xavierplympton1984 · 7 days
send  “ only  one  bed. “  for  our  muses  to  be  in  a  hotel  room  where  they  must  share  a  bed.
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xavierplympton1984 · 9 days
Send 🔥 if your muse is attracted to my muse'
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xavierplympton1984 · 10 days
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𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙖𝙥𝙤𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙮𝙥𝙨𝙚 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙩𝙨 ! pt. 1 / ??
Here are some general apocalypse prompts for just about any apocalyptic scenario! Send "+ reverse" to reverse the prompts if needed!
𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 !
"What happened out there?"
"Hey, keep it down! Do you want them to know we're here?"
"I've been looking for you everywhere. I thought you were dead."
"We'll make it. And we'll do it together."
"How many days has it been?"
"I've lost count of the days, honestly."
"I can't lose you, not again."
"Find anything useful in there?"
"You're not going to believe what I just found!"
"You need to run. Go! Get out of here, I'll hold them off!
"You aren't doing this alone."
"Don't worry, I got this!"
𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 !
HIDE - Sender pulls receiver to a hiding place. They're on the run from something or someone.
HOLD - Sender holds receiver to calm them down after a shocking encounter. Receiver is panicked and doesn't immediately accept sender, but upon recognizing them, they start to calm down.
SCAVENGE - Our muses scavenge an abandoned building or home together. They find something mysterious or worth interest.
REUNITE - Our muses reunite after being separated for some time. Bonus: One or both muses are injured!
FIRE - Sender lights a fire. They sit next to receiver and offer them some food/drink. It's been a long day, and both muses are worn down from their travels. It's a time to reflect.
RIVER - Our muses find a river after going days without water.
ANIMAL - Our muses encounter a wild pack of animals.
BANDAGE - Sender tends to a wound that receiver has been hiding.
TEND - Receiver tends to a wound that sender had just gotten.
TRAVEL - After hiding out for some time, our muses make the hard decision to move on and travel out into the apocalyptic world.
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xavierplympton1984 · 11 days
"i could be doing better but since i'm alive at the moment, i can't really complain all that much except for the fact that my face hurts like a mother every time i move it which is crappy considering that i have to move it to talk." Xavier reaches up and scratches at the side of his nose which makes him hiss at the sting of it "i also have to remember that touching it is also painful but other than that i feel alright." He looks up at the other man and slowly cocks his eyebrow "So, what's the plan? Are we going to go after this dude or just leave him out here? i'll help any way i can."
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@xavierplympton1984 ∣ ☂️
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"How you feeling? Not every day someone flambé's your face. For most people, at least."
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xavierplympton1984 · 11 days
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@hauntedxwritings asked [From Montana] "No one wants to yearn anymore.."
"Well, i mean why should they in a world full of instant gratification? i mean, i would wait forever for something that i wanted but people just don't have the patience for it any more plus they think that if they can't get it in a short amount of time that it isn't worth it anymore. That's pretty sad if you ask me and less than romantic." Xavier looks over at her and smiles
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xavierplympton1984 · 11 days
Xavier looks at the man then shakes his head "No, i'm not the only one here and the ghosts from the 80s aren't the only ones who are here either. This place seems to hold on to the people who die here and not let them pass on but yeah, we're all pretty pissed that we're still here. i will however say that not all of us are as mad about it as others any more. There are some ghosts here from the 70s and maybe some from the 60s too but they've had more time to get used to the being dead thing." He chuckles, putting the knife away "Your boat brings you to some pretty god forsaken places my friend maybe you should get a new one." Xavier then looks out over the lake and then back at the other "My names Xavier Plympton. What's yours, if i may be so bold as to ask."
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Xavier laughs at the other man which he thinks could be thought of as insulting but he couldn't care less. "This is Camp Redwood and i happen to know it's haunted because i'm one of the ghosts that haunt it." He takes out a knife and plays with it as he talks "i'm the victim of a massacre that happened here in the 80's and i'm still mad enough about it that i kill people over it but you're not human are you so i think i might just listen to how you ended up here instead of just killing you outright."
