#walder frey actor
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horizon-verizon · 8 months ago
Emma called Daemyra grooming, which to me means they both don't understand what that actually means and they don't understand the relationship, so sorry GREAT actor but I don't listen to their thoughts on them :)
Anon talks abt this post.
i mean, I guess? Grooming, yes, needs time and much more psychological manipulation than what we see b/t older Daemon and 19 year old Rhaenyra. It requires much more than showing explicit sexual content the one time (bc these two).
Some might point out that he was also giving her gifts as young as 15, which I mean...eh. He wasn't trying to deceive her with that particular act/acts or had ulterior motives which again is what is required in grooming situations. Daemon with the necklace wasn't having some master plan to entrap her or use her. He was just giving a necklace. That moment was more charged with the knowledge that such a thing just wouldn't fly in our own world, so the observation of what's actually happening int this particular scene is put aside for the audience wanting to and applying an immediate boundary by claiming that he was grpoming bc he gave her gifts in this very 1st episode and has thus been grooming her ever since she was what, 7ish if you asked some of them?
At the same time, Daemon has done wrong/manipulated to Rhaenyra both in bk and show when she is older and in her teens when he comes back from the Stepstones--even if we can't solidify or define it was real grooming.
For me, their relationship is one big "grey area" than anything solid and that has the potential to swing dark to light often bc that's simply who they both are. And I don't really fault or resent people for having the impression and final stamp of grooming, since it's such an age gap and she's a teen when they first kiss. (I suspect in the bk they also kissed and that was when she was actually 15ish). *EDIT 11/4/24* AND Daemon was using heer against Viserys at her young age of 15. I just don't think he was out to prey on her exactly.
GRRM already does make it a point to show that 13 yr old Dany getting impregnated, 15 year old Viserrra engaged to a man who could be her father and dying trying to live her last moments as a girl, AND Daemon messing w/Rhaenyra then getting the boot are all obviously bad things about this system--thus a critique of said political environments, but it's still does not mean Larra Rogare, Viserys I, Daemon, and a few others were necessarily bonafide "pedos" like Robert Baratheon, Craster, Walder Frey, or Aegon II bc...
it takes more than the presence of a marriage between 15 yr old and a 23 yr old or a mere relationship of such to rule one of them as an actual hand-rubbing "groomer" (although this particular label on Daemon fits more back in 111...he definitely was using her against Viserys) or a "pedo", bc of how marriages are an arranged affair AND these teens aren't as considered "adults" in ASOIAF--It's not a part of their conscious OR they were forced/socially pressured to marry
The boundaries are looser; again GRRM does criticize that, but he doesn't try to break away from the consequences of that by only writing characters who are closer in age fall in love or become closer or get into sexual relationships.
Example: He still has Dany have the much older and adult Daario as a lover so she can pursue her first self-determined relationship at her 15/16 years of age...which canonically she uses to heal even as she has her doubts about Daario's feelings for her. Perhaps he could have gotten her with one of her khalasar instead, like Jhoqo, but Dany is also still very much a teenager still and Daario was exciting and persistent when she wanted to feel desired. Daario is fine prostrating himself but not totally being her soldier like Jhoqo. Eventually, their relationship will not pan bc Daario's interest in her is still wrapped up more in her being a queen and she herself has the higher goal of freeing slaves, getting back her throne, later the Others, etc.--this doesn't mean that Daario wasn't a critical person in a particular point in her life or that she didn't love him. And all this is consequential to the sort of world she lives in and her particular circumstances.
Such relationships of real history and Westeros just don't jive with what we know can come of them and present so many possible fallbacks and mostly on the younger, and people want to avoid prevent justifying such things to impressionable audiences. I think, though, that people tend to eschew any and all signs of Rhaenyra genuinely finding strength AS GRRM WROTE IT in Daemon and vice versa. And that we simply do not live in their world so people have to be a little smarter and maintain a degree of intellectual separation as they also assess what makes these characters tick/their environment's affects on them as the actual text suggests. Basically, Watsonian vs Doylist readings and to stop making as if what's happening in real modern life will always happen in text. Slow down.
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atopvisenyashill · 9 months ago
general thoughts
calling this episode baelor is kinda inspired actually.
if looks could kill, walder frey would have died when he threatened to turn them over to the lannisters omg there is pure hate in her eyes
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the actor for aemon does a good job wjth this scene. the “even the little children” and the way his face shakes when he says “you will live with it the rest of your days…as i have” devastating thanks
sansa looks so relieved when ned starts to confess because she thinks this means he’ll be spared and sent to the wall and live. she has no idea what’s coming. then, arya looking around in horror that the entire crowd is yelling for her father's death, because she has no idea how little the common people care about this sort of shit. they want a show, that's all. what is that man's death to them. nothing.
the scenes with osha and bran are always so good. they have such a great dynamic, every word she speaks to him is so soft, almost reverent. not a kneeler but she adores this little boy and she’ll play along with his silly little ways and lug him around and calm his nightmares, and pray to the gods that he doesn't have the gifts she suspects he does because she knows better than anyone else at Winterfell that his gifts are a burden.
it's a shame that isaac got so big so fast because i deserved more scenes of osha just carrying bran around on her hip omg.
i love that this bard can’t help but put his whole heart into those high notes even knowing that joffrey is insane and unstable. i also love that joffrey makes a crack about ilyn payne’s tongue when ordering the bard's tongue taken out. demented little shithead.
and he IS just a little shithead at the end of the day because his face falls when sansa refuses to react, and he’s so mad when she's able to bite back at him. he doesn't get the reaction he wants, and he throws a tantrum at her as a result.
anyways I'M FINISHED WITH SEASON 1 BABEEEEE. took me long enough lol. i think it's a solid season of tv but it has the exact same faults as hotd frequently has which is making the "narrators" men, and especially kings way too goddamn often. renly's story arc should have been from loras' pov. the argument with robert about aerys should have been barristan's pov. they do a great job showing us sansa and arya's povs regularly, but you can see the cracks starting to show already because catelyn, tyrion, and dany are vastly different from the jump and they cut out all the prophecy/fever dream stuff except when they have to include it like bran's dreams or the dragons. it SUCKS. it's a FANTASY SHOW WHY WOULD YOU CUT ALL THE FANTASY ELEMENTS. STOP GIVING FANTASY SHOWS TO PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIKE FANTASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
changes i noticed
okay now we are getting into what i feel is the first purposeful change - shae. well i suppose renly counts here too? whatever. anyways. she’s clearly older, closer to peter’s age, she doesn’t play act at being a sweet naive girl in love; she’s unimpressed, snarky, sultry, clearly hiding something. she unsettles tyrion right away because she’s so hard for him to pin down but that’s why he’s interested in her, because he finds her fascinating, challenging. of course in the end, the parts of her that he finds most interesting are why this would never work - shae is not a woman who can hold her tongue when she doesn’t approve of something and that’s a deadly trait for a lowborn mistress to have, so they were always going to have to leave KL if they wanted to be together BUT tyrion can never leave these people, not really, and as it goes on, he just gets more and more dug in - he’s gonna die here on this continent involved in these people’s lives and there is nothing she can offer him to sway him from this path.
i think i understand wanting to have more uncomplicated romances in the series to appeal to a general audience, but i do think you have to come around to saying something similar with that romance. i think the problem here is that by itself, tyrion being unable to listen to the woman he loves pleading with him to just Leave before it’s too late, and then it’s too fucking late, it maybe gets tyrion to roughly the same point as him being purposefully obtuse to how unhappy and unsafe shae feels with him in the books, but the thing is. that’s not how it goes lmao so we have this great set up where tyrion and shae are more equal in their relationship but their relationship ending is ultimately completely tyrion's fault and shae is simply trying to exist in the world after the man she loves abandons her, except they put that stupid little knife in her hand and had her testify against sansa. i am already mad. alsjdfk.
