#wait juke is a ship / is this juke / i think i ship juke / i ship juke
Playing Lethal Company With TWST Cast
idk I was feeling silly ig Heartslaybul
Riddle: - Invested in the lore - Hates mods - Dies more often to quicksand and teammates baiting the blind dogs to attack him - Hates his teammates (Ace) baiting the blind dogs to attack him
Trey: - Also invested in the lore - Likes the loot bugs - Mostly stays at the ship to monitor everyone and open doors/disable turrets - Tries to be responsible with the loot/money - Will kill his teammates if they're short quota and sell their bodies Cater: - Screams at the bracken and the giant worm more than anything - Loves the emote mods, poster mods, and skin mods - Will stand on a landmine just to wait for his teammates to get close and blow both of them up - Will not go back to get your body besties sorry - Always brings a sign in, always drops it so someone else has to beat the shit out of the monsters Deuce: - Gets eaten by the mimic doors...A Lot - Also dies via Ace baiting the blind dogs - Was also the one the find out about the bridge having a weight limit - Does not trust the teleporters because he always ends up in a locked room - Boomba is his worst enemy, he runs into landmines all by himself just fine he doesn't need one to run into him - Always goes back to get teammates bodies - The ghost girl targets him a lot - Has gotten really good at avoiding the coilheads because Ace always ditches him, but he can't jump on rails to save his life Ace: - Menace to his teammates (see above) - 1000000000 mods - Push mod is his favourite - Immediately finds the most annoying noisy item he can - He's fast at running but is always too slow at putting his metal items down when it's stormy out - Buys a jetpack and immediately destroys it - Buys a rifle and uses it on his teammates - Loves baiting the monsters to use the teleporters - Second loudest in the dorm after Cater, though Riddle is close too
Leona: - Will only play if push mod is enabled - Literally does nothing but kill his teammates because he thinks it's funny - The spore lizard thing is his favourite and he could not tell you why - On the last day, he ends up pulling through for his team because he wants to make quota - He will convince his teammates to ring the bell more than they should just to watch them get mauled - Loves the mod where he gets to be the monsters Ruggie: - Menace 2.0 but not in the same way Ace is - He immediately fucks with the light as soon as he can - Lies to his teammates about which emergency exits are safe - Loves the teleporters - He also loves when he can juke the turrets and stand on top of them - Also the first to run if he hears a thumper or spider - Calls the bracken his friend - Will lock people in rooms whenever possible, especially if there's a turret Jack: - Likes to stay at the ship and be dependable, will monitor and lead teammates through the map - Because of this he normally stays at full health so his teammates nominate him to go get a beehive right before they leave a moon - Buys the teleporter to get everyone's bodies back without risking loosing the loot - Doesn't know the maps from the inside very well so he will end up tailing someone the whole time if he chooses to go inside - Hates that the mimics can use voice clips from the players but it's also really funny for any dead teammates spectating - Thinks it's sad that the dogs are blind, but really appreciates the fact that the dogs and giants work together to hunt prey
Azul: - Coward /affectionate - Wants to stay in the ship, but Floyd/Jade both inverse teleport him a lot lmao - Hates the SCP mod?? Map?? idk at this point - The ghost girl targets him so much it's hilarious - Tries to stay in charge of the money, Floyd usually intervenes - Dies to giants a lot - Thought the slots mod might be fun, until Floyd spent all their money - Gets used as bait a lot - The spiders hate him Jade: - Inverse teleports EVERYONE he thinks the unpredictability is Funny - Likes to sneak up on his teammates - Pretends to be a mimic a lot (Floyd panics and ends up hitting him with the shovel) - Teammates compare him to the bracken a lot (they mysteriously die shortly after) - If someone kills him he votes to return to the ship early to be petty - Loves the monster mod that lets him torture his friends - Adores the loot bugs so much they're his Little Guys - Compares Floyd to the Thumper a lot - Brings your body back to. right in front of the ship so when you're spectating you can watch them abandon you Floyd: - Menace 3.0 (uses All tactics mentioned above) - hates the backroom mod - Screams at all the monsters, mostly out of joy - Loves the twerking emote - The Jack in the Box is his favourite - He loves the nutcracker too because when he kills it he gets the rifle - He will proceed to use the rifle irresponsibly - Finds all the ways to die on Gordion - Carries the boombox around everywhere
Kalim: - Can't play it's too scary for him. Even the minecraft world mod. It's just not for him. When he tried playing he got struck by lightning. Jamil: - Has to play with the arachnophobia filter - Still screams with the millipedes/face huggers - Always has a shovel, flashlight and walkie so he doesn't get much loot - Likes putting the mimic mask on to terrify everyone else even if it means he dies - Also enjoys the boombox and jamming out with the slime
Vil: - Gets super competitive - Actually loves the push mod but would never admit it - Loves beating the shit out of thumpers - Will kill his own teammates if they honk horns and shit he will NOT tolerate it - Ends up dying to the bracken a lot - Comments on how little sense the value of each thing is (especially the hair dryers) - Also makes up a lot of theories about the game and lore while he's playing but if you call him out on it he'll deny that he's That invested in the game (he will never look up the actual lore) Rook: - Literally only plays to try and kill the monsters he doesn't give a fuck about quota - Push mod is Funny - Dies to the slime a ridiculous amount of times because he's too busy beating the shit out of something else - Was the first one to die to a giants fart - Somehow always manages to get beehives with minimal damage - Tricks and/or "blackmails" people into trying fire exits out for him (he wants to see more of the mimic, but will leave all their loot on the ground) Epel: - Loves the high risk high reward moons - Teammates try to use him as bait, but he always uno reverses them - Blind dogs are his favourite and he likes to crouch walk with them and lowkey pretend they are his Friends - Loooooves the jetpack, he's half decent at flying with it - Has died to the ladder more than once (he did it to himself) - Also tries to send himself to the backrooms by charging things that should Not be charged - Runs into the bees by accident a lot
Idia: - Literally so many fucking mods - He looses interest in Lethal Company pretty quickly - Trans cat stuffy is his baby - the cat mod is the reason he stays, but then he also refuses to sell them to the company - He sometimes lets Ortho control everything (like monsters spawning, how fast time passes in game, how many inventory slots he has, etc. etc.) and it makes it more engaging for him and fun for Ortho Ortho: - When he plays alone he only plays on the minecraft map mod - He likes collecting Steve - Otherwise he invades public lobbies and is a little menace to everyone - At least once in game he'll abandon everyone because he thinks their panicking is funny - If he dies early, he doesn't quite grasp that it's frustrating when he calls the ship to leave, so it happens pretty much whenever he dies early - Speed runner when he's by himself because he has....all the mods at his disposal
Malleus: - He can't fix a tamagotchi, you think this man is playing a video game? - Sorry, you can play with him one on one to teach him the controls but you're not getting in the building Lilia: - Menace 4.0 - Grandpa is a little shit - Loves the coil heads and luring them towards his teammates, just to ditch them - Teleporters are his best friend - Dies to the elements more often than monsters (quicksand/Lightning/fall damage? Gravity) - Has also died via standing underneath the pod when it's delivering stuff - Loves the push mod - Calls the loot bugs his children - Will find a jar of pickles and defend it with a rifle, nobody is allowed to sell it Silver: - Dies to a lot of the monsters because Lilia told him there's a mod that lets him befriend them when there's not one installed - Has never died to a mimic door somehow - Has an amazing sense of direction in game, always knows where he is and how to get to the exit - Buys a rifle but tries to never use it - Mostly tails other teammates to make sure they're safe - If he stays in the ship he ends up falling asleep Sebek: - Dies to the blind dogs a lot - Also sustains damage from Lilia trolling him while he's trying to cross the bridge - Would rather play with no mods - Gets so proud when he brings back a lot of loot - Always tries to go back for more loot and ends up taking too long to get back to the ship
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jpitha · 4 months
Between the Black and Grey 41
First / Previous / Next
They streamed aboard the frigate. Fen, Northern, and Zhe ran to the command deck while Stormy headed to the AI core. After a minute or two, they could hear her over the ship's PA.
"Fen, this place is brand new! It still has that 'new starship smell'. I haven't smelled that in a millennium at least!"
Zhe sniffed the air, and her ears flicked. "It doesn't smell different to me."
"No, no, like it's a metaphorical smell. The ship is brand new that's all. I'm used to Starjumpers that have been in service longer than nations."
"While I appreciate all of this camaraderie-" Northern began, "The fact remains that we are under attack by the Empire and should leave."
"Sheesh. Is she always like this?" Fen could hear the smile in Stormy's voice. "Sit down then ladies, and buckle up."
As the three of them sat, belts snaked out from the seats and wrapped themselves around them and pulled just this side of too tight, and then when Fen breathed in, they loosened. There was a wobble in her inner ear as Stormy lifted off and the gravity changed from Picaresque to the ship. Fen heard a whining whirr above the normal thrum of the engine.
"Stormy, what was that?"
"Oh, I just freed the weapons. Call it experience, but I think we're going to need them. Speaking of, permission to apply War Emergency Power?"
"Uh, Yes? What's that?" Fen glanced at Northern.
"Ancestors, what a newbie. Northern, explain it please."
Northern ran her hand through her hair. "Human starships have always been over powered. If you run a high output reactor at a lower output it lasts longer, right? So that means that we always have power to spare. War Emergency Power means that you give Stormy permission to remove all the limiters and fuses on the reactors. Power output will greatly increase. She'll be able to wormhole link multiple times in succession - no waiting for the capacitors - all while firing the main battery and the slug throwers."
Fen raised an eyebrow. "But?"
"But it's dangerous." Stormy answered. "It's rare, but reactors can overload. Link the wormhole generator away, blow the battery, hell, blow the whole ship - though that's only happened once or twice. Most of the time a reactor overload is just a hassle." There was a pause and the thrum of the reactors seemed loud on the deck. "We're up next though, so you're going to have to choose."
"I approve War Emergency Power, Stormy, but do be careful."
"Hah! I'm always careful Fen. How do you think I lived this long?"
"Yes, but how many bodies have you gon---eeeeek"
As soon as they cleared the hangar, Stormy applied full thrust and fired a brace of juke charges along the side of the ship. Normally used only for last minute ducking around missiles, Stormy was using them to steer the ship in an erratic way as they thrusted away from Picaresque.
"Contact! Four Super Dreadnoughts trying to hide in the corona." Northern was hunched over a sensor station. "Seems like they're doing some wide angle scanning. They haven't changed their behavior yet."
"Four of them?" Zhe looked over at Fen and her ears flattened. "They don't know about you, right?"
"I don't see why they would. They're looking for the Empress. Speaking of-" She looked up at Northern. "Do you see her yacht in the system?"
"Negative, they must have linked away before the party started."
Suddenly there was a sound like cloth tearing, but lower, deeper. Fen felt it in the soles of her feet. It was the slug launcher. "Stormy, what was that?"
"Sorry Fen, I'm a little busy." Fen's inner ear did backflips as Stormy applied the thrusters asymmetrically and they spun in place. There was a sound like a thunderclap, and then three more in quick succession. The main battery. "Hooo, the Empire loves to pack the weapons on. I swear I didn't have this much firepower when I was a Starjumper!" Stormy is laughing.
"What's going on, Stormy?"
"Just watch on the screen."
