#wait does that mean that saying junge to refer to a boy is kinda like saying: yes this is a human cub. i wanted to say youngling lol
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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Kleines Fuchsjunge
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silkentragedies · 3 years
A boyfriend sounds good, but…
Non idol! Jung Wooyoung x fem! Reader
3.1k words, Highly suggestive at best, making out, FLUFF, E2L vibes, College AU
Warnings: Mentions of STDs, making out. ( This is so self-indulgent it’s horrible lmao- also, not explicit at all.)
This piece of fiction does not reflect the actions of the real-life Jung Wooyoung. Not meant for minors. 
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College was supposed to be late night parties and hurried submissions, overdosing on caffeine and woefully unedited essay compilations. College was supposed to be hellish hangovers and greasy weekend brunches in bed, helter-skelter running to part-time jobs and missing classes with snoozed alarms.
You got all of that, of course, but you also got one thing you didn’t ask for, in fact, wished beyond wishes that it wouldn’t happen but of course, your guardian angel was up to some mischief: You got yourself an archenemy.
Jung fucking Wooyoung.
It all started off small, of course; bumping into each other rather violently in the hallways on orientation day ended with your coffee on the floor. Minor detail- his phone had also dropped on the floor.
You apologized profusely- he seemed like an upperclassman with his leather jacket, slim but solid build, a head of double-toned hair and oh were those tattoos peeking out of his collar- no point in causing a ruckus on the first day. You even offered to pay for the damage. 
And then he opened his mouth. 
“Can’t you watch where you’re going?”
The sheer annoyance in his tone rubbed you the wrong way- obviously you had to respond, you weren’t the only one at fault- 
“Sorry, but you weren’t watching where you were going either. So don’t tout the blame to me-”
“Oh, whatever, just keep your money. I can get it fixed myself.”
The audacity of this bi-
“Good for you then, because my offer is off the table now, pretty boy.” 
A smirk curled up his lip- “You think I’m pretty?”
“About as pretty as a skunk, especially with that hair.”
You had to tamp down the urge to childishly stick your tongue out at his bemused, mildly annoyed expression before walking past him.
 Lamenting the loss of your morning coffee, you hurried your way to the orientation venue. At Least he was an upperclassman. Thankfully you wouldn’t have to deal with him-
“Did you see that hot guy in the leather jacket and that black-blonde hair ?”
Fuck’s sake. 
“His name’s Jung Wooyoung and apparently all the upperclassmen already have an eye on him. He’s in our major so we really lucked out, hot guys-wise.”
Fuck’s sake.
Surely you could just avoid him and pretend he didn’t exist?
But no.
Jung fucking Wooyoung turned out to be the apple of the campus’ eye in a matter of 2 weeks. He was as new to the university as the rest of you and yet, managed to look more put together, cooler than the rest of you still struggling to figure out class numbers and professor names.
He was the upperclassmen darling- people drooled over him, wanted to befriend him, and invite him to all the big parties…
and fuck- even the teachers were already wrapped around his infuriating pinky finger. They allowed him to waltz into class 25 minutes late, smile his infuriating innocent smile and chill in the back row, scot fucking free.
A month in, he’d gotten into the Dance Club too-  cementing his legendary status in the university. It was unheard of, after all, for a freshman to get into the unattainable Dance Club in his first attempt. 
You happened to visit one of the club’s performances one weekend and even you couldn’t ignore the sheer talent he radiated. It only infuriated you more to watch Wooyoung hog the stage’s spotlight with almost no effort- all perfect lines, sharp and clean movements…
It’s fine, you could still ignore his existence
But no.
Another thing about Jung Wooyoung- he found sick pleasure in annoying the living daylights out of you. 
It was so juvenile, so high-school, so immature of him- sticking gum in your hair, snapping your bra strap, kicking the back of your chair, striking up nonsense debates with you in class…
And then he had the nerve to laugh in your face when you glared at him with hellfire in your eyes because you were too polite to lash out in front of a professor.
Of course, you exhibited no such restraint outside the classroom.
“You vs Woo” was a commonplace explanation for the commotions that blazed up in the campus courtyard every other day. You were like wolves, the way you snarled at each other, not hesitating to slash at each other with as many cutting words as you could find. 
This went on for months, an entire semester marred by an enmity that seemed to stem from nothing- until one day, mister Jung Wooyoung really fucked up.
“WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? FACE ME, YOU COWARDLY WORM!” Your angry yelling and thudding on the door had Wooyoung’s roommates Yeosang and… Choi San? running to open the door to their shared dorm room. 
You barged into Wooyoung’s room, unplugging the game he was playing. “What the fuck-”
“You dirty fucking bastard. You shameless shitstain of a fucking human being-” 
Slap. Wooyoung reeled back. In all this time, you’d never actually hit out at him physically. It had always been words. Maybe this time he crossed a line?
“You told Changbin I had a fucking STD. THE GALL OF YOU-” You lashed out at him with every few words, pushing Wooyoung further back against the back wall of his room. 
“How fucking dare you make assumptions about me like that. you lowlife scumbag.” You snarled in his face, now having him trapped between you and the wall.
You were smaller than him by quite a bit- it was almost amusing to see Wooyoung cowering in front of you, lowkey terrified of what you’d throw at him next. 
“Okay okay, fuck, I’m sorry!” He burst out finally, cutting you right across your angry rant. “I didn’t mean it like that!! I swear, I didn’t even know you were the one he was talking about. And I only told him to be safe from STDs, not that anybody had one.”
“What makes you think I’ll believe you, Jung,” You screeched. “You’ve always been a dick in general to me. I wouldn’t put it past you to say something like that and lie to my face about it.”
You back away, almost disgusted at being so close to him, “Seriously, dude. Get fucked.” Flipping him off before leaving, you turn around to look at him still standing where you’d backed him up to, an evil glint in your eye.
“It will be so fucking unfortunate if somebody told the campus gossip blog you had erectile dysfunction and your hookups were all fake.”
Safe to say, Wooyoung never made digs at your sexual activity again.
Neither did he have much sexual activity of his own for a while. Not that there was much sexual activity in your case either.
Maybe it was that exact…starvation that led Wooyoung to behave the way he did.
What was juvenile teasing became more… flirtatious?
Oh gods, what the fucking fuck is going on-
Suddenly, it wasn’t gum in your hair, it was soft whispers against your ear, breath warm against your cheek
It wasn’t kicking the back of your chair, it was leaning in front of you to fistbump Lee Felix on the other side of you until you could smell his intoxicating chocolate-honey-sweat scent.
He’d taken to taking his leather jacket off and sitting through classes (he still turned up late for) in a muscle t shirt that showed off his toned arms- 
All of his movements now seemed to be designed to tease the crawling under your skin you hadn’t been able to quench recently-
Not that you were a serial hookup kinda person, but you’d been fairly sexually active until semester exams and Wooyoung’s rumors had brought around quite a dry spell for you.
It was like every action of his sparked something wildfire hot in your head, tension stringing your senses into overdrive- were you imagining it?
Wooyoung was having some troubles with said crawling under-skin himself. 
Since when did you wear skinny jeans like that to class? Did you always have such a pretty neck, just waiting to get marked up? Did you always have that sway to your hips when you walked out of class?
The forced abstinence was doing bad things to him. 
It did rather amuse him, however, when he could see your breath catch a little from his murmurings in your ear, or squirm in your seat when he spoke to Felix before the professor arrived. It was the little things, truly. 
You still fought like a cat and dog though- there was no way the two of you would ever let on that your scope of noticing each other had gone beyond annoyance and rivalry a while ago. 
“Fuck no. I’m not doing this fucking project with you. It’s worth half the fucking grade and you’re a numbskull when it comes to this subject.”
“Like I want to deal with you anymore than I have to, sweetheart. You’re pretentious enough in class as it is.” 
Fate really loved playing the cliche card with you- of course you got paired up with Wooyoung for one of your semester projects. 
No, it definitely wasn’t the teacher that saw you two glaring more at each other more than the whiteboard and decided to take matters into her own hands.
Of fucking course the teacher refused to allow switching of partners or individual grading- it had to be a team effort or you’d both fail the subject. As a team. Yippee-ki fucking yay.
So you two ended up in the library at 11 p.m, two nights before your first check point review, having procrastinated the fuck out of working together until the last possible minute.
Amidst cursing at each other and cups of ramen and iced americano, the two of you found yourself stuck with each other and attempting to build the basis of an acceptable report to present. 
Surprisingly enough, Wooyoung wasn’t entirely a lost cause when it came to the subject. He actually made sizable contributions to the report. He even got you some coffee on his break, despite the jibes and taunts you threw at him about going soft- you were the type to hold a grudge.
You were both wandering down the shelves in the library, looking for more references when Wooyoung decided to open his big mouth again.
“You do realize that shitty rumor you put out didn’t really mess with my prospects, right?” Wooyoung was so full of shit. “If anything, I’d be worried about you, sweetheart.”
There it was again. Sweetheart. Another of those taunting things that just riled you up in all the wrong(right) ways. It was like he knew everything you would go weak for and then shamelessly exploited them all.
“Unlike you, Wooyoung, I don’t need people to stroke my ego…or anything else. I can get myself going just fine.”
“If you did know how to stroke anybody’s anything, sweetheart, you wouldn’t have trouble getting some.”
Ohhh, so he wants to play some games!!! Okay then-
You reached out to flick at his ponytail, ever-so slightly enamoured by how well he pulled off the double-toned look.
“Like you know anything about how to please in bed, babe.” 