WHATEVER, i think the actress who plays shae is really good. kind of similar to jacob anderson in that she's putting this whole story together out of nothing and doing a great job, and doesn't always get the recognition she deserves.
i think emilia and iain have unfortunatley great chemistry. when she cups his cheek and goes "is that what you think will happen" before she walks into the fire. it's really good and clearly romantic and i hate that they made this change to jorah. i can't even think of him as jorah most of the time.
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years ago
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 182
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
“Dinosaurs on a Spaceship”
I honestly could not pick a better episode to watch at the half way point…I also can’t believe I’m (probably technically more than) half way done with this. I WILL put together a perfected calendar at the end of the year (because we know my watch has been FAR from perfect), but I would not recommend liveblogging all three series in one year to anyone. I cannot, in good conscience, do that. ANYWAY
Plot Description: The Doctor battles to save an unmanned spaceship and its impossible cargo of dinosaurs
Why is it almost always ONLY the women of history who have the hots for the Doctor? Why is it Queen Nefertiti and not Not-Detective-Lestrade-From-Sherlock-Because-I-Can’t-Remember-the-Character’s-OR-Actor’s-Name??
Obligatory “Britain has 12 actors” comment because I know just about every actor in this from somewhere else…2 of the big ones from this episode are from [fandom redacted]. Rory’s dad is precious though, and he just got SUPER ABDUCTED by the Doctor
Remember how I said I missed low budget Doctor Who like two days ago??? Yeah…I take it back for this episode specifically. I’m glad they spared no expenses on this one
My little kid, dinosaur-obsessed brain goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Jurassic Park still did dinos better
I love that dinosaurs FLYING the ship is absurd but labeling them as passengers, like they exchanged currency for tickets isn’t
Rory can’t catch a break. His dad being freaked out about their circumstances, The Doctor bitching about Brian being there in the first place, but somehow they manage to come together to (unintentionally) make Rory feel inadequate and small
Amy’s love of ancient history strikes again. I love her fangirling over Queen Nefertiti
This episode has EVERYTHING. Egyptian queens, sassy robots, and as the title clearly states dinosaurs on a spaceship
I forgot that it also has Silurians…or maybe HAD Silurians. I expect Silurian tragedy at the hands of [fandom redacted] actor #2/Not-Walder-Frey
That is also my reaction whenever I see a triceratops, Doc
“I’m a Sagittarius…..probably” the wayyyyy I was about to read him just based on that. But like…it WOULD make sense
There is something at least slightly attractive about the Doctor’s anger for people who have been egregiously wronged. When it’s quiet and simmering because this douchenozzle woke up and ejected all the Silurians from THEIR ARK on THEIR SEARCH for a new home
Brian is so unexpectedly useful on this trip
Queen Nefertiti can have little a fling with Not-Lestrade as a treat if she wants
I already loathed this man but now he’s gone and killed the last living triceratops in existence (as far as we can tell)
Ugh he’s so fucking gross. David Bradley is so good at playing absolutely WRETCHED men
Don’t do it Not-Greg!!!! Don’t also shoot the dinosaurs!!!
I love that she played Not-Walder like the chauvinistic idiot he is
Oh Brian, just sipping tea and eating a sandwich at the door to the TARDIS and seeing the whole Earth from there…and that inspiring him to go traveling. I love that for him
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roxweasleyj · 6 years ago
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Las amigas y primas de Molly, hacen una despedida de soltera inspirada en Juego de Tronos, donde cada una asume una papel de un personaje de la serie. La celebración se lleva a cabo en el castillo de Bollingbroke, en una de las estancias de sus ruinas, recreando el salón de Walder Frey en la Boda Roja
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Rol de @molly--weasleyii (Leer)
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Rol de @lucyweasleyw (Leer)
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Rol de @eider-parker (Leer)
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Rol de @margothaldrich  (Leer)
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Rol de @roseweasley-shpf  (Leer)
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Rol de @victoireweasleyuniverse  (Leer)
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Rol de @alhenadabney  (Leer)
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Rol de @roxweasleyj  (Leer)
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Rol de @all-my-secr3ts  (Leer)
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Rol de @claudiarwood (Leer)
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Rol de @hopejacksonworld  (Leer)
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Rol de @ariadnaevasen-thetraveller  (Leer)
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Rol de @lilupotterw  (Leer)
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Rol del Anfitrión de la fiesta, un actor que interpretaba a Walder Frey @vera-lynch (Leer)
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Rol del Boy de la fiesta, en el rol de Jon Snow @lucyweasleyw (Leer)
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eddtollett · 4 years ago
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niche collection of walder frey as pierce hawthorne memes
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magaprima · 5 years ago
Sometimes I feel that in the tumblr rp community doing smut is more important than character work. Every time I have a muse that someone else has but they do smut with any character no matter what their canons story is I get sidelined. Everyone just writes with the smut muse and I get ignored
Sorry to hear you’re feeling this way! And it’s very sweet that you feel you can message me bout this, so thanks. 
I’ve actually had this happen before, specifically when I was writing in the ASOIAF fandom. I wrote a book-canon Catelyn for like 5 years (eep) and she still exists low key on a multimuse, so in that time I saw a lot of other Catelyns come and go. And there was one that literally smutted with everyone. I mean they smutted with a Walder Frey and I was like ‘I’m sorry, what now?’ and then there was a smut with an Edmure and then literally nothing made sense. NOTH-ING. And lots of people became obsessed with this blog and my starter calls felt ignored in favour of it, and they promo’d that more and that can feel like you’re shouting into a void. A porny void. 
BUT, the ones who really want to write with you, who enjoy writing with you, who you enjoy writing with, who want stories and not just smut, will stick around. And smut based blogs have a limited time. The creator eventually gets as bored as the ones writing with them, and they create a different muse. Don’t get disheartened by a focus on another blog, if you’re still enjoying writing yours. The people who make your RP experience fun will always be there to write with you. 
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vlc-uk · 6 years ago
David John Bradley is an English actor from York, north England, an was born during world war 2. He is known for playing Argus Filch in the Harry Potter film series, Walder Frey in the fantasy series Game of Thrones, and Abraham Setrakian in the horror series The Strain. He is also an established stage actor with a career that includes a Laurence Olivier Award for his stage role in a production of Shakespears King Lear.
