she dreamt. Marinette jolted awake when an old lamp post flickered above her.
Noticing the change in her breathing, Adrien turned his head to look at her. "Oh, you're awake?"
Marinette rubbed her eyes and scanned the area as she spoke up. "Any reason for carrying me on your back?" She questioned.
"A few, princess," His calm and calculating voice answered. "It's midnight, no traffic, and I certainly can't let you go home alone."
Groaning, Marinette sunk her face into the nape of his neck. "You know what I meant, Adrien."
"Actually I don't, I'm just a machine," He feigned ignorance, walking along.
"Are you being satirical?"
"I wasn't designed to do this."
"So you are, then?"
"...Just a little. Maybe." Adrien smiled, a smile designed down to the last dimple on his cheek; that's what made it so uncanny and beautiful.
Letting out an exhausted sigh, Marinette felt the edges of her mouth curl up. "Good, it's like the old days."
Adrien cautiously walked across the old and fractured pavement as they inched closer to Marinette's house. "Are you being satirical, too?" He asked, breathlessly---inhuman.
Marinette shook her head into the fabric of his shirt. "Nope, I mean it." Marinette let the cool air surround her as she began to reminiscence. "I've been thinking these days...a lot." She paused, still for a moment before gripping the steel of Adrien's shoulder. "I'm sorry for avoiding you for so long."
It was funny: apologizing to a mechanical boy. Yet the ticking of his clockwork heart held enough emotion to burden Marinette with guilt, so she carried on. "I'm sorry I said those words to you. That wasn't your fault." Her grip tightened as tears welled up in her eyes. "I was the one who fell for you easily."
A short stop in the ticking, almost as if Adrien had paused his breath. Marinette spoke softly through her tears, "Your kindness...your little presents." She rubbed her eyes on his shirt, wrinkling and wetting it. "Your silly jokes, the murmur of gears in your body when I get close to you...everything..."
Not fully comprehending in the situation, Adrien began to set Marinette down. "Mari, we're here."
She let out a small "oh" and wiped the tears from her face. "Sorry...for ruining your shirt." Marinette let her hand linger over the wet spots on his back.
Cocking his head, Adrien smiled brightly. "Then what's my compensation?"
Marinette raised an eyebrow, face puffy. "Is this also a setting in advance?"
A small laugh escaped Adrien's mouth. "I guess not."
Pondering for a moment Marinette raised a question. "Okay---what do you want?"
"If it won't make you uncomfortable...how about an innocent kiss?" Adrien teased, causing Marinette to pout. "Just kidding! You don't have to; anything from you is fine!" He reassured her, waving his hands. "Even a smile can make me forgive-"
Adrien had tried to retract his statement, but he already felt small, calloused hands on his cheeks. It was a light kiss, just enough to make the pair ache for more, and yet still satisfy them for a time. Streetlights illuminated the scene like spotlights on a stage. Adrien felt a shiver run through every servo and circuit. For a moment--just a moment--Marinette swore his lips held warmth.
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featheredenby · 3 months
Friday Night We’re Gonna Party Till Dawn
“He talked to Cleo about who she was inviting and it turns out that they invited mostly heroes and vigilantes so of course Hotguy will be there.”
Written by: FeatheredEnby
Word Count: 1,250
Part Six of: Show Your Fangs
A Superhero AU of Empires SMP/Hermitcraft/The Life Series
Lizzie stands fidgeting in front of the mirror, her light pink and purple dress is sitting awkwardly on her fur and that’s an issue. It’s a masquerade ball so no one will know that the calico cat mutant in a dress and axolotl mask is her, but the idea of going out without her fur, for the most part, covered is absolutely nerve wracking. It’s not like this is the first time that she has ever felt this way but this is the first time that she’s going out in public with so much fur exposed. Maybe she should just change into her dark pink blazer with a light purple button up shirt and a blue tie, but then again that outfit doesn’t match her mask. So she rolls with it, as she can’t get a new mask on such short notice, adding a pair of blue aventurine earrings along with a pearl necklace and bracelets before grabbing her purse and waiting for Scott and Jimmy to finish getting ready.
The main question that Grian has to ask himself before heading out to Cleo’s party is not what outfit he should wear (despite having tons of options) but if he even wants to go. He talked to Cleo about who she was inviting and it turns out that they invited mostly heroes and vigilantes so of course Hotguy will be there. Although it’s likely that he won’t recognise him and he won’t recognise Hotguy but still having the knowledge that he’s there still a lot despite having seen him since the incident. But as long as they don't recognise each other it will be fine right? So Grian jumps up from where he is sitting on his bed and brushes off his dress, then heads to the window. Opening the window he feels the cool night air on his face before jumping out and starting to fly over to the cafe.
Dancing is going to be awfully awkward, Scar thinks while going through the painstaking effort that is getting ready for Cleo’s party, If only I had been able to get Cub to let me use the mechanical leg braces. He doesn’t mind using his crutches but that’s when he’s out as Scar but tonight he isn’t, tonight he’s out as Hotguy… kinda. Of course he was invited to the party as Hotguy but to everyone else he’ll just be one of the masked party goers. Although it won’t be too hard to tell who he is with his signature blue and orange color scheme and the arrow design on his mask, Scar just hopes that people won’t think that it’s him because of the crutches.
Cleo stands at the counter as she happily watches the dancing people around them, sure this is their party but it’s also her cafe and someone has to keep the place running. And sure there’s only a few people who have arrived but they’re having a good time, a cat mutant in an axolotl mask, a canary hybrid in a cod mask, a llama hybrid in an orange paint splatter mask, and a stag hybrid in a brightly colored mask. Then they hear the doorbell chime as three more people walk in, a human with an axe shaped mask, a wolf hybrid with a simple wolf mask, and another human with a purple vail on. It’s pretty easy for Cleo to tell who can recognise who as when the newcomers arrive as the cat mutant and stag hybrid go over to greet them. Soon after people are once again dancing happily and the party continues smoothly as more guests arrive, an avian mutant in a red mask adorned with feathers, a deer mutant with a butterfly mask, a human with a metal arm and gears on their mask, and finally another human wearing a light blue and orange mask with an arrow down the middle who’s using crutches. At that point the avian comes up to the counter, “Nice party,” he says,”but I have to ask, are we going to do an unmasking at the end like they do at some others?”
“Nope,” they respond,”most of the people that I invited are heroes or vigilantes and I don’t want to jeopardize their safety.”
Grian moves back onto the dance floor after talking to Cleo only to find himself in a corner not having much to do since he didn’t come with anyone, that is until someone in a lightly colored mask and shirt using crutches comes up to him. 
“Hello,” he greets Grian,”it’s a nice party right?”
“I suppose,” Grian responds,”but if I’m honest I’m dreading the inevitable slow dance.”
“Heh, same,”he admits,”I’m uh… should I tell you my name or?”
“I mean probably not if you want your identity to remain hidden.”
“Hm…What should I use as my name then?,” he ponders,”Oh! I got it, call me Thyme like the herb.”
“Okay then Thyme, you can call me Ariana.”
“Sounds good,” Thyme agrees,”So would you like to dance?”
“Sure but how are you planning on doing that?” Grian asks.
“I didn’t actually think about that…” He admits.
“We can just talk if you want.” Grian offers.
“I guess, but it’s a party you know… I feel like I should be dancing.”
“You don’t have to dance at a party, plus I prefer not to be in the crowd.”
“So uhm what do you want to talk about?” Scar asks.
“Hm… Well what are your interests? I’m a reporter and I like to fish as a hobby.” Ariana says.
“Oh, well I do landscaping and I like to draw.”
“Cool. How’d you get invited?”
“I work for the GHFA so, you know. What about you?”
“Oh you know,”They say while messing with their hair,”I just do stuff, here and there.”
“Okay I guess.”
Scar continues talking to Ariana for a while before they leave to use the bathroom leaving Scar standing in a corner. As Scar stands there he hears a noise coming from the stage where people perform on mondays. Looking up he finds that he’s not the only one who heard it and standing on the stage are three figures, all wearing red. One of the people turns around but Scar doesn’t even need them to introduce themselves to know who they are. The person who turns around is wearing a red cloak and a mask of the moon, “Hello! It’s so lovely to see you all, did you miss us?” The Red Witch asks sarcastically.
“No!” a cat mutant shouts,”You tried to kill multiple people.”
“Can you shut them up?” The Red Hand mutters.
“Oh! But of course, ᓵꖎ𝙹ᓭᒷ ||𝙹⚍∷ ᒲ𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ⍑,”all the people at the party can do is watch as her lips fuse together, “Hm, I think that the rest of you are smart enough to shut it.”
Scar has to run but there’s an issue aside from the fact that he can’t, his crutches make way too much noise. So as quietly as he can Scar moves away from the subdued rest of the party and to the bathroom. As Scar enters the bathroom he sees a blast of purple light coming from one of the stalls and hears someone cast a spell, “╎'ᒲ リ𝙹ℸ ̣  ∷ᒷᔑꖎꖎ|| ᓭ⚍∷ᒷ ⍑𝙹∴ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ∴𝙹∷ꖌᓭ ʖ⚍ℸ ̣  i ꖌ╎リ↸ᔑ リᒷᒷ↸ ᔑ ↸╎ᓭ⊣⚍╎ᓭᒷ ∷╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣  リ𝙹∴.”
“Hello?!? Who’s there?” 
“What?” says a confused voice inside the stall,”Thyme?”
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marmie-noir · 4 months
Cabaret, Confessions, and Curses
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TW: Smut, swearing, Mitch Keller being dressed up and looking good. Per usual no proof read so forgive any silly goofy things pls!
It felt like yesterday when we finally had claimed our peace. There had been a lot of work to do after but it had been so worth it. Every project came with it’s own reward, every long day ending with the knowledge that we were working towards our future. Which, most importantly, was about us being together. 
Since the shootout Mitch had been hesitant to let me out of his sight for a bit. I couldn’t tease him, I’d been the same. We’d been glued at the hip for weeks, the two of us doing everything together from meeting with contractors to approving interior design choices, to filling out paperwork to file with the state to make everything look crystal clean as far as the government was concerned. 
We had our fun too, weekends away and time away from the bar. Pops had harassed us enough to get out of the house and go ‘be young people’, the two of us going to a music festival a few towns over and getting drunk on cheap wine, dancing under the stars with a field full of other people. It was all like a dream, and it had all come down to this. 
I looked at myself in the mirror once more, fingers fiddling with the necklace I had picked. I heard Ann huff next to me and I glanced over with a little frown. “You look perfect, Sunny! C’mon!” She said, grinning at me. 
