#walt heyer
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“Below are a nearly a dozen different factors that can sometimes influence a person's sense of sexual identity. Rather than saying any of these things "cause gender dysphoria," it is more accurate to say that they could contribute to a person feeling dysphoric about his or her body. Some individuals might find that some of the factors resonate deeply with them, while others might not relate to any of them. The goal isn't to provide an exhaustive list, but to encourage individuals who experience gender dysphoria to listen with compassionate curiosity to their own story.
Family dynamics
Walt Heyer, who transitioned to a female identity as an adult and detransitioned eight years later, recalled that as a child, his grandmother fawned over him whenever she dressed him as a girl, but never affirmed him as a boy. Eventually, he brought the dress home from her house and would put it on when no one was around, to "maybe get those same feelings back that grandma would make me feel."(42) He said it was a "marvelous distraction for a while,"(43) but his underlying issues remained unaddressed. Walt was later diagnosed with a dissociative disorder that originated in the sexual abuse he suffered from his uncle and the confusion caused by the grandmother who cross-dressed him.”
-Jason Evert, Male, Female, or Other: A Catholic Guide to Understanding Gender
Work cited:
42) "Tranzformed-Finding Peace with Your God Given Gender," 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ebodf8rWpv4&t=4s&ab_channel=PurePassionMedia
43) Walt Heyer, "Transgender Characters May Win Emmys, But Transgender People Hurt Themselves," Federalist, February 22, 2015.
For more recommended resources on gender dysphoria, click here.
#Mtf#trans#ftm#transgenderism#transgender ideology#Jason Evert#quotes#Male Female Other: A Catholic Guide to Understanding Gender
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FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL—Cross-dressed by his grandmother as a child, abused by his uncle, confused and hurting, Walt Heyer sought to become a woman. As a young man, he underwent attempted gender-reassignment surgery, lived as a trans-identifying woman for eight years, and ultimately detransitioned.
Heyer, now 83, has spent the past few decades offering support to men and women who also have been taught to believe they were born in the wrong body. As part of that effort, he told The Daily Signal, he’s written a number of books and answered “thousands” of letters from individuals, often men, who seek his help.
Now, he’s partnering with Ascend Pictures Productions to produce a movie about his story, tentatively titled “Who Am I.” That movie will pose the question, Heyer says: “Who do we think we are?”
“There’s been nothing like it,” he said in a Tuesday telephone interview. “It is a powerful movie.”
Heyer knows his story has inspired many people, and he believes it should be shared through movie. When he was only 4 years old, he has shared, his grandmother would secretly dress him in a purple chiffon dress.
The attention and affirmation—which made Heyer feel very special as a child—“would be his mustard seed of torment.”

Heyer sought transgender treatments that “promised relief,” but those treatments only “led to the destruction of his marriage, his family, and his career.” The movie would explore Heyer’s journey, he said, which includes his ultimate discovery of his Christian faith and the “road back to redemption” and forgiveness.
Heyer emphasized to The Daily Signal that he wants the film to focus on sharing his story, rather than being preachy: “We really want it to appeal to people who don’t know Jesus. And I think it will.”
He wants viewers to understand that the issues he was dealing with, and the issues that other individuals who try to transition are experiencing, go much deeper than gender. And gender therapists are not going to be able to help individuals struggling in this way, Heyer maintains.
But the movie will need financial support to make it happen. Heyer encourages supporters to visit the prospective film’s website, where they can sign up for updates.
“We need support,” he noted. “We need the crowdfunding to get it off the ground. Crowdfunding is the most important part.”
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this file ("Deutsch emails") contains the complete source of email threads for the 2023-03-08 Mother Jones story “Inside the Secret Working Group That Helped Push Anti-Trans Laws Across the Country”. the emails are comprised of communications spanning 2019-2021 principally regarding an attempt to pass a trans youth transition treatment ban in south dakota in 2019, spearheaded by republican rep. fred deutsch and sen. lee schoenbeck.
