#w/ tish
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townesmuses · 4 months ago
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hey! vocĂȘ estĂĄ conhecendo ethan castillo hill, um estudante de astronomia de 24 anos que reside em chicago. escorpiano, nasceu em 24 de outubro de 2000, sendo sempre confundido com nicholas alexander chavez.
era difĂ­cil os castillo viajarem, porque precisavam de anos para juntar dinheiro para isso, mas no ano de 1999, apĂłs dez anos de economia, resolveram conhecer os estados unidos. zelia, a filha de mirana e basilio castillo, com dezenove anos na Ă©poca, estava encantada com o paĂ­s. sonhava em um dia morar nos estados unidos, mesmo que amasse cuba.
em uma noite agitada em chicago, zelia conheceu patrick hill, um garoto dois anos mais velho que ela. patrick, natural de chicago e estudante de engenharia mecùnica, a mostrou o melhor da cidade, e eles acabaram se encontrando por mais dois dias, até a partida de zelia para cuba. a despedida foi como qualquer outra: triste, mas feliz por saberem que tinham tido momentos bons.
a surpresa veio para zelia um mĂȘs depois, quando descobriu estar grĂĄvida. sem ter o contato de patrick, escondeu dos pais atĂ© quando pode. quando eles souberam, ficaram furiosos, e zelia fugiu para os estados unidos para tentar encontrar o pai da criança.
oito meses depois, patrick jĂĄ estava trabalhando na companhia de seu pai como estagiĂĄrio e noivo de elena williams. quando zelia contou para ele, foi como se o mundo estivesse fora dos eixos. mesmo assim, patrick pagou a estadia de zelia em chicago, que estava prestes a ter o bebĂȘ.
quando ethan nasceu, patrick disse para zelia que iria entrar na justiça para ficar com a criança, que seria melhor assim. apesar de doer em zelia, ela concordou, e assim que o bebĂȘ fez seis meses, voltou para cuba.
ethan foi criado por patrick e elena, que nunca foi sua fĂŁ nĂșmero um. ela fazia de tudo para desprezar ethan, enquanto o pai, que agora herdava a empresa do avĂŽ, trabalhava muito. o menino teve contato com a mĂŁe pelo telefone pouquĂ­ssimas vezes, e ela sempre prometia estar guardando dinheiro para ir a chicago conhecĂȘ-lo.
(tw: drogas)
a verdade é que zelia estava envolvida com drogas, e foi morta por um traficante quando ethan tinha apenas quinze anos. foi só nessa época que o pai o levou para cuba para o velório da mãe, e foi quando ele conheceu os avós, que também o desprezaram.
(fim do tw)
apesar do pai nĂŁo ter muito tempo para ethan, ele foi criado como a estrela da casa, jĂĄ que elena nĂŁo podia ter filhos - e se ressentia muito disso. o pai se deleitava com a inteligĂȘncia do filho na escola e com seu talento em futebol americano.
saindo do ensino médio, ethan conseguiu uma bolsa para a universidade de chicago, jogando futebol americano. apesar de o pai querer que ele fosse para a engenharia - e todos sabiam que ele tinha muito potencial para isso -, ethan escolheu cursar astronomia, com o grande pretexto de trabalhar na nasa um dia.
ethan sempre se importou demais com tudo, a mesma medida que era cobrado. os estudos sempre estiveram em primeiro lugar, e ele surpreendia a todos o quanto era responsåvel para a sua idade. maduro, nunca se deixou levar por coisas banais. tem um senso de humor interessante e åcido, além de uma língua afiada. nunca foi de ter muita responsabilidade afetiva e é confuso quando a questão é sentimento. apesar disso, a vida o surpreendeu muitas vezes, mostrando outros lados de ethan.
'cause, honey, i'll come get my things, but i can't let go...
muse a and muse b have been broken up for a little while, but one day muse a asks to meet up and confesses that they never told their parents that they broke up and they need muse b to pretend they're still together and go to some family event with muse a. cue pretending to still be in love, arguing about why they broke up in the first place, fake kisses that turn hungry, all the yearning and pining, one of them still being in the love with the other !! the possibilities are endless.
a volta de mabel em sua vida, jĂĄ estando com beatrice.
a situação conflitante de seus sentimentos, jå que mabel foi a primeira pessoa por quem se apaixonou de verdade.
a situação tensa com o seu pai, devido suas escolhas.
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theladyfae · 5 months ago
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the lazarus experiment / her island, rita dove
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eclipsecrowned · 2 years ago
....like if its ok for me to send u nsfw prompts when u rb nsfw memes please.
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redgemwink · 2 years ago
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my two favorite things in palia. fishing.. and tish. tishing
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shadowedmagic-a · 2 years ago
note to self to adjust william’s background once moved blog,,,,
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grey-tee · 11 months ago
the sooong hahaha she’s OBSESSED!!!
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townesmuses · 4 months ago
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hey! vocĂȘ estĂĄ conhecendo malena de luna, uma veterinĂĄria de 27 anos que reside em alva (oklahoma). pisciana, nasceu em 20 de março de 1997, sendo sempre confundida com fiona palomo.
malena de luna cresceu em uma família que não tinha dinheiro, mas também não tinha amor, de certa forma. os de luna nunca tiveram o potencial de serem afetuosos, mas se importavam uns com os outros a sua maneira. andrés de luna abandonou tudo em guadalajara, no méxico, para tentar uma vida melhor nos estados unidos. queria viver em nova-iorque, viver o "sonho americano" e tudo o que tinha direito. pela falta de estabilidade, seus pais, javier e maria de luna, foram contra, mas ele resolveu ir mesmo assim.
trabalhando como construtor, andres fazia parte da mão de obra de uma empresa em nova-iorque. ele não tinha muita coisa, apenas um pequeno apartamento alugado no brooklyn e muita vontade de crescer. sua ambição não falava menos quando se dizia respeito ao coração: apaixonou-se por kate evergreen, a filha dos donos da empresa de construção em que trabalhava.
os pais de kate, george e jane evergreen, não aprovavam seu relacionamento com andrés, falavam que ele seria a ruína de sua filha. quando andrés e kate decidiram casar-se, aos vinte anos, os pais da mulher a fizeram tomar uma decisão: ou ela herdaria a fortuna da família, ou casaria-se com andrés, e o coração falou mais alto.
expulsa de casa, e andrés sem emprego, moraram em um apartamento ainda menor no brooklyn. mais tarde, ele conseguiu outro emprego em uma construtora e kate engravidou. apesar de ser algo inesperado, ficaram muito felizes com a notícia.
malena de luna veio ao mundo quando os pais tinham apenas vinte e dois anos. não eram pais carinhosos, mas não deixaram faltar comida na mesa. vez ou outra, malena sentia vontade das coisas mais caras do mercado e dos brinquedos mais legais que via nas vitrines das lojas, mas foi ensinada desde cedo a não reclamar; tinha um teto sob a cabeça e comida na mesa.
sempre muito estudiosa, malena conseguiu bolsas para estudar nas escolas da elite de nova-iorque. nunca teve muitos amigos e era excluída devido sua classe social, mas ela não ligava, estava lå para estudar. seus pais falavam que ela tinha que ser alguém na vida.
quando malena tinha dezesseis anos, um acidente de carro fatal tirou a vida de sua mĂŁe. o pai estava bĂȘbado no volante, e malena ganhou uma grande cicatriz na perna direita. desde entĂŁo, as coisas ficaram conturbadas: o pai começou a beber mais e mais, ficando violento e explosivo, cobrando que malena trabalhasse para por comida na mesa enquanto ele bebia. e assim ela o fez, ao mesmo tempo que preenchia cartas para universidades em nova-iorque.
sempre teve um amor incondicional por animais, e era por isso que queria seguir no ramo da medicina veterinĂĄria. passou com bolsa integral para a columbia university, o que nĂŁo foi surpresa para a maioria das pessoas. durante o curso, seu pai continuava por desprezĂĄ-la e jogar seu sonho no lixo, tentava a todo custo fazĂȘ-la desistir. malena tinha apenas uma ideia: formar-se e deixar nova-iorque.
alguns anos apĂłs sua formatura, que o pai nĂŁo foi por estar bĂȘbado demais, malena juntou apenas uma mala de roupas e fugiu para alva, em oklahoma, sem deixar rastros. tendo apenas sua lata velha que conquistou com muito esforço, a de luna foi morar em um pequeno chalĂ© alugado na cidadezinha, com a proposta de trabalhar na clĂ­nica veterinĂĄria do local e lidar com os mais diversos tipos de bichos, o que sempre foi seu sonho.
