#waiting for sirens to join the mix of noises at this point
finch-the-foolish · 3 months
thunderstorm at night
pitter patter of rain
big boom!!
flashy lightning!!
my dog wants to go in the rain
can track the distance of the storm!
good background noise for eepy time
made by nature
fireworks at night
whistly noises
very loud for my dog :(
no idea where exactly they're coming from
grate on my brain, very bad for sleep
made by loud neighbours
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ijustloveobeymeok · 3 years
Brothers react to a talent you have.
Lucifer - Cooking
"Lucifer, taste this for me" "Oh it's quite delicious, did a new restaurant open?" "I made it"
Was pleasantly suprised
Will insist on you cooking dinners
The brothers become big fans too, especially Beel
Even takes you to Barbatos to teach you how to make demon foods
Sometimes asks you to cook for him only
Loves waking up to you making breakfast for him
"It tastes better when I know it's specially made for me"
Mammon - Fighting
Was on his way to the gym to give Beel a piece of his mind for taking you away
Walks in on you and Beel full on fighting each other
Goes silent seeing you pin Beel for like 2 seconds before being defeated
"It's amazing how you mix a lot of fighting styles" "thanks I- oh Mammon!"
Secretly wants you to pin him too haha
Will brag to every fucking one
Tries to make you join those fighting arenas for money but decides it ain't worth it
Loves his strong first
"I'll still protect ya no matter what!" "of course, I'll protect you too"
Leviathan - Fixing things
"MC! My console broke!" "Give it here"
Watches in awe as you fix it with a mini screwdriver you seemed to have
In even more awe as you explain how you didn't want to buy things again, but then thought they were like puzzles and found it fun
"You're so cool! I wish I could fix things"
Will bring you figurines of his or even puzzles randomly
Loves watching your concentrated face
Can and does watch you for hours
Totally doesn't buy 1000 piece puzzles for that...
"Can you also fix my self esteem-"
Satan - Drawing
Saw you staring at a him a bunch of times when at home.
It started happening at school too
Your gaze got too nerve-wracking and he finally confronted you.
Didn't expect you to show him a notebook full of little drawings of people and scenery
Even more shocked to see you pull out another notebook full of drawings of him
"you're really pretty to draw I'm sorry i didn't ask for consen-" "DRAW ME ANY TIME YOU WANT TO"
Praises every drawing of yours
Loves watching you light up every time he compliments one of your drawings
"hey Satan, wanna see Mammon as a lizard?" "wait you can do that!?"
Commissions of Lucifer as different objects and animals began.
"you don't have to draw us holding hands MC, we can do that right now"
Asmodeus - Singing
Heard someone singing in one of the free music rooms at school
Completely enchanted, he went to investigate for the source of the beautiful sounds.
When I tell you he fell in love with you even harder.
"I thought your beauty was your most seductive point but your voice MC gosh you're almost beating me at my own game!"
Will make you join talent shows and competition
Will probably even open a deviltube account for you
Loves listening to you sing, like he loves it so much i can't write it properly gosh
It's his new relaxing time. Just lying on your lap and falling asleep to your beautiful voice.
Convinced you were a siren in your past life.
Even your laugh and normal voice lures him in, and then you hit him with your singing?
You have him chained by the neck
"MC... You truly do make such beautiful noises, even in bed ; )"
Beelzebub - Magic
"Beel, uh I have...something from you"
Beel watches you become a nervous wreck as Asmodeus and Mammon watch you from afar, giggling.
His donut nearly falls out of his when you summon a rose from behind his ear.
Starts following you, asking for more tricks.
Way too entertained by your little tricks
"You're a magician MC!"
Asks for you to magic up food
You begin to summon little candies for him
Happiest demon alive
"MC, my love for you isn't magic, it's real" "I know Beel, I know."
Belphegor - Musical Instruments
"Belphegor look what I have!!"
He watches from his bed as you burst inside with a small violin.
"that's cool MC, can you play?"
Before he realized, he fell asleep to your music
Woke up to you holding a guitar this time
"how many instruments can you play?" "I don't know, I picked up a lot when i was younger"
Introduces you to the music room
Actually stays awake to watch you play almost every instrument in the room
Saves up money to buy you a piano for your room
Insists it's because he'll sleep better with the good music.
It's actually because he loves the look on your face when you're playing music.
Lucifer isn't allowed to make requests from you when he's around
"I hope you don't love your piano more than me MC" "I would never!!"
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All The Hurt - Chapter 1
Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader
Warnings: ANGST, Peter was an ass, reader is a hurt and petty bitch, fluff to make up for the angst, curse words, lots of “coincidences”, description of an explosion and blood.
Summary: Peter Parker. What a dick. It wasn’t always like this, but once he just got up and gladly left you for an unknown reason, you decided to bring hell down on him by publicly ridiculing him whenever you got the chance. However, when you accidentally find out what he's been hiding, conflicted feelings begin emerging, causing you to wonder if you could ever forgive him — especially when he saves your life.
Word Count: 2.6k
A/n: this came to me in a fucking dream so you bet I had to wake up and write this. It’s already completed hehe. I’m going to be posting the parts every day so stay tuned :D
Never in your entire life would you have thought that there’d be a time when you’d willingly side with Flash. When you’d join him in bullying Peter, your best friend that you’d known since the both of you were shitting yourselves in diapers. Not a night goes by in which you don’t ask yourself why.
Why did he decide to break you?
The day he told you he didn’t want to be friends with you anymore was a day worse than finding out your father had cheated on your mother, prompting her to abruptly exit both your and your father’s lives when you were eleven. In all honesty, it felt like Peter took notes about suddenly leaving when you cried to him about your mother disappearing and used them to his advantage the summer before freshman year.
It was a pain like no other, a wound so hurtful your tear tank was constantly emptied every time you were alone in your room. There were too many nights where you’d lie awake with an ache in your chest - like someone dropped an avalanche on your heart and left it there to crush it.
Friendship breakups hurt like hell.
The days seemed to move slow and the nights even slower. You didn’t know how much time had passed when you’d blankly stare at your collection of photos of the two of you with tear stricken cheeks.
You constantly wondered if he regretted it.
And if he did, you told yourself you’d forgive him. You’d go back to him, because you were sure he didn’t mean it. Excuses began piling up in your mind, each one not having enough evidence to be proven true; maybe he was going through something he didn’t want to talk about. Maybe someone in his life died, like when Uncle Ben suddenly passed away. He didn’t speak to you for a week and didn’t show up to school, and when you went over to check on him, he broke down in your arms as he apologized for ignoring you, but you understood.
You always did.
So, you waited, and waited, and waited. Waited for a call, a text, something. But nothing ever came. No phone calls — he ignored yours — no apologies, no explanation, nothing but radio silence. It was almost like you never existed in the first place.
Day by day your hope slowly faded, and by the 56th day, all of it was gone. You didn’t know how to feel. You were furious at him for abandoning you. You were heartbroken. You told yourself you were being overdramatic — it wasn’t like you were in a relationship together, no matter how much you wanted to be.
All he ever saw you as was a friend. But that was before it all happened. Now he probably didn’t see you as anything but a stranger.
A stranger with memories and secrets revolving him.
Hot anger was quick to take control of your mind, and soon you stopped your crying and tore down years worth of captured memories and pinned birthday cards he made you - all reminders of how much you loved him - and threw them into a box. You shoved it to the back of your closet, along with your dignity and love for him.
Four months after your ‘breakup', you came back different. Newfound confidence shone out of you with every step you made down Midtown’s hallways. Your smile radiated happiness as you felt everyone’s eyes lay upon you. You were able to fool yourself and others around you that nothing happened. Your heart knew better, but soon it’d turn to stone.
And you convinced yourself that you preferred it that way.
You moved on, found friendship in others, and although they never lived up to him, they were enough to fill part of the gaping hole in your heart.
Flash making amends with you was probably the most surprising and unexpected thing to have ever happened in the school. You two got along well, almost too well, and about halfway into the school year, you became good friends. You two weren’t as close as you and Peter once were, but you bonded over your absent parents in ways you didn’t know were possible.
You felt understood, and he the same.
Still, that didn’t stop you from seeing Peter in the hallways. You made it a point to walk past him like you didn’t know him — because apparently, you didn’t.
You kept watching him from a distance.
You watched him make goo-goo eyes at Liz while rolling your own.
You watched him dart out of school at exactly two forty-five every day. You saw the anxiousness in the way he bounced his leg during class, the tapping of his pencil on the desk, the constant glances he threw at the clock with every minute that passed. You wanted to ask, but you didn’t.
On a particular day, the same day you overheard him and Ned making plans to meet up at his house to build Legos, you decided to go to Delmar’s to grab a bite. You hadn’t been there since the breakup, as you were always too nervous in case Peter ended up going there at the same time, and now that there was a clearing, you took it. Even if he was there, you didn't care.
You don’t.
When you stepped into the store, you were immediately welcomed by the one and only Mr. Delmar. He looked good — happy and content, and that’s why you absolutely adored him. It wasn’t fair that you cut off ties with him because of Peter, but he didn’t seem to take it personally. He went on and on about how much taller you’ve gotten and reminisced about how little you were when you and Peter got your first flattened number five sandwiches with pickles.
He must’ve seen your smile falter at the mention of Peter, because his eyebrows furrowed in concern not a moment later, “Did something happen to you kids? I never see him come with you anymore.”
So he’s been coming without you.
Ouch. That’s another stab to the heart.
Your palms began to feel slick as you rubbed them on your jeans with a strained smile and a shaky voice, feeling as if the walls were closing in on you, “Uh-we-“
But you never got to finish. Mr. Delmar’s eyes widened at something behind you, and in a split second, he yelled, “Get down!” followed by a string of Spanish curse words.
A scream left your mouth as a purple wave of something ripped through the bodega, nearly missing you by a strand of hair as you ducked. Shattered glass scattered everywhere, digging into the skin of your arms in a multitude of places. You hissed at the burn you felt below your eye, feeling a heavy liquid (which you assumed was blood) trail down your cheek and neck. You felt intense heat near your legs and your vision became blurred, ears ringing as all other noises besides your breathing became muffled. You coughed and coughed, feeling like your lungs were closing in on themselves from the fire that surrounded you.
The light above you flickered as you attempted to shout Mr. Delmar’s name, praying that he was all right.
But your voice never left your throat.
Your legs were trapped below two giant shelves that collapsed on them, and you weren’t strong enough to move them no matter how many times you tried to. The fire slithered like a snake as it began climbing to where your legs were being held below the rubble.
“Help.” You weakly whispered in between your coughs. The air around you felt heavy and limited, and it was starting to feel like you were choking on the fumes. You didn’t know how much longer your lungs could take.
It was hot. So fucking hot.
Your eyes shut and your head fell back on the ground, chest heaving in fast paces as you felt your body give up already, a burning sensation spreading all over you, like your insides were set on fire.
Your face trickled with sweat that dripped down to your cheeks, mixing with your tears.
Just when all hope was gone, just when you thought you were done for, you felt the weight lift off of your legs in one sudden movement, and an arm slide beneath your knees and on your back, holding you tightly.
You looked up at your savior, and who else could it have been other than Spider-Man, New York’s knight in shining armor, and apparently yours, too. You heard part of what he seemed to be saying as he looked down at you: “…got…I…you” and you could’ve sworn you heard your name.
But then again, you were on the brink of death, so you were no doubt hearing things.
You laid your tired head on his chest, wheezing into his smooth suit as he ran and jumped away from the fire until he reached the outside. He gingerly placed you on the ground and made you lean back against a parked car, and you breathed in the cool night air as he crouched down to rub your back while you practically choked.
In front of Spider-Man.
How embarrassing.
You felt your head heavily fall back as you clutched your arm in pain, the distant sound of police sirens audible now. Your eyes landed upon his covered face that turned away when you looked at him - like he was staring at you until you caught him. You could see that he wanted to go somewhere in the way that his spidey-eyes were expanding and shrinking at the destroyed bank across the street. You moved to touch your legs, and by some miracle, they were just a little sore. You could manage on your own.
“Go,” you breathily said, making Spider-Man look down at you, “I’m okay.”
He hesitated for a moment and pivoted his head to your legs. You breathed out half a laugh, coughing again, “Dude,” you placed a hand on his shoulder and jutted towards your legs as you began moving them, “they’re fine. I’m fine. I know you wanna go somewhere. Just go after it.”
He stayed. For a long minute, just watching you breathe and tilt your head at him. You wondered what was going on in that brain of his, wondered how old he was, wondered where he went to school - if he even went to school. You were trying to formulate a way to thank him for saving you, but you didn’t get the chance to. He nodded and quickly he sprung away, making way for the paramedics and cops to inspect the scene.
You didn’t go to school for a whole week after the incident, as you were too busy reflecting on what had happened. You went over multiple scenarios and “what if’s” and tried not to dwell on the fact that you had to have your driver pick you up from the hospital, not your father. He was probably out of the country, like he always was.
When you finally returned to school, you had stitched up three areas, including one below your eye, and were bombarded with questions and a large group hug from your friends. Your phone was no doubt a goner, so they had no way of contacting you. Even when they tried to come over, your housekeeper, Jane, always the responsible adult, told them the doctor needed you to rest alone.
She knew you couldn’t handle people, and needed to recharge on your own. She was like the mother you never had. Even when Peter left, she stayed by your side and tried to cheer you up. She knew how strong your feelings were for Peter, but she didn’t question you, instead allowing you to grieve the way you wanted to - alone.
Your friends asked you about what happened, and their eyes sparkled when you told them the Spider-Man came to your rescue, their excitement cutting short once the bell rang. They all left to go to their classes after wishing you a quick recovery. All but one.
Flash stood in front of you, nibbling on his lower lip with a wobbling chin and glassy eyes.
“Are you..crying?” you squinted at him, lips twitching into a smirk.
“Shut up,” he mumbled, wiping the stray tears before attacking you with a tight hug. You sighed deeply, feeling a nostalgic warmth spread through your chest as you placed your chin on his shoulder, arms circulating him and squeezing in a way that said "I’m here."
In class, you felt hardcore stares — stares that came from one person and one person only. You saw them from the corner of your eye, tracing the scar on your face. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think they were laced with worry. But perhaps you hit your head too hard.
During gym class, the last class of the day, you were excused from exercises due to your near-death experience, so you watched and cheered Flash as he climbed the ropes, attempting to break his own record.
“48 seconds.” You stated, pausing the timer as he jumped to the ground and planted his hands on his knees, breathing hard.
He looked up at you with a deep frown, “Seriously? How did I get slower?”
You shrugged, “Maybe you should change your nickname, Eugene.” You smirked, taunting him with the name you knew he hated.
He breathed out a laugh as he shook his head. He was about to say something when Ned’s voice overpowered everyone else’s with one sentence: “Peter knows Spider-Man!”
Everybody went so silent you’d think the queen of England had just walked in.
The sound of balls being dropped and shoes squeaking echoed through the gym as all heads turned to Peter Parker, who nervously looked around and quickly stood up, “Uh, no! No, I don’t. I-I mean..”
He clumsily made his way over to Liz (go figure), whose face remained expressionless.
“They’re friends,” Ned said as a matter of factly.
“Yeah, like Coach Wilson and Captain America are friends,” Flash said, making a couple of people laugh, including you.
“I’ve met him, yeah, a-a couple of times. But it’s um, through the...Stark...Internship. I’m not really supposed to talk about it.” He gritted through his teeth as he threw daggers at Ned with wide eyes.
“Well, that’s awesome!” You piped in, your loud sarcasm breaking the silence that settled over the gym, "He’s a pretty cool guy, I’m sure Liz would love to meet him. Hey, maybe you should invite him to her party.”
“Yeah, I’m having people over tonight, you’re more than welcome to come.” Liz sweetly admitted, almost like she wanted him to come.
“You’re having a party?” Peter said breathlessly, as if that wasn’t what you just said.
Flash gave Peter a snarling smile, “Yeah, it’s gonna be dope. You should totally invite your personal friend Spider-Man.” He suggested, derision oozing out of his words.
“Um-“ Peter stammered, helpless eyes searching for assistance in your own. But you wouldn’t give him any sympathy. Not anymore. You stared back, cold as ice, and you knew he saw that. You merely gave him a raised eyebrow, challenging him to say something.
“It’s okay,” Liz said, breaking you and Peter’s eye contact, “I know Peter’s way too busy for parties anyways so..”
“Oh, come on, he’ll be there. Parker wouldn’t ditch.” You said, voice dripping with venom as you maintained eye contact with him and walked past Flash until you reached him. You stopped at his side, just enough to give him a deadly stare, “Right?”
You watched his Adam’s apple bob and eyes dart across the ground as his fingers tangled with one another to conceal his shaking left hand. You studied his face, ignoring something that looked like a fading bruise on his jaw. The school bell rang, and with that, Flash walked to you, raising his hand for a fist pump. You bumped yours with his with a smirk and walked out the gym doors, ready to call Peter out on his bullshit once more tonight.
Next Chapter All The Hurt Masterlist Main Masterlist
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seijorhi · 4 years
Could u do something w the reader finally breaking away from dabi only to realize that she has absolutely nothing and needs him?? Idk maybeee?? Sorry if this is a trash req 🤡🤡🤡nanshsjanzbdsiminsecurejsbsjsn
Bby, no!! Not a trash request at all 💕
Dabi x female reader
TW implied abuse, implied non-con, Stockholm syndrome, kidnapping, reader has some issues
It’s been raining for a while, the droplets falling like sleet in the howling wind, soaking you to your skin.
You haven’t moved.
Sitting on the cold pavement, arms wrapped loosely around your knees, you try again. You take a deep breath, open up your palm and bite your lip…
White petals bloom, a daisy unfurling in your trembling hand-
And wilts, just as quickly.
You don’t have the energy left to cry as you slowly let the rotting flower fall to the asphalt. It joins the countless others littering the ground around you, dead before they ever really grew.
They used to bloom in the cracks of the pavement as you walked by.
Is this what a year without using your Quirk does? Or is it just… is it just you that’s broken?
A siren wails somewhere in the distance, but you pay it no mind. The city’s a dangerous place - you know that better than most, but tonight it doesn’t bother you. In the midst of a storm, tucked away down an alley with a broken streetlight you’re all but invisible to those not looking.
And nobody’s looking. You’re nothing but a shadow here.
Another gust of wind blows past and you shiver, pulling the thick, black hoodie tighter around yourself - for all the good that it does. Even the rain hasn’t washed away its lingering scent of smoke, whiskey and menthol. It wraps around you like a vice squeezing you tight, but it’s familiar in its own way. He’d only been wearing it the night before, his arm slung over your shoulders as the two of you spent the night drinking at the bar. Well, he drank - you nursed yours all night long, only taking tiny sips whenever those cerulean eyes flickered pointedly over. He knows you don’t like to drink, especially around them, but he seems to find it mildly amusing to drag you with him when they go out regardless.
You’d grabbed it without a second thought as you’d sprinted out of the bedroom. You could hardly go running down the street in pretty lace panties and an oversized wife beater.
The warmth of the afternoon sun, the soft breeze that tickled at your skin as you ran, it’d felt like heaven. Freedom. Even as fear and paranoia chewed at your guts and pushed you forwards it was… exhilarating. You wanted to laugh almost as much as you wanted to cry - from happiness or grief or an overwhelming, indecipherable mix of both, you honestly couldn’t say.
How quickly that joy turned to ash.
“Oh no, honey. They moved out - when was it, dear… maybe six months back?” the elderly woman turned to her husband, who nodded sagely.
“Yep, ‘bout then. It’s such a shame, I hear somethin’ awful happened to their daughter. Killed in a Villain attack if I remember rightly?” he mused. “I think it must have been too painful to stay, but I suppose…”
The rest of his words had faded into white noise.
He’d never said a word about your family, but you’d always thought… some part of you hoped that they were out there searching for you, waiting for you to come home. And even when he stuck that Quirk cancelling cuff around your ankle, when his lips burned against yours as he moved inside of you, you held onto that hope so tight.
But the home you’d dreamed of is gone.
Your life is… gone.
And what’s left of those pretty daydreams? You’re nothing but a ghost. No money, no possessions, no clothes but the ones and your back and even those aren’t really yours at all. You have nothing.
Even your Quirk, the pretty parlour trick that it was, has abandoned you.
So why bother moving? The rain is icy as it lashes at your skin and there’s a gnawing ache in your stomach - you haven’t eaten since last night.
You have nothing left.
More dead petals fall and you hug yourself tighter, sniffling under the downpour. Where were you supposed to go?
Did Dabi know that the rest of the world had moved on without you? He’d never brought up your family or your friends, not even to threaten them when you acted out. It was as if the moment he’d stolen you away, they ceased to exist. You were his now, and that was all that should have mattered to you. He wasn’t wrong, you suppose. Everyone likes to believe that they’re special, irreplaceable but… they’re not. You’re not.
Except, maybe, to him.
“Mine,” he growls, one hand wrapped around your throat, the other entwined with yours as he fucks you into the worn down mattress. “My girl, my fucking- hah - my fuckin’ babydoll.” He steals another kiss, always too rough, too much teeth and tongue, but the heating broke last week and Dabi is so, so warm.
He’s softer, later. One arm slung over your waist, your bare back flush to his chest. There’s a brand on your hip, and his fingers trace it idly. “We’re leavin’ this shithole soon,” he murmurs after a while. “Heroes sticking their noses where they don’t belong and all that crap, gotta lay low for a little while. Means I’m gonna be home a little more than usual, but… ” he breaks off, and you can feel his lips curl into a smirk as they brush along your neck, “you don’t mind that, do you, babe?”
We. Always we. From the moment he’d stolen you - saved you, in a twisted turn of events you preferred not to linger on - there was never a doubt in his mind that your future was his. Whether it was with the League or going at it alone, your place would always be with him.
He stole you. Kept you chained to his bed, fucked you until you were a babbling mess and burned his name into your skin. He hurt you when you acted up and sometimes just because he liked the way you looked, all scared and trembling in his arms. He teased you mercilessly and forced his love onto you at any and every opportunity, but-
“You know I’m never gonna let you go, right?”
He’s said it enough times that you don’t stiffen anymore, but you roll over regardless to meet those burning blue eyes. “Why?” you whisper.
Dabi’s silent for a little while, staring at you. You’ve been with him for months now, and not a day has gone past that you haven’t wondered, but never once have you asked him.
Afraid of the answer, maybe.
You still don’t know what possessed him to step in that day, whether that was truly the start of this obsessive mess, or merely the tipping point.
Eventually he shrugs, “‘cause you need me,” he says, like it’s a simple fact - an undeniable truth of the universe, “and I fuckin’ need you.”
