#wait till you hear jackies
iamvegorott · 3 months
Magicians Don't Need Superheros Pt11
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“A chocolate doughnut with chocolate frosting?” Marvin commented on the treat Anti grabbed for himself. 
“Anti has the worst sweet tooth of us.” Jackie chuckled, grabbing a chocolate eclair and setting it on a napkin before giving it to Marvin. 
“I do not-yeah, no I do.” Anti laughed and took a giant bite out of the doughnut, getting the chocolate all over his face. 
“Thank you,” Marvin said as he stepped aside his with breakfast, taking a much smaller bite as he watched Jackie pass out doughnuts to the others. 
“Thanks!” Robbie giggled as he was handed a doughnut with cereal on top and ran off to sit with Henrik, who was eating a classic glazed doughnut. 
“You must be Marvin.” Marvin blinked as the words appeared in his head, a new voice speaking in there as well. He resisted the urge to scrub at his eyes and looked around, seeing the only Septiceye he’s yet to meet. 
He was a little shorter than Marvin and seemed to enjoy being a bit more dressed up than the other as well. A blue vest was over his button-up with a black bowtie that matched his hat and Marvin could see why Jackie specifically mentioned the mustache since it was a fairly thick one with curled ends. 
“You must be JJ,” Marvin said in return, holding a hand out. 
“You are indeed correct.” The voice chuckled in Marvin’s head as JJ took the hand and gave it a shake with a slight bow. 
“Are you…” Marvin pointed at his head.
“Yes. Sometimes it’s a lot easier to use that ability to speak than to sign. The others are learning but I don’t mind projecting. It is convenient when my hands are busy.” JJ explained. 
“You’re a lot calmer than the others.” Marvin chuckled. 
“I can have my moments, but for the most part, the chaotic nature of the house is from our fellow Septiceyes. I find myself working in the kitchen more often than not. I enjoy baking and cooking and I see that you are also someone who appreciates a good cup of tea.” JJ was eating his doughnut while his voice continued speaking. 
“Best way to get caffeine in my opinion.” Marvin had to wait until his mouth was empty before speaking. 
“You’ll have to argue your case here. Henrik and Chase are coffee fanatics. Anti usually drinks those energy drinks but he’ll have a cup of tea with me every now and again. What Robbie drinks depends on his age, but he does coffee when he’s grown with Henrik.” JJ hummed and took his phone out, reading what was on the screen before putting it away. Marvin watched JJ lean toward Chase.
“What’s up?” Chase said, looking at JJ. There was a pause and then Chase groaned. “I’m going to fight him if he even tries.” He took his own phone out and walked out of the room. 
“What did I just miss?” Marvin asked. 
“Some work stuff, nothing you need to worry yourself with. At least not yet.” JJ smiled at Marvin, finishing the rest of the doughnut. 
“Can I at least ask if you’re able to project your voice to more than one person at a time?”
“You may and I can. I can narrow it to a singular person and I can also project it to everyone in the room quite easily. I can do about the house worth of distance without effort, anything beyond that takes much more energy.” 
“Is it done through magic?” 
“Not that I am aware of. It doesn’t feel like magic to me, but there may be a chance it’s a branch of it. None of us in the House explores that so we don’t know.” 
“Do any of the…Egos explore magic?” Marvin was going to need more time to get used to referring to himself and others as ‘Egos’, it was still so odd. 
“I believe some of them do. Most of us don’t go into details with everyone else about how things work since sometimes it’s too complicated. Doesn’t stop some of us from trying to study and learn, but you get to a point where it’s easier to just…be.” JJ tilted his head when Anti waved to get his attention. Marvin told himself he really needed to start learning sign language since it was clear that Anti was signing at JJ and he had no idea what he was saying. All he knew was that JJ agreed with what Anti said since he nodded with his sign. Anti giggled happily and took a doughnut out of the box and scrambled away with it. “He asked if he could have my second one. I rarely eat more than one of these.” JJ explained, showing he had seen Marvin’s confused face. 
“He really does have a sweet tooth,” Marvin said. 
“He is a very complicated man.”
“And annoying.”
“At times.” JJ chuckled and that got Marvin to do the same. 
“Sorry to suddenly change the topic, but Jackie mentioned a library. One that likely added books associated with me. Where would that be?” Marvin asked. Getting a head start on reading magic books sounded like a good way to begin his long list of questions. 
“It is a very lovely library. If you head back toward your room and go all the way to the end of the hall, you’ll find a set of stairs, head up those and you’ll see a set of double doors on the right a few feet into it and that’s the library.” 
“Thank you. If anyone asks where I am, I’ll be there.” Marvin said. 
“I will be sure to fill them in.” JJ gave a slight wave as Marvin flashed a smile and walked off. 
Following the directions was easy enough and soon Marvin was opening that set of doors and when JJ said it was a lovely library, he meant it. Marvin couldn’t help from whistling in awe, the shelves were tall, a dark wood, and lined up perfectly with each other. The books were unlabeled but hopefully something with this weird stuff Marvin’s been dealing with would allow him to find what he wanted easily. 
“Oh…that works.” Marvin said to himself when he found a computer set up against a wall with a poster above it that read ‘catalog’. “Here’s to finding something helpful in this place.” He continued speaking to himself as he turned the computer on. 
Hours passed and Marvin was sitting on the floor in the center of several pieces of furniture with multiple books opened and surrounding him. After some digging around Marvin had found a stash of notebooks and took one for himself to take notes in. 
From what Marvin’s read so far, magic was even more complicated than what he was used to. So many different variables changed so many aspects of it. Things that were seen as magical technically weren’t even that. There weren’t even names for it. They just… existed.
That was beyond obnoxious to read. 
Everything should have answers and he couldn’t find them.
“You are really taking whatever it is you’re looking into seriously.” Chase’s voice brought Marvin out of his study trance and he looked up to see the other man holding a plate of food. “It’s lunch,” Chase explained as he sat the plate next to Marvin.
“Has it been that long already? I’ve barely even scraped the surface.” Marvin sighed as Chase sat in one of the chairs. 
“Henrik’s the workaholic here, you’re not allowed doing the same.” Chase used his foot to nudge Marvin’s back. 
“Not a workaholic.” Marvin corrected, pushing Chase’s foot away. “I just want answers and all I am getting is more confused.” 
“Sounds about right.” Chase shrugged as he slouched back in the chair. “Shit’s all messy when you first arrive.” 
“Does it ever stop?”
“Not sure. But it does get easier, you accept your new reality and eventually, you find your happiness within it.” Chase clicked his tongue after he rambled that off and then sighed. “That sounded better in my head.” 
“Jackie said he kept breaking things when he first appeared.” Marvin sat the notebook down, giving up at the moment. 
“He did.” Chase chuckled. “I think he actually managed to take down a building. Dude wasn’t trying to be destructive, he just didn’t have any control and was scared.” 
“Didn’t know he could be scared.” Marvin moved back so he leaned against the bottom of the couch, putting the plate of food in his lap and picking at it. “You know, except for needles.” 
“Needles are the big thing. He’s never given a reason beyond ‘I don’t like them’.” Chase shrugged again. “But, yeah, kid was a mess when we finally got to him. Screaming, crying, begging for his…” His voice trailed off. “I probably shouldn’t be telling his business like that. I can share my business that I was numb by the time I realized what was happening. Once the memories started fading so did my emotions for some time.” Chase sat up again, slumping over and resting his cheek on a closed hand, elbow on his knee. 
“Do all the memories fade away?” Marvin asked.
“Kind of? Like…you know facts about yourself. Can recall having parents and what kind they were. What kind of person you were. That’s why Henrik’s the doctor, he remembers being one and still knows all the medical stuff.” 
“What about you? What are-well-were you?” Marvin asked.
“I was a dad.” Chase’s comment got Marvin to thickly swallow. “I can’t remember my kid’s name or my ex-wife’s face. I think her name was Stacy? That’s the name that sounds right. But I don’t remember anything about my kid. Son? Daughter? No idea. I just knew someone used to call me dad and was happy to see me.” He softly laughed as his hand fanned out and covered half his face. “Sorry, didn’t mean to bring the mood down. I came in here to check on you and make sure you ate lunch.” Chase rubbed his face and stood up. “Dinner is usually a free-for-all this time of week. So whenever you’re hungry this evening, feel free to help yourself to whatever.” 
“Um…thanks.” Marvin wanted to ask some questions but that painful thickness in the air had him holding back. Chase looked like he needed to lie down or something. Maybe it doesn’t get easier or at least, thinking about it still hurts no matter how long it’s been.
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uluvjay · 8 months
Drunken confessions- J. Marino
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John Marino x Hughes! Sister
In which you drunkenly admit your feelings for your brother’s teammate
Warnings?; fluff, talks of embarrassment, crying, drunkenness, cursing, throwing up and mentions of it, kissing, slight age gap(5 years), I apologize for any errors.
The sound of the front door bursting open along with stumbling feet and mixed curses caused John to jump up from his spot on the couch.
Making his was to the entryway of the house he found both of your brothers holding you upright as they did their best to get you into the house.
“What the hell happened?” He questioned the younger men as he moved forward to give them a hand.
“Someone was upset about failing her test so let’s just say the vodka shots were never ending tonight.” Luke grumbled as they finally made way into the living room and laid you onto the couch where John had just been sitting.
John laughed lightly at the sight of your snoring form, your hair was messy and makeup smudged, yet to him you still looked just as beautiful as earlier in the evening when you first emerged from your room for a night out with your brothers.
“Um My girls here, I’m gonna head out.” Luke coughed before he quickly rushed out of the house.
“Okay?” John laughed as he looked at Jack who looked just as guilty.
“I-would you be okay watching over her till morning? She usually doesn’t puke or anything and Vodka tends to knock her out so she shouldn’t be an issue.” Jack rushed, rocking back onto his heels while he awaited his teammates answer.
“Where are you going?” John questioned confused.
“There’s a girl in my car….waiting to go back to her place…” Jack breathed.
“Oh, uh yeah I can look over her. Go enjoy yourself man.” John shrugged, you were snoring pretty loud and it looked like you wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon.
“Thank you! I swear the next time we go to dinner I got you covered. You’re the best man!” Jack beamed.
John watched as your brother placed a kiss to the top of your head before rushing out the door and making sure to shut it quietly behind him.
John grabbed the remote off the coffee table before he sat on the opposite side of the gray sectional, he unpaused his show and picked up from where he had left off.
However he had trouble keeping his eyes on the tv for long, they seemed to continuously drift over to your sleeping form. He didn’t understand how someone could be as beautiful as you, he still remembers when Jack introduced you a few months back.
You’d alway been around and he knew he had met you before but there was something different this time. You were in college, had just transferred over from the university of Michigan so you could attend a better program.
He knew he shouldn’t have looked at you the way he did, you had barely just turned twenty-one but there was something in those blue eyes and dark hair that captivated him.
Especially once his apartment building had to be shut down due to an outbreak of termites and your brothers offered their last spare room to him three months ago.
He thought he’d be fine living under the same roof as you, you’d always be at school, him at practice or a game, however he was very wrong. He couldn’t help the way his eyes followed you throughout the house, how his heart warmed at the sound of your laugh, or how he blushed like a teenager anytime you came within a foot of him.
The sound of you coughing pulled him from his thoughts and before he knew it you were jumping up and sprinting down the hallway towards the bathroom.
Hearing your gags echo throughout the hall he quickly followed behind you and grabbed your hair just in time for you to empty the contents of your stomach into the toilet.
You don’t register who it was behind you even as there was a cold rag placed onto the back of your neck;something your brothers never did, however that didn’t stop you from thinking it was one of them.
“Thanks Jacky.” You mumbled as your head rested on the back of your hand.
“Uh, I’m not Jack but you’re welcome.” John spoke softly.
Your body went stiff at the sound of his soft voice, there was no way you just puked in front of him, dread filled your stomach and before you knew it tears of embarrassment were streaming down your cheeks.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” The older man quickly kneeled beside you on the cold tile of the bathroom floor.
“S’ nothing” you grumbled slightly pushing him away.
John pushed away the flash of hurt in his chest and grabbed your chin to lift your head, his free hand pushing the hair that had fallen in your face back.
“Don’t say it’s nothing, what’s wrong Y/n?” He asked gently.
“That was embarrassing” you mumbled, eyes looking everywhere besides his.
“Throwing up? There’s nothing embarrassing about that sweetheart, trust me I’ve cleaned up Jack’s vomit more times than I can count.” He laughed.
You tried not to swoon at the nickname he let slip, but the alcohol in your system wouldn’t let it go as your cheeks flamed bright red.
“I didn’t just throw up John, I threw up in front of you!, my crush, the hot guy that’s older and can have any girl he wants, the guy that doesn’t want some sloppy college girl.” You cried.
John swore his heart skipped a beat at your admission, but he couldn’t lie that his brain made him think it was just your drunken words.
