#walter randall
pixxystycks · 2 months
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kellterntempest · 8 months
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Agent Stone at the G.U.N. world conference
redraw of this photo:
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kaphkas · 2 months
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Girl what the hell kind of palaver is this?
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cameron-possibly · 7 months
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“He looks like anybody you see on the street. But when he grins, birds fall dead off telephone lines. When he looks at you a certain way, your prostate goes bad and your urine burns. The grass yellows up and dies where he spits. He’s always outside."
The dark man. The Walkin' Dude. Randall Flagg.
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captainskells · 1 year
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Marten Broadcloak, Walter O'Dim, Randall Flagg, The Grinning Man, The Man with No Face, The Man in Black
It only takes a week or two to break a god-fearing man: Ease him in with the small talk (and then plant ideas ‘till his ears fall off). Finlee played that guard like a fiddle, turned his own fears into a honing missile.    “Father, can you save my soul?”   “First you gotta bring me a little C4.”
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katlyntheartist · 1 year
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[ First Page ] 🦔  [ Currently on: Chapter 1 - “And So It Begins” Pg. 27-31 ]  🦔 ...Prev / Next...
Help support the comic! // Read in chronological order
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nerds-yearbook · 6 months
In 1945 World War II had kept front line nurse Claire Randall and soldier husband Frank apart. Now that the war was concluded, the two embarked on a second honeymoon. Not only did Frank hope to reconnect with his wife, but looked to reconnect with his family’s past so chose to visit his ancestral home. Things seemed to be going well until Claire suddenly found herself hurled back to the year 1743 where she met one of Frank’s ancestors. ("Sassenach", Outlander, TV)
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bizarrobrain · 2 years
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Dark Tower: Walter's End by Michael Whelan
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I have an old plastic skeleton in my room from like a year ago that I rescued from the local Walgreens (I named him Mr. Bones and called him that up until recently), and yesterday I got sick of him hanging on the back of my door fully naked and paying no rent, so I went ahead and clothed him and tossed him into a rocking chair and decided (with any and all (due and undue) disrespect to Walter O'Dim) to rename Mr. Bones to Walter O'Dim. So now I have the skeleton of Walter Randall Marten Broadcloak Flagg O'Dim-Padick BoBalthazar Fe Fi Fo Falthazar the First sitting in my room and spooking me anytime I try to go into my room for any reason other than reading the Dark Tower series or going directly to bed. My deepest and sincerest apologies to Mr. Stephen King. Walter is a certifiable Character and I hate him so much that he's become my favorite quasi-immortal wizard of all time.
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echoe-l2 · 8 months
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As a person who has only seen the movie and not read the book, I can't help but wonder why Matthew McConaughey's character : The Man in Black has two different name : Walter Padick and Randall Flagg. Does anyone knows why?
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alethianightsong · 10 months
Stephen King's The Dark Tower did the multiverse trope before it was cool
I was 16-17 when the live-action adaptation was announced and decided to read the Dark Tower series since I wasn't about to watch the movie. A week and a half later, I've ran through the main series like a drug addict through a mile-long line of coke and I'm reading the prequels and standalone material like "Wind Through the Keyhole" to get more content. Lemme explain:
The World of Roland Deschain is part-western, part-metafiction, part-scifi, part-post apocalypse, and part-fantasy. To mix all these genres together, Stephen King simply layered them on top of each other. To summarize: thousands of years before the start of our main story, a highly advanced human civilization waged war on every level (nuclear, chemical, biological, etc) and wiped themselves out, leaving robots, AI, mutated creatures, and broken-down tech behind them. Later, a collection of kingdoms known as "Baronies" arise and here is when Roland Deschain, our hero, is born. The kingdoms combine elements of medieval fantasy and the Western genres. There's wizards and magic, but also horses and guns. Instead of sword and sorcery, it's gun and sorcery, with Roland's gun being forged from King Arthur's own sword so gunslingers are basically medieval knights with codes of honor and customs.
