#was because i was SURE it was a silly little creature or something
"Bite Me" - Alastor x Reader - Part 2
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You....really shouldn't have bitten Alastor.
It was a threat, yep, and the guy did need to learn his actions had consequences, but...er. Was that really worth this?
The Radio Demon had practically been your shadow for the past week. His expression never changed, his tone never shifted. You were like, 90 percent sure he was thinking of the best way to kill you for maximum pain.
Pain wasn't good. You were allergic to it.
...That line usually got a chuckle out of whoever heard it, or in your case, whenever you thought it. However, this time, it didn't quite tickle your funny bone as it usually did.
Because Alastor was standing right there.
And staring at you.
In your goddam bedroom.
"....Hi." You said, chewing on your bottom lip.
Alastor's gaze darted for a second to your lip, then back to your eyes. And he said nothing.
"...Did you need something?" You said.
He continued to stare at you, unblinking.
You sighed "Listen, if you're going to kill me can you just hurry up already? I'm sure it beats how awkward this is."
Other than the slightest twitch of an ear, he still didn't respond.
You huffed, narrowing your eyes as a growl permeated through the air. "At least say something!"
He didn't.
"OKay, fine!" You snapped, throwing your hands up in the air. You crossed them over your chest with a pout, giving Alastor a mean side-eye. "Keep standing there doing nothing. I guess I could use a new hat rack anyway."
"...You don't have any hats?" He said, tilting his head to one side.
"I'll get some so I can justify having a hat rack." You said, tail flicking.
"Mhm... So, how sincere is this threat?"
Alastor straightened his posture, taking a couple long strides to stand right at your bedside. "You make a lot of threats, my dear. And I've only ever seen you carry 1 out."
"Usually people listen to me." You said, rolling your eyes.
"So you've never actually follow through before?" He tilted his head to the opposite side than before. His grin seemed to stretched a bit, ears becoming less stiff.
"Does that make you happy?" You said, turning to face him "That you're the first idiot who made me actually do something?"
From how he practically beamed you can only assume it did. You sighed, flopping down onto the bed on your side. The intent was to ignore him until he got bored and went away or got sick of you and killed you.
Instead you found a shadowy tendril wrapping around your middle, rolling you onto your back. Alastor grinned down at you, his body a perfect 90-degree angle bent at the waist.
"I'm the first one you've bit?"
"...Yeah?" You said, raising an eyebrow. "I mean. I think I bit people when I was little and pretending I had rabies, but not really intending to hurt them..."
His grin widened. "How did I taste?"
"I want to know. How did I taste?"
Oh right he was a cannibal. You grimaced internally. Was that just something cannibals got giddy about? 'Hey I'm the first person you've eaten hurrah!'
The tendril around you gave a firm squeeze. You sighed and met Alastor's crimson eyes, giving him a flat look of your own.
"Dry and tough- like badly made jerky."
He laughed. "Well, of course! You bit into my jacket! Silly creature, you."
"....Well, you asked."
"That I did, that I did." Alastor hummed. He tilted his head too far to one side, leaning in closer to you "Would you care for a taste without my jacket?"
"No." You responded curtly.
The silence was palpable. Neither of you broke eye contact or changed your expressions for several moments. Those moments seemed very, very long.
His eye slowly twitched up and his ears dropped ever-so-slighty-
"Hm. Well, it's not like you'd manage that anyway."
"Probably not. Are we done?"
Another beat of silence passed before the shadows tendril dissolved into mist and Alastor was standing up straight again.
"Now, I wouldn't say this matter is done, but I suppose it could wait."
You sat up, staring at him. The more you stared, the more his eyes couldn't seem to decide on what to focus on. Was he...nervous?
That encounter didn't go anywhere else significant. He simply said a farewell and left you to your own devices.
Your eye twitched as you took a long, deep breath.
Alastor was being so horribly, horribly annoying.
The last couple days he resumed his role as your shadow, but this time solely with the task of irritating you. He'd chew loudly, he'd step in an off-rhythm on purpose, he'd claw the surface of things you couldn't stand the sound of and it made your ears hurt and your jaw ache from how much you were grinding your teeth.
You had enough.
"Will you LEAVE ME ALONE!?" You snapped at him. He didn't so much as flinch, simply tilting his head and he leaned closer to you.
"Or what?"
"I'm going to shove your hooves so far up your ass you'll be coughing up horseshoes for a week-"
"I'm a deer, not a horse." He said, eyes crinkling up in amusement at your 'threat'.
You hissed out an agitated breath before taking a couple deep, long breaths and you felt your jaw lax (a little) and your temper die down a bit.
"...Yeah, you're right." You said after a moment "And I'm sorry. I didn't really have much of a reason to snap at you like that."
His eyes narrowed and you couldn't be bothered to wonder why. You said a curt goodbye and meandered off, feeling his eyes trained on your retreating form. You couldn't be bother to think about that, either.
Hi it's me the writer. Letting you all know that this is not planned in the slightest and i'm just winging it. No smut will happen EVER though because I don't wanna write it. So kindly look elsewhere if that's what you want. I will put a poll here though with considerations for potential next installment
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coldcanyon · 5 months
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my print for the monitor print exchange this year, "nostalgia" themed....linocut w hand coloring on faun Stonehenge!!
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qqqqqqqqqqq0 · 3 months
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i've been having some trouble falling asleep lately
#art#i'll be yapping in the tags#its not that im depressed or anything. it is the opposite actually#ive been using this medicine for quite some time. and it made all my negative emotions disappear#“oh wow huh but isnt it great you don't feel bad anymore”. this is the same thing my psychiatrist told me when we were discussing this topic#in hindsight it was kinda silly of her to say. i can't believe i pay a ridiculous amount of money per session just to hear shit like that#but she's cute and im a pathetic homosexual who'll seethe at the sight of other specialists like a beaten dog so I will let it slide i guess#we see each other twice a year anyway and all i need from her is the prescription for happy pills. anyway the happypillen#i would fight god if it means i can use stertraline for the rest of my life. thanks to it i can and i do live#but I don't really feel like myself anymore. do you get what i mean#the things that have been giving me anxiety attacks or flashbacks not so long ago? i feel almost nothing about it at this momet#it still haunts me to this day but the intensity of my feelings and emotions does not reach even 1/5 of what it was before#i do not want to disclose more specific topics so i will use a simple example. i used to be afraid of dogs#the fear was so severe that the mere sight of the tiniest little barfing creature was enough for me to freeze#now i can pass one without any problem. the fear i feel today is nothing more than a shadow of bygone times (something i do out of habit)#but i guess this example is not objective enough since my close irl friend has a dog that i became fond of#im still pretty sure this dog of her is capable of biting my ass off if necessary but im not afraid of it#because fear is not an option in this brain of mine at this moment#i don't feel any anxiety sadness or anger anymore. even if something close to it begins to rise in me it shuns down within a few minutes#i can't even cry. i am craving emotions that i was so eagerly trying to dispose of back then#i feel the most mentally stable I have ever been and at the same time i feel pretty much dead.#perhaps i just got used to the fact that sorrow accompanied me for a very long time and i should learn to live without it#perhaps sorrow is just as important as happiness and its absence is a mere side effect of the happy pills#and i have to put up with it in order to have a functional brain#perhaps we people are never happy with what we have in our hands. also i hate drawing#one's can tell since the picture i attached is raw as fuck#but even despite my praised mental stability if i were to stay alone with it even for a minute longer i would go insane#next time i will draw something lighter and cuter. like my favorite kpop boy or fortnite. maybe in the next century#thanks for coming to my tedtalk. bye#i made a typo in the word “sertraline” but im too lazy to fix it i would fight god for you but i will not do this im sorry zoloft
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lamuradex · 9 months
It's been rattling around my head recently that Discworld is almost anti-whimsy, and I mean that in a good way.
Whimsy, as I define it, is when something magical is put in just to wow the reader. A magic thing that doesn't really effect the story, but its fantastical. Pots cleaning themselves? Moving paintings? A fantastical creature used as set dressing? A spell that does something cool but we'll never hear about it again? What do they mean? Why are they there? Doesn't matter, we're moving on.
But Discworld always applies Logic to these things.
e.g. The old idea of all dwarfs having beards? Ha ha, even the women have beards. How silly.
But that means all dwarfs are men. But there are female dwarfs, right? Are they happy being men? What if you gave one the chance not to be a man? Oh, sure, they'd still have the beard, the helmet, the axe, those are cultural, but what if a dwarf wanted to be a woman? How would other dwarfs react? Would there be biting insults? Snide remarks? Jealousy from other female dwarfs trapped in their society? What if the Low King were a woman? What then?
Pratchett always had this tenacity to follow a whimsical idea until it was ground down in its own grim reality. It's like those old conversations about what would really happen if Superman caught you falling from a high building. You'd smash on his arms because you're still hitting something indestructible at terminal velocity. But the comics would never show that.
Pratchett shows that.
Introduces a werewolf? She has a constant identity crisis and feels like a dog sometimes, between human and wolf, and she's discriminated against in places for being undead. A conman running a bank? Forces everyone to realise how useless gold really is in a scathing indictment of economics. Death becomes Santa? But WHY DOES THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL NEED TO DIE? WHY THE UNFAIRNESS IN THE WORLD? WHY?
What can the harvest hope for, if not the care of the Reaper Man?
It's what sets these stories apart from so many others. Magic is never the solution, reality is usually the solution. And little is introduced without Pratchett delving the idea to its depths, sooner or later.
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jyoongim · 7 months
Please the lil ex-hubby fic got my heart melting I'm such a whore for jealous Al 😭
May we please have more jealous!Alastor. Maybe he didn't even know he liked reader THAT way until some sinner genuinely tries to court her and then he's just like "NOWP. Mine now."
This been sitting in my inbox for weeks!!!! I finally got around to it!
Alastor had always found you to be good company. He enjoyed having someone who could appreciate proper entertainment. He enjoyed the chats you two had and even let you join him when he went on outings. 
He considered you a friend.
So why is his eye twitching as you smiled, clutching a bouquet of flowers from the sinner who had asked you out? 
“Oh they are beautiful!” You beamed, pulling the sinner into a hug.
Alastor let out a soft growl, before materializing behind you, flashing the nervous man a sharp smile “Dearest who is this” he asked as his red eyes narrowed at the demon.
”My date for tonight silly. I told you I was going out for a night on the town” you giggled happily as you ushered the man inside.
”why don’t you two chat while i finish getting ready hmm?” You smiled reassuring at the demon before leaving.
Alastor smiled lovingly at you and as soon as you were out of sight, he set his sights on the sinner who was trying to avoid eye contact.
The sinner cleared his throat “I t-thought she was lying when she said she was friends with the Radio Demon”
awww he was trying to make small talk
Alastor eyes narrowed, “oooh so you know WHO I am?  Good good then introductions are pointless.” He stood tall, claws gripping his cane. “This ugh date you call taking her out on? Canceled.” The sinner eyes widened “w-what? No…no way! I been planning this for weeks!” He frowned. 