It was unfair how much that nickname falling from your lips affected Wooyoung. Some…not very appropriate thoughts had already taken root in his brain and you running your mouth was not helping at all. 
“Good enough for them to beg, sweetheart.” 
A soft crow of laughter escaped you as you turned to fully face him, the both of you standing between the Greek Architecture and Geography sections.
“You sure you weren’t the one doing the begging?” 
“Oh, really now?”
You really should’ve thought through what was leaving your mouth 
Because now you were wedged between the shelves and Wooyoung’s (unfairly) toned body, his arms caging you in with that signature shit-eating grin on his face as he leaned closer to you- 
The tension was almost atrocious now, suffocating you when it had only previously nudged at you. You could feel it settle under your skin, in your veins, fingers itching to reach out and pull him closer 
But you kept your hands braced against the shelves- you would not give him the satisfaction of making the first move yourself…right? 
Fuck, you really wanted to though- 
It had be the late hour leaving you with lesser inhibitions than normal or possibly the pent up horny in your system or maybe the questionable direction your conversation was headed in
There was no other plausible reason for your arch nemesis’ lips to look that inviting
It must’ve been the way your attention flitted from his eyes to his lips that gave you away, a momentary lapse of self-control before you looked away, off to some point behind his shoulders-
And he smirk only widens
“You know, nobody really visits this corner of the library.”
“Your point?”
Both your voices were whispers now, your bodies close enough to touch but not quite, Wooyoung’s face a few inches away from yours and holding your gaze 
(He had honey flecks in those dark eyes, 7 on one side and 4 on the other, like gold leaf in coffee)
“We could easily find out who begs for who…”
He still hadn’t touched you yet, his hands placed on the shelf on either side of you- you could move out from the space if you so wished-
Despite the tension between the both of you, it seemed like… like he was waiting for you to make the first move, voice your consent, act on it 
How considerate, you thought to yourself as you let your sight wander to either side, checking for people 
Surprising you found Jung Wooyoung’s one possible redeeming quality like this, mind hazy and barely restraining yourself from kissing the living daylights out of him- 
Oh well, fuck it
A soft sound left Wooyoung as you curled your hand around the back of his neck and pulled his face to yours, lips meeting in a soft, hesitant kiss
How dare he be a good kisser too?
One hand reached up to cup your cheek and you instinctively tilted your head into the warmth of his palm as the kiss deepened
Unfair that he could take your breath away so effortlessly
There was nothing hesitant about the way Jung wooyoung kissed you back
Lips pressing more persistently against yours, teeth grazing your lower lip and pulling slightly before diving in again, hand now curled around the back of your neck
His other hand caressed your side and gripped your hips as he pressed you gently against the shelves, your arm slipping down to clutch at the front of his shirt as his body molded all too perfectly against yours
You could feel him everywhere
From the way his lips had begun to land messy kisses against your jaw and neck, the hand on your hip tightening and slipping under your shirt to clutch at soft skin, hips flush against yours 
You couldn’t bring yourself to pull away from Wooyoung, your head spinning at the intoxicating feeling he brought with him 
The sensation of his mouth against your neck was almost euphoric, your head lolling back against the books and leaving you to pull your lower lip between your teeth, an almost futile feeling bid to keep silent, you’re still in public
Somehow your hands wound up in his hair, pulling the double-toned strands as his head dipped lower, a quiet groan from Wooyoung your only pointer that he liked it
So this is why he was so sure of himself, your mind temporarily blanking when Wooyoung’s teeth pulled against the sensitive skin, biting and sucking gently
A choked, uneven sound escaped your mouth when he pushed you harder against the shelves, hand reaching lower to squeeze your butt-
A smirk lit up his eyes as he straightened up to look at the line of red- blue blooming across your neck, then at you, cheeks warm and still biting your lip, looking resolutely away from his gaze
“Weren’t we supposed to be working on the project?” 
This little buzzkill.
You didn’t work on the project that night
You spent it in Wooyoung’s bedroom, getting railed within an inch of your life.
Not without the lack of the both of you being absolutely unable to keep your hands off each other on the way there 
Between the library and his dorm, you pulled or got pulled into shady alleys and corners for ‘another taste’ 
“Never again.” You warned him when he dropped you off at your dorm, you looking windswept from the wind of course and his hoodie up because of the cold not because his neck was more purple than tan-
Your daytime dynamic remained the same 
But now with added benefits- 
He got to corner you after class, feel you up until you were gasping his name and then leave you hanging 
You got to make brazen moves under the table in the library whenever he got too snarky for his own good
He could ask nicely, you learnt. Broken groans and choked-up sounds would escape him when you ran your nails over his skin, soft and sharp and wanting and unyielding as you kissed your way down his body
Down his neck, over his chest, the hard planes of his stomach 
He would plead for more when you sucked him off, bucking his hips closer to you everytime you slowed down or stopped
Find him at the right time, though and he could just as easily return the favour
He would tease you relentlessly, hands ghosting everywhere dangerous and then pulling away just to watch you squirm and make grabby hands at him, a frown marring your kiss- swollen lips 
Leave conspicuous marks too high up on your neck for you to cover, dark enough for a day or two that even makeup left shadows
Spending a long, long time between your legs only to get up and start dressing, claiming to be late for class
Quickies were your religion at this point 
Janitors closets locked and hand covering your mouth to muffle your moans before a dance competition, empty bedrooms in frat parties with one of you getting pushed onto the bed
It was an infernal coupon from hell : Find one archrival, get a fuck buddy free of cost!
Of course, there were side effects
“Did you just walk out of that empty classroom with Jung Wooyoung? After class hours?” “We were studying for the midterms!!”
“Uh.. Wooyoung, who was that leaving the dorm building? at 1 in the morning?” “uh yEAH WE WERE DOING THE PROJECT YEAH.”
Yeah, a boyfriend sounds nice but an archenemy you can make out with in secret sounds ravishingly pleasing-
When the boy in question is a certain young man with double toned hair with a penchant for leather jackets and out-of-line snark, you couldn’t agree more.
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Yes, this is a revamp and repost from my main account xD. Like I said, this was self indulgence to the peak 😩 I'm a tad whipped for snarky boy Jung Wooyoung 😀
Do lemme know what you think ^_^. xoxo, A💕
Possibly interested parties: @aliceu​ @whiteprincessofnohr​
(drop me an ask to be added or removed! )
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bangtan-madi · 4 years
Year of the Rabbit — One: Scarlet
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Pairing — Jungkook x Reader, mentions of Hoseok x Yoongi
Tags — best friend!Jungkook, non-idol au, flower shop au, gym au, florist!MC, gym owner!Jungkook, friends to lovers, slow burn, mutual pining
Genre — fluff
Word Count — 2.4k
Summary — Blame it on the storm or the secret feelings or the snow-in, but one thing is for sure: a lot can happen to two best friends when they're confined to their stores overnight. 
Part — 1 / 5(?)
Warnings — language, excessive cuteness/fluffiness that might cause cardiac arrest
— Next
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The doorbell chimes, alerting you to the entrance of a new customer, a cold breeze blowing behind him. Your gaze shifts from your intricate arrangement of peach blossoms and orchids in the window display towards the tattooed man who's draped in variations of black clothing. You eye his hefty combat boots, arching an eyebrow as he steps off the welcome mat and tracks snow into your shop.
"I'm sorry, sir. I think you have the wrong store. We sell flowers here, not dumbbells. Try the idiot and his gym next door, and maybe before you track mud and snow into my damn store?"
Jungkook rolls his eyes, backtracks to the welcome mat, and makes a show of him wiping his boots. His eyes lock with yours the entire time, and he gestures with his hands after a few moments. "Happy now, your worship?"
You eye the twenty-something up and down, tilting your head to the side as if trying to make up your mind. "Nah, you're still here."
As you turn back to your work, Jungkook steps into the shop, ignoring your last comment. "Well, I've come here to place an order, in case you're wondering. Do you have any florists that are actually nice to customers?"
"Since when do you want to buy flowers?" Brushing your hands onto your jeans, you move from the window display back to the other side of the counter. Offering a forced smile to the brunet on the other side, you muster your most obnoxious customer-service voice and ask, "What can I get for you, sir?"
Jungkook rests his forearms on the counter and leans forward a bit, coming eye-to-eye with you. "How do I passive-aggressively say 'fuck you' in flower?"
Tapping your chin, you offer, "Well, I would want to know specifically who this 'fuck you' is directed towards, but a good place to state would be Geraniums for stupidity, Foxglove for insincerity, Meadowsweet for uselessness, yellow carnations basically say 'you have disappointed me,' and orange lilies will show the hatred of a thousand suns."
Jungkook's grin widens. "Perfect. I'll take a dozen arrangements. Deliver them as soon as possible to my best friend's apartment."
"That'll be six million won."
His eyes bulge at the price tag. "Six million!"
You pout at him, sticking your lower lip out and batting your eyelashes. "Not worth bothering your best friend after all, Gym Bunny?"
Jungkook's facade breaks down at the mention of your longtime nickname. He snickers, his grin causing smile lines to appear at the corners of his eyes and tops of his cheeks. His laughter is contagious, eventually enticing you to do the same.
"Damn, I am glad you're back," he sighs.
You'll never admit it, but those words send a wave of warmth through you. Jungkook is someone you've been friends with for a long time, since before high school, before puberty, before being best friends with the opposite sex was awkward. For that, you're grateful. There's only been one thing that hasn't changed since then, and that's how you both feel about each other. You've been attached at the hip for over a decade. For most of your teen years and early adulthood, there wasn't a day that went by when you hadn't at least texted or called. 