Before book 1 begins, Roland's world as he knew it is ended and he must find the Dark Tower to prevent all of the multiverse from collapsing. Turns out that before the super-advanced society collapsed into global war, they figured out how to make portals to other universes and that the Dark Tower is the hub of all known reality. The Tower stands on six "beams" of metaphysical material but the people of the old world replaced them with their own material in a bid to warp reality for their own gain. Before they could, their world fell and the Beams have spent millennia slowly rotting since they're now made from real material. Due to this rot, the reality Roland inhabits has basically been on its deathbed for a long time. Time and the cardinal directions are eldritch and wonky, the poisons and radiation released during the war of the ancients still taint the soil and mutate the animals into monstrosities, and deserts dominate the landscape. What robots that survived their creators' destruction are all sociopathic and insane from the isolation. There are tears in reality that let in creatures or can take you to other realities and what humans remain are scavengers and eke out poor livings. The series has something for everyone so even if you aren't invested in the plot, you'd still be impressed at how cowboys, robots, mutants, magic, and demons can exist in technically the same universe.
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pixxystycks · 10 months
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"The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?"
another flagg drawing! click for better quality
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the-delta-42 · 1 month
The Walking Dead Game What Ifs: What if Clementine got bit in the shed?
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What if Clementine got bit in the shed?
Clementine had just finished stitching her arm up, when the Walker broke in through the hole she’d made. She went to hit the Walker with the hammer she found, only for the tool to fly out of her hands. She’d started wrestling with the monster when she heard the shed’s door open, before a pair of arms wrapped around her. Panicking, thinking it was a Walker, she thrashed. Then, suddenly feeling a pain on her left foot, she screamed and the arms around her managed to pull her away, just as a bullet hit the Walker in the head.
Luke tumbled to the ground, with Clementine hastily backing away from them.
“That,” Said Pete, after a moment, “was too close.”
A choked sob got their attention, making them look at Clementine. Rebecca rolled her eyes, thinking the girl was trying to manipulate them. Then Clementine’s shaky voice was heard, “I’m bit.”
Luke started towards her, making her scramble to get away from him. Luke realised with a jolt, that Clementine was scared of them.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Asked Rebecca, “Shoot her.”
“She’s only like this because we put her in there.” Snapped Luke, “We gotta make this right.”
“You can do that by shooting her.”
Pete quickly crossed the distance, pulling some laces out of his pocket and fashioned them into a makeshift tourniquet. Carlos, after a moment, joined them.
“Luke, start a fire,” Ordered Carlos, “we’ll need it to cauterise the wound, and get something for her to bite down on, I doubt she wants to lose her tongue.”
“There’s an axe in the shed, Nick,” Pete looked at his nephew, “get it.”
“This is ridiculous.” Scoffed Rebecca, as Alvin winced, “What?”
“Nothing.” Alvin looked away and headed back into the cabin.
Rebecca looked back at the girl, just as Pete brought the axe down on her leg. Rebecca winced as the girl’s muffled screams and wails reached her ears. She saw Luke heating a shovel in the fire he’d built and when it was glowing red, her pressed it against the bleeding stump of the girl’s leg, earning another muffled scream and wail.
Then, the girl passed out. The three men stood, with Luke picking her up. Rebecca felt herself freeze as Luke passed her, giving her a glare as he did. The girl looked so small, like a child. Rebecca shook her head; the girl was a child. A child she’d advocated to killing.
Luke gently put Clementine on the spare bed.
“What do we do if she turns?” Asked Carlos, as he wrapped some bandages around the stump.
“Then we deal with her.” Said Pete, “But, only if she turns.”
Carlos sighed as he finished up, “Hopefully, that’ll hold.”
Luke nodded, as they headed downstairs.
Clementine woke up to Sarah sitting next to her bed, staring at her, “What?”
Clementine suddenly gagged and threw up, before she fell back onto the bed, “Ow.”
The bedroom door opened, allowing Carlos to see Clementine awake with vomit on the floor.
