Just a lofi idiot who likes to writehttps://en.pronouns.page/@Trxshb4nditt_~Level 18~
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
First Meeting (JSE Ego Fanfic)
Henrik & Joline
The smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the room as he walked in. The small ring of the bell echoed for just a second as the door to the café that Chase just insisted on him to go to opended. It was quite nice for a small place. Henrik sighed and adjusted his glasses.
Pulling out his phone Henrik pulled up his messages, trying to find the text that Chase was supposed to send him after asking him to pick up coffee for their study session freshman year of college. He found the message and rose an eyebrow at how much sweet stuff he adds to his coffee.
"Hello sir, welcome to our café! Is there anything I can get for you?" the barista smiled at Henrik, who was snapped out of his rapid fire thoughts.
"Oh, heh, sorry uhm..I'll get a large iced coffee with caramel and whipped cream and then a large black coffee to go please" Henrik smiled sheepishly and nervously chuckled.
"Oh! Alright, coming right up!"
Henrik sighed and put his phone back into his pocket. He wasn't the best at these kinds of things, especially when it came to getting things for Chase. Sometimes he wonders how Chase handles this many sweets without getting a cavity or a stomachache or something. He looked back at the barista as she prepared the drinks.
He thought she looked beautiful, unlike anything he's ever seen. Her curly black hair and her smooth darker skin tone made him weak at the knees.
Funny enough, Henrik didn't even realize he was staring until the barista snapped him out of his trance like state, "Sir, your order is ready."
Henrik smiled and thanked her, paying for the two drinks and leaving with the receipt.
He walked back to the apartment he and Chase shared, silently kicking himself in the face for never catching this woman's name. Everything about her was stunning to him, her hair, her voice, her eyes.. Stunningly enough she had beautiful emerald eyes.
Henrik walked into the apartment and called out to Chase, setting the drinks on the small coffee table they had in their living room. However his face immediately heated up after he checked the back of the receipt the barista gave him.
Text me⥠020-743-6264
~ Joline
Henrik chuckled to himself, and folded the receipt, putting it in his pocket. He was sure to make time for that.
#jseegos#dr henrik von schneeplestein#chase brody#jolineschneeplestein#jse college au#henrikandjolinemetatthecoffeeshop#jacksepticeye fanfiction#jacksepticeyeegos#jacksepticegos#jacksepticeye
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New JSE Ego Headcannons (Gender/Sexuality/Pronouns)
Note! This includes fan made egos such as Shawn Flynn, Robbie, Angus, Marcus(The character Jack plays as in Poppy Playtime Chapter 2), Jacques, BSE, S34N, and a character based off the Russian voice Jack does for Papers Please(His name is Nikolai Yozhikov)
Chase Brody Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them Gender: Demiboy Sexuality: Bisexual
Henrik Von Schneeplestein Pronouns: He/Him/She/Her Gender: Bigender Sexuality: Pansexual
Jacques Torez Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them/It/Its Gender: Agender Sexuality: Aromantic Gay
Jackieboy-Man Pronouns: He/Him Gender: Trans Male Sexuality: Gay
Marvin the Magnificent Pronouns: Mirror Pronouns Gender: Genderfluid Sexuality: Pansexual
Anti Pronouns: He/Him/It/Its Gender: Agender Sexuality: AroAce
Jameson Jackson Pronouns: He/Him Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual
Robbie the Zombie Pronouns: It/Its Gender: Agender Sexuality: AroAce
Shawn Flynn Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them/She/Her Gender: Demigender Sexuality: Gay
Angus Irwin Pronouns: He/Him Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual
Marcus Brickley Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them Gender: Demiboy Sexuality: Bi-curious
Nikolai Yozhikov Pronouns: He/Him/It/Its Gender: Non-Binary Sexuality: Unlabled
BSE Pronouns: He/Him/It/Its Gender: Unknown Sexuality: Unlabled
S34N Pronouns: It/Its Gender: Unknown Sexuality: Unknown
#jse au#jseegos#jacksepticeye egos#chasebrody#marvin the magnificent#jackieboyman#jameson jackson#henrik von schneeplestein#anti#jacquestorez#robbie the zombie#shawn flynn#angus the survival hunter#angusirwin#marcusbrickley#papers please#nikolaiyozhikov#bingsepticeye#S34N#JSE headcannons
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Requests Open for any fic
You can request any JSE/Markiplier ego fic with any ships or prompts
#chase brody#marvin the magnificent#jackieboyman#jameson jackson#jacksepticegos#henrik von schneeplestein#anti#jacksepticeye
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Restless Nights (Witch Doctor Fluff Fic)
Fandom: JSE Egos
Ship: WitchDoctor (Marvin x Henrik)
Characters: Marvin the Magnificent, Dr Henrik Von Schneeplestein, Anti (mentioned), Chase Brody (mentioned), Jackieboy-Man (mentioned), Sean (mentioned), Jameson Jackson (mentioned)
Trigger Warnings!! Self Harm, toxic thinking, extremely bad habits
(If anyone ignores the warnings that I put, I am not responsible for anything that happens. If I missed something, please let me know and I will get back as soon as I can)
The clock struck three AM on a Sunday morning, he could already hear the birds chirping away with their aggravating song. It was almost as comparable to the overbearing sound of nails scraping on chalkboards. Running on barely even a few hours of sleep, two, maybe even three pots of coffee and more than enough anxiety to send a man to the nut house, Henrik trudged outside the household for a smoke. He moved silently through the halls, his feet barely auditing a creak as he made his way to the door. The tired German sat on the first step leading to the doorway, and breathed a heavy sigh as he reached into his pocket. He knew he shouldn't be smoking, his asthma couldn't take it, but his body was full of so much anxiety..he was literally shaking like a leaf; a leaf struggling to remove itself from a twig during the harsh blows of wind. Seconds felt like hours, minutes like days, hours like years. Everything moved slow, he felt like time just kept moving on, with or without him.
