#wait then afterwards we went to see fun home
pinkponygrl · 4 months
making plans for pride and thinking back to my first pride. where i brought a SIGN that i MADE that said “boys love boys and girls” from boys/boys/girls by patd with the bi pride flag in the background .
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maggot-baggage · 5 months
Going through my drafts and i realize i never posted that update about this date i had with this guy last august
#it was a SO FUN but also a complete disaster#i feel bad bc like the first two dates went really well and i was feelin him but i was still like. really not doing good#bc of my job and still getting used the grief at the time so i eas exhausted and trying so hard to mask#anyway that third date we had i was tired i was hurting everywherte for no reason i eas grouchy and yes he still put up with me#which was moreso his anxiety ramping up at my avoidance but we laughed about it later#we were supposed to see a movie but the outdoor theatre he took me to was 4 hours away from my apartment. i didnt bring my phone charger#bc i thought it was the one 30 minutes away so my shit died in the middle of the drive back home. his did too. we were officially lost 4 hrs#away from the city bc we were using google maps up til then. so we were talking otw to the nearest gas station (it was 1am atp)#and i was like Dude im so sorry but i dont think this is gonna work and he was so relieved bc he didnt either#plus he planned to move like a few months later n i wanted sumn a lil longer so we ended up just beim friends afterwards#which was cool bc he was a genuinely neat dude! but we were still lost btw and it was almost 2 so we like#had to share a charger in his minivan charging port and wait til our phones had enough juice to run google again#it was like 5am by the time i got back home i had work later that night and i barely got any sleep#*** if youre out there i hope youre doing ok#i say this like i dont have his snap actually i should hit him up sometime#anyway#mag.txt
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pitchsidestories · 3 months
coming home II Guro Reiten x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1190
summary: Guro and you can't wait to be reunited again after you both were away with your Norwegian and Swedish national team.
a/n: Hi, it's inspired by this request here, we hope you have fun with this little, fluffy oneshot.
“Earth to Guro.”, Caroline Graham Hansen spoke visibly frustrated to her fellow Norwegian teammate who was typing and smiling at her phone, but not taking any notice of the rest of the group which was very unlike her.
It was a beautiful day in their home country and yet Guro wished herself back to the rainy streets of London, where you and her would lay in your shared bed, listening to the noise the raindrops made against the large windows.  
“Huh?”, she glanced puzzled at the Barcelona player.
“We’re here.”, Caroline reminded her.
“Sorry, just texted my..”, the Chelsea forward started to apologize.
Maren who was the most familiar with her and the smile she had on her lips while thinking about you interrupted her softly:” Your girlfriend? You’ll see her soon enough.”
“Ugh.”, the Barcelona footballer groaned.
“Don’t ugh me, Caro.”, Guro laughed.
“You’re so in love, it’s disgusting.”, Caroline shrugged.
“Ignore the black cat, Guro. We’re happy you found each other.”, Ada threw in smiling amused.
“We’re happy.”, the other player repeated scoffing.
“All of us except for Caro.”, Ingrid corrected the prior sentence of the Lyon footballer.
“Thanks, girls. I’m really happy with her.”, Guro beamed.
“We get it.”, Caroline muttered, eager to play.
The game went not in the favour of the Norwegians, they lost and played under their own high expectations. The Chelsea forward was relieved once she was able to get to her hotel room and video call you.
 “Can’t wait to see you again, the match was awful.”, she confessed.
“Not that long anymore, one game to go.”, you tried to cheer her up, you were away with your Swedish national team.
“I know.”, Guro admitted.
“You can do this, captain Guro.”, you assured her. Unfortunately, you weren’t alone in your room, Magdalena and Fridolina were sitting opposite of you, giggling at your motivational speech.
“What’s so funny.”, your girlfriend wanted to know.
“Magda, Frido, shut it., you scolded your teammates, before turning back to her, sorry min älskling.”
“Thanks.”, Guro replied.
“Better, right?”
“Yes, a lot.”, she confirmed. Afterwards you continued to talk about your days.
Way to soon, Magdalena reminded you:” It’s dinner time.”
“Damn it, she’s right.”, you cursed.
“Why are your teammates so horrible.”, your girlfriend questioned grinning.
“They are the worst.”, you agreed jokingly.
“Lies, you love us!”, Fridolina protested.
“Yeah, sometimes.”, you answered truthfully.
“See?”, the Bayern Munich defender gave you a winning smile.
“Bye, Guro, hope the grandmas here fall asleep early, so we can continue talking later.”, you said goodbye to her with a heavy heart.
“I hope so too.”, Guro said.
Of course it was raining when you arrived back in London.
Dragging your suitcase behind you, you opened the door to your shared apartment.
“I’m home!“, you called, knowing that Guro must be somewhere. She had let you know via text that she would arrived a few hours before you.
You kicked off your shoes and left your suitcase in the middle of the floor.
Guros face appeared in the doorway leading to your kitchen: “Finally!“
“God, I missed you.“, you smiled at the sight of your girlfriend and jogged over to her to jump into her arms.
Guro, being a similar height as you, almost lost her balance but regained it in the last moment before you both would have tumbled to the floor.
“Missed you too.“
She kissed your cheek before putting you back down.
You sat down at the kitchen table. Without a word, your girlfriend placed a cup of water and a freshly brewed coffee in front of you.
You marvelled at the thoughtfulness. It was exactly what you needed after a long flight.
As soon as she sat down with you, her own coffee in hand, you asked: “How was camp? Tell me everything.“
“Good, really.“, Guro answered plainly but you could tell from the way her face lit up that it actually had been a good camp for her.
You nodded, satisfied with her answer: “That’s great. What kind of food would you like to order? The usual? The bill is on me.“
Your girlfriend smirked at the quick change of topic: “Someone’s in a good mood.“
“Yeah, we won both of our games.“, you explained laughing.
“I saw that.“
“Did you see my goals too?“, you asked innocently while typing on your phone. The order from your favourite restaurant was quickly placed.
“Of course, I did.“
“Pretty nice, huh?“, you bragged jokingly.
Guro wrinkled her nose, rather unimpressed, and shrugged: “They were okay.“
“Only okay?!“, you repeated, feigning offense.
“Yes, only okay.“
You leaned over, poking your girlfriend in the side repeatedly. You knew how ticklish she was.
“Hey, stop that!“, she protested, trying to protect her torso from you.
“Stop what?“, you played dumb, continuing to annoy her until she burst out laughing.
“Oh, that.“
“Stop it!“
You finally backed off, giving her time to catch her breath: “Okay, okay.“
“Thanks.“, she sighed.
The doorbell interrupted you anyway.
“Oh, our dinner is here.“, you announced excitedly and stood up.
Your stomach growled as you took the food inside. The smell of take-away immediately filled the kitchen.
“Finally.“, Guro said, impatiently opening the styrofoam boxes.
You took the first bite and hummed: “Delicious as always.“
“I missed this food so much.”, the Norwegian admitted grinning. The varieties of meals you could order in London would never fail to amaze your girlfriend and yourself.
“Same but more than me?”, you replied in a teasingly tone.
“Yes, of course.”, Guro joked before taking another bite.
“What do you want to do now?”, you changed the topic swiftly.
“Like right now?”, the brunette lifted an eyebrow.
“Yes.”, you nodded enthusiastically. Being back with the person you loved most reenergized you like nothing else did.
“Spend time with you.”, she answered genuinely.
Later you both laid together lazily on your sofa and Guro called your Chelsea captain with a smirk on her face:” Hi Millie.”
“What’s up?”, the blonde responded.
“Y/n and I are busy doing gay things and we might not be at training tomorrow.”, the Scandinavian explained.
“Too much information.”, Millie giggled.
“Just letting you know.”, Guro told her friend innocently.
“I’m not covering for you tomorrow.”, the Defender announced determined.
“Please, you owe me that.”, your girlfriend reminded her sweetly.  
“Fine, but don’t ever call me again.”, Millie groaned dramatically.
“Thanks, see you.”, Guro responded gratefully.
“Bye.”, with these words they hang up.
“Gay things?”, you snorted once she has ended the call and looked into your eyes again.
“Yes, we have all night.”, the midfielder winked at you.
“And tomorrow as well.”, you remembered.
“Yes, I’ve to make up for the time we didn’t see each other.”, Guro proclaimed.
“Come here.”, you said beaming, opening your arms for a hug which she happily accepted.
With closed eyes you whispered into her ear:” You’re home now.”
Both of you knew you felt comfortable everywhere in the world, but home to you wasn’t a place, it was each other. Coming home meant returning to one another and it was one of the best feelings in the world.
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kyokutsu-sama · 9 days
Flashy night
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Uzui Tengen x f! Reader x wifes
A/n: Just a flashy scenario for a flashy man. I'm thinking about writing Kyojuro's pov and posting it later🤔
Tw: Slightly suggestive
"Tengen, I think you better go home man. Your wives must be waiting for you!" Rengoku shouted in the middle of the street due to the noise of the people and the music.
The two friends had planned to go to the entertainment district because of a festival Tengen had mentioned. Rengoku never refused to go anywhere with his best friend, especially if it promised lots of fun and food. They had gone in completely sober and were now completely drunk and barely knew their way back.
"Yeah, I know. My wives love me and everyone knows it!" Tengen said, holding his drink as he danced. He really was an exhibitionist.
"Yes, but if we don't get back soon, you'll end up sleeping on the couch." Rengoku joked, trying to drag his friend out of the crowd. They were now leaning on each other and walking like blind people in the middle of a shootout.
"Now that's not true! They would never do that to me," Tengen said, laughing."They love me, believe me..."
*Meanwhile, at Tengen's house*
"Tengen hasn't come back yet?" Makio asked, arriving in the living room and seeing you sitting on the couch, waiting for Tengen to come home. "Where the hell did he get himself to again? I hope he doesn't have to face a demon on the way."
"It was a possibility... If I didn't know he went out to go to another one of those flashy festivals he likes so much."
"And he didn't even take us with him. Just left us here alone and bored." Makio said, pouting and holding some resentment for his action
"He said he was going with a great friend of his."
"Probably that one who talks really loud, the hashira of the flames... I don't remember his name." She said, looking at the ceiling, trying to remember the name
"Rengoku?" You said, and she nodded
"Yeah, that one! They get along very well."
"I believe he should be arriving soon. I mean, it's almost three in the morning." You said looking at the clock on the wall
"Typical of Master Tengen. He never arrives at the time he says will. Suma and Hinatsuru must be fast asleep by now, and getting Suma to sleep after she found out Tengen went without us was no easy task. That idiot almost cried her eyes out." Makio rolled her eyes, remembering the scene
"Suma is always sensitive..." You said with a giggle. "What about you? Aren't you going to sleep?"
"I just came to see how you were since you were the only one who wasn't sleeping yet, but if you're going to stay there waiting for him, that's fine. I'm going to the bed, good night." Makio said, hugging you and getting up afterwards
"Sleep well."
"Yeah, and be sure to kick Tengen's drunk ass when he gets here!" She shouted from the end of the hallway and you chuckled
"I will!"
You stood there for a while until you heard the front door open and saw the big man stumble on his own steps and almost fall to the floor while laughing out loud. You knew at that moment who it was. You got up from the couch and walked to the entrace hall with your arms crossed as you saw him waving to his friend who was already going home.
"Have a great night my great buddie Rengoku!!"He shout before closing the door
When he turned around and saw you behind him, his smile widened and you were almost blinded by the glow he exuded at that moment. The drunkenness made him hotter than usual but you didn't want to let your guard down at that moment. And you definitely wouldn't.
"Look who's here waiting for me! I'm sorry for leaving my princess alone but since I'm here I think I should make up for my absence..." He said in a seductive voice, approaching and covering your figure with all his tall and wide stature. Oh, he was really stepping over the borders...
His white hair was loose and disheveled, there were a few messy strands on his face, his cheeks were pink from the alcohol and the heat. He was wearing a yukata that was open and exposing his chest. You could bet he was doing it on purpose to tease you.
"Why don't we go upstairs and 'talk' a little about my late arrival?" He whispered in your ear with a little giggle and distributing a few kisses on your neck but you just rolled your eyes and sighed. It was difficult because he really was driving you crazy.
"Makio, Hinatsuru and Suma have been asleep for a while now and I don't want to bother them and besides, Makio herself told me to kick your drunk ass, so..." You said and the hashira laughed
"My dear Makio is cold, but I like her. What about you? Are you really going to kick your husband's drunk and flashy ass?" He said holding your face with both hands
"You deserved it, you know? It's just that you left and came back late and as if that wasn't enough, you didn't take your lovely wives with you."