“I threw up.” Mumbled Clementine, “Sorry.”
“We have to go.” Said Carlos, as Luke picked Clementine up, “Nick and Pete spotted Carver.”
Over the course of an hour, they were walking through the forest. Clementine had been silent the entire time, Luke had been trying to get her to talk, but wasn’t having any success. Clementine was staring at her legs, her mind both empty and racing with thoughts.
“You hear that, Clem?” Said Luke, trying to get her to talk, “Sounds like some birds got lost while migrating.”
Clementine blinked and said nothing.
“C’mon, Clem,” Urged Luke, “You gotta say something, you can’t go through your life without talking.”
Clementine was silent.
“Okay,” He paused, “How about something to eat?”
Clementine was silent.
“Clem,” Luke sighed, “You gotta eat.”
“We can camp here.” Called Carlos, “Get some rest and eat.”
Luke gently placed Clementine on the ground, careful not to jar her stump. Clementine lied down and rolled onto her side, her back facing Luke. Luke sighed, before going over to the others.
“How is she?” Asked Pete, as Luke sat down.
“She’s still not talking.” Sighed Luke, “And we all know she isn’t eating.”
“That’s hardly a surprise.” Said Pete, “She’s probably still in shock.”
“Should…” Nick glanced around, “Should we just cut her loose? I mean, she’s a liability to us.”
“So’s Rebecca.” Said Pete, giving Nick a piercing look, “That Lurker only came because it heard your gunshot.”
Sarah looked over at Clementine, before getting up and wandering over to her.
“Sarah—” Pete waved Carlos off, watching as Sarah spoke to Clementine. They watched as Sarah stood there for a moment, before nodding. Luke felt a flicker of hope form in his chest.
“Clementine wants a gun.”
And it went out.
“Why?” Asked Rebecca, frowning.
“She didn’t say.” Said Sarah, making the woman get up.
“This…” Alvin sighed, “isn’t going to end well.”
Clementine heard someone walk up to her, she wondered if it was Sarah with the gun she asked for.
“Why do you want a gun?” Came Rebecca’s voice, making Clementine internally groan.
“Why do you think?”
Rebecca gave Clementine an unimpressed look, “Look, I understand—”
“No, you don’t!” Snapped Clementine, flipping over, “You’re not a liability that has to be carried everywhere! You’re not feeling something that supposed to be gone! Y-you’re not supposed to be dead!” Clementine sucked in a couple of shuddery breaths, “Why? Why couldn’t you have just killed me?”
Rebecca swallowed, before crouching down next to Clementine, “I know that…I wasn’t the most welcoming to you, and I have no excuse for it. But they cut your leg off because you deserved to live, Clem.”
Clementine scoffed, “Really? Because all of you’ve forgotten that I lost my leg, not my hearing.”
Rebecca didn’t try to hide her wince, “Okay, I know that we’ve given you no reason to trust us, but we want to help you, Clementine.”
Clementine swallowed, before pulling herself into a sitting position.
Rebecca worried Clementine was going to ask for a gun again.
“I can still feel my leg.” Clementine’s voice was small.
Rebecca let out a relieved sigh, “I think Carlos can help with that.”
“Are you sure sending Luke and Nick was a good idea?” Asked Rebecca, as Pete held Clementine steady while she looked through some binoculars. Nick and Pete had found her bag down at the fishing place the morning they left.
“Luke’s taken the gun off Nick.” Said Clementine, “There’s a guy walking up to them.”
“What does he look like?” Asked Carlos, as Pete helped Clementine down.
“He had a gun, and his hood was up.” Said Clementine, “He didn’t look like he was going to attack them.”
“Do you think we’re gonna have to go to them?” Asked Alvin, as they heard someone running up to them.
A moment later, Luke and the guy from the bridge appeared. The guy looked at Clementine’s leg, “Is she…?”
“Yeah.” Gasped Luke, catching his breath.
“I think my group’ll help.” Said the guy.
Kenny scowled at the group Matthew was leading up the mountain, “What the fuck is this?”
