#warriors discord
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Ask me if you're interested or have other questions!
link: MoonCave Apprentices Discord Server
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starsofdestinyrp · 3 months
Welcome to ✦ Stars Of Destiny ✦
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Website ✦ Discord ✦ Toyhou.se
Stars of Destiny is a roleplay server, set in the world of Erin Hunter's "Warrior Cats" with it's own unique clans within. It's a 16+ small community with LGBTQ+, POC, and disability inclusivity in mind. People here tend to be very friendly and chatty and are happy to try and include anyone new.
There are many plots and plot points planned ahead of time, major server-wide events like new clans forming, big battles, and natural disasters. User participation is highly encouraged not only to move the story forward, but to come up and submit their own plots and ideas. Every cat in Stars of Destiny has the ability to be the "main character" and are encouraged to have big plot surrounding them, wild backstories, and unique designs. The only limits are those of the setting and your imagination!
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🐈 The Clans 🐈
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The Strong-willed, The Courageous, and The Compassionate Owned by kasu159 Redstar 𖠺 Buzzardcloud 𖠺 Marbleshade 𖠺 Harvey Ivyclan is the first clan introduced, while it has withstood the sands of time, it is notorious for its turbulent history. It has good and bad times ebb and flow, many cats worn but able to pull through due to the strong community and will of the clan. Ivyclan is the largest of the clans, reflected in the power the clan holds politically, but their leadership's quality is frequently up to debate.
Website Link
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The Mysterious, The Defensive, & The Wild Owned by so.ob & _bog. Froststar 𓆝 Shatteredstar 𓆝 Cedarclaw 𓆝 Briarpool 𓆝 Magpie Wildclan cats are generally regarded as band of rogues with leadership and morals. Cats are a lot less social and as a community they are far from being tightly knit. They are cats who came together to boost their chances of everyone's survival and they have yet to move away from that perspective. That lead to cats having dispositions that would incline them to make the choice to join and are more likely to agree with the general ethos of the clan. Cats are also way more likely to be culturally diverse, maintaining tradition and beliefs from their past walks of life without as much assimilation.
Website Link
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Moderated by Kirke
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ruddfur · 4 months
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hello hello hello! it is i, koga, also known as ruddfur, come to you with a proposition of a small 18+ community discord server i'd like to make!
it's just a little place where i get to talk to y'all about cat fiction as a whole. the server is in the works and called feliformia. if anyone is interested, please do dm me! i'm looking for possible moderators as i'm not the best at handling running servers on my lonesome, if this ever expands beyond a couple of people it will get difficult for me. any help is appreciated!
it will have a focus on writing and art, to give each other the support and little push to keep creating.
if you'd like early access just dm me with this info: name: pronouns: age: why do you want to join: favorite cat coat color: tell me about yourself briefly:
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lucky-fydraws · 1 year
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Gesture sketch as an excuse to try out my new alcohol pen
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tenderleavesbob · 3 months
Warriors was trapped. He twisted and wiggled to test the limits of his captivity. It became immediately clear that his captors had no plans on letting him move at all or consider escape. He was beginning to lose feeling to his legs. His back ached. He could move his hands but couldn’t reach out or grab anything. 
With a sigh, Warriors accepted defeat and rested his head back on the wall. “Who knew he was such a lightweight?” 
Twilight snickered and sat on the edge of the bed beside Warriors. A flush from Telma’s whiskey still lit his cheeks, and his eyes looked a tad too bright. “I think he forgot to eat dinner. Only a fool drinks Telma’s good stuff on an empty stomach.”
Forgot to eat…? Warriors scowled at the snoring man sprawled across his chest. Time’s head rested over his heart, rising in time with Warrior’s breaths. He stretched over Warriors like a large, too-warm blanket. He smelled like Telma’s bar, and it made Warriors want to sneeze.
He also had his arms wrapped around Warriors like he was a stuffed animal. Warriors wiggled a bit, testing again, but Time’s grip was unrelenting.
