#waldorf mama
gwennybriggs · 5 months
Abbott Elementary Characters and Their Corresponding Muppets!
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I hope this makes sense. 🫡
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ozcarr · 9 months
literally the best thing a story can have is two weird guys who stand next to each other.
Like. Bulk and Skull. Troy and Abed. Cannonball and Sunspot. Those freaks from Pirates of the Caribbean. Octavius and Jedediah. Wario and Waluigi. Ornstein and Smough. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
Doesn't even matter the nature of their relationship. Most important thing is that they're weird and next to each other.
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jungle-angel · 10 months
Family Ties Are Stronger Than Time (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You're supposed to beon bedrest for a bit after just having had the boys so Rhett decides to take Amy with him to visit an old friend and learns something about a family member that shocks him
Notes: A very, very Happy Hannukah to all who celebrate, I feel bad I haven't done much but this has been sitting in the back of my brain for a while. I hope it came out well enough, I was nervous writing it but I'm hoping it came out well enough 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Warnings: Mentions of war, birth etc.
"Alright sweetheart," Rhett said to Amy. "You ready?"
"Yeah!" she exclaimed excitedly.
She hopped down the steps of the general store you both owned with Rhett helping her down onto the snowy sidewalk and into the truck where he buckled her into her carseat. He placed the blue and gold box full of baked goods next to her, hoping that they wouldn't spill over on the ride out of town. He and Cecelia had painstakingly made them for three days, hoping that they turned out alright.
Down the roads they went, out of downtown and back to the more rural areas in town where ranches became a more common sight than buildings. They passed by the Waldorf school where Amy and Hannah both attended kindergarten and preschool respectively, the grounds now covered with snow and the farm across the street with it. Rhett had to laugh a little as he had lost count of how many times he had gone to the farm across from the school to help fix a tractor or help the farmers with their cows.
Finally, they came to a lonely little stretch of ranch, the old farmhouse sitting on top of a little hill with stretch after stretch of fence surrounding it. He pulled up to the garage and parked the truck, letting Amy out and taking the box with him.
"Go ahead Doodlebug," Rhett told her. "Go ring the doorbell."
Amy rang the little bell next to the door and in a split second it was opened by an elderly woman with white hair, her eyes lighting up when she saw Rhett and Amy.
"My sweet I didn't think you were coming!" she exclaimed happily.
"What, Sara? Ya'll thought we were gonna ignore ya'll?" Rhett chuckled.
"You.....you, you get in here, come, come in," Sara beckoned.
Rhett and Amy both went into the house and removed their coats and shoes. "Elie around at all?" Rhett asked.
"No, no, he went to go help Officer Joy or something," Sara told him. "Here, I'll fix you both something."
Rhett loved coming down to visit Sara. Ever since he was a little kid, he loved the way the elderly Polish woman made him feel welcome in her home and had even taught him a little bit of her language. Sara and Elie Abramowicz were as close with the Abbotts as the Duttons were, more like family than friends.
"Where is (y/n)?" Sara asked.
"She's all holed up in bed," Rhett chuckled. "Boys were born two days ago."
"Ah and on the first night of Hannukah no less," Sara said with pride.
"Oh, speaking of which," Rhett said, seating himself on the old, rickety barstool at the kitchen counter. "Made these a few days ago."
He gave Sara the box and when she opened it, her face lit up. "You didn't!" she exclaimed.
Rhett laughed before he and Sara hugged. "Didn't burn the kitchen down makin'em either," he laughed.
"Oh Rhett," Sara sighed. "You know I haven't been able to make sufganiyot since Mama passed away. Thank you. As if Elie and I didn't owe your family enough already."
"Sara what the hell are ya'll even talkin about?" Rhett asked her. "You don't owe us nothin."
"Oh but we do," Sara insisted. "And it all goes back to your Oma."
"My grandma?" Rhett asked.
Sara nodded.
"Wh.....what'd Oma Heidi have to do with anything?"
Sara scrunched her deeply wrinkled brow. "You mean to tell me that your Papa never told you?" she asked him.
Rhett shook his head.
"Here," Sara said, putting the box of fresh sufganiyot next to the toaster. "You stay and I tell you."
Rhett stayed put, keeping a careful watch on Amy who was in the living room playing with Elie and Sara's boarhound, Boris. He waited for Sara to finish making a mug full of heady black tea before she seated herself across from him.
"You know that Elie and I used to live in Warsaw?"
Rhett nodded.
"I remember a long, long time ago after the invasion," Sara began. "We were trapped in our city like animals, nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Elie and I, we were so young, fifteen and seventeen years old and in terrible danger. Every night we all prayed for a miracle."
Rhett could almost see it before his very eyes and the terrible scene that played out in his mind like a movie.
"Your Oma had come to us with a group of people who claimed they could help," Sara continued. "French and German resisters who were bent on getting people out of the hands of the Nazis. We didn't trust them at first, but quickly we realized we had no choice. "Six hundred of us fled from Warsaw in 1943," Sara explained. "Six hundred. We went on foot, by rail and by truck, all the way to a safe place where we hid."
The more Rhett listened to the story, the more the shock ran through his very core. Royal had never said anything about his mother or about what she had done before leaving Switzerland.
"You see Rhett," Sara said. "It is because of your Oma that we and so many others lived. That is why Elie and I remain close with your family. After we came to America, your Oma and I remained very close friends, so much so that she came to fetch me the night you were born. I made a promise to your Oma that I would watch over you when she passed Rhett.....and Elie and I intend to keep that promise."
Rhett could feel his eyes burning. He had never known. "Why didn't Dad say anything if he knew?" Rhett asked her.
"Do not blame your father Rhett," Sara answered. "That was your Oma's wish. Your father knew how much pain she had gone through for others and didn't wish to inflict that pain on anyone else."
He felt a few loose tears falling from his eyes when he heard Sara's story. "Wish she was still here," he croaked.
"Ah but she is," Sara assured him. "I know she is Rhett."
It took him a while to process the story he had just heard, but after a while, Rhett felt an immense sense of pride, knowing how strong his ties were to the people who were like family to him.
Rhett heard a truck pulling up a little while later when who should appear but you and Royal with Hannah, each of you carrying a little carseat that safely held Tatum and Tanner, your twins.
"Hey Sara," Royal called as he entered. "We come bearing a Hannukah gift for you and Elie."
"Royal Abbott, you march into my house while your son is here...."
Royal laughed, unable to make out the rest of what she had been saying.
You and Sara talked a good long while while Rhett talked things over with Royal. Surprisingly enough, Royal was more than understanding about the whole thing.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell ya'll sooner son," Royal said. "I saw how much pain it had caused Oma.......I didn't want any of that pain passed onto you guys."
Rhett tried hard to hold back the tears in front of his father but he couldn't. Royal pulled him in and held his son when he saw that look in Rhett's eyes.
When all was said and done and everything had settled, you and Rhett gathered in the living room with Sara and Elie when he had returned, the two of them absolutely head over heels for your boys. Cecelia had joined you a little while later along with the rest of Sara and Elie's family. The grandkids all taught Amy and Hannah how to play dreidel and the delighted shrieks and shouts that came from the living room had you and Rhett in the best of moods.
"Think they'll sleep ok tonight?" you asked.
"No doubt darlin," Rhett chuckled. "Just wait till Christmas Eve."
You half laughed and half groaned at the thought, knowing Amy and her Dutton cousins would all be up till some ungodly hour, having eaten all the candy in their stockings. You and Rhett shared a sweet kiss as you watched the kids. Rhett looked out the living room window and saw that one of the stars was shining a little brighter that night, mouthing a silent "thank you" to his Oma Heidi, who he was sure, was watching over you all.
