#warhammer soulbound
zmasters · 1 year
Life and Death, a Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Story
In the streets of Candleheld, a city of Shyish, marched the four clawed legs of Thavara. The vampire, formerly of the Avengorii Dynasty, paused in front of a green realmgate. This gate lead to the other half of the twin city, the half within the lush forest of Ghyan. She planned to enter the gate and travel to the Realm of Life, but nervousness froze her place. The green glow washed over her thin, light blue lower body. Her blood red wings hid her clawed fingers playing with a woven dagger, a gift from the one she wished to talk to.
Thankfully for her, the one Thavara wished to talk to walked through the realmgate first.
“Ahh, Zyn.” She said, faking confidence and trying to use her wings to hide her wagging tail. “Just the wych I wanted to see. What brings a child of life into the realm of the dead?”
Zyndras, a sylvaneth branchwych, stood in the glow of the gate. A scythe sat on her light brown shoulder while bugs skittered through the red leaves decorating her head. “I could say the same of you.” She answered, her voice raspy.
“How many times do I have to remind you that I’m undead?” Thavara laughed.
“You know what I mean.”
“I joke. Still as stiff as the tree you live in, aren’t you?”
“Still trying not to eat everyone you meet?” Zyndras shot back, her still face failing her attempt at comedy.
With a hearty laugh, Thavara plucked a worm out of Zyndras’s foliage. “You supply me with enough meat.” She said, throwing the insect into the air and catching it her mouth. “What to talk in the normal spot?”
The two warriors meandered past the strange looks of Candleheld's residents towards an old, abandoned dock. This dock was partially destroyed during an ogor pirate invasion. While the invasion was dealt with long ago, a small gnoblar tribe that traveled with the brutes had infested the area and keep people from repairing the broken trade port. A new dock was built a hundred meters down the beach.
Thavara’s fangs dug deep into a lone gnoblar’s neck while Zyndras poked at a piece of washed up driftwood. A flower sprouted from the wood.
“So… what’ve been up to seen we last talked?” The vampire asked, trying to avoid what she wanted to say.
“I was,” Zyndras sighed, keeping her eyes on the sprouting flower. “I was visited by Mother Alarielle.”
“Oh! That’s great!” Thavara smiled. “I wish Alarielle was my god. She’s so much nicer than Nagash.”
“She is.” The sylvaneth sadly creaked.
“What’s wrong Zyn?”
She sighed. “Mother Alarielle asked me to become a Soulbound.”
The statement struck Thavara like a stake through the heart. Becoming a Soulbound meant one thing. Death. Permanent death. No resurrection. No rebirth. Nothing. A soul lost forever.
Thavara knew the danger of becoming a Soulbound, especially for a sylvaneth like Zyn. Her plant pal and her kin lived for their cycles of death and rebirth. If she agreed to this request from her goddess, her entire "bloodline" ends right here.
"Y-you said no, right?"
Zyn didn't answer her.
"You wouldn't say no to your god."
"I wouldn't say no to Nagash because he'd rip out my bones and build a new servant!" Thavara yelled, throwing the dead gnoblar to the ground. "Alarielle gives you a choice. YOU CAN SAY NO!"
"I can't!" Zyn shot back. "No sylvaneth can say no to our Goddess!" She lowered her voice with a sigh. "Death can't refuse their god. Life won't."
The two stood in silence. The blood of the greenskin drip towards the piece of driftwood, watering the red flower growing out of it.
"I'm sorry." Thavara squeaked. "I don't have many people I can call a friend. I-I'll miss you..."
"So will I." Zyn said, taking a step closer to the vampire. "But you will always be a member of my Glade."
Thavara wrapped her clawed arms around the branchwych, lifting her into the air and causing her to drop her scythe. "I'll keep an eye open for you here." She smiled, pressing her forehead against Zyn's. "You Glade will be safe with me."
"I trust you will."
The vampire laughed as she dropped her sylvaneth friend. "So what does your god want you to do?"
"Those I am bounded to and I are tasked with preventing Drycha and her Outcast from attacking the free cities of Ghyran. Candleheld included."
Unnoticed by the two, the flower roots buried into the sand of the beach, the blood feeding the burgeoning plant. This will not be the last time this flower will taste blood. Mere months later, Zyndras would stare down at the blooming, blood red flower, fed by the blood of Thavara.
Thavara never told Zyndras that she became a Soulbound herself.
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farsight-the-char · 4 months
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Cities of Sigmar (Hammerhal) Barmaid I love you.
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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Kharadron Wattock by CM - Morin
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koboldart · 1 year
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Recently we started a Warhammer Soulbound campaign and I just had to draw my badass sylvaneth branchwych, Lhyrann, and her pal, Grubby :)
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nictanova · 1 year
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Kurnothi aelf from the city Lethis
A character for a AOS soulbound party.
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theaceofskulls · 3 months
GW put the Callis and Toll Hammer and Bolter episode up for free, so come on and check it out
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lewdcookies · 1 year
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Solança, Branchwych of Clan Xeria, Gnarlroot Glade, and her bittergrub companion Lavor. Protectors of Fafyrd and Liberators of Whitevale.
A character played by friend in a Soulbound campaign we both play in. Felt it'd be nice to paint her up in model form. At some point I do intend to do the rest of the Binding. If I can find the right models for it.