“The idiot,” Warriors grumbled. Ah, what the hell. He was trapped, anyway, and it wasn’t like Twilight hadn’t seen it before. He started stroking Time’s back like he was one of Twilight’s cats. Time sighed happily, the ass. “I told him to eat. What did he do with his plate?”
“I think some cuccos ate it,” Twilight admitted. “There was a bunch of them, and Sky wasn’t there to shoo them away.”
Warriors stared at Twilight. “Cuccos. I… Never mind. So he drank on an empty stomach?”
“Yep,” Twilight drawled. “I’ll get some water and a potion for him. He’s gonna feel awful in the morning.”
Warriors huffed. “He deserves it.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Twilight smiled at them like he was looking at a pile of puppies. If Time didn’t have Warriors so thoroughly trapped, he would hit his brother. “I’m not used to seein’ him like this, that’s all?”
Warriors scoffed. He continued petting Time, but it wasn’t like Time or Twilight was commenting. “What? Drunk and stupid?” In the morning, pre-potion, he and Time were going to have words about skipping dinner. It might even be included in his next letter to Malon.
“No. Cute.”
That caught Warriors off guard, but only for a moment. He rolled his eyes. Time mumbled something and nuzzled into Warriors’s chest. Warriors shook his head and rested his hand on the back of Time’s head, holding him close. “I told you so.”
“Yeah, but you also told me that he bites. I don’t believe that.”
Warriors raised an eyebrow at him. He had enough freedom in his right arm to hold it above Time’s body and show his wrist to Twilight. Twilight leaned forward and squinted. “Wait. Is that…?”
“Did Time?”
“...those are such tiny teeth marks!”
“He was a small thing then,” Warriors agreed. He resumed stroking Time’s back. Time relaxed even more into him. It felt like he gained another twenty pounds doing so. Warriors bravely hid a wheeze. “If you don’t believe me, Wind had some pictures saved from the war.” There was no way Wind would have deleted them. Not when they were good for sentiment and blackmail.
Twilight’s mouth parted slightly. His eyes shone. “Pictures? Of a baby Time?”
“Oh, by the Spirits…”
Time mumbled something again and tightened his grip on Warriors. Warriors squeaked. “Ack! Twilight. My brother. I need a favor of you.”
“Help getting free?”
“What? No. When you bring Time his potion…” Warriors wiggled again. Yep. He had definitely lost feeling in at least one foot. “Bring me one, too, okay? By morning, I’ll need it.”
Twilight cackled but didn’t leave. Not yet. Warriors couldn’t blame him. Time was adorable like this.Even drooling on Warriors’s chest like he was, the little brat!
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ruthimages · 2 months
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rookclan · 9 months
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sneak peek of a character for the next update..
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frayedblorbos · 5 months
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wayfayrr · 2 months
I'm posting this on behalf of @peepthatbish (please don't go and bother them about this btw) It's a downright adorable little drabble with wars and reader, something they wrote late at night and I simply can't get enough of it
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You and Link were sitting by the fire, he had woken up because of a nightmare, and being the person you are, you volunteered the seat next to you so he could talk if he felt up to it. Understandably, he didn’t take you up on the talking offer immediately so you decided to fill the air with activities and such that you enjoyed back home.
Midway through you going into extensive detail about your current fixation, you notice he’s been quieter than before. You spare a glance to find his elbow pressed against his leg, his head (or rather, chin) resting on his hand with an easy expression.
Your eyes widen at the realization that he probably wants to go back to bed and call his name, apologizing for rambling and taking away from his sleep.
Link’s features drop slightly and he sits up, quick to deny your worries and turn a blind eye to your apologies. He takes one of your hands and squeeze it lightly, reiterating that you’re alright, and that he doesn’t mind the rambles.
“You’re too tense when everyone’s awake, it’s nice to see you relaxed”
You’re quick to stand, ignoring his chuckles and declaring that you’re going to bed. The flutters in your stomach refusing to settle when he stood in front of you and trapped you in his arms.
