#wandavision ep 7
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randomshyperson · 1 year ago
Im just asking😔
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thestarlightforge · 3 months ago
I don’t know, OP, but honestly sounds like you’re on to something lmao. Looks in-character to me 💀
i feel kind of bad. half a chapter in and i'm already torturing wanda in the third story. girl hasn't showered in nine days. just ate a whole jar of peanut butter. her thoughts are so sad and loud that her mind-reading son has to wear headphones around her...what the fuck did i do, man?
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rootspiral · 3 months ago
Agatha All Along deep dive: episode 6 part 2
(Wandavision entries: [1][2][3])
(AAA entries: ep1 [1][2][3][4] ep2 [1][2][3][4] ep3 [1][2][3] ep4 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][+1] ep5 [1][2][3][4][5] ep6 [1][2][3] ep7 [1][2][3][4][5][6] ep8 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] ep9 [1][2][3][4][5][6])
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after all the shit they got for the ralph bohner reveal, you'd think they'd never mention him again and hope people would eventually forget. but no! they double down! they call back evan peters for a day so they can milk even more jokes out of it! I respect that a lot tbh
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billy is not scared at all because he's maybe top three most powerful teenagers in history. meanwhile boyf
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ralph: tells horrific stories about the Hex
billy: yeah sure but how does that affect ME
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evan peters is having so much fun. poor ralph tho
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aha! and here's why he rationalized to go look for agatha. she's the only link left to his past and she's supposedly sans magic.
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hey it's my mom and dad! yes I've adopted them. they're my parents now.
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again, I love that jeff cooks. I love the role reversals these two have
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oooh new headcanon to add to the list: rebecca is the one who got william/billy into movies, and it's how they spend quality time together
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is there an entire version of the Ballad sang by lorna? does anyone have a link?
(and I see the same fletwood mac poster! and jen's house there in the corner. I bet someone guessed the final twist based only on this shot)
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billy's research on sigils. I would absolutely watch a show that is just agatha and billy solving crimes (and being shitty at it). rio can be moriarty.
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dolly, babe. it's not your man she was after and I think you know it
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I never noticed how he looks at wanda's house
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THEY WEREN'T EVEN DRINKING BEER. did she just bring tap water in two mugs and rio pretended along. I wish we had gotten a glimpse of what rio actually looked like here, but I get that aubrey couldn't be on set at all times
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that is the hottest outfit she's hever had don't @ me I know I'm right
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lmaooo the way she pops out the window. detective agnes you'll always be special to me
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a clown and her clown assistant. they could open a circus
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oh she's so pathetic I can't believe I have to marry her right now immediately
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and to think he was so badass in the fake reality
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did he just apologize to the garbage cans
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and that's all I have in me for tonigh I'm afraid. hopefully I can wrap this ep up tomorrow.
go to episode 6 part 3
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ennn · 5 months ago
IF there is a sequel my feelings for the ending would probably change because i expected more character development for agatha but i don’t see it so i just felt like that was so much missing about agatah and agathario
i heard more about their relationship in interviews than actually saw any relationship on screen and there was practically nothing from agatha there. did she ever love rio?i guess it wasn’t important to answer that and rio was just her crazy psycho ex who wouldn’t stop stalking her for centuries, it was a valid writing choice but it felt very underwhelming
Oh yeah a sequel would totally change / help my feelings as well!
That said, I want to address your points you made — not attacking, I just want to break things down:
We did see their relationship on screen, and Agatha having feelings for Rio
We have seen how Agatha and Rio are together, especially alone together. And the way Agatha behaves around Rio isn't like how she behaves around other people. She loses the theatrics, the more obvious lies. Rio reveals a new side to Agatha and vice versa.
Theirs is a bad romance. Fighting and violence is their foreplay – it's a poor substitute but even in ep 8 you do hear them excited to be fighting each other with magic. If you want a ship that's defined mostly by hugs and kisses and domestic bliss this isn't it.
And also keep in mind that the show has always positioned them as exes. They broke apart for a reason. There is bitterness and anger and pain in their relationship. Neither of them are falling in love with each other. Their relationship is interesting because they know each other so well, including the best ways to hurt each other.