Even as you grew older, your lives turned out pretty similarly. Jungkook took a few college classes, decided it wasn't really for him, and opened up his own gym with fellow Busan-native Park Jimin. Between the two men's drive and natural athleticism, you weren't surprised at all when the business took off. You joined forces with fellow botany major students Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi, and shortly after completing year two out of a three-year program, the trio of flower-children put a hefty down payment on the shabby chic building in old Seoul. By summer's end, the flower shop was in full swing and getting orders from both individuals and companies for events all over the city.
As luck would have it, Jungkook and Jimin's gymnasium is right across from your shop. This makes for healthy competition between the two groups, but no more so than between old friends. You both have always tried to out-do one another, but it's always with friendly intent. You harass each other like it's the last thing you'll ever do—you call him Gym Bunny, and he refers to you as his Flower Child—but in the end, there's no one you'd rather have in your corner than the boy standing in front of you.
"You've said that about seven times since you picked me up from the airport at Christmas."
"And I mean it, every damn time!"
"You sure about that?" you chuckle, shoving his shoulder from across the counter. "I mean, a single fall semester and you've broken up with your lady friend the second I came back."
He brushes your comment off with a wave of his hand. "Aish, that wasn't you. That breakup was a long-time coming. Thought it would be best to do it before the holidays so we wouldn't have that awkwardness to deal with on top of family drama."
You make a sound of disbelief and shift over to the back room. Jungkook follows you as you pick up several more empty vases and begin to take them to the adjacent window display, two at a time. 
"I still feel bad for you, Kook. I mean, you didn't have anyone over Christmas or New Year's. Now it's the Lunar New Year, and not only do you not have a girlfriend, but the boys are also out of town."
Jungkook shrugs as if it's nothing. "I have you!"
"Well, actually..." Biting your lower lip, you turn towards him with a sheepish expression. "I kinda have to work late today to get some orders done for a wedding next week. With the holiday, and my fearless business partners out of the country, I'm cutting it close as is. I didn't want to wait until the weekend was over before getting those in. I was going to tell you, but..."
"Oh, I got you." He shakes his head fervently. "No, trust me, I understand. You're a business owner. You gotta do what you gotta do." He glances around the shop. "If it's worth anything, I like what you've done with the place."
You follow his eyes, spotting the tiny handing lanterns and ruby cards handing along the periphery of the shop. Even with two of the three owners absent, you wanted the store to feel celebratory. The small space was now a perfect blend of vibrant viridian and striking scarlet. You'd put in the effort a week or so ago, and it feels nice to have that acknowledged.
"Is there anything I can help with?"
"Um..." You gesture towards the supply room behind you. "Go back there and look at the register on the wall. Tell me how many sets of gold and red ribbon I have."
Jungkook eagerly slips into the back room and begins doing as you ask. In his absence, you turn moving merchandise across the shop.
"Yoongi and Hoseok leave you hanging on this order, huh?"
"Not their fault, they didn't know we were going to get such a massive job while they were away." You return to the backroom for the last set of vases. "Those two haven't had a day off in a while; between the final year at university and the shop being as busy as it is, there's always something to do. I told them I could handle it, no problem. It's about time they had a holiday by themselves. Didn't realize they'd go as far as Hawaii..."
Your companion snickers, "At least Yoongi-hyung will get some sun for once. And you have five rolls of red ribbon, and two rolls of gold."
You snap your fingers, an idea popping into your head as the final set of vases are set in the window display. "That reminds me: I need to place an order for that as well."
"What else do you have to do before you close?"
Biting your lower lip, you grab your notebook and pull the pencil from the spine, going down your list. "I need to handle the details of that big order, which includes a call with the clients. I need to get the vendor to confirm the details of a separate order. I also need to place an order for some supplies, which now...includes...ribbons." You scribble the notes in the margin so you don't forget. "Also a few admin things like paying the rent and utilities, which usually Yoongi handles...Oh! And changing the irrigation, which Hoseok usually does every month...and I think I'm a week late—shit."
Seeing your uneasy state and hearing you ramble on about all your tasks, Jungkook places a hand on your shoulder. You jump a little at his touch, nearly dropping your notebook as he breaks you out of your mental spiral. Luckily, your best friend has the reflexes of a cat. He catches it before it makes it to the ground.
"Are you sure you're okay, [Y/n]?" His voice is soft and concerned, nothing like the playful and teasing tone of before. "I know I don't know much about running a flower shop or ordering from vendors or cleaning out the irrigation-whatever...but you need someone to help you. You can't possibly get all of this done alone, tonight. Can't any of this wait until tomorrow?"
You shake your head with a sigh. "The vendors are closed after tonight and won't open until Monday. And the wedding those flowers are for is Friday. If I don't order tonight, they won't ship in time to get here. And the bills are a little late as is; I have to take care of those or Yoongi will kill me. And the irrigation is super important for plant health—"
"—But your mental and physical health is important, too," Jungkook reminds you with a gentle insistence. His brown eyes stare straight ahead, showing you with his attention how serious he is. "When did you get here this morning?"
"Um...I don't remember exactly, it was sometime around six—"
"—And what time did you leave last night?"
The brunet sighs, running a tattooed hand over his face. "You're gonna burn out, jagiya. You can't keep this up."
"It's only for tonight, I promise! Once this order is in, and these few things are taken care of, I'll be better about my schedule. I promise."
Jungkook shakes his head at your stubbornness, raising his hands in mock defeat. "All right, all right. You win. What can I help with?"
"Yes," he laughs. "What do I always say? You're the platonic love of my life; I'll do anything for you, Flower Child."
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip to help your mind stay off his usual comment, one that somehow feels different these days. "Well...can you go home and feed my cat?"
He arches an eyebrow and crosses his arms. "Are you serious? I meant here, at the shop, idiot."
"And I'm serious! Elizabeth the 3rd needs attention and dinner. You'd be doing me a huge favor, Bunny."
"You know, that cat hates me."
"Hey, she might be on to something. You are pretty shady."
Jungkook throws his hand up as he turns towards the door. "Y'know, the greatest part of you studying abroad was not being harassed every single day."
A mock-evil, villainous laugh bursts from your mouth, a sound you know only annoys him further. "You love me anyway!"
"Yeah, yeah. I'll be back after I feed your damn cat, and I'm picking up dinner. What do you want?"
Your eyes widen, and your laughter fades as you bounce up and down where you stand. "If you bring Natsukashii takeout, I will love you forever."
Throwing a wink in your direction as he reaches the door, Jungkook replies, "You already do."
After he leaves, flurries of snow blow through as the door closes. As they dance in the air, melting against the hardwood floor and the potted plants that fill the cozy space, you gnaw on your lower lip subconsciously. A shiver runs down your spine, and your hands rub up and down your arms to stave off the chill.
But the late-winter weather isn't the cause of the tremor down your back, or the hairs standing on end along your forearms. This exact reaction is one you'd been shoving in the back of your mind for a while. Thoughts of Jungkook in a way you'd never considered before, something more than what you've been for the past decade, something that's changed so slowly over time you'd hardly noticed it, something that is definitely not platonic.
Heaving a sigh, you shake thoughts of Jungkook away, forcing them into the smallest closet in the back of your memory. With the last bit of mental power you can manage, you shove the metaphorical door closed and lock it tight. Those thoughts will be there tomorrow, just as they've been there every day for the past six months. You can deal with them then, because there's no way you'll consider acting on a fleeting emotion that might lead to the end of the one stable thing in your life. The one permanent thing. The one good thing.
Not a chance in hell. 
The vermilion lights seem brighter as the darkness sets in. Lunar New Year is finally here, and the city is alive with festivities and revelry. The season of scarlet and change is upon Seoul—and for once in your life, you're relieved to be spending it alone, amongst the flowers. 
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ongfreestyle · 6 years
Coffee and College
A Jaehyun college coffee bullet au that ZERO people asked for
So anyway, you're in your second year of college and you're in the groove of things (kinda) and all is well
You're on your way to your 9am French I class on the first day and you feel your phone vibrating
It's your bf and you smile thinking "aaww it's our 3yr anniversary n he's calling already to say good morning"
More like... goodbye
Yep. 8:45am he calls you to dump you in the driest most uncool way
"listen. I just ... I know this is random, but....I don't wanna do this anymore."
"oh. Uh. What? Sorry I didn't hear you?"
"I'm sorry, I just can't do this anymore I want to break up with you. I'm sorry."
"oh. Ok. Fine. Sure. Umm...if you wanna talk about it later. Then...yeah..I have French class now bye."
End of call and start of class
Yep you're third row from the back and you plan to pay attention to the syllabus talk and following lesson but
You're definitely tearing up
Like literally WHO DOES THAT?? Just dumps you at 8am no explanation??
So anyways there are teardrops on your notes now and ink isn't tear proof so...rip
Anyways thirty minutes in and your head in kinda just down and you're kinda just crying quietly
And then this kid slides into the seat next to you
He's v late
And v cute even through the tears
And he's smiling really big even though the teacher just scolded him
He sets his coffee down and looks at you wiping snot and tears away and he hands you a napkin from his bag
You take it and mutter a "thanks"
And a moment later he slides his coffee to you too
"I didn't drink it yet"
"it's an espresso, extra caffeine"
"I made it myself"
And he's back to taking notes
And you're still kinda pouting, but it's been 45+ mins so you try to at least write down the homework assignment
And you decide to sip the stupid espresso it's actually pretty good
The next day you find yourself at the school cafeteria and guess who it is??
Espresso boy!!
And it turns out that he's even cuter in uniform!
You go to order some food and he greets you with a big smile
"feeling better today?"