Fen activated the screen at her seat. One side was a wireframe map of the system, and the other was a virtualized overview of the current battle. The four Supers were still out in the corona, but there were two battlecruisers that had linked in just moments ago and were firing missiles at the ships streaming away from Picaresque. Fen watched as there were white flashes as the missiles appeared in front of a ship, and rocketed into the nose. It exploded in a silent fireball.
"The missiles have wormhole generators?" Fen's voice cracked and her eyes were glued to the screen.
"Yeah, I remember when they thought of it. Back then the generators were too large and power hungry for it to work. But, I suppose with some of the knowledge transfer from the Sefigans and the Gren's miniaturization tech..."
A lucky shot rang off the hull, sounding like a stick hitting an empty can. The displays at Fen's chair flashed orange and the wireframe of the system was replaced with an overlay of the frigate with sections towards the rear outlined in orange.
"Fen, we've been hit!" Zhe is scrolling through the readouts as fast as she can. "Looks like mostly superficial. The ablative coating on the hull took most of it, but if they hit the same spot again, we're in trouble. Er, in more trouble."
"We're not going to take on four Supers." Stormy continued to evade the shots, but she was right, they couldn't take on the attackers. "Captain, where are we going?"
"I don't know, Stormy, I didn't think I'd have to decide right this second." Fen looked around the room. "I'm open to suggestions!"
"We could go back to the Heap, Daddy told me where they moved to." Zhe looked over at Fen, her eyes bright with hope.
"You know where the Heap is?" Stormy sounded impressed. "I figured that place was just a legend. It's up to the captain, but I'm up for the trip."
A sound like hail assaulted the hull. More lights lit up on Fen's display.
"That'll be the slug throwers. They're too far out to do more than annoy, but Fen, really. It's time to go."
"Uh" Fen looked at the radar, and then the ship schematic and then up at Northern and Zhe. They were both staring at the pads at their stations, trying to figure out what to do next. Fen was pulled against the seatbelts as Stormy did another aerobatic maneuver to get out of the way of something. "Fine, fine. the Heap. Stormy, link us to the Heap please. Zhe give her the coordinates."
"Already entered in, Fen. Stormy, do you see it?"
"I got it Zhe, Linking away now."
Fen sat up. She was in the K'laxi ancestral forest again. Ma crouched near her on the balls of her clawed feet. "Hey Fen. Doing some traveling? I don't see you for nearly a year your time and then you show up in quick succession. Makes me think you miss me." Ma winked and her ears flicked.
"Ma, I miss you every moment of every day. So many decisions would be easier to make if you were still with me." Fen pushed her self into a cross legged position.
"Well, I'm only a link away." Ma sat on her lap. "What's wrong hon?"
"Gord removed the Nanites."
"Yes, we know. What do you think of that?"
"I don't know. I think it's good?" Fen shook her head, like she was trying to clear it. "They didn't seem like they had my best interests in mind, but also they had a lot of power. Maybe I could have used that."
"Maybe you could have, it's true." Ma nodded. "But used it to do what? You know what the Nanites want."
"They want me to be Empress."
"You spoke with the current Empress, what did you think of her?"
Fen turned and looked Ma in the eyes. "She seemed... broken? She was trying so hard to look normal, collected. But you get more than surface deep with her and there was this howling, screaming loneliness, this sadness that permeated her."
Ma leaned back onto Fen's collarbone. Fen put her arms around her wife and hugged her tightly. "Sounds like Gord did you a favor then."
"Maybe, but now what?"
"Now what indeed."
Fen awoke, still strapped in her chair, to Stormy's voice. "Oh, she's one of those."
"Be nice Stormy, you've had captains that have trouble with wormhole links before." Northern chided. "Fen comes back faster than most."
"My wife's there." Fen's voice sounds fuzzy, distant.
"Your what?"
"Ma-ren. She was - is - my wife." Fen's eyes glisten. "She died back home when we were trying to escape with Gord on Spyglass. Shot in the back by one of Tam'tarr's goons as we were running." She sniffs. "I see her, every time I link. We talk. It-" Fen sobs loudly "-it feels like we're still together."
Fen breaks down, hands covering her face. Zhe undoes her buckles and gets up and hugs Fen. She just stands there over her, hugging for a few minutes.
Fen catches her breath and looks up. "What are we going to do?"
"What do you mean?" Northern asks quietly.
"I mean, what are we going to do? Gord and Chloe and the Empress are off on some kind of mission to destroy the Nanites, and I didn't want any part of that and so we ran away. Gord let us go. Said he wasn't going to make us come with him. We leave Picaresque only to get caught up in a battle with the Empire while they're looking for Meredith. They have no idea who we are or how close we were to her. If they did we'd be captured... or worse. Now, we're in the same system as the Heap, and... now what?"
Northern undid her belts and stood. She came over to Fen and Zhe and hugged them both. She was a little awkward at first, but after a moment squeezed them tightly. "We'll do what we always do. We'll figure something out. If it doesn't work, we'll figure something else out. As long as we're still alive, that's what we do." Northern straightened, the front of her shirt damp. "For now, let's go see Zhe's dad again. Maybe we'll get some work."
The siren was startling. The three of them must have jumped a meter. "Stormy! What's wrong?"
"Sorry to interrupt things, but someone just linked in. It's a Super Dreadnought."
Northern looked down at the ship displayed on Fen's pad. "Fuck me."
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invisibleraven · 3 months
omg this new prompt list is SO GOOD.
I totally stopped at "exclaiming "because I love you," during an argument and then right under that prompt was rain kisses. So like TOGETHER! Fighting in the rain. Gah I needs it!
I'd love Juke but I know that's not your fav so Rukebox would be my second choice followed closely by maybe hmmm, Luke/Reggie. I feel like it's Luke or Julie doing the dramatic exclaiming and I'm not a fan of Rulie (sorry)
You ship what you want, and I'll ship what I want, it's all cool. Besides we can always agree on the best triad formation of Julie/Luke/Reggie, so no worries.
Reggie was good at pretending.
He pretended he had a loving family and supportive parents when it was the complete opposite. He pretended that his low grades that threatened to make him senior year didn't bother him. He pretended to be cool with the band doing Christmas every year when he went home to light his tiny menorah.
And most of all, he pretended he wasn't hopelessly in love with Luke and Julie.
He had gotten pretty good at it, even though his heart ached everytime he looked at them, saw them making heart eyes and singing love songs at one another. Even if they were perfect for one another, that didn't make his feelings fade any.
He missed sharing a mic or a notebook with Luke. Painting his nails or discussing country music with Julie. Sure they did still did those things, but it didn't feel the same-not with the spectre of their partner hanging over him. He felt like a third wheel, and that was a feeling he hated.
He would be fine if he could one, or both of them as his loves, but he didn't think there was any way forward with that. His luck wasn't that good.
Especially now, given the three of them were trapped in the studio waiting for a rain storm to pass so they could head to their respective homes. If the rain and wind wasn't so violent Reggie would have hopped on his bike, but he didn't want to risk wiping out so he stayed put.
"Yo Reg do you wanna help on the bridge for Electric Heart?" Luke asked.
"I think you both have it in hand," Reggie replied, but the smile on his face was strained, his eyes not as bright as they usually were.
"How about the melody to Untamed Rhapsody?" Julie suggested.
"I'm good," Reggie said, idly strumming his bass, not looking up to see their expressions.
"Why are you such a grouch today?" Luke snarked.
"Yeah, what happened to our sunshiney boy?" Julie asked.
It was the our that broke him-it stung so much to have it dangled in front of him by the very people he wanted to mean it.
"Maybe I don't wanna be sunshiney!" he shouted. "Maybe sometimes I'm a storm cloud, or a stiff breeze, or a fucking tornado. If you knew me, you'd know that!"
"Reggie..." Luke said, standing, and bringing Julie with him.
"No!" He exclaimed, scooting backwards. "I am so sick of pretending to be okay, and neither of you notice. None of you do. None of you even care!"
With that he stormed out, heedless of the rain, just marching off in the direction of Silver Lake, too mad to stop for his bike, or grab his jacket. He was too fuming mad to care about the raindrops dripping into his eyes, as he blinked them away with his tears. He could care less about his soaked clothes, all he cared about was getting away.
"Reggie!" Luke called, catching up, holding his arm fast.
"How could you ever think we don't care about you?" he asked.
"We know when you put up a front Reggie," Julie said, pushing her water logged curls away from her face. "We figured when you were ready to talk to us, you would-we didn't want to push."
"How? Why?" Reggie asked.
"Because I love you!" Luke shouted. "We love you!"
"And before you argue or front, we don't mean as friends," Julie stated firmly. "We've both been in love with you since almost as long as we've been together, but we weren't sure how you felt."
"Then I saw your song...the one about a heart pulled in two directions. Then I knew," Luke said, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's such a good song Reg."
"It's nothing-" Reggie said, but was cut off as both Luke and Julie gathered him into their arms.
"Never doubt yourself," Julie admonished. "You are talented, and wonderful, and so so handsome."
"How could we not love you?" Luke asked, a faint laugh in his voice.
"I love you both too," Reggie broke down, though this time the tears were happy, relieved, and made even the rain feel like nothing.
Julie was the first to kiss a tear away, then Luke, making Reggie giggle as they pecked each of his freckles, the corners of his eyes, the tip of his nose, the hinge of his jaw.
But he was the one who gripped Luke's face, pulling him in for a real kiss, a little hard, a little bit too much tongue, and perfect all the same. Then he kissed Julie whose kiss was sweeter, with a hint of teeth, and surpassed his every imagining.
Luke pulled Julie into a kiss then-but this time Reggie didn't feel jealousy or heartbroken. He felt glad to see the loves of his life there with them, sharing the love between them all.
"Can we go back inside now?" he asked. "I'm soaked through and we're all going to get pneumonia at this rate."
"Can't risk that, we have to plan our first date," Luke said with a grin, pulling them back towards the studio.
It was Julie who directed them towards the house where she had changes of clothes for them stashed away, and warm horchata to drink. Plus she had to give her father the chance to gloat over knowing all along.
Reggie didn't have to pretend to smile at that-his grin was one hundred percent genuine, as was every smile that followed it for the rest of his life.
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thedeathdeelers · 7 months
Truth & Dare Ask Game:
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
answered here!
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
hmm the easiest answer would be “juke are soulmates” but that’s more canon than headcanon so 😌 i’d sayyyy that luke would tap on julie’s window dead aT night whenever he gets a song idea that he just CANT let go and needs julie to hear or help him with it — and altho julie might wake up and stare aT him grumpily she signals to him to come up and they both huddle on her bed and work on it until the sun starts to peak on the horizon and julie is asleep with her head on luke’s lap while like is leaning against her headboard eyes closed as he focuses on the sound of her breathing and heartbeat- the closest he gets to sleeping in his ghost form
they stay that way until luke can hear ray getting up and walking around outside, and that’s when he tucks julie back into her bed, presses a soft kiss on her forehead and retreats back to the studio where reggie and alex are waiting for him with annoyingly knowing looks
anyway this happened a lot. yeah (that got long)
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
Tumblr media
this guy in reference to my favourite (hot) fictional villains (shoutout to @pink-flame cause i will never see this gif without thinking of our repeated use of it on discord for one of our faves <3)
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august-anon · 1 year
Jitters No More
Sequel to Showtime
i finished this. almost a year ago lol. i need to stop hoarding my finished fics lol
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
Ship(s): Gen (hints of Juke)
Characters (lee/ler): Switch!Julie, Luke, Reggie, Alex
Word Count: 1488 words
Summary: Another gig is coming up soon, and Julie finds herself nervous once more. She forgot to account for the fact that the boys could actually touch her, this time.
