#warriors inspired lmao
gail-lays · 2 years
Fizz-Pop propaganda
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Sorry I’m gonna oc-post at 4 am. I won’t be showing the art she has that other people made but if you wanna look at that, look here!  ANYWAYS YEAH HI HI WOMAN PROPAGANDA DOODLES AND SHITPOST
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She’s literally just a little gal in a roleplay (BY THE WAY IF YOU WANT TO ACTIVELY WATCH THE ROLEPLAY WITH HER HAPPEN, FEEL FREE TO JOIN THE SERVER!!)  Gotta love the universal mom of everyone! <3
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needlepine · 5 months
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Firbee is a valid warrior cat name
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simplykorra · 17 days
Ava Silva is a beautifully disguised devil. Once she knows she has a hold on Lilith, she starts to use it. Some part of Lilith thinks she should be upset about this, because she’s had people use their power over her before and it’s the kind of thing that’s ruined her life. This is different though, because Ava’s power over her is different, it’s the antithesis of everything else she’s ever experienced. Where people like her mother or Adriel would use their hold on her to make her less of who she wanted to be and more of who they needed her to be, Ava is doing the opposite. She pushes Lilith as if she’s trying to tap into the parts of herself she’s afraid of. What’s worse, is that Beatrice is letting her. Beatrice, Lilith thinks, is encouraging it.
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smewduck · 13 days
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
So what if DC but Warriors-
(Have the Batfam)
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(In order, left to right top to bottom: Bruce, Barbara, Dick, Jason, Cass, Steph, Tim, Duke, Damian)
Did Bat (Bruce) mean to create a Clan? No. He was a housecat before he was a stray (full-bred maine coon, he's big) and just trying to survive while also helping his elderly dad-of-sorts. Might've made an old basement bunker into his den, even if he doesn't know what it is.
But then he keeps finding kits. And the first couple he was like, oh this is temporary, I'm just going to teach them how to get around and hunt and such. And then Ginger (Barbara) & Night (Dick) just sort of never left.
Rust (Jason) ended up stealing one of Bat's prey and that's how he ended up with yet another kit. Then another just sort of appeared? Fox (Tim) is just kind of vibing after running away from his home. He's also a persian tortoiseshell. And Bat looks away for five seconds, and now there's another pair of kits too. He does not have an adoption problem. These street kittens just seem to think that he is dad material. Maybe that'll be enough- ope no, there's a kit who has visions of the future who is now here. And his cousin apparently heard about his sort-of clan and joined in with her own sort-of kit. And another pair of strays, Ivy & Bright (Harley) that he's fought with before have invited themselves in and okay, they know healing and herbs so... ... Why are there cats just joining him now??
And then another kitten shows up that's a mini him. Great-
------------------------------------------------------------------------- So far my idea for clan members' names are:
Bruce: Batshadow / Batstar Barbara: Gingersight Jim: Pinewhisker Alfred: Patches Kate: Redstripe Betty: Flamefur Dick: Nightfeather Jason: Rustwing Cass: Shadowflight Steph: Adderstrike Tim: Foxfang Duke: Sunheart Damian: Robin | Robinpaw | Robinwing Poison Ivy: Ivyfoot Harley: Brightear Selina: Badgerleap Lucious Fox: Beechpelt Lucas Fox: Ravenflight Tam Fox: Fawnstep Tiffany Fox: Hawkpaw | Hawkleg Jean-Paul: Fireclaw Minkhoa: Ghoststride Harper Row: Blueface Cullen Row: Leafpaw | Leafheart
Could add more but I barely managed to draw nine cats lol. I am very open to ideas and opinions as well lol.
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akibarayuri · 5 months
i also forgot i draw a bunch of sketches on my loz (lu inspired) modern au, heck even their profiles though it's a bit outdated now.
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one of my sketches about the knighting ceremony of botw link when they got stranded in a remote island, idk how that happened because I'm still working it out but yeah, that's what happened.
from left to right: sksw zelink, botw zelda, botw link, oot link, hw zelda, tp link
the ceremony is a must when joining the group, proving and acknowledging that they were blessed by the goddess. in order for the ceremony to happen, the holder of the sword (sksw link), the high priestess (sksw zelink) and the master sword, as well as the princess and the hero must be all present. so yeah the ceremony can take place basically anywhere as long as the needed elements are present.
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kirisclangen · 21 days
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she/her, 6 moons, trans molly
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brendathedoodler · 1 year
How is Sky weird? I mean just being Link would make you weird, but Sky specific weirdness?
(Referring to this post)
It really depends on who you ask.
If you ask Four, he’d say that Sky’s facial expressions remind him of one of the stable dogs back home. That is to say, he always either looks like there’s not a single thought in his head or he looks incredibly bewildered and concerned. There is no in between. Internally, Red never shuts up and constantly compares the two, and Four has almost accidentally called him by that dog’s name a few times.
If you ask Time, he’d say that his love of cuccos is very strange (though Time is extremely biased because those feathery demons are the reason he actually needs an eyepatch). He’s also been taking and saving pictographs of weird and wacky places and poses Sky has fallen asleep in.
If you ask Legend, he’d give you a list of reasons he thinks Sky is weird. There’s fact that his sailcloth always smells like perfume that never seems to fade, how he always seems shocked by all this hero nonsense despite going on his own adventures, how he can fall asleep basically anywhere, and how the only dish he’s capable of making is a particular pumpkin soup but somehow nothing else. That’s just the things he’d think of off the top of his head.