“See you don’t feel the same and it’s all because I threw up in front of you.” The alcohol spoke for you and John couldn’t help but giggle lightly.
“How about we talk about this tomorrow? When you’re sober.” He asked softly.
“Okay.” You agreed.
John smiled and helped you off the floor, his hands gripped your waist and walked you towards your bedroom a few doors down. He sat you on the bed and turned to your large vanity looking for makeup remover, finding what he needed he made his way back towards you and began to wipe your face.
“Are you taking my makeup off?” You whispered.
“Mhm” he nodded.
You smiled as he ran the wipe along your forehead before coming down and running it over your cheeks and eyes, doing his best to get everything off.
“Do you want some pajamas?” He asked.
“Yes please, they’re in the drawers on the right.” You smiled softly.
He nodded and made his way over to your dresser grabbing you an old T-shirt and a pair of shorts he sat them next to you.
“I’ll be right back.” He spoke as he left you to get dressed and to collect a bottle of water and Tylenol for you.
He came back to find your bedroom door open once again and your body tucked comfortably under your large comforter.
He sat everything on your bedside table and wished you a goodnight but before he could exit your room he heard your voice speak up.
“Yeah?” He replied as he turned back to face you despite the now pitch black room.
“You promise we can talk tomorrow?” He heard you ask quietly.
“Goodnight John.”
“Night Y/n, sleep tight.” He smiled and made his way to his own bedroom for a long sleepless night.
The following morning you woke up to the smell of bacon flowing into your room making your severely dry mouth water.
Sitting up you looked down at the shirt you wore and the shorts on your legs, confusion wracked through your body for a moments until the memories of puking in the toilet and John taking care of you came floating back.
Butterflies filled your stomach as you remembered how well he took care of you and made sure you got into bed safely. However your smile quickly faded as you remembered that you drunkenly admitted your feelings to the older man last night.
“Fuck!” You groaned as you slumped back into the comfort of your bed.
It took you a few minutes to get the guts to go out to the kitchen where you knew John was no doubt cooking breakfast.
Shuffling into the large kitchen of the house you found him standing him at the stove, shirtless with sweatpants low on his waist, his rib cage tattoo on full display.
“Morning sleepyhead” he smiled as he heard you take a seat at the island.
“Morning.” You greeted with an awkward smile.
You watched as he turned the the fire off and turned to place the last few pieces of bacon onto a plate, looking around you noticed pancakes and a bowl of fresh fruit.
“Eat up, you definitely need it.” He spoke up nudging a plate in your direction.
You wanted to but you couldn’t take the feeling that weighed down on your chest, the anxiety of what you admitted last night lingering over you.
“John, I’m sorry.” You mumbled quickly.
“For what?”
“For what I said and did last night. I shouldn’t have drank as much as I did and you shouldn’t have had to take care of me while I was a mess, I was probably a handful and I’m real-” You began but the feeling of soft lips touching yours cut you off.
It took you a moment to respond due to shock but once you shook it off you were tangling a hand into his curls and pushing your lips harder against his.
He placed a large hand on your jaw, tipping your head back as his tongue slid into your mouth and ran against yours.
You whined when he pulled his lips away from yours, embarrassingly following his mouth as he pulled back.
“Don’t apologize.” He whispered, hand still holding your jaw.
“Did you really mean what you said last night? About me being the guy you like?”
You nodded softly, “I’m sorry if it’s weird.”
“It’s not weird, especially since I feel the same way.” He smiled.
“You do?”
John laughed lightly, “Thought me kissing you was enough of a give away.”
“Hmm, I’m not sure I’m convinced. Maybe you should give me another one.” You smirked.
“Is that so?” He asked, spreading your thighs a bit more as he slipped between them.
“Mhm” you nodded, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you looked up at him.
He smirked before dipping down and kissing you breathless this time, it was different from the first kiss. This one was full of passion, his hands tangled into your hair as kissed you deeply.
Once he pulled away he rested his forehead against yours.
“Are you sure you’re okay with me only being twenty-one?” You questioned softly.
“As long as you’re okay with dating an old man.” He laughed.
“You are not old!” You giggled.
He gave you one more kiss before backing up and beginning to make himself a plate and you followed behind him to make one of your own. And after a delicious breakfast you two cleaned up and made your way to the living room to relax on the couch, this time cuddled up next to each other instead of on opposite ends.
“How should we tell my brothers?” You questioned.
“Tell us what?” You heard from the entryway.
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shaunamilfman · 2 months
Being the Captain of the Rival Team HC's
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pairing: Jackie Taylor x reader
Jackie hadn't really paid you much attention the first time she saw you. She knew of you, of course, having played your team before, but she'd never really seen you individually. That was, of course, till Shauna fouls you ten minutes into the game and she has to come talk to you. It's love at first sight for Jackie as you lie dazed on the ground with a bloody nose. 
Jackie trying to trash talk you, but being abysmally bad at it. She's not all that skilled at it to begin with, too nice at heart, but she's somehow impossibly worse. She leaves all of those confrontations wincing as she realizes she just showered you in compliments badly disguised as insults. Shauna's in hysterics about it, which certainly doesn't help her mood about it. Huffing all the way back. 
Nearly trips over the ball while warming up because she can't take her eyes off of you. Tai comes marching across the field to yell at her about it and Jackie's just scoffing and glancing around because she can't meet her eyes. 
When it comes to the actual game, trust that she will be playing at absolute peak performance. She's competitive enough as it is before you add in a newly realized desire to impress you. Glances over at you to see how you're reacting every time she makes an impressive play during the game. 
Jackie visibly deflates any time you're substituted out. It's hard to justify staring at you all game if you're not actually on the field, after all. 
Keeps trying to find excuses to linger by your locker room after the game so she can catch you after the game. She walked over with the intention to talk shit, but is too afraid of hurting your feelings after your team loses so badly that she ends up just flirting with you instead. 
Stalking your Instagram during halftime and accidentally likes a picture from two years ago. You just vaguely hear an embarrassed “OH MY GOD!” coming vaguely from the Yellowjacket’s locker room. 
Jackie studies your play style more intensely than anyone else's, telling herself it's just for strategy, but knowing deep down it's because it's you. 
Jackie nearly skipping out of the bus on game day because she knows she gets to see you. Talked Shauna's ear off the whole ride there about how annoying (hot), and irritating (distracting), you are. 
You run into each other at a mutual friends party (Jackie crashed it because she asked around till she found one you'd be at) and finally get to have a real conversation. 
Jackie keeps subtly trying to see what college you're going to because she keeps daydreaming about playing on the same team together. She's put some serious thought into how the two of you could complement each other's play styles, but she mostly just imagines kissing you after a win. 
Shows up at your home games to cheer you on when it doesn't conflict with the Yellowjacket’s own standing. All your teammates are like “isn't that…?” and you just shake your head and turn away. She shows up with a sign with your name on it next time so she can wave it around. World’s biggest fan for your mostly mediocre soccer team. 
Finally asking Jackie to hang out sometime and her ass shows up with a soccer ball. 
Off the field, she's a lot more playful and confident when she talks to you. There's something about the uniform that just makes her so nervous. Jackie keeps teasing you about whatever member of your team is the worst. She's laughing hysterically talking about how one of them had tripped over the bench and brought half your team to the ground. You finally get annoyed and walk off and she's just chasing behind you like “wait!”
Having to deal with Jackie's irrational jealousy when she so much as sees you breathing in the direction of the opposing team captain whenever you play. Huffing and puffing because you had to say “good game” to the pretty captain you've never met before. 
Winning a game against a different team with a patented Jackie Taylor play and she's losing her mind on the bleachers. By the time she finds you after the game, she's practically vibrating with excitement. 
Jackie smiles for almost the entirety of a game because she catches you cheering for her in the bleachers after she scores a goal. She insists that it makes her a better player. 
She makes such a big deal out of choosing between her team and you when really no one even gives her a hard time about it but Tai. The seasons already ended for your team and Jackie's just out here trying to live out her Romeo and Juliet fantasy. 
Jackie insists that you have to kiss her before states or else she's going to lose. It's a good luck charm and not at all an excuse to kiss you, obviously. 
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bordysbae · 1 year
“don’t feel special that i’m here, my mom made me come.” “mhm sure.” with jack. maybe a college graduation??
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“congratulations, i guess”
jack hughes x reader
ok so i made this at like 2 am? so i deeply apologize if this makes no sense 😭
— ୨୧ —
as you walk across the stage, you grab your diploma and look out at the crowd. your parents are cheering, with the hughes family cheering just as loudly next to them. the hughes have always been a second family to you. your mom was best friends with ellen throughout middle and highschool, and she even helped your parents get together, since your father and jim were friends from college.
despite being the only girl in the mix, you also fall into the place of second to youngest. you’re right in between jack and luke, which sucks. you’ve always been closest with jack though, you guys used to be best friends. until you left for college and he left for jersey. as soon as he left for new jersey, he’d stopped putting in as much effort towards the friendship. him ghosting you hurt so badly because you’ve always had a slight thing for him. honestly, everyone always thought you two were bound to get married, but that’s until the friendship burnt out.
seeing jack clapping for you in the crowd makes you smile even harder. eventually the ceremony comes to an end, and as you say goodbye to your friends, you spot the two families waiting for you. you hurrying over as fast as you can and embrace luke in a big hug first.
“congrats y/n/n! i cant believe you graduated already!” luke says, swaying you both side to side. “oh thank you lukey! i’ve missed you!” you exclaim as you release the hug. you then make your way over to quinn, who greets you with another tight hug. “congrats kid, we’re all proud of you,” quinn smiles down at you. “thank you quinny. im glad you could make it,” you smile.
you then hug your parents, jim, ellen, and lastly jack. his arms loosely wrap around your body, and his hug is nowhere near the same as anyone else’s. it’s both awkward and weak, it honestly pains your heart, but you’re glad he showed up anyways.
“congratulations, i guess,” he slightly teases, trying to ease the awkwardness. it’s been nearly a year since you last saw jack, and even then there was still awkward tension between you both.
“thanks for coming, jack. i’m glad you came all the way up here from new jersey,” you smile, fidgeting with the ends of your gown sleeves.
“don’t feel special that i’m here, my mom made me come,” he rolls his eyes swimming jokingly.
“mhm sure jacky,” you chuckle, but immediately realize the slip up you’d just had. that nickname lingered from seventh grade till your senior year of highschool, and it’s been years since you’ve said it. it’s easy to tell that you’re both a little shocked at hearing the nickname again, but his tense muscles loosen a little, “no but seriously, i’m proud of you y/n. and i’m sorry for everything.”
“it’s alright jack, seriously. we’ve both been so busy, and we live no where near each other. we were bond to fall out a little bit, but never again, okay?”
“never ever,” he smiles, sticking out his pinky for your guys’ pinky promise that you used to do as children. your pinkies interlock, and you kiss your thumbs as part of the tradition. jack pulls you into a tighter hug this time, and it feels more natural. as your arms are wrapped around his built body, he whispers something in your ear you’ve never expected to hear. “i love you, y/n. as more than a best friend. and i’m so so proud of you.”
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nyasiaaaaa · 8 months
In the Bleak Mid-Winter
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Fem reader (Nurse)  Fem reader x Arthur ( platonic) Fem reader x John( platonic )
Summary: This is a story about two people who become constants in each others lives, and eventually fall for each. While one learns to love again, the other learns the cost of loving a man like him. 
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: Cursing, blood, death, , drinking, alcohol, talks of war, guns, murder, Tommy Shelby, ( If I missed anything or you think something should be added please tell me.) ( Also Y/N is on dick, IDKY she acts like this)
A/N: part 1 takes place during season two, part 2/3 season 3 and 4/5/6 season 4. This is a Slow burn there will be smut eventually. 
Part 1  Part 2    Part 4   Part 5  part 6
It was early, though you didn't know how early; sunlight filled the room slowly, and you heard birds chirping in the distance. You were still on the floor, but your position had changed slightly. Tommy was now lying to your right on his side with his head in your lap, and your legs were stretched out in front of you with one hand on your lap and the other playing with his hair. Neither of you had to gone to sleep; even though Tommy's eyes were closed, you knew he wasn't asleep. 
You didn't know how long you had been laying there, and honestly, your body was aching, but you were going to stay till he was ready to get up. 
It wasn't long after the sun completely filled the room that Tommy got up without a word or a glance in your direction. He walked to the bathroom that was in the room and shut the door, locking it. 
You stood up and stretched, then you stood there debating whether to wait for him or leave. He needs space, right?  
Yeah— he needed space; you decided to leave and go check on Gracie's body to make sure she was ready to be transported. You headed towards the nurses' station, hoping to get an update. 
As you approached the station, you were glad to see a nurse you knew and liked.
"Hey Jackie," your voice fell flat as you slightly smiled. 
"Hi, you OK. " 
"Yeah, just tired. Uh, did Grace's body get taken care of? Is it all stitched up and down in the morgue?" 
