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tmcphotoblog · 3 months ago
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gossipwithjesus · 6 months ago
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swarehime73 · 1 year ago
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‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬ ‭- We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.,,, Loving God and being in His will creates a situation where God can use anything for His good as well as yours. You're relationship with God is what ignites this promise
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yoruba360star-blog · 2 months ago
Walking with Jesus #2025 #WalkingWithJesus#FaithJourney#SpiritualGrowth
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bibleversegarden · 3 years ago
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Inspirational Thought For The Week:
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. - John 14:27
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connectioncorner · 4 years ago
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Reposted from @vanessahorabuena Which one of these new original paintings is your favorite? 1) Crimson Love, 2) The Lion of Judah, 3) Thy Will Be Done, 4) Finished Work of a King, 5) Jesus Healer, 6) Heart of a King, 7) Conquering Love, 8) Courage & Strength. Leave a comment down below. 😊👇🏽 . . . . . . . . #christianartist #christianart #christianartwork #jesusart #jesuspainting #christianliving #walkingwithjesus #christianinspiration #christiancreative #createdtocreate #christianlife #womenartists #instaart #instaartist #artistsofinstagram #artistsofig (at Camillus, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMXNonujiWo/?igshid=135ah5akalrsf
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passionistaatlarge · 5 years ago
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Hello sunshine! You have a light the world needs today. So shine brightly!! You've got this, even if you feel as if you don't. Me? I'm thankful I've got Jesus walking with me through this mess! You can't go out to shine your light, but you can reach out to people with support and encouragement via all the techie things. You can share your stuff. You can call and write and pray. You are not helpless. You are going to make it! What are you doing to stay sane and uplifted? Hugs and love, everyone. #encourage #shineyourlight #youarenotalone #covid19response #walkingwithjesus #prayforothers #callafriend #share #reachout https://www.instagram.com/p/B94SNn_F2w-/?igshid=4p8z09a6uotd
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aboveallelse3 · 6 years ago
“God is taking me...”
God is taking me to a place to which I am so unfamiliar. Worshiping in Spirit and in truth requires a transition from the initiation of a relationship with God, which takes place in the realm of the mind (intellect), to a place where my actions are dictated to by the Spirit of God. As a result, I am no longer able to comprehend what God has me doing in my prayer time nor in worship: which can be terrifying. (After all, how am I to know if I am pleasing God or not anymore? - My formula for worship no longer works.)
I understand that I must follow Him into the unknown and throw my natural cautions to the wind; however, this trail of faith isn’t an easy one to face. It requires me to forsake what I have known to be worship to follow Him into an arena outside of my comfort zone. Miracles, signs, and wonders occur in ways where we struggle to comprehend as beings subjected to natural law. God, however, specializes in what we deem to be impossible. Worship was never meant to be a box, but rather a place of liberty where the soul is freed from the rule of sin over the flesh.
For the soul to be free, it must be transferred to a place with God where His spirit is able to interact with the soul without interference from the mind. The natural mind cannot understand nor imagine a place where it cannot exercise control over the aspects of my relationship with God.
To worship in Spirit and in Truth requires actively forsaking the natural body to comply with God’s terms of engagement. I now have to constantly tell myself that what my mind is telling me is a subject to be a lie and that my future is only dictated to by God’s will
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albertson09 · 6 years ago
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Our sweet lil babies all ready for church this morning. And the wonderful craft they made too for Palm Sunday. @alberichie #PraiseTheLord #WalkingWithJesus #NewBegininngsChurch #PalmSunday (at McAlester, Oklahoma) https://www.instagram.com/v_albertson86/p/BwQRTe8AGIQyYvQfa81TXliaDxXGG0-5jOH5rk0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u8u2fywnh90
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byfaithmedia · 2 years ago
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Waking to Our Fear
Waking to Our Fear
This sonnet is based on Mark 4:35-41 when the disciples and Jesus cross the Sea of Galilee and are caught in a storm. What I imagine confounds the disciples, is that even though he delivers the disciples from the storm he seems indifferent to the threat (these sorts of storms happened and these seasoned fisherman knew it). Even so, Jesus leads them out. Having led them into probable trial, not…
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proverbsthirtyonewife · 7 years ago
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I am starting a series for wives!
I invite everyone who wants to truly see their life with Christ and marriage flourish to join me over the next few weeks as I break down the Fruit of The Spirit from Galatians chapter 5. God’s Word states that as Christ’s followers we should be producing good fruit for God! Reading John 15:1-17 should be the first thing you do in this series! It is Jesus describing himself as the True Vine and God as the Vine Dresser. 