If you ask Hyrule, he’d say that Sky’s “commander voice” is weird and honestly kinda spooky! It’s like Sky’s an entirely different person when he’s barking orders on the field. He does really enjoy watching Sky fight though, he’s so elegant and fast!
If you ask Twilight, he’d insist that Sky is the smartest dumb guy he’s ever met. This man looked him in the eye and referred to cauliflower as “ghost broccoli” with all the confidence in the world, but he also has an incredible grasp of physics and has given Wild tips on how to be more aerodynamic when he jumps off mountains.
If you ask Wind, he’d say that the way he makes kissy faces at those “hell birds” (cuccos) both “fucking weird” and “crazier than Loft and Champ combined” (referring to Wild and Four and the shenanigans they get into).
If you ask Warriors, he’d say that he can’t understand how different Sky is on the battlefield versus anywhere else. In battle he’s incredibly fast and keenly aware of everyone and everything in the vicinity. He keeps an eye on all of them while also shredding enemies like he was born to do it (and in a way, he kind of was). But he’s also witnessed Sky walk right into a tree because he was daydreaming, draw his sword on it, and then apologize to it before realizing it’s just a tree, not a person.
If you ask Wild, he’d insist that it’s fucking weird how everyone else considers Sky to be one of the least crazy of the group (which is a fucking lie if he’s ever heard one). He’s watched Sky get into all sorts of chaos and shenanigans just like the rest of them, but somehow his sleepy demeanor and the fact that he isn’t usually the instigator somehow keeps him from getting any blame.
If you ask Sun, she’ll say he has the strangest compliments. “Your hands are very convenient!” he tells her with all the love and adoration in the world. She’s charmed but confused.
If you ask Groose, he’ll just say “his face”. (In reality he finds the weird prophecy and reincarnation bullshit to be his weirdest trait, but he shares that with Sun so it’s not a Sky exclusive weird thing)
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thanatosaria · 4 months
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day 8: aymeric day - my sweet heart 💖🍬
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maythray · 1 year
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And yes, I forgive you for leading me on.
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bonefall · 1 year
hi!! i was wondering about your council system -- what did the historic council look like? what's the clerics relationship with it? its a super interesting concept i'd love to hear more about :D
Aaaaaah that old thing??
It's an idea I had eons ago, before I even was working on a rewrite project, let alone before I started calling it Better Bones! You can sort of see how it influenced how I thought of Clan Culture going forward
In the original draft, I mentioned how the historic council used to be more powerful before the "Leader's Word Is Law" commandment. BB Fans will probably find that familiar-- it's because that idea ended up becoming Larkstripe's Strike!
And the "trials" that could qualify a cat for entry to the council, you can sort of see that idea living on in Honor Titles.
But, anyway, the Council System isn't something I went with... but, okay, I'll bite and toss some of the old ideas I had about it out there. Feel free to take them and do as you please.
Before the Leader's Word Is Law commandment, the Historic Council would have been JUST as powerful as the leader. In case of a tyrant, they would gather and find a replacement for their Star.
So keeping the Council on the leader's side was a huge political consideration. Morningstar for example lost control of his council.
They had a lot more control over who got appointed as well, so the Historic Council could be very cliquey.
It wasn't all a good thing; the Council was a huge contributor to the development of Clan culture's xenophobia and in-group mentality. They would often move to exclude cats they didn't like, and it was very hard to "move up" in a Clan if you weren't 'adopted into' the good graces of a Council member's family
Xenophobia was NEVER logical and it was never the fault of the foreign groups it hurts. It was because of power consolidation and politics.
BUT, it did have strengths, too. It meant a lot more cats were involved in the decision-making processes of a Clan.
Casting Stones was an event that the Council would extend to all members. It wasn't JUST a vote; it was an open forum, a lot like the way a lot of canon "clan meetings" essentially become debate matches.
The Cleric was actually separate from the Council. I've always imagined that a Cleric has more political sway in a Clan than people think, and that counts with the council as well
See, they can get rid of a leader. A leader is just a cat a mortal chose. But Clerics are supposed to be a sacred, unbroken line from Moth Flight to the modern era
So, a Cleric has the divine right to rule. Leaders actually don't... not until Dalestar and the Leader's Rights.
And as a final funfact, the Council system was based on Medieval guild systems! In my head, a Clan is a sort of "soft manoralism." The 'Star' of a leader's name is sort of like the deed to the land they own, they were beholden to the Council of artisans that live there, and the Cleric is supposed to be a religious representative hypothetically above the both of them.
The "Council Trial" is just an adapted version of submitting a masterpiece to a guild if you look closely!
I still write the life stages of Clan cats with that guild-system in mind, even though I didn't go with the council system. An apprentice is just like a medieval apprentice. A young warrior is a journeyman. A senior warrior is a master.
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rookflower · 2 years
455 mapleshade
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Time for givin' up the ghost,
Fuck, it's you I hate the most.
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steel-and-fire · 1 year
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I know i said I'll write, but art inspo stronk.
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ravyntowne · 1 year
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Plotting the events of the comic i wanna work on ❌️
Designing all the cats of a group in one sitting ✅️
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snekverse · 2 years
Nobody asked but I'd like to throw this out there: if any of my headcanons inspire u ur more than welcome to snatch em!! I'm considering my work free use for the community <3
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abnormalpsychology · 2 years
Crazy how you can just write about anything you want on here. Anyways you wanna hear about my WIP
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