You should hate him, and maybe a part of you does, but when the air around you crackles and blue flames flicker to life a few feet away, it’s not fear that races through your heart.
Dabi’s soaking wet, his normally wild black hair plastered to his skin, his ragged tee translucent and hugging the toned muscles of his abdomen - even his flames sizzle ominously under the deluge, but if the downpour bothers him, he doesn’t show it.
His cerulean eyes are fixed firmly on you - huddled in the corner, pale and trembling, illuminated only by the soft glow of his Quirk - and the grin on his face is almost manic.
“Time to come home now, doll, don’tcha think?”
It’s almost definitely a threat. You know him well enough by now to recognise the rage that blazes under that too wide smile.
You could try and run. See how far you make it before those pretty blue flames reach you. You might even be lucky - if you’re quick enough, maybe you could lose him in the dark warrens of the city’s underbelly.
But as you rise to your feet, soaked to your skin, teeth chattering and shaking like drowned rat, you don’t.
It’s a cold night, and Dabi is so, so warm.
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obeyme-kaidii · 4 years
Lesson 34 Summary
Levi’s video game continues to cause problems.
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Asmo is the next one that Levi decides to help. His wish turns out to be that he wants to “Charm” MC as a thank you for their help during the competition. 
Levi heads to Asmo’s room with MC, and there Asmo explains what his plan is. He wanted to be in his room in case the Charm was...effective. But no matter how hard he tries, it doesn’t work on MC. MC then asks if Asmo has ever Charmed his brothers and he explains that he tried to charm Satan and Mammon before, but he hasn’t tried Levi. Asmo teases Levi for a bit and “tries” to Charm him, before letting him go.
Asmo then explains to MC how he used to be a different sort of cute as an angel. He then pulls out a photo album full of pictures of himself as an angel. Levi comments on the fact that just because Asmo was an angel all the pictures he saw made him look cute. MC agrees with Levi, and Asmo says he can feel “attraction” coming from MC directed at him. Asmo then declares his wish fulfilled, but it’s still not enough to break the spell.
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Levi and MC head to find Beel and ask him about his wish. Beel wanted a special drink called a “siren’s song.” Levi is very upset and annoyed once he hears this, stating it’s a difficult drink to make. The group heads to the kitchen to prepare the drink, and nothing seems too difficult, even if the ingredients are a bit strange. But Beel and Levi explain what makes the drink special is the fact that it’s mixed while listening to a siren’s song. And if you listen to a siren’s song, you immediately want to jump in the nearest body of water, possibly drowning yourself in the process. 
Levi remembers that Lucifer has a recording of a siren’s song in his cursed record collection, so the trio goes to the music room.
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Meanwhile, Lucifer has arrived at the Demon Lord’s Castle and Barbatos is escorting him to where Diavolo is waiting for him for their tea date. Barb and Lucifer talk as they walk and Lucifer asks him why he’s in such a good mood. He explains that part of the reason is that Diavolo is happy that Lucifer accepted his invitation, and part of it is because he heard about what is happening with Levi’s game. Lucifer asks if Barb knows how many times they’ve had this conversation, but Barb tells him he only uses his power when Diavolo requests it. 
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Lucifer finally arrives where Diavolo is waiting for him. Dia is very excited to see him since he is also aware of Levi’s game and assumed Lucifer would be busy dealing with that. Dia is absolutely giddy, and explains everything he’s prepared for Lucifer, including a new tea set and special ordered human realm tea.
Dia then jokes with Lucifer as they relax, saying that maybe repeating this day wouldn’t be that bad. But Barb reminds him that he has a stack of paperwork to take care of when he’s done, causing him to change his mind, which makes Lucifer laugh.
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Back at the House of Lamentation, Levi, Beel, and MC are searching through Lucifer’s record collection. Levi is impressed with the quality of it, stating that he has a lot of rare records. When MC tries to help, Levi stops them and explains that a lot of the records are cursed, so MC could easily get hurt if they touch the wrong thing. 
Levi finally locates the record and starts to prepare the cocktail. He tells MC and Beel to keep their ears covered while he works. Levi is wearing earplugs (why not his fancy most likely noise canceling headphones??) but it’s still pretty bad and he’s having to work hard to concentrate on the drink. 
MC then notices that they can faintly hear the music playing and are given the option of trying to listen to it. If MC listens to the music, Beel intervenes and restrains them in a bear hug to keep them safe. Levi finally finishes the drink, and Beel gulps it down to complete his wish but the spell still isn’t broken.
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Finally Levi and MC head to the twins room to find Belphie, who Levi says is their last hope. Belphie tells them that his wish is just to take a nap with MC, which Levi is very happy to hear since that’s a normal, easy to grant request. Belphie then chases Levi out of the room so that he can be alone with MC. 
Belphie has MC sit on his bed, and quickly cuddles up next to them to rest his head in their lap. As he’s thinking about how great this actually is, Belphie realizes that if Levi doesn’t break the curse then the day will just reset. Which means, to Belphie, that this is a good opportunity to do...other things. And he asks MC if they want to try something more fun besides just napping. 
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Levi is now walking back to his room, when he starts to worry about what exactly Belphie could be doing with MC. Satan finds him there, and tells him that he needs to make up for the fact that the bangle prank has been spoiled. So he asks Levi for help buying things off Akuzon, using the Raven Levi has acquired. 
They both then go into Levi’s room and start browsing on the computer for fun prank related items that Satan thinks might be good to use on Lucifer. After gathering up a nice assortment of items, Levi goes to complete his purchase only to discover the purchase won’t go through. Lucifer has apparently enabled parental controls on his account, so all purchases have to be approved by Lucifer for the time being. 
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Meanwhile, back in the twins room, Belphie is being his mischievous self and flirting shamelessly with MC. After some cute moments where MC has the opportunity to kiss Belphie, he finally settles down so that he can go to sleep. Stating that he’s not sleepy, he asks MC if they could sing him a lullaby. 
MC chooses to sing the song of the siren that they heard earlier, and Belphie recognizes the tune. He tells MC about a time that he, Lilith, and Beel all listened to the song, and Beel tried to jump into a tub full of water. It took all his brothers running to help to be able to stop him. It doesn’t take long for Belphie to fall asleep after sharing that memory. 
A bit later Levi comes into the room to check on things, and wakes MC up. MC explains Belphie fell asleep, but once again it looks like the curse hasn’t been broken. 
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Levi takes MC back to his room, and after some back and forth, finally agrees to tell them his wish. All he wanted was for MC to spend the night and play video games with him, and him alone. Levi says his brothers are always there whenever they game together, so he really just wants MC all to himself. He’s very self conscious about his wish, thinking MC might find him gross for wanting such a thing. But MC is given the option of replying favorably to him, and Levi is over the moon.
At some point they fall asleep, and when Levi wakes up he realizes that the curse is gone and they’ve broken out of the time loop. Levi realizes that his game is now running, so he’s excited about playing it and MC is given the option of joining him, which makes him even happier.
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At breakfast, everyone is discussing how the curse is gone and a new day has started. Lucifer isn’t very optimistic though, because knowing his family, a new crisis is just around the corner. 
Mammon then charges into the room and attempts to place the bangle of truth from earlier on Lucifer. Lucifer however hears him coming and dodges out of the way, foiling Mammon’s attempt. That’s when Satan sneaks up behind him and slaps the real bangle on Lucifer. Lucifer is in a sour mood though after dealing with Levi’s problems, so he immediately destroys the bangle asking if “they seriously thought that toy would be a match for [him].” Satan and Mammon are both stunned. Lucifer suggests next time they should up their game and perhaps try a lethal poison that’s been aged 1000 years to up its potency. 
Beel then walks into the room and announces that they have a problem. He apologizes to Lucifer, who is just fed up with all the stress his brothers cause him at this point. Belphie jokes that Lucifer didn’t even get a half a day break between crises
Favorite Scenes - 
to be added later.
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whattodowithkpop · 4 years
Twister (Seyoon)
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Title: Twister
Pairing: Seyoon x Reader
Genre: Slight Romance
Word Count: 3.1K Words
Writer: Kpopmadness
The wind blew softly over the country side making my hair blow into my face, making me brush it back constantly.
"Boss," One of my teammates called Yongrae says to me. He's a young man in his twenties with lose brown hair that falls around his brown eyes and wide rimmed glasses. He and his twin brother, Jaein, were my radar watchers and human maps.
"What's up?" I ask cheerfully, excited to get the day of storm chasing started. I put the map back in my truck that I had been studying carefully.
"There's  a tornado forming just south of us. The radar shows a big hook beginning to form. I think we should start heading out soon."
I nod my head. "Is Dory ready?"
Dory was the machine in the back of my pickup truck. She was a tornado observatory that we could put in the twisters path and it would be taken up into the hellish vortex to give us information on the complex storms.
"She's all set!" Jaein says, popping his head out from behind Dory. I had forgotten he was working on her.
"But we're waiting on the rest of our new teammates for this chase to show." Yongrae says, watching the road.
Our  old teammates from last year had moved on to other things. Most of them not really interested in risking their lives tracking these big storms. The twins were the only ones from the old team that stayed with me.  So we were getting a new team this year.
I open my mouth to say something, wanting to know if he knew who our new teammates were, when a white van comes down the gravel road. We all watch it roll off the highway and slow as it gets closer to us, I can barely see the driver but i have a strange feeling i know him.
The van pulls onto the side of the road behind my truck and the first person out is the driver.
I can't help but let out a squeal and run to the man. "Jun!" I screech as i run to him. He smiles widely at me and catches me up in his arms, spinning me around.
"Surprise!" He laughs cheerfully. Squeezing me tightly.
"I want a hug too," A voice says behind us.
I pull away from Jun to see Chan's bright eyes staring back at me.
I wrap my arms around Chan's neck, making him hug me tightly around the waist.
"We've missed you." Chan whispers in my ear. Making me tear up slightly.
I choke out a chuckle, memories flooding my mind. I push them down and run my fingers through his hair, "I've missed you guys more."
"Do i get a hug?" A voice says behind me. Making my heart stop.
I pull away from Chan and see a man with dark hair and dark eyes staring down at me. His sharp features highlighted by the morning sunlight.
"Seyoon," I breath out. My chest tight.
"Hi." He says shyly. His eyes staring into mine and never leaving.
"We're your new teammates!" Jun says cheerfully, oblivious to the tense situation going on in front of him.
I clear my throat awkwardly and tear my eyes away from Seyoon.  I force a smile on my face as i meet Juns big brown eyes.
"It'll be good to have the old team back together." I try to say cheerfully. Memories of when we were all in collage together to be storm chasers. We spent every free chance we had together. Studying, laughing, chasing storms. We did it all. Especially me and Seyoon. My ex-boyfriend.
I hadn't noticed that Seyoon had walked away from the group and was studying Dory carefully. "Did you make this?"
I smile at him, "Yeah. It still needs more work, but shes ready to fly."
Seyoo smiled back at me, his smile making my heart hurt. I look away from him. The twins running toward me catch my attention and break the spell.
"Boss!" Jaein says excitedly, out of breath. "We need to go. There's a big storm forming and we just got a report its starting to rain heavily."
I smile widely, Jun and Chan smile and start nudging each other excitedly.
"Let's roll out boys!" I call, making my team swarm around me trying to round up their gear to leave. The twins argue with each other as they bring handfuls of maps from where they had been studying them on the roof of their truck inside. Jun hops in the vans driver side and Chan hops in the backseat, slamming the door shut.
But Seyoon follows me to my truck, looking worried. "You're driving alone?" He asks.
I turn and look at him, "Yeah. I think i can handle it."
Seyoon still hesitates, "And you'll be the one deploying Dory, alone?"
I hop into my trucks driver side seat and turn the key, the engine roaring to life. I stare down at Seyoon's dark eyes, seeing so much emotion behind them. So much familiarity there.
"You could always come with me." I blurt out.
Seyoon stares at me wide eyed. His gaze holding mine. The moment is broken, however. from the sound of Jun honking the car horn loudly. Seyoon and i both give a jump and before we can say anything else i close the door and put my truck in drive. Seyoon goes and joins Jun and Chan in the van.
I let out a sigh and click the Waki Talki on, "You guys ready?" I ask over the speaker.
I get several loud whoops and yes's over the station, making me giggle at their excitement. As i pull out onto the highway i take the Walki Talki in my hand again,  "Yongrae, give me a heading."  
"Go right and we're going to keep going straight for some miles." He replies, his voice cutting through the static.
We drive in silence for several miles, all the while the clouds above us steadily grow more and more angry looking. Taking on a dark, angry look. Flashes of white lightening start to split the sky in angry jolts. Steadily the wind begins to blow harder. I see a sign telling of the town coming up next, but the rain has begun to pour so hard i don't catch what it says.
"Yongrae, i need to get off this highway."
I hear paper rattling nosily as Yongrae looks through his assortment of paper maps. "If we go left on the next gravel road, it should put us directly in this things path."
"Has it landed yet?" Seyoon's voice coming over the speakers startles me slightly.
"No, but she has to drop soon." Jaein says for his brother.
"Yongrae, Jaein, you guys keep going after we make our turn. I need you guys to be our eyes in case this thing drops somewhere else."
The twins acknowledge in unison as we take the next gravel road as Yongrae instructs. A bolt of lightening strikes the ground, causing a loud crack to split across the ever darkening sky. I hear Jun screech from the loud noise, making me chuckle at his timidness.
"We have a touchdown!!!" The twins scream in unison over the speakers, making me cringe from the sudden loud noise.
"Boss, the twister has touched down. She's cutting through a field right now." Jaein says excitedly, his words coming so fast i barely understand him.
I crane my neck trying to locate the funnel but never see it, "Do you guys see this?" I ask the boys behind me.
Seyoon's voice cuts over the speakers, "We aren't seeing anything."
Chan's voice comes over the speaker a minute later, "It's right there!"
I almost miss the large black mass splitting the trees just to the side of us. Its long thin form ripping the trees apart as it's funnel rotated furiously.
I can't seem to take my eyes off the twister, its form holding all the way up to the puffy black and green clouds above it.
"Are we going to go for it?" Jun asks. I can hear a mix of excitement and nervousness in his voice.
I watch the tornado for  a moment longer before pulling my truck off to the side of the road. I wanted to watch this first storm for just a moment before i had to worry about deploying Dory in its path.
Seyoon is out of the van and standing beside me watching the huge storm, just as awed as me. "What do you think it is?" He asks softly.
"An EF3? Maybe a 4 if she holds her rotation and form."  I guess, my  eyes never leaving the dark cloud that slowly was making its way across the field away from us.
I hear the static of the radio from my truck cut through my excitement. I sit back down in my truck and take the Walki Talki in my hand, "Did you guys say something?" I ask.
"Boss this twister is heading right for town. And the weather channel hasn't even picked up on it yet."
I look at the three boys that had crowded around my door. Seyoon's eyes meet mine and we both feel a rock hit our stomach, hoping we were wrong about where we were.
"What's the name of the town?" I ask, my hands beginning to shake.
"Cloverfield." Jaein answers.
Me and Seyoon suck in a breath at the same time. I bolt out of my truck while ordering, "Chan, Jun, you guys have to deploy Dory."
"Why? What's wrong?" Chan asks, worried.
I crawl into the back of my truck and point to a series of switches on the metal machine, "These three switches together and then turn the dial here and a light will come on and she's ready to go. Put her in the tornado's path, drop her in the road and then make a run for it. Do you understand me?"
Both Jun and Chan nod in unison but Jun still asks again, "But why can't you do it? Dory is your creation. She has been since collage."
I let out a shaky breath and hop down from the bed of the truck, "I need to borrow your guys van too."
"Her grandparents live just a mile from town." Seyoon fills Jun and Chan in as he starts moving any equipment they might need to help deploy Dory into my truck.
"This twister is moving too fast. By the time the sirens go off it will save the people in town but my aged grandparents wont hear it and wont make it to safety in time. I have to go help them." I say hurriedly, moving to get in the vans drivers side.
A hand stops me, pulling me away from the door. "I'll drive." Seyoon says simply, sliding into the drivers side.
Rain falls into my eyes and wind tries to drown my words but i still manage to say, "You don't have to come." Even though i secretly hope he does.
Seyoon answers me by shutting the van door and starting the van. I feel arms go around my waist. Jun and Chan hug me tightly before saying,  "Be careful you guys."
I hold onto them for a moment, savoring their strength and support. Quickly heading for the passenger side, i slide in beside Seyoon and we start to my grandparents house. All the while the tornado has grown in strength and speed.
We clear town when the sirens begin to wail and power lines to begin to rock from the harsh wind pressing against them. I take Seyoon's phone and try eight times to get a hold of my grandparent. They don't answer.
I hang my head and rake my fingers through my hair, frustrated. Then i feel Seyoon's hand around my neck, massaging me gently. I let out a sigh at his familiar comforting touch and look over at him, his dark hair is soaked and hangs over his eyes. His dark colored shirt clings to the muscles along his chest and torso. So much had changed since i knew him in collage. But he looked and acted the same.
"It'll be okay." He says soothingly.
"Thank you, for coming." I say softly. Letting my hand rest on his wrist.
Seyoon looks over at me and smiles, "Anytime."
He lets me lock my fingers with his as we continue driving. Every minute making my heart beat a little faster. The wind pushes against the van making Seyoon have to concentrate to stay on the road.
The twister is only a black form behind us. but it rotates more angrily now, gaining speed as it rips objects from the ground. It base growing is size and strength. Seyoon sees me staring at it and picks up speed, closing the final distance to my grandparents house.
When we pull into the old country style farmhouse driveway, Seyoon barely puts the van in park before i bolt out the door. Wind and rain stinging my face and eyes. Seyoon comes around and leads me up the front steps before pulling the front door open. As we walk inside smells of home greet me. Making me smile slightly. Water drips from our hair and clothes.
A deep boof greets us before it turns into a series of barks. I smile as the hairy figure makes his way to us, "Bo, its me."
Bo, a golden retriever with white hair covering his golden fur around his face makes his way to us. His barking turning into a whine as i scratch behind his ears. I had grown up with him, and by the way Bo makes his way to Seyoon and leans against his leg, i can tell he remembers his days here too.
"Grandma! Grandpa!" I yell into the house. The boards of the house give off a creaking noise from the strong wind.  
Seyoon puts his hand at the small of my back as he whispers, "We should hurry."
I nod and run up the stairs as i start opening doors and calling into the rooms. Seyoon opens my old bedroom door and starts to leave but pauses. Memories flood his mind.  The pink flower wallpaper on the walls and the window seat by the large window bring back times when he would sit there with her. Studying, dreaming, hanging out with Jun and Chan. Sitting at that window seat kissing her for the first time. The feeling of her warm lips against his as her hands rested on his chest.
Then he could  imagine her sitting at that same window seat. Crying the day they broke up. Leaving her like her parents had left her as a kid had broken his heart. He never wanted to leave, but their jobs just took them elsewhere.
Seyoon turns and looks at her, her voice breaking him from his thoughts. "They aren't here." She says, tears in her eyes.
Seyoon sighs and takes me in his arms, "It'll be okay. They probably went to town and took shelter there."
I take a deep breath and regain control of myself. The wind has gotten stronger outside and hail has started to come down hard. The sky is almost black.
"We should find shelter." Seyoon tells me softly. His voice holding a bit of urgency to it.
We make our way down the stairs as the house windows begin to rattle aggressively.  Bo stands at the front door waiting for us nervously.
"Where did your grandpa build the shelter by the way?" Seyoon asks.
I smile sheepishly, "He always did things the hard way. Its in the barn outback."
Seyoon sighs, "We should head there then."
Seyoon opens the door and a large gust of wind hits us, i suck in a breath at seeing the twister making its way across the field and heading right for us.
Seyoon grabs my hand before yelling, "We need to go, now!"
I nod and turn to Bo, "Come on, Bo!"
Bo follows us as we struggle for the barn out back. The wind is deafeningly loud. Rain comes down thickly, stinging my skin as we run.
We just make it to the barn door when the wind picks up more, making it harder to walk. I try to jerk open the door but the harsh wind makes it almost impossible. Seyoon's chest crashes into my back as he helps me open the barn door and make our way inside.
I turn around before he closes the door to see Bo struggling to make his way to the door. I grab is collar and pull him inside.
The barn creaks as the twister draws closer, the sound of the wind almost deafening. Seyoon opens the door to the storm cellar, "Get in." He urges as he pulls Bo inside the cellar and then takes my hand to help me inside.
He follows and closes the storm door behind him before coming up to me and wrapping me in his arms. He smells of rain and cologne. I hear the deafening sound of the roof of the barn being ripped off and the cellar door rattle making Bo cower against my leg more. Moments pass, my face pressed against Seyoon's neck.
Then, silence. Only the sound of soft rain hits the  cellar door. I let out  a chuckle and rest my head against the cellars wall. Seyoon smiles widely down at me.
"That was fun," I say, still laughing.
"Yeah, it was." Seyoon says, still holding me close. "We've had a lot of close calls like that."
I stare up at him, my smile fading as memories come back to mind. Before i can say anything, Seyoons lips are pressed against mine. I suck in a breath, rain water runs down his face and onto his lips, making them taste like rain. I wrap my arms around his neck, trying to convey to him how much i have missed him.
"Guys!" A voice yells from outside, "Are you here?"
We pull away from each other at the sound of Chan and Jun's voice. "We're down here!" I call up.
The door opens and i have to squint my eyes from the rush of sudden light.
Jun's bright smile greets us, his shirt soaked and muddy and his hair wet. "It worked! We did it! Dory flew."
I let out a gasp and then a sequel as i make my way up to the top. The barn is partially gone but the house still stands. A lot of trees are either broken or gone.
"Where's my grandparents?" I ask, worry filling me.
"The twins found them in town hiding in a grocery store. They're fine." Chan soothes.
I let out a sigh and turn to Seyoon, who is smiling widely at me. "We did it."
Seyoon smiles down at me and kisses my forehead, "You did it. I'm just happy i was here to see it."
I smile up at him. Happiness flooding me that he was back in my life again and that we could start over.
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rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
peter! from physics!
a/n: this is gonna be one of those shitty fics where y/n and peter are so oblivious that they can't recognize each other's voice I'M SORRY!! also cindy moon is in this but she DOES NOT have powers for this imagine :/ srry
summary: y/n can't be controlled by wallets, peter parker gets crushes too easily, and crime in new york is abnormally low
warnings: the usual cussing, also the usual fluff. in conclusion i write the same shit every time LMAO
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+ + +
"hey!" you yell, hands crossed over your chest as you look over the edge of the building, the blue and red figure jumping as he webs a perp to the wall. he looks up at you, the wide white eyes of his mask almost making you laugh as they squint. "aren't you stark's boy?"
the sound of a web latching onto the concrete next to you makes you flinch. spider-man flips himself onto the rooftop next to you, standing and facing you.