In terms of Agatha's interest: We do see Agatha wanting Rio as Agnes inside the spell – a look into how Agatha would probably feel if she didn't remember why they broke up – and we see her emotional look at the end of episode 1 when Rio leaves.
We see Agatha genuinely embracing and wanting to kiss Rio in episode 4, and how she looks at Rio in episode 5 while on they're flying on brooms as well as how they seamlessly did the hexenbesen with each other.
We didn't get Agatha making heart eyes at Rio with the back few eps but it is hard to get into the romantic yearning mood when you're dealing with the reason you broke up with your ex.
The show has only started delving into Rio as character
I really do NOT think the show wants to position Rio as simply Agatha's "her crazy psycho ex stalker" – I believe the show has set up Rio as a complicated character with depth, in broadly the same way Wandavision set Agatha up to be a compelling character.
Anyone who sees Rio as one-dimensional or just a psycho ex is probably the same sort of person who saw Agatha as nothing but a power-hungry witch – which to be fair she still is, but layers baby.
One key challenge is that Rio is set as the season's major episode 7 antagonist reveal as Death. Just like how Agatha was for WV.
This means that until this finale we couldn't really know much about Rio – not beyond a superficial, limited, or vague level. Because it is Rio's identity and role as Death drives her motivation, her pain, and her tragedy history with Agatha.
Agatha lies and Rio is... not a normal human being
If you took what was happening on screen in episode 8 at absolute face value, without considering the other episodes or history of these characters, I can see why people would think Rio's a psycho stalker ex.
But consider:
Rio looks devastated when Agatha makes her choose between seeing her again or Billy – like this is Agatha knowing what kind of arrangement would pain Rio the most; Agatha testing at what point Rio would bend the rules again.
If you consider how Rio hasn't gone back on her word or told a lie on the show to Agatha, you'd expect that Rio will stick by her promise to leave Agatha alone. That's why it's heartbreaking. Agatha would absolutely back out on a deal but not Rio.
When Agatha says "I want you to stop pursuing me, I want you to stop making my life hell" you have to remember this is Agatha who uses words like weapons, who masks and lies all the time. Making the life of such an asshole hell may also not necessarily be a bad thing.
Rio's only on the Road now because they summoned her. She was honouring what she said about giving Agatha time to get her power back in Episode 1 and just watching.
Agatha is literally a manipulative serial killer who is surrounded by death regularly. "Psycho stalker ex" is a label that really needs to be considered in context here.
The show has underlined how Death isn't evil. It comes for us all. It's what we have in common. Part of a natural order. Rio is an antagonist sure, but only a villain depending on which perspective you take or what the circumstances are.
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paintsplash1712 · 3 months ago
Probably over thinking (again) but I love the idea that WandaVision and AAA imply that Billy and Tommy are/were cyborgs.
Like in ep. 7 of WV, Wanda says "Vision's made of vibranium. They literally inherited tough skin."
And then in episode 6 of AAA, Agatha calls the kids Wanda's "little flesh and wires".
Which makes me think she literally made Billy and Tommy to be perfect kids of Wanda and Vision. No wonder Billy had such bad body dysmorphia!
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uhhhh-em-draws-stuff · 4 months ago
*stares at you with autism*
what are some of your favourite headcanons?
*stares back with autism*
-Rio visiting Nicky at night and taking him on walks and that’s why he was so calm abt her taking him when she had to
-they met after Agatha killed her coven the first time bc Rio had come to collect the bodies
-June 2nd was their anniversary bc in wandavision that’s when Agnes says her and Ralph’s anniversary was
-Agatha tops I fear
-literally the entire coven knew smth was going on between them (kinda canon bc they figured it out by ep 7)
-ghost Agatha will absolutely be tormenting Rio once she gets bored of just bothering Billy
-when Agatha is ready to go face Nicky in the after life, Rio goes with her, breaking rules for them again
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 5 months ago
Who's the Black Heart?