“I have a good reason.” Said Matthew, “They’ve got a girl with them, they had to cut her leg off.”
“Why?” Sarita appeared at Kenny’s side.
“She got bit.” Answered Matthew, getting a sigh from Kenny.
Kenny remembered Lee, how they cut his arm off in an effort to save his life. He assumed it didn’t work, given how he couldn’t find the rest of the group when he made his way out of Savannah. He felt horrible, they all died, and he was the only one left. Part of him was angry at Clementine, but he knew that the girl was manipulated by the fucker on the radio. Hell, he himself heard the guy say he had Clementine’s parents.
“Alright,” Sighed Kenny, “Let’s see ‘em.”
Matthew gave him a relieved smile, before gesturing to the group it was safe to approach. Sighing again, Kenny looked up and froze. He recognised that hat. Sure, it could be a different hat, but the messy hair and amber eyes with it told him who it was, “Clementine?”
The guy carrying Clementine stopped, as Clementine looked up, “Kenny?”
A scuffle and a thud signalled Clementine forcing herself out of the guy’s arms, before she quickly hopped over to Kenny and buried her face in his chest, releasing a muffled, “I thought you were dead.”
“Clementine.” An annoyed voice barked, “You’ve opened your wound up, again.”
Clementine watched as everyone ran outside, trying to stop the wind turbine from drawing any Walkers to them. She wanted to go out and help, but her leg prevented her from moving. They’d placed her with Rebecca, up on the balcony, when they heard rapid gunshots.
“What’s that?” Asked Rebecca, her voice shaking slightly.
“Sounds like a gun.” Said Clementine, as someone walked into the lodge.
Soon, Clementine was kneeling on the ground floor of the lodge as a man in the fur-collared coat stalked in front of them. One of his guys got shot, which led him to killing Walter, a member of Kenny’s group. The guy grabbed Alvin and started to march him towards the window. As fast as she could, Clementine found herself frantically hopping towards the man and Alvin. She’d just reached them when the man pulled the trigger, killing Alvin. The man turned and looked at Clementine, before grabbing her.
Kenny glared at the man as he walked into the lodge with his hands raised.
Clementine watched a red-haired measured her remaining leg.
“Do you have the other shoe?” Asked the woman, with a southern accent.
“It’s in my bag.” Muttered Clementine, getting a nod from the woman.
“Okay,” the woman nodded, “I’ll talk to Bill on our way back.”
Clementine watched as the woman walked off, with Clementine looking at a butterfly on the tree. While she waited for Sarah to finish, Clementine stared around her. Soon after, she and Sarah were back in the truck, with Carver giving Clementine a slap for ‘being rude’ to him.
Clementine felt her missing foot hurt, before the truck stopped and they were led out of the truck and into a large store.
Clementine, being supported by Sarah, was led away from the rest of the group and into a work area.
“Oh,” Said A tall dark-skinned man with a thick beard, “You must that girl Bonnie talked about, c’mere, I have something that might help.”
Clementine, still supported by Sarah, reluctantly limped forwards, the man quickly grabbing her and putting her on the desk.
“This is probably my best work,” Said the man, attaching something to Clementine’s stump, “Bonnie came in with the shoe, so I integrated it with the rest of the leg. It’s adjustable, so you can lengthen it as you grow.”
Clementine frowned at the leg, before tentatively putting her weight on it.
“Of course, you’ll need to practice walking with it,” Said the man, “I’ve already cleared it with Bill, the sooner you learn, the sooner you can help.”
Clementine gave him a small nod, before she limped away, Sarah helping her keep her balance.
“What is she doing?” Asked Nick, as Clementine limped her way around the yard.
“Learning how to walk with a prosthetic.” Said Reggie, as Clementine stumbled slightly, “I think.”
While Clementine and Sarah had been gone, Carlos had been taken to work on some people and Kenny had talked to Reggie and gotten some information about the place. After being told it was time to go to sleep, Clementine uncomfortably lowered herself onto the ground and went to sleep.