"I already apologized! Come on, why don't we settle things amicably, my love?" He leaned his forehead against yours, which made things even more difficult for you, who were trying not to give in
"Tengen, don't insist. You're drunk and I'm sleepy." You said, trying to get away from him, who at that moment knelt in front of you looking like a clingy, whiny boy.
"You're not being flashy, Y/n. Why don't you give me a little chance. Please, five minutes! We don't even need to go to the bedroom..." Uzui insisted again, holding the hem of your shorts, but you slapped his hands away and walked away from him
"Damn, Uzui! You're stubborn when you're drunk. Jeez!" You said, and he was silent for a moment while he massaged the hand you slapped, but still with a smile on his face and his eyes shining at you. "And don't make those puppy dog ​​eyes at me. Let's just go to sleep, it's too late." You ordered
Tengen got up from the floor and let out a long sigh, seeing that he couldn't be more stubborn than his wife who was in front of him. However, his ego didn't allow you to have the last word.
Tengen got closer to your ear and bent down a little, which made you feel chills.
"Alright, you win. But one thing is for certainly, I'll deal with you tomorrow. Just you wait!" He slapped your butt and ran to the bedroom while laughing and you felt your cheeks burn with shame.
He really could drive everyone crazy.
"Tengen, you son of a-- Come back here now!" You said, running after him
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stevie-petey · 5 months
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at arm's length
You fixed his hair and made a face in the mirror, just to get him to laugh, and you smiled when it worked. “I think you look handsome.” “Yeah, sure.” Steve pushed you away, though his arm stayed loosely wrapped around your side. He had always somehow done this, holding you at arm’s length with a possessiveness to it.  You would come to learn that the possessiveness never really goes away. Not in the way either of you may wish for it to during nights two years from tonight. 
Summary: you and steve found each other when you were eleven; he's held you at an arm's length ever since, suffocating you
Rating: general, suggestive themes
Warnings: toxic relationship, heavy angst, allusions to sex, some stancy, fem!reader, use of y/n, not proofread so pls be kind
Words: 2.9k
Before you swing in: where did this come from ? no clue ! this is pure angst though, no happy ending, all just heartbreak and a very toxic steve. beware. prepare. have fun !
Neither of you know how it started.
You aren’t sure when you allowed the lines to be crossed. Steve isn’t sure when he realized he wanted to cross them. 
One night he had simply wanted to crawl through your window.
And, one night, you let him. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” you always whisper against his skin in between highs and desperation. 
“I know,” he always kisses the patch of skin just below your ear before encasing you, silencing you.
You’re not sure if he kisses the patch of skin as a promise or as an apology. For what he’s putting you through, for the ignored glances in school, for the way his body stills when someone says your name when he’s around, for the way you always see it.
Afterwards, Steve never stays long. He picks up his clothes as the quiet in your room overwhelms him. He feels your eyes follow him in the dark as he gets dressed and you remain in your bed, sprawled out wanting, waiting, mourning. 
There’s never any malice or anger in your eyes when you watch him, and sometimes Steve resents you for it. He wishes you’d make it easier for him to leave. 
Instead you always watch him with interest, a slight glint in your eye as if you know more than he does; Steve wants to mold a crease between your brows and turn your mouth down with his fingers so that your face isn’t as angelic and understanding. 
“Drive safe.”
Your whispered words are the final blow to the thin wall of glass Steve hides behind. You wish him a safe journey home every time he drives to your house to climb through your window and take more from you than he deserves. 
He hates it.
He hates you. 
Yet every night Steve crawls through your window.
And every night you let him in. 
No one knows how it started.
Your friendship with Steve Harrington was an oddity within Hawkins. 
One day the two of you sat down together during lunch in the sixth grade, and the entire middle school cafeteria went quiet. Everyone had stared at you and whispered, wondering who you were and why you were sitting with someone above your rank, someone who ran with kids like Tommy Hagan.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” you had mumbled to Steve, tugging at your sweater with an insecurity you can only feel when you’re eleven. 
“I know.” Steve hadn't seemed to feel this same sense of insecurity at eleven as he popped a french fry into his mouth with a shrug, uncaring. “But who cares?”
You remember looking down at your food, embarrassed and unsure about it all. You’d been standing at your locker merely minutes ago as you looked around helplessly, lost in the school your mom had promised you’d enjoy this time. 
Then Steve had found you.
He had been on his way to the lunch room, late to meet up with his friends, when he had seen you. He will always remember the way you’d been holding yourself, then. You were drawn in, looking around the empty hallways with a wonder in your eyes, despite your obvious fear, that Steve had never seen before in someone his age. 
Steve couldn’t help himself. 
He had asked if you were lost and the way your eyes widened at his question made something within him stir. He watched as a blush spread across your cheeks, shy and nervous, and Steve knew then and there that he couldn’t ever leave you alone. There was something in your eyes, in the way you had looked at him in that moment with that same wonder that had made Steve stop in the first place. 
Soon enough everyone in Hawkins Middle watched as your friendship unfolded. 
It was innocent enough, almost imperceptible to those who weren’t paying attention, but everyone knew. 
Steve was never outwardly friendly with you following your first day meeting him, although he was inseparable from you in his own ways. He would walk you to your classes and always sat a few seats behind you so that he could keep an eye on you. Everyone saw how his eyes never left you. 
You never asked why Steve wouldn’t include you with the rest of his friends. He never introduced you to them, yet he made you promise that if they ever said anything to you that you’d tell him. You promised him, swore to him that you would, and the promise seemed to calm something within Steve. 
“Why?” You had asked him afterwards, not understanding why it seemed so important to Steve that you’d tell him if his friends were ever mean to you. 
“Because you’re my friend.” He stood by your locker as he waited for you to gather your books. People walked past the two of you, whispering as they always did, but he had learned how to ignore them.
You remember frowning, feeling a pit forming in your stomach at his words. “But they’re your friends, too.”
“No, they’re not.” Steve scoffed at you and shoved his hands into his jean pockets.
“But you’re always with them.”
He looked down at his scuffed sneakers, then. “They follow me around. I don’t mind it that much, my dad says it makes boys look cool.”
“Your dad?”
Steve will never understand why he had told you about his dad that day, but he would come to learn that you always somehow made him weak against the things that darkened his mind; how you were always the one he confessed to.
“Can we go to class now?”
“Sorry,” you grabbed the last of your books and closed your locker. You smiled at Steve, you will always remember how hard you had tried to calm him down, make him comfortable around you, and you will always remember how you had placed your hand on his arm. “Let’s go to class.”
Steve flinched at your touch, and you would come to learn that touches weren’t something he was accustomed to; how it would be because of you that he learned what it feels like to be warmed by someone’s fingertips. 
Steve isn’t sure when he became King Steve. 
He thinks it was sometime during his freshman year of high school when he shot up a few inches during the summer and grew his hair long. 
It had been your idea, growing his hair out, because you knew he liked it when you played with it.
“I look like a douche, Y/N.” Steve groaned when he had looked in your mirror. Sometime between sixth and seventh grade, he had started going to your house after school and on the weekend. He claimed it was because your mom was always nice to him, but deep down you knew it was because he enjoyed having you to himself. 
You fixed his hair and made a face in the mirror, just to get him to laugh, and you smiled when it worked. “I think you look handsome.”
“Yeah, sure.” Steve pushed you away, though his arm stayed loosely wrapped around your side. He had always somehow done this, holding you at arm’s length with a possessiveness to it. 
You would come to learn that the possessiveness never really goes away. Not in the way either of you may wish for it to during nights two years from tonight. 
But two years ago you leaned into the arm that still held onto you and played with the hair that had only grown long because of you. “I mean it, you know.”
Steve’s eyes met yours in the mirror, and he saw the wonder there again, though now that you were both fifteen with a shared history, the wonder was now accompanied by a fondness that Steve couldn’t bear himself to look into for long. He loved your eyes, he loved the way you looked at him, but it always burned. 
Thick silence had started to crawl in between you two, then. 
Steve had grown a few inches and his jawline had sharpened and his skin evened out. One day, before your very eyes, he had stopped looking like the eleven year old boy who found you in the hallway. As you stared at him in the mirror that night, you realized just how beautiful he had become, and somehow, even then, you knew that this beauty would strangle you.
The silence had started to grip your neck, so you cleared your throat and tried to pretend that nothing had changed, even though everything had changed in that moment. “It’s late, your parents will want you home soon.”
“They probably don’t even notice I’m gone right now, Y/N.” The moment had been broken and Steve now felt the same fury that had been building within him ever since he was eight. The anger threatened to spill over, but Steve had come to learn that his anger only scared you, so instead he had tried to find another way to quiet the waves within his mind. “I have a better idea.”
“Is that so?” 
“I spend the night.” Steve winked at you, he knew that you sensed his brewing anger, and he desperately wanted to reassure you that he wouldn’t ruin this.
You froze, as if you knew even then that this would be a shift within your dynamic with him. You called Steve your best friend at this point, and while he never said so out loud, you were his best friend, too. At school, you didn’t have many friends, but Steve had now become surrounded by both boys and girls, all vying for his attention, and though he still never introduced you to them, you knew even then that you were the most important person in his life. 
As your eyes met Steve’s in the mirror once more, for a moment you could see the eleven year old boy again, and he’s the reason you say yes.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” you reminded Steve for the tenth time that night as you looked over at your door to make sure it was locked. Your mom would’ve killed you if she had ever found out Steve never left. 
“I know.” Steve crawled into bed next to you and collapsed with a huff. He wrapped his arms around you and you were weak against him.
You’ve always been weak against him.
You’re not sure when you first lost Steve to Nancy Wheeler.
They met when you were all in middle school, and yet somehow she hadn’t caught his eye until you were juniors and she was a sophomore. 
He had dated other girls before, but none had been like Nancy; she was the only one who truly caught his eye. 
You watched as he became infatuated with her. It happened slowly, and then all at once. He stopped walking you to class, stopped sitting a few seats behind you, stopped asking to spend the night. 
Steve still saw the wonder in your eyes, though. He still saw the fondness that burned his skin and ground into his bones. He saw your eyes in Nancy’s, and it infuriated him. He loved the girl, he knew he did, but somehow you were always there.
Even after you stopped asking to see him, to sit in his car and drive, to be his best friend again. 
Somehow, you were always there. You were always there, long after you stopped calling yourself Steve Harrington’s best friend and he stopped feeling the need to miss you. 
Then, one night, when Steve had been on his way to pick Nancy up to go see a movie, he drove past you sitting on a park bench with someone’s arms thrown over your shoulders. He remembers feeling the wind being knocked out of him at the sight, he remembers the possessiveness that clawed so deeply into his chest that he had been afraid for a moment that he was dying. 
He doesn’t remember changing lanes and parking there in front of you.
He doesn’t remember the way your face fell when you saw him.
He doesn’t remember the way the guy who had been wrapped around you stood up, asked who Steve was and why he was bothering you.
All Steve remembers is that he no longer saw the fondness in your eyes when you looked at him. The wonder had been gone. 
“Y/N?” His voice hadn’t sounded like his own. Your name hadn’t left his lips in months; it felt like exhaling after breaking an oath. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” you had shaken your head at him, somehow knowing Steve’s feelings before he did. He would come to learn that you had always known his feelings for you, long before he was ever able to figure them out himself. You looked at the guy next to you, your date for the night, and shook your head again. “Not here. Not right now.”
“I know.” But Steve hadn’t known anything. If someone had asked, then, what his name was, all he would’ve been able to answer with was yours. He was yours. “I… I know.”
“I think you should leave, buddy.” The guy you’d been with said, and Steve remembers now that his name had been Jamie. He had been on the soccer team, someone he had once shared a drink with at some stupid party last year. 
Steve cleared his throat and avoided your eyes. You knew too much. You knew too much and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d spoken to you until then. “Have a good night.”
And then he was gone. 
Steve broke up with Nancy a week later. 
You never saw Jamie after that night. 
Neither of you know how it started. 
But you know how it will end.
Steve doesn’t, but you don’t blame him. 
He sneaks in through your window most nights and takes from you what you’ve always been willing to give him; it’s how your relationship has always been, and yet you’d give him everything and more if he asked you to. 
Steve kisses you and holds you at arm’s length and tugs you back in every time. 
You always allow yourself to be pulled in. 
One night Steve crawls through your window and reeks of alcohol. He trips over himself as he enters, his hair a mess, still grown the length you once suggested to him, and his jean jacket hangs loosely from his thin frame.
“Steve?” You rush towards him and help him through your window, holding your breath as you do so.
He leans heavily against you and slurs his words. “‘M here.”
“You’re here.” You confirm for him, setting him gently against your bed. As he stares at your ceiling with blurred eyes from the alcohol, you start removing his jacket and shoes. He’s not going home tonight in this state, you know his dad will only send him back here again anyways. 