Ok Agatha all along theory time, because there was a moment in ep 6 that opened up the mystery of who the black heart on the list of names for the coven really represented, a mystery that I think we had all thought was already solved. But during ep 6 Billy's boyfriend, Eddie, sends him a message saying 'you're my 🖤'. So now there have been three characters who could potentially be the person behind the black heart on the coven list, Sharon who in wandavision was identified, along with her husband, as a black heart on the calendar and whose alias was Mrs Hart, Rio who tells Agatha that she has a black heart and that it beats for her and now Billy. So which one is the black heart that lilia put on the list and who was meant to be part of the coven?
Well my theory is that the answer is actually all three of them, here's my reasoning. When Lilia gives Agatha the list she says 'here's a list of four names, looks like you've got your coven' and as the audience we assume the four names are Jen, Lilia, Alice and whoever the black heart is. But I went back and looked at that moment again and noticed something:
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Agatha's name is also on the list. So the four names are Agatha, Lilia, Jen and Alice, which are the four names that we see written here. The black heart is not seen as it's out of shot.
So whilst we at first assume the coven is meant to be made up of five witches, Agatha and the four names, I actually think the coven is meant to be made up of seven. After all 7 as a number is meant to hold magical significance. Part of the reason why 7 is considered a magical number is because it combines the holy trinity and the 4 elements bringing together the earthly and the divine.
Which brings me to the ballad because within the ballad there is the line 'darkest power, wake thy power, earthly and divine' in the first verse. Which I think could be a clue that there is supposed to be 7 members of the coven. As I said above the number 7 is also connected to the 4 elements which are also mentioned in the first verse of the ballad, in the line right before, 'Gather sisters fire, water, earth and air.'
Now the holy trinity, the other half of the magical number 7, isn't mentioned in the ballad, however the maiden, mother, crone is and this particular trinity you could argue is a witches version of the holy trinity, there is that moment when they are on the broomsticks and Billy is saying oh God repeatedly and Lilia tells him to try praying to the divine mother, which could indicate that the maiden, mother, crone trinity holds the same significance to witches as the holy trinity does to those of the Christian religion.
Another thing that is interesting is that in the second verse three more figures are mentioned, you have the lines 'I hold Death's hand in mine', 'Familiar by thy side' and 'Spirit as our guide.'
So I actually think that the four elements represent Lilia as air, Jen as water, Alice as fire and Sharon as earth. Now I know what you might be thinking, but Sharon isn't a witch let alone a green witch, Rio is the green witch. And true, but I think that's where the twist is going to come in, we all think this but we know that Sharon was good with plants, when Agatha approaches her to invite her she is gardening and Agatha comments on the garden and I feel like there was a point to that as opposed to it being a throw away line. Also Agatha mentions that within a three mile radius there will be a collection of witchy enough people to form a coven and I think Sharon is one of these witchy enough persons, she may not be a full on witch but there's enough magic about her for her to be included within the coven. As to what may give her some magical quality it could be something as simple as she has an ancestor way way back that was a witch so she's kind of a blood witch but it was so far back now that she doesn't possess any obvious magical abilities. Another possibility, though, is Wanda's hex. This idea of the hex changing people in a magical kind of way has been explored before. When in the hex Ralph Bohner was able to use super speed, passing through the hex gave Monica Rambeau powers and being created in the hex meant Billy and Tommy also had powers, Billy's powers as we have seen continued after the hex was gone as did Monica's. So maybe Sharon was left with just the smallest hint of magic due to the time she spent in Wanda's hex, again not necessarily enough to give her full blown magical powers but just enough to count her as part of the coven. Maybe she became extra skilled at gardening and plants etc in a slightly magical kind of way if I am making sense there. That could also be what Agatha meant when they were digging a grave for Sharon and she said 'I didn't know you had it in you.' Maybe Agatha realised that there was something at least a little magical about Sharon.
