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alienteeth-reborn · 9 months
i̷̻̼͚̹̺̜̲̭̪͆̇͐͆͒̅̃̐̔͛̐ ̸͔̗̦͇̏̿̽͒͂̎́̏̓̋͆̒̄͘̕͝c̷a̷n̷’̷t̷ t̷͕̟̎ẻ̷̡̗̻̙̼̂ḻ̶̳̪̃̉͝͝͝l̵̪̀̌̈̔̕ ̴̮̞͉͙̓ḯ̵̢͎̌̂́f̶̞̻̤͕̘̊ ̴̮̓̊̚͠i̶͖̹̩͖͆̎̎ͅ ̶͉͕̩̈́a̴̢̡͝m̸͇̎̅̍ ̷̤̀͂d̸̬͈͒̂͜r̵̫̪̫͉̔̈́̅̍ḝ̷̳́̊ȧ̵̛̤̪̤͙͗͋̄m̷͈̘̱̼̔͂̐̋̚i̸̤̩̹̅̽̾̍͛ņ̴̌g̶̛̪̥̞̭͕ ̸̳͉͕͇̂̚ą̷͆̉̂n̸̨͍̖̆͌̐y̷̰͙̹͊̂̀̚͜͝m̵͕͈͇͎̓͆̑̚ǫ̴̢̪̰͎͐̓̈͊r̸̢̄́ë̵̡̪͎͍̀͜
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wentrogve · 2 years
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Destiny 2 - Lore Entry: Warmind's Avatar Mark
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eventiderookery · 2 years
brb losing my mind over this tidbit about baby Aunor from the Warmind's Avatar Chest lore entry
"I remember the day you were raised," Osiris says with hushed strength. "Curled up beneath a ruined bus, screaming for help. Too terrified to listen to your Ghost, too frightened to hold the gun it had nudged under the wreck for you."
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thefirstknife · 2 years
I’m glad to see that our bird granddad is back but I really feel like Osiris should be resting more
I really worry for him :( He is clearly struggling, especially if you go through the lore. The seasonal armour set lore is about him going around talking with people and he is not having the best time.
Obviously this makes sense. People are suspicious and they don't trust him and he's going off about some mysterious city on Neptune that no one can find proof of. And after being in a really terrifying state for 2 years, it's a lot to deal with, on top of everything that he's dealing with already.
He's also clearly struggling with some body issues, which isn't surprising at all given what he's been through and he's repeatedly being shown as having a lack of strength and shaking:
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Just one example rom Warmind's Avatar chest piece. One example from Warmind's Avatar class item:
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... shows that he isn't doing too well mentally either. He should really take it easy, but I know that he can't. He needs to feel useful and he needs to work. But he should definitely do it slower.
(Links are currently classified data, putting them for later when it unlocks)
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warlordfelwinter · 4 years
"I know what you are, and you are no Warmind or even one of its puppets."
Timur turned, his golden gaze flashing in the low sunlight, tracking the movement of the sidearm as Felwinter's arm dropped to his side. He metered his expressions well, but Felwinter had known him too long and too well not to see the alarm. The confusion. The hurt. Timur's hand twitched toward his Lash and he shifted, placing himself between Felwinter and his Ghost, who vanished a heartbeat later.
Slowly, Felwinter holstered his sidearm, turning his running lights off and giving no indication to what he had been about to do. What had almost happened. He imagined, briefly, Timur's blood in the sand. He shouldn't, he couldn't, but he felt lightheaded. Giddy. Relieved. Felspring whispered something he couldn't hear.
Timur walked back down the dune toward him, hesitant but trying to hide it. He had never been wary to approach Felwinter before. He took Felwinter's head in his hands, not examining him like he had done the second time they'd met, not trying to pry him open and see how he worked. This was different. Gentle. Not trying to hold him, just to touch him. Ground him.
"What am I, then?" Felwinter asked.
"I don't know," Timur said softly. "Perhaps you don't either. Or you're not telling me. It doesn't matter. Whatever you are, whatever you think you are, whatever you were made to be. In the end… you are your own."