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rowlfthedog · 1 year
There are more in there. I know I missed people, but I stopped once I noticed I got past a hundred (Zoot makes 102). I stuck these in an alphebatizer real quick, but I could not think of a Muppet for X...
Abby Cadabby
Apollo Pajanimals
Baby Bear
Baby Natasha
Baskerville the Dog
Big Mean Carl
Bobo the Bear
Boober Fraggle
Cantus Fraggle
Convincing John
Cookie Monster
Count Von Count
Cowbella Pajanimals
Denise the Pig
Dodos from Follow that Bird (all 4 of them)
Dr. Teeth
Dr. Van Neuter
Edwin Pajanimals
Floyd Pepper
Fozzie Bear
Frank Oz Muppet
Gobo Fraggle
Gonzo the Great
Grover Monster
Guy Smiley
Happy Yellow Creature
Henrietta (The Chicken)
Hugga Wugga
Iggy Wiggy
J.P. Grosse
Java Again (baby)
Jim Henson Muppet
Joe the Janitor
Johnny Fiama
Julia Autism
Junior Gorg
Kermit the Frog of course
King of the Universe
Lenny the Lizard
Lew Zealand
Ma Bear
Mahna Mahna
Mean Mama
Miss Piggy
Mokey Fraggle
Muppet Newsman (That is his name)
Nephew (Rowlf’s Nephew)
Oscar the Grouch
Prairie Dawn
Queen of the Universe
Red Fraggle
Rizzo the Rat
Robin the Frog
Roosevelt Franklin
Rosita Monster
Rowlf the Dog
Sal Minella
Sam Eagle
Sclrapp Flyapp
Scooter the Gofer
Skeeter the. Twin Sister
Snowth 1 from Mahna Mahna
Snowth 2 from Mahna Mahna
Sprocket the Dog
Squacky Pajanimals
Summer the Penguin
Swedish Chef
Sweetpea Sue Pajanimals
Telly Monster
Uncle Deadly
Uncle Traveling Matt
Wembley Fraggle
Yolanda the Rat
Yorick (the All-Consuming Skull)
Zoe Monster
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gacmediadaily · 1 month
Fall in love this September on Great American Family with these four Cable TV movie premieres...
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The Engagement Plan Premiere date: September 7, 2024
Starring: Jack Schumacher, Ted McGinley, Mia Pollini, Eva La Rue, Emily Topper, Eric Lutz, Judd Nelson and Faith Ford
Storyline: In The Engagement Plan, Wade (Schumacher) has a plan for everything! Wade’s plan to propose to his girlfriend, Kayla (Pollini) may be the crowning achievement of plans. With a 3-carat diamond ring in tow and reservations booked at the Waldorf for his parents, Dash and Margot, (LaRue, Nelson) and Kayla’s parents, Ed and Mama Marilyn (McGinley, Ford), Wade marvels at the absolute perfection of his engagement plan. Until his plan hits a dead end on a dirt road, a country road. Kayla changes the plan to have Wade meet at her family’s farm to help her mom and dad, whose cow is expecting a calf any day. Dressed in business best, Wade – a fish out of water – has an unexpected – and definitely an unplanned encounter with a family who is not convinced he is right for Kayla. Then Wade meets her ex-boyfriend who tries to prove it.
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Love's Second Act
Starring: Jodie Sweetin and Tilky Jones
Premiere date: Saturday, September 14, 2024 at 8/7c
Storyline: Jamie, portrayed by Jodie Sweetin, is an aspiring filmmaker, who heads back to her hometown for some inspiration. She finds it in ex-boyfriend, Nick, played by Tilky Jones, who still works at the small-town movie theater where they both first fell in love.
Movie Reviews:
🎬 Love’s Second Act – (streamed on Great American Pure Flix)
This is a lighthearted, family-friendly rom-com. The movie was a little slow for me, at times, but it was still a nice watch. It’s the standard story of a woman ,Jamie, played by Jodie Sweetin ("Full House," "Craft Me a Romance," "The Jane Mysteries") who leaves her hometown years ago, then returns and reconnects with her family and her childhood sweetheart, Nick, played by Tilky Jones ("Christmas Love Letter," "The Charm of Love").
Of course, the family business, the local theater, is also in danger of being sold by Nick’s father (played by George Wendt, famously known as Norm on the sitcom, "Cheers"). The theater is a special memorable place for Nick and Jamie, where they worked together as teenagers.
Overall, it is a pleasant, feel-good movie with a happy ending.
A side note for "Full House" fans… I thought it was kind of funny that Jodie played the older sister, and her sister’s name, of all names, was Stephanie.
I wonder if "Love’s Second Act" might be one of the movies we’ll see on Great American Family later this Summer or early Fall. (Update: I wrote this review on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, and my hunch was right! I'm glad more viewers will have a chance to view this movie, if they like, on Great American Family.) ~Net
🎬  Love’s Second Act - I LOVED this movie! Jodie Sweetin and Tilky Jones are a perfect pairing. The story was different, and the plot held enticing hints of what lay ahead. Beautifully written, acted, and directed. I would give it 3 1/2 stars, not perfect, but very near it! 👏👏👏👏 ~aunt_di_77
🎬 Love's Second Act
I think Net has more or less covered all there is to say about this movie. Standard Rom.Com fare which you will have seen many times over. I'm not the biggest fan of Jodie Sweetin nor do I dislike her but I though she and Tilby Jones who although somewhat easygoing combined quite well together
It's one of those where you have to suspend belief - how could the theatre possibly have survived to date, , where did the money come from to buy a new popcorn machine,, the miraculous "saving" of the theatre, Jamie presenting her manuscript which she had returned home to complete to her agent on time etc.
The secondary cast was fine except for Nick's father who was a ridiculous character.
Taking all this together it shouldn't have worked and I agree it was slow moving at times but maybe because it was my favourite theme of "lovers reunited" I somewhat surprisingly have to say I actually enjoyed it - Florence's rating 7
🎬 Love’s Second Act - It is a hard pass for me! This movie was more than slow it was boring and plain awful. The set seemed so generic and so was the storyline. ~Anonymous
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Love at the Ranch
Premiere date: September 21, 2024
Starring: Laura Mitchell and Jon Cor
Storyline: Sparks fly between a big-city reporter and a ranch owner as she researches the life of the romance novelist that inspired her love for writing.
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Mystery By the Book
Previous title: Key to Love
Starring: Alicia Dea Josipovic and Corey Sevier
Premieres: Saturday, October 28, 2024
Storyline: A bookstore owner (Sevier) is in a difficult relationship with a book cover model (Josipovic) until an antique key found in a false book unlocks their romance.
If you've seen any of these movies via Great American Pure Flix or another streaming source, please share your thoughts in comments below.
I have seen Love at the Ranch via some streaming source and I recall it being a sweet, family-friendly film. It was supposed to air on UPtv awhile back, but schedules were changed and this movie was removed from their lineup. It's nice to see this delightful romantic-comedy finally find a home on Great American Family.
Please share in comments below which of these movies above you are looking forward to seeing this September on Great American Family. I'm personally looking forward to The Engagement Plan and Mystery By the Book.