He kisses the top of your head and sways the two of you gently. He whispers affirmations and inside jokes before pulling away slightly, asking if late night cuddles would be on the table.
You shake your head at his actions but nod, letting him guide you back to his bedroll and laying beside of him. He brings you close and wraps his arm around you, making sure you’re cozy before closing his eyes.
You watch as his features soften and smile, using a hand to brush away stray hairs.
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yourdarlingwarrior · 9 days
I thought it'd be good as any for my first post to be this edit I made! I love them, if you couldn't tell
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rootmash · 3 months
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attack for the loml froglillies
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starsofdestinyrp · 18 days
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Promo Art by Kirke
CW/TW: May Change Battles/Fighting, Injuries of varying levels, Manipulation and Coercion CONTENT RATING: May Change 🌕 🌕 🌕 🌑 🌑
A cat with a vision. A loner with warrior's blood. A cat with vengeance to wreak.
All her life, Ravenwing has felt lost, or perhaps a more accurate way of putting it is that she just hasn't found home yet. But all that is about to change once she sets her paws on the path to IvyClan and WildClan- and perhaps more importantly, towards the cats that lie outside of the clans. Meeting others who are just as lost in the world, she begins formulating the dream her father has called her to do: start RushClan anew.
However, sinister forces are at work and what lurks just beyond the clan borders not only will determine the fate of RushClan, but also the fate of those who call these lands their home.
Join us for this fun event on the Stars of Destiny Discord Server!
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wickedcriminal · 6 months
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Some age-old "HTTYD 3" Doods featuring Outcast Younger and Prison Darkheart Elder
"HTTYD 3" is books 9-12. Younger took Big Tooth with him in exile on Elder's request, to keep each other safe. They'd meet the Light Fury while on the run (who is Furious's right hand and is trying to kill them, mind you), and Grimmel would be one of the bounty hunters tracking down Minicup through Big Toothless. Unfortunate side effects of traveling with a night fury!
Elder takes Stoick's place in the books getting taken to Prison Darkheart along with the other Dragon Riders 😔
Bonus: Younger finding Elder in Prison Darkheart
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riseoftheclansrpg · 12 days
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Rise of the Clans RP is open for new members! <3
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tenderleavesbob · 3 months
General Impa and Queen Zelda were going to kill him.
Link looked at the familiar ring of light in front of him and groaned. A portal. He hadn’t seen one of these in years. Weren’t they done with these? Wasn’t the timeline fixed?
A message had come from one of the forts regarding strange monsters. Zelda had been nervous about Link traveling alone, but he had assured her that there had been no reports of anything in Hyrule Field. From the sound of it, the monsters had been sighted at the far side of the field. It would be quickest for Link to just go alone and send back word of what he found. If he discovered that reinforcements were needed, he would send word immediately.
He wasn’t even halfway to the fort when the portal appeared. Link sighed and swung his leg off Epona. His loyal mare snorted and danced restlessly. Even she didn’t like a random portal appearing out of nowhere. 
Lana had vanished at the end of the war, too, but Link thought she would at least send a message if something was happening with time again. He sighed and walked a little closer to the portal. It looked similar enough to the ones from the war. 
An awful thought occurred to Link, and he grimaced. He hoped this wasn’t a sign that something had happened to Lana. Anything from an attack on her to Ganondorf’s corruption staining her, too, could have dramatic effects on Hyrule and the timeline.
Not that he wasn’t worried about her being hurt. Just…
Link didn’t like thinking about Lana.
There were no other clues. No other signs. Just a portal in the middle of Hyrule Field. Link sighed and rested his hand on his hip. It seemed like he would be sending word back to Zelda sooner than he thought. Was this how Tune and Mask felt when another adventure popped up in front of them? Thinking they were done and then something appeared without warning? No wonder Mask was so cranky.
Yet a small part of him looked at the portal and hoped. When Mask and Tune left, he had never admitted it to anyone, but it had broken Link’s heart. Plagues took his family before the war started, and between the war itself and his new title of hero, Link found himself with few friends. Those two boys had been his little brothers. It was a popular joke among the camps that they were his kids. Link had been surprised by how much he had liked that. When they left, they took chunks of his heart with him.
