unityrain24 · 1 year
Why you don't talk Wattpad ? I feel more.comfortable in there actually just curious abt it
So wattpad was the first fanfic site i used, starting back in middle school. Ao3 seemed sketchy to me at the time, and wattpad was well-known and looked clean and neat and tidy and professional. I read on there for a small while, and even posted, before trying ao3 and discovering it was way better. While i still sometimes post on wattpad, i don't read on it anymore.
Below are some of my reasons as to why i think ao3 is superior to wattpad:
EVERY aspect of ao3 is 100% completely free. No paid stories. No ad-free version
ao3 doesn't have any ads whatsoever. Wattpad does.
ao3 is run by volunteers, while wattpad is definitely a Company. Wattpad is advertising to you, tracking what you read and recommending things to you (yet somehow really only recommending their paid stories rather than what you would actually read). It reeks of capitalism.
Watpad also tracks where the readers are reading from, their gender, and age. They show these things to me as an author. And i think that's creepy.
ao3 is set up as a library/archive, not a social media site or shopping site. This is really refreshing.
Ao3 is completely customizable if you have an account. You can change the colours, fonts, and even formatting to cater to what you personally want. Wattpad only has its usual mode, and maybe dark mode if you have the app?
Ao3 feels far more personal and private, which actually makes any community built there feel way nicer + more genuine. Comments on ao3 and comments on wattpad feel different.
Ao3 has a much, much better search engine. Got can search and sort by title, author, fandom, rating (general, teen, mature, explicit), tags, language, length, date, ship, ship dynamic (m/f, f/f, etc) and more. On wattpad it's really hard to find what you want to read, due to 1) it's search engine sucks 2) even when you search something specific, their completely unrelated paid stories come up in the search too and 3) their tagging system isn't that good
ao3 had an AMAZING tagging system. and the tags aren't hidden either, nor is the tag limit small. You see all tags to a story before you even read the summary, so you know if you even WANT to read the summary. Tags make searching for what you want easier, and also knowing what stories to avoid (which is especially good if you have triggers!!)
wattpad only has general and mature labels, and no content warning. Ao3 has general, teen, mature, and explicit, and well as required warnings. All these things are easily, simply, and clearly displayed.
once again TAGS
tags my beloved <33 what would i ever do without you
While uploading to ao3 is more steps to learn, once you know how it works it's WAY more efficient & easier than wattpad. I still upload to wattpad bc i feel bad for anyone who started reading my fics there before i got ao3, but. I have to like force myself to upload. It is a fucking pain in the ass and it is so SO glitchy and not user-friendly at all. I dread uploading to wattpad.
also idk if it's just me but i fell like i find much higher quality stories on ao3. Obviously someone's story doesn't have to be high quality, it's art, it's an expression of the soul, art doesn't have to be good. But as a reader i want to read something high quality that i will like. And i feel like i find that more on ao3.
anyways i love ao3 so much. if you are still using wattpad and are too scared to try anything else, PLEASE consider trying it. While there is a lot of fucked up stuff on ao3, but it is made very clear what those things are so you can avoid them. Ao3 has some really beautiful, meaningful, soul-wrenching things too. ao3 has everything. it's a library, it's an archive. it doesn't have recipes though. And if it does? well, that's against the law.....
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signs-of-the-moon · 1 year
I'm debating if I want to upload this most recent chapter to fanfiction.net, or any future chapters for that matter cause I just. Really hate that fucking site. The UI of the entire thing is shit imo, especially the desktop version of fanfiction.net. It won't let me block people, or delete nonsense comments. I've gotten several messages by spam accounts trying to get me to click shady links. I literally cannot publish chapters from my computer because the site somehow fucks it up. It's easier to use ff.net on the app. But the app has it's own issues. I can't look at my PMs or see comments unless I go to the story that received said comment. My email is more reliable for telling me when I get a message than the damn site itself. Whenever I have an issue and google about it, instead of an faq page or something I get links to different forums on the site written by users who can barely help with the same problem themselves.
And the userbase on ff.net is crap. The comments I get are either complimentary but spoil whatever happen in the chapter its left on. Or the comments are written nonsense that I think (?) are supposed to be negative reactions to my story, trying to get some kind of rise out of me. I've been reached out to several time by people wanting to start friendships, but when I try to start a conversation they don't seem to understand simple questions, or are just looking for me to do writing work for them for free (I've had this particular thing happen on wattpad too so it isn't a unique issue to ff.net, I'm aware). It's all just so frustrating
The only good things about fanfiction.net is that there's way more warriors content on there, especially OC related stories. I also like the way mobile lets me read the fanfics. I can adjust the font size and set the app to either let me scroll to read, or turn the "pages". Plus when I move on to the next chapter I'm not forced to watch or interact with ads, like I have to on wattpad (wattpad even puts ads in the middle of chapters now in app, which is really nasty. ff.net doesn't do that on their app)
For someone who consumes fanfics, ff.net is great. But for someone who creates content for the site its horrendous. I'm so conflicted on how I want to handle this writing platform. Any thoughts?