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everythingpurple · 6 months
The last time I was this weight I was 19 years old. Only a few more pounds down till I make mama waldorf proud lol
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fubureaders · 2 years
who i write for/major masterlist
aka, my latest hyperfixations (✨neurodivergency✨)
fandom, then character and/or actor
note: will also do rpf (real person fic), just very picky about celebrities whom i support
dc titans on hbo max
gar logan
kory anders/princess koriand'r
conner kent
rachel roth
komcon?? (queen komand'r and conner)
dick grayson
platonic!hank hall
dawn granger
donna troy
gossip girl (cw 2000s)
blair waldorf
serena van der woodsen
nate archibald
dan humphrey
dair (blair & dan, dan & blair)
carter baizen
note: will not write for chuck bass or ed westwick, i appreciate respect on this decision... moving on)
gossip girl (hbomax 2020s)
monet de haan
zoya lott
julien calloway
luna la
shan barnes
audrey hope
max wolfe
aki menzies
platonic! or frenemies!obie bergmann (love the actor, the character.... moving on)
boy meets world
eric matthews
shawn hunter
jack hunter
angela moore
shawn x angela (b/c that's who was supposed to be endgame)
minkus (maybe, not opposed to it)
platonic!feeny (for those who need some feeny advice, or just want something lighthearted to read)
vampire diaries universe (TVD, TO, Legacies)
when i say everybody from this show is available for requests, i mean EVERY-FRICKIN-BODY CAN GET IT
teen wolf
when i say everybody from this show is available for requests, i mean EVERY-FRICKIN-BODY CAN GET IT
first kill
calliope burns
juliette fairmont
theo burns
apollo burns
mama burns
mama fairmont
julie and the fat ones/phantoms
luke patterson
reggie peters
platonic!alex mercer (was that the fandom-agreed-upon last name??)
willex (alex x willie) --> possibly, want to remain respectful and i'm not a gay man so i don't know... i do love this couple though so i might
marvel cinematic universe
sam wilson, captain america
bucky barnes
peter parker (holland)
peter parker (garfield)
riri williams, ironheart
queen shuri, the black panther
namor (will add his other name once i learn how to properly spell it)
torres?? will look into this one, but he was pretty in tfatws so i'm adding him here for now
disney channel
lab rats (chase davenport)
any role played by luke benward
descendants movies (anyone... can get it)
liv and maddie (s4!parker rooney, maybe s3; reader will be aged down or parker is aged up)
disney plus
hsmtmts (anyone... can get it)
actors/notable rpf
this list is already so long, but pretty much anyone from the aforementioned shows will probably be written about so stay tuned! love you bye, drink some water
more to come when i can think of more!
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mandajiu · 2 years
What on Earth? Someone's fans are really bored these days . I am not sure if 88 is really off to work or wishing 30 a prosperous journey with an old (location used for xmas photo 22) or new? (nails are unusual) photo YD fans say is the Waldorf Astoria. I like this subtle color scheme of black, brown, tan and white. Apparently the card point was the expected 10:28 awwwh [even more disturbingly next door the elder purple had 10:30 ewwww I'm watching this situation closely - 30 why did you get that free advertising from this person of all people in C Ent? I feel shenanigans are soon to follow with lots of rubbing.]
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QUESTION: Does anyone know if this photo I got from @ii Douyin is new or old? I am digging the Norwegian brand 88 is wearing for some reason. It looks familiar, so I think it is an old photo. No idea.
UPDATE: The Helly Hansen cap is from November 15, 2021; will be on the lookout for more Nordicwear though.
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Our gifted boy 30 who I strongly suspect is an ADHDer like myself (but the more hyperactive type) is a bit of a daredevil, so I am glad mom is with him in Finland. I heard that this character rides a motorcycle. I bet mama wants to make sure nothing else happens. Let's hope Finland has stringent safety measures. I know from personal experience as my children go to a Finnish school here in Qatar that Finnish teachers watching of kiddos at recess is pretty laissez-faire - I even witnessed this in my trip to Finland where one child got a pretty bad injury in the one time I visited a Finnish preschool - but I assume the crew will be under EU guidelines which are hopefully good!
As ever, may our imaginary couple prosper. Can't wait to finally see a booting ceremony for 88! 30 too!
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nadja-antipaxos · 2 years
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previously - masterlist || next -  part two
Title: If only I’d thought of the right words, I wouldn’t be breaking apart
Rating: Teen
Warnings:   some swearing and mentions of sex, but nothing explicit, pregnancy, brief mention of infertility, eventual character death cause it's in the movie
Note: I had planned this out forever ago and finally got around to it. I had to dream up who Callie's mom was. I absolutely adore Jade and wouldn't mind exploring more of her with Egon, even in an AU setting (where he doesn’t leave) but I want to see if there's interest. Please leave kudos and comments if you enjoy it. Thank you so much. Art by @lilvicsart​ send her all the commissions.
Word Count: 6,640
Exhausted, everyone shuffles into the house. Podcast and Lucky are picked up by their parents who were overwhelmed by the sudden ghosts in town. Gary stays but sits next to Phoebe, so he’s not crowding her mother. Callie finds some hot chocolate mix and booze to dole out in an age-appropriate fashion for this little Ghostbusters reunion. It’s when they’re all sitting at the table that Callie actually really looks at them.
“You look familiar.” She takes a sip and tries to remember where she could’ve seen them. Her childhood memories are too fuzzy. She spent such a long time trying to forget her father she forgot everyone who wasn’t her mother.
“We were at your mother’s—Jade’s funeral,” Winston explains.
Callie remembers talking to him. He gave her a card and some flowers. He was very kind on the worst day of her life.
“I didn’t stay long—couldn’t.” Ray sighs.
“My wife, Dana, talked to you. Tall, redhead. Gorgeous.” Peter can’t help but smile.
“Oh. Yeah. She said she was friends with my mom in New York.” Callie takes another sip.
“We all were.” Winston nods. “We loved Jade.”
“So, you knew—Egon—when he was with my mom?” She raises her eyebrows.
“Know ‘em? We were witnesses at the courthouse.” Ray laughs.
“No big wedding?” Callie asks.
“Your grandmother—Jade’s mom—wanted one. It wasn’t really their style. They settled for that reception at the Waldorf.”
“That was a fun night.” Winston grins.
“Nobody made Spengs smile like Jadie.” Ray looks at his mug.
“Nobody but Jade.”  Peter corrects with a raised eyebrow.
“He smiled!” Ray pipes up, defensive.
“Barely.” Peter rolls his eyes.
“Remember when that photographer woke Callie up in her stroller?”  Winston skillfully changes the subject.
“Yeah, Jade nearly got arrested for destroying that camera.” Peter snorts.
“That sounds like Grandma” Phoebe nods with a small smile.
“Definitely.” Trevor grins. “She told me the best way to deal with a bully was to break their nose.”
“She was a special lady. “ Ray sighs.
“She sure was.” Winston looks from the kids to his former Ghostbusters. “Remember when she attacked Walter Peck with that hair clip?”
“Shouldn’t have called Egon a ‘bug-eyed nut’.” Ray raises his eyebrows.
“Tiniest woman I knew that could kick everyone’s ass.” Peter smiles.
Trevor and Phoebe nod in agreement. It had been 3 years and they still missed her terribly even more than their dad because she never meant to leave.
“Why couldn’t he tell her the truth? She was always willing to listen. Hell, when I found out I was having Trevor, the first thing she said was ‘This would’ve never happened if you’d been gay.’ He should’ve said something.” She tries to hide the anger in her voice. If her mom had known the stakes. If he had taken the time to explain it. Things could’ve been so different. Winston’s large black hand over her small white one pulls her from her thoughts. His eyes stare into hers.
“Because your mama would’ve gone after Gozer with her bare hands. I think he’d rather she hate him than keep her and lose her.”