He lost them through a portal just like this one. Link cocked his head and studied it, fingers tapping his hip. He couldn’t just go through it. He couldn’t just vanish. He had to report to Zelda what he found. 
But what if the portal vanished? What if this was his only chance to see his boys again?
Link closed his eyes and shook his head. He had to do his duty. He had to report to his queen. If this was like the portals of before, it wouldn’t just --
He opened his eyes again. He looked up. He blanched.
The portal was gone.
No. No. Link looked around frantically, but the field remained empty besides himself and Epona. She was still shifting and dancing, but Link couldn’t bring himself to focus on her.
The portal was gone. His chance to see Tune and Mask again was gone. He should have just gone through it. He should have been more decisive. He was supposed to be the hero. He shouldn’t have --
The portal appeared again. Under Link’s feet. Link screamed and fell.
Startled and frightened, Epona turned and ran back to the castle. Link wouldn’t discover the truth for several months, but his initial guess was correct: General Impa and Queen Zelda were not happy.
Link’s screaming did not last long. He slammed into the dirt and his breath exploded from his bruised lungs. He wheezed and choked on flying dirt and his own spit. He rolled onto his side, arms wrapped protectively around him, hacking and coughing and trying to catch his breath.
“Easy, easy!” a man said above him. Unfamiliar hands grabbed him and pulled him into a sitting position, making it easier for Link to breathe. Normally, Link hated it when strangers grabbed him, but something about this man felt so soothing that Link didn’t question it. He leaned into the man and coughed weakly. His back was going to hurt for a week.
I’m too young to feel this old, Link thought miserably.
“Are you all --”
The man cut off. His grip tightened on Link. Link startled and looked up.
His vision was a little blurry from his hard landing. He blinked and it took several moments for the face in front of him to come into focus.
The face was older. Different. Scarred. It didn’t matter. 
Link would always know his boy’s face.
“Mask?” he whispered. He reached up and cupped the man’s scarred, painted face. 
Mask choked on a sob and placed his hand over Link’s. “Yes. Yes, it’s… I can’t believe it’s really you!”
Bruises be damned. Link threw himself forward and wrapped his arms tightly around Mask. He couldn’t quite hug Mask like he used to, but that was fine. He was happy to practice as much as it took to get it right. 
Mask laughed and cried and hugged him back. Yes, Link decided, clinging to his boy. This was worth every bruise he received in the fall and every shout he was going to hear when he returned to his time.
“I think you’re taller than me, you brat,” Link managed, hugging Mask so tightly his hands began to cramp.
Mask laughed and held Link back just as tightly. “Bigger, too.”
“Still a little shit.” He pressed a hard kiss against Mask’s temple.
It took a long time before Link managed to make himself let Mask go. It was fine. It seemed like Mask was just as reluctant to release his grip. Mask straightened Link’s scarf, and Link almost started crying all over again when he realized that Mask was definitely taller than him and no longer needed to stand on a chair or stand on his tiptoes.
Link couldn’t resist reaching up again and cupping the scarred side of Mask’s face. He rubbed his thumb under Mask’s closed eye but didn’t ask. If Mask wanted to tell him, he would. Link pulled away and asked a more immediate question instead. “Where are we?”
Mask shrugged, grinning. He was certainly bigger and taller. He even looked older than Link. It didn’t matter. That mischief on his face remained the same. “Don’t know. Welcome to your first adventure, Captain.”
Link snickered. At least this meant Zelda and Impa would need to find him first to yell at him. “You’re the expert here, Mask. Lead the way.”
Mask could lead him anywhere right then, and Link wouldn’t care.
He had one of his boys back.
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moons-of-weedclan · 4 months
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A clan lives in the remains of society, when a strange sickness kills everything it touches, and changes them… Somehow, all but these two were infected.
@almaraclan inspired me for the zombie apocalypse setting! Go check it out!!
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