#wait catboy in this too. man.
inkats · 8 months
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hi i watched the drawfee stream. i needed something to draw before bed.
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uhzuku · 1 year
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— 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮-𝐧𝐲𝐚 ~ [ 𝟏 ].
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: shouta aizawa/reader.
𝐜𝐰: hurt/comfort, slight angst, hybrids, catboy!shouta, kitten!eri, crying, abandonment issues, reader adopts eri and shouta feels like he’s being replaced.
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the cool breeze caused by the fan you always kept running in the bedroom and the way it made his bared skin prickle was what woke shouta from his deep sleep in the middle of the bed, his body curled around your pillow possessively. at some point in his sleep he’d kicked all the blankets down some, revealing his bare upper body to the unforgiving cold of the room. 
he blinks himself awake tiredly, looking around the room with half open, still-sleepy eyes ( though only one was usable ), and a faint worry fills his chest when he notices you’re not in there with him. you tended to wait until he woke before leaving him, and then he’d either fall back asleep ( though not as deeply as he just was ) or pad after you wherever you went and lay somewhere there in a nap spot ( he had one in almost every room of the house ) to doze while you made yourself busy. of course, days when you had to leave the house to work rather than work from home always were annoying once he’d grown accustomed tk you being there, and he was always anxious for a few hours before you got home ( he’d never admit to it ), but you always came back and the two of you cuddled on the couch for a while before dinner, and then the two of you would curl up in bed. after you’d taken him from the hybrid shelter, shouta really leaned into how easy he had it — and you supported this too. after the life he’d had, he had earned it. 
his ears flick up lazily when the sound of your voice reaches them, and he sighs in half relief, half annoyance; the kitchen, you were in the kitchen. 
shouta groans as he gets up, stretching turning until his bones crack in the pleasant way that sends soft relief through his joints then gets up, grabbing his favorite blanket and wrapping it around himself before leaving the bedroom, going to the kitchen where he notices you on the phone. he’s about to walk in when what you’re saying to the person on the other end registers, making him freeze. 
“mhmm, and when can i come pick up the kittengirl?” you ask. “wow, even now? well, i won’t be there that soon unfortunately, but i should arrive in a couple hours — i’ll have to get ready of course, and say goodbye to the old man.”
for the first time ever, your nickname for him stings; he knew he was older, that most hybrid owners preferred younger hybrids, but he’d thought you were different from the others — was he really so old that you were replacing him with a kitten? your soft laughter recatches his attention, and he looks at your back with betrayal in his as you laugh and say, “yeah, she’ll have the perfect home here, i promise — after these last couple weeks of talking and then me seeing her last week and her not jumping away from me, i think my home would be the perfect fit.”
so this wasn’t even a spur of the moment decision — you’d been planning to get rid of him then replace him for a while, and you’d even gone to meet his replacement last week. how could you smile and laugh like nothing was wrong? did you really have no qualms abandoning him? what the fuck was so wrong with him that he deserved to be tossed out — he’d only just gotten a life he deserved, you’d told shouta that, so what? were you lying to him?
the sound of you hanging up the house phone makes him jump, and his eye shoots to you as you turn and smile upon seeing him. “oh! good morning, shouta, i hope you slept well!”
his thick tail swishes behind him as his hurt-filled chest makes room for anger, and hot tears sting at his eye as they begin to well up in it as he looks at you. your own eyes widen, and then you’re moving to him — but no, he doesn't want you to touch him. why should he let you comfort him when it was all a lie?
he darts away, slipping through the hallways and locking himself in the bedroom you’d fixed up for him before adopting him that he’d barely used, and he curls up into the bed and buries himself beneath a mountain of blankets and pillows before burying his face in his arms as he fights off the tears. he was thirty-six years old, for god’s sake, and he’d seen more than his share of disappointment — he shouldn’t be crying like this. 
but i thought they were different. the thought pushes through all the others in his mind, and suddenly he can’t hold the tears back anymore. his body shakes slightly as he cries, and when the front door shuts in the distance his cries turn to full-body sobs as he mourns the life he’d barely been able to enjoy, 
you didn’t know what was wrong with shouta when it came to his behavior this morning, but unfortunately due to the time you didn’t have time to sit him down and talk about it — they’d marked you down for 11:45am at the hybrid shelter, and it was already 9:15 with an hour and a half between the building and your house. you showered quickly, not bothering with makeup or anything similar, and out on a t-shirt and jeans before putting on some sneakers and rushing out the door right at 10:00am even. 
you’d gotten there a little earlier than expected, but the shelter manager had still ushered you in quickly, nearly rushing you along even, and the two of you began the paperwork required so you could take your newest hybrid home. it took several hours, the endless signing and reading done as lengthy as you’d expected; this was a different shelter than the one you’d gotten shouta from, one with ‘better standards’, so more paperwork was to be expected. eventually, however, the paperwork was done, and you went to the front with the shelter managers as he took out the keys to the backrooms, which were much larger than the already large offices and front room for the sake of holding dozens of hybrids at once, either born here or rescued or taken off the streets. 
as he heads back, you sigh; honestly this entire bit of adopting hybrids like they were common animals still angered you, even though it had been years since you’d adopted shouta; the only difference between humans and hybrids were their animalistic features, they had all of the intelligence of people and spoke just the same. they ate the same food, could read the same novels ( if taught ), loved the very same — if not more. all this paperwork and keeping them in kennels? absolute bullshit. 
the door swings open ahead of you and you glance up, eyes locking on the white hair of the kittengirl you’d just adopted — she doesn’t look excited, but that was to be expected; she was nervous when you’d seen her last week as well.
alarm bells begin to ring in your head when a screeching voice makes itself known to you, though unintentionally.  “n-no — no!” you hear, the voice masculine but so clearly young, from behind the manager as the door to the kennel system shuts behind him. “no, i didn’t get to say goodbye! eri — eri!”
the small hybrid bursts into tears and wiggles around in the manager’s hold, reaching out towards the door. your heart runs cold in your chest as the wailing little girl is brought out in the arms of the shelter manager before being deposited on the counter like some sort of object, and your hands clench into fists at your sides. 
“and here’s your hybrid — would you like a lead as well?” he asks brightly, unbothered by the mess of a little girl between the two of you and the screaming boy in the back rooms. 
you don’t respond, angry, and instead gently coax the little girl into your arms. she presses against you, still weeping, and you cuddle her close and make soothing noises as you bounce her gently. “shhh, sweet girl, you’re alright, i promise,” you murmur, and she presses her face into your neck and cries more, still wailing for whoever was left behind. 
“why didn't you tell me she was a part of a set?” you ask coldly, cradling the sobbing kittengirl to your chest as she whimpers and cries for ‘deku’, distant yowls of ‘goodbye!’ echoing from the back, and the shelter manager sighs. 
“her brother is much older than a kitten, l/n,” he says, crossing his arms and shaking his head. “he’s fifteen, almost sixteen — he’ll be an adult in just a couple years, a big difference from the kitten you asked for.”
“i only asked for a kitten because my older hybrid had mentioned wanting one,” you growl, not adding that he’d mentioned wanting to have them while dreaming during one of his evening naps, “and because i’d heard of the big bust this one was a part of and saw her on the news. what makes you think i wouldn’t take them both?”
the manager looks shocked. “w-well, older hybrids are a lot of work, you know, they’re very prone to pushing back on orders!” shouta is nothing like that, you find yourself thinking bitterly, knowing that it likely came from him trusting you so much. of course older hybrids who didn’t feel safe would buck requests, so would human people. “coupled with the fact that older hybrids typically are unwanted-“
“he isn’t. i’ll take him too,” you snap, and despite the fact that you’d interrupted him, the manager smiles wickedly, a victorious gleam in his eye no doubt stemming from the fact that he was getting twice as much money as expected today. 
“when would you like to begin the paperwork?” he asks, once again unbothered, and your eyes narrow. 
“now,” you bite out, and he nods happily and leads you back to the room you’d signed off on eri in. 
for the next four hours you go through paperwork once again, eri staying in your lap the entire time. she’s not sobbing anymore after having cried herself to sleep, but soft sniffles do sound every now and then as she rests fitfully in your lap. finally, as the fifth hour of secondary paperwork approaches, you’re done — the unseen hybrid that had been screaming for his little sister now legally belongs to you ( something you hated, but what could you do? ).
you carefully lift the little kittengirl in your arms as you stand, making sure not to wake her as you shift her to one hip and grab the small backpack you’d brought with you that had your id, money, and other little travel essentials in it. the  manager leads the way from the private office and you follow, stopping behind the front desk that he steps behind before disappearing  into the back again, eager to fetch the second mouth he’d managed to get rid of today. eri fusses in her sleep, and you gently shush her; she clutches a fistful of your shirt, and you gently run your fingers through her hair before quickly stopping; the white locks were all knotted up, so you’d have to work them out when you got home. 
you look up at the sound of footsteps, and your heart aches as you see the way the hybrid before you walks forward with his head and tail tucked down, no doubt mourning the loss of a sister he didn’t know he’d be going home with. 
“and what’s his name?” you ask softly, eyeing the green catboy with warm eyes. 
“izuku,” the unnamed manager responds, and he pushes the catboy forward. you get an eyeful, and your eyes harden; there was no way this catboy was sixteen, he couldn’t be older than fourteen — just like eri couldn’t be older than four. this shelter was lying about the ages of the hybrids in their care. 
“well izuku, are you ready to come home with me and eri?” you ask kindly, and his head shoots up, his eyes wide in surprise. they fill with tears as they land on eri sleeping in your arms, and his pretty green curls bob wildly as he nods hard. you smile softly at him and beckon him over. “come on over, then.” you don’t have to tell him twice; at the invitation he’s at your side in seconds, beaming up at you and investigating his sleeping little sister excitedly. its unfortunate that you have to interrupt him, but your hands are full so you have no means of grabbing your wallet from the counter. “do you think you could grab my wallet, izuku?” you ask him gently. 
“yes!” he replies softly, careful not to wake eri, and he grabs it, even putting it in your backpack for you. you nod appreciatively at him, now fully ignoring the manager, who seems offended ( but you don’t care ).
“alright, let’s head out now!” you say warmly, and he grabs the back of your shirt instinctively as you turn. it surprises you, and his eye widen and ears flatten against his head when he realizes. 