“You didn’t see Mitch before he left.” I muttered, reaching down to smooth the skirt of my dress. I’d picked something pretty, the cut of the front lower than I normally preferred, the back of it too, but when I’d seen it in the shop last time Ann dragged me out shopping I had wanted it. It was a pretty shade of green that looked nice against my skin and with my hair, making my eyes pop too after Ann had done her voodoo girl magic to make them seem more vibrant. One day I’d have her teach me, but for now I enjoyed having her handle it, the bonding experience something I’d never had with someone else. 
Mitch had left hours ago, getting all dressed up himself in a Western style shirt and a nice pair of jeans, even had a new pair of boots he’d prepped and waxed before going out. I’d practically drooled when he’d come to give me a kiss goodbye. “Come in a few hours, spend some time with Ann, get all dolled up. I’ll handle all the bullshit that always goes wrong on the first night of opening, darlin’. You just enjoy yourself. You’ve earned it.” He’d said, not letting me drag him to the bedroom for a quickie with how good he’d looked. It’d been half touched, half frustrated. 
“And he’s gonna sing tonight.” I said, giving a little spin in my mirror, looking at the way the skirts shifted as I moved. I looked good, really good. “Ann, it’s disgustingly unfair how hot he is.” “Girl, are we looking in the same mirror?” Ann asked, stopping next to me, meeting my eyes in the mirror. “You are looking so fine right now, don’t even. C’mon, get your cute butt into gear, we gotta go see your man. And I wanna check out my new job.” As promised all the employees from Bred-2-Buck would still be employed. But Mitch had been very firm when he’d told everyone that tonight they wouldn’t not be working, they would be enjoying the new place. Even Charlie had accepted, and I was looking forward to seeing the old man show up in his Sunday best. 
Ann drove us to the bar and we didn’t have any issues finding parking, seeing as there was employee parking in a well lit part of the new parking lot, Mitch having that be part of the changes. Safety for his employees. We walked up, spotting Fred acting as bouncer at the front door. 
He perked up, grinning at the two of us. I leaned in, returning his hug and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before pulling back to step in as Ann chatted him up. She liked to flirt with Fred, he got shy and stuttery around her in the sweetest way. 
It was beautiful. The lighting was a reddish tint and everything was new and spotless. Pale colored couches lined the walls, round tables filling up the middle with a spot left open before the new stage for a dance floor. The place was packed except for a few tables near the front and everyone was having a great time eating, drinking, and laughing. Spotting some more familiar faces my smile grew and I made my way towards the front spotting Bohdi and Grace, who I pulled into a hug. She looked stunning, wrapped in a pale bodycon dress, her smile sincere. Clint walked up with another round of drinks and I gave him a side hug too. 
“This is insane! It’s so full!” I said, grinning at them as I slid my hands down the back of my thighs as I sat, making sure my skirt didn’t get too wrinkled. Turning towards the stage I felt my body freeze in reaction, eyes widening as I made eye contact with Mitch. “God damn.” I whispered, causing Ann and Grace to laugh. 
He looked as good as I remembered from a few hours ago, except now he had a few of his top buttons undone. He hadn’t even worn a hat tonight, his hair combed back, a few strands falling across his forehead as he moved slightly while singing, rocking as he played the guitar and sang with that grin on his face. Now, I was no groupie, but a girl could only handle so much. Grace said something but I couldn’t hear her, just going “Mhm.” As I blinked up at Mitch. He smirked, shooting me a wink before scanning across the room. Always the boss it seemed. 
“Grace said Dwight was at the bar if you want to say hi.” Ann said, reaching over to give my thigh a squeeze, making me jump slightly. I blushed at being caught oogling Mitch so obviously. Refocusing on her I reached up to brush some of my hair from my face, giving her a little nod. “Yeah, I will in a minute.” 
The song wrapped up and I clapped with everyone else. Mitch straightened, adjusting the guitar strap as he wrapped his free hand around the mic stand with that same pearly smile. He looked so happy, he looked so good, so in his element. It made my heart ache with happiness a little bit. 
“Ladies and Gentlemen, if I could have your attention please?” He said, the band winding down the song behind him as he looked into the crowd. I crossed my legs, intent on hearing what he had to say. 
“As many of ya’ll know, we just got our license.” He gestured to the back room which was now filled with card tables and slot machines. The gambling license had been a longer process than anticipated but it hadn’t been overly difficult thankfully. “And I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to the future home of the Bred-2-Buck Cabaret and Casino!” I let out a cheer and clapped, everyone else joining in. It felt good to have our friends here, the people who had become near and dear to my heart filling the space. 
“Now, none of this would be possible without without the support of my partners, in particular Mr. Dwight Manfredi.” He said, gesturing towards the bar. I turned in my seat, spotting the familiar gray head of hair next to his daughter who I’d recently met. I cupped my hands around my mouth and let out a cheer before clapping. Dwight had grown on me slower than Mitch, but after what he did for us? He was alright in my books, closer to family than I’d like to admit. 
Dwight gave a little wave, looking pleased with himself and not a bit shy. “And I’d also like thank the one who got me through the long hours of paperwork and the frustrations of interior design,” He said, voice dropping low like it was some sort of horror. It garnered some laughter but he didn’t stop. “My rock, my girl, Sunny.” 
I smiled so wide my cheek hurt. I covered my lower face, blushing and shaking my head as Ann reached over to pat at my shoulder, Grace letting out a whooping cheer that had me batting at her with a laugh. Once the clapping and cheers died down he continued on, practically glowing. “Now, I’m going to be taking a short break from being the entertainment tonight to enjoy myself, but I’ll be back in no time. But please give a warm welcome to Malcom and the Bonefish.” He stepped aside as another man stepped forward, apparently part of the band he’d hired for opening night. People clapped once more as the music started up. Mitch handed off his guitar and stepped off the stage, one hand sliding through his hair as he said something to a worker before heading over towards me. I hopped up, all but throwing myself into his open arms. He let out a quiet laugh, giving me a good squeeze before pulling back to look me over. “And I thought you couldn’t get any prettier.” He said, taking my hand and giving me a little spin with that smile that had a heat burning in my lower stomach. I squeezed his hand back and pulled him towards the dance floor where a few other couples were swaying, wanting to get a dance in with him on one of the most important nights. “Hush, I just had to match how handsome you look.” I said, reaching up to lace my fingers together behind his neck. His hands found my hips, the two of us leaning in and swaying to the music. It wasn’t exactly a slow song so we didn’t move slow, but it wasn’t something we should be swinging around to. It was perfect like everything else had been today. “Mitch, it looks amazing.” I said, grinning up at him. He nodded, glancing up for a moment to take in the room before meeting my eyes once more. “Should. You picked everything out.” “Not everything.” I said with a laugh, making him grin a little wider. “You picked out some stuff too.” “Mhm, but the important stuff is all you, darlin’. Don’t forget that.” He said, hands moving to my lower back, pressing gently to ensure I was pressed up tightly against him. I went willingly, the music perfect. I let out a happy sigh, relaxing against his taller form. “Like I’d let you forget that.” I teased, fingers playing with a few strands of his hair at the base of his neck. Mitch leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to my lips before pulling back. I wanted more, and I had already crafted a plan to get what I wanted a few days ago when I’d seen that new desk get carted into his office. Sturdy, hardwood, looking like it should be in a lawyers office. “I’ve got a surprise for you if you can spare fifteen minutes.” “Fifteen minutes for my girl? Easy.” He said, pulling back to find my hand once more. “Lead the way, pretty girl.” The name brought butterflies to my stomach and I shot Ann a wink as I lead Mitch away. She knew my plan, I’d confessed it when we had been getting ready. I lead Mitch down the hallway towards his office, sneaking a glance back at him to catch his heated expression. Opening his office door I closed it behind us, letting go of his hand to walk over to the desk. I perched myself on top of the cool hardwood, leaning back to pop open the top drawer. I pulled the picture frame out, and then grabbed a bottle of expensive whiskey I’d bought with Dwight’s guidance. Setting the bottle down next to my thigh I held the frame out to Mitch with a grin, gesturing he take it. He did, stepping closer, flipping it over. Mitch was silent a few moments before he looked at me, surprising me by being slightly emotional. There was a sheen to his eyes I’d never seen before. “I’m gonna confess, darlin’. When you pulled me in here I thought I was going to be breaking in the new desk. Didn’t think you’d be getting me all misty eyed.” He said, giving me a softer smile and looking back at the picture. 
It was a picture I’d taken awhile ago, a few weeks after starting to work for Mitch. I had insisted Ann snap a picture of myself, Mitch, and Pops. Had claimed it was for me, admitted guilted them a bit. It had turned out great, the old interior of the bar obvious in the photo, my cheesy grin with Mitch laughing, and Pops cracking a half smile for the picture because Ann had asked sweetly.I had it sized up and put into a nice frame for him to put wherever he wanted it.  
“I got a few other shots of the bar I took before we- well, blew it up.” I said with a little shrug, reaching out to hook my fingers in his belt loops to pull him closer between my spread thighs. “Confession time for me as well, I was really hoping you’d fuck me on the new desk also. Think of it as a two parter.”
Mitch let out a genuine laugh, setting the photo down on the desk to instead grab my face. He tilted my chin up, leaning down to press his lips to mine, smiling still. I knew I was smiling too, arching up to kiss him back, the taste of the drink he must have had earlier a little burn against my tongue as it dipped between his lips.  
“Been thinkin’ about you all pretty on this desk since they brought it in.” Mitch breathed out against my lips as his hands moved to my thighs, sliding up under my dress as he leaned in closer to grind against me. He felt good, already half hard in his jeans, the cool metal of his belt buckle obvious through the thin material of my dress. “Oh, my too. I miss the old desk but this one will do.” I teased, nipping at his bottom lip as I reached for his buckle, needing him. I’d been wet since seeing him on stage, my body immediately reacting to seeing that smile for me as he sang. Mitch Keller was like a drug and I was addicted because no matter how much I touched and tasted him I always came back for more. 
Mitch made a noise that was all masculine amusement, his big hands giving the fat of my thighs a squeeze before dipping between them. The rings on his fingers were cool too and I whined, thighs spreading a bit more out of habit, undoing the jingling belt buckle and working on his pants next. As I undid his pants he hooked his fingers around my panties and pulled them down, dropping the red lace on the desk next to me. The thin scrap of fabric had him raising a brow, giving me a sly smile. “Well now, someone was planning this.” He said, one of his big hands pressing against my cunt, blunt fingertips finding how wet I was with a little groan in the back of this throat. “Really planning this.” 