Alastor let out a chuckle “maybe you didn’t hear me”. The lobby lights flickered and he transformed slightly, growing in height, antlers curved to the ceiling and eyes as bright radio dials.
The sinner shook in fear as the Overlord leaned down til they were face to face “You will NOT be going out on a date tonight because 1. That pretty creature upstairs is way too good for you and 2. She’s mine. Now…when she comes back down, you’re gonna apologize and say something came up and NEVER contact her again. Or I eat you and I am happy either way…your choice”
He dawned an air of innocence as he let out a fake laugh when he heard you were close enough.
”I’m ready! How do I look?” You beamed, twirling around to show off your outfit. Alastor whistled, grabbing your hand and turning you in a slow spin, grinning “You are stunning my dear.”
You turned towards your date and he looked a bit shaken.
“U-Um s-something came up suddenly and…and im gonna have to cancel.” Your bright smile faded as he rubbed his neck nervously. A pout formed on your lips, as you wrapped your arms around yourself “O-oh…I see”
He looked at you and went to take a step forward but that only caused you to step back and into the Radio Demon’s embrace, seeking comfort.
Alastor pulled you into his chest ‘protectively’, rubbing your back soothingly ”oh it’s alright my dear. Im sure the two of you can reschedule this little date.”
The sinner mumbled his apology and slipped out the door.
You were pouting. You thought that he genuinely liked you. He even planned a whole date to your favorite club! So why…
You felt Alastor lift your chin, your pouty face making him grin.
”Since you’re already dressed how bout we go out on this date?” He asked tilting his head. You blinked at him, a little shocked “Y-You wanna go on a date with me?”
He chuckled, giving you a squeeze as he snapped his fingers and both your clothings changed to a more elegant style.
He raised your hand to his lips, red eyes wrinkling at you “Oh darlin I would be a fool to pass up the opportunity of having a pretty dame on my arm” he laughed as he twirled you around, before looping your arms and waltzing out the door.
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actuallysaiyan · 4 months
The Beast Inside Of Me(Incubus!Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: smut, unprotected sex, AU, Incubus, demons, slight dub-con, oral(fem receiving), slight yandere vibes, creampie finish, mentions of passing out/fainting, vaginal fingering word count: 3.2k pairings: Incubus!Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader summary: Kento has been searching for his mate for a long time, and he finds out it's you. Incubi don't usually mate with humans, so he's desperate to make it work. a/n: not sure if it's the demon who possessed me or the Earthbound OST that made me write this, but here it is and I realllyyy hope you all enjoy!! Some dividers by @/benkeibear
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taglist: @beneathstarryskies @an-ever-angry-bi @namikyento
@seireiteihellbutterfly @adharadotcom @heyitsd1yaa
@darkstarlight82 @melisuh123. @galactict3a
@erebus-et-eigengrau @aomi04 @isabelzoldyck
@cinnamon-girl-writes @felixmr @typicalemo. @entirelysein-e
Want to be a part of the taglist? Join here!(Please have age indicator in bio!)
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You’ve seen that handsome face before. In your dreams, where you thought you were just imagining things. But now that you’re awake and looking at the man(or so you think)sitting on the edge of the bed, you aren’t sure if this is just another dream or figment of your imagination. When he looks over at you, he looks so incredibly sad. The sorrow in his features is so apparent, you feel the sadness deep inside you.
“Are you…” your own voice scares you. “Are you real?”
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He looks at you once more. His hazel eyes almost seem to glow in the darkness of your room. Then you see his wings expanding, creating an interesting shadowlike surrounding. Your eyes widen a little as he climbs out the window and you watch him fly away. You’re stunned by the sight.
Lying back on your bed, you try to calm your breathing. That was a dream, right? It had to have been. There aren’t handsome creatures with wings that just casually hang out in your room. That doesn’t happen. It really just doesn’t happen at all.
You pull the covers up to your chin, curling it in your fist. You think you’ll never be able to go to sleep again, but soon your eyes flutter shut and your mind is filled with the most pleasant dreams. 
When you wake up, you chalk it all up to some silly dream and being extremely tired. You go about your day like nothing happened. Meanwhile, the creature you saw in your bedroom is suffering in silence. He has finally found his human mate, which is you.
He’s suffering because he knows he could never court you properly. He’s suffering because he knows you would reject him if he were to approach you and explain the situation. He invades your dreams as much as possible because it’s the only way he’s able to see you and feel you and touch you and taste you…
Being alive for so long has its perks, but it also becomes so lonely. All the other incubi and succubi from his pack have already found their respective mates. And it’s a little rare for his kind to mate with a human. Kento wonders if he’s just destined to be alone forever. He feels that deep sorrow inside of himself. The same one that he felt when he realized it would take him a long time to find his mate.
Night after night, he’s been chasing after you like some lovesick puppy. He finds it so pathetic too. You could easily find someone better for yourself, and you don’t even know that someone like him is so deeply in love with you. Kento contents himself with just sitting on your bed and watching you sleep. Seeing him that night was a mistake and you shouldn’t have woken up.
The next night that he shows up, it’s only in your dreams.
The room feels hot and stuffy, but it’s pleasant. There’s a slight smell of a candle that’s been burning, and something like a cinnamon and nutmeg scent. It’s enticing and intoxicating. Your skin feels drenched with sweat. You try to open your eyes, but you’re feeling so sleepy and so tired.
“P-please,” you pant out.
Calloused hands caress you, removing the sheet that covers your naked body. You whine as you feel those same hands spreading your thighs. Soft touches from fingertips follow, creeping up your thighs. Then you let out a pathetic whimper when you feel something parting your soaked folds with expertise.
“Fuck,” you whine when you feel a wet, hot tongue pressing against your clit.
The feelings are intense. Your orgasm grows so fast, it hits you hard. You’re panting and moaning loudly, trying to grind against this tongue. But as soon as it appeared, faster did it disappear. 
You wake up the following morning wondering if that was truly real and with sheets that are still damp from your dreams. This time, you have a harder time chalking it up to a wet dream.
For Kento, he wishes he could keep the taste of you on his tongue forever. He’s never gone that far with you, but he’s very happy he did. He eagerly jerks himself off to the flavor on his tongue and the memory of your scent until it fades away. It makes him angry that he can’t have you committed to his memory forever.
So he gets a little more daring the next time he visits you. This time, it isn’t just a dream for you. It’s a real encounter with the demon himself.
He casts a deep slumber spell on you, but you are still reacting to everything he does. He takes his time to memorize you; tasting you heavily on his tongue as you gush. Orgasm after orgasm is pulled from you as Kento works your body with expertise. He knows what you like. He could probably bring you to orgasm with the smallest little nudge against your clit by now.
His eyes are glowing as he feasts on you. His cock is rock hard as he begins to rut against the bed. Nothing could be better than this. The room feels so hot and warm, but it only seems to add to your arousal and his. The smell of burning candle, cinnamon and nutmeg fill your senses, even while you sleep deeply.
Kento’s eyes roll back as he gets to taste your essence once more. If he could, he’d gladly drown in the flavor of you for all eternity. It’s not enough to keep visiting you in the dark of your bedroom at night. He needs you always. Now and forever.
So the night finally comes where he decides to see how you’ll react if he introduces himself to you. He sits on your bed, waiting for you to rouse from your sleep. When you do, you gasp softly at the creature at the foot of your bed. He leans closer, and you get a better look at him.
Sharp, angular features for such a beautiful man. Or…is he even really a man? He can’t be a man if he looks this good and has a tail and wings. He smiles softly, his cheeks lightly pink. 
“Have I frightened you?” He inquires, leaning in just a little closer.
Your senses are filled with the scent of burning candle, cinnamon and nutmeg. Your thoughts are filled with sensual memories. Something about this makes a throbbing sensation begin between your thighs.
“N-no.” You finally manage to answer. “Who are you?”
He smiles sweetly before reaching out to cup your chin. You get to look into his beautiful eyes. They shine so brilliantly for you. You don’t feel frightened at all, only confused and curious.
“My name is Kento,” his voice is so reassuring and soothing. “I am not here to hurt you.”
Something about that name makes your heart beat faster. You lean in closer to hear more of what he has to say. But instead of talking, he decides to kiss you. It’s so deep and passionate. He holds you close, his wings wrapping around you to keep you securely in his grasp.
“You are my beloved,” he finally whispers against your lips. “I have searched for you for a long time.”
Your eyes widen at the creature holding you. How could someone so beautiful have searched for you for so long? You feel so plain in comparison.
Almost as if he has read your thoughts, “You aren’t plain. You are the most beautiful thing on this earth and within every plane of existence.”
Your heart skips a beat at his words. Your cheeks are redder than a tomato. You aren’t sure how anyone could think this about you. Kento cradles your face in his hands, his thumbs caressing your cheeks. He looks at you like you are the stars in the sky, the colors of a rainbow, a beautiful masterpiece hung on the walls of an art museum.
“How precious you are to me,” he says softly. “I could not say it in words.”
You allow him to lay you down on the bed. His lips are attached to your neck; sucking, nipping, licking and biting. To get that sweet taste of you, he is quite desperate. Everything about you is both beautiful and extremely enticing. He could never get enough of you, even if he made love to you a million and one times.
His hands are calloused as he caresses your body. He slips your pajamas off of you slowly, tantalizingly so. His eyes keep gazing up at you, making sure you know just how much you are loved. He couldn’t be able to continue if he didn’t know for sure that you are indeed enjoying yourself.
The moment his fingers slip against your folds again, you feel that same arousal from the other night. It begins to truly dawn on you exactly what is going on. He’s been the one to pleasure you all these nights, even the ones where you were dreaming.
You pull him in for another kiss; this time it’s sloppy because of how hungry you are for him. He grunts against your lips, his fingers still working at your greedy pussy. But he loves that you’re getting into it. You’re desperate and needy for him, which makes him so happy and very aroused.
“It’s been you this entire time,” you whisper.
He nods. “Yes, does this please you?”
You can’t even begin to think of the right words to answer that question. So instead you reach down and feel his cock through the skin-tight underwear he’s wearing. He moans just for you and you love the sound. You love it so much, you wish to hear it forevermore.
Kento kisses you with a ravenous hunger now. The hunger that resides so deep inside of him as an Incubus is beginning to come to the surface. He needs to try and rein it in if he doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you.
Tenderness returns to him as he takes a few deep breaths. He cannot show you the ugly side of him. It’s an animal, a beast that resides inside of him. It’s ugly and carnal and full of sin. And though he’s sure you’d still be able to find it in your angelic heart to forgive him if you were to see that side of him, he would hate himself forever if he were to harm you in any way.
“Please,” he moans softly. “Allow me to taste you once more.”
He spreads your thighs again, grunting when he sees just how soaked you are. You smell divine. Musky and yet so sweet. It makes his cock throb and painfully twitch. For an Incubus, he swears he’s falling into your trap instead of the other way around.
Your little heart pounds in your chest like the fluttering of the wings of a hummingbird. You reach down to push his hair out of his face, and this earns you another grunt from the man between your legs. You aren’t sure if he’s fully a man or he’s a beast, but either way you have come to accept him as your lover.