His hands moved to Felwinter's shoulders, to his chest, fidgeting, brushing sand out of the fur collar, eyes lowered. He sighed and met Felwinter's gaze again.
"I will never define you, and you shouldn't either." He stepped back. "There is something here for you to see, but it's up to you whether you follow me or not, just… try not to shoot me in the back."
He forced a smile and turned away. Felwinter watched him walk away for a moment, seeing how he tensed, waiting for something. And after a hesitation, Felwinter followed him.
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With the return of Outbreak Perfected and a bunch of SIVA-related ornaments in EV, as well as the return of old Cosmodrone content with the exception of Site 6; and ALSO Saladin’s more active involvement as of late... Do you think Season 14 is going to be SIVA themed and also include Rasputin’s return in an Exo form (which is a thread that hasn’t been picked up since Arrivals), right on time for Witch Queen?
I’m of mixed opinion re: Exo-Rasputin. Having him in a humanoid form opens up such great storytelling opportunities - he can run around on missions with us, he can do dramatic shit, and most importantly we can see him emote and empathize with him so much easier. But I like the element of alien-ness that comes with his not having a humanoid avatar or relatable “face” to personify. Rasputin is not human. He’s not a digital copy of a human mind like Big Head Clovis (whom I hope Exo-Rasputin makes a special trip just to taunt and mess with.) He can mostly pass as human if he tries, but Felwinter’s close companions noted oddities in his behavior that marked him as "other” even among Exos. 
I don’t want him to be a human being. I want him to be this big incredible mind that evolved semi-accidentally out of human machines and attempts and mistakes. I want him to be this alien creation that woke up in our world and met humanity and went, “I love you. I love all the weird shit you do. I want to do it too. I want to be part of your world and make it better.” His fundamental existence is non-human in that he’s spread out over all these distributed processing nodes. He perceives and processes information differently, he thinks and decides differently, he’s intelligent in vastly different ways, and every so often we’re reminded of that. And yet he himself is very much relatable. He has emotions. He has dreams and desires. He makes mistakes. He gets afraid. He has pride and guilt and regrets. He wants to tell you about his favorite book. I love that juxtaposition, that grandiose otherness with a familiar core. Making him “just” an Exo risks losing that. 
And at the end of the day...I imagine Rasputin as too big to fit in a single Exo. I’m okay with him having an Exo avatar for storytelling purposes as long as it’s clear this is a representative of a bigger Rasputin existing in a bigger network.
As to SIVA, I’m always game for a Rasputin season but I hope it’s not SIVA-centered. I’m over SIVA. It happened centuries ago - before the Battle of Six Fronts, at minimum - and we’ve already rehashed it once. It’s time for Red to get some new plotlines. I do hope we get some character interaction with Saladin, especially if Exo-Rasputin is running around, because I want to see our bloodthirsty Iron Lord have to deal with the twin facts of a) SIVA was a trap from the beginning and b) one of his much-mourned comrades (Felwinter) pretty much was Rasputin. And while the Felwinter’s Lie quest is a confession and a degree of apology to us, Rasputin should probably make said apology directly to Saladin (and Efrideet) as well. 
But other than getting that character closure, I want to see something new. There are so many delicious story threads left open for Red - the Deep Stone Crypt! the Pillory system! Seraph energy! whatever happened on Pluto! the outer solar system! Planet X! whatever happened when he faced Darkness! the old colony ships! Caladbolg! - that it’d be a waste to reiterate one we’ve already done. I think it’d be cool to work on clearing out and rehabilitating the Cosmodrome - reopening the Seraphim Vault would provide a lot of infrastructure that would help him get back on his feet - since it’d be neat to see a ruined environment change because of our efforts, plus we could maybe uncover some cool stuff about the colony ships and other Warminds.
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lawfulgoodedgelord · 6 years
So why did the Traveler choose humanity? Why us? Why are we made into Guardians, but previously uplifted races haven't?
Partly, I think the reason is simply time. The Traveler visited other races and uplifted them: The Harmony, the Ammonites, the Eliksni... All of these races fell, the former two were obliterated by the Hive and the Eliksni... well, they are the Fallen. The Whirlwind was their Collapse and their peaceful society and ways did not survive it even if their species did.