Taking a drag from the cigarette in the young doctors mouth, he felt the anxieties and stresses from his past few nights begin to slowly but surely fade. As he continued to smoke through the cigarette, he failed to notice a certain young magician had found him sitting outside by himself at such an unfathomable hour.
"Henrik..? What are you doing up at this hour darling? Why aren't you in bed..?" The magician yawned, as if the sudden disappearance of his boyfriend was enough to wake him.
Henrik practically jumped upon hearing the sound of his boyfriends voice so abruptly that the cigarette that was once in his hand dropped to the concrete step he sat on. "Marvin, I didn't think you'd be awake so soon...Ah, uhm..." He began to fumble through words to form some sort of excuse, but the only thing he could muster were noises until he finally spoke up once more, "I..couldn't sleep. And I needed some fresh air, and a smoke to cool my nerves." His voice automatically gave it away to Marvin, his boyfriend hadn't been sleeping recently, and he was determined to fix it no matter what.
"Would you like to talk about it darling?" The magician closed the screen door and seated himself next to the tired German.
"J-Ja.." Henrik sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping over as he hung his head. "That..would make me feel a lot better.."
"Begin whenever you feel comfortable to do so." Marvin gave Henrik a soft, patient smile and made direct eye contact with the doctor. Henrik took a deep breath and looked down at the steps and his hands. He began by rolling his sleeve up to reveal some irritated scratch marks, some having left blood behind, thus scarring. Marvin's eyes widened as he thought of this situation already.
"I-I...I had an anxiety attack earlier, in the bathroom. I couldn't stop shaking.." Henrik couldn't bring himself to look Marvin in the eyes while speaking, his voice cracked and strained itself as he tried so hard not to break down in front of Marvin. "I couldn't breathe, and I didn't want to wake you up so all I could do was sit there scratching at my arms until it was over."
"Oh darling.."
"I couldn't go to sleep after that..I-I didn't want to worry you...and I-I.." Henrik's voice broke and he stopped talking, letting out a quiet short whimper as his eyes burned with tears, brimming the surface and threatening a flood.
"Shh.." Marvin was quick to react, swooping Henrik up onto his lap as he held his partner close to him. He gently rests his head onto his chest as he began to speak slowly, and softly in a reassuring manner. "Don't worry sweetheart...don't get so worked up, I'm not mad..I'm concerned...you're exhausting yourself aren't you..?"
"I'm sorry..I just..I couldn't stop thinking about what happened to everyone else...Chase, Sean, Jackie, Jameson..even Anti I can't stop worrying about...What if they got hurt..what if we'll never see anyone again..? W-What...what if.."
"Let me stop you there sweetie. We'll see them again, I can assure you they are fine...pinky swear...but for now, you need to get some sleep, and this time mister, I won't take no for an answer." Marvin stood, holding Henrik in his arms bridal style back inside and used his magic to shut and lock the door. Turning off all the lights Marvin went right to bed with Henrik. "And you are staying home from work tomorrow..you need a break."
Editors note!
I apologize for the extremely long break I took. I will be trying to post more often
#jacksepticegos#jacksepticeye fanfiction#witchdoctor#marvin the magnificent#henrik von schneeplestein#anti#chase brody#jackieboyman#sean mcloughlin#jameson jackson#angst with comfort#angst#sleepless nights#sleep deprivation#insominac
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Unrequited Love (Schneeplebro fic)
Trigger/Content warning!!
This story contains some touching topics and maybe some that aren't written that well. But! The basics include the following
Overthinking/overbearing thoughts
One sided love
If I missed any please let me know in the comments! I will be sure to add it
The phone ran in the background as Henrik walked out of the kitchen to answer it. Calm music played in the background as he answered it, taking a deep breath before he spoke to whoever was on the other end of the call. "Hallo? How may I help you today?"