"you. stark. didn't he just recruit you?"
"how'd you know?"
his voice is light and incredibly boyish. he stares at you, trying to figure you out.
"well, you're not wearing pajamas anymore," you shrug, traces of humor in your words.
"yeah," the boy nods, "that makes sense."
a moment of silence fills the space between you, the sounds of traffic and people walking filling the background. you turn, sitting on the edge of the roof and dangling your legs. peter stands there for a second, frozen, feeling completely awkward and unsure of what to do.
"so, uh, how long have you been-"
"yeah," he mutters, sitting beside you.
"almost a year, now," you breathe. the city-scape surrounding the two of you was quite astonishing, actually. all of your outside, mid-western family never understood your parents for moving out to new york, which is, in their words, "the big CRAPple." you don't care, though. it's home.
"cool," the hero mutters under his breath, repeating the word quietly, making you smile underneath the mask.
"huh?" the large white eyes gaze at you, his head tilted slightly. "oh. bit over half a year, i think."
"and stark already pulled you in, huh."
the words confuse peter. was that an insult, somehow? were you jealous? the boy certainly thought you were much cooler than him-- energy and light manipulation seemed much more interesting to him than being a human spider.
"what do you-"
"shit," you seethe, head turned away from the boy in red and blue and instead toward the sound of sirens. "gotta go!"
peter's stuck in place as he watches your silhouette flip and twist as you fall off the ledge, white wisps of energy circulating around you as you use your powers to break the fall.
"jeez," he mutters in astonishment.
he stays on the ledge for a minute, in his traditional spider stance, ready to swing over and help you, if needed. yet, something about the way you immediately brought down the robber made him feel like he was okay to go.
it wasn't a long way to headquarters. ever since his recruitment, tony stark had been, as peter put it, "on his ass." every time he went patrolling, he'd have to go to headquarters, give a report, and get a checkup on his suit.
'protocol,' as tony put it.
"identification?" FRIDAY asks.
"it's me, fri."
"welcome, peter."
the doors open and peter walks in, sighing as he rips off his mask. sam, walking by, jumps and steps back, eyes wide and sparkling with mischief.
"shit! bucky, there's a spider in here!"
"get over it you cowar- oh, hey, pete!" bucky smiles and gives peter's messy curls a quick ruffle. "what's with the shit-eating grin?"
the grin drops from peter's face. how long was that there?
"oh, nothing, i, uh, need to see mr. stark," he clears his throat, giving an awkward nod before walking off in the direction of the lab.
"nothing my ass," sam mutters, taking a bite of fruity pebbles out of bucky's bowl.
bucky gasps. "hey!"
+ + +
"hey, mr. stark," peter chimes, tossing his mask on the nearest table. "let's get this over with."
"why such a rush all the time, pete?" the man asks, raising his brows at the boy. "you're fifteen, you have all the time in the-"
"sixteen, actually."
tony gives him a look and scoffs. "whatever."
the two follow the ordinary routine: plug the suit into FRIDAY's system, get it scanned, and, of course, debate star wars and physics theories in the meantime.
"i'm telling you, han sacrificed himself."
"yeah," peter huffs, "said the one who didn't see it coming when darth vader was revealed to be luke's father."
"well at least i'm not a total nerd."
"look around! you have an entire lab dedicated to nerd projects and superhero stuff. the complete epitome of being a total nerd."
tony lets out a defeated breath, subtle smile on his face as he watches the footage from peter's suit upload to the system and appear through the hologram. the grin drops as he focuses on the video, zooming in.
"you were with shadow?"
"oh, yeah!" peter says, perking up, the grin returning to his face. "what's the deal with her, by the way? she-"
"single? don't be a simp, pete."
peter's eyes widen and he looks at the man. "i'm not even gonna... no- uh- okay. what i was gonna say is: she mentioned you and was like 'stark already pulled you in, huh' and it was kinda weird, like she was.. i don't know, salty about it, or something."
a laugh sounds out from tony. "she turned me down, kid."
peter's brows furrow. "turned you- what?"
"i'd asked her to join the team a few months after she'd first started out- same timeline as you, actually- but she declined. had this whole 'ms. independent' thing going on. quite a shame, actually, i set out a room for her and everything."
well if that didn't slightly strike a chord with peter. he didn't realize that he wasn't the only teenager tony'd tried to recruit. he squints at the ground for a second, wrapping his head around all of the new information.
"wait, if she didn't accept the offer, then how is her suit-"
"she was independent enough to turn me down, kid, don't you think she's capable of using a sewing machine?"
+ + +
"cindy, shut up," you seethe, failing at your attempt not to laugh.
"ms. warren doesn't care and we already know this stuff," she giggles quietly, doodling on your notebook. a horrid laugh bubbles from your throat, your attempt to be quiet turning it into a weird noise that only furthers your laughter.
nonetheless, and much to your relief, ms. warren continues with the lesson, babbling about gravity pendulums.
"okay, so how do we calculate linear acceleration between points a and b?" the woman asks.
you knew the answer. didn't feel like speaking, though. cindy simply mutters the answer under her breath and you nod, resting your chin on your hand.
"it's the product of sine of the angle and gravity divided by the mass," the boy states, looking over at your table and winking at the two of you. you stick your tongue out at him.
"nope," ms. warren replies, making you and cindy snicker and raise your eyebrows, pouting playfully at the boy's upset expression.
"peter, you still with us?"
you lean back in your seat, catching a glimpse of the boy. somehow, in a school filled with nerds, peter parker managed to get himself shoved to the lower end of the social ladder. he was constantly donned in button-ups, sweaters, and graphic tees bearing geeky science puns. moreover, up until a few months ago, there was a pair of slightly-too-large glasses thrown into the mix.
not that it was a bad thing, though. out of all the boys with that same stereotype, peter parker most definitely pulled it off best. he was quiet, kind, incredibly smart, and, not to mention, hot as hell.
at least in your opinion.
"uh... uh," peter mutters, scrambling to close the laptop sitting in front of him, giving you a better view of his face. "ye- yeah."
you adjust yourself in your seat, facing forwards once again and burying your head in your arms. being single all your life certainly makes your mind drift and heart swell at the sight of cute boys.
"uh... mass cancels out, so it's just gravity times sine."
cindy snickers at you and your overwhelmed state. you sit up, glaring at her and her all-too-knowing self before glancing back at the boy, just in time to miss his glance over at you.
ms. warren nods. "right. see, flash, being the fastest isn't always the best if you are wrong."
your laugh mixes in with the sound of your classmates, flash's face turning a deep shade of red. he turns around, facing peter, mouthing something to the boy that makes his eyes widen. you frown and sigh, refocusing on the lesson, or- in all actuality- the drawing of ms. warren that cindy doodled on your paper.
rather than reopening up his laptop, peter opts for resting his head on his arms, eyes landing on you for a few seconds. huddling with cindy moon, laughing quietly over your notebook, pencils twisting through the air; what peter assumed to be funny drawings of flash.
it wasn't his fault you'd left your notebook open as he walked by a few weeks ago, exposing random doodles of a few classmates (unbeknownst to peter, the sketch of him was on the next page).
while the boy usually spent his class time people-observing, he'd become more keen on watching you. it wasn't a weird thing, though. it was peter parker, bored in a class he was a bit too smart for, looking for something to distract himself. so what if that something was a pretty girl?
the bell rung, a sigh of relief falling from peters lips. everyone stood up, grabbing their bags, crowd slowly filtering out of the door and into the busy hallway. you say bye to cindy, who had rehearsal and claimed that "abraham will literally shoot me if i'm not there in time for warm-ups."
"shit," you mutter as you stumble, looking behind you. "sorry."
"it-" peter's voice gets caught in his throat. his wide eyes meet yours and your cheeks burn, the roses blooming all over them making you even more flustered. "it's, um, it's okay, don't worry about-"
you nod, struggling to crane your neck to look at him in the crowd of bustling teenagers. sucking in a breath, you manage to squeeze through the doorway, composing yourself and turning to look at peter. he wasn't there.
your eyes shut tight and you cringe, taking a deep breath and making your way out of the school doors.
+ + +
"why'd you do it?"
the voice makes you jump. a ball of light ignites from your palm as you turn your head to see a figure in red and blue. a breath of relief leaves your lungs and the ball sparks out, the eyes of spider-man's mask wide. "do what now?"
"whoa- uh, why'd you turn mr. stark down?" he asks, walking up to you. you scoot over, letting him sit next to you, the smooth material of his suit skimming yours.
no wonder spider-man found you so quickly; you spend every night up here.
"you think i wanna be tied down by a rich man? one who would, probably, make me follow certain stupid rules and reprimand me for not handling a situation the way he wanted it to be handled?"
"dang," he mutters, "way to make me feel bad about my decisions."
a laugh bubbles out of your throat, shortly followed by a gasp. "way to make me sound like him!"
the laugh the sounds out from the boy makes your heart flutter. it was boyish and light, confirming your suspicions of his age.
spider-man was definitely a teenager.
"he's not that bad, you know," peter offers, getting a huff from you in reply. "he just cares a lot. doesn't want me or anyone getting in trouble because of the way they handled a situation."
"how are you supposed to learn anything if you have a safety blanket wrapped around you at all times?"
peter froze, the large, white eyes of his mask blown wide. you made a good point.
there was something about you that was so intriguing. the boldness of your actions and the outward independence you carried with you was something that pulled peter in, that made him want to be around someone so unafraid of life's consequences.
he clears his throat. "so, uh, what school do you go to?"
"bold of you to assume i go to school."
you feel the hero freeze next to you, quite obviously caught off guard. peter was so sure you were his age.
"i'm kidding. i go to school, but there's no way in hell i'm telling you that," you sigh. he nodded.
identity was important.
the sound of traffic shuffles peacefully beneath you. you look over at the boy, tapping playfully on his head. "what's on that brain of yours, spider-boy?"
"uh, probably the fact that you continue to get my name wrong."
you laugh. "pretty sure i've got it right."
"whatever," peter scoffs, smile hidden behind the mask. he shakes his head and looks around. "sucks that i can't give you a name like that. what am i supposed to say, silhouette? no light girl? that's boring."
"no light girl, hmm. may just have to change my name for that one," you hum. the boy picks up on your tone and lets out that same laugh that makes your stomach twist.
you were starting to warm up to this boy.
"well, i gotta, uh," peter sighs.
you cock your head at the boy in red and blue, eyebrows raised. he looks at you.
"mr. stark wants me to check in every time i finish patrolling. says it's 'protocol.'"
"you never cease to prove my point, spider-man."
he jumps up, smiling brightly underneath his mask. "you said spider-man!"
"and i already regret it," you reply, looking up and him and saluting as he laughs and jumps off the ledge, swinging between the buildings and towards avengers headquarters.
a sigh falls from your lips as you pull out your phone, pulling up cindy's contact.
y/n/n i think i'm cheating on my unofficial occasional infatuation for peter parker
cindy lou who y/n, you do this every week ...who is it though
y/n/n a boy in red and blue
cindy lou who what the- are you telling me you have a crush on captain america he's like a hundred years old oh my god wait don't tell me it's spider-man
y/n/n ...
cindy lou who no bro like michelle said she saw spider-man just outside of school right after it ended one day
y/n/n wait what
cindy lou who yeah she thinks he goes to midtown
"holy shit," you mutter, stuffing your phone in your pocket.
now you really cared about his identity.
+ + +
"hey guys!" peter chirps, pulling off his mask and shaking his hair out with a smile.
"somebody's happy," natasha muses.
"what? no, it's nothing," he shakes his head. tony walks in, smirk pulling at his lips as he nudges the boy. "what?"
"kid had his first interaction with the girl."
"wait, the girl? as in..." rhodey trails off, raising a suggestive eyebrow.
"holy shit, the kid met shadow!" bucky exclaims, bright grin on his face as he slaps the counter and laughs. "oh my god!"
a series of laughs rings through the team as peter looks at all of them in a hurried confusion. "wait, all of you know her?"
"enough to know why you're in love with her," scott throws in, munching on his sub.
"i'm not in love with her!"
tony claps his back. "only a matter of time, kid. let's get you hooked up."
the two begin walking towards the lab.
"we'll be watching that footage, pete!" sam yells, snickering. "we got ourselves a rom-com."
peter glances back at the group as tony punches in the code, glass doors sliding apart to let the two in. "what's their deal?"
"more like what's yours," tony smirks, plugging peter's suit in. "ever since your first interaction with her, you keep running in here with that goddamn giddy smile."
peter sputters. "well- uh, am i, like, not allowed to have a friend? i can be smiley after making a friend."
"yeah, kid, but this is a girl. and you're peter."
the boy is silent; he had a point. curse you, tony.
"look, pete, if you want her, go get her. i think you two'd be cute. plus, you've probably got a better chance of coaxing her here than i do," tony suggests.
peter gives him a look.
"what? she'd be a great asset to the team, and her powers are unlike any of ours."
"i know, right?!" peter blurts in a rush of excitement, smile tugging at his lips before it falters slightly. "okay, yeah, i see what you mean, now."
+ + +
you slide into your seat, ignoring the smirk pulling at cindy's face as you grab your physics notebook.
"sooo," she drawls, smirking, "let me see the ring! is it red and blue, or-"
"cindy, i will make the neurons firing in your brain short circuit if you say one more-"
"jesus!" she laughs and holds her hands up in surrender. "wait, you can do that?"
you smile, leaning back in your seat as ms. warren begins her lecture over trajectories, doodles of her drawing graphs on the board fluttering out of your pen and out onto your notes. you'd already read this chapter of the textbook; listening was no use.
instead, you let your mind (and eyes) drift to peter parker. as per usual, his head was buried behind the screen of his laptop, only a few rogue curls peeking out. a sigh falls from your lips as you turn your head back towards the board, glancing at the diagrams before hunching over your notebook, doodling spider-man's figure swinging through buildings, just as he had in front of you last night. you close the journal before cindy gets the chance to sneak a peek.
you let your head fall back, face towards the ceiling. a light draft hits you and you sigh.
there was no way spider-man didn't go to midtown.
unless he was just some sick perv who just hung around there after school. but you were sure that wasn't the case.
after another thirty minutes of zoning out, the bell rings, making you flinch out of your daydream and get up, weaving your way through the end-of-day crowd and out into the new york air. ducking into an alley, you quickly manipulate the light waves surrounding you, deeming you invisible. within a minute or so, you're suited up and determined to catch the hero.
and it didn't take much time.
as soon as you walk out from the alley, spider-man is doing the same, jogging out from another alley just diagonal from you across the street. a smile tugs at your mouth and you dart up into the air, landing swiftly onto your rooftop, turning on your crime radar.
thirty minutes later, only having had to hunt down a shoplifter and return the stolen objects, you're laying on the rooftop, physics notebook out as you read and take notes over the next chapter. your ribs start to slightly ache as you curve your body up, stomach pressing against the concrete.
curse me for forgetting a blanket.
"i'm starting to think you live up here."
without looking, you stick an arm out and shoot a quick ball of light at the hero, making sure it just barely skims past his shoulder.
"hey! what was that for?" he whines.
"fun," you look up, eyes shining at him brightly. his playful sigh is muffled through the mask, but it makes you smile even more as he flops down next to you, stretching out on his stomach.
"ooh, physics," he murmurs, scooting closer and looking at the materials. peter's eyes widen when he recognizes the textbook: the same one he has. he clears his throat.
"hmm? nothing," he murmurs, glad his flustered expression is masked. his eyes drift along your notes and land on a doodle of a figure swinging through tall buildings. "wait, you drew me?"
the air catches in your throat as he scoots even closer, shoulder pressing against you as he pulls the notebook towards him, the large white eyes of his suit squinting at the small drawing. a flutter is sent through your stomach.
"no, that's captain america. silly goose."
he turns his head towards you.
"of course it's you, who else would it be," you joke, tone slightly off, embarrassed and wishing you'd been less clumsy.
of course he was going to see that.
peter feels warm and gets a feeling of adoration towards you. he could tell you were embarrassed; he'd cracked you, even for just a second. the boy almost wished you could see the bright smile his mask was hiding.
"so, um," he blurts, sitting up. "let's, uh, get to know each other...?"
you snort, shaking your head and sitting up so that you're next to him, looking out at the surrounding buildings. "very smooth, spider-man."
"i try."
the two of you begin darting questions back and forth. what's your favorite color? y/f/c. what about his? blue. favorite movie? y/f/m. his? revenge of the sith. favorite song, type of food, hobbies- you name it. and, it was actually kind of fun. it was a friendship in which you got to appreciate each other for your personalities, not for your looks. although, peter did find your eyes quite hypnotizing.
"do you have a boyfriend?"
your eyes widen and you suck in a sharp breath. "that was-"
"abrupt, shit, i'm sorry," he breathes, scratching the back of his neck. the fact that your faces were covered helped a little, but it almost felt more awkward, nonetheless. he could see your eyebrows scrunched together and he cringed. "i was just, um, curious, i guess."
"well, no, spider-man. i don't have a boyfriend."
his heart swells. "oh, uh, nice, i guess."
"nice," you humph. "yeah. uh, i'm guessing you probably have a-"
"definitely not," he laughs, shaking his head. the conversation as a whole felt weird, but the boy was smiling under the mask.
it was very peter parker of him to build a crush in such a short amount of time.
+ + +
"cindy," you whisper, sliding into your seat, "spider-man saw my sketch yesterday."
"what?" she turns her head to you, eyes wide and shining with excitement.
"i was doing physics homework on the roof i usually hang out at and he snuck up on me."
she gives you a mischievous grin. you scoff, light grin tugging at the corners of your mouth, pen making contact with the paper as you start on another sketch of spider-man.
you'd be more careful to hide your notes next time.
as much as he resented himself for it, it became routine for peter to sit down, pull out his notes, then ignore the lesson and stare at you instead. he couldn't help it. but as he watched you today, his brain didn't slip into its usual state of zoning out.
instead, it was making connections.
his eyes got wide at his sudden revelation, darting all over the place to make sure no one was paying attention. he pulls out his phone, starting up his drone and watching carefully as it flies over to you, hovering just close enough to see while still staying discreet.
and there it was.
the view from the drone plays on his screen, the oh-so-familiar doodle making peter's breathing stop. he gulps, quickly guiding the drone back into his backpack, leaning back and resting his eyes on you with an exasperated sigh.
holy shit.
+ + +
"not enough crime in queens, huh?"
he jumps, turning around. "where were you? you're always here before me."
"thought i'd turn the tables," you shrug.
peter nods, playing with his fingers. you'd been on his mind all day, head spinning as he tried to wrap his brain around the fact that you, his crush, were the independent hero that never ceased to amaze him. "can i take off your mask?"
spider-man and his unruly mouth.
"um, why?" you laugh nervously, reaching up to fiddle with the fabric that covered the lower half of your face.
"because we're friends, and i trust you," he shrugs, muttering. "and i have a bit of a suspicion."
you suck in a breath. it takes a moment for you to think it through, but it lines up. you were both doing the same job, so what was the fault in knowing what each other looked like? "i mean, i guess. but only if i can take off yours."
he nods, stepping towards you. you reach your hands out simultaneously, eyes sparkling at him out of both nervousness and excitement. you nod and feel the fabric, your safety blanket, slip off of your face.
"i knew it!" the boy yells, jumping back and pumping a fist excitedly.
wild curls, chocolate eyes, gentle smile.
peter parker.
"holy shit, peter! from physics!" you yelp, slapping a hand to your mouth before pulling it away, feeling as though you'd hidden your face for long enough. "wait, you knew?"
"your drawing, in physics. you were drawing in your notebook so i got curious and flew my drone over, then i saw it."
"you were watching me?" you ask, smiling.
peter's cheeks got red, and it was then that it really settled in. spider-man was peter parker. the cute, intelligent boy from physics. the one with puppy eyes and nerdy t-shirts.
"i mean, like, maybe," he looks down, flustered.
"you're cuter than you realize, parker."
the boy raises his head, confused look painted on his face. "did you just-"
you lean up and plant a light kiss on his cheek. peter feels his face get hot as you turn away, looking back to give him a wink before moving to step off the ledge.
the pull of a web stops you.
peter's lips are planted on yours, soft and quick, gentle and unsure. you stumble back, gulping. "peter, you-"
"i guess hanging out with you gave me a bit more confidence," he shrugs, crooked grin on his lips. a laugh leaves your lungs and you lean your head against his shoulder.
the sound of a siren wailing in the distance makes you flinch.
"last one there owes the other a kiss!" peter yells, tugging on his mask and jumping. you sputter before pulling up your mask as well, jumping off and flying next to him.
"you do realize that it works out in your favor no matter what?"
+ + +
rights for cindy moon because she doesn't get enough credit in fics even though she was in homecoming 0_0
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raywritesthings · 4 years
Happy Accident 2/3
My Writing Fandom: Arrow Characters: Oliver Queen, Laurel Lance, Felicity Smoak, Curtis Holt, John Constantine, Barry Allen, Iris West, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow Pairing: Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West Summary: Felicity’s punch has consequences no one intended, driving Oliver to take drastic measures with their own unexpected result. *Can be read on AO3, link in bio*
It was difficult trying to move in all this wet leather that clung to her skin like it was stuck with glue. Being cold and uncomfortable was distracting in itself; she hadn’t had any physical discomfort in that other realm, hadn’t wanted for any material need.
But now she was here in the real world, she was pretty sure. Oliver had brought her back even though she’d thought that was impossible now. “Is that a Lazarus Pit?”
“Yeah. Turns out there were more.” He pulled a big, fluffy towel out of a pack that Laurel eagerly took when he crouched down to pass it to her. He stayed there, smiling at her in a way he hadn’t for a long time, a way that always guaranteed to turn her insides to mush. Laurel tried to find something else to distract herself with.
“Who painted my nails black?” She was really starting to worry about her dad’s mental state if this was what he’d chosen to lay her to rest in.
“...you did?” A vaguely familiar voice said in what seemed to be a question. Looking past Oliver allowed her to see Curtis Holt, the man that had helped them save Oliver’s life and rescue Thea and Felicity from Brie Larvan’s attack on Palmer Tech. Felicity was here, too, staring at Laurel with an unreadable expression on her face.
Constantine had circled around to stare at her as well. “Oliver, if something’s gone sideways, I need to know.”
