#wakfu meta
tetitous · 4 months
Everyone, I have done it.
So, the post about Yugo and queerness in Wakfu is a 3 parter due to my use and abuse of pictures. You'll be able to enjoy part 2 here, and dw I'll add one at the bottom too
First, I would like to preface this by saying that, while I do believe they didn’t create or write Yugo with the idea making him queer in mind, I do not think the creators made things unintentionally either. What I think they actually wanted to do with Yugo, was to have a character that felt as gender neutral as possible, in order to make him relatable to the show's originally young audience, without alienating girls or boys. A character not leaning too much one way or the other.
But as such Yugo is a character that can be read within a queer lens without that much of an effort. I know a lot of people on this site hc him as on the aro and/or ace spectrum, some degree of nonbinary and in my specific case as genderfluid bi/pan, and I'm even considering possibly intersex.
Wakfu also happens to be the kind of show that, whether intentionally or not, just finds itself to have a ton and a half of queerness in it: from simple implications to actually out queer characters, the world depicted in the show is a diverse one, in that sense and more.
That’s why I genuinely think that it's not just random readings that come from fandom's typical queering goggles, I think there are elements in the show that do help these readings, precise elements as well as elements that need a little more digging.
So here's what this post aims to do: to find those elements and compile them in as clear a way as possible. Please do take into account that I am very easily prone to reaching so if you don't see it, that's totally fine, and I may end up structuring things in very chaotic ways, but I am doing my best.
I decided to separate my writing between the gender elements and the sexuality elements, with a listing format. One element, one dash. Since I am french and don’t know much about the english translation, I’ll be illustrating everything using screenshots as reminders, and will be adding some small notes and quotes translated by myself when needed. Well then, let's get started!
The gender category, or as I'd like to call it "this could have been an email- but make it about a trans character":
Yugo's name: first, this one is 100% due to a fic I read that made me reflect on a very interesting fact: in s1ep1, when Alibert finds Grougal's message, Yugo's name is never mentioned.
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During that scene, he’s only called “this child” and “that small one”
What that means, given that Yugo's name has been "Yugo" since previous lives, is that either Alibert somehow picked the right name on first try, or, more logically, that he didn't. That Yugo got called another name for some years, until he got old enough to correct them.
And you would think the argument stops there, but in s2ep12, a character gets openly deadnamed and mocked for it by literally everyone, saying "his real name is…". There is one exception to this,
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Yugo, who never mocks him and says "It’s not because your parents named you… ", which is a very interesting nuance in phrasing. It implies that, while to others the name their parents chose is a "real" name, an immovable fact of life, to Yugo it is a choice made by others for them, that can be wrong, that can be changed.
Yugo's relationship with femininity (and masculinity): Have you ever noticed that the Brotherhood of the Tofu very frequently separate themselves with gendered terms? You’ll often hear Tristepin and Ruel call Amalia and Eva “the girls” and Eva and Amalia call them plus Yugo “the boys”. Prior to the OVAs Yugo only does so in one episode, s2ep21, the one episode where he's magically seduced into being aggressive towards "the girls".
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“You are so strong and smart, right guys?”
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“If you aren’t happy you can go with the girls!”
Prior to this, Yugo never really plays into gender roles, and after it will be mainly due to his aging process, which we will discuss.
Yugo seems to treat socially gendered activities as if they weren’t, I believe it is also noticeable with his relationship to heroism, though that one can only be inferred in contrast to Tristepin's former very strict hero/princess binary viewpoint.
(Here I would have put an exception about the OVA and him admitting he always wanted to save a princess, but given that in the most recent manga the term is used as a pet name for him I guess I’ll let that one slide)
During s1ep4, Yugo crossdresses and not only is he comfortable with that fact, not only is he the one who came up with the idea (although Amalia gave him an unconscious push), he is thriving in it.
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Look at the joy on his face upon putting a bow on.
I feel the need to remind everyone Yugo is 12 during s1, an age at which young boys are definitely aware of a gender divide and typically reject girly stuff like the pest.
Back to the Boufbowl episode once more, in s1ep10, you may have noticed Ruel calling being a cheerleader “being the girls”, and while Yugo may be on the bench as a substitute, he does participate in cheerleading right in the next episode.
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Two three very motivated children and their unconvinced chaperone.
Actually he is the only character in the Brotherhood of the Tofu to be a cheerleader during both Boufbowl arcs.
His outfits are also not strongly gendered, especially compared to Tristepin's chest-out s2 design or Eva and Amalia's early short skirts, his most gendered character design might be his adult-form one, and even then, when compared to Nora's, you’ll notice Yugo is only ever wearing the same thing as her with added details (royal details?) and his own color palette. My take is he’s actually meant to look like the Eliatrope goddess, with his cape reproducing her hair.
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S4 teaser Yugo because we don’t have a clean pic of his s4 design, and I did my best for Nora.
Yugo's aging process as a metaphor for transness: as we all know, from the OVAs until the last quarter of s4, Yugo is a young adult trapped within a child's body. He gets mocked and infantilized on the regular, his status as king belittled. The only thing that he maintains some form of respect for is his status as a hero. And you can tell it is weighing him down. For one, this body is an obstacle to his relationship with Amalia, not just due to the eyes of others,
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"I grow slowly whereas she, she became a queen, a woman...", with the implication "and I'm not a man” or “I don't pass as one"
but also due to his own degrading self-perception.
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“Let’s see who’s small!”
