trxsh3banditt · 1 year
Clef x Bright is still an OTP I do not care if Shaw exists. He gets Kondraki 
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janusrw · 5 years
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A demon is born. - #cineruma #prometheus #alien #ridleyscott #hrgiger #giger #deacon #engineers #blackgoo #lv223 #drshaw #xenomorph https://www.instagram.com/p/BshqR9xHWD-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ogkib384jnrs
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therecordnerd · 7 years
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Hey ho Lets go! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #heyholetsgo #theramones #ramones #ramonesforever #drshaw #blitzkriegbop
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reddladysinc · 7 years
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#regram via @drshaws . . . "Visit my blog by clicking on link on profile description. You will find latest news and tips for weight loss and updated regularly so please click on link in profile description ==>> #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #extremeweightloss #needtoloseweight #weightwatchers #fatloss #slimmingworld #fitness #healthy #diet #exercise #trainandtransform #loseweightfast #fitnessforlife #fitnessgoals" http://bit.ly/2kf4uVn
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mchartforever · 9 years
I was tagged by lucindadixon- thank you! (:
One song: Sara Bareilles: I Choose You - because it's the first McHart song that came on my playlist today
Two movies: this is haaard! I'll go with Mamma Mia and Into the Woods, let's say it's the first two that came to my mind :P
Three shows: The Good Wife, Desperate Housewives, Gilmore Girls 
Four People: let's stick to fangirling here too - Christine Baranski, Bebe Neuwirth, Brenda Strong, Dana Delany
Five foods: not this one please, I still have 2 weeks from my 10 week diet! but if I must answer: chocolate, pancakes, chicken soup, fruits,  gyros
Six people to tag: only if you want to do it of course - drshaw  deelylah-sedai kiki1788 pinkywoman morticiasgrandromance   strangeindifference
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martotheavenger · 10 years
I nailed it! I fucking nailed that exam!
Got an A, full A! That means now I only have to pass the language exam, which shouldn't be too hard. And then I'm in! And I'll have 3 amazing years acquiring doctor's degree! It's gonna be fucking wonderful.
God, I needed a win so badly! This is perfect, just perfect!
Also, thank you for wishing me luck and actually caring. You are the best, the absolute best!
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breighdionne · 10 years
Now I'm on my way to turn up with this guy: #DrShaw #MyBigBrother #Congrats #turnup #nowbye #imLate Music: Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass
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janusrw · 5 years
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Work in progress... But is 3 Am and i need to sleep. - #rubenmr #wip #prometheus #ridleyscott #drshaw #enginners #hope #traditional_art https://www.instagram.com/p/BtagLG4H2DC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=daxexdrvw3hc
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ineffablecolors · 11 years
Hi! I tagged you
yay! thanks, honey!
I was tagged ❤
Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger has set for you in their posts, then make 10 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag how many people you want and link them in your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
I was tagged by janeburnhams
Questions for me: 
What are your top 3 ships, from any TV show? - Spike and Buffy(BtVS) Killian Jones and Emma Swan (OUAT) Chandler and Monica Bing (Friends)
What is your favorite holiday? - Christmas for sure!
Which Character do you associate most with yourself? - wow! I... don't really. But I admire Spike and recently Emma and Killian so I kinda WANT to associate myself with them?
Who is the most flawless human being? - TIE! James Marsters and Colin O'Donoghue! How do these fuckers ever EXIST???!
Who is your biggest tumblr fan? - *goes to check* baconpirates! all the love, hun! :)) tagging you on this, btw :D
Who do you talk to the most on tumblr? - humm, i dunno really... drshaw and shewhohangsoutincemeteries (THE BUFFY TO MY SPIKE!) maybe? tagging you guys too! :D my CS shipmates?!
If you could be any character for the day, who would you be? - Oh, wow, probably Emma Swan
…and what would you do? - Bang Captain Hook... I'm sorry was I supposed to be subtle about this?
At what age do you think you’ll stop blogging? - don't think I will completely. At times I slow down, at times I pick it up but I will always have a tumblr, livejournal, instagram or SOMETHING I think.