Ă© uma pessoa que nĂŁo precisa de muitas regalias para viver, pois foi criada assim. Ă© muito firme e decidida, e chega a ser atĂ© mesmo individualista devido seu instinto de sobrevivĂȘncia. porĂ©m, isso nĂŁo quer dizer que seu lado empĂĄtico nĂŁo seja aflorado - principalmente em relação aos animais. Ă© calma e serena, dificilmente perdendo o controle.
my house of stone, your ivy grows, and now I'm covered in you...
muse a has run away from a toxic environment (family or relationship), just got in the car and didn’t stop until they ran out of gas in the middle of bloody nowhere. enter muse b who is the only person within ten miles and lives on their family farm alone. so muse a turns up in the middle of a storm because they got tired of waiting in the car for someone to find them. muse b lets them in and the two talk but muse b has to explain they don’t get another fuel delivery for a little while but that muse a is welcome to stay. so time passes feelings getting involved, lines blur and things get confusing because muse b is getting used to company and doesn’t want muse a to leave but muse a is preparing to leave as soon as the fuel delivery arrives not wanting to impose any longer but also doesn’t really want to leave.
a relação dela com a confiança em luke.
o medo de o pai a encontrar eventualmente.
o lidar com a culpa de deixar o pai vulnerĂĄvel.
a mudança para uma nova realidade.
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zillyeh · 1 year ago
Enikia needs: page quote, backstory, and relationships filled out, then she's done
Jack needs: page quote, likes/dislikes, hobbies ect tabs, the entire in depth page and the entire relationship page
Kelper needs: The same^
Lichre might be put on the backburner bc i simply do not know her
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hxlcycnx · 3 months ago
elizabeth found herself walking to nowhere in particular anytime she had the tiniest bit of free time. she found that she was drawn to the beach more often than not. there were no beaches close to her hometown, so she took advantage of the scenery when she could. peace was she was seeking, she’d be the last person to willingly disrupt another’s. “believe me, i’d be much more irritating if my intention was to ruin you peace.” elizabeth teased back, enjoying a good bit of banter. “it is rather peaceful out here though, isn’t it? i’ve never been so close to the sea before.”
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( open to anyone ) @ivycovestarters
Dez leaned against the railing of the dock, the salty breeze tugging at her hair as she watched the waves crash against the edge of the beach. A cigarette dangled lazily from her fingers, its faint ember glowing in the growing twilight. "Guess this is what they call peace," she muttered to no one in particular, though her smirk hinted she didn't quite believe it. The sound of shuffling feet caught her ear, and she tipped her head toward the approaching figure. "Hope you're not here to ruin my quiet," she called out, voice edged with playful warning.
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voxaris · 2 years ago
whats up w people barging into the scions headquarters, killing people, then kidnapping minfilia bc she wont give them what they want. its happened TWICE
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cheynovak · 4 months ago
The Beach City Reunion
Summary: Follows up fanfiction 'Spikes' Y/N returns to the beach city grill after 5 years. Meeting Priestly who has been going through a break up with Tish.
Warning: none
English isn't my first language
Please do not copy my work. Likes/Share/Comments are appreciated.
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Y/N hadn’t set foot in Beach City Grill in five years. The place looked mostly the same—faded posters of bands on the walls, the familiar hum of music in the background, and the faint smell of fries and grilled burgers wafting through the air. But as she walked in, scanning for any trace of the old Priestly, her eyes caught on someone who almost looked like him
 but not quite.
He was wearing a plain blue button-down shirt, his once vibrant, spiked hair now a subdued shade of brown with a matching beard, smoothed down to an almost painfully ordinary style. She blinked, wondering if she was imagining things.
“Priestly?!” she called out, half-questioning, half in disbelief.
He turned, and when he saw her, his face lit up like a firework. Before she could react, he was around the counter, pulling her into a warm hug.
“Y/N!” he said, grinning. “Wow, look at you! You’ve
 changed!” She laughed, pulling back to look at him. “Me? Look at you! W-what happened?”
They slipped into one of the booths, and for a moment, Y/N couldn’t stop staring. She missed the wild, bold Priestly she’d once adored, and this version of him looked like he’d been smothered in beige.
He gave her a sheepish look, glancing down at his shirt. “Tish happened. She, uh, liked me better like this. Thought I should look ‘respectable’—whatever that means. I guess she thought I was only worth dating if I, well, dressed ‘normal.’ So I tried it for her, figured it was worth it if it made her happy.”
Y/N listened quietly, seeing a flicker of embarrassment and something else—something lost—in his eyes.
“Anyway,” he continued, rubbing the back of his neck, “we broke things off a couple of months ago. She said I’d come back ‘begging for another chance,’ but
 I don’t think that’s gonna happen. I realized I just don’t know who I am anymore. Lost myself somewhere along the way.”
She nodded, giving him a small, understanding smile. “Sometimes, you think someone’s worth changing for. But if it means you stop being you
” She trailed off, knowing he’d get it.
Priestly chuckled, a hint of his old spark showing through. “Yeah, funny to hear that coming from you."
She grinned, and he noticed a faint edge of her old punk style still shining through—rings on her fingers, a subtle black eyeliner that gave her an edge, But the spiked choker was gone and changed for a leather jacket.
“So,” he said, leaning in with a warm smile, “what about you? How’s life been since you flew the coop?”
She shrugged, feeling a mix of nostalgia and excitement bubble up. “A lot’s changed. I went to college, didn't finish, moved around a bit. I’ve grown up, well a little. Showed up at your doorstep.”
Priestly gave her a look—one of admiration, maybe even a touch of envy. “I’m glad you came back. You look good, Y/N. Like
 like you didn’t lose yourself along the way, you grew, literally and figuratively, I like it.”
She felt her cheeks heat, but she kept her gaze steady. “Priestly, the guy who always makes a girl feel special." She smiles softly before adding, "I aways thought you were amazing just the way you were.”
His eyes softened, and for the first time in a long time, he looked like he believed her.
“Maybe it’s time to bring a little of that guy back,” he said, giving her a lopsided grin. “The boring brown hair and button-downs were never really me anyway.”
They both laughed, the sound filling the grill as if nothing had changed at all. And as they sat there, catching up and reconnecting, Priestly felt like he was finally waking up from a long, colorless dream.
Y/N could feel Tish’s glare burning into them as she leaned across the counter to pay, with a mischievous smile. “Why don’t I take you shopping after your shift?” she suggested, tapping her fingers playfully on the countertop. “It’d be nice to catch up
 and maybe ditch the corporate look. Show a little more of those tattoos again?”