“It hasn’t — it’s not bad. You were right, I couldn’t find Black Siren’s soul.”
“Oh, she didn’t have one? Color me shocked,” Felicity muttered.
To Laurel’s surprise, Oliver ignored her entirely. “But it turned out that, even though her soul had fallen out of our Earth’s vibrational frequency, Laurel’s hadn’t.”
“Wait,” said Curtis. “You’re telling us this is Laurel-Laurel? Like the good one?”
Laurel raised an eyebrow at that. Since when had she been a ‘bad one’?
“Yes,” Oliver confirmed.
Felicity’s mouth fell open. “Laurel body-snatched her own doppelganger’s body?”
“This isn’t my body?” Laurel asked, her heart — or someone’s heart — doing a funny lurch. She ran both hands down her face. Everything felt like herself, except — was there a hole in her nose? She had a nose ring now?
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay,” Oliver promised, his hands on her shoulders helping steady her. Behind him, Curtis and Felicity seemed less convinced.
“Oh man. Oh man, this is way beyond what I signed up for.”
“Why did you grab the wrong soul? You really thought it was a good idea to just mix and match people’s souls? This could be a disaster!”
“If everyone could shut it a moment?” Constantine demanded loudly, and they did. He nudged Oliver back a couple feet and stood over her, waving his arms and murmuring what to her basically sounded like gibberish under his breath. When he at last stopped, his shoulders sagged in relief. “For better or worse, she’s stable. An exorcism shouldn’t be necessary, and it’d be damn difficult to do since she is so compatible with this body.”
Laurel leaned slightly away at the word ‘exorcism’, but felt the tension leave her upon hearing the rest. She wasn’t totally sure how she felt inhabiting what was apparently a version of her body from another Earth. And really, what had happened to the other her that had led to Laurel inhabiting this body?
“How exactly did the other me die?” She asked. She had to assume the other her had died if they’d been trying to get her back with a Lazarus Pit.
The range of reactions was something to behold; from Oliver’s wince to Curtis squeezing his eyes shut and shying away to Felicity’s stiff, “There was an accident. But that doesn’t really matter, now, because… you’re back. The real you, this time. Kind of ironic considering she pretended to be you at first.”
“She did?” Laurel really wasn’t sure what to think from the bits and pieces she was learning about the other her – though she couldn’t help thinking that real was an oversimplification of what she was in relation to her doppelganger. Her doppelganger had been real, too, had lived and died. Was it right for her now to be living in her place?
Laurel didn’t want to be dead, though. Before she had died had been some of the best months of her life; she’d finally felt like she had everything to live for. She couldn’t and didn’t want to change that she was back, as selfish as it seemed.
“It’s a long story,” Oliver said. “There’s a lot we’re gonna have to catch you up on.”
“Wish I wasn’t used to that feeling.” Laurel shifted so that she could get back onto her feet — or her doppelganger’s feet. She didn’t know if she ought to keep reminding herself of that out of respect to the other woman or if it was just going to end up driving her mad. She was a little unsteady in the heeled boots she had on considering her feet were still damp inside them, and Oliver rose to his own feet to steady her, one hand on her arm, the other supporting her back. She smiled up at him a bit timidly; that other place she had been in was beginning to fade from her mind, and Laurel couldn’t help but to focus on the last conversation she remembered having in the land of the living until now.
“I’m going to need all of you to step outside while I place the protective enchantments over this Pit,” Constantine said.
They filed out, Laurel wrapping the towel tighter around her shoulders as she was met with cold mountain air. Oliver guided her to shelter against an outcrop of rock, one hand rubbing her back to help warm her.
“So what was the plan after this, exactly?” Felicity shouted to be heard over the wind. Laurel shifted to try and make a little more room for her friend to come stand with them, yet Felicity remained where she was using Curtis as a buffer.
“I was going to call a secure ARGUS transport,” Oliver said. “But we don’t need them now.”
“We do need a way to get a legally dead woman back into the US, though,” Curtis pointed out. Laurel found herself wondering why he was here. Not that she had anything against Curtis, she just would have pictured John or Thea being the third person to accompany them on this resurrection mission. Then again, she had no way of knowing how long it had been or what might have happened to Thea or John in the meantime. That was an unpleasant thought.
Oliver nodded. “Felicity, see if you can get a hold of Cisco.”
Their friend turned away to do just that. Laurel desperately wanted to know why there was still such a coldness between the pair, and why it no longer just seemed to be on Felicity’s side of things. And why had Oliver apologized to her about Felicity? Except it hadn’t been to her, it had been to some other version of her. Something had happened that no one seemed to want to get into right now. She’d let it go for a time, but once she was warm and in comfortable clothes, Laurel wanted to know just what exactly had been going on while she was dead.
Constantine joined them outside. “Well, you lot got a way back yet?”
“Working on it, John,” Oliver told him.
“Then I suppose this is goodbye for now,” he said. “Laurel, always a pleasure.” The man leaned in and gave her a light peck on the cheek, which Laurel couldn’t help noticing had Oliver grimacing. “You take better care of these Lance girls, Oliver, or I might have to steal them from you.”
“Well, Sara speaks for herself, but I’m happy where I am,” Laurel said before Oliver could try to speak up on her behalf. He looked mollified by her answer anyway.
Constantine shrugged with a grin. “Worth a try. Right then, I’ll be off. Good luck in your new life!” He turned and sauntered down the mountain path, only the trail of cigarette smoke left in his wake after a moment.
“Cisco says he’ll make the breach and that we just step through,” Felicity shouted. “He doesn’t want to come to Siberia, apparently. Can’t imagine why.”
“Step through what?” Laurel asked, but then her answer arrived in the form of a strange, blue, rippling circle of energy opening up just a few feet ahead of them.
“Oh, thank you,” Curtis said before promptly running through it and not coming out the other side.
“Ollie?” Laurel asked.
“Just trust me,” he said, taking her hand as Felicity went through next. Laurel nodded and walked through it with him.
She could see nothing but blue all around them for a moment, and then they had somehow stepped out into some sort of command center of a room with computers and metal tables. Caitlin Snow and Cisco were there, along with a woman Laurel didn’t know.
“Thanks for the pickup,” Felicity was saying as she rubbed her hands together. “I was not looking forward to going back down that mountain.”
“So what were you all doing out there anyway?” Caitlin asked. She froze as her gaze passed over all of them and stopped on Laurel. “Oh!”
“Uh, hi,” said Laurel. “I’m back.”
Rather than surprise or even happiness meeting that statement, however, Caitlin paled, the unknown woman reached for a gun and Cisco sent some kind of blast of that blue energy at her, knocking her clean off her feet.
“We’ve got Siren!” He called out.
“Hey!” Oliver rushed to her side, but to her own amazement, Laurel was already shaking it off and getting back to her feet with her fists clenched. Figured this was the kind of welcome she got when coming back from the dead. “Just give me a minute to explain,” Oliver was saying.
Laurel saw a streak of lightning rush into the room straight toward her, her fight or flight response kicking in of its own accord. Without her even willing it, she released a scream like she used to with her choker device. Except instead of it just producing a noise this time, she felt the power of it rush out of her in waves that impacted Barry and pinned him against the opposite wall.
“Laurel, Laurel, stop!” Oliver’s hand on her arm snapped her out of her fighting stance, and the scream let up.
She backed up a couple steps, one hand going to her throat. “How did I do that?”
“It- she could do that,” he answered. “She was a metahuman.”
“Oliver, are we sure she isn’t still — that maybe some of her is still in there?” Felicity asked, eyeing Laurel warily.
“John didn’t seem to think so.”
“Okay, is someone going to actually explain what we’re talking about and why Black Siren shouldn’t go back in the pipeline?” Cisco asked, loud enough to cut through what seemed to be a brewing argument.
“Because I’m not Black Siren,” Laurel said. “I’m me. And I didn’t mean to do that just now. I didn’t even know I could. I’m sorry,” she said to Barry, who was just struggling to his feet with the unnamed woman’s help.
“Well, thanks for the apology,” he grunted. “But I’m not following. You’re not Black Siren, you just have her clothes and her powers and look just like her?”
“Well, that’s what happens when Oliver decides to drop original Laurel’s soul in Black Siren’s body on a whim,” Felicity remarked.
The Flash team all looked suitably stunned. Laurel shifted a bit uncomfortably. She really didn’t know what the process was for accepting that you were yourself, but slightly not at the same time. Somewhere else, the body she had always known was still rotting away in a grave. Somehow she kept whatever contents might have been in her other self’s stomach at the thought.
“So… she’s our Laurel instead?” Caitlin asked at last.
“Yes,” Oliver seemed glad to answer.
Cisco was the first of the group to approach, scrutinizing her for a long moment. “What was the thing I asked for in exchange for the Canary Cry?”
“What did I say I’d do if you showed anyone?” Laurel answered with her own question. The others looked, if anything, even more wary.
But Cisco’s face split into a wide beam. “Can I hug you?”
Laurel, who had not been hugged yet since coming back from the dead, opened her arms obligingly. Cisco practically flew into them.
“We missed you so much! I love how no one from Star stays dead!”
Cisco’s teammates were all relaxing now that he had given the green light of sorts, and one by one approached her for hugs as well, though in the case of the woman who came up after Barry it was accompanied with a, “I’m Iris. It’s really great to finally meet the you the others have all told me about.”
“Thank you.”
“And you’re a metahuman now? I mean, this is even more awesome,” Cisco was saying.
“Is no one really going to miss the other me?” Laurel couldn’t help asking. A part of her felt she ought to stick up for her not-self.
When her question was met with a round of shaking heads from just about everyone but Oliver, she cringed. She could only imagine the worst.
“So how exactly did her soul replace Black Siren’s? And how are you gonna explain Laurel’s being alive? I mean, is she gonna resume living in Star?” Barry was asking Oliver. They were good questions, but Laurel was honestly starting to feel a little overwhelmed to consider it all. She still didn’t even know how long she’d been dead for.
“You look like you could use a shower and maybe some of your own clothes,” Iris noted. “Come on, I can show you where to find stuff.”
“Thanks,” Laurel said, catching Oliver’s eye briefly as she made to leave the room. He nodded, indicating he understood where she was heading, then returned to speaking with Barry. “So, when did you join Barry’s team?”
“Oh, I’ve known for a couple years now,” Iris answered her. “But I’ve known Barry since we were kids. We finally decided to give dating a shot a couple months ago.”
Laurel returned Iris’ happy smile with one of her own. “Good for you. Dating your best friend… it’s really special.” It had been one of the happiest times of her life before it was over.
But why was it starting to feel like Oliver didn’t think it was? Was it his happiness to have her back that she was misreading, or had something changed in a way she’d never dared to hope?
Barry gestured for Oliver to follow him out into the hall since Felicity and Curtis were already talking with Caitlin and Cisco. “So how exactly did this all start?”
“That’s a long story,” Oliver said with a sigh. “But I guess it started when Black Siren really did come to town. Prometheus, another archer, had broken her out and wanted her to pass herself off as our Laurel to mess with our heads, I guess. We ended up realizing it was a trick and capturing her, only Felicity let her escape to try and follow her to Prometheus,” Oliver explained, a frown on his face as he continued, “which nearly killed a security guard and led to Siren dying when Felicity sucker-punched her.”
Barry’s eyes went wide. Felicity had killed someone? He just couldn’t picture it. “And then?”
“And then, I… I don’t know if I can explain what watching her die again was like for me, Barry. My own team doesn’t even understand it. I called John Constantine, and maybe it was rash, but when he told me there were still other Lazarus Pits out there, I couldn’t just… not when my team was responsible. Not again. I know that sounds — she wasn’t even my Laurel—”
“No, I get it. I’ve met other versions of my loved ones, too. It affects you.” He could still remember holding Earth-2’s Iris close as her Joe slipped away from them at the hospital, a lump in his throat that had made it painful to breath. “And trust me, you don’t have to explain what watching something like that does, how desperate it makes you. I know.”
And the thing was, Barry thought he was starting to get something else, too. He had heard about Oliver and Felicity’s breakup last year a month or so after it had happened. When they had all met up to combat the Dominators last month, the two had seemed on good enough terms for a working partnership, but nowhere near the level of intimacy they had had the same time last year — when they hadn’t been fighting in one timeline, Barry supposed.
So when Oliver had told him about the dream world the Dominators had stuck him and some of the others in, that it had been a perfect life with his parents still alive and him about to be married to the love of his life, Barry had wondered at the time about the lack of a name. Part of him had assumed that Felicity had been implied, yet now he was starting to think that hadn’t been correct. Especially when Oliver and Felicity hardly even seemed cordial with each other now if Felicity’s sarcastic remarks and Oliver’s clear frustration with her actions towards Black Siren were any indication.
“Thank you, Barry,” Oliver said, drawing him out of those thoughts.
“Hey, you were there for me about Flashpoint. I am always gonna be in your corner no matter what the call,” he said. “So I guess you guys went to this Pit?”
Oliver nodded. “Yeah, we met John there and restored Siren’s body to life. When people are fully killed, their souls have to be restored separately. Laurel and I rescued Sara’s last year, but when I went in with John this time, there was nothing at first. He thinks that because she was on a different world to her own, her soul was lost to us.”
“Wow,” Barry said, making a mental note never to die on another Earth. “You said there was nothing at first?”
“Yeah. But then I heard a voice calling for me. It was Laurel. I don’t know how or why they were connected like that, how she knew I was there. But I am so thankful.”
It was hard to wrap his head around. Barry was a scientist first and foremost, no matter how strange the science in his life had become. He didn’t fully understand everything that went on in Star these days any more than they seemed to understand metahumans. Though who knew if that would change now that Laurel was one.
But if Laurel was alive again and Oliver was happy, then Barry supposed the rest of it didn’t matter much in the end how it had happened. Just that it had.
“What are you going to tell people? I mean, everybody knows she was the Black Canary.”
Oliver looked down. “I wish Evelyn’s actions hadn’t made me do that, now. I haven’t spoken to Laurel yet about what people know. We’ll have to figure something out.”
Barry nodded. Anything else he might have said, however, would have to wait, as footsteps announced the arrival of Iris with Laurel. His girlfriend had supplied Laurel with the full STAR Labs apparel line, it looked like, and the two were chatting away like old friends as Laurel towel-dried her hair.
“And there they are,” Iris remarked, smiling at Barry in a way that always made his stomach do funny flips. He couldn’t help but notice Laurel’s smile seemed to be having the same effect on Oliver.
“Feeling better?” He asked.
“Yeah, now that I’ve sort of taken stock of things.”
“Well, other me clearly got into her fair share of fights judging by some of the scars I have,” Laurel remarked. “Kinda weird they’re in different places than mine were. Also, I have tattoos, now.”
“Really, where?” Oliver asked with a grin that had Barry’s mouth dropping open.
Laurel, for her part, just rolled her eyes. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“C’mon, we better regroup with the others,” was all Oliver said in reply, still grinning as he offered Laurel his arm. She took it, and the two headed back into the cortex.
Iris stepped up to Barry’s side and slipped her arm around his back, her head leaning on his shoulder. “Aw, I’m glad they’re still cute. Teenage me’s kind of having a freak out right now.”
“Yeah?” Barry shook his head. Iris and her magazines. He much preferred her writing. Together, they followed their friends back into the room.
Caitlin and Cisco had abandoned their conversation with Curtis and Felicity to come see Laurel again.
“We have some data on hand about the sonic scream already, of course, but it’d be amazing to get a full, comprehensive picture now that you’re the one in control of it.”
“Also, I’m thinking suit update. I mean, what’s a back from the dead party without presents? If you let me keep Siren’s suit for the measurements, I can have it ready by the end of the week.”
“Thank you,” Laurel said. “That’s really sweet.”
“It is, but you guys might be getting ahead of yourselves,” Felicity interjected. “Let’s not forget that Oliver kind of outed Laurel as a superhero last year.”
Barry winced as the smile dropped off Laurel’s face while she backed a step away from the group, away from Oliver. “What?”
“Yeah, right over your grave,” Felicity added.
“There was a situation with an imposter,” Oliver explained. “I was going to tell you. I just wanted you to have some time.”
“Well, she did need to know, Oliver,” Felicity argued. “I mean, I don’t even know if Laurel can come home with us, at least not publicly.”
“We will figure it out,” he said, his voice taking on a harder edge that Barry knew meant it was time for the other person to stop pushing. But Barry also knew Felicity tended to struggle with those sorts of social cues.
Sure enough, his socially awkward friend continued, “How? This isn’t exactly something you can take back. I mean, you had a statue built in Laurel’s honor — even if her doppelganger just destroyed it — and Quentin even confirmed he knew Laurel’s identity which cost him getting his job back—”
“My dad gave up his job?” Laurel asked, looking distressed at the prospect.
“It wouldn’t have been good for him to take it, Laurel, he needed the time in rehab,” Felicity said, and though her tone was a soothing one, Laurel did not look any calmer, and Barry didn’t blame her. 
There was something about the smile playing around Felicity’s lips that didn’t quite seem sympathetic and raised the hairs on the backs of his arms. He had spent enough time over the last few years with men who had claimed to have his best interests at heart all the while that they schemed and acted to hurt him, and he had gotten good at spotting the feeling. But why would Felicity of all people be giving him that feeling?
“That’s another thing, actually,” Felicity was saying the same time that Barry’s mind raced with these observations. “If Quentin hears about Laurel being back, he’ll want to check himself out in the middle of his treatment. You really did not think through the ramifications of doing this, Oliver.”
“Felicity, that’s enough,” Oliver commanded, causing everyone in the room to stand just a little bit straighter. Felicity’s mouth, which had opened again to speak, snapped shut. “What is done is done, and whatever the complications that arise, we will deal with. I would much rather live in a world where Laurel is alive and have some issues to sort out rather than a simpler one where she is not here. I’d have hoped you felt the same way.”
There was a stunned moment of silence where Caitlin, Cisco and Curtis all stood there gaping. Iris watched at Barry’s side, her slightly widened eyes the only giveaway to her feelings on the matter and Barry himself had little clue how he looked on the outside, only knowing that he would never have thought he’d see Oliver take that tone with Felicity; not since the disagreement they had had all those years ago when Barry had been brought in on the secret of the older vigilante’s identity.
Laurel stood at the midpoint between them, her arms crossed in a move Barry recognized was far more about shielding herself than it was about projecting power. Her disbelieving gaze slowly swept in Felicity’s direction, who scoffed.
“I- of course I prefer it! I just think you have a bad habit of making incredibly impulsive decisions without considering all the facts or getting the rest of the team’s consensus.”
Oliver didn’t even bat an eye. “Impulsive decisions like going behind my back and giving the recruits separate parameters for a mission that ran completely counter to my stated directions? Or like releasing a dangerous prisoner in the hopes she’ll lead you to her commander?”
“You- you did that, too,” Felicity declared. “Last year, with Anarchy!”
“Yes, and I was wrong! Which Laurel pointed out to me, privately instead of bringing it up in front of the team or our friends, something that in all the years we have worked together, you never fail to do,” Oliver shouted. He then squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, voice returning to a normal volume as he added, “I didn’t like doing that with you, just now. I understand why you took those risks with Siren, what you are going through. I wanted to address it later, see what you needed to let the team keep working.” His frown deepened. “But you never have afforded me the same courtesy, and I am realizing that you never will.”
“I need to ask you to take a leave of absence from the team.”
“Oliver,” Laurel said softly. “If this is about just now, I’ll be fine. I don’t want people kicked off the team just because they disagreed about bringing me back.”
“If it was just that, I’d consider other options. But this has been an ongoing problem I’ve made excuses for in the past, and that’s only compounded things.”
“What, because I make my own decisions and don’t just follow your orders? That’s enough to get kicked off a team I helped build?” Felicity demanded.
“I recruited you,” Oliver said. “I thought it would be a good idea to have an expert on the computers, but that does not make you an expert in the field. A woman died a few nights ago because of an impulsive attack you made on her after Curtis had already taken measures to neutralize her threat. When that catches up with you, when you can see past the anger and grief you are feeling over Billy and think about what you did, you are going to need the time off.” The anger had almost entirely receded, and it struck Barry now why Oliver was doing this; he was trying to be kind. “When you’ve had that time, we can talk. And that will include laying some ground rules about how the team is going to operate.”
Felicity nodded, her eyes particularly bright behind her glasses in a way Barry knew meant she was holding onto her tears. “Well, I can save you the time, because it is going to operate without me.” She turned and marched for the exit to the cortex, turning once to call over her shoulder, “Good luck with the recruits since they basically all hate you.”
She left a very long and awkward silence in her wake.
“Um, for the record,” Curtis began in a small voice. “While I don’t exactly hate — it’s a strong word, you know — but I do, at times, find you extremely difficult to work with, and I’m not sure how I feel about what just happened.”
“Then take some time off to figure it out, Curtis,” Oliver replied. “I need a team that can function as a cohesive unit. We are never going to defeat Prometheus when we’re too busy with infighting. Decide what’s more important to you, and then stick with it.”
Curtis gulped and nodded.
Oliver turned out to face the wider room. “I’m sorry that had to happen in your space, Barry.”
“No, it — well, it’s probably best we know the situation,” he decided. “I guess I just hope things work out for the best.”
“We should probably get home. All of us,” Oliver added, with a look at Laurel.
“What are we going to tell people?” She asked.
“That’s something I’m working on, but I know you’d rather be in Star than anywhere else.”
Laurel’s lips turned up in a small smile, and she nodded.
“I can get you guys back to your base to avoid bumping into anybody who shouldn’t know yet,” Cisco offered. “And I’m still gonna get started on the suit.”
“Thanks, Cisco,” Laurel said, walking over and hugging him again. Barry thought his friend was quite happy with that development.
A new breach was made, and the remaining Team Arrow members stepped through, the somewhat tense and awkward air in the room breaking as the breach closed.
“Well, that was… something,” Iris commented. “I hadn’t realized things were so bad with their team.”
“Neither had I,” Barry admitted. He had always viewed the Arrow’s team as a well-oiled machine, something to aspire towards. It was almost comforting to know they had their issues the same as his team had had theirs. Barry hoped it never came to a head the way things just had between Oliver and Felicity, though.
He couldn’t help wondering, however, if perhaps that had needed to happen. The last couple times Barry had seen Oliver, the other man had seemed tired, run down, and missing some part of that unbeatable drive he brought to everything he did. Now it seemed he had regained it with new vigor, and it didn’t take a genius to guess what had caused it.
Barry only hoped Oliver did figure out some way for Laurel to return to Star City officially, and as a free woman. He needed her just as surely as Barry needed Iris. And like Oliver had just proven, even death could be conquered in the face of love.