Are there any fandoms you wish you could be a part of, but you never get around to actually watching the show? - Not really. I'm not much for being part of fandoms, more just about watching the show. I was only in the Whedon fandom(and mostly on LJ) and mostly 'cause of whedonland and I'm now on the Captain Swan fandom aka THE MOST AMAZING PEOPLE IN THE WORLD! And I've never really loved being in a fandom till I met my shipmates and now I'm totally satisfied with them :D
Questions for you: 
What country do you desperately want to visit?
Which band do you wanna hear live before you die?
Which character would you travel the world with?
Do you believe in happily ever afters?
Top 5 boy crushes?
What is the scene that ALWAYS make you cry?
Which character do you want to see happy more than anything else?
Do you wanna bang on a pirate ship? (things were getting too serious)
Favorite turn on?
10 favorite blogs?
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apprenticemockingbird · 11 years
Belated Happy Birthday! :)
It’s a actually today, so no worries :D
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mchartforever · 9 years
10 Favorite Characters
I was tagged by lucindadixon (thank you!)
I'm going to stick with TV shows, that gives me numerous possibilities already,
1. Diane Lockhart - The Good Wife (no surprise there)
2. Ann Ryland Ewing - Dallas (the other character I enjoy writing about too)
3. Nadine Tolliver - Madam Secreatry (my newest favorite character)
4. Katherine Mayfair - Desperate Housewives (I loved Lynette and Bree too, but Katherine was always the favorite)
5. Maryann Thorpe - Cybill (the role that made me fall in love with Christine many years ago)
the next 5 are in no particular order
6. Emily Gilmore - Gilmore Girls
7. C.J. Cregg - The West Wing
8. Red - Orange is the New Black
9. Jessica Pearson - Suits
10. Gill Murray - Scott and Bailey (I'm currently binge watching S&B, just started s4 and adore Gill so much, so I had to mention her)
And the list goes on:
Kathryn Kennish (Switched at Birth), Marsha Bickner (Welcome to New York), Lilith Sternin-Crane (Cheers), Cricket Caruth-Reilly (GCB), Helena Peabody (The L Word), Judge Roberta Kittleson (The Practice), Kelly Peterson (Blue Bloods), Blair and Eleanor Waldorf (Gossip Girl)
and I've probably forgotten so many other awesome ladies
I tag drshaw deelylah-sedai ilovejacksparrow44 pinkywoman chris2345th tswsots lifeisshortdrinkgoodwine lovegoodwifefanstuff
if you haven't done it yet and anyone else who wants to do it. :)
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martotheavenger · 10 years
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If you think there's a better comic con t-shirt in the world, you're just wrong.
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onionjulius · 11 years
drshaw asked: Petyr Baelish
"My Playmate" by John Greenleaf Whittier └ Petyr Baelish, A Song of Ice and Fire
The lilies blossom in the pond, The bird builds in the tree, The dark pines sing on Ramoth hill The slow song of the sea. I wonder if she thinks of them, And how the old time seems,- If ever the pines of Ramoth wood Are sounding in her dreams. I see her face, I hear her voice; Does she remember mine? And what to her is now the boy Who fed her father's kine? What cares she that the orioles build For other eyes than ours,- That other hands with nuts are filled, And other laps with flowers? O playmate in the golden time! Our mossy seat is green, Its fringing violets blossom yet, The old trees o'er it lean. The winds so sweet with birch and fern A sweeter memory blow; And there in spring the veeries sing The song of long ago. And still the pines of Ramoth wood Are moaning like the sea,- The moaning of the sea of change Between myself and thee!
It's even longer. One day I'll find a poem for Littlefinger that isn't about his romantic obsessions, but TBH there are like 1000000 poems in western literature that are about Littlefinger's romantic obsessions.
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thegoodlannister · 12 years
drshaw replied to your post: can I just say how tired I am of people assuming...
i love this post so much. sticking to the facts and disregarding the circumstances and people’s background doesn’t make anyone just and fair, only a self-righteous asshole.
yes this is exactly how I feel.  EMOTIONS HAPPEN DEAL WITH IT <3
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janusrw · 6 years
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Its us, its all. #prometheus #alien #spacejockey #davidslab #davidsdiary #god #drshaw #weylandcorp #weylandyutani #engineers #ridleyscott #hrgiger #giger #alienfan #alienfans #lv223
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drmelfi · 12 years
"No, let it be! My record can handle it." she said as she helped Amanda out of her bloodstained uniform.
Thank you so much
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