[ao3 link]
They’d done it dozens of times before, all sat in the studio in near silence as they did their own things, but this time it felt different. 
Maybe it was Reggie sitting on the ground, leaning up against her legs as he restrung his bass. Maybe it was Luke, draped inelegantly over the couch next to her, taking up so much room that his head rested in her lap. Maybe it was Alex, who had squeezed the back of her neck on the way to the chair he was currently sprawled in, practicing keeping rhythms on his thighs.
Julie, for her part, sucked all the warmth in— and that was odd, too. You’d think ghosts would be cold, even if they suddenly got the ability to touch humans (or, at least, Julies) again, but no. They were just as warm as any living person— as she tipped her head back against the couch and hummed under her breath, testing harmonies for tomorrow in her head. She closed her eyes and let her fingers dance in the air as if she were playing her piano, trying to work the muscle memory into her fingers.
Luke’s head shifted on her thigh, and that warning was the only reason she didn’t jump when his voice rang out into the quiet room. “Ready for the gig, Julie?”
Julie snorted, dropping her hands and opening her eyes. “Yeah, ask me again tomorrow.”
Alex made a sympathetic sound, stilling his own hands as well. “Nervous?”
Reggie glanced up at her, still slowly and carefully tightening the new string on his bass.
“I guess, yeah. I don’t think I ever won’t be. But like you guys said, right? You learn to use it.”
“And you also learn ways to calm down.” Luke said.
Julie glanced down at him, mouth open to reply, but the words quickly died in her throat as she watched that slow, sly grin spread across his face. Very pointedly in her direction. All of Julie’s breath left her in a woosh, and she felt a nervous smile try to rise up on her face.
“Now— wait just a second!”
Alex grinned, scooting forward to the edge of his seat. “Are we tickling the jitters out of Julie?”
Reggie plucked his new string, a perfectly tuned A ringing out in the room, and then carefully  placed his bass aside. “I think we are.”
“I think we are not!” Julie called out, trying to shift out from under Luke so she could crawl up from the couch and make a dash for the door.
Luke rose slowly, turning his body with it so he could face her. He reminded her a bit of a tiger about to pounce, every movement slow and smooth and deliberate. And that stupid sly grin wasn’t doing anything to make her feel less like prey.
Unfortunately, watching Luke like a cornered animal gave the others more than enough time to get into position. The first squeeze at Julie’s knee, bare through the giant rips in her baggy jeans, made her yelp and jump. The second made her squeak and break into giggles while she tried to jostle her leg to dislodge Reggie’s hand. Reggie’s fingers on her leg were swiftly joined by a set of fingertips at her neck and ears, Alex having snuck behind the couch for his own attack while she wasn’t looking.
“Guys— come on!” She said, her voice embarrassingly shrill and peppered with involuntary giggles.
Luke tsked at her. “Julie, Julie, Julie. Did you really think we would have forgotten?”
She shook her head against Alex’s fingers, which Luke must’ve taken for an answer, because he laughed.
“Good, cuz we didn’t. I mean, come on, it was only a matter of time.”
She squealed and kicked out as Reggie started squeezing up the exposed portions of her thighs. She really regretted wearing those jeans today. She was never gonna wear them around the guys again, her legs wouldn’t be able to take it. Reggie just laughed, which only made her laugh more, because his laughter was so contagious.
“That’s my name!”
“Cut it out!”
Reggie hummed, like he was actually considering it. “Mm, no. Maybe later.”
She let out an even more shrill noise when Luke’s fingers finally joined in, callused fingertips sneaking along the sliver of stomach exposed by her crop top. Never again, she swore, just like the jeans. She’d never wear anything even remotely exposing ticklish spots in front of the boys again. It was all long-sleeved turtlenecks and snowpants from here on out.
“This so isn’t fair!” She laughed out, shoving at Luke’s hands.
Alex laughed, his breath ruffling her hair. “Who ever said anything about fair? You saw that last tickle fight.”
Tickle fight. That was right. 
Julie lunged forward, flopping off the couch onto the rug below. Luke hissed out a startled curse, jumping back on the couch a little bit almost like a startled cat. Reggie yelped as she tripped over him, and she made a note to apologize to him later. Alex himself looked about ready to launch over the back of the couch himself.
“Julie,” he said, eyes wide and concerned. “Are you okay? Did we go too far?”
Julie huffed out a heavy breath, a grin still tugging at her mouth. “No. I just figured it’s easier to get revenge from down here.”
Reggie seemed to realize very quickly that he was the only person on the ground, yelling as he tried to scramble up onto the couch. Julie laughed and pulled him back down, scribbling under one of his arms so he couldn’t pull himself up again. With her free hand, Julie reached up to scrabble at Luke’s knee through his jeans. Even with the fabric in the way, it seemed as though her nails were killer, based on the way he laughed and tried to flinch away. 
Alex shrugged, seeming to be fine with this new direction, and hopped over the back of the couch so he could wrap Luke in a bear hug and pluck at his ribs, just like last time. Luke’s laughter pitched up, and Julie grinned when she realized his now-trapped position meant he couldn’t successfully squirm his way away from her hands.
“Who’s laughing now, Luke?” She said.
Alex laughed. “I think it’s him.”
Then Julie shrieked and crumpled as Reggie managed to slip his hand up under the arm she had raised to tickle Luke. She slammed her arm down to her side and fell back into laughter, literally, as she collapsed on Reggie’s chest.
“Oops, never mind,” Alex said. “It’s you, again.”
“Shut up!”
Julie gathered her strength and managed to get control over her hands once more, sending one to skitter up Reggie’s ribs and the other to scribble into his stomach. Reggie squealed and gave up his own tickling, instead trying to curl into a ball around Julie’s hands.
“I’ll save you, Reg!” Luke called, and it was all the warning Julie got before Luke broke free of Alex’s grip, landing on the ground just behind her and digging his hands into her ribs.
Julie squealed, arching her back, but only let her fingers falter on Reggie for a moment. Alex laughed and slipped off the couch, lightly scribbling one hand against Reggie’s nape and the other against Luke’s stomach. Julie pulled one hand away from Reggie to squeeze at Alex’s side, just because he wasn’t getting tickled enough. Luke seemed to like that idea, because he did the same, laughing even harder as Alex pulled away from both of them to curl up just like Reggie.
After that, the tickle fight tapered off bit by bit, until they all laid in a tangled pile on the old rug. Julie’s head rested on Alex’s stomach, his fingers absent-mindedly stroking through her hair. Luke’s head rested on her stomach, and Reggie was sprawled across his torso in a way that looked rather uncomfortable for the both of them, but neither seemed inclined to move.
“You probably need to tune again,” Julie murmured, staring at the ceiling with no desire to move. “The strings will have relaxed some by now.”
Reggie groaned, fumbling around until he found her hand to hold, the other grasping onto one of Alex’s. “I’ll do it later.”
Luke huffed. “Shut up, I’m trying to sleep.”
“You shut up,” Julie said.
“All of you shut up,” Alex said.
“Ready for the gig tomorrow?” Luke asked, as if he had not just told everyone to stop.
“Might need another round tomorrow,” Julie felt relaxed enough to admit. “I’ll let you know.”
Reggie laughed, squeezing her hand. Luke reached up and tweaked her leg, making her yip. Alex groaned, but she could hear the smile in his voice.
“Well, at least we can finally deal with your jitters ourselves, now.” Luke said.
“Watch it,” she said. “I can deal with yours, too.”
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Get To Know Me Better / 9 People You Want To Know w/ 9 Questions
@thecoolblackwaves obsessed w me...
Three Ships: i am not a big shipper guy anymore uhmm silvergifting is such a failship i think its really funny and awful and because i think 2016 gave me irreversible brain damage kylux and youll have to pry them from my cold dead hands...
First Ship: brother i have no clue probably hetalia something
Last Song: juke-joint jezebel - kmfdm
Last Movie: i actually have no clue something lotr i think??
Last Spoken Words: three
Currently Reading: i am useless i dont read like ever lmao
Currently Watching: i dont really watch tv but im waiting for trop still
Currently Eating: hot water
Currently Craving: nothing <3333 food is too much for my fucked up guts rn
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sunjaesol · 2 years
#6 for the kisses prompt makes me think of engagement juke 😭
6. Wild, breathless kisses brought on by a heartfelt gift (princess x guard au)
*~*~* Solaria, 1845 *~*~*
Princess Julianna Molina of Solaria has never left the island. She spent most of her time inside the gates of the castle though rarely found herself promenading in the city to visit lords, ladies, ambassadors, or the orphanage. But beyond were strange waters and unknown worlds.
Her father said the sea creatures and pirates didn't like princesses, but still: at night, she wondered what else was out there.
Her lady-in-waiting, Kayla, came from the mainland Los Dédalo. She rarely spoke of her time there. All she knew of Kayla was the tragic history of her deceased father, the Marquess Caro, which led her to live with the court of Molina.
"It's colder," she once uttered, untangling Julianna's curls, "and the woods extend for miles and miles. They use brown brick instead of pale stucco for their houses." A gentle, foreign smile lifted on her thin lips. "And there's a lot of dancing."
A week after Kayla's quiet words, her father beckoned her to his study for news. A new batch of guards would commence on their grounds, of which one would become her personal guard.
Julianna frowned. "I have my chaperones and Lady-In-Waiting. I don't need more protection, father."
King Raymond shook his head. "You are seventeen years of age. Soon, you'll start attending balls and getting called on by nobility. I won't have your reputation be ruined because I was lenient with your protection."
The words made him perk up. "Attending balls? On the mainland?"
"Yes." She gasped. "But do not get your hopes up. The mainland has nothing on Solaria, the monarchy you'll rule over one day." A rueful smile twisted on his mouth. "Though I'm sorry your mother isn't here to guide you."
Julie placed her hand on her necklace, on heirloom from her mother, and tilted her head to the ceiling. "She's here, though. Don't worry."
Ray placed a kiss on her forehead and told her to go. Her large purple skirt ruffled around her as she went.
Twelve guards descended onto the island by ship the next day. Guard Lukas Patterson was assigned to her. He had a strong built, a kind smile, and no issue speaking to her whenever she allowed it. At first, it unnerved her to find a guard standing outside her quarters at all times, but soon he became part of the routine. Wake up, get washed and dressed, and greeted Lukas as she went to break her fast.
She was walking around the garden with her Lady-In-Waiting Kayla and Viscountess Flynn, when she peeked over her shoulder at Lukas shadowing them a couple feet back. Before she realised what she was doing, a question sprung from her tongue.
"May I ask how old you are, Guard?"
His brows raised in surprise. From her periphery, she felt the confusion of her friends. "Eighteen, Princess," he replied.
"Isn't that young to be a guard?"
"We start training at thirteen."
A curious smile lifted on her lips. Thirteen? At thirteen, she was learning Latin, Italian and Greek, was called a genius on the pianoforte by her governess, and had her hair trimmed for the first time in her life. She couldn't imagine a life so different from hers.
