#wacky space adventure™
percival-the-slothful · 2 months
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Random artist notes:
1. This looks like shit and I love it
2. This took me WAY too long to finish
3. Sorry if my hand writing's unreadable it's hard writing with my FINGER
4. do not repost my shit ☺️
5. (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ
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...I think I finally figured out how to articulate what I always, like, assumed Darkiplier's whole deal to be.
Now keep in mind I'm basically a filthy casual when it comes to The Markiplier Lore™. I've been like, aware of it since pretty much the beginning, I think, but I didn't really start paying attention until Heist and Space (and even then, those two are what occupy my thoughts the vast majority of the time).
So correct me if I'm wrong I guess, but like... Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache are both metacognitive, right? Like, I know Wilf is aware of the fourth wall and regularly breaks it, I know that's his Thing and it's (part of) why he's so, y'know. Silly-Wacky. Is Darkiplier in the same boat, at least to an extent? (Kinda genuinely asking here. Like I said, filthy casual).
Because like... Darkiplier and Wilf are both staples of Mark's channel as a whole. They both predate the MarkCU/CYOA series stuff, so they're not "native" to it the way, say, Yancy or Engie or Professor Beauregard or Gunther are.
So with that in mind, whenever Darkiplier is addressing the Viewer, I've always kindof assumed that he's talking to... the Viewer. Y'know? Like it's a Monika situation, where unlike the other characters, who are talking to Y/N the in-universe avatar, Dark is instead talking past Y/N, to the person on the other side of the screen, to us. I figured he understands Y/N is just an avatar. I think Wilf probably does too, come to that. I don't think either of them necessarily care if Y/N, the character, whoever you imagine them to be, has any idea what the hell they're talking about at any given time, as long as you do.
By the same token, whenever Darkiplier talks about Mark, I figured he was talking about Markiplier the youtuber.
Especially when he says stuff like "games were always his forte."
Because, I mean. Who's associated with "games"?
A let's player.
Not an actor, usually. At least, they're not who you're going to think of first when you think about "games".
Who do we know for absolute certain has been "spinning yarns" and making up stories and taking us, the Viewer, on adventures?
Markiplier the youtuber. By creating these videos.
So unless I'm missing something major here-- and it's entirely possible that I am!-- I think the idea is "supposed" to be: Darkiplier is aware that Actor is an avatar for Markiplier, the same way that Engie and Heist and Date all are, and the reason he treats them all as the same isn't necessarily because they're all secretly Actor, or because he thinks they're all secretly Actor, but because all of them, including Actor... are Markiplier. And Markiplier is his real nemesis. Always has been. That was like... the point of his original concept as a character, right? That he's Markiplier's evil counterpart?
...Is this anything??
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luigi-mcdingle · 1 year
steam summer sale 2023 is here, here's game recommendations
mostly lesser-known indie games hopefully Kill it with Fire ($3.74) - Funny little game where you kill spiders across a house and unlock increasingly wacky weapons (has arachnophobia options!) A Short Hike ($5.19) - A LUDICROUSLY relaxing isometric open-world platformer; if you look it up and don't like the weird pixel aesthetic, that's actually just a filter you can turn off in the options ;) Supraland ($7.99) - First-person puzzle metroidvania? where you play as a tiny clay person in a kid's garden; sure, why not
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara ($4.94) - A game I will never stop plugging; 2-pack of classic D&D beat 'em ups that are just a blast to play, even singleplayer, though it naturally has 4-player co-op SanctuaryRPG ($1.35) - ASCII-based RPG that's weird to learn at first, but immensely gratifying to get into the groove of Iron Fisticle ($0.89) - 2-player twin stick roguelite? Basically medieval Smash TV, simple fun Evoland Legendary Edition ($5.99) - Super cool 2-pack of RPGs that basically act as a celebration of the genre, with art and gameplay style advancing from Gameboy jank all the way to modern flourish Pathway ($6.39) - XCOM-style combat set between the two World Wars; Fightin Nazis, collectin gear, lookin at gorgeous pixel art, very fun Toree 3D and Toree 2 ($0.49 each) - Short, simple 3D platformers that are just generally Fun™ Hammerwatch ($1.99) - 4-player dungeon crawler, heavily inspired by classic Gauntlet but with actual story and character progression Ravenfield ($11.87) - Fully singleplayer team shooter based on Battlefield; basically completely built on modding with a huge community and a ton of customization available Out There Somewhere ($0.28) - Another game I plug at any opportunity, super well-crafted space puzzle-platformer that's a complete steal even at the full $0.99 Aggelos ($12.74) - Platformer RPG inspired by Zelda 2 and Simon's Quest; generally just super fun and worth the price Going Under ($4.99) - Roguelike where you delve into failed tech startups infested with monsters; utilizes the "corporate art style" really well, fun characters, and of course very cool gameplay The Adventures of Elena Temple ($0.74) - Platformer inspired by oldschool PC games; very simple to play, but generally fun and has a cool style to it The Coin Game ($11.19) - Love letter to Chuck E. Cheese style prize arcades, with a ton of faithfully recreated games on a cool vibin' island Press X to Not Die ($0.74) - FMV game where the only gameplay is quicktime events; short, but charming, funny, worth a shot at the price
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lomofootball · 2 years
Psychonauts 1
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Sound: DirectX® 9.