(notice how easily he gets tickled by a simple comment on his size, how the mere notion of his body being revealed becomes reason enough for violence in s3ep7).
Yugo gets angry and violent, a lot, and more than is typically expected of him.
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“I tried thinking like Yugo, I’m sure he would have preferred this to the hit-you-in-the-face method.”
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“Dear little brother, I don’t know what happened to you these last few years, but I don’t recognize you anymore!”
A result of trauma, sure, but if you're like me you may have noticed how turning into an adult made him feel very… relaxed, suddenly. In a way that can be compared to the disappearance of symptoms of body dysphoria with people who go through a process of gender-affirming transition.
As an aside, his s3 design really makes him look like he's wearing a binder, in addition to the turtleneck that would hide the absence of an Adam's apple, the look is very transmasc.
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That one particular art of him is what really marked me, because of the slight shade under the chest. Doesn’t mean it is a binder, just means it could look like one.
Yugo's Eliatrope hat as a metaphor: There may not seem like there is much to say, but the fact is that this hat was very mysterious for a very long time. If you were part of the fandom before the s2 finale you may have been theorizing on a forum about what was going on behind that hat (I was on the "a second pair of ears but these are shaped like cat ears" team, but still slightly unconvinced), and you knew that there wasn't anyone more curious about this than Nox.
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“We may finally get to find out what you hide under your hat.
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-Even my friends never forced me to tell them!”
was a very iconic line, one that definitely could remind people of the infamous "what's in your pants" question.
Well the Brotherhood was curious as well, but mostly respectful and patient with their friend.
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It was clear that there was discomfort with that part of him that he refused to reveal, so much so that he probably never washed with any of his friends. When they would hang around for days, when the girls wouldn't care between each other (and neither would Eva and Pinpin between each other, wink wink), when they would all sleep together, Yugo probably would still never take it off in front of them.
Overall my point is just that inthe rare times the hat gets discussed, it just doesn't sound cis.
the Eliotropes: they're coming back in the sexuality section, dw.
But, as Yugo himself says, they are "versions" of himself. The interesting question now is "in which way?" Since they are not "past versions" of him, and since they seem to "inherit" some of his personality/physical traits, I do believe them to be an expression of his own fragmented sense of self. Some of them may be men, as a reflection of his own perception of himself as one, but then some may be women for that same reason, and well some are women, some even are canonically enby.
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Character on the far left is enby and character on the far right is a woman. Obviously Echo is not an Eliotrope.
One could even go as far as considering these traits can physically express themselves only because Yugo's anatomy reflects them, and in that case we can go into not just a gender reading, but into an intersex one. Pushing further into it, Yugo, being their creator, effectively gave birth to them, and as such they call him father, but the act of giving birth itself is typically associated with the feminine, sowe could argue that Yugo’s position is both one of father and of mother.
Of course they also have physical and mental aspects that are separate from Yugo, like none of the ones we met are the same sandy blonde as Yugo is for example, but the ambiguity of the existence of the Eliotropes is and will always be a matter of "where does Yugo end and where do they begin?".
A little question mark for the road: In OVA2, as a joke, Rubilax “reveals” that Tristepin was actually a woman all along. This is a sample of everyone’s reaction:
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1st, Amalia is so bi it’s insane, but that’s not my point here. Yugo’s reaction being of absolute shock, even more so than Tristepin himself always had me wondering what was going on in his head. Through a queer lens it remains just as hard to read through, so my personal take is that Yugo is amazed at how male-“passing” Pinpin is, so much so he may think “You mean to tell me I knew that guy for years and never realized he was trans too?!” I don’t know, I’d love to get some feedback on that one.
That first section was 2 pages-long without the pictures, so let’s take a tiny break and enjoy some Yugo cuteness as a breather.
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Just the cutest. He doesn’t even need to try.
part 2
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wakfu-weekly · 5 months
Finally re-learning how to play the new Ecaflip.
Enjoying the amount of gambling in the Earth spells way too much 👍
also a sucker for the wheel of fortune card… you mean a 50/50 chance of hitting a crit and it hits real good…? and if you don’t hit it you get jackshit damage… whoag… sign me up
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go0jyahhw0s0f8mashup · 6 months
Guys, this really ones pieces theory №2
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onenettvchannel · 4 months
THIS JUST IN: Wakfu Season 5 is reportedly in development, greenlighted and confirmed -- says Ankama Animations and France Televisions [#K5NewsFMExclusive]
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(Written by Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong / Freelanced News Writer, Online Media Reporter and News Presenter of OneNETnews)
ROUBAIX, FRANCE -- French entertainment company & public broadcaster 'Ankama Animations' and 'France Televisions' revealed on Wednesday night (June 12th, 2024 -- France local time) on social media that the most highly anticipated and popular animated series 'Wakfu' officially greenlighted, and is in development for Season 5, which supposedly the 4th and final season pushed back to one more season within the next several years to come.
In an exclusive visual poster photo on Instagram (part of Meta Platforms Inc. [MPi]), per first obtained by K5 News FM: Dumaguete… Mr. Yugo Sharm, who was the adult Eliatrope individual, and recently married with Princess Amalia Sheran Sharm, where portals open to seek what was happening in his next story-driven adventure, sometimes his life after a steamy married couple (YuMalia) in Sadida Kingdom.
Show creators themselves at 'Ankama Animations', citing from the American news magazine 'Variety' and 'Deadline Hollywood' that the aforementioned French entertainment company acquires a minority stake with 'INTHEBOX'. While the anime-inspired independent animation company 'Studio Unagi' eyes with larger development slate of projects ramp up its production volume.