"Hey Henrik! I was wondering if I could ask something, if that's alright?" It was Chase, Henrik's best friend and at this point and time someone Henrik started to have intense feelings for. Henrik could feel his face heat up and his cheeks turn red. If it meant he could spend time with someone he was interested in then why not?
"J-Ja!" Henrik smiled to himself, but internally swore at his foolish stuttering and stammering over the phone. "Vhat did you need to ask me?" He could feel his heart beat faster in his chest as he listened and waited.
"I was wondering if we could go out for some coffee or lunch today if you aren't busy?" Chase spoke very calmly, creating butterflies in the doctor's stomach. "But if you are busy we don't have to go."
"N-No!" Henrik squeaked out, embarrassing himself and sighed before he spoke again. "I'm not busy at all, ve can go out for lunch today, on me!"
Chase chuckled on the other end of the call. "You're funny doc, you don't have to be so nervous around me." He said trying to be reassuring, but he didn't realize how much the German wanted so badly to have him stay in his life. "But yeah! We can go for lunch! I'll see you then Hen!" Chase said excitedly before hanging up, leaving a lovesick doctor.
"Maybe I might be able to finally tell him at lunch today..Marvin says I need to be open or I may nevah have zhis chance again.." Henrik sighed softly to himself as he put the phone in his pocket and went on with what he was doing beforehand, helping Jackie finally clean his laundry.
"Uhm..thanks Henrik..again for your help. I really appreciate it." Jackie says, as he fiddled with the cast on his arm which prohibited what he could do around the house. "I can't even thank you enough for letting me stay here since I got kicked out of my apartment."
"Oh it's no issue at all Jackie!" Henrik smiled and looked over at the hero next to him. " You needed a place to stay, and who vould I be as a friend to say nein to you?" He gently pats Jackie on the back and started the washer for him.
~Timeskip~(I'm sorry)
As Henrik got ready for the mini lunch date with Chase, wait, would it be considered a 'date'? Henrik pulled his phone out and proceeded to text Chase to let him know when he'd be there. 'Hey Chase, I'm ready whenever you are, so I'll be there in around five minutes!'
Henrik got his shoes tied and walked out, locking the door behind him. Once he got to the area the two decided to meet up he noticed Chase talking to Marvin. He didn't want to pry so he waited patiently till the two were done speaking before he spoke to Chase. They didn't seem to notice Henrik being there as Marvin decided to ask a big question.
"So Chase, you interested in anybody?" Marvin said while taking a sip of an iced coffee he had in his hands. He glanced at Chase and smiled. Henrik couldn't help but start to listen to their conversation and find out if Chase did have a love interest.
"I guess so, but I don't think they feel the same way about me Marv. Kinda scared to tell them." Chase responded sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.
"Whoo~? Who is it?" Marvin giggled. "Male? Female? Any other gender?"
"It's uhm..actually a girl I met at the skatepark a few months ago." Chase smiled.
Henrik felt like his heart had been shattered in to a hundred tiny pieces hearing those words. He didn't say a word and walked back to his car where he began to break down sobbing heavily. He started the engine back up and left, leaving the area but had no courage to text Chase and cancel the plans. He didn't want Chase to think he was eavesdropping on his conversation. But he also didn't want to make Chase feel like he wasted his time so he decided to text Chase at the last red light he got to.
'Chase, I apologize but something came up, I won't be able to come. I really am sorry.'
When Henrik sent the message he waited impatiently for at least Chase to see the message or respond in any way. He turned his phone off after five minutes only to feel the buzz of a notification. Quickly looking at the message he felt his heart ache more.
'Oh, that's fine. Someone from the skatepark came by and asked if I wanted to go skating with them! It's funy cause I actually feel like she gets me more than anyone. If you want to reschedule for sometime this week let me know Hen!'
Henrik powered off his phone without a response. It was clear now that Chase did not have feelings for him, and it hurt to realize it. Henrik went to his room and locked himself inside, to cry. Henrik curled up in the corner, hugging himself. While he sat there his mind was filled with overwhelming thoughts, thoughts of how he'd never be able to have Chase and how he'd never love someone. Henrik knew they were true. He hated how they were true, but he knew he'd never have someone as nice as Chase. Just what he didn't like was how much having a crush this much was so painful. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he stayed curled up on the floor. This is what heartbreak felt like isn't it. Even if Chase didn't know it, this feels worse. His eyes began to close, becoming tired from crying so much; Henrik fell asleep on the floor, curled up in a ball.
#jse fanfiction#dr henrik von schneeplestein#chasebrody#jacksepticegos#angst with no comfort#angst no comfort#no comfort#schneeplebro#unrequited love#jackieboyman#marvin the magnificent
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Shhhh, they sleep. but keep the gacha chain a rollin
Letâs start a gacha chain!

So basically reblog this and add your main gacha oc and do you like my ocâs secondary look?