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Other acting credits include the BBC series Our Friends in the North, the ITV series Broadchurch (for which he won the best supporting actor award at the 2014 British Academy Television Awards), and the films Hot Fuzz, The World's End and Captain America: The First Avenger. As a teen in a film named Kes...
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In 2012, he played King Solomon in the episode of Doctor Who, and in 2013, he portrayed William Hartnell ~ the original actor to play Doctor Who in 1963. In 2018 - 2019, he played Gillenormand in the BBC tv miniseries Les Misérables.
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seventhwinterwolf · 3 years ago
How can you justify a 70-year-old marrying a 17-year-old? There's no way that would really happen and Ned Stark would never let his daughter marry Tywin Lannister.
Hey there,
You've skewed the ages of the characters quite a bit. In ASOIAF Tywin dies in 300AC and he was born in 242AC which makes him 58 years old at time of death. Since each season / book roughly correlates to a year that would make him 54 at the time of his first appearance in A Game of Thrones. I think you are confusing the age of the actor, Charles Dance, who is older than Tywin. Charles Dance is currently 75 in January 2022 so in 2011 he would have been 64, which is ten years older than Tywin actually is.
As for Rosalind, she will be 18 by the time of the marriage and more importantly - the culture of Westeros has the age of majority at sixteen. So an 18 year old young woman marrying a 54 year old man is not unspeakable. It is definitely not commonplace and can be regarded as distasteful as seen with Walder Frey (who is 92 in 300AC and has been taking new wives for decades).
Lysa Tully was married to Jon Arryn around the age of 15 while he was about 63. She was born in or between the years of 266AC to 268AC while he was in or between 218AC to 220AC and using the middle years for both to configure their ages at the time of the double marriage with Catelyn and Ned in 282AC gives their ages. The pairing was hastily done and primarily spurred on by the wartime alliance and Lord Arryn needing a fertile wife for his House’s future. 
In regards to House Stark and specifically Ned and Cat not allowing the marriage to take place... well that's all part of the narrative. This match would have never been dreamed of nor expected in any wildest situation. Why would Tywin want to remarry some young Northern lady, especially one of the daughters of the ruling lord whom he and him have grown animosity for in the last 14-17 years since Robert's Rebellion. Ned already dislikes the Lannister for Jaime killing the Mad King and for Tywin's men (on his orders or not) murdering Elia Martell and her two very young children.
I know I am slow to update but at least it's faster than The Winds of Winter getting released. There is a specific unexpected turn of events that leads Rosalind to coming into direct contact with Tywin Lannister. It happens in the official timeline before the end of season one / A Game of Thrones so we're getting there dear anon, we're getting there.
If you factor in the show based three year age up of main younger characters than Tywin would be 57, which still isn't as crazy as 90 year old Walder or 70 year old Tywin. Additionally, Sansa is 13/14 when she is married to Tyrion, who in the books is 13 years older than her and would thus be around 27.
I am glad that you find the match to be a poor pairing, it's suppose to be. This ain't nobody's dream and it's hard to believe Tywin would remarry after the genuine love he had for Joanna. There are some key reasons he has for doing this later on and it's all to do with furthering the legacy of House Lannister.
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dragonmartellstark · 4 years ago
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The couple had three children, but also a large number of grandchildren:
Loreza Hightower- she was Lady of Highgarden by marrying her cousin, Willas Tyrell. She was considered beautiful with long brown hair and bright eyes inherited from her paternal family. She is sweet and adventurous being a very pretended young woman, but her parents wanted a good marriage for her.
In 289 a. C., a marriage was negotiated between the heir of Highgarden, Willas Tyrell and Loreza, both were 15 years old when the agreement was signed and the girl undertook her journey to Altojardín where she was well received by her mother-in-law and aunt, Alerie Hightower and her mother-in-law, Olenna Redwyne. The wedding took place in 290 a. C., Willas treated his wife with respect whom he quickly fell in love with and Loreza loved him too.
Loreza gained the appreciation of her brothers-in-law, Garlan and Loras, but she had a tumultuous relationship with her sister-in-law Margaery, both had a certain rivalry and used to criticize each other. It wasn't until Margaery was engaged to Lord Jaime Lannister and had to leave for Casterly Rock, great news for Loreza that she only saw her sister-in-law on a few occasions.
In 310 a. C., her mother and her daughter, Jeyne, passed away, these deaths being a great blow to Loreza that she never recovered from the loss of her beloved mother and her little girl. In 311 a. C., her father-in-law Mace Tyrell and her father, Baelor Hightower, pass away, being another blow after the sudden death of her mother and daughter. Loreza and her husband become Lords of Highgarden. In the role of her as Mistress, she was an animal lover building some shelters, she also helped her husband with some problems in politics by achieving an alliance between the Tyrells and the Freys.
In the year 331 a. C., Willas Tyrell died after a hunting party and her death destroyed Loreza even more, plunging into a great depression for losing her parents, her husband and her young daughter, closing herself in herself. Two years later, Loreza, sick with tuberculosis, fearing for her life, and two months later, she died at the age of 59.
Willas Tyrell- He was Lord of Highgarden and Lord of the Domain at the death of his father, being considered a generous man and breeder of all kinds of animals.
He married Loreza Hightower, her maternal cousin, and he had a happy marriage with her, both of them very much in love with each other. Loreza was of great help to Willas with some alliances with other royal houses, among them the Freys.
Mace Tyrell passed away in 311 a. C., becoming Mace the new Dominion Lord. His lordship was called "kingdom of fauna" because of the breeding of hawks, horses and other animals that Willas and Loreza were raising. He also stood out for his commercial relations, reaching a peace with the Lannisters after the marriage of his sister, Margaery with Jaime Lannister.
In 331 a. C., after a hunting party with his sons, Willas' horse had a terrible fall and the man was left under the horse that broke several bones with the weight of him. He was rushed to his home where within hours he died from his injuries at 57 years of age and his wife, Loreza, would pass away just two years after he was buried together.
The couple had six children and only one would die in infancy:
Lady Alerie Tyrell, she was the second wife of Alyn Ambrose with whom she had three children. Five years later, she was widowed and married Lucas Tyrell, with whom she had two daughters.
Lord Lambelle Tyrell, was Lord of Highgarden after the death of his parents and also Counselor of the Edicts of King Rhaegar I Targaryen. He married Walda Frey "la Blanca" and they had two children.
Lord Donnel Tyrell was Lord Consort of the Blackcrown when he married Alysanne Bulwer and with her he had ten children, the first five of which bore the surname "Bulwer".
Olenna Tyrell, she was lady of the Arbor by marrying Horas Redwyne, her cousin whom she hated and they had no children. Olenna widowed in 319 a. C., and she married for the second time with the somewhat older Ronnet Connington being a better marriage and they had three children.
Elia Tyrell, was Septa of the Faith of the Seven in Antigua.
Jeyne Tyrell passed away in her childhood the same year as her grandmother, Elia Martell of her being buried alongside her in Oldtwon. 