“I wish she knew why he did it. To save everyone.” Callie bites her lip.
“Maybe she knows now,”  Gary speaks up. She had almost forgotten he was there.
“Did she know about this charming fixer-upper?” Peter asks, looking around the cluttered farmhouse.
“Yeah. I remember she got a bill once and forwarded it to him. I was so mad she knew where he was and didn’t give him a piece of her mind.”
“What did she say?” Ray asks.
“She wasn’t gonna chase after someone who left. She had other ways to spend her time.”
“You were always her number one priority.” Ray looks into her eyes and Callie notices they’re different colors. It’s charming. “Until your kids came along. She sent me a Christmas card every year.”
Callie laughs. Her mom always chose the silliest photo for Christmas. The idea of dressing in the same outfit and posing creeped her out. She’d rather send one out where they were all piled on the couch. She was unabashedly authentic like that.
The dusty old farmhouse has enough room for everyone who isn’t a Spengler to stay the night. They’re exhausted enough and Callie doesn’t even want to look up the drive from New York City to Summerville. She tries to sleep. She does. She closes her eyes. She takes deep breaths. She stares at the ceiling. Finally, she gets up. She pads down the stairs to the living room and finds a box labeled “Mom’s”.
Her mom was so organized she had all of her journals labeled by year. Callie grabs the ones from ’84-90 and ’90-93.  She couldn’t bear to read these after she died, but now, in the middle of the night after seeing the ghost form of her dad, she needs her mom too.
Dear Diary,
Dana wants to set me up with one of Peter’s friends. Those guys that got fired for being nuts and then saved the city from a giant marshmallow man. Ghostbusters.  Yes, this is a sentence I am writing truthfully in the year 1984.  She promises he’s nothing like Peter who is hilarious but I would never have the patience for him as a partner. I heard enough about Venkman at school and we’re not even in the same field.
Dana throws the party in her new building. She couldn’t stay in the old one after the whole portal to the supernatural thing. I’m polite to Peter because he’s always been nice to me and until he hurts my dear friend, we’re on good terms. I meet Ray Stantz. I meet Winston Zeddemore. Both pleasant and charming and taken. Ray is seeing someone and Winston has a wife, Annie, who is gorgeous.
One Ghostbuster. Two Ghostbuster. Three Ghostbuster. No four.
The party is fun. To stand out from the boring housewarming gifts, I give Dana a fire extinguisher and the painting she’s been eyeing at the studio. She offers to pay and I refuse because at least I know it’s going to someone who enjoys it. The party ends as it began with only three Ghostbusters. Whatever. I’m sure Egon Spengler is probably weird and I have shit to do.
Dear Diary,
I cannot believe I am writing these words: there is a ghost in my art studio. It started with paint cans getting knocked over.  Then tarps went missing. Paintbrushes would reappear on light fixtures. One night I swear I heard something playing Harry Belafonte on the paint cans. Okay, so I have an invisible guest. For what I’m paying for this space, I can be welcoming. Until it tried to push an easel onto me and then smother me with a tarp. Not fucking cool.
Peter arrives with the mysterious Egon Spengler who runs tests on the studio and all my supplies.  I do not know how he is friends with a walking pickup line like Peter. This guy is all business. He only talks to me when he needs to ask a question or give me directions for his tests. It’s a fucking shame because he has the deep baritone of a phone sex operator. Like Peter, he’s a foot taller than me and has to bend down or have me sit. He has dark eyes hidden behind rounded glasses. His hair is dark brown and perfectly coiffed. It looks thick and soft even with whatever product is in it. Okay, maybe Dana knows me after all because I’m intrigued.
He concludes that the space is in indeed full of ghost energy and I follow willingly back to their firehouse turned office and let him hook me up to all sorts of equipment I’m pretty sure he made himself. He studies—actually studies—my face when he asks questions. I’ve never been studied before. He says he’s going to research the history behind the studio with Ray and that they would like to do an overnight to observe. I agree under the condition that I stay with them. Dana’s beau or not, it’s my studio and I’m not leaving it alone to brief acquaintances.
It’s just me and Dr. Spengler.  And the man is a professional. Ray is researching my building. Peter? I don’t even know anymore.  Winston has the night off. So I go about my routine. I’ve been working on this big canvas lately, so I get on my ladder. Done this so many times. It’s a good ladder. It’s stable. I’m fine. Out of nowhere, it starts to wobble. I hear it crash to the floor but I’m not with it. I look down and see two big hands holding my waist. Egon has me in his arms off the ground. He moves like a cat. I didn’t even hear him. He clears his throat and sets me back down. I say thank you because I’m polite and glad I didn’t smash my face into the floor. He nods.
Ray comes barging back in with all sorts of information about how my studio used to be a famous cathouse. That’s his word. I could’ve done with whorehouse, but he’s being historical. The man who owned it hated women (big shocker) and Ray believes my presence is causing him to act up. I guess he can’t handle an independent woman.  Spengler asks me what I was doing when I was attacked by the tarp. I was on the phone with the landlord arguing about fixing a drafty window. He thinks that because I was standing up for myself against a man, it angered this asshole ghost.
They enlist Peter to stage an argument with me. It feels silly at first but then Peter mentions the ERA and we have an actual argument. He’s all for it but he doesn’t know why it has to be an amendment. I’m pulled back by my hair and Ray shouts that he can see the ghost in whatever visor he has on. I feel a hold around my throat and I’m not a fan of this. I’m clawing at whatever I can and suddenly I’m let go. I land on the floor but get to brace myself a little. I see this grey, translucent figure with a very dark mustache being lassoed between Ray and Spengler’s…ghost guns? They pull it into something they call a trap and lots of smoke fills my studio. The ladder is singed and they’ve scorched some of the tarps, but it’s better than being choked.  Ray sprays it down with the fire extinguisher before any paint catches on fire.
To my surprise, Spengler comes to check on me first. He helps me up and inspects the bruises on my throat. He frowns and suggests I go back to the firehouse for him to take a proper look at me. I agree.  He delicately applies a salve on my throat keeping those dark eyes on me to gauge my reaction. It makes me feel bad that I nearly spit water in his face when he tells me the bill will be $2000. I argue him down to $1500 and we settle on $1750 since I was indeed attacked for the sake of bait.
I ask about paying tomorrow because I’m exhausted and it’s 2 am. Ray offers his bed because apparently there are rooms upstairs for sleeping. I try to convince him to let me go home, but Spengler suggests I stay in case there are any complications from ghost choking. I camp out on a couch they have upstairs and drift off to sleep. I don’t remember anyone placing a pillow under my head or a blanket on me, but I’m grateful when I wake up and realize it.
In the morning, I’m able to go back to my apartment to shower, eat, and write a check. Thankfully, I have many tasteful scarves to cover my neck. When I come back, I hand the payment to Janine (their very cute secretary with killer fashion sense). I ask if they’re all out and she tells me Spengler’s in his lab. Of course, I want to see him again but I’m not gonna invade his space. I’m at the door when he comes up from the basement and asks how I’m feeling. He’s definitely not the social one but he’s trying. His concern seems genuine and I can’t help but think about how quickly he picked me up from that ladder. He asks about my neck and I show him. He beckons me down into the basement to give me some of that salve he made.
Now that I’m no longer a client and just a curious acquaintance, I actually take a look around. He has a workbench and soldering equipment. There are all sorts of junk food. Cheese Its. Twinkies. Crunch bars. Microscopes. No acid or bubbling formulas. I don’t see any reanimated corpses but I do see an alarming amount of mushrooms and other fungi. I wanna put this man in a jar and study him. He explains his hobby and all I can think to ask is if he’s ever gotten high on any of them. He hasn’t, but he doesn’t seem opposed or offended that I asked. I can’t help myself and suggest it. He decides to make it into a tea and away we go.