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AU Introduction
The following posts will be a brief description of the SCP researchers in my universe. And Iâll be adding one I made myself cause I am bored. The list will be as following:
- Bright/Myraid (made by https://www.tumblr.com/mattastr0phic)
- ClefÂ
- Kondraki
- Gears
- Iceberg
- Glass
- Gerald
- Crow
- Shaw(currently rewritting him myself as a completely new character)
- Original Character (their name is currently REDACTED for now)
#SCP Foundation#dr jack bright#jackbright#dr alto clef#alto clef#dr benjamin kondraki#benjamin kondraki#dr charles gears#drgears#charlesgears#dr iceberg#dr simon glass#simon glass#drgerald#dr kain pathos crow#dr crow#elias shaw#alternate universe#original character#dr myraid#drmyraid
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Terrors From the Past(JSE Schneeplebro Fanfic)
(TW!! Mentions of murder, blood, suicide, trauma, reoccuring nightmares ETC)
If I have missed something please let me know and I will add it to the list as soon as possible.
âI didnât mean to kill her. He made me do it. I wasnât in control; my body wasnât mine anymore. My mind wasnât in the right place.Those are not my thoughts, that isnât me. Iâm sorry Stacey..I am so sorry. Iâm sorry Grayson, Samantha..Iâm so..so sorry.â
Henrik stared at the blood stained scrap of looseleaf notebook paper that was crumpling in his shaking hands. His soft blue eyes peered over back at the wall to meet the pale lifeless eyes of the one he held close to him, his best friend, boyfriend, and soon to be fiance leaned against it. His eyes were filled with fear, as if he had seen the worst thing imaginable, but still went on until he mentally couldnât bare the pain. Henrikâs eyeâs burned with fresh tears forcing their way through; he squeezed his eyes shut and let out a pained whimper.Â
âChase..â The rush of emotions outweighed his efforts to surpress himself and he let out a choked sob as he clutched Chaseâs coat and brought him close to his chest. âYou told me you wouldnât leave me.. You promised!â His body shook as he heaved and sobbed heavily into the blood soaked jacket.
âYou failed him, good doctor,â Henrikâs eyes shot up, to meet the pitch black eyes of a familiar someone from a few years ago. The one who claimed the life of another friend, Antisepticeye. The glitch began to grin from ear to ear, wickedly sharp teeth bared as Chaseâs body suddenly vanished from Henrikâs view. The other began to panic as he frantically searched for his friendâs body. âHe trusted you, doctor,â Antiâs maniacal and distorted laughter echoed and filled the room, causing a loud piercing ring through the Germanâs ears, causing him to cover them and shut his eyes once more; his body collapsed onto his knees.Â
âSHUT UP!â The younger shouted, trying to block out the loud ringing in his ears and the distorted laughter around him that caused it. âYouâre the cause of this, of all this! And you know it!â
The other only continued. âYou left him when he so desperately needed you. So if anyone is to blame, it is you.â The glitch taunted him for what seemed like hours, until the room fell silent once more. Henrikâs eyes slowly began to open, and he glanced at where Anti once stood. There was nobody left. Even before the slightest bit of relief hit, the room began to glitch and contort into his own personal hell. The walls seeped thick black ooze that he could only compare to the blood that spilled each and every time he believed he had found a way to save the only friends he has ever known. The only family heâs ever known. The ringing had grown louder and more painful and he had to keep his ears covered to try and protect his hearing, if he wanted to make it through this.
âLeave me alone!â Henrik screamed at the void of nothingness, hoping that bastard could hear him. âGo away you asshole!â His voice cracked, and he could feel more warm salty tears fall from his face. He didnât waste any time, forcing himself up on two feet he darted straight for the door. It felt like a never ending hallway to get to, but apon finally reaching, the door wouldnât open. Antiâs sinister laughter started again, and the door vanished in front of the Germanâs teary eyes. A black clawed hand reached out and gripped Henrikâs throat, his grip tightened with every passing second. Henrik could only struggle as he felt his very life slowly slip from him.
âHenrik..!â The voice started so softly, gradually getting louder as time progressed; beginning to fill the room and soon it was like a miracle occured. âHenrik wake up!â
The doctor woke with a startled yelp, his grey-blue eyer scanning the surrounding area frantically. A clamy hand was put to his neck, as he tried to feel for any signs of attempted strangulation. Henrikâs eyes finally met the others, full of worry and concern.
âHen..â Chase put a hand on Henrikâs shoulder and pulled him closer. âare you okay?â There was no response from his partner, just silence as he stared at him as if he needed to process the others existance to keep himself sane. âPlease say something Henrik..youâre worrying me..â
The only words to escape him was his name.  âCh..Chase..â More warm tears forced their way out as he clung to his partner tightly and sobbed. âThank Gott..!!â The other did his best to comfort.
âHey..hey..â Chase gently squeazed his shoulder, attempting to ground him to help calm him down. âBreathe..deep breaths for me okay Baby Blue..?â The other snuggled closer to Chase, as if he was too afraid to let him go. âDo..you want to talk about it?â Henrik shook his head and clung tighter.Â
âNein..I..I donât want to think about itâ Henrik sniffled, his voice cracking still.