Manfred Tyrell- He was Lord of the Oldtown after the death of his father. He was known as a Dornish-looking but very attractive young man, captivating many women who wished to marry his.
He married Desmera Redwyne in 299 a. C., both got along well even though there was no love between them, but Manfred always had his wife in mind for everything, being his great support both at work and in personal life. During her marriage she had a few lovers, but the most famous was Walda Frey "The Beauty" who was Walder Frey's great-granddaughter and she was with her for two years, but Walda was engaged to another man ending her romance.
Manfred kept in his protection some artists including painters, dancers, actors and writers achieving a cultural impact in the Domain. He was also known for his conflicts with the Faith over different religious issues such as the priests or the followers of the God R'hllor whom Manfred accepted into his court for a few years.
Manfred's life had a severe setback when in 320 a. C., her wife, Desmera Redwyne, died of an infection after cutting her hand with a hunting arrow. The death of her wife was (surprisingly) a severe blow to the Lord of the Lighthouse and he went so far as to tell Maester Normund Tyrell how much this death affected him, referring to her as "my sweet and brilliant Desmera." Thirteen years later, his older sister, Loreza, would die another hard blow for him.
Manfred Hightower would end up dying in 339 a. C., with 61 years of respiratory attacks in his bedroom. He was buried alongside his parents and his wife.
Desmera Redwyne- she was Lady of the Oldtown by marrying Manfred Hightower who was one of her distant cousins. The engagement was made in 297 a. C., and the wedding was celebrated two years later in Oldtown being a colorful ceremony. The couple liked each other from the first moment and had a great friendship, although they never became in love, but it is known that Manfred came to show affection to his wife.
Desmera did not get involved in the lordship of Oldtown only dedicating himself to gardening, sewing and her children who little by little were reaching the world. The lady of the Lighthouse was little known, but those closest to her describe her as charming, maternal and calm, even her husband described her as sweet and conciliatory being her shoulder to cry on.
Her life remained quiet until one day in 320 a. C., while she was in a hunting party with her husband and her children, Desmera was wounded with an arrow in her arm, bleeding a lot. The maesters looked for a way to help her by closing her wound, but her seams were badly done and she opened again bleeding more. In the end, Desmera Redwyne died that same year of a wound infection, at the age of 37. Her death was a severe blow to her children and to Manfred who did not remarry, keeping the memory of his wife and his best friend.
Desmera bore Manfred three healthy children:
Lord Garmond Hightower, was Lord of the Lighthouse, of the Port and defender of the Citadel at the death of his father. He married Janei Lannister three times, who gave him a daughter; He in second marriages with Jeyne Westerling without children and in third marriages with the widow Joyeuse Erenford with her he had two sons.
Lady Lily Hightower, married Martyn Lannister and with him she had a daughter, Rowena.
Lady Minisa Hightower, remained single, became elderly and was the caregiver of her nephews and great-nephews.
Addam Tyrell- she was the right hand of her older brother Manfred hers and a skilled banker managing to create her own bank, but it was sold after only three generations.
At first, he wanted to marry one of his cousins, Elinor or Alla Tyrell, but they were already engaged and his cousin Megga Tyrell remained, who was stout and unbearable singing, but he agreed to marry her because according to her uncle, Humfrey Hightower : "Fat women are more pleasant." The wedding took place in 300 a. C., being a bittersweet event and Megga tried to get the attention of her husband. On their wedding night, Addam admitted that he had enjoyed the company of his new wife and that he wanted to share a bed with her again soon.
Megga bore him a total of nine children and Addam especially loved her sons, while her wife loved her daughters more. Her favorite son was Galadon, to whom he inherited his bank and some jewels to his other children.
Addam watched his entire family die little by little starting with his mother and ending with his older brother, Manfred, to whom he was always attached. The deaths of her family were a severe blow, but she remained strong so as not to decay and perish. After the death of his parents, Addam visited his maternal relatives along with his family being united with his uncle Oberyn Martell who was very sorry for the death of his sister.
The visits were continuous, sometimes staying five months in Dorne. During one of these visits in 344 a. C., Addam did not realize that there was a rattlesnake in his bedroom and it bit his neck while he slept. The venom of the snake was lethal and Addam died in a matter of minutes, while they tried to save his life by dying at 60 years of age.
Megga Tyrell- she was Margaery Tyrell's companion when she traveled to Casterly Rock to marry Jaime Lannister. She shortly after she returned to the Highgarden where she married Addam Hightower.
Despite her robust appearance and less handsome than her other cousins, Addam Tyrell agreed to marry her because her other cousins ​​were engaged to marry in early 300 a. C., Megga became pregnant and gave birth to her first daughter, Lysa Tyrell.
The couple was very passionate enjoying both the bed and the flirtations, Megga continued to give him more children something that was well liked by her brother-in-law, Manfred Hightower to ensure the offspring of the Hightower House. Megga was not very motherly leaving her children in charge of wet nurses or nannies, but it is known that she had a soft spot for her daughters seeking good marriages or positions within the Targaryen court.
In 344 her husband Addam died after being bitten by a snake during a visit to Dorne. Megga became a wealthy widow and settled in a house near Highgarden where she spent her money on treats and gifts for her favorite grandchildren. Megga gained much more weight in those years and she could hardly get up being helped by her servants. One day in the year 364 a. C., Megga suffered several heart attacks that were getting stronger and stronger until her heart stopped, thus passing away that same year at 78 years of age.
The couple was very passionate and had nine children:
Lysa Hightower, was the wife of Ben Bushy to whom she bore a son, Baltasar Bushy.
Luthor Hightower, died during childhood of tuberculosis.
Galadon Hightower, was the second owner of Tower Bank inherited by his father. He married Talla Tarly and they had an only child.
Talisa Hightower, was a prostitute behind the back of her parents, but after being discovered she was forced to become a Septa.
Sarra Hightower, Septa of the Faith of the Seven in Antigua.
Melissa Hightower, married Victarion Greyjoy being his third wife and gave him four sons.
Mace Hightower, Maester, Astrologer, and Alchemist.
Alyssa Hightower, joined the Silent Sisters.
Victaria Hightower, married Edric Dayne and bore him four children.
Jonnel Hightower, died during adolescence after receiving a sword blow to the head.
La pareja tuvieron tres hijos, pero también una gran cantidad de nietos:
Loreza Hightower- Fue Señora de Altojardín al casarse con su primo, Willas Tyrell. Era considerada bella de largos cabellos castaños y ojos brillantes heredados de su familia paterna. Dulce y aventurera siendo una joven muy pretendida, pero sus padres querían un buen matrimonio para ella.
En 289 d. C., se negocio un matrimonio entre el heredero de Altojardín, Willas Tyrell y Loreza, ambos tenían 15 años de edad cuando se seño el acuerdo y la chica emprendió su viaje hacia Altojardín donde fue bien recibida por su suegra y tía, Alerie Hightower y la suegra de esta, Olenna Redwyne. La boda se celebro en 290 d. C., Willas trato con respeto a su esposa de la cual se enamoro rápidamente y Loreza también lo amo.