His tongue feels like warm silk against your folds. He licks a stripe from your hole to your clit, rendering you incapable of speech for a moment. You shudder from head to toe, and a small little gasp falls from your lips. You’re panting already and all he’s done is lick once.
“Oh, you’re so needy for me.” Kento purrs before he dives back into lapping at you.
Your toes curl as his mouth works you up to an exquisite orgasm. Your breath hitches in your throat as his mouth and tongue and lips stimulate you in all the ways only someone from your wildest dreams would be able to. As your body shudders and shakes, Kento grunts against your wet cunt. He’s hungry and growing hungrier by the moment. If he doesn’t pull away soon, you’ll see the beast inside of him.
Thankfully you tug on his hair to pull him away to avoid too much overstimulation. He looks up at you; his once hazel eyes have grown very dark. There’s a look on his gorgeous face that you can’t quite decipher. But soon, it begins to dissipate and you swear his pupils are in the shape of hearts just for you.
“My pretty lover,” he coos softly. “Please…” he swallows hard. “Please allow me the chance to make love to you. The privilege.”
Your eyes widen. How could he even be begging you? He was so beautiful, so handsome, so breathtaking. It should be the other way around. You should be the one begging for a chance to even look at him.
“I understand if you don’t want to tonight, or really if you didn’t want to engage at all, I just want to—”
He’s interrupted by you pulling him in for another kiss. It’s mostly to shut up his insecurities right now. But part of you wants to taste yourself on his tongue and his lips. He grunts as he adjusts himself in his underwear. Your hands reach down to begin tugging them off of his perfectly sculpted body.
“It would be my privilege to make love with you.”
Those words make his head swirl with arousal and lust. His eyes are dark once more. He nips at your bottom lip, making you squeak in pleasure. Kento parts your thighs even more so that he can place himself between them. His underwear is all but ripped off his body.
“Eager for me?” he teases you before kissing you. “I’m just as eager, if not more.”
You sigh as you feel his hands guiding your thighs to wrap around him. The heft of his cock rests on your mound. Kento uses his fingers to open you up, making you drip all over the sheets even more. Slowly pumping them in and out and in and out…
“Just like that,” he coaxes. “Just for me. Open up, my beautiful flower.”
His words go straight to your head, but also straight to your throbbing clit. You’re more than aroused and ready for him, but the fact that he wants to take such care of you, it turns you on even more. It takes no time for him to slip his fingers out and replace them with the tip of his cock.
“I’ll be gentle,” he whispers in your ear as he pushes more of himself into you. “And I’ll go slow.”
Slow is his pace. Gentle is his touch. You shudder as you feel him leisurely pushing into you. His eyes snap up and down from your face to your little hole trying to suck him in. His tail begins whipping in excitement. He knew it would feel good to finally be inside of you, but he’s having to take deep breaths once again to not lose control.
“My beloved,” he moans against your ear. “You feel heavenly.”
Your cunt spasms around him as he eventually bottoms out. His balls are plush against you and you finally get a sense of how pent up he is by how heavy his testicles feel. Your hands come around to rub his back as Kento starts up at a very loving and tender pace.
“Pretty, beautiful, exquisite…” he spouts off as he begins rocking his hips. “So warm, so wet.”
When you look into his eyes again, you see tears. He’s relieved but also so overwhelmed. He’s trying his best to hang on to the shred of sanity he has left. It’s so difficult when you keep squeezing and clenching around him. It’s all too much for him to keep going without losing a little control.
“Forgive me, beloved.”
You barely have time to comprehend what he means when he pushes your knees up to your chest. His hips begin to snap as he fucks into you harder, faster and deeper. Oh he is just so deep inside of you, you swear you can feel him in your throat. It’s all too much for you to even begin to understand. You cling to him as his cock rams into you over and over.
“Kento!” You gasp, trying to hold on.
He grunts and growls like a ferocious beast. Inside, he’s cursing himself for allowing himself to show you even just a fragment of who he truly is. His tail comes up to curl around one of your breasts. His head dips down to take the nipple into his mouth. He sucks on it harshly as he fucks deeper and harder into you.
“Need to fuck you,” he grunts. “Need to breed,”
His words are a bit of a shock, but you’ve been piecing parts of this together in your head this entire time. He, of course, is not a regular man. And the way he’s pumping into you now, you know it’s because something else is possessing him to do so.
Your legs begin to shake as his cock keeps pushing against that sweet spot deep inside of you. Stars speckle in your vision as your peak becomes imminent. It’s such a deep feeling inside of you. You can barely contain your moans, whimpers and sweet breathy whines. Kento tries to stop himself, but the more you squeeze around him, the less control he has.
“Going to breed you,” he growls. “You are mine.”
Every word is punctuated with a deep and harsh thrust. His balls rest plush against your ass every time he’s completely deep inside you. His eyes are growing darker. And the tail wrapped around your breast has now begun to tug a little bit on your nipple.
“May I…Can I…” He growls loudly. “Need to breed!”
It’s no longer a question. It’s a demand. A command for you. You are so willing to allow him this privilege. He never even told you the outcome of this coupling. You just wanted to soothe him and his needs, all while falling in love with this man; no, he’s no man. He’s a beast. A beast that you wish to tame.
“Cum,” you struggle to tell him. “Inside.”
He barely hears you, but something inside his brain clicks. It’s all that he needs to be sure that he is more than allowed to do this. Before either of you can register what’s happening, his tail wrapped around your breast squeezed harder. His wings come around the both of you, shielding you from the rest of the world.
With a loud roar, he begins emptying himself into your tight little hole. Shots of thick, potent cum spill deep inside of you. Kento reaches down to begin rubbing your clit in slow, tantalizing circles. A soft gasp escapes you as your orgasm hits you hard. Your legs are shaking and your heart is pounding harder than it ever has before.
You feel your vision beginning to tunnel…
You awaken several hours later. Your hole is sore and abused, dripping thick cum. You’re disoriented as you try to understand what is happening. Kento isn’t here, but his scent lingers on everything. You look at the nightstand and notice a bottle of water and a piece of paper folded in half. You take a drink of the water and then you unfold the paper. It’s a note from your otherworldly lover.
See you this evening. Same time as last night. Be prepared, my love. I have lots more to show you.
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sw33tsuccubus · 9 months
𝒫𝑒𝓇𝒸𝓎 𝒥𝒶𝒸𝓀𝓈𝑜𝓃 boyfriend headcanons
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you’re best friends who kiss
likes kissing your cheek. it’s just where his lips go. if he’s excited, like after winning capture the flag, he kisses your lips and then gets all flustered. it’s like the first time all over again. gives you these big bear hugs that make you warm. nuzzles his face into your hair during these.
has been jumpscared by a bee before. maybe he jumped into your arms and shrieked. just maybe.
it’s rare the two of you can cuddle. camp is always so busy. whenever you can, though, it’s always so sweet. sometimes you lay on your back and he drapes an arm and leg over you, his head on your shoulder with his breath lightly tickling your neck. sometimes his arms lazily wrap around you, face in your hair, legs tangled together. occasionally he’ll spoon you while you cuddle one of his plushies.
speaking of his plushies. he has a few, and they’re all sea creatures. a crab, a squid, a shark, a clownfish, a seahorse, a dolphin. he’ll be offended if you think they’re silly.
kind of embarrassing. will brag you’re the best at something even if you’ve never done it. has an ‘i ❤️ my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner’ shirt.
you guys have bracelets of each others’ color schemes. there’s a charm related to your godly parent on there. the one he gave you is blue, and it has a trident charm.
he paints his nails with you. more often than not they’re royal blue, but sometimes he paints them your favorite colors. he’d love to match you, smiling at your hands whenever your fingers are intertwined and he can see.
smells like the sea naturally. he uses cologne and scented shampoo, but you can only smell them if he’s pressed against you.
leaves clothes at your cabin just so you can wear them. gets so giddy if you do. denies any accusations that he does it on purpose. he makes sure it’s always his favorite clothes too, so it smells just that much more like him since he wears them more.
when you start talking, he zones out of everything in the room. partly because he’s hyperfocusing, but also because he chooses you over anything else. maybe he has heart eyes. just maybe.
he’s into pda, but he listens to your boundaries. in love with holding your hands. he’s be a little disappointed if you wouldn’t let him but he’d understand.
has tried impressing you by flexing. yeah, he’s muscular, but it was so funny. he’s talking with a friend, sees you, and immediately shows off. please don’t laugh, he’ll cry about it.
he’s dramatic. pouts and whines if you laugh at him for being childish. pouts and whines if you don’t laugh at one of his jokes. pouts and whines if you don’t hang out with him at least three times a day.
asks to spar with you. he’ll hold back to see what you’re capable of and then match as best as he can. if he cuts you, he’s apologizing and almost screaming. if you cut him, he’s laughing it off and telling you he’s okay. it’s fine if that’s not your thing, though; you can watch him :) at first, you think he’s being egotistical when he offers, trying to show off, but it’s kind of cool to watch. he’s like a gymnast, or a figure skater. his motions are just so fluid.
he likes to go swimming at least once a week to keep himself grounded. if you don’t want to come, he’ll collect you something from underwater. a pretty rock, a seashell, some random ocean treasure. he’d be ecstatic if you came with him, though. picking you up and twirling you in the water and splashing water at you.
does not shut up. he lays there and yaps about his day with his head on your lap and your hands playing with his hair. tells you about his favorite movies while walking with you around camp. he complains about any inconveniences with his cheek pressed to the top of your head, his arms wrapped around you.
that being said, he’s also a great listener. he sits there and nods along, smiling and adding small quips where needed. if you need advice, don’t ask him!! no matter how much you love him, he gives terrible advice. he’s quite reckless.
he’s protective. not overly so, but he is. he’s watching over you during training, he’s worrying if you ever go on a quest without him, he’s standing up to anyone at camp or at school who says something about you. if you got injured during the Battle of Manhattan or the fight against Gaea, he would be very worried and so so mad. he would put everything at risk for you.
he gets jealous sometimes and it’s funny, seeing him pout and reach for your hand. he’ll gently laugh at you and tell you how he feels about you if you ever feel jealous.
dating him is an experience.
he has some mood swings. he’s normally a happy, funny guy, but sometimes he gets sad thinking about his past and all the friends he’s lost. he gets frustrated and angry sometimes, when things don’t go his way or if things start piling up.
if he’s upset, he tries to avoid you so that he doesn’t snap at you. once he’s feeling better, he’ll come to you and hug you, which lead to cuddles. he doesn’t say much when this happens. either it’s silent, or you can talk to him and he’ll listen to each word.
he’s such a sweetheart. he’s always thinking about what you prefer and your interests and he’s always trying to be a gentleman for you, though his silliness makes it funny.
he’s all in all a caring and sweet boyfriend.
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filynxs · 6 months
౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆ Feel You from the Inside.
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⚝ Sukuna is your ex. But he is still obsessed with you. Thus, he pays you a visit at your apartment. He knows exactly how much you still like him. After all, the only reason you left him was because you didn‘t like his dark side. While you are an ordinary woman who knows what’s wrong and what‘s right, he is someone who doesn’t seem to have any morals. But when you see him again, you can‘t help but give in to him and his seducing actions.
⚝ Sukuna x fem!reader
⚝ 18+; sexual content; dubcon; rough s*x; swearing; manipulation
» [Closer - Nine Inch Nails] «
0:00 ─〇───── 0:00
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
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"Sukuna, I already told you, it’s over." you repeat your words with an insisting tone in your voice. Words which are not the ones he wants to hear.
Standing across from you, he slightly clenches his hands into fists in reaction. You can see how tense his jaw is as he moves even closer to you, causing you to step back until your back touches the wall.
Your heart is racing inside your chest, as if asking to jump out and run away from this man. But there’s something else deep inside you that causes the fear to fade away, turning it into excitement.
"Come on, baby—" he replies with his raspy voice, raising his arms as if showing how defeated he is by your attitude towards him. However, you cut him off.
"Don‘t call me that, Sukuna." your voice is shaky as you speak, merely above a tiny whisper, a silly little breath in the air that doesn‘t show how you actually feel. "We separated for a reason."
Sighing deeply, he massages his temple. His breath even brushes your cheeks, indicating just how close he is to you. But you don‘t care anymore. The way how his alluring, red eyes look down at you makes you freeze in your position, asking yourself what creature he actually is. You have never seen so mesmerizing eyes like his. Especially in that color.
While you are distracted by his eyes, his impatience grows as you don‘t say anything anymore. You just stand there, your words from earlier still lying in the thick air between you two.
"Y/N," he pauses, and his masculine hand finds its way to your soft cheek. His caress is not tender nor gentle, but rather a mixture of softness and roughness, "I still want you. You can‘t just give up on us." He takes a deep breath.
You gulp, and your eyes dart over his face. It was always you and him together, for years now. Until his morally dark attitude and perspectives became too much for you to handle. He did things to people you never imagined one could do…
Leaning closer to your ear, he breathes against it while he lets his hand wander down to your neck.
"Why don‘t we just," he pauses, his hand wrapping around your neck like a tight collar, "enjoy ourselves a bit so I can show you that you still need me?"
Your chest rises with the heavy breath you take, running your tongue over your lower lip. His pink hair tickles the skin of your cheek, sending a pleasant feeling through your heated face. It seems like he still knows what to do to make you fall for him. Or is it just that you never moved on from him at all?
"Your scent," he inhales deeply, moving his free hand up below your shirt, "it‘s still so intoxicating."
Dryness forms inside your mouth, being caused by the feeling that is coursing through your veins. You‘re not sure if it‘s just excitement or fear, but one thing is clear: His presence and his mere touches arouse you.
You feel his cold hand on your skin as he moves it upwards your torso, reaching your bra that is separating his fingers from your soft breasts. His lips touch your earlobe before he moves them over your cheek to your pair of lips. With hunger he kisses you, diving his tongue deep inside your mouth.
It almost feels like he is trying to taste you so desperately because he had been separated from you for so long. He needs you on his tongue. Every tiny inch of your entire being.
A soft moan escapes you as you kiss, mixing with the loud bumping noise in your ears that‘s being caused by your racing heart.
As your kiss intensifies, his grip around your neck becomes firmer. You can feel how your body becomes weaker by each passing second in which not enough air fills your lungs.
However, right before you are about to pass out, he pulls back, letting a spit string follow his lips, that’s connecting you. You catch your breath in unison while your gazes lock with an utter intensity. An intensity that resembles the fire between the two of you.
Without saying anything, he lifts you over his shoulder and carries you to your bed. You gasp as he does so, being too speechless to let a word escape your soft lips.
"There’s a lot we need to catch up on." he chuckles darkly, throwing you onto your bed so that your body is trapped below his large one. You can‘t do anything against his actions, being in a vulnerable state.
His hands grab your clothes, ripping them apart with no hesitation or mercy. Your breasts jump into his sight as he does so, catching his full attention. The red irises of his focus on your hard nipples, as if devouring you with just his gaze.
Leaning down, he opens his mouth wide to take as much of your tit between his lips as possible. The smooth and sensitive flesh fills his mouth, and his tongue begins to slide over your nipple.
Moans come out of your throat as you squirm, and he grins only in reaction. His smirk touches your breast, his voice vibrating against your hard nipple as he begins to chuckle. His chuckle is so deep and raspy that it sends a shiver down your spine.
With his free hand he grabs both of your wrists, keeping you below his dominance as he sucks on your delicate tit. His skilled tongue plays with you, knowing very well what to do to drive you crazy.
"Your skin tastes so sweet." he purrs between his greedy sucks on your breast. It‘s almost like he can‘t stop caressing it, wanting to eat you up like a delicious dessert.
While his hand keeps your arms up, his other one roams your body, his palm stroking your soft skin until reaching your hot core. The searing heat that forms between your legs is almost unbearable for you. Now that he is playing with you like this, he has to finish what he started. Whether you like it or not, your body craves it.
He gives your nipple a gentle bite with his sharp teeth before leaning back to look at your lust filled face. His fingers move over your slick folds, feeling your damp pussy below his palm.
A dark snicker escapes him. "You still get wet so easily." To taste you, he sticks his wet fingers into his mouth, sensually sucking on them while gazing right into your eye. He licks your wetness off his fingers, making sure not to let a drop go to waste. His eyes roll back even, as if he‘s savoring your delicious taste.
He is… entirely obsessed with you.
Without a warning, he pulls his fingers out of his mouth and pushes them inside yours. A string of his spit follows his finger tips in the process. You moan as his long, thick fingers penetrate you, reaching so deep that it almost hits your throat, causing you to gag ever so slightly.
Your body‘s reactions cause him to chuckle, and he doesn‘t stop. His hand that has been holding your wrists against the mattress now reach down to your pounding clit. However, you keep your hands on the place he pushed them up earlier, showing just how much control he has over you. But you like it.
His fingers move on your clit in circular movements before he grows bolder and harsher with his actions. He rubs your clit with a fast pace, pulling on it and squeezing it between his thumb and index finger. Your moans fill the steamy silence, sounding like music to his ears. The flesh he is playing with throbs between his fingers, swelling more and more as he proceeds to play with your sweet spot.
The hard bulge in his pants grows harder by each passing second, rubbing against his clothes. Thus, he slowly grinds his hips against the mattress, and a deep groan escapes him.
You feel your climax approaching, causing you to squirm below him. Continuously caressing your clit, he grins as he notices your lustful expression. The way how you gaze at him while his touch pleases you turns him on even more, giving him the urge to just rip his clothes off and fuck you senseless.
As you reach your peak of pleasure, your teeth gently bite his fingers that are still inside your mouth. A needy groan comes out of you, vibrating in your throat. Your hips buck against his fingers that are still playing with you, and a hot, sweet nectar shoots out of you. The entire body of yours shudders in pleasure, savoring the orgasm and the tiniest seconds of it.
After your intense orgasm, he leans back, pulling his hands off you. Your sweet liquid is on his fingers, dripping down onto your crotch. He licks them clean, softly humming in satisfaction as your taste fills his mouth.
You turn him on, and this makes you aroused, causing your swollen clit to throb even faster. Just the thought of him getting off on you drives you insane. The fact that his cock is getting rock hard just because of you makes you wet. And it has always been like this since you two were in a relationship.
"Sukuna—" you pant, sweat rolling down your temple. But he cuts you off by pressing his index finger against your lips, silencing you.
"Quiet." he murmurs, "It‘s going to be amazing."
His hands wander down your waist until reaching your hips, giving them a rough squeeze. He then proceeds to rip his shirt off before making his trousers vanish from his body. You look down and see his hard cock coming into your sight, being adorned with black tattoos that also cover his entire body.
He‘s attractive. No, not just that. He‘s fucking sexy. And he knows it.
Letting himself down on your lower abdomen, he makes his cock find its way between your soft breasts. You two have never done this, but he wanted to fuck your tits for a long time now. And he uses this opportunity to do so.
He takes your breasts and squeezes them together so that they hug his shaft ever so tightly. His length pulsates against your tender skin, showing just how badly he needs you. With slow movements he proceeds to thrust his hips forwards, causing his tip to touch your chin as he fucks your breasts.
A shallow groan escapes his throat as he uses your breasts to pleasure himself. Just the sight of how your soft tits embrace his shaft makes him horny.
You bite your lip, panting for air as he continues to pleasure himself using you. The feeling of his actions, however, don’t make you feel negatively used. It‘s rather like being useful for his satisfaction is not a degradation to you. It‘s a push into further pleasure from which you get off. For you, it feels good to be his toy.
"Fuck, that‘s not enough." he groans, tightly wrapping his fingers around your neck, "I wanna feel you from the inside."
He pulls back, his tip leaking his sticky pre cum already. It drops onto your stomach as he moves, aiming for your slick pussy.
"Y/N, turn around." he orders firmly, so you move. But he is so impatient that he grabs your hips and turns you around, causing your ass to be stretched out to him. His hard length touches you between your ass cheeks, eagerly poking you with its wet tip. "I‘m going to fuck you like an animal, hun."
Wrapping your hair around his hand, he harshly pulls on it, causing you to arch your back. His other hand holds you by your hip while he aligns his cock with your throbbing entrance. He can tell that your body is just as ready as his. And this alone gives him the permission to roughly thrust into you.
His cock easily penetrates you, sliding into your wetness. Your walls embrace his flesh with arousal, wrapping around it like a warm blanket. You let out a loud moan in ecstasy as he fucks you, thus his thrusts become faster and rougher. A slight pain comes along with his harsh penetrations, but this pain you feel instantly turns into satisfaction.
The wet sound of flesh slapping together fills the walls of your bedroom, being the beat to the melody that is being created by your moans. You are not only love making, no. You are making a song that demonstrates the bond between you two. A lovingly sexual bond.
With harshness his hips smash against your ass with every thrust he makes, and he buries himself deep inside your womb. His cock fills every single inch of you up, making sure not to miss a spot out. He picks up his pace, and he hits your sensitive g spot every time. That big, hard shaft of his makes you crazy, even though you thought you got over him. But no, and just as he said earlier, he is making sure to show you just how much you still need him.
"You are tightening around me." he exclaims with a heavy pants, leaning close to your ear from behind. His hot breath brushes your skin as he laughs. "Are you going to come?"
You whimper in pleasure, biting your lip to hold your needy noises back. Gripping into your bedsheets, you shift your eyes to the side to look into his red ones. He fucks you from behind while his body is lying on top of yours almost, and his face is right next to yours. Your hair brushes his face as well as his neck, slightly tickling him.
An invading gaze is apparent in his red irises, penetrating yours as if hypnotizing you.
"Yes." you groan in reply as you come all over his length, and your wet walls tighten around him. He feels your liquid on his cock, and he picks up his pace as you continue to tighten around him. This only pleases him even more, causing him to reach his satisfying climax a few more thrusts after yours. His warm seed fills you up, mixing with your nectar.