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not-that-syndrigast · 2 years
Anyone wondering for my well beeing, my german teacher made me (scrawny nerd kid) do a project with my crush (popular rich kid) 💀
We never worked before alone together.
What in the holy fucking wattpad
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scrollingfan · 30 days
Looked at my old Wartpad account. My god did I read a lot of edgy Sans fanfiction.
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I US WARTPAd more that YUMnlr
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chanluster · 3 years
i found you! hey girlie, i'm sora ❤️ nice to meet you. i've been looking for your blog for FOREVER since i've read non ducor duo — your writing is just... so gorgeous! my god. are you british? otherwise, you're a little too good at capturing the atmosphere and tone. also, are you jinownsmyass on wattpad? i LOVE wild thoughts so much. also author-to-author, i had a question :) how do you use the tags? i've been trying to post a oneshot since yesterday but i don't think it's getting out there 😭
omg hello !!
BDJSSJSKOWPW PLE A S EEEE W🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much im 🥺🥺🥺😭🥺😭😭😭🥺😭🥺😭😭🥺😭😭 help yes ive been living in the uk for a long time so I know what they all sound like, and watching peaky blinders like a freak helped too 🤌🤌
NOOOOO NOT JINOWNSMYASS 💀💨💨💨 I HAVE COMPLETELY ABANDONED THAT DEBACLE my army self was 💔 not sumn i want to remember but thank you for liking wild thoughts 🥺
omg tumblr tags can be such a bitch 😭😭😭 i think it depends how new ur account is if it’s recent then it tends to not show up on tags ☹️ it happened for me for months but on average it fixes itself in a week !!
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jam-is-my-food · 4 years
REF HI ILY !! (also i broke my phone and i can't log into rattpad on desktop because its not loading right and its a Bitch so i havent changed my user yet LMAO) also ur v pog <3
KIRI HI ILYT !! (damn damn kiri are you really gonna lose the bet and then blame it on wartpad huh huh) u r also v pog <3
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kookings · 3 years
Wartpad sucks but u sick too so why are u here
guys a big account is bullying me 😰 go pick on someone ur own size 😡
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vincentspork · 4 years
Fanfic for toads
Call that a wartpad
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important please spread the word and share wherever you can !!!!
i don't know how many of my fellow tumblrs have wattpad ( or as i will call it , wartpad ) but please share this so everyone can see this .
wattpad has a had a security breach . over two hundred and seventy million users have had their accounts hacked as of around june 20th. their information is leaked . what information? their emails , passwords , date of birth and gender . it's suspected users geographical location has also been leaked on the dark web .
wattpad's response ? for weeks , nothing . weeks passed whilst anyone could get into our accounts . whilst people were unaware of the breach . roughly a week ago , people ( myself included ) were locked out of their accounts . told to reset their passwords . at first everyone believed it was just a glitch that would pass . it didn't . rumours went around that wattpad had been hacked . nothing was concrete until news articles were posted by fellow friends who had also been hacked .
until this was out and people started messaging wattpad support , we were left in the dark like nothing had happened . wattpad still didn't announce anything . they haven't handled anything at all . there was no explanation for locking millions of users out of their accounts and there has still not been any announcements about the hacking publicly - only a small statement that takes forever to find and is difficult to find .
a lot of people can't even remember their original emails so this password reset is causing stress amongst users and wattpad ambassadors do not seem to be caring about that .
please share this , encourage people to change their passwords if they can . spread the word so people know what's going on . if anyone needs any help , please feel free to message me . i will be here to listen to your worries . i want everyone to remain as safe as possible .
love , nance .
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pusteblumenkind · 8 years
Kopfhörer raus. Welt an.
-ein schrecklicher Zug.
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chanluster · 3 years
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chanluster · 3 years
UR INTERACTIONS WITH UR MUTUALS R SO FUNNY PLS i've never seen ppl b so fun w their mutuals like u r i live for every single interaction BDJSBFJFB
SCR R EAMMMM BLESS YOU 😭😭🥺🥺🥺 honestly we’re hella mean towards each other cause we’ve all known each other for more than one/two years and because i know every single fear of theres i can now emotionally black mail them 😋😋😋‼️
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chanluster · 3 years
read this when you wake up so you can have a great start to the day 😍😍😍😍😍
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chanluster · 3 years
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