Loreza se gano el apreció de sus cuñados, Garlan y Loras, pero tuvo una relación tumultuosa con su cuñada Margaery, ambas tenían cierta rivalidad y solían criticarse. No fue hasta que Margaery fue comprometida con Lord Jaime Lannister y tuvo que partir a Roca Casterly, siendo una gran noticia para Loreza que solo veía a su cuñada en pocas ocasiones.
En 310 d. C., falleció su madre y su hija, Jeyne siendo estas muertes un gran golpe para Loreza que nunca se recupero de la perdida de su querida madre y su pequeñita. En 311 d. C., fallece su suegro Mace Tyrell y su padre, Baelor Hightower siendo otro duro golpe tras la repentina muerte de su madre e hija. Loreza  y su marido se convierten en Señores de Altojardín. En su papel como Señora fue una amante de los animales construyendo algunos refugios, también ayudo a su marido con algunos problemas en la política logrando una alianza entre los Tyrell y los Frey. 
En el año 331 d. C., falleció Willas Tyrell tras una partida de caza y su muerte destrozo aun mas a Loreza sumiéndose en una gran depresión por perder a sus padres, su marido y su hija pequeña, encerrándose en ella misma. Dos años después Loreza enfermo de tuberculosis temiéndose por su vida y dos meses después falleció a la edad de 59 años.
Willas Tyrell- Fue Señor de Altojardín y Señor del Dominio a la muerte de su padre, siendo considerado un hombre generoso y criador de todo tipo de animales.
Se caso con Loreza Hightower, su prima materna y con ella tuvo un matrimonio dichoso estando ambos muy enamorados el uno del otro. Loreza fue de gran ayuda para Willas con algunas alianzas con otras casas reales, entre ellas los Frey.
Mace Tyrell falleció en 311 d. C., convirtiéndose Mace en el nuevo Señor del Dominio. Su señorío fue llamo “reino de la fauna” por la crianza de halcones, caballos y otros animales que Willas y Loreza estuvieron criando. También se destaco por sus relaciones comerciales llegando una paz con los Lannister tras el casamiento de su hermana, Margaery con Jaime Lannister.
En 331 d. C., tras una partida de caza junto a sus hijos, el caballo de Willas tuvo una terrible caída y el hombre quedo abajo del caballo que le rompió varios huesos con su peso. Fue llevado rápidamente hasta su hogar donde en cuestión de horas falleció por sus heridas a los 57 años de edad y su esposa, Loreza fallecería solo dos años después que el siendo enterrados juntos.
La pareja tuvo seis hijos y solo uno fallecería durante la infancia:
Lady Alerie Tyrell, fue la segunda esposa de Alyn Ambrose con el cual tuvo tres hijos. Cinco años después enviuda y se casa con Lucas Tyrell con el cual tuvo dos hijas.
Lord Lambelle Tyrell, fue Señor de Altojardín tras la muerte de sus padres y también Consejero de los Edictos del rey Rhaegar I Targaryen. Se caso con Walda Frey “la Blanca” y tuvieron dos hijos.
Lord Donnel Tyrell fue Señor consorte de Corona Negra al casarse con Alysanne Bulwer y con ella tuvo diez hijos los cuales los cinco primeros portaron el apellido “Bulwer”.
Olenna Tyrell, fue Señora del Rejo al casarse con Horas Redwyne, su primo al cual odiaba y no tuvieron hijos. Olenna enviuda en 319 d. C., y se caso por segunda vez con el algo mayor Ronnet Connington siendo un mejor matrimonio y tuvieron tres hijos.
Elia Tyrell, fue Septa de la Fe de los Siete en Antigua.
Jeyne Tyrell falleció en la infancia el mismo año que su abuela, Elia Martell siendo enterrada junto a ella en Antigua.
Manfred Tyrell- Fue Señor del Faro tras la muerte de su padre. Era conocido como un joven de aspecto dorniense, pero muy atractivo cautivando a muchas mujeres que deseaban desposarse con el.
Se caso con Desmera Redwyne en 299 d. C., ambos se llevaron bien aun que no había amor entre ellos, pero Manfred siempre tuvo presente a su esposa para todo siendo su gran apoyo tanto en el trabajo como en la vida personal. Durante su matrimonio tuvo unas cuantas amantes, pero la mas famosa fue Walda Frey “La Bella” que era bisnieta de Walder Frey y con ella estuvo durante dos años, pero Walda fue comprometida con otro hombre acabando su romance.
Manfred mantuvo en su protección algunos artistas entre ellos pintores, bailarines, actores y escritores logrando un impacto cultural en el Dominio. También era conocido por sus conflictos con la Fe por distintos tema religiosos como los sacerdotes o los seguidores del Dios R'hllor a los cuales Manfred acepto en su corte por unos años.
La vida de Manfred tuvo un duro revés cuando en 320 d. C., falleció su esposa, Desmera Redwyne de una infección tras cortarse la mano con una flecha de caza. La muerte de su esposa fue (sorprendentemente) un duro golpe para el Señor del Faro y llego a decirle al maestre Normund Tyrell lo mucho que le afecto esta muerte refiriéndose a ella como “mi dulce y brillante Desmera”. Tan trece años después fallecería su hermana mayor, Loreza otro duro golpe para el.
Manfred Hightower acabaría falleciendo en 339 d. C., con 61 años de ataques respiratorios en su dormitorio. Fue enterrado junto a sus padres y su esposa.
Desmera Redwyne- Fue Señora del Faro al casarse con Manfred Hightower que era uno de sus primos lejanos. El compromiso se realizo en 297 d. C., y la boda se celebro dos años después en Antigua siendo una ceremonia colorida. La pareja se agrado desde el primer momento y tuvieron una gran amistad, aun que nunca llegaron a estar enamorados, pero se sabe que Manfred llegaba a darle muestras de cariño a su esposa.
Desmera no se involucro en el señorío de Antigua solo dedicándose a la jardinería, a la costura y a sus hijos que poco a poco iban llegando al mundo. La señora del Faro era poco conocida, pero sus mas cercanos la describen como encantadora, maternal y tranquila, incluso su marido la describió como dulce y conciliadora siendo su hombro en el que llorar.
Su vida siguió siendo tranquila hasta que un día del 320 d. C., mientras estaba en una partida de caza junto a su marido e hijos, Desmera fue herida con una flecha en su brazo sangrando mucho. Los maestres buscaron una forma de ayudarla cerrando la herida, pero las costuras fueron mal hechas y volvió abrirse sangrando mas. Al final Desmera Redwyne acabo muriendo ese mismo año de una infección por la herida, a los 37 años de edad. Su muerte fue un duro golpe para sus hijos y para Manfred que no se volvió a casar, manteniendo el recuerdo de su esposa y su mejor amiga.