"rough day yesterday, huh?"
"yeah. Can I have a breakfast burrito?"
"no coffee?"
"no, but thanks for the free coffee yesterday. It helped. I owe you one"
"no you don't, it's on the house. And so the one I'm about to make you next. It's today's special!"
Who are you to deny another free coffee? So you take his offer and a few minutes later you're at your table eating your breakfast and doing your French homework
And the special coffee is really good
Then one of your friends comes by and is giving you a weird look
"are you drinking the nasty coffee from the cafeteria??"
"yep. Its actually really good"
And your friend's like ??? "It's usually bitter and gross tho ?? Like 10 times outta 10"
And you shrug and get back to work and your friend grabs some food and starts doing their work too
The day goes on and finally you get some time to yourself to think about yesterday
Your ex hasn't called or texted. Nothing. And it just hits you like wow. I'm. Single.
Except not cool because you got no closure or explanation and ouch.
So you hate it but just like yesterday, you're crying again. Just. Uglier crying.
And your roommate comes back and is like "awww sweetie, fuck him"
And she says if you wipe your face she'll take you out for ice cream
So fuck the snot and tears, you want some damn ice cream
And out you go!!
Free ice cream you two stop at a park on campus and there's a basket game going on
And your roommate is like SKSSKDJS "LOOK IT'S JOHNNY SKSJDJ"
"that means holy shit it's the hottest tallest nicest guy in school and he's playing basketball look at his ARMS BITCH"
So guess who's watching a pickup game of bball while eating ice cream?
You two!
Oh and guess who else is playing and is red and sweaty and had a nice jump shot?
Coffee boy.
Yup and you might not be interested in the Score, but dammit the view was nice
The game ends and Johnny is the first to come over to the side lines n greet your roommate
She's batting her eyelashes and telling him he did amazing even tho they lost
And he's smiling and chugging water as he goes on talking and coffee boy and a few of his friends are on the sidelines now looking at you
Coffee Boy is the first to say hi and all you can do is say hi back
And thank him for the coffee again
He shrugs, "no problem. Coffee fixes almost everything in college"
Almost everything. And there's an awkward silence
"see you around." He says and he walks away
Like that you never find out his name and life moves on
French class is going well and you sit in the front now and coffee boy is always late and sits in the back
You really don't do anything except exchange glances
Then midterms are coming up and you are a bit panicked bc u definitely neglected French studies
So like any good college student you cram like hell
In the library at midnight you're trying to learn vocabulary, conjugations, grammar points
You look insane by 1am bit you can't stop then you hear someone coming I'm the library
It's (literally if you can guess by now) coffee boy
And he's got 4 coffee cups in a holder with him and a huge backpack
He spots you and waves
"mind if I sit with you?"
"mind if I claim two of the coffees?"
"there all yours" and he sits next to you and slides the holder to you just like when you first met
"I made them myself"
"so you make these awesome brews?"
"yeah the schools coffee recipe is shitty."
"well maybe you should major in business and open a coffee shop. They're really good."
"maybe I will"
And you two study quietly and you peek over to see him going over French vocab
"let's quiz each other?"
And it's 2am and you guys realize you're both fukced
Like. No vocab is sticking and the coffee had you two literally SHAKING
And by 3am you guys are just cracking up
"I never learned your name coffee boy"
"Jaehyun. Jung Jaehyun."
"well. Good luck with the test tomorrow because I. Give. Up."
And you get up to leave and he offers to walk you home and you accept for safety reasons
"I'm glad to see you so happy. You're pretty like that."
"I'm an ugly crier, huh"
"okay, not the gentleman answer, but I admire your honesty"
"thanks. I hope you have a good night"
Yeah the walk back was not long at all. Too bad because you really were enjoying your time
But 9am French !!!
Midterms are over after a week and it's back to the daily grind
But days are way better when you have French now bc Jaehyun sits next to you (when he's on time and the seats open) and you guys joke around alot during speaking practice
He's brings you a new coffee everyday and asks you how it tastes and what he should add or take away
And you kinda hang out at the cafeteria now so you can talk to him while he's working
Ooppsss you have developed a small™ crush on Jaehyun and it's not going away anytime soon
You even open up to him about why you crying the day you met (tho u vowed to NVR speak of it again)
Yeah now the crush is nvr dying :)))
Bc your friends notice that you always go watch him play b-ball even tho it's not a REAL game
And he always has a coffee for you
And you two are always studying French
But like...you guys are making questionable grades...so...what's up??
French I finals are coming and you and Jaehyun are at your usual spot in the library, except this time YOU bought HIM coffee
"what brand ?"
"gross school brand that you didn't make, but is LOADED with caffeine"
"gross. Hand me one"
And it's study time
But he's not focused
Like he never is and neither are you, but it's really off now
"is it that bad?"
"the coffee? Yeah. And my French grade? It's even worse. I won't make French 2."
"Jaehyun. We are going to fix your grade with this final. I SWEAR."
And he has this small smile on his face.
"you WANT me in your French 2 class don't you?"
"uuhhh-duhh free coffee to keep me up during le snooze fest"
"you know it's not free. It comes outta my pay check"
"okay, then I owe it to you to get you to pass this class and get to French 2"
"I guess."
Yeah. You're DRILLING info into ur heads ,,,, but Jaehyun is like ____ blank.
So you kinda snap
"yo do u wanna fail??? At least TRY!"
"I can't focus. I'm confused about something."
"past tense conjugations?"
"I can't tell if you're over your ex. You took it hard and I'm trying to wait, but..."
"my ex? My ex is my ex...I'm over that"
"you never really brought it up much. I wouldn't know."
"Past tense."
"and also. The coffee."
"your coffee is good! I'm serious, Jaehyun!"
"yeah, but do like me...? Or my coffee?"
Jaehyun is not making this easy for you okay
"I mean, if I didn't bring you coffee, would you still hang with me? Teach me French n stuff?"
"of course."
"so you...........like......me?"
HELL YES, but you settle for a simple yep
Then he just looks at you seriously
"you LIKE me LIKE me..like....LIKE LIKE?"
"uuhh...if I understood all of the likes right, then....yeah. I do like you."
He is so reeeeeedddd
Like this boy GONE
You. His crush. Likes. Him. Wtf
Yeah he cannot quit grinning
And when you move on from the topic he can't focus on a single word you're saying
Finals day comes and you feel okay about your score and Jaehyun said he wants to leave it in the past
And you two go hang out at the cafeteria
And he's looking at you across the table
Randomly he just smiles at you
"I..wanna be your boyfriend...."
bc y'all nvr because s/o's officially soooo
Your heart rate
Lemme draw it
He said it so cutely
Damn that's crazy bc you would love if he was your bf
And when you say that!!
Reference to drawing
After becoming official you two are like the cutest couple ever
And you go to French 2 and he's back in French 1
He got a 58 on the final :/
But OH WELL you're his tutor now
And you guys actually study
And he doesn't feel like he has to bribe you with coffee to make you like him
So with some hard work you both kick your caffeine addictions
And you guys spend the days making stupid jokes and playing basketball together
Cramming for French while high on 4 coffees each
(old habits die hard)
And you two tease each other so much
It's a miracle you get any work done really
Jaehyun passes his French 1 class with an A+ and he literally runs to your dorm to tell you
You crash into each other
He holds you to steady you
And hes like "babe I passed"
"that's great!"
"it's all thanks to you I could kiss you, but I have coffee breath and-"
"that's nothing new"
Okay and cue the totally cheesy kiss
Where Jaehyun's like "you're right, but our first kiss should be special"
Valentine Boy is a ROMANTIC okay
But it doesn't matter
You can't resist leaning in
And he lets out a fake groan like he hasn't been dying to kiss you since he first saw u snotting all over your notes
Yep he liked you then.
And the lean in was so slow, but when your lips met it was worth it
And the coffee taste.... wasn't so bad anyway
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jeonginnied · 6 years
my safe place
tagged road trip au, fluff, angst, college au
pairing bang chan x reader
mini note tHIS IS BARELY EVEN A ROAD TRIP AU AND ITS MENTIONED LIKE ONCE AKSJSJSJ IM SORRY,, but besides this i actually kinda like this, so i really hope you enjoy anon!!
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to put it simply, you didn’t want to see your family.
in a much more non-simple way, you wanted nothing to do with your parents, siblings, or any of your relatives in general. sure, about four months ago, you wouldn’t have felt this way, but things do change, so you’ve learned. maybe if you hadn’t moved across the country—well, no, out of the country, actually—to pursue a college experience, you may have mended your relationship with your family.
but that’s not what happened, not at all. you made a decision, and you went through with it. and ever since, (even if it’s only been a few months so far) you’re still quite confident in your choice. moving to korea for school has, by far, been the best decision you’ve ever made. not only that, though, but this place also gives you a passageway to finally do the thing that you’ve always wanted to, that thing being dancing.
the first half of your freshman college year was great, honestly. you were doing what you loved, and that was what mattered. (you still haven’t reached the time of finals yet, though, and from what you’ve heard, that’s usually when the thought of dropping out appears and seems to never leave. but, you’re good for now, at least.)
the schooling was basic, you weren’t exactly fond of it, nor did you hate it, but there was one thing you liked about your classes. well, not exactly a “thing,” as the happiness source you’re referring to is a living, human being. (a very beautiful and talented one, at that.)
ah, christopher bang. or bang chan, as he usually goes by, considering it’s korea. you can clearly remember the day you first laid eyes on him. it was your literature class, and chan had showed up just about thirty seconds before the lecture began. luckily for him, there was still a good seat left, and luckily for you—the seat was next to yours.
your professor was quite boring, to say the least. but, you kind of owe mr. min, considering that he was what led to chan secretly scribbling a note to you in the middle of class, passing it casually as his eyes stayed focused on the front of the room. you remember the smile that fell onto your lips at some stupid joke he made, and thus began the great note-pass of your literature course, as well as a great beginning to a great friendship.