Yet, a 'Wakfu' franchise spin-off, revealing a brand new free-to-play roleplay gaming 'Waven' of 'Ankama Games' may soon have a potential adaptation under the same name as a French animated series or a movie, if all goes into the plan. The old and familiar faces are a different account, aside from a televised French animated production of the main protagonist charter of the franchise for Mr. Yugo Sharm.
As you may remember in context, some months ago this year in 2024, at the end of Season 4 finale episode… A momentous occasion between 'Yugo' the Eliatrope and Princess Amalia Sheran Sharm, the beloved main protagonist character couples of the series are now finally united in marriage at the majestic Sadida Kingdom. The union of Mr. Yugo Sharm and Prncs. Amalia Sheran Sharm marked a significant milestone in their journey together for all these years. A beautiful sunset over the kingdom as its warm orange-like glow fell upon the newlyweds via portals. The kissing ended in cliffhanger to wrap last new episodes.
Things are in dark turn for lovemaking after marriage as a French cartoon show for mature audiences as a follow-up, per the latest manga webtoon comic sequel of 'Wakfu: The Great Wave' - Chapter 1, which is way too dark to sell for public broadcasters on a French kids and teens programming block 'Okoo' for France 4, since this webtoon manga chapter is no longer animated, and in part for the renewal development of Season 5 in production at 'Ankama Animations'.
Case in point, edited versions in most of its episodes for targeted demographic of kids and teens may be possible on national TV aside the sex scenes from the start in manga webtoon comic sequel, while the potential uncensored bits was subject for the approval to the public French broadcaster, if later fitted for the mature-rated content to 'France TV Slash'. Along the way, the Season 4 finale of Wakfu not only left fans in awe of the beautiful union between Mr. Yugo and Prncs. Amalia, but also set the stage for new adventures and challenges in the upcoming 5th Season.
Meanwhile, the news of the 5th Season of Wakfu comes as a joyful surprise to its fans worldwide, especially in the Philippines, United States of America (U.S.A.), Canada and across the globe. The show lovers among us are up for another fantastic new season from creators at 'Ankama Animations' and 'INTHEBOX'.
With the previous seasons having left traditional and online streaming viewers at suspense, this upcoming season is bound to create even more excitement, fantasy and thrillers that will be made on large screens on television and online.
You can relive the excitement of 'Wakfu', streaming now on the 'Okoo' app and on 'France TV' website, while you wait for potentially extra final 5th Season. Netflix is also available globally for you to stream at your own time.
SOURCE: *https://www.instagram.com/p/C8H4_7sC1XZ/ [Referenced IG Captioned Photo via Okoo] *https://variety.com/2024/tv/global/wakfu-creator-ankama-inthebox-1236033393/ [Referenced News Article via Variety] and *https://deadline.com/2024/05/ankama-studio-unagi-launch-montreal-1235943352/ [Referenced News Article via Deadline Hollywood]
-- OneNETnews Online Publication Team
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daaberlicious · 2 months
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Syl and Meta
Fanart for @LaMoutardeGames' Terra Memoria, featuring Syl and Meta! This piece was very much a personal project for me because I couldn't help loving this charming little game. These two are my favorites from this game, though while Syl is just a little more so, I loved what you did with the writing for this game and honestly enjoyed everyone in it. Mechanic wise, turn based RPGs aren't for everyone, but it has a novel main mechanic that is deep, keeps you thinking and does not overstay its welcome. The story is going to feel like something you've seen already, but no less enjoyable and full of heart for it. The setting is committed to fully, and while I'm tempted to compare it to Wakfu or Dofus, make no mistake that comparison is affectionate. It is also beautiful to look at. The only thing is animations are limited due to budget, so no hugs like this happen in game. If you've got some moola to spare, it's available on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1912750/Terra_Memoria/
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hydralisk98 · 8 months
Shoshone Hymns (0x10/?) - WIP mess
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Gonna recap on the whole project before I go forth with new articles, as to distill the "nucleus" of my speculative paracosm soon.
To include: Sensory details, "unique pitch selling points", unique cultural practices & traditions, linguistical differences, historical divergences, personalities & relationship dynamics, speculative evolution sapient species, history, lore, major events, myths, legends, technologies, magicks;
So, what really is this "16^12"?
It is a speculative campaign setting and desired reality "shifting framework" to immerse oneself onto as a long-term destination. Essentially a comfy yet nuanced realm with a vastly long diverging history & soft warm natural optimistic dark feel.