But did you know that Sylvaneth are pre-eminently drybrushable? They have some great texturing for that, saves on highlights. Once I had figured out what colours to use it went down pretty painlessly. Even if I my Coelia Greenshade has some flow issues I've noticed. The clasp at the base of the braid isn't the best, lost too much detail there by accident. The only real mishap was when the bittergrub tail broke off after painting, must've not glued it properly. But that was only minor annoyance in the end.
Also first time I've used tea leaves for basing. Which went down pretty well.
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"I sometimes wonder if my worry causes my endless woes, or if it is my endless woes that are the reason I so worry." - Khvath Slaveborn, Seneschal of the Gilded Eye
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mayyosgallery · 10 days
Some Drawings of my Soulbound character from a campaign I've been in.
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She died but its okay she got better.
She only had the one reforging as of collecting her party to get them soulbound and a pretty good idea of what her past looked like. She wasnt sure why some random beastman gets to become a Stormcast but she keeps those self doubts to herself. Wouldn't want to embarrass the party.
She's half party Diplomat, half party Meatgrinder. She and the Slayer make a lot of the encounters we had pretty quick to end.
She's had a fun relationship with our guild Dwarf Durin! She owes him a boat! She promised a Duardin she'd get him a boat!
As of now, she was only just reforged and it was a rush job so her head and memories are kinda jumbled for the time being, but she'll figure it out. Maybe She'll even figure out why she was so anxious about her past before!
And Maybe Durin will even figure out how to get that boat she owes him.
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Her model^ :)
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fromcommorragh · 2 years
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Ossiarch Bonereapers by Cubicle 7 for Soulbound
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stardustx86 · 2 years
Hiya cuties,
Stardust here! I am a hobbyist for miniature painting and ttrpgs and have been for the last 6 years. I love to promote and view the works of lgbtqia+ and bipoc members of our community. I am a games master and run games for dnd5e and Soulbound. I am hoping to run games for PF2E and Thirsty Sword Lesbians very soon. Here is some of my stuff below.
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farsight-the-char · 5 months
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I have not seen this on Cubicle7's social media but looks real enough.
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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Vampire Hunter by CM - Morin
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two-reflections · 4 months
🌟 WIP Wednesday 🌟
✨ Minis
Remember this combat ballerina-looking kitbash I put together to represent a sylvaneth in a Soulbound oneshot?
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The GM really liked her and the oneshot is becoming a twoshot, so I'm making another similar creature for him to use as a NPC in the next session. This is how far I am with the new guy:
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I've started covering his legs in vines too, but it's not going as well this time. No photo yet.
I like how their weird poses make it easy to set the two up in little scenes.
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Get chased, scrub!
Other than that, I cleaned, primed, base coated and drybrushed this half-metal Iron Warrior.
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He's not going to be painted for a long time, but I wanted to get him ready anyway.
✨ Fic
I'm reorganising my stories into lists/series. You can find the lists here: Salamander Oneshots, My OC Squad, Chaos Stories, Imperial Stories.)
✨ Other Things
My distraction jumper is almost done. I also threw together another jumper from some random red wool I had. No pics yet, sorry. Have some pretty leaves instead.
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Still waiting on the suit for my Trazyn the Infinite inspired character I'll be playing this weekend. I really hope it arrives on time.
I've been drawing a little again. Nothing to show yet.
And that's all for this week! 💫
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gruntled-druzhina · 1 year
Nearby LGS actually had the GM screen for Soulbound, Artifacts of Power, and Shadows in the Mist! Gonna run the shit out of this before the chaos rulebook releases. Since I'll just start running so many chaos campaigns. I hope the chaos book has skaven rules.
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kaijusrpgbrainstorm · 2 years
New Year, New Character 2: Day 23
Shevanya Heartseeker, Murder Elf, Age of Sigmar: Soulbound “It's not that I got kicked out for killing too many people. I got kicked out for killing the wrong person. Specifically, the local priestess. Entirely different situation.” - Shevanya Sometimes, it is that simple. Shevanya was a loyal and devout member of the Church of Khaine, God of Murder, recruited into and a part of the the Kraith, a particularly bloodthirsty subsect of the religion. And she was quite happy there. Unfortunately, killing one of the local priestesses in a fit of rage was not the sort of murder the cult approved of. Especially when said priestess was favoured by the High Oracle herself. Not one to casually waste a useful asset (as killing a priestess was no simple feat) Morathi chose to offer Shevanya to become Soulbound, effectively exiling the Witch Aelf from her order, but retaining her loyalty. As well as placing a potentially useful tool in a potentially useful position. Shevanya, meanwhile, is just happy that she gets to keep killing things for Khaine. Species: Aelf Archetype: Witch Aelf Subfaction: The Kraith (Revelry in Carnage) Age: 130 Distinguishing features: Tongue Piercing Eyes: Hard, Jade Hair: Honey Blonde Height: 6' 2”
Body 3
Mind 1
Soul 3
Athletics 1T, 1F
Ballistic Skill
Beast Handling
Devotion 1T
Dexterity 1T
Intimidation 1T
Reflexes 1T, 1F
Stealth 1T, 1F
Weapon Skill 2T, 1F
Talents: Blood Frenzy, Ambidextrous, Combat Ready, Backstab, Graceful Landing,
Melee Good
Accuracy Poor
Defense Average
Initiative 2
Armour 1
Toughness 7
Wounds 4
Mettle 2
Natural Awareness 1
Leather Armour (Light Armour), two sacrificial blades (2x dagger), 1 dose of Venom of Nagendra, three phials of a basic poison, a bottle of acid, 220 drops of Aqua Ghyranis)
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