djkerr · 3 days
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Ms Lockhart. Emily's List, is that right?
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It is, Your Honor. Hello.
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GIF cred: deelylah-sedai
TGW 02x18 Killer Song
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themirokai · 2 years
POI 03x01: Liberty
Season 3! I have thoughts! Here we go!
So my initial reaction was, and my notes say that I love Shaw. And I do, but then I started thinking about her more and realized that her main role seems to be A Badass Who Is Not Like Other Girls And Does Quips.
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(This is one of those gifs that I’ve seen a million times and it was super fun to encounter “in the wild.” But also, “Look! She eats her steak on a knife! She’s not like other girls! She’s a badass!”)
Previously the role of Badass Who Quips was filled by John. And while he’s still that, we now know him as a more nuanced deeply traumatized character which makes him so much more interesting. I guess my hope is that we get more background on Shaw so that she is fleshed out more than this.
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ALSO? Y’all I have seen a huge number of fics which refer to her medical training and have the boys going to her for treatments but it seems like her only qualification is that she’s been shot a lot???
I am very interested in what seems to be The Machine taking Root and saying “I can fix her.”
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BUT I do feel like exploring the new(ish) characters is coming at the expense of sidelining Carter.
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GIF by @eyesofwitt Original
She got busted down to beat cop! She’s still going after HR but not telling John and Harold about it! That is interesting! I want more. I know John checked in on her (in the most cursory way possible) but it seems super weird to me that Harold, who is an empathetic and caring person, has seemingly not reached out to her.
ALSO has Harold not noticed that his chess buddy Elias is no longer in jail?? That seems like something he would care about!
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GIF by @deelylah-sedai Original
It does seem incredibly unlikely that Harold doesn’t know the circumstances behind John’s enlistment. He knows everything about John right? Is there later canon on this that I should be aware of if- ahem- there were to be some forthcoming fan fic?
And finally… look they are clearly on a date at the end:
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GIF by @deelylah-sedai Original
Friends, pals, it is Extremely Distressing to me that apparently no one has written fic of this beer date! And while I make absolutely no promises, I have been Thinking Thoughts about such a fic.
Anyway, come tell me what you thought of this episode or if you disagree with my takes!
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tswsots · 5 years
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Share your screenshots 
I was tagged by @lesbianishstuff to post my lock screen, home screen, and last song played. Thank you! 
Lock screen: That’s a palace outside Salzburg, Austria, visited on a freezing cold day in December, 2016
Home screen: That’s the Pont du Gard, a famous aqueduct near where I used to live in France
Last song listened to (on my phone, anyway): “Follow Me” from Camelot
Tagging: let’s see if any of you are still out there… @justlikethistrain, @deelylah-sedai, @neverlendbooks, @psychrophile, @wardengrill
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witzseeker-blog · 9 years
Rachel Duncan or Helena? And: Scott&Bailey or Major Crimes?
ouch, that is tough. okay:
Rachel Duncan or Helena: i really love them both. and they oddly have a lot in common, having their childhood and development basically hijacked by ‘evil’ forces (corporate and religious, respectively). funnily it took me longer to fall in love with Helena than it did with Rachel. i’m gonna go with Helena by a tiny margin.
Scott&Bailey or Major Crimes: i love MC, i really do, but the latest developments are terribly upsetting and i’m not even sure i wanna continue watching. i’ll go with Scott & Bailey - great show and lots of awesome ladies!
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mchartforever · 9 years
I was tagged by lucindadixon- thank you! (:
One song: Sara Bareilles: I Choose You - because it's the first McHart song that came on my playlist today
Two movies: this is haaard! I'll go with Mamma Mia and Into the Woods, let's say it's the first two that came to my mind :P
Three shows: The Good Wife, Desperate Housewives, Gilmore Girls 
Four People: let's stick to fangirling here too - Christine Baranski, Bebe Neuwirth, Brenda Strong, Dana Delany
Five foods: not this one please, I still have 2 weeks from my 10 week diet! but if I must answer: chocolate, pancakes, chicken soup, fruits,  gyros
Six people to tag: only if you want to do it of course - drshaw  deelylah-sedai kiki1788 pinkywoman morticiasgrandromance   strangeindifference
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presidentlauraroslin · 10 years
For the 40 Questions for Fic Writers Meme: 29., please :o)
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?Oh Gods...well there is this really long, really well-written BSG AU where Laura was the Commander and Bill the President and he has cancer. And it was so good, but it;s unfinished. It stops somewhere in season 3. I would love to be able to finish that. Not that I have the talent to be able to do that. 