“Always here,” he slurs again, rolling his head to the side as he does his best to look at you. He squints, studying your side profile and it takes everything within you to not face him. You busy yourself with his clothes, giving yourself something to distract yourself with. He frowns, even in his drunken state he can read you so well. “Always… here.”
“You are always here,” you untie his shoes and place them against your wall. “It’s late, Steve. Let’s go to bed, okay?”
“No,” he now tries to fight against you. Words float through his mind, in a haze of letters and sentence fragments, and vaguely there’s something there that he knows he has to say. Some grand epiphany in between his sixth and seventh beer tonight. “I wanna–I wanna talk.”
You freeze. 
He sees your discomfort and feels something break within him. He tries desperately to grasp at the words within his mind. “Here. It’s… You’re here.”
“I live here, Steve.” You’re not sure what he’s trying to tell you, but you know that if he keeps talking, he’ll ruin the last remaining line that tethers you to him. “Please, just close your eyes and sleep–”
“You’re always here.” His voice has strength to it now, as if the confession has sobered him up. His eyes are now focused, though his mind is still a haze of everything he hasn’t told you. His movements are still slow, his breath still reeks, and he knows that this isn’t what you deserve. “W-why?”
You close your eyes. 
You’ve always known how this would end. 
“We can talk in the morning.” You try to appease him, now gently crawling over him so that you can lay his drunken state to rest. “How about you just hold me tonight, okay?”
Steve is gone again, now lost in the alcohol he’s consumed once more, and your offer of him being able to hold you is all he can focus on now. Exhaustion washes over him and he wraps his arms around you, distantly he thinks he remembers someone else doing this to you once. The thought makes him hold onto you tighter, though he thinks that this isn’t fair to you. 
Lips close to your ear, he whispers, “We shouldn’t be doin’ this.”
“I know,” you close your eyes again, scared he’ll see the tears within them. 
Neither of you know how it started.
The undoing of whatever you had started long before either one of you truly knew what it was.
One day you were both eleven and Steve had been drawn towards the naivety within you that he never had himself.
Tonight, you’re both seventeen and the naivety is gone, and as the alcohol burns through Steve’s system, he knows it’s because of him. 
You’ve always known how this would end.
Steve has only realized it tonight.
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Kinktober (reuploaded)
Forced Orgasms (Matt)
Request: handcuffing & blindfolding matt on his birthday. his gift is reader herself. she goes down on him & whispers filthy things in his ear. putting her boobs in his face. riding him. but he can't see or touch the entire time. so he gets so overwhelmed out of pleasure & all that?
Warnings: smut, use of handcuffs/vibrator/blindfold, minimal squirting, daddy kink, idk what else to put lol
Matt’s pov
Today was our 20th birthday, it was Sunday morning and I woke up to the smell of vanilla and coconut. It was Y/n, our hometown best friend who now lives near us in LA, I’d know her smell anywhere. See, I may or may not have a huge crush on her, so I was pleasantly surprised to be woken up by her. “Good morning Matthew, happy birthday!” she said excitedly as I rolled over in bed, “Don’t call me Matthew” I groaned into my pillow. “C’mon get up! Me, Madi, and Laura have a surprise for you guys, go brush your teeth” she tried pulling me up but failed, “Okay fine” I agreed, getting up and going to brush my teeth.
She covered my eyes as we walked downstairs to the living room, I heard Nick complaining to Madi when we got there and assumed we were just waiting on Chris. I was right as a couple of minutes later we heard Chris come upstairs and all of our eyes were uncovered “Surprise!” we heard a bunch of people say. It was our parents, Justin, and Nate, that was a really good surprise. We walked over and hugged everyone, thanking Laura, Y/n, and Madi afterwards because they knew we missed everyone. We had a pretty chill day, going out for a late lunch around 4pm because our parents and Justin were jet lagged as fuck. Nate was staying with us and he wasn’t really that tired anyways.
We got home around 6:30pm, Madi, Y/n, and obviously, Nate came back with us. I felt like everyone knew something that I didn’t because Chris and Nate kept smirking at me while Y/n, Nick, and Madi kept whispering shit to each other. I was confused but I just ignored it, chilling for an hour and a half before I went upstairs to change, for some reason, Y/n followed me. “What are you doing?” I questioned her, she grabbed one of my hands, making me nervous as she played with the couple of rings I had on. She looked at me with an adorable shy smile, “I have another gift but it’s only for you, pack some clothes and stuff, it’s a surprise” she said shyly, letting my hand go as she sat on my bed. I was still confused but I packed a bag anyways, we headed downstairs and Y/n said bye to everyone.
I was literally so confused, where are we going, what are we doing? I thought to myself as I too said bye to everyone. “Bye Bernard, have fun, and don’t get mad at me for exposing you!” Chris shouted as we left. “What is he talking about?” I asked Y/n, “Don’t worry about it, but you can’t get mad at me if you don’t like it. It was Chris’ idea, I just agreed that I liked it” she once again said nervously as we got into her car. We arrived at her apartment but before going inside she put a blindfold on me, dragging me inside “Wait here for two seconds I’ll be right back” she said, running up the stairs.
Coming back down after a few minutes, she grabbed my hand again and helped me up the stairs, we made it to her bedroom. I could smell her favorite vanilla candle burning which was calming but I got nervous again when she started speaking, holding one of my hands again. “Promise me that you won’t beat Chris’ ass for telling me this and don’t yell at Nate and Nick for telling me something else” she pleaded, now I was concerned because what the fuck did they tell her?
“I promise to try not to beat his ass” I nervously laughed, still not able to see anything, “And you have to promise not to get mad at me because I’ve almost backed out so many times because I don’t want to lose you as a friend” she said kinda fast. That’s something she does when she’s really anxious so I pulled her in for a hug, she had definitely changed shirts since I could now feel her shoulders but I just ignored it “I could never get mad at you” I honestly told her. “You have to promise me Matt” she mumbled, “I promise Y/n/n” I said as she pulled away, standing off to the side of me.
“Okay then take your blindfold off” I did as she said, blinking a few times before realizing what was laid out on her bed. There was a black silky blindfold, two sets of fuzzy black handcuffs, and a vibrator on her bed. Confused I turned to Y/n to ask, “What is all that f-“ but I quickly cut myself off, when I saw what she was wearing, “Woah…” I said as I felt my cock start to get hard. There she was, wearing an all black, lace lingerie set and she looked fucking phenomenal. “Do ya like it Matty?” said asked while biting her lip, my eyes raked over her body, “Love it” was all I could manage to say.
Y/n stood in front of me, “So Nick and Nate have been saying you have a little crush on me…” she teased, “And Chris really did you a solid” she continued. I blushed because it’s true but I was also confused as to what Chris told her. “What did he do?” I asked, Y/n stepped forward and wrapped her arms around my neck, making my breath hitch. “He told me that you wanted me to blindfold you and handcuff you to the bed. And that you wanted me to ride you and tease you all night” she said in a seductive voice. Moving closer to my ear, she whispered, “Is that something you really want Matty?” she asked before stepping back.
I couldn’t believe what she just said, I was only able to let out a breathless, “Please” which made her smile. “Yeah? Then strip down to your boxers and sit on the bed for me pretty boy” she said. Placing her hand over my cock and giving it a quick squeeze before she sat on the corner of the bed. I stood there processing everything until she snapped me out of it, “I’m waiting Matty” she spoke in a condescending tone. With that I quickly got undressed and sat on the bed, Y/n came and sat on my lap “You really wanna do this Matt?” she asked sweetly.
Y/n’s pov
Matt put his hands on my waist and looked at me with his bright blue eyes, “More than anything, please I want this so bad” he said before moving one hand to my cheek and pulling me in for a kiss. I started grinding down on him as the kiss got heated, I grabbed one set of handcuffs and cuffed his right arm to the bed frame. Matt bucked his hips up and whined as I did the same with his left hand and he pulled away. “Holy fuck this is already so much hotter than I could have ever imagined” he panted, already looking so fucked out.
Before I could say anything, Matt spoke in a low voice, “Chris left one thing out, I want you to force me to cum until I physically can’t anymore. Don’t stop unless I say the color red. No matter what, do not stop” “That’s fucking hot” I smirked at him. I placed my lips back onto Matt’s while rubbing my hands up his sides, biting his lip as I pulled away. “Are you ready for the blindfold daddy?” I asked, remembering Matt once said he had a daddy kink. He let out a deep groan “Wanna see you get naked first” considering he’d be blindfolded for most of this, I decided to be nice.
I got off the bed and turned around, teasingly taking my panties off so Matt could see my ass before I went back to straddling his lap. I unhooked my bra and dropped it off the side of the bed while Matt’s eyes stayed glued to my chest. He was also biting his lip so I gently pulled it back from his teeth, “Is this better?” I asked as I grabbed the blindfold. “So much better” he replied, “It’s a shame you won’t be able to see it” I smirked as I slipped the blindfold over his head and got up, remembering I forgot to pull out my lube. “What are you doing?” he questioned but I just ignored him, throwing the lube on the bed and sliding his boxers down.
I knew Matt was going to be big, but I wasn’t expecting him to be this big, “You never told me you had such a big dick before” I teased him, watching his cock ooze with precum. “You never asked” he replied back, trying to be a smart ass but quickly humbled himself as I grabbed onto his cock. “Don’t be smart mouth with me, Matthew” I replied, moving down to tease his cock, licking a bold stripe from his balls all the way up to his tip. His breath hitched as I moved back to sitting on his lap, grinding my wet pussy against his cock. “Don’t tease me Y/n/n” Matt groaned, thrusting his hips up in hopes of sliding into me but failed.
I kissed my way down Matt’s body, fully taking all of his hard cock into my mouth at once causing Matt to let out a surprised moan. I licked all across his shaft, digging my tongue into the slit which caused Matt to buck his hips up and make me gag. I continued sucking him off until, without a warning, Matt came down my throat. I moaned around his cock before pulling off and swallowing, “That was- wow that was amazing” Matt panted out. “Want me to ride your cock daddy?” I asked while kissing his neck and rubbing his thigh, causing him to get hard again. “Please do. I want your wet little pussy around my cock so bad baby” he groaned, desperate to fully live out his fantasy. I moved to straddle his lap, lining up my hole with his dick and slowly sinking down, whimpering at the big stretch.
“You’re so big Matt! Making me feel so full” I whined. Slowly, I started to move on his cock, “Goddamn babe, you’re so fucking tight” Matt groaned, bucking his hips up slightly. I started moving at a pretty decent pace, loving Matt’s moans and grunts from beneath me. I removed my hands from his shoulders and started playing with my tits, making sure to let out loud whines and moans to tease him. “I bet you wish you were the one touching my tits right now huh?” I teased, shoving my boobs in his face. “So badly Y/n/n, fuck- I want you to cum around my cock so bad” he said, I moaned as he started thrusting his hips up, causing me to get closer to the edge.
“S-So close daddy” I cried out, “Be a good girl and rub your clit for me” Matt ordered, I started bouncing faster and rubbing my clit. “Fuck Matt, I’m gonna cum! Need you to cum inside of me” I told him as started to cum around his cock, moaning loudly. Matt let out a grunt before filling me up with his cum, I slowly got off his cock and ran my fingers through my folds to collect all the cum. Once my fingers were coated with a mixture of our cum, I brought them up to Matt’s mouth. “Suck my fingers for me Matty” I asked nicely, rubbing the tips of my fingers across his lips, Matt obliged and sucked all three of my fingers clean. He wasn’t hard again yet, but I still started cleaning the cum off his cock with my tongue, slightly overstimulating him. Slowly Matt got hard again, whimpering as I started to kitten lick the tip, making him involuntarily thrust his hips up.
“Too much Matt?” I questioned in a teasing tone, “No! Feels so good, I can definitely cum more for you!” he whimpered out desperately. I started to give him head again, deep throating him the best I could while massaging his balls. I ran my other hand up and down his stomach, lightly scratching the skin and making him shudder at the feeling. “You’re doing so good Y/n/n, making me feel amazing! I always knew you were a slut for my cock” Matt groaned, both praising and degrading me. I moaned around his cock which caused him to thrust his hips up and let out a guttural groan as he came down my throat with minimal warning. All I got was a whiny, “I’m g-gonna—” before he was shooting his load into my mouth.
I obviously swallowed and then pressed my lips against Matt’s, smiling into the quick kiss. I licked up the side of Matt’s neck, nibbling on his earlobe before asking, “How’s the birthday boy enjoying his surprise gift?” resulting in him whimpering. “He’s enjoying it more than he should be…” he moaned, “That’s good, is it too much yet baby?” I asked, wanting to make sure I wasn’t making him cum too much in such a short amount of time. “No, I want more… Actually, I need more. Please! Remember what I said?” He squirmed as I ran my hand across his inner thighs “You want me to force you to cum until you can’t anymore and say the color red” I replied with a giggle.
