#warframe sorren
tazahan · 3 months
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ritasanderson · 3 months
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partialnoodle · 3 months
SO UH Jade Shadows Spoilers and Talk
So earlier today, I made this post as a joke via my personal instagram with that one Usher song
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I was like haha welcome back Daddy Stalker
played Jade Shadows
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This was an INSANE update that I had not expected but I TRULY love the idea of a softer figure for him.
Shadow is gonna be a good dad, man. I hope we get to see more of the little baby and Shadow much later in the future. I wish we got more Jade and Stalker lore, but I guess it will remain a mystery for now. It was bittersweet.
I enjoyed playing as Shadow Stalker as well; his abilities were super fun to mess with and see his fighting techniques, especially when it came to Hate. When he also took that bullet I was SCARED SHITLESS but it was nice seeing Xeto backdown and pave a way for him after realizing what was happening and what he held. The music was amazing. The voice acting. Even the design of the scythe and the green details on Shadow's helmet overtaking the red; AND THE BABY NAMES TOO WITH COLORS????
The giving birth quick time event ..GoW abandoning your daughter quick time event now has a contender LMAO
Now get to watch my boyfriend have a moment just like how I did.
I need to get around to doing the missions for the update as well; been seeing a lot of fun Ordis bits and I wanna join (but I am very weak and CANNOT get through that shit; sucks being a solo player and being too anxious to ask for help.)
It was also fun seeing the boys; Ordis and his little red eyes😭
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but good luck with fatherhood, Shadow! If you need babysitters, you know where the operator is!
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aqg-arts · 3 months
Take a sneak peak at a Stalker Wip in the making!
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I've been tryna get his helmet right for the past few days now, and I'm finally happy to share my progress.
I saw someone else commenting on how hard his face is to draw and, yeeep, I feel your pain fren :/ At least the rest of him will be pretty easy to draw, but still.
This one will probably get painted after I finish another piece I've been working on (it's not a wf piece, so I won't get into specifics lol), but for now, I just wanna get the sketch outta the way.
Also, Sorren is a thicc aa mofo frfr, damn DE
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lyroarts · 3 months
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shhh, fathers talkin, baby sleeping
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yatzstar · 3 months
Anybody else catch onto the scene when Stalker gets his baby, he's using his scythe (Hate) that's now altered by Jade into an instrument of Love?????
Aaaaa the symbolism I could cry
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aboriforma · 2 months
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'Oh hey, there's a Jade fragment behind Teshin' What?
Reads it and I'm cryin all over, remembering writing Warren's series all over again. 10/10, go and find and read it for yourself. I'm sobbin. snipped excerpt below
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exaltedhysteria · 3 months
Okay but the implications that they made Jade into a warframe while she was pregnant presumably because the couple got found out - and thus Sorren/Stalker also did but with bonus amnesia? Which possibly means him still fighting for/avenging the orokin unknowingly all that time…
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adylote · 15 days
The Stalker's specter in new Nora's Nightwave gave me an idea. So I finally will draw Jade! (Or sort of it...)
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tazahan · 3 months
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La Belle Dame sans Merci
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ritasanderson · 3 months
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sinistersinita · 3 months
Jade Shadows Spoilers without context
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rain-harmonia · 1 month
really disappointed I finally picked the game back up only after the jade shadows event ended. would have loved to see more after playing the quest
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fligleflorence · 3 months
Thoughts on the newest update
Now that I've had some time to let everything stew and can make coherent thoughts...
First, I do wish the quest was longer and we could at least see more of who Jade and Stalker/Sorren were before becoming frames. It wasn't bad but could've used much more time!
I'll admit, I wasn't sure how to react with the pregnancy reveal. Was I shocked, disgusted, horrified, unsure? And then it hit me.
The Orokin never valued life.
We already knew this through multiple stories of mutilation, forced mutation and experimentation. But it never hit me before as to how low the orokin would sink into the endless abyss of evil until Jade. They took a pregnant woman and her lover and turned them to warframes with no memory of one another. But the worst part? They did so with their unborn child as well. Why? To make an EXAMPLE. I have no doubt our peachy friend Ballas designed her with the express purpose of slowly dying as her child sucked out her life force. They took Jade and Sorrin's minds, memories and even autonomy just to feed into their narcissistic sadism.
All because they broke the rules.
And in the end, i'd like to believe that, with the help of our tenno, Jade was able to give one last middle finger to her 'former masters' and the streak of filth they left behind by saving her kid, letting Sirius/Orion live on. She WANTED to have a child, and by damn she fucking DID!
Fuck you Ballas, you may be able to fridge Jade but she had the last laugh!!!!
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a-bright-comet · 3 months
On a more positive(?) note on Jade Shadows:
It really is so heartwrenching and tragic, Jade loved her kid so damn bad, if she survived the process you know damn well she would've been the best damn parent in the origin system by far. My heart so badly wants the three to be reunited somehow and be cool warframe parents together and be happy with their little bundle,,, :(((
She was clearly loved so damn bad by Sorren (Stalker) he clearly wanted them both to survive but it just.. didn't work out that way. And.. she was okay with that, she knew the risk and trusted him to see it through and to take care of their little one for her :"( And in all likelihood her being turned to a warframe back in the day is what probably doomed the pregnancy cause you know it's the damn infestation strain, the infestation (body) and the void (mind) are unpredictable and incomprehensible.. but that's speculation on my part. (But as per usual it's the orokins fault, looking at you, Ball-of-Ass Ballas)
We didn't get much time with her but I love her so damn bad already, she deserves all the love she can get,,, you best know that when I get her warframe she'll be absolutely pampered, tis what she deserves dammit! 😤
Now excuse me while I go hold DE at gunpoint to revive her in canon somehow
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aboriforma · 2 months
In another life, she would have a family. In another life, they wouldn't be punished for such a simple act. That is not that life; but she'll do everything just to have a piece. [Spoilers for Jade Shadows; fanon verse with a tenno knows how to properly help]
“Where were you?!”
Stalker, still in recoil as his body slows the repair, looks on confused.
Her front bloodied by the excalibur’s blood, still hails with nips of frostbite. Her petals still tinge with blotches of wavering necrosis, unnoticed at a glance as she stands before him, shoulders drawn tight. A slight of aggression, her voice raised; his codices wax on as his body has so far recovered to continue induced bloodshed. But, refusal embolden with confusion cancels it out as she reaches for him - takes his scarred hands into his own, seeming to cradle them in the silence of the bloodied mess room.
“Where were you, Sorren,” a lowered voice, thumbs running over his bared palms.
--- Also on FF.net ---
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