“i’m really sorry,” he whispers, sounding scared, and you just cup one of his cheeks in your hand before taking his hand and guiding it back to the hem of your shirt. 
“if you want to hold my shirt, izuku, i promise i don’t mind,” you say, and he brightens up a little at the sight of the honesty in your eyes. you smile at him and toss your head in the direction of the parking lot. “now let's get the two of you home; i want to introduce the two of you to shouta.”
you both walk to the car. “who’s shouta?” izuku asks quietly as you buckle eri up in a car seat, careful of her little fluffy tail, and you let out a soft chuckle. 
“you’ll see.”
the last ten hours had been hell for shouta. 
he’d cried for nearly an hour after you left, but eventually his eyes had dried, and he’d just remained curled up beneath his mountain of bedding. the betrayal of you adopting a younger cat hybrid in his place still stung as freshly as it had the moment he’d first heard, but it didn’t incite tears or anger. at this point he’d forced himself to come to terms with it — he was old, he was crippled, and most importantly, he was not human. it didn’t matter that the two of you had shared a bed for the last five years, or that he’d become more than a roommate with a tail in the last four; he was just too old, too fucked up, and too different. 
he left his hidey hole in the bedroom after about four hours, padding into the living room then turning on the tv and curling up in his favorite spot on the massive sectional; he may as well enjoy his last couple of hours living the cushy life before he was tossed out. 
the next several hours pass this way, and before long it’s approaching 10pm, and as bitter as he is shouta can’t help but feel worried; he’d heard you say it was only around an hour and a half long drive to and from your destination, so why were you gone so long? it had been almost half an entire day. 
speak of the devil, he thinks darkly, his ears flicking back towards the front door as your keys turn in the lock and you push it open. immediately your familiar scent fills his nose, and he almost lets out a relaxed purr on instinct until the smells of two unfamiliar cat hybrids fill his nose, one a kitten and the other a juvenile. 
his eyes narrow. so just one cat wasn’t enough? shouta was so useless that he was being replaced by two younger cats? 
a low growl sounds under his breath, and he hears you in the foyer talking to one or both of the newcomers. “shhh, it’s okay! that’s just shouta, sweetheart, he’s nice, i promise — he’s just a bit of a grumpy old man.” another growl slips out, and shouta smells your scent change to a nervous one — not for long though, considering you’re leading the two intruders elsewhere in the house. 
“stay here in the dining room, please,” he hears you ask them, “i need to talk with shouta really quickly.” your footsteps begin to echo closer and closer to where he was laying, and shouta’s blood runs cold; this was it. this would be the moment you told him to leave. 
tears he’d thought he’d rid himself of sting at his eyes once again as you appear in the doorway, and he buries his face in a fluffy pillow he liked to use during his naps. he swallows hard as your footsteps grow closer and closer, then flinches when you sit down behind him. “shouta,” you murmur softly, putting a hand on his back, and he fights the urge to shake you off. “shouta, we need to talk.”
“no,” he mumbles into the pillow, his voice low and threatening — at least, it would be if you were anyone else. you just sigh and get up before lifting his upper body and sliding under, his head now in your lap and your fingers combing through his inky black hair. 
“shouta, i doubt you remember, but you mentioned several times in your sleep about wanting kittens.” his tail, formerly lashing behind him from nerves, stills, and he waits for you to continue. “i thought about it for a few months, thinking about how a little one would fit and how she’d potentially make things less lonely around here whenever i head in to work, and then made up my mind when a news report about a series of abused hybrids came on television while you were sleeping — god, sho, the most beautiful little kittengirl was rescued, and she was scared to death. i went the next day to the shelter she was in, and they said she was available and let me meet her — i  looked in her eyes and just knew she belonged with us.”
the bitter feeling in shouta’s chest dissolves, and in its place blossoms a warmth he’d not expected. you’d adopted a kitten… for him? for the both of you? he was practically vibrating in your hold now. 
“i went today and got her, and while i was there i found out that she was in a bonded pair; she had an adopted older brother that the manager hadn’t told me about, and they’d planned on separating them,” a cold feeling of fury blooms within him, but he continues listening. “it wasn’t the plan, but i took them both; they’re in the dining room now. the little girl is still sleeping, but her big brother hasn’t closed his eyes since he stepped out of the building.”
shouta sits up now, his dark eyes locking with yours, and you smile softly until he speaks. “thought — thought you were getting rid of me,” he whispers, and your eyes widen. throwing your arms around him, you tug him close. 
“i would never, shouta, i fucking swear,” you reply shakily, then laugh a little. “doesn’t matter what you say or do, you’re stuck with me forever now.”
he chuckles and sits up more, pressing his forehead to yours and bumping your noses together affectionately — but the dark lust in his eyes is anything but soft as he flips you both over and covers your body with his own. 
“i-! sh-shouta!” you gasp, and he nips at your jawline before kissing you deeply. you melt into it, closing your eyes and saviring the feeling of him against you before he pulls away and notches his face against yours again. 
“if you wanted kittens,” he purrs lowly, his pupils blown, “you could have just asked me.”
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © { 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 } 𝐛𝐲 𝟒𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
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What do ikevill suitors smell like? PT.1
Hi little robins, I'm back with the "What do ___ suitors smell like?" series, Ikemen Villains edition. A promise is a promise so, here we have our favourite villanous boys. Let's discover the perfumes that our silly little cursed ones are most likely to wear. This is not entirely accurate - it's only based on their routes information and the vibe each boy gives me. Btw, this time I tried to put the same amount of perfumes on each boy.
William Rex
Our King of Hearts, The Self-Righteous Monarch, The King of Villains. As charming as he is ruthless. He wants people to express themselves. Eyes as red as his flags that will have you doing exactly what he wants. You can't fix him... But if you let him, he can absolutely make you worse. “Strip it all off… and fall into the darkness with me." He definitely smells intoxicating, almost like tempting you to fall into a dark world of sweet, poisonous sin.
Notes: Rose, strawberry, absinthe, incense, leather, patchouli, oud, amber and violet.
Perfumes he might like:
La Fille de Berlin - Serge Lutens - His favourite
Fate Man - Amouage
Back to Black - By Killian
Parfum Sacré - Caron
Noir Aphrodisiaque - By Killian - He layers this one with "La Fille de Berlin" when he goes out with you.
Portrait of a Lady - Frederic Malle
Harrison Gray
The Easygoing & Popular Lying Fox. The sweet-addicted book-lover. “I have the curse of the Lying Fox. You shouldn’t trust me so easily.” Shhh, you have a heart of gold. "With you, I can walk through the darkness forever... Because you are my sun.” Told you. He is just a silly playful fox who loves to tease you as much as he loves sweets and books. In his route he is always throwing minty caramels at us and eating sugar. So it feels safe to say that he smells like mint and sweets on top of a soft and woody base.
Notes: Heavy mint, bergamote, green apple, Tea leaves, lily of the valley, cardamom, light vanilla, cedarwood and white musk.
Perfumes he might like:
Eau de Minthé - Diptyque
Moscow mule - Juliette Has A Gun
Under the Lemon Trees - Maison Margiela
Herba Fresca - Guerlain
Wild Mint & Lavandin - Molton Brown - His favourite
White Jasmine & Mint - Jo Malone
Liam Evans
"Curiosity killed the cat. I wonder what'll end up killing me..." Our catboy depressed kitty. My precious boy. The Stage-Star. Someone who'll shower you in roses one moment and stab someone for you the next. That's love. He shines as bright as a star, charming those who see him without effort, he will do anything to win your praise, only yours. This sweet pookie smells like a field of flowers under the rain with a base of soft, sweet and warm vanilla.
Notes: Vanilla, pink pepper, violet leaves, cedarwood, jasmine, sandalwood, grey amber, musk and modern roses.
Perfumes he might like:
Daim Blond - Sarge Lutens
Grand Soir - Maison Francis Kurkdjian
Rose 31 - Le Labo
Spiritueuse Double Vanille - Guerlain - His favourite
Vanilla Cake - Montale
Velvet Vanilla - Mancera - He layers this one with "Spiritueuse Double Vanille" whenever he is going to see you.
The Man shrouded in mystery. The eccentric Crown's mom leader. Oh Rapunzel, let down your hair. I definitely need his hair routine, and probably you too. I don't know what else to say about him, I love this man more than I love myself. "Now, give into the darkness of your wicked heart" Whatever you want my dear. I feel like he is the "touch her and you die" type of boyfriend. A real provider. He even BAKES. And likes MAGIC TRICKS. AND HE DANCES!!!! Tell me something he can't do, I'll wait, and if you find something, I'll fight you. Anyways, back to the perfumes. He gives me the vibe of a gentleman with a luxurious and complex scent. I can feel warm, woody and sweet with some spice on top of a soft base.
Notes: Bergamot, black pepper, cinnamon, sandalwood, rose, oud, vanilla and amber.
Perfumes he might like:
Bois d'Armenie - Guerlain
Royal Oud - Creed
Interlude Man - Amouage - His favourite
Gentleman - Givenchy
Herod - Parfums de Marly
Orphéon - Diptyque
Roger Barel
He is called "The Egotistical Former Doctor" but it seems like those arms are in the middle, because I can't see the "egoistical" part. "He is selfish and has no regard for his own interests", okay, maybe he is a bit egoistical but... "The Queen's Cursed Forces, huh? No better research subjects than that.” We get it boy, you really want to study them so bad, and I volunteer as a tribute. As said, he is a doctor, so he is surrounded by chemicals, medicines and medicinal herbs, so he definitely like that, something aromatic and some spices. Since one of his hobbies is sampling imported beer, I thin we can all agree that he may smell also like alcohol and liqueur. He is manly, and so, he smells manly.
Notes: Black pepper, eucalyptus, thyme, liqueur, cedarwood, lavender, incense, leather and sandalwood.
Perfumes he might like:
Tam Dao - Diptyque
Terre d'Hermès - Hermès
Habit Rouge - Guerlain
The Cobra and The Canary - Imaginary Authors
Green Irish Tweed - Creed
Epic Man - Amouage - His favourite
Forest Lungs - The Nue Co.