The conversation should end there, but instead she continued, her interest piqued. "Is it hard? Training?" She nodded at the sword in its sheath draped around his hips.
"Julie," Flynn whispered, gently reaching for her elbow. "Perhaps we should walk another lap."
The words had a sheen of warning. It wasn't a request. Flynn was perhaps the only woman of nobility that didn't oblige to every of Julianna's whims. The princess nodded and turned away from the guard.
Her curiosity was often chastised as a child. Princesses didn't need to know things that didn't concern them. Professors taught her politics, history and geography, but the moment she begged for personal anecdotes or an odd detail, the books slammed shut. At least she had her pianoforte. Then, she could escape into her own imagination and create the most beautiful compositions.
Later that evening, she sat alone in the grande library, curled into a velvet couch while reading with candlelight. But she couldn't focus. Outside the mahogany doors, Lukas stood still, alert and waiting for her to make a move.
Would it be improper to invite him inside? Nothing would happen. Julie just wanted to talk, listen to his years of training.
And so, she did.
Tiptoeing to the door, she craned her neck around the corner and caught Lukas' eye. He straightened up. "Is everything okay, Princess?"
"Yes," she said. A hesitant pause. She never broke the rules. "Would you... like to come inside, Guard Lukas? I still want to hear the story about your training."
His expression fell into an incredulous gawk, not at all like the cool gaze he usually sported. She withheld a giggle. Her guard was sort of cute. "Uh... I- I'm not sure if-"
"You won't get in trouble," she rushed. "I asked you, didn't I?"
Slowly, he nodded, lightly bowed his head, and entered the library. He sat down in the chair opposite of her, a little awkward, though seemingly in awe by the grandeur of the space and the buttery texture of the furniture. Her long hair was down and she wasn't wearing her gloves, but somehow, she didn't feel exposed.
"So, tell me about your training."
And so it began. Luke wasn't just her guard, but a confidante. He told her about his life before the Molina court. That he used to live in the uppermost province of Los Dédalo and joined the military to take care of his parents. That he made his best friends there, Reginald and Alexander, but that he called them Reggie and Alex, and they called him Luke.
Luke. It wasn't at all like the names people chose in Solaria. But she liked it. Short and sweet and it rolled off her tongue in a pleasant manner.
Meanwhile, balls had commenced across the islands and mainland. Julianna wore dresses dripping in gold and gemstones, her hair braided with pearls, silk gloves and glass, sunkissed skin. She was the vision of perfection; a wonderful dance partner, too.
Except much to her disappointment, she didn't match with any suitor. They called on her the days after a ball, of course, but none have her an easy feeling. There was no comfortable rapport.
All the while, Luke stood in the corners, the shadows, watching her.
One evening, Julie paced along the glass-stained windows of the sunroom in agitation, venting about the lack of ardent men on the dance floor. Luke listened while leaning against the wall, slight amusement on his face.
"I'll be frank: do you even like these balls?"
"I like the dancing," she conceded. "But nothing else. Not that my opinion matters." Julie sighed and plopped down in a rattan chair. "I know these are... quite luxurious problems, but it's still my life. And I want a love match, as silly as that might sound."
With a frown, he moved towards her. "It's not silly, Princess. I dream of a match like that, too."
That surprised her. If she was honest, she didn't think guards had dreams. Their lives were pre-determined, just like hers, unless they wanted to flee and be marked as a treasonous fool. "Really?"
The guard nodded, his eyes flitting from her to the lush gardens behind the glass. She wished to step closer, place her hand on his arm and ask what that fond look meant, but it was a risk too great to take. It was daylight still. A passing servant wouldn't be pleased seeing their easy relationship, and would no doubt gossip.
Pressing her hand in her side, she mustered a comment. "Do you want me to set you up with one of the kitchen maids?" she giggled. "Chef Gisela is a catch!"
Luke rolled his eyes. "No thank you, Princess."
"Please," she found herself saying, "call me Julie."
He paused. "J- are you sure?"
No, she wasn't sure. Her proposal screamed impropriety. Them talking in the sunroom like this, with him unguarded and smiling, shouldn't even happen in this realm of existence. But Julie never backtracked. With a raised chin, she uttered: "Yes"
Luke's green eyes shimmered in the golden light at her conviction. "Okay. Then Julie, please don't set me up with Chef Gisela." A smirk danced on his handsome face. "I don't really have a thing for redheads."
That night, she dreamt of Luke. Of that smile he sent her, of his eyes and kind voice, of his bold statement. What did it mean? She hadn't really thought about what she had a thing for. A man that connected with her on a soul-deep level, sure, but what else? Did she imagine a blonde or brunette by her side? Pale or dark skin? One with a culture similar to her own, or wildly different? She was woefully unprepared.
Tossing and turning, she came to the huffed conclusion that she had to speak to Luke further about 'having a thing'.
"You're not seriously asking me this!" he squeaked the next day. His hair was unkept, brown strands standing in all directions and curling at the nape of his neck. Something she should chastise, but it looked rather nice on him.
"I am," she stiffly replied. They were in the garden, away from the preening eyes of the court, and she busied herself picking flowers and placing them in a basket, in fear he'd see her plum blush and shy eyes if she faced him. "You don't have to indulge me, but I'd be grateful if you did."
He puffed. "It doesn't sound like I have a choice."
"You do." Julie straightened up and dared to lock eyes. Her hands folded together in front of her floral dress. "I'm asking this as a friend, Luke, not as a princess."
The guard sighed, looked over his shoulder to check they were indeed not being eavesdropped on, and uttered: "Okay... at these balls you attend, what catches your eye?"
"About people's countenance?"
"Well..." A zinnia twirled between her fingers, a pensive expression dancing on her face. "I like men that are taller than me."
"That's not hard," he jested. She stuck her tongue out.
She continued: "And... I like when they appear strong. And I suppose that I like darker features, like dark hair." As tangled as her thoughts were last night, as clear as day they were now. "Blonde looks so lifeless to me, for some reason."
Luke smirked. "Wasn't that Viscount Nick Dawson you spoke about a blonde?"
"But there you go!" With a bounce in his step, he closed the distance between them and plucked the flower from her grip. Surprised, she looked up at his looming figure, her breath catching in her throat when he gently tucked the flower in her updo. "Now you know what you like. What your 'thing' is."
Her head tilted. "What's your thing? If it's not redheads?"
He smiled. She wondered if someone ever told him he had a perfect smile; the perfect ratio of lips and teeth and scrunch of the eyes. But then he dismissed her with a slight bow. "What I like is not important."
"It is! You said you wished for a love match!"
He took a step back. "We both know I'll be protecting Solaria until my retirement, whether as your guard, or at sea."
Right. His position as her guard wouldn't be forever. After she married, or went on her honeymoon, or the military needed reinforcements, or after her inauguration as queen — somewhere in that timeline, he would be gone. And no one would speak of him, as though a ghost, as guards weren't meant to be friends with.
Julie looked down, hoping to hide her sorrowful expression. "Right. You're right."
The following days were devoid of Luke. She didn't feel like talking to him. She never had to anticipate losing a friend before, and didn't know how to deal with it. And so, she spent her free time playing the pianoforte.
Her father noticed her mournful demeanour. "Don't fret, my Dahlia, more suitors will call on you when we host a ball."
Her fingers paused on the keys, a sharp sound piercing the quiet. A ball? The last one was a couple weeks ago, given the several engagements between nobility that had popped up left and right. Julie hadn't been there to celebrate, obviously, isolated on her island.
She frowned. "We're hosting one?"
He laughed. "Of course! And you'll be the diamond." His finger laid beneath her chin, his eyes boring into hers. "No one will compare to you."
"I don't think that matters, dad," she whispered, losing all decorum as hope sunk to her feet. "It's been months since the first ball, no one is interested. I'm not interested. I think I'll have to try again next season."
"At eighteen?" he stammered. "Your mother married me at sixteen."
"Lady Wilson married at twenty-one," she argued.
Father sighed. "Yes, and now she's across the world in a land with the coldest climate, away from her family. That is not a life I wish for you."
His voice was resolute. Don't fight, it meant. Without another word, she returned to the pianoforte, though her hands shook with frustration.
The night of the ball, Julie was a mess of nerves. The maids fluttered around her in the quarters, helping her into her purple gown and adding crystals in her hair. If her father's conviction she'd find a match at their ball, than he no doubt would chat up the mamas and papas with charming eligible sons. Didn't matter if Julie found them uninteresting. It was time for her to choose. To act like the princess she has trained for her entire life.
Kayla fanned her flushed face, concerned, to which Julie mustered a weak smile. "I'm just excited," she lied. "So excited."
The first dance had begun by the time Julie and Kayla padded down the luxe hallways to the ballroom. The double doors were closed, music and chatter and warm light bleeding through. God, she didn't want to go. She really didn't want to go.
"You can already go inside," she heard herself say.
Kayla appeared surprised. "Excuse me?"
"Enjoy yourself," she encouraged. "I just need a second to- to collect myself."
Her Lady-In-Waiting hesitated for a beat, eyeing the ballroom that lured her closer, before she sighed and nodded. "All right. If you're not inside in five minutes, I'll come and get you."
Finally, Kayla left. The servants opened the doors for her and she entered the ball. As they shut, with only servants that chatted amongst themselves, Julie had her privacy to take a breath.
Julie gasped. Twirling around, she found Luke standing in a dark alcove. Flitting her gaze to the servants, she ensured they paid no attention and picked up her skirt, rushing towards him.
He looked distinguished: a crisp white shirt and his gear polished for the party. Her heart skipped a beat when her eyes raked from his clothes to his imploring gaze. They hadn't spoken in weeks, but it felt like days, and yet, she had missed him.
Her conversation with Luke shot to the forefront of her mind. Her 'thing': that was what she should look for. A tall, strong man, with brown hair... and handsome features... and a sense of humour... and-
Oh. Her racing thoughts came to a standstill. Oh.
"You've asked me what my thing is," he whispered.
Julie blinked. That was why he called her? Glad the shadows hid her disappointment, she sought her voice. "I... yes."
"I just wanted to say that..." He took a deep breath. "It's girls with brown hair in pretty dresses."
Oh. "Luke..."
"I wanted to give you this." From his pocket, he revealed a strip of elegant white lace. At the ends, dried zinnias were sown on. Dainty and unassuming, but a fortune for a man like Luke. Tears welled in her eyes. Luke seemed flustered. "It's— I mean, I figured you could wear it as a bracelet, but—"
"I love it," she exhaled, "thank you. I—"
Surging up, she grabbed his cheeks and pressed a hard kiss on his mouth. He was frozen. Fear overtook her senses and she stepped back, about to exclaim okay, bye! when his hand gripped her wrist, mumbling a breathless wait and pulled her back in his chest. His lips locked back on hers. Relieved, her hands fluttered from his arms to his neck, settling there. His own touch rose up her back and stopped when his thumb grazed the skin of her shoulder blade.
Oh, no. Kayla.
Julie took a step back and found Luke chasing her, but she pushed him back into the dark. The servants would have his head if they saw.
"I need to go," she whispered in a flurry of excitement and nerves and elation. Her heart hammered in her throat. "I... I'll find you at the end of the ball."
Luke smiled. "Not if I find you first."
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kiss prompts (closed!)
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mac-lilly · 1 year
B, F & I!