Ok so if those four are the elements who are the three figures mentioned in the second verse. Well I think death is actually Rio, I mentioned in my ep 4/5 review that I think Rio may either get her powers from people dying by like absorbing their souls or that she could be a grim reaper type figure based on some of the things she and Agatha have said. I think they are trying to trick us with Rio being a green witch, after all there is some cross over between earth and death, you know burial, returning to the earth and all that, I also do think that there is a connection between Sharon and Rio and they are supposed to mirror each other and we are supposed to connect them so that we are kept confused about who is really represented by what. Sharon did die and ended up in the earth, rio came out of that grave, rio is a green witch but Sharon also has something of a green thumb etc.
When it comes to who the familiar is supposed to be I think it's pretty obvious, the only person we've seen referred to as a familiar is Billy and he has been addressed this way on multiple occasions. Familiars are also considered to be spirits or supernatural beings which does kind of fit with Billy as he is technically a soul or spirit that took over a vessel.
The spirit I think might be in reference to Agatha. Episode 5 covered the spirit trial and that was agatha's trial, it seemed she has the ability to commune with spirits. As rio said who better to commune with the dead than someone whose put so many in the ground.
Going back to the trinity though I think Billy, Agatha and Rio are also meant to represent the maiden, mother and crone. Maiden could be representing youth and innocence, Billy is obviously the youngest of the group and when he started the journey on the road had that youthful innocence about him. Agatha would represent the mother, we know that she had a son but we have also seen her show a motherly concern and protection towards Billy, then Rio would represent the crone, old age and death, the end of life etc, although it isn't confirmed that she is the oldest, most ancient of the group from the way she said she was the green witch as opposed to a green witch makes me think she was the original.
Another reason why I think the list actually included all seven of the characters as members of the cove , is because each of them have taken part in the trials on the road and I feel like if any of them truly wasn't part of the coven that wouldn't have been allowed. We know the road has rules and that it has ways of making you follow them, like agatha's wine refilling, the house always appearing in front of them and being forced back down to the road when on the broomsticks. So I think the rule is everyone who is a part of the coven at that time, unless they die, has to take part in the trial some way. Even when it comes to opening the door to the road I feel like it wouldn't have worked if Sharon didn't have something magical about her and if she wasn't supposed to be part of the coven. She also takes part in the first trail. But Billy also technically takes part in the trials, including the first one even though he didn't drink the wine, he still took part in helping make the potion and his blood was used in the potion. Which if you think about it, if Billy hadn't been there and the rules were everyone in the coven has to drink that would have made the trial impossible to pass, as there wouldn't have been anyone to give the blood of the unpoisoned. So whilst we were all thinking that Billy didn't need to drink because he wasn't part of the coven and the glass kept refilling because not everyone in the coven had drunk it, I actually think that the truth is the rules were everyone but one member had to drink the wine, the glass kept refilling because too many members of the coven hadn't drunk the wine. Hoping that makes sense. I think there would always have been one less glass available than there were members of the coven, irregardless of whether Billy the underage teen was there or not. Rio also takes part in some of the trails as well after Sharon dies, so all of them have taken part in some way.
So basically tldr is there are supposed to be seven members of the coven, the four earthly elements, Lilia, Jen, Alice and Sharon and then the trinity Billy, Agatha and Rio. The list of four names was Agatha, Lilia, Jen and Alice and the black heart represented the three as of yet unknown members of the coven, Sharon, Rio and Billy. I mean I could be totally wrong about all of this but it makes sense in my head, I do think there are more layers and double meanings to some of the lines in the ballad like the spirit guide could also be Sharon's and/or Alice's spirit coming back in the future etc, but I've already written an essay so I think I will leave it there for now.