Clementine winced as her leg hurt, but she’d made good progress with walking on it. Her limp was almost unnoticeable, and she could go at a light jog. She had watched Jane kick a walker’s leg out and drive a screwdriver into the monster’s brain. Deciding to follow the older woman’s example, Clementine kicked the prosthetic leg out and stabbed it in the head with a hunting knife when it came down. Glancing to the side, Clementine saw Sarah whaling on a walker with a baseball bat, while another girl tried to shove a machete through a Walker’s chin and into its brain.
Clementine noticed another Walker stumbling up to her, with her repeating the technique Jane was using and dispatched the Walker. Soon afterwards Troy and Tavia had Bonnie take her, Sarah, the other girl and Jane back inside, while they went to the treeline. They returned empty handed.
Clementine absently rubbed her stump; it had healed enough for her lose some of the bandages. Kenny had been flagged down by Luke and they’d formed a plan to get him a radio. Initially, Clementine had been volunteered to get the radio, until Mike pointed out her missing leg. After some discussion, Jane had, reluctantly, gone and got the radios. Clementine had been taken by Shel and was walking on it when Bonnie came to collect her. Reaching the yard, Clementine saw a beaten and bruised Luke and a ranting Carver. Everything happened so fast, Kenny produced the radio and was beaten with it. Her mind going back to Alvin, Clementine tried to run forwards, only for Troy to hit her with his gun.
Then, everything was dark.
Clementine didn’t know how long she’d been unconscious, but she was aware of two things. One; her face hurt, and two; her leg was missing. Sitting up, Clementine looked around the yard, there was no one here. She tried to hop over to the other beds, but just hit the ground.
“Careful, Clementine.”
Clementine froze, before looking up as Carver stepped out of the shadows, “You could hurt yourself.”
“W-where’s everyone?” Clementine tried to crawl away from him, but he reached her in a few strides.
“They’re gone.” Said Carver, “They left you here. All of them.”
Clementine froze, “You’re lying.”
“Am I?” Asked Carver, “I distinctly remember Kenny saying you got your whole group killed, mentioned some Lee guy in particular.”
Clementine felt her throat grow tight.
“Said you should’ve died from that bite, like Lee was forced to.” Drawled Carver, “And Luke, he said you should’ve tried harder to save Alvin, Rebecca and the others agreed with him. Hell, even that Indian woman and her friend blame you for, what was his name? Walter? Walter’s death.”
Clementine swallowed as Carver grabbed her, “You’re alone.”
Clementine felt Carver shaking her, before she heard someone tell her to wake up. The next second, Clementine bolted upright, as Pete leaned back on his heels.
“You alright?” Asked Pete, as Clementine looked around. The group was still here, Carlos was leaning over Kenny and her leg was discarded next to a chair. Frowning, Clementine looked at her stump.
“Yeah, Carver was going to take it, but Carlos managed to convince him to leave it here.” Said Pete, before getting up and returning it to her, “C’mon, Jane’s should be back soon.”
“Where is she?” Asked Clementine, as Pete helped her up.
“She’s setting up the speakers to play and attract the herd Luke told us about.” Explained Pete, as he guided Clementine over to the group, “Bonnie’s helping us, we’re just waiting on her signal.”
Clementine nodded, resting her weight on her remaining leg. Kenny slowly made his way over, joining them as they waited.
Things went to shit. Kenny killed Carver, bashing his head in with a crowbar, Clementine, Pete and Rebecca stayed and watched, they’d smeared themselves in Walker guts and Jane killed Troy by shooting him in the crotch. Luke had asked Sarah to stay near Clementine and they’d started walking through the herd.
Then Carlos was shot, Matthew was devoured, and Sarita got bit. Sarah ran off, but Pete, Luke and Nick managed to catch up to her and guide her towards the forest. Clementine met up with Rebecca and Jane and quickly joined them.
“You guys alright?” Asked Luke, as Sarah cried.