“That’s correct and I don’t remember saying red yet, so get back to work” he ordered me, “Matt you’re really not in any position to tell me what to do, you know? If I wanted to I could just leave you like this, hard and needy” I teased him. “You wouldn’t dare” he growled, moving his legs to wrap around my thigh and pulling me closer so he could grind himself up against my thigh. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting him to do that but it was really fucking hot. “Wow, I didn’t know you were so needy for me daddy” I said as I pulled my thigh away from his dick, “Take off the fucking blindfold” he tried to sound authoritative, but he honestly just sounded like he was begging.
Instead of giving him what he wanted, I grabbed the lube and opened it, squirting some directly onto Matt’s hard cock. “Fuck, that’s cold” Matt whined before I started jerking him off, spreading around both the lube and the precum on his cock. I was moving my hand at a fast pace and since Matt was already extremely oversensitive so I wasn’t too shocked when he started cumming a bit, but I didn’t stop this time, I kept going. I was enjoying how much Matt was squirming and whimpering under me and I knew it was starting to become too much for him.
Matt surprisingly came a lot for this being his 5th orgasm in such a short amount of time, shooting out cum onto his stomach and my hand. “Have you ever used a vibrator before Matt?” I asked while he was panting from his orgasm, “Yeah, I have one. They feel good, are you gonna use yours on me?” he asked out of breath. “Can I?” I asked, not wanting to push it, “You can, IF you take the blindfold off and let me eat you in the morning” he explained. “Okay fine, only because I wanna see those pretty blue eyes” I agreed.
I slipped the blindfold off, letting Matt’s eyes adjust to the light, watching as they scanned the room before looking at me and staring to get hard again. “Look at that, all I have to do is look at you to get hard” he chuckled before adding, “Make out with me for a minute, yeah?” I giggled at his cuteness but complied, cupping one side of his face and pressing our lips together. We had a heated makeout for a few minutes before I pulled away, Matt bit my lip as I did so, making me whine. “If you want me to cum a lot, you’re going to have to use the vibrator on my tip mostly” he said quietly, blush spreading across his face.
I kissed his neck, mumbling a quick “Got it” before sucking a few hickies onto his collarbone. “This is definitely going to be the last time I’ll be able to cum so I want you to ride my thigh and use that vibrator on me. I need to mark you up too, it’s not fair” he told me. I grabbed the small vibrator and sat on his thigh, slowly rocking back and forth before I turned it on and enclosed my fist with the vibrator around the tip of his cock. Almost instantaneously, Matt started whining as his thigh flexed under me, causing me to moan in return.
“Feel good Matty?” I asked, already knowing the answer, “Mhmm, please uncuff my right hand, wanna rub your clit and make you cum!” he begged and who was I deny that? As soon as he was uncuffed, his two fingers were inside my mouth, having me get them nice and wet so he could rub my clit, noticing we were both getting close. Matt pulled his fingers out of my mouth and immediately started rubbing my clit while sucking hickies into the skin of my neck and breasts. “Fuck daddy, ‘m so close already!” I whimpered and Matt just hummed in agreement, speeding up his movements.
Not even a minute later, I was squirting all over his thigh due to the stimulation on my clit, which led to his orgasm and it was indeed bigger than the last two. I was out of it and didn’t realize I was still holding the vibrator against him until his hand came up to lightly slap my face. Not hard enough to hurt, more like a tap to get my attention back, “R-Red” he said hoarsely, not being able to reach the vibrator himself. “S-Sorry Matty” I said turning it off and tossing it somewhere on the bed behind me “S’okay” he said softly.
Without getting up, I unlocked the other handcuff, Matt’s left arm came down to wrap around my waist like his right one. Matt started leaving kisses up my neck, sucking a few more hickies across the otherwise clear skin. “Best. Birthday. Ever.” he said between kisses, that were slowly moving up towards my lips until we finally shared a lazy but passionate kiss. “Can we go to sleep Matty, ‘m tired” I yawned, even though he should be the tired one.
Matt nodded, helping me lay down before grabbing his shirt off the floor to wipe the cum off both of us. He threw his shirt back onto the floor, moving the vibrator to my nightstand, and handing me my phone to turn the lights off. When I unlocked my phone I laughed, “Chris wants to know if you enjoyed your surprise” “Send him a picture of me kissing your neck right now, it’ll teach him not to be so nosey” Matt mumbled back before kissing my neck.
I snapped a quick picture, not really capturing my face, and sent it with the caption of: ‘Matt said stop being nosey’ and waited for his reply. I turned the lights off as Matt pulled my back against his chest, resting his head on my shoulder as we cuddled up together, only opening our eyes again when we got a response. From Chris: ‘I just threw up’ Matt just kissed my neck again as I turned my phone off, “Well then he shouldn’t have fucking asked” he said tiredly.
I hummed in agreement, grabbing his hand that was around my waist and holding it. “Goodnight Matty, I know it’s technically Monday now but happy birthday handsome” I told him. “Goodnight my beautiful girl, I hope you know you’re mine after tonight and that I love you” he whispered into my ear, “Don’t forget Imma wake you up tomorrow by eating you out” he added. I giggled before replying with an “I know and I love you too” before we both drifted off to sleep. I guess you could say I made a pretty good birthday present.
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skellyflowers · 5 months
Too Many Beds
Ployvessels x reader
The world tour is going amazing. We just finished the Australian leg where IV really stole the show. Our next destination is America. We got a flight and landed a few days early so we could recover and be ready for the next part of the tour.
Management got us a hotel to recover in. The room would be purchased home for the next two days before the tour starts. We kick off in Las Vegas at a music festival. Check in was a quick process and we were given our key cards and room numbers in no time.  Wait numbers? Like more than one?
If I wasn’t so jet lag l would have said something earlier but I didn't really pay attention. I  wanted to take a shower and get a nap. When we get to our room I take my bag to the bathroom.  II and IV planned to go get a drink at the hotel bar and III wanted to go to the hotel casino. Vessel is only one without a plan, so he is either going to stay with me all night and get room service or wait until I fall asleep and join the others. 
The bathroom is pretty big, it has both a shower and a bathtub. I put my bag on the counter and went to report the information to the boys.
“The bathroom is nice. Shower and tub are only big enough for two.”
I was expecting to hear III moan out a complaint about no group showers. However that is not his main grievance.
“There are too many beds! And they are all too small!” He yells.
“What do you mean too many? How many is too many?”
Vessel and IV watch us talk back and forth. Both clearly trying not to laugh.
“What III means,” interrupts II, trying to defuse to tension “That we have 4 Queen size beds in two rooms”
“We have two rooms?” I ask, still confused.
“Yes they are adjoined right there.” II points to another door that must lead to the other room.
Why did we get two rooms? It’s not like management didn’t know about the five of us and our relationship. We were not trying to hide it. We regularly turn the back lounge of any tour bus into a big bedroom.
“Relax, it's not the end of the world.” Says IV.
“This shouldn’t have even happened!” III grumbles. “We always get a king size.”
“It was pretty last minute. This may have been the best they could do.” I defend.
“That’s enough bickering.” Vessel finally speaks up. “V, go take your shower. We will wait and go get dinner.”
I do as asked and hope the boys calm III down. I decided to dress up a little and not get into my cozy clothes. All five of us go to one of the restaurants near the hotel. It was fun and really what we needed. Afterwards, we walked around the casino and played a couple of slot machines.  We eventually got back to the hotel room.
When I get ready for bed I finally check out the adjoined room. As I expected the room is exactly the same, just flipped. I walk to the bedroom and see that one of the beds is missing a mattress. I head back to our main room to ask what happened.
When I get there I see what happened. All of the furniture has been pushed into the corners, I assume that Vessel was responsible for that, and all three mattresses are on the floor. Vessel and II are making the bed. IV comes up behind me and gives me a hug.
“You ok with this?”
“Yes. As long as it makes your boyfriend stop freaking out.”
“When he’s like that he is their boyfriend.”
That comment makes me laugh. I am not sure how long we are standing next to the new super bed. The others are busy arranging blankets and pillows. I feel my eyes starting to drift close, all the activity from the day catching up with me. IV swaying us is also putting me to sleep.
My eyes open when someone grabs my hand. It’s II, he gently pulls me away from IV. Now it’s time to arrange the sleeping positions. III is in the center on his back, me on his right and II on his left. Vessel is my big spoon and IV settles next to II.
“Four beds really is too many.” I say.
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suuuupernovaaa · 2 years
tìsraw seyki
Tumblr media
tìsraw seyki [tɪ.ˈsɾaw sɛj.ˈk·i] vtr. hurt (someone or something)
Anonymous Request: I was wondering if you could do a fic with reader and Neteyam having an argument with Neteyam calling the reader clingy? She’s known for being quiet and reserved and was shy at the start of their relationship, and it took a while for her to open up, so it hits her pretty hard. They make up and stuff but reader keeps her distance bcos she took his comment seriously, and Neteyam isn’t aware of how much his words hurt her.
1,560 words
I dismounted 'Rrta, my Iran, and gave her a loving hug before ensuring the saddle was tight and bidding her a farewell for now.
My riding partner, Neteyam, was already walking away when I turned to join him.
"Wait up," I called, scaling rocks to reach him. I reached out, grabbing his shoulder, but for the first time since I'd known him, Neteyam shrugged off my hand.
I stopped in my tracks, and felt my body tense all over.
"Neteyam?" I asked.
"I need a little space, Y/N. Stop clinging to me. I'll see you later."
He didn't even do me the courtesy of turning around when he said it. He simply stalked away, down the mountain and into the forest, leaving me there alone.
I waited for a long time before moving, to ensure I wouldn't catch up with him, and all the while I wondered what I could have possibly done wrong.
Stop clinging to me.
Was that something I was doing? Neteyam and I spent a lot of our time together, that was to be sure... but I thought he enjoyed spending time with me. In fact, he had taken great pains to ensure I thought that. I was naturally pretty reserved, and not very trusting, and Neteyam had worked hard over months and months to convince me his feelings were genuine, to show me how much he cared for me.
So why this change now? What had changed his mind about me? Had he just gotten to know me better and realized I was annoying, clingy, and not fun to be around?
He could have at least told me that.
It was nearly dark when I returned home, and tucked myself in my hammock to cry myself to sleep.
Neteyam found me the next morning, setting out for a hunt, by myself.
"Where are you going?" he asked.
I raised my brow at him. "Hunt. See you later."
Turning, I strapped my bow over my chest, and made to take off, but Neteyam grabbed my arm.
"I'm sorry, about yesterday. I was annoyed at Lo'ak and I took it out on you. I shouldn't have done that."
He seemed genuine, and he looked sorry... so I nodded. "It's okay. I'll see you later."
His apology was not enough to cover the damage that his words the day before had done. I didn't believe him - if he was annoyed at Lo'ak, there was no need to ask me for space or call me clingy. It felt like an excuse, and I wasn't ready to dig deeper and hear the real reason he'd said it.
So, I turned and ran, and he didn't follow.
"She's just been... weird," Neteyam said to his sister, Kiri, a few days later. The two were walking together, back from a long ride, and Neteyam was concerned.
Ever since their fight, which Neteyam had thought was so small, Y/N had been distant with him. She had accepted his apology, but he'd hardly seen her since, and when he had, something had seemed so strange about her.
She barely touched him. Her smile didn't meet her eyes. She just seemed... really sad.
"Has she said anything to you?"
Kiri shook her head. "Didn't you say you had a fight?"
"Yeah, but, I thought we got past it." Neteyam pushed a large leaf out of his way, and held it for his sister. "I said I was sorry, and she said it was okay."
"What was the fight?" Kiri asked.
"Well, you remember that day that Lo'ak was a huge pain in the ass?"
Kiri rolled her eyes. "Every day."
Neteyam laughed. "Right but, it was particularly bad, and I got my ass chewed for it. And then Y/N wanted to go on a ride but, I just wasn't in the mood. She insisted though, because we hadn't seen each other all day. So I went but, afterwards, I told her I wanted to be alone."
Kiri pursed her lips as they walked through the muggy jungle. "Is that all you said?"
"I said she had been clinging to me."
Kiri stopped in her tracks. "You did not."
"What? Was that bad?"
Kiri put her face in her hands and sighed. "Neteyam, you moron. Do you really not see what the problem is?"
Arms outstretched, Neteyam shook his head. "No!"
"You moron!" Kiri repeated. "Y/N is so shy, and so quiet, and it took you so long to get her to open up to you! You complained for months about how she probably didn't like you because she was so nervous and shy, and I told you so many times she was just having a hard time trusting you. And you finally get her to trust you, and you do this? You make her think that you think she's annoying?"