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Been thinking a lot about episode 6 of Agatha All Along and the way that people dismiss it as making the show all about Billy, when it really isn't
Ep 6 is to AAA what ep 4 is to WandaVision: a reintroduction to a character, an explanation of how they got to this point, and a reveal of past events from a new perspective
Both of these characters (Billy and Monica) also act as the set ups for new MCU projects - Young Avengers and The Marvels, respectively - because the MCU consistently sets up new projects as they go
For example, Hawkeye sets up multiple other projects across the course of the show - Young Avengers (Kate), Thunderbolts (Yelena), and Echo (Maya)
Also, after ep 6, AAA goes back to being all about Agatha again, but with a shift in the dynamic between her and Billy, which is central to the entire plot of the show, because he's the principle supporting character
Ep 7, despite being primarily focused on Lilia, still heavily features Agatha, Billy, and their dynamic
Eps 1-5 are mostly about Agatha, her grief, and her power quest, but the secondary story was also about her and Billy, even when it takes a back seat for the other character's development
Ultimately, this show isn't an example of fridging, or burying gays, it's another jac schaeffer banger about a woman accepting devastating loss
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alexzalben · 6 months ago
I know you’ve only seen ep 4 so I’m not really asking for a tease more just your opinion but do you think there will be some type of flashback to agathario and their son (assuming nick is their son)
Yeah, I think we will, whether it's hallucination flashbacks (a la Episode 3) or some sort of cold open, we'll for sure find out more of their past.
The reason I'm waffling on a full-on Agatha/Rio flashback episode is I'm reasonably confident we'll get a full-on Teen flashback episode once he's revealed as [REDACTED], walking us through his whole history, up to the point of the reveal, and then we move forward from there. Might be too much to do a Teen flashback episode and an Agatha/Rio flashback episode.
I'd also bet if that does happen, we'll get the Teen reveal at the end of Episode 7, same as the Agatha reveal in WandaVision. And then Episode 8 will be his flashback, leading us into the finale.
Pure, 100% speculation on my part though!
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lovepersevering13 · 5 months ago
Symbolism Of the Flora in AAA
So there are two main occasions where I think flowers are used specifically for symbolism in relation to Agatha and Rio...
The first is the flower which Rio offers Agatha when she arrives on the road. It is my personal belief that this flower is an Azalea (It looks like it + that's the flower she had in her front yard in WandaVision so it makes sense for Agatha either way)
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So from this we can presume that the Azalea is used to symbolise Agatha. Now, what does this mean?
Well, the Azalea flower has a lot of different meanings across different cultures. I read that 'It was often sent as a gift when one person urged another to reconsider their feelings' which would relate to Rio's desire for Agatha to forgive her.
The meaning of the Azalea flower is also linked to a story about a Chinese Emperor who experienced victory and glory in war but was lonely despite this (Agatha being a very powerful and successful witch but having no coven and being an outcast from other witches) one day he was given Azalea's and immediately fell in love (As Agatha did with Rio) and planted them in his garden (The Azaleas in Agnes' garden). This links in to the overarching theme throughout AAA which became especially clear in ep 7, which is the witch's need for connection and community through their coven.
In Chinese and Japanese cultures it is also a symbol of homesickness (Perhaps Rio feeling a homesickness for Agatha as we know she has been unable to reach Agatha for quite some time). There is also the aspect that Azaleas are highly toxic (Rip Sparky...) and receiving a bouquet of them in a black vase is considered a death threat (We have all seen how open Rio is to killing Agatha).
The next plant we see in relation to Agatha and Rio is the Ivy which is on the broom Agatha gives Rio. I'm far more certain about this one because we can clearly see that this is ivy.
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So again, there are a few different interpretations of the symbolism of Ivy, but all of them in some way relate to Rio.
Firstly, fidelity. Ivy is known to cling onto anything it attaches to and is hard to remove or get rid of making it a symbol of fidelity (Like how Rio hasn't let go of Agatha even though Agatha has iced her out for so long *cough cough* 'She is my scar').
The next commonly accepted symbolism is eternal life because ivy is an evergreen plant. Obviously we know now that Rio is death, meaning that it is her job to reap souls and take them to the afterlife - therefore providing eternal life.
In ancient Egypt ivy was dedicated to the god Osiris. Osiris played a double role as the god of fertility and also the embodiment of death (sound familiar?). So this plays into the way that AAA has put an emphasis on Rio, as death, also being THE green witch. They're really highlighting death as an equal part of the lifecycle. I think the fertility part of this may also play into Nicholas and Agatha and Rio's role in that.
Now this one I had to do a bit of a deep dive for but... according to this website I read ivy 'lives on after its host plant dies' which is SO related to Rio's job of allowing souls to live on after the body dies.