"Yeah, and one of the other doctors had to stitch her up. Dr. Brown's hands weren't the steadiest between the Whiskey and Grace dying on his watch. And now the board wants to do an investigation," she said and smacked her teeth. 
"I had told them— I told the board that Dr. Brown was a drunk and that It was only a matter of time before someone got killed." You had pushed the papers on the counter in frustration before resting your arms on it and placing your head in your hands. "Maybe— I don't know." 
You had been too caught up in your emotions to notice that your friend had gone silent. You didn't notice till someone cleared their throat behind you; slowly, you raised your head to see your friend frozen in fear. 
You turned around and saw Tommy standing behind you; he cleared his throat again before licking his lip and then running his cigarette across them. He placed it in his mouth, lit it, and took a long drag, all while his eyes remained on the floor. 
Pulling the cig from his lip, he lifted his head to look at you. 
His eyes looked different; they were darker, and they looked.... empty.
"I'll send someone for Grace," he said before turning and leaving the hospital. 
You watched him as he walked away from you. You wanted to say something, but what could you say? 
You just watched him walk away till he was out of your sight. 
You were sick, you knew about Dr.Brown, and you never said anything, and now Tommy Kn-
Tommy had just heard you admit that you knew Dr.Brown was a drunk, and you never told him, and now Grace was dead because of him. 
Because of you. 
You fell back, but Jackie caught you; people around you asked questions, but you couldn't hear them, let alone see them, as your vision started to get blurry and your chest tightened.
Tommy was going to kill you, no doubt about it. 
You had yet to die; you were so sure that by nightfall, you would be in a shallow grave right next to Dr.Brown. But surprisingly, you and Dr.Brown were still alive, and it had been one week since Grace's death. 
For the first couple of days after Grace's death, you had been slightly paranoid, constantly checking your surroundings on the lookout for Tommy or any peaky man. But after a week of not seeing anyone, you started to calm down.
Everything had been quiet and slow. It didn't feel right, like the calm before the storm. 
You had been sitting at the nurse's station doing paperwork when a fellow nurse came up to you and told you that you had been requested to exam room one. 
You were petrified.
You got up slowly from your chair. Your legs had a slight shake to them as you walked. Had he done this on purpose? Did he wait you out just to kill you when you least expected it? Your breath started to come out shaky, and you started feeling light-headed. You looked at the wall, counting down the exam rooms as you walked. It was like the universe was laughing at you, giving you your very own count down to your death, 5….4….3….2…1.
You stood in front of exam room one. 
It was time. 
You couldn't move, your arms felt glued to your side, you couldn't move them, you couldn't open the curtain.  
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
On three, you would go in.
You didn't move, not an inch. 
You felt like screaming; you brought your hands up to your mouth to keep you from making a sound.  
Your face suddenly felt cold and wet; you reached up to touch your cheek; it was tears you were crying. 
You couldn't do this. Maybe you could run away; you did have an Aunt in America somewhere, you think. You could-
The curtain was pulled back, and in front of you stood John and Arthur. 
You started to back up, and your tears flowed more freely. 
"No, no, no, Please," you sob out. 
Arthur said your name as he reached for you, but you flinched away and continued to back up until you hit a wall.
You were trapped; there was nowhere you could run, so you just slid down the wall and curled into yourself.
"Calm down, will you? I don't know what you think is going on, but we need your help," John said 
You raised your head out of your knees and looked up to John before looking over at Arthur. 
"It's true here; take my hand," he said, reaching his hand out to you; you hesitated but eventually took it. He helped you up to your feet, guided you into the exam room, and closed the curtains behind y'all.
"What do you need?" your voice was strained, and you kept sniffing.
 Arthur took out his handkerchief, handing it to you; you took it and wiped your face.
The two shared a look before Arthur spoke up, "Tommy wants the doctor dead, the one who worked on Grace." 
You were confused. If they weren't here to kill you, then what did they want, and why are they telling you this.
"OK, what does that have to do with me?" 
"The Doctor isn't taking any visitors or new patients. He's keeping himself locked up, and we're having difficulty getting to him. We need your help. Tommy said you would know how to help." John was blunt, and while Arthur stood, there was a look on his face that you could quite read. You had heard that the Doctor locked himself up in his office days ago, so it made sense that they couldn't reach him. 
You had assumed Tommy was talking about taking the Doctor down the hall you snuck him out of. It made sense; they could snatch him as soon as he walked out the door, he wouldn't suspect a thing, and there would be no witness. It's not like anyone would snitch anyway. 
You didn't take a second to think about it cause there was nothing to think about. You had no choice but to help them, so you said, "OK, follow me." 
You lead them to the hallway and out the door; you tell them your plan and tell them to wait there for you. Once they understood, you left them and headed towards Dr. Brown's office. 
You walked fast. There was no reason to drag this out.
You arrived at his office and jiggled the handle, but it was locked, so you reached up and knocked.
"Doctor, it me open up. It's me, Dr.Brown; open up." 
 You heard footsteps approach the door, then a lock turn; he peeked out the door slightly before shutting it again. You were confused and about to knock again when you heard stuff being moved around. He must've barricaded himself inside, not taking any risk. 
You waited, and soon, he came to the door again and opened it; he pulled you inside before closing the door and locking it again.
It smelled like shit, 
you looked around; the room was a mess; the trash cans were overfilled, spilling onto the floor, papers were everywhere, and furniture was tossed around. You turned back to look at the Doctor, who was already looking at you. He looked like he had been rolling around dirty; his clothes and hair were all messed up, and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. 
You felt bad for what you were about to do.
"They're here, Tommy, Arthur, John. They're all here. They're looking for you." You tried to sound panicked so he would believe you.
He started to pace around the floor and ran his finger through his hair. "What—here—no, no." He stopped and turned to look at you. "Why are you here, you with them? You here to kill me, please, please don't. I'm a good guy; you know I'm a good guy." Tears fell down his face as he got on his knees in front of you and begged. 
You felt your eyes start to water; you couldn't do this; you panicked and turned your back towards him. 
You closed your eyes and calmed yourself down. 
You turned back to face him and hoped he wouldn't read into what just happened. 
"Get up; I'm not here to kill you; I'm here to help you." 
"If I was with them, they would have come through the doors instead of me. Now Get Up!" 
He looked at you briefly, got up, grabbed some cash from his desk, and met you at the door.
"OK, we'll have to be quick; they could be anywhere. I will let you out on the south side, and after that, you're on your own." He nodded at you, tears still falling from his eyes.
You quickly opened the door before you could stop yourself. You pretended to check if the coast was clear before telling him to follow you. 
Your walk to the south end of the hospital felt so slow but fast at the same time. You were approaching the final stretch of hallway, the door was in your sight, and you picked your pace up, 
you just wanted to get this over with.
"Thank you so much. I had prayed for a way out, and in came you." 
His words caused you to let a few tears sip; you quickly wiped them and reached out to open the door.
As soon as the both of y'all were out the door and it closed, Arthur and John came around from the wall. You heard him panic but kept walking straight. He yelled your name as he begged for his life, 
that only made you walk even faster. 
You passed Arthur and John, but you didn't look them in the eye; you couldn't. 
You heard the gun cock, and that's when his begging ended, and he started saying prayers.
"By The Order Of The Peaky Blinders" 
Then the gun went off.
You jumped, frightened, and quickened your pace.
You walked to the front of the building and into the hospital. You walked up to the nurses' station and grabbed your things. Some other nurses were there, and you told them you weren't feeling well and would be out for a few days. You didn't wait to hear their response and rushed home. 
When you got home, you immediately went and showered; you felt dirty. You were in there for over an hour, and you kept soaping up and washing it off over and over again. No matter how hard you scrubbed, you still felt like there was blood on you. 
When you finally got out of the shower, your skin was sore, and you were tired. You were too tired to even put clothes on; you hopped on your bed in your towel and balled yourself up real tight. 
At the angle you were lying at, you could see yourself in the mirror; you just looked at yourself. 
It wasn't like you were looking at a completely different person; you knew it was you. It wasn't a stranger in the mirror. It was just a different version of you that you hadn't seen since the war. 
A version you didn't want coming back. 
It had been a month since you saw Tommy and a few weeks since the Dr.Brown thing. 
You had taken a week off to handle your emotions; it was your first week back, and you were doing fine. You weren't your happiest self, but you spoke when you were spoken to, ate with everyone else, and even laughed at people's jokes. 
Was any of it genuine? No, but you are all about faking it till you make it. 
You had also been trying to write a letter to Tommy. It will say how you are genuinely grateful for everything that he has done, but you can't do this anymore. You would back pay him in rent when you could, but for now, if he could stop the protection detail and send his men to get fixed up, you would greatly appreciate it. 
You were having a hard time sounding stern. You had to make sure he understood that you couldn't do this anymore; you couldn't keep a man like him in your life, 
cause it was starting to cost you.
You were chewing on your pencil as you stared down at the letter you had written. The paper was smudged, and eraser pieces were everywhere.
 You had glanced up the clock to check the time; it was late, a quarter to midnight. You were working a night shift at the hospital; it wasn't bad. It was a chill night, pretty quiet. 
You stood up about to get a snack when you heard a tire screech outside; you peeked around the corner and saw a car in the ambulance bay; it must have been pretty serious if someone had driven here instead of calling an ambulance. You started walking towards the door of the bay when they suddenly burst open; a young lady yelled as she fell back. 
"Help, please, someone help."
You rushed over to help her, and that's when you realized the woman was Ada and the man she was holding in her arms was 
"Ada, what happened?" You grabbed Tommy off her and signed for her to stand up; together, you both lifted him on a gurney and rushed him to an exam room.
"I don't know, h-he said," She was struggling to speak as she cried, "he said he had a cracked skull, concussion, internal bleed, and something about hemorrhaging." 
You looked at her, confused; if he had all that, he would be dead right now; he should be dead. You placed Tommy in a room and started to look him over; he was severely injured. 
"OK, Ada, look at me." You grabbed her arm tightly to get her attention. "I needed you to run towards the hospital's front desk and tell them that I need help. OK, say my name and tell them I need a neurosurgeon to come." She looked at you, hesitant to leave Tommy 
"Please, Ada, I can only do so much." 
She nodded and took off. You put gloves on before assessing Tommy. 
He had bruised ribs and a dark purple stomach; he might have been right about the internal bleeding; you went up to check his pupil reacting, and you grabbed his head softly, turning it up toward you before flashing your light. One eye was blown, but the other was good. 
He was in serious trouble; the likelihood of him dying outweighed the possibility of him not.
You were about to walk away to grab some gauze when someone grabbed your wrist; you tuned in and saw Tommy blinking; you rushed over and stood over him.
"Tommy, hey, can you see me? Can you hear me? You are in the hospital. Everything's going to be OK." He let out grunts of noise, not making any sense.
"Shhh, it's OK. Don't speak, please; you might hurt yourself."
"G-Grace " 
You immediately got nervous; if he was seeing Grace, he didn't have much time left.
"Tommy, no, it's me, hey, it's me." You grabbed his face in your hands and made him look at you. 
He whispered your name.
"Yeah, Tommy, it's me." Tears had been falling from your face, but you didn't notice until you tasted them. 
"Yo- You h-hav-e to P-ull me out." 
"What?" You reached up to wipe your tears; you were so confused.
"Pu-ll me out." That time, he spoke just above a whisper, but you still heard him and were still confused.
The Doctor then rushed in and quickly assessed Tommy; Ada stood behind in the distance. 
You stayed next to Tommy; you held his hand instead of his head, out of the Doctor's way. 
Before you knew it, other nurses had pushed the wheels into a moving position. They were about to take off towards the surgery room. You jogged alongside them to the room.
"It's going to be OK, Tommy; they're going to take good care of you, OK?" You squeezed his hand for reassurance.
"In t-he-" 
"What, what did you say?" You leaned closer to his face to hear him better.
"In the Bleak Mid-winter" 
You had reached the surgical room and let his hand go; you didn't want to put up a fight; this wasn't your specialty. You knew you would only delay his care if you fought to be in the room when you weren't needed. 
You had slowly walked back to the ER; your mind raced so fast you couldn't keep up.
You had heard that before; you didn't know where, but you were sure you'd heard "In a bleak mid-winter" before. And not at church but in a way Tommy just said, in a "final good-bye" kind of way 
You were so confused and so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't even realize that you had made it back to the ER. Once you pushed through the door, you were immediately rushed by Tommy's family, who asked you a million questions. 
You backed up a bit before speaking.
"I don't know anything. I don't know if he will live or die. I don't know the extent of his injuries. All I know is that he's in good hands; this Doctor is the best in the county. " 
Even though no one seemed satisfied with your answer, they all backed off. You had decided to lead them to the same private room they were in before to await Tommy's fait. You had been waiting no longer than 20 minutes when a nurse came in; you had all gotten a bit nervous, someone coming in so soon. 