“Rebecca’s in pain and my leg hurts,” Clementine shrugged, “but, I think we’re alright.”
Luke nodded, before they started off to the meet up site.
Kenny arrived with Sarita, giving everyone a dark glare, before they stopped at a bench.
“We’re gonna need stuff, supplies.” Said Pete, looking around, “Warm clothes, stuff to help Rebecca.”
“Kenny was a dad before.” Said Clementine, looking around them, “He could help.”
“Being a father and delivering a child are two very different things.” Refuted Pete, “It might not help.”
“Clem could try and talk to him.” Suggested Bonnie, “It could help.”
Pete wasn’t convinced but didn’t stop Clementine from going over to him. They heard Kenny shouting, before Clementine turned around and limped away.
“He doesn’t want to talk to me.” Said Clementine, limping towards Rebecca.
Sighing, Pete instructed Luke and Nick to keep watch for Walkers, before asking Mike and Bonnie to go down to museum and scavenge anything they find there, he looked at Clementine, and asked her to go with Jane to the visitor’s centre. Choosing to keep an eye on Rebecca and Sarah, Pete sighed deeply.
Meanwhile, Clementine limped after Jane, before coming to a stop next to a closed giftshop. Jane asked her to keep an eye out, with Clementine looking through some binoculars out at the landscape. She spotted a town and a few other points of interest, before she caught sight of a guy walking towards them.
After greeting him, Clementine didn’t have any time to stop Jane from grabbing him and threatening him. Clementine, after being told to by Jane, Clementine checked the bag the guy had dropped. Upon seeing the medicine in the bag, Clementine was faced with a choice; take the bag or give it back. Kenny, Luke and Rebecca could use it, but the guy said it was for his sister. There was only enough for one dose. Thinking it through, Clementine closed the bag and gave it back to the guy.
With Jane threatening him one last time, the guy left. Clementine watched him leave, before Luke came up to her and she told him what happened. He ran off to talk to Jane, leaving Clementine to limp back to the rest of the group. After getting back to Pete and telling him what happened, the man just sighed and told her to go down to museum and check on Mike and Bonnie.
Bonnie bit back a wince as Clementine’s prosthetic leg skidded on part of the floor and sent the girl to the ground with a heavy thud. Mike let out a short laugh, before helping Clementine up.
“You alright, Clem?” Asked Bonnie, as Mike went back to looking for the raccoon.
“Yeah,” Clementine brushed herself down, “I’m fine.”
“That raccoon’s gone.” Said Mike, joining them, “But, at least we got water and a coat for Rebecca.”
Clementine nodded and they walked back to Parker’s Run. They gave Nick a wave, as Mike joined him on watch, with Clementine and Bonnie joining Pete by Rebecca and Sarah.
“How’s things here?” Asked Bonnie, as Rebecca breathed heavily.
“Rebecca’s gotten worse,” Sighed Pete, “Sarah’s not said much, and I don’t know where the hell Luke is.”
“I last saw him with Jane.” Said Clementine, before looking at the bench where Kenny was, “Where’s Kenny?”
“He went into a tent with Sarita.” Answered Pete, “Given his attitude towards you earlier, I felt it was best to leave him alone.”
Clementine nodded, before walking over to the tent and ducking inside. Pete sighed, “Why am I not surprised?”
A couple minutes later, Clementine exited the tent followed by Kenny. After quickly triaging Rebecca, Nick told them about some Walkers coming towards them, which led them to falling back to the giftshop Clementine mentioned. Where they found Luke and Jane having sex.
“Are you two fuckin’ kidding me?!” Demanded Kenny, giving them a dark glare, “There’s a baby comin’, and we got Walkers on our asses and you two a rollin’ in the hay like a pair of fuckin’ teenagers?!”
Luke opened his mouth to argue, only for Pete to give him a fierce look.
“Go help the others, both of you.” Ordered Pete, before looking at Sarah, “Sarah, I want you to stay near Kenny and Rebecca.” He looked at Kenny, “She’s read a few medicine books, hopefully it’ll all kick in.”