Both hands of his wander to your chest, giving your tits a squeeze as he rides out his orgasm. His loud groans fill your ears. He‘s not holding himself back at all. He actually wants you to hear how you give him the pleasure he needs. The pleasure he craves.
He pulls on your sensitive nipples, causing them to become even redder and harder than ever. You moan softly, cursing below your breath. "Fuck."
Keeping his pulsating length deep inside you, he snickers into your ear. His voice is so fruity and husky, its raspy growl sending a pleasant wave of electricity down your spine.
Your breasts are still being held by his hands, and he tightly squeezes them as he rolls your nipples. He knows very well how crazy it makes you when he does that. You love it when he plays with your tits. Thus, he does so.
Still catching your breath, you begin to relax your muscles. But he is not letting you rest.
"You‘re such a good girl. My girl." his hips rock against your ass again, and you can feel that his cock is still hard, pulsating inside you. "I‘m not letting you rest. So you better stay awake the whole night."
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angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
Chocolate and Cream
Eddie x Venom x Curvy!Fem!Reader
TW/CW: NSFW, SMUT, inappropriate use of chocolate, Venom's tongue should be a warning on its own, oral (Fem Receiving), piv sex, creampie, protected sex (personal headcanon that Venom can make it so the baby batter don't bake ;)), Venom is a great source of birth control, a bit of fluff, food play(?), Eddie and Venom love you so much, spme anal, squirting, Eddie and Venom definitely bang too tho IMO (PSA: PLEASE DO NOT PUT CHOCOLATE ON YOUR KITTY LADIES THAT'S HOW YOU YOU GET INFECTIONS)
A/N: Woo! My first Eddie/Venom fic! (Technically) This is based off a private fic an old friend of mine requested that I wrote years ago, adjusted more for a curvy reader, part of some of my self-indulgent fics regarding us gals on a thicker scale :)
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You took one last look in the mirror, proudly nodding your head at your handiwork. It was a pain in the ass, for sure to get done, but with the help from some people in an anonymous kink forum, they were able to help you get this surprise for your lovely boyfriends.
You see, one of your boyfriends had this "thing" for chocolate. He needed to consume an insane amount of it or he'd have to resort to... other methods of gaining a certain chemical to sustain himself...
And of course, that's how this lovely idea came to be. Edible panties were soooooo boring!
Your body covered in chocolate-based body paint however...
You had painstakingly painted cute little hearts over your body, with some artistic swirls for extra flair. You kept your apartment freezing to avoid your body heat melting it too much, or while you painted around your nipples, the rolls of your belly, and of course somewhere far more intimate...
Then came the waiting game. You didn't know when they'd be home from running their "night errands". You knew full well what that meant, and you didn't really focus too much on that fact. It helped you sleep easier at night
You should have thought this through, though. If you sat down on your couch, the chocolate would stain it. You could sit on one of your dining chairs, but the surface was far too cold for your poor bare ass to handle right now.
Shit. Well, you could always--
You jumped back with a shriek, grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch and held it out, obscuring the view of your body from the hulking dark mass that squeezed through your apartment's window.
You relaxed slightly, your breath escaping you in a sigh.
"Venom!" You scolded. "You gave me a heart attack! Why can't you and Eddie use the front door?"
The large creature grinned, revealing jagged fangs that sent shivers of excitement up your spine. Or maybe you were just cold.
"It is faster, this way." Venom replied.
He tilted his head at you, and how peculiarly you were holding the blanket, concealing yourself from him. Then... He tipped his head back, sniffing the air.
"We smell chocolate." He growled, his voice excited as he tilted his head at you. "Are you baking, sweet thing?"
You suddenly felt very small, very awkward. Like a bunny caught in the trap about to be devoured by a hungry wolf. You'd be lying if you didn't feel a little turned on.
You also felt very stupid. God, this was so silly. Why did you...
Venom began to stalk closer, having to lean down to avoid hitting his head on your low ceiling.
"What are you hiding, sweet thing?" His voice rumbled lowly.
"Uhm..." You peep, squirming backwards, awkwardly looking around for a way out of this stupid situation you got yourself into.
"What." Venom said, each word punctuated by a step. "Are. You. Hiding?"
"I'm not hiding anything!" You lie.
"Really?" He purrs, his tongue laving out to taste at the air. "Because it smells like you're hiding something delicious from us."
"I..." You take a step back further, only to bump into the wall, squealing when your bare back makes contact with the cold drywall.
And in a blink of your eyes, Venom was there, his large, opalescent eyes narrowing at you, his maw curling into a lascivious grin.
Yeah. He was definitely salivating.
"What are you hiding behind the blanket, sweet thing?" He purred once more, his massive paws gripping the plush knit quilt.
"Last chance."
"It's... Uh...." You flounder for an excuse.
In the span of a few seconds, the blanket is ripped away and you squeak, your arms locking and Venom's eyes get big and his head rocks back as he looks down at you.
(Holy shit.) Eddie's voice breathed from inside his head.
Venom's grin spreads even wider as he tilts his head slowly in the other direction. "I knew you were hiding something delicious."
"I just... I wanted to, uh..."
Venom pressed his mouth to your throat, and you could feel his heavy, wet breaths as he inhaled your scent, his large hands gripping the upper parts of your arms as he held you there, against the wall, just breathing.
It felt like forever you were standing there, the feeling of him just... breathing on you was enough to get you hot and bothered.
"You smell delicious." He grumbled against your throat, opening his mouth to let his tongue slide out.
The moment it wrapped around your throat was electric. It sent a throb of arousal straight through to your core.
You let out a watery sigh, your breaths leaving you in trembled gasps as his tongue slides lower, through the chocolate on your sternum, and wrapping around your pebbled nipple, the chocolate melting and smearing under his hot breath and saliva.
"Did you do this for us, sweet thing?" Venom asked as he pulled away, looking down at you. "You wanted to surprise us? Hmm?"
"I... I got the idea online, and..." You said, somehow finding it within yourself to still be embarrassed.
"It is a tasty surprise." He said lowly, curving a taloned finger along your cheek. He leaned in and placed a small, unusually chaste kiss to your cheek.
"But you definitely taste better." He whispered into your ear.
You couldn't suppress the little noise that comes from your throat.
"Let us clean you, sweet thing."
Fuck, why did his voice have to have that bone-vibrating frequency? Why the fuck did it have to be so sexy?! Him and Eddie both! Especially Eddie's morning voice! Ugh! It wasn't fair how easy they could just render you stupid.
Venom got on his knees in front of you and brought his mouth to your chest, swiping his hefty tongue through the chocolate, a low rumbling emitting from him the whole time, sending those wonderful tremors through your very bones as he took his time cleaning you, licking up every drop of chocolate from your body, moving lower and lower...
Fuck, you'd swear Venom's purring would be a great substitute for a vibrator. Not that you ever needed one. The moment Venom could pick up on your scent and told Eddie, they were all over you. It was especially bad when you were about to start your cycle. Venom would go feral and pounce on you the moment he picked up on your hormones.
Your train of thought derailed somewhere around the thought of that one time Eddie woke you up with his hand between your legs and crashed into the station of Venom's tongue plunging through your now-soaked folds.
"We were right. You do taste better." Venom purred right into your cunt, making you gasp and cry out. "Though the chocolate compliments your taste well."
"Fuck!" You cry as he hoists your legs over his shoulders, pushing you up the wall with how forcefully he was thrusting his tongue inside of you; his massive arms caging you in and his hands groping and squeezing at your breasts as he voraciously ate you out.
You felt his tongue press against that wonderfully world-spinning spot inside your spongy walls, drawing out and drinking down more and more of your slick as he snarled into your puffy folds.
Your nails clawed at his arms, doing no damage to his odd "skin", and if anything it was encouraging him to go further.
You felt the tip of his tongue press on your cervix before rolling back around and curling, the pink muscle writhing and wriggling inside of you like it was fighting desperately to become a part of you.
You had half a thought to let Venom bond with you for a little while and do something like this with Eddie...
You practically sobbed when Venom brought one of his hands down, squeezing the plush rolls on your belly, kneading them lovingly before pressing down beneath your belly button, where he could feel his tongue bulge and roil inside of you.
The orgasm that you were starting to feel build exploded, going off before you had a chance to prep, your eyes rolled back and you arched your spine, your mouth opening in a silent cry, your body unable to find its voice as everything came crashing down onto you; his tongue eagerly lapping up each drop, every bit of your sweet cream.
The moment his tongue slid out of you, you felt empty, bereft of his contact. You whined when he pulled away, and he kissed your neck, licking the skin again.
"Don't worry, sweet thing. Eddie just wants his turn with you, now." He snarled, easing you down onto the floor, his hands caressing your legs gently as he stood.
As his head reached height with yours, his scary, alien visage peeled and melted away, revealing Eddie's gorgeous eyes, full lips, and patchy stubble.
"Hey, baby." He chuckled, giving you a kiss as he pulled you against him.
"Hey..." You said, your voice weak and shaky.
"Nice surprise, by the way." Eddie smirked at you, his hands going down to grope and squeeze at your plush ass, his thumbs tracing every dimple. "Vee loved it."
"I could tell." You smile up at him.
"So... Let's move the after party to someplace more comfortable, huh?"
God it always surprised you. It didn't matter which one of them fucked you, but somehow they always did it in a way that made you feel like they were trying to bully their way into your guts with their cock.
You whimpered as Eddie hugged your legs against his chest, snapping his hips up into you with so much vigor that he kept rocking you up the couch cushions. Hell, one of the cushions was a few thrusts from being pushed off the couch entirely.
"Fuck you're so fucking tight." Eddie groaned, looking down at you as every soft part of your jiggled and bounced with the force of his thrusts. He loved how you looked when you were utterly fucked out. Venom did, too. Venom's favorite "hobby" that Eddie teased him for, was how he loved to grab you and squish you in his hands, and move you up and down on his cock like a sweet, soft little toy.
Of course, you enjoyed it, too.
Eddie moved your legs so they were on either side of him now as he leaned down and kissed you hard, his plush lips and tongue greedily dancing with yours, your soft hands sliding up his back, feeling the droplets of sweat roll off of him.
Eddie had hips, and he certainly knew how to use him. The way he arched his back and gyrated them, you were tempted to joke and say he should start pole dancing. Maybe you'd bring it up with him when he wasn't currently stuffing you nine different kinds of full with his fat cock.
The tickling of the short hairs at the base made contact with your clit at every thrust, sending little flames of pleasure licking up your spine.
"Eddie..." You moaned, gripping hard at his shoulders and squirming your hips against his.
He gritted his teeth and groaned, dropping his head into the crook of your neck. "Fuck, baby." Eddie hissed, "You gettin' close?"
"Mhmm--" You say, nodding with a weak mewl.
You feel him grin against your throat and he sucked on your skin, leaving a nice, dark present on your skin. He pulled away, soothing the sting with his tongue.
"Oh-kay--" He grunted, leaning back as he slowed his thrusts almost torturously slow.