Alfons Sylvatica
Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? The Hedonistic Thrill Seeker. Don't let all his eloquent smooth-talking fool you, he has an skilled and scheming tongue. "Greetings, Miss Robin. Would you care to indulge in a dream with me today?" As elusive as a phantom, he prioritises ephemeral pleasures above everything else. Perpetually dishonest, he'll play you for a fool… and with you like a toy… Although he has already seduced me, and probably all the robins reading this, I still feel like there's something wrong with this man. We really know nothing about him, he is presented as seductive and mysterious, but I can feel that's just the surface of the lake, in the depths there seems to be a profound loneliness and sadness. What makes me feel like this is his last name. "Sylvatica" comes from the cientific name for the "forget-me-not" flowers (Myosotis sylvatica). This blue little flowers represents true love. A symbol of fidelity and being truthful to someone you love. So yes, he might be a player, but with lots of issues in his soul, and, beacuse of that, I think he may smell seductive but drained down, with lots of sadness. Like a field of forget-me-not flowera drenched in rain water.
Notes: Forget-me-not, violets, herbs, aquatic and ozonic notes, vetiver, incense, leather, amber, vanilla and cedarwood.
Perfumes he might like:
Un Jardin Sur Le Nil - Hermès
Gypsy Water - Byredo
Lys 41 - Le Labo
Avignon - Comme des Garçons
Aoud Leather - Montale
The Language Of Glaciers - Imaginary Authors - His favourite
And here it ends pt.1!!! Stay tuned for pt.2 my loves. See you all little robins.
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xiaoscarasimp · 1 year
A Small bit of Cat boi Smut
*drops another piece of smut and runs away*
yeah so uh this was a lot of fun there will be a part 2. This was supposed to take a lot more twists and turns but decided to hold off
Minors DNI pls
Cw:(oh lord where do we start?)
Afab!reader, cat girl reader,smut, degradation, praise, pet play, cat boi scara, cat boi lyney, magic, ooc,three some anal, SiZe KiNk
It was a mistake to try and get involved with the weird twink from Fontaine. He told you he'd come home and "cast magic on you and your significant other to help boost the relationship," So how did it end up like this? 
Your cat boy, Scaramouche, had you pinned up against a wall with your arms above your head, eyes heavily lidded, hazed with lust. You, on the other hand, had grown cat ears and tail and where you were normally taller than him, he now was towering over you. He was always strong to begin with, but now with your reduced size, he seemed even stronger. You squirmed trying to escape his grasp, but actually couldn’t.
You could see the magician Lyney in the background laughing at the whole situation, commenting how cute you looked. When asked how he did this or why, the only response he could give was that it “was something you both wanted.”
Scaramouche ran his thumb across your cheek and then across your lips, admiring how cute you had become. His tail coiled itself multiple times around your wrists and while you tried to get free, your tail had other ideas: namely wrapping itself around the catboy's wrist. Your face turned beet red, not understanding why your body was responding the way it was. As the situation stood: you should be scared shitless, but why were you so turned on? Was it fear? Was it because you had a secret degradation fetish?
“I always knew you’d make an excellent cat girl,” Scaramouche says in a husky growl in your now very sensitive ear. His breath sent shivers down your spine, heat pooling in your lower half.  “But smaller than me too? Can’t wait to feel how tight you are now.” He throws you on the bed and then gets on top of you, caging you between his arms. There was absolutely no escape now. 
“Scaramouche, this isn’t right,” you manage to choke out. “It’s that weird magician’s fault. He’s the on-” You felt a hand on your throat, and tail in your mouth, gagging you.
“Don't. Ever. Speak. Of. Another. Man. In. Front. Of. Me.” Scaramouche’s ears press against his head. He has always been the jealous type, but with whatever magic the Fontaine guy had been working on both of you, the jealousness and possessiveness had been amplified. You see Lyney in the background, laughing hysterically, but this time he had given himself cat ears and tail to match you and your cat boy. He smirks at you, saying how hot this all was, but Scaramouche didn’t seem to hear him; he was trapped in his own lust.
Scaramouche starts undressing you, first with his eyes, but then his hands move their way up your smaller body, taking your shirt along with them. It was an easy task since your clothes hadn’t shrunk along with you; everything was loose on you, a few sizes too big. You press your thighs together, trying to not let him take off your pants, but they were already halfway around your knees. Despite the fact you moan “no, don’t do this,” you can’t deny you’re very turned on by all of this. 
Lyney comes up behind Scaramouche, and whispers something in his ears, causing a wicked grin to appear on his face. The bluenette cat boy then slides your panties off, commenting how pretty your pussy was and how he wanted to ravage it immediately. You weren’t that much smaller than normal, but still worried if you could take him at your current size, because while the cat boy wasn’t huge by any means, he wasn’t exactly small either.
Scaramouche undresses himself, starting with taking his overshirt off slowly, revealing a black skin tight shirt that makes him look absolutely divine. He then slid down his shorts, revealing boxers already wet with pre cum. He was just so excited to ravage a pretty little cat girl. A pretty little cat girl, made just for him. 
He buries his face in your sex, moaning that it tastes sweeter than normal, but what really surprises you is that Lyney comes around and runs his hands up and down your body, pinching your erect nipples. Your tail thrashes from all the over stimulation, wanting more and for it to stop at the same time. Scaramouche swats Lyney’s hands away from your body, scowling at the audacity of the magician to touch his beloved property. 
“You’re not allowed to touch her until I’m done with her pussy,” Scaramouche growls. Lyney smirks, then comes around the cat boy, running his hands up and down his body this time, touches feather light, pinching his nipples gently causing the already horny cat boy to moan and become impossibly more erect. Scaramouche positions himself upright on the bed and pulls you up on his lap, kissing  and biting your collarbone, hands still savoring your body. 
“You said I couldn’t touch her, but you never said I couldn’t touch you,” Lyney says seductively, kissing the tattoo on the back of Scaramouche’s neck. His hands moved down to stroke the base of bluenette’s tail, causing his weeping member to thrust itself between your legs, causing you to gasp in pleasure. 
"Oh, gods, I want to be in your tight little pussy," Scaramouche moans,thrusting between your legs, catching a bit more of your slick with each thrust. "Since you're a cat girl now, meow for me."
"Nyaa~" As you do a traditional cat girl pose, you can feel whatever dignity you had left dying. That was enough to get Scaramouche to start kissing you roughly, tongues battling it out in your mouth. Lyney’s hands move from stroking Scaramouche’s tail to slightly pulling on your tail, causing you to moan in your lover's mouth. 
"Such a pretty little pet for me," your cat boy admires your neediness. "You know what a good pet needs? A collar, claiming that you are mine." At this point, Lyney conjures up a collar with a tag that says "Property of Scaramouche Balladeer the Sixth," and buckles it securely around your neck. 
"Look what a good pet she is for you," Lyney cooed in Scaramouche’s ear. "Oh, how the tables have turned. The master becomes the pet." 
You scowl at the two of them laughing at you. The magician’s eyes were ravenging you, wondering what acts he could convince your cat boy to do next. He had his own ideas swirling around in his head, and was wondering if your partner had any of the same ideas. 
Scaramouche was still thrusting between your legs, the tip threatening to slip in. You were getting extremely turned on by this, wanting his cock inside you more and more with every thrust. He could pick up on this feeling, and quite honestly he felt the same. 
However! He also wanted to hear you beg. Normally, you were in charge, but this time, this time he had a small cat girl sitting on his lap, moaning with every thrust between her legs. 
"You want me, don't you?" He moans through kissing. "I'll give it to you if you beg." You can see Lyney smiling, egging you on as he pulls your hair, stimulating you even further. As you attempt to use the thrusting motion as means to try and alleviate the growing heat pool in your abdomen, Scaramouche just stops.
"Ah ah ah," He tuts. "You don't get off with out me, and you don't get me unless you beg." 
"Please," you pitch your voice a bit higher than normal, swallowing your pride. "Please
 I n-need you to help me." The mix of juices between your legs was electrifying. What ever magic the Fontaine man had cast made stimulation even better than normal.
"Good girl." He allows you to lift yourself up and insert his cock into your needy hole. "Aanh~. You were tight before, but this is a whole 'nother level. Such a tiny cat girl pussy, made just for me."
As you slide down his length, you couldn't help but to feel fuller than normal, your walls clenching his cock more vigorously than usual. He's not small by any means, but with your reduced size, it felt like it was going to stretch you out, to break you.
 Scaramouche allows you to bottom out and adjust to his size before thrusting, causing you to cum almost immediately. 
"Such a good little whore you are," He purrs in your ear. "Cumming from insertion alone? You must have really needed it, didn-" You yank his head down and start kissing him passionately again. Reduced size or not, you didn’t have to pull very hard to make him come down to devour your lips. 
“I still haven’t gotten my high yet, so just bear with me darling,” He manages to rasp. “I can almost see where my dick is inside you. You’re taking it like a good little whore. Just for me: a good little whore just for me.”  As he thrusts deep inside you, he swears he can see a slight bulge in your stomach from where his dick was kissing your womb.
“F-fuckk,” Scaramouche groans and releases his load, pulling your hair right behind your cat ears, and painting your insides creamy white. Although he had just cum, he was still impossibly hard. Lyney murmurs something in your partner’s ear once more, and you start to feel a bit worried. Whatever the two cat boys were discussing could never be good, especially when Scaramouche smiled like a wicked cheshire cat.
You start to feel an icy hot feeling, cooling but burning at the same time and Scaramouche’s cock was expanding your insides. How was it possible to get even bigger after cumming? 
No. Wait. Lyney shrunk you. Again. 
“Oh, wow,” Scaramouche gasps, eyes even more hazed with lust. “An even tinier cat girl to fuck senseless. If I wasn’t fucking your womb before, I surely am now.” His hand cups your cheek, although at this point, his hands are huge compared to you. 
“Lyney? Why did you do this to me?!” You exclaim as Scaramouche starts thrusting into you; you could barely take his length at this size. Your stomach starts bulging with each thrust, his cock definitely in your womb. 
"Look at you, pregnant with my cock," he coos. "What a good little slut, taking in my cock."
Lyney laughs and snaps his fingers and his clothes disappear. The blond then sits around behind you and pushes you towards your own cat boy's chest, grabbing Scaramouche's face and kissing him, tongues swirling in their mouths. A bit of spit drops on your face as you look up at the two moaning boys making out.