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xavierplympton1984 · 11 days
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@hauntedxwritings asked [Monster Mash] for sender and receiver to dance together to fun halloween music {From Montana}
Xavier looks down at Montana and laughs as they dance "This party might just be the best one that we've been to so far this Halloween Tana. At least they have music that we can dance too and some good liquor." He cocks an eyebrow at her as he spins her around and dips her "I'm actually having fun dancing for once."
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xavierplympton1984 · 11 days
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@scribedhorror asked “ heh … your nose is red. ”
"That's what happens when i go out in the cold weather Bill. My nose gets cold and then it gets red because of the insult." Xavier reaches up and touches the tip of his nose "it's like a fucking ice cube! i knew i shouldn't have gone out there to watch stars at this time of night but oh no, i had to let you give me those puppy dog eyes of yours." He takes off his coat and hangs it up by the door "There had better be some sort of way of warming me up in here or i'm going to throw you out the door and lock you out for the rest of the night."
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xavierplympton1984 · 11 days
"Well, to tell you the truth, yeah. it's an interesting start to a friendship if you end up even being friends after asking a stranger such a question." Xavier chuckles, shaking his head "i think most people would call me weird for the way i like to start my conversations with people but some find it cool." He cocks an eyebrow at the other man "I'm your friendly neighborhood aerobics instructor just trying to get into acting and i need my fun just like everyone else."
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"Maybe you've already met the devil and just didn't know it, wouldn't that be wild. i'm still not all that sure that the devil exists at all so i guess i should cage my excitement at the whole prospect." Xavier sticks out a hand and tilts his head to the side as he looks at the other man "i'm sorry for blurting out my thoughts without introducing myself first, my names Xavier, Xavier Plympton."
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xavierplympton1984 · 11 days
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@historiavn asked Cassandra resting her head on Xavier’s lap <33
Xavier was sitting in the study on one of the couches when he hears someone come in. He would usually say hello or make some other sort of conversation starter but today he was reading a book and didn't look up. He feels someone sit down beside him but still does nothing to acknowledge them so wrapped up in his book is he but when he feels the weight of someone's head in his lap, he looks down. Xavier smiles and puts the book away, starting to run his hands through his wife's hair "i'm sorry i was so busy with my book that i was ignoring you Cassandra."
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xavierplympton1984 · 11 days
"I'm sorry I'm just really not great at directions," Bill laughed, looking around and not finding anything familiar with their surroundings. It wasn't that big of a deal, they would find their way out eventually, but he had a feeling that Xavier was getting cold out there. They needed some hot chocolate to warm them up.
Xavier chuckles and takes hold of Bill's jacket and starts walking "As long as there's hot chocolate at the end of this journey then let's go and find us a way out of here. We could always just walk through the corn walls of the maze if we have to to get out." He cocks an eyebrow at him, shaking his head "You're about like me with instructions, you're just not that good at following them. i'm not to good at navigating either but i think the next time we do this i'm gonna be the one that does your job."
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xavierplympton1984 · 11 days
"Well, i'm Xavier, Xavier Plympton and i'm just your friendly, neighborhood aerobics instructor trying to make it into acting so nothing as exciting as being a reformed serial killer or anything for me." He sticks out a hand to the other man and smirks "Nice to meet you Mickey." Xavier looks around them at the people walking down the street and cocks an eyebrow "Feel like some coffee? i know a good little shop around the corner."
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@xavierplympton1984 asked: "Who are you?" (Mickey)
☠ ― 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑀𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠. | Accepting
Mickey lifts his head from his phone before pocketing it as he hears Xavier ask him a question. "Mickey. Mickey Altieri reformed serial killer, I was once known as Ghostface. I stalked, tormented, and killed people at the Windsor College. Who are you?" Mickey leaned back against the wall he was standing in front of. He grins at the other as he tilts his head to the side.
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xavierplympton1984 · 11 days
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@paramounticebound asked [ FOREST ]  for  the  sender  and  receiver  to  go  on  a  walk  in  the  forest.
"This would be the perfect place for a serial killer to hang out you know." Xavier says as he walks down the path, looking around at the color of the leaves on the trees "i need to stop watching so many horror movies during the Halloween season, i'm getting paranoid of a bunch of cool places." He chuckles and looks over his shoulder at Khan "What do you like about walking out here in the forest besides it being quiet like you most of the time?"