Chase only sighed and held him closer, pulling the covers over the two. âThatâs okay..you donât have to.â He placed a soft kiss on his boyfriends forehead and then cheek. âLetâs cuddle until you can fall asleep again okay?â Henrik nodded softly, and nuzzled Chaseâs chest.
Chase looked at the other, and noticed he was finally asleep. All he could do is smile as he kissed his forehead. âGoodnight Baby Blue..sweet dreams.â
#jse fanfiction#jacksepticegos#jacksepticeye fanfiction#chasebrody#staceybrody#dr henrik von schneeplestein#antisepticeye#schneeplebro#angst with comfort#twsuicide!
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Clef x Bright is still an OTP I do not care if Shaw exists. He gets KondrakiÂ
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Everyone reblog this now, everyone in the SCP foundation community needs to see this and take it into consideration
Tw talk of predatory behavior and admin bright. This is hopefully the last time I'll speak on this topic I've mentioned in some comments and reposted some but I want this to get the reach it deserves. DJ Kaktus also has allegations against him. No matter how you feel of the Bright situation please do not replace Dr Bright with Dr Shaw. Do not give another predator the popularity and the ability to victimize more people. Do not let what happened with Admin Bright happen again. DJ Kaktus doesn't care about victims he is trying to get more popularity don't. let. that. happen. If you care about victims if you don't want people to be SH and or SA talk about this tell people about this make this known! Tell everyone you know in the community! DO NOT STAY SILENT ABOUT THIS!
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What is Your Purpose?(JSE(Angus Irwin) Fanfic)
*First Person*
 I used to stay up too much, lost more and more sleep wondering what my purpose was. I wasnât like the others. I wasnât incredibly talented like Marvin or strong like Jackie and Anti. I wasnât that kind like Jameson neither was I as smart as Henrik. I was left there, alone when Jack left to go fend for the new âegosâ as they are called now. But what am I? I am not an ego, they barely know me. All they know is my voice, thats it. I hate it so much, I want to be known. I want to be heard. Itâs not fair.
*Third Person*
Angus watched from afar as the group of new egos were celebrating what would be their new years. The channel had reached subscribers to the millions. Everyone was there, Except for Angus. He climbed up into a tree and watched as everyone had fun and did their own thing. Tears burned his eyes as they welled, every laugh and playful gesture made his heart hurt. Itâs been too long since heâs felt some sort of love from his creator and surely wouldnât be anytime soon heâd feel it again. His tears finally fell when he squeezed his eyes shut and began to cry silently. Angus was tired, so very tired. So tired of being forgotten. âUhm..Hello..?â Angus quickly looked down and saw another ego. Heâs never seen this one on Jackâs channel, and highly doubted they even belonged to him. He was a little over five foot, but his arms, legs and some parts of his clothes and face were covered in ink. âMight I ask why are you upset..?â
âWhy do you care..? You donât need to know shit.â Angus came down and began to walk away from the building.Â
âWould..you like to come inside with me? My brothers and I are having a get together to celebrate something and Iâm sure theyâd be glad to meet youâ He persisted, and grabbed Angusâs arm; however his grip was soft, and not pressuring. Barely giving the Aussie any time to answer the ego brought him inside.Â
âWhy? None of them will notice meâ Angus murmurred.
âNonesense. They talk about someone just like you all the time. Heâs adventurous, and very brave. Not afraid to speak what he thinksâ The ego stopped at the door and turned to Angus, purring a hand on his shoulder. âItâs hard to realize at first just what it means to be an ego. Youâre one of us. And Jack hasnât forgotten, you always have a place here no matter what you think.â The ego opened the door and lead him in. Almost immediately Angus was tacked in a hug by a few of the others, happy that he was finally back. He felt like he was going to cry again, as much as he felt out of place, he can finally try and piece together what heâd been missing the entire time.
A purpose.
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New JSE AU???
A spell gone wrong and now the egos wonât be able to get out of this one. Because Marvin canât do it again, so theyâll have to learn how to get used to their new abilities and the new them!
(Jackie takes on Jamesonâs abilities and features)The first thing that was noticed, Jackie had lost most, if not all of his usual hero abilities and even his voice! But he gained Jamesonâs ability to form objects out of thin air like an old fashioned cartoon character, plus his speech boxes.Â
(BSE takes on Shawnâs abilities and features)Bingsepticeyesâ usual android body has somehow turned more cyborg than android. His normal emotionless body feels everything now and his usual programming had been stripped away. Instead it was replaced with the inky substance Shawn would have had. He had gained the ability to create living ink creatures if he wanted to.
(Anti takes on Robbieâs abilities and features)Anti had suddenly stopped glitching, but kept the distoring voice he originally had before the spell. His skin lost the green tint it used to have and was replaced with extremely pale skin with a purple-ish tint. He somehow has a more cannibalistic urge more than anything and is surprisingly stronger than he used to be.