“I did say it was a surprise.” I breathed out. With the help of his free hand he opened his pants, my hands greedily dipping in and pushing them down enough to free his now fully hard cock. “The bra matches, you can see it later.” “Fucking- you are going to be the end of me.” He said with a smile, hand wrapping around mine at the base of his cock, giving himself a slow pump that had me rocking my hips against his hand between my thighs. “I need you now.” I said, looking up at him. So fucking handsome, especially when his blue eyes went dark with want, the two of us wrapped up in one another. Inseparable on a base level that would terrify me if it was anyone else but strong, sturdy Mitch. “I don’t wanna hurt you.” He said, two fingers pushing into my slick pussy. I whined, clenching around him, head tipped back to look up at him. “Y’get so tight, baby.” “Won’t hurt me, want it.” I demanded as firmly as I could while suppressing a moan as he hooked his fingers just right, rubbing at the spot inside me his long frustratingly talented fingers always seemed to find. “Please, Mitch. Fuckin’ please.” He bit out a curse, his hand leaving me and having me feel empty once more. I leaned back on my elbows, arching my hips up so he could push my skirt to my waist, leaning in to grind his hard cock against where I wanted him more. He hit my clit, the friction making me take in a sharp inhale, nipples pebbling behind my sheer bra and showing through the thin dress. 
My legs wrapped around his hips, pulling him closer, needing him inside of me. There was an underlying desperation, a desire, the ache he created deep inside me only something he could soothe. “Please.” I whined once more as he pulled his hips back slightly to slot himself in place. Mitch leaned forward and captured my lips in a heated kiss as he sunk into me, pushing each thick inch into me slowly until his hips were pressed flush against mine. My thighs immediately tightened around his middle as I moaned into the kiss, lips parting under his as he fucked into me with slow, firm strokes, his tongue tasting between my lips at the same time. 
He was big and thick in the perfect way, and I was soaked for him already, each stroke easy. “So good for me.” He ground out, big hands moving to under my knees, using his hold to push my legs up towards my chest. It changed the angle, letting him slide in easier, each thrust pushing him deeper. It was so good my eyes nearly rolled back. 
“Fuck, I’m so lucky.” Mitch’s voice was rough, almost like how it sounded in the morning when I kissed him awake. I wanted to tell him I was the lucky one, I was the one who was winning, a little cock drunk and delusionally happy. But words had left me and I whined, nodding as he continued to thrust. He didn’t let up, setting a fast pace. 
“M’not gonna last.” I confessed, clenching around him when he bottomed out again, grinding so that his pelvis put the most delicious friction on my clit. “‘Specially if you do that.” 
“Me either.” He said, hands sliding up my calves to hook my ankles over his shoulders. He was so deep it was like he was fucking the breath out of my lungs but in the best possible way, my own arousal making the slap of skin on skin sinfully wet. With his hands now free he reached between us. But instead of going right for my clit like he normally did he pressed on my lower stomach lightly. It had me nearly choking on my own gasped breath, the force of his hand making sure that every stroke of his cock hit right where I needed, bullying my g-spot mercilessly. “Fuck-, Mitch.” I choked out, reaching out to grip the edge of the desk as well near the top of my head. His free hand found one of mine, lacing our fingers together, pinning my hand against the wood. His other, on my stomach, was of course long enough to use his thumb to flick at my clit as he fucked me harder and faster. He had me practically bent in half but I didn’t care, the position letting him sink in deeper and faster, pressing in so deep I saw stars. 
“Please please please.” I panted out with each clap of our hips, squeezing our interlaced hands, looking up into his pretty blue eyes. More hair had fallen in his face but it looked good. He gave a little nod, adding a little roll to his hips to grind where I needed him. “C’mon baby, give it to me. Show me how good I make you feel, hm? Wanna see you come undone on my desk so I can think of your perfect pussy every time I sit down to do paperwork.” He growled out, hips never slowing. It was too much and I fell apart under him, my own free hand clasping over my parted lips as I let out a cry. I came hard, clenching around him tightly. I made a noise that I was sure was a porno level moan but all sound had become muffled except the sharp breaths Mitch was taking above me, his own movements becoming sloppy as he chased his own high. “That’s it, that’s my pretty girl, fucking look at you baby. Christ, that’s it. Take it, know you can, know you want to.” He said, deep voice more like a growl in my ear as I nodded at him, hand leaving my mouth as I panted and whimpered. 
The familiar warmth bloomed in my lower stomach and he groaned, head hanging and resting his forehead on mine as he came hard. I echoed the sound, my free hand moving to cup the back of his neck, chin tilting up to capture his lips in a slow heated kiss. He ground against me but didn’t move anymore than that, firmly as deep as he could get. After a few moments Mitch broke the kiss, panting but grinning. I mirrored his expression, letting out a little laugh as he slowly leaned back and let my legs down off his shoulders, his hands massaging at my hips as they were rather stiff from the position. “Shit- I don’t want to ruin your pretty dress.” He said, ready to pull out but hesitating because we’d certainly made a mess. I let out another laugh, gesturing to the side where the cubbies were rebuilt into the wall. “I put some towels in here.” I said, hand falling limp onto the cool surface of the desk. He leaned down to give me another quick kiss before slowly pulling out, both of us making a sound at the overstimulation before he grabbed the towels to gently work on cleaning me up. The two of us straightened one another up and I fixed my hair in the little mirror next to the door, pleased to find Ann’s make up wasn’t really smudged because she used some professional level setting spray. We ended up perched on the edge of the desk, thighs pressed together, as he cracked open the bottle of whiskey. I leaned on his arm but accepted the bottle, taking a small sip and proud that I didn’t even pull a face. “Well,” I said, handing him back the bottle. “We did it Mitch. A full bar, people having a good time, and you even have a stage. A real stage. I’m proud of you.” He set the bottle down, arm wrapping around my shoulders and pulling me close. His free hand tipped my chin up to meet his eyes. I gave him a smile, content and happy, pleased that this was how life was going to be. “I love you.” Mitch spoke softly, thumb brushing over my bottom lip. I blinked, wondering if I’d misheard him. After a few heartbeats I melted. “I love you too.” “Yeah?” “Yeah.” “Good. Think you might be stuck now, darlin’. Stuck here, stuck with me.” He said, voice still that same soft tone that made me want to wrap myself up in him. “Oh no, not here at the bar that is my home with my insanely hot boyfriend. God, some people have no luck.” I teased, giving his thigh a squeeze. He leaned down, brushing his lips against mine when someone knocked on the door. The two of us didn’t pull away but we did turn to look at the door. “Yeah?” He called out, giving my shoulder a squeeze. “Mitch, it’s Dwight.” I recognized Fred’s voice. “He stepped outside to talk to some woman who asked for him and he’s been arrested. Cristina isn’t doing well, and we have no idea what is going on.” 
“God fucking damnit.”
More Mitch and Sunny here
Well, here it is. I might post some random things from the three month break between the shootout and the opening of the new Bred-2-Buck, but for this season that is a wrap. I really love Sunny, thank you everyone who bothered to read my brainrot inspired little fit that was supposed to be 5 chapters long and melted into this. Ily all!!
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thebunnednun · 8 months
LA!Buggy the Clown x Fem!Reader Enchanted meeting Part 2
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Clown fuckers of the world unite!
Part 1
Chapter 2 my loves! I forgot to mention this in my last post but please comment your thoughts! I want to see what you all found humorous and what you’d like to see more of. If there are any tags I missed feel free to comment on them! :3 <3 Btw, the reader almost kisses the clown. ON WITH THE SHOW! 
“I can’t fucking believe you convinced us to do this.”
Zoro was being a drama mama in the corner of the massive tent you built. Who knew that a 120-berry tent would come in handy? After a little bit of sweet talking you managed to convince some of the entertainers to sell you a tent the Russian circus could be proud of.
Everyone was able to fit inside and even used the piles of salvageable goods for makeshift walls. Zoro had gotten ready in a black fitted vest and some casual grey slacks. You were applying some smoky black eyeliner and purple eye shadow with a light hand. “Sanji finally got Usopp to stop crying. I don’t think it’s healthy for him to be here right now. I mean he finally put down that piece of wood.” This ship was more than a vessel, it was your home. Where Sanji cooked meals, and everyone took their place beside each other. 
“Yeah, well, it would boost morale. Let’s try to put on a brave face for the others tonight." Your offer of reason just made him sigh, "Fine. But then back to reality." You roll your eyes and shoot him a smile. You knew Zoro was just being a butthead. Exiting your “room” together allowed you to bump into Robin and Chopper. “Looking cuter than usual, papa.” Chopper basked in the compliments and gave you a twirl. He found a big red bowtie and some matching blue shorts.
Robin was wearing a royal blue jacket that resembled a ringmaster's coat. She offered a warm but tired smile. “Where’s Usopp?” “Right here my sweets!~” Sanji emerged with a red-eyed Pinocchio. Sanji was dressed in simple black and blue attire while Usopp managed to find something of a forest green. You yourself decided on a vampy look. A black dress with red mesh for sleeves and a pair of deep red chunky heels. Who gives a shit about practically when you look sexy? 
Luffy emerged scratching his rear with Nami swatting his hand away. He was in his usual chances but was convinced to put on a normal T-shirt with a star design. Nami looked like a magician's assistant with a similar smoky black vest and plum skirt combo that complimented her figure nicely. Brooks looked as though he was auditioning for the part of a lion with how voluminous his fro was looking. 
You nodded at each other and he spoke, “I’d say we clean up rather nicely for having just been shipwrecked.” It was good to see him returning to his elegant self. “Of course, we can’t just parade around as is. So.. I brought masks!” You gleamed while holding up a shopping bag. A mix of groans and snickering.
Everyone took a mask that hid their face completely or partly. To be fair, it would be easy to spot the Straw Hat crew even without the literal skeleton following around. Seeing the sun begin to dip you all decided to get going before night. On the way everyone soon fell into pleasant conversation while following you and Zoro. 
“Okay, first we eat! Then, we can play games.” Luffy cheered while running to the outdoor food court. Zoro (finally smiling) rolled his eyes and chuckled,” I’ll go with him and make sure he doesn’t eat the stall itself.” Robin took Chopper to the bounce house while Sanji’s interest was captured by a woman in a red leotard. Usopp was looking around some of the merchant stalls and you were happy to trail behind Brooks as he began to try his bones at ring toss. 
