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eric-sadahire · 2 years ago
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I really can’t walk the walk or talk the talk
But if you want to drink the drink I’m all yours
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judiawoods · 10 months ago
Walk Your Talk
If you say that someone talks the talk but does not walk the walk, you mean that they do not act in a way that agrees with the things they say. The word “walk” in the Bible is related to behavior, or how Christians live day-by-day. So I, the prisoner for the Lord, appeal to you to live a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called [that is, to live a life that exhibits godly…
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mattgillis · 2 years ago
By living out your faith and values in your interactions with others, you can be a light in the world and be a ripple effect of joy and positivity to those around you. #WalkTheWalk #Joy
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theaenetworks · 2 months ago
You’re done with the talk now, it is time to walk the talk. Dreams keep hopes alive, form the basis of living despite everyday fight that gets harder. Against the odds, you have to show up for your dreams, this is where you lay the foundation of who you are, it is going to define your entire being and what you tend to make with it. There are going to be obstacles and temporary detours which is going to be there to taste your character in chasing your dreams, you are going to take losses and setbacks, but all these are set up for a phenomenal dreams which is going to drive you to the climax of your being.
Believing is achieving, you have to conceived it and be inspired inside to keep pressing hard, it is jungle outside there, but to run the jungle you have to walk the talk, be decisive to make crucial decisions which play important role in your life. You have to be at it by, walk the talk your dreams when achieved can make you feel brand new, that’s the point in your life when everything began to make sense to you and serving its purpose at every point in life, you have to stay prepared for this moment by showing up for your dreams despite the odds, the odds are there for you to beat it, not for it to deter you.
It is about ambition, the burning desire to watch your dreams come true, it takes a lot, it is not built in one day but perseverance and consistency can guarantee you, your spot. You can be whatever you want to be, nobody is going to give you anything you have to show up for the plans and preparations to walk the talk, the dream can be your last hope you can’t afford to give up on it, you just have to keep moving forward, let the progress continue capitalize on it and turn it into something great and live your dreams.
#walkthewalk #goals #hustle #hustleharder #hustlers #HustleHard
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ds-upinc · 8 months ago
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You must be willing to give in order to receive #humble #walkThewalk #change
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nojarama · 11 months ago
Happy anniversary to David Milkin’s film, ‘Romy and Michele's High School Reunion’. Released in theaters this week in 1997. #romyandmichelleshighschoolreunion #walkthewalk #talkthetalk #ummmok
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empowerenergysolar · 11 months ago
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Today is Earth Day 2024! We all have a part to play in making our planet beautiful and healthy. At Empower Energy, we are creating positive change for people and the environment every day. #EarthDay2024 #WalkTheWalk #CreatingPositiveChange
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goldenstatewebconsulting · 1 year ago
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Rain or shine, weekends are for doing the things you love most! What are a few of your favorite things? #walkthewalk #livelife #dowhatyoulove
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lerichemarketing · 1 year ago
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Rain or shine, weekends are for doing the things you love most! What are a few of your favorite things? #walkthewalk #livelife #dowhatyoulove
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onsuccessstuartlichtman · 1 year ago
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Rain or shine, weekends are for doing the things you love most! What are a few of your favorite things? #walkthewalk #livelife #dowhatyoulove
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pledgetsucceed · 1 year ago
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Rain or shine, weekends are for doing the things you love most! What are a few of your favorite things? #walkthewalk #livelife #dowhatyoulove
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rosnicdigitalmarketing · 1 year ago
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Rain or shine, weekends are for doing the things you love most! What are a few of your favorite things? #walkthewalk #livelife #dowhatyoulove
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fnanetwork · 1 year ago
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Rain or shine, weekends are for doing the things you love most! What are a few of your favorite things? #walkthewalk #livelife #dowhatyoulove
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webstream-blog · 1 year ago
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Rain or shine, weekends are for doing the things you love most! What are a few of your favorite things? #walkthewalk #livelife #dowhatyoulove
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marketingisme-blog · 2 years ago
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Rain or shine, weekends are for doing the things you love most! What are a few of your favorite things? #walkthewalk #livelife #dowhatyoulove
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ds-upinc · 1 year ago
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#findyourway #walkthewalk #paths #yougotthis
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