(Shawn takes on Chaseâs abilities and features) Shawn had lost his inky body which was a relief for him. He hated the thing, but he also lost his creative ability. His legs still donât work as well as they should which causes excruciating pain that he finds alcohol can dull out. His alcohol craving procceeded to get worse at the point. Oh well, he learned how to do trickshots out of nowheare and skate finally.
(Marvin takes on Antiâs abilities and features) Marvin had lost his ability to do magic, which sucks as now its harder to reverse what had been done. However, he gained Antiâs green tinted skin and the ability to glitch as well as distort any electronical device. Also surprisingly he took on Antiâs amazing knife skills.
(Jameson takes on Henrikâs abilities and features) Jameson noticed his more quicker as he had finally gained a voice which delighted the dapper. However he gained the knowledge of anything medical and surprisingly can preform well so he gladly takes advantage of this gain.
(Henrik takes on Marvinâs abilities and features) Other than losing his ability to do anything medical he had gained Marvinâs magical knowlege and abilities. Having learned about this when he accidentally set his room on fire and couldnât put it out himself as he had no clue how to do so. In the meanwhile he ended up getting a bad burn on his left arm in which he requested any fireproofing in his room.
(Chase takes on Angusâs abilities and features) After the spell Chase had gained Angusâs incredible knowlege on any wildlife creature from land to aquatic to even air. He also gained Angusâs will for adventure and had actually surprisingly began leaving the house more often! He takes on some medical knowlege but not to the point of Jamieâs abilities and theyâre more risky than modernized medicine.
(Angus takes on Bingsepticeyeâs abilities and features) In the aftermath of the spell Angus now has BSEâs android like body and abilities. With the new body he can do quite a bit now but at the poor programmed state Bing was already he isnât as functional as he used to be.
(Robbie takes on Jackieâs abilities and features) Robbie had lost his canniblistic appitite and the purplish tint on his body, now to have the surprising powers of Jackie. Heâs much more faster than he used to be and twice as strong. If anything it made him more active than he was before
If anyone wants to draw them or anything to help with the designs of the AU that would be much appriciated!Â
#jacksepticegos#jseegos#jse au#newau#jacksepticeye#jackieboyman#marvin the magnificent#henrik von schneeplestein#chasebrody#jameson jackson#robbie the zombie#shawn flynn#angus the survival hunter#bingsepticeye#swapau#mixedau
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Whumptober Day 11 â911, whatâs your emergency?â
Fandom: Youtuber egos
Characters: Dr Henrik Von Schneeplestein, Dr Edward Iplier
Relationships: Schneeplier
Prompts: Sloppy Bandages + Makeshift Splint
Triggers: broken bones
It was a normal day for Edward at work. Everything seemed to be going smoothly, no accidents or stupid people. Just the occasional yelling at his nurse but that was normal in his case. That was until Henrik came in that day.Â
Usually there was no problem between the two, but for some reason he had been avoiding him ever since he came in. Refused to talk to him and wouldnât even be in the same room as his fellow doctor. This worried him greatly since Henrik never acted this way.Â
For the entire day Edward was only asking his co-workers on Henrik, to try and get some insight on why his partner was acting such way.Â
One of his coworkers came forward saying Henrik had been limping a lot when he thought nobody was looking and that he looked pained whenever he was trying to walk normally. That only seemed to worry him more as he went to Henrikâs office door and knocked.Â
âJa?â âHenrik, let me in.âÂ
Henrik sighed from inside the office. âEdward, no. Just stop asking alreadyâ Edward mumbled a little, knowing heâd regret this later but he needed to find out what was going on. He gripped the doorknob, since Henrikâs lock was broken anyway. âIâm coming inâ He sighed and came in.Â
Before Henrik could say a word Edward stopped him. âWhatâs going on Henrik? Itâs not nothing either. Youâve been avoiding me all day and now Iâm being told youâre limpingâÂ
Henrik looked away from him, as if he felt guilty for something. âFine. I got hurt okay, it isnât important anywayâ âThen get up if it isnâtâ
With that, Henrik did stand, only to nearly double over when the sharp pain shot through his injured leg. Edward picked him up and carried him to a room before checking his leg, much to Henrikâs refusal. âIs..Is this broken?â He asked. The ashamed look on the Germans face told him all he needed to know. âWhy didnât you tell me?â He questioned, still concerned and now worried that his partner was afraid to tell him anything.