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xavierplympton1984 · 11 days
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@paramounticebound asked ❝ last time i listened to you we almost died. ❞
"Okay, so i'm a bad judge of character and danger levels, i never said i was smart when it comes to either. i'm just here to have fun with the life i have and damn the consequences. Now if you have a better idea to the one that i just gave then you are welcome to bring it up right about now so we can do that instead but if you don't i say we go with my plan which is a whole lot more fun."
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xavierplympton1984 · 11 days
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@paramounticebound asked "Where did this attitude come from?"
"The attitude has always been there it just hasn't made it's full self known in your presence before." Xavier just looks at the other man with narrow eyes "That and the last time we got together you almost got me killed which mean that hell yeah, i'm going to have an attitude with you." He then walks across the room and sits down "What do you need my help with this time or did you just want to hang out this time?"
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xavierplympton1984 · 11 days
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@paramounticebound asked  "Your face is heating up, is it something I said?"
"Oh no, why would it be something that you said? it's not like i was walking around embarrassed before." Xavier looks at Khan and then shakes his head "Why do i even bother to get embarrassed anymore it just makes you happy to see me like this." He chuckles then, cocking an eyebrow at the other man "So, what's going on besides you wanting to get me embarrassed? Anything that you came to me for help with?"
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xavierplympton1984 · 11 days
PROMPTS FOR ANGSTY CONVERSATIONS *  a collection of things you never want to hear
you never told me that. i can't believe you never told me.
what difference does it make?
no, no, no, don't leave me! please!
i failed you. is that what you want me to say?
was it all a lie? all this time?
so... when do you leave? what time? so i can be ready.
why did it take you so long to tell me? how long have you been holding this in?
i was wrong.
is this it? is this all there is?
at least give me one last dance.
all the exits are blocked. we're trapped.
there's too much blood.
you're the worst person i've ever met.
you're just as broken as i am.
i really thought we could work things out.
so stupid of me to think you actually cared.
you're just going to carry on and pretend like everything's fine when it's not fine.
go on without me. i can handle this.
don't tell me i'm too late.
i told you to leave me alone.
there's no use in trying anymore. it's over.
i should have known. i should have known all along.
i need you to be honest with me. tell me the truth. i deserve the truth.
you failed me.
i wish i never met you.
it's over. go home.
i feel something broken inside me. you can't fix it. no one can.
just take some deep breaths. in and out. you're gonna be fine.
you used to be better than this.
there's no way out.
what the hell was that for?
if you stay here, you'll die. do you understand?
how dare you speak to me like that!
am i too late?
you have to believe me. i didn't mean for this to happen.
i used to think you were perfect. i guess i was wrong.
so this is how it ends? just like that?
we're running out of time.
when were you going to tell me the truth?
how long has it been since we spoke? feels like years.
when did this start? how long has this been going on?
you never really loved me. it was all fake.
who was that? why were they here? why did you let them in?
i came as fast as i could.
what the hell did you think would happen?
can i even trust you?
i don't know who i am anymore.
i can't lose you again.
you are my biggest regret.
what good will it do?
just keep pressure on the wound, okay?
how could you do this to me?
i said get out! get out of here!
i'm never speaking to you again.
i tried to stop it!
you're so fucking stupid.
it's never been okay.
good riddance.
get out of here! i'll handle this!
i can't believe you. i can't believe you did this to me.
you were a good person once. i looked up to you.
i never should have listened to you. i'm such a fool.
don't lie to me! i know when you're lying!
why the hell did you do that?
i've never been wanted. not really. not by anyone.
i never loved you.
i've been dealing with this my whole life.
it was all a lie.
you forgot my birthday.
i'm a monster.
you actually believed that shit?
you think i would just stick around and let you treat me like that?
are you actually leaving?
can i kiss you one last time?
i can't believe i gave up my life for you. i gave up everything for you.
i can't lose you, too!
for what it's worth, there's no one i would rather fight alongside.
hang on for me, all right? don't leave me. please don't go.
i deserve better than this. i deserve better than you.
good! get out of here! i didn't want you here anyway!
i made it up as i went along.
things are going to get worse before they get better.
i don't think we're getting out of this alive.
we're not gonna make it.
get the fuck out of my face.
i don't think i'm meant to be loved.
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