All of sudden, you feel something wet prod your ass. Turns out, Lyney had licked his pinky finger before kissing Scaramouche and was prodding your rear end with it. The one finger almost barely fits, and you can feel your insides being rearranged. At the same time, Scaramouche forcibly opens your mouth and tells you to suck on his fingers.
"Annhh. Imagine how good your tiny mouth would feel on my dick, " He moans through kissing the blonde. Only one finger would fit in your mouth, and you lick it and suck on it like it was a lifeline. You moan while sucking on his delicate digits and being fucked in both holes, sending both cat boys even further towards the edge. 
You try to mention something about bodily injury of being fucked at this size, but couldn't make anything out due to the pleasure overriding your brain.
"Never worry, my dear," Lyney says behind you. "The magic protects your insides. Although, my eyes are on the handsome one that is currently inside of you." 
He thrusts his pinky a few more times in your ass before pushing you and Scaramouche backwards on the bed; you almost fall off your partner, but Lyney sandwiching you between the two cat boys keeps you in place. The raven-haired cat boy looks incredulously at the blonde, wondering what was going to happen next, as if he didn't know. 
Lyney conjures up some lube and puts the other cat boy's knees closer to his head for easier access to the bluenette’s hole. You crash into your lover's chest and give his nipple a small nibble and a few flicks of the tongue, making him moan your name. There was a deep rumble in his chest that could be confused with rolling thunder, but it was just him purring and moaning at the stimulation. 
As Lyney stuck his own cock in Scaramouche’s ass, you suck on his nipple even harder, biting and groping the area around it. The cat boy moans even louder as the blond bottoms out. Lyney’s pinky finger returns to your ass, going in easier this time. Their tails intertwine, and Lyney starts thrusting into your lover's needy hole and at the same time Scaramouche bucks his hips into you. He uses his large hands to keep you from falling off, but eventually sits you up, detaches you from his nipple, and demands that you suck on his finger again. 
You suck and moan on his finger, nearly cumming with every thrust that Scaramouche pumps into you. Your cat boy starts babbling about how good this all feels;the angle of Lyney’s cock hitting his prostate, the tiny cat girl pussy around his dick and her lewd mouth having its way with his fingers. It was all too good. 
"Aa~~ r-right there," the cat boy moans. "F-faster!....yes….I-I'm cumming again~" Lyney thrusts even faster, causing your tiny body to bounce up and down on your lover's cock, and both you and Lyney cum at the same time, causing Scaramouche to cum yet again. 
Basking in the afterglow, Lyney restores you to your normal size and makes your cat ears and tail disappear. You weren’t going to lie: the cat ears and tail had to be your favorite part of the whole experience….and being fucked at reduced size was pretty nice as well.
The three of you pass out on the bed, Scaramouche on your right side and Lyney on your left, and each one of them cuddling you, both wishing to do that again.
You awake to two small cat boys on either side, each one about half the size of a normal human. One with raven hair, the other with platinum blonde. You smile.
"Good morning, darlings." 
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teecupangel · 3 months
Catboy Nonny here: what about an au where it’s MalDes (or DesMal? Desmond x Malik)? Instead of being the very deeply annoyed onlooker of the Altdes catboy nonsense, Malik’s invested now.
The bureau was quiet when Altaïr slipped inside.
Too quiet.
Sure, the sun has yet to rise but, by this point, he was used to Malik already on the counter, turning to stare at Altaïr as if his very presence was worse than horse shit.
Altaïr just ignored him and focused on his mission.
And it was because of that single-mindedness that Altaïr opened the door that would lead deeper into the bureau. He walked the quiet halls and went straight to the door that he knew the Rafiq would use as their private room. All bureaus had similar layout so Altaïr was confident that he’d fine Malik sleeping inside.
He opened the door.
And immediately closed it.
He rubbed the bridge of his nose.
He knew of Desmond, of course.
Hard not to when the man’s face was near identical to his.
He also knew that Desmond was staying here in the bureau. He refused to even travel to Masyaf.
Altaïr thought it was because Desmond didn’t want Al Mualim to learn of his… feline qualities.
He didn’t expect…
“You’re still here.”
Altaïr glared at Malik as he entered the main room of the bureau where Altaïr had been waiting for an hour and a half.
“You should learn to lock your door.” Altaïr said in a bland tone.
Malik began to prepare tea as he replied, “If you didn’t hear the sounds Desmond was making, that’s your fault.”
Altaïr’s glare only intensified.
And Malik ignored his quiet protests as he asked, “Give us both some peace. Say your piece and be off.”
The mission.
That was what was important.
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teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
"chrollo, why are you reading my old diary?..." -catboy chrollo anon
“Is it so horrible to want to know you better?”
You frown, hands on your hips as you stand by the TV that you haven’t seen turned on ever since you both moved here. “Yes. It’s called a breach of privacy.”
“You’re reading too much into things.” Chrollo’s eyes don’t leave the page, but they have stopped travelling across the words. Seeing how he leisurely loiters on the couch without a care boils your blood.
“Says the man currently reading too much into my life and thoughts. Why do you even possess such a devious item? Burn it! And throw its ashes into the sea!”
“We live in the middle of a large continent, dear. I’m afraid there is no sea nearby.”
“Flush them then.”
He hums, still not looking up. “I may consider it after I finish reading this.” Turning a page, he speaks again. “Some passages seem like actual excerpts from books. Nicely written. It reminds me of Sylvia Plath.”
You slowly inch closer, footsteps as quiet as you can make them. “Really? I thought you were more into Shopenhauer or philosophy.”
“All philosophers have something interesting to say. It’s frankly quite intriguing to read how someone whose body has already completely decomposed thought about the world.”
Only a few steps away, you continue humouring him in hopes that he keeps his guard down. “So you’re more of a leisure reader than a critic?”
He smiles. “Though I’ll read whatever I can, these days I seem to prefer only what strikes my fancy.”
“Well, you should venture to Booktok some time. I’m sure you’ll find very interesting choices there.”
“A suggestion from you is invaluable, dear.”
Seeing that he hasn’t reacted to you standing directly in front of him, you wait a few moments to see if he looks away from the open page. From what you can gather, he’s currently reading a boring entry of your first visit to a pastry shop about how you supposedly messed up your order. 
Thus, while he’s distracted, you strike.
Unfortunately for you, Chrollo wouldn’t be as insufferable if he isn’t significantly faster. You sometimes curse his inhuman reaction time. The diary is immediately moved away from your grasp and while you stand frozen, blinking at him because his reaction was too quick for you to fully register, he stares back at you with a smug smile.
“Have a seat. Seeing that you’re so eager, let’s continue reading together.” The invitation is accompanied to a pat on the space next to him and you fume.
“One of these days I will get the last laugh, Lucilfer.”
“Best of luck, dear.”
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noonaishere · 2 months
Online/Offline [C.S] - seventy-one | jagiya
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“I. DIED. AGAIN.” You shouted into your microphone.
“Ow.” San responded.
“I’m sorry.”
“No, I-- I understand the aggression.” San chuckled. “Where did you die?”
“The Blaze pushed me off the bridge and I landed in the lava. All my stuff’s gone.”
“Aww,” San pouted. “Are you back in the town?”
You sighed. “Yeah… I’m back in the town. JGG back in the town like whaddup, comin’ at you like Cleopatru.”
San laughed. 
You sighed and attempted to beatbox sadly.
“Well, I got the Blaze Rods and I’m coming back for you.”
“Should I wait here?”
“Yes, please. Take whatever you want from the chests.”
“I’m always stealing your stuff though… I’m a stealing stealer-- I’m the stealer! Yeah!” You hummed the song into your mic.
He laughed. “You don’t seem too sad, all of a sudden.”
“I’m humming sadly.”
He chuckled. “And anyway, you could never steal from me, I’ll give you anything you want.”
QuackIsWhack✅: Cheesy TheNicestGuy: Is he trying to flirt? JohnnyYuta: UMMMMM HELLO? A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: What is that??
“What are you taking?”
“The steel armor.”
“Take the diamond set I enchanted.”
“I can’t take it, it’s yours.”
“Go ahead and take it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Oh course I’m sure.”
“But I feel bad taking it since it’s diamond--”
“Take the diamond set, Jagiya. Please.”
JohnnyYuta: JAGIYA??? A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: JAGI--?? I💚Keeho: EYE-- StrickenChicken: 👁-- TheNicestGuy: …… UltimateHyung: WHAT. IS. HAPPENING??? LeaBea✅: ????????? SleepySheepy😴: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 MinHoe: HOW CAN YOU THINK ABOUT NUGS AT A TIME LIKE THIS, SHEEPY SleepySheepy😴: Celebratory nuggets YangYangGangGang: YOU’RE JUST GOING TO HIT US WITH A JAGIYA AND NOT EXPLAIN IT?? JohnnyYuta: QUACK, DO YOU KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON??? A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: I’M FREAKING OUT THEY’RE MY OTP QuackIsWhack✅: No idea 👁 👄 👁 SleepySheepy😴: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 SleepySheepy😴: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 MinHoe: SHEEPY!!!
“Oh-- wait--”
“Morn, you just--”
“I what?-- OH! Uh…”
“Uh oh.”
JohnnyYuta: “UH OH”??? MinHoe: “UH OH”??????? LuciPURR✅: FUCKING “UH OH”??? A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: UH OH, THEY SAY!! YangYangGangGang: EXPLAIN YOURSELVES!! I💚Keeho: WHAT IS GOING ON????? UltimateHyung: HAS IT FINALLY HAPPENED??? StrickenChicken: HAS OUR LITTLE GIRL FINALLY GROWN UP?? A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: I WANTED IT TO BE ME 😭 JohnnyYuta: It’s okay, Tree, it’s okay
“So, uh… I don’t know if you guys know that Morn and I met in real life a little bit before we started streaming together… and he kinda sorta… asked me out after Keeho came back.”
“Did we just get married?” San asked with a laugh.
“It appears my chat has escalated our relationship quite quickly,” you laughed.
“Umm, yeah I guess we kind of did... Do you want to respond at all, Morn?”
“I mean… Cat is so funny and kind and wants everyone to have a good time while streaming... It’s impossible not to fall for her.”