âI didnât want you to worry for me, itâs not that important.â He mumbled, catching Edward off guard. âIf youâre using a makeshift splint and canât bandage it properly, I think itâs important..â Edward replied.Â
Henrik began to tear up, feeling guilty for not telling him but Edward gently wiped the tears away. âhey..itâs not youâre fault..lets get it properly taken care of, Iâll talk to the boss and see if we can leave earlyâ
#whumptober2022#whumptoberday11#911whatsyouremergency#sloppybandages#makeshiftsplint#jse egos#dr henrik von schneeplestein#markipler egos#dr edward iplier#jse fanfiction#markiplier fanfiction#schneeplier
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Headcannons for the JSE egos
Egos in order: Angus The Survival Hunter, Antisepticeye, Chase Brody, BSE, Henrik Von Schneeplestein, Jacques Septicque, Jackieboyman, Marvin the Magnificent, Jameson Jackson, Robbie the Zombie, Shawn Flynn, Marcus Brickley, S34N
Personality types
Angus: INTJ-A
Anti: ENTJ-A
Chase: ESFP-A
Henrik: INTP-T
Jacques: ISFP-A
Jackie: ENFJ-A
Marvin: ENFJ-T
Jameson: ENFP-T
Robbie: INTP-A
Shawn: ENTP-A
Marcus: ESFJ-T
Angus: Gay
Anti: DemiAroAce/Omni
Chase: Bisexual
BSE: AroAce(QueerPlatonic)
Henrik: Pansexual
Jacques: Polysexual/Polyam
Jackie: Bisexual
Marvin: Asexual-Polyromantic
Jameson: CupioAroAce/Omni
Robbie: Demiromantic/Asexual/Panromantic
Shawn: Omniromantic/Graysexual
Marcus: Unlabled
S34N: AroAce(QueerPlatonic)
Gender Identities
Angus: Demiboy
Anti: Genderfluid
Chase: Demiboy
BSE: Agender
Henrik: Questioning
Jacques: Bigender
Jackie: TransMasc Nonbinary
Marvin: TransFem Nonbinary
Jameson: Pangender
Robbie: Pangender
Shawn: Agender
Marcus: Questioning
S34N: Agender
Angus: He/It
Anti: She/He/It
Chase: He/They
BSE: It/They
Henrik: He/Xe
Jacques: Xe/Xir
Jackie: They/It
Marvin: She/They
Jameson: Any
Robbie: Any
Shawn: They/It
Marcus: He/They
S34N: It/Its
Favorite Music
Angus: I Donât Wanna Go - Alan Walker, Julie Bergan
Anti: Pit Of Vipers
Chase: Youâre Mine - Dagames
BSE: Who Is She? - I Monster
Henrik: Chaos - Mathea
Jacques: Teacherâs Pet - Melanie Martinez
Jackie: So Am I - Billie Eilish
Marvin: Tears of Gold - Faouzia
Jameson: Everything I Wanted - Billie Eilish
Robbie: On My Way - Alan Walker, Sabrina Carpenter
Shawn: Unholy - Sam Smith, Kim Petras
Marcus: Stranger - Neovaii
S34N: iRobot - Jon Bellion
Theme Songs
Angus: On My Way -Â Alan Walker, Sabrina Carpenter
Anti: Lonely -Â Alan Walker, Steve Aoki, ISAK, Omar Noir
Chase: Eeeaaaooo - Xguiz, Patricia Taxxon
BSE: Stand Out Fit In - ONE OK ROCK
Henrik: This is Love - Air Traffic Controller
Jacques: Happy Face - Jagwar Twin
Jackie: Donât Let Me Down - The Chainsmokers, Daya
Marvin: House of Memories - Panic! At the Disco
Jameson: Who Am I - Besomorph, RIELL
Robbie: Good In Me - Jon Bellion
Shawn: Devil on My Shoulder - Faith Marie
Marcus: Nothing Ever Changes - Nico Collins
S34N: Yellow - JubyPhonic
Bad Habits
Angus: Canât ask for help
Anti: Reacts on impulses
Chase: No boundaries
BSE: Timidness
Henrik: Jumping to conclusions based off of paranoia
Jacques: Lack of self esteem
Jackie: Reckless
Marvin: Cannot say no
Jameson: People Pleaser
Robbie: ArrogantÂ
Shawn: Can be too bluntly honest
Marcus: Socially AwkwardÂ
S34N: Very serious
Angus: Has actually taught himself morse code
Anti: Is basically the tech nerd of the group, can detect a manipulatorÂ
Chase: Actually very sneaky when he needs to be and a good liar
BSE: Easily mistaken for a sweetheart but can easily be an asshole
Henrik: Slightly clumsier than he seems, hates being touched by anyone he doesnât trust
Jacques: Sometimes doubts himself a lot
Jackie: Made his suit himself from the cape, mask, and jumpsuit he was given for christmasÂ
Marvin: Can do magic, acts like he canât
Jameson: Has flipped Anti off several times
Robbie: Not fully decaying and can actually think for himself
Shawn: Actually has a whole bunch of stuffed animals
Marcus: Goes non verbal a lot so uses either sign or notecards
S34N: loves any true crime shows
#jse egos#jse au#angus the survival hunter#antisepticeye#chasebrody#bingsepticeye#henrik von schneeplestein#jacques torres#jackieboyman#marvin the magnificent#jameson jackson#robbie the zombie#shawn flynn#marcusbrickley#S34N
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Whumptober Day 10 Poor Unfortunate Souls
Fandom: Youtuber Egos
Characters: Henrik + Anti
Relationships: N/A
Prompt: Taser
Triggers: Torture, restraining
The sounds of cuffs could be heard as Henrikâs hands were cuffed behind him, around a metal pole. He couldnât see a thing, a blindfold, or something that seemed like such was covering his eyes. His throat felt dry, as he hadnât had anything to drink for a couple days. He felt hands grab him and straighten him up while his ankles were tied together and also, to the pole. The glitchy laughter of his captor could be heard all around him but he couldnât pinpoint exactly where he was.