Neteyam's mouth full open and he leaned back, the realization washing over him. "Shit."
"So she probably thinks you don't like her anymore, and she's so hurt she can't even be around you. And you're here complaining to me about it instead of groveling at her feet! Do you love her or not?"
Neteyam felt like a hand was squeezing his heart. He had never loved anyone the way he loved Y/N, and he couldn't believe how stupid and careless his words had been. He didn't think she was clingy, he had just lashed out in frustration after a really bad day, instead of letting her be there for him.
He had shown her what a bad made he would be. He had disappointed her, and himself.
He took off without another word, running as fast as he could to find his woman.
It had been such a hot day, a swim in a cool spring was exactly what I needed. I scrubbed myself from head to toe, undoing my braids and scrubbing my scalp, until I felt fresh and brand new.
I lay in the water now, only my face above the surface, so I didn't hear him at first when he approached.
He was entering the water when I opened my eyes and saw him. A few days ago, I would have felt nothing but excitement upon seeing Neteyam - now, I felt dread. Would this be the time he would tell me he was no longer interested?
I'd been avoiding him for this very reason. I wasn't ready for it to end.
"Neteyam," I said, sitting up so the water came almost to my shoulders, and pulled my knees to my chest.
"Y/N! I have been searching for hours. We need to talk."
I bit my lip and turned away, trying to force the tears from spilling over. "Okay."
Neteyam knelt in front of me. "I owe you an apology, Y/N. I can't... I can't believe how careless I was with my words, and I can't believe I didn't realize how much I'd hurt you until today. I've been wondering why you've been distant but, I didn't even think..." He shook his head, and reached under the water, grabbing my hands. "I should have thought before I spoke. Y/N, I don't think you cling to me... well, you do, but it's something that I like. These past few days without you have been the worst of my life. I'd rather be tortured. I was in a bad mood, and it wasn't your fault, but I took it out on you. I know I destroyed the trust we worked so hard together to build up. I'm willing to do all that work again, to show you how much I love you."
I had failed - the tears had spilled over, but they weren't born of sadness. I leaned forward and got up onto my knees, so that I was more level with Neteyam, and pressed my head into his chest.
Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him, creating a ripple of waves around us.
The relief I felt was overwhelming. Going from being so sure I was going to lose the best thing in my life to even more sure I was going to get to keep it, it was like whiplash.
I cried and Neteyam held me tightly while I did, whispering reassurances in my ear all the while.
Eventually, we stood up and got out of the water, and Neteyam helped me get dressed.
"Neteyam," I said as he fastened my beaded necklace, "I forgive you. And I'm sorry, too. I should have told you what was bothering me, but I was so scared that you had changed your mind, I was just, um, avoiding you so you couldn't break up with me."
Neteyam shook his head violently. "Bah! Never." He took my face gently into his hands, bringing it closely to his. "You are to be my mate, Y/N. I will never leave you. You can always trust me, and you can always tell me when I've hurt you. Apparently, I'm too dumb to figure it out alone."
I smiled. "Kiri had to tell you?"
He laughed. "She did."
He kissed me then, holding me tight. It seemed we both owed Kiri a thank you. I knew it wasn't the first time she had talked sense into one of her brothers, nor would it be the last.
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
Hot for Teacher(s) 2
Part 1 / AO3 Link
@babydollbaron I need you to know your tags basically changed the trajectory of this fic
In the mornings, Steve dropped Shawn off at the before care offered by the school and then went to work. Afterwards, Shawn took the school bus home and went over to a neighbor's house, Miss Robin, until his dad got home from work.
Because of this, Steve knew he would hardly have a reason to see Eddie outside school functions and conferences. Which was fine. It was totally fine. He absolutely was not spending nights thinking about those curls under his fingers. Whenever Shawn had a story from school to tell, he hung on every word. And it was only because these were the formative years of Shawn's life.
"Oh yeah, Mr. Munson asked about our practice and I got to tell him all about it", Shawn said.
Steve paused in his current task, which was the dishes while Shawn did his homework at the kitchen table. He knew exactly what his son was talking about.
"Oh? How'd that come up?"
"I told him about it before but I didn't get to tell him about it before Yasmin started crying. He asked me and I told him."
Steve currently taught middle school, but he'd had a little experience with the younger ones. When it got close to Shawn starting school, he did his best to make sure he was prepared. And to make things a little easier on whoever was teaching him. Steve tried to be subtle with his next words.
"Tell me more about Mr. Munson."
And then the floodgates opened. Mostly because it seemed Mr. Munson was very open about his personal life. Apparently, anytime the students had a question, he answered it. Just in this five minutes between drying the dishes and plating up dinner, Steve learned that Mr. Munson played guitar, loved the color red, played a game about dragons, and was single.
"Wait, how do you know he's not married?", Steve asked.
"Because Briana asked him and he said he's not married", Shawn answered easily.
Steve tried not to think too hard about it. Mr. Munson being single didn't change anything. Not a single thing. But a really hot alpha who was unattached and also happened to be really good with kids who his kid loved was kind of the ultimate wet dream.
For Halloween, the students were allowed to come in costume and before the day was over, Steve's email was blessed with a collection of pictures of the class, including one where several superheroes, princesses, and even a kid dressed as Chucky defeated the mighty Munson dragon.
It was so cute that Steve had half a mind to send a reply that said so but second guessed it. He didn't need to tell Shawn's teacher it was a cute picture that was the whole reason he sent it. He had to keep all correspondence professional. But it was a picture of Shawn so he was well within his rights to save all of them to his phone.
"You ha~ve a cru~ush~", Robin sang on the phone. She was pulling some dino nuggets from the oven in preparation for Shawn coming over.
"Shut up, I don't!", Steve hissed on the other end. School had just ended but there would be a staff meeting in about five minutes. "I didn't tell you so you could make fun of me-"
"Come on, you knew it was coming-"
"I told you because I just had to tell someone." Steve sighed and took of his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. "It's not creepy if he's Shawn's former teacher, right?"
"Steve, I'm gonna be honest, I don't think it's creepy now." Robin picked up one of the nuggets and chomped on it. "It's kind of crazy how we have dino nuggets and animal crackers but not the other way around."
"Please save that for Shawn when he gets there. What do you mean? Wouldn't it be weird?"
"You're both two grown adults. I don't see the harm in asking him out", Robin said.
Steve slouched in his chair behind his desk. "That's not the only fact here. There's the fact that he's teaching my son. If any of the other parents find out, they'll think I'm sleeping my son's way to the top."
"....In first grade? That would be pathetic."
"Most suburban gossip is, but you already know this. It's not me I'm worried about really, it's Shawn. Kids talk too and what if they make fun of him?"
"Oh no! My awesome dad is dating my awesome teacher! Whatever will I do?!", Robin wailed.
"He thinks we're awesome separately. There's no telling what he'll think of us together. And I...I don't want to give him false hope."
"Steve...when was the last time you went on a date?"
Steve let out a puff of air. "Does that one guy who ogled me a few years ago count?"
"Gross! Steve! No! Do you mean the guy who was just staring at you breast feeding?"
"Serves me right for doing it in public. And in shorts."
"Hey, no, there will be no slut-shaming in this household." Robin paused when she heard the door open and the bounding of feet. "Your gremlin is here."
"I think you mean my precious miracle from above. And you will treat him as such. My only gremlins are my sixth graders."
"Whatever. Just get your shipwreck together and decide what you want to do."
Turns out, Steve didn't have to wait long for an opportunity. Shawn had come home that day with a flyer for a Thanksgiving performance and was asking for parent volunteers.
Eddie wasn't like, actively hoping that he would see Shawn's dad again. But when the fliers went home asking for volunteers, as well as an email, there was something going up. But it wasn't hope. It definitely wasn't hope. It couldn't possibly be hope. That way nothing could be dashed when nothing came of it.
So when he came into the auditorium after school, he was simply pleasantly surprised to see Mr. Harrington there. Not elated. Not ecstatic. Just appropriately pleased.
He greeted all the parents of his students, of which he only saw two others before coming to Mr. Harrington.
"Nice to see you again", he said with a handshake.
"And you as well", Mr. Harrington replied.
Eddie was sure he was imagining the electricity passing through their touch.
"Well, welcome to elementary theatre. Where we're gonna nurture any and all blossoming passions in the arts."
"Can't wait to see it. Um, so what exactly will they be doing?", Steve asked.
"The first grade class as the honor of doing a little song on what they're thankful for. Mrs. Clifford usually accompanies them by piano, but this year I'm hoping to get some more instrumentation for it."
"Oh, Shawn told me you play guitar."
Eddie's first instinct was to twirl his hair to hide his smile but it was still up in a bun, so he tried to fix his face to not be too obvious but he was sure it came out as a weird grimace.
"Yeah, yeah I do. Been playing for years. What about you, any instrumental skills?"
"None", Mr. Harrington shook his head. "My parents tried piano lessons, but I never took them for long. Just long enough to learn 'Mary Had a Little Lamb'."
"Everybody's got their talents. And no better place to showcase them", Eddie thrust his arms out around them.
"Well for now, I'm volunteering my time being a watchful eye and working on backgrounds and costumes. Plus snacks."
"Wait, did you bring the chips and sliders?", Eddie jutted a thumb toward the table near the stage.
Mr. Harrington shrugged. "It's just turkey and ham. And I know how ravenous kids can get."
"Are you guys talking about me?", Shawn asked, coming up to them.
Eddie watched the odd look on Mr. Harrington's face and was sure his must've looked similar. This was probably the longest he'd been talking to a parent without talking about their kid.
"I was just about to bow to your dad's culinary prowess", Eddie said. "Apparently, he made the snacks for this evening."
"I asked him to make his stuffing because, you know, Thanksgiving, but he said it was too early", Shawn said.
"I'm sure his stuffing is delicious", Eddie smiled down at him.
"You should come to our house and try it", Shawn beamed, leaning his head against his dad's hip.
Eddie looked back up at Mr. Harrington. "I'd love it if I could do that."
What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
Steve was thankfully saved from replying to that by rehearsal starting and so Mr. Munson's attention was drawn away but seriously. What the fuck was that? Was that man inviting himself over to his house? Was it simple small talk? What was it all supposed to mean?
He was put on costume duty while the children practiced which kept his hands busy but not his brain, so he spent the next hour over thinking about that one line, which led to him overanalyzing the entire conversation. When practice ended, the teachers stood by the front entrance to wait for any parents that weren't already there or hadn't shown up toward the end to get their kids.
Mr. Munson waved off the last of his students just as Shawn finished in the bathroom and Steve helped him get his coat on. He looked hesitant before speaking up.
"Looks like you're my last one. I can walk you to your car if you want. It's pretty dark out."
Pretty dark was an understatement. It was near pitch black and the parking lot had bare minimum lighting. Steve definitely would've felt better about it if he had someone on the other side of Shawn.
"Yeah, that'd be great, thanks."
And without being told so, Mr. Munson put Shawn between them as they left the school and walked out into the parking lot. He gave a whistle once they got to Steve's BMW.
"Nice car."
"Thanks. She's been pretty faithful to me all these years." Steve unlocked the car and let Shawn into the backseat first. When he closed the door, he smiled at the alpha before him. "Thanks for walking us out.
"Consider it a routine then. At least until this place can afford to fully light up the lot."
"Thank you. I really appreciate it." There must have been the tiniest bit of a lull in the conversation because suddenly Shawn piped up from inside the car.
"Dad, can we get tacos for dinner?"
Steve snapped out of whatever staring contest he was having with Mr. Munson and looked down affectionately at his son. "What? My casserole not good enough all of a sudden?" He opened the driver side door and got in, turning the ignition on.
With them safely in the car, Eddie went over to his van and got in, waiting until he saw Mr. Harrington pull out before going his own way.
Later that night, after putting Shawn to bed, Steve was left alone with his thoughts again as he graded papers using an answer key at the kitchen table. It was easy to let his mind drift into just how...how wonderful Mr. Munson seemed.
He bit his lip and squeezed his legs together. Mr. Munson was handsome, and charismatic, and so safe, so much the perfect alpha that he'd been led to believe didn't exist. He could protect him and his pup... and Steve could give him more pups...
Steve's hand drifted down between his legs and he let it stroke a few times before freezing and closing his grade book. Time for something more mentally stimulating.
"Guess I'm lesson planning tonight."
Part 3
Tag Team
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @lololol-1234 @hippieg1rl420
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nikkisheep · 2 years
Fuck Away The Pain
Rick Grimes x female!reader
Warnings: smut, oral (f), dirty talk, cursing, season 5 rick, mentions of twd elements, use of slut/whore, praising kink, degrading (slightly), confession, ass slapping
Summary: Once the group settled into the houses Aaron gave them in Alexandria, Rick can't seem to adjust to being normal again with all of the pain that the world has caused.