LeaBea✅: OMGGGGG I💚Keeho: I’M CRYING, I’M ACTUALLY CRYING JohnnyYuta: YOU CAN’T NOT LOVE OUR GIRL, YOU JUST CAN’T NOT A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: MY HEART A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: DOKI DOKI QuackIsWhack✅: Get you a man who loves the way you stream lol MinHoe: Cat and Morn, sittin’ in a tree! (*  ̄3)(ε ̄ *) TheNicestGuy: …… YangYangGangGang: I’M GONNA HAVE A FUCKING HEART ATTACK YangYangGangGang: THAT’S THE CUTEST SHIT I EVER HEARD I💚Keeho: FALLING IN LOVE WHILE STREAMING?? I💚Keeho: THE GAMER DREAM
“So uhh… yeah. We’re dating.” You laughed. “It feels so weird to admit that.”
“Why is it weird?”
“I don’t know… most people only have to tell their friends or their coworkers, we have to tell thousands of people.”
“I suppose that’s just the nature of your job.”
“Yeah, I guess. Though, we wouldn’t have to if you didn’t let a ‘Jagiya’ slip.”
San chuckled bashfully. “Sorry. I’m too used to talking to you off stream I guess.”
A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: BUT IT WAS CUTEEEE JohnnyYuta: AIGOOOOOO SleepySheepy😴: Nugs for the happy couple SleepySheepy😴: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 MinHoe: K-I-S-S-I-N-G YangYangGangGang: I’m in SUCH shock LeaBea✅: I’m so happy for you both! LuciPURR✅: Are you guys going to make gamer babies?
“Oh my god, guys,” you laughed.
“Only if they’re in Minecraft.”
“Only then?”
A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: “ONLY THEN”???? JohnnyYuta: ONSCREEN DEVELOPMENT???
“Well I don’t know about the future… Should I say, ‘For now, only if they’re in Minecraft’?”
“Yeah, the first one was too definitive.” You laughed.
“My bad.” San laughed. “Where are you? I thought you said you were in the town?”
“I’m with VirtualByeol. I’m going to convince her to come to my house.”
“Oh wait, if we’re dating, does that mean we should move in together?”
“...Do you mean in Minecraft again?”
“Yeah!” San said excitedly.
You laughed. “We can if you want to. I die significantly less when we’re doing quiet stuff together.”
“Except for when we get raided.”
“Ohh, yeah. Can we build a huge wall around our new house so the raiders can’t get in?”
“I watched a few videos where someone built a village with all Hanok. We could do that and enclose it with a wall.”
“Ohhhh, sounds fancy. Much better than my Mines of Moria house.”
“I don’t understand why you built in a cave since you don’t pay attention to your surroundings,” he laughed.
“It was a good cave!”
“You got exploded by Creepers every two seconds.”
“They don’t even spawn every two seconds, it was like… every five seconds.”
San laughed. “Uh huh.”
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in honor of the catboy rollo plush thar I have no doubt you bought can we have some catboy rollo headcanons? like if he was a beastman or maybe an alchemy accident made him a catboy temporarily
GUILTY AS CHARGED 🐱 If you’re interested in getting your own catboy Rollo plush, check out the kickstarter!
I have a bunch of embarrassing cute outfits including a maid dress to stuff that catboy Rollo plush into as soon as it arrives in my clutches 😈
(By the way!! I highly recommend checking out this artist; I love their (actual) cat!Rollo artworks…)
Like Fire, Hellfire.
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Rollo is the definition of a grumpy cat. Don't let his fluffy white ears and tail fool you, he can and will hiss at you if you get too close. It's even worse when Malleus is around; all of Rollo's fur stands on end and he looks like he's ready to pounce and claw at his mortal enemy's face.
His hat and clothing have special holes tailored in them to make way for his ears and tail to poke out. Rollo's very sensitive about any comments directed towards his animalistic traits (or, in Idia’s case, if you uwu talk to him)--and God help you if you’re brave enough to. Man's going to hold an intense grudge at any fool who dares.
He adds seafood to his diet, in part because he has a new cat-like affinity for fish (cue Azul with dollar signs in his eyes) and in part because too many grapes and/or too much coffee upsets his delicate stomach. (Cats don’t deal with those two foods too well.)
He looks after his fur to a ridiculous extent; every day, he meticulously scrubs it down and inspects it for any speckles of dirt or dust that could sully the pure white color. Rollo even carries around a cleaning kit in case his fur is tarnished when he's away from a bathroom.
… Rollo neurotically carries a lint brush around and cleans up any fur he sheds. (He goes through many, MANY lint brushes, especially when he’s stressed.)
His lightning fast cat-like reflexes will catch your wrist before you’re able to scratch his ears or tug on his tail. He’ll then proceed to chide you about obtaining consent before laying a finger on any animal you see casually wandering around.
It's usually so hard to tell what he's thinking or feeling, but looking at his ears and tail give you a better reference for what's going on in his head. As much as Rollo tries to keep himself in check, there are some things he can't repress 100% of the time, like how his ears twitch and stand at attention when something catches his interest.
His tail is even more expressive! It curls up when he's frustrated, stands straight up when he's pleased, and puffs up like a cloud when he's on edge, scared, or angry. (Rollo curses; why can't he just control himself?! He has to work twice as hard to consciously suppress his instincts.)
For someone dressed in an extravagant outfit, Rollo isn't as burdened by it as you would have expected. He still manages to retain all the grace and the speed of a cat in spite of all the fabric he could easily get caught up in. He makes great use of that speed to exit the scene whenever some foul mage he particularly detests makes an appearance.
If you thought Rollo was high-strung before, wait until you see Catboy!Rollo. Thanks to his beastman genes, all of his senses are heightened well beyond that of the average human. It makes him even more aware of his surroundings (and all of the problems he has with them) than ever. You’ll find him glaring at something well out of sight just because he overheard a mob student using God’s name in vain or something several hallways away 💀
The smell of flowers is now too overbearing for him, so he has to enjoy them from a distance. It’s one of the few times you can catch him smiling softly, just enjoying the flowers swaying in the breeze and the sun in his fur.
He has developed a morbid fascination with shiny objects, particularly his ring and any bells he spots. Something about the way they glisten in the light gives him hope and reignites his fire to pursue his own nefarious goals.
Catboy!Rollo has a habit of fiddling with nearby objects when he isn’t currently holding onto something. However, if he’s caught in a moment of concealed anger, you’ll find him snapping writing implements in half or clicking a pen on and off so hard that it shatters in his grasp.
When he tends to the Bell of Salvation or is out in the City of Flowers, the local birds are weirdly drawn to him. They roost in his hat (making a nest of it) and on his shoulders and arms. It annoys Rollo to no end (“Shouldn’t you infernal creatures fear felines?!”) but the birds just scatter, only to return moments later once he has cooled off a bit.
Because of sense of smell is so strong, he has to use his handkerchief more than usual to block out aromas he finds migraine-inducing. This gives others the impression that he's more displeased than he actually is, making them somewhat hesitant to approach him.
He does his very best to mask any purring as grumbling or just grunting. (He will reverently deny it if you ask him if he purred.)
Getting wet (from rain, from random splashes of water, etc.) ruins his entire day. Rollo staunchly refuses to use magic to dry himself off, so he's stuck using a towel (if it's within grasp) or air drying. This leaves him looking like a pathetically angry wet cat, fur all matted and mood sour as he profusely shivers.
Warm weather or conditions makes him super sleepy (much to Rollo’s chagrin). It’s a war between his iron will and his drowsiness…! (Ultimately, he ends up dozing off by the fireplace on late nights writing at his desk. Luckily for him, his aide and/or vice president will drape a jacket or a blanket over him to keep him comfortable. "Hehe... President Rollo's so cute.")
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vroerry · 11 months
What would the BLLK boys wear om Halloween?
Nagi Seishiro
did NOT want to dress up
it was probably Reo who nagged him into it
hates hates making an effort
so he either puts on some animal ears
or he becomes a ghost
and no, not in the costume way
he ghosts Reo if he really isn't feeling it
if Reo lets it go he is probably staying in
if not, the catboy has arrived
Reo Mikage
king of being extra
proably a vampire
he buys his costume and all the accessories and even does his own make up
i lowkey think he wears makeup a lot
look at him he is a pretty boy, why wouldn't he?
he thinks he looks scary and cool but he is just the "gay cousin at the family function" vibe
Bachira Meguru
what do you mean cosplying isn't for halloween
has the thoughest time of all of them
can't decide what to wear
he has so many options he is about to give up
he is in way too many fandoms to pick out just one thing to wear
he ends up showing his cosplays to Isagi in the hopes of that he can pick one
he gives Bachira two choices
Chuuya from bsd or Kokichi from dr
he ends up choosing Chuuya just because he got a fresh pair of knee high boots
Hyoma Chigiri
dresses up as Ariel
i refuse to elaborate
it's self-explanatory
Shoei Baro
he lost a dare against Isagi
he fakes being sick just to avoid it
but Bachira catches him while trying to dip the thermometer in some tea
so they make his punishment even worse
he shows up in the most ridiculous monkey jumpsuit
wants to murder Isagi
jumps at Bachira who puts a pink ribbon on his head while saying it's a part of his punishment
give the man a break his ego is gone
Rensuke Kunigami
he is a furry
he is
look at that fluffy ginger hair
he hides it well or he doesn't even know it yet
but his costume is adead give-away
he would dress up as a fox
asked Reo to help with his make up and picking out accessories
he is one handsome boy
wore a pair of beige pants a black shirt with a wite west and an orange bowtie
Isagi Yoichi
he was sort of lost too on what to wear especially after Bachira asked him for help
he rummaged through his closet and came up with an idea after coming across an old fedora hat
he quickly searches for is tuxedo and a pair of sunglasses
he borrows some silves rings from Reo
everyone is going to Reo smh
and boom we have a super handsome mafia boss
he even slicked his hair back to make sure he looks like a boss
Baro may or may not have handed him some whisky
he may or may not have gotten so drunk he barely remembers a thing
Rin Itoshi
he waited last minute
he waited to see what Sae dresses up as and then choose his own
I'll reveal Sae soon
but Rin was so full of himself cuz what Sae chose was so easily overachieveable he didnt even need to go extra
he went extra regardless
in his mind this seemed the best one
important all throughout history
has authority
can basically do whatever he pleases but chooses not to
always came out on top if you think about it
everyone worships him
he dressed up as Jesus
Jesus Christ
Sae Itoshi
dressed up as himself because Halloween is for kids
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favouritefi · 8 months
okay but pls say more about codependent situationship jopzer in purror & erebark, i crave lore.