I'm sure there are other unfinished fics that I would love to see finished. But most of those writers are just so good. It's way out of my league to even think about doing it for them. 
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djkerr · 14 days
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GIF cred: deelylah-sedai
It worked.
TGW 02x13 Real Deal
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themirokai · 2 years
POI 02x22: God Mode
Hello! I’m here with some thoughts on and reactions to God Mode. It was great! Lots going on.
Reese trying to get The Machine to just stop fucking around and give him Finch already.
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Yeah, I’m completely sold: I love Shaw.
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Also love when she says that Bear is the only reason she’s is sticking around.
Ooh! A thing I wondered while watching Proteus (did anyone see that post?) was whether Harold’s glasses were actually prescription. I guess based on the interaction with Root and The Machine they are. While it seems pretty unlikely that The Machine would be able to find glasses with Harold’s prescription (and style!) a few yards away and easily stealable seconds after being asked (computer science magical realism!), it’s even less likely that those glasses would be fake.
This was really funny:
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The shooting at the wedding was hilarious! (A sentence which, taken out of context, is rather eye-popping.)
Well this is iconic.
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I almost wished that the Carter & Elias story line was in a different episode. Carter realizing/deciding that the police have failed her and going to save Elias is such a huge moment for her. And there was so much going on in this episode that I feel like that story couldn’t get the attention it deserved.
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GIF by @deelylah-sedai Original
The ferry bombing was something that I knew was coming from fandom and it was interesting to see it actually happen but it may not have packed the same emotional punch as if I had watched it cold.
Ok and a few gif-less observations from the Big Empty Room scene.
- John’s very first question is whether Harold is ok. 😍
- Harold tells John that he didn’t involve him in the virus thing because he was AGAIN trying to use John as the contingency. Harold! That doesn’t work! John is always going to prioritize saving you!
- Great moment: when Hersh turns the gun on Special Counsel and his reaction is just “Fair enough.”
Aaaand the Rinchy goodness of the ending. John offering to take a pay cut and presumably be less involved with Harold. Harold completely dismissing that idea out of hand. And just … LOOK AT THEM!
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GIF by @mdtome Original
So Much Affection there. Ugh.
Thoughts you’d like to share on God Mode? Other POI or Rinch stuff? Anything else? Come say hi!
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themirokai · 3 years
POI 02x13: Dead Reckoning Part 2
I previously posted 5 things about Dead Reckoning over here, but now it’s time to talk about The Rooftop Scene.
I don’t have 5 things for this. It was amazing. The writing was fantastic. The acting was superb.
@cowboymulder ‘s post on this scene is very good and I co-sign it in its entirety.
First there is this exchange with Carter and Fusco on John’s way to the rooftop.
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GIF by @deelylah-sedai Original
He thanks them (both of them, even Fusco). He’s not just sacrificing himself for some faceless concept of “civilians.” It’s for his friends and their kids.
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GIF by @gallifreyan-detective Original
Harold’s bravery.
John’s desperation to keep him safe.
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GIFs by @mementomcri Original
John’s look in the 3rd GIF. If that’s not love I don’t know what is. Can you read it as platonic love? Sure. But I sure as heck don’t.
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GIF by @benedictinlove Original
John doesn’t want to die. He’s not indifferent to his fate and this isn’t just about Harold’s safety. He wants to go back to his life.
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GIF by @benedictinlove Original
Palpable relief. Like you can feel Harold’s exhale in your own chest. Damn.
Finally, this ficlet by @photonromance is a superb follow up. (Note: NSFW)
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themirokai · 3 years
POI 02x10: Shadow Box
Buckle up my beloved buttercups. This one was A Ride and I have a lot to say. Let’s get to it.
1. I’ve seen so many GIFs and stills of this scene that encountering it in the wild so to speak is totally thrilling.
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GIF by @deelylah-sedai Original
And I’m sure everyone and their brother has made this observation but “It’s your turn to dry him” means that this is something they do together with some frequency!! I just love that hint that they have an entire domestic life that we don’t see. So much room for fan fic.
Also “he’s your dog, Mr. Reese,” sounds a lot like me describing our kid to The Husband as “your daughter” when she’s being particularly stubborn.
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GIF by @gallifreyan-detective Original
Which, a) 😍🥰☺️ but b) I literally wrote in my notes* “something bad is going to happen”.
Me, to John:
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Never admit you’re happy when you’re the protagonist of a TV show!
* Yes I take notes, these posts take effort, shuddup.
Carter: Do you listen to all of my conversations?