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Home. Your group finally found a home they could actually live in. Alexandria has everything that the group needed, but some people, mostly Rick, was having issues adapting to being in a community after being out in the world for so long. Sometimes, there is no adapting to anything normal, because there is nothing left to be normal.
Rick had gotten a house for him, Carl, and Judith along with you. He needed a woman in the house who could basically become a mother to his kids, which you were the perfect person. You have been taking care of the kids since Lori had passed away and Rick could never be more grateful that he had you as a friend.
But you both did not want to be friends. No, no, no. See you both had a thing for each other but since Rick was a married man, it made things weird between you two. But now that his wife is no longer here, the sexual tension between the two of you has skyrocketed.
"Hey," You tell Rick when he walked into the house.
"I got dinner in the oven and I was thinking that we should go to Deanna's party tonight right afterward. You know, let the kids mingle with the other kids."
"I don't really wanna go," He groaned.
"Rick, we are going and that is final."
Getting dressed in your bedroom, you noticed that Rick was struggling to button all of his shirt and then place a tie around his neck. You shake your head and then walk to his room.
"Need a hand?"
He nodded with a sigh before turning to you. Walking up to him, you could smell the body wash that he used in the shower not even an hour ago, along with his natural smell. He looked down at your form, your hands moving to button his shirt before smoothing it down. He almost smiles when he sees that your breath hitches when you get to the top of his chest, leaving two buttons open just for your eyes. He gestured the tie and made eye contact. Your faces were so close together, just a slight movement on either end would lead your lips to clashing together.
He looks at you the entire time that you stand in front of him, tying his tie. You remain focused on his face, tying his tie without even looking, as if you had done it so many times. He noticed that his hands had moved to your waist and you didn't move them.
"Handsome as ever," You say, leaning up to his ear, "and all for me to see."
He shudders as he watches your black dressed form leave the room. He sighs when he notices the very uncomfortable bulge that he has in his pants.
The party was not very fun, given that there was alcohol it made it better but it was still pretty difficult for Rick to handle. He hadn't been to a party like this since Shane had dragged him to one. He starts to get uncomfortable and he went to leave but he saw that a man was flirting with you. He grabbed you away from him and took you back to the house.
"What the hell, Rick?"
"I need you," He says, rubbing his bulge. You look down at his moving hand and you gulp.
He stalked his way over to you, looking you up and down when he places his hands on your neck. He tilts his head and gets so close to your lips but does not kiss you. It is you who kisses him and that man fucking groaned.
Your lips fought against each other, the two of you making your way to the bedroom. His hands never leave your body, pulling actually ripping the fabric of your dress, only to find that you had nothing on underneath. He takes a breast in his waiting mouth and he sucks. Your hand shoots to grab his hair and he moans at the feeling. He moved down your body, setting every inch of your skin on fucking fire. He licked at your skin, desperate to taste every bit of your bod. Spreading your legs, he moved in between your thighs, placing them on top of his shoulders to spread you even more.
Rick breathes in your smell before kissing your clit. Your moans filtered through the house, he licked at your heated core and he put his arm over your hips so that you would not buck up into his face. He needed to be in control, not you. He needed to take his frustrations of the world out on your pussy. That was what mattered. He was tired of the tension between the two of you. He wanted you to know that you belonged to him.
He took your clit in his mouth and he pushed a finger inside you. He needed to make you cum because his dick was getting difficult to not rut against the mattress.
"Rick, I need you to fuck me please." You moan out when Rick moves away from your cunt.
He kisses up your body before moved away so he can remove his clothes. He throws his clothes to the floor and climbs back over you. He kisses you before teasing his tip inside. He pushes in when he has you begging, whining for his cock. He begins thrusting, not even waiting for you to adjust to his size. You moan his name as he moves against you, pressing your bodies closer than they should be able to. He pulls you with him when he moves back onto his knees and he fucks up into you.
"Fuck, you feel so good."
Every once and a while he would say, "That's it, your my little whore aren't you?" "My princess is doing so fucking good for me, taking me so well." He ruts into your body as you cling to his body, wrapping your legs around his waist. He kisses you messily and whispers sweet nothings into your ear.
He would call you his little slut as he slaps your ass before you cum on his dick. He groans at the sudden amount of wetness coming between the two of you. He smirks when he pulls another orgasm from you by playing with your clit and sucking on your tits.
He starts to feel his own climax barreling toward him so he starts to thrust faster and harder into you before emptying his spend inside your walls. You let out a loud moan of his name when you feel his warmth spread inside you. You clench around him, seeking every drop of his hot cum. He pulls out and kisses you while laying you back onto the bed.
"I love you," You say.
"I love you too."
"So does this mean I'm yours?"
"You're mine."
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mattatouilletkachuk · 11 months
haunted house with quinn
49. “If you get scared, don’t come crying to me.”
October was the best part of the year in your opinion. Autumn was amazing but it was only around Halloween that certain activities were available. Last year you and Quinn went to a corn maze, bobbed for apples, and even went to a fright fest. You had to leave the last one early because as much as you enjoyed the spooky atmosphere you might have been a little too frightened to finish it.
Earlier in the month you had gone to a pumpkin patch and picked apples and you had even gotten Quinn to wear matching costumes with you.
It had taken you months to figure out how you could possibly top last year's fun and when you finally thought you had found it you brought the idea to your boyfriend.
“You want to do a haunted house?” Quinn looked at you quizzically.
You pushed your phone into his space a bit more as if he couldn’t see the information clearly enough.
“Yeah, it’ll be tons of fun.” You said, excitedly. “Afterwards they have a scary movie marathon starting with Child’s play and ending with Nightmare on Elm’s street. They even have another corn maze that we can do if we go early enough.”
“It took us forever to get through the one last year.”
“Yeah, but this one has people in costume chasing you through it,” you pointed to the screen and finally he took your phone to scroll through the website you had up.
“Don’t you think this might be too scary for you?” He asked as he handed the phone back to you.
You frowned at him and crossed your arms over your chest.
“I’m a big girl, Quinny, I can handle it.”
He only raised one of his dark eyebrows at you and said, “I’ll go but if you get scared don’t come crying to me.”
A large smile split across your face as you jumped in excitement. You kissed his cheek and when you pulled back you nodded your head enthusiastically, “Deal!”
You had made it through the corn maze successfully, beating last year's time by two minutes. Quinn claimed it was the man dressed as an evil clown chasing them but that didn’t matter to you because you still beat your personal record.
You were practically bouncing as the two of you waited in line for your turn to enter the haunted house. Lights were strobing and loud scary noises were playing and it only made you more excited. You didn’t miss the exasperated but fond looks Quinn was giving you and when it was finally your turn to enter you grabbed his hand and tugged him behind you.
You refused to admit that Quinn was right. You lasted all of two minutes before you were too scared and were let out of a side entrance. The people working there were understanding and despite Quinn’s claim that you couldn’t come crying to him, you were wrapped up in his arms as tears fell down your face and you got your breathing to even out.
“I really thought I could do it this year,” you mumbled into his chest.
Quinn ran his hand through your hair and sun circles into your back as you shook.
“Maybe we can go home and watch Halloweentown or something. That always puts you in a good mood.”
You perked up at the mention of one of your favorite childhood Halloween movies. Pulling away slightly to look up into your boyfriend's eyes you smiled slightly. “We could even have hot chocolate?”
“Of course,” he said simply as he wiped the remaining tears from your face.
It wasn’t until the two of you were back in his car that you finally said what you had been thinking about since exiting the haunted house.
“Maybe next year will be the year that I finally make it through that place.”
Quinn looked at you in surprise before finally shaking his head and chuckling. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.”
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“Hey Jimmy.  Why don’t you come down off the porch and come over here.  We need to have a talk.  I see that you have moved back home since your daddy died last summer.  Starting to fix things up around here.  That’s good.  Are you planning on selling or are you going to stick around?...  Don’t know?  Well your answer will dictate what kind of talk we are going to have….  I recently found out that you are one of those nasty queer boys.  I need to know are you going to sell and head back to city life and not coming back?  Or, are you going to stay here and be the only queer boy in the county?...  What’s it going to be?...
“Oh don’t lie to me and protest that you ain’t no sperm burper.  I’ve known it for about ten years.
“Don’t you remember our camping trip?  It was your dad, me, and a bunch of us Army vets.  Some of us brought sons; we went up to Long Lake to fish.  I went alone.  Remember that you, me, and you daddy shared a tent?  I remember all the men drank heavy one night, and your daddy passed out snoring next to us.  I drifted off to sleep only to be woken up by your mouth on my cock.  And I pretended to be asleep, but you gave me one hell of a blow job.  I remember that night quite well. 
“You aren’t the first fag boy I have had swing on it.  I’ve been using fags ever since being in the Army.  They are less trouble and more obedient than picking up some skank whore.
“So, are you staying or moving back to the city?...  Oh, you haven’t decided.  Ah.  Got it.  Let me complicate that decision for you.
“I’ve been going into the city every now and then to have fun.  Last weekend I was just turned on to this private sex party called ‘Dads and Fags’ or something like that.  You can drop the shocked look.  Oh, yeah, I saw my good bud Frank padlock a hood with a blindfold on you before securing you in the sling.  You were there all night taking cock after cock.  I was one of the first men to dump my load in you.  You didn’t even know the cock you sucked many years ago was pumping and dumping a load into you.
“Again, are you sticking around or are you moving back to the city?...  Well, your lack of saying anything tells me everything.  I will decide for you.  You are going to stay here.  I need a fag to use on a regular basis.  In fact, get the fuck naked and get over here.
“I’m not shitting you faggot!  Get naked and over here now!
“…Face my cruiser…. These cuffs ain’t coming off for a while.  Now get on your knees.  Keep your mouth closed.  I want my piss to cover you….  Fuck yes.  You belong on your knees. 
“Let me tell you how this is going to be.  I am marking my territory.  I own your sorry ass.  You are going to continue straightening this place up.  I want to turn your home into a place to fuck.  You know I only live a couple miles down the highway.  I plan on stopping here when I get off my shift.  I want to come here and unwind.  Clean out the master bedroom.  We’ll turn that into the fuck room with a sling, fuck bench, St. Andrew’s Cross, and a rimseat.  I want you here waiting for me hooded.  You are to blindfold yourself before I walk in.  You’ll be treated like you were at the sex party, as a fuck animal. 
“Now get up and bend over my cruiser.  I sure hope you are cleaned out, for your sake.  Any fag mud will be cleaned off in your mouth afterwards.  And there will be no complaints.  Spread your legs a little bit.
“Scream boy, I’m going right to the root.  There’s no reason for me to pause for you to adjust.  Urgh!  Your cunt is a gaping hole.  No resistance.  Good.  We’ll work on tightening you up a bit.  Fuck does your cunt feel good!
“I’m going to control just about everything in your life.  That’s what I do.  My last fag boy ran away because he couldn’t handle that control.  But I know you will.  I’ve seen how you submit to men, anonymous men.  You need my control.  I control everything in my life.  My wife, my job, my farm, and my faggots. 
“My control will extend to these holes of yours.  I will expect you to accommodate any cock I want in them.  Some of the Deputies will want a piece.  Naturally you will need to be blindfolded.  They require anonymity in order to beat and rape you.  This will happen about once a week. 
“I will still take you to sex parties like that Dads and Fags from last week.  I want you installed to take cock after cock.  I want your cunt,… this cunt,… no,… my cunt to be full of the loads of dozens of men.  I want you to be gaped so much that you can’t control those loads oozing out and running down your legs.  Or if you are secured in the sling, we’ll have a drip pan under you so that cum stew is collected and deposited in your toilet mouth. 
“What do you say faggot?  Are you regretting my decision for you to stay here?  Don’t answer, you know there is only one answer; it’s the one I let you have…. 
“Oh fuck.  I’m getting close.  This is what your life is going to be.  You are just two holes for me to use and share.  I’ll get you set up to work from home here.  No one will step foot on this property unless they are to use you.  Oh fuck, here I cum.  Here I goddamned cum.
“Ahhh ahhh fuck!  Goddamn!  I got me a good cunt this time….  Clamp down if you can when I pull out.
“Boy that’s the kind of fucking you can expect going forward.  You are to be ready for it when I get off work, make sure your cunt is cleaned for me… 
“Damn boy!  I didn’t need to remind you to clean me off.  You just moved into place.  That’s a good boy.  Your tongue is really going to town on it. 
“Get up, let me take those cuffs off.  Damn, you are rock hard.  Boy I don’t care if you jack off and cum.  But should you cum, you will always perform like you haven’t ejaculated in months.  Any sense that you are not living up to your primary role will be dealt with in the most brutal fashion.  Let’s go into your house….