Kenny gave him a nod, giving ordered to Sarah. They’d just managed to close and lock the gate when the Walkers reached them. Pete glanced at Clementine, the girl twisting her hunting knife in her hand. The sounds of Rebecca screaming as she gave birth continued to attract Walkers. They put the Walkers down as they arrived, Pete had worried that the gate might collapse, but them putting the Walkers down as they arrived eased those worried, especially since they’d stumble over themselves.
When the screaming stopped, Clementine rushed into the giftshop, for a moment they worried that the baby didn’t make it, until he started crying.
Jane left during the night, with Kenny and Luke almost having a set to when Luke got upset. There’d been the disagreement about when they should head out to the town. Luke wanted to wait a few days for Rebecca to recover, whereas Kenny wanted to leave first thing in the morning.
Clementine sided with Kenny, stating that they didn’t have anything to make Rebecca better. Pete had understood her logic, especially since Rebecca needed more than just rest. She needed medicine and a doctor, neither of which they had.
Luke was giving Kenny and Clementine dark looks, while Pete and Nick walked ahead. They’d walked a while, before Rebecca had to rest. Then some Russian guy turned up, saying that Clementine and Jane robbed him, which Clementine said was a lie. Things got tense, they pointed their guns at each other.
Then Rebecca turned, and Clementine put her down. Then the shootout began.
They’d managed to get to cover, Kenny shooting the Russian woman in the chest, Clementine rushed out and grabbed the baby, before she ducked behind a wall with Luke, only for the young man to get shot in the leg. One of the Russian’s was shot in the leg and killed by Kenny, the remaining Russian started shooting wildly, prompting Kenny to grab the younger one, Clementine said his name was Arvo, and hold him hostage. Arvo’s sister reanimated and Clementine put her down, making Arvo wrench himself free from Kenny, leaving the man open to attack from the remaining Russian. Then Jane came back, revealing herself by stabbing one of the Russians in the back of the neck, prompting Kenny to shoot him in the head.
Pete looked around, Luke’s leg was bleeding profusely, Clementine’s leg had come off, everyone was shaken up and Rebecca was dead. Pete watched as Arvo observed Clementine’s leg, as the girl unsteadily balanced herself on her remaining foot with her hand on Sarah’s shoulder.
“She’d turned.” Said Pete, making Arvo look up at him, “Your sister. She’d turned.” Pete knelt down and looked Arvo squarely in the eye, “Now, tell me the truth. Did Clementine and Jane steal from you?”
Arvo looked at Pete, before looking down. Pete sighed, looking up at the group, “We need to keep moving.”
Kenny loaded his gun and pointed it at Arvo, resulting in Mike getting between them.
“He knows the area better than we do.” Said Pete, helping Arvo up and looking at him, “Don’t make me regret this. Because if you do anything that get anyone else killed, Kenny will be the least of your worries. I survived Vietnam and the Gulf for a reason.”
Arvo swallowed but nodded.
They walked for a few hours, Luke’s leg slowing them down. Clementine suggested that they cut his leg off, playfully saying that then she wouldn’t be the only cripple in the group. That got her a swat from Kenny, along with a short conversation that she wasn’t a cripple. Sarah chimed in saying most cripples were paraplegics.
Arvo had led them to a power station, saying it was the halfway point between where they met to the house. Clementine watched as Pete and Nick took turns watching Arvo, as Bonnie got a fire started. They ended up naming the baby, Kenny suggested that they name him after his father, Alvin. AJ, despite looking cute, obviously had already picked his favourites, since he made all kinds of fuss if anyone by Clementine and Kenny were holding him. Clementine laughed her hat off when AJ threw up all down Nick’s front.
Pete listened to the group talk, silently sighing when he heard Kenny scold Clementine for having a swig of rum.
Clementine rushed up behind a Walker that was reaching up for Kenny, jamming her prosthetic into the Walker’s leg and driving her knife into its skull. Watching the corpse flop over, the group quietly moved towards a frozen lake.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Sword Nick, looking at Arvo, “There’s no way that’s going to hold us.”