So what's different about humanity? Did we just come afterwards? That when the Collapse came, the Traveller just thought "Fuck this" and did something about it? I don't think so, the Traveler has a track record of fleeing when it's "pet" species is attacked. I don't mean to imply the Traveler abandoned them out of cowardice or malice, but I think the Darkness is strong. Very strong. Too strong for the Traveler's usual fare, peaceful and scholarly races, to resist.
Then it found humanity.
Humanity is a strange paradox. Because humanity has a particular relationship with the concept of moral righteousness. Give a human an ideal to defend, put them in a position where they believe, heart and soul, that they are in the Right, and you have the fiercest warrior anyone has ever seen. Conflict within our species is not for violence's sake, it's for the sake of Being Right.
The Traveler took advantage of this, I think.
Because once humanity was uplifted, what did we do? We built great cities and beautiful things and ships and extended our lifetimes. It was a time of exploration and peace and innovation. But, we see in the Elsie Bray lore tabs, we see in the very existence of Exos, of Valkyrie, of Rasputin and the Warminds themselves, it was a time where great weapons were built. Humanity prepared for the inevitable war that would come. Because war always comes, as rain follows the sun or winter follows summer. War always comes and we would be ready for it when it did.
When the Darkness did come and the Collapse buried it all, we weren't ready. Our great weapons, all our arsenals, were ineffective to the point that even Rasputin, a weapon and a half himself, fled. We were outmanned, outgunned and outmanoeuvered.
But the Traveler wasn't done. It couldn't give up again, I think. Maybe Rasputin shot at it, maybe he didn't, maybe a threat was made that made the Traveler think twice about abandoning the species whose drive for reckless and righteous combat is as strong as the sheer stubbornness with which they refuse to die.
That's the gist of it, really, humans are a warrior race, but one whose drive is Being Right. We are paladins and the Traveler inserted itself as the avatar of our ideals. (Note: I do know that some fight dirty, and that is yet another strength, Being Right need not include Being Correct, or lawfulness. The Right Side of Wrong is a concept that we as a species love, I think, and it is very effective)
Making the Guardians was the very last step, rushed by the Collapse, in what I think is a grander plan to restore balance between Light and Dark (I have further opinions about what the Light/Dark relationship here is, but once again: this is a long post). Guardians are humans and so bring that stubborn will to Be Right; Guardians bear the Light and so are given paracausal power of reality itself, shaping it to their will (to a limited extent). The Traveler gave humanity it's immortal warriors, not to save it, though that was a welcome side effect, but because humanity was the only species it uplifted so far that had the chutzpah, the reckless drive, the sheer glorious stupidity, to look at an overwhelming foe and flip it off.
TL;DR: The Traveler is outgunned by the Darkness and humanity is the only species it's seen in the Destiny universe to look at something very large and dangerous and very deadly, say "Hold my beer" and attempt to kick it's ass back into the Void from whence it came. And so the Traveler gave us the ability to do just that.
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mantleoflight · 2 years
//Ok but guys, with Beilio from the Mantle not being an actual ghost and more like a lightless copy, I'm now thinking like, what if Beilio is actually closer to an alien caretaker-warmind who takes on the avatar of a Ghost when he first meets a guardian? Something like how Felwinter was a piece of Rasputin before he was a guardian except with a Ghost?
//What if that was a thing? and his interaction with the Light as a non-light Ghost actually educates him as to the nature of the Light which should be powering him and his systems?
//So much potential in that~
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solar-born · 6 years
On The Darkness
This is going be one of those discussion/headcanon posts so if that’s not your game I understand. This post also is going to reference The Adventure Zone Balance arc (episodes after 57), the original Mass Effect trilogy, and Hollow Knight (the last half of the game + the Godmaster DLC). There will be spoilers for all three, and all of this discussion is in reference to you guessed it- Destiny’s capital D Darkness. 
Now before we get into the thick of it I’ll be honest. I haven’t read all of the Destiny Lore (Blasphemy! I know!) but anything that gets to the point where I feel like I’m studying for a test is where I draw the line. I do not have the brain power to remember it all. So keep that in mind as we go on this adventure together. 