Priestly glanced at Tish, who was shooting them daggers from across the room, and then shrugged with a little smile. “Yeah, yeah, why not?” he replied, his eyes lighting up. “I’ll see you at five.”
By the time they hit the first store, Y/N was buzzing with excitement. She dragged Priestly to every section, picking out things that she knew he would’ve rocked a few years back. A leather jacket here, a pair of torn jeans there. She even managed to dig up a kilt, holding it out with a grin that made him snort.
“Y/N,” he said, chuckling as he held the kilt up in disbelief, “I can’t wear this. Not anymore. I feel like a kid playing dress-up.”
Y/N’s grin softened. “You’re in your thirties, Priestly. Maybe a kilt isn’t the answer anymore,” she admitted, leaning against the wall of the dressing room. She looked at him thoughtfully, eyes gleaming with an idea. “But
 do you trust me?”
He raised an eyebrow but nodded. “Alright. Go ahead, show me what you’ve got.”
Y/N set the kilt aside and walked over to a different rack, pulling out a pair of dark, well-fitted jeans and handing him a plain grey t-shirt. She added a pair of heavy black combat boots and a leather jacket to the ensemble. “Just try these,” she said, “I think you’ll be surprised.”
Priestly emerged from the dressing room a few minutes later, his expression shifting from skepticism to something closer to acceptance. He turned to her, hands stuffed in his pockets, giving her a shy, crooked grin. “Not bad, right?”
“Oh wow, not bad at all,” Y/N said, giving him a once-over feeling her cheeks burn. The jeans hugged his frame well, and the boots added a sturdy, rugged vibe. The t-shirt was simple, but it all brought back a hint of the old Priestly’s edge without trying too hard.
But she wasn’t done yet. “Alright,” she said with a wink, “one last stop.”
She drove him to a nearby barber she’d found online, and before he could protest, she leaned close, whispering her instructions into the barber’s ear.
"Oh and keep the beard." she said walking back outside. Priestly gave her a mock look of fear, but he settled into the chair, trusting her, despite his nerves.
A half hour later, Priestly emerged from the barber’s chair with his hair freshly styled. The sides were clipped short, but the top was left a little longer and tousled. No more mohawk, but it was still a look with personality—classic yet cool, modern but still a bit rebellious.
He caught his reflection in the mirror, running a hand through his hair, and let out a slow breath.
Y/N's heart hammered as she watched Priestly walk toward her, his new look transforming him into a vision of the guy she’d fallen for as a teenager—familiar but grown up, rugged and effortlessly cool. She felt her old crush flare to life, burning through her like it had all those years ago. But now, she was older, and so was he, and the spark between them didn’t feel so impossible anymore.
While he’d been getting his hair cut, she’d slipped out to pick up a few finishing touches—things that would bring back a hint of the punk style they’d once shared. As he approached, she held out a heavy, silver chain and a studded leather belt. With a grin, she hooked the chain to his jeans, her fingers brushing against him as she added the belt.
But then, she pulled out something else—a small, worn leather bracelet with faded band logos, the same one he’d given her years ago in the Beach City Grill. She held it up, a little shy but determined, and carefully slipped it back onto his wrist, fingers lingering on the familiar worn leather.
Priestly looked down, his eyes widening. “You
 you kept it?” His voice was soft, filled with something she couldn’t quite name.
Y/N nodded, feeling her cheeks heat as she looked up, meeting his gaze. “Of course I did. You were... well, it was special to me.” she said almost looking nervous.
Priestly looked at her, "How old are you now?" She still looked at him, his green eyes piercing her waiting for an answer. "I- Eh... 21." Priestly looked over her in the distance, clearly counting in his head.
They stood there in silence, the air thick while she waited for his reaction, still holding his wrist in her hands, feeling something electric. Her heart pounded so loudly she thought he must be able to hear it.
But before her nerves could make her say something stupid, Priestly reached out, cupping the back of her head, his fingers threading through her hair pulling her closer.
He leaned down, his gaze searching hers for a split second, and then his lips brushed against hers, soft and warm, then deeper, like he’d been waiting for this moment as long as she had. The world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them—two people who’d found their way back to each other after years apart.
Y/N knew that what she had been waiting for ever since she was 16 was finally here. Priestly saw her, not as a teenage girl with a crush. But as a woman.
When they finally broke apart, he rested his forehead against hers, still holding her close. "I did say 'maybe in a few years' didn't I?"
She laughed softly, feeling her heart swell.
“Welcome back, Priestly.”
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 1 year ago
If you can & want to. (Love ur work btw ❀)
I’m in desperate need for more Mortica, like fuck
anyway lol I would like to request Sub!Mortica x SoftDom!Reader where Tish is so very desperate clinging to reader begging and pulling out all the stops:waterworks, big puppy dog eyes, nuzzling, whining &, clinging. Reader gives in and throughly fucks her, Tish is of course very happy and cuddling ensues after some fun.(CZJs eyes man, they are absolutely beautiful.)
(Shapeshifted p, praise kink Tish, Tish is obsessed with sitting on readers lap w/ her head tucked into the crook of readers neck and she loves cuddling)
Heyyy anon! Absolutely!!! Thank you for the request đŸ„° Hope you Enjoy 💞💞 Nad I hope you have a lovely day/night!!
Wait Your Turn ~Sub!Morticia Addams xFem Soft!Dom!Shapeshifting!Teacher!Reader
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 Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, shapeshifting dick (g!p), riding, praise kink, begging, crying, kissing, overstimulation, etc.
Enjoy (;
It wasn’t even first period yet, and your wife was getting needy

You chuckled to yourself as you were getting some early work done, and Morticia oh so innocently waltzed into your classroom. Her hips swayed and her fingers played with her raven locks, as she walked towards you.
“Morning ‘Tish
” you hummed, not looking up from your work as you finished your last graded paper of your fourth period class.
“I missed you
” the raven haired teacher pouted, “You weren’t at breakfast
“I’m gone for a couple of hours, and you already miss me
?” You teased your lover.
” she hummed, moving to lay her upper body against your desk while waving her ass teasingly.
You put your pen down and filed the graded paper away, finally looking up at your wife. Your eyes widened slightly at the sight in front of you. Morticia was leaned up against your desk, giving you a perfect view of her perky tits, bouncy ass, and pouting lips.
“You’re too cute” you cooed, scrunching your nose in a little bunny movement.
Morticia grabbed your hands and pulled them forward to palm her tits in response, as well as giving you her classic puppy dog eyes.
“Use your words, sweet girl
” you reminded the raven haired woman, groping her tits as you spoke.
“Fuck me before your first class
?” Morticia needily asked, leaning into your touch happily.
You quirked your head at your wife, suddenly removing your hand. Morticia whimpered in response.
“Nuh uh
” you tutted as a reminder, “No complaining
The woman nodded.
“Sorry Ma’am
” she needily purred.
“Maybe later, sweetheart. Class starts in 10 minutes, that’s too close. Be a good girl and go back to your classroom, your students arrive in 5.” You cooed.
Morticia bit her lip in frustration and nodded in recognition. She walked out in defeat. But the sway in her hips told you that feeling wasn’t permanent. She’d be back

The next time Morticia found you was during your shared lunch break. You had both brought food from home, and she had found you in your classroom once more.
This time she came right up to your chair and plopped herself in your lap. She hummed in content of being so close to you, nuzzling impossibly closer.
“Missed you
” Morticia whined into your neck.