you know that part in seaside improvisations by richard siken where its like "tell me you love this, tell me you're not miserable" well thats like the tagline of jopzier in my catboy au. "tell me the life we've built together is something that makes you happy, tell me i'm not a huge disappointment to you, tell me that being together is enough even if you can't tell me you love me" and this mutual desire for a happy ending but the inability to articulate those desires. lore under cut:
in this au crozier has decades worth of feelings that he's always turned a blind eye to in favour of work, and then all of that is over after the failed expedition. no more work, no more exploration, no more social climbing. even the possibility of marrying sophia has disappeared (though crozier refuses to voice this outloud) and all he has is a half renovated cottage in fuckall nowhere and 5 catboys that he never asked for, one of which might be the greatest thing that's ever happened to him (and thus something doesn't deserve). and jopson knows crozier is unhappy but he doesnt know how to fix it, and crozier is unhappy because he feels like he's holding jopson back. he saved jopson from the arctic, mutinied for jopson, quit drinking for jopson and left the navy for jopson, and now jopson's doing what? stuck taking care of an aging old man who can't even afford to get him a tea set that isn't secondhand. theres a part of him that wishes jopson would leave, that thinks he could convince fitzjames to adopt jopson and make him undergo lieutenant training, but there's another part of him where, if jopson himself asked to leave, would be so incredibly angry that he would probably start drinking again.
meanwhile jopson has what could be charitably described as a deep gratitude for the man that changed his life and uncharitably described as an oedipus complex (which is what hickey calls it at every opportunity) with full awareness that he can never act on his feelings because it would legitimately ruin crozier's life. and hes hidden it well from crozier (because crozier doesn't know what normal catboy behaviour is like) but his possessiveness is obvious to nearly everyone else, whether they interpret that as love or duty or both depends on the person. at one point in tasmania crozier is called away by sir john so sophia and jopson are alone together and sophia stares at the door crozier just left through and says smth like "i think his greatest fantasy is for me to be his wife and for you to be the creature who rests beside me, half guard-dog, half lap-cat, as we wait for him to come home" and then she looks at jopson and smiles and says "maybe that's your fantasy too" and jopson is too stunned to respond.
in summary its just a constant cycle of "tell me what you want" "i want what you want" "i dont know what i want" for jopzier here, neither of them can answer the "what are we" question, thats their codependent situationship realness
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gayashawol · 4 months
shinee having sex with a bbc for the first time ✨💎 imagine 💎✨
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onew 💚:
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- would start comparing your dick with his
- “dang- finally some fine ass meat-”
- he can’t wait to put that thang inside his ass
- he’s definitely going to be bouncing, his legs would give up in pleasure
- “ummmm yesssssss i want all of it in-”
- wants to be cummed all over his cock and butt”
- he’s not sure but he might try it again!
jonghyun ❤️:
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- he needs some time to digest what he’s seeing
- “awh man, i gotta do every single inch??”
- happily gives you a sloppy head
- “but seriously, would that destroy my hole?”
- gets an emotional restart as soon as your dick goes inside of him
- couldn’t resist the urge to moan out loud as he felt the dick squishing and rearranging his organs
- tells you to cum on his back and/or cum on his mouth
- definitely wants to go again-
key 🩷:
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- isn’t super new to big cocks so he’s an amateur (dubulge)
- would go straight for head, but realises that it’s quite big for his mouth
- “wow- this is so big- korean guys could never-”
- takes his time to deepthroat, but he eventually does it
- would beg to be fucked as soon as you declare that you’re fully hardened
- he makes it in with a fast start, but then he slows down, feeling his hole opening up. takes a break, then goes again. repeats until all inches are inside.
- he’s on fours, jerking in the same beat as you while whining and screaming.
- he gets very tight, so you get a hard time thrusting inside without climaxing a little earlier than you should-
- you could’ve asked him where you wanted to cum, but he turned into a cumdump
- it was the best sex he ever had, and he’s never going back once he goes black
minho 💙:
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- he looks at it, then looks at your face
- still confused
- confused again
- he licks it to see if it’s real… then touches it… then flicks it to watch it bounce
- “this is HUGE- how do i start?”
- he tries to give head, but he almost gags
- he eventually goes to suck your tip while giving a handjob
- is too scared to put the cock inside of him
- he closes his eyes as your cock slides inside
- he grunts loudly, growls when he’s about to bust
- might not do bbc again, or probably will. (he prefers dubulge)
taemin 💛:
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- would fumble in his speech upon his gaze
- tries to give it a go by licking the tip
- “why is it moving so much???”
- he LOVES being throat fucked (and may or may not had a lot of practice with onew)
- it takes a while, but he eventually goes nearly all the way to your balls
- could feel his hole opening, whines while feeling your cock grow 2x its size
- scratches a pillow so hard out of pleasure that he accidentally rips it open (go off catboy ig-)
- wants to be bitten as it helps with the pleasure
- whines when he’s about to cum and begs for you to cum deep inside him
- he gives your cock kisses, reassuring that he will be back for more
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they dancing because they really like your long subway footlong lol
come back next time for…
✨💎 shinee bbc group sex! 💎✨
anywho, i need to reconsider my life… until next time! byeee!
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wolverineluvr · 1 year
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❤️ = Smut
💛 = Suggestive
🩵 = Fluff
💜 = Angst
💘 = Yandere
☆ Genshin impact! ☆
"I didn't mean it." 💜🩵 Your boyfriend's jokes go just too far sometimes. Ft.Toxic!Scaramouche
"I like stars, because you're one." 💜 After Aether leaves with his sister, you don't know how to cope. Ft. Aether
"I'm sorry for being weak." 💜🩵 Despite being cheery and bubbly, you're still scared of someone leaving you. Ft. Xiao
"Why don't you feel the same?" 💘 After a dare from your friends, you attract the attention of a vampire. Ft. Yandere!Vampire!Diluc
Their favorite body part 🩵 ft. Scaramouche, Childe, Aether, Diluc, Kazuha, Xiao, Shenhe Their favorite part of you.
"I want to talk." 💜🩵 Aether hasn't been feeling well and wants to talk. Ft. Aether
"Caged bird." 💘 You wake up in a new place, wait, why are they saying they love you? Ft. Yandere Scaramouche, Venti, Kazuha, Xiao. Part two ↓
"You won't leave me." 💘💜 You're so tired of it..you want an escape. Ft. Yandere Scaramouche, Venti, Kazuha, Xiao
"I'm sorry.." 💜 He shouldn't have told you to do that. Ft. Scaramouche
"Sleeping beauty." 🩵 You come home to find your girlfriend is still up, studying. Ft. Layla
"The doctor." 💜🩵 You try to help your boyfriend heal, but he never told you about being scared of syringes. Ft. Scaramouche
"Birthday..catboy?" 🩵 It's your dear catboy's birthday! Ft. Scaramouche
✿ Chainsaw Man! ✿
Denji x dog hybrid reader rant rant part 2
Yan!Denji x puppy girl reader 💘❤️
✷ Jujutsu Kaisen! ✷
Coping w Gojo dying fic idea
Toji x reader 🩵❤️ You thought that, at first, he's a weird ass guy, and, well you still think that but you like him more now!
Playing Minecraft w Gojo headcanons(+yandere headcanons) 🩵💘
Power imbalance w Yandere!Gojo ❤️💘
Pudgy Toji ❤️
Yandere Giant Gojo headcanons 🩵💘
Yan!Catboy Gojo gets his treatment ❤️💘
Asshole yandere Toji 💘
Yandere Gojo x depressed reader 💘💛💜
Bandaids 🩵💜 ft. Kid!Toji x Kid!reader
Yandere god!Gojo x reader 💘❤️💜
Yan Satosugu x reader 💘💜 asks ↓ Reader refuses to get pregnant would they force themselves onto reader?
Yan!Gojo x depressed virgin reader 💘❤️💜
ෆ Cyberpunk Edgerunners! ෆ
Yan!David x friend reader headcanons 💘
Soft Yandere!David x reader 💘🩵
Last updated: 4/22/2024
✧ Character.ai bots ✧
Gojo + Geto:
User as Riko Amanai
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topwan-obikin · 10 months
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Hello dear obikins, and welcome to our second day of submissions!
We have a nice little batch for you on our ao3 collection today too, so feast on these wonderful creations. Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments to show the authors your appreciation!
twitter thread here.
No more blind dates by Anonymous
Padmé sets Anakin up on a blind date… again, and despite his annoyance he goes and of course he gets stood up, let alone waiting at the movie theatre looking like a lost puppy. Thankfully someone else finds him.
Bunnywan & Nyanakin by Anonymous
Furry-ified bunny Obi-Wan is entering his mating season and just wants to fuck his catboy Anakin all the time!
It's Always Been You by Anonymous
GFFA-verse Unable to admit to their feelings, Anakin and Obi-Wan seek alternate means to relieve themselves of their sexual frustrations. or The idiots are in love and too stubborn to do anything about it. In classic Obikin bumbling style, they accidentally end up picking each other at a gloryhole.
sleep won't come the whole night through by Anonymous
Anakin Skywalker had been in love with Obi-Wan Kenobi since he was nine-years-old, before he even understood what love was, or what being in love actually meant. But while Little Ani had always dreamt of romance and a happily ever after where Obi-Wan was concerned, eighteen-year-old Anakin knew a fuck without expectations of more was all he’d ever get with the man that would always have the biggest piece of his heart.
Art by @yatsukisakura
Obi admires Ani's perseverance against the odds, and using food as love language - after all, food will be more enjoyable with someone you love.
and an update on a fic posted yesterday, Get My Way!
For yesterday submissions click here or go directly to our ao3 collection!
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yoongisleftshoulder · 2 years
BTS Reacts: Another Member Walks in On Them and Their S/O (NSFW) 18+
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Jinny would be falling apart on the inside when he locked eyes with Jimin as he was getting the most mind-blowing blowjob of his life. His soul would no longer be one with his body. It has left this Earth. Externally, however, he would try to play it off. With a small chuckle, Jin would ask Jimin to please shut the door on his way out. He bounced right outta there without being asked twice. After it was private again, him and his s/o would kind of just stare at each other for a moment before bursting out in laughter.