Reese: More or less. You’re looking nice, Carter. Maybe this Cal Beecher would be good for you too. So long as he treats you right. He messes with you he’ll be hearing from me.
Carter: Okay, alright, look. We’re going to have to set some boundaries here.
Reese: Well, sure. Things get heavy with you and Cal, we’ll tune out right away.
There is, of course, the fantastic sibling energy here. But I am loving the implication that John and Harold listen to Carter together. Like instead of having the tv or music playing while they’re eating dinner together, they just have Carter’s wiretap on in the background. (See also point 1 about off camera domesticity.)
The whole act of the show that starts after Harold leaves the “charity.” (Yeah we’re counting this all together to keep the post to 5 things)
- John asks Harold what the armed guys talking to Chapple look like.
Harold: Like you, to be honest - low key and vaguely menacing.
A+ description of John.
- Excellent commentary and screenshots here.
But I would like to call out some of my favorite lines from this as well…
- John, on hearing that Harold intends to break into a shady charity at night, alone: When I said you needed to get out more I didn’t mean that. Let me take care of it.
And the next time John tries to ask Harold on a date he is going to make it crystal clear that he means Harold should get out with him to a nice restaurant or a baseball game!
- John: Finch get out now. I’m on my way to you, please just walk away now Finch.
“Please”. He is pleading with Harold to get safety!
- Look at the total fear on this man’s face! He has lost Harold once to Root and he is TERRIFIED of it happening again.
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GIF by @benedictinlove Original
- Shayne: If you hurt her you’ll be sorry.
John: Same goes for you and my friend.
Shayne, you are speaking with John Reese who will go completely fucking feral if you harm one hair on Harold’s head.
- So listen, Shayne and Abby hugged and kissed when they were reunited and the camera was on them for a minute. All I’m saying is that we don’t know what John and Harold were doing in that minute. Maybe John crushed Harold in a hug? Maybe Harold touched John’s face and assured him that he was really alright? Maybe they kissed? As far as I’m concerned canon is as silent on the matter as it is on their dog washing history.
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GIF by @gifsontherun Original
John’s look at Harold in that last GIF is one part “Don’t you dare do anything dangerous ever again” and one part “Harold likes a motorcycle. I have a motorcycle.”
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GIF by @cocoabuffster Original
Just beat me about the head with a spoon. I have nothing to say. I am dead now. I have perished. Tell my child I love her.
MUSICAL NOTES (a new feature of this series inspired by a wonderful Anon!)
Man, has there ever been a more raw, visceral “we are fucked” song than “Gimme Shelter”?
Also, everyone needs to watch the documentary 20 Feet From Stardom in which Merry Clayton talks about being pulled out of bed in the middle of the night while pregnant to sing “Rape! Murder!” and then giving one of the most iconic vocal performances in the history of rock n roll.
Side note: I stg there was a scene in which Harold is wearing a waistcoat with a really subtle leopard print silk backing. It’s not the dog washing scene. I cannot for the life of me find a picture of it. If anyone can find me photographic evidence of this magnificence you will have my undying gratitude and … I don’t know … some fandom-related boon TBD.
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themirokai · 3 years
POI 02x07: Critical
Another good filler episode. No backstory this time but nuggets of the bigger Snow & Kara arc. Here’s five things.
1. Joint Rinch sassiness with Leon.
Harold: Please don’t touch any of my computer equipment.
John: If you do the dog will kill you.
Leon: Great, what am I supposed to do for entertainment?
Harold: It’s a library, Mr. Tao. Try reading a book. Oh! Here’s a start.
Hands him a copy of penal law.
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GIF by @deelylah-sedai Original
2. Harold in a hospital.
“Even if I did have a phobia, now would not be the time for it.” 🥺 Harold!
But then smacking Evil Nurse with the light! And making it through open heart surgery! He is the best.
3. Excellent Bear content. I mean, I always want more Bear content but him taking commands from Harold on speakerphone was awesome.
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GIF by @pip-kom-poikru Original
Good boy deserves those noodles.
4. When John is convincing Amy to trust him he tells her that he knows which bakery she goes to for pastries and says that he thinks they use too much butter. Things about this:
A. John, instead of having a “food is fuel” or just “sweet thing = yum” mentality, is thinking critically about pastries he’s eating.
B. He also has a refined enough palate and enough of a knowledge of the intricacies of baking that he can identify that the thing he doesn’t like as the amount of butter used. That is an Advanced Pastry Opinion.