Desmera le dio tres hijos sanos a Manfred:
Lord Garmond Hightower, fue Señor del Faro, del Puerto y defensor de la Ciudadela a la muerte de su padre. Se caso en tres ocasiones con Janei Lannister que le dio una hija; En segundas nupcias con Jeyne Westerling sin hijos y en terceras nupcias con la viuda Joyeuse Erenford con ella tuvo dos hijos varones.
Lady Lily Hightower, se caso con Martyn Lannister y con el tuvo una hija, Rowena.
Lady Minisa Hightower, permaneció soltera, llego a anciana y fue la cuidadora de sus sobrinos y sobrinos nietos.
Addam Tyrell- Fue la mano derecha de su hermano mayor Manfred y un experto banquero logrando crear su propio banco, pero este fue vendido tras solo tres generaciones.
En un principio quería casarse con una de sus primas, Elinor o Alla Tyrell, pero estas ya estaban comprometidas y quedaba su prima Megga Tyrell, que era corpulenta y de canto insoportable, pero accedió a casarse con ella por que según su tío, Humfrey Hightower: “Las gordas son mas placenteras”. La boda se celebro en 300 d. C., siendo un acontecimiento agridulce y Megga trataba de llamar la atención de su marido. En la noche de bodas Addam admitió que había disfrutado de la compañía de nueva esposa y que deseaba volver a compartir la cama con ella pronto.
Megga le dio un total de nueve hijos y Addam quiso especialmente a sus hijos, mientras que su esposa quiso mas a sus hijas. Su hijo favorito fue Galadon al cual le heredero su banco y a sus otros hijos algunas joyas.
Addam vio a toda su familia morir poco a poco empezando con su madre y finalizando con su hermano mayor, Manfred al cual siempre estuvo unido. Las muertes de su familia fueron un duro golpe, pero se mantuvo fuerte para no decaer y fallecer. Tras la muerte de sus padres, Addam visitaba a sus familiares maternos junto a su familia estando unido a su tío Oberyn Martell el cual estaba muy apenado por la muerte de su hermana. 
Las visitas fueron continuas permaneciendo a veces cinco meses en Dorne. Durante una de estas visitas en 344 d. C., Addam no se percato de que había una serpiente de cascabel en su alcoba y esta le mordió el cuello mientras dormía. El veneno de la serpiente fue letal y Addam falleció en cuestión de minutos, mientras le trataban de salvar la vida falleciendo con 60 años de edad.
Megga Tyrell- Fue dama de compañía de Margaery Tyrell cuando esta viajo a la Roca Casterly para casarse con Jaime Lannister. Poco después volvió a la Altojardín donde se caso con Addam Hightower.
Pesé a su aspecto robusto y menos agraciado que el de sus otras primas, Addam Tyrell accedió a casarse con ella por que sus otras primas estaban prometidas casándose a principios del 300 d. C.. La noche de bodas fue un éxito y Addam admitió que le gusto compartir el lecho con Megga. Durante la noche de bodas, Megga se quedo embarazada y dio a luz a su primera hija, Lysa Tyrell. 
La pareja fue muy apasionada disfrutando ambos la cama y los coqueteos, Megga siguió dándole mas hijos algo que era bien visto por su cuñado, Manfred Hightower para asegurar la descendencia de la Casa Hightower. Megga no fue muy maternal dejando a sus hijos a cargo de las nodrizas o niñeras, pero se sabe que tenía debilidad por sus hijas buscándoles buenos matrimonios o puestos dentro de la corte Targaryen.
En 344 falleció su esposo Addam tras ser mordido por una serpiente durante una visita hacia Dorne. Megga se convirtió en una viuda rica y se instalo en una casa cerca de Altojardín donde gastaba su dinero en caprichos y regalos para sus nietos favoritos. Megga engordo mucho mas en esos años y a penas podía levantarse siendo ayudada por sus criados. Un día del año 364 d. C., Megga sufrió varios ataques en el corazón que cada vez eran mas fuerte hasta que su corazón se detuvo falleciendo así ese mismo año con 78 años de edad.
La pareja fue muy apasionada y llegaron a tener nueve hijos:
Lysa Hightower, fue la esposa de Ben Bushy al cual le dio un hijo, Baltasar Bushy.
Luthor Hightower, falleció durante la infancia de tuberculosis.
Galadon Hightower, fue el segundo dueño del Banco Tower heredado por su padre. Se caso con Talla Tarly y tuvieron un unico hijo.
Talisa Hightower, fue una meretriz a espaldas de sus padres, pero tras ser descubierta fue obligada a convertirse en Septa.
Sarra Hightower, septa de la Fe de los Siete en Antigua.
Melissa Hightower, se caso con Victarion Greyjoy siendo su tercera esposa y le dio cuatro hijos varones.
Mace Hightower, maestre, astrologo y alquimista.
Alyssa Hightower, se unió a las Hermanas Silenciosas.
Victaria Hightower, se caso con Edric Dayne y le dio cuatro hijos.
Jonnel Hightower, falleció durante la adolescencia tras recibir un golpe de espada en la cabeza.
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duchess-of-oldtown · 3 years ago
I think Game of Thrones doesn't get enough credit when it comes to their casting team, because they were absolutely brilliant in most of their choices. Even the ones who didn't particulary looked like their book counterparts (like Michelle Fairley as Catelyn) acted the part so perfectly that the lack of physical ressemblance was the least thing on my mind when i was watching. Likewise, some of the actors and actresses of the show deserved more credit, especially the villains - Jack Gleason as Joffrey, Aidan Gillen as Baelish, David Bradley as Walder Frey and so many others outstanding performances. Is a shame the the quality of the writing wasn't on par with the acting.
The quality of the acting is so important to the shows success and it doesn't get applauded enough. Peter Dinklage's deliverance of the speech from the Laws of Gods and Men is simply one of the greatest performances in television history. Even the actors of minor characters such as Benjen or Old Nan, understood the fucking assignment.
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Ashildr meeting the First Doctor
Ashildr: *murmurs* do you like pie?
1st Doctor: what?
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michelina8f0q873 · 6 years ago
walder frey game of thrones David Bradley actor actress photo Movie Actor
walder frey game of thrones David Bradley actor actress photo Movie Actor
walder frey game of thrones
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About walder frey game of thrones:
English performing artist who was acquainted with American crowds through his job as Argus Filch in the Harry Potter film establishment. His theater execution in King Lear earned him a Laurence Olivier Award.
Prior to Fame
He was an honor winning theater on-screen character during the 1980s before making the hop to TV and film.
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amuelia · 4 years ago
I'm not sure if you've ever mentioned anything about this but how do you feel about show Roose? I was really sad to see his character get cut so much but I really like his voice,,,,it's a good Roose voice ( also it's CRIMINAL how they took away the Bolton's pink like they don't even wear anything but black in the show 😭😭 ) (( also also I absolutely love your art YOU MAKE SO MUCH GOOD ART OF UNDER APPRECIATED CHARACTERS ITS SO GOOD TO SEE ��😭♥️♥️ ))
I think the actor is very handsome and talented! I like reading his Interviews, he seems very intelligent and you can see the thought he put into his character and his scenes. He did a great job with the material he was given, and i think it’s very understandable and professional that he read the first books but then decided to focus his portrayal on the show scripts, because the way they wrote him was too different.