I’ve tried mushrooms before and these aren’t very strong. No fun trips or hallucinations. I’d give anything to know how much he regrets letting me talk him into this. Instead, he jots down some notes in his book, asks me how I feel, and writes down my answer too.
He just keeps those dark eyes on me and comments on how large my eyes are. I don’t know what that means. I know I have big brown eyes. But they’re just there. He isn’t being mean. I can tell. He’s just observing. He holds in his breath and looks me over again and says clear as day: They’re captivating.
I take the leap and ask him if he wants to go to dinner with me this week. He suggests Thursday. HOUSTON, WE HAVE A DATE!
Dear Diary,
This man is something else.  I pick one of my simplest blue dresses because I have no idea what we’re doing. He takes me to a nice, but not a too nice place for dinner. We make modest conversation.  I can tell he’s nervous and doesn’t do this dating thing often. I throw him a bone and tell him I haven’t been on a real date since I finished my master’s program. With the Ph.D. program looming ahead, I don’t see much of social life. He tells me that he had a brief thing with Janine, the lovely receptionist, but he might’ve been a little too quiet for someone as bold as her. They work better as friends. I just don’t date. I’ve always loved art more than any person.  He apologizes because he doesn’t know much about art and I don’t know much about…ghosts? I make a deal that I can tell him if he tells me and then we’ll both know. A strong eyebrow quirks at that and I think that means he likes it. His eyes light up over the dessert menu and I smile because someone has a sweet tooth.
My usual radar is off. It’s broken around him and that’s kind of exhilarating. He asks me to take a walk with him and begins to explain the different haunted spots in the city. He’s much smarter than me in the traditional sense. My mom would’ve loved it if I was good at math and science. He gets very focused on a certain topic and honestly, I could listen to him all night. I feel a little like Sally in Peanuts trailing after Linus. I’ve never felt so affected by someone. I don’t even notice the bike messenger, but for the second time he picks me up out of harm’s way. To my surprise, he curses at the bike messenger who stops. Spengler straightens up and when the guy realizes how tall he is, he mumbles an apology and leaves. HA! Spengler checks me over and I’m absolutely fine. His big warm hands are on my shoulders and I know I’m smiling like an idiot up at him. He’s staring right back. I wonder if I should ask if I can kiss him, but I don’t. It’s a first for me. Instead, he tells me I have perfect teeth and raises his eyebrows when I tell him it’s because my dad is a dentist. He asks if he can hold my hand as he walks me home. I’m a goner.
Dear Diary,
Can you like someone too much? I really am Sally running after Linus. I swear little cartoon hearts could float around me every time he talks. What the hell is this feeling? I just adore being around him. He asked me to call him that when we talked after the date. He kissed me on our second date at a museum. I could’ve melted into the floor. I swear an orchestra was playing. The first kiss was very sweet. Picture perfect.
I, Jade Margolis, have never felt this way in my entire life. All the other times it was just sex. I can’t stop thinking about him. His nose. His eyes. His neck. His giant brilliant brain. His hands. Not only is he smart but he’s funny too. Not in the way Peter is funny. Egon is very dry. Yes, he’s Egon now. We don’t get many formal dates because we’re both adults and people have ghost problems at any hour of the night. Instead, we just kind of fit into each other’s busy schedules. We get dinner while working. I often bring my coursework over to the firehouse to work on in his lab. The fact I have a free pass is a big deal according to Janine and Winston. He does not like people in there especially when he’s working and he’s always working. But now if he can hear me talking from down there and I don’t greet him after ten minutes, he will get impatient and march up the stairs.
Sometimes, we catch a movie. Other times, he just wants to listen to me talk about my art history classes. It’s like I’m Dorothy in technicolor and didn’t even know I was in black and white before. THIS MAN!! I feel like a schoolgirl. The man keeps insane hours so I’ve fallen asleep in that lab. I told him I was going to start heading back earlier and the next day there was a couch. A comfortable and simple couch. Just for me to be with him. Now, I wake up with his lab coat draped over me. It smells just like him.
I know he’s weird and strange but I adore it because I’m not normal either. I mean, I knitted myself a skeleton sweater that I will wear all year round. He complimented my craftsmanship and accuracy.
I have never wanted to fuck someone so badly in my entire life. I’m dying to know if sex with such a meticulous scientist is going to be super clinical. Will he name my anatomy as he licks it?
“Jesus, Mom.” Callie puts down the journal and grimaces. Her mom had never talked like that to her. She really hopes she isn’t about to be scarred for life as she turns the page to the next passage.
Dear Diary,
The universe is against me having sex with Egon Spengler. And I have tried. We’ve made out dozens of times and he is an amazing kisser. He must take mental notes because each time gets better. I swear he knows how good he is cause I felt him smirking. My mad scientist. We only rounded two bases and god, I want a home run.  Every time something happens. Someone needs his help. Something breaks. They have a call. I swear there are ER doctors getting more action than we are.
Tonight, he had me pinned on one of the work tables when that fucking alarm went off. He ignored it and kept kissing me senseless. Peter called his name at the top of the stairs. He actually growled when Peter threatened to come down there.  At least he’s as sexually frustrated as I am.
Callie sighs. It isn’t as bad as she thought. She just hopes there’s no details.
Dear Diary or Should I Say Playgirl,
I am ruined. This man has ruined me. I was up late studying when he came to my apartment. He had finished a bust and wanted to see me. No, he said he needed to see me. He was still in that jumpsuit when he kissed me. He picked me up like I was nothing and carried me to my bedroom. It was fantastic. Absolutely fucking fantastic.
Sometimes I wake up and he’s touching my back. Drawing constellations. Solving equations. He says it relaxes him when his mind is running wild. That’s how he first told me he loves me. He wrote it in between my shoulder blades and then whispered it into my neck. He thought I was asleep. I have never been more awake. How is this real?
When I told him that morning I loved him too he looked shocked.  He moved closer to me so that our noses touched. I said it again and he kissed me. He held me in his arms and told me he loved me. He loves me!! I love you, Egon Spengler.
Dear Diary or Should I Say Playgirl,
I am ruined. This man has ruined me. I was up late studying when he came to my apartment. He had finished a bust and wanted to see me. No, he said he needed to see me. He was still in that jumpsuit when he kissed me. He picked me up like I was nothing and carried me to my bedroom. It was fantastic. Absolutely fucking fantastic.
Sometimes I wake up and he’s touching my back. Drawing constellations. Solving equations. He says it relaxes him when his mind is running wild. That’s how he first told me he loves me. He wrote it in between my shoulder blades and then whispered it into my neck. He thought I was asleep. I have never been more awake. How is this real?
When I told him that morning I loved him too he looked shocked.  He moved closer to me so that our noses touched. I said it again and he kissed me. He held me in his arms and told me he loved me. He loves me!! I love you, Egon Spengler.
The entry has a polaroid photo taped at the bottom with “JM + ES = L-O-V-E” written under it. He’s hugging her pressing her back into his chest. She looks so small in his arms. His chin rests on her hair and she’s smiling up at him.  They look so happy.  The version she knew of her mom was loving but guarded. She only opened up to Callie, Trevor, and Phoebe. This woman was completely different.
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There are sketches of him reading the newspaper in bed or peering into a microscope with the caption “My mad scientist has no idea why I stare at him all the time. How is he so smart and so dense?”