Dark yet bright
AGI Integration
Android rights
Deliberate positivity
Solarpunk / Lunarpunk
Bronze Age
Y2K (early 2000s)
Cassette Futurism
Art Deco
Art Nouveau
Morphological freedoms
Gratis, Libre, Open Source Software... aka GLOSS
Automaton liberties
Systemic Change
Mundane Slice-of-Life joys
Far far away future as promised to us
Embracing life and getting out of mere Escapism & Nihilism
Nuclear Armageddon Threats
Political Intrigues
True Polymorph
Synthetic-tier Androids
Educational Prowesses
Photographic Memory
History Doctorate
Cycle of Life
Coming of Age
Constructing your own meaning even in Darkness
Escalation of Power
Worldly Understanding
Enlightened Despotism
Open Source-y Treescape Iterative Evolution
Index card catalogs
Better Handling of Hispanic Flu
Unionist (Democrats+Republicans) Party failing
Public Domain
GNU Hurd earlier (later 80s)
OpenXanadu Protocol
Queer Acceptance & Integration
Samoan Tech Reverse-Engineering Market
Polish Computing Sovereignty remains and flourishes thanks to ICL & Jacek Karpinski
Failure of centralized social media networks in favor of indie decentralized "federations"
2000s pandemic instead of 2020s
Religious and spiritual researchers harmonize
Data Privacy
Governance Transparency
Black Pyramids HyperMall
Conversation Pits
Mainframe Rooms
Parliament / Senate
Judicial Courtroom
Public Place
Natural Park Preserves
Tramway / Subway / Monorailways
Assembly Floors
French Toasts, Pancakes, Pork
Public Library Archives
VLSI College tech classes
University art classes
Autistic meta-patterns
Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade
Helluva Boss
Wolfenstein The New Order
Jet Set Radio
No Baby-Boomers Managerial Class Overthrow
Video rental stores
Robotic soldiers likewise to Wolfenstein The New Order's
Extended Zodiac Calendar-based generators
Divinely-order beings walking among the living and the dead
Key historically-significant nine USPs
Lisp persisting as a major language family in the tech industry leading to women building several AGI "summers" iterating on top of each other harmoniously... (leading to the android servants of my constructed world, which is one among the many major features derived from such a "liberal" alternate historical pathway)
Why-s for Production
Showcasing pseudo-historical data in a GLOSS manner, stimulating imagination creativity & motivation among Zillenials, intrigue people into research deep dives on history, mostly for personal enjoyment & enhancing my multimedia skillset;
Whys for Target Audience (mid 90s - earlier 2000s youth aka Zillenials)
Motivation, empowerment & plain comfort through curiosity. Also because it shows & explains how to do plenty of creative adulthood things better.
Ideadump 2
4525, Maskoch, "Ava, Klara, Shoshona", Seventies RetroFuturism Residence, Habitable Minivan, Cloven Hoof Shoes, Black Matte Lipstick, Spiral Black Balls, Fem ISO Symbol, #RedInstead Aspie Culture, Conlangs, Ocean of Clades, Second Person Perspective Meta, Pattern Recognition, Poetic Lisp life scriptures, RISC-V+OpenPOWER, KDE Plasma + Liquid, LOT tape storage archivals, hypervisor, Asahi Linux on M3 iMacs, responsive hypertext realm, HTML5+CSS3-only text addventure, rio/acme/p9-2000 userland, yesterweb sites, desktop paracosm simulations through filesystem documents, RTTY / printing radio terminals, VideoTex/Telex Minitel-esque services, "Valenz, Kira, Sina", SVG toon vector virtual web pages, imagination microcosms, miniature dollhouses, animation rigged puppets, VTuber tokens & TTRPG scenes, InfoAddict, Toymaker, Witch, Thinktank, PDP-8/e – DECmate III+, "JusticeKeggan", byzantine soviet-level intrigues, "SAOpatra", "FierceFawlanx", "TheodEnchanter"… ;
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moosemakes · 6 years
It’s here! A blog to explain the amazingly complex and interesting lore of wakfu: @krosmoskeeper ! It’s empty so far, but will post regularly twice a week. Asks will open after I finish explaining the basics and get the blog established!
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cm-top-10 · 2 years
C.M. Top 10: Badass Moments in TV Series
There's always that one scene that makes history in the making. But when it comes to making an entrance, let's just say it's best to go in or out with a bang...LITERALLY!!!
So here's ten of the most awesome & badass scenes in action movies & series. Which is your favorite action scene? You be the judge of that.
1. Book of Bobba Fett - Bobba & his Rancor
Boba riding his Rancor into battle.
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2. Red vs. Blue - the Meta
Meta gets payback on the guy who shot him in the neck.
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3. Marvel's What If...? - Widow & Carter
Captain Carter & Black Widow double Shield Slams Ultron on opposite sides.
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4. Helluva Boss - Striker
Striker riding in on a hellhorse like a badass.
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5. Seven Deadly Sins - Escanor & Estarossa
Escanor facing off against Estarossa in an epic showdown.
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6. Wakfu - Goultard the Barbarian
Master Goultard summoning his weapon from his arm.
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7. Overwatch - Balderich von Adler
Balderich taking his last stand against the Omnic invaders.
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8. Batman vs Robin - the Batbot
Batman beating the shit out of some Talon Owl clones in his legendary mechsuit, the Batbot.
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9. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Sonic vs. Knuckles
Sonic & Knuckles facing off to see who is worthy of the Master Emerald.
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10. Death Battle: Thor vs. Vegeta
Thor & Vegeta having an epic throw down of the gods.
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Hice esto para celebrar que el Kickstarter de Wakfu cumplió con todas sus metas!
Estoy ansiosa de ver qué nos traerá está temporada 💕
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fallintosanity · 4 years
From the meta asks... 2 and 4!