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chocobroness · 5 years
Boom, CMC one-shot. (Also warnings: minors drinking a bit of alcohol)
There was a loud BOOM!
It shook the ground some. Ignis didn’t spare a second as he proceeded to drop flat into the ground. Narrowly avoiding the flying glass shards of the windows in front of him.
An attack was surely possible. But after 3 years of this routine, it became habit to differentiate between what was an attack and what was someone’s antics. So reacting, assessing and responding to it in a matter of seconds became as natural as breathing.
Didn’t mean he enjoyed it.
After waiting for the floor to stop shaking, he stood and brushed the dirt off his clothes. Nodding to the others passing by, he made his way to the garage.
“What have I told you about detonating bombs within the citadel?” Was the first thing out of his mouth as he entered the room.
As those words were spoken. He stepped to the side. Dodging the baseball that was thrown at his face. He saw the look of glee and amused surprise on the room’s occupant’s face before they exploded into a puff of smoke.
Ignis simply watching as they collected themselves from the ensuing coughing fit.
“Crap, I wanted to have some more fun." Ignis made a soft noise.
“You two seem to have become a lot more ‘affectionate since you found out I won’t allow you to hit me, hm?"
Brushing off the dirt on her sweater, Silas gave a toothy grin. "It's just our way of showing love."
Ignis shook his head. “Noctis has asked everyone to his room for dinner.”
Silas raised an eyebrow. “Already? Time flies by.”
Ignis chuckled at that, Silas joint in with laughter of her own when a box to her left fell over. A small body tumbled out with a surprised cry giving way to glee.
"I wanna go again!”
“Can’t Valentina, boss is calling.”
“Aw Bull.”
Rolling his eyes, Ignis watched as the young girls flew backwards as a resounding boom was made from the mixed bomb powder. slamming into the ground a few feet from him.
Valentia picked herself up and gave her head a shake. Silas joined her with a rolled her eyes.
"Let’s go. Not like this place will be clean anytime soon.” Valentina snorted, crossing her arms.
“Bet he’s sleeping while you’re here.” The answering sigh was enough to bring out giggles from the girls.
“Don’t worry Iggy, if he’s sleeping, I know what will wake him up.”
With a voice of a million sirens suddenly cutting through the evening air, Noctis wasn’t the only one holding his hands to his ears in a futile attempt to blot out the noise. When it slowly cut off, everyone turned their head to the cause of the siren call.
“Silas, why did you have Amata be so loud?” Noctis yawned as Silas shrugged in response. Rubbing his eyes. He looked at everyone in the room.
"What time did I fall asleep last night?"
“You’ve only been asleep for 30 minutes.” Ava replied lazily, busy with the stuff bear one of the younger kids asked her to fix.
Noct let out a whine and curled back up into a ball. “Ugh, so little sleep.” Valentina decided to then throw a small pebble at him in response. Gladiolus, who had just entered the room, proceeded to chew her out.
Which then resulted in a screaming matching between the two.
Amata shook her head in defeat as Silas laughed besides her and cheered on Valentina.
Gaius made himself known as he walked up to Ignis.
“He sleeps too much.” Was the first thing he mumbled.
The second was, “Too loud.”
Followed by, “What’s for dinner?”
Noctis managed to answer his question when he gained everyone’s attention and called for the food to be brought in.
After a moment to bring everyone down from the sudden spike of adrenaline. Things started to go more smoothly.
"-and then that poor child got involved and I'm not sure how she got a hold of my bonesaw but that's when things went down the waste bin.
Ignis watched as the soul of Ms. Castro slowly dissociated from her mortal shell as Amata spoke. she was smiling vapidly, though it was obvious her mind was feverishly trying to ignore the graphic details of some of Ms. Eshmun’s more...’stubborn’ patients.
All he knew of the story she was talking about was that she had woken up to the sound of screaming, a chainsaw hitting something and the smell of blood. Then, both Gladiolus and Gaius had come crashing through her wall after setting off one of Ms. Drusus’ bombs. Her struggling patient in their arms and then her memory just sort of cut off from there.
Now they were all in Noct’s room after finally putting her patient back into her room.
Gladiolus’ face was a bruised mess while Gaius was scorched all over his body, but she had made sure it was all just superficial before they arrived so no one was concerned. Ignis knew Noctis was glad the three were bonding and there was no need to delve further than his happiness.
Kaiser had left to the kitchens before the nonsense had begun. the shenanigans having forced him to abandon the others lest he be caught up in them.
They didn’t blame him seeing as they would have done the same given the chance.
So would he for that matter.
Instead, Ignis focused more on Noctis. Watching as he and Prompto gushed over the bundles of joy in their laps. Umbra and Pryna were barking and yipping softly. pressing into their stomachs, trying to get as much pets and scratches as they could.
Noctis squealed and squished the growing pup into his chest.
"You’re so cute Umbra!!” Prompto looked over at Noctis with a frown.
"Hey, Tiny is cute too!” Noctis looked back and nodded seriously.
"Yes, yes she is," Noctis concurred, watching as Pryna let out a pleased yip as she was happily engulfed in Prompto’s arms.
“Hey guys. I got a question.” Everyone turned to Silas, who had snapped out of her daze.
She nodded towards Noctis. “We already know what you did.” She looked back at the others. “did everyone else have something to do with their folks during the holidays?”
The room was so silent, Ignis would have almost thought that the noise a moment ago was his imagination.
It was not a topic that was taboo per say.
But mostly it was hard to talk about one’s family when one missed them.
Silas was, however, a very curious girl so she decided to help the conversation along but throwing in her piece.
“I mean, my mom and dad would go to this guy in little Galahd and he would make these sleds that always lasted for a few days and they would put them through the ringer.” She moved her hands around, trying to describe what it was like. “Like, they would do so many stunts with them and record it all. They would then gather friends and watch it together.”
She looked around at the group.
“Have you guys done anything like that?”
"Hmm...Sorta," They looked to Ava, who shrugged. She took a bite from her plate and continued with her stitch work.
“We cut our own tree and tied Ribbons to it to hope for a healthy year.” She sipped her mug of coffee and grimaced. "Valentina, did you spike the grounds again?" That set everyone to inspect their cups.
“Damnit Drusus!”
“It wasn’t me!”
“Might I remind you that we are still underage. Adults gone or not.”
“Bad Valentina!”
“Cute defense, still guilty.” Gladio and Kaiser had to hold Valentina back before she launched over the table and tackled a grinning Noctis.
“And why are you still drinking the coffee Ms. Varius?”
Ava didn’t even blinked as she responded. “Because I’m not gonna waste coffee just because there’s a little bit of alcohol. I drank wine with my family on many occasions so this isn’t new.”
She looked at him directly. “Problem?"
Ignis felt like he should have one but he looked into his mug and dipped a finger. He then licked it and looked upwards thoughtfully.
Gladiolus took a swig himself and shrugged. "Got a bit of a kick to it."
"Nice buzz," Gaius echoed.
"What did I say about drinking these things while we’re so young?” Amata berated them. She couldn't blame the group though. And didn’t continue to push it when they shrugged back at her.
After doing so many things that pushed their heads to the very brink. It wasn’t often they touched the adult drinks but sometimes they grabbed a glass of it because something so uncommon shocked them back to their senses. It was stupid and dangerous but they all trusted Valentina to be careful.
trust was all they had most days.
“Back to my question folks!” Silas gained back their attention with a clap of her hands. She then proceeded to point at Kaiser.
“What did you do with your folks?” Kaiser actually took the time to think about it.
“Well, dad was less busy during the holidays so he would make this wonderful smelling but dreadful tasting fruit cake. We would then throw it in the fire place and let the house fill with the wonderful scent while we bought pizza and watched musicals together.” Kaiser smiled softly as he remembered.
“Ooh, that sounds fun.” Valentina jumped in. “But my family was awesome! Dad would get me and my siblings and he would get a bunch of fireworks, and go to the junkyard and set them off while mom cooked this yummy stew!”
“Gaius?” Amata looked at her friend curiously.
Gaius blinked and shrugged helplessly.
“Read old folklore together...Wove new traditions from the old ones...Made spice cider...and burned papers with written wishes.”
“Wow....that was the longest thing I ever heard you say.”
“It’s true!”
“What about you Eshmun?” Amata pointed at herself at the sudden attention.
“O-oh, well we just stayed home and watched movies.”
“Sounds normal.” Silas stated, Amata shrugging with a blush.
“Prompto?” He just shrugged and continued to pet Pryna. Noctis laid his head on Prompto’s shoulders in a form a comfort. it seemed to help as a smile emerged on the blonde’s face.
“ I spent the day with my uncle, nothing more.” Ignis said, focusing on his meal.
Gladio rubbed his chin. “Don’t really remember much traditions for that but we just watched random movies on tv and that was it.”
The meal was continued in silence but it was a thoughtful one rather than an awkward one.
Noctis broke that silence near the end of the meal.
“We can make our own tradition...”
“King you gotta make more sense then that.” Ava said with a raised eyebrow.
“What I mean is, why don’t we make new traditions for everyone?” He kept himself focused on Umbra’s fur.
“We’ve been hard at work for so long and things are started to even out a bit...” he shrugged.
“I thought maybe we can do something special now and then to keep the kids spirits up when times are tough.”
This, is what made Ignis so honored to follow Noctis. How, despite his obvious discomfort when pushing his boundaries, he always wants to help everyone under his care. To put their joys before his own. To save their health and happiness before his own life.
So wonderous yet self-destructive. Ignis had so much work to do to keep him safe when he let his guard down.
And a quick look at Gladiolus proved he wasn’t the only who thought so.
“What should we do?” Kaiser asked curiously, playing with his hair.
“Fireworks!” Valentina automatically suggested. And was as quickly turned down as usual.
“We can come up with traditional foods?” Amata suggested. “Just pay attention to any allergies!”
“We can find some movies at the store?”
“I still say we light something up.”
“Shut up Drusus.”
“Make me Amicitia.”
Ignis smiled as the meal came to a chaotic close.
He already enjoyed the traditions he had made for himself after this new life began.
Watching this group of children become better leaders was always a sight to see.
But watching as they regain their fading childhood joy at such simple things always made the difficulties of the coming year worth the struggle.
Ignis rested his head in his hand and closed his eyes for a moment. Allowing himself to engage in his favorite tradition during this time of year.
And he let the joyful voices lull him into a brief but comforting rest.
Merry Christmas folks! (And please reblog)
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Sirens song
The woodlands were tiredsome,they really were, every now and then something lightened it up,but every day was the damn same.
Specially for bigby.
But a since last week,every afternoon,after five Pm he would hear this soft melodie,and Someone,who sounded like a girl would sing.
It would lure him to sleep,sometimes he did,sometimes he didnt,but when he managed to ,his dreams wouldnt be nightmares,they would be filled with joy,often times he forgets them , and when he remembered them,they would loose its string And make no sense a couple of hours later.
This afternoon however,was different,the sheriff wasnt in his appartment,he was going to the bussines Office when he heard her.
" Oh little sunflower,rest your petals,the sun is gone,and your time to sleep has come
Oh little sunflower lay your head to rest,for tomorrow awaits."
To this point,he knew the song by far.
He slowly crept up the stairs , appartment 149.
" Dream of clouds and spirits,they'll guide you to tomorrow.
Lay down little sunflower no time for sorrow.
Dream of plenty and love,remember home is never gone,mother is waiting and father is watching,the sun Will greet you with its shining.
Lay down little sunflower rest and tomorrow watch the sun until its time to wake."
He opened the door softly,as the song started again, he walks down the corridor,yes he should have had knocked but it would disturb that soothing melody
He peeks over a wall,looking at the resident of the house lean on their balcony's handrail.
-if I knew you'd like my singing so much I would have made a song for you specially bigby
She turns around.
No,she cant be...
The wolf goes and hugs her tightly.
--Holy shit,jerico,how are you still alive?!
The other fable laughs and puts her hands on her hips,her usual stance,as the wolf remembered correctly.
--Its a long story, but if youre not in a rush youre more than welcome to stay here for as long as you'd like
--Sorry sweetheart but I gotta go with Snow
Jeri lets a grumble out.
--I know you dont like her
--damn princesses, all they do is sit soundly on their glass coffins and there goes their prince charming to the rescue, ill brew some coffee
Yeah,dragons and princes dont mix well...
Bigby sighs and takes a look at her.
_its been so long since they last seen eachother_
--i guess,it can wait c'mon
He sits with her on the livingroom,she sips from her tea,silent.
--I never got why you hated snow so much,ever since we were in the woodlands,I know princesses and dragons dont mix,But this is ridiculous
The dragon Slams the cup on the coffee table and looks at the wolf with a piercing stare.
--You wanna know what my damn problem with snow is? You wanna know?, then ill fucking tell you!-She stands up with tears forming in the corner of her emerald eyes--You have a crush on her!thats the problem,you Like her-she bits her lip with a shaky breath- I have been harboring feelings for you since the old times, when you would swing by my cave to hear me sing,then snow comes in and i-- ....
Jerico walks over her balcony,leaning on the handrails and covering her face with her hands,clawy fingers gripped her luscius brown hair-- I love you too much bigby,thats the damn problem...
Bigby sighs with a heavy chest,leaving the coffee on the table,and walking over her,putting a hand on her Lower back.
--Do you remember the song you made for me?
--The northen wolf ,yeah...why?
--jerico,I have been singing that lullaby for years,your singing could never be forgotten by those that loved you,thats why we met remember?I couldnt get that song out of my brain and I would beg you to sing it...,look what im trying to say is...I love you,whatever Is up with me and snow its nothing compared to us,all these years you have been off the radar and i-- I feared the worst..im so sorry
Jeri looks at him,still red from the anger and crying,she takes his hands putting them to her chest.
--There sweetheart,breathe, there you go
The dragon sighs finally recomposing,the wolf looks away in shame.
-- " Oh hide di ho,hide from the northen wolf..."
Bigby looks up to meet her warm gaze.
--" Hide from him and his fatal blow"
He continued.
--" He who comes from the northen wind and the pale she-wolf, youngest of Seven and deadliest of them all"
The Man snorts as jeri kept singing " Oh the big bad wolf,hes here to kill the herd and leave your lord_
pray to who you May,no god can save you now"
-- " For he is not alone" -bigby sang with her,jeri gasps, he does know the whole song-- " for he brings along the southern echo of the caves,the Beauty in the beast,and her song wont leave you be"
Both join,pressing their foreheads togheter.
" oh hide di ho,hide from the winding echoes in the halls, oh hide thee from the wolf and the dragon of the nightgale in the storm
Oh hide and tremble for them bring the sambles of the life as you know
oh hide thee from,the Wonders of the dragon and the wolf,for there is no magic as powerful as their love "
They look into eachothers eyes.
--You remember....
--of course I do,your singing is not known for it to not be catchy...
Jerico chuckles and leans down to kiss him,hugging his neck as his arms eneveloped her waist.
--See?,we are bound togheter--The sheriff says hiding his face on the crook of her neck-- As we did before
--So we do now
Both stay togheter as the storm that came as jerico cried clears.
--Do you mind telling your fable again dear?
Both laid on the bed,a thunderous storm hit the Bronx as both lovers had finally reunited.
-Sure...get Comfy,Its a long one
The wolf huddles closer and leaves a peck on her lips.
"A long time ago,when the Winds could only sing, a young dragon Cub sat on the edge of a cliff.
-Oh dear mother sun- the cub cried- I want to sing like the humans do, I want to feel the music in my soul and dance free,meet the love of my life,one that can see through the scales on my back
'Is that what you wish for my child?' The sun asked, the dragon nodded ' Then so be it, you Will sing like a siren,and those who hear it Will be enchanted,but only those who fall in love with you Will Keep your Song on their soul for ever
And so,it happened,during Many Centuries,the dragon sang, men Fell to her feet but as soon as the saw who she was they fled.
It made her poor heart break,until one night, a wolf Walked to the cave, to stalk something to eat,but instead he found the dragon singing in her pool of riches,and most importantly food.
Though it did matter not to the wolf,who had Fallen for the creature before him.
So each day,before sunset, the dragon would sing,and her loyal fan,the wolf,would listen.
Until one day, the dragon noticed the wolf.
--You are not afraid of how I look?
The creature asked.
--Of course not,your beauty matches your ability my dear .."
-I dont remember saying it quite like that...
--Shut it and let me continue
"The dragon felt flattered,and every day before sunset they would meet and hear her beautiful singing.
Ocassionally the wolf would bring trinkets to her,and finally the tedious courting payed off.
As both united in one,they swore to lay on the humans and other fables all the hurt that they made to them.
And so they became known as 'the northern wolf and the windious echoe'.
They swore to be togheter until the end,if they would ever be separated,upon their meeting a thunderous storm would hit the world,as a reminder of them and What they become"
Bigby looks out the Window and sighs-- Yep,theres the storm...
--well its not my fault you were so handsome back then
--Back then?, and what about me now huh?
--Make love to me and maybe ill change my mind~
--I forgot you have no filter...
--And I forgot how easily flustered you get,now come on northen wolf,make my moans echo in the wind~
The storm pounded outside,it drowned the noise in the house,but finally both reunited,and it was going to be a long while before they did part.