The night was a serene affair with warm, salty air, and a gentle breeze that stirred the surrounding foliage. Sitting on a bench overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean, you felt a sense of happiness and contentment. As you looked around, you noticed that the darkness of the area was a bit creepy, but the beauty of the surroundings made up for it. Your friends had survived a shipwreck and were now enjoying the town's festival, but you had no idea what it was about.
Looking over the crowd, you saw many people, including children, wearing masks of all shapes and sizes. As the newest member of the group, you didn't even have a wanted poster yet. Since you always hid your face, there was no point in wearing a mask, right? 
Just as you were about to remove your sweaty mask, you heard deep chuckling, sounds of thunder, and children screaming. The mixture of sounds was strange and unnerving, and you felt a sense of curiosity rising within you. Turning away from the ocean, you followed the sounds and found yourself making your way towards the fun house.
Children began to pour through the back doors of the fun house as you did your best not to bump into anyone. Coincidentally, Brooks and Usopp had the same idea. “AHH Y/N DON’T DO THAT!” Usopp shrieked, jumping into Brooks' bony arms and immediately falling. The surrounding children found this amusing. “It’s not MY fault if you’re so jumpy.” You dusted off your heels and looked around. Things seem to be calmer now but something about the house seemed…. Off.
Brooks seemed to sense your discomfort. “Maybe the lady would prefer if we left this area? We could still catch up to the captain and grab some tea before the show.” You shook your head, ”Nah, I’ll be okay. Let’s go in together though. There’s something strange about this house.” 
Taking one last look at the outside the three of you stumble into the “fun” house. ‘Fun house my ass,’ you thought while trying to regain your footing. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness you realized it was indeed an old house. However, it was decorated more to the liking of some 1860s vampires. There was the faint smell of mothballs.
“This looks more like a horror house,” Usopp quipped and began touching the walls. Brooks was silent looking at a skeletal dummy in the corner. You placed a hand on his scapula,” Yeah buddy, try not to think about it too much.” Slowly you all made your way into a corridor that split into different hallways. “Do we split or stay together?” You wondered out loud. 
“Ya don’t get a choice, sweetheart.” A gruff voice answered. 
Suddenly the floor gave out from under your doormat, “Y/N!!” the unusual duo screamed with hands outstretched. You slide under the floor, barely missing their fingertips. A metal slide was delivering you somewhere but there could only be a basement under the house, right? Seeing a neon light at the end of the circular tunnel you stopped yourself before falling out completely. You placed a hand out to feel some surface before slipping and dropping onto a concrete floor.
“Fuck,” this was harder than the sandy landing you were blessed with earlier. After regaining your breathing and sitting up your eye finally adjusted and noticed that the neon light was actually multiple lights. Surrounding you was a maze of silly mirrors that distorted your image completely. “No wonder those kids got out. But NOOO I just had to bring Scooby and the gang in here!” You rubbed your sore ass before dusting off. Thankfully, your heels weren’t broken and you didn’t feel any bumps on your head. 
But, getting outta this one was going to take some skill. You notice that the wood surface you felt was another trapdoor that spits you out. However, it was already closed, and no telling when it would open again. Your only option would be to try the maze and do your best. Sighing you pulled out a little tube of red lipstick from your cleavage. Better to Hansel and Gretel your way out than be lost the whole night. That was if you made it out at all. ‘Don’t be ridiculous. The staff has to do a sweep and my friends wouldn’t leave without me anyway.’
The thoughts you offered yourself held comfort. But you’d be lying if you didn’t feel scared. Particularly, it felt as if someone was watching you. Looking around the room and doing a little head shake you strolled up to one of the mirrors and fixed yourself before uncapping the deep red lipstick and touching up your lips.
However, your gaze wandered and you could see something watching you from behind another mirror. “Ah!” you turned around suddenly with your back against the cold glass. Nothing, of course, was there. Simply a figure of your imagination. 
But, you knew something was there. And you began to mark each mirror with an angry red slash. Looking over your shoulder gave you little security. 
Great, now you were hearing things. Because you could’ve sworn you heard a faint,” Yo ho,” and the sound of men's boots following you. “I need to get the fuck outta here.” Step, step, step, step, silence. What was the voice you heard before you fell? It was too deep to be Usopp but also not mature enough to be Brooks. Maybe someone over a monitor was watching you guys? Finally, with mercy, you reached a door that led to a staircase. Taking small quiet steps you held your breath and felt relief when you heard no sounds behind you. 
Just as you were about to reach the door it was flung open and strong cold hands grabbed you. “Y/N!!!” You felt a familiar long nose and afro in your face crushing you into a tight hug. Your sweet goofballs have found you! Returning the hug with much vigor you breathed a sigh of relief. “Now don’t you ever disappear through the floor again!” Brooks scolded, waving his arms widely. You let out a soft giggle and he couldn’t help but let the anger melt away. “I can’t promise anything. But what happened to you guys?” Usopp began to spin a wild tale about fighting off monsters and being the one to locate you. “There is Pinocchio ass goes again,” mumbled Brooks rolling his sockets. You could see why those kids were scared. But something deep down inside told you that it wasn’t because of the mirrors. “Let’s get outta here already. I’m sure the others are looking for us.” 
The trio made their way to the food court where Luffy was arguing the advertised size of a Jumbo Philly cheesesteak hotdog with an embarrassed Nami and Zoro patting his stomach. Robin was enjoying some warm tea in a travel mug and Chopper had gotten you a big soft pretzel. “Nice job papas,” you mused and rubbed his head affectionately. Sanji strolled up (having just been banned from the kissing booth) and handed Nami a cake plushie. “Something sweet for someone sweet~” She rolled her eyes but accepted the plush peace offering. You tried to shake off the past events but could see Brooks whispering to Luffy and Zoro. 
They looked at each other and continued to talk in hushed whispers. 
Looking around you realized the booths seemed to be… Deserted. There was no life in them anymore. “I think it’s time for the show. Let’s get going.” Zoro took the lead and everyone gathered their goods. He bumped his hip with yours slightly and you looked up from your pretzel. The green bean haired male raised a single eyebrow at you and you shrugged looking ahead. It’s not like you actually got trapped down there. It was just.. nothing. “It was nothing,” your explanation is accepted, for now, as the Green giant hummed in response. You decided to hang back a little and joined hands with Robin and Nami. Chopper got to ride on Usopp's shoulders for the sake of time. 
Arriving at the big top you all paid 4 bounty a ticket. It was a little dark when you first stepped in. Looking around you decided to take hold of Zoro's arm for a little help walking. Luffy whipped out a wad of cotton candy and you traded half your pretzel for it. A hum of excited children and families surrounded you all as everyone took their seats in the middle of the stands. 
Suddenly, the spotlight came on and a huge puff of smoke developed inside the ring. Whipping your eyes, you found yourself staring at all the performers. You even saw the lion from earlier! Searching for the man that gave you the flier your eyes tried capturing everyone from the sea of entertainers. Acrobats, jugglers, contortionists, and… a single clown?
His eyes were closed but he stood in the center of all the chaos. Around you, children and parents lost their minds cheering, clapping, and waving to all the performers. 
Finally, the clown opened his eyes. He wore a ringmaster's coat, nothing like Robins, and sported a blood-orange pirate hat. Two blue ‘ribbons’ (you guessed) hung from either side of his hat. The boots he wore didn’t look like performance shoes either. And the makeup he wore didn’t look like a typical clown. He had painted his mouth into a permanent blood-red smile. And then you noticed his nose. It looked as though he tapped a rather large orange to his face.
Wait. Did you just see the nostrils twitch as he breathed?
“Huh, that’s pretty strange-” “BINKY?!” Luffy shouted prompting Nami to immediately slap her hand over his loud mouth. “SHHHH!” she hissed into his ear. But she herself looked slightly worried.
The clown man immediately seemed to shift his focus on the group ahead of him. Zoro was now sitting tensely and at attention. “Psst, whose Binky?” you whispered. “Tell you later. Right now, we all need to leave this circus.” Your brow furrowed. Leave? Over a pirate clown?
“There’s no way we could get up without him seeing us,” said Usopp, putting a hand on your shoulder. You could tell his energy was off. “I knew I remembered that voice from somewhere.” Luffy’s smile deepened into a frown. Everyone was acting so fucking weird. You were about to voice your concerns when a familiar voice cut you off-
“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, children of all ages, thank you, truly. It will be my personal pleasure to entertain you all this evening.~”
The clown had now stepped closer to your group. Zoro tugged your sleave but you couldn't help take your eyes off the flashy clown before you.
You caught yourself about to speak but quickly bit your lips together. Not to be dramatic, but his eyes were a really fucking pretty shade of green. The blue tones around his eyes complimented them so well. You didn’t hear much of what he said, only noticing when he waved his hands at the other performers who either disappeared or got into place. 
Zoro couldn’t help but spare you a glance. “Y/n, are you seriously checking out the clown?!” He grunted through closed teeth. Quickly, you shook your head no and looked around that stadium. Luffy was still frowning. Nami was holding onto his arm and you could see Robin pull Chopper into her lap with Sanji putting a protective face on. “Damn, clown,” was all you heard from the seats next to you.
Placing your hand over Usopps, you try to offer him some comfort by running your thumb over his hand. The first act was a simple trapeze act with the performers mixing it up at the end by juggling and riding a unicycle out. Then there was the lion and sheep man but the routine wasn’t comedic. However, you couldn’t stop sweeping over the crowd looking for that green-eyed clown. 
And from the looks of things he had no problem finding you.
“Mmm,” you let go of your ruby lips to see him transfixed on your face, head tilted. Almost like he was studying you. You quickly looked away from the act and touched your cheek. Wait, Fuck. You must have dropped your mask in the funhouse when you fell. Looking out the corner of your side, you could still see him staring at you curiously. You decided to close your eyes and try to land back on earth.
‘Everything is going to be okay. I’m safe right here and Zoro will tell me what happened when we get back to the ship.’ The reasoning was stopped when you heard loud screams.
A mother (presumably) had cried out along with many other children.
Opening your eyes, you saw the clown's body standing perfectly still as the lion’s face made a puffy expression.
Regrettably, you couldn’t stop the, “Oh Shit!” that came out of your mouth causing you to gain a few harsh glares from the parents around. Unconsciously rising to your feet, you leaned in closer to see the damage done. “Where’s his blood?” A few children began to cry a disembodied voice could be heard from the lion.
The sheepman ran over, opened the lion's jaws, and the clown's body walked over and plopped his head back on like nothing happened. The stands fell silent once more before more cheering and screams EXPLODED from the people around you.
“Y/n sit down.”
Oops, forgot you were still standing.