C. John has clearly catalogued that bakery as the “too much butter place,” which means he has tried lots of bakeries. Do we think he brings Harold pastry from a different bakery every morning? Or do we think he’s found a few that he approves of and cycles through those? Oooh do we think he’s baked for Harold??
5. The Husband, talking about Leon: New member of the team!
Me: Nope.
The Husband: How do you know?
Me: Fandom.
Side note: Hey have you checked out the Rinch Fest 2021 collection yet? There’s some great stuff in there!
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themirokai · 3 years
POI 01x20: Matsya Nyaya
Carter: Yeah? He’s right here with me.
Finch: Oh thank god. I tracked your phone to a hospital but I didn’t know.
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(Also? I see that bright purple tie, Harold.)
And then
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GIF by @deelylah-sedai Full set here
Reese: You’re getting pretty good at this, Lionel.
Fusco: I was always good at this. That’s why you picked me, remember?
Fusco Appreciation!!
Also …
Reese: Are you there, Finch?
Finch: Always.
As of this post there are 3,394 Harold Finch/John Reese fics on AO3. How many of them contain a version of this exchange? 3,000? 2,000?
Side note: Harold’s jaunty tartan (?) vest.
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mchartforever · 9 years
15,30,52, 55
15. Favorite song?It changes often, but let’s say it’s Pink’s ’True Love’, because that’s my ringtone. But ’Could I Leave You’ from Follies is my current favorite.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?Just one, it’s also very thin, I can’t sleep on big pillows.
52. Favorite food?Food is the one thing I shouldn’t talk about today (It’s apples&water day, if I survive. There’s a slight chance I’ll hate apples by tomorrow.) but since you asked: I love all sorts of meat and chocolate in various forms, I love pancakes and chicken soup. And now I’m hungry!
55. Most used phrased?I’m afriad I’m unable to answer that because I have no idea
Thank you for asking (:
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mchartforever · 9 years
10 Favorite Characters
I was tagged by lucindadixon (thank you!)
I'm going to stick with TV shows, that gives me numerous possibilities already,
1. Diane Lockhart - The Good Wife (no surprise there)
2. Ann Ryland Ewing - Dallas (the other character I enjoy writing about too)
3. Nadine Tolliver - Madam Secreatry (my newest favorite character)
4. Katherine Mayfair - Desperate Housewives (I loved Lynette and Bree too, but Katherine was always the favorite)
5. Maryann Thorpe - Cybill (the role that made me fall in love with Christine many years ago)
the next 5 are in no particular order
6. Emily Gilmore - Gilmore Girls
7. C.J. Cregg - The West Wing
8. Red - Orange is the New Black
9. Jessica Pearson - Suits
10. Gill Murray - Scott and Bailey (I'm currently binge watching S&B, just started s4 and adore Gill so much, so I had to mention her)
And the list goes on:
Kathryn Kennish (Switched at Birth), Marsha Bickner (Welcome to New York), Lilith Sternin-Crane (Cheers), Cricket Caruth-Reilly (GCB), Helena Peabody (The L Word), Judge Roberta Kittleson (The Practice), Kelly Peterson (Blue Bloods), Blair and Eleanor Waldorf (Gossip Girl)
and I've probably forgotten so many other awesome ladies
I tag drshaw deelylah-sedai ilovejacksparrow44 pinkywoman chris2345th tswsots lifeisshortdrinkgoodwine lovegoodwifefanstuff
if you haven't done it yet and anyone else who wants to do it. :)
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witzseeker-blog · 9 years
Alison Hendrix or Sharon Raydor?
are you trying to kill me?!
only because i'm kinda unhappy with how the writers are treating Sharon now, i'll say Alison Hendrix. but personality wise, Sharon Raydor, of course. i mean, i adore Alison but we all know she's a terrifying psycho ))
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mchartforever · 9 years
Got tagged by deelylah-sedai thank you! (:
Tea or coffee?
Tea, I don't like coffee, I just drink it, but I LOVE tea, all sorts of tea
Autumn or spring?
Spring, I hate winter, love when it's over
Paris or London?
London, I can't wait to go back there! (Paris was beautiful too though)
Blondes or Brunettes?
Brunettes...or blonds...idk, does it really matter? :D
Tan or pale?
pale, I keep saying it will come back to fashion :D
Hugs or kisses?
Money or fame?
Cats or dogs?
Neither, I'm not a pet person and I'm allergic
Tag 10 people:
cgadziko mychemicalroslin morticiasgrandromance drshaw lifeisshortdrinkgoodwine if you haven't done it yet and anyone else who wants to do it
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