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wolfboilycan · 2 years ago
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irrcdeemable · 5 months ago
maybe we should ... y'know , check it out ?
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"I guess we should...But tell me first, do you have a death wish? Because I get a feeling whatever it we are walking into is something that we aren't coming back from. So...Do you still wanna check it out?" It was a gut feeling on Billy's part, but with all the trouble in Hawkins he wouldn't ignore it.
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cheekypriest · 5 months ago
@black-vvolf ∣ 📿
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"Christ, couldn't look more shifty if you tried. Everything all right?"
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deliciousfear · 6 months ago
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"Perhaps, you're just not tasting the right things?" IT offers, not exactly what the other was saying, but it did understand 'taste'. At least in the eating sort of context, so that was what the clown was going off on.
@black-vvolf // Closed.
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bloodyxballet · 5 months ago
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Dylan was walking along the side walk and bumps into someone, sending him over backwards on the ground. He looks up at the other person and chuckles a bit before getting back up "Hi, I just moved into town and I was wondering if there was any kind of ballet dancing studio around? Doesn't have to be here, I can travel to another place if that's what I have to do." He extends a hand to the other with a cocked eyebrow "My names Dylan by the way."
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anarchy-flagz · 2 years ago
hello cutie kavvaiicores of the internet vvho vvants to be my tumblr kitten everyone else has that one tumblr moot they kissin sooo i needs one to UvvU ppllleaase someone vvho really likes me and vague posts abt loving me reblog this and totally shovv ur love to me X3 pls like all my posts and stalk me and reblog everything and comment smexually on all my coining posts EEEE also vvhen another omega tries taking me U SHOULD LIKE start barking and grovvning and foaming at the mouth going like GRRR HANDS OFF MY ALPHA VVOLF kind of like yandere simulator but also i am very smart i am planning on getting a degree in lavvering at barvard but im not going to collage to get dirty im going to SMART until most of the society vve live in i hate that vve live in a society oh and im a nice guy vvho takes care of all my discord kittens very vvell ;) m'ladies vvhat do you guys say vvill you stalk me or vvill you leave me to rot OvvO
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xavierplympton1984 · 4 months ago
i've had worse injuries than this.
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"I would really hate to see what you call worse than having the whole palm of your hand sliced open dude." He shakes his head as he takes the antiseptic out of the first aid kit and pours some on a bit of gauze that he has out for the purpose. "Now hold still and give me your hand. Let me help you out damn it." Xavier then takes the other man's hand "This is going to sting no matter how we do it so take a deep breath and count to ten before you try and punch me with your free hand okay?" He starts cleaning the other's wound with the gauze.
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eddiespxghctti · 4 months ago
i've patched up nastier wounds than this.
Eddie looks down at the wound and then back up at the other man "What are you some kind of miracle worker or something? I'm bleeding out in a sewer and you've patched up worse than this before?" He chuckles and gestures to their surroundings "Even if you do manage to patch me up I'm still going to get one hell of an infection from being down here swimming in other people's shit with an open wound."
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doctorserialkiller · 4 months ago
"Help me..." Vincent was ashamed of how weak his voice sounded coming out of him, but he couldn't help it. He was beginning to feel weak and cold from blood loss; if there was anyone passing by who could hear him, it would be a miracle.
With the small amount of strength he had left, he tried to pull himself toward the mouth of the alleyway, where he might better be able to catch someone's attention. The broken glass under his hands didn't even bother him, he barely felt it.
Ethan is on his nightly hunt when he hears the weak voice from the alley and changes his course while grumbling to himself about being a fucking doctor and a serial killer at the same time and how it got turned around sometimes. He walks down the alley to see a man about half way down it trying to crawl up to the mouth of the alley with a serious wound in his side. Ethan runs to his side, taking off his coat and pressing it to the wound with all his might.
"You're lucky I was walking by and heard you or you would have bleed out like this. I'm Doctor Ethan Robinson and I'll take really good care of you alright." He could kill him so easily right now and put him out of his misery but his doctor side has kicked in and the urge to kill is gone. "I need you to put as much pressure on this as you can while I call an ambulance to get you to the ER okay? This is not something that is going to be a simple fix, I'm afraid. You might need surgery from the way that you're bleeding but we'll see. I can go with you to the hospital but you'll have to deal with the on call doctor and that's not me."
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vvolfkidscribbles · 5 months ago
I have bluesky now if you'd like to see my stuff anywhere else as well!!
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xavierplympton1984 · 3 months ago
"Yeah, I say that all the time and let me tell you the girls, they don't like it. They think you're trying to get them to take their tops off or something or they think that's what I want anyway." Xavier frowns then nods his head "Not a problem, I listen to people all damn day, so I know how to listen when I actually want to... being an aerobics instructor sometimes requires you to be a part time therapist." He chuckles, cocking an eyebrow at the other man
"Nice to meet you, Vincent. I just wish it were under better circumstances, and you weren't hurt." Xavier looks at him and bursts out laughing "That was supposed to be a joke, but you can get me a cup of coffee at the coffee shop on the corner if you want to pay me back or we can get some breakfast at the same place just whatever man." He then gets up and goes back over to the bathroom sink, putting the first aid kit in the cabinet under it "Got to keep in mind that I need to restock the box."
@xavierplympton1984 continued x
“No you don’t…” He agreed with a rueful smile. Never mind all the burns and lacerations and broken bones he’d received throughout his life, if anyone else were to see the enormous jagged brand on his chest, they might get a small understanding of everything he’d been through.
He winced when the wound was cleaned, but didn’t pull away.
“Thanks for your help. Are you a doctor?”