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Resident Evil vs Super Soldier
It was night in the city. I had joined a group of around fifty. They were just regular people who lived in the city, but who were now the survivors. We had taken shelter in a low-level apartment. It was a good place, lots of concrete and few ways in. While they were upstairs doing their scared people thing I was out in the courtyard. There were some lights off in the distance, maybe 3-4 blocks out. That's where the things were at. They weren't making the light. They were just in the part of the city that was still well-lit. It was safer here, in the dark. The light from the stars overhead, and the glow in the sky from the city lights, were more than enough for me to see by. It wasn’t that I had especially good vision at the moment, it was just good enough that I could see (with that old fake night filter from cheap movies). I could also see that there were little things crawling about in the grass. At least one was nearby, probably a few more out of sight. I could hear them rustling. Then I caught one trying to sneak into the building. I chased it down and caught before it could get in the doors. It was silvery and thin, like some kind of worm with dozens of short legs. It was a mean little thing. If it got ahold of anyone it would have easily ripped them up and infected them. It was also very crunchy when I squeezed it to death in my hand. That was kind of gross and messy. It bled blue slime. This was bad, though. If those little things were here, and found the people in the building, which it seemed they had since they were headed that way, it meant ... Damnit. Couldn't even wait for me to finish my Snake Pliskin monologue. Other things were running across the courtyard. They could have been dogs, but without skin, and with heads larger than their torso, and lots more eyes than needed. There was someone else there, watching from a balcony. He kind of reminded me of Bucky, the Winter Soldier. He had apparently been watching me skulk about the courtyard, and was now standing at alert, ready to start defending the building. I shouted that he needed to get the people out. I'd handle this while he got them to safety. I would create a distraction! It sounded good, and he apparently went along with it. I drew a weapon, some kind of oversize automatic pistol firing in short burst mode. It didn't take many shots to take down the four-legged things scampering through the grass. But that was just the beginning. After a few seconds more were running across the dark courtyard. I shot them, too, but there were a lot more this time. Dozens. And they were getting bigger. At first, I was brave, and foolish, and heroic. I ran towards them, shooting, shooting more, shooting even more, making sure I was giving the herd a good rout. But when they started to get bigger and faster and meaner I had to change tactics. Well, I had to but I really didn't. I felt around in my backpack/hammerspace for a good rifle, while still firing with my other hand. Problem was, I couldn't seem to get a rifle. It was just empty 5th dimensional bag. Then things got worse. Now there were things easily the size and shape of hogs, and maybe even hippos. These were crazy fast, highly muscled, red, dripping slime, skinned beasts. They circled me as I circled them. I was trying to stay out of a straight attack line, while dodging others that were jumping in from the sides, while shooting at everything that was moving, while still feeling around for the missing rifle. I imagined in a moment I'd have to resort to pointing my finger and making "pew pew" noises. The pistol ran out of its bottomless ammo cache as I found a stubby rifle in my other hand. I whipped that out and ... oh so nice. That thing was devastating. While those big things were absorbing my pistol fire until they had too many holes to function, this rifle was tearing them apart with bursts of explosive round. I couldn't help but give a wild laugh.I managed to break through the wild rush of beasts and make my way to the lit city area. But the things were flooding the area, and I swear they were somehow getting as large elephants, but much faster ... and leaping ... along with things that may have been humans, but were also skinned and red and oozing slimy stuff. Worse still, they were all increasing substantially in numbers. Even my superhuman abilities were getting to the limit as the piles of bodies grew and waves of things sprang in from all sides. Retreating was a good plan. I had given the people enough time to get out of the building, I hoped. It really was only just a few seconds, maybe 30 or a full minute, since this had all started with those first few running hound things. It was hard to tell time while in the middle of a heated battle. Maybe it was more like five minutes. Regardless, I was out of time. I managed to clear a space enough to dodge closer to some pillars of a building. The massive wave of things was coming from only one direction, swarming along the avenue in a red wave of disgusting fleshy red bodies. I fished around in the bag again and pulled out some kind of really large shotgun. Not like just large, but like huge and stubby. Like a cartoon version of a hand cannon. I fired it just above the seething horde of things still charging at me. It had a heck of a recoil, and in a moment dozens of streaks were filling the air as the canister shell opened over the crowd, and then there was a nonstop rumble of explosions as all of the released mini-shells carpet bombed the area. I dropped the single use weapon and ran while the bodyparts were flying. We were going to meet at the city center, where there was a delegation of higher beings, the keepers of this place. I caught up to the crowd of regular people, still being led by that one guy, just as they got to the base of the central towers. I picked up what looked like a large cat and tucked it under one arm. The cat seemed to both be pissed at me and grateful. The central towers were monolithic black walls curved to form a broken circle around some more curved monolithic walls, which ... It just kept going in layers, each a taller set, with the center roughly some kind of spire reaching up into the night sky and out of sight. We didn't make it much past the third set of walls when there was a really ugly noise from out in the city. It was screaming monsters mixed with screaming sirens. These sirens were the kind only used for really bad things, like tsunami, earthquakes, or the city blowing up with nuclear-level weaponry... The higher beings glided down and plucked all of us from our feet and flew up to the higher reaches of the spire. I had the uncomfortable honor to be one of the last to be picked up so I got to watch as explosions the size of full skyscraper buildings were going off just a few blocks away, getting closer, one every second or so. I could see flames and debris in between buildings. It was an uncomfortable sight. We all were safely spread out among the tops of the spires. The tops of these things were flat and huge, like an entire city block. They were also a dull red, almost rust colored. Most everyone was clinging together and staying far away from the sheer dropoff edges. I was speaking to one of the beings, an androgynous, tall humanoid with angelic wings of something that looked like glowing mist behind it. We knew each other and were on good terms. I was told the things we escaped from were not yet done. They would be coming up to where we were, eventually. We couldn't stay there. The beings could help us relocate to another part of the world, as soon as they figured out what was the best place. But things went really bad really fast. Some of the larger beasts had managed to climb the spire and were clawing over the edges. I whipped out the rifle and let loose a full auto attack on the nearest to me. The beings flicked others away with psionic shoves, like flicking ants off the rim of a cup. But the beasts were too many. In sheer numbers they were closing in, despite being flung away or turned into shredded burger by my rifle. Even that other guy was in the fray, with a sort mini-gun looking thing that was dealing even more damage than I was. Then we were suddenly zooming through the night air. I couldn't tell if we were unceremoniously dumped into some kind of teleporter, wormhole, or just carried really fast through the air. I just knew that things had gone very wrong and very bad, because the higher being who had carried me (and the cat) was telling me we had to seek shelter because the higher beings themselves were under attack from something else far greater than we had seen, something far worse, and threatening to even them. Not only did my angelic ride give me bad news, they had apparently been unable to get me to the intended destination. I was dropped on a mountain top maybe 200km outside the city. I was separated from the others. The mountain was all black rock. It was cold. I could see the city still lit up with little glowing searchlights and a little blob of citylight aura. Then it was just a large blob of blinding light. Ah yes. The nuclear option. Wait. The blob was getting way too big. It looked more like a molten bubble than a nuke. It was getting way too big, way too fast. Did some nutcase overload the antimatter power generator under the city? I backed away and scrambled off the rocks and onto a dark path carved in the solid stone on the sheltered side of the mountain. The air around me shifted from a nearly still, cold mountain breeze to a warm draft. The sky overhead turned orange and silver. I heard voices in my head. Not those of the higher beings, though they were still present at the moment, urging in multiplicity of tone to get to safety, and not just for us but for themselves. These new voices were microwave broadcast voices coming from something orbiting above the planet. I was being instructed to head to a military launch facility less than half a km away, but kind of straight down the side of the mountain. The higher being voices were snuffed out suddenly. The air around me started to glow, and the ground began vibrating uncomfortably. I knew there were other survivors dumped all around me, out of sight, but the new voices kept urging me to not worry about them and get to the facility. I scrambled straight down the side of the mountain like a drunken barbarian running through a cornfield that happened to be growing on a near-sheer cliff. The facility was a collection of black buildings with trusses and armored walls. I ran under some kind of archway and slammed against a metal-truss-lined wall. I was sheltered from the glowing air. There was a pipe there and I grabbed it and held tightly to it. I mean, it looked like a pipe, but it was actually a teleportation interlock lever. The archway was a teleportation site. The voices in my head said to remain calm and hold on tight because it was going to be close. At the same time the glowing around me had turned the night in a sun-like mid-day, and the heat in the air was causing steam to evaporate off the scratched armored sleeve on my arm. I could see parts of the building bathed in the light start to glow red and yellow as they were superheated. Oh, this wasn't just some large nuke, or even an antimatter reactor overload from the city power station. This was an orbital planetary sterilization wave. It swept over the facility, turning the air into charged plasma. The cat still tucked protectively under my arm yowled in words I could understand. "We are so fucked, you f-"
We both were laying on the floor of a brightly lit room. The walls were scratched and silvery-white. I sat up. I was steaming, and parts of my armored outfit (of course in black) which weren't scratched, dented, bloodied, or shredded, were burned like torched rubber. The cindered edges were still glowing in fading oranges and reds. Smoke trails were curling up in the still air from ... well, from me. The cat sat up beside me, completely silent and seemingly stunned, unburned, uninjured, but stained with all manner of grime. I picked the cat up again and we exited the room through an armored airlock. I set the cat on the ground as several uniformed soldiers checked us with some instruments. They referred to the cat as Kaiht, or 'A Kaiht,' as in that was one of what it was. It sure wasn't just a large cat, and was treated, and talked to, like a person. Kaiht was led out and the soldiers helped peel off the armored parts I was wearing. Thankfully I had some leathers underneath so I didn't need a change of clothing, at least not right away. Once out of the room I marched straight towards a very specific area. The hallways were clean and bright and would have looked like a very modern and upscale office building, if it were built using the layout plans of a submarine. The halls were narrow with exposed boxes or conduits at random. I reached the location in the maze of halls with the lone soldier escort having to double-time to keep up with me. I had reached an observation deck. This was a rather large ship, and I wanted to see out the back. There were several other people there, all survivors from the catastrophe, just as myself. There was only a dozen or so of us. I didn't see the other guy among them. We gathered on a balcony-like platform and gazed into a sea of pure, blinding white. That ... wasn't exactly supposed to be that way. Someone pointed into the sea of white. I had to squint and blink several times before it changed into the familiar black of orbital space. There was the planet we had been on, slowly receding. I could have covered my view of it with an outstretched hand. It was very indistinct and fuzzy, out of focus. The lower ¾ was a hazy mix of blue and brown, while a crescent covering the upper ¼ was a glowing haze of hellfire. It was spreading. From our vantage point we were looking at the unburned side of the planet, and the crescent was the sterilization wave coming around from the far side. Another few minutes and that wave would fully engulf the surface. Everything would be more or less a molten sea of lava and slag. Then, the process would repeat. The planet would glow brighter. Then again. And again. It wouldn't stop until the entire ball of planet was around the temperature of a small sun. That would take a few hours. The group and I went separate ways when we walked back into the ship. They were solemn and comforting each other, or in shock. Civilians. They'd probably never heard of such a thing, much less seen it, or lived through being in it. Lucky bastards. Also, the billions of unlucky bastards still on the planet, right now, inside that glowing crescent, or a few minutes away from being turned into carbon dust. That was a lot of death on someone's hands. I marched again, this time without an escort, since that guy stayed with the shellshocked people. I made it to a dining area/meeting room. There was food set out on large plates, one at each of a dozen or so seating places. A few people were already there and nodded to me as I entered. I recognized one as one of the higher beings, now gracing us with a more corporeal presence instead of straight-up godlike visage. They poked at the food with an amused tilt of their head. Kaiht - I think that was her name as well as her species - walked over and hopped onto a nearby chair. She was big enough to look down at the plate, but still looked like a huge, white housecat sitting in a chair at a table. I recognized two others as pure, secret-handshake-club military. Others were part of the ship's crew. Someone else walked in from a doorway next to what looked like a projection screen. She was a tall black woman in a slightly different uniform, and had that air about her that said she was more than 100 percent in charge of this entire rescue, and planet destruction, and more than just this ship we were on. She sat at the head end of the table. I sat beside Kaiht. We both picked at the food with disinterest, but Kaiht tore into it after a moment of cautions sniffing. I was busy staring at that woman. Oh yes, that woman. We knew each other quite well. We were not on the best of terms, but still on terms that meant we wouldn't be actively shooting at each other without due cause. She nodded and gave me a very curt and short version of "hello" worded more like, "Glad you could join us. Sorry about the last second teleport. I hope you weren't cooked too badly." She was snide, but I knew her enough to know she meant it literally, and would not have waited until the last millisecond if it hadn't been necessary. I also knew that planetary sterilization wasn't something she could just order on a whim, no matter how high up in the relative food chain she was. She picked at the food on her plate and turned toward the screen. It lit up with a little flickering of scintillating light pinpoints, before forming a holographic image next to the table. Ah yes. Here would be the real higher-ups who gave the orders to murder billions of civilians, and who would have explanations about the sea of monsters, and probably new orders for all of us.
Then I woke up.
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seromreven · 6 years
title: come fly with me.
pairing: starrison, (george harrison/ringo starr).
summary: early in the beatles’ touring years; george goes on a flight that will forever change his relationship with ringo.
also posted on ao3.
The trip to the airport was long and tedious. There was nothing to see out the windows but the dark trees highlighting the road and the patrol cars, (for their security, not amusement Brian had told them as John had joked about the sirens), and inside the car, the air was getting stale and warm from the group of sleeping men around him. George was the only one awake of The Beatles. Ringo snoring beside him. John and Paul on the other side, leaning up against each other; John’s head on Paul. If he himself weren’t so tired, he would’ve gotten a picture of the sight. To tease and laugh at later when they all were awake.
George couldn’t sleep. The adrenaline still high from the last performance, mixed together with alcohol and nicotine. His blood felt like it was buzzing, but his hands were calm even though he had almost expected them to be shaking from the unrest he was feeling throughout his body. They had eaten before leaving the hotel but time had been short and George hadn’t gotten nearly enough in him as he had wanted and so, he was hungry still.
The car shook and George looked out the window. It had gotten brighter. Not by the passage of time but rather by the nearing the vicinity of the airport and its various buildings. George sighed and leaned back. It was in times like these he was grateful for the fame that had come along with playing music with his best friends. As they were all as well recognised as they were; they had gotten special privilege to skip the entire ordeal that would usually follow with going to the airport, and would be driven straight to the private jet that had gotten them to this country, of many, in the first place.
Ringo stirred beside him as the light from outside shone into the car. George leaned slightly forward, trying to cover Ringo from the light. It was a fruitless battle, the light was too much and had filled the car, like a spotlight reminiscent of what he had seen countless times before. George looked at Ringo and thought he looked stunning in the yellow artificial light, deep in slumber. The perfect creation and object for his infatuations. It was recent; his crush, that was. He was unsure what had set it off. He had always thought Ringo was a beautiful man, unconventional and singular. He had never seen one like him before or after. It was first on this tour, three weeks into it, that he had started noticing… more of the other man. Started paying attention to the smaller details. Started to feel his own breath quicken, his skin heating, whenever the other was close. He loved watching him, studying him. It was hard. Trying not to be caught. Or when they performed, with Ringo behind him and always out of view.
Lost in his thoughts of Ringo, George hadn’t paid attention to the fact that the car had now stopped. It was not until the sound of things outside moving that George started to pay attention to the loud noises of machines and vehicles around them. To chatter from workers. He heard John move and quickly looked to him instead of Ringo. John yawned with closed eyes; causing George to join him. John laughed at him when both were done and earned himself a ‘sod off’ before George also started laughing. It wasn’t particularly funny, George thought, and chalked it up to the stresses of the day getting to him. Ringo next to him stirred awake, stretching his legs and gave a slight push to Paul’s ankle across from him. Paul had slowly opened his eyes and looked around with a hazy expression on his face, “We there?” George heard him mumble.
But before any one of them could answer; the door on George’s and John’s side opened up, sending in a chill with it. George shortly shook from the chill, before hurrying on getting out. It was dark out with only the various light sources of the airport to guide the way. Various workers mulled about and George hurried on his way from the car to the private jet, eager to get back inside and away from this place. He hoped there would be food, though he knew he would have to wait to ask for it until after take off. Ringo and the other two were close behind, slow in their step as they were still processing on waking up.
George was the first Beatle to get in a seat. George noted that it was more like a sofa, with room for another person next to him. Another one stood in front of him, separated only by a  wooden table fixed to the wall of the plane. George sighed and leaned back into the comfortable chair with closed eyes. While the change of scenery wasn’t drastic, both car and plane being on the luxurious side; something he still was unused to, he could feel himself finally relax. His heartbeat calming down from the stress and adrenaline. Thoughts quieting down. He heard the other boys talking, the rustling of clothes and shoes as the sat down close by and he opened his eyes again; it was then he noticed Ringo. In front of him. George hadn’t heard him, unlike he had the other two sitting further down the row, and as he finally looked upon him, glances shared, he felt a leap in his chest.
“You okay, lad?” He was asked. The older man looked as tired as George had felt. It had been a long day for them both. He nodded, “jus’ tired.” And with that; a perfectly timed yawn. Ringo smiled at him, causing George’s heart to race yet again and he smiled in return, a smile which quickly turned tense as the plane started moving. Even as often as they flew nowadays, he would never get used to, or comfortable with, take off and landing. But he made through it, every time. And this time especially with Ringo’s calming presence in front of him.
Later; with a can of coke and a small plate of cucumber sandwiches in front of him, George was feeling much better. It was an hour into the flight and he had managed to sleep a short while before the hunger got to him. Ringo was still sitting at the order side of the table, reading, while the last to members could be overheard talking further down the plane. The food was quickly wolfed down, much to the amusement of the man a front of him, and as George finished; Ringo shut his book and placed it on the seat next to him. In front of him were a mug. George couldn’t see what it contained, but he had his guesses.
“Any good?” George asked and pointed to the book. “Yeah,” Ringo nodded, “Very,” and picked the book back up and handed it to George, who quickly wiped his slightly damp hands on his pants legs before grabbing it. He looked it over, it was named Orlando, by an author he couldn’t recall if he had ever heard of before. He nodded and placed it back on the table. He scratched his nose and glanced out of the window, “looks interesting.” Ringo laughed out an agreement, causing George to flush and look fully away this time. He loved his laughter. He loved his smile. He loved - George closed his eyes and sighed.
George shifted out of his seat on the sofa and moved out till he stood in front of the table. He looked around. John and Paul were playing cards with small glasses in front of them each. Brian wasn’t much further away. He looked down at Ringo, who was looking back up at him with a smile on his face. “‘m going to the toilet,” he mumbled, hurrying down the narrow walkway, pass personnel and towards the tiny room. He shook his head. He hadn’t needed to tell Ringo that, had he?
George squeezed himself into the stall; reminiscent of how the sizes of these never seemed to change, no matter how rich and famous you were. He looked at himself in the mirror. He looked a mess. Hair pointing at all ends and with dark lines under his eyes. He could do with a long bath and a proper bed. He could also do with pause on the constant stream of thoughts about Ringo. It was fine and first but now it was just getting to a distracting point. Sighing, he looked down at the sink where his hands were resting on its edges.
There was a knocking. George looked around in a confused state. It wasn’t long before he realised where it came from. The toilet door. He frowned and looked at it. It was clearly stated as ‘occupied’ and surely the other person could wait. It wasn’t until he had a small calling of his name, that he turned to face the door. It was Ringo. He hesitated, a mix of curiousness and anxiety overtaking him, before opening the door. “Yeah?” He looked down at the slightly smaller man. And as Ringo opened his mouth to speak; turbulence hit, knocking them both into the stall. The door forcefully shut behind them. Ringo had been pushed into him, shoving George further into the stall and landed, fortunately, safely on the closed toilet seat with only minimal rump pain.
Both had landed in such a way that George now was straddled by Ringo. Once the confusion had passed, and both had really heeded attention to their situation, George had to stifle a groan.  It was all too much, really. Of course, something like this had to happen if today hadn’t been enough already. His placement on the small toilet was awkward and he was sitting in an uncomfortable stance, but all that was easily forgettable as he looked up to Ringo. A man who was looking at him with a spark in his eyes.
He kept his hands firmly to his sides and stared up at Ringo. He was beet red. Both were. The plane shooked, jostling them further together. He saw Ringo murmur something but couldn’t for the life of him figure out what was said, the beating of his heart had reached his ears in a deafening manner. Ringo moved and George felt a bump as his heart made another leap. Ringo had now placed his hands on George’s hips, making the entire situation even more surreal for George. He looked at Ringo with large eyes, confusion clear as day. Ringo looked at him with a small smile, and like he was waiting for something. Had Ringo asked him something?
“Uh,” George began with uncertainty, feeling a weight on his chest deepen. He slowly blinked, looking into Ringo’s soft doe eyes. It was a confusing mess, yes, but George was hesitant. Not wanting to risk ending this. If his hands weren’t busy holding himself still, surely he would pinch himself.  Ringo chuckled and leaned in closer to George. “Quite an ordeal, huh?” He heard himself say. Ringo nodded and George noticed his eyes looking downwards. “You alright?” George was asked and nodded. It wasn’t completely a lie. “I should get off,” Ringo smirked, it wasn’t a question but George could feel the pull of it being close to one, and George could spy something akin to nervosity in the other man's eyes.
George’s breath faltered and he breathed in the stale air deeply. His voice shook as he whispered out a no and placed a hand on Ringo’s hip. A shiver passed through them both as they looked at each other, both with each other's hands on their hips. “No?” Ringo repeated and the men were close enough to each other by now that their breath and smells mixed with each other. George’s of the caramel from the coke, Ringo’s of tobacco.
“I, uh,” George began, unsure of where to lead the sentence. It proved to be an unnecessary worry as Ringo’s lips were soon on his. A gasp was breathed into Ringo before soon being forgotten as George got over his shock and quickly joined in, syncronising their movements.  George felt warm, a nice comforting one for once, and a shiver was met throughout his body. They moved in closer, the bodies meeting, melting into each other. The plane’s shaking going unnoticed; if not furthering their delight, the vibrations not unwelcomed between them. A chuckle was shared among them as they slowly began to grind into each other in unison.
The tenseness of the day washing away, George could finally clearly think. And all was; Ringo. The artificial bright light was no longer painful for his eyes. Instead, it served him to see details of Ringo he had never paid attention to before as they paused in their making out to breathe, and study each other. George was sure he looked a mess with his tousled hair and giant smile, but he didn’t care. All he cared for now, at this moment, was the man on his lap staring down at him.  Ringo’s smile was blinding. And soon, soft kisses were placed on his forehead. His brow and nose. And, finally, back on his mouth. He wanted this moment to last forever.
So, of course, it was then a loud knocking unlike what the plane had earlier emitted, shocked them out of their idyllic state. Nervous glances were cast between them and the door where it shook as it was knocked again. George swallowed some spit and yelled out, his voice hoarse. There was a pause before a frustrated groan was heard. “Go get a room, won’t ya? Ye not the only one in the need of a whizz.” Giggles erupted from the two men, the tenseness of the short panic soon passed. Ringo rested his forehead against George’s. Both needing a moment before heading back out.
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lifeofmarvvel · 6 years
The Song Sirens Sing- Part 6
Word Count: 2215
Warnings: Fighting while injured, arguments- you know, the usual now
A/N: I am so sorry for not updating this sooner and without an official hiatus! Originally, I was going to write for a Christmas present but I discovered I was in over my head and stopped. For a bit, I was writing but it was all the Christmas-related imagines I have posted. Next thing I knew, I'm 3 weeks into Semester 2 and homework is once again kicking my butt. Anyway, I finally reread Part 6 and got to writing this one. To make up for it, try to spot the cameo. I hope this makes up for my absence. I honestly can't say how sorry I am about that. And...this is getting too long. I'll stop now. Enjoy!
Series Masterlist
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Part 5
Turns out, work is a great distraction from pain. While you felt genuinely upset about not being able to see Peter, Coulson and Clint had launched you into SHIELD right away. No sooner than the pirate had dragged Peter away, Clint had found you again and dragged you away to restart your conversation with Coulson.
Training had been mostly easy, and soon enough, Nat admitted she joined some time after Clint and agreed to train you again. Thankfully, all hard feelings due to the first sinking vanished with a good talk and your relationship went back to the way it was beforehand. Then, of course, it got harder due to her pushing you to fulfill your full potential.
The assignments from SHIELD started not too long later. At first, you had another mer assigned alongside you to help guide, but once they knew you got the gist of it, they started giving you solo missions mixed in. Currently, you sat in a meeting, learning the credentials of your next mission.
“This is crucial to a network of other missions right now,” your handler, Maria Hill, explained. “It won’t necessarily ruin everything if you fail, but in order to continue in the right direction, we need you this mission to be successful.” She swam around the room, looking as stern as the day you met her. “Do you understand?”
“Yes, ma’am,” came the reply from you and a few others.
“Good.” She passed out some folders, which you quickly opened. Inside, a picture of a ship sat in one corner. The rest of the pages covered all background info on the crew, and all collected information on the captain.
Hill spoke again, drawing your eyes towards the front again. “What you are looking at is The Poisoned Plunder. It’s part of a fleet named Hydra. Background on that will be in the folders. We’ve teamed up with our land counterparts to take down Hydra’s Commodore Wolfgang von Strucker. He’s been up to no good both on land and in the ocean.”
She proceeded to go into a deeper explanation. While she did so, you took a good look at the ship. It looked intimidating- but that was probably the point. You were to take it down by yourself once the meeting was over. Everyone else here was involved with either the other ships or behind-the-scenes.
“This will be put into action immediately. Head straight to your stations. Dismissed.” Everyone departed, going their different ways. You were nearly out the door when “(Y/L/N)” broke through the noise. Halting, you turned around and headed back.
“Yes ma’am?” you asked.
“I know you’re significantly younger than the average agent. I just want to let you know we have faith in you.” She looked you in the eye, hands clasped behind her back. “We picked you for a reason; don’t doubt it. You’ll do well, Agent.”
“Thank you.” She nodded, signaling you were dismissed as well.
You exited the room, heading over to where Clint and Nat sat. Hopefully, this send-off will go better than the last.
True to their word, Peter spent a large chunk of time cooped up in his quarters. “The sooner you heal, the sooner you can get back to work,” was repeated so many times, the crew was sure it was engraved into his head. They let him out for meals and meetings, which was nice. Better than nothing.
The ship had stopped on a nearby small island, Slovinia (not to be confused with Sokovia), for repairs. While they were docked, Steve learned from a local- an old man with glasses- that a part of the Hydra fleet was nearby. Some searching and Scott discovered it was The Poisoned Plunder. Once out on the water again, a new plan was hatched to take it down.
Peter hadn’t been allowed in the crow’s nest since the fight. This would be no different. As Tony put it, “You’ll be grounded for the next fight. And not in, like, an angsty teen way. More like a you’re-not-allowed-to-climb-on-anything way.” Though, he had warned him to try to stay out of the fight. He may have a cutlass this time, but he’d have to fight with his left arm.
The crew was better prepared when Sam yelled, “Sail ho!” Immediately, the deck bustled with action. The sun shone, reflecting off the water brightly. Much better conditions than last time.
It was now or never. “Fire!”
The fight has begun.
The water stilled when you came upon the ship. There it was, in all it’s infamous glory: The Poisoned Plunder. Some of the hands wandered around the deck, doing as their captain ordered.
You waited, watching for the opportune moment. Not yet, your instincts told you. Training had done its job. They seemed to be preparing for a fight. Uh oh. Not a good sign, but it might get you into better standings with SHIELD if whoever they were fighting was also a threat that needed taking down. Time to kill two birds with one stone.
You held onto the sternpost, hoping that if that failed you’d be close enough to grab onto some barnacles on the keel. Slowly, the ship crept up on the other. It looked familiar, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. Oh well. You’d seen so many ships by now it was bound to happen.