Putting her head in the crook of your neck was one of her favorite pastimes

You sighed and put your work and lunch down once more. Your hands went to her back and hip, and this made the woman purr in delight. She clung onto like there was no tomorrow. You chuckled at her clinginess and apparent neediness.
“You’re going to have to wait until we’re home, sweet thing
” you cooed.
Morticia pulled out to meet your gaze, her face contorted with big puppy dog eyes and a plumped up pouty lip.
“Please Ma’am
 M’mm so needy
” she whined desperately, while grinding herself down on the plastic dick underneath your trousers.
“No, baby
 Not until we get home
” you lightly teased, but with still a firm tone of voice.
The raven haired teacher let out a frustrated and strangled sigh. She pulled her head out from your neck. The woman bit her lip and then nodded slowly in recognition, her head hanging low and her eyes still looking at you doe eyed and needy. You chuckled lightly.
“You can stay here, in my lap, until I’m finished with my lunch, Baby. And if you’re good, we can go home early tonight. How does that sound?” You suggestively cooed.
Morticia’s eyes lit up a little and she picked her head up, nodding eagerly in agreement.
“Ok, yes please, please Mon Amour
” Tish begged with her best puppy dog eyes.
You smiled lightly in amusement and nodded, letting the woman curl back up into your frame.
For the rest of your lunch break, Morticia cuddles fiercely against you, not letting you go for even a millisecond. She purred like a happy cat, rocking her body against you and your bulge.
Time past and your lunch break ended swiftly. Picking up your wife and placing her back on her feet, you put your lunch away and kissed Morticia on the cheek.
“Time for our classes, my love
” you sighed.
Morticia looked at you, her eyes silently begging for you to drop all your classes for the afternoon and spend the whole rest of the day with her. And like you could read her mind

“ ‘Tish, love, we’ll have all the time after class” you comforted your wife, “Can you be a good girl and go teach your students? We can meet here after last period.”
Morticia fluttered her eyelashes in a quick pattern, almost like she was getting ready to cry. But she simply nodded instead. You nodded and smiled lightly in response.
Before you could go back to focusing on your work, the raven haired teacher’s lips were on yours. You could taste the neediness on her tongue. You let Morticia have a couple minutes of kissing, before you broke away.
“I love you, Baby” you cooed.
“Love you too, Mon Amour” Your wife purred.
You then sent the woman out and back on her way to her own classroom.
Your last class of the day’s bell rang, and the students quickly packed up and poured out from your classroom and into the hallway.
You sighed in relief, finally finished with classes for the day and anticipatory of going home. You began to pack up your things, checking the clock and awaiting your wife’s soon arrival. Within minutes, Morticia was in your room, bag in hand, ready to leave.
“Almost ready, my love
 Just have to pack up my things, then I will be good to go” you hummed.
Morticia pouted in response, sitting at one of the student desks and tapping the desk impatiently. You then heard her start sniffling. You looked up, picking up your bag, and walked over to your wife.
“Why are you crying, Baby
?” You cooed.
Tish sniffled and looked up at you. Her eyes were all puppy dog and again and her lip was trembling.
“Need you so bad
 so bad it hurts
” she whimpered.
“Oh Baby
 I know
 Let’s go home.” You comforted the woman.
You’d both gotten undressed instantly when you’d gotten home, and now, you were sitting in the middle of your bed, with Morticia on your lap.
She was cuddled up, her face in your shoulder, as you dragged her wet cunt down onto your shapeshifted member. You sank Tish all the way down on your dick, and the woman cried out in overstimulation.
“So F-full
 Too much Ma’am
!” Morticia breathlessly moaned, her sounds muffled by your neck and shoulders
“No no, you can take it, my good girl.” You cooed into her ear, “You begged for my cock all day
 You can be a good girl and take it
Tish nodded vigorously, as you began to find a faster pace at which you started slamming into your wife’s aching hole. Sinful moans and cries flowed from Morticia’s lips, her sounds getting more and more desperate. Your pounding became more rough and hard.
You made Morticia crash over the edge for the first time that night, and she clinged onto you, crying out in pleasure and scratching the hell out of your back. Her cries didn’t stop though

As you didn’t relent. You kept slamming up into her. Her hips rutted instinctually down on you dick. She began crying it was all too much for her. But she begged you not to stop.
And so you made her cum again. This time, Tish muffled her leud sounds by biting down on your shoulder. You groaned in pleasurable-pain, continuing to thrust in and out of the woman.
“Doing so well, Baby
 Being such a good girl
 Color?” You reassured the raven haired woman.
“Good God G-green—!!” Morticia desperately moaned out.
“Good girl
” you cooed.
Once Tish had finally been tired out, you immediately started to comfort and love on her. She cuddled into your frame, after you had cleaned up her thighs. Morticia clung onto you tightly, humming happily at having gotten what she wanted.
“Sleep Well, Sweet girl
” you cooed.
“Mmmm Night, Mon Amour” Tish whispered.
Morticia Addams Masterlist
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tysonfurybattlepass · 14 days ago
rare br*tish w but “are you having a laugh” is objectively the funniest way of phrasing “are you joking”
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doodlemsstuff · 4 months ago
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Posting more Dandy’s world doodles! This time just featuring Poppy & Tisha(w/ a bonus Cosmo)
I got Nix ( @nixpainting )to playing Dandy’s world with me. Since she’s new and picked a starter(Poppy) I ofc picked Tish to be a distractor and give her a speed boost. But with us playing these characters, it led to us starting to ship the two
The ship name is SoapBubbles :3
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weemssapphic · 2 years ago
Hi :) I have a Larissa x reader request, feel no pressure to do this if u don’t want to and ofc u can mix it up and stuff <3
I’ve had this song from mean girls stuck in my head all week and I was wondering if you could perhaps write a young!larissa x young!reader fic based on this song? For example, Larissa wanted readers attention so she changed herself to be more like the popular girlies (perhaps morticia?) or asked reader to tutor her in a subject to spend more time w/ them only to find out that reader preferred her before she changed herself.
The song ends in angst but the fic could be however you like ofc. Anyways I just love the idea of Larissa being like cady from mean girls, tish being like Regina and reader being like Aaron.
If u do end up doing this- thank u sm đŸ„č and if u don’t wanna, don’t worry :) I love ur work and I’m happy to read anything u write 💘
a/n: thank you again for the request! i really really hope this did it justice because damn, was i excited to write this! even though the song ends on an angsty note, this fic will have a happy ending <3
young!Larissa Weems x young!fem!reader {other pairings: references to (young!)Morticia Frump x reader, Morticia x Gomez}
words: ~6.1k (oops)
warnings/content: slight angst with a fluffy ending, Larissa is adorably shy, Morticia is possessive as shit, sapphic yearning
You Don’t Have to Pretend With Me
A light breeze passed through the quad - the last days of summer were slowly waning, giving way to cooler autumn weather. The colder air raised the hairs on your arm and you felt Morticia’s arm slink loosely around your waist, her warm palm coming to rest on your forearm and gently stroking the skin there. 
“Are you cold? Gomez, give her your jacket,” she snapped her fingers at the boy, who immediately began to shrug off his blazer at the command.
“Tish, I’m fine,” you soothed, leaning into her touch, your eyes darting subconsciously over to her roommate, Larissa. Her eyes bore holes into the stone surface of the table as she twisted her fingers in her lap. You shifted in Morticia’s grip and gently kicked at Larissa’s shins under the table, causing her to jump in surprise. A smirk graced your lips at the blush that crept up her cheeks - you’d noticed more often lately that the taller blonde was rather shy around you, and you couldn’t help but tease her a bit. You loved how easily you were able to fluster her, adored the pinkish hue that would overtake her face, a bit like your own personal sunset.