Dear Diary,
Let me say I think Louis Tully is a perfectly nice man. He was nice as he was Dana’s neighbor and he’s nice now as the Ghostbusters’ accountant. He invited us all over for a party. I saw it as an excuse to wear my new glittery silver dress. Egon didn’t say much when he saw it but this dress is for me anyway. I think my legs look great.
I’m more social than he is which is fine. We both have our strengths. But this one guy is really social. Like he won’t leave me alone social. I’m polite and friendly because I don’t know who he is to Louis. He keeps talking about snorkeling and how I have to try it. Any time I try to gesture to my boyfriend—he cuts me off. He will not let me talk. How is this supposed to seduce anyone? I’m nodding so much that my braid is coming undone. This guy actually reaches forward, fixes my hair, and keeps his hand on my face. I was stunned. Before I can yell at him though, Egon picks me up and plants one on me. The man who will never do anything but hold my hand in front of his friends is kissing me in front of everyone. And not a Disney kiss. My mad scientist used tongue. I’m in heaven.
He tells me we’re going home which is good because my legs have turned to jelly. He notices and swoops me up. My gallant hero carries me out of the party and I love every second of it. I ask him if he likes the dress and he just stares at me. Needless to say, I was extremely sore for the next few days. I found out from Ray that the entire time that guy was talking to me, Egon was fuming. Winston pointed out that I didn’t look very comfortable and touching my face was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Dear Diary,
I’m not surprised when Egon shows up at my apartment without any warning. It’s why he has a key. I am completely surprised when he bursts in, gets on one knee, and tells me his logical argument for marriage.
It will make it easier to buy property as a couple.
Co-habitation is not an issue because we’re always together and he spends most of his nights at my place.
I will no longer be bothered by over-eager men if I have a ring on my left ring finger. It will signal to others that I am spoken for and should prevent further awkward situations.
We balance each other out. Right brain. Left brain.
Most importantly: he loves me.
I can barely speak. He did not need to convince me, but the fact he wanted to is everything I love about him. The ring is a beautiful jade oval jewel with a gold halo of diamonds.  I recognize it immediately from the little shop in Soho we passed two weeks ago. I told him it was beautiful but I had no reason to buy it especially since it was just a jewel. Now, he’s soldered it into a ring.
Of course, I accept. The ring is so gorgeous. I can’t believe he made it for me. God, I love him.
Callie recognizes the ring. It’s one her mother kept in a jewelry box, but never wore. She let Callie grab it whenever she played dress-up with her makeup and shoes. She even wore it to prom because it matched her dress. She assumed that her grandmother bought it for her daughter’s namesake.  After she died, even when money got tight, she never wanted to sell it. She’s glad now that she didn’t. And he made it for her?
Dear Diary,
Jack and Jill went up the hill
Jack knocked up Jill
And a baby came tumbling after
Dear Diary,
My mad scientist has been so attentive these past nine months. He’s such a darling and yet when I feel that first contraction I nearly punch him. I am so scared I decide maybe I’ll raise our baby girl from inside my body for the rest of our lives. He says that isn’t possible and I remind him that none of his degrees are as an OBYGN. Fuck it hurt and I was promised drugs. I practically yell this at him and he assures me that the drugs are coming. He tries to encourage me but I beg him to let me punch him. I am not a big woman. Why did I think I could have his giant baby? He gives me a kiss and I just want him to let me kill him for just a second. The nurses think he is so sweet. Traitors. He’s the one who did this to me. Then the glorious drugs hit.
I am a fucking rockstar. I gave birth to a BABY! Those Ghostbusters got nothing on me.
I have to say if my Callie had not come out of my body, I would be very confused as to why she is blonde and blue-eyed. Both of her parents are Jewish. I mean, my mom is a Catholic, but that can’t do much, right? I would demand a refund, but she’s just so fucking cute we’re gonna keep her. And she glared at Peter in a way that lets me know she’s 100% mine.
Dear Diary,
Callie is the best four year old I’ve ever met. She cracks me up every day and she’s doing well in pre-school. She’s very smart—no surprise. Sometimes, I miss how wild our lives used to be with the Ghostbusters, but Egon seems to be enjoying his work back at Columbia. It does make it easier with my PhD program to have more normal hours from my mad scientist. I see the way some of his assistants look at him, so every once in a while I like to pop over with Callie to remind them that he’s taken by a certified smoke show. Not my words, Brian, one of the assistants asked Egon how he landed “such a smoke show” the first time I came by. Egon told him “Because the smoke show wanted me”. Damn right I did.
Dana tells me about some freaky thing that happened with Oscar on the street. I suggest she talk to Egon. Callie loves Oscar because he’s a living version of her dolls. I see Dana more now that she works at the museum. I was too busy to take the position and after I showed her the ropes, she was easy to vouch for.
Dear Diary,
Callie is the best four-year-old I’ve ever met. She cracks me up every day and she’s doing well in pre-school. She’s very smart—no surprise. Sometimes, I miss how wild our lives used to be with the Ghostbusters, but Egon seems to be enjoying his work back at Columbia. It does make it easier with my Ph.D. program to have more normal hours from my mad scientist. I see the way some of his assistants look at him, so every once in a while I like to pop over with Callie to remind them that he’s taken by a certified smoke show. Not my words, Brian, one of the assistants asked Egon how he landed “such a smoke show” the first time I came by. Egon told him “Because the smoke show wanted me”. Damn, right I did.
Dana tells me about some freaky thing that happened with Oscar on the street. I suggest she talk to Egon. Callie loves Oscar because he’s a living version of her dolls. I see Dana more now that she works at the museum. I was too busy to take the position and after I showed her the ropes, she was easy to vouch for.
Dear Diary,
The boys are back thanks to some weird emotional slime in the sewer and a lifted court order. I don’t know what any of it means. They’ve run all sorts of tests and Dana’s run right back to Peter. I hope they work it out this time. I never thought I’d be married before they were. I doubt it bothers Oscar because he’s far too little to know his parents are on and off.
Egie suggests an experiment involving this…slime and I think it’s the last time I’ll be involved in something like that. It was quite an experience but I think it’s too exhausting to happen all the time. Maybe for his birthday.
My, my, the Ghostbusters need my help.  Ray and Egie need some information regarding art. It has to do with that creepy old man painting at the museum. I dig up what I could since I can access archives they can’t and mark it off into different categories. Apparently, it’s exactly what they want and I’m rewarded with a very enthusiastic kiss right in front of Ray. Who says romance is dead in married life?
Dear Diary,
Callie saw her dad on the television riding the Statue of Liberty and would not stop screaming. That’s not a sentence I can really wrap my head around. Either way, on New Year’s Eve, I bring my child to the museum, insult useless government officials, and wait for my man to save the world. He does, no surprise but god, he comes out covered in that slime. It makes him quite handsy. Welcome to the 1990s.
Dear Diary,
As my Ph.D. program comes closer to the end, I’m wondering if we should give Callie a sibling. Egon’s not very close with his brother and I never had any siblings. It’s quite lonely being an only child and I don’t want that for Callie. His schedule is less hectic between Ghostbusting and his research at Columbia. I hate the idea of giving up my beloved cigarettes again, but if it means more little Spenglers, I think I can do it. It’s certainly fun to try.
I’m not even 30 so it shouldn’t be a problem, but my body has other plans. Egon says he’s perfectly happy with Callie and that if I really want another baby, we can adopt. That’s a little too much wishful thinking considering how his application will look. I love Callie and she’s all I need. I just wish I could’ve made that choice for myself. We let Callie sleep in our bed that night and I know I’m gonna be okay.