He had to be dead. 
He wasn't, though, and the nurse had just come to gather some information about Tommy.
Ada helped, and you stared off, trying to remember. You weren't listening to them, but she said something that caught your attention.
"What did you say?" You asked Ada; you had pushed yourself slightly out of your seat to get closer to her and hear her properly.
"I said Tommy was a tunneler in the war and had been in a Tunnel collapse." 
You nodded your head slowly as you sat back down, 
"In a bleak mid-winter," you whispered as you slowly remembered where you had heard that before; your head was starting to hurt as the memories came rushing back in. 
It all started to make sense now, from your first in contour, the way he looked at you, and why he trusted you so quick without even knowing you, not only with his life but with his men, Grace, and his son. The reason he pays your rent and the reason you have a protection detail. 
You never understood it before; you never understood how you made such an impression on Tommy after one night or why he made you a constant in his life.
But now you understand, this isn't the first time you met Tommy.
You met him all those years ago when you dug him out of the dirt, brought him back, and saved his life. 
That's what he meant with Grace, how you saved him but couldn't save her.
He knew who you were this whole time, yet he didn't say anything.
Why didn't he say anything? 
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
previous: twelve
next: fourteen
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liked by lhughes_06, dougieham, and 127,337 others
y/ndevils00 fair warning ‼️ if you found tuesdays post sappy, you won’t wanna see tonight’s! okay! happy scrolling!
i wanna start tonight’s postgame by saying that i cannot express how proud i am of this team! my boys, my closest friends. you ended the regular season tonight by breaking the franchise record tonight for most wins in a single season! 52 wins, baby! and breaking the record for best single season turnaround in the NHL since the league switched to the 82 game schedule with a +49 point difference! you guys are the most talented, most hardworking, and most dedicated team of people that i’ve had the privilege of meeting.
we ended this game with an overtime win, 5-4! it may have been a hard start, but you turned it around in the 3rd!
we got TWO goals by uncle u-haula tonight! a tip-in by sheriff woody! and a goal by dj dougie-h! so proud of you guys!
lukey got his very first NHL point tonight with an assist on erik’s first goal of the night and i can confirm that i shed a few tears. my pretty baby also made his 98th point tonight with an assist on haulaback girl’s second goal of the night!
however, most importantly, lukey, my smush, got his very first NHL goal tonight with the game winning goal! which was the catalyst that got us that franchise record breaking 52nd win. AND he did it with an assist from his big brother, my bubs, jacky! making lil jizzy end this season with NINETY-NINE points!
i am so proud of you, smush! you played SO well tonight and i can’t wait to see you continue to take ass and kick names! i’m so proud to be your figurative (and hopefully eventually real) big sister <3
it’s been a hell of a season! let’s go to the playoffs, boys!
tagged ehaula, miles.wood44, dougieham, lhughes_06 and jackhughes
lhughes_06 thank you squishy ❤️ if i have anything to do with it, you’ll be my sister sooner rather than later
y/ndevils00 oh don’t make me cry again, i’ll get a headache!
y/ndevils00 i’m gonna cuddle you till death!
lhughes_06 i think i’d be okay with that
jackhughes i wouldn’t
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes this isn’t about you though, is it?
jackhughes i’m so insanely proud of you little bro! can’t wait to kill it with you for many years to come!
lhughes_06 thank you jacky! it’s a dream come true to play with you!
jackhughes you wanna hear something babe?
y/ndevils00 oh god what?
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 can i tell her?
lhughes_06 go for it
jackhughes so, you know luke is giving his first goal puck to our dad. but luke asked the refs if he could keep the puck he made his first assist with, so he can give it to you
y/ndevils00 what? you’re not fucking with me are you? because jack i stg if this is a joke to you, then i’m gonna start dating trevor
jackhughes not a joke, baby
trevorzegras why was i brought into this? and jack, you’re not even concerned that she threatened that? i think your girl wants me 🤪
jackhughes @/trevorzegras oh please, you guys would rip each other’s heads off within the first 10 minutes of dating
john.marino97 back to no feature on the post but i’ll accept this one for luke
y/ndevils00 yeah, yeah. ya know i said plenty of nice things about the team! it’s not all about the pictures!
y/ndevils00 besides, you didn’t even play in this game
john.marino97 still would’ve been nice to be included >:( but thank you best friend number 3, i love you
y/ndevils00 okay let’s not get carried away here!
john.marino97 you’re insufferable
y/ndevils00 i love you too, bff number 2
john.marino97 📸
y/ndevils00 damnit!
dawson1417 thank you bff 3! love you! let’s take on the playoffs!
y/ndevils00 i love you too, bff number 1! you’re gonna smash it!
john.marino97 @/y/ndevils00 why does his “i love you” come easy?!
y/ndevils00 @/john.marino97 i like to keep you on your toes 🤭
nicohischier thank you y/n/n! so glad to have you as our media manager!
y/ndevils00 awww 🫶 you still have to do the postgame interview
nicohischier fuck
jackhughes thank you sweet girl ❤️ so insanely lucky to have you in charge of our media. without you, i don’t know where i would be these past few years. thank you for being my best friend and my girlfriend (and yes, eventually my wife, i hope)
y/ndevils00 aww lil rizzy! YOU don’t have to do a postgame interview <3
jackhughes YES! suck it, hischier! @/nicohischier
y/ndevils00 i can still change my mind. don’t push your luck baby
jackhughes sorry babe, love you!
dougieham thanks y/n! it’s been an honor to work alongside you these past 2 seasons!
y/ndevils00 so glad i was given the opportunity to get you acclimated when you joined! love ya, doug!
jesperbratt thank you y/n! 😄 i’ve had lots of fun working with you!
y/ndevils00 please let me be your personal bodyguard. nobody will ever see me coming on the ice until i cross-check them for even looking at you the wrong way.
jesperbratt that’s nice! 🤍
_quinnhughes fun fact: y/n facetimed me crying after the game because “her smush won the game”. so proud of you lukey! you’re doing amazing man! keep up the great work!
y/ndevils00 that was supposed to stay between us, quinny! hope you have a good game though, fishy!
_quinnhughes thanks, sis!
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes HE CALLED ME SIS! DID YOU SEE THAT? DID YOU SEE THAT?!
jackhughes i did, love! i see it! so happy for you!
lhughes_06 thanks bro! love ya!
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chaosfairy18 · 1 month
A little Javid thing I wrote at 1am mostly for @thatoneandlonelyemo2005
Jack saw David sitting at his desk by the half-closed blinds, over some book, probably for his English Lit exam and said goodbye as he'd have to go to work, Dave just barely saying goodbye. Jack knew how he was when he got into his study zone, he didn't feel bad about it, he knew they could cuddle later, when he got back home.
Five hours later, about 9 p.m., Jack turned the keys in their door again, breathing in the comforting smells after his work. It wasn't too long but it was exhausting nontheless, every time. He couldn't find David on the couch or in their bed, so he - more to to sure - checked if he was still at his desk. And there he was, still hunched over in the exact same position as five hours ago, sitting so still he could believe he was dead. Jack would be surprised if he had stopped learning at all, at least not for anything longer than a bathroom break or to get more coffee. Though he wasn't even sure if that would have gotten David up.
Not disturbing him yet, he went to the kitchen to prepare some things, first setting some water to boil, then cutting up an apple into little slices, debating if he should try to make them look cute like he'd seen on some instagram post but deciding against it.
He put the hot water in a teapot with Dave's favourite flavour and sat both down onto their side table in front of the couch, getting the last important thing he needed.
"Dave. You're done with learnin' tonight.", he whispered, hugging David from behind, who startled, as if woken up from a trance.
"Jack... I didn't hear you come home. What time is it?"
"After nine. That's long enough for you."
"No, I have to-" Jack turned the chair and pulled David up by his arms.
"No, it's enough. You don't gotta do it all today, I also need ya Dave." He kissed the other's curly hair and tried to bribe him into leaving his books with his renowned charm. "Come on." He could see David break and he followed him out of his study area and to the couch without more complaint.
Sitting David down on their couch, Jack quickly got a blanket and draped it over both of their shoulders so David was trapped, forced to take a break and get his mind out of wherever it was currently. He held an apple slice to his boyfriend's lips and didn't stop until he ate it, rolling his eyes.
"I really have to read that, Jackie."
"I know. But it can wait till tomorrow. I really gotta cuddle and watch a movie with you." Now offering David the tea, he ran up their TV and searched for Star Trek: Into Darkness, one of David's favourite movies, so he knew he couldn't refuse to watch it, no matter how determined he was to study.
David frowned, sipping on his tea, but he did sink deeper into the couch. "You're foul, Kelly."
"Just doin' what's best for my partner."
Setting down the tea, David laid his head in Jack's lap, still pouting but having his eyes glued to the screen as Spock was lowered into a volcano. "At least pet my hair then."
"Anythin' for you.", he chuckled, running his fingers slowly through David's hair and over his temples, trying to relieve the pressure he knew had to have built up under them. He'd really do anything for David, no matter when or where, but especially when he could help him get out of his head for a bit, just be here, watch a movie and relax, melting under his touches and slowly getting sleepier.
Jack kissed his forehead and got comfortable on the couch too. The movie was another hour and a half at least, they had time to fall asleep.
And as he'd said, David really needed the break, and what could be better than munching slowly on apple slices while drifting away, watching your favourite movie and having your boyfriend run his fingers through your hair softly.
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oh man I am feeling very AAAAAAAAAAAAA so imma just pop my rambles under the cut in case anybody hasn't watched yet, lol
1. okay right off the bat I was surprised to see that M.A.I.A.'s room looks so much brighter than it has in the past??? damn, she REALLY needed a new light bulb, huh?
Still got a crack in that window, though... 😑 C'mon Matt, it'll let all the pests in. no fog allowed!!!
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images are from transmissions for TGMH, TGOA, & today
granted, the room from the TGMH era has a space view so it makes sense that it's so dark, but I think it's interesting that there's definitely a difference between the room in TGOA and the room today, despite them both having a nice daytime view out the window.
does this ✨️mean✨️ anything? maybe not but I think it's interesting, especially considering how bright this episode's cover is. perhaps we could extrapolate something about coming out of the shadows and into the light of discovery, having hope for brighter days, but idk. I'm not gonna think too hard about it right now, lol.
also I just love Jackie's art and want to live in this room. M.A.I.A., do you want a roommate??? I can bring a dehumidifier to keep a certain foggy bastard from messing with you—
2. okay so we have more confirmation that Rose is gonna be two weeks older than Samuel, which is. agh. 🥲😭 /pos
Matt also tells us the episode kind of takes place immediately after TGOA—
"Some of us traveled through time. ...Again."
—so I think we're definitely gonna have some interesting time-hopping. dunno how that's gonna play out, if we'll have flashbacks or whole parallel timelines happening, but I am very excited to see! ...er, listen!
3. the arrrrrrrrt oh my god it's so pretty! I love Jackie's scenery and I am SO EXCITED to see what else she's done when we get more transmissions and/or the episode broadcasts!
the cow is so cute, I love the cow. i hope somebody pets the cow.
I wish I could pet the cow.
also hey, are those buildings for/from Travelers or is there anybody else living on Lincoln Island???
4. it's neat that the episode is building off of the setting of The Mysterious Island without following the events. The calm before the storm Inspiration comes in many forms!
I actually don't know the original story at all but these places sound interesting! A house made of granite, a towering volcano, a grotto with an incredible secret.... sounds like great staging for our next episode. and some good Jackie art.
I wonder if the grotto's secret has anything to do with a certain Searcher captain whose whereabouts are currently unknown. 👀
5. gotta wait till the next transmission to hear about Ahlaam and Dakkar and any other characters—hopefully we'll get to hear a little something about my beloved Captain Addison Arvad???? 👉🏻👈🏻
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huffle-dork · 9 months
Swap into the Crystalverse Chapter 1: Switch
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix
Read Swapboys | Read Switch | Read SwitchSwap | AO3 Link
Tag list: @brokentimewatch
AN: so I haven’t written any more of switchswap yet cuz I gotta finish alt.exe first but Cry knows the plot points I’m planning so like- this takes place after switchswap where the Switch and Swap boys know each other and alludes to stuff that’ll happen in switchswap without giving away too much plot hghgg I’m sorry writing is hard but! I love this part :’) hope you enjoy!
After the chaos that just happened, Bro Fantastic is met with sudden calm. It's late afternoon, and he's standing on a set of train tracks. On either side are station platforms with benches and lights that are just now turning on in preparation for evening. Everything is quiet.
There's a man on one of the platforms. He has brown hair, dyed with streaks of green and black, and heterochromiac eyes: one blue, one green. One hand is reaching inside his black jacket's pocket, the other is held out, protectively shielding a redheaded boy--small for his age--who seems very curious about what just happened. "Get off the tracks!" the man says. "There's gonna be--wait a second, do I know you?"