Hi!! Thank you for the ask.😊
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn't consider, but someone changed your mind.
Oh, I have to be very careful with how I phrase this ...😅 Well, it's Juke. 
As repeatedly mentioned, I do have my issues with pre-character-development Luke. So, I went back and forth with them a lot - it was a rollercoaster. 
Here's a summary of my 2021 Juke ride (at least what I remember): 
Cute kitchen scene: Wait... are they going to be a thing? 🤔
Mic share and walkthrough in Bright: Alright, I'm down for it.
Luke "stealing" Flying Solo and just assuming he's entitled to her gratitude: Nope.
Luke prioritizing his revenge on Bobby over Julie and the half-hearted apology: Yup, I'll never sail this ship. 
Luke's past and Julie's forgiveness and Luke calling her boss: JUKE?
Finally Free: JUKE?! 
Flirting in the school hallway: JUKE! 🥰
Luke trying to coax Julie into ditching school: Boy, I'm warning you. You just got off the hook. Don't ruin this ship. 
Perfect Harmony: Who is this guy? ... Wait, is this Luke?! WTF?!🤣
Edge of Great and onwards: JUKE! JUKE! JUKE! 🥰💜
Finding out about the age difference between Madi and Charlie: Okay, maybe no Juke. 😬 That's ... weird/gross. (<- This was before the cancellation. I assumed that, at some point, we'd get to see a Juke kiss, and part of me didn't want this to happen.)
Being exposed to all the good Juke content on AO3: JUKE! JUKE! JUKE!🥰🥰🥰
And, well ... Tadaaah! JUKE! 
F - What's the longest you've ever been in a fandom?
As an active participant ... about 5 years. 
As a passive, purely consuming member ... Well, One Piece first aired here in 2003.😅 So, twenty years and counting. 
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Thankfully, no. But I've heard rumors about how the JATP fandom -- or parts of it -- used to be. I think that would have driven me away. (Almost glad for being a year late.😅)
Again, thank you💜
Fandom asks
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pedropenguin28 · 5 months
Summary frankie bar tender on palm tree hawi bar female reader is a blonde smart studying veterinary who is woohed over by frankie but he has a bit of reputation in the local area a bit of a player and has his own secrets
Warning smut and kink consent sex and violence achol abuse drug abuse PSD drowning and many more
A/w I don't know how this fan fic working
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Frankie pov warning PTSD ⚠️nightmare
"After nice night, I was confessed over n/a frankie James called the over yeah mate I collect glass you fancy a cold beer why not he was rolling a joint I out the glass down grabbing the cold beer so that girl who you know she just nothing I sipped my beer I like to just slept with woman and forget them mate " I picked up the ice cold beer fuck that good yeah " he hands me a joint placing it in my mouth I lit until it turned Amber fuck inhaling that good I blow the smoke " we was working are away through the bar nearly James was drunk putting the juke box on I was halfway stoned singing to all the classic. It was getting late. I started to walk back to my house. Which wasn't fair stumbling everywhere, " I managed to turn the key. Getting inside, I kicked my shoes off and stumbled into the bedroom, pulling my shorts down and letting the coins fall on the floor. Fuck I cussed dragging top off sliding my boxer shorts " I fell on the bed falling asleep . My body was overheating I was tossing and turning . It was a cold misty day are corporal margins was waiting for us.i was just a young lad just left school a scared kid "my parents thought it would be a good idea to join the army . At first I was like hell No. new it, I was shipped off on a bus with a group full of lads,"same age" no one had a clue what was in for us . "Hi a lad with black floppy hair chewing gum " i am Oliver what posh name Oliver sorry he laugh people from my neighbour call me olls nice to meet you I am francso but frankie will do "oi lads a cheeky mousey brown haired guy I am nick and a another guy Tommy nice to meet you all . Right follow me on by one we was in a line " what are they doing cutting your hair cut franky no one in the army like long hair . Morals, you're next. I walked in the barbes' hair hearing the hair clippers all my curl hair was off .
I walked out going to get my uniform. Try it on looking at the mirror frankie come on . We walked where the rest of the lads where . Sitting in like a class room " right we are all on the front line to morrow okay we leave nearly in the tanks and head west okay. 'Muffys you all have a good night sleep and see you to morrow .
"We all walked back to our cabins packing our bags for tomorrow. I am scared Tommy choked out. Why I have girlfriend handing me a Picture and she is pregnant with our first child congratulations yeah same I looked sorry a guy turned around I am nick hello " right I think its good time Tommy walked to the door" we all walked to the canteen it was busy the food look horrible cold porridge it look not nice we all at down "tucking into cold porridge "so why did you join the army "I guess my parents didn't want me to be in trouble anymore I smiled yeah "dinner time was nearly finished "I scrape my tray in the bin " I walked back to the cabin climbing into my bunk bed . " I fell asleep. Then next morning, the lights were on. " Everyone quickly got changed, grabbing my bag and things I walked out the fright on everyone's face . We all stepped in the army trunk helmets on guns in are hands , we arrived the fields where muddy when you walk your boots get suck . Right olly frankie Tommy and nick your in a group, okay we began walking over shit it was cold hearing gun shots in the distance. We kept are weapons by us we quickly ran not knowing if the enmerys was behind us "crawling through mood .. olly stopped me and nick and Tommy running over olly hurry up "what is he doing nick looked at us olly . Turning his head "frankie don't come closer why " I looked down sit "what Tommy and nick shouted he stepped on a mine fuck "olly don't move please. Frankie I can't go on it a honer solider he sault" running and turning back it blow up .
"We carried on battling shot fiering fuck shooting back nick what he was hit in the chest fuck nick running over Tommy he been hit shit nick he looked down he gone .
Me and Tommy kept walking more this is horrible yeah shooting back again Tommy couldn't fight them frankie there hitting us I dodge a bullet the next thing I seem Tommy fall to the ground "I ran over fuck Tommy he was bleeding trying to compression the womb was open fuck I looked my hands was coved in blood . He was struggling to breath buddy stay with me "I am not going to make i croch down sitting on the muddy ground holding his head hey you will sobbing . Frankie I know we wasn't close but can you have this I looked leaning over it was his gold chain . "I can't have this yes you can. " putting the chain around my ,neck he closed his eyes .
"I will never forget you the place was slient "the next thing I was in my bed screaming having pains in my chest "I woke up sweating the flashback from me in the army is trigging me again "reaching over to get my pills. " I turned over the alam clock says it was too early "I rubbed My face laying there for seconds until I seen the crank of dawn through my wood slants "I out of bed waking over to my bathroom .
Turning the light on grabbing a grey towel and turning the shower on . " grabbing shower gel " washing my body letting the water relaxed me "after a hour I wrapped the towel around me walking into my room rubbing my hair with my hands I pulled out sweatpants grey lowing them to my hip bone. " there was a knock on my door Walking down the stairs it was Tina the girl I have been sleeping with " she was standing there in a red letix mini skirt and a leopard print boobie tube pushing her tits up I can smell her cheap perfume "what do you want? Tina I thought you was asleep tapping her fake nails on the door frame " no I was shhh she push me inside placing my hands on her hips she kissed me and lowing her mouth to my ear where is the bed room frankie just kissing her down there anyway I thought you was with that tart oh she just nothing huh -" well maybe we should have fun are own we walked to my room "she sat on the bed walking over I grabbed a condom "she stood up undressing her self I looked sliding my sweatpants off " you like them hum I moved closer playing my hands I massage her boobies maybe move your hands her Inbween her legs fuck this is where I want you frankie " okay she climbed on the bed I was standing behind her sliding my fingers and pleasing her she moan ., I open the condom she moan deeper I grabbed the headboard until my knuckles went white .
Frankie yes she screamed my name that music to my ears I pulled her hair fuck spitting out your such a naughty thing fuck I went deeper and deeper until i was reaching my climax I ride out spilling into the condom I pulled up throwing in the bin " its not emotional thing its just a hook up with all girls . Are you heading to the beach "yeah in bit I slid my boxer shorts on a tee shirt and shorts well see you then
"Once I let her out, I lay on my bed." Question what I have done, " I pulled myself together, " walking out I grabbing my keys to my beach buggy." Driving frankie, the others were waiting for parking up. Tina walked over, kissing me."Beer sure we spent the day chilling and listening to music. You're working tonight, yeah Tina kissed me see you there James smirk you and Tina hey its nothing what about the tammy girl I really like here you do yeah she is so lovely and cared hum sipping my beer .
" well have you seen n/a no she probaly busy you might be at the bar tonight yeah
"We all had lunch from the burger joint nothing better sitting on the beach eating with your freinds " laying back sunbathing " until it was time to get ready for work leaving the others at the beach. James smirk can I catch a lift sure driving him back see you later mate yeah hugging him I walked back into my house grabbing my red polo shirt for tonight "I look no maybe a white t shirt I did popping the gold chain out and throwing My green shorts and vans on"grabbing my things I needed for work .
"I walked to the bar the sun was setting its going to be a busy night " finally arrving I placed My bag frankie stock the bar grabbing the creates and filling the fridges with cold beer " getting my cocktail things ready soon you now it the bar was full I mixed cocktails looking around n/ a wasn't here maybe she will come "I mix vokia and different " achol people shouting orders mixing and shaking my ass " there was lots of gorgeous woman i was like a kid In a sweet store "fuck hello flirting my away across the bar until she was her" I looked she was breath taking walking In with her group of freinds be cool "my heart was beating fast my mouth was dry fuck " What can I get you a red wine it's that yes she was snappy I was confessed I will be sitting over there with my freinds okay "I got the bottle of wine pouring into a glass frankie I looked Tina "I am busy getting a glass of wine for her yes "n/a was looking over Tina was jealous she grabbing my tee shirt kissing me everyone was cheered pulling back
" Tina smirk n/a looked away why did you do that because want your, mad am I. Leave me alone " I walked over to the table "here is your wine thanks she couldn't even looked at me " James came over have you told them about the beach bonfire thing tommoorw no she took a flyer and look I smiled maybe I will see you there maybe .
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mohlinas · 4 years
is juke a ship
no its a metaphor
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fireflyingaway · 2 years
i don't know what makes it grow (seasons come and seasons go)
by @itsthebooks, for @julieandthephantomsbb​
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Two people walk up to the counter, and holy fucking shit if they are not the most attractive people Reggie’s ever seen.    “Hey, uh, hi, I don’t think I’ve seen you two before,” he says after what was absolutely too long to wait to greet them. Bobby snorts from across the room and damn does it feel good to know that they still have leaves in their hair.
An Urban Fantasy Coffee Shop/Bookstore AU featuring Boregallie and QP Reggie/Luke/Julie
rating: teen
ships: boregallie, juke w/ qpp reggie
warnings: n/a
read it here!
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bluefirewrites · 3 years
not sure if u are still taking this but, celebrity/fan au for JUKEE 🤭
Okay this one's a little involved but I got you!
Rated T for mentions of sex and maybe some language
Julie tugs against the rather short dress Flynn had squeezed her in, not caring for how much she looks like a glorified candy wrapper in the shimmering gold.
She feels like she's some Ferrer Roche, waiting to be devoured.
Which seems to be her intention for tonight because she's insane, and so is her bestie Flynn, because she's supposed to grab the attention of a certain someone in this club.