Yoongi would be a middle ground. He wouldn't super traumatized by Jungkook witnessing him annihilating you but he also wouldn't be ultra casual about it. Honestly, he would scold Jungkook going "AH AH AH AH AH." like he would do to a naughty cat who got into something it wasn't supposed to. He would end his catboy scolding with a simple but firm "Get out." When Jungkook leaves, he would get back to doing the horizontal hokey pokey. Jungkook isn't gonna kill his vibe.
Who left this poor man in the freezer? Hoseok would let out a shrilling scream first, of course, but when Jin was too stunned to speak or move, a thiiiccckkk silence would be all that was left. They both just stare at each other for a minute and his s/o would have to be the one to get up and close the door. He probably wouldn't be in the mood anymore afterwards.
This man...This man would not...Namjoon would not help this situation AT ALL. When Yoongi walked in, he immediately tried to walk back out but ended up turning around again and seeing more than he ever wanted. This was due to the startling sound of Namjoon flinging himself off of the bed and landing on the floor, hands first, and tripping over the sheets and blankets when he tried getting back up. The heavy stomping footsteps of the poor guy trying to catch his balance to close the door was almost worse second-hand embarassment for Yoongi than walking in on his friend doin' the deed.
Jimin would all but knock you off of his unclothed lap the milisecond he heard the door creaking. Flying like the mf wind, he would slam the door in the mystery member's face, sputtering out apologies over and over. Before he went back over to the bed, he triple checked that he actually locked the door this time and wasn't hallucinating. He would try and play it cool towards you as if you didn't just witness him putting a cheetah to shame to get to the door before another member saw anything. Jimin would fail this quickly because when you called him out for his blushing cheeks, he fell into a giggly mess.
Oddly enough, Taehyung was a little too casual about this situation. When Namjoon opened Tae's door and witnessed the beast with two backs, he himself would freeze before Taehyung asked "Can I help you with something?". They were making eye contact the whole time while an uncomfortable silence filled the room. Taehyung stayed still, staring at Namjoon, waiting for an answer. Before he could even answer yet, Tae started to lower his head back down onto his half-naked s/o's neck. Namjoon took the hint and closed the door behind him. He spent the rest of the night searching "therapists near me"
Mans would look like he was cosplaying a tomato. He would do one of two things: one, he would completely freeze up while his s/o is just staring up at him thinking "boi, if you don't get out of me right now-" or, he would move at the speed of light and slam the door in whichever poor soul had opened the door to his bedroom with zero warning. Afterwards, when he finally brought himself to exit his bedroom, he would still be BEET ass red and be the quietest he had ever been. It would take him a while to get over the embarassment and knew he would never live that moment down.
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calamitaswrath · 3 months
Cal Lucia plays Fire Emblem Path of Radiance: Chapter 10
Ranulf's back! Does he join us now?
Ohh, catboy's got money for us! That's a start.
Guess he doesn't join us yet. But Lethe and Mordecai do! That's pretty nice. Though I suppose it won't be long now before I have to pick and chose who to deploy for each battle, which is always a bit of a tough one in older FEs. Definitely leaning towards using Lethe in my "main party", though.
Base conversation with a generic soldier that has Ike experience racism. Nothing too noteworthy, but a nice little worldbuilding detail
Marcia continues to flirt with Ike, and he doesn't care. There's no way that this man is straight. Interesting note about Marcia's brother though - I suppose he's encountered later on?
Now that I'm aware that this game also has the five support maximum, I have to admit that I am a bit more hesitant to just do supports as they become available. For example, I have unlocked the C support between Ike and Titania, but I'd really rather not do that one for fear of missing out on others
Mist and Rolf on the other hand, I think I can do. I want to save Mist's A support for another character that joins later and I know about, but she doesn't have any others yet, so I guess I can do this. And it's a pretty cute support - who would've thunk that sending children onto a battlefield could be bad for their mental health, though?
. . .Damn, Begnion takes up a lot of space on the map. Kinda surprised that they only really come up now, but I guess that's sort of to be expected
Ohh, we're actually shown on the map where our route takes us! That's cool.
. . .Wait, so Ranulf's travelling with us, but he's not playable yet? Am I understanding this correctly?
Ah. So, this chapter is basically a new recruit shopping trip? And a stealth mission?
New character, Volker! Goodness, that's a German name if ever I saw one
. . .I better not have to pay those 50.000 in terms of gameplay, or so help me
. . .Okay, that's definitely a unique way to do this. Hiring Volker to open cells. . . well, I haven't really used my funds that much yet, so let's do it
And now we are at the chapters where I have to pick and chose who to bring. . . that's gonna be a tough one, like I said. I'd love to just keep all of Greil's original mercenaries in my active party, but that's probably not very feasible
Now, let's see who I can get on this map. Sephiran - definitely heard of his name before, but I couldn't really put a design to it. Kevin - unfortunate name (and apparently also just a part of the German localization?? Huh??), but I suppose he's Oscar's counterpart. Brom - ohoho, that's peak character design. Nephenee - HER! I've seen her a lot in fanart already. Definitely a cute design.
Okay, after reading up on the recommended strategies for this chapter - which I did precisely due to the supposed stealth elements. . . yeah, screw stealth. Sounds like more of hassle than it is worth. Shame about the bonus experience, but I get a master seal out of it, so that's good.
. . .I did not expect the reinforcements that can move on the same turn as they spawn, and got Mist killed. At least I'm starting over from the first turn, urgh. . .
Okay, Kieran's definitely more out there in terms of personality than I would have expected. Quite the surprise, but a welcome one!
Hah, Soren's retreat quote telling Ike to watch out. . .
. . .Hold on, in order to clear the map I don't actually need to have everyone escape. Just Ike works! That means I can at least get the bonus experience for the turn count, so that's neat.
Due to the strategy aid pointing out that freeing Sephiran is completely optional, I didn't free him. So, his appearance after the chapter is the first thing I'm actually really seeing of him. . . and he is just being ominous for buggering off. Okay.
Oh, we actually get a choice whether Volker (side note, I think this may be another instance of the German localization at work? I think the Wiki calls him Volke) stays with us? I'll let him stay with me, then.
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rayan12sworld · 9 months
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💠💙Feline misconduct: How Wei Wuxian defeated catboyphobia and seduced his way into becoming Lan Wangji's lap cat
By:Papriqua, vicchan
Bright grey eyes fix on Lan Wangji, their black pupils immediately growing huge and round. A tail protrudes from behind his lithe body, held loosely up, its tip quirked to the side and flicking occasionally. His ears are triangular, perked up from between his somewhat tousled hair and glinting through his grin are two pointed, pearly white teeth.
Lan Wangji had assumed the tales of a young man being part cat were surely exaggerated, maybe born out of others speaking about his catlike mannerisms or the way he wielded his sword.
But as it turns out, Wei Wuxian is indeed a catboy!
The most unstoppable force of nature is a cat[boy] who has decided he wants to sit in your lap.
Lan Wangji blinks, then looks up at Wei Wuxian. He can’t quite figure out what sort of expression is on his face, but for possibly the first time, it’s something other than annoyed or unimpressed! Wei Wuxian can’t suppress his grin, nor his increasing purrs, his tail curling up happily. “It looks just like you, right?” He winks. Lan Wangji’s mouth twitches as if he wanted to say something but thought better of it. “Hang on,” Wei Wuxian interjects, “I’m not done,” he sits down on the other side of the desk, next to Lan Wangji. He takes the brush in hand again and, in a few quick strokes, adds two triangular cat ears to the top of Lan Wangji’s head. Wei Wuxian falls back as he laughs, practically rolling on the floor, taking in Lan Wangji’s outraged glare and laughing harder. “Ridiculous,” Lan Wangji says. “Lan Zhan! You think my ears are ridiculous?! Er-gege, that’s not a very nice thing to say; I’m quite hurt, you better make it up to me.” Wei Wuxian rolls onto his belly, resting his chin in his hands again. He looks up at Lan Wangji, flicking his ears expectantly.
Wei Wuxian is already lying with his head right next to Lan Wangji, but he shifts up a bit closer until he can rest his head in his lap, nestling into the soft sandalwood, purring loudly. Lan Wangji is still for a moment before he carefully sets his brush down. “Get off,” He says in a neutral voice, not even looking away from the papers in front of him. “If you really want me to, you should just make me,” Wei Wuxian waves his tail lazily upwards as he speaks until he can brush it against Lan Wangji’s arm. “You could if you wanted to. You’re letting me lay my head in your lap right now. Lying is forbidden, Lan Zhan. You can’t tell me you want me to go away.” Wei Wuxian smiles up at him, still purring loudly, but his ears are perked up, alert, in waiting. Lan Wangji takes a deep breath, as if he’s about to face some great trial, and looks down at Wei Wuxian. “Wei Ying.” Each word is clearly enunciated, as intense as the expression on his face, carrying a hint of warning. But Wei Wuxian is heedless to it, instead far too thrilled about exactly what Lan Wangji said. He’s so excited that he scrambles up and sits himself down right in Lan Wangji’s lap. “Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, did you hear what you just said?! You can’t pretend you don’t like me; you just called me Wei Ying!” He has his arms around Lan Wangji’s shoulders, his legs draped over one side of him, and he rubs his face happily into Lan Wangji’s neck a few times, purring. He’s quite reckless in his movements, he almost slips right off Lan Wangji’s lap in his enthusiasm, but before he can, two strong arms wrap around him, holding him still. Wei Wuxian stops moving, leaning back slightly to look at Lan Wangji properly, “Er-gege—” Before he can say anything more, Lan Wangji grips him tighter and roughly moves him off. With how forceful his movements are, Wei Wuxian almost expects to be slammed to the floor, but when Lan Wangji places him back down on the sitting mat, it’s surprisingly gentle. All too different from his rushed movements as he gathers his things and flurries out of the library in a gust of white robes. Wei Wuxian stays seated, feeling as though he’d suddenly been caught in a blizzard. One moment Lan Wangji wants to hold him in his lap; the next, he’s throwing him off! Lan Zhan sure is weird.