Bro Fantastic shakes off the wave of vertigo from whatever that spell was and then dips down to his knees, clutching his burnt stomach. He blearily looks out at the man shouting at him- he looks like Jackie but… edgier- wait-!
Bro’s eyes widen and then he pushes himself off the tracks and bursts into the air then quickly lands in front of the man and boy. He laughs a bit dazedly, gripping his wound. “A-Anti!” He exclaims, blue silver power bright in his eyes. “Thank god this place has at least something familiar…”
Anti's eyes narrow in suspicion, then widen again. "Oh, fuck, yeah! You're--wait." He glances at the redheaded boy. "Uh, I mean--"
"Dad, I'm eleven, I hear you say that all the time," the boy says.
Anti laughs. "Alright, fine." He turns back to Bro. "You're from that--that other place. You're... Chase. Right. Sorry, I forgot your name." Then he notices the wound. He inhales sharply. "A-are you alright? Stupid question, you're not. Shit, we have to get to a hospital, uhhh..." He pulls out his phone.
Chase waves Anti off and tries not to let himself grimace, “no no I… I’m fine- I can heal fast just- hurts like a bitch till then…”
"I'm Will," says the boy.
Bro smiles down at the boy and waves, “Hi Will, you’re Anti’s son, huh? He def mentioned you pretty sure…”
"Yeah, this is Will," Anti repeats. "What're you doing here, anyway? How are you here?"
Chase’s eyes then widen as he straightens up and looks around frantically, “Oh shit right-! Uh I don’t know how it happened but- Magnificent… he took Alt- and made him use this weird doorway thingy! And then- god everything happened so fast… there was this huge burst of light then… I was here.” He shakes his head, “But god damn this… this isn’t good- Mag could still have Alt or- or he might go after some of you all again-!”
He looks at Anti desperately, squeezing his aching stomach. “Anti, can you help me find them?”
"Doorway thing...?" Anti is confused by that, but decides to move on. He's seen weirder. The point is that shit's going down. "Yeah, man, of course I'll help you find them. If that cat c--bitch is here, it could mean trouble..." He shivers just remembering things in that other world. "I gotta get Will home first, though. Or, maybe to Rama's house, it'll be safer that way. Yeah, I can call them to come here and pick him up."
"Daaaad," Will whines.
"No, don't be like that, bud, this is dangerous. Rama will keep you safe." Anti looks down at his phone again and starts tapping. "If you're sure that you can heal, we'll forget the hospital. I'm texting the others to let them know. Maybe they've seen Alt or Magnificent. In the meantime... I dunno. I need to stay here and wait for Rama to come get Will. You can stay too, or maybe I can give you the others' addresses and you can start looking around? Do you have your phone with you?"
Chase pats down his outfit in mid panic before relaxing, pulling out his phone. He’s not even in his super suit- but he does keep his utility belt tucked under his shirt sometimes. He’s wearing a tank top that looks like his super suit but with his emblem tinier in the upper corner- new merch he was trying out… heroes gotta eat too you know? And of course- his signature jacket, but one of his knock off ones that had a hood. He might not even need to whip out his mask- “yeah yeah I got it I….” He grips at his stomach and pushes past a wave of pain but it’s getting less and less. Only problem with super healing is it took energy from other parts of his body- meaning he might be grounded for a bit. God that sucked ass… but the others were always telling him he shouldn’t be pushing through injuries anyways. But his nerves were on fire thinking about Alt…
“I… fuck I guess I should try to recover for now… I might get myself lost otherwise. Hopefully one of the others might run into Alt…” He chewed on his lip in worry. “I hope he’s okay… and that whatever magic Mag used- hopefully he’ll be out of commission for a bit…” But- things like that don’t usually go their way.
"Okay good." Anti looks at him, concerned. "Yeah, sit down, man. There are benches everywhere. Alt's pretty tough, he'll be fine for a little while." Probably. Maybe.
Bro nods and stumbles to sink into a bench, holding his wound. He could feel it closing up and hardening but god that burned like a motherfucker. Sometimes he hated his ability- but it made it so he could save people faster and that’s what matters.
"Okay so I don't think cell reception works in other universes but WiFi is probably fine, so turn on the WiFi texting option so we can reach you just in case. I'll call my friend to come get Will." Anti glances down at his own phone. "Looks like Jackie and Schneep might be here soon, too. Good."
"I like your jacket," Will says to Bro.
Anti laughs. "Yeah, his jacket is cool."
Bro blinks and then smiles at Will, “Thanks lil dude! I… designed it myself- kinda- this is, a knockoff of the one I made. Superhero Fan merch you know-“ ah his delirium is showing off his adhd wonderful but hey, maybe this kid likes superheroes…
"Oh, cool. A real superhero?" Will's eyes are wide. "Like Uncle Schneep? Wicked. Michelle would go crazy!"
Bro grins wide and nods, “Yup! I’m Bro Fantastic~!” Shit did he even have his mask? He was too tired to check- would be cool to show the kid though. “Though you little dude, can just call me Chase if ya want- or bro~!”
Will looks over at Anti. "How do you know this guy?!"
Anti smiles gently. Eleven-year-olds are probably smart enough to understand multiverses, right? But are they emotionally ready to deal with that being real? Probably not. "It's a long story." Anti sits down on the other side of the bench Bro sits on. "Uh... we have some time. I'll explain..." Bro settles in to listen to Anti’s retelling, even if all he could feel was dull panic swirling in his gut.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city, Alt pops into being in a suburb. It's fairly ordinary-looking. Houses are taken care of. Except... for one. One that has yellowing grass, grayed peeling paint, and shingles falling off the roof. But Alt doesn't see that right away. He appears with his back to it.
Alt’s body is hard to piece back together at first, pixels and shapes at first before finally snapping back together. He crashes to the ground and grips tightly at his arm, biting back a pained scream. Black magic pulses painfully in his veins and it burned, eating away at him. Purple still fought in his eyes but- he was away from Mag and his influence so it was starting to clear. He grit his teeth and ducked his head to the ground, letting out an angry scream. “that MOTHER F̵̟̂U̵̎̉C̷̡̈́Ḱ̸͊E̵͐̒R̷͂̇!”
Okay okay- he needed to try to figure out what the hell was happening… all he could piece together was Mag took him, and used him for something. Something dangerous… Chase was there but- didn’t manage to stop it. Alt finally peeks up his head to try to look around, feeling himself pale. This… this wasn’t Brighton- it didn’t feel right. God no- did Mag actually manage to- to multiverse hop?? And he used Alt to do it!
Alt glitches angrily and curses up a storm as he tries to get to his feet. Ugh he feels faint- but he has to try to get up. He has to stop Mag- he has to find Chase!
As Alt struggles to get up, the door to the house behind him slowly opens. Then he hears it. The voice, so hard to describe and yet so distinct in its indistinctness.
"Well look who's back!"
Alt’s blood runs cold and he stumbles back from the door, unable to stop his limbs from starting to tremble. His eyes widen and he tries to glitch back but the black magic flares and leaves his body only fizzing with glitches. “No- no no no- not you…!” He whispers, dread filling every inch of his body.
Distorter giggles. How did he get so close to Alt without him realizing?! He's only a few feet away. "How'd you get here, Anti?" he asks, grin widening. "All by yourself, too? None of those friends of yours with you? Aw, what a shame. But it's okay." He takes a few steps forward. "They'd only get in the way." His head tilts to the side. "Looks like you're having trouble there. Can't get those powers to work like they should? How useless."
Alt’s panicking, trying to back away as he feels gray fogging up his vision. No no no!
“I… I don’t know- Mag… Mag did something…! He… he…” Alt tries to get his magic to work- but anything he tries to summon has the dark magic reacting in kind, sapping his energy. Still, Alt tries to hold out a sparking hand, blue and green struggling to flare up in his eyes. “S-stay back-! G-get away from me!!!”
"Oh? But it sounds like you need help. I'm happy to be there." Distorter's grin widens further. He walks right up to Alt, undeterred by his threats and sparking, and reaches out with a blackened hand. Stay calm, Alt. Nothing bad is going to happen =)
Alt shudders and tries to pull away but his thoughts start to fizzle into nothing but fog. Especially as Distorter manages to grab him.
He… he does need help. He’s in pain- he’s scared. Distorter can… can help… right? He’s… he’s helped before… right? It was all so… fuzzy.
Calm washes over him so fast he nearly loses his balance. It’s like all his senses have been turned down to zero. His eyes widen and the magic around him fizzles into the air into nothing but spare electricity.
“…help…” He whimpers- whether it’s to Distorter or a cry for someone else… it’s hard to say.
"Shh. Don't worry." Distorter's smile widens again as he steadies Alt from falling, holding him up. His grip is tight, clenching his upper arms. "Do you think that Magnificent came with you? He probably did, right? We should go find him before he finds you." Maybe this time he'd get one up on that magician. He'd be a useful friend. Or at the very least, it would be good to stop him before he messed with the others.
Alt swayed in Distorter’s grip, head threatening to fall to his chest. It felt like something was trying to leak out of his eye but he could barely feel it. “Yeah… mag… mag’s here.., we… we gotta… gotta stop him…”
Distorter was powerful, he could help Alt stop magnificent. …they were friends after all…
Distorter briefly wonders if any more people from Alt's universe showed up. If they did, it would be good to have a... shield of some kind. "Come on. We'll go together. We'll help each other. You can protect me, and I'll make sure nothing bothers you."
“Mmmmkay… yeah…” Alt muttered dazedly, eyes glazing over. “We can… protect e’chther…” His mouth didn’t want to work.
His mind tried to wander, brief panic flickering in his gut. A smiling face was in his vision- a nicer smile then Distorter’s… with sun kissed cheeks that radiated warmth. But, Alt couldn’t grasp onto why he was important. It didn’t matter. Distorter would tell him what mattered.
"Exactly." Distorter lets go of Alt, letting him balance on his own two feet. Is he still swaying? Whatever happened to him before must've done a real number on him. It'll be fine, though. Nothing to worry about. Now... where to go? He thinks about it for a moment, then nods. "Magnificent will try to head to a certain place sooner or later. Let's see if we can beat him there." He disappears from Alt's vision, reappearing some way down the sidewalk. "This way."
Alt nods distantly and trembles slightly before pulling his body to walk after Distorter. He gripped at his arm, a dull ache trying to make itself known. Blood flowed slowly down his cheeks as he dazedly walked after Distorter. He had to find Magnificent… he had to. Nothing else mattered.
Magnificent himself has appeared in a different, unfamiliar location--just as he wanted. This looks like a neighborhood, made up of rows and rows of old-fashioned-looking townhouses. He stands near a street intersection No people or cars are in sight... but there's a weird green glow coming from around one corner.
Magnificent looks around his new surroundings, a burst of pride and erratic excitement overcoming him. He laughed madly, clawing back his hair as he took stock of himself. Kinda weak from the spell but nothing he can’t recover… he just needed another source of magic to steal. But, at least he had enough to disguise himself… he can’t draw too much attention to himself right away. In a buzz of static his eccentric clothes change into something light and casual- a dark green button up, a black blazer, black pants and purple dress shoes. His scar is disguised- his hair pulled up into a brunette bun on his head. He grinned and checked himself over. Alright- perfectly normal!
He closed his eyes to let out some energy, trying to see if he can sense any magic sources nearby. Once recovered… he could hunt down the greatest sources of magic he can find here…
He opens his eyes to notice the green light and tilted his head curiously, much like a cat would. He started to slink towards it, almost hungrily.
There is a man standing at a bus stop. He's wearing a red jacket, which calls Jackie to mind, but he's not him. His hair is dyed green like meadow grass and his eyes are framed by a pair of glasses. The green glow is coming from something... floating... near the man. Something... green. And... spherical. It's moving up and down somewhat frantically, making it hard to notice details.
"--can't figure out what you're saying if you go so fast!" The man is talking to the floating thing. "I get it, it's important, but--really? Yeah, I know, but I can't fucking drive, do you want me to just walk away? We can keep going to their house--Okay, okay! Look, calm down, anyone could see you." The man glances around--and notices Magnificent. He freezes like a deer caught in headlights. The green thing also freezes and ducks behind him, like it's hiding.
Magnificent smiles charmingly at the two as he approaches. “Well… don’t you keep the most peculiar company?” He muses silkily, walking up but stopping just a bit short of the pair.
“You seem distressed, young man. Might I ask what’s troubling you and your… pet?” His eyes locked into the glow from the spherical thing- he couldn’t understand the power that came from it but it had something. And that was enough…
"Uhhh..." Jack takes a single step backwards, immediately wary. This stranger... he looks like Marvin, but he obviously can't be him. Unless he figured out some new spell with those cards, but even if he did, Marvin would never call Sam a pet. "W-well, I... I'm actually on my way to visit some friends, but they... want to leave..."
Sam wants to leave because Sam was suddenly struck by the feeling that something terrible is going to happen. And as they hide behind him, they say that this might be it.