Her motives for tonight sound like they come straight out of a Wattpad story, but her boyfriend- or well maybe an ex boyfriend now'- forced her hand.
So a year ago, right around the time they started dating, they both disclosed their 'hall passes'. Just a list of celebrities they were both 'allowed' to cheat on their partners with. It was fun. Just to see who the other person would pick. 
It was harmless because the whole point is that these people are so famous, so far out of reach, that the odds of hooking up with them would be essentially impossible.
Nick's was the lead singer of the world famous pop group Dirty Candi. And Julie remembers drunkenly applauding the choice ("She's pretty! Wowww you like them Bubblegum Pop girls?")
They had a laugh that night and Julie doesn't really consider that hall pass conversation all that much since then-
-Until fast forward to last week when Nick disclosed to her that he ran into Carrie Wilson at an event. And then promptly disclosed to her that he invoked his 'Hall Pass' rights.
His rights?! She had exploded at him, and he claims that its no big deal. That he thought she would understand that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, a crazy set of circumstances, and that- 'Holy shit Jules, she was actually into me. Like what?'
Understandably, Julie stormed out and has been staying with Flynn for the time being. And it must have been the haze of crying and watching a lot of true crime series to cheer herself up that she and Flynn concocted this... plan.
One fueled by spite and pettiness.
Get back at Nick, make him jealous, make him feel how she did- by invoking her own 'Hall Pass' rights- 
-which so happens to be Sunset Curve frontman, Luke Patterson... 
"There he is" Flynn whispers from their corner of the club and Julie gulps.
"I don't think I can do this," Julie hisses at Flynn, when they spot him at the bar, nursing a drink with his bandmates like he usually would (they did their research). 
See, Julie’s been a fan of Luke’s for a long time. Ever since she heard ‘Now or Never’ in freshman year of high school, she’s been hooked onto their music- especially Luke and his voice and playing. 
She had their posters on her bedroom wall and had been that girl who would (when no one’s looking) press her fingers to her lips then press them against Luke’s image before going to bed. 
It was that bad. 
And Julie had probably fantasized on more than one occasion of meeting him and all the other scenarios you would picture in a typical Celeb x Reader scenario. 
And she’d like to think she grew out of it, now she’s in her mid-twenties and just casually listens to Sunset Curve, following up on their careers every now and then. 
But you can never really shake your first major celebrity crush. Hence he had been on her so called ‘Hall Pass’ list. 
(”You into rockstars, Jules?” Nick had teased her that night.)
Seeing him there, in the same place as her, is so surreal, but Flynn’s continued pinches to her arm remind her just how real this is. 
“This is ridiculous,” Julie crosses her arms, ready to bow out because what is she thinking? Why would Luke Patterson pick her up, of all people, at the bar? It’s like a supermodel runway in here, filled with girls more accomplished and famous. Her confidence is shaken a bit and she rethinks everything. 
"Nick didn't seem to have a problem when he did it," Flynn points out, “And girl, you look great. He would be blind to not want you.” 
The mention of Nick still boils her blood, which only reaffirms her plans for revenge. She’s still nervous but they both stand up from their booth and walk over to the bar. 
“You’re just saying that because you’re my best friend,” 
“No. You’re musician extraordinaire, Julie Molina! The world may not have heard about you, but they will one day. I bet that’s something you can talk to him about. Music? Lyrics?” 
Julie could use her songwriting credentials to her advantage, “I mean I guess-” 
“Quick, he’s getting up!” 
“Flynn, wait I’m not-” 
With a forceful push, Flynn sends Julie into the path of Luke Patterson, colliding into him and effectively spilling his drink all over her dress. 
“Oh my god,” Luke gapes at her, “I am so sorry-” 
Julie fans herself, shaking slightly from the fact she’s drenched and also that her freakin’ high school celebrity crush is looking at her, actually talking to her. 
But she recovers quickly, and she speaks, “It’s fine. Really. I guess I’m just... clumsy.” She shoots a glare at Flynn, who merely winks and retreats to their booth. 
Luke grimaces and takes her by the hand, leading her somewhere, napkins in his other hand, “Here, let’s get you cleaned up. Again, I’m sorry. Hate to ruin a pretty... dress.”
It’s the way he eyes her that catches Julie off guard. He’s... not talking about the dress, is he? 
Julie reels it back in tries her hand at a joke, “I wouldn’t call this a dress. I feel like fancy leftovers in this thing.” 
Luke stifles a laugh, “Okay, I mean I wasn’t gonna say anything but yeah. I guess it’s a bit tin foil-y.”
“Not your style?”
His gaze drifts over to her one last time, “Well, any way to take a meal back home is fine by me. I mean-” Luke scrunches his nose, wincing, “I didn’t- I didn’t mean it like that. Shit. That was too... much. Are we-” he laughs nervously, “Are we still... talking about food?”
“Unless you just called me a meal. Then no.” 
The look in his eyes say that he’s absolutely mortified, “...yeah. I think I did. I was hoping that was a nightmare.” 
“Nope, it definitely happened,” 
“Feel free to slap me,” 
Julie giggles, somewhat delirious because she hasn’t tried to flirt with him but here Luke is, flirting with her. Or trying. And failing. Like a far cry from the suave rockstar she had pictured him to be. 
“No need. Just, can you-?” she points to the napkins he’s holding hostage. 
“Oh yeah. Here,” They stop in front of the coat check, and he hands her the napkins so she could try herself off with the best she can.
Suddenly, a weight falls onto her shoulders, she looks up and sees Luke draping a jacket over her- his presumably. 
“You looked cold,”
Julie wraps the jacket tight against her, relishing in the warmth, “Wow, thanks.”
Luke smiled and stepped back, “Just so you know, if I made you feel weird in any way, I’d like to throw out my third ‘sorry’ of the night. Nothing has to happen though. So, just say the word and I’ll leave you alone.”
Whew. Um, okay. Julie stands there, faced with this decision. 
The compliments aside (she will revisit those later), Luke’s giving her an out. Any reservations she has about moving forward with this plan, this is her chance to leave. 
She could just treasure these amazing few minutes for the rest of her life. This could be a story to tell friends at a dinner party, about the time a rockstar lent her his jacket. Would be up there with the time Jack Black passed her on the street and said “Nice hat!”. 
Maybe she wants to see where this goes. 
“All this talk about food is making me hungry though...” she says and Luke lights up, “I could go for a bite to eat.” 
Luke snaps his fingers, “I know just the place.” 
Half an hour later, Julie and Flynn are in a smelly alleyway with the guys from Sunset Curve, in line for a street dog cart just a couple blocks away. 
“An Oldsmobile?” Julie gawked after hearing Luke and the guys describe the delicacy, “Are you trying to poison me?”
“I swear by it,” Luke insists, taking her hand and moving them up in the line. Flynn sees this and doesn’t comment, but Julie’s starting to get used to Luke doing that, “You have to try!”  
Julie doesn't know when she got over her initial starstruck, but by now its so easy to treat Luke like a regular person.
Well, celebrities are all regular people in the end, but more so now that he and his friends, have their sleeves rolled up, smiles wide, ready to dig into what may be the most disgusting hot dog she has ever seen.
Julie takes a bite out of hers and her eyes widen. Wow. It's not terrible.
"Ayy! We got another one, boys" Reggie laughs, noting her reaction.
"Told ya" Luke needles her sides and she giggles, ticklish. Her knee jerk reaction is to playfully shove him, but in the process accidentally smeared some mustard onto his face.
Luke goes to lick it off with his tongue, making funny faces as he did which amused Julie even more.
"Here," she takes a napkin and wipes at his cheek, "Now we're even."
The whole group gets to talking over by the couches, while Flynn chats up the other boys, Julie and Luke are sequestered in their own corner, and yes, eventually the topic switches to music.
"Wait, so you know Rose and the Petal Pushers?" Luke chokes out, "Like everyone I talk to hasn't heard of them!"
"Yup. Have their record actually" Julie beams proudly, censoring out the part that its her mom's band and hence she has one of the few records ever released.
Luke is floored by that and continues to poke her brain for music and Julie finds that their spiels go on naturally, that she could probably talk with Luke for hours and hours.
Which ends up happening. Flynn had already made her escape, having texted her to come home safely, the boys had gone too, leaving them in the nearly empty lot.
When the food truck closes down for the night, they end up taking a stroll down the streets of L.A, talking and getting to know each other.
Julie learns so much about Luke, things she's never heard about from the press- like his songwriting practice, that he cries at Finding Nemo, and that he can do a cartwheel only when drunk.
And in return Julie shares with him her crazy college stories, how she misses her mom sometimes, and that she is encyclopedia of commercial jingles (a fact Luke exploits by rapidly quizzing her at random moments)
Somehow they end up near the beach, with Julie pointing out the different stars she could see, but finds that Luke isn't looking at the sky.
"Hey, Julie..." He gets her attention, "I had a really good time tonight."
"Me too"
"So... would it be alright, if I kiss you?"
Julie's mouth parts, speechless. It happened. Holy shit it happened or... is happening. She has Luke exactly where she wants him.
She could only nod and Luke takes it as the sign to lean in, but just as his lips is about to brush against hers, she freaks-
"Wait" she steps back. Luke opens his mouth, "No. No more 'sorry's from you. This one's one me. I'm sorry but... this- this" She sighs, "I have to be honest with you."
Then she tells Luke everything- Nick, The Hall Pass, her plans for tonight- basically admitting to using him.
When she's done, she expects for Luke to get angry, to leave in a huff and never want to see her again.
That's not what happens.
"This Nick guy sounds like a piece of work" he says.
Julie nods slowly, "Yeah... I guess he was. So maybe that's why I did it. But I don't think I could have gone through with it. Like I don't think we're together, me and Nick but-"
"You wouldn't want to do what he did. Because you don't want to hurt people," Luke surmises, understanding, "And by doing that, that means you're a better person than he is."
"I guess"
"No Julie, you're a good person" Luke insists, "Man, I think that makes me like you even more."
Julie laughs, "God, if my high school self could see me now..."
"You were a big fan?"
"I'm not having this conversation right now with you,"
"Okay cuz now you got me curious-"
Julie swats his shoulder but it doesn't deter the guy from snickering.
On a more serious note though-
"I think..." Julie hums, "I think this means that I got some stuff to work through. Before I could start considering... this."
"I understand"
"But thank you... Luke. For tonight"
"It's been real, Julie,"Luke smiles and pulls her in for a half hug, "And you should keep the jacket. Looks better on you anyway."
Julie goes back to Flynn's that night and her bestie's still awake, wanting all the deets. But there's not much to tell. Nothing happened.
She shrugs off the jacket and resigns to the couch, not caring that her makeup is still on. She's about ready to pass out.
Her phone dings.
She pulls it out and sees two notifications.
luke_patterson is now following you
luke_patterson is requesting to message you.
Curious, she accepts the request.
'here if you want to talk, Tin Foil :P'
Julie rolls her eyes and collapses onto the couch, sleeping with a smile on her face.
She doesn't know it now, but the oncoming years would be filled with more messages back and forth, meetups with their friends for more shady street food, building a solid foundation of friendship and eventually, when Luke asks again if he could kiss her, Julie would eagerly prop herself on her toes to close the gap.
Yeah, Julie's high school self would definitely be screaming...