“y/n? hello, you good?”
at the sound of a heavy australian accent, you snap out of your thoughts. “huh? what happened?” you ask aloud, glancing to chan in confusion. he chuckles softly, dimples crinkling in an incredibly cute fashion. “you just, like, completely zoned out on me.” you roll your eyes, punching his arm jokingly. “no shit, sherlock. thanks so much, captain obvious.” chan‘s lips fall into a shit-eating grin as he responds, “well sorry, what i meant to say was that we were talking about your family when you started staring into the distance suddenly.”
a small sigh falls from your lips. “right. um, well basically, they didn’t support my dancing. like, ever. i used to do shows at school and things like that, but none of them ever showed up to cheer me on. and that sucked, obviously, but i just assumed that they were always busy, y’know?” you explain, and chan slowly nods, a small frown forming on his lips. “well.. when it came around to start thinking about college, i suggested going to a dance school. everyone just.. they all laughed at me. they all thought i was joking for a while, but when they realized i wasn’t, well...
“i was grounded for months. i know, i didn’t really do anything, but my grandparents wouldn’t even speak to me at family events. they always mumbled about me failing them, but never once was anything said to me specifically.” you pause for a moment, looking down with a sad look. you only glance back up when you feel chan’s right hand holding onto yours. “take your time, alright? i’m here the whole time, and i’ll wait to listen, okay?” your cheeks go a slight pink color as you give him a sad smile, faintly nodding at his words.
okay, so maybe you have a tiny bit of a crush on chan. (tiny? that’s a lie.) okay, that‘s slightly an understatement. you may or may not have a crush on chan. (may or may not? yeah, and that may or may not be a huge fib.) okay fine, you definitely have a crush on chan. but can you really blame yourself? first of all, his accent is just—yes. secondly, he has dimples, enough said there. and, just, he’s an amazing person? seriously, you’re pretty sure there’s not a single person on the earth that wouldn’t love him.
(honestly though. how don’t you love an angel?)
the only flaw regarding your crush is the fact that he’s kind of your best friend, and you’ve seen what happens in those movies. sure, most of the time the couple does get together in the end, but it’s never without an awkward few months without talking to one another. as cliche as it may sound, chan’s like your other half. you can barely live when he misses a lecture because he’s sick, much less months? not only that, though, but you’re not even sure that he likes you back in that way. your other friends, however.. they seem to think a tad differently.
(especially minho. within a week of meeting that boy, he was already sure that “you and chan would be married within the next five and a half years.” his words, not yours.)
you snap out of your own head once again, jumping slightly from shock. you place your head in your hands for a moment as you realized that you zoned out once again. “i.. i’m sorry, chan. where was i again?” chan only shakes his head, insisting that you’re fine, and you continue with your story.
you explain how you actually ended up sneaking out one night, after months of being shunned, basically. how jung jaehyun, a close friend of yours at the time, suggested that you should just leave. he was planning to leave for korea that next morning, as he would be attending a college there. how you were skeptical at first, but jaehyun helped you realize that if you didn’t leave and go for your dream now, you would probably never get the chance to. how you crawled from your window that night, leaving nothing but a note for your family as you fled from the country with your friend.
the air is soon filled with a tense silence after you finish your story. your eyes are brimmed with tears after reminiscing that sensitive topic for you, but you push down your emotions as you stare forward at the road. (was it not mentioned that you and chan are on a road trip for winter break? whoopsies.) “so uh.. yeah. that’s why i wanted to take this trip, i guess. i just—i can’t face them all again. i can’t.”
chan seems to sense the waviness in your tone as he glances at you from the driver’s seat. nearly immediately, he goes into his protective mode the moment he sees the tears in your eyes. chan pulls over the the side of the road so he can stop the car before unbuckling himself and turning to you. “y/n..” he murmurs quietly, and you sniffle lightly, trying to hold back. “come here.” chan whispers, opening his arms wide, and you break instantly. in seconds you’re basically jumping into his arms, head resting on his shoulder as you break into tears.
with an assist of reassuring back rubs from your best friend, you make it to slow your tears after about three or four minutes. you slowly pull away from chan, who’s staring at you with a caring look in his eyes. “m’ sorry about that, i just–“ you start to say, but the aussie boy before you shushes you quickly. “don’t apologize, y/n. it’s completely normal to feel like that, and i’m here for you, always.” chan shoots you a soft reassuring smile at the end of his words, and you internally scream.
you sigh at the thought that you’ll probably never get the chance to be with him. chan’s a great guy, of course, but he’s just too great for you. there’s no way, hell, he probably has eyes for someone else anyway. there’s not even the slightest possibility that he reciprocates your feelings.
“whatcha’ thinking about?” chan asks cutely, and you look back down at your lap. you fiddle with your fingers nervously, letting out a small sigh. “y/n?” chan questions, clearly concerned. you let out a breath once again. it wouldn’t hurt to just feel his lips once.. it’s just a kiss, right? you’re internally battling with yourself, until you realize that your best friend seems pretty lost over what you’re doing. you sigh again, taking a deep breath. you then look up so you’re making direct eye contact.
“fuck it..” you murmur quietly as you lean over the driving console, grabbing chan’s face in your hands as you press the each of you guys’ lips together.
chan’s the first to pull away, his face red and flushed with embarrassment. “wh–what was that for? y/n?” your eyes go wide. did i seriously just—? “oh my god, chan, i... i thought it wasn’t a bad idea, that it would just be one kiss, but—shit. i’m so sorry, chan, i know i made things awkward between us now, and.. i get it if you don’t wanna continue this trip with me.” you get quieter as you speak, worry taking over the tone in your voice while you panic inside of your head. what the hell was i thinking?
“i’ll be honest, i didn’t think i had feelings for you, y/n. i mean, yeah, i’ve pondered over that thought before, but i just always assumed i was looking too far into things.” you nod slowly, looking down. well, there goes your best friend. nice going, self! “but.. after that kiss, i.. y/n, you’re a great person, okay. i’m just—“ you’re quick to cut chan off. “you’re just not into me like that, right? it’s fine, don’t worry about it. i’m the stupid one here, anyway.”
chan taps your chin, causing you to look up at him, trying to hide that you’re clearly hurt, even if you probably shouldn’t be. “y/n.. that’s not what i was gonna say at all, you know. in fact, what i was going to say was that i’m not sure. you’re amazing, and if i’m honest, i never thought i would be enough for you. that’s why i always pushed the thought of having feelings away.” you open your mouth to respond, but you can’t seem to find the words to say. “um,” chan starts again, nervously. “i don’t want any labels yet, just because. they’re not important anyway. just.. all i know is that i feel something in my heart for you, y/n, and it’s a lot farther than thinking of you as my best friend.”
chan lets out a nervous breath before he continues on, “so um.. can i kiss you? for real this time?”
of course, who are you to resist the bang chan?
and so, with a happy smile, your lips meet again.
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artbysarah98 · 5 years
Part 7 This day couldn't get any worse, right?
When we're young...series
Part 6 Run little wolf, run!
This day couldn't get any worse than that is right now, right? Ella had forgotten about all of her worries during her night walk, but the media decided differently. The anxieties that left so peacefully on her rub. Came back to stab her in the back as soon as she had laid eyes on that article.
'Why did she have to run into BTS's V of all people yesterday?' flashed through her mind during the press conference. Where she had sat, on that stage, in front of a room filled with people. Painfully, trying to ignore the vampire in her that wanted to eat away her worries. She hoped, well actually, wished that her shyness wouldn't be visible on her face.
Ella hopes that her statement together, with the ones that the members, well V, gave clear up all the misunderstandings on this scandal. Or at least, would focus their attention back on something else. The entire press conference went on for over an hour. She had never answered so many questions about herself and a meeting with BTS's Taehyung. A meet-up she didn't even plan to begin with. She was glad that the members of BTS also answered questions. Although, it was either when the reporter asked them directly or if Ella didn't know how to respond. Ella was also glad that Namjoon was there to translate questions that she couldn't understand since they were asked in Korean. During the entire press conference, she felt like BTS had her back. Yet, Ella also wondered why BigHit didn't get her a proper translator instead of heaving to use Namjoom for it.
'Maybe, it was decided like this so that I would feel more comfortable? He took his time when translating for me. I doubt a professional would have that much time nor patience.'
Ella had also noticed that Taehyung was putting all of the blame on him and that everything he mentioned about her was very loving and praiseworthy. It made Ella feel very conflicted. One side of her opinion was glad that the scandal was being solved, but on the other, gave Ella a feeling that Taehyung didn't mind having her as a girlfriend. Yet she also didn't mind having him as her boyfriend, because she couldn't deny his attractive looks and caring personality.
'Why does he have to make me feel so conflicted?' thought Ella while walking after her uncle, 'He is giving off so many signals. What does he want from here on out? What do I want?'
He gave her a comforting smile as she locked gazes with him. It was as if he was saying, 'You did a good job.' She gave him a smile back before getting into the car.
At the moment, her uncle is escorting BTS and her to the car to get them back to BigHit Entertainment from the venue where they held the conference. They have been driving for a few minutes in silence. Not the comfortable kind. Everybody was feeling shitty about the scandal. Ella decided to break the silence, "I hope that this press conference is going to help calm down the media and all of your fans."