there are extensive discussions between deutsch and notorious anti-gay and anti-trans “experts” associated with known hate groups targeting transgender healthcare in the united states, including dr. quentin l. van meter and dr. michelle cretella of the catholic medical association, dr. andre van mol of the christian medical & dental associations and american college of pediatricians, dr. michael k. laidlaw of the kelsey coalition, dr. william j. malone of the society for evidence-based gender medicine, dr. paul w. hruz of the national catholic bioethics center, laura haynes of narth, and deacon dr. patrick w. lappert of catholic reparative therapy group courage international. participants discuss crafting their language to avoid acknowledging that transgender people exist, constructing new ways to define doctors as criminals for providing gender-affirming care, and targeting a federal agency publication that correctly points out the dangers of anti-gay conversion therapy. their emails frequently digress into personal vendettas and ambitions of destroying established professional groups such as the endocrine society, and they typically celebrate their anti-trans legal and political achievements as a victory of the christian god.
the emails describe a wider national effort against transition treatment for minors, which included discussions with idaho rep. julianne young and sen. steve vick, georgia rep. ginny earhart, and florida rep. anthony sabatini. several anti-lgbt conservative legal groups are intimately involved in the discussion, including alliance defending freedom, adf-affiliated detransitioners hacsi horvath and walt heyer, eunie smith of eagle forum, adf-linked attorney vernadette r. broyles of the child & parental rights campaign, jane robbins of the american principles project, kara dansky and natasha chart of women’s liberation front, richard mast of liberty counsel, and emily zinos of minnesota family council and hands across the aisle. more recently, the transphobia-captured state of alabama harassed the endocrine society and wpath with subpoenas for their internal communications regarding hate groups and individuals participating in the deutsch emails, including segm, the american college of pediatricians, michael laidlaw, william malone, andre van mol, michelle cretella, and quentin van meter. the release of the deutsch emails is in the public interest and brings an equivalent level of transparency to the internal work of these major anti-trans advocacy and lobbying groups.
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Debunking transphobic claims
Efficacy of Puberty Blockers
40-year follow up study
(Posting this one because even after a ridiculously long longitudinal study, and all of the other studies pointing in the exact same direction, transphobes are still going to deny it. )
Here's the American Academy of Pediatrics document on supporting trans kids. https://assets2.hrc.org/files/documents/SupportingCaringforTransChildren.pdf Adding the American Psychological Association's stance as well, to debunk claims that this person would make about psychology:
Here's a recent one from Ireland: https://irishpsychiatry.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Memorandum-of-Understanding-on-Conversion-Therapy-on-the-Island-of-Ireland-v1.pdf
Further edit: Daily wire is a right wing news source: https://www.allsides.com/news-source/daily-wire Walt Heyer is a right wing writer that writes for The Federalist, another right wing source: https://www.allsides.com/news-source/federalist His story is routinely passed around in right wing circles, and routinely dismissed by people that know what they're talking about: https://archive.thinkprogress.org/review-when-harry-became-sally-transgender-moment-4033a1b06dbb/

Just a reminder of every time I rant about 2 years or more of therapy before being able to even take hormones. And I'm not talking affirming therapy. I'm talking you cause and adversarial therapy. (Not aggressive, just not mindless agreement)
Because how many more people will have to destroy their bodies until we actual act like a civilized society and put barriers in place to stop people from rushing shit like this. I believe in an age of consent yes. But mental disorders, trauma, and hell even manipulation affect adults too. As does large scale peer pressure. Imagine hearing all the time from love activists, "OMG you'd make such a good man. Clearly that's what your were meant to be. No there's nothing wrong with you, you're just in the wind body. Of course you hate how you look, you're not the real you. Just take hormones and get the surgeries you'll feel so much better".
Then you look online and you see, "perfectly safe" non stop. And, "OMG the rush of endorphins from the T, I felt better instantly". Umm yeah. Because it's like taking drugs. And it wears off. Otherwise guys would be a bundle of sunshine and rainbows. We aren't. The suicide rates are proof of that.
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“The reprieve provided by surgery and life as a woman was only temporary. Hidden deep underneath the make-up and female clothing was the little boy hurt by childhood trauma, and he was making himself known.”
~ Walt Heyer
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When I went into my period of attempted abstinence from transgender medical care, I racked up four psychiatric hospitalizations and a life-threatening blood clot. The blood clot occurred because I self-medicated on dangerous supplements to lower my testosterone. Before that, none of those things had happened to me.