The clown seemed to be drinking in all the attention and flashed an admittedly sexy smile. He raised his arms over his head and a hush fell over the people. “Thank you all for your attention. Now for this next act, I need a volunteer please.” If you weren’t interested before you sure were now, even if you didn’t raise your hand. Zoro, clearly annoyed began to tug at your hand, “Y/n sit-”
“Would the young lady with the cherry red lips please step forward?”
You were blinded once more by the other spotlight as you held your hands up to protect your vision. The light dimmed a bit and you could see everyone, staring at you expectantly, excluding your crew mates.
They were busy staring at the clown in front of you with an outstretched hand. Taking his cue, he shot you a wink and urged you forward. If only your feet would cooperate.
“Don’t be shy now. I don’t bite~” he teased while flashing his teeth. You’d be lying if you said that didn’t do something for you. Not to mention there was this little heartbeat down there that started-
“Aww, maybe she’s shy. Everyone! Let’s give this young lady a round of applause!”
He raised his arms once again and began to clap along with everyone. A single gloved hand shot out towards you urging you to take its hold. Softly pressing your smaller hand into it you were then gently tugged forward towards the ring. 
However, you couldn’t feel your legs and as you stepped forward your heels betrayed you again, leading you to tumble down the stands into the arms of the clown before you with your lips-”
And that wraps up chapter two, my loves!!
Part 3 Here!
Please remember to follow and like! Also don't be shy in the comment section! Requests are also open. See you all soon! <3
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ratherbefangirling · 2 years
Belong (3)
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Pairing: ot7 x reader
Genre: omegaverse au, hurt/comfort, Angst, romance
Synopsis: You seem to be falling in love with the pack and Jungkook isn't very happy but what will happen when. He realises you are his mate?
No warnings?! (Did I actually 😳 manage that)
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Am I regretting making the different moodboards yes yes I am but was I still too invested to back out also yes
Your mother knocks on your door.
"Coming!!" You tell her opening your window and spraying all sorts of perfumes in the air so she doesn't worry about you.
Happy thoughts think happy thoughts . You think to yourself.
And it kind of sucks that all in the top of your head belong to the pack.
Your mom sits in the kitchen working on her laptop . A food package opened.
"Did you order something?" You ask sitting on the other side of the table.
"No the neighbour brought it."
"You hang out."
"Yeah a bit."
"Isn't he too old for you ?" She asks munching on the muffin her work abandoned for now.
"It's not like that he just helped me out before."
"Fine this old mother will nor interfere in your life."
"It's not that... ugh" You say picking for yourself some savory focacia bread.
"He did bring you breakfast after whatever happened to get you so depressed."
"You noticed."
"If I don't point everything does not mean I don't notice young lady."
"Mom." You say and go hug her. Nothing beats her calming scent anyway.
"My baby." She cooed. "Should we invite them to dinner so you can show me the skills you learnt in your cooking classes."
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Yoongi is kind of nervous he fixes his good shirt called it. It was the new designer one Hobi had gifted him after getting a sponsorship.
Since only four of them Taehyung Hoseok Namjoon and himself were going. Yoongi felt a bit responsible, usually Seokjin would be a good at this sort of thing but Jungkook had latched onto Seokjin. Junkook had been pretty sensitive this morning throwing a tantrum when Jin left for the bathroom. He'd been biting their necks and scent glands. The need to mate high but probably subconsciously realised they weren't his mate.
True mates were rare and double mates even more. That is someone could be your mate but that didn't necessarily mean you were theirs.
Yoongi did think it was unfair but life wasn't ever fair.
He'd read an article which pointed out on how single mating was true more for males rarely seen in females to compensate periods experienced by the female population.
Yoongi checks the cake he had bought one last time and a vase Namjoon had selected as a gift because they were visiting your house for the first time.
Once everyone was ready they all marched to your door.
Luckily you were the one who opened the door. You too were dressed nicely. You greeted them with a smile and ushered them in.
Inside they sat on the sofa set as your mom entered. Namjoon straightened and put on a charming smile. He stood up to greet her.
"Hello I'm Namjoon, our pack Alpha and these are my pack mates Hoseok like myself an alpha, Yoongi is a beta and Taehyung our youngest omega." Namjoon introduced.
Your mother nodded.
"Are you close enough to be aware of our family history?" Your mother questions.
Yoongi answers. "She has mentioned a few things but we didn't want to pry and make her uncomfortable."
You on the other hand were in the kitchen bringing out snacks to hopefully lessen the tension.
Taehyung stood up and offered to help, your mom only nodded getting back to the conversations with the others. Asking about the others of the pack.
Taehyung enters the kitchen it smells amazing.
"Hello Y/nie"
"Tae." You respond smiling.
"Do you need help, I came to help."
"I'm done just need to check if everything is done properly."
"Do you want me to plate it. I'm good at setting up masterpieces." He says.
"Sure. Thank you."
"Anything for you sweetie." He replies and gets to work.
When the two of you bring out the snacks and beverages the atmosphere is pleasant.
To be fair you were worried about your mom grilling them. When it's time to set the dining table even Yoongi offers to help.
Later Namjoon and Hobi offer to cleanup.
When they are leaving you pack over the extra food you'd made for the others.
Hobi offers a kiss on your forehead this time you don't deny him. Shyly even yoongi forwards his cheek and you giggle before planting a soft peck.
Namjoon though was a bit stressed so he left earlier Taehyung went with him because a Namjoon inside his head was a disaster waiting to happen.
"Did something happen you ask?"
"Don't worry about it its just Jungkook. Jin texted about Jungkook calling Joon out."
"Oh ok."
You still didn't know how heats with your own pack worked. You had read about it but you and your mom spend them together and that was just you or her behaving like you did when you were sick and the other comforting and cooking if required. Though you did have a maid who cooked and cleaned and came twice a week.
You close the door still in your thoughts.
Your mother is on her phone probably going through work. You sit beside her.
She engulfs you into a hug. You both stay silent enjoying the peace.
"Mom.." You began.
"They seem like good people. Namjoon talked about you being important to them and being Jungkook's mate."
"What should I do?"
"Whatever you do.. know that you will always have your mom?"
Talking with your mom didn't give you an answer but it did clear your head.
Her phone rang.
"Who is it?" You ask.
" Maeum" your mom replies and checks the message.
Maeum was your mom's best friend and in a pack and wanted your mom in her pack but your mom had refused, they were still good friends.
"She is calling us for Christmas." Your mom informs.
"Why don't you go?"
"I go?" Your mom asks.
"I think we both need to spend time with a pack."
"Don't get smart with me young lady." She chides playfully.
You giggle.
"I love you momma." You say a little childish but you know it makes your mother soft.
"Love you to my baby."
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You had not considered the possibility that nearing your winter vacation instead of you and your mom spending time together, your mom would go on to hang out with her bestfriend and their pack and you would be spending time with your neighbours.
Particularly Jungkook who in his rut induced state smiles very brightly as soon as he spots you. It unsettles you the fondness his primitive brain brings about.
You and Namjoon and Yoongi had discussed bringing you infront of Jungkook this very morning.
"I'm so grateful for this. Thank you. For real like whatever happens I.. I am so very grateful." Namjoon says rubbing your hand which he is holding with his thumb. He leads you towards the drawing room.
You feel you'd anxiety rise. Yoongi is helping Jimin set up a makeshift nest in the drawing room.
Before you step in the nest. Namjoon stops you.
You look up at him eyes slightly widened.
"What...?" Before you can fully question him he presents his proposal.
"May I scent you?" He asks softly. "I'm worried he'd jump you if he scents distress."
You nod.
Namjoons scent is woody and masculine and so him and when he rubs your scent glands with his you feel limbless all thoughts leaving except for your omega purring alpha.
"Baby stay here with me."
"Huh?" You ask dazed. Strong arms steady you and help you into the nest.
Yoongi sits beside you, this close you can feel a slight tinge of his smell and when he offers you his scent gland. You feel yourself break out of the heady alpha scent. It's an intimate act people especially beta offering their scent glands to another because if an alpha or omega scent mark it the scent can last for months and it's like saying the beta is accounted for.
Beta's usually prefer being scentless even in packs the dont feel the need to be gobbled up in the scent of their partners especially because it might result in a pseudo heat or rut depending on who marked them and unlike alpha's or omegas who experience it at set times Beta's can go through multiple cycles within weeks.
It is said that the Beta's resemble the earlier humankind the most, before the great breakdown such packs were frowned , people kept to themselves any human interactionwas severely limited with focus on independent mode,s of living. Due to a string of war, disease, natural disaster and decreased birth rate , resources were severely affected, increased potential but lack of manpower to actually be accessible. The existing people formed packs to combat this.
When vaccines got introduced a lot of people underwent physiological changes and thus the subgenders arose. With now developed sharper senses especially the olfactory, humans were more easily able to find a mate because biologically a person with opposite immunity had a more attractive scent and thus the offsprings had a better chance of survival.
Namjoon rubs the small of your back. You sit now relaxed but aware. Jimin gives you a reassuring smile. Mouthing a thank you.
Jungkook is flanked by Hobi and Taehyung. Jin behind them.
"Mate." He calls out. Slowly coming closer.
He reaches out to take your hand linking it with his and bares his scent gland.
You come close to him and rub his skin a little around the gland and that is enough to prompt him to take you in his arms.
You move a bit even though his grip is strong.
"Alpha please." You say softly coaxing him.
He nods a bit dazed. But he loosens his hold.
He settles hugging your waist. Soon you are sat beside him until the scent high makes him sleepy and he looses consciousness.
You too are tired and end up crashing next to him. The rest of the pack wants to cuddle you and Taehyung's temptation to take a picture is great but he is not sure how comfortable you would be with that.
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When Jungkook wakes up the last vestiges of the rut are gone. The body hugging him is softer than his hyungs and smells nice, real nice and it's a scent he knows but he cannot place.
Mate, his subconscious whispers.
He opens his eyes disoriented. He seems to not be in the nesting room and instead in the living room. He searches for water his throat dry.
You whine as he moves.
Jungkook for the first time registers your presence.
Only one thing on his mind.
What in the world happened during his rut?
He pushes you away. Waking you up.
"Get away! Get off me" he says not realising he used his alpha voice.
A hurt whine escapes your lips. Your inner omega hurt on an alpha they'd just scented rejecting them.
Before the rest of the pack can wake up or react you are out of the door promising yourself to never be treated like this again.
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This was was less possessive than expected but but hey it was almost nice. As always thoughts and ideas are welcome.