“…You’re thanking me?  Boy you really do want this life?  You better believe I’m gonna give it to you.  Let’s get that hood locked on and you blind folded.  I have a few calls to make. 
“A few of my buds will be glad to hear that I have a new cunt for them to use.  They were disappointed when I had to sell my last boy for trying to run away.  I’ll save that story for another time.
“Fuck, my load is running down your thigh.  Let it do its thing.  Trust me, that’s going to happen on a daily basis.”
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angelplummie · 2 years
And yesssss I see the update where you’re writing for killing stalking!!! 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 literally going to die I’m so happy
BUT OKAY, a chubby reader (yk your girl thicc 🤪) yandere/toxic relationship/SMUTTT with Sangwoo where he cheats on Y/n all the time but she’s cocky because he always comes back to them. Then one day Sangwoo gets upset by Y/n’s cockiness and he teaches her a lesson…..
cw: degrading, dubcon, implied kidnapping, references to murder, infidelity, he’s just super mean and weird, jealousy, threats of murder
a/n: this one is so fucking late and i’m sorry but i did it! this is going to flop because i never post and it’s a weird one so reblog please i love you
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“Y/N? You awake?”
Of course you are, you always wait for him.
“Yes. You’re back late.”
Your voice was quiet with fatigue, but he could hear you alright as he removed his clothes and dropped them beside the bed. You had your back to him, but you could hear the soft thud of his jeans coming down to the hardwood floor, you could hear his shirt land on the edge of the bed. The house was eerily quiet when he wasn’t there, you didn’t like when he was gone. He always came back though. Always.
“Yeah, I was talking to this girl, Jieun. She goes to the same university as me.”
He lifted the covers and slotted himself behind you, your ass tucked right into his crotch, and he slung his big arm across your chest. You could smell him, he reeked of alcohol and girl. You’re sure if you turned around you would see his neck littered in hickeys, the top of his shoulders covered in nail marks. It was the same every time he went out, but what did that matter?
Those girls may think they’ve done it, gotten sangwoo to ’open up’, show them the ‘real him’, but they’re wrong. They’re all wrong. Only you know sangwoo, the real him. He probably tells all those girls about some version of his tragic past, his abusive father, his suicidal mother, and they think they know all there is to know about him. Until the next day and there’s parts of them rotting in sangwoo’s trunk.
You know everything. And you love him anyway. You are the only one for him, and you know it. He always comes back. You know he belongs to you. With you. He needs you like air, every day he comes home and fucks you like an animal, holds you tight, kisses you, he’s even soft with you, real sappy and disgusting. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that he likes you a lot, he just... has a short attention span. You’re all he thinks of when he gets home, and it’s not like he really thinks about the other girls. You know it means less than nothing to him with them, and that’s all that matters. And when they’re dead afterwards, there no competition of who he likes more. You were never a jealous type anyway.
“I had sex with her in the men’s bathroom. From behind, against the wall. Then up against the mirror.”
Well, that was new.
“Oh?” you said, ”Did you have fun?”
He never told you the details of his flings, he just didn’t try to hide them, so this was strange. Maybe it was a close call with the authorities and he’s anxious about it.
You feel an curt exhale on your back.
“Of course I had fun. She’s not dead if that’s what you’re thinking. We just fucked.”
Why was sangwoo being so strange?
“Ok,” you turned around to face him, still in his hold. You noticed it’s getting tighter. Just as you thought, you could see blotchy pink hickeys on his neck in the dimming light. His face was neutral, unreadable looking down at you. You can’t lie, he was intimidating like this. To survive sangwoo, to live with him, you have to read him, and read him you cannot.
“Are you alright sangwoo?”
“Obviously,” he snapped, before sighing,
”Don’t you even want to have sex?”
You nearly laughed, but it’s in your best interest not to.
“You mean right now? Aren’t you tired?”
“No I’m not tired!” his voice booms, and you flinch against the covers.
He rolled you over to your back and now he loomed above you, something burning in his eyes. His hands were either side of your face, and his knees caged in your body, tapering in at the thighs, pushing the fat around to a near painful squeeze.
“Whats wrong with you? Aren’t you angry? I fucked someone else, stupid bitch.”
Mouth slightly agape, you tried to process. You didn’t even react to the name calling anymore, although the throb of hurt would never go away.
“You want me to be angry with you?”
“No, of course I don’t. I just want to know why you’re so ok that I cheated on you.”
You had absolutely no idea what was going on, and you were afraid to ask.
Isn’t this every mans dream? A girl that doesn’t care when he sleeps around? What’s his problem?
“Sangwoo...” you breathed, struggling to find the words. You were so confused.
“You always come back,” you wait a second, and when he doesn’t seem to be appeased, you continue, “I don’t care because you always come back to me. I know you like me best, that’s all I care about.”
His frown falters, momentarily, before a meaner, colder look takes his face. In the darkness he’s still beautiful and terrifying.
He hated that you make him burn. Sangwoo doesn’t burn for anyone, he burns people. And yet, everything about you is so... he can’t put it into words how he needs you. The thought of you with another man makes him close to violence, very close. So why can’t you do the same? Why don’t you care? He knows you love him, he isn’t an idiot. But... you aren’t showing it how he wants. Maybe you’ve gotten a little too comfortable. Maybe he needs to rectify that.
“You think I need you that much?” his voice had dropped an octave, gotten quieter. You knew to be careful now.
“No, but-“
“You do, don’t you? You think I’m your lovesick puppy? You think you’re in control?”
“Sangwoo, you’re not-“
“Don’t try and deny it.” his face was blank, totally blank, eyes boring into yours. He stares at you a while longer, and when he got no reply, he continued.
“Well, you’re wrong Y/N. I don’t need you. You need me.”
“I know Sangwoo, I do need you,” your voice shook, heat of the bed doing nothing to quell the cold creeping up your spine.
“Do you think you’re the only one that makes me cum?”
“No, but-“
“But I’m the only one that makes you cum?”
“Well, yes-“
“So what are you so smug about? Get up.”
He leant back, away from you to let you obey him, and got up slowly, towering above you. He stood expectantly, and you stared up at him from the mattress, not quite sure what to think.
“I said, get up,” his tone was sharp, it was hard to disobey.
You pushed yourself up as fast as you could manage, rocking gently to your feet. Your arms hung awkwardly at your sides, you weren’t sure what to do with yourself. His glare was unforgiving, but you couldn’t deny the throb in your clit at the anticipation.
“Turn around.”
And you did, a thrill running through your body. You were still stood stock still when he pried your arms from your sides and he pushed you against the wall, body pressing up against you. It hurt a little, but he was quick to make you forget.
Hands gripping your waist, he ground himself against your plump ass. Your hands were in front of you, bracing yourself against the wall. You made chopped breaths and little whimpers as he groaned into your skin, getting more and more annoyed at you; you drive him insane, why are you so calm? Why can’t you be like he is? You should be stupider, need him more. What the fuck is wrong with you?
He stopped grinding his erection on you all of a sudden, grip not relaxing for a second. Your eyes darted around the icy dark, heart thundering in your chest, face still against the wall.
“Sangwoo...” you whimpered, and he could feel the heart beat of your fat little pussy, “please, keep going.”
He huffed from his nose and his breathe ran down you neck once again.
“Then beg.”
Tears pricked your eyes as you stopped to process what he had said.
“Are you deaf? I told you to beg. Beg for me if you really want me that bad. Prove it.”
“Oh!”, you started as it clicked in your head, and the throbbing of your pussy became insatiable,”Please Sangwoo! Please, give it to me, please! I need you, please!”
He smiled at the whininess in your voice, the desperation. The need.
“I still don’t know if you deserve it,” he had taken on a playful tone now, temper seemingly subdued by your little display.
“Sangwoo!” you whined in protest, desperately pushing back into him. He groaned breathily at the feeling of your ass pressed right into him, the fat cushioning his cock teasingly.
His dick throbbed and he gave in,
“Fine, I’ll give it to you. You really are pathetic you know that?”
And he yanked down your tiny little pyjama shorts, to find your bare pussy underneath.
“Anything I tell you to do you do it.”
Your eyes squeezed shut and you yelped when he delivers a sharp slap between your legs, spread awkwardly open for him against the wall.
“But you still act like your better than me.”
He pressed against the small of your back with one hand, keeping you squashed tightly against the wall, chubby cheeks squishing at the pressure. With the other hand, he hastily undid the zip of his jeans, pulling them down around his thighs. Erection bobbing against your bare ass, he pulled his boxers down to his jeans and you stifled a whimper at the anticipation.
He always got weird like this when he was angry, and mostly you just had to stick it through. He would calm down after he had had his way with you.
Slowly, he lined up, relishing in the little whimpers coming from you. And he pushed in, groaning at how fucking wet you were. It was nearly impossible to go slow, you were so soft and he was angry at you, and yet he did, for fear he would cum too quick if he didn’t.
“You’re not better than me, alright?”
You huff, the stretch of his thick cock making you tense.
“Yes,” you whined through pouty, drooly lips,”I’m not better than you. I’m sorry Sangwoo, I’m really sorry.”
“tsk,” he gives you one grind of his hips, nestling his enormous cock into you,”You’re just saying that ‘cause you want me to fuck you.”
“No! That’s not it.”
Tears were blurring your vision and you fought with your entire being not to moan, feeling his fat dick rub warm against your insides. He was moving ever so slightly to torment you, make you feel guilty for wanting to moan like a bitch when your poor boyfriend was so upset at you. You knew you had to keep talking, because he still wasn’t moving, and the feeling was enough to drive you mad.
“I love you, Sangwoo, I promise, it’s not-“
But suddenly, he started drawing in and out of you, not slow but not fast either. You let out a gasp of relief, and he smirks behind you.
“Alright, that’s enough outta you. Just take my dick like a good slut. Ohh fuck-“
You squeezed hard and his hips stuttered, pace increasing involuntarily.
He fucked hard into your gummy cunt, and you dripped down onto his balls. Eyes rolling back, he let out a string of grunts right next to your ear, making you shudder.
“See how I got you?” he said breathlessly, gripping the fat of your waist so hard it will probably bruise. The feeling of his breath against your neck made your stomach flip.
“This is just how I was fucking her,” and he drove into you again, grunting.
“I’m fucking you just like I was fucking her.”
You can only whine in response, something he takes as dismay. It pleased him.
“She was tighter,” his balls slap on your clit,”Not such a whore.”
Drool is inched past you lips, but you’ve gone limp in his grasp, only able to brace yourself against the wall. You heard him, but you’re unable to think about what he’s saying. You mumbled,”yeah, yeah, yeah”, he likes to be listened to.
“Maybe I should just get rid of you and keep her instead, maybe she’d be more fucking grateful”
Your breath hitched and there’s a sinking feeling in your stomach. You froze, and he laughed.
“That got your attention, didn’t it?”
You whined as his cock ploughed against your insides, cheek mushing against the wall. But that sinking feeling got deeper.
“Shit,” he hissed, his pace slowing,”I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum inside you.”
You hummed, still panting.
That feeling of dread didn’t fade. It didn’t fade when he came inside you, gruff grunting and a punishing grip on your waist. It didn’t fade as he pulled out, let go of you and let you fall to the ground. It didn’t fade as you felt his presence behind you, staring down at the top of your head.
And it didn’t fade as he walked away, back into bed, called you to him like he loved you. Told you that he loved you, kisses your temple.
And as you crawled into his arms, shaken, sweating, Sangwoo smiles. You need him to keep you alive.
You need him.
His hand rested over your chest, he could feel your heart rate. He could feel your fear. And it made him happy.
You were as afraid of losing him as he was of losing you.
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stardustluvs · 1 year
Phone Sex - Sam Golbach X Colby Brock
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Word Count: 710
Pairing: Sam Golbach x Colby Brock (established)
Summary: Sam and Colby rarely spend time apart. They get lonely and miss each other a little too much.
Warnings: NSFW
Author's Note: Day three let's go! Here's some more Solby content for yall, it's good for the soul...
Requests are open! || masterlist || kinktober m.list
"I miss you," Sam said over the phone.
Colby had gone back to Kansas for the weekend, something about his parents had come up, leaving Sam alone at their place in Vegas.
He would've went with, but traveling just took such a toll on him mentally, and they had only just returned from a long filming trip as is. He feared for his mental health if he would have left again.
"You should've come with," Colby teased.
Being in Kansas without Sam was strange too. They rarely spent time apart like this and now Colby has to last the whole weekend without Sam?
"You know I couldn't have," Sam sighed.