Jesus calls us to go forth and bear fruit.
“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you” John 15:16.
Jesus is not referring to just ANY fruit, he is referring to good fruit, as is evidenced in Matthew 7:15-20. Jesus even says you will know a false prophet by their fruit. 
“A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.” Matthew 7:18. 
That is how important it is for us as Christian’s to bear good fruit! If you should know a false prophet by the fruit he bares, you should also be able to tell a Christian by the fruit they bear. The world should be able to see Jesus in you! And guess who else should be able to? Your husband. 
Ministry begins at home. A woman’s pulpit is in her home. It is in her home that she is shaping the minds of her children toward Jesus, raising arrows for The Lord so that they may by fired into the world to witness for Him. It is in a kind smile when her husband is grumpy in the mornings, instead of a heated remark. It’s forgiving accidents, not getting angry. It is in baking your husbands favorite cookies as a surprise, when that could be the highlight of a bad day. It is in knowing what God want’s us to do, as best we can, in each situation by learning His Word. It’s being a living example to our husband’s and our families, that will encourage them. We have the power to potentially change our husband’s day, his week or his year and make it brighter by behaving like Christ, and by living out the Fruit of The Spirit.
I invite all women to join me, to dive into God’s Word with me over the next weeks, as we work on one fruit per week, and practice it in our home. I initially planned this challenge for myself, but I figured others may want to join in. (And I was supposed to start the first fruit this week but found myself busy and forgetful!) So this is your invitation! Christian women, come join in! Or if you don’t know Christ, I welcome you as well, as by learning the fruits of The Spirit, you will learn who God is, and who Jesus is, and He is beautiful.
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tastethegrace · 4 years ago
Checking In: Weeks 5-6
Go ahead and say it. I know you've been thinking it. Where is he?
Well, here I am. Week 5 was really hard emotionally. I had very little bandwidth. I was a able to meditate, but I didn't do much of anything else. As I've started week 6, I'm shaming myself for not living up to my commitments.
And that's when I remember something: everything about this moment -- the fan in the background, the setting sunshine outside, the tightness in my chest that I get when I'm restless...this is all God being with me. I'm not saying all these things are God. But they are the things through which God reaches out to me. He says nothing. He simply is. The fact that he is is an invitation to be with him. Being with him is not just something I do once a day or on Sundays. He is always with me. But am I always with him?
So I guess what I'm learning is that God himself shows up in the most mundane moments. It's up to me whether I choose to drown in his presence or not. Love is a free gift. He has already given it, and it is a standing invitation. My prayer is that I would integrate this drowning, this stillness -- that being and praying would be like breath to me.
I feel like such a failure when I don't live up to my commitments. It makes me think I should promise nothing, and perhaps I shouldn't. But the Lord, in his presence, is eternally gracious -- far more than I am with myself. And so as I am still, he says nothing, and in that nothing is everything. He accepts everything into himself, cleaning me out and putting me back together again. He does this all the time. It's his unique dance of recreation inside of me.
Lord, be with me. Give me new eyes to see as you see. Train my heart to be gracious, with myself and with others. Teach my mind to rest in you, to be inspired by you, and to follow my heart into your arms. You are good, and I trust that I am on the right road, even though I have no idea where I am going.
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swarehime73 · 1 year ago
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‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1:24‬ - Now I rejoice in my sufferings for you, and I am completing in my flesh what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for His body, that is, the church.,, Jesus sufferings made away for us to get to heaven, our sufferings can help show people their need for Jesus. Are you rejoicing in your suffering with Jesus?
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sunkissedsirenadventures · 4 years ago
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Happy #earthday2021 cheers to another year of living more sustainable than the previous 🥂 to living more #ecofriendly 🌏 To buying second hand more. To purchasing #crueltyfree in my makeup and skincare choices. To buying more plants and turning into a #plantlady 🪴 There is always more I can do and things I can do better. I’m not perfect, no one is. But if we all take little steps together they can turn into big steps for all! So if you only changed one “little” thing last year I’m proud of you! Let’s see how much we can change this year!!! #earthdayeveryday #lifestylechange #goodstewardship #alifeofintention #walkingwithjesus (at Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN-bKSilBFq/?igshid=1lmc8e3yvlulh
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"Every Step of the Way" (Original)
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