Dear Diary,
Something wicked this way comes. I’m not Janine. I’m not psychic, but something is going on with my mad scientist. He’s a little more mad than usual. He’s downright obsessed. And he won’t tell me what’s going on. He’s so withdrawn. It’s not like him at all. He loves to tell me about his research. I know he doesn’t sleep because he’s always having nightmares and he won’t let me comfort him. He just looks scared. I hate this. Of course, our relationship has its ups and downs but he knows deep down I’m here for him.  Callie asks me if Daddy’s upset and I know I have to confront him.
We’ve never had such a bad fight. I had to block the door in our bedroom to get him to talk to me after Callie went to sleep. He looked exhausted.  I didn’t recognize him. I was so angry and so desperate for answers I was gonna try anything. I didn’t care if he thought I was too stupid to understand. He’s my husband and this is hurting my family.
Finally, he saw how upset I was and tried to explain that something bad was going to happen. I told him that it already happened. My best friend and the love of my life has been shutting me out. He tried to say that all the big events like Dana and Gozer and Vigo—it was all connected to a larger end of the world. He said he had to stop it. He had to make sure I was safe. That Callie was safe. I just burst into tears. Was he losing it? What was I supposed to do? How was he going to stop it? What did that mean? I freaked out. He put his arms around me and held me until I calmed down. He brought me to bed and told me how much he loved me. How much he loved Callie. How he never thought he’d have this kind of life. That he would never stop loving me. He kissed my hair and rubbed my back and I felt safe again.
When I woke up, he was gone. He left a note. It was short:
Jadie, I know you’ll never understand and you’ll never forgive me, but I have to do this for you and Callie.
Forever yours,
He fucking left me. He left us. I broke every beaker and vial in that fucking lab and I still can’t say how bad this hurts. What am I going to tell Callie?
I got a job at the Art Institute in Chicago. My parents are there and can’t wait to see us. As much as I love my friends, I can’t stay here. This city just reminds me too much of him.  We all promise to stay in touch and I want to. I don’t have anything against them. They didn’t leave.
Callie wipes the tears from her eyes. She doesn’t have it in her to relive all her mom’s pain especially now when she knows the truth. Instead, she picks up her final journal.
Hello, old friend,
Been a while, huh? Yeah, life’ll do that to you.
I think if he was dead I would know. Not in some mystic sense. That was never my thing. Honestly, if you told me that all of the strange things that happened from 1984 to 1993 were because NYC had drugged the water I’d believe you. Or maybe we all had some great pot. I’d believe that over what really happened. It’d be a lot funnier.
I think someone would’ve called, right? I know Callie and I are still next of kin. Janine told me some rotting shack is left to me and Callie. Hey, Ma, he left me a house. I’d have to get out an ouija board to tell her that one.
I found my old journals. I was so young. Absolutely consumed with that man. Years earlier, they would’ve been firewood, but not now. I wonder if Ray is still angry. Egon called him once and Ray phoned me after.  He really hates him. I don’t think Winston could ever hate anyone. Venkman’s moved on. Dana told me right after he left she wished she hadn’t introduced us. She felt guilty. But she shouldn’t.  I gave it my all and it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have tried.
Callie asked me why I never remarried. As much as I’ve enjoyed my other lovers like Sam or Tatiana, it never was the same. I knew it was special when I had it. He was my lover and best friend. He knew me in a way no one else did. We just fit together. Left brain. Right brain. It didn’t work out as I wanted and even though his leaving felt like he ripped out my heart, I loved him utterly and completely. I’m not ashamed of that. And for a while, he loved me too.
I don’t regret it. I don’t know if I still love him, but I don’t hate him anymore.  Isn’t that funny? You’d think I’d know, but I don’t. Because of Callie. Because of Trevor. Because of  Phoebe (who reminds me so much of him sometimes I can’t breathe). The loves of my life. My beautiful band of freaks is led by Grandma Freak.
Callie closes the journal and puts it back in the box. She doesn’t even remember falling asleep.
“Mom, I found something.” It feels like a blink of an eye later when Phoebe walks into her room.
Phoebe’s face is bright and excited. It’s enough to pull Callie out of bed immediately.
4 notes · View notes
ukdamo · 7 months
You're the Top - written by Cole Porter, belted by Ethel Merman
At words poetic, I'm so pathetic That I always have found it best Instead of getting 'em off my chest, To let 'em rest—unexpressed. I hate parading my serenading, As I'll probably miss a bar, But if this ditty is not so pretty, At least it'll tell you how great you are.
You're the top! You're the Coliseum. You're the top! You're the Louvre Museum. You're the melody from a symphony by Strauss. You're a Bendel bonnet, A Shakespeare sonnet, You're Mickey Mouse!
You're the Nile! You're the Tow'r of Pisa. You're the smile on the Mona Lisa. I'm a worthless check, a total wreck, a flop! But if baby I'm the bottom, you're the top! You're the top! You're Mahatma Gandhi. You're the top! You're Napoleon brandy. You're the purple light of a summer night in Spain. You're the National Gallery; you're Garbo's salary, You're cellophane!
You're sublime; you're a turkey dinner. You're the time of the Derby Winner. I'm a toy balloon that's fated soon to pop; But if baby I'm the bottom, you're the top!
You're the top! You're an Arrow collar. You're the top! You're a Coolidge dollar. You're the nimble tread of the feet of Fred Astaire. You're an O'Neill drama; you're Whistler's mama; you're Camembert.
You're a rose; You're Inferno's Dante. You're the nose on the great Durante. I'm just in the way. As the French would say, "de trop." But if, baby, I'm the bottom, You're the top!
You're the top! You're a Waldorf salad. You're the top! You're a Berlin ballad. You're the baby grand of a lady and a gent You're an old Dutch master, You're Mrs. Astor, You're Pepsodent!
You're romance, You're the steppes of Russia, You're the pants On a Roxy usher. I'm a lazy lout that's just about to stop
But if, baby, I'm the bottom, You're the top!
0 notes
shallowstories · 9 months
If this ditty is not so pretty, at least it'll tell you how great you are...
At words poetic, I'm so pathetic That I always have found it best Instead of getting 'em off my chest To let 'em rest unexpressed I hate parading my serenading As I'll probably miss a bar But if this ditty is not so pretty At least it'll tell you How great you are
You're the top! You're the Coliseum You're the top! You're the Louver Museum You're a melody from a symphony by Strauss You're a Bendel bonnet A Shakespeare's sonnet You're Mickey Mouse You're the Nile You're the Tower of Pisa You're the smile on the Mona Lisa I'm a worthless check, a total wreck, a flop But if, baby, I'm the bottom, you're the top
You're the top You're Mahatma Gandhi You're the top You're Napoleon Brandy You're the purple light Of a summer night in Spain You're the National Gallery You're Garbo's salary You're cellophane
You're sublime You're a turkey dinner You're the time of a Derby winner I'm a toy balloon that's fated soon to pop But if, baby, I'm the bottom You're the top
You're the top You're an Arrow collar You're the top You're a Coolidge dollar You're the nimble tread Of the feet of Fred Astaire You're an O'Neill drama You're Whistler's mama You're camembert
You're a rose You're Inferno's Dante You're the nose On the great Durante I'm just in the way As the French would say, "de trop" But if, baby, I'm the bottom You're the top
You're the top You're a Waldorf salad You're the top You're a Berlin ballad You're the baby grand of a lady and a gent You're an Old Dutch master You're Mrs. Aster You're Pepsodent
You're romance You're the steppes of Russia You're the pants on a Roxy usher I'm a lazy lout, who's just about to stop But if, baby, I'm the bottom You're the top
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visitsaddle · 10 months
╰ • daniwashington_, jeon jungkook / ⋆ ۪ HEAVEN & KIBEOM we'll be holding a meeting with the outsiders in 12 hours at the saddle woodz park so make sure to prepare any inquires you may have for them !!