It is also said that ivy represents 'the eternal binding together of lovers' which would symbolise Rio's desire for Agatha to die so that they can be together eternally.
It is also related to protection so it could be said Agatha giving Rio a broom with ivy on it was a form of protection.
Again, ivy is mildly poisonous if eaten, continuing this theme of underlying toxicity in both their personal attributes and their relationship.
Ok so that is it for now!! Honestly I'm just being delusional and clutching on straws but y'know !!!
Here are the sources I used: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Osiris-Egyptian-god
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sapphoshands · 4 months ago
Agatha Harkness + 6, 7, 10, 16
6. ...the scene that I think shows just how awesome they really are.
oh wow, wow, how to choose! there's so much to agatha! god. okay. you know what. the scene where she rips herself out of wanda's spell and goes stomping out onto the street completely nude. god bless kathryn hahn because that is such a spectacular character moment. it's so agatha. nothing matters to her except her goal. i adore it.
7. ...the scene that I think adds depth to their character or the relationship this character has with someone.
one of my favourite bits is in ep 3, where she gives jen her horrible pep talk - not just because of that glimpse into agatha-as-mentor, but because she says she left jen alone 'because the work she was doing mattered.' and as that gets unpacked - as we learn that jen was a midwife, and that agatha was supposed to lose her child in childbirth, that really says a lot about agatha. like on the one hand, of course she'll drain any witch who irritates her or who she feels does not deserve their power. but on the other hand, she doesn't want other people to suffer the way she did. (side note, i feel like we were meant to get more jen at the end, and i wonder if that was somehow a victim of executive notes too.)
10. ...if I liked them immediately or if took a while before I warmed up to their character. Alternatively, if I disliked them immediately or if they lost my trust as their story progressed.
i said in an earlier ask that i really fell for agnes/agatha when she popped into wanda's kitchen in wandavision ep 1, and i think that's true. of course her first scene with wanda in the living room was spectacular, but her dynamic with wanda really felt so much more charged in the kitchen and she also just, idk, clicked for me. she was so camp! definitely had nothing to do with the way she called wanda a good girl. and since then she has done nothing wrong ever, so i continue to love her.
16. ...my very shallowest of opinions on this character.
okay my VERY shallowest opinion probably deserves to remain only in my whatsapps but uh. god she is fucking gorgeous when she cries.
ask me more things!
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jennastarkhasaheart · 4 months ago
Interior Chinatown ep 7 thoughts
okay so this wasnt exactly what i had in mind but good for willis i guess, moving up in the world
im not convinced this is the full story with jonathan, thats too easy after all this. theyve got some wandavision level bullshit going on here.
anyone else getting some real agents of shield vibes from this show suddenly? like maybe its just because its now a lot closer to an actual cop show, which aos does share some elements with, but still.
also when they chased the owner of the bar down the pier i kind of expected lana to quake herself into the air and land in front of him, aos has trained me well i guess
all this just makes me miss daisy even more cause its so close but not the same
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rootspiral · 4 months ago
Agatha All Along deep dive: episode 4 extra entry
(Wandavision entries: [1][2][3])
(AAA entries: ep1 [1][2][3][4] ep2 [1][2][3][4] ep3 [1][2][3] ep4 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][+1] ep5 [1][2][3][4][5] ep6 [1][2][3] ep7 [1][2][3][4][5][6] ep8 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] ep9 [1][2][3][4][5][6])
but @onceuponalegendbg pointed out that I skpped the girls chatting around the fire and that is inexcusable. In my defense the video skipped on its own when I opened it but STILL there is no justification. Alice my love forgive me.
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okay I love everyone's body language here. tag yourself which sapphic are you?
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Jen in episode 2: "Like I care about that dusty, warty, snaggletoothed community." Her identity is so important to her! And the intersectionality between witchcraft and herbalism!
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lilia is so impressed
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and this is what I mean by support system - all the girls here are covenless, they had no one to help them through the hardest part of their life, no one who would listen, support, give advice. people simply NEED community.