Did you read the books before you started filming? I read the books before I started. Well, I read two of the books, and then I stopped actually. Because the character in the books is very, very different to the character in the show. The core differences were he spoke with a whisper. He never raised his voice. He had no emotion on his face. I remember there's a [line] that joy and laughter were very similar. So you couldn't play that. It's fine if it was the Roose Bolton show, you could do something like that. The character was not written like that at all. So it kind of did me a disservice reading the books. So I put them aside and just concentrated on the character in the scripts. - Michael McElhatton, IGN interview
But also, in the end, what he mentions about the difference is part of why, as a book stan, the show version doesn’t interest me that much; it’s not even about him specifically, but just a general thing all the show characters share. Just like most other characters they adapted, they completely suck the fun out of the character grrm wrote - no leeches, no icy eyes or pale face, no pink house sigil; ending up with a character that pretty much looks and acts like every other dude. I don’t need Roose to look like Dracula (as much as i love it, the long dark hair for example is not book canon, since his hair is never described), but he should be memorable! Instead, i often hear that people new to the show don’t remember his s2 scenes, or mix him up with other regular looking dudes like Stannis, or otherwise don’t remember him. One of grrm’s biggest strengths is how with just a few traits he makes every character memorable and distiguishable; think about any random character and youll probbaly remember at least one “special trait” that sets their appearance or personality apart from the rest. The show completely falls flat in this regard, ironically making it so that the books make better use of the “visual medium” than the show does.
Apart from that, visually the actor is ok; Considering a Dance with Dragons came out at a similar time as the first season and the casting process takes a while, I don’t blame them for leaving out some details of his character descriptions (for example his “ageless” appearance or the small close-set eyes are only mentioned in aDwD). His height (175cm, influenced my hc for the book version) and body type are close to the book, though i wish they’d left him clean-shaven like in s2 for the entire show. He has a bit of a long face which fits with the book’s northmen. He’s no Supermodel but i heard him called handsome frequently, so idk if that fits with the book description “not handsome but not quite plain”; i love interesting faces more than conventionally attractive ones so i can’t really judge objectively. Voice is imo too deep (imdb also calls it “commanding”), i imagine him having more of a mid range voice; and the actor also just talks normally instead of being notably whispery/quiet.
In terms of characterization, as the actor hints at, I do not think they are written very similarly. Roose in the books is a character who is ruled by an underlying fear/anxiety that drives him to, at all times, ensure his own safety and health (I elaborate on this more in this meta); The show version the way i remember it does not show this a lot. He doesn’t have the leeching scene and if he has scenes about being obsessed with health they werent prominent enough for me to remember (maybe the Jaime scene included some book dialogue?). He is serious, but he does not act emotionless to hide his feelings (Though the show scene where he says he doesn’t drink was a nice touch; it is not completely congruent with book canon, but brings across the same idea that he wants to be in control of a situation and his feelings).
For a bigger example: Show!Roose’s characterization in the Red Wedding episode shows him acting very confident and in a great mood, bantering with Cat, and staying in the room the entire time while wearing chainmail; while in the books he barely eats and doesn’t talk to Cat, is shown exchanging threatening glances with Walder, and leaves early to ensure his own safety only to return fully decked out in armor to give Robb the final blow. In the books, imo, you can see that he is stressed out by the situation; because while he planned it very thoroughly with Lothar Frey, it is still a great risk for such a cautious man to take, and he needs to trust that Walder doesn’t backstab him.
Bolton had made a toast to Lord Walder's grandsons when the wedding feast began, pointedly mentioning that Walder and Walder were in the care of his bastard son. From the way the old man had squinted at him, his mouth sucking at the air, Catelyn knew he had heard the unspoken threat.  
They are not necessarily great story-changing differences, but to me still paint a different picture of his character. People always say “oh a character doesnt need to look exactly like the descriptions as long as the actor works for the story, oh you dont need to adapt every little character detail as long as the story is intact”, but do this too much and somewhere along the way you lose what makes the character themselves. The small details and human traits are what makes me love a character, so if those are missing i end up not seeing them as a an adaptation of the same guy, even if the plot is similar. I do think there are scenes in the show where you can see the scriptwriter read the books and put in some of the book characterization, but the general direction of the character is still different.
I also loathe the s2 change that had Arya as Tywin’s cupbearer; it removes one (/two) of Roose’ best chapters and also the one that establishes a lot of his character traits and Red Wedding foreshadowing. The Tywin-Arya scenes are everything wrong with the show; changing scenes arbitrarily to prop up fan-favourite characters (later culminating in stuff the s7 wight hunt), bad “feminism” (like Arya saying “most girls are idiots”), having characters act OOC to be more “likable” or “sympathetic” (like that weird “fatherly” way Tywin acts towards Arya), ignoring how people in that time period and universe act (as if a man like Tywin would even glance at a servant), etc etc... here is a great post on that scene by @turtle-paced.
As far as the post-s3 scenes go I’m not a fan (though i did not rewatch those a lot, so feel free to remind me if i forgot something). i don’t like that they made Ramsay the main character of the plot, with Roose merely as a supporting role side character; the books give Roose a great arc starting in aDwD that imo is needed as a continuation of the Red Wedding plot. They pretty much cut out the Winterfell aDwD story (one of my fave storylines in asoiaf) entirely and replaced it with forgettable scenes. Replacing Jeyne with Sansa not only makes no sense for Littlefinger but also for Roose, since that makes him antagonize the Iron Throne. His death scene was so bad that it makes me hopeful he will have a bigger story in the books, and that they just culled him because they wanted to thin out plots like they did with Mance, Barristan, and Stannis.
Though in the end, while i don’t like the show’s writing and visual direction, i do still thank them for making the Boltons such prominent characters; They seem to have gained a lot of fans through the show, and are regarded as very important characters (i even see them in some “great houses” gifsets). They are of course also important in the books, but not as prominent/central as for example Ramsay was in s6. So even if they are adapted badly (Show Ramsay is especially bad), if they make people interested in their book counterparts, it’s still some sort of a win in my book.
(Also, thank you so much!! Glad you enjoy my art ❤️❤️)
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Sansa Stark, still under the guise of Alayne Stone, must relocate once again, this time to the mighty castle of House Tyrell. With all other Tyrells still gone, it is supposed to be the safest place for her to hide, even if that means sharing a roof with the man she was supposed to marry once upon a time: Willas Tyrell.
‘Many nobles of the Reach were too young to fight or marry around the time of Robert’s Rebellion, but are older than the children of the other great houses, making political alliances or marriages outside the Reach quite difficult. Many nobles waited while their children grew, hoping other nobles would soon marry and produce offspring. But only Walder Frey had a large amount of children of the right age… but well… Who wants to be married to one of the Freys?’ Leona smiled.
‘In the end, all local lords and ladies decided it was good for the internal stability of the region if there were a lot of marriages.
‘The only one who’s really playing a waiting game right now is…’ Amaryllis bit her lip.