Hope you liked it 💜
Taglist : @jaiuneamesolitaiire ; @mintsugarmy ; @gooooomz ; @juju-227592 ; @singukieee ; @zae007live ; @rainbow-bunny-bts ; @fluffy-canada-pancakes ; @bleubirdinthesky
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misscinnamonroll16 · 9 months
brozone and the bunker part 1
im sorry but i have to break this up into more than one part bc tumblr only allows 30 images on a post. so i tried my best to get good screenshots of everything and ill tell you a little about my thought process 😁i tried to make all of them good looking bc they were pop sensations so theyre are still gonna be good looking (aged like a fine wine) bc majority of celebs do
so first up, as the oldest, is john dory. i tried to recreate his jacket but there were no vests like that, theres no option for glasses/goggles on the head so theyre on his face. i also tried to do the fingerless gloves but again no option :(
you got the close up of his face with and without goggles. i picture him as kinda scruffy. you cant tell bc of the clothes but hes fit and toned. he has body hair, arms legs and chest. i also gave him a little tattoo. i didnt have many colors to work with for hair so i felt the green fit him the best.
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next is bruce. same as john, didnt have many colors to work with for hair but it works. like john he has facial hair and body hair, especially chest hair. i choose a tied back style bc 1 there was no hair as big and beautiful as his hair and 2 he works in food as his hair is supposed to be tied back. i gave him his dad bod but still kind of toned? hes still strong. i went through every outfit and added his wedding ring
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onto the middle child, clay. i tried to do the wild hair but none of the styles suited him. i headcanon that clay often ties his hair back when hes working so i choose that style. i didnt see any shirt choices with the pattern he wears but i did kind of incorporate with his pants. clay and floyd both lean towards thinner body types so thats what i did. idk if itll show up once i post this but i wanted clay to still have some of that 'fun boy' charm so i gave him freckles bc whats more boyish than freckles
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time for the sensitive one, now bc i didnt think anyone would want to see these, i did use cc for some of them. i remember floyd for sure. i couldnt do one earring like i wanted so he has two. i tried to give him more piercing but they didnt work. i gave him heavy eye makeup and a beauty mark. it just seemed to fit in my opinion. i leaned into soft boy image, the 2000s emos, and the fact that his body was probably not the same after dying. so he looks soft and cozy and comfy.
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on to the baby, bitty b, baby branch. i leaned into the greens in his canon outfit. i wanted him be wearing woodsy, hand made, patched up looking clothes. again did my best with the hair. hes got a sturdy build like john but hes slimmer than john. i wish i would have put some kind of scar on his face, that fits him.
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for the actual bunker i tried to base it off branch's drawing and what we see in the canon of the movies and show. i was mainly trying to set it up like the drawing. there are on elevators in the sims so i just made a basic room to act as an entry way or foyer with a staircase. i feel like branch would have a bunch of clutter and junk. so when his brothers "moved in" hed have to move stuff around and i imagine that hed have some of their grandmas stuff and some of his brothers old stuff. i also wanted to incorporate the fact that he probably started building this when he was still really young so some design choices were made by a little kid
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@djmurphy @aerodominics @cow-boy000 @lululemongurl @sharks-n-bones
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bepisbee · 7 months
Cute fluff short someone yesterday said vidow waltz
The best way he could describe the neck high button up attire was: suffocating. Once again, like a petulant child, when Zelda went away to socialize with strangers, Shadow undid the top few buttons of his shirt. Much better. Now it felt like he could breathe. This was part of his “anti-villain training” being forced to attend stuffy balls and parties to learn how to behave. He glanced around the room until he met Vio’s pretty ice blue eyes. His cheeks were a slight pink and he looked away quickly. Shadow smirked, he must have accidentally caught him staring. At least he got to attend with a date. As much as the ridiculous clothing made no one look good.
Shadow gracefully made his way over where the blond head had disappeared into the crowd. He shifted easily around people, grazing two champagne flutes from a tray on the way. Vio startled as one was placed in his hands.
“I was wondering who was taking all your attention,” Shadow teased. “But it was just me all along.” Vio hid behind a sip.
“Mm.” He agreed though, “Yes well, I am not the only one noticing your constant unbuttoning.” behind them the gossip squad in the corner giggled among themselves. All flush from alcohol and crush watching.
“This thing is stuffy.” He defended. “It s just two buttons.”
“It’s two buttons in high society, dear.” Vio mumbled. Part of his fluster was jealousy it seemed. Shadow’s ears twitched at the slower turn the music around them took. It was like they wanted him to fall asleep here.
Vio sighed and shifted anxiously. A few people swayed to the floor softly. “We are going to have to do that at some point.” He admitted. Shadow looked over and made a face.
“You’ve had your foot broken twice already darlin.”
“You’ll be fine, we practiced, remember?” Oh he remembered alright. He was terrible and kept accidentally floating from their close contact. And then it ended with them both on the floor, and not in a fun way.
Shadow huffed, but went along easily when Vio dragged him out as violin’s picked up tempo. Oh no. His eyes widened. He knew this! This was so hard to do! Shadow couldn’t waltz!
Vio snickered at his expression and took the lead. The giggling corner watched with sharp jealous eyes. Hands and arms in position, gently. It made his skin tingle from the unexpectedly soft gesture. Vio led him gracefully.
“Just focus on me.” He leaned in to whisper, the most genuine tone he’s taken all night. “You're alright.” Shadow kept their eyes locked.
His pretty freckled face grew warm but he didn’t look away. It helped to stop thinking about his awkward two left feet and just move.
As he looked closer, he started to think maybe this outfit wasn’t so bad after all. Especially on Vio. Occasionally the collar moved just enough to see the edges of the bruise he’d left with his sharp teeth.
Their tunnel vision ended with the song. Making their way back off the designated dance area, they kept their hands clasped.
“See? Not so bad.” Vio took new drinks instead of the ones they had abandoned. He knew better from last time.
“Yeah, yeah. Only because it was with you.” His eyes trailed to Vio’s now popped open collar button. You could clearly see the bite mark there now. Shadow’s expression glowed in satisfaction at the sight.
“What?” Vio accused.
“Nothin darlin.” He wrapped an arm loosely around his waist.
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bountydroid · 2 years
Safe With You
Professor Aesop Sharp x reader
Description: Y/n is the designated Hosgmeade delivery girl. Desperate to stay in the area after graduating from Hogwarts, she traveled the countryside to make things easier for the shop owners. With Ashwinders becoming bold, Y/n's job becomes more dangerous. There is one person that always makes her feel safe, her former potions professor.
Part 1
Part 3
(h/c) = hair color
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"Y/n honey, it isn't safe out there anymore. Perhaps you need to find another job." Y/n's mother says, peeking over her morning paper.
Y/n is quite a sight to behold in the mornings. Her (h/c) hair is a tangled mess, her sleep shirt is all ruffled, and her mouth is stuffed with pastries. "Don't worry, mum. I'll be fine." She mumbles, continuing to eat her breakfast. "If I have any trouble, I'll retreat to Hogwarts. They never go on the grounds."
Once finished with her morning chores, Y/n gathers her things for another long trip of deliveries. Boots? Check. Bag? Check. Food? Check. Water pouch? Check. "When I am done I should stop by Sirona's for some butterbeer." she thinks to herself.
One thing about Y/n is that she is afraid of heights. It's embarrassing to admit, really. A witch who won't fly? She always uses the excuse that she can't afford a good broom or she's afraid of dropping the merchandise, but really it's just heights. So she walks.
Walking through the highlands has become a habit by now. Hitting all the regular stops on her way. It often takes multiple days to deliver everything. "One more stop." Y/n thinks to herself as he enters Feldcroft. It's a cute little village, but lately Ranrok and his lot have made it a dangerous place to be.
Her mind wanders to thoughts of Hogwarts, specifically, her old potions professor. Not too long ago, she had asked him out for drinks. While the drinks were lovely, it felt like two friends catching up. She craved more. "Maybe he didn't understand what I meant when I asked him out? Or maybe he did and isn't interested." Y/n's mind raced as she approached the small shop.
"Hello! I have an order of mandrake seeds from The Magic Neep? As well as some Wiggenweld potions?" Y/n says politely to the shop owner.
"Yes dear thank you so much!" The shop owner says as he smiles. "Thank you for making the trip down here. Here is a tip."
The trip back was just as uneventful as the trip out, or so she thought. But she was stopped along the road as she closed in on Hogwarts.
"Hey there, pretty girl." A man said from behind a mask. The sneer evident in his voice. Y/n took a step back in fear. She reached for her wand in her boots "Oh no sweetheart, I wouldn't suggest that." Another voice says from behind her.
"What do you want." Y/n squeaks out as she shakes in fear.
"Your money, all of it. I know you are that delivery girl. I know you have money." The man before her says with his wand pointed at her face.
Before she can react, the man behind her grabs her bag off her back. Y/n screamed in surprise as she heard her bag straps ripping. The tears start streaming down Y/n's face as she froze in place. The men talked to each other as they walked away with all her possessions. However, she could not hear them over the sound of her own heartbeat in her ears.
Once she was sure they were gone, she broke out into a run. The only thing she could think of was Professor Sharp. She needed to find him, to feel safe next to the ex-auror. Y/n weaved her way through the halls, careful not to bump into any students. She was sure she was getting weird looks from them, but she didn't care.
"Suprise!" Peeves yelled as he burst up through the floor. This was the last straw. Y/n began to sob as she fell to her knees in the middle of the hallway.
"Away with you, Peeves!" She heard a voice say. Y/n registered who the owner of the voice was when he put his hand on her shoulder. "Y/n are you alright?" Aesop Sharp says quietly, trying not to upset her further. "Will you come to my office?"
Y/n nods her head, incapable of forming words. She unsteadily gets back on her feet and starts shuffling towards the potions classroom, her grip tight on Aesop's sleeve.
Once they reach his office, he urges her to sit. "Thank you." She whispered shakily. "I am sorry."
"No need to be sorry, my dear." He reassures her.
"I just didn't know where else to go. I was robbed along the road not far from here." She tries to explain between sobs.
He tries his best to remain calm, but the thought of her being in danger deeply upset him. "Did you see their faces?" He asked.
"No, I am sorry. They were wearing masks." Y/n replied while staring down at her hands and fiddling with her sleeves.
"Stop apologizing Y/n. You've done nothing wrong. I am just glad you are safe now. Thank you for coming to me." He says quietly as he rubs her shoulder.
She met his eyes for the first time in the conversation as she whispered, "I feel safe with you."
This causes the man to break out into a wide grin unlike any she has seen on the otherwise stoic professor. His eyes are full of adoration as he reaches for her hand and squeezes it. "I am so very glad that you feel that way."