The black mass that is Venom slinked around Eddie's torso, thick tendrils moving out and gripping beneath your knees, gently forcing them as comfortably close to your head as possible, your cunt fluttering gorgeously around Eddie's cock so well that you felt Venom shudder.
Eddie stopped moving for a second that felt like hours, before he leaned over, one hand on the back of the couch and the other gripping the arm of it behind your head before sending on hard, brutal thrust down.
The moment he did that, you shrieked so loud you were sure your downstairs neighbors could hear you--hell, maybe the people down in the street heard how well Eddie was fucking you (with Venom's help, of course).
The sinful sound of his cock sliding in and out of your hole, your slick-coated skin slapping against each other was deafeningly loud to your ears as he fucked you with his newfound leverage over you, hitting your g-spot at just the right angle it had your brain going almost numb from the pleasure.
When you cum, you cum hard. You soak Eddie's stomach and your thighs as your pussy clamps down on him. You got so tight that Eddie's pace stuttered and almost stopped, a gravelly whine crawling out of his throat.
"God... Fuuuuuck, baby..." He panted hard, grinding his hips down into yours, bringing his knee up and pressing one of your thighs tighter to your body.
"E-Eddie--" You mewl.
"Just--Just a bit more, baby, I promise." Eddie hissed, his eyes closing in pure bliss as he fucks the absolute heaven that is your sweet little cunt.
"God--damn!" Eddie practically squeaked.
You see Venom's head materialize over his shoulder and he grinned down at you through your glazed-over eyes.
Oh god. That was a favorite trick Venom liked to pull. Whenever Eddie was close to coming, sometimes Venom liked to force a tendril up his ass, squirming and tickling his prostate.
"Vee, you little shit--!" Eddie moaned.
"Keep fucking her, Eddie." Venom purred, his tongue sliding around Eddie's throat.
"Gonna beat your fucking--" He hiccuped, his hips stuttering and jolting into yours. "--beat your ass for this..."
"You say that every time. NOW KEEP FUCKING HER." Venom snapped, forcing the tendril deeper into Eddie's ass, this time pressing with more force on his prostate, eliciting a broken moan from him as he slapped his hips harshly into yours, your sweet cunt leaving a nice creamy ring around the base of his cock.
"Fuck, baby..." You whine, feeling tears burn in your eyes as your second orgasm starts to build.
Venom can sense it, and you were fucked the moment his head snapped to look at you.
Completely, utterly fucked.
A smaller tendril splits off from the ones still pinning your legs up, and latches onto your clit, pulling and tugging and rolling in a way that has the air knocked out of your lungs.
"Oh shhhii-iIiIII-iit..." You sob, clawing desperately at Eddie's shoulders, feeling Venom's tongue wrap around one of your wrists, eagerly lapping at your skin as if he could taste your nectar from that alone.
You and Eddie cum almost simultaneously, your orgasms slamming you like a runaway freight train.
You once again soak Eddie's stomach and crotch, your spray and cum dripping down to soak the couch cushions as Eddie's hot seed floods your soft, now-pliant walls, groaning as Venom presses inside of him, making his hips jerk until he's fucked every last drop into you.
Venom finally releases the two of you and Eddie collapsed, Eddie laying across your plush body, your rolls, and cute squishy fat being the perfect pillows for him. (Your breasts too, as he buried his face in them.)
The two of you breathe hard, your sweat mingling between your bodies as you cool off, shivers causing goosebumps to rise up and down Eddie's back as his heart slowed, the heavy echoes still pattering against yours.
"Eddie?" You breathe.
"Yeah." He grunted, voice muffled by your breasts.
"I think we're going to need to steam clean the couch."
Eddie and Venom both broke out laughing.
And here you were, worried about chocolate staining your couch. Turns out it was the cream that was the problem.
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I haven't seen any dog stories in a while. How are Charleston and The Hanukkah Goblin doing?
Dog updates!
The first one is a little sad, but also how life should go. Arwen is 14 now and while she's still moving, eating, pooping and generally enjoying life, she also has canine dementia and sundown syndrome where she gets extremely nervous and her dementia gets worse after dark. She'll be with us for a while yet, but it's something we have to manage now.
One person who is very much helping her manage is Herschel. My parents are traveling a lot while they still have the knees for it so I spend a lot of time up at their house, and Charleston and Herschel come up too. Being a Corgi, Herschel likes to manage things, and Arwen would like someone to manage things for her so he's become her self-appointed guide dog.
When I call the dogs for food or outside, he goes and finds her deaf ass and herds her to the location. Normally she doesn't go outside after dark but when the boys are there she's willing to wait for Charlie to chase away anything that might be lurking out there, and then follow Herschel's ass around the yard at night.
Very literally.
She's also got cataracts forming and I think his bright white backside is easy for her to see in the dark, so she follows it around.
During daytime walks she sees well enough but neither she nor Charlie are fans of strange off-leash dogs running up to them (a regrettably common problem out here. I don't care if your dog is friendly MINE ARE NOT!), so both of them prefer to walk half a pace behind Herschel so his more socially adept and knife-filled face is out front to intercept any unwanted solicitors. This does tend to give people the opposite impression though- because he is so much shorter, Herschel gives the impression of a tiny, charming mafioso flanked by his two large and surly bodyguards.
Like, they absolutely would kill a bear for him.
But Charlie and Arwen would also try to kill a bear on general principle.
At night, when Arwen barks at shadows, Herschel runs up and stand between her and the alleged menace, and does his best to look large and intimidating and for as silly as he looks, he does have a very good growl. After a moment, when the alleged bear or congressman or other horror fails to appear, he will stick his nose into the offending shadow, and finding nothing, be satisfied that their joint effort has successfully chased the problem off, and report back to her. This, more than anything else, seems to alleviate Arwen 's fears.
I guess we all just need someone to take us seriously when we're frightened.
Charleston, meanwhile, has gotten into giving safari tours of the front range's small vertebrates.
After eight years of managing his exceptionally high prey drive, something clicked earlier this summer and instead of immediately lunging his whole face at any approximately bite-sized animal in an attempt to expedite it's journey into his stomach, Charlie has started *pointing* at things until I come look at them and tell him he's a good boy. This started with a mole, something he'd never seen before and that moves above ground in a strange way, so he wasn't sure about eating it, so he only alerted at it. "GOOD BOY!" I shouted, giving him all the cuddles. "GOOD SPOT! GOOD JOB NOT EATING IT!"
It's important to reward behavior you want to see.
Since then, he's been trying out pointing at small creatures in the grass and then making very pointed eye contact with me until I come look at them. This is a little tricky when walking both dogs because Herschel is still very much in his "inhale wildlife" phase, but usually I can lock the little gremlin's leash and go look at whatever Charlie has cornered while Herschel attempts to develop telekinesis to will the critter into his mouth.
So far, Charleston has found: a baby rabbit, several baby rabbits in a cluster, an adult rabbit with Jackalope virus, several voles, several moles, a fledgling owl, only the two mice, several mouse-sized grasshoppers and cicada, someone's pet rat (the person was searching within earshot and 'Socks' was collected forthwith), a beanie baby that had me fooled for a hit minute too, a marmot which I didn't know lived down here, a groundhog which I didn't know lived up here, a mink, so many toads, a wild turkey chick, so many more garter snakes and last night, an aquatic shrew.
I don't know if there's an Audubon Society for small things that scuttle around in the undergrowth, but I am inclined to join solely to get Charleston recognition for his service in surveying them.
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caraphernellie · 29 days
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tiny, silly, cute blurb today because i'm thinking fluffy!!! and fluffy in particular = cats! i love cats and ik i'm always talking about cats so… in the need to quell my desperation right now, i'm going to write about it instead. because i keep looking at cat rescue pages and crying about all those precious babies.
now it's a little hard to picture ellie having a dog because, erm… but moving away from that– i think she's one of those people who prefers dogs simply because they're playful and have such wholesome faces. who wouldn't falter over a puppy's virtuous little smile, falling over feet to give them some head pats? but imagine her reaction when you tell her you want to rescue a cat. imagine the vulgarity in her response every time you'd show her pictures upon pictures of sad babies with no homes – just a snap back to reality. "yeah, babe, s'cute, but probably got ringworm or some shit."
 and yeah, sure, all of your arguments are sound, your list of pros outway the cons, but cats are so lame. lame is what she said.
and lame is what she is, because the furry creature does win her heart fairly quickly. almost as soon as you showed her the picture of this poor unnamed cat without a family, desperate tears in your eyes just waiting to shed at her denial, she folded.
on one condition.
"if we get the cat, i wanna name him."
so much for 'not wanting a cat', it was obvious from the start that your new baby had dug his way into ellie and tugged at the heartstrings. so that was how rover became yours– never trust your girl not to name something unrelated to her interests – but rover was a cute and fitting name overall, if only a tad nerdy due to her ongoing obsession with space and the long lost dream of being an astronaut. 
but there seems to be such a common phenomenon when it comes to cats. they know exactly who doesn't like them, and they make it their mission to insert themselves every which way like stubborn bastards. rover is a smart little man, and he was aware quickly of how awkward ellie got when he'd sit on you or knead on you. it progressed into him treading into the bedroom at five o'clock sharp every morning to wake his mothers up, pushing his way between you and ellie to enjoy the warmth of your cuddles.
from that point, he started getting bolder, jumping onto ellie's lap when she was always busy. he'd nuzzle up against the controller while she's gaming and she'd scoff quietly, clumsily moving to see the screen over his body. then his tail would swipe her across the nose and she'd groan, "you're a little dick."
even then– the words are coated in affection, softly spoken and accompanied by her pausing of the game to rub her hand over his sandy coloured fur.
there's also many, many times in which he appealed to her in humour. it can be utterly amusing at the least and hilarious at most when a feline is taken over by the zoomies. watching the usually collected and calm cat sprint at top speeds and leap dangerously across the room never failed in its manner to bring ellie to laughter.
so yeah, there's a growing attachment to rover bubbling under ellie's surface, and she's never really sure what to do about it. admit that she was wrong about hating cats? she admits so with her every action, making a stop at the store on her way home from work to bring a new cat toy or bag of treats she's desperate to give him. maybe it's in the way she lets him settle on her lap and feels a rush of warmth and love. maybe it's that her lock screen is now a picture of you carrying the cat over your shoulder like a newborn.
photomode creds to @/seraqhite on pinterest!!
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lexsssu · 9 months
Naive (Alhaitham)
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TAGS: Alhaitham/F!Bunny!reader, friends to lovers, pining, yandere, possessive behavior, obsession, mating cycles/heats, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
“Why do we have to learn more math even if our major has nothing to do with it? At this rate, I’m going to flunk and take it again next semester…”
Alhaitham’s fingers twitched unconsciously as your pair of long ears drooped down, hanging by the sides of your face almost as if they were pigtails instead of actual appendages.
“What the heck am I going to need calculus for when I’m trying to develop improved cultivation tools and methods? It’s not like I need to find out the value of X while I’m plowing the fields or something…”
His heartbeat is delayed for a single second at the mention of ‘plowing fields,’ and he has no one else to thank other than the hormonal male Akademiya students who’d made one or two passing unsolicited remarks about Amurta’s only female beastkin student.