“It might if we spread out.” Suggested Clementine, “You know, not clump together.”
Everyone stared at Clementine, before Pete sighed, “Alright, let’s give it a shot.”
It took them a while, but they managed to get across the lake safely. They almost didn’t, since Clementine had crossed over a thin patch, most likely made by Arvo’s group ice-fishing, and fell into the water. They ended up shooting the ice and Jane pulled Clementine out, fortunately Clementine’s leg remained attached. Pete didn’t want to worry about finding her a replacement or some crutches.
After lighting a fire and getting Clementine warmed up, Pete had Nick, Bonnie and Mike look for supplies. Fortunately, they found a bag in the house. Pete planned on heading into town, in the hopes of finding more before moving on.
Kenny went outside to work on a truck, and got it to work, Clementine just walked around, offering her help to the others. It was night sooner than they would’ve liked, most of them fell into an uneasy sleep. Halfway through the night, Clementine woke up and wandered outside.
“Don’t you think you, Pete and Kenny are being too hard on the kid?” Asked Mike, looking at Nick.
“He lied about Clem and Jane stealing from him, then his group tried to kill us.” Scoffed Nick, giving Mike a glare.
“I’m just saying.” Defended Mike, before spotting Clementine, “Oh.”
In the blink on an eye, Nick had spun around and reflexively fired a shot. Clementine felt something impact her left shoulder, knocking her to the ground.
Pete, Kenny and Luke suddenly burst out of the house, Pete spotting Clementine and Nick looking shocked and holding the gun.
“Nick, you fucking idiot.” Cursed Luke, hobbling over to Clementine.
Clementine let out a soft groan, as Pete knelt down and lifted her up, “Looks like it went straight through her.” Pete looked at Nick, “Nick, give Mike the gun.”
Nick hurriedly pressed the gun into Mike’s hands, before hurrying off into the house.
They loaded everyone into the truck, some of them having to sit in the flatbed. Clementine, Sarah, Luke, Kenny, Jane and AJ were in the cab, while Mike, Nick, Bonnie, Arvo and Pete sat in the flat bed.
“Could really use an RV right now.” Shivered Bonnie, making Luke stick his head out the window, “We’re keeping an eye out for one, but we might have to go back to Howe’s.”
“We ain’t goin’ back there!” Snapped Kenny, casting a glare at Luke.
“We’re going to need more supplies.” Argued Luke, getting a sigh from Pete.
“Maybe we can go and get the supplies and then move on.” Suggested Clementine, looking at them.
“That’s not a bad idea.” Commented Jane, as Kenny growled under his breath.
“That everything?”
Clementine looked up at Kenny from the bag she and Sarah were moving.
“Yeah.” Clementine nodded, “Pete’s managed to find an RV with all the stuff inside it.”
Kenny nodded, moving back towards the vehicles. Jane had wanted to stay, which Kenny had been against. The group was splitting in two, Luke, Jane, Bonnie, Mike and Arvo were staying at Howe’s, while Kenny, Pete, Clementine, Sarah, and Nick were going to head to Wellington. Luke and Jane had tried to keep AJ with them, but Clementine had stonewalled them. Eventually they gave up, but Clementine felt that Luke still wanted to fight about it.
“C’mon,” Ordered Pete, “Time to go.”
Clementine and Sarah got on the RV, with Clementine checking on AJ before they sat down. Reaching down and removing her leg, Clementine ran her hand over her stump, watching as Howe’s got smaller in the distance. Feeling Sarah’s cheek resting on her head, Clementine let sleep claim her.
Next Story: What if Carver had another doctor?
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kaphkas · 1 month
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“I remember how they danced,” the gunslinger said. “My mother and Marten, the gunslingers’ counselor. I remember how they danced, revolving slowly together and apart, in the old steps of courtship.”
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ladydenkiart · 2 years
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katlyntheartist · 1 year
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