Hard Drive: 6.0 GB minimum hard drive space.
Graphics:, 128 MB GeForce FX 5600 or higher or ATI(R) Radeon 9600 or higher.
Processor: 2.0 GHz Pentium(R) IV and AMD Athlon(tm).
Controls: Windows-compatible keyboard and mouse.
Sound: DirectX® 9.0 or higher compatible sound card.
Hard Drive: 3.75 GB minimum hard drive space Psychonauts is a one-of-a-kind game full of all kinds of wacky characters, ber-creative levels, subtle dark humor, innovative gameplay mechanics, responsive.DirectX®: version 9.0 or higher (included with game).Graphics: 64 MB GeForce (tm) 3 or higher or ATI(R) Radeon 8500 or higher (except GeForce 4 MX and Go series).Processor: 1.0 GHz Pentium(R) III and AMD Athlon(tm) Raz is quickly caught by the camps leaders, but hes allowed to stay for a while until his psychic-hating dad will come to take him home again.Fight mental demons! Uncover hidden memories! Sort emotional baggage! Explore the fantastic realm of the inner mind! Join the Psychonauts! Now he must use his psychic powers of Telekinesis, Levitation, and most of all his ability to project himself into the minds of others-to find the loose noodles and keep them from falling into the wrong hands. But this is no average psychic summer camp! A mysterious villain has kidnapped Raz's fellow campers and stolen their brains. In his quest to join the Psychonauts-an elite group of international psychic secret agents-he breaks into their secret training facility: Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. This classic action/adventure platformer from acclaimed developers Double Fine Productions follows the story of a young psychic named Razputin. A Psychic Odyssey Through the Mental Worlds of Misfits, Monsters, and Mind Readers. This classic action/adventure platformer from acclaimed developers Double Fine Productions follows the story of a young psychic named Razputin. Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Xbox Original, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series XS, PlayStation 2, macOS, Linux.
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apprenticeofcups · 5 years
I saw you did a headcanon with a MC with no familial ties and was wondering if you would do one where they did? I personally have 8 siblings (that's two more than Nadia! not to mention all the cousins) and wondered how the Main 6 would react to an MC with a big family?
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yeah, totally! (I was thinking of doing this myself anyway, so thanks for the asks!)
👨‍👨‍👧‍👧  Asra, Nadia, Portia, & Julian’s Families + MC
👩‍👩‍👧‍👧  Main 6 + MC’s Big Family
He seems totally fine - chipper, talkative, doing his best to remember everyone’s names and how they’re all related
When the two of you get a moment alone, he looks exhausted
He’s just getting used to the idea of having parents again, and this is completely overwhelming
They all have questions about you - is he supposed to answer? How much do you tell family about dying of Plague and magical resurrection? 
He’s been getting better at bringing people into his life, but this is throwing him in the deep end
You do your best to help him adjust, but your siblings’ and cousins’ spouses and significant others are actually the most helpful - they know how your family works from an outside perspective, and their horror stories about meeting the whole bunch for the first time make him feel much better
He’s in his element in big families
You’ve been visiting them for an hour, and he’s already been piled on by everyone’s kids, given your grandmother an affectionate nickname, and started bartending for all your aunts and uncles
Everyone loves his stories, but he wants to hear all of theirs, too, particularly (but not limited to) those about you
He’ll never admit it - he’s a rogue, a scoundrel, a dark past wrapped in danger and fueled by black coffee
But Julian has exactly the kind of boy-next-door charm you bring home to Mom & Dad (& two sisters & five brothers & twelve aunts and uncles...)
So much so, that they ask when you’re getting married, and get to see him turn fifty shades of red
She’s seen all this before - the overloaded dinner table, the kids running around, no one able to get a word in edgewise
For every embarrassing (borderline mortifying) thing that happens, she’s got a near-identical story
What she’s not used to is the level of respect she gets - with her family, she’s just the baby, the littlest princess
Here, she’s the Countess of Vesuvia and your new girlfriend
This is big family with a twist - all eyes are on her, for once, and no one’s waving away the things she says
Someone proposes a joint family gathering, or brings up the wedding, and she chokes on her drink
Asra was his only family growing up, so he’s…overwhelmed
And unlike Asra, he doesn’t seem fine, hovering at your side and constantly worried he’s in the way
Is he supposed to help with the chores? Your parents said they had it, but he’s taking up space at their house - can they afford to feed him? Are you sure?