He made sure to memorize their faces and names for him to deal with at a later date.
“Alhaitham, help meeee…!” 
Despite being a proud descendant of the Taguel, the way you so easily beg and plead so submissively at him with large watery eyes and a pout formed by a pair of luscious lips has him wondering if you were unconsciously using some sort of secret seduction techniques passed on through your clan. Perhaps you were even secreting some sort of pheromones that made him calmer, more relaxed, and susceptible to your whims…
“Knowledge always comes at a price. I’m willing to tutor you, but you’ll owe me a single favor that you can’t refuse and which I can redeem at any time of my choosing,” bright turquoise orbs darkened as he leaned his head against his curled right fist. “Are you still willing to pursue this knowledge despite the costs?”
“Of course! I trust you, Alhaitham. So why would I be scared about the favor I’ll be owing you for this? Knowing you, you’ll probably make me do some paperwork or help with your research,” you giggle, the fluffy cotton ball of a tail you had wagging at how silly your friend was. 
Why would you ever be afraid of him when he’d been nothing but honest with you? Alhaitham wasn’t some random cur that tricked hapless maidens into his slimy grasp.
If only you knew just how depraved he truly was when it came to you. 
Then again, it is his luck that his adorable little bunny was such an innocent creature that only saw the best in him.
It’s up to him to make sure no one ever takes advantage of your kindness and naivety.
Even if it means he has to carefully plan and wait for the right time to finally express his true desires, he is willing to be patient. Especially when he knows that you are what awaited him at the end.  
You remain blissfully unaware of his thoughts and intentions, not even questioning him or thinking how odd it was for him to have you sit on his lap as he taught you your most dreaded subject.
Alhaitham is a good man and an even greater friend.
You both graduate within the same year with, as expected, flying colors, much to the joy of your respective families. It’s a solemn yet joyous affair, one that you invited him to because how could you not when it was with his help that you managed to even graduate with honors?
There is sure to be some teasing courtesy of your family once you get home, but that is the last thing on your mind as you leap into Alhaitham’s strong arms.
Even through the layers of your graduation attire, you feel the wall of solid muscle that is his body, something that always amazed you when he was one of the most brilliant scholars in Sumeru.
“Thank you, Alhaitham. I wouldn’t have been able to get this far without you always having my back,” you don’t notice the way his sandstone-colored irises seem to dilate as you curl around him, your entire body supported by a single arm around your soft waist while another hand settles upon the plushness of your bum.
Being so close to you like this allows him a whiff of your scent, a mix of soft floral and woody notes with a hint of fruity and citrus underneath. He feels his body heating up from the inside as his senses are assaulted by your voice, your body, and even your smell.
He won’t be able to last long if you keep this up.
Don’t you know how much you drive him crazy?
Rational thoughts come second to instincts when it comes to you, something your kind is very much familiar with.
If there aren’t so many people right now, he’ll throw you onto the grassy ground and mount you right here. He’ll put a whole litter of kittens in your belly and take care of you and your new family for the rest of his days—
Somehow, he manages to keep himself from making a scene by fucking you right in front of your family and the entire Amurta faculty, namely your master, Sage Naphis, whose short temper was legendary throughout the Akademiya. 
However, each day that passes and each small action you make only wears his thinning patience and self-control. It’s not a question of ‘if,’ but rather a question of ‘when,’ and only the Archons know when that will be.
“So…Acting Grand Sage, huh? I always knew you’d go on to do great things, but Sumeru’s de-facto leader? Makes me wonder why you’re even hanging out with a country bumpkin like me~” Sticking your tongue out playfully and winking at him, you miss the way he swallows seemingly nothing but air.
“Don’t be absurd. Who I associate with of my own volition is no one’s business but my own.” 
Although he may look and sound cold at first glance, you have known Alhaitham long enough to know for sure that he simply has his own ways of showing he cares. He wouldn’t let Kaveh stay at his place if he didn’t care about his friend after all. And even if the scribe wanted to be stubborn about it initially, you simply offered to house Kaveh instead, which ended up with the architect staying at Alhaitham’s in the end.
It’s honestly downright adorable how contradictory he could be at times, seemingly wanting to maintain an unbothered and uncaring attitude when you knew full well how good of a friend he was.
If only you knew that the real reason why he allowed Kaveh room and board was that he’d sooner gut the other man than let him stay in the same house as you. 
He’d gouge the architect’s eyes out if they even settled too long on you.
It’s one of the reasons you’ve come to harbor feelings for him.
He is handsome, he is brilliant, but most of all, he is kind even when you have nothing to give him in return aside from your time and friendship.
You repeatedly stamp down the warm bubbly feelings within you that try to rise to the surface, repeatedly telling yourself that there is no chance that such a fine specimen as Alhaitham would return your affections.
Archons know just how many times you’d fingered yourself to thoughts of him during your heats. How you imagined scenarios of him coming to you in the dead of night, whispering sweet nothings and promises of breeding you full, just as nature had intended.
But there’s no way that could ever happen…right?
"'m sorry…didn't know…it'd come early this…year…!" 
You are a pitiful mess as you lie on the grassy ground, your body overheating from the inside as the symptoms of your heat swiftly overtake all rational thought. According to your calendar, it wasn’t supposed to happen for another few days!
He memorized the exact dates of your cycle, so he knows full well just when you’ll be perfectly ripe and ready for the taking.
Had you not forced his hand in the first place, he’d have gladly waited for your regular heat.
“Don’t l-look at me…Haitham…!” 
How can he not look upon the stunning sight of you looking so hot and disheveled because of your need to be mated and bred? It is a sight he will commit to memory for the rest of his life.
You desperately force down the beastly instincts that urge you to submit to the nearest virile male and present your soaked cunt that begged to be bred. It is humiliating, especially because Alhaitham is forced to watch your lewd and debauched display. 
It brings him such glee at the knowledge that no one will ever get to see you like this. 
Whether it was your upperclassman Tighnari, your friend Cyno, or even Kaveh, none of them will ever have this privilege.
You don’t even want to think about how you’ll face him after this.
Because why would he ever want a mere beast like you?
It is his misfortune that he wasn’t born a beastman like you were. However, he’ll make sure to make up for what he lacked tenfold.
You sniffle, feeling small tears pricking the corners of your eyes as your body and mind fight one another. Your hands move to cover your face, unwilling to let him see any more of the pitiful sight you made.
There’s no need for you to look for a mate from the other beastkin clans.
He’d rather burn Gandharva Ville to the ground than hand you over to the likes of Tighnari. 
Just because the other male was your senior and studied under the same sage didn’t mean that he’ll let that damnable fox sink his claws into you. 
“No. I believe I have a better solution for your plight,” with one hand, he pins both your wrists above you as he settles himself in between your legs.
“Mate with me.”
His words send a shock through your body, floppy bunny ears standing ramrod straight as you gaze up at him with large eyes, heart beating like a drum as the weight of his statement registers in your mind.
“Don’t you see? It’s simply because our bodies are compatible with one another that your heat opted to arrive earlier than expected. Your body already knows what your mind has yet to even comprehend,” Alhaitham’s turquoise orbs seemed like they were almost glowing in the dark as they gazed down at you like a predator eyeing its prey.
You were always the only one meant for him, even if you didn’t realize it at first.
And yet, you don’t feel a single ounce of fear.
Rather, you want to be devoured by him.
You want him to stuff you full with his cum again and again until his seed takes root in your awaiting womb and bears fruit.
You want him and will gladly take everything he’ll give you.
“Alhaitham…mate with me, please?”
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rockingbytheseaside · 6 months
✦ Honey and Violetgrass
Pantalone with an innocent reader, who is an adventurer but strong in their own regard. Still gets spoiled by him. 
Tw: none, pure silly fluff. 
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The richest man of Teyvat requires no introduction. He is a man of affluent taste, be it the most exquisite fashion to most daily commodities - his gaze sojourns only on the highest of qualities. He is the 9th of the Fatui Harbingers, after all, hence being the face of business and the Snezhnayan economy itself. Therefore, it is natural for the public to assume that his inclination in people is as wealthy as his spacious manor, correct? He is young, he is powerful and his looks are as influential as his status. If The Regrator has a significant other, surely they must be a dream partner, basked in expensive perfumes and working as a high-class model? 
So imagine the people’s bewilderment when Pantalone’s darling, who casually bursts into his office, is some adventurer…? A person of common status, with bruises adorning their knuckles from climbing and fighting the wildlife. And yet the moment you waltz into his office, whatever important business matter was at hand is now completely forgotten by the Harbinger. In fact, Pantalone’s whole exhibition of demeanor switches in an instant. 
“Oh, honey bunny! My little gem, you're finally back!” - Pantalone stood up from his desk, completely disregarding his Fatui subordinates who remained seated. With a concerned expression, he rushed to you and cupped your cheeks. “How was your expedition? You’re back later than usual… I was worried about you.” 
“Sorry! Just had a little mishap, but I am back.” - you replied with the brightest of smiles, your face beaming despite the scratches and messy hair locks. “Ah, I’m sorry, Pantalone. Did I interrupt a business meeting?” 
The Regrator froze and ceased his check-up. He remembered that some of his business associates were still in the office. He glanced at them, then glanced back at you. 
“Oh, sweetie, nonsense!” - The Harbinger let out a haughty laugh and clasped his hands together. All it took was a single stern look towards his subordinates to convey: ‘This meeting is over. Leave.’ 
The poor associates were left to their confusion, as they were silently dismissed. Now all alone in his office, your dear Harbinger helped you brush the dust of your clothes, gently sliding your coat out of your smaller form. “Where were you anyway, dear?”   
“So I was on my way to find something… But I stumbled upon a Pyro Abyss mage!” 
“Oh!” - Pantalone’s face contorted into concern behind his glasses.
“But don’t worry, because the abyss mage was stuck on a rock in the middle of a lake. They couldn’t attack me, so instead I helped the abyss mage cross the lake without drowning.” 
“Oh,” - Now the man smiled, relieved at your kind gesture towards the most boorish creatures. 
“But the abyss mage got so scared when I carried him out of the lake that a massive Lawachurl heard us and came to attack!” 
“Oh!” - that look of panic was back. 
“Turns out there was a small camp of hilichurls nearby… So I tried to convince them I meant no harm. I guess they saw what I did, and didn’t attack me.” 
“Instead I asked them to take me to the top of a cliff and help me gather some local herbs! And they surprisingly understood because that’s what we did!” 
Silence. In the past few minutes that you conveyed your story, the 9th’s face changed into an array of emotional rollercoasters. The man adjusted his glasses, and wrapped his arms around you: 
“Dear, my honey, my little heart. You know I love you but please don’t make me have a heart attack…! You must exercise caution when you’re out there exploring the wild. And on high terrain cliffs?! Just what was so important that you had to ask some… brutish hilichurls to help you?” 