No kidding. But Jack's not sure how to proceed. He didn't expect to be ambushed by...whoever this is. Maybe this is one of Distorter's tricks that he heard so much about? "And, uh... I-I don't want to upset them, so I'll just... hurry and go..." Sam really doesn't want him to go to Marvin and JJ's house. They say the bad feeling just gets worse when they think about that.
Magnificent tilts his head like a predator looking down at its prey. Jack can see his image stutter slightly, one of his eyes glowing green, the other devoid of life, surrounded by ugly raised scars like cris cross over each other like lightning. But, the image quickly fades as the stranger smiles.
“I see- well. Don’t let me keep you! Sounds like this is an urgent matter… so sorry to disturb.”
It was taking everything in him not to pounce right now- but he needs to be patient. In control.
"Uh... yeah." Jack starts walking backwards... slowly... and then abruptly turns and hurries away, walking as fast as possible without actually running--who knows what would happen if he ran?! Sam perches on his shoulder as he fumbles with his pocket and starts pulling out the phone. He has to tell the others! This feels like some weird shit that'll involve them!
Ah perfect- these idiotic humans never thought about how bad it was to turn their back on a threat. Mag grins and then lashes out a hand to try to grab Sam in a flash of purple and green magic.
Sam's pupil widens as the magic grabs them and yanks them back. Jack immediately stops and spins around. "Sam!" he cries. "No no no, let them go!" Sam squirms, nerve-tail lashing, and Magnificent now has a clear view of them in all their eyeball-ness for the first time.
Magnificent’s eyes widen at the sight then he laughs, holding the eye up closer to his face with his magic. “Well aren’t you a curious little thing?” He purrs. He then cups his hands around the eyeball and starts to crush his magic around them. “I hope you’re not too attached to your human, little eye, because I need whatever magic or power is running through those nerves of yours!”
He’s not sure if he can- but he tries to see if he can siphon some magic from this strange glowing creature.
Sam squirms, tail lashing. Their glow dims slightly and Magnificent feels... something. It feels sour, in some way. And sharp. But it's only a small trickle, and their glow is still going pretty strong.
Magnificent squirms slightly at the feeling of the magic he siphoned. Unpleasant… but something…
"Hey! Asshole!" Jack looks around, desperately. He doesn't want to get too close but he can't just let Sam be hurt. In desperation--acting on instinct and not really thinking--he throws his phone at Magnificent. Immediately regretting it the moment it leaves his hand but oh well its too late now he's committed!
Before Mag could push for more he hears the shout and then lifts up a hand to catch the phone in a wave of magic.
Unnatural cat-like eyes meet Jack’s glowing in the night as the man grins. “ooooh? Is the human thinking himself brave? How adorable~!”
He flicks his hand and his magic darts back to make Jack’s phone hit in the stomach. Magnificent’s voice darkens to something dangerous, “I have no use for useless things like you- get out of my sight and I might spare you~” He chuckles, crushing a hand around Sam.
Jack staggers back and barely manages to grab his phone before it falls to the ground. What should he do? What can he do?! He looks at Sam. Their nerve-tail flails wildly, but they tell Jack to get out of here, that they don't think anything too bad will happen. But Jack can't just leave them!
Then he has an idea. He makes a show of fumbling with his phone as he puts it back in his jacket pocket, using the motion to hide him dialing the first number on his recent contacts. "I-I'm not useless," he says, further distracting this--this evil doppleganger. "I--I know about you. Or--or your kind. You're a magician, aren't you?! What are you going to do with Sam? They can't--they can't help people like you!"
Magnificent chuckles more and tosses Sam up and down in his magic, like someone throwing a ball. “I guess you could lump me up in that title- though I am something far greater~!” He purrs with pride. “As for your little creature- I don’t need much… just a bit of whatever power they have to claim for my own. Then- I can hunt for… bigger fish~” Mag’s eyes glow brighter as he grins. “You know of magicians- that means some are around… I guess you were more useful to me than I thought!”
He shakes his head and then looks down at Sam. “Though- you are rather unusual, little eye… maybe I should keep you to study closer, hm?”
Nope nope nope nope--Jack can feel Sam's distress at that statement. They say something about deja vu and other Sams that he doesn't quite understand, but it's not the time to ask about that. "No!" Jack blurts out. "No, you can't--you can't get anything from them!" That sounds desperate (which it is) but he's pretty sure it's true. "I can--i-if you're so curious I can tell you anything you want about them, just leave them alone!"
There's a faint voice on the other end of the phone conversation. He can barely hear it but it's recognizable. He wonders how fast they can get here. Even if they run it'll take a while--maybe there's some magic that can help.
Magnificent studies Jack with a critical eye. He could see a faint magic aura from this boy- but it’s faint. Not even flowing in his blood, just there. How disappointing.
Mag pulls his lip back in a snarl. “I have no time to waste on hardly magic mortals, boy. I doubt any information you know will even be of use to me.”
Mag squeezes at Sam trying to see if he can get another inkling of magic- he can’t teleport right now, and he isn’t stooping down to running away from something that’s not even a threat.
Jack's heart pounds in his chest. Sam is begging him to leave, to run, reassuring him they'll be alright. He doesn't believe them. But he'd be no help if he gets himself killed. He stands there, frozen, watching Magnificent squeeze his friend--
And then there's a puff of blue smoke behind Magnificent. Before it even disperses there are three wheels of blue light spinning out, heading straight for Magnificent.
The dark magician barely has a chance to suck anything from the eye before he’s struck by bolts of blue light. One hits his arm- then the others manage to throw him off his feet, He flies back, the magic holding back Sam crackling into static. He yells in anger, his disguise also melting away to show the masked villain in all his dramatic glory.
He turns to snarl at the source of magic that dared to strike him-!
Jameson stands there, hands raised, a shield crystalizing into place even as the smoke from the teleportation spell still lingers. His eyes widen. He thought he recognized the voice over the phone but he hoped he was wrong.
Sam flies to Jack as soon as they're able, smacking into his chest. He catches them and holds them close to his chest.
Go! Jameson signs.
Jack hesitates.
Go! He repeats, more insistently. Tell the others!
After another second, Jack nods, and turns and runs.
Jameson lets out a breath of relief. He just needs to distract Magnificent for long enough. He's sure that the dark magician would prefer him as a target instead of Jack.
And he's right- Magnificent's eyes light up hungrily as he pulls himself and sways slightly, looking off kilted as he grins wildly. "Well well well! Hello there, kitten~!" He laughs. "Oh I was hoping the universe would be kind to me... and they deliver you here to me on a sliver platter!"
The mad magician then lunges at Jameson with his hand outstretched- trying to grab him with his claws.
Luckily, Jameson's shield is solid. He spins it around to block Magnificent's attack. How are you here?! he asks, unsure if Mag would know what he's saying. Then he puts his hands together, cupping them like he's holding a ball. A sphere of blue light forms in his hands and he drops it on the ground, letting it splash. The magic spreads across the sidewalk, turning it blue and slick like ice.
Magnificent bangs across the shield and then jumps back, landing in a crouched position on the sidewalk. His eyes reflect the light like a cats as he giggles, pulling himself up to full height.
A voice slithers into Jameson's head, purring, "Now Jameson... so hostile~! Is this anyway to treat your master?" His eyes are swirling as he tries to advance. "It'd be so much easier if you didn't fight, little bird... I won't harm you, I only need to borrow something from you."
The magic spreads across the sidewalk and Magnificent stumbles then hurries to hold himself up, trying not to fall flat on his face. He growls. Being drained is a real inconvenience... but all he had to do was make Jameson fall back under his thrall.
Jameson flinches back, keeping the shield up. He smiles a bit as he sees Magnificent stumble--there's something vindicating about that--but it distracts him for just enough to make eye contact. The swirls are familiar... comforting... His shield is flickering... No--no! He shakes his head and tries to resist but... why would you resist something so beautiful? The shield dies quickly.
Magnificent grins even wider and strides forward more, humming. "Very very good, birdie~! Fall nice and deep for me... and this won't hurt a bit~"
He approaches and then grabs Jameson's arm, digging his nail into the skin, branches of black veins spreading across the surface. Then, he tries to siphon magic from the magician, greedy trying to pull as much as he can.
Jameson shivers. There's a dead feeling creeping into him from his arm, from the spot where Magnificent grabbed him. He looks down and sees the black veins spreading. Faint alarm bells go off in his head but he can't bring himself to do anything about it, even as weakness makes his arms and legs tremble. He falls to his knees, breathing heavily.
The air seems to shimmer...
Magnificent laughs as blue light floods into his veins, pulsing with energy then fading to blazing purple. He feels his magic and strength returning. He doesn't drain Jameson completely though, not yet- He may be of use to him... he needs to find another way to hop to the next multiverse before he finishes up here. Oh and find his cub... just in case. But, this will suffice for now~
He lets Jameson drop to the ice below and sighs dreamily, "Mmmm just what I needed! Thank you very much, Jameson~!" He then bends down to pick him up by his hair and hums in thought, "You should stick by me though, little lark~ I may have further use of you."
The mad magician is too distracted by his prize to notice anything shimmering in the air-
Jameson's eyes are glazed over. He doesn't react at all to anything Magnificent is saying or doing. The combined hypnotism and draining has left him weak. He looks up at Mag and mumbles in a raspy voice, "Yes... yes, Magnif—"
And then, for a split second, there's a flicker of orange and blue and yellow, a spiral much different than the ones Magnificent uses—
And Jameson is gone.
The stolen magic remains in Magnificent's veins, but the blue ice coating the sidewalk is also gone.
As if it—and Jameson—were never here in the first place.
Magnificent blinks in mild surprise at the new colors- then springs to his feet as Jameson disappears, wildly looking around for any lingering hints of magic. He then curses in Gaelic and throws a tinted punch into the bus stop sign, making it dent in on itself in a burst of purple and green sparks.
He then hums and tries to breathe, studying the lingering blue in his veins. ... he had enough, enough to at least look for his cub and find out more about what this dimension uses to explore other universes. In a wave of static, he dons his disguise again and then walks further into the night, looking for any other lingering of magic around.
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starry-hughes · 1 year
ok thinking more about daisy breaking her arm
she’s out skating quinn is sitting on the bench keeping a close eye on her. he looks at his phone for one minute answering a text from mom asking how it’s going. right after he hits send he hears crying and immediately knows it’s daisy and is rushing over to her. he sees that she’s holding her arm, one of the other parents around tells him what happened. the parent tells him that no one touched her she was just simply skating and she fell and tried to catch herself.
he takes her to the hospital, after she gets checked out and gets a cast on her quinn calls mom and tells her what happened. mom is on the phone freaking out asking tons of questions like how it happened if someone pushed her. he tells her no one touched her and it was a pure accident and that she just fell and tried to catch herself. meanwhile daisy is sitting in the hospital bed high on pain meds sitting there with a popsicle waiting to go home.
they get home mom immediately gives daisy a big hug. that whole night was spent sitting on the couch cuddled up watching daisys favorite movies till she falls asleep. the next day daisy is facetiming all her uncles and her grandparents showing off her new cast.
“poppa look!” she shouts showing off her neon green cast. she’s like three and is a champ about her cast. quinn took her to his practice and all the canucks signed her cast.
“uncle lu! it’s green!”
“wow kiddo, you’re so tough.” luke says and you can hear jack muffled in the background. “uncle jacky says be careful next time, okay?”
“he falls.”
“i know.”
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iamvegorott · 3 months
Magicians Don't Need Superheros Pt10
First: Link Prev: Link Next: Link
Marvin grunted as he woke up, eyes fluttering open and a very confusing sight greeted him. This wasn’t his bedroom? This wasn’t his bed. Marvin turned over in said bed and got hit with another wave of confusion at seeing another body in the bed. Did he have a party last night or something? He still had clothes on so he didn’t-
“Oh, shit. That’s right.” Marvin groaned to himself as the memories of the previous day rushed in at the sight of Jackie’s green hair. “When did I even fall asleep?” He asked himself, seeing that neither he nor Jackie had gone under the covers, meaning they had fallen asleep during the movie. Marvin couldn’t even remember how far they got into it. He recalled finishing his tea, setting the mug aside and that was it. He wasn’t even planning on sleeping in Jackie’s room. He was supposed to stay till he got tired and then leave. 
Did Jackie fall asleep first or did he not want to wake Marvin?
Jackie was still sleeping regardless and Marvin didn’t mind just closing his eyes and not being morning Marvin for a bit longer. He didn’t get that wish as Jackie turned over, felt the presence of someone near, and with a grunt of his own, he woke up and saw himself looking right at someone’s face.
“Holy fuck!” Jackie flinched and threw himself back, banging his head against the wall and then flopping back down, face to the bed and groaning in pain as he covered his head with his hands. 