I diligently went along with what got suggested as my cure. I tried talking to God. I made a go of reading the bible. I even took one to the psych ward during my fourth involuntary commitment. I had many therapy sessions with a Christian therapist, and afterward, we prayed. I did a year or so in a worthless 12-step program that claimed all addictions were the same. And I went to church on Sundays. But none of it worked. In April of 2021, the VA involuntarily committed me for sixteen days after I hit my breaking point and threatened to remove my testicles in a hallway outside one of their emergency rooms. I had to see a judge get out. And after the judge released me, the VA put me back on prescription hormones. I’ve been doing okay since. But thanks for asking. For remembering the fallen.
Talking now about my less-than-honorable behaviors is vital because I couldn’t quit taking hormones, yet I was expecting kids or transgender people like me not to do the same thing. But I understand their suffering now. I spent sixteen days locked up and looking out an impenetrable window while thinking about it. Weighing what I got myself involved in with all of you.
Walt, it’s your turn now. Do all of you know that Walt Heyer confessed to me in an email that he couldn’t take testosterone after he desisted? Walt claims it made him return to cross-dressing, but I see it differently. My opinion is testosterone brought back his gender dysphoria. I’ve come to think of that as the dirty little secret of this new detrans movement that’s getting so much attention.
Many detrans folks are screaming mutilation for the cause in front of the cameras, but how many are getting their breasts restored or jetting off to Serbia to get another penis? It’s easy to be a so-called detransitioner when the problem causing your gender dysphoria got removed.
Walt also told me on the phone one day that he wasn’t all that religious. Walt, I felt genuinely let down by these admissions. I put my faith and trust in you that sheer willpower could get me through recovery. But from the looks of things, it’s been about turning detrans into a money-making scheme for you. Peddling books, and giving speeches, telling people what they want to hear while passing the collection plates.
still thinking about the sheer amount of Posting from the lady who leaked those emails in the first place. absolutely roasting detrans grifters over an open flame
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Walt Heyer: Misdiagnosed Trans Woman Rails Against Trans People, Pride 2018, More
Walt Heyer: Misdiagnosed Trans Woman Rails Against Trans People, Pride 2018, More
By: Nicole Lashomb*/Editor-in-Chief—
Walt Heyer, a formerly self-identified trans woman, is no stranger to the media circuit and uses it to achieve his apparent goal—to discredit and disaffirm the LGBTQ community, particularly the transgender community. Since de-transitioning after living as a woman for eight years, he has become the echo chamber for the extreme right-wing argument against the…
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"Walt Heyer is an author and public speaker who formerly identified and lived as transgender. He is the author of several books, and through his website, SexChangeRegret.com, Heyer raises public awareness about those who regret gender change and the tragic consequences suffered as a result. He shared his story and warned against implementing radical hormonal and surgical interventions for gender dysphoric children."
Listen to the victims, and believe them. Validate their pain, validate their existence, and tale their side against the perpetrators of child abuse.
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In reality anyone can give blood because your sexual orientation is not written on your forehead and the system works on a basis of trust.
If, unbeknownst even to you, your blood is contaminated for any reason that's too bad. But contaminations are detected by regular tests and it's been literally decades since I last heard in the news of any public health scandal involving contaminated blood transfusions.
Please don't hate trans. Whatever your causes for complaint regarding trans people, this won't give you what you want. Consider listening to this trans person tell his own story, in his own words of what it's been like being him.
He Used To Be Trans—Here’s What He Wants Everyone To Know
Walt Heyer is an author and public speaker who formerly identified as transgender. He is the author of several books and through his website, SexChangeRegret.com, Heyer raises public awareness about those who regret gender change and the tragic consequences suffered as a result. He shared his story and warned against implementing radical hormonal and surgical interventions for gender dysphoric children.
So you know how gay men can’t donate blood, even if they are in a long term monogamous relationship, because of the homophobic myth that all gay men have AIDS? Well I just found out that trans women that have sex with men CAN give blood and I am about to astral project into the fucking sun
Source: American Red Cross website
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Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Family Research Council brought anti-LGBTQ junk science & phony experts on Capitol Hill to lobby against Equality Act Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Family Research Council brought anti-LGBTQ junk science & phony experts on Capitol Hill to lobby against Equality Act: Analyzing and refuting the inaccuracies lodged against the lgbt community by religious conservative organizations. Lies in the name of God are still lies.
#American College of Pediatricians#Equality Act#Family Research Council#LGBT#United States#Walt Heyer
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#Transhood#Walt Heyer#trans#children#grandparents#crossdressing#confusion#gender#documentaries#regret
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