The presence of the “pyramid ships” on the edge of the solar system tells all of that something new is coming. Now, we have no idea what this new is. They could be a new enemy type much like the Hive and such, but a lot of people seem to agree that the “pyramid ships” are the Darkness itself. (It good reason Bungie’s really doubled down on this). Me personally, I’m not sure how I feel about this “revelation” though- see we have a lot of Lore about the Darkness but none of it is concrete. In Riven and a lot of the new Awoken Lore, we see the Darkness as this force equal and opposite to the Light. However, the presence of the ships and “old lore” such as the ‘heart of the darkness/echoes of Oryx’ suggest the Darkness is a tangible entity. I mean the Drifter also kinda re-enforces this with Motes of Darkness being an extremely tangible item. 
I would personally like to see the Darkness something of both. 
It’s clear the designs for the ships/motes is to contrast heavily with our founded ideas of the Light. Motes of Light are spherical. Motes of Dark are pyramids. The Traveler is round. The pyramid ships are sharp with edges. 
However (with exception of Mass Effect’s Reapers) all other similar entities of “darkness” are formless at best. The point of Light is to be “perfect” in every way hence the sphere. It also reflects some of the forces of physics ‘n stuff in space. In space, everything is either a sphere or a disk. (expect asteroids and smaller particles but they don’t have the mass to be shaped into a sphere because if they did. They would be.) Now, this is why it would make much more sense for the darkness to appear in a “disk shape.” And now you might think “well that’s lame as well triangles and scarier than disks.” And to that,d I say no no nono
The Adventure Zone’s “the Hunger” is way fucking terrifying, and certainly something to think about laying in bed on a quiet night. The best vision I can give you on why this is terrifying is- Imagine the sky. Imagine laying on back looking up as the daytimes sky and suddenly it starts to get darker around the edges of your vision. And then you see it. Like a solar eclipse disk of pure black darkness is slowly covering the sky. You can’t see stars. You can’t see the sun. You can’t see anything but this back form in the sky covering everything. And it grows so dark the sky can’t seem to hold it anymore. Pillars of just darkness twice the size of skyscrapers pouring out of this thing in the sky and monsters, or just these beings dragging themselves out of this pure darkness. 
The best visual I can give you of this comes from Hollow Knight’s Godmaster DLC. However, Hollow Knight’s “the Void” behaves much differently than the Hunger does. 
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(boy howdy I hope this gif works it’s only 5MB so tumblr you better) 
Putting my hard-on for Griffin McElroy's storytelling and the Adventure Zone aside. It matter’s much less what the Darkness looks like and much more on how it behaves. This goes into that “I would like the Darkness to be a force and an entity” idea. Both the Hunger and The Void are will-less entities. They simply exist because they always have (or became what they were after centuries.) 
As the name suggests. The Hunger exists to consume. 
However, the Void’s purpose is a little more unclear and complex. 
In Hollow Knight you play a character that has literally been manifested from the Void. The Ghost can even be argued to be an avatar of the Void’s will to end the plague and bring a new age to the world. This theme of rebirth appears in Mass Effect with the Reapers as well. The Void doesn’t really have a rival like the Darkness v. the Light. I mean if you know about the game you might try to argue that the Radiance is like the Light, but the Radiance is a petty asshole and it’s clear the Void/Hunger/Darkness and Light do not really have feelings they just exist. 
This theme could be true of the Darkness. It being a cycle. The Light comes and brings prosperity and advancement, and then the Darkness comes to start the cycle over away. However, this one kinda feels unlikely? I mean a word could be said about the Whirlwind to support this, and also in the Lore when Rasputin literally shot at the Traveler to keep it from leaving. (Though that’s been re-conned? I don’t remember and they keep changing the lore) 
Whether the Warmind damaged it or the Traveler chose to end the cycle can be up to perspective at this point? I kinda like the idea of the Traveler saying, “not this one” but I’m also a romantic so what do I know. 