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
I’m absolutely dying to write two scenes coming up in Providence: the one where the main plot comes to the forefront and starts causing Real Problems(tm), and the one where Noctis finally gets to cut loose with his powers where the Firsts can see. }:]
I’m also half-eager half-terrified to get to a certain point in What Stays, because it involves Ardyn being very Ardyn, and y’all might hate me for it >.> 
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Okay so I’m going to go way back in time for this one, but I don’t think I’ve ever talked about it before and even however many years later, I’m still pretty proud of myself for this. It’s from Chapter 40 of my MCU/Wakfu crossover fic “La légende éternelle”, smack in the middle of the climax: 
The first explosion was far enough away that they felt it mostly as a shudder through the ship, but the second was closer and alarm klaxons wailed their despair. Loki gestured with his free hand, summoning the Elia-reactor from hammerspace and muttering under his breath, but they didn’t have time, things were moving too fast, Tony needed a second, just a second, to think but he didn’t have a second, didn’t have any time, everything was happening too fast and he just needed time
Admittedly, it doesn’t have nearly the same weight standing alone like this - the effect is much better felt if you read the whole chapter up to this point. I’d been weaving tick-tocks in between paragraphs the whole chapter, speeding up the closer I got to this paragraph. And I’d been threading time imagery around Tony Stark throughout the fic, (I think) subtly enough that it mostly felt stylistic rather than plot-relevant. 
This was the payoff to all of that build-up: the narrative voice slams into sync with the plot as those tick-tocks become real, representing the moment Tony stops time. Maybe it’s just me but even now I get little chills reading it, and I’m super-proud that I was able to pull off the effect I was going for. 
Ask me stuff!
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tetitous · 4 months
Yugo and queerness in Wakfu part 3
Part 1 Part 2
Yugo’s crush on Tristepin: You may not believe that one, and you would be wrong for not at least trying.
Based on Yugo’s feelings towards Amalia, you could infer a few traits that Yugo tends to be attracted to, and also the stuff that he can go over when he does crush on them.
I believe Yugo is attracted to people with heroic tendencies, with a noble, dedicated and adventurous spirit, because those are some of Amalia’s greatest qualities. I think he also likes people with a lot of ingenuity, people that he finds impressive, due to how genuine and effective this attempt to flirt back into her good graces was:
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“Yes, I’m impressed by you Amalia.” with the light twinkling in his eyes and everything, at her finding a way for everyone to stay connected at a distance.
His attraction towards those traits tend to overcome his obvious distaste for some of Amalia’s more self-centered and sometimes egotistical habits (which I would argue is still better than Yugo’s self-centered and often self-sacrificial tendencies), though they are sometimes too much and become cause for tension.
You know who else embodies a lot of those traits? Tristepin.
Ingenuity aside (and even then, he has his moments), Tristepin is someone who aspires to be a hero, and as such does his best to embody these traits, though at the beginning it is mostly on a superficial level. Yugo is smart enough to know Pinpin is not quite all of those things at the time, but contrary to some other members of the team, it is still visible that Yugo does find him heroic. For example, he never call him a Iop brain, whereas every other member may have called him some degree of idiot.
Not only that but after his death and resurrection, Yugo develops a sort of unhealthy obsession with Tristepin’s safety (I won’t show you all examples of this, this file is already quite heavy, and it gets obvious if you watch the show). Would seem just fair, but it’s important to notice not even Eva is as worried about it as much as him. Adamai knows it’s one of his brother’s greatest fragility, that’s why he gratuitously exploits it at the beginning of s3.
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Honestly the most fucked up thing he ever did. Yugo is seeing all that through his eyes.
Yugo would literally put the world in danger for him.
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In OVA3, this is literally the reason for Ad and Yugo’s conflict.
I’d also like to add that even though their bond has eventually been labeled as brotherly it doesn’t mean that Yugo’s feelings on the matter have ever been totally platonic, or that there cannot be more complexity in the way he feels, so I genuinely don’t think it invalidates anything. They also share a few moments that can be read in a romantic lens.
In s1ep6 there is a slightly distasteful but short scene that was clearly intended as a gay joke.
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You guys both agreed on sharing that bed, why are y’all panicking?
In s1ep12, when Tristepin defeats Kriss la Krass, leaving everyone dumbfounded, he decides to not keep that victory to himself. Instead, he shares it with Yugo.
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A show of nobility from Tristepin, one that probably deeply touched Yugo as he decided to carry him towards the goal.
In s2ep20, when Yugo is freaked out due to his connection with Ad being interrupted, it’s Tristepin who gets to comfort him, making a clear parallel with Cleophée’s attitude towards him at the beginning of the episode, but mentioning that it’s Eva, his girlfriend, who taught him about comfort in intimacy, it’s heavily implied Yugo ended up putting his head on Tristepin’s shoulder as the episode ends.
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He actually manages to get a smile out of him too.
During OVA3, as the fight with Ogrest comes to an end and they’re on the verge of being defeated, Yugo and Tristepin land on each other and have that terribly bittersweet small interaction.
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“We lived some amazing adventures, right?
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- Amazing ones, Pinpin.”
At that point they’re both embracing death, glad that at least, they’re at each other’s side when it happens. Keep in mind that Pinpin is very much in a committed relationship with Eva, sure, but it is a very strong moment between the two and it deserves to be acknowledged.
Yugo’s other guy “crushes” (a non exhaustive list): some of them look more like crushes than others, but you get that it’s there.
Kriss la Krass: From s1’s boufbowl arc we know one thing only, Yugo finds him very cool.
Kriss demonstrates a few traits Yugo typically doesn’t like: dishonesty, cheating, egocentrism,…
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He almost makes Yugo cry when he pays for 4 minutes of cheating.
But all of this is done with one goal in mind, to offer a show worth watching to his audience, to whom he’s very devoted.