Almost all Tyrell children had been accounted, and with one of the two remaining men in the Kingsguard, that left only…
A clash from upstairs interrupted Amaryllis’ speech. Alayne startled, looking at the ceiling in fright.
She could hear a loud stumbling, followed by what sounded like the screeching of some kind of bird.
‘Willas Tyrell’, Ella said.
‘Bad news I guess’, Leona sighed.
‘Not again’, Amaryllis pouted.
Alayne was confused.
‘Lord Willas’, Leona shrugged, deeming that no further explanation was needed. She seemed to regard his existence and personality as a universally understood fact, with which everybody must be acquainted by instinct.
This was Alayne’s first encounter with what she would come to know as the ghost of Highgarden.
Bastards and Broken Things
pictures are all made by me, except for the actor, that’s what I imagine Willas to look like (but in better clothes).
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captain-grammar · 4 years ago
I love watching old episodes of Midsomer Murders. You never know which British actors you'll stumble across. In today's re-run, for example, I've just witnessed Geralt of Rivia roughing up Walder Frey though my personal favourite will always be Legolas meeting his demise at the business end of a pitchfork.
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goodqueenaly · 5 years ago
Doesn't Queen Alysanne's Widow's Law mean that children from a second wife cannot inherit over children from the first wife? Wouldn't that make Rhaenyra the rightful heir by law, considering Aegon II was born from Viserys I's second wife? Or does Andal law say that the firstborn son is the rightful heir regardless of what wife he was born from?
For reference:
To rectify these ills, King Jaehaerys in 52 AC promulgated the Widow’s Law, reaffirming the right of the eldest son (or eldest daughter, where there was no son) to inherit, but requiring said heirs to maintain surviving widows in the same condition they had enjoyed before their husband’s death. A lord’s widow, be she a second, third, or later wife, could no longer be driven from his castle, nor deprived of her servants, clothing, and income. The same law, however, also forbade men from disinheriting their children by a first wife in order to bestow their lands, seat, or property upon a later wife or her own children
Now there are a few important things about this particular passage. One, no mention is made as to how the Widow’s Law, and specifically the second part of the Widow’s Law, works with Andal and First Men succession traditions. Both First Men and Andals stick to a male-preference primogeniture, passing lands and titles from fathers to sons and then allowing daughters to succeed ahead of uncles. The first sentence mentions the rights of an eldest daughter “where there was no son”, which certainly suggests an acceptance of male-preference succession, but otherwise the question is left ambiguous. Is it the case in Westerosi legal precedent that a trueborn son born of a second marriage has fewer inheritance rights than if he had been born of a first marriage? Maybe, through a strict reading of this law; the fact is that we never see the law actually applied to a question of succession (more on that in a second). 
Second, it is very unclear from this passage how this law would apply to the rights of lords to choose their own heirs. While the usual succession tradition of Westeros follows the male-preference primogeniture already mentioned, there does appear to be a right for a ruling lord (or, presumably, a ruling lady) to choose his own heir outside this tradition; Lord Wyman Webber’s will dictated that Coldmoat be transferred to cousin Wendell if Rohanne failed to wed within two years, Walder Frey joked about naming his future child by Joyeuse heir to the Twins, and Leobald Tallhart angled for his son Beren to be named heir to the Hornwood by Lady Donella. Indeed, the right of a king to name his own heir was what led Jaehaerys to designate Baelon as his successor, over the primogeniture-favored Rhaenys, and Rhaenyra based her own claim to the throne on the fact that she had been designated heir by her own father (and much later, Aerys II would designate his second son, Viserys, as heir ahead of his grandson, Aegon). Under this law, could a lord name a child from a second (or, in the case of Walder Frey, eighth) marriage his heir, or would that be seen to disinherit the children of a previous marriage? In other words, if this law would be seen to apply to the Dance, was Viserys’ power to name an heir merely illusory, since he had had only one surviving child of his first marriage?
Third, and perhaps most importantly, this law does not come up at all during the Dance of the Dragons, so far as Gyldayn (and Yandel, though obviously there are Doylist reasons for that exclusion in particular) tells it. Despite the fact that the scenario presented in the second part of the Widow’s Law seems to mirror, at least very basically, the facts of the Dance - a child by a first marriage asserting her right to succeed her father ahead of a child by a second marriage - neither the blacks nor the greens bring it up, either to bolster their legal position or to distinguish the Dance from that scenario. Gyldayn does not even hint at its applicability toward this civil war on his own (since none of the historical actors do), and we’re merely left to question what if any application the Widow’s Law had to the Dance. Is this part of Gyldayn’s quiet support of Aegon II, which he seems to demonstrate? Was it that the blacks did not appear to delve too much into legal arguments to support Rhaenyra’s claim? Or did GRRM simply forget that he had written it (especially as the Dance portions of F&B were more embellished than newly written, while the Jaehaerys portions were almost completely new)? Any or none of these could be an explanation, but the fact is that if neither the actors in the moment nor the historical commentator mention the Widow’s Law in the context of the Dance, we’re limited in how much we can do with it.
I don’t know that this was exactly what GRRM was thinking, but I suspect that the Widow’s Law - especially in how much it mirrors the facts of the Dance -  was partially inspired by a moment in book four of The Accursed Kings, La Loi des mâles. Louis X having died, and the baby thought to be his posthumous son Jean II having been poisoned, Philip, second son of Philip IV, is looking for legal arguments to support his taking the throne ahead of his niece, Louis X’s daughter Jeanne. Maurice Druon writes this:
Finally the councillors to Parliament, spurred on by Messire de Noyers, exhumed, though without much belief in it, the ancient code of the customs of the Salian Franks, before the conversion of Clovis to Christianity. This code contained nothing concerning the transmission of the royal powers. It was a fairly rough system of civil and criminal jurisprudence, and almost incomprehensible moreover, since it was over eight centuries old. A brief paragraph laid it down that the inheritance of land must be by equal division among the male heirs. That was all.
No more was necessary for certain doctors of secular law to construct a thesis and support the doctrine for which they were being paid. The Crown of France could go only to males, because the Crown implied the possession of land. And the best proof that the Salian Code had been applied since the beginning was clearly to be found in the fact that only men had indeed succeeded to it. Thus Jeanne of Navarre could be eliminated without the unprovable accusation of bastardy being even brought forward.
Again, I can’t prove this (although lord knows enough else, and bad, in F&B was inspired by The Accursed Kings), but maybe this was what inspired GRRM to add this legal note in F&B. Maybe he was trying to suggest that basing Rhaenyra’s claim in the Widow’s Law was something like Philip V basing his claim to the crown of France on this so-called Salic Law. Both laws (that is, GRRM’s fictional law and Druon’s novel’s depiction of the Salian Frankish civil code) concern the transference of land and property, rather than royal or even lordly titles and powers. In both cases, proponents could (and did, for Philip V) make the argument that royal authority was naturally implied by the language of the law, though whether those arguments should really have carried the day are, for both, left up to the interpretation of the reader. 
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