“Earth to Larissa. Are you with us?”
“Sorry, I must’ve zoned out for a moment,” she mumbled, smiling in such a dorky way that had you struggling to suppress your swooning.
“Morticia and I are going shopping on Sunday, you wanna come?” Larissa’s eyes lit up and she nodded, soft blonde curls bouncing on her shoulders. 
You felt the arm around your waist tighten possessively and bit your lip. Your relationship with Morticia was, in a word, complicated. You’d been dating on and off for around a year now, though most of that time was admittedly off. You’d most recently decided you were better off as good friends, but sometimes Morticia’s flirtatious and rather possessive side still came out to play.
But Larissa, she was different
 where Morticia was a little overwhelming, always in your personal space, Larissa was reserved, held back. Where Morticia loved to show off, Larissa expressed her pride quietly. Larissa was always so soft and reassuring, showing you so much compassion and empathy whenever you’d confided in each other. She was intelligent and quick-witted and knew how to use it to her advantage. And god, she was breathtakingly beautiful

The bell rang, signaling the end of your lunch break. Thanking the heavens that you had a free period, you sighed and leaned into Morticia’s casual embrace to shield yourself from another cold breeze, waving goodbye to Larissa and Gomez as they headed off to their next class together. 
As soon as he was sure he was out of earshot of you and Morticia, Gomez stopped dead in his tracks, nearly causing Larissa to stumble over his much shorter figure. 
“Gomez, what are you-”
“Larissa, you like her, yes?”
“Who are you-” Larissa’s eyes went wide, then her face flushed as she realized to whom Gomez was referring. Of course he’d caught on - the boy was no fool when it came to romance, and he’d caught her staring at you when she thought you weren’t looking more than once. 
“Yes,” she relented with a huff and an eye roll. “But it doesn’t matter, it’s not like I compare to Morticia anyway.” There was a hint of sadness in her voice, her blue eyes wavered a bit and she cast them to the floor. She was not going to cry, not in front of Gomez.
“Larissa, how could she not love you?!” Gomez lifted Larissa’s chin to hold her gaze and she rolled her eyes at the boy. 
“What do you want?” She narrowed her eyes at him, critically searching his face for any signs of mischief - he’d never been this kind to her, she suspected he mostly hung out with you guys to get closer to Morticia. 
Gomez let out a long sigh. “It’s obvious you have eyes for Y/N. And I’ve been trying to court Tish for a while now. Both can’t happen if they’re still all over each other. And I’d like to ask Tish to the Rave’n this year.”
 what does this have to do with me?”
“You have to distract Y/N.”
Larissa snorted. “So that you can make a move on Morticia. Right. And how do you suppose I do that, Gomez? Morticia’s all over her.”
“She’s very good at botany. She could tutor you. You get close, spend some time together, just the two of you. Give me time to woo Morticia.”
“But I don’t need a tutor, I’m the best in our class
“You don’t have to need one,” Gomez rolled his eyes. “Just pretend to need one.”
Larissa chewed her bottom lip as she considered his proposal. Just then, your melodic laughter floated from the quad and caught her attention. She looked over his shoulder just in time to see Morticia pull you onto her lap and tuck your hair behind your ear. Her stomach dropped, a familiar twinge of jealousy burning bright in her chest, licking at her ribcage like an untamed flame.
“Fine,” she snapped. “I’ll do it. This better be worth it.” 
“Tish,” you cried out between giggles as the dark-haired girl pulled you onto her lap and brushed your hair off your face, tucking it behind your ear. 
“Yes, mon cher?” She raised her eyebrows and grinned down at you, causing you to blush deeply and look away. Your eyes met Larissa’s across the quad. She seemed upset somehow, and you offered her a sheepish smile. Even with a frown on those pouty red lips, you thought she was the most beautiful girl at Nevermore, and your stomach did a backflip imagining it was Larissa pulling you into her lap, not Morticia. Maybe if you could somehow get her alone, if she weren’t so damn shy around you

Sunday rolled around and that meant it was finally time to go shopping with Morticia and Larissa. Once you were ready, you burst into the girl’s shared dorm room, a wide grin spread on your face. 
“Mooorning, ladies, are we ready?” You sing-songed, plopping down on Morticia’s bed and watching as she sauntered over to give you a hug. 
“Nearly,” she said. “If that one finishes her makeup soon.” She jerked her thumb at Larissa who sat at her vanity in the corner, applying her lipstick. Larissa paused mid-stroke, looking mildly annoyed, and furrowed her brows. 
“Take your time,” you cooed from across the room, before an argument could ensue. “You’ll look gorgeous.” 
Larissa’s cheeks reddened, she quickly averted her gaze and focused on her reflection in the mirror, a slight tremor overcoming her hands. Morticia sighed dramatically and sat down next to you on the bed, handing you her brush in a silent command to brush her hair, which you happily took over for her, while keeping an eye on the blonde from the corner of your eye. 
Ten minutes later you were out the door, following the roommates down the winding staircase of Ophelia Hall, trying to keep yourself from staring at Larissa. She looked stunning today, her long, silvery blonde hair pulled away from her face, curled into an elegant ponytail. Whenever she pulled back her hair, it emphasized her smooth, porcelain cheekbones and arched brows, drawing attention to the sapphire pools of her eyes
 And then there was the matter of her style, so different from Morticia’s and even your own. A high-cut white turtleneck, with a long gold skirt and a matching coat. Oh shit, now you were staring. You coughed and covered your face to hide your blush and followed your friends outside.
The taxi ride to Burlington was a bit tense, as the cab driver was suspicious of outcasts, and Morticia’s goth aesthetic coupled with Larissa’s impressive height never failed to make them stick out. The three of you breathed a collective sigh of relief as you were all but dumped outside the mall entrance.
Morticia set the pace for the day, as she usually did, dragging the two of you in and out of various shops until she found something worth trying on, which was how you found yourself sitting on a chair in a dressing room, waiting for Morticia to try on outfit after outfit. For each dress, she gave you quite the show, twirling around and showing off, tossing you a wink and blowing kisses in your direction. You humored her, giving her the “oohs” and “ahhs” she so desperately desired, telling her which dresses were “simply made for you!”
Little did you know, Larissa was watching from the sidelines, absolutely seething. Seeing how you responded to Morticia, to the dark, provocative things Morticia tried on
 so completely the opposite of the conservative, drab things she herself normally wore. If she was going to get your attention, she was going to have to step up her game.
“Larissa, did you find anything?” You asked her softly, noticing that the blonde was lost in her own thoughts. 
“I did, in fact,” she answered rather smugly, brushing past you towards a changing room and all but slamming the door behind her.
Minutes later, the door to Larissa’s changing room opened. She emerged and your breath caught in your throat. 
“Rissa?” She looked
 different, that was for sure. The sleeveless black gown was a stark contrast to her alabaster skin, you racked your brain but you weren’t sure you’d ever seen her wear all black before. It clung to her curves like a second skin, leaving little to the imagination, bringing a flush to your cheeks. Her breasts all but spilled out the top - you were sure you’d heard her complain before about Morticia wearing similar low-cut pieces.
“Do you like it?” She was breathless and looked very eager, a shy smile plastered on her face, cheeks dusted pink, and you thought it was the cutest smile you’d ever seen - you couldn’t possibly tell her you thought it was a bit
 out of place on her. Maybe she wanted to branch out a bit? And you had to admit you didn’t really mind the extra bit of skin showing. You bit your lip and nodded, relishing in the grin that spread across her face at your approval.