So if this is the case, the Darkness could have gotten close enough during the collapse to cripple the Traveler and everything else, before being pushed away by the Light. If that’s the case it would make sense why characters living in the collapse don’t remember because much like the hundreds of kids that saw the last episodes of Ghostwriter they suppressed out of true fear to the point of not being able to remember it. I like this because it implies when the darkness does return they will all suddenly remember and sets up some nice angst. Nothing like a hero being crippled with fear in the hour of most need. 
At this point, we haven’t talked about those naughty 3D triangles much. If the pyramids are itself the Darkness I could see them expanding and behaving much like the Hunger might only looking like some of the “glitch” effects/scenes from Into the Spiderverse/Wreck it Ralph. Which might indeed look rather terrifying and unnatural much how the Taken’s random sputtering looking unsettling. 
But consider, it is also likely that they are not the Darkness much like the Traveler is not the Light. If you want to argue that the Light comes from the Traveler fine, but they are not the same thing. Light also comes from Guardians just like Darkness comes from the Taken and Hive. This is where we push into the idea of Light and Dark as forces of nature. 
I don’t really know what the point of this was. Other than these where things I was suck on and wanted to get out. I guess just don’t assume the naughty pyramids are the Darkness and assume they are more of an amalgamation of Darkness. Also, I guess that my Darkness (until proven otherwise) is a soulless emotionless force much like the Hunger than is completely terrifying and that’s what makes it special. 
You know we probably fight agents of the Darkness because it’s much easier to be faced with something you can actually fight vs something you cannot fight like the hungry will of entropy 
and that’s why Bungie’s never really given us a “concrete” darkness thanks for coming to my tedtalk 
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thefirstknife · 2 years
how come we are only just now finding out about a whole civilization on neptune? like in all those hundreds of years no one thought of exploring neptune? which is in our system unlike distant places like nessus. and we went to europa too, io, tangled shore, mercury, venus, titan but not neptune? i'm very lost in the lore but this is pretty much the only question i keep asking after playing through lightfall. i know the veil and everything else will be explained later but now the only thing bothering me is HOW did we not know about neptune prior to this storyline.
im sorry if there is a very obvious answer to this but again i'm not very well-versed in the lore :( thank u for answering in advance!
You're good! It's a good question!
They were very well hidden, and deliberately so. Since they were created in the wake of people fleeing the Collapse, it was always important to get somewhere where they wouldn't be easy to find. We pretty much didn't know about them existing until Osiris had visions due to his and Savathun's connection.
I touched on some other reasons here in this post. Neptune's natural atmosphere and magnetic field made it hard to see both ways; Neomuni had troubles seeing outside and outsiders had trouble seeing into Neptune. Furthermore, one of the early Cloud Striders went to Earth and deleted all records of the colony ship and Neomuna's founding to prevent violent warlords (Dark Age Lightbearers) from coming over and devastating Neomuna.
They were so well hidden that not even Elsie knew about it, and she's been through dozens of different timelines. She makes a point of noting that in Quicksilver Storm lore tab when she finds her pouka and the gun itself. She says that she's never seen any technology like that and has no idea who might've made it.
After Osiris' visions, pretty much everyone pointed their technology into Neptune and scanned it, but nothing was found. I assume that the way they're hidden is deliberately made to obfuscate any attempts at scanning for life or activity, to make it appear barren. It may also have something to do with the CloudArk, since once the citizens moved into CloudArk for safety against the invasion, they are no longer leaving any material trace on Neptune.
Also from Season of the Seraph, Warmind's Avatar head piece:
"I don't doubt that he is," Ikora replies, a note of frustration creeping into her own voice. "But my Hidden turned their eyes to Neptune and found nothing. I can't ignore the possibility that Savathûn planted those visions in his head to misdirect us."
So if Neomuna was not detectable even with knowledge that something might be there, then their ability to stay hidden must've been something that Earth technology simply could not get around. Ships have visited places around Neptune and even Neptune's satellites, but going into Neptune is kinda strange to even think about since it's a gas giant (or in Neptune's case, more accurately, an ice giant, but still comprised mostly of gases and liquids) and not supposed to, like, have things inside.
And since nobody was able to detect anything with technology, there was no point risking a direct flight into potentially hostile territory with so many Pyramid ships around our system. Especially since there was a real possibility that the visions were a trap set by Savathun.
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