For the most part, your family listens when you tell them to give him some space, but he still gets anxious very quickly
Your family really does like him, but Muriel doesn’t warm up to anyone overnight
Every time you see them, though, he loosens up a little more, talks a little more, smiles a little more, and starts to let himself enjoy being part of a family
Sweet, spunky, polite, but not stuffy...no one has more girl-next-door energy than Portia. She’s like candy to her partner’s family
She’s been apologizing to you for Julian long enough - now it’s your turn to be embarrassed of your wacky family
But it really doesn’t bother her. She’s used to the chaos. She thrives on chaos. They call her the Chaos Queen
You have to keep retrieving her from the kitchen, where she’s swapping recipes with the cooking aunties; the playroom, where she’s being a ferocious dragon for a bunch of brave toddler adventurers; the porch, where she’s smoking cigars with the grandparents
Figures out which of your relatives hold all the Family Gossip™, and by the end of the night, she knows more about your cousin’s divorce than you do
He has an idea of the logistics of a big family - it can’t be that different from a clan structure, can it? 
But in practice, he has no idea what’s going on 
All the inside jokes, the shared history, the unspoken dynamics of this aunt always makes the casserole, when that grandpa speaks, everybody listens…it’s all totally foreign to him
He can barely keep track of who he’s met, let alone who’s married to whom, and where did all the kids come from?
Sticks to you like glue, and he’s the quietest you’ve ever seen him
It’s the one time, he finds, that he really doesn’t want to talk about himself - especially when they ask about his family ☕
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reginaldqueribundus · 4 years
Catch up on the MCU: Phase 3 (part 3)
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Scott: man, that Infinity War sure was a doozy huh? Why not relax with some wacky Ant-Man adventures? Anyway.
Scott: hey Hope I had a dream about your mom
Hope: you have 10 seconds to make my skin stop crawling.
Hank: dammit sweetie don’t you see? He’s connected to her somehow! Which lets us find her in the QUANTUM REALM™
Scott: and apparently also lets her meat puppet me like the ghosts in Beetlejuice, hello honey! You’ve gotten so big! Give mommy a hug
Hope: NOPE I am pulling the plug on this before you start making out with my dad or something. I waited this long to be Wasp, I’m clearly more suited to the role than you are, now I am going to beat the shit out of every redneck in this goddamn restaurant!
Scott: don’t look now Hope but a ghost in a hoodie just stole your suitcase
Ava: hey, I’m just trying to stay alive here
Sonny: y’all’d’ve
Hope: you already did that in the Civil War movie
Hank: good now I can rescue my wife from the QUANTUM REALM™
Janet: hello husband, did you know that in the QUANTUM REALM™ sometimes time moves differently, HINT HINT
Russo Brothers: *give her the thumbs up*
Janet: now I will use Quantum Energy™ to magically save Ava’s life even though I didn’t know she was dying
Scott: Cool! And now that I’m no longer under arrest, I will go fuck around in the QUANTUM REALM™ some more instead of going to help the Avengers. When you think about it, the timing does not line up at all.
Hank, Janet & Hope: *die from the Snap*
Scott: At. All.
Captain Marvel
Incels on the internet: [deep breath]
Carol: NO, NO, NO, we are NOT listening to you. We are finally getting a female-led movie after 11 years and we are going to party like it’s 1995!
Yon-Rogg: Wow Vers, you’re never going to get anywhere until you learn to get your womanly emotions under control
[She flings herself all the way to planet Earth]
Nick Fury: motherfucker?
Carol: *brushing herself off* Self care is crashing through the roof of a Blockbuster while vividly reliving repressed memories from your past life! Now take me to this planet’s glowiest cube
Nick Fury: I’m getting too young for this shit.
Talos: hi guys yes i am real human, do you guys wants to go surfboards?
Carol: fuck off Talos, we know it’s you. Ben Mendelsohn is always the villain.
Talos: Well joke’s on you, this time I’m actually the good guy. My people are refugees and your mentor you forgot about was trying to save us from the space fascists you work for.
Carol: Huh. So me keeping this starburst logo from my Kree uniform would be kind of like Captain America walking around with a swastika on his chest?
Talos: Basically. Anyway here’s a flight recording that somehow restores all your missing memories. And your cube.
Nick Fury: god damn, SHIELD sucks at hanging onto Infinity Stones
Supreme Intelligence: Hang on Carol, if you just watch this YouTube video I’ll explain how Rotten Tomatoes—
Carol: NO *explodes the room*
Yon-Rogg: Um actually, Alita: Battle Angel was the far superior film—
Carol: SHUT UP *punches him through a mountain*
Ronan: hey am I late for my cameo? I put on my best eye makeup—
Nick Fury: Well, I guess I better build a team of superheroes until she gets back. And I shall call them…the Avengers! Hmm, guess Cap really wasn’t the First Avenger. And I guess Thor and Loki’s bitch fight wasn’t the first time we found out aliens were real and had us outgunned. And I guess I lost my eye to this cat thing? Motherf—
Nick Fury: *looks up at a sky full of aliens* Hmm… nah. Not an emergency.
Nick: Naaaah, this one’s on Stark.
Nick: *watching his own arm disintegrate* OKAY THIS COUNTS AS AN EMERGENCY MOTHERFUCKER *activates pager*
The Avengers: and you are…?
Phase 3 part 3
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