“Good morning to you too.” Marvin did his best to not laugh at what he just witnessed. “Are you okay?” He did fail at not laughing when Jackie held a thumbs up at him. “You sure you don’t want some-”
“Jackie! Chase said I had to take you to get-” Anti’s shout and the door flying open cut Marvin off. “I knew it! That’s a record!” 
“Dude! I told you not to just barge in here!” Jackie scrambled out of the bed. 
“If you didn’t want to get caught, you would have locked the door~” Anti sang. 
“We’re not caught. Nothing happened.” Jackie reached to push Anti out. 
“I wanna hear the details.” Anti slipped away and stood next to the bed, grinning at Marvin. “I’ll hold my hands apart and you show me how big.” 
“Anti!” Jackie wrapped his arms around Anti from behind and lifted him. “Nothing happened!” He said as he carried Anti out of the room. 
“Aw, he's shy!” Anti laughed, kicking his legs in the air and his laughter only got louder as he was tossed out of the room and Jackie closed the door. 
Marvin just stayed in the bed and watched the chaos, letting it happen and waiting until Jackie was finished and leaning his hands against the closed door, head hanging and clearly embarrassed. Marvin shouldn't make it worse…but that meant he definitely was going to 
“Were we supposed to have sex? I would have brought the lube.” 
“You’re not helping!” Jackie's reaction got Marvin to now be the one laughing. 
“You were the one that offered to tie me up.” Marvin laughed more as Jackie pressed his head against the door.
“I'm going to die.” 
“Didn't know getting embarrassed was your kryptonite.” Marvin got out of the bed. 
“It's pretty damn close,” Jackie mumbled and stepped back from the door when he heard Marvin heading toward him. “You got some sleep, right?”
“I did.” Marvin flashed a smile. Even with a face still red from being teased by both himself and Anti, Jackie still wanted to be sure he was okay. 
He really took that hero title seriously. 
“Hen will probably kick my ass if I don't let him check out my head.” Jackie weakly chuckled, rubbing the spot he had bumped as he opened the door. “He has like a third eye when it comes to us getting hurt.” 
“That’s a good trait to have for a doctor.” Marvin hummed. “I’ll get cleaned up for the day and head to him as well, he wanted more blood.” 
“Oh…fun.” Jackie tried to look cool by leaning against the door but instead, the door finished opening and he fumbled over a little since he had nothing to keep him balanced. He quickly got back up on his feet, pretending that didn’t happen as he leaned against it properly. “I’ll meet you down there?” 
“Sounds good.” Marvin stepped out of the room and paused, turning to face Jackie. “Thank you, for everything so far. You’re going to make me get tired of saying those two words with how you are, might as well get it started.”
“Helping others is what heroes do.” Jackie with the proud puff to his chest.
“Nah. That’s just what Jackie does.” Marvin smiled again before turning around and going into his assigned room, leaving Jackie to watch him go and try not to blush at his words. 
Marvin didn’t like being morning Marvin as he washed up in the attached bathroom to the room and got dressed. These clothes were his but they still felt so weird on his body. Something about the fabric just rubbed him the wrong way despite it being what he always got. He’d have to ask Jackie if this feeling would eventually go away the longer he was here or if it was just something to accept being part of his life now. 
“First, I’ll visit Henrik and then I’ll get some tea and breakfast,” Marvin said to himself as he left the room, tightening up his ponytail after closing the door. “Some cereal doesn’t sound so bad or maybe there’s some-” Marvin stopped mid-step when he heard a happy squeal and got run into by someone half his height. His eyes widened when he looked down.
Is that a child?”
“Oh! Sorry!” The child apologized with a laugh. Marvin couldn’t place the age of the kid, honestly, he knew next to nothing about them and became an awkward stiff wall as the child looked at him and tilted his head. “Are you Marvin?”
“Yeah?” Marvin’s answer came out as a question. 
“Cool! I’m Robbie! I’m…I think I’m six or seven or…um…I don’t know yet. I have to go ask Dad.” The child tapped his chin as he thought. 
“Dad?” Marvin had a few people in mind that he really hoped wasn’t this child’s father. 
“There’s my boy!” Anti popped up out of nowhere and scooped Robbie up. 
“Oh please, no.” Marvin groaned, he’s experienced Anti for less than an hour in total and he hated the idea of him reproducing in any way shape, or form. 
“You’re not my dad!” Robbie protested, crossing his arms in a pout. 
“Thank God.” Marvin didn’t even try to hide his relief. “Wait, so who is his father?”
“Jackie,” Anti answered with a grin.
“I don’t believe you.” Marvin rolled his eyes. “You’re trying to start shit again and I am not in the mood.” He walked past Anti. Henrik likely knew the answer and he’d just ask him. Anti was not a good source for information, lesson learned. 
“Fine, it’s Hen or at least that’s who Robbie calls dad.” Anti huffed as he put Robbie down. 
“He’s Uncle Anti,” Robbie stated and then just ran, passing Marvin and then going into where Henrik’s office was. 
“Uncle-” Marvin’s question stopped when he turned to Anti and noticed that he was staring off at nothing, eyes fully black and a dark green mist coming from his shoulders. He then suddenly snapped back to the present and shook his head. His eyes were what they had been before and the mist vanished. “You good?” 
“When you see Jackie later, tell him that we’re doing a doughnut run.” Anti brushed what had happened aside and walked off. 
“Great. More things on the list of ‘what the fuck was that’?” Marvin rubbed his face with a hand. “I swear it keeps getting longer and longer before I can even cross something off of it. I should literally write it down to keep track of all of this nonsense.” He continued speaking to himself as he got to the office and walked in as well. 
“Hi!” Robbie greeted from the chair behind the desk. Henrik was over at a wall of filing cabinets. 
“Good morning, Marvin. Did you sleep well?” Henrik asked, pulling out a file. 
“Somewhat. Didn’t go down for a while but what sleep I got was good.” Marvin stood at the door and gave Robbie a little wave to acknowledge his greeting. 
“That sounds about right for your first night. It takes some time to adjust to the new environment but some sleep is better than no sleep to start.” Henrik opened a different drawer and pulled out another folder. 
“Jackie got me some melatonin tea and that helped,” Marvin said. 
“Ah, yes. That tea has been a savior for some of us.” Henrik went back to his desk, placing one folder down and opening the other. “Grant me a few moments with Robert here and then I will take that blood sample. Chase wants to celebrate your first morning here with some doughnuts so you will not need to worry about breakfast. JJ’s making some tea and Chase is making coffee so that is taken care of for you, too.” Marvin watched Henrik work as he spoke, he and Robbie moving in what was likely a routine as they didn’t need to even look at each other while it all happened. Robbie placed a hand in Henrik’s and Henrik pricked his finger with something and swiped the droplet of blood on what looked like a sheet of paper. 
“And it’s just us…Septiceyes, right? For the breakfast?” 
“Correct.” Henrik took the sheet of paper and placed it inside a machine that hummed after the lid was shut. “You should not need to worry about meeting the others for at least a week. Sometimes they are impatient but we will make them wait.” 
“Impatience seems to be a trait a lot of us share,” Marvin commented. 
“That is fair.” Henrik agreed as the machine beeped and he read the screen. “And that confirms you are six this week, Robert.” 
“Okay!” Robbie bounced off the desk and then ran out of the room. 
“This week? Is he not always six? Is he not always a child?” Marvin asked while Henrik jotted down some notes into one of the folders and then tidied up. 
“It is very complicated to explain, but, to save you some trouble in seven days, Robert’s age changes. So far it seems to be random but his ages range from five to twenty-five. He’s yet to be younger or older than that.” Henrik picked up the other folder of his and guided Marvin through one of the connecting doors to put him back in the exanimation room he had been in yesterday. 
“How long would it take to explain why he does that?” Marvin asked, sitting himself on the examination table. 
“Months and even then, I am still learning. When we found him, he was at his youngest, scared little thing, and he clung to me like a duckling does to their mother. And when he became a teenager a few days later, he referred to me as dad and while I am not his father, I do not have the heart to correct him. Especially when he is a child, I cannot handle when he cries.” Henrik had his back to Marvin, not letting him see his face as he pulled out supplies to take blood from Marvin again. 
“You’re not suited to have custody of any of them,” Marvin recalled the argument Henrik and Chase had when he first arrived at the House. He saw how Henrik froze, his shoulders slumped and he shook his head. 
“That I am not.” 
“Why not?”
“A story for another day.”
“Hey, Hen!” Jackie greeted as he strolled in, preventing Marvin from asking more questions. “Oh-I-I’ll come back-”
“Did you hit your head?” Henrik asked. 
“He really does have a third eye,” Marvin said. 
“It was just a bump on the wall. It’s fine.” Jackie walked with Henrik when his arm was grabbed and he sat in the chair he was put in. 
“Any headache?” Henrik asked, brushing Jackie’s hair aside in search of redness or a bump. 
“Blurry vision?”
“Everything looks fine. Do not do what you did again and you are free to go help Anti with doughnuts.” Henrik patted Jackie’s back, getting him to stand. 
“I can do that! What kind of doughnuts do you like?” The first part was to Henrik and the second was to Marvin. 
“I enjoy chocolate eclairs,” Marvin answered.
“On it!” Jackie ran out of the room before anything else could be said. 
“One of these days I will find the source of all that energy.” Henrik chuckled. 
“You could charge the world for the rest of eternity if you do.” Marvin joined in on the chuckling.
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
Jackie/Shauna raising a kid?
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I got both of these requests back to back, so I’m gonna do that at the same time just for my own convenience, lol
Both of these situations are in a timeline where all four get very intense therapy to help with their relationships because of we’re honest, rn both relationships do have some red flags, but anyways-
JackieShauna & TaiVan raising a kid
Jackie & Shauna
✰ I’m not sure who would carry the baby, but if they had more than one they’d take turns so Jackie has one baby, and then when they are ready for another Shauna takes it on, or vice versa
✰ they’re both very active parents in their kids lives but in different ways. Jackie, being more extroverted, is extremely focused on motivating her kids to be confident in themselves and ready for anything
✰ while Shauna is the more introverted parent. She’s the one you go to when you just need to vent and get your feelings out. Jackie is the fixer. Her kid said something bad happened at school? She’s already gnashing her teeth and marching into the principals office
✰ Shauna sits with her kid, hears them out and assures them that whatever they’re feeling is valid and ok. But she’s also the parent that will tell her kid the best way to commit the perfect safe and legal form of revenge
✰ Jackie is also parent coach of her kids soccer team if they show an interest in soccer. Despite Jackie wanting to sign them up as soon as they could walk, Shauna insists they wait till their kid shows an interest in it first
Taissa & Van
✰ The only way I see an adult Taissa and Van having a kid together is due to an unplanned adoption. If a kid in the community is going to be placed elsewhere and has nowhere to go, they'd take that kid in
✰ Or like in my Laura Lee parenting headcanon, they take in kids who are kicked out of their homes
✰ I actually see them more interested in being foster parents over having a kid/kids of their own. They become those lesbian foster moms giving kids the stability they need for as long as they can
✰ If they did become foster parents, they'd regularly have older kids coming to visit them all the time. They keep in touch with teens they looked after who are now out of the system
✰ They're those chill parents that still keep their kids working hard and excelling in school, but also encourage them to take time for themselves. mental health is very important to them, especially when their kids they're getting likely have some kinda trauma or mental health issues they've got to be doing
✰ they're great listeners and problem solvers and their house is always lively
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iamfruitie · 11 months
I was wondering if you could possibly do Phantomhero next?
Yes, we can! -----------
Jackie was sitting on the edge of the bed, bent over and tying up his sneakers. He and Chase were going to work out together, and he was running behind since he got distracted by the game he had been playing earlier. Phantom knew what the plan for the day was, which meant this was a perfect opportunity to show Jackie something he had bought for himself the other day. 
“Invitation to come with us is still open,” Jackie said when the door opened, knowing Phantom had stepped out for something and was likely returning. 
“I don’t think I’m dressed for that kind of exercise.” Phantom giggled, the door clicking shut behind him. 
“I mean, you could get-holy shit.” Jackie’s voice became a wheeze for the last two words when he looked at Phantom. “You’re-You’re definitely not dressed for…for-” He let out a little deep giggle. 
“It is nice and comfortable, though.” Phantom’s own giggle had a teasing tone to it. He placed his hands on his waist, letting Jackie get an even better view of his outfit or a red corset top and matching panties with black outlines of skulls and flowers decorating the fabric. “What do you think?” 
“I don’t think I can anymore,” Jackie admitted, eyes unable to leave Phantom’s body. 
“I think you’ll need to, honey.” Phantom walked to Jackie, making sure to add an extra sway to his steps before stopping in front of him. “I don’t want you to get hurt while working out with Chase. I’d be so sad if you don’t come home to me all safe and sound.” He placed his hands on Jackie’s shoulders, sliding them to his neck and then to the back of his head, fingers running through his hair. Phantom grinned when Jackie looked like a dog getting head scratches, leaning into his touch and eyes half-closed. 