Suddenly a shock was released onto his leg, making his bottom half slightly tense up as he yelped out in pain. He couldnât move that leg and he started to struggle. Another shock was released onto his neck causing him to struggle, opening his mouth to scream but nothing came out of him.Â
The blindfold was ripped off Henrikâs face, his glasses falling off as well as he struggled to make out the figure in front of him. The room was dark and gloomy, making it difficult to see whoever was there. Then there was a flicker of the electricity from a taser. The last of the color that was his face drained, he was pale. Antiâs glitching form illuminated when the electricity showed itself. That wicked grin was surely something to fear when youâre restrained and unprotected. He had endured the most part of Antiâs torment for weeks with no hope of an escape which made him all the more afraid.Â
Anti gripped Henrik by the throat and pressed the taser onto his side and grinned as the german below him screamed out and squirmed as the volts of electricity coarsed through his body. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he felt himself wanting to cry. The taser was finally moved away, tears now streaming down his face as he went limp for a second. His chest felt tight and he was heaving more and more.Â
Again, the shocks happened onto his side once more. And yet again another scream of agony was released from Antiâs victim.
This kind of torment continued for hours on end, Henrikâs body slightly convulsing as he screamed and cried for help but to no avail.Â
By the end of this, he was uncuffed and untied, his body collapsing from pure exhaustion due to this kind of treatment. He heaved, coughing, feeling sick to his stomach now as he struggled to stand. Anti mearily cackled and walked out of the room as Henrik began to reach and search for his glasses which were still not retrieved. But his body was in too much pain to move that far, so he eventually gave up and curled up on the cold cement floor he resided on.
The only noises that came from him were quiet sniffles and soft choked sobs as he felt like heâd just snap and wind up bashing his skull against the wall or the floor. As much as he wanted to, he swore to himself he wouldnât let the others find him dead, heâd fight. If not for himself, for the others. For Joline and Emma.
For Jack..
#whumptober2022#whumptoberday10#poor unfortunate souls#taser#jse fanfiction#jseegos#antisepticeye#dr henrik von schneeplestein
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Whumptober Day 9 The Very Noisy Night
Fandom: Youtuber Egos
Characters: Jackieboyman + Henrik Von Schneeplestein
Relationships: (platonic) Superdrug
Triggers: N/AÂ
Prompt: Sleeping in Shifts + Tossing and Turning
This may not be as âangstyâ as I planned but I honestly liked the story
Jackie opened up the window closest to his room. It was midnight and the door was locked, per usual, so the only way inside the house was through the bedroom windows which most were locked; well, all of them were locked, except his window which he never locked just in case stuff like this were to happen. He decided to do this, since heâd started to go out and be out later and later. Only coming home and falling asleep for four hours before he had to go out again.
Little did Jackie know that there was also another person was also in the same situation as he. Just as he got inside and closed the window, he heard someone enter the house. He quickly changed and walked downstairs to see Henrik walk in at the same time.Â
âYou just got here Hen?â Jackie asked, only getting a couple sleepy mumbles in return as Henrik just crashes on the couch. Jackie decided heâd just head up to bed before he gets even more exhausted.
Throughout the night Jackie found himself unable to rest at all. He was tossing and turning for almost two hours straight so just laid there, staring at the ceiling while waiting for the time to pass so he could go out and hopefully wear himself out more before the next night. Maybe then he could get some sleep. But, it didnât seem to work out in his favor, the time seemed to go slower and slower as each hour came. Almost as if time was slowing to a stop.
He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes softly and went downstairs to make some of Marvins tea. Marvin would make a certain kind of tea that could put even Henrik himself to sleep. Which itself was a challenge when Henrik was trying to be busy but easy for Marvin any time. While sitting atop a stool he used, he just stared at the stove, his eyelids starting to grow heavy as he waited. Jackie had been too tired, he didnât even notice that he never turned the stove on. His eyelids kept growing heavier as he finally shut them, entering a blissful sleep.
Morning soon rolled by and the others found Jackie asleep still by the counter, his head rested in his arms next to the burner.
#whumptober2022#whumptoberday9#the very noisy night#sleepinginshifts#tossingandturning#jse fanfiction#jseegos#jackieboy man#dr henrik von schneeplestein
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