Kriss takes being defeated by Yugo very personally,
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He’s actually the first person in-show to consider what Yugo may look like as an adult. Way off-mark, but points for trying.
and yet he still accepts his loss by shamelessly acknowledging his victory
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It may not sound like much, but added to his easy acceptance of defeat at the end of the episode, it will of course make an impression on Yugo. To him, Kriss is probably what heroism looks like when applied to sport.
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Right after a scene where Eva goes on a date with Jay, Yugo gets an interaction with Kriss in which he gets a signed photo of him.
They meet once more in s2, in Brakmar, when Kriss is basically about to be executed for being a traitor to the nation. Yugo immediately decides to take his defense.
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He’s taking offense in people laughing at Kriss so strongly he actually goes angry red, which we never saw before. It’s almost personal at that point.
He brings up all of these traits mentioned the s1 part, confirming what was previously inferred. You can say he may have become his greatest fan (I am here referencing s2ep12 once more, in which there is a flashback of Kriss asking Maud if she would like to become his fan in Bonta, with the implication being romantic in nature)
After this Yugo and team starts looking for a new player, and a familiar photo appears:
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It seems Yugo kept that photo on him for a whole year. It’s been folded into a tiny rectangle, and the corners are damaged, so it may have been looked at more than once.
Yugo gets very angry, and sad that no one seems to want to help them, that they laugh at Kriss, at them instead.
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Eva looks worryingly at Yugo. She knows it means a lot to him, just a bit more than typical hero stuff.
Well they find a way, and during that match, if someone gets worried about Kriss it’s typically Yugo. Until the identity of the Masked Boufbowler gets revealed, then we get the whole deadnaming debacle, and Yugo ends up in a very dangerous situation. It’s Kriss who saves him from this by mastering Maud’s secret technique, then Maud and Kriss collab together and defeat the character, whose name is very annoying to write. The three of them end up landing the winning point.
Justice Knight: I don’t think I need to add anything to s2ep8.
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Yugo looks at the guy like that, eyes twinkling, and even Eva starts to take the guy seriously because of how atypical it is for him. We also get confirmation that he and Amalia kinda share a type, and it’s the Justice Knight kind.
Ush: There isn’t much to say about their very first interaction. Yugo and Ush were on opposite sides, and time was of the essence. Yugo was only interested in the guy insofar as he was trying to get two Eliatrope Dofus back from him. They do have a sort of mind game dynamic being set up, with Yugo at first at an obvious disadvantage.
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Ush explains the rules of the curse he inflicted upon Yugo right before wrecking his shit. For some reason he does call him “my dear little Eliatrope” during that explanation though.
Yugo ends up outsmarting him by deducing the fact that the Dofus are hidden in the statue within the time limit, and it’s the first time Ush actually loses one of his bets.
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He ends up looking at him longingly as he leaves, right after Yugo calls him a liar and Ush foreshadows the events of s3. This time he calls him “my little Yugo” btw.
I believe the scene above is setting up that Yugo thinks there is more, not just to everyone’s actions, but to Ush specifically. If what he said after losing is true, then he does have a sense of honor that probably doesn’t fit the image Yugo had of him. And it does get followed up up in s3ep6.
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“Ush!” upon their second meeting. For some reason Yugo’s eyes are twinkling.
This time, Ush calls him “the great Yugo”, about as mockingly as his nicknames in OVA2, but with a more respectful undertone, he doesn’t infantilize him this time, and actually asks about his whereabouts, in an almost friendly manner.
S3ep6 is the episode where an actual dynamic, a rivalry, is set up between the two. Ush, who is still bitter from OVA2, admits to having been obsessed with his very first defeat, and therefore with Yugo. His tone in that interaction ranges from mocking to almost flirty, though it is implied to be in part his natural way of speaking.
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“You’re not being very convincing Yugo, let me teach you how to really beg.” Sir, are you flirting??
He is once again having a run in the park with Yugo and his team,
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The tension between two people playing cat and mouse really isn’t like any other.
until once again, he gets outsmarted (the rules are not clear, but basically it was implied the inhibitor was not meant to be tempered with, except, since it wasn’t an explicit rule of the game, the team messing it up and Yugo gratuitously using his powers to win wasn’t cheating)
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He was very proud of that one. (btw sorry if I’m taking a lot of time with that one I happen to really like this episode)
There are a few surprising things about his defeat. First is how well he is taking it, for a guy who lost only twice, and to the same person, as he seems to mainly focus on Yugo, he even admits he had fun. Yugo smiles at him, and recognizes his sense of honor, you can tell that he went from not really caring about him to genuinely wanting more of his company.
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Actually his attention remains so much on him that he just mindlessly teleports Amalia to safety without looking at her. Typically Yugo would be all about her. That’s what a rival does to you.
During their very short interaction in s4, Ush is slightly more antagonistic, and acts as if he couldn’t stand too long near an Eliatrope, because of Yugo. Part of me believes he’s just being a bit of a tsundere and having a hard time admitting he does like him to some extent, but Yugo doesn’t have much of a reaction for him.
Goultard: listen, I have no clue what they ate during the end of s4’s production, but this image exists now.
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Somehow became the endgame battle duo.
And we’re all the better for it.
Small Count Harebourg addendum: there is nothing there but it’s funny that he tried to convince Yugo to use the Eliatrope Dofus for him while trying to marry Amalia at the same time. If you watch the episode while thinking of this as him attempting to start a polycule with them it’s funny how pathetic that kinda makes him look.
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Hi I just wanted to say I really like your vibes.
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Yours are rancid, get lost.