~~~how can you be this innocent wei ying 😂
He spots him amongst the sea of white, only because he seems to be walking a little faster than the usual measured pace of the Lan Sect, heading away from Wei Wuxian. “Lan Zhan!” he calls, but Lan Wangji does not slow down at all. Outrageous! Perhaps he didn’t hear. Wei Wuxian quickly starts in his direction, fixing his eyes on the way Lan Wangji’s forehead ribbon flutters down the line of his back as he walks, “Lan Zhan, Wangji-xiong! Lan Er-gongzi, Lan Zhan!” Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang are somewhere far behind him by the time he catches up to him, a little breathless, but Lan Wangji does not slow down! Without thinking, he grabs ahold of the long, fluttering ribbon. It comes loose, falling away from Lan Wangji entirely. Wei Wuxian catches it before it can touch the floor. “Oops! Sorry!” he says sheepishly. Lan Wangji has frozen, his back still to Wei Wuxian, and he suddenly realises that grabbing his ribbon might have been a bad idea. Perhaps, Wei Wuxian had become lost in his catboy instincts and was not thinking clearly in his eagerness. “Ah, I didn’t mean to do that….”
~~this famous part
He paces on the roof, not bothering to silence his steps. Lan Wangji is going to find him. Maybe they can fight on the roof again; he wants to know if he can beat him this time. He feels himself purring softly at the thought. Lan Wangji is so much fun to think about, and he wants to duel him again, then Lan Wangji would have no choice but to pay attention to him. Maybe if he manages to beat him, he will be impressed enough to pet him between his ears or even scratch under his chin—Wait, what? Before Wei Wuxian has time to examine his thoughts further, he is interrupted by Lan Wangji stepping out of the Jingshi. “You are out after curfew again.” His voice is a little deeper from sleep, and he is wearing fewer layers than usual. Something inside of Wei Wuxian purrs at that thought. He gets to see Lan Wangji after he’s just gotten out of bed—In the middle of the night, because Wei Wuxian woke him up, but regardless. “Well, I did warn you last time. I get zoomies at night, so I have to come here to deal with them. Also, Jiang Cheng kicked me out of our room.”
Lan Wangji sheaths his sword and closes his eyes for a moment. “You fought well,” he finally nods. “What is it you want me to do?” Wei Wuxian pretends to think for a moment before pointing at the top of his head. His mouth curves into a happy smile as purrs start to rumble out of him. “Pet,” he orders. Lan Wangji eyes the twitching cat ears and the stray lock of hair suspiciously. His hand hovers above Wei Wuxian’s head before he tentatively places his hand down and gives Wei Wuxian a light but well-deserved pet. A drawing of Lan Wangji petting Wei Wuxian's head. The scene is set during nighttime. They are both wearing white robes. In the background is a magnolia tree and a few petals are blowing past the couple. The purring immediately picks up. Wei Wuxian closes his eyes and leans into Lan Wangji’s touch. Seemingly encouraged, Lan Wangji starts petting him more. His fingers massage little circles in between his ears. A second hand comes up to his head, but instead of bestowing more pets, the fingers carefully run over his ears. His ears flick reflectively, and the hand slides down the back of his head until it rests against his nape. Lan Wangji pinches the back of his neck like he is some naughty kitten, and Wei Wuxian feels himself go limp against Lan Wangji’s chest. The pinching changes to gentle massaging. Wei Wuxian makes a truly embarrassing sound and rubs his face against Lan Wangji’s neck. He is pretty sure he is drooling. “Ahh, Lan Zhan, what...?” “Be good.” Lan Wangji continues to pet him, undeterred by Wei Wuxian’s pathetic little noises.
Wei Wuxian leans back slightly, his pointed canines showing through his grin, “Shut your eyes,” he instructs. Lan Wangji keeps his eyes on Wei Wuxian firmly open. Wei Wuxian pouts, “Please?” But still, Lan Wangji does not acquiesce. Wei Wuxian huffs dramatically, but his tail is still pointed languidly up, his ears perked up with excitement. Even though Lan Wangji does not close his eyes, Wei Wuxian pulls something out of his sleeve, keeping it hidden within his hand. Quick as lightning, Wei Wuxian reaches up and tucks a flower behind Lan Wangji’s ear.
Wei Wuxian gives him his sunniest smile, “Be sure to keep it! A gentleman should always carry a flower or two with him in case he comes across a pretty maiden. I gave my last flower to you, so any pretty maidens I come across will be very disappointed; you better appreciate it!” Lan Wangji is silent for several moments, placing the flower on top of his book. “Did you give out a lot of flowers to maidens today?” he asks in a solemn tone. He seems so serious that Wei Wuxian almost thinks he will be scolded for something again. “Hm? Sure, loads, I tossed some to the jiejie selling loquats, and some to the serving girls at the restaurant, and I tossed a flower to every pretty girl I saw when I was racing Jiang Cheng! But I still managed to win, impressive, right?!” Lan Wangji doesn’t look impressed at all; the corners of his mouth are tilting ever so slightly downwards, leaving him with a sour expression. Wei Wuxian shouldn’t be surprised that he’s disapproving of such frivolous behaviour. But still, he wishes he’d lighten up a bit! “Er-gege, don’t be like this—I saved the prettiest flower for you, even though you so cruelly rejected me this morning. You’ll have to come back to Caiyi Town with me very soon, then you can find a nice girl to throw that flower to, and you can show me around the area as a proper host would.”
~~~ jealousy Lan Wangji strike again😂
Lan Wangji gives a tiny little huff before reaching out to pet Wei Wuxian’s head. Wei Wuxian immediately closes his eyes and presses his head against the offered hand. “Lan Zhan, I met the rudest disciple today! He came up to me and told me to go to bed! Lan Zhan, that’s our thing!” He opens his eyes and grins up at Lan Wangji. “Is that so?” Lan Wangji is still petting him, but his eyes are sharp, watching Wei Wuxian “Of course, only Lan Zhan gets to tell me what to do after all~” he purrs and nuzzles his head some more against the hand in his hair. Lan Wangji takes a deep breath. His eyes are dark, and his expression looks almost hungry . He watches Wei Wuxian for a few long seconds before inclining his head. “And yet, you hardly listen to me when I tell you to go to bed.” Wei Wuxian nearly doubles over from laughing too hard. “Lan Zhan! You’re so funny! Does anyone ever tell you how funny you are??” “You are the first,” Lan Wangji deadpans, prompting Wei Wuxian to break into another fit of laughter.
“Haha, Lan Zhan, watch out; if you’re always this nice to me, I might not want to leave when the year is up! Then you’ll be stuck with me for good, and you’ll only have yourself to blame!” Lan Wangji gives a gentle hum before he starts to pet his head again. “Lan Zhan..?” Wei Wuxian leans into his hand a little more before tilting his head. All he receives in response is a slow blink. He has a funny feeling in his chest. The room suddenly feels way too crowded.
~~this slowly blinking means whatttttt?!!!
Doesn't it means that (I love you ) or (I like you)
What he intended to say was ‘Lan Zhan,’ but he must have been too engrossed in his cat senses from stalking Lan Wangji because what comes out instead is, “Meow!” Lan Wangji whirls around at the noise. However, caught out like this, instead of triumphant, Wei Wuxian just feels strangely hot and flustered when his light eyes pin on him. Something ripples across Lan Wangji’s face, but he quickly schools his expression into cool impassivity once more. Averting his gaze to look at the surface of the water, he speaks slowly and carefully, “Wei Ying. What are you doing here?” Seeing him look so tortured, Wei Wuxian quickly forgets his earlier embarrassment, “What are you doing here, Lan Zhan? And what’s with that tone? Why should I not be here? Did you think I would not go into the water because I’m a cat? Lan Zhan!!! Were you hiding from me?!”
Lan Wangji knows that the real reason he is often left waiting is Jiang Wanyin. The shared room arrangement forces Wei Wuxian to risk confrontation or wait for the sect heir to fall asleep. Not that Lan Wangji didn’t use his tardiness as an excuse to place a firm hand on Wei Wuxian’s nape and watch the other man’s body go pliant in his hold. Regardless, being this late is unusual. Lan Wangji strides out of the Jingshi towards the guest quarters. He’d much rather not be the one breaking up another one of Wei Wuxian’s little get-togethers, but he is the head of discipline, and he cannot keep bending the rules for Wei Ying, no matter how much his ears and tail flop downwards when he is denied his wishes. Besides, the thought of being ditched in favour of Jiang Wanyin fills his mouth with the taste of vinegar like nothing else. The guest quarters are silent when he arrives, telltale sounds of muffled laughter and faint light nonexistent. Not a gathering then. Did Wei Wuxian change his mind and sleep in his own bed today? Unlikely. Wei Wuxian had chirped a happy “see you later, Lan Zhan,” into his ear before darting off in the morning. He would surely let him know if his plans had changed.
He doesn’t get very far before he hears aggressive snarling and panting coming from further down the path. If the growling was not enough of a lead, the path of broken twigs and footprints on the grounds are easy to follow. A white strip of cloth sways gently on a branch, ripped from the sleeve of a Gusu Lan robe. Lan Wangji walks faster, uncaring for the branches getting in his way. Someone is clearly in danger. The sound of barking and snarling gets louder as Lan Wangji breaks into a small clearing. In front of him, two wild dogs are furiously tearing at a lost boot, the leather stretching and tearing under their fangs. Three more dogs prowl around a tree, occasionally jumping and snapping at the branches. Above them, curled up and clinging onto a sturdy branch with all his strength, sits Wei Wuxian. The dogs are quickly dispatched, scampering deeper into the woods where they can no longer harm Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian is still clinging to his branch, eyes firmly closed and nails digging into the bark under his fingers. His tail is puffed up, and his ears are lying flat against his skull. Lan Wangji has watched him calmly and efficiently subdue a corpse, unflinching in the face of creatures that could tear a less experienced cultivator limb from limb, only to become a panicked mess when confronted with a dog, utterly inconsolable until the threat was removed. Lan Wangji steps closer to the tree and speaks with a soft voice, doing his best not to startle Wei Wuxian further. “Wei Ying, the dogs are gone. You are safe now.” Wei Wuxian’s head shoots up. His eyes are blown huge in the dark, and when he unfurls a little, Lan Wangji can see the already healing marks of teeth on his exposed ankle. For a moment, Wei Wuxian just stares at him. Then, his eyes close, and he lets himself fall out of the tree. Lan Wangji rushes over to catch him, wrapping his arms around him just in time to save him from falling to the ground. The impact makes him take a step back, but Wei Wuxian is safe and warm in his arms.
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