Colby nodded. He did know, even if he didn't like to admit that. Honestly, since the two of them decided to start dating, Colby's felt so much more clingy towards Sam, but honestly, them starting to date was something that just sort of happened.
Eventually they started holding hands and sharing quick kisses to the cheek...and then to the lips...and it only elevated from there.
It was magical almost, the way their relationship just worked and they'd always put each other first.
"We could still have fun though, y'know," Colby said, smirking a little afterwards.
Sam was almost certain that Colby's words had a sexual undertone to them, and God was he right.
"Colby..." Sam said softly under his breath.
"C'mon Sam, why're you worrying?" Colby asked.
"I''m not worrying, it would just be better if you were here," He admitted.
"I know, but I promise I'll make it up to you when I'm back," Colby promised.
Sam smiled a little at this, "Okay," he agreed.
"Can you set your phone up for me?" Colby asked, though it wasn't much of an actual question despite his words disguising it as one.
Sam nodded softly, positioning his phone up so it wouldn't fall, letting Colby get a good view of him.
"Take your shirt off, Sammy," Colby said, losing his own shirt as well.
Sam discarded his shirt to the floor somewhere.
"Look at you, my pretty boy," Colby praised, beginning to palm himself through his pants.
Sam's eyes were glued to his phone screen, watching as Colby felt himself.
Sam couldn't help himself as he copied Colby's actions, beginning to feel himself through his jeans. His hips stuttered a bit and he couldn't help trying to grind up into his hand.
God how he wished Colby were home right now.
Sam whined a little, not even meaning to.
Colby's hand slipped into his pants, groaning a little as his hand finally made contact to his dick.
"Show me yourself, Sam, wanna see you," Colby groaned softly.
Sam listened and shuffled his pants and boxers off, exposing himself in front of his phone camera for Colby.
He was painfully hard and was getting more and more desperate for his release.
Colby bit down on his lip a little, pushing his own pants and boxers down.
His hand wrapped back around his dick, resuming his previous action of pumping himself. He kept his eyes on Sam, silently giving the blond permission to touch himself.
Sam started moving at the same speed as Colby was, forever wishing it was Colby who was getting him off right now in person, instead of having to settle for a facetime call.
"Colby I'm getting so close, fuck," Sam groaned out.
"Keep going, cum for me," Colby told him, starting to get faster with his movements.
It didn't take too much longer for Sam to cum at Colby's request. His hips stuttered as he came, spurts of white covered parts of his skin and the covers underneath of him on his bed.
Colby came soon after, the sight having set him off, cursing under his breath. His head fell backwards, a groan that was probably too loud escaped his lips.
"Mm, fuck, can't wait to do that but in person," Colby laughed after catching his breath. Sam agreed softly before cleaning himself up, cuddling up under the covers.
"Can we like, not hang up tonight?" He asked Colby, yawning a little.
"Of course, anything you want," Colby replied, getting comfortable as well.
The both of them were fast asleep before any other words were spoken.
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Aita for secretly following my then best friend home?
(tw alcohol abuse, probably suicidal tendencies)
I know this sounds really awful right away but bear with me. Also this is probably going to get long, sorry in advance
tl;dr I followed a guy i was friends with and had a crush on home after an argument, even after he asked me not to come to his house, bc i was worried he might hurt himself.
Last summer I (20f) moved to the US for college. I didn’t know anyone outside of college and overall I was mostly on my own which was getting a bit lonely tbh. So I was very glad when I met this guy (21m) at a party of one of my acquaintances. We got along right away and he ended up giving me his number. After that we continued talking regularly and also meeting up every now and then and overall it was a lot of fun.
At some point I started developing feelings for him but prepared myself to just wait it out and not tell him bc I knew that he liked having a very active sex life and felt like he probably wouldn’t be interested in something serious at that time.
After a few months however, he began to behave in some ways that made me pretty worried honestly. I had known that he liked to go out and party but I hadn’t known to what extent. Apparently he would get totally blackout drunk at least once a week, sometimes more than that and then he would text me or call me in the middle of the night but often I genuinely couldn’t understand what he was saying. Sometimes he would just call me like that at any time of day, crying, saying that I was his only real friend, the only person he felt safe talking to and so on. On the one hand I knew that that wasn’t healthy behaviour at all but on the other hand my crush on him kept getting worse bc who doesn’t like to feel needed.
On other occasions, he would just randomly do reckless and stupid things like one time we went to a museum and he started arguing with the guard over not being able to take any pictures and we almost got kicked out. Afterwards he laughed it off but honestly it made me feel pretty uneasy. (I didn’t tell any of my other friends about that btw, they only knew that I was seeing this guy but wasn’t dating him.)
He has told me some things about his childhood which I don’t want to share here bc he did tell me that confidentially and although this is anonymous I still don’t feel comfortable telling random people on tumblr about it. But it is severe enough for me to believe that his upbringing and the things he lived through definitely contributed to the issues that he has now. I can say that he didn’t have a great time at home bc he is bi and while homosexuality isn’t illegal in his country, it isn’t really accepted either. Also it’s generally expected that children, especially boys, dedicate their entire life to having a successful and lucrative career and then start a family and he wasn’t really in the right place to do either of that (and he didn’t want to).
He also has been facing a lot of problems and racism here bc he is a poc immigrant from a country that isn’t in good standing with the US. So while I don’t pretend I know what he’s feeling, I imagine that all of these things would affect him quite a lot.
Now I actually get to the incident that is the reason for me to send this (it rly did get long TT but I want to make everything as clear as possible).
A few weeks ago we were just hanging out, it was all pretty chill and we just sat down to eat and talk etc. It had been quite a difficult week for me, also college wise, and I felt like I really had to talk to him about him calling me at night and while I’m in class and all that. So I said as nicely as I could smth like “I don’t want to seem overbearing but have you ever thought about maybe seeing a therapist bc I don’t think what you do is healthy in the long run and I’m not a professional who can properly help you.” He immediately got really snappy and defensive, saying that he “couldn’t fucking afford a therapist and even if I could, all they do is squeeze the money out of you and they don’t give a fuck about your feelings.” I was pretty shocked tbh and responded by saying “well if you really think this badly about therapists you should clearly see one” which was probably too harsh of me but I just couldn’t help myself at that moment. He then said “oh yeah?? I’d rather die than tell any of my shit to a total stranger. But you’ve probably already told yours bc you’re all so fucking dependant on them anyway.” and then he stormed off. (Just to be clear, I don’t have a therapist bc I don’t have any issues that require one.)
I was really scared at that point bc I thought that he might do something to himself (he had said stuff like “I wish I just wasn’t here sometimes” before) so I started following him which I now think was extremely weird and creepy of me but I just didn’t think it through in that situation. He walked for about 10 minutes to a house which I assumed was where he lived (I had never been at his place before bc he always said he lived in a bad neighborhood and didn’t want me to come there) and I stood outside for like another 10 minutes thinking abt what to do bc I realized that this had been totally stupid, also it started to get dark and it really was a bad neighborhood. I ended i up calling him and telling him where I was and he let me in. He was pretty angry but mostly at the fact that I had put myself in such a dangerous situation and he let me spend the night at his place.
We actually got together not long after that and as of now, we’re dating. I know it’s not an ideal situation and probably not the most healthy one but I have been able to keep him from drinking himself into oblivion all the time bc we spend most evenings together now so I think that’s a good thing. I don’t know where things will go from here and I don’t have the illusion that i can “fix him” or anything but so far it’s been pretty good and I really do love him a lot so I just hope it will all turn out for the best. I just still feel guilty for lowkey (or actually highkey) stalking him when he explicitly asked me not to come to his house but it was out of genuine worry for him so idk if it makes me an asshole, I guess I’ll let tumblr decide that for me.
🌃🎀🍨 for finding later
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cumulo-stratus · 1 year
“You Do This Everyday?”
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Pairing: Spencer reid x Male! Youtuber! Reader
Description: y/n has a pretty popular cooking channel and one day after y/n doesnt edit out spencer givving y/n a kiss when he gets home the fans go crazy wanting a video where you bake together so you make a vid answering questions while making a fall recipe
Warnings: possible swearing, fluff, spencer being a clueless little pookie <3
Flufftober day 12: cooking together
A/N: I saw a fic with he idea of spencer x youtuber reader and i loved it so here we are. i think this idea is so cute and has so much potential so i hope i do it justice <3 Enjoy!
The last of the afternoon light streamed through the windows of Y/n and spencers kitchen, and theirs laughs rang out loudly through the otherwise quiet apartment. Y/n had put his weight on spencer- his face stuffed into his spencers chest trying to muffle his laugh. When the laughing finally died down to giggles y/n lifted his face and said 
“spence- spencer we need to redo the intro!” 
“But we’ve done it 2 times already!”
“yes- and well do it a third and a fourth if you dont stop laughing whenever i start talking!” 
The loving bickering was only that- bickering. Spencer didnt mind doing another take, and another one, if it meant he got to see y/n laugh again he would do it 10 times. His attention was pulled back to reality by his boyfriend counting down, starting again.
“3, 2, 1, rolling. Hello ladies, gentlemen, and rats under chef hats, i welcome back to my channel- I hope your having a funky fun day becasue in todays video im going to be making minestrone soup- but with a twist! i read your comments- ive seen the requests, so today my lovely and beautiful and handsome boyfriend will be joining us!”
Y/n motioned for spencer to come into frame and he shuffled in while his boyfriend did jazz hands around him for special effects. spencer giggled at his boyfriends antics while he introduced him.
“everybody this is spencer- hes my boyfriend, and today he’s gonna help me make soup. And yes we will eat it for dinner afterwards!”
Y/n trailed off and stayed silent for a couple seconds for editing later before giving spencer a kiss on the lips- silently thanking him for participating in the video. 
“okay- now i need to start with the veggies- can you grab them out the fridge please?”
“of course m’lord!” spencer used a joking tone as he pulled all the bags labeled “for soup” and dropped them unceremoniously on the counter, eliciting a chuckle from y/n. After taking the vegetables out of their bags and setting them back on the counter, y/n went back and started the camera. Spencer giggled as y/n began to speak. 
"Okay so we're gonna start by cutting our veggies- but, and especially because my boyfriend over here is a bit of a germaphobe, we're gonna wash them first, thoroughly.”
spencer chuckled at this while his boyfriend poured the veggies into a veggie spinner that he had gotten him for christmas. After washing he brought them back to the island infront of the camera and said “Just like that- poof! clean veggies” (definitely thinking of the audio and just like that- poof! lola’s gone. wrong- im right here you fucking brusell sprout!) 
Spencer looked at y/n confused and asked "wait but- why'd you say poof? You washed them right here?!"
Y/n started giggling and took Spencer's hands in his and said "Spence- lovey I washed them off camera and then I'm gonna edit it to look like they poofed clean" spencer looked down for a moment before looking back up causing y/n to burst out laughing as he said “oh. i gués that makes sense, sorry..��� and gave y/n a peck on the lips. Y/n pulled out the knife block and set it on the counter, starting the camera. 
“Okay so im gonna have spence prep my veggies and then I’ll cut them into peices about the size of my thumbnail, or a little bigger.” spencer nodded, understanding his job and started by peeling a carrot. not five minutes in of him cutting and peeling, and of course while you were filming a quick shot of you guys cutting the vegetables- did he cut his finger! y/n wa focused on dicing the onion when he heard a loud yelp from his boyfriend next to him. His headshot up looking at his boyfriend, concerned. 
"What's wrong love?" 
"I cut my finger" Spencer had the most doe eyed, helpless look on his face as he held up his finger, which was now streaming blood. Y/ns eyes knitted in concern for his boyfriend and he walked over, dabbing the blood with a dish rag. 
"Oh my poor baby- here lemme help you."
Y/n left a small peck on his boyfriend's hand, leading him over to the sink to wash it off. Spencer just pouted as the cool water splashed over his finger. Y/n chuckles before getting a bandaid from the first-aid kit in the kitchen, and gently placing it on Spencer's newly cleaned finger. 
After cleaning up the blood, and confiscating Spencer's knife and peeler. 
The couple then took a couple minutes to regroup, and finish the vegetables, before filming the rest of the video.
While y/n put away his camera and turned down the burner under the freshly made soup, Spencer flopped down onto the couch sighing and said "you do this everyday?" Y/n chuckled at this and to flopped down on top of Spencer, giving him a kiss on the cheek and saying "yup- and I still have to edit out all the clips of you just laughing" y/ns tone was teasing while Spencer's became defensive as he spoke in his defense, "hey- I don't do it for a living, you do! You know I'm a terrible cook y/n.. speaking of I think I deserve another kiss for that cut I got on my hand earlier.." Spencer trailed with a smirk. His boyfriend sighed in fake resignation and leaned for a kiss, holding back a laugh as their lips met. 
The End 
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