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weaselle · 5 years ago
working some Dead Earth content, here’s an excerpt
The Wer moved through the woods, his wolf beside him. His name was a high pitched whine ending in a quiet chuff sound. His wolf could pronounce it, but he himself could not say it. He could just barely hear the whole thing. Humans could only hear part of it.
Unusually for a wer, he passed as human. Most of his people were large wolfish ape folk. By rights, he, too, should be shaped like a 7 foot tall baboon: long snout, big fangs, largish and somewhat pointed ears, heavy pelt across the shoulders throat and back, fine fur on the face, thick ruff of a beard, long muscular arms, thick strong nails; proportionally larger cranium than a baboon, of course. The first of the wers were made as recreations of the old werewolf stories. Really though, the labs had just regressed and tweaked the existing ape content of the human genome.  The result was something similar to a large, super smart Olive Baboon.
This Wer stalking the forest with his wolf companion, however, was a genetic throwback, which occurred from time to time among the Wer. He looked like a large human man with orange eyes and coarse salt and pepper hair, the pale hairs arranged in a subtle pattern. His canine teeth were noticeably longer than average. His ears hinted at a point. Long arms and dense muscle gave him great strength. His hair and beard did not grow in quite the human way... but he passed easily enough.
His companion wolf,  who’s mannish name was Shadow, was a nano-borg canine, descendant of a population of mark 5 virtual wolves, or VVolves. The first of these virtual wolves were actually half dog, and full of nanobots. Nominally, the nanobots were to supplement mental traits and abilities. In fact there were actually many kinds of nanobots doing many jobs, such as harvesting minerals from a high iron diet and assembling a nanobot factory like a small robotic organ inside the body cavity. When a vvolf mated, some genesis-class bots would accompany the reproductive cells to their meeting, and begin the three year process all over again, resulting in an adult, fully upgraded nano-borg vvolf. This was true whether the vvolf’s mate was another vvolf or a common canine, functioning like a dominant genetic trait.
The VVolves’ human creators had meant to make a creature that was as capable as a wolf, but as programable as a robot. Instead they had achieved human-level intelligence in large, tech augmented canines. Many vvolves counter-commanded their programming and escaped, eventually leading to a good sized population of nano-cyborg wolves. Modern vvolves contained nanobots, mostly wolf DNA, and decent chunks of coyote and dog DNA as well. The nano tech gave them healthier, 40 to 50 year lifespans, and incredible intelligence.
No thumbs though, so when a family of vvolves met up with the group of wers living a wolfish life out in the wilderness of the North American wastelands, a partnership suggested itself. The vvolf pack and the wer troup became a single tribal pack. The partnership was successful, and they became many packs.
In Shadow’s pack, each vvolf was partnered with a wer. These littermate-like partnerships were typically formed in early puppyhood with the youngest wers available, or sometimes with a middle-aged wer whose vvolf had passed. Occasionally a vvolf would lose their wer companion, and re-bond with a child. Shadow had tragically lost his own first werling when they were both three years old. A year later he adopted the semi-abandoned humanlike wer he accompanied now when the boy was 11. That was almost twenty years ago. With Shadow by his side helping him communicate and interact, he was slowly accepted by the other wers and vvolves, eventually becoming a fully integrated and well loved member of their small pack.
But all that was over. Alone, they stalked the humans, bent on vengeance.
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craigmaherart · 7 years ago
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Craig Maher - Scarlet Barbarian - 21 by 28 inches - Digital. The second piece in my Chromata project. Green is coming soon. . #craigmaher #fantasyartist #fantasyart #digitalartist #digitalart #scarlet #barbarian #armor #sword #digitalpaint #digitalpainting #artistsoninstagram #instaart #wolf #vvolf #peak
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bloodyxballet · 5 months ago
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@black-vvolf asked ❛  i wish i could dream of something beautiful or peaceful for a change. 
"Well, as long as this shit is going on I don't think you should hope for it. The reason that you're having nightmares is more than likely the stress of it and that doesn't stop till the situation stops. There is still the possibility that you could have a good dream even with all the stress, I mean I have." Dylan chuckles and rolls his eyes at the other "I'm probably depressing the hell out of you but it's what I read somewhere so I thought I would pass it along. My names Dylan by the way..." He extends his hand to the other with a small smile "What's yours?"
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neon-prison · 2 years ago
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I'm so late to this meme, but I've always wanted to do like an 'aesthetic board' for Vee.
Template by holofishes!
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vexedtonightmaare · 2 years ago
ronan lynch + bucky barnes
​​It was inevitable that Ronan would end up at Caddick Garage. While he was fully capable of doing basic maintenance on his father's car (he still thought of it as Niall Lynch's, even after all these years), the reckless abandon with which he drove it meant he would have ended up in there at some point. One of the fields on their farm was designated specifically for doing donuts and building ramps that may someday spell the end of his suspension. Seeing the mechanic husbands together in town had only sped up the process.
There wasn't anything wrong with the car aside from needing a general tune up, but there was a pull to see them again or maybe talk to one of them. Ronan wasn't sure whether he was trying to prove to himself that the magic of them was real or that it wasn’t. Most people were shitty when you got to know them. Probably he'd be better off not meeting them, ever, but either way he had to know. The angle at which he parked the charcoal BMW in the drive suggested insouciance, but he took his time getting out. There was nobody outside, but the garage doors were open.
He thought he'd prepared himself to see them together again, but even just talking together at the counter, the easy smiles, the way they were angled slightly toward each other, the casual brush of a thumb over a wrist, made him aware of the pulse beating in his throat. Without any particular public display of affection, no one could deny that they were together and obviously meant to be. Between the metal arm and the broad shoulders, no one would ever dare to give them shit about it either. He wasn't sure what was on his face, but he thought there was a flicker of something like understanding on the blonde's before he disappeared into one of the bays.
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