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jpitha · 2 years
The starship Unreliable Narrator sat in line to enter docking around the Human/K'laxi starbase. It was the beginning of staff rotation, so there were a lot of ships coming and going as people of all kinds came and left the starbase. Onboard, in addition to their regular crew was the K'laxi archivist Tirenian who was transferring to the station. The Narrator picked her up from K'lax when they were dropping off a load of Chamomile tea to the planet - its popularity was a recent fad among the K'laxi and humans scrambled to fill the need.
As they sat in line, waiting for their turn to dock, the Narrator came over the speakers. "Captain! I think I see the Timewinder! It looks like they just linked in-system. Permission to 'say hello'?"
Tirenian heard the quotes over "say hello" and was curious what they meant. Before she could ask, the Captain said "Permission granted, brace for shock!"
Alarm klaxons sounded all over the ship and everyone braced themselves. The belts around Tirenian's seat tightened, then backed off just a little so she could still breathe. There was a thunderous double boom as juke charges were fired and the ship spun 180 degrees in place and they linked out of line, right where they were.
Luckily, Tirenian didn't suffer the major side effect of the human's wormhole generators - she didn't die and come back when they went through - so she was able to watch, horrified with what she thought was happening.
The moment they reappeared in space, they were directly over the Timewinder. She heard the doors slam open and the rhythmic thumps of a slug gun firing! After 10 shots or so they linked again, this time under the Timewinder. They let off another volley of 10 shots, but this time the Timewinder was ready for them. The Narrator's hull rang like a gong with the shells striking them.
The Narrator shrugged it off, slammed the weapon bays shut and linked back to their place in line. The total time that had elapsed was less than a few minutes.
Once they were back in the line, everyone relaxed. The belts were loosened and the captain came over the intercom. "Attention everyone. We were able to score..." he looked at a screen at his station. "11 hits out of 20. That's good, but we can do better. I want everyone on double drills until the end of the week." He turned off the intercom as everyone groaned.
"Captain....what happened?" was all Tirenian could muster. She was shaking slightly in her seat and utterly confused.
"Oh! Tirenian! I forgot you were aboard, I apologize. We uh...were playing tag with the Timewinder. They started it last year, and now whenever we see the other, it's a race to see who can score the most hits in a blitz attack. It's good practice in addition to being fun."
"Hits? I heard the slug launchers fire...didn't you..."
"Oh no! no no no, it's paint! We're shooting paint shells. We agreed that for the year that neither would wash the paint off and at the end of the year the person with the most hits scored buys the other dinner for the whole crew."
While everyone was relaxing and calming down after the excitement, the Starbase came over the intercom. "Unreliable Narrator, Unreliable Narrator, this is Starbase, how many hits did you get??"
"We only got 11 out of 20 that time, we were sloppy." the Narrator replied.
"Oh, well, you still go the jump on them, I'm sure you'll do better next time. You're 3rd in line, estimated time to docking is twenty minutes."
Tirenian could only sit back and sigh. This was going to be a long rotation.
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I'm watching the movie Star Trek: First Contact
And oh boy, this is already off to an interesting start!
Geordi got new eyes? Cool!
I had to do a double take 'cause Beverly has lighter hair now
Looks good tho
Oh Captain, you're not wanted on the front lines. That's gotta hurt your feelings.
Ope he went to the front lines anyway
*Picard to himself during this scene* Pew Pew mothercluckers
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Also, is Worf a Captain now?
I feel like I'm missing something
(I am only on episode 3 of ds9)
Oh Worf don't look too happy back on board the Enterprise
I love Riker 😂
Me: *humming* Back in time, gotta go back in time, gotta stop the Borg, and we won't get bored!
It's kinda concerning how Picard was so calm about following the Borg into the past
Then again, what do I know? It's really all just a bunch of-
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(whoops, wrong fandom 😂)
Dog! I see a dog! IT'S BEHIND THAT DUDE!
That drunk guy is a vibe
The Phoenix? Why does that sound so familiar?🤔
Oh no! Explosions! I hope the dog is okay🥺
I'm sure it is. No one dare tell me if it wasn't because I'm going with it being good.
April 4th? That's my brother's birthday!
Oh dear, I'm guessing the first contact is when aliens made contact with Earth?
Oh, it was.
MONTANA (Ne-braskaaaaaa, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New yo- okay, I'm done now.) XD
Beverly looks gorgeous in 21st century clothing 😍
Data, you sure you can handle this?
Oh, right. I guess it's the perfect job for you since your bulletproof 😂
Data, to the woman seconds after she's done shooting at him: "Greetings."
Oh no, she fainted! O_o
I'm just saying, if I was her and I woke up in Beverly's arms, I'd faint again.
I don't have high hopes that the woman will remain unaware of her whereabouts, given the track record of the sick bay staff has of preventing people from seeing stuff they shouldn't
"Would you three like to be alone?" I love Deanna Troi with my whole heart 😍😂
If I looked up and saw Deanna looking down at me, I'd faint from her beauty, too.
At this point I'm basically like one of those fainting goats
Dude, you think you hear someone else in the duck ahead of you, Do! Not! Investigate!! I mean, come on! Have you never seen a horror movie? Or listened to stories from other Starfleet officers who encountered things cause they investigated?
Imagine being Lieutenant Porter who's climbing in the ducks and you turn a corner to see this in front of you
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'Red Alert' whispers Q flirtatiously.
I'm getting off track, Q derailed my original train and so I had to get on a new one. Back to the movie!
Oh no, no, no, no, it's definitely the Borg
Lady you climb right back down that ladder unless you wanna join Porter in being a Borg
See? That's what happens when you ignore my warning.🙄
Uh oh, Picard's hearing voices. That's not a good sign. Even in the wizarding world.
*Beverly jumps as something bangs from the other side of the door*
Hell to the no, I'm good
The Borg are aboard the ship! Who woulda thunk it?
Annnd Beverly woke up the woman. Called it!
Oh my god, here I was thinking Beverly was about to shoot the woman or something and that's what's she swore she would never use, but it's just an EMH program!😂
Wait, I think that's the doctor from Voyager!
He offered a cream to the Borg😂
Okay, they really should have had the woman be between Beverly and the others, because if that had happened, then the lady wouldn't have been at the back and been able to veer off course! *Sighs*
Worf does not look happy. Like, at all.
Wait, is Deanna drunk? 😂
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Will, it's good you have decent reflexs, otherwise you would've gotten a bottle to the head for unplug the juke box 😂
Will is enjoying this sm, as am I 😂
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"This is no time to argue about time. We don't have the time." *A few seconds later* "What was I saying?" The wise words of Deanna Troi.
She's definitely drunk😂
She's reallllly drunk!
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Oh, that had to hurt her head
That is now my new favorite scene 😂
"Captain, I believe I am feeling anxiety." Me too, Data. Me too
Yeah, Worf, find the lady from the 21st century!
Looks like they've found the hive! I wanna give them a high five!
Ah, yes. The sure fire way to mess with the hive, rip out the wires from the wall!
"Captain, please! Help." *Picard shoots him* rip dude, but I guess it was mercy
I don't know if I like this lady from the 21st century, she's kinda bugging me with how rude she is to Picard
Data with his head on that glowy thing is giving me sun baby from Teletubbies vibes
Oh, shit that's a creepy room to be in.
Oof, that's quite a scene showing the drill in Data's head.
That drunk doctor dude looks like he's wearing a crown
Deanna is looking considerably more sober now
The energy that Will, Geordi and Deanna have as they try to convince drunk guy Doctor Z to do his space trip is contagious, and I'm grinning just watching it😂
Ah, back to Data! And I can't watch cause of the strobe lights 🙄 it's fine.
As soon as Picard opened the thingy to show the lady Earth I got a bit of vertigo eek
"Maximum setting. If you'd have fired this, you would've vaporized me."
"It's my first ray gun." Whata mood.
When he touched the force field, I jumped with Lily😂
"Are you ready?" The Borg queen sounds like she's about to start singing the song Man, I Feel Like A Woman
No bitch, you did not just reactivate Data's emotional chip just to hurt him? If you did, I'm gonna knock that head of yours off
Oh, um, nevermind, it's seems to be going a very different direction than I thought it would.
I'm getting vibes from them🫣
"Borg. Sounds swedish." Lily, you're starting to grow on me😂
"Definitely not swedish." I mean, some of the Borg may be swedish
Oh shit, the Borg are in a restaurant?! Shit!
Oh, it's the holodeck
Okay, that's very clever!
Damn, rip Ensign Lynch
Hold up, is that Reg who just tried to talk to Dr. Z? (55:50 mark)
Are none of people getting that Dr. Z is not exactly thrilled that everyone is saying how much of a hero he is? It's kinda daunting to hear that about yourself, when you haven't even done the thing that makes you famous yet
Lily saying "watch your caboose, Dix" sounds so funny 😂
Yeah, Data! Break free!
Oh no, he got cut!🥺
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Aw, he hasn't been with anyone since Tasha died🥺
Oh God, The Borg Queen is seducing him
No Data, don't do it
*sighs* he kissed her back🙄
They would make quite a couple, I suppose.
If you know, you were ok with them wiping out humanity and stuff
Me: *pauses movie for a hot chocolate break*
Okay *resumes movie*
I love how Riker just zaps Dr Z to get him t ostop running 😂
Riker to Geordi "You told him about the statue." 😂
For a second I thought the Borg that floated away (Hawk had shot it) was one of the spacesuit Starfleet people and I panicked
Oh shit, Worf's suit got cut!
Some say Hawk is still floating through space
Picard is flying! Fun
That scene of the steam is exactly what it looks like when I put my face above my humidifier 😂
Oh, Hawk's back
And he's gone again
Rip dude
"Assimilate this." *Blows up disk* Good job Worf!
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I love how Riker is joining Dr. Z on the mission 😂
And how happy he is describing what can be seen of the moon from earth in his time😂
And how he quotes Dr. Z to Dr. Z😂
Picard doesn't want to lose the ship to the Borg
Is it because he lost a part of himself to the Borg? 🤔
Lily is not gonna stand for his bullshit
Oof, he's telling her about being assimilated
Idk about you Picard, but Revenge definitely happens in your century 😂
*smashes glass case with mini ships in it* feel better?
I... Guess not.
Does anyone have a Snickers?
I love how Lily never actually read Moby Dick, I can relate 😂
They're evacuating!!
Worf is the bravest man Picard's ever known 🤔 huh
Oh shit, it's Data o_O
Dr. Z forgot something?
Troi's voice is so relaxing 😌
Oh gosh 😂
Poor Troi, she was not expecting rock music to blare in the headset 😂
This guy is giving me Tony Stark vibes and I love it😂
Him telling Will and Geordi to if ignore the red light sounds my like my dad when a light goes on the dashboard of the car😂
The Borg Queen was just looking for the perfect partner, to go on assimilating beings and exploring the galaxy
Uh oh, Picard your plan failed!
Riker and Geordi are gonna have quite the story to pass on after this😂
RIP Borg Queen and Borg
I hope Data is okay in that fog
Picard ripped that spine right in half 😌
Data's okay! Yeah!
And first contact has been made!
Why does the alien look like a fancy Jedi?😂
Lily and Dr. Z held hands!