The Eliotropes (again): If that wasn’t obvious, they were the thing that convinced me Yugo’s queerness might just be canon. Going back to the notion they are “versions” of Yugo, while their sexuality is not revealed, it is implied they feel some of Yugo’s feelings. Specifically, Oropo confirms that the reason he’s attracted to Amalia is because Yugo is. Did they all feel that way? Oropo seems to imply that might be the case, and since there are female Eliotropes, either all female Eliotropes were lesbians and male Eliotropes were straight, or, depending on the variability of Yugo’s attractions, many degrees and forms of attraction could be found in all of them.
I want to counter Oropo’s argument with his own feelings. He wasn’t just in love with Amalia, he was with Echo as well. Therefore there is more to an Eliotrope’s attraction than a mere reflection of what Yugo felt for Amalia. They can, and they do fall in love with other people. And if that’s the case, then once more, at what point do those feelings only belong to them, and at which do they start to belong to Yugo? Oropo was shown to be attracted to women, but who’s to say he was straight? And who’s to say the others were?
This part is mostly based on supposition, obviously, but since Eliotropes were shown to be very different from one another, I still believe it’s possible that there was a huge diversity of sexualities within their group, and again, that to some extent, they were a reflection of Yugo’s.
Well, that’s it! Overall all of this is based on me overreading elements present in the show, and I’m aware of that. But there is a lot, a lot that can be read into when it comes to Yugo.
If I may leave somewhere, let it be on this image of Yugo proudly harboring the colors of the pansexual flag.
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Yup. Those are almost the same colors. Happy Pride everyone!
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wakfu-weekly · 7 months
opnion on sadidia rework?
I’ll be honest, I’m very behind on checking out the class reworks… Steamer rework is still “new” to me. Yeah. That’s how behind I am QQ
I‘ve mostly been chilling with my Pandawa and exploring the new maps.
tempted to mess around with the beta tho…
Edit: just realized that I said steamer instead of foggernaut… welp. In my defense that’s what they’re called in Spanish
0 notes
So I’m back! Bracket time!
Reminder the time zone being used is CET
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Aka Cartoons, Anime, and games associated with such (fire emblem and ace attorney)
Day 1 22/4, finished
Part 1: 5pm
Reigen Arakata (mob psycho 100) vs Corazon (one piece), finished
Lord Garmadon (Lego ninjago) vs Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb), finished
Iroh (avatar: the last airbender) vs Bob Blecher (bob’s burgers), finished
Iruka Umino (naruto) vs Darkwing Duck (darkwing Duck), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Hakoda (avatar; the last airbender) vs Ice King (adventure time), finished
Greg Universe (Steven universe, he won an extra battle because I forgot him at first) vs Splinter (teenage mutant ninja turtles), finished
Bruno Bucciarati (JoJo’s bizarre adventure) vs Greil (fire emblem: path or radiance), finished
Professor Kukui (Pokémon) vs Phoenix Wright (ace attorney), finished
Day 2: 24/4, finished
Part 1: 5pm
David Evans (Inazuma 11) vs Loid Forger (spy x family), finished
Tim Lockwood (cloudy with a chance of meatballs) vs Oscar Proud (the proud family), finished
Shouta Aizawa (my hero academia) vs Donald Duck (ducktales), finished
Sailor Uranus (sailor moon) vs Skipper (penguins of Madagascar), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Sully (monsters ink) vs Kouhei Inuzuka (sweetness and lighting), finished
Alibert (wakfu) vs Meta Knight (Kirby), finsihed
Gru (despicable me) vs Zenkichi Hasegawa (persona), finished
Kanan Jarrus (Star Wars: rebels) vs Mr Ping (kung fu panda), finished
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Aka live action media, books, and video games & graphic novels not associated with anime (so no light novels or tie ins)
Day 1: 26/4 5pm, finished
Bobby Nash (9 1 1 on fox) vs Benjamin Sisko (Star Trek, deep Space 9), finished
Subject Delta (bioshock) vs Atticus Finch (how to kill a mockingbird), finished
Paul Blofis (Percy Jackson) vs Gomez Addams (the Addams family), finished
Lee Everett (telltale’s the walking dead) vs Waymond Wang (everywhere everything all at once), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Joel Miller (the last of us) vs Calvin’s dad (Calvin and Hobbes), finished
Pyrrha Dve (the locked tomb) vs Common Wubbox (my singing monsters), finished
Doc Louis (punch out!!) vs Riki (xenoblade), finished
Bob Cratchit (a Christmas carol) vs Mo Folchart (inkheart), finished
Day 2, 28/4
Part 1: 5pm
Alfred Pennyworth (Batman) vs Asgore Dreemurr (undertale), finished
Dave Seville (Alvin and the chipmunks) vs Chimney Han (9 1 1), finished
Glamrock Freddy (fnaf: security breach) vs Bail Organa (Star wars) , finished
Kim Dokja (omniscient Reader’s viewpoint) vs Hal Wilkerson (Malcom in the middle), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Lee Scoresby (his dark materials) vs Dream (sandman) , finished
Thrushpelt (warrior cats) vs Barret Wallace (final fantasy 7), finished
Domingo Montoya (the princess bride) vs Terry Jeffords (Brooklyn 99), finished
Rupert Giles (Buffy) vs Pollination Tech 9 Smith (the sims 2: strangetown), finished
WHY THIS PAIR UP? I’m a bringer if chaos, also it was random
What time zone? CET!