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alice is so small. I wish I was there to hug her
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and more parallels between alice and agatha. not being able to save the people they loved made them angry. what does it say about a mother that she couldn't protect her own child? what does it say about a daughter, and a protection witch at that, that she couldn't save her mother? they had no agency, they were helpless in front of tragedy. and like agatha got mad at rio, alice got mad at lorna for ostensibly wasting time with songs and amulets instead of seeking help. anger became a defense mechanism, a way to find blame when there wasn't anyone to blame, to feel in control when there was nothing anyone could have done.
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HER TEARY LITTLE FACE when lilia points out she's no longer angry, just sad. the way she whispers 'you're right'. sweet alice, you deserved the world.
I'll say this about ali ahn's performance, it's not flashy and it gets overlooked among all the powerhouses acting alongside her. but she's building something quiet and steady that really gets to you in the end, like a bittersweet weight on your stomach
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lilia is being so so gentle with alice, encouraging her to sit with her pain while she's safe with people who love her. no, all the anger in the world won't bring lorna back, and it's okay that it's not okay.
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jen is not as overtly emotional, but she has other love languages
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lilia is ranting again and I love love love her for it.
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and then there's this freak
no but really, even if rio's existence goes way beyond human experiences and she cannot exactly share like the others, she's just happy to be there, you know? genuinely glad to be included, interested and fascinated by what they all have to say
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this is just patti's and aubrey's irl dynamic let's be real
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thank you writers and costumes and aubrey for creating this delightful little weirdo just for me, as a treat
the first entry for episode 5 will be up later today!
go to episode 5 part 1
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ennn · 5 months ago
Finale predictions for Agatha All Along
Time to lock in your bets! Here's what I guess/expect will happen based on shots from trailers/promos. 'Tis in good fun and some of these I'm definitely more confident about than others -- under a cut because this post is a long one:
The Earth trial in episode 8 is focused on Billy because he is part of the coven. I expect it to tackle the question raised of "Am I Billy or am I William?" I mean, we know he's both but I'm sure they'll execute a dramatic answer. I'm guessing Agatha's grabbing his head for a spell to unlock his suppressed memories and power.
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The trial should still have a heavy death theme (the characters emerge from body bags when entering the area). Someone (apologies i forgot who) mentioned that it makes sense because Billy should be dead and in the earth. The danger of the trial is being buried alive.
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At some point during the trial I guess Agatha tells Billy and Jen something about Nicky as there's a promo shot with her holding the locket open and saying "death". I assume both Billy and Jen hear this as there seems to be only one big cell of a room. Yay coven bonding time!
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I guess we'll get a split of Agatha backstory flashbacks across Episode 8 and 9. I do expect an Agatha and Rio flashback kiss happening in 8 and flashbacks would make sense if Agatha's telling her story to the two of them during 8.
So, we know from ep 7 that there are ways to leave the Road without completing it.
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Given we get a shot of Jen crawling out of the ground at what looks like the outskirts of Westview near the town sign, I'm guessing Agatha's going to get Jen and Billy off the Road before the End by tricking or outmanoeuvring them somehow (credit to @trickofthelights for this idea by the way).
Agatha's actually trying to keep them safe from Death but they'll think she's a manipulative asshole (just when they were bonding!). I call it the Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways plot thing.
Before they split Billy gets a clue of what Agatha's up to when his mind-reading power unexpectedly kicks in – the setup I talked about here. Either Agatha is too distracted in the moment to shield her mind or she deliberately does so to give him a hint.
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There's also a promo shot of Billy doing his blue magic over what looks like the entrance to the Road. He's wearing different clean clothes so I guess he and Jen have been out of the Road long enough to clean up and probably work out what Agatha's really up to. I'm guessing Billy's doing something to help Agatha or influence the Road. He's emotional enough that his magic kicks in. Probably where he suits up as Wiccan.
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Agatha and Rio face off in the final "battle" and Agatha gets absolutely wrecked because throwing hands with Death with zero powers ain't gonna work any better the second time.
I doubt the fight will be a straightforward one, even after Agatha gets her powers back. Schaeffer doesn't like simple, black-and-white conflicts. See: the Black Widow movie and Wandavision where even Agatha who was really being self-serving made valid points.