"I don't know," said Namjoon, "I just checked twitter and ARMY's haven't been stopping trending hashtags related to the press conference. #BTSspecialpressconference, #EllaYoung, #VandEllaunexpectedmeeting, and #Ellawassolucky, to name a few, but #WeloveVandEllatogether is trending as number one worldwide. That must be because of the interactions between you two. They were genuine and friendly."
"Hyung, that might not be the right word to describe it. Loving or affectionate fits better to what I have seen on that stage," said Jimin smirk on his lips as he eyed her through the rearview mirror. He made Ella want to disappear off the face of the planet. Or, at least, sink into the passenger seat. She had a feeling that he kept teasing her about her reactions during the press conference to get this kind of response now.
"It's not only on twitter. Our personal Instagram is also exploding. Just because of how many times we have been tagged in pictures related to the article or the conference," said Jin, "The reactions are mostly very loving. At least, the ones that I have seen. So you don't have to worry about hate comments, Ella."
Ella got up from her seat and turned to Jin, "I don't even have social media, so I don't even see what all of you are talking about or looking at right now. Before you ask, yes, this is also because of the rules at my parents' Boarding School. No, I don't miss it and don't need it."
She shifted her gaze to the maknae line and continued, "So don't even think about making a Twitter, Instagram, or any kind of social media account for me." The maknae line gulped at her very intimidating glare and nodded in silence. Something ached when she saw the scared look in Tae's eyes, but she ignored it.
Ella smiled and looked at her uncle, who was driving. He turned to her. When they locked eyes, he smiled at her, and she smiled back. Ella was happy that they are on better terms now after clearing up the misunderstanding regarding the contact between them before arriving at BigHit earlier this morning in the car. She looked out of the window and thought, 'Will I meet him in a way that I have met Taehyung as well?'
Ella didn't know that she had said it out loud. At hearing his name coming from her mouth, he looked at her and asked, "Who is him?"
She turned to him with a surprised look, realizing that she probably said her thoughts our loud. "I said that out loud, didn't I?" asked Ella.
"Yes. Yes, you did," said Jung Kook, who also heard it, "But I'm also curious. Who is him?"
"Well, I also don't know exactly who 'him' is. Just like you guys, 'him' is also a K-POP idol. 'Him' was on the same plane as me with his bandmates. The only thing that I know is that fans called that band 'VAV' after they exited the terminal at the airport," said Ella, "I don't even know his name. Only his stage name, Baron. Or at least, that was the name listed with a photo of him when I looked the band up. He sat on the other side of the aisle, and we looked very short in each other's eyes for a few seconds after he caught me staring. The problem is that there is almost nothing to find about their band because they're not part yet of the more popular bands in South-Korea. Let alone around the world."
Ella looked around the car. From her uncle on her left to J-Hope behind him, ending on Taehyung, who sat behind her. She couldn't quite describe the look on his face. He looked kinda hurt. Why would he be pained by her words? Is it because there is another man on her mind? It's not like they are in a love relationship. 'Wait, why am I thinking of this? We just got out of scandal because of our meeting,' thought Ella, and yet she could feel her heart thumping out of her chest, 'But maybe I do want to be more than just friends.'
Her eyes lingered on him, longer than she wished, before turning back in her seat. She shifted her gaze to the window as her eyes followed the moving scenery until it had passed. This repeated in a cycle while she mused on her thoughts about the look on Taehyung's face. It did more to her than she would like to admit.
Uncle Vince dragged her out of her thoughts, "I do know where they are labeled. We could drive by their agency. If that is what you want. Is that okay with you guys?" All the members of BTS nodded. They didn't mind taking a little detour, and they were also curious about which man she was referring to, especially Taehyung. He wanted to know who his rival was, at least in his eyes.
"We do have to stop a few streets away from their agency. If we don't want to attract too much attention from the media. We will walk the rest on foot. Boys, you remember where A Team Entertainment is located, right?"
"Yes, I do. The boys can follow me if they forgot," said Namjoon, not giving the others a chance to nod or answer in response. After 10 minutes, Ella's uncle parked the car and said, "Okay, from here on out, we are going to walk. It should be just 5 more minutes."
The boys piled out of the car and started taking off in the direction of VAV's agency. "Are you coming, Ella?" asked Taehyung as he looked at her hopefully.
Ella shook her head and said, "I wanna talk with uncle Vince for a little while. We will come after you, okay." Taehyung looked a little bit disappointed but nodded and took off after his bandmates.
"Why do wanna talk, Ella?" said her uncle, "You only want to talk when something is bothering you. In that, you haven't changed since 5 years ago."
"You know me so well," said Ella as she let out a sigh, "and you're right. My feelings are a mess. I don't know what to think anymore. My heart has been beating out of my chest ever since I met Taehyung, but I don't whether that is because his blood smells so good or because of something else. Whenever he looks upset or is hurting, my heart screams in pain. It also feels lonely or empty when I'm not close to him. On top of that, the press conference didn't clear up my feelings either. I think it made my feelings go haywire even more."
Her uncle laughed and took off towards the agency of VAV. Ella followed in tow. "Your mom used to say the same things when they were at the beginning of their relationship. You shouldn't worry so much about it, Ella. I'm sure you will find your answer soon," said Vince sounding amused, "On top of that, you're not the only one, using your words, emotions that are in haywire right now."
Just as Ella wanted to answer her uncle, they had caught up with BTS. Who, to her surprise, had stopped in the middle of the street. Ella looked very confused at first, but when they came closer to them, her eyes widened. She saw the band from the airport standing there. After that, she looked at the airport hottie, Baron.
'He looks so handsome but not as handsome as Taehyung,' thought Ella while realizing, 'Oh, now I understand what uncle means. I am already head over heels in love with Taehyung, but deep down, I already knew this. I just didn't see the signs or want to see them.'
Her uncle shook her up from her thoughts, "Now that we kinda met up in the middle of the street, and I don't want another scandal that includes my niece. How about we go to my place? It's on the outskirts of Seoul and not a place paparazzi hang around a lot. On top of that, I have enough sleeping places for fourteen people. Only if your schedule allows it to VAV."
'Wait, what did he say?' thought Ella, not wanting that to happen. At all. That would be so embarrassing. They would see her in her comfort zone at his place. No strangers had ever seen her in her comfort zone, not even other students from the Young Boarding School. She saw the members of VAV look amongst each other, nodding, and the member she recognized as St. Van spoke up, "That is okay with us."
After that, all the members of BTS and VAV got into vans provided by their agencies. That, in the meantime, had, mysteriously, been parked near her uncle's car. 'When did those van's arrive?' thought Ella, 'Well, I don't care. Now I at least don't spend another hour in a cramped-up car so close to Taehyung. Oh, my stupid brain, don't think so much about Taehyung.'
Even though Ella didn't want to continuously think about Taehyung, she had a difficult time getting him off her mind. She grasped over her right shoulder as she felt it burn slightly. Ella always had a sort-off crescent moon-shaped mark on that shoulder, but it had never reacted like that.
'Okay, that was strange. Could it be related to why I can't seem to stop thinking about Taehyung?'
Uncle Vince took off, and the vans followed after them to his mansion. Ella had put in her earbuds so that she didn't have to talk with her uncle about the 'taking along the boys' topic as he had noticed that she didn't really want it. Of course, she was very excited to finally meet the airplane band VAV, but she had hoped it would be at BigHit or A Team Entertainment, not at her uncle's living place. Ella hoped the most that her bloodthirst would not take over while all the boys were at her uncle's home. As soon as they arrived, she said, "I'm going in first and quench my bloodthirst. So make sure they don't go into the kitchen."
Her uncle nodded and took off his seatbelt, after that, she ran into the building to the nearest blood stash, which was as she mentioned in the kitchen. Ella opened up the hidden refrigerator. Yes, hidden fridge. Her family had learned to be careful in leaving evidence of their immortal life laying around for everybody to find. That morning, just before leaving toward his work, Uncle Vince showed her the button to open it up.
She wanted to make sure that she would survive the night with her crush, yes she officially saw Taehyung as her crush, in her home and emptied 10 entire blood bags. Ella made sure to look in the mirror and wiped away any remaining blood of her face. She pressed the button and watched the fridge disappear behind the wall before going to the living room.
"You should have told us that live in such a big house, bodyguard Young," she heard Yoongi say, "We might have come over sooner. The forest seems calm." As she entered the room, one of the members of VAV responded to what Yoongi said. "House? This is what you call a mansion. Have you seen how big it is? I do agree with you on the forest topic. It looks peaceful," said who she thought was Ziu, and he looked at her before asking in English, "Don't you get lost in this place, Ella, was it? Seeing how big it is."
It seems that they have been updated on talking English around her. As much as they can. Ella presumed that her uncle told them while she was in the kitchen.
"No, I don't. I have a pretty good sense of direction," answered Ella.
"So you could show us your room?" asked Jimin while wiggling his eyebrows. She was pretty sure that he was had unpure intentions and Taehyung angrily slammed him on his head for it. Jimin rubbed the place on his head while laughing, clearly knowing something that Ella doesn't. She decided that play two could play that game and smirked, "Yes, I could, but just not to you. If it was Jung Kook or Taehyung who asked it, then, I might have considered it."
There was a silence after Ella said those words, not expecting them to fall from her lips. When they had processed it, every man in the room started laughing except for Jung Kook, Jimin, and Taehyung. Jung Kook and Taehyung were as red as a tomato after hearing her say that, probably thinking very unpure thoughts or being very embarrassed, while Jimin looked like a mixture of shocked, embarrassed, and angry. He presumably didn't expect a reaction at all and definitely not one like that.