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can kibeom mun send in their age **
ᝰ.ᐟ DANIWASHINGTON_. SHE/HER. TWENTY FOUR / ⋆ ۪ and with MAMA BY THE SPICE GIRLS the winner of this karaoke night is HEAVEN XU !! this TOUR GUIDE can be found at BREW HOUSE. the saddle NEWCOMER has been living here for TWO YEARS, enough to make them feel at home. they remind a lot of people of BLAIR WALDORF when their MANIPULATIVE SIDE comes to light. rumor has it that you NEVER LEARNED HOW TO RIDE A BIKE and now we get it !! please leave your info with one of our hosts so we can deliver your prize by tomorrow and make sure you take the last piece of your GARLIC BREADSTICKS with ya !! ( k, she/her, est )
ᝰ.ᐟ JEON JUNGKOOK. THEY/XE/HIM. AGE  / ⋆ ۪  and with MY LOVE MINE ALL MINE BY MITSKI the winner of this karaoke night is KIBEOM KWON !! this BARTENDER can be found at MOON’S PUB. the saddle NATIVE has been living here for SINCE THEY CAN REMEMBER, enough to make them feel at home. they remind a lot of people of WYBIE LOVAT when their GAWKINESS comes to light. rumor has it that you PUT WORMS IN ONE OF YOUR MEAN TEACHERS DESK DRAWERS IN GRADE SCHOOL and now we get it !! please leave your info with one of our hosts so we can deliver your prize by tomorrow and make sure you take the last piece of your STUFFED CRUST PIZZA with ya !! ( s, they, pst )
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poppieandsage · 6 years
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besides a witchy plant loving introvert, im a mama who unschools three wild children (11, 8 & 2) and so the next few weeks are all about gearing up for autumn. we don't stop learning because summer arrives, instead of taking our minds outdoors amongst the flora & fauna and the beach. i like to mark a special day, our own "not back to school" day because it helps us move from one mindset to another. we leave out little bolga baskets the night before (which i use for daily materials for each) and the fae folk leave heaps of new materials for our autumn learning. there's always pencils and art supplies to re-stock on, but i also seek out beautiful learning tools that follow whatever our main lesson block will be (even though we are unschoolers at heart, i'm a waldorf lover mama, and so we have a rhythm to our day which includes a daily main lesson for each of the bigger kids, and daily journaling either in art or nature books) i thought i'd share some of the things this mama-faerie bought from etsy, because it's my favorite for handmade everything, buuuut also a kick ass resource for homeschool folk.
twig and moth have lovely nature journals and i scooped up two designs for this year. i love their instant pdf’s (flash cards of the moon cycles, butterfly & moth varieties laminted? swoon. we have a laminated print of the rock cycle for geology this year)  they also have affordable experiment sets 
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enchanting stamps has been my crush for awhile, and this year i made room in the budget for each kiddo to have 1-2 stamps in their baskets. they aren’t crazily priced considering their beauty, but our collection will be slow growing so we can savor each one. this year i focused on gelolgy and botany since those are two of our science main lessons 
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i love these boxes so much i could squeal. we have been reading aout the history of curiosity cabinets and so these are perfect for building our collection. each box has crystals, fossils & bones, bugs, nuts and seeds..and laminated cards with info on each. i love when someone makes the learning beautiful, functional, and easy for mama. the above from red oak adventures 
i love this shops geoboards & wooden clocks. teaching littles to read actual old-school clocks is something that i found out most kids, gulp, can’t do. there’s cell phones for that. the geoboards we use for mathmatics and keeping my toddler busy, that alone making it worth the moola. there’s also beautiful layered cycle-puzzles which i would love to get, but alas the pieces would end up as dog treats so i have to hold back
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hearth magic has been my favorite since forever. their rhythm cards, the main lesson guides (we have the secret garden, norse mythology & the hobbit for this year) + their festival guides, and the dream planner are just some i use / plan on using. her art rocks, the prices rock, and i have a mama crush for sure. 
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i don’t want to overwhelm myself, nor anyone who reads this thing, so tomorrow i will post part 2 of my unschooling-waldorf inspired-mama must haves wishes and dreamy goods. for those who asked, my budget for the ak to school baskets (which again are all used for the lessons planned) i aim for $200 at the most. i like to buy handmade, local, and indie which of course affects the price a bit, but quality over quantity. i also totally and without shame copy some of the styles i see, and make my own materials (for instance oh! i like that rock sifter but it’s a LOT, lets see if i can DIY it) 
love and light 
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gacmediadaily · 2 months
Wade (Jack Schumacher) is a structured man. He has his days and life perfectly set out, day by day, and often hour by hour. His plan for proposing to his girlfriend Kayla (Mia Pollini) is all set and things couldn’t be better. Then everything gets changed.  Instead of both of their families spending the week together at the Waldorf, getting to know each other, they are going to be spending it at Maggie’s family’s farm in the country. Will Jack’s proposal still go off without a hitch? The Engagement Plan is still on, but a little different than originally planned. 
Jack and his father Dash (Judd Nelson) and mother Margot (Eva LaRue) are city folks. Jack has been groomed to join the family business which brings structure to their clients. Will they fit into the farm life out in the country?
Kayla’s folks are religious and rely on God’s guidance for everything in their lives. Mama Marilyn (Faith Ford) is kind and understanding however her husband Ed (Ted McGinley) is a little wary of Jack. He knows his daughter and simply wants to make sure she is taking the right path in her life. While her old boyfriend Cam (Eric Lutz) is working on the farm alongside Ed, things could get a little complicated. Actually, that’s putting it mildly. But as they allude to in the show, God will lead them in the right direction.
Jack’s first day on the farm, trying to impress Ed, is a doozy. His first step is right into a pile of poo, to put it mildly. Then being electrocuted by a fence doesn’t make the day any better. The best part, however, is calving a cow. That he manages to do to perfection without any help from anyone. This one act impresses Ed. And the icing on the cake is when Ed overhears a private conversation between Jack and Kayla. It’s then when he knows Jack is the right match for his daughter.
But that isn’t the end of the story. Don’t forget about Cam who still loves Kayla and wants her back. His involvement with the couple could derail everything. 
This is a fun comedy with charm as Jack faces many trials and tribulations on the way to proposing. The film is faith-based and the characters are endearing,  fun, and always looking out for one another. 
With Jack, Kayla’s family gets an education in structure, and with Kayla’s family Jack gets an education in life, nature, and just letting life happen naturally. Can he let go of his “plans” and give his life less rigidity? That’s the question. 
This is a “feel good” movie for the entire family. The perfect diamond, the perfect plan at the Waldorf, the perfect setting (for both the diamond and the location) might get bungled, but if the couple are meant to be together, they will find a way. 
The Engagement Plan has it’s Original World Premiere on Great American Pure Flix August 29, 2024 and on Great American Family on September 7, 2024. The movie was filmed on location in South Carolina, in all its splendor with its beautiful natural settings. The film is appropriate for all ages.
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mamabirdfinds-blog · 7 years
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aloe in an old tin made pretty · edible flowers
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weirdlandtv · 5 years
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Which Muppet, seen here harassing Statler and Waldorf, has appeared both as a hand puppet and as a full-bodied costume?
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