“God, I’m exhausted after all that shopping,” you giggled a short while later, as the three of you stood in line at the food court. “I can’t wait to sit down and eat.”
“Rest your head on my shoulder, mon cher, it’s the perfect height,” Morticia cooed, drawing you into her and allowing you to rest against her. You hummed absentmindedly and Larissa’s shoulders stiffened from where she towered over the two of you. You eyed her with interest, wondering why she was suddenly so tense, but you didn’t have time to linger on the thought as Morticia pushed you up to the counter to order lunch for the three of you.
You were always the first to arrive to botany class, and as such you saved your friends' seats around you. Soon after, Morticia arrived, Gomez trailing behind her like a lost puppy. She slid into the empty chair next to you and Gomez took a seat at the table behind you. 
“Where’s Larissa?” You craned your neck towards the door, wondering if you’d somehow missed her. 
Morticia let out a groan and pinched the bridge of her nose. “She’s having some sort of identity crisis. She’s coming.” She sounded annoyed, and just as you were about to ask her what exactly she meant by “identity crisis”, Larissa walked into the classroom.
It quickly became apparent what Morticia had meant. The girl had traded her signature cherry-red lipstick for something darker, a plum color similar to what Morticia generally opted for, and even her eye makeup was considerably darker than usual. She also seemed
 shorter somehow? You couldn’t quite place it, but she didn’t seem to tower over everyone quite as much as she usually did. She took her place behind you, next to Gomez, and you turned around, worry marring your features. 
“Larissa, are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” Her eyes widened imperceptibly, brows knitting together as she offered you an unnerving grin.
“It’s just
 yeah. Nevermind. You look good,” you offered weakly, smiling and turning back around as your botany teacher, Ms. Morrison, was starting the lesson.
“Miss Weems, we’re looking at Triphyophyllum peltatum today. Could you be so kind as to tell the class which family this plant belongs to?”
 is it Droseraceae?”
Ms. Morrison’s brow creased. “Unfortunately, Miss Weems, that is incorrect. I expected better from you.”
You stole a glance at Larissa, who gazed sheepishly down at her desk. It went like this a few more times, Larissa answering questions incorrectly and Ms. Morrison becoming increasingly more annoyed. 
When the bell rang, you felt a hand on your shoulder. Looking up, it belonged to Larissa. She was definitely closer to your height now. Weird. You were brought out of your daze at her next words.
“You’re good at botany, right?” She fiddled nervously with the hem of her blazer.
“I mean, I think I’m pretty decent, yeah.”
 clearly I’m pretty shit at it. There’s no way I’m passing the midterm like this. Do you think you could tutor me this semester?”
You were taken aback by the request - you’d always thought Larissa was intelligent, way smarter than you were, she was top of nearly every class. You’d never dreamed of having to tutor her in anything. But judging by today’s lesson she really was struggling, and you would never pass up the opportunity to finally get to spend some one on one time with her - away from Morticia’s prying eyes, no less.
“Of course, Larissa. I would love to. How about you come to my room after dinner, my roommate won’t be there and it’ll be quiet,” you grinned at the flush this brought to Larissa’s face. She agreed and you parted ways, spending the rest of your day with your head in the clouds, daydreaming about your study date with Larissa.
After dinner you all but ran up to your dorm room. This would be the first time you’d spent time alone with Larissa and even though you knew it was only a study date, you wanted to impress her anyway. You freshened up your makeup and decided to throw on your favorite forest green cardigan, just as you heard a knock on your door.
With a deep breath, you opened the door. Larissa stood before you, her makeup still, well, extremely overdone. She wore a short skirt paired with a black, lacy blouse that had nearly all the buttons undone, drawing attention to her cleavage and the scarlet bra she wore underneath. You gulped and drew your attention back to her face, stepping back a bit to allow Larissa to step into your room and (hopefully) giving you time to cool the blush on your cheeks.
“Make yourself comfortable. Do you want something to drink? Tabitha convinced Ms. Morrison to let us get a mini fridge in here and we just stocked it up last weekend. Or I could make you tea or something?”
“Tea would be lovely,” Larissa smiled shyly, sitting gingerly at the edge of your bed and playing with the hem of her skirt. 
You plugged in your electric kettle and waited for the water to boil, a comfortable silence falling over the dorm room as you prepared two mugs. The tea bags were on a shelf next to your desk, just out of your reach, and you grunted as you pushed yourself onto your toes, stretching out to grasp for the box.
“Rissa,” you complained loudly, turning towards her and giving her your best pitiful pout. “I’m too short. Can you reach the tea bags for me?”
Larissa made to stand up, then hesitated a moment, hovering over the edge of the bed. “Umm
 I don’t know. I
 yeah I’ll see
” she stepped over to the shelf, reaching towards the box but her arm wasn’t quite long enough. “Sorry
 I can just climb on the desk though, it’s fine.” She seemed frustrated with herself as she clambered up in order to reach the shelf and pull down the box of tea bags for you.
You took the box from her, eyeing her as she slipped back down and stood there awkwardly as if waiting to be dismissed. 
“Did you shapeshift?” you asked quietly, watching Larissa out of the corner of your eye as you poured the boiling water into the mugs. Larissa nodded, folding her arms across her chest and seemingly caving in on herself, eyes trained on the water kettle in your hand.
You nodded back, not wanting to make her more uncomfortable, and handed her one of the mugs, a white mug with a rainbow unicorn. 
 Larissa Weems is bad at botany?” you teased, pinching her side and moving to sit on your bed, curling your legs under you and patting the empty spot at your side.
Larissa looked like she was about to argue, then thought better of it and swallowed thickly, coming to sit beside you. 
“Y-yes, well I took a look at the homework that’s due next week and I don’t understand any of it, I’m afraid.”
“Then let’s start there,” you gave her a reassuring smile and grabbed your textbook from where you’d tossed it at the foot of the bed earlier, scooting closer to her until your thighs pressed together and you could feel her warm breath on your cheek. 
As the evening wore on, you’d gotten a fair bit of studying done, but the botany textbook was soon discarded on the floor of your dorm room. The two of you were laying on your backs, giggling about something that had happened in class the other day, when you decided you were going to be brave.
You reached out until you felt Larissa’s hand, warm against your own. You threaded your fingers between hers, lifting her hand up and tracing the faint lines on her palm with the pad of your thumb. You could hear her breath hitch next to you, which only spurred you on. 
“Larissa?” You turned your head to face her, waiting until your gazes locked, and for a moment the air around you stilled, your stomach turning pleasantly.
“Yeah?” There was a beat of silence, the only sound was the rustling of some leaves outside the window. Larissa’s eyes were wide, her lips parted slightly, warm breath coming out in ragged puffs.
The door to your room slammed open as your roommate stepped over the threshold and tossed her bag unceremoniously at the foot of her bed. You groaned, slamming your eyes shut and giving Larissa’s hand an apologetic squeeze. 
“Y/N, what are you - oh, shit, I’m sorry!” Tabitha’s eyes widened as her gaze fell to your hand, fingers still intertwined with Larissa’s. “I thought you’d be done by now, it’s nearly 2 am.”
“It’s fine,” you pushed yourself up on your elbows and gave Tabitha a meek smile. “I didn’t realize it was that late.”
Tabitha offered you a salacious smirk as she crossed over to bed and plopped down, crossing her legs. “So what have you two lovebirds been up to?”