The rest of the afternoon passed away very quickly. Ella got to know all the boys better and, surprisingly, she opened up, although just slightly, about her past as well. She didn't want to go too fast. It was 18.00, and uncle Vince, St. Van, and Jin had cooked dinner by now. Jacob, ACE, and j-hope had set the table for 16 people. A big dining room was handy at this moment.
When they were about done, Jin walked into the living room, announcing that dinner was served, and they could take a seat at the table. Everybody stood up and made their way to the table. Ella was about to enter the dining hall when she bumped into somebody who was also about to go in at the same time. She looked up and saw Baron.
"I'm so sorry. I should have paid more attention to my surroundings," said Ella, an octave higher than usual. She was surprised by the collision. It resulted in her voice.
Baron snickered at her reaction and said, "No, it is my fault. You were at the door first. I should have waited before continuing into the dining hall without looking."
Ella was about to disagree again when an angry-looking Taehyung, who still had to enter the dining hall, said, "Okay, we get it. You were both at fault. Can we now please enter the dining hall? I'm so hungry that I could eat like a bear before its hibernation."
Ella's face flushed and quickly continued into the dining hall, taking a seat next to Namjoon. 'Why the hell did Taehyung have to react like that? It was just an accident,' thought Ella. Again her right shoulder hurt as she mused on what had happened.
Ella knew her uncle could cook well, but with the help of St. Van and Jin, it got her mouth-watering. There was so much food on the table, and it all looked very delicious. She saw all kinds of food from culinary kitchens; Korean, French, Italian, and a few other ones she didn't know. Her eyes landed on a dish that she hadn't eaten since the death of her parents. It has always been her favorite, and, of course, her uncle knew that.
"Uncle Vince, you made my favorite? You didn't have too," said Ella while smiling a sad smile, "Can you please pass it to me, uncle?" "Of course, Ella," answered her uncle, "and, yes, we did have to make it, since I didn't make it on my own, and it is my favorite as well. I made it exactly as your mother taught me.".
Ella's smile fell entirely off her face now. Namjoon and Taehyung, who ended up on her right, both noticed that and placed a comforting hand on her. One on her left shoulder and one on her right thigh. Ella looked at both of them and smiled, thanking them for the comfort.
The rest of the dinner passed away quickly. Tae's right shoulder, which was marked with a crescent moon-like shape since his birth, had hurt ever since he snapped at Ella's collision with Baron. He didn't like it, but also wondered if she felt something too. He had been reading on soulmates for some time now. The signs of such a bond between people seemed similar to what he experienced with her. Although it's wasn't scientifically proven, Taehyung strongly believed in it.
Taehyung kept glancing at Ella every few seconds with a burning desire in his eyes. Not that Ella noticed it, but it was something that her uncle did regard it. When Taehyung and Vince locked eyes, they were having a silent conversation, Taehyung giving off doubt about whether or not he should follow his feeling and go for it. Today. Vince answered with a look that said if you don't, you know Baron of Jimin will while cocking his head, slightly, in their direction. Taehyung nodded to nothing, in particular, understanding what Ella's uncle tried to say.
Taehyung would go for it tonight before somebody else could because he knew very well what kind of looks Jimin and Baron have been giving her the entire afternoon. It was the same one as he held in his eyes. Love, lust, and desire. All in one combination. He heard Ella excusing herself to retire to her room and leave the dining hall.
'This is my chance,' thought Taehyung and spoke up, "The dinner was delicious, but now I have to use the restroom. May I be excused, and where can I find it again, Vince?"
He looked at bodyguard Young with a look that spoke entire book works, and Vince knew what he wanted to know just by the emotion in his eyes.
"Of course, you are excused," said Vince while giving him a wink, "When you exit the living room, take a left and go up the stairs, then is it the second door on your right." Teahyung hoped nobody saw that wink and stood up.
He followed the directions and ended up in front of a door that screamed Ella to him. Taehyung then heard something in the room confirming that he was correct. He raised his hand and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, the door opened, revealing Ella in nightly attire. It was a plain black shirt with the words 'Unbeatable Beauty' on it and a vertical striped pair of shorts. Taehyung's face flushed red and looked away, not wanting to stare at her body, but it was hard not to. His shoulder stopped hurting and started to emit a warm, fuzzy feeling. He felt his heart rate pick up.
'She looks good in literally everything that she wears, and those words are true,' thought Taehyung and looked back to her, 'She is an unbeatable beauty.'
He saw Ella giving him a strange look before saying, "Do you want to come in to talk, or are you going to stay out there?"
When Taehyung realized what she asked, he shook his head and said, "No, I want to come in if that is okay." Ella giggled and stepped aside to let him in, which he did.
Ella had just changed into her nightly attire when there was a knock at the door. 'Who could that be?' thought Ella while walking to the door. When she opened it, it revealed Taehyung. The ache in her shoulder stopped. Instead, it started to emit something that made her feel loved on the inside. Her heartbeat sped up, and her breath was stuck in her throat.
Taehyung became as red as a tomato when he saw her appearance and looked away. Ella looked down and thought, 'Why does he have to blush? It's it not like I'm wearing only lingerie. Does he want to talk? Should I let him in?'
Her face showed confusion when he looked back at her. He didn't react to her expression. Ella made up her mind and said, "Do you want to come in to talk, or are you going to stay out there?"
Ella saw him realizing what she said and shook his head while saying, "No, I want to come in if that is okay." Ella giggled at his reaction and stepped aside to let him in, which he did.
He looked around her room and took place on her bed, so did she. At first, neither of them said anything and just looked at each other, taking in their facial features. It wasn't awkward at all. Everything just seemed right. As if the world had stopped, entirely, for them. Ella decided to speak up before she got too lost in his eyes and say, "So what did you come here for?"
"I came here to confess something to you before somebody else does and sweeps you away with them," said Taehyung, while glancing down to her lips, "But I think showing you would be better."
Ella, who had turned away, looked back at him to question what he meant when she left something on her lips. She was in shock at first when she realized it where Taehyungs lips, but when she relaxed and started to get into it, he pulled away. That little kiss held so much love, adoration, lust, and promise in it already that Ella wanted to do it again, so she did. This time Taehyung was in shock time but quickly got into it. Ella could feel him smile into the kiss and get a little rougher. After what felt like an eternity, they pulled away. They were both panting for air, and there hadn't even been tongue involved yet.
Due to the emotion they experienced, their shoulders started emitting dim golden light. Something seemed to have started when their lips touched, but it disappeared after a few seconds. However, both of them missed the dim golden light. They were too lost in the eyes of each other. Not believing what just happened, as they thought it would never happen.
Taehyung was the first to speak up again, "I love you, and I have been in love with you ever since I saw you at K-Star Road."
Ella's face flushed bright red and answered, "Me too. I also have been in love with you since we met on K-Star Road."
Taehyung smiled the brightest smile she has ever seen from him and said, "Do you want to be my jagiya? Oh wait, you probably don't know what that means. I mean, do you want to be my girlfriend."
"Yes. Of course, I want to be your girlfriend," said Ella smiling very brightly as well. Taehyung gave her one more peck on the lips before saying, "Maybe I should go now. I don't want your uncle to kill me for 'staying too long at the restroom.'"
He made imaginary quotation marks with his fingers as he said that last part. Taehyung winked, and Ella realized that her uncle already knew he would be here right now. They both laughed, and Ella responded, "Maybe you should. Good talk, by the way."
"Great talk. See you tomorrow, jagiya," said Taehyung, whom she could now call her boyfriend, and left the room. Ella heard his footsteps get softer, indicating that Taehyung was walking away. When she knew he couldn't apprehend her anymore, she let out a shaky breath.
'How did only a kiss make me feel this way?' thought Ella while placing a hand on her uncontrollable thumping heart, 'My heart is going so fast, too fast for a supernatural anyway. I don't think I can survive a kiss that goes further than that we went just now.'
She also felt her cheeks heating and knew she probably looked like a tomato. Ella thought back to the kiss and smiled. When she looked at him for the first time during their meeting, she already examined that his lips would be very soft, warm, and kissable, but experiencing his lips on hers was an entirely new feeling to her. Yes, she had kissed boys before, but nobody could kiss like Taehyung. His lips had the right shape as they molded onto hers. They were just as warm as she had imagined they would be, but his lips were softer than they had looked to her. He had applied just the right amount of pressure and softness at the same time. Ella also felt in the kiss that he wasn't trying to take charge, as what her ex's had done before. He let their kiss go along with how they both moved.
'How am I ever going to tell this to uncle Vince?' thought Ella, 'But what does he already know? Taehyung gave the impression that my uncle already knew that Taehyung would be in my room. How are we going to tell the others? On top of that, how are we going to tell BigHit after just releasing the statement regarding the scandal?'
She didn't want to overthink this. Deciding that Taehyung and her had to talk about this tomorrow. Ella shook her head, trying to shake the thoughts away and laid underneath the covers.
She looked out of the window. Since she was little, Ella had always left the curtains open as she was drawn in by the huge glowing orb in the sky. Like she was right now. Ella looked to the moon while thinking, 'This day could have been a lot worse, but it actually turned out for the better. I got to meet VAV. I gained myself a boyfriend and amazing new friends. On top of that, I talked out the communication problem with my uncle.'
Ella turned away from the window and got comfortable under her blankets. Soon after, she fell into a well-deserved deep sleep dreaming about Taehyung and today's events with a smile on her face.
Part 8 A famous boyfriend. Is it nice or not?