The Vulcans are drinking and listening to rock music with the humans, sounds like quite an interesting night 😂
It was a good movie! And on a 0/10 scale, I give it a 9
✨Live long and prosper!✨
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august-anon · 2 years
I finished this (and a SEQUEL) months ago but couldn’t post it because i was working on the OFMD TFB AU and i wanted it to list as my 200th fic on ao3 lol. But now, I’m free to post whatever I want whenever I want! So here is a fic lol
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
Ship(s): Gen (hints of Juke)
Characters (lee/ler): Julie, Switch!Luke, Alex, Reggie
Word Count: 1216 words
Summary: Julie is nervous before a gig. The guys show her what they used to do when they would get nervous.
[ao3 link]
Julie shook out her hands, pacing back and forth in the empty space near the front of the studio. She could feel the guys’ eyes trailing after her but paid them no mind, trying to focus on controlling her breathing and slowing her heart.
“Is anyone else getting dizzy?” Reggie asked. Then, after a moment of silence where Julie assumed Alex and Luke gave him a look, he continued with a confused, “What?”
“Julie,” Alex called, his voice gentle. “Maybe you wanna sit down?”
Julie whirled to glare at him. “No, I don’t wanna sit down! How are you guys not nervous, right now?”
Luke scoffed. “Of course we’re nervous.”
Julie rolled her eyes, crossing her arms defensively in front of her chest. “Yeah, I’m really feeling the frantic energy, right now.”
Reggie raised his hand. “I’m nervous!”
Alex shifted forward on the couch, sitting on the very edge of it. “Honestly, I’m still terrified before every gig, no matter how many times we’ve gotten up on that stage.”
Luke walked toward her, his expression softening. Julie wished he was alive, that he wasn’t just air, so she could reach out and soak in the comfort of his touch.
“Everyone gets nervous before a gig, Julie,” he said, his voice low. “That part never goes away. But you learn how to deal with it, how to use it, even.” He smiled at her. “You’ll get there in no time.”
“Too bad we can’t touch you,” Reggie called out from where he’d sprawled himself on a chair. “We could show you how we always got Alex to relax, when he used to get like this.”
Julie furrowed her brow, dropping her defensive pose. “What?”
Alex gave an awkward laugh. “Yeah, I don’t think Julie needs to hear about that.”
A sly grin made its way onto Luke’s lips, and he winked at her before turning around to face Reggie and Alex. “Come on, man,” he said. “You said you were terrified, maybe it’ll help you out!”
Alex’s eyes went wide and Julie watched as his entire body went tense, like he was preparing to run. Reggie perked up with interest, sitting up and swinging his legs off the arm of the chair to settle on the ground.
“I was just trying to make Julie feel better!” Alex insisted, but the protest sounded weak even to Julie’s ears. “I feel fine, I promise!”
Reggie leaned forward. “Are you sure? Maybe if we show her, she can ask for Flynn’s help next time.”
“Yeah, come on, Alex,” Luke said, his voice light and teasing. “Don’t you wanna help Julie?”
Alex whined. “Why does it have to be me?”
Luke shrugged. “Cuz you’re an easy target.”
Julie flinched back as Luke shot towards Alex, who yelped and practically flew off the couch. Reggie laughed and jumped up from his chair, but was quickly barrelled over by the chase. Julie took a step back as the guys started wrestling on the ground. They may not be able to touch, but it was still weird when she passed through them, for all parties.
“Come on, Alex!” Luke said, laughing. “We all know you don’t actually care.”
Reggie laughed, too, shooting Julie a glance. “Well, not all of us.”
“Be quiet,” Alex grunted out, trying to fight the two of them off. “Don’t you dare—Ah!!”
Julie buried a grin as she watched Luke tackle Alex to the ground, draping his torso across Alex’s chest while he wrestled for Alex’s hands. Reggie tossed himself over Alex’s thighs, doing his best to help with… whatever this was.
“Reggie!” Luke called. “Get him!”
“Reggie, wait!”
Alex burst out in laughter, kicking and scrabbling his feet against the floor. Julie frowned, stepping closer to try and see what was going on between the tangle of writhing bodies and flying limbs. Julie couldn’t help but giggle herself when she saw what was making Alex shriek and sputter.
Reggie’s fingers were dancing across Alex’s sides and stomach, wiggling and kneading and scratching in ways that made Julie’s own tickle spots tingle in sympathy. It was clear that this was something that used to happen often, with the way Reggie never hesitated or paused. He seemed to know instinctively just how to send Alex cackling, and it was clearly working.
Luke’s yelp cut through Alex’s laughter, and even Reggie paused at the sound. Julie laughed a little louder when she saw Alex’s arms wrapped tightly around Luke, digging into his ribs while Luke futilely tried to scramble off of Alex to save himself.
Reggie gasped. “Are we having a tickle fight, now?”
Julie laughed again. “Are all of you this ticklish?”
Reggie grinned up at her, even as his fingers dove in towards Luke’s knees. “Pretty much. I’m the worst, though.”
Luke and Alex paused in their fighting, Luke shaking Reggie’s fingers off his legs.
“That’s right,” Alex said.
Another slow, sly grin spread over Luke’s face, and even Julie felt the butterflies in her stomach at the expression. She didn’t know what she’d do if it was turned on her.
“You are the most ticklish,” Luke muttered. “Aren’t you?”
Reggie let out a laugh. “Yeah, that’s what I just said.” Then his face dropped when he realized they were slowly advancing on him. “Wait, guys? Guys?!”
He scrambled backwards, and Julie jumped out of the way again, laughing all the while. Alex and Luke were laughing too, lunging after Reggie, who seemed to be fighting off a smile as he tried to escape. He wasn’t very successful, the two of them snatching Reggie by the ankles and reeling him in, their fingers attacking every spot they could reach. Julie wrapped her own arms around her stomach, unsure if she was glad or disappointed that they couldn’t do the same to her. Their wiggling fingers looked absolutely wicked.
Julie jumped and the boys froze, all of them glancing over at the door. It was pulled open just enough for Flynn’s head to be peering through the gap. She raised an eyebrow at Julie.
“Oh! I, uh— it’s just, the guys.” She gestured to what was probably empty air for Flynn. “Goofing off.”
Flynn grinned, rolling her eyes. “Well, get ready! It’s time!”
As Flynn ducked back out of the studio, Luke, Alex, and Reggie scrambled to their feet, fumbling for their instruments. Julie shook her nerves out one last time, grinning as the guys walked up to her.
“You know what?” She said. “I do feel better”
Luke scoffed and rolled his eyes, Reggie laughed, and Alex rubbed at the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle.
“Maybe we’ll have to find a way to tip Flynn off, next time,” Luke said. “After all, we can’t have our frontrunner succumbing to stage fright.”
Julie thinks of the boys’ devious fingers, their teasing smiles, their playful taunts. She thinks of them directed at her, all while Flynn manipulated her as easily as she manipulated her mixer. Julie let out a nervous chuckle.
“No, I’m good.”
Luke grinned at her, that grin that never failed to make her tummy swoop and her face heat up, but Julie didn’t get a chance to respond before the loft doors were being pulled open again. Julie faced front, taking a deep breath.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 4 episode 7: Sole Crusher
(Spoilers Below)
-Starts off with a tour of Paris. Neat.
-Ladybug and Chat noir just chilling as this tour is taking place XD
-Zoe wants a croissant. And Apparently the Dupain Cheng Bakery is just established best bakery in Paris. Also, She is cute.
-Zoé became fast friends with Marinette. And Not gonna lie, I can kind of ship it.
-Marinette heard the girl only had one friend and was like I AM GOING TO FRIEND THE S*** OUT OF YOU. Seriously, how can people not love Marinette? She is a darling.
-OMG! Zoé reminds me of pre-origins Marinette! Thats the personality. Shy, sweet, stylish, but unsure of herself.
-And now she is meeting her mother and her half sister. Well, this can only end in an akuma.
-Zoé shifted pretty quick on turning up the chloé/spoiled brat routine to talk to her mom. You can tell the girl doesn't mean what she says but knows its the only way to talk to her mom. OOOF. What actually happened? I feel sympathy for her.
-I wonder what actually happened to Zoe and what happened at her middle school.
-Chloé treating her sister like she a show dog and checking her appearance.
-So Chloé is basically laying down the rules. I know she is being kind of a b**** but oddly, it seems kind of nice for Chloé? Idk how to describe it. Its twisted but like, its also Chloé.
-Zoé sweetie... I want to adopt her.
-I take back everything I said, Chloé that is
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-So Chloé has someone she bullies but says she stopped or like doesn't work well now that She became a hero? I think she means herself. OMG Marinette was the Sufferer. Chloé, WHAT THE F***?
-Chloé on rule 72. I feel so bad for Zoé. Poor girl gotta deal with this.
-Chloé are you usually this bad? Or is this like a special demonstration?
-Also Someone PLEASE HELP SABRINA! I am 100% sure this is slavery.
-Chloé making a grand announcement.
-"I will buy you a better name" Chloé 2021.
-Basically Chloé announcing this is my half sister, fear her like me or else.
-So Adrien is her best friend who is Preferably rich. (Well that Tweet that Astruc tweeted out makes sense)
-And now Chloé to try and ruin Marinette and Zoe' ship friendship
-Look give Zoe an Oscar, she is really good at fake mean.
-Also, rethinking my view on Sabrina... I think she might just have a Kink. Sabrina may be a masochist.
-Zoé is in Aurore's class! Please let them be friends
-Rose already ready to adopt the girl. Im glad they don't think the worst of her.
-Zoé is REALLY GOOD at faking out Chloé. I thought she was caught but she just Juked like a pro. Chloé even looked Proud of Zoé.
-The Mayor actually seems to care for his step daughter
-WAIT A MINUTE! I was wrong! Zoé isn't a pre-origins marinette. She is a GOOD HEARTED version of Lila!
-The Mayor, I actually feel bad for him. Damn.
-And cue Shadowmoth.
-Chloé realizing she f***ed up and ran
-Chloé is on point with her selfishness today. just throwing marinette's parents into the fray
-Kaalki using her powers for what is the GREATEST 5 SECONDS OF THE EPISODE. poor plagg
-Oh look Kitty section.
-Here I am expecting Marichat where chat noir saves Marinette. but what I got was Marinette telling Chat noir she isn't done talking as she talks to the akuma. Honestly, I think thats WAY BETTER.
-Chat noir then tripped the akuma AFTER marinette was done. Nice to know he is polite.
-Well that will be a pain to walk but the akuma is not inside. Also, Chat noir just said "I will cataclysm that bitch before the city gets destroyed." Chat noir seems to be getting more and more destructive... Interesting
-Well that was a bit anti-climactic
-and the miraculous charm too.
-Well at least things don't seem awkward with Luka and Marinette. Thats good. Nice to know they moved on.
-IVAN YOU SWEET HEART! being the first one to give a hug. Ivan ya big softie
-So Chloé's mom is even afraid of Chloé now? That seems out of character.
-I do like Mayor Andre a bit more, and Zoe seems much happier. For that I am glad.
Overall the episode was good, It didn't stand out like some of the other episodes but I did find it pretty funny.
Some of the characters seemed out of it for me.
Kaalki was my favorite part of the episode.
I did like the interaction with the akuma and the design, though the ending felt a bit anti-climactic for me.
I do Like Zoe's character and I look forward to Queen Banana.
I would say 7.5/10.
It was good for what it was. I think it wrapped up too quickly for me. But we will see on that.
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