And I don't think Death herself can be defeated in a conventional sense. As a genre-savvy rule, even if you are able to, binding or trapping or hindering a personification of Death is usually a bad thing (can you believe I looked up the recent Puss in Boots movie for further validation on this). You shouldn't mess with Death because it messes with the natural order and witches are supposed to be rooted in nature.
My guess is with Rio some kind of balance needs to be restored, Agatha owes some kind of debt that needs to be paid – before the Road can give her what she needs. This goes back to the initial concept Schaeffer had before Rio of a "debt collector".
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I'm also still hanging onto my theory that something is up with that crystal gem thing Death looks to be holding now but was previously wearing. What is that in her left hand?
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tastetherainbow180 · 1 year ago
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So how are my fellow sapphics feeling after Marvel What If Season 2. I'm doing fine like Wanda in Ep 7 in Wandavision.
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agatharkn3ss · 6 months ago
Episodes Roundup
I needed something to occupy my time, while waiting for the next Agatha dose! So here are the writers credited for writing each of the episodes (mind you, it doesn't mean other writers weren't involved). You can recognise a few names as they also wrote some of Wandavision episodes.
While we can't know the plots yet, I've included the rumours/clues so far, it might help preparing yourself mentally as some of these writers are known for absolutely heart wrenching scenes. The episode fonts are likely clues as well.
Draw your own conclusions, but for me the biggest alarm is the fact that Jac Schaeffer co-wrote Agatha's finale with none other than Laura Donney - who wrote penultimate episode of Wandavision - you know, the one where we learn Agatha's background and where she takes Wanda on the emotional "Road", making her re-live the trauma and heartache. So yeah, be prepared for emotional rollercoaster of a finale!
Ep1. Seekest thou the Road - Jac Schaeffer (the show runner and producer, also wrote the first and last episodes of Wandavision)
Ep2. Circle sewn in fate/Unlock thy hidden gate - Laura Donney (wrote ep.8 of Wandavision - explaining both Agatha and Wanda's stories)
Ep3. Through many miles of tricks and trials - Cameron Squires (wrote ep.7 of Wandavision - the one where the stories are told through interviews with the characters and where we had the big Agatha reveal)
Ep.4 If I can't reach you, let my song teach you (fire trial, Alice-centred) - Giovanna Sarquis (not connected with Wandavision, wrote ep.5 of Griselda if that helps)
Ep.5 Title TBC (likely about the 80s pj party horror with ouija board and possessed Agatha, quite possibly Teen-centred so a trial for the Familiar? Judging by the poster maybe we also find out how Rio is involved - my money is on them being Billy and Lady Death) - Laura Monti (seems like she's a relatively new kid on the writers' block. But she was Jac's assistant on Wandavision and is famously credited for Vision's line "What is grief if not love preserving?")
One of the next three episodes (ep6?) is going to be about the Wizard of Oz, centred around Lilia's tarot trial (Air). Another episode (possibly no.7) is rumored to be Agatha's backstory - so the Spirit trial. And one episode (probably 8, judging from the font) will be Earth trial but seems to be focused on Jen - where they will be in this sterile looking room, like an operating theatre?
Ep.6 Title TBC - Jason Rostovsky (not seen any writing credits, but he was an assistant on quite a few horror movies - e.g. "Ouija: Origins of evil", "The Purge: Election year", "Insidious: Chapter 3". So I'm expecting the episode to be dark)
Ep.7 Title TBC - Cameron Squires (same as ep.3)
Ep.8 Title TBC - Peter Cameron (he wrote ep.5 &6 of Wandavision - the ones with boys growing up, fake Pietro and Halloween)
Ep. 9 Title TBC - Jac Schaeffer and Laura Donney (!!!)
[this is a repost since Tumblr suddenly decided they don't like me using images and won't share my posts in search. You will find this same post with episode images directly on my blog]
Edit: Tumblr has now red flagged my original post that had the episodes posters in it, so it's no longer available. No explanation as to why they would find official Disney+ promotional material so offensive.
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