Her tears stop flowing as she stares at the man before her. He's showing a level of softness she didn't know he was capable of. If she didn't know any better, she would think he was in love.
If only she knew.
Tag list: @mothgirl-is-tired
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lethalchiralium · 2 years
Hey if you’re taking requests
NSFW (if you’re comfortable with it) & SFW headcons or one shots with ghost about a reader (afab) who wears overexposing clothing. Has a bit of edgy/grunge style that leaves little to the imagination. The prompt could be how ghost feels about the reader’s clothing and how it affects him. The reader has a nice ass too 🫡
Overexposed | Simon “Ghost” Riley Headcanon (18+)
a/n 2: i’m almost done with the next part of no more and we may actually see the second part of you leave me wounded and bleeding? CRAZY. (i am working on my requests, i promise i’m just trying to clean out my writing notes on my phone)
warnings: 18+!! MINORS DNI. Vague descriptions of sexual activity, body worship, simon is a thigh man. and a boob man. and an ass man.
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-He spotted you at a bar. A dinky, old bar where uni students come to get pissed. Pretty face with skin showing almost everywhere, he loved the flame designed stockings when his gaze trailed downwards.
-He kept to himself at the bar, casting few glances to your very revealing outfit, and you.
-When you approached him, he was fully expecting you to spit in his face for even glancing at you, but you did the opposite. You sat on the stool next to him and chatted with him for hours, up until the bar kicked you out. (He was too enraptured by you that he forgot to even ask for your number.)
-The next time he saw you, he immediately recognized you by the clunky platform black boots strapped to your feet, fishnets and black skirt leaving barely an inch of imagination since it rode up your fine-looking ass. You were at the bar, leaning onto it as the bartender made you three fingers of whiskey. (It was like you shot him then. He fell in love when he watched you nurse it.)
-It didn’t take him even twenty minutes before you were in his car, pretty little corset ripped to shreds as he plunged into you, mask up on his nose because he needed to make sure you felt his teeth. He needed to make sure that you felt his tongue on your neck, that you felt only his hands on you.
-It didn’t take long for the relationship to establish. He goes fucking batshit crazy the more skin you show, but good Lord, if you’re in that pair of black joggers and oversized Metallica shirt? You’re done. You’re done for the next 48 hours.
-He is the type of man to stare at someone who even gives you any sort of look, whether appreciation for your fashion or disgust, sexual thoughts or confusion - he will stare at them until they walk out the door.
-Will let you dress him up to match you. Granted, it’s still no skin showing that’s not around his eyes - but damn, does he look good next to you. (He says that you show enough skin for the both of you.)
-He genuinely does not care that you like to wear corsets that show off your breasts or mini skirts that show off your ass. (He loves your ass. Uses it as a pillow 99% of the time.) He is the definition of “Wear what you want, I can fight.”
-Wants you to dress up in front of him so he can sit you in front of the floor length mirror and make you watch as he takes it all off. (Sometimes he’ll cut your clothes off with his knife if he knows you’re not attached to the piece. He would never damage any of your favorite clothing, but damn, he’s cut off too many fishnets for you to count and or care.)
-He loves seeing you excited over new band merch or a new belt, lets you talk about all the outfits you want to complete and that you need a new pair of Docs because your old ones got damaged. (He buys you new Docs and does not realize they have to be broken in, feels bad that you get blisters from them.)
-Ghost shops with you. He holds your bags. No, you can’t help him. He’s got it. Quit asking. Yes, you can get that. You will get anything you want, he’ll buy it with no questions in his mind. He wants you happy - and if that means you get a latex skirt that shows a bit of your ass on the bottom, you’re gonna get the best one.
-He has definitely stared down your breasts because of the very low neckline on your shirt. Purposefully gets up close to look down your boobs, or he’ll make sure he sits on the couch while you’re doing something so he can see that perfect ass that he loves.
-If you have tattoos that aren’t covered by your clothing, he will literally have to clench his jaw from going up to you and dragging you to the bathroom of a raggedy bar to fuck you until you see stars. He loves tattoos.
-Agree with me or not, Ghost is not the type of man to go shopping for lingerie with you. He goes out and browses, taking his time before buying a set he really likes and gifting it to you when you get home. As soon as it’s on, he’ll do one of two things. One, he’ll rip it off immediately and have you against the wall, shaking the bones of his home. Two, he’ll sit in that nice chair in your shared bedroom and jack himself off as you admire yourself in the mirror. (You don’t ever leave much to the imagination, but it gets him off knowing that he is the one who gets to see all of you. That he is the one that dressed you in the pretty bodysuit with black spider web print, looking all pretty just for him. He could fuck his fist for hours if you stayed there, hands running up and down your body and eyes staring at him.)
-If you’re wearing one of your shorter skirts, he’ll come up and squeeze your ass. Just for fun.
-Also known to come up and hold your breasts, not even talk to you. The only thing in his head is ‘Boobs.’
-He is a thigh man. I’ll die on this hill. He loves that you show them off, that you’re confident in your fashion and body. He loves that you purposefully put little thigh chains around them - you know that he loves to drag them down with his teeth.
-In conclusion, man is feral for you. Doesn’t matter if you’re almost showing every little bit or covering up completely, he is smitten.
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globalrebrand · 2 years
Answering to Vil - Epilogue
The results of that fateful night catch up to you.
Warnings: fem afab!reader, mentions of pregnancy and sexual harrasment.
A/N: For that one person who asked about the prologue at the end of that fic.
Part 1
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As if you were a child on a flight, Vil helped himself before helping you. He put on his sunglasses before assisting you with your frames, delicately removing them from their case, gently combing your hair out of your face with his fingers, and sliding the elegant shades over your eyes. The matching designer glasses featured lenses as dark as possible and were rather wide while still being on brand for the style Vil dictated for you as a couple. 
You needed to disguise yourselves slightly, as even a routine trip to your OB-GYN would not be without vulturous paparazzi lingering by the front door, especially after your fourth appointment since Vil had recently announced your pregnancy to the public on his magicam.
You were starting to show, and it was getting harder and harder to deny that a baby would emerge from you in less than half a year.
Your chauffeur pulled up right next to the front doors of the private clinic. Vil got out first, entirely unphased by the instant chorus of flashing camera shutters at his appearance.
He assisted you out of the car next with an arm around your waist as he helped you out of the vehicle. Tucking you into his jacket, Vil made quick strides to the door, the leather of his coat concealing you from the paparazzi to the best of its ability.
Once you entered the lobby of the building, Vil released you from his embrace, taking your hand instead and leading you to the elevator.
It was strange. Vil was not dramatically more doting than he had been before your pregnancy, but what was new was the giddiness that he displayed. 
Even now, he was humming a sweet little tune as the two of you waited in the travertine-clad elevator bank hand in hand. 
"You seem excited." You mentioned it casually as the elevator doors opened and you stepped into the vestibule. 
"Did you forget? Today is the day we learn the sex. Not that it matters, of course. Any child we have is destined to inherit our beauty."
"We can only hope." You sigh, laying back against the elevator wall.
"Are you tired, love? Your smoothie this morning wasn't energizing enough? 
"I'm fine, Vil."
"I'll add more greens next time."
"It's ok, darling. You're doing everything you need to be. There's no need to exert yourself further." It was true. It was as if the second the pregnancy test came back positive, Vil evolved into a different version of himself and completely redoubled his commitment to your care.
He was slower to anger, quicker to offer you a warm embrace, and he even turned down jobs to spend more time with you. 
Just next month, he'd insisted the two of you take a trip to Scalding Sands for the rest of your second trimester to a luxury beachside resort for spa treatments, and you couldn't find a good reason to disagree. 
More than once, the traitorous thought, "maybe I should keep getting pregnant," passed through your mind. You didn't particularly want the children themselves, but you would do anything to maintain this treatment from your husband. 
You wrapped your arms around Vil and tucked your head under his chin.
"I like this cologne on you." You spoke quietly into his shirt. 
"Good. I chose it when you mentioned you could no longer tolerate the smell of the other one."
"I must adapt myself to the wishes of your newly keen sense of smell." Vil offered with a delicate tap on your nose. 
That brought a smile to your face, and you hugged him tighter. Vil responded by returning your embrace and pressing a kiss against the crown of your head. 
For a moment, things felt like they used to. 
But as the elevator chimes and you arrive at the obstetrician's office, you're broken out of your reverie. 
It's full of other pregnant people and their spouses. You don't feel you resemble them or share their sense of joy regarding their future children. 
You always feel that they can sense your displeasure at your circumstance despite the polite smiles you flash at the already-seated guests.
Vil ushers you into a seat and then walks to the front desk to check you in for your 11:30 am appointment with your doctor.
There was a bit of a line, so you got comfortable in your seat.
Around the ritzy waiting room are amenities such as mint and cucumber water and a large flat screen with individual headphones for guests to listen to without disturbing each other. 
The TV is playing the entertainment news channel, and you scrunch your nose in distaste. 
The lead anchor is a narcissist who always tries to start smear campaigns.
You were pleased to ignore it until the paparazzi photo of you and Vil's costar popped on the screen with a headline reading "Secretly a Predator?"
Momentarily startled, you tried to shy away from the subtle glances in your direction from the other people in the waiting room, trying to observe your reaction to you on the screen. 
Even though you tried to resist, you ultimately couldn't. Grabbing a pair of headphones, you listen in to the news story.
"The costar of Vil Schoenheit on the recent dramatic box office hit "Patron Of Heaven" was seen out at a popular nightclub in the capital, forcing himself on Schoneheit's wife and fellow model [Name] Schoenheit. 
While initially written off as a crass one-time behavior, our team of journalists dug and found that this charged photo underscores a history of sexually aggressive behavior. During our investigations, eight other women have come forward claiming sexual harass-" The headphones were gently removed from your ears and replaced by the dulcet tones of your husband's voice. 
"Don't listen to that filth, darling." Vil chided, taking a seat next to you.
There was no need to ask. It was clear this was Vil's doing. You prayed that what the report said was true, so you didn't need to feel guilty for Vil slaughtering yet another young actor's career over his jealousy. Of course, the man got handsy with you and far too forward, but a burn notice like this from Vil was final. 
There wouldn't be a single soul in the industry who would be able to resuscitate his career. Perhaps someone like Niege LaBlanche, but people in this industry were finally starting to take sexual harassment claims seriously, and there would likely be a criminal investigation.
"Schonheit." A nurse called as she waved you both into the corridor with all the examination rooms. 