“Tabitha!” You tossed your pillow at her head and she let out a hearty chuckle, catching it and grinning at you, but saying no more.
Larissa was frozen in place next to you, cheeks rosy, twirling a lock of hair between her fingers.
“Can I walk you back to your room?” You slid to the edge of your bed and offered her your hand, praying you weren’t overstepping, grateful when she beamed up at you and took said hand.
Throwing a glare back at Tabitha (who had the decency to at least pretend to look ashamed), you guided Larissa up the two flights of stairs to her dorm room, apologizing profusely for your roommates utter lack of manners. 
“It’s fine,” Larissa giggled, her hand warm and so very soft in your own. “She seems funny, and like she cares about you.”
“Yeah, she’s alright I guess,” you rolled your eyes playfully, having arrived at the door to Larissa’s room. “So, umm
 I was thinking maybe we could meet at the Weathervane after class on Thursday? You know, to study
 or whatever.”
“Or whatever?” Larissa’s smile unnerved you and your gaze dropped to the ground, you suddenly felt a bit lame for even suggesting it. Would she even want to go with you? Didn’t she have better things to do? “I can’t wait.”
You looked up, meeting sapphire eyes that danced with excitement. “Yeah?”
You stood in line at the Weathervane, humming quietly to yourself as you waited for the barista to take the order of the businessman in front of you. A pair of gloved hands came to rest over your eyes, causing you to yelp and jump out of your skin. 
“Guess who?” The smooth, English accent of the low voice in your ear gave her away in an instant.
“Riss,” you grinned, pulling at her wrists. “Don’t scare me like that!”
“Sorry, it was too tempting!” Larissa pulled you into a one-armed hug, which you gladly reciprocated, enjoying the closeness to the object of your affections.
“What can I get for you?” The barista - Kevin, if his name tag was anything to go by - eyed the two of you warily. It was no secret the disdain that the normies held for outcasts, and even though you were used to it in your daily interactions here in Jericho, it still stung a bit.
“I’ll have a cappuccino. Larissa?”
“Could I get a hot chocolate please?”
Kevin nodded, ringing up your order. “That’ll be $6.00 even.”
“Allow me,” you swatted away Larissa’s hands as she reached for her purse and proceeded to pay for the order, then ushered her towards a booth at the back of the cafĂ©. 
“Thanks for paying, you didn’t have to,” Larissa’s voice was quiet, as if she hoped you wouldn’t hear her, and you reached out to hold her hand across the table. “I wanted to,” your thumb stroked the back of her hand and she ducked her head, looking up at you through mascara-coated eyelashes. Your heart began to thump erratically in your chest and you considered closing the distance between the two of you as a shadow appeared next to the table. Kevin cleared his throat, awkwardly placing your mugs down in front of you and shuffling away.
You sat back with a huff, groaning internally at another moment lost to some external intrusion. Even when Morticia wasn’t there, the world seemed hell-bent on ruining every intimate moment you had with Larissa.
The girl in question took a sip of her hot chocolate, setting the mug down between the two of you and pushing it across the table.
“You have to try it, it’s the best I’ve ever had!”
Your gaze flicked down to the mug, eyes drawn to the lipstick mark at the rim. It was the exact shade of plum that Morticia always wore, you noted. You picked up the mug, gingerly, as if it would shatter in your hands. For a brief moment, you wondered if you should drink from that exact spot. Be daring, you told yourself. Your pulse skyrocketed at the thought. How would Larissa react? You locked eyes with the blonde, who watched you eagerly.
You chickened out, placing your lips on the opposite side of the rim and taking a sip.
“Mm, yeah, it’s really good!” Larissa grinned smugly, clearly proud that she’d been right to make a good recommendation.
You pulled out your botany textbook, deciding you might as well do what you’d come here for and at least help the struggling girl a little bit. She was a quick learner, which was good, considering you were finding it harder and harder to focus with her leaning across the table - her breath ghosting over your face, her perfume clouding your senses, her cleavage on full display. 
Your mugs were long empty and the evening crowd was slowly clearing out of the cafĂ©. The sky outside the window was casting hues of orange and pink on the table, on Larissa’s porcelain skin and silver hair. She looked ethereal in this light, her eyes glistening, leaving you entranced. Kevin was starting to sweep the floors, his gaze flitting in your direction every so often - probably a sign you should be getting up to leave soon.
“I think he wants us to leave,” you sucked your bottom lip between your teeth and eyed Kevin as he moved to clean the espresso machine, his eyes wandering again over to your booth. You were the only two customers left.
“I don’t want today to be over,” Larissa admitted with a sigh, pulling your attention back to the striking blonde.
“I don’t either
” It was now or never. “Larissa
 do you think maybe you’d want to go on a date with me?” You held your breath as you waited for a reply.
 a real date?” Larissa’s eyes shone with wonder, her tone was hushed, as if she was afraid you’d take it back.
“Yeah, no studying or anything like that. A real date.”
Larissa beamed. “I would love to.”
You let out a shaky breath. “Perfect. Maybe we should get out of here now though, before Kevin over there bans us from the Weathervane permanently or something. I would hate for you to have to miss out on your hot chocolate.” 
Your teasing earned you a hearty laugh and Larissa took your hand as the two of you darted from the café.
Larissa took your breath away from where she stood at the center of the quad. Her hair hung long and pin-straight down her back, her plump lips were painted a shade of deep purple, her sapphire eyes dark and sultry. Today she’d opted to wear the black gown she’d tried on when you’d gone shopping with Morticia, and you needed a moment to tamp down your blush before making your presence known to her.
“Hi,” she replied breathlessly.
“You ready?” She nodded and you led her out of the school and down the winding path to the lake. Butterflies erupted in your belly as the back of your hand brushed against Larissa’s, and your heart constricted in the most pleasant way as Larissa took your hand in her own.
You walked in companionable silence until you reached the docks. Once there, you tossed down your bag and sat at the edge of the dock, pulling at Larissa’s hand and urging her to sit next to you. 
“Thanks again for tutoring me,” Larissa said softly. 
“Of course,” you scooted closer to her, hearing her breath hitch as your thighs met. “I get to spend more time with you this way. And I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I think you’re really beautiful.”
Larissa’s gaze met yours, hope swirling in those sapphire pools. “You do?” Her voice was barely above a whisper. 
“I do,” you confirmed, bravely tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, feeling her shiver beneath your touch.
“Sorry, it’s a bit chilly,” Larissa giggled, and you took the opportunity to pull her into you, rubbing your palms gently over her bare arms.
“I mean, yeah, you’re barely wearing anything,” you retorted, burying your face in her neck, dangerously close to her cleavage, breathing in her intoxicating scent. It completely overwhelmed you, made you dizzy with desire, and you had to place a hand on Larissa’s thigh to steady yourself.
“I mean, apparently it worked,” she leaned back slightly to wink at you, causing your heart to flutter. “Like pretending I needed a tutor.”
 what? Pretending?” What did she mean pretending?
” Larissa twisted her fingers in her lap. “I-I pretended to be bad at botany to get you to talk to me.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You’d never thought Larissa would lie to you like that. Morticia had manipulated you during your relationship, you knew that much, you were even used to it, but Larissa? You thought she was different. 
“Why didn’t you just talk to me?”
“Because of Morticia. Because you were her property.”
“Her property?” That had you seething. You were no one’s property.
“No, shut up, not property-” Larissa’s eyes were wide with panic now, she tried to lay a gentle hand on your arm but you pulled away as if you’d been burned, sitting back on your heels. 