You smiled at him - that bright and sunny little smile that erased any of his trouble and melted the Harbinger’s heart. You pulled out of his warm embrace, reaching somewhere in your bag to bring something carefully wrapped in cloth. You held it close and unwrapped it before Pantalone. 
“Fresh Violetgrass, Pantalone. I know they are your favorite, but you hate store-bought ones. They’re hard to acquire since they only grow on high-rise cliffs in Jueyun Karst… So it took me a while to hike and find them. Sorry to make you wait.” 
You clarified delicately, standing there with your vibrant batch of Violentgrass, as if afraid that Pantalone might scold you for such a reckless expedition. But how could he be mad at you? How could he do anything but melt and be flustered at your adorable disposition? His little dear, so bravely hiking all the way to Liyue just to get his favorite flora as a gift? 
“O-oh, dear my. All this, just to bring it to me?” - The Regrator gasped, his arms instantly reaching to embrace you as if you were his favorite plush, smothering you with tight squeezes. “My honey bunny, you shouldn’t! These flowers look precious in full bloom; as precious as you.” 
“Ah! Pantalone, you’ll squish me… And the flowers.”  
Thus, the lovely Violetgrass flowers were now rightfully placed in a vase back home. Their purple petals emit a fragrant aroma throughout the bedroom where you and Pantalone now rest. That’s how your relationship with The Regrator was; the richest man of Teyvat who could easily buy the entire world with a single glance, was actually the one swooning over your innocent yet loving gestures. Maybe it was your sincerity, or perhaps your adventurous nature. Nonetheless, that didn’t stop the Harbinger from sitting all day and daydreaming of your experienced arms carrying him bridal style. Even if he was technically taller than you, you possessed some lovely muscles from your years of adventuring. And they certainly enticed him further. 
Most amusingly, you’d know he’s having those silly little thoughts whenever he sat silently with an endearing grin on his face. You stepped out of the bathroom, refreshed and dressed in comfortable loungewear. So you decided to ask him: “Hm? What’re you thinking about?”
“Nothing important, my dear.” - he chuckled, beckoning you to hop into bed with him for some well-earned cuddles. “Just thinking about how your arms would look gorgeous while carrying me. And I’ll instead spoil you with anything you want in the world as a reward.” 
You bury yourself against his lean chest and mumble with a smile “You want me to carry you like a princess?” 
“Anyway you deem fit - and you’ll have me at your feet, my sweet. Say, how should I reward you for your gift today? Should we go on a shopping spree? I’ll commission the best tailors of Snezhnaya to sew all the garments you dream of. Oh, or perhaps I should spoil you with newly bought cosmetics?” 
Pantalone mused to himself, all while caressing your hair. You shook your head: “No, no. You know I don’t like when you spoil me too much. I feel guilty when you spend money on me. Besides, I’ve got everything I want.”
“Don’t be too humble, my dear. If you asked me to bathe you in a honeyed milk bath and drape you with silk, you know I’d drop every Mora to do so in an instance.” - he kissed the top of your head and whispered in your ear. “Unless you wish me to bathe with you in such sweet waters, instead.” 
Pantalone expected a reaction, but instead, you quickly asked him: “Put your glasses away for a moment, please.” 
He obliged, “...Yes? -Ah!” 
Your response was slapping him with a pillow across his face. At least you were considerate with his glasses. 
“Preposterous. Can't a man feel proud at the prospect of spoiling his beloved with luxuries?”
“Pantaloons, I warn you.” - you said threateningly, though your act of bravery looked more endearing as you clutched the pillows for another attack. 
Pantalone furrowed his eyebrow “Don't start me with those nicknames, honey.”
You grinned “... Pantyhose.”
“Mr… Panties.”
“That's it, you come here!” 
Not heeding his warning, the man enveloped you in ticklish embraces so you wouldn't escape. Your giggles of help and mercy were left unheard as you were pinned to the soft batch of pillows. His lips sought your own to silence those ridiculous nicknames that kept testing his patience. And undoubtedly, your kisses tasted sweeter than honey and violetgrass. 
A small illustration for this fic is here! I don't know how else to portray 'reader' without it looking awkward, so instead I drew the Traveler in it. Hope no one minds!
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cloudcountry · 2 months
Hiii not to sure how I’m supposed to word what I’d like but I’ll try my best
can I pleas have a mostro lounge bubble tea, lavender honey galette, apple slice rose puff pastry, and a slice of baklava? If that’s too many items from the menu you can always take something off, I really don’t mind. Congratulations on 3k tho!!!! I really like your writing and hope you keep doing it :]
an order of romantic fluff with azul ashengrotto, epel felmier, and jamil viper!
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You stare at Azul’s flushed face, searching his eyes as if you’re not quite believing what you’re hearing. Azul’s heart is pounding hard in his chest, so bad that any creature in the sea with even the slightest ability to hear would be able to hunt him down in a second.
“You want to court me?” you ask, voice shaking.
Azul takes this as a bad sign.
But you—you just can’t believe this is finally happening.
Azul opens his mouth, mind running a mile a minute as he smooths down the front of his shirt (it doesn’t have any wrinkles, it never does) because he’s about to make the business offer of his life but then—
“I accept.” you smile, eyes bright and sincere.
Azul’s jaw falls open, and he doesn’t know whether to be happy or concerned that you answered so quickly.
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“I like you! Go out with me please!” Epel yells, hands clasped behind his back as he stares at the wall just a little to your left.
Honestly, he can’t even look at you? It’s so silly it's kind of cute.
“I will if you look at me.” you giggle, leaning over just a bit so you’re in his line of sight.
His eyes flicker to yours, and just like a volcano, his face explodes with red.
“There we go.” you laugh, warm and affectionate, “You don’t have to be so stiff, you know?”
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Of all the answers Jamil expected to hear, it was hardly a yes. He stares at your smiling face dumbly—you look like you just won the lottery. He isn’t sure why his confession of love for you spawned such a face, and his first thought is to look around the room to see if there’s someone else you wanted to see more.
“Hey, don’t look away from me now! I want to look at my new boyfriend!” you complain, so much raw affection in your voice that doesn’t feel real.
He looks back at you, sees your smile, and his heart swells in his chest.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 months
Childhood best friend Darling and Bugman always seems like such a silly concept to me cause stuff like this can happen-
Darling drunkenly calling Bugman sobbing and rambling about how during their night out they saw a bug crawling on their arm and killed it in a panic only to realize what they’d done and feel horrible about it so now they’re begging Bugman for forgiveness and to not hate them forever
Darling taking the time out of their night to apologize and legitimately feel remorse, even if they are under the influence, is exactly why Bugman forgives them and falls a little deeper in the love with them everytime. Childhood Bestie Darling was terrified and I mean terrified of bugs as a kid - While they're frightened, Darling is aware and respects how important insects are to Bug. They won't be the first to touch one, but they also aren't the type of person to kill on sight and for Bugman that speaks volumes.
"So I was cleaning out my closet the other day and the biggest spider I've ever seen crawled out some boxes. I'm telling you it was huge!"
"Gross! Did you kill it?"
"What else was I supposed to do? Just let it walk all around my house until it decided to bite me?"
They aren't mad. It's typical for people to fear what they don't understand. That poor creature was probably more terrified than that human - finding a safe home just for it to be ripped from you in the most ruthless way. Bugman wasn't the type to shed a tear over someone they've never met, yet a prickly sensation prods at the corners of their eyes.
Such a tragedy....
A call? At this hour? Something must be wrong.. As Bugman wiggles their other arm free of their sleep bag, your voice picks up over the phone again.
"It was an accident, I swear... I felt something on my arm and I just - reacted. I, uh, put the body in a napkin. We can have a funeral for it or you can add it to your collection. I can't really tell what it is, but I'm sure you know. You know everything about bugs.."
Is this... Are you calling them because you killed a bug? Any resemblance of sleep clinging to Bug was thoroughly shaken off by the tiny catch in your voice. Are you crying as well? Over a bug?
"I'll be there shortly. Please refrain from shedding tears over something so small."
"But you care about them, Bug!- And I care about you!"
"You ..do?" In all your years together, the notion that you truly care about them and their interests never fails to leave them speechless. You despise bugs. Exposure therapy in controlled environments with their pets has help some, but you still tense up when you see one. You hate bugs, but you love Bug.
"Is it alright if I stay the night when I come by?"
A small chuckle cut through your tiny sniffles. "Why wouldn't it be, Bug?"
Bugman has never put in their shoes and been out the front door quicker.
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astarion-approves · 1 year
Drabble request: Astarion having to work through the logistics of kissing his much shorter lover (like a gnome or halfling)
Astarion x GN! Short reader
Fluff, silly, slightly ooc, mostly SFW - referenced past bedding together. NO BETA and very lazy proof reading.
This relationship with Astarion was admittedly off to a strange start.
In the beginning, the vampire seemed to avoid you, his behavior uncertain whenever he was around you. He wasn’t necessarily shy, not exactly — but more so because he didn’t know how to behave around you…
Because you’re short.
More often than not you would find his eyes on you, and you thought that he might be sizing you up. Although you were strong, many thought you would go down easily based on your height. A judgment that would always end in their demise.
However, then the comments began.
“Such an adorable little creature, I wish I could put you in my pocket.”
“You know, you’re at the perfect height to— Hm, Nevermind.”
“Have you ever slept with someone taller than you? … Would you care to try it?”
And then you slept together.
Maybe it was after defeating an entire army of goblins, or maybe it was this building tension between you, but you were pulled together so quickly that you never had the time to figure out what this relationship was.
And ever since that first night… Astarion has been making excuses to kiss you, and it was always in the form of dropping something next to you.
Walking through the cities, hiking over a mountain, in the middle of battle, Astarion would ‘accidentally’ drop something next to you and take the opportunity to kiss you.
Astarion stood next to your bedding, having just dropped a comb onto the ground next to you.
“Oh my. How embarrassing.”
Then he bent down, reaching for the comb but his gaze focused on you. He smiled, leaning close to you, his lips glossy and tempting—
“Well, I suppose while I’m down here…. I could kiss you.”
The kisses were always soft, filled with so much tenderness that you never expected with such a creature. A slight brush of his tongue over your lips, teasing you, daring you to deepen the kiss and take it even further.
You place your hand against his chest, gently pushing him back.
‘You don’t have to keep dropping things to kiss me.’
Astarion narrowed his eyes at you, a slow creeping of blush blooming on his cheeks.
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m just clumsy is all.”
‘Are you saying you don’t want to kiss me then?’
He sighed before dropping himself next to you and kicking his legs out in front of himself.
“No. That’s not what I’m saying at all, darling.”
Astarion chucked to himself, shaking his head as he did.
“I wasn’t sure what this was. Us. Together.”
‘I like you.’
He straightened up, clearing his throat and blushing even harder now at your blunt confession.
“Do you now? Well… in that case we could try being together.”
‘I would like that.’
“A good thing too, I was running out of things to drop. I was going to start making excuses with needing to tie my shoes…”
You both look down to his boots as he rotates them side to side in front of himself, and you can’t help but laugh.
‘Astarion, you boots have no laces.’
“Exactly. That would have been very embarrassing…”
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