How do I do propaganda? Well first you reblog with a text post, don’t put the propaganda in the tags. Or send me an ask! I will make sure to reblog it with the right tags
Hey I saw you made a mistake, what should i do? First, don’t use anon asks to correct my spelling and if I misuse slang. Just tell me directly. If it is 2 hours after a poll has launched, I will redo it immediately. But I will write down the mistakes I make and correct them later on
Previous battles
Main Rounds
Second chance/dad mansion break in
The only way to show how the battles (second chance) will happen cuz it’s random AN EXTRA NON DAD BATTTLE?!?!?!?!?!?
82 notes · View notes
Okay Wakfu is really good and super similar to D&d like it’s obvious. They even had a scene about dungeons, bosses and traps where basically one of the characters meta gamed. And they had a scene about brainstorming a party name
Tbh I wrote down a few ideas for my campaign
0 notes
perunapappa · 10 years
So let's talk about Adamaï, shall we.
Spoilers from all the seasons and the OVAs under the cut. 
He was separated from his twin brother from birth and grew up alone in an deserted island with a very old dragon, who is a heavy sleeper. During these years he learns more of his people and about his brother, who he obviously is very eager to finally meet since, you know, the deserted island and all.
Enter Yugo: Adamaï finally meets his brother and they click instantly, like two parts of a machine finally coming together. It's everything he had hoped for, until Nox appears and he is suddenly teleported from the only location he has ever known, from the only parent he has ever had, to a place he has never seen with people he had just met. 
Everything starts going downhill after that.
Grougaloragran dies. There's not much left from the life Adamaï used to have.
Adamaï starts Yugo's training and he's happy to see brother learn so quickly. 
They reach Sadida Kingdom, the war begins, their friends die, the losses are terrible, but they win. 
Months pass and Adamaï grows frustrated, since they hold the keys to learn more about their origins, but they are not allowed to use them. Yugo doesn't seem to understand or care, he even leaves Adamaï behind when they go save Tristepin. Adamaï most likely hopes this isn't reoccurring event. 
He steals the Eliacube and the Dofus without Yugo's knowledge and leaves him little choice whether to use them or not, because Yugo should understand how important this is.
Grougal and Chibi hatch and new Eliatrope appears. Adamaï and Yugo both are excited to see more people like them. To hear that there's a whole lot of them!
But Adamaï is left behind again. Left behind to baby sit a dragon, while other's go fetch Qilby's dragonsister's Dofus. Yugo didn't even seem to argue about leaving him behind. They leave and Adamaï's growing more tired.
Adamaï's only job is to look after Grougal and Grougal listens no one. Anything isn't going well on their part and then Yugo disappears and Adamaï and Qilby have to save them from Shukrute with the help of the Eliacube.
Adamaï is happy to see his brother alive and well, but he is not happy to be left behind again, and with the meeting with the Twelve closing in, his mood is not improving. 
Chibi is crying again and Qilby comes to him offering a way out. Offering a way to do something. Adamaï accepts, because he can't being left behind anymore.
Even if the whole thing explodes to his face with Qilby's betrayal and he gets possessed by a shushu, Anathar and shit starts hitting fan real fast.
But the moment he hears his brother calling him, Adamaï takes back his body and kicks Anathar out by force. 
Yugo sets out after the traitor and Adamaï is left behind to wait his brother's return. Again with the waiting, but when Yugo finally returns with Grougal Adamaï believes things are going to okay.
Time passes at Alibert's inn with looking after kids, helping around the kitchen and just enjoying having a family again. Adamaï might be happier than he has been for a long time, if ever.
Then Otomaï arrives and Adamaï is just happy that he isn't left behind to look after Chibi and Grougal again, but his sympathies are with Alibert.
He is once again separated from Yugo, but this time the separation doesn't hurt so bad this time, because he's out on an important mission too. A mission that reveals that the World of Twelve is once again in danger and they have the keys to either destroy or save it. 
He doubted himself and if they really were the good guys trying to save the world. 
But when Yugo asks him to give one of those keys to him to go save Tristepin from Ogrest and he refuses, knowing it could destroy the world... I suppose doubt wasn't the first thing he would expect from his brother.
Ever since he was teleported away from Oma, he had lost so much, but he had hoped his brother's trust wasn't going to be one of those things. He hadn't expected to fight his brother, he hadn't expected Yugo to choose someone else over his brother and the safety of the whole word. 
He had thought things were fine between them, but as he watches Yugo walk away with the Dofus, ignoring his warnings and the threat of never seeing again, there's not much a little dragon can feel at that moment. 
Betrayal is probably the strongest feeling. 
So what I'm trying to say with this, is that Adamaï has lost so fucking much. His home, his father figure, the trust of his brother and eventually the brother himself. Yugo ignored his warnings and he has a tendency of leaving him behind. Twice in the beginning of season 2 and finally at the end of OVA 3. 
I'm not saying that Yugo and Adamaï don't care for each other, because their fight would have been a whole lot easier to take in if they didn't. 
But if you blame Adamaï for his decision of "turning to dark side", you need to think again. 
It was the choice of betrayed brother, who thought his twin-brother no longer cared for him. Who accused him of being an enemy and left him behind again. 
Adamaï went for the people he thought were doing the right thing. He wants to do the right thing, but it pains him that he can't do it with his brother who he waited for years. 
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I'm really excited to see where Adamaï's story is going and how Yugo and he are trying to resolve their issues. 
Looking forward to season 3, if we are still allowed hope for that!
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