“No, don’t tell me to shut up! You are like a clone of Morticia!”
Larissa’s dark lips fell into a pout, her chin began to wobble. “No, wait - I mean, I just thought you liked that
 you like her!”
“I liked you more. The old you. Not whatever this is.” You waved a dismissive hand over Larissa’s form, causing her to shrink back and cross her arms over her chest. You almost felt bad at how insecure she looked, but you were too angry to care.
“Is that why you’re wearing all this? Is that what the makeup is? Because you think I want you to look like Morticia?” you spat out. You’d spent the last year with Morticia, you didn’t want to spend another year with her clone. You’d really liked Larissa the way she was.
Larissa flinched at your tone, at the pure venom dripping from every word. “Morticia looks really good,” she shrugged, eyes downcast, twisting her hair between her fingers as her eyes began to water.
“I don’t care what Morticia looks like. That’s just her style. I liked your style. I liked how you looked.” You stood up, slinging your bag over your shoulder and turning on your heel, before chancing a final glance at the blonde.
“And you know what?” Larissa looked up, watery eyes meeting yours, pale tear tracks streaking her cheeks. “You didn’t need to shapeshift to impress me.” Larissa bit her lip as you stormed off back towards your dorm, not stopping until you were facedown in your bed. You were eternally grateful that Tabitha had chosen that evening to spend the night with her boyfriend (“just in case you and Larissa need some alone time”, she’d said with a wink, you recalled bitterly).
The tears flowed freely then and you allowed yourself to cry into your pillow. You couldn’t believe Larissa had betrayed you like that, that you’d fallen for something so stupid. Of course she was good at botany. She was good at everything - she didn’t need you. And did she really think you were so vain, so shallow, that you only wanted Morticia, that you only wanted Morticia for her aesthetic and her body?
That night, you cried yourself to sleep, wondering how you’d ever face Larissa again. Wondering if she really thought so little of you. Wondering if the Larissa you’d fallen for was gone for good. If she’d want you anymore. If you even wanted her anymore. Your stomach clenched and and your heart ached as sobs racked your body, only stopping when the first rays of morning sunlight began to filter in through your curtains and exhaustion finally overtook your body and threw you into a fitful slumber.
You’d successfully managed to avoid Larissa for a few days after that, but eventually you had to go to botany class. You were nearly late, and annoyed to find that Morticia hadn’t saved you a seat. Your usual seat was occupied by Gomez, who was doting on your ex-girlfriend - and she was soaking up every bit of attention she was getting. Good for her, she deserves it, you thought, at least she’ll leave me alone for a few days.
The bad news was that this meant you were stuck next to Larissa. She gave you a meek smile as you slid into the seat next to her, which you returned half-heartedly. You were happy to see that at least her face was devoid of makeup, save for some mascara and her signature red lipstick, and that her hair was curled again and pulled back into some fancy updo. 
“Can anyone tell me which plant we’re dealing with here today?” Ms. Morrison asked.
Larissa raised her hand and Ms. Morrison gave her a curt nod.
“Atropa belladonna - deadly nightshade.”
“Hm. Thank you, Miss Weems. Good to have you back.” 
Larissa continued to impress, even correcting your answer at one point as you worked on a group assignment, to which you only responded with a raised eyebrow. Larissa bowed her head and lowered her gaze to her own paper, chewing at her lip to keep from saying anything else.
The rest of the week was rather lonely. Morticia was distracted, having apparently been thoroughly romanced by Gomez. They seemed to spend every free period making out in some corner of the quad, Morticia straddling Gomez’s lap and giving the students of Nevermore Academy quite the show. 
More than anything you wanted to talk to Larissa, but you didn’t know how. It was like every time you were in the same room, your mouth went dry. You were still wary after having been lied to - sure it had come from a good place, she’d wanted to impress you. But by pretending to be a ditzy airhead version of Morticia? Did she really think you were that stupid?
Divine intervention took over and the decision to talk to Larissa was taken off your hands when you were sitting in the quad, reading, knees tucked under your chin, as a shadow appeared behind you.
“Hey.” Your heart clenched as you realized how much you’d missed that soft voice.
“Larissa,” you looked up at the taller girl - she was definitely back to her normal height, as she now towered over you again.
“May I sit?” She crossed her arms defensively over her chest as she waited for a response.
“Of course,” you scooted over to give her more space. She left a few inches between the two of you, and seemed rather stiff.
“Those two won’t leave each other alone, I can barely go back to my room. They’re just so damn loud all the time.” There was a hint of annoyance in Larissa’s tone and you followed her gaze towards Morticia and Gomez, who were enjoying each other’s company on the other side of the quad.
You snorted, closing your book and watching the pair with amusement. “You could always come to my room,” you offered, somewhat unsure about your proposal but knowing that, despite everything, you’d love to spend more time with her.
You heard a sharp intake of breath and turned to watch Larissa’s face carefully - she seemed to be grappling with something.
“I wanted to apologize for the way I acted,” Larissa began timidly, “I made an assumption and it appears I was wrong. I thought you would like me more if I changed myself. I didn’t think I was interesting enough to compete with Morticia, because I’ve always been second best to her. I didn’t think this would be any different.”
“Well I don’t think you’re second best at all
 not to me anyway,” you took Larissa’s hand in yours and laced your fingers together. “I fell for you long before you decided to become some sort of weird Morticia clone.” It had slipped out before you knew what you were saying, and a heat rose in your cheeks, all the way to the tips of your ears.
“You fell for me, huh?” Larissa’s cheeks looked just as pink as yours felt.
“Maybe,” you whispered, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.
“Then maybe you wouldn’t mind going to the Rave’n with me?” Larissa met your gaze, cocking her head to the side in question.
“Yes! I mean no, no I wouldn’t mind!” You blurted out, internally scolding yourself for seeming so eager. Larissa let out the breath she was holding.
“Be sure to ditch that ghastly makeup though. It may suit Morticia but I much prefer your lipstick.” You winked and Larissa’s lips twitched up into a hesitant smile.
Larissa leaned in, placing a chaste kiss at the corner of your mouth, leaving behind a light stain of red lipstick and causing your heart to flutter pleasantly.
Suddenly, long arms enveloped you and dragged you onto her lap, drawing a loud squeak from your chest.
“Since when has the Larissa Weems gotten so bold?” you teased after regaining your composure. 
Larissa sunk her teeth into her plush lower lip, clearly weighing her next words carefully. “Since I saw Morticia do that and decided I wanted to know what it was like.”
“And?” You were breathless, you were both breathless. 
“I think I could get used to it.”
thank you to @afeatherformills for the beta, as well as my gf for swooping in with some last minute ideas to save my ass lmao.
tags for those who may be interested: @orchidsshine @sapphicsbeloved @scumppa @zephyr-is-tired
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starvingsketches · 1 year ago
Sooo i got myself into a bit of a misunderstanding for using w*ndigos a while ago (no hate towards the person obviously)
I came up with a solution however :3
As a Hungarian "hazafi" i'd like to use a well known Hungarian cryptid/legend/myth(I dunno honestly) which actually has two versions :D
The first one is the "family friendly version" called "The copper tailed owl"
The other version is basically the same, expect something else is copper (you can figure it out). This one is more common as well.
Sure kink this and f*tish that but I ain't drawing a copper di-
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(Hella quick sketch instead of an actual drawing again woooo)
Their story is basically that common child myths like: "will take you if you don't behave blah blah"
When I was young I kinda thought that IF it takes children then what else is it supposed to do with them besides eating them SO-
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