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jngukie · 7 years
i was tagged by @floofyeol! idk if this is a blessing or a curse let’s find out.
some of these fics have been in drafts for ages? so tbh i don’t even know if i will post them but hey we’ll see. (so assume for now that none of these will be posted—except when stated otherwise with an *)
the first couple will be ships. the later ones are reader-inserts. all are still protected by the Creative Commons license.
slide it up in here: chapter 10* pairing(s): jikook, namjin, yoonseok genre: humour, crack, drama, angst tags/warnings: texting, college au, slightly filthy, innuendoes, Awkward Jeon Jungkook™, slowburn, self-esteem issues, self-hatred, implied/referenced homophobia, everyone is a mess™
gguki: [image attached] gguki: what should i do with it chimothy: um chimothy: dude idk if i’m entitled to give you suggestions but chimothy: i mean you could always just stick it in the ass???????
or jungkook accidentally sends a stranger a picture of his roommate’s brand new dildo
the (9)7 wonders of the world
tol: ok here’s the plan dabs 24/7: yugyeom no offence but your plans kinda suck muscle pig: ^^ what bambam said muscle pig: i don’t trust you anymore tol: wow that hurt tol: but i promise you this one will be better dabs 24/7: don’t do it kook tol: it won’t backfire in any way
untilted vhope pairing(s): vhope, namjin genre: humour, fluff tags/warnings: college au, skype dates, profanity, neurobiology/pyschology major!namjoon, ra!jin, music major!yoongi (i think), some major!hoseok, and high schooler!tae, tbh idrk bc i haven’t finished writing it lmao
When Jung Hoseok signed up for college, he didn’t think he’d end up on academic probation so soon. Hell, he’d never guess he’d have friends who would use him as a fucking lab rat for their atrocious experiments. He definitely did not expect to fall in love with his resident advisor’s little brother—and then proceed to sneak into said resident advisor’s room and hack his computer just to have one more Skype date with the little brother. Without getting caught by said resident advisor. Yeah—he’s a little stressed, to say the least.
→ a continuation of It’s Burning Up in Here.
He didn’t sign up for this. He thought college would be a great idea—who would pass up the opportunity for ultimate freedom and youthful stupidity? No, he was ecstatic for college—but he definitely hadn’t signed up to be the fucking victim for his resident advisor’s boyfriend’s experiments.
“Hoseok-ssi, please stay still or otherwise this will hurt. A lot,” Namjoon begged as his friend Yoongi tried to hold him down on the fragile coffee table.
“That’s not what your needle’s saying! You said it was a harmless experiment! You said I’d be fine!”
“You will be! I just need practice drawing blood once—”
“You’ve never even done this before?” Hoseok shrieked, writhing some more. Yoongi growled in frustration and flung his entire weight onto Hoseok’s body—and thus effectively snapping the legs of the coffee table and sending them down towards the floor.
His advisor ran into the room then, eyes wide in alarm while holding a skillet filled with half-cooked meat, his creased white apron reading World’s Best Dad! in pretty cursive pink. “What the hell is going on here?”
untitled taekook* pairing(s): taekook, yoonjin genre: fluff, angst, humour, crack tags/warnings: restaurant au, running away, mentions of nudity, exhibitionism, does getting caught dancing naked in your room count as exhibitionism idek, mention of mpreg, but there’s no actual mpreg, i mean it’s the sims it’s not real, many many references to the male organ, but sorry folks no smut (A/N: this is literally what i have in my docs wow i’m such a nerd for preparing ao3 tags LMAO)
The last thing Jungkook expected after running away to Seoul is to score a private live viewing of Naked_Neighbour_Dancing_In_His_Bedroom.mov—and then proceed to bump into him when he’s not-so-naked. And then also manage to greet him with a slap. It also probably doesn’t help that Nude Neighbour is his new boss. All in all, Jungkook just maybe kinda wants to die. (But of course Seokjin isn’t gonna allow him, so he’s just going to suffer—for now.)
He sighs, turning his head to gaze out of the window, only to freeze when he realises his view isn’t exactly the most… decent.
Because across from his small studio apartment window is a perfect view of a larger apartment in the building across, and currently, the tenant (he hopes the boy’s the tenant) is enthusiastically dancing through his room completely naked, dinglehopper fully on display. He’s mouthing the words to some song, throwing a finger up in the air as he shuts his eyes and nods his head as though the music (Jungkook thinks there’s music) blasting in his room is speaking to him on a spiritual level.
Jungkook’s face is bright red when he finally breaks out of his trance, and he wishes he wasn’t so bad at reacting appropriately to inappropriate situations so he could at least have saved himself from adding a thirty-second clip of Nude Neighbour to his collection of non-digital memories. He rushes to the window and pulls the curtains close, fingers stiff as he tries to rid his brain of such scandalous images.
At least he was hot.
His face is redder now—if that’s even possible. “Fuck me,” he whispers, and then flushes even more. “Wait, no. Don’t fuck me. That’s not what—why am I even talking to myself. Agh.”
take these words out of my lungs (and set them free) pairing(s): vmin genre: angst, fluff tags/warnings: major character death, suicide attempt, depression, body image issues, depressed!jimin, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, ambiguous original character that appears for like five seconds, high school au
three pounds. that’s how much he’s gained since he last stepped on the scale, the dictator that rules over his life. he stares at the numbers again, frowning at the digits glaring up at him. perhaps there was a mistake; maybe the scale is rigged or jammed or simply broken. he couldn’t have possibly gained three pounds in a span of two days. hasn’t he been walking around his neighbourhood enough?
he sighs, stepping off the scale and turning around to flush the toilet before washing his hands. even the cold water burns his skin, and he wishes he could melt through the cracks on the floor. would he slim down then? would he finally be skinny enough?
“jimin!” he hears his mother call, and he forces his way from the sink, sneaking out his parent’s bathroom and into the living room outside. their apartment is small but cozy. jimin hates it.
untitled kim seokjin* pairing(s): platonic OT7 genre: fluff, angst tags/warnings: anxiety, depression, eating disorder, negative body image perception, lapslock (lower case)
honestly, he can’t remember what it’s like to live anymore.
breathe in. breathe out.
three lucky charms. four cereal pieces. seven bits down the drain.
he smiles, staring at the milk-stained sink as the spoon clatters against metal, bowl turned upside down. it’s ugly—white ink staining burnt grey like liquid cobwebs feeding on rust. it looks exactly as how he feels: dirty, wasted, trash. one-seventy-nine centimetres down the drain.
untitled kim taehyung pairing(s): Kim Taehyung/Reader genre: fluff, humour, probably angst bc knowing me tags/warnings: (sor far) nudity, profanity
Kim Taehyung has no regrets. Sure, he probably should’ve thought twice before he spent all of his money on BIGBANG merch just to show Jungkook that yes, he’s the bigger fanboy, and sure, he definitely should’ve listened to Jimin when he warned Taehyung that no, he shouldn’t eat three whole pizza pies by himself, but that doesn’t mean he regrets any of his decisions. Even though blowing all his earnings on people he’ll never meet did cause him to starve for a good or so month.
(Thank god for ramyeon.)
So, no, Jimin, he doesn’t regret running out of the shower butt naked when he heard her singing on her way to the second floor of their co-ed dorm, doesn’t regret shouting, “I love your voice!” before she screamed, “Oh my god, you’re naked!” And he definitely doesn’t regret yelling, “Oh, shit!” into Oblivion before sprinting back into the bathroom to resume the hot shower he abandoned.
“For fuck’s sake, Taehyung,” Jimin says to him once Taehyung’s finished recounting the story, the two of them lying side by side on Jimin’s bed. “You’re going to get us kicked out.”
“I should probably say hi,” Taehyung muses, blinking at the ceiling. “Do you think she remembers me?”
Jimin glances down, and snickers. “With how small your dick is, she probably does.”
untitled park jimin pairing(s): Park Jimin/Reader genre: fluff tags/warnings: (so far) blind!reader
He is an angel; and she doesn’t need to see to believe. She fathoms his widespread wings as he gently picks her up, worriedly and urgently asking for her health, voice so soft it touches her skin like silk on smooth glass. His eyes must be crinkled in the corners, a smile stuttering through apologies, heart too warm for the human hand to touch. She imagines what he looks like, faintly deciding through his rapid Korean that he must be chesnut if not vanilla, not in skin but in connotation because he sounds and smells and feels like home.
Her pause is a millennia long, and she hears him repeat himself again, the sound of melting marshmallow oozing out of beautiful lips: “Are you alright?”
She produces a smile, feathery and light, eyes glassy and the world continues to remain black. “I’m fine,” she replies, and her voice is cracked from its lack of use; she hasn’t met anyone worth talking to in what feels like a century. Another smile reappears, much strained than what she’s used to, and she picks herself up from where the concrete lay, the dust falling from her voile skirt. “No damage done.”
untitled kim taehyung #2* pairing(s): Kim Taehyung/Reader, platonic OT7 genre: fluff, angst tags/warnings: i think it’s schizophrenia?, mental illnesses, depression
There is a moment when time stands still. It’s fleeting, escaping the moment your fingers curl around it and pull. But it is during this moment happiness enraptures you with its warm hug as your heart thunders against your chest—the steady thump, thump, thump of a snare drum awakening. It is during this moment pain ceases to exist.
But after, everything will come rushing back.
i have more but these are the ones that are decent, at the very least.
to pass the torch on, i’ll tag @minmelly @kinky-koreans @pasteljeonggukk @haneulismykoreanname @rnjmnster and anyone else who wants to do it! (if you don’t, no pressure. good luck to you and your writing!)
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