Once the ships started to face each other, you let go. Swimming to the side of the two ships, you readied yourself. This was for a good cause. You can do it. A deep breath and you started. The song was different from your first singing. Not only did it show your supervisors you were improving, but it also helped you steer clear of memories of that fateful event.
“I dreamed a dream the other night Lowlands, Lowlands away my John I dreamed a dream the other night Lowlands away…”
Unfortunately, it seemed like nobody could hear you. The battle had commenced with cannon fire, and it appeared it wasn’t going to end anytime soon. At first, it was pure cannons and guns. Once the ships got closer, the crew of the Poisoned Plunder boarded the other ship. Raising your voice, you continued.
“I dreamt and saw my own true love Lowlands, Lowlands away my John I dreamt and saw my own true love Lowlands away….”
Still no reactions. You swam under the ship, avoiding falling cargo. If that side doesn’t work, maybe this one will. After all, it could just be a matter of where the pirates are standing and not noise.
“I dreamt my love was drowned and dead Lowlands, Lowlands away my John I dreamt my love was drowned and dead Lowlands away.”
It was no use. Nobody could hear you, and no storm was brewing over the ships- that was certain. You were too distracted. You stayed, determining that you could at least bring back useful information for SHIELD to use later.  
Glancing at the ships, a figure here and there stood out. You must’ve seen this ship before! Why else would everything was recognizable? The pirates continued to fight each other. Strucker was easy to find- he was stuck in some kind of 2-on-1 fight. Some crew members swung around on ropes, using cutlasses. Others fought with fists.
That’s when you saw him.
He was fighting an obviously older pirate. His right arm cradled to his chest, attempting to fight with a cutlass in his left. It was wrapped. He was injured. He was here. His curls dangled in his face, making you wonder how he could see anything. He was struggling. He was losing.
Everything clicked. Peter was here. That meant that this was the SS Avengers that the Poisoned Plunder was fighting. It wasn’t bad guy against bad guy, per se. It was bad guy against possible allies. You had to tell Hill once this was over.
Why was Peter injured? How did it happen? How long has he been injured? The festival couldn’t have been too long ago, could it? Why wasn’t anyone helping him? He clearly was struggling.
Peter carelessly switched his sword to his right arm. He raised his hand, and, while the other pirate ducked an incoming barrel, struck him in the head with the hilt.
The pirate was down in seconds. The fight was clearing, and Peter looked around for his next fight (foolish boy) when he spotted you. He gasped and raced to the edge of the ship.
“(Y/N)!” he called out. “What are you doing here?”
“I was sent to sink the Poisoned Plunder,” you answered truthfully.
“You need to leave! Before one of them sees you and tries to kill you!”
“Kill me? You’re the one that’s fighting against them!”
He frowned, taking your response into consideration. “We can talk afterward. If you can hang on that long. I want to talk to you.”
You nodded in agreement and waited. The fight didn’t last too long after that. The Avengers made quick work of the HYDRA crew. The sea swallowed the Poisoned Plunder but the victory did not bring cheers.
“How did he get away again?!” you heard a voice cry. It sounded like the man who had dragged Peter away from you. “This is beyond securing a deal now. He needs to stop fleeing and face me like the pirate he claims to be!”
The crew gave their agreements to that. “We need to regroup. Team meeting, Captain’s quarters. Now,” another voice called out. Well then. Your arrival back at SHIELD was going to be much later than planned. Hopefully, you wouldn’t get in too much trouble.
You swam your way around the ship to the Captain’s Quarters window. If you listened hard enough, maybe you could overhear information.
No such luck. Tony had done a good job at reinforcing his windows, not that you knew. Not that you knew the chaos happening inside said room at that exact time, either.
“YOU WHAT!?” Tony screamed at Peter. Peter ducked his head and took a step closer to Thor.
“I didn’t think it was that big of a deal! I saw her at the festival and I’m perfectly fine! I just thought that maybe if I could talk to her after this I could get more information for the crew. You know, find out why she’s after Strucker and how we fit in.”
Tony sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. The team watched, partially amused. It was hard to tell if Tony was being overprotective because of safety reasons or if it was because he didn’t want Peter having girl issues. Just 6 months ago, if you had told any of them they’d watch their captain freak out over his son/mentee-figure, they would’ve laughed in your face. Oh, how things change.
“No. I don’t want you meeting up with her again. How can you be so sure she won’t try to kill you again?”
“Uh...maybe because she was at the festival and I’ve talked to her?” Peter tried.
Tony shook his head. “We need to make absolutely sure that you won’t get Siren Sickness again. The last time we had Shuri treat you but she’s not here now. We have no way of knowing whether or not it’ll happen.”
“No. Your arm is still healing, anyway.”
“He’s got a point, kid,” Steve agreed. “We have no way of knowing. And I think it’s safe to say we’d all feel better if you didn’t have to fight with a broken arm again. We don’t need you dying on us.”
Peter pouted but followed as Thor put his arm around him and lead him out of the room. As they left, he could hear the crew starting to argue again. “It’s not my fault Strucker got away! I was down! So technically, it’s your fault!” ringing out the loudest.
Thor chuckled when Peter asked, “Do they never not fight?”
“They do, young Spider. Just usually not after battles. Now, how would you like for me to keep you company with another story of my brother and me?
Peter perked up. “Yes, please,” he said eagerly.
You watched as Peter was lead but a muscular, blond man down to the lower deck. Nobody followed. Oh. Did he forget? You waited just to make sure. The rest of the crew eventually came out and started up their normal activities. Maybe he did forget.
You sighed and dove back into the water. At least you got to see him again. But did he forget about you? Or did his crew drag him away again? Your hands clenched at the thought. On top of that, you weren’t able to get extra information as you hoped. Now you had no excuse for your late arrival. Oh boy were you going to be in trouble now.
Great. Just great. And Hill said she had faith in you. You let them down. You were always letting people down. Why couldn’t you just succeed at something for once in your life? At this rate, it would do good to just assume you were going to fail now. No need to get your hopes up. No need to get anyone’s hopes up. Great. Juusstt great.
Part 7
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writemoment · 6 years
The Cold Reality Pt.1
Writer: Ellie-Mae (Pen Name)
Part: 1/5
Summary: People leaving you is inevitable in life, that's what y/n's come to learn. No one really lasts, even when promises are made, everyone fades away eventually. One day, y/n's almost killed when caught in the middle of an Avengers battle but gets whisked out of harms way by a pale, dark haired man, dressed in green and gold. Soon, secrets and feelings get mixed into her once ordinary life as she's thrown into unimaginable situations - Will this be the start of a mischievous but unavoidable ending?
Pairing: Marvel Loki x Reader
Warnings/Rated: Chitauri attack, arguing, mild swearing (I guess?) and angst. Word Count: 6,104
A/N: I’M BAAACCKK - Ellie-Mae <3
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( Readers ) P.O.V.
Trust comes easily to most, or at least easier than I encounter. As someone who wears their heart on their sleeve, I've come to pile on brick after brick to build a wall for my own protection. Because no matter how much someone swears to you or even convinces you of their placement in your life, they leave. It's not their fault, truly. I'm not sure who's to blame. Maybe it's me, loving too much or maybe not enough. Either way, whether it's friendships or love, it all ends sooner or later. Most often, sooner than you would have hoped for.
My finger absentmindedly traces the rim of my coffee cup as I stare outside the shop's window. People wander along the streets, living out their mundane life much like myself. Really, I mean just look at where I'm at; sitting at a lonesome table by the window, sipping cold coffee and watching others live. Nothing good ever happens to someone as unextraordinary as me.
Sighing, I lean back into my chair and bring my coffee cup to my lips, sipping on the no-longer-warm beverage. Loud police sirens echo from a distance, not making me think too much of it. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of fast moving passerby's and soon following, everyone starts running away.
Pushing my chair back, I round the table to get a better look at the cause of the commotion and whether I should join the crowd in fleeing. Through the shrieking crowd, I can make out figures standing tall through the flood of people.
Dark skinned, alien looking creatures with a robotic like demeanor begin wrecking havoc with everything in their wake and I know that I can't just stand by to watch. Stumbling backwards, I begin notifying everyone in the shop (that hasn't already noticed the hectic activities outside) to leave as quickly as possible. 
After running behind the counter to let the workers know, they tell me to lead everyone out the back door so they can make a quick retreat to safety. The atmosphere is thick with panic but thankfully the few people that are left in the building remain calm enough to not push their way through.
Just as the last person disappears behind the counter, I turn around upon hearing the glass shatter and I'm faced with the creatures I've been helping others to escape from. Pushing myself from the broken glass, where the creature is stationed, I try to take off after those who've already left through the ally.
However, my much smaller statute does little to help since the creature is tall and easily advances, gaining on me in no time. It's rough, almost armored, hands wrap around my bicep, gripping me tightly to hold me to the spot.
Feeling my heartbeat pick up, I frantically pull away, kicking and punching with all the strength I can manage to muster. This seems to go unnoticed by the creature as it drags me away, outside the window and into the open. All around me is widespread panic and I can see others in a similar position as me.
Just as I'm about to accept that there's no escape, a group of people rush forward, knocking out the enemies as they make their way through. Unfortunately, my assailant takes notice as well, gripping me so hard that I can feel my skin tear open at it's sharpness.
Throwing me to the concrete, my head hits the rough pavement, my hands taking very little off of the blow. The sound of a gun cocking fills my ears and it feels like time stills as I turn to see a foreign contraption pointing at me. My blood runs cold and the chaos surrounding me is muffled by my heart pounding in my ears.
All I can manage with my bloodied arm and hands, paired with my spinning head is to inch my way back from the danger before me. Hearing the alien-looking gun charge, I close my eyes but the shot doesn't hit me.
Flinging my lids open, I see a man in front of me with the creature dead at his feet. His icy blue eyes meet mine but I can't concentrate enough to see his features. All I can feel is a searing pain shooting through my arm and I cry out at the sensation. The corners of my vision start fading into black and the last thing I see before passing out is the stark blue of the protector.
Ouch, everything hurts. Ouch! It hurts to even think.
My head is throbbing and I soon realize that my body is feeling no better. Opening my eyes, I flinch at the bright florescent lights that bounce off the room. "Ah!" I groan but the noise just adds onto the enhanced feeling of pain.
Faintly, I hear the sound of footsteps circling me but I pay no attention to it since my focus is on controlling this awful feeling that's coursing through every ounce of my body. Out of nowhere, there's a sharp stab in my forearm but I can't bring myself to look.
Instantly, the pain begins to fade from my body, leaving only the throbbing of my head behind. The relief brings a sigh from my lips. Attempting to open my eyes once more, I peak through my lashes and see that I'm laying in some kind of infirmary. I can tell this isn't the hospital, no, this isn't a place of public access.
A woman with red colored hair carries a tray with the needle away and the glass door closes behind her. The sound of the footsteps, traipsing around again, brings my attention to the culprit. Searching the room for the sound, I soon see a man with long black hair, pale skin and green attire with gold accents. 
With his back facing me, I can only see his profile as he gives a quick glance in my direction. All of this is very strange for me and none of it is familiar. Well, that's until the man turns to me and I find myself gazing into the same blue eyes from before.
The one who protected me...
Clearing his throat lightly, my attention is snapped back to the present and I see the pale man waiting patiently for me to focus. "Are you feeling any better?" His silky voice asks me. I didn't expect the soft and polite words to fall from his lips.
"Yes. Just a bit of a headache, but I'm much better than before. Thank you." I say, trying to return the polite tone. Tilting his head to the side, he walks over to a metal cabinet and rummages through it's contents. Finding what he was searching for, he closes the doors and walks over to me with a bottle in hand.
Without exchanging a single word, he hands me a few headache pills and brings over a paper cup of water to wash the medication down. I murmur another 'thank you' to him, in which he replies with a curt nod.
Our eyes connect briefly and all the memories of the attack on the city rush back to me at the sight of the icy color. My body trembles with a shiver passing through me, goosebumps standing tall. The thing that snaps me back to my surroundings is the sound of the glass door opening.
Looking up, I see that the man has moved to the other side of the room and the woman from earlier looks between the both of us before coming to stand near me. "Hello there, my name is Natasha. I'm glad to see that you're finally awake. What's your name?" The red haired lady asks.
Clearing my throat lightly, I run my tongue across my dry lips to moisten them. "My name is Y/n..." I trail off, not knowing how to react to the situation I've been thrown in. 
"Well, Y/n, I'm sure you have many questions that need answering," She continues talking but my attention is momentarily drawn towards the doors closing behind the raven haired man. "Do you feel well enough to walk with me?" 
Nodding, I accept her outstretched hand as I balance myself on wobbly legs. Leading me out the doors, I'm met with wide, bright windows that overlook the city and before Natasha even tells me, I know where I am.
"Welcome to Stark Towers, Y/n."
"Captain, show Y/n to one of the spare bedrooms. She'll be joining us for a few days." Tony says, giving me a slight push towards the strong looking man. Smiling nervously, he gives Stark a stone-like nod before gesturing me to follow him down the hall.
Although Nat showed me around the tower a bit, I feel completely and utterly lost in such a huge building. To add on top of it, I keep catching myself searching around for a glimpse of the man in green.
"Who was that man in the infirmary with me?" I had asked Natasha, who insisted that I could call her Nat. A conflicted expression had crossed her face for a brief moment before she put on a natural smile.
"That was Loki. God of Mischief and adopted brother of Thor, God of Thunder. He's the one who found you and brought you here. Seems like you had gotten yourself into a compromising situation with one of the Chitauri warriors." She explained. 
Of course, my next question was about the attack on the city and who the Chitauri were. She explained that they are warriors from another planet and they're very dangerous due to their powerful technology. Even the memory of those dark, armored creatures sent a sick feeling through my veins. Thankfully, Nat said that the city is alright with very minimal casualties.
From there, she went to explain how and why they had come. Apparently, Loki had made an alliance with a powerful being from another planet named Thanos. However, he betrayed Thanos and joined in helping the Avengers in trying to take him down. Because of this, the Chitauri have been sent in waves to locate the hero's whereabouts and to rid of any that they could.
Upon hearing the explanation, I could tell, by the way she described the situation, that Loki wasn't a well liked member of their team. Oddly, this made me sad. I don't know if it's because I have a desire to defend the one who helped me in a dire situation or what, but I felt a protective emotion flow through me.
Regaining my grip on present events, I pick up pace to make up for how much I had fallen behind while thinking and follow Steve Rogers through the building. He makes friendly small talk and we laugh a bit, making me feel more comfortable.
When we reach the spare rooms, he points me to the ones that are available. "Loki claims that one, though. So, I wouldn't mess with it, if I were you." He tells me, the friendly tone still in his voice. Nodding, I thank him before browsing the rooms.
They're all very similar and I honestly don't care about where I stay, but after Steve leaves, I quickly decide to occupy the room that's around the corner to Loki's. To be honest, he's the only one here that I actually want to talk to, yet, I haven't caught even a glimpse of him since his departure earlier.
Roaming around the room I've chosen, I hesitantly scan through any details that catch my attention. I soon find myself in front of a full length mirror and when I see my appearance, I'm horrified. 
My hair is knotted and dried dirt is sprinkled all through the strands, my bicep has an off-white bandage wrapped tightly around it with a bit of blood peaking through, my hands are scabbed over with cuts and bruises can be found at different locations across my skin. My under eyes are dark with baggy circles and my lips are chapped. And I walked around Stark Towers, meeting members of the Avengers, looking like this...
Perfect. I already feel completely out of place, slightly uncomfortable and like the outcast, only to look like a crazed woman on top of all of that. What I really want to do is talk to Loki and have him explain, for me to understand, why I was brought here. Not that I'm ungrateful, I just don't know why this is all happening to someone like me.
On the other hand, my gut is telling me that I should clean myself up before wandering around the building again. Closing my eyes with a sigh, I turn on my heel and lead myself to the bathroom, grabbing a change of spare clothes on the way.
When all is said and done, I look over to the clock and see that it's late in the afternoon. Having woke up late has made my timing off by a long shot but I'm determined to figure out everything I can.
Walking out of the room and closing the door behind me, I make my way down the hall, passing Loki's door. Only, when I pass his door, a tremendous shiver rakes my body. God, why is it so cold in his room?! I can feel the freezing temperature through the thick, wooden doors and it makes my fingers hurt despite the barrier.
Before I can resume my trek down the hall, the god's door opens with cold air whooshing out into the hall, where I'm standing. Following, Loki steps out and his eyes narrow in confusion at the sight of me lingering at his entrance.
My mouth opens but no words come out, just awkward noises that make me cringe inwardly. Catching sight of my severe goosebumps, he quickly turns and closes the door to bring some of the heat back into the hall.
"What are you doing here, lady Y/n?" He asks, making me gulp. Yes, Loki, what am I doing here? Not being able to conjure any recognizable sounds to make words, I just shake my head very quickly. Ugh, I probably look like a freaking bobble-head.
I glance up at him, briefly, when I see a ghost of a smile grace his features. By the time my eyes try to find it again, it's disappeared without a trace. Huh, maybe I just mistook his expression. But in the back of my mind, I begin imagining how different expressions might look on his face.
He'd have a handsome smile, I think.
My thoughts are interrupted by his voice, speaking up again. "Are you heading to dinner, lady Y/n?" 
"Yes, I am...Well...Yes, I'm trying to. I just don't...I just don't know where I'm going." I stutter, making myself seem all the more daft. Closing my eyes, I mentally chastise myself for getting flustered so easily. I think it's just because of how unfamiliar I am with all of this. Nothing like this has ever occurred in my mundane life.
Nodding once, Loki looks straight down the hall. "I am heading that way, myself. I could take you there, if you wish." He's still not looking towards me when he finishes, so I quickly gather myself and manage to squeak out a 'yes please' before he gestures for me to follow him.
My hands rest in front of my abdomen and I fiddle with them, my fingers tracing over the scabbed scrapes that I'd received from the fall I took in the city with the Chitauri. My eyes continue to watch the floor in front of me, determined to not make more of a fool of myself.
"Are your hands hurting you, Ms. Y/n.?" I hear him ask. When I glance his way, I see him looking down at me. 
Realizing that I had still been messing with them, I drop my hands to my sides. "No, they're fine," I reassure him, smiling slightly, "and you don't have to call me by 'Ms.'"
His eyebrows set into a straight line and after we turn another corner, he looks back to me. "My apologies. I didn't think of you being wed." Realizing the confusion, I almost choke on my spit while trying to correct the situation.
"No, no. I'm not in a relationship and that's not what I meant. Sorry. I mean, you don't have to be so proper. You can just call me Y/n or whatever makes you comfortable." I explain, feeling my cheeks turning a pale shade of pink.
Loki scans my face, making my cheeks an even deeper color, I'm sure. "Right this way, Y/n." He says, extending a hand to show the door that will lead us through. Giving a genuine smile to him, he looks curiously at my gesture but I continue through without giving it much thought.
As soon as I walk into the dining room, I'm met with several of the avengers, only one of which I'm acquainted with. "Hey, Y/n, Loki." Steve says, greeting us. Raising my hand, I give an awkward wave back while walking closer.
The others introduce themselves as well; Clint, Wanda and Thor. During my many greetings, I look back to see that Loki keeps a good distance away from the group. By nature, that's what I want to do too but I know better than to shy away from the ones who are welcoming me. That's when it hits me.
Loki isn't being welcomed here.
My face is astrew with curiosity but I quickly recover to put forward a pleasant impression to my new acquaintances. "It's nice to meet all of you. I'm Y/n." I respond back. Light chatter starts but I excuse myself for some food and make my way over to Loki.
Shyly, I approach him. "Hey, uhm...I'm not sure, I don't know where-" I try to begin but he's quick to catch onto my request. Silently, I follow him and get my meal before we walk back to the group. Loki remains unreadable as he returns to his former position.
One thing I notice, almost instantly, is that Thor is the loudest among the ones I'm with. He talks in the same manner that Loki does but he's much more abrupt with how he carries himself, where as Loki seems very proper and almost elegant.
Thor beckons the God of Mischief to join us, which he hesitantly obliges to. Loki takes a seat by Thor, careful in where he places himself among the circle of people. Our eyes meet as he settles in and I try to reassure him with a smile before I return to my food.
We talk about many different things as I finish up my meal but when they approach the topic of the fight with Chitauri soldiers, I feel my stomach churn with a sick feeling. Excusing myself from the group, I put my tableware away before attempting to find my way back to my room.
Despite me trying to retrace my steps from before, when I was walking with Loki, I get totally, completely and undoubtedly lost. Even when I try to return to the dining room, I'm still so far from any semi-familiar surroundings. There's not even a way for me to contact anyone, seeing as I don't have a phone on me and even if I did, I don't have any numbers for the ones here.
Sighing, I walk until I stumble across a small library area with a plush couch and books aligned neatly upon bookshelves. The space is lit up by the dim light of the moon, paired with the city lights shining through the large, almost wall-like window.
Wandering to the couch, I scan the bookshelves before sitting down and peering out at the city below. An overwhelming exhaustion sweeps through me and I accept that I won't be finding my temporary room tonight. Readjusting my body, I lay down on the couch, curling my knees up so I can rest on my side.
Although I'm surrounded by unfamiliar things, I find myself feeling in complete peace in the quiet night and my eyes grow heavier with every passing second, my mind slowing it's thought process. Just as I close my eyes, I feel a weighed warmth surround me.
I'm awoken by my body being shaken to consciousness and the blinding light that the large window provides. When I finally focus on the person who's hands have disrupt my precious sleep, I'm surprisingly met with the God of Thunder.
Sitting up abruptly, I curl into myself and the action causes a blanket to fall from my body. But I didn't fall asleep with a blanket.... Taking a look at the cloth on the ground, I notice that it's the same shade of green that I've come to associate with -....Surely it's just a coincidence, right?
Bringing my attention back to the man in front of me, I offer a slight wave and awkwardly greet him. Again, I'm met with his loud chuckle as he crosses his arms, squinting his eyes at me in amusement. "What are you doing here, Y/n, sleeping on the furniture?" He asks and I can hear the humor that's hinted in his tone.
My eyes drift down at the couch and the green cover as I hug my knees into my chest. "I kind of got, well, I got lost last night on my way back to the room. Figured that it would be better to stay put than confuse myself further." My voice is shy and it expresses my embarrassment. 
"Yes, you're rather far from the sleeping quarters. Your decision was likely wise." After he finishes his sentence, I ask him how he came across me. "There was a note in the kitchen notifying us that you had gotten lost and where you may have taken a wrong turn."