“Who?” Jackie’s blood was going from his brain to a different head of his. 
“The man that’s calling you.” Phantom pulled away and pointed down to where Jackie’s phone was lying on the bed and buzzing. 
“Oh shit.” Jackie cursed and answered the phone. “Yeah, man. I’m on the way.” He said and scrambled to his feet. 
“Have fun~” Phantom sang and was now lying on the bed in place of Jackie and his phone. 
“I-uh-I’m-” Jackie had to clear his throat. “I’m fine. It’s just-well-Phantom’s all dressed up, and I gotta wait till we’re back.” He explained as he went for the door. “What do you mean I can make him wait later? How do I do that?” Jackie closed the door, and Phantom couldn’t hear anything else, but if Chase was giving Jackie the dom lesson he thought he was, then he was in for a long night and was more than ready for that. 
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shaunamilfman · 9 months
okay but also i’m kinda rocking with that suicide idea….especially since it could go so well with the “why can’t you hear him crying” scene in the show- her hearing the GHOST of him crying so obviously no one else can hear😞 and then having to hear him cry all the time until she eventually buries him and kills herself… OHHH i’m gonna kms 😭 OHHH and maybe jackie again hearing it for a split second but knowing it can’t be real bc of the slight glimpses she’s already seen of yn😞
also kind of laughing at the thought of jackie joining their little yj follow along so both yn and jackie are like “yeah checks out 🙄” when tai cheats 😭
bro i’m ngl i don’t even mean to be that quick sometimes i really think i just have a 6th sense of checking my notifs coincidently at the same time you post 😭it happens with my friends texting me too i just have super powers 🤭
and yeah smut scenes seem like a bitch to do just READING them i have to take a second to think about where their limbs are and what position they’re in😭
YES!! see I thought the "why can't you hear him crying" was perfect for the suicide idea, but i changed it since she was also dead obvi.
yeah shauna was gonna be tortured by the sounds of her baby crying as she watches y/n try desperately to comfort him. like shauna can touch the ghosts but they can't really feel it beyond like the pressure so she wouldn't really be able to comfort her baby. Just the thought of Shauna having to lie in that cabin for three days listening to her dead girlfriend trying to raise her dead baby boy by herself?? ugh. Shauna was fr burying that baby and jumping off the cliff. had a whole scene of y/n begging shauna not to and then shauna just appearing back at the top of the cliff staring wide eyed at her own body.
Jackie absolutely would hear just a little but wouldn't believe it. Jackie is haunted by the slight glimpses she gets of Shauna, y/n, and the baby till she dies.
no like you and Jackie are fr clowning on Tai and Shauna for cheating for like weeks. you and Jackie spend a straight month trying to figure out how to do real ghost haunting shit in revenge on Tai. Shauna helps just because she wants out of the dog house lmao.
no literally I'm like "ok... left hand green, right hand red... other left hand... wait!" the whole time. i don't usually need to pay attention to minor descriptions like that as much it had me fucked up.
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subspaceember · 1 year
The Fridge
"Huh, that's weird" said Dave. He was certain he'd already drunk one bottle of his favorite cheap beers, but opening the fridge this morning, there sat a full pack. Dave looked at the beer. The beer looked back. He rubbed his eyes and tried to remember last night. It was a late shift at work, something or another kept him at the office. Once he'd finally said bye to his coworkers all he wanted was a cold beer and his recliner. Dave was a man of simple pleasures, so he thought. He liked football and fried chicken.
Following the divorce he'd recently moved into a smaller house. It was nice enough and it even had a garage. In that garage, when Dave moved in, he noticed a refrigerator. He hadn't taken much notice of it, people leave things, he'd haul it off one day when he needed the space. Dave was not thinking about the fridge on his drive home. Nor when he stopped at the only store still open to buy beer. He did think about that fridge when he got back home, and remembered that thanksgiving was last week and that he'd ended up inviting his parents and brother over. The fridge in the kitchen was packed with a casserole, turkey, beans, the fridge was stuffed. "Damn" he said to no one in particular. Dave let out a heavy sigh; this was far too much to deal with on a Friday night. He pulled a bottle of out the pack and cracked it open, then he remembered. He had another fridge. He took a swig and headed to the garage, the fluorescent tubes buzzed to life and he walked over to the fridge. It was still plugged in, "oops, oh well". Opening the door he saw a pile of dead bugs, little flies of some kind, "goddamn infestation" Dave remarked, and grabbed a broom and swept them into a trash can. He made sure the fridge was on and getting cold, and put his 5 other beers on the middle shelf, proceeding to wander back to his chair and watched TV till he passed out.
And yet - there was a full pack of beer in the fridge. "Guess I'm just losing it" he said as he shut the door and walked back into the living room. "Must be imagining shit". As he walked past his armchair he heard the unmistakable sound of a bottle falling over, and there it was. The bottle from last night, still with condensation on it, rolling off under the couch. "What the fuck". Dave didn't believe in the supernatural as a rule, he loved to argue with people at bars about it but always insisted it was some hoax or publicity thing, maybe someone just wanted attention. However, the thought that his house was haunted by some sort of beer ghost went though his head; maybe some poor guy drank himself to death in there or something and he was exacting his revenge. A chill ran down his spine. Dave decided he had better figure this out, he couldn't damn well live anywhere with a beer ghost. He decided to do a bit of research, there was still some mail in the house from the previous tenant, so he knew a name to look up. He found the mail in the trash he'd yet to take out, it was a electric bill addressed to a Kathy S. Everson. He opened it. It was dated from earlier in the year and- good god the bill! It was almost a thousand dollars! What the hell was Kathy doing?
Dave decided to ask the neighbors, maybe they knew something. He walked out into the cold November air. The wind had a bite to it and threatened snow. He shivered. Walking up to his neighbors Dave rang the doorbell and waited, he could hear a dog barking and a woman opened the door. "Hello, can I help you?" she asked. "Afternoon" Dave guessed, "Name's Dave, I'm your new neighbor right across the way", and he pointed at his house. "Oh you've moved into Kathy's old house, that's nice, I'm glad it's going to good hands, my name is Jackie" she replied. "Mhmm, it's a nice place, uh - if you don't mind me asking, what happened to Kathy?" he asked. "Oh I think it was cancer or something like that, she wasn't young anymore, it happens to the best of us" she said. "Right right, but she didn't do anything odd or nothing?" Dave asked. "No I don't think so, not unless you count that mac and cheese of hers" Jackie replied. Dave gave a puzzled look. "Well it was just so good" said Jackie, "and she always had so much of it, a lot of food in general, old folks are like that sometimes, they like to feed people". Dave nodded, "right". "She'd have these big potluck dinners at the community center, Kathy did. She loved to feed the community". The gears started whirring away in Dave's head. "Is everything alright?" asked Jackie. "Yeah, everything's dandy" Dave responded "Nice meeting you", and he set back towards his home, wind nipping at his ears and nose.
Walking into his garage Dave starting inspecting the fridge. It looked, well it looked like shit frankly. It was ancient, just a big slab of metal, covered in dents and a bit rusty. It might have been white once, or some shade of beige. If there ever was a brand name it'd long fallen off. Dave tried to move it but it wouldn't budge, it looked like it'd started rusting into the floor at this point, and it probably weighed a ton. Dave opened the door again. There was a lightbulb inside that flickered on, revealing his beer again. The inside was pretty clean all things considered, and quite cold. "Huh". Dave did not do well in the sciences in high school or college, but he did remember when his teachers were lecturing on experiments and the like, and Dave decided he'd do an experiment. He removed his beer from the fridge, and looked around the various cardboard boxes littering his garage. In one he found an award from his college days, it was a small trophy, covered in dust and labeled "2nd Place - Men's Track and Field - April 6th 1981 - Dave Adderson". He placed it into the fridge, and headed back into the living room to watch the game.
The next day, Dave anxiously opened the fridge door and there sat two trophies, identical in every way, dust and all. He didn't quite know how or why, but there was one thing he did know. Dave Adderson now had a magical refrigerator that duplicated things.
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koficlouds · 1 year
Unrequited Love (Schneeplebro fic)
Trigger/Content warning!!
This story contains some touching topics and maybe some that aren't written that well. But! The basics include the following
Overthinking/overbearing thoughts
One sided love
If I missed any please let me know in the comments! I will be sure to add it
The phone ran in the background as Henrik walked out of the kitchen to answer it. Calm music played in the background as he answered it, taking a deep breath before he spoke to whoever was on the other end of the call. "Hallo? How may I help you today?"
"Hey Henrik! I was wondering if I could ask something, if that's alright?" It was Chase, Henrik's best friend and at this point and time someone Henrik started to have intense feelings for. Henrik could feel his face heat up and his cheeks turn red. If it meant he could spend time with someone he was interested in then why not?
"J-Ja!" Henrik smiled to himself, but internally swore at his foolish stuttering and stammering over the phone. "Vhat did you need to ask me?" He could feel his heart beat faster in his chest as he listened and waited.
"I was wondering if we could go out for some coffee or lunch today if you aren't busy?" Chase spoke very calmly, creating butterflies in the doctor's stomach. "But if you are busy we don't have to go."
"N-No!" Henrik squeaked out, embarrassing himself and sighed before he spoke again. "I'm not busy at all, ve can go out for lunch today, on me!"
Chase chuckled on the other end of the call. "You're funny doc, you don't have to be so nervous around me." He said trying to be reassuring, but he didn't realize how much the German wanted so badly to have him stay in his life. "But yeah! We can go for lunch! I'll see you then Hen!" Chase said excitedly before hanging up, leaving a lovesick doctor.
"Maybe I might be able to finally tell him at lunch today..Marvin says I need to be open or I may nevah have zhis chance again.." Henrik sighed softly to himself as he put the phone in his pocket and went on with what he was doing beforehand, helping Jackie finally clean his laundry.
"Uhm..thanks Henrik..again for your help. I really appreciate it." Jackie says, as he fiddled with the cast on his arm which prohibited what he could do around the house. "I can't even thank you enough for letting me stay here since I got kicked out of my apartment."
"Oh it's no issue at all Jackie!" Henrik smiled and looked over at the hero next to him. " You needed a place to stay, and who vould I be as a friend to say nein to you?" He gently pats Jackie on the back and started the washer for him.
~Timeskip~(I'm sorry)
As Henrik got ready for the mini lunch date with Chase, wait, would it be considered a 'date'? Henrik pulled his phone out and proceeded to text Chase to let him know when he'd be there. 'Hey Chase, I'm ready whenever you are, so I'll be there in around five minutes!'
Henrik got his shoes tied and walked out, locking the door behind him. Once he got to the area the two decided to meet up he noticed Chase talking to Marvin. He didn't want to pry so he waited patiently till the two were done speaking before he spoke to Chase. They didn't seem to notice Henrik being there as Marvin decided to ask a big question.
"So Chase, you interested in anybody?" Marvin said while taking a sip of an iced coffee he had in his hands. He glanced at Chase and smiled. Henrik couldn't help but start to listen to their conversation and find out if Chase did have a love interest.
"I guess so, but I don't think they feel the same way about me Marv. Kinda scared to tell them." Chase responded sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.
"Whoo~? Who is it?" Marvin giggled. "Male? Female? Any other gender?"
"It's uhm..actually a girl I met at the skatepark a few months ago." Chase smiled.
Henrik felt like his heart had been shattered in to a hundred tiny pieces hearing those words. He didn't say a word and walked back to his car where he began to break down sobbing heavily. He started the engine back up and left, leaving the area but had no courage to text Chase and cancel the plans. He didn't want Chase to think he was eavesdropping on his conversation. But he also didn't want to make Chase feel like he wasted his time so he decided to text Chase at the last red light he got to.
'Chase, I apologize but something came up, I won't be able to come. I really am sorry.'
When Henrik sent the message he waited impatiently for at least Chase to see the message or respond in any way. He turned his phone off after five minutes only to feel the buzz of a notification. Quickly looking at the message he felt his heart ache more.
'Oh, that's fine. Someone from the skatepark came by and asked if I wanted to go skating with them! It's funy cause I actually feel like she gets me more than anyone. If you want to reschedule for sometime this week let me know Hen!'
Henrik powered off his phone without a response. It was clear now that Chase did not have feelings for him, and it hurt to realize it. Henrik went to his room and locked himself inside, to cry. Henrik curled up in the corner, hugging himself. While he sat there his mind was filled with overwhelming thoughts, thoughts of how he'd never be able to have Chase and how he'd never love someone. Henrik knew they were true. He hated how they were true, but he knew he'd never have someone as nice as Chase. Just what he didn't like was how much having a crush this much was so painful. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he stayed curled up on the floor. This is what heartbreak felt like isn't it. Even if Chase didn't know it, this feels worse. His eyes began to close, becoming tired from crying so much; Henrik fell asleep on the floor, curled up in a ball.
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