 "I wonder who that could be?" Vil teased before rising from his seat to help you up. 
"Let's go, darling." Vil offered you a hand. Even though you could manage just fine on your own, you took it. 
"Don't worry your pretty little head, my love. That monster had it coming." Vil whispered in your ear. 
For your own sanity, you decided to believe him regardless of the truth.  
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jimmystrudel · 5 months
Part 2 of ranking 2024 WAG jackets
part 1 & part 3 (and VGK whenever that's posted)
6. Nashville Predators - Emma Barrie’s IG story (thank you @thepassionthatunitesusall for telling me where to find them)
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It’s hard to tell what they are made out of but I think it’s fake leather which i don’t like
I do like that they are cream, not white, and that they are embroidered not ironed on patches or graphic t-shirt emblazing
I think these might be my favourite patches quality wise
Overall they are really classic and look comfy but aren’t very original so LA beats them
7. New York Rangers - 1. wagsofrangerstown IG, 2. natoriner23 on tiktok 
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 For the first game the WAGs and kids all came in jerseys which is considered a bit of a taboo in the NHL WAG world (idk go watch Lexi’s videos on it) and since they had tons of time to plan this, it felt like a powermove and the full group photos of it are super cute (i love when the babies match)
Also Key’s mom has a jacket and if they have mom/family jackets I will scream, that is so cute
For the jacket itself, this is the only picture of it I’ve seen so idk what the front look like but the back is fine?
I like signatures a lot, they are always cute, but painted, cropped, baggy pleather isn’t interesting and they could have done so much more
8. Washington Capitals - Madison Aube Kubel’s IG
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I didn't get great screenshots of this so go to her page if you want to see more
I absolutely hated these when I first saw, thought they were going to be giant pleather monstrosities but then I saw Madison Aube Kubel’s reel of her making her own since she forgot to submit her order on time and they grew on me
They seem like they are made out of a satiny/normal bomber jacket material
This is my favourite of the caps logos and I am glad they used it and the back looks good but I don’t like the giant numbers on the front, you know they are super stiff and you can’t sit down while it is buttoned up without it looking really weird
I don’t love it, I don’t hate it, I just wouldn’t design it
9. Edmonton Oilers - Lauren Kyle’s IG
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As previously stated, I don’t like minimalism so they lose a few points, but these really strongly give bad bitch, cool unrealistic tv motorcycle gang
I’m 99% sure they are real leather since they are stiffer and in some close ups you could see skin texture (if it wasn’t obvious I really like real leather)
I like that it is actual stitching, instead of being painted
One personal really big pet peeve is that the c in McDavid should be lowercase
10. Florida Panthers - 1. floridapantherswags IG, found the other on tiktok a few days ago
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According to God (Lexi) they have matching pants (seen partially on the right) with the number one of the back pockets, most of the women in the group photo aren’t wearing them so like do they not like their own outfits??
I really like the stitching detail on the back but not having the last name be in that giant open space on their shoulders looks really awkward so they should have put the name there (since they aren’t who they are with since they have numbers) or removed the line of white stitching and made everything else bigger
I also don’t like a baggy jacket if it’s meant to be paired with jeans where the detail is on the butt, like if they were committing to the pants they should have cropped it
I think if they wanted to keep the pants and no last name they should have made vests instead of jackets since the sleeves aren’t doing much
11. Colorado Avalanche -Sussanna Ranta’s IG story
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This is the only picture of these that I have seen and they really just look like jackets, nothing special
I tiktok I think I saw something about them having caps that match with the numbers on them but hats are fucking lame
These are just aggressively mid and kind of disappointing
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selineram3421 · 2 years
Can i get a short fic on Alastor's future s/o confessing to him by singing Bad Romance by Lady Gaga (however the Halestorm cover) at like a Hotel event or something?
Sounds cute! I shall listen to the song while typing.
Alastor X Punk Reader Oneshot
You were nervous.
Hell, nervous wasn't close to how you felt.
The Hotel was doing a kind of talent show, where anyone could come up and sing. Honestly, it was mostly for Charlie to sing to her hearts content, but Vaggie was hiding it as a way for more demons to try and stay at the hotel.
For some reason, your brain thought it'd be a good idea to sign up and dedicate a song to your long time crush.
Yeah! This will totally be fine and not humiliate you in front of possibly a hundred demons or so.
God, you wanted to wring the neck of your past self. Running a hand down your face, you sigh and shake your head side to side to rid the nerves.
Suck it up! You can't back out now.
Peaking out the curtains, you look out into the audience and find the demon you were looking for. Sitting in the-
The front row!?
Now you started pacing, pulling at the bottom of your shirt. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-", you repeated.
You heard the audience clap and cheer, signaling the end of one performance. Meaning that it'd be your turn after the next.
"Hey! You're up after this demon, start getting ready and break a leg!", Charlie says with a smile and gives you a thumbs up before leaving.
Breaking a leg is so much easier.
"Fucking shit-Whatever! Just fake it! Fake it. Pretend that you have confidence for at least five minutes!", you tell yourself, flicking your fingers to physically shake off the nerves. "Fake it!"
Putting up a calm neutral face, you did a singing warm up in the "dressing room."
It was just a room full of costumes but it muffled out noise just fine. Once stepping out, you heard Charlie call your name.
"You're up!", she said happily.
You hoped everything would turn out alright, stepping out onto the stage.
Remember, the worst that could happen is being rejected. Gee, thanks brain.
Now in front of the mic, you realized how much you hated being the center of attention. "Let's get this party fucking started!", you hid your true feelings and solidified your front as the demons cheered, ready for you to start.
The lights turned on, red and white with a few lasers.
The music started, only giving you a second.
Want your bad romance
Whistles were heard when singing the first line.
I want your ugly, I want your disease
I want your everything as long as it's free
I want your love (I want your love)
You couldn't look at him, knowing it would just make you freeze up. But you promised yourself, just at a few parts, let it all out.
You know that I need you
I want it bad, a bad romance
Closing your eyes tight for a bit, you tilt your head down and open them, looking straight at him.
I want your love and I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
The lights followed the speed of the song, flashing with red.
I want your love and all your lovers' revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance
Want your bad romance
You let it out and turned your head away, closing your eyes tight, a little afraid to see his reaction.
The crowd was loving it though, their shouts loud enough for you to hear.
I want your horror
I want your design
'Cause you're a criminal as long as you're mine
I want your love ( I want your love )
Love love love
I want your love ( I want your love, I want your love )
You decided to move around on stage, standing still wasn't the best when your heart feels like its going to burst.
You know that I want you, and you know that I need you
I want it bad, a bad romance
The white lights began flashing this time.
You took a breath and sang out the next part with the heart like before.
I want your love, and I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
( Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh )
I want your love and all your love has revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
Caught it a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance
Want your bad romance
You were nearing the last bit, and started to build up the courage to look at those red eyes again.
I want your love- I don't wanna be friends!
You looked at him again, finding his eyes wide as he stared back at you from the crowd.
Je veux ton amour
Et je veux ta revanche
Je veux ton amour
I don't wanna be friends ( I don't wanna be friends ) I don't wanna be friends ( I don't wanna be friends )
No I don't wanna be friends!
Want your bad romance ( Want your bad romance ) Want your bad romance!!
Silver confetti appeared out of nowhere, but you guessed it was probably Angel's doing.
You decided to hold your hand out as if telling the crowd to sing along to the next part.
I want your love, and I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
Surprisingly they did, making the room filled with the pumped up concert energy. It continued till the end, cheering, clapping and whistles sounded out around the area.
You bowed, using the little bit of confidence you had left to not run off the stage. Walking off instead and through the back.
"That was amazing you little shit!", Angel greeted you with a hug. "You didn't tell me you knew how to sing!"
"The confetti was you wasn't it?", you said.
"Actually it was me and Charlie.", the spider demon corrected.
"Who did the lights? That was awesome.", you ask as he lets go.
"Vaggie.", he says with a shrug. "Didn't know they knew that."
You took a few steps back and rubbed your arm, giving a small smile. "I'ma head outside for a bit. Kinda warm."
"Yeah, ok. See you later!", Angel waves as you leave.
Shit shit shit shit shit-
You slammed the door to the roof open and groaned. "God! What was I thinking!? I mean, I did fine! The crowd cheering was the result of that-", you began to spill out your thoughts while walking in a circle.
The wind was cold and loud, but it was better than being in a stuffy room with sweaty demons. It was loud enough for you to not hear the roof door opening.
As you turned to do another round of circles, you bumped into someone's chest. "Oof-!"
"Careful darling.", hands were placed on your upper arms. "Wouldn't want you walking off the edge.", a familiar static-y voice says.
Oh fuck, abort-!
You look up to find the demon that holds your affections, Alastor.
"Hey..", you smile and do a small wave while you're screaming in your head.
"You did wonderfully! I didn't know you could sing, it was quite the surprise! I thoroughly enjoyed your performance.", he says, now holding your hands.
"Oh, thanks. I-I never really sing around others, not my favorite thing.", you say shyly with a shrug and look to the side.
"Oh? I wonder what gave you the courage to do so tonight.", he looks at you with a grin.
You feel your face heat up and let out a sigh.
Now or never.
"Um, Alastor?", you turn to look at him again.
The red dressed demon hums and tilts his head.
"The song I sang tonight.. It.. It was for you.", you quickly look down at the ground. "I've had feelings for you for the longest time and I sang just for you tonight! You were the only one I was singing for!", you closed your eyes tight, waiting for his response.
Oh god, I'm gonna die from this damn heart!
"Look at me.", he says softly, with his hands now holding your face and tilting your head up.
You open your eyes slowly, looking up at him. Heart racing, faster than when you were on stage.
He smiles, a really nice wide but soft smile.
Fuck, I wanna kiss him-Shut up brain!
"Je veux ton amour, et je veux ta revache, je veux ton amour~", he sings, leaning in.
You blush and feel your heart skip, eyes wide.
"I'd like to have a "bad romance", as you've sung earlier.", Alastor says, looking into your eyes. "May I kiss you?"
Hell yeah.
You nod, not trusting your voice.
His smile widens and he put his lips to yours, tilting his head to the side as he does so.
Holy fuck, it's happening. Everybody stay calm! What's the procedure? Stay fucking calm!
Your fingers twitch and you move your hands to place them over his, beginning to kiss back. He holds you closer, putting an arm around you and keeps one on your cheek. You adjust youself to get comfortable in his hold.
This was the best night you've ever had in Hell.
This song cover was great to listen to. Gave me punk rock vibes.
~Seline, the person.
ML for Alastor🎙
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