Thor shrugs it off but I'm instantly confused on how someone had left a note behind. Clearing my throat, I stand up and fold the blanket up to carry back with me. "Thank you for coming after me, Thor. I appreciate it and I suppose I should further familiarize myself with the layout here."
"It's okay, my friend. You're sure to figure it out soon enough." He tells me, laughing in the process. "Are you hungry, Y/n?" At the mention of food, my stomach rumbles and I nod my head excitedly. We both laugh and he guides me back to the main hall.
Although the sun is bright, it's still rather early in the morning. "Where is everyone?" I ask, partly to myself and partly wanting an answer. 
"Everyone's out doing their own business. Steve is normally out running at this hour but others change depending on the day." I nod at him and continue to get myself some scrambled eggs. 
Heading back to the area in which we dined last night, I go to sit down when Loki enters the room. My eyes glance over at the blanket that's resting on the arm of the chair and I smile at him. "Good morning, Loki." I greet.
Sadly, I'm not met with the same pleasantries. Without looking at me, he halts his step for a moment before continuing forward, not uttering a single word. My smile tilts downward and I can feel the frown matching my disappointment.
Thor must notice the change in the atmosphere after Loki left. "Don't pay him too much attention, Y/n. Loki is a very private and....malignant individual. " He explains, giving me a tight lipped smile.
Despite Thor's attempt to put my emotions at ease, I can't help but feel a little pang of hurt. Why should I feel hurt? Loki owes nothing to me and I owe nothing, alike. Even if he were friendly with me, it wouldn't matter because all of this is temporary. None of it will last, that's for sure.
Shaking off the odd emotions, I feed the beast that is growling in my abdomen. Thor joins me for breakfast and we make light chatter about how I'm feeling, how he came to be on 'midgard' and what we're likely to be doing today.
By the time we finish eating, we're cracking jokes and laughing. Thor has a strange sense of humor but I adapt fairly easily. Steve comes into the room shortly after and it turns out that he was, indeed, having a morning run. The two men begin conversing so I pardon myself and assure Thor that I won't get lost again.
Leaving them, I decide that I should explore so I can figure out how this place is set up. After I do that, then I'll go attempt to find Loki and figure out what the plans are for me returning to my life. Maybe I'll attempt to find him, maybe. If he continues to be a snot, then I'll just get Nat's permission to leave and that'll be that.
I let my feet carry me where they may and I begin roaming the halls at a leisure pace. Crossing back and forth through the building, I study the turns and pathways that I take. The emerald blanket that I had awoken to is still draped over my forearm and my fingers fondle the soft fabric as I explore.
The lack of people in this building kind of throws me off but I guess it makes sense. The Avengers are probably quite busy with all the things that happen without the public knowledge. Their work is important and I'm grateful that they are willing to take on such tasks.
Somehow, my feet have seemed to lead me back to the library area that I spent the night in. Now that it's lit up by the morning, I can examine everything clearly. The shelves are filled with an array of books with many different subjects. Mostly non-fiction but there are a few fiction novels thrown in there. 
My fingertips dance and trace over the spines as I read all the titles with my lip between my teeth, much too immersed in what I'm doing. Because of this, I jump when I hear a familiar voice speak behind me.
"Enjoying yourself, Y/n?" Loki asks, watching me as I turn around with a startled expression. Not to my surprise, his face is in it's same expressionless set and I match it, showing my distaste of his unpleasant act of sneaking up on me.
"I was..." I spit, irritation presented boldly to the god of getting-on-my-nerves. The corner of his mouth twitches up into a smirk and I feel myself wanting to walk away from him. "Why am I here, Loki?" 
"Because you walked here. I assumed you'd be capable of figuring that out on your own." He says, matter-of-fact-like. 
Groaning to myself, I clarify my statement even though I know he's purposely poking at me for his own enjoyment. "Why did you bring me to Stark Towers, you rubbish excuse of a god?!" My voice comes out as a growl but I don't care. He hasn't spared my feeling in his actions.
Loki's smirk falls back into a straight line and he slowly paces over by the couch. "Because you were hurt and I felt the responsibility to not leave you on the broken pavement, you ungrateful mortal." He sneers.
The little satisfaction I felt at dissipating his smirk is short lived since his insult fills me with a burning anger. "I'm not ungrateful, I just don't appreciate being kept in the dark like a bloody prisoner!" 
"You are the farthest thing from a prisoner, but we can arrange that if you wish!!" We both have our fists clenched and I can see the tick in his jaw become more prominent.
"Then tell me why the hell I'm here! You could have taken me to a public hospital instead of bringing me to freaking Stark Towers with the Avengers!!!" Stomping over to him, I impatiently wait for him to answer me. "Well? Are you deaf, my lord?"
An emotion I don't recognize comes across his face but just as before, it's gone before I can decipher it. Scoffing, he turns his back on me before distancing himself. When he returns his gaze to mine, his face is back in it's resting, emotionless look.
"The Chitauri are still out there, searching. I thought you'd prefer to be away from their search and stay here. If you wish to leave, do so. Just don't expect me to be there to aide you once more." He says and the fact that he says it so calmly makes my temper blow. Picking up a book from the table, I chuck it right at his chest.
I'm confused and pissed when it falls straight through him with a golden flicker.
"You seriously couldn't even make the effort to come find me yourself?! You little-" I start as I charge towards his hologram but he disappears before I can even yell at him any further. A part of me wonders whether I should stay but I can't seem to find a reason why. But I'll be darned if he gets the satisfaction of feeling victorious in our argument.
Screw it!! I don't care what that pompous, puke colored jerk thinks! Somehow, it's suddenly very easy for me to find my way through the building and to the lobby of the place. Just as I'm rounding the corner, I realize that I'm still clutching the blanket. His Blanket.
Raising my arms high above my head, I pitch it down onto the ground before continuing my stomp to the exit. That's when I stop in my tracks as I hear my name being called. Not turning around, I wait to see if the voice will come any closer.
Feeling a warm hand on my shoulder, the individual comes to stand in front of me and he leans down to become eye level with me. "Where are you going, my friend?" Thor asks, curiosity evident. 
I shake my head before answering. "Home. I'm leaving, Thor." Attempting to move past him, he keeps his hand on my shoulder and despite the gentle grasp he has, it's almost impossible to move from where I'm standing.
"Why are you leaving?" 
Huffing, I throw my hands up exasperatedly. "Because I should never have been brought here in the first place! I still don't know why I was brought here and I'm not going to just sit around when I'm perfectly capable of continuing my life."
Removing his hand, the God of Thunder stands up tall but continues to look at me. And for some reason, I feel the need to stay and hear what he has to say. "I'm sorry you feel so strongly, Y/n. As to why you're here, I do not know for myself. You are more than capable of returning to your life but I feel that you may want to stay around a bit longer."
"And what for? Why would I linger here when there's no point....?" My anger is gone and now replaced with a sort of sadness that I can't explain.
Thor gives a soft sigh before looking back to me. "Well, you're my friend! I'd hate to see you leave in this condition. Plus, I'm sure there's more of an explanation as to why you're here. Stay and I vow to you that we'll figure everything out."
His face is softened into a smile and I find myself mimicking the expression. Nodding, his hand gives my shoulder a pat before we silently return to where we came from. On the way back, I kneel and pick up the cover to bring with me. For some peculiar reason, I can't bring myself to abandon it.
For the rest of the day, I stuck by Thor. He even took me out of Stark Towers and we wandered around the city. It felt good to be out and in familiar surroundings, I'm so thankful for Thor right now. Unlike his brother, he's super friendly and we quickly become friends.
Returning to the base, we joke around as we make our way up the stairs. In an instant, Thor picks me up and slings me over his shoulder as he hurries up the steps. I laugh, thrashing in his grip. "Stop your squirming, Y/n! You were moving much too slow." He calls to me, grinning widely.
The blonde has quickly adapted to a brother-like nature and it makes our friendship a lot easier when we view each other in such a way. Even when we reach the floor, he refuses to release me and continues to carry me around - greeting anyone we pass like this is a normal thing.
"Are you seriously ignoring how crazy this looks?" I ask, smiling awkwardly as we pass Wanda, who is giving me a confused smile. "I'm barely known around here and you are suddenly carrying me around like nothing's out of character."
Exhaling out of his nose, he heads to the living room and I realize that I'm finally starting to understand this layout. "You're underestimating the odd things that happen to us around here." Just as we reach the living room, Thor stops abruptly and continues to hold me.
"Thor? Uh, what happened? Thor, buddy?" I ask when he remains quiet. Finally, he slides me off his back and as soon as my feet meet the ground, my knees give out. 
This is what happens when you let the God of Thunder carry you around until your feet are fast asleep. Catching myself on the ledge of the couch, I stand up and turn to see what Thor is looking at. Oh god....quite literally.
Loki is positioned in a chair beside the window with his feet dangling over the arm. "Having fun, are we, brother?" His voice doesn't hold any emotion and I look back at Thor to see him looking very uncomfortable.
After a moment of silence, I decide that I'll answer instead. "Yes, we are. Thor and I went to hang out in the city. It was a lot of fun, actually." I say this and turn to smile at Thor, which he returns. Loki, on the other hand, doesn't look so pleased. 
"I'm glad to hear it." With that, the pale god leaves. Maybe it's just me being my usual over-thinking self but I start to wonder about why Thor would look uncomfortable in front of Loki when they were on good terms not too long ago. As soon as we're alone again, I feel the tension, that once filled the room, dissipate and the friendly banter is back to normal. Loki doesn't care about my whereabouts, so I won't care about his.
Or at least I will attempt not to.
Time passes and I am introduced to another member of the Avengers. Bucky is nice and he's Steve's best friend, which makes for good conversation starters. As I notice myself get more comfortable around these people, I scold myself for my actions.
No one lasts. This is temporary, no need to get attached. It may sound like rubbish but it's true. I don't belong with them, this isn't where I'm supposed to be. Every single person here will be chucked out of my life by the time I return home. They were never meant to be in my life.
Something I've mastered over time is the art of distance. To be friendly and polite while not getting too close. Getting close just results in getting hurt. If I get attached, a part of me will always be with that person or those people. It never works out.
After dinner, the group breaks off to their night and I say my goodbyes before heading towards my room. My mind is running a hundred miles per hour and I feel a little empty at the thought of returning to the normality of everyday life. 
I try to push out the sour feeling, I try very much, and I finally get it down to a bearable murmur of a thought. Passing Loki's door, and shivering at the cold, I walk into my room. It's dark once I've closed the door and I walk over to the lamp beside the entrance, turning it on as soon as I reach it.
The room lights up but when I turn back to my bed, I'm met with the man I've been dreading to see. "Hello, Y/n."
Part Two Here
Masterlist Here
A/N: Yes!! Marvel has been added to my masterlist and I plan on adding more fandoms as we continue on this journey together. Make sure to follow me for updates since I don’t have a set schedule anymore! I’ve missed you guys and I hope you enjoy this series, I’ve had so much fun writing it!! - Ellie-Mae
134 notes · View notes
3dnygma · 7 years
One Final Step
“While listening to the radio, Ed and Oswald decide to take that one, final step to complete freedom. Time to fly over Gotham City.“
Relationship: Oswald Cobblepot/Edward Nygma
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 692 (yup it’s pretty short)
AO3 Link
I was wondering what Oswald and Ed were up to during 4x16 - and angst is always the right answer, right? Feedback is highly apprecited!
When Ed hears that soothing and somehow familiar voice on the radio, he realises one simple fact. Freedom has only been one step away all this time. It’s not a completely new revelation to him.  After all, he’s thought about taking that one, final step just a few days ago. But this time, something’s different. These contradicting puzzle pieces inside of his mind have finally come to one simple, yet brilliant conclusion.
No more arguments with his subconscious desires. No more loud noises inside of his head. No more struggles of feeling like an incomplete person. Everything gets replaced by this soothing silence. And the desire to take that final step and reach complete freedom.
He stands up – and Oswald, who has been sitting on the couch right next to him, does the same. Of course, who wouldn’t reach for salvation, if given the chance?
“There’s something I need to do.”, he states.
Oswald nods. “Me too.” A pause. “We should do it together.”
“Yes. Let’s go.”
Lee is currently in her humble clinic and performing a medical check on Martin. Hopefully, they’ll be joining them soon – it would be tragic to leave them behind in this hell of a city.
And so they walk, searching for the highest building in the Narrows. The higher, the better. And with each step that they’re taking towards the top, their spirits become lighter and lighter.
“Flyers will become dyers.”
Yes, Oswald thinks. The Penguin is going to learn how to fly. And my dear mother is going to be so happy to see me again.
Almost there. Now, they only need take that final step. The Penguin and the Riddler are both waiting for their sign, like all those Gothamites standing on the roof next to them. Oswald notices that it’s quite windy tonight. Soon, that wind will be lifting him up, just like a feather. He and Ed will be floating over Gotham City. Together. Free.
During the following hour, Ed’s phone starts ringing several times. Looks like Lee and Martin haven’t received their calling, after all.
Eventually, the bells start striking midnight and everyone gets prepared. Eager, each of them raises their left foot and waits for that final, twelfth stroke. Liberation has never been closer.
But then.
“I cannot save you.”
Another familiar voice from the radio appears. It pauses.
“Save each other.”
And the silence inside Oswald’s mind abruptly stops, followed by a loud ringing. Ed. He’s going to jump. His own salvation doesn’t count anymore, it’s Ed’s safety that does. He turns to his left, grabs Ed and pulls him away from the edge with all of his force, realising that Ed is doing the same with him.
The view over Gotham vanishes as they both fall to the ground of the rooftop. The forceful landing slightly injures both their hands, causing them to bleed. But it honestly doesn’t matter, does it? They’re safe.
“Ed, Ed! Are you alright? Please tell me that you’re fine.”
Oswald notices that the Riddler’s voice has turned into more of a whisper and that they’re both trembling with fear – but despite all of that, Ed forces a laugh and looks at him with that stupid, dorky smile.
“Right as rain.”
Still lying on the floor, they start to embrace, each of them surrounded by the other’s warmth. Oswald can’t help thinking about that evening when Butch almost killed Ed at the Siren’s club and also starts smiling like an idiot.
“Ed.”, Oswald mumbles against the other’s shoulder.
“I really can…count on you, can’t I?”
“Of course, always.”
“Then I suppose you could say the same thing about me.”
Ed pulls back and replies with a grin, that mix of a caring smile and the smug genius that has terrified Gotham on more than one occasion. “So you’re saying that you would do anything for me?”
Oswald nods. “Anything.”
And Oswald is sure that no possible reaction from Ed’s side is going to surprise him at this point. Silence, a simple “Thank you.” – even being laughed at.
He doesn’t expect the warm touch of Ed’s lips, though. It's a pleasant surprise, nonetheless.
22 notes · View notes
apricot-to-rot · 4 years
Documentation of Work
Streets with no Doors, 2020
Gap be Closed,   2020
A Name Full of Colour, You Remind Me of Home, 2020. {Series of 4}
Waves Woven,  2020. {Series of 4}
Gravel under Foot,  2020. {Series of 3}
28/97 Bananas,  2020
Casa Afuera,  2020. {Series of 9}
Wait Patiently 2020
Dorian Way, 2020. {Series of 5}
Sunken Movies, 2020. {Series of 5}
Streets with no Doors
Streets with no Doors, 2020. Installation, Mixed Media. Dimensions Variable.
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Description: This is a mixed media installation titled ‘Streets with no Doors’, as a response to an extract from one of my poems. This piece consists of, two ivory aged cloths, one suspended by nails draped in a wave like shape, the other placed beneath with impure purposeful wrinkles. Two dried bananas, one hung ‘limbs’ outstretched whilst the other on the ground shrivelled and entangled.  A dark wooden green leather chair with copper embossed edges. A bed pan delicately placed on the leather cushion. Beneath the suspended cloth is a mini speaker, behind the door {top left} is another speakers playing a 5 minuet loop of ‘Little Anne Street’ 2020. This piece is looking at memories of hospitalised bodies through suggestions of light, decay and space. Poem:
Putrid pear
Streets with no doors
My broken chest-
That of draws
With floor without carpet
Spines scarlet
Skins sore
The sycamore no more-
Lost sight to be bore.
Whirr were there- tear, where?
Now? no.
You’re in the all clear...
Impure impair unsure, un-cared, broken peel un-repaired. Bones rejection, spinal injection. Juice extraction but mould infection. Infested sores sewn indoors,
Fruit flesh behind locked doors
Knees on chest- knows no rest
Fruit forbidden- taken home in a bag
Plums bruised- fruit confused  
A patient so rare.
No apple to compare
Chair ground bound- going no where
Teddy bear companion- in living room warfare
Tastes no toffee apple- empty fair.
Empty remains
Leftover fruit
Sofa body remains- sight mute
{Abnormal Veins}
Gap be Closed
Gap be Closed, 2020. Installation, Mixed Media. Dimensions Variable.
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Gap be Closed, is a film installation spin of from Streets with no Doors, 2020.  This documentary film is following the first person steps through a hospital during an Eye Electro-physiology test. The film projection and sounds are spliced across a multitude of archival objects such as dried fruit and domestic objects. 
A Name Full of Colour, You Remind Me of Home
A Name Full of Colour, You Remind Me of Home, 2020. Installation Photography, Dimensions Variable, Series of Four. 
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Description: This series of photographs explore various domestic space installations and archival objects. These installations are photographed with an importance around perspective through the angular shots and reflections. Through the focal points of one window these illusional ‘de-skilled’ effects are heightened through dramatic shadow work and contrasting tonal qualities.
Waves Woven
Waves Woven, 2020.  Installation Photography, Dimensions Variable, Series of Four.
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Description: These black and white photographs detail four separate space installations, in different ways they each have a painterly narrative through oceanic movements. This series presents a balance between tonal experiments of structural light and tactile materials. Each fragment of this series is focusing on a different ‘part’ to a wider archive, such as, discarded copper wires, abandoned windows, old cloths, decayed fruits and shadows. This series conceptually emulates the fragile beauty of ‘the decrepit’ and uses broken or mended parts to narrate decayed bodies {of oceans, fruits and people}. 
Gravel under Foot
Gravel under Foot, 2020. Film Still Photographs, Dimensions Variable. Series of Three. 
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Description: This series of photographs are film stills taken from an experimental film capturing the fleeting moments between bodies and their tactile connections with outdoor spaces. The film in some ways emulates my navigation of space through my hands. There is a merging between various forms such as body parts, outdoor spaces, domestic objects, reflections and movements. The techniques of these stills uses a long exposure camera effect following performative interactions.
38/97 Bananas
38/97 Bananas, 2020. Sculptural Photography, Dimensions Variable.
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Description: This photograph is capturing a temporal sculpture, through the blending  of rusty metals and leathery fruit skins. This piece pays homage to my collection of 97 dried bananas and uses the circular focal point to narrate perspective and create an intriguing ambiguity of decayed imagery.  
Casa Afuera
Casa Afuera, 2020.  Installation Photography, Dimensions Variable. Series of 9.
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Description: ‘Home Outside’  is a series of bedroom installations using a range of projected photographs. Collaged through bedroom objects the projections and camera obscura techniques create illusional spaces through reflections and shadow work. This series merges a multiple of binaries such as outdoor & indoor spaces, beauty with decrepit. Thus, conceptually this work aims to create one visual through the joining of once separate perspectives. 
Wait Patiently
Wait Patiently, 2020. Shifting medium, Dimensions Variable. 
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Description: Wait Patiently, is a photograph of a sculptural installation. This work is made in response to a piece of text exploring bodily decay through fruits, buildings and people. The work displays five thoughtfully nailed bananas in a human like linear queue. Overlaying this with a projection of an image from Waves Woven, 2020 Series of 4.  The work is physical, you can smell this, touch this, taste its shape. It is dried, for months, photographed, suspended, nailed, collaged, and repeated. Text:
Fruit as Body,
Fruit as Soul,
As damage.
Listen- {to my meadow Memorial}
Pull my peel
Pope my parts
Wait till I’m decay
Rose my days,
Gate my shades
Woe my path be spoken
Silk my fruit
Insides broken garden.
Dig my soil the same
Peach be bare
Second floor up- door down there...
Popes cuisine
Angels desert
Grave for  a fruit
Baby be hurt,
Woe what’s deserved
Doubted loss
Ring my remains
Orange on a cross.
Dorian Way
Dorian Way, 2020. Spoken Word Performance, Series of 2. 372 Bristol, Live stream. 
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Description: Dorian Way is a delicate spoken word performance piece, performed during lock down at the 372 residency {additionally as a live stream.} The work deals with inclusive and accessible ways to present texts and visual matter to audiences. The title ‘Dorian Way’ is a nod to a place I connect with recovering form an illness that resulted in changes to my vision. Thus, the work explores tactile movements and language that provokes visually stimulating imagery. 
Sunken Movies
Sunken Movies, 2020. Installation Photography, Dimensions Variable. Pt 1 -  Pt 2.
Sunken Movies, Part 1:
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Description: Part 1, is a piece that informed/is in formed by a piece of text I wrote about a forgotten place at sea. Using pages from a sketch book of cut out words sourced form various old books, bedding and abandoned cinemas, spliced together through textures and projections. Text:
Conversations in the ocean
A body - slow motion
The silent melody
Buried endlessly
Swam in waves woven,
Pitted potent ocean
The siren so speech-less 
Spitting sea swallowed (w)hole
But buried pip
A breathless drip,
Of lonesome serenity
No place heavenly
This sound-less melody.
Now gap be closed
Core exposed
Fruit decomposed the skin unclothed.
A doves message
Deep sea wreckage
The mothers message
Sea soaked dressing,
Wound be stung
Salt covered tongue
Now waves begun...
Sunken Movies, Part 2.
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Description: As a continuation of the Pt.1 {including the text}, this extension playfully navigates nostalgia through subtle dream like colours, and fragile textures. The combination of archival aged objects such as mirrors, fruits, bedding and more... with this palette and tonal investigations create a ‘heavenly’ illusion. Interested in nostalgia, third space and perspective, Sunken Movies investigates the relationship between space, object and text. I also see this work as something experimental, exciting and new to my practice in terms of colour and softness.  Responsive text:
Lost baby
Hollow tree
Halo be broke
Tip his harp
Now grasp my wing,
A heart to hop
But rein to grasp
of fallen crown
Solemn chamber land
So, drink the gone
Forgotten now?
A child's message-
Spent sleep-less nights
The longing for daisies...
Her petal-less meadow
A buried babe,
Now apricot to rot
Sleeps in a grave.
Dig deep to be caught
Seed sown sorrow
{Noise in the back}
Time-less thought...
Movement gone
Whistling  swan
Silence from
A bruised plum
0 notes