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tinymute · 28 days ago
@rubiesintherough said:
❛ please don’t tell me you’re about to do what i think you’ll do. ❜ ( cason )
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She absolutely hated when he told her what to do. Juliette hated it even more when he tried to act like his protest was for her own well being. She turned, bright eyes flashing with irritation as she looked Cason up and down, her lips a thin line of disapproval.
"What would you have me do?" She snapped, nostrils flaring. "Tell him no?! My father is the only person in this world I can trust." A pause as she looked him up and down, her eyebrows pinched together. A few moments passed before her expression softened and she sighed, burying her face in her hands.
"He does not ask much of me. If Mother has gotten in his ear enough that he is asking me to go on this date, then I have to do it. Even if the man is...actually the worst." She grimaced and peered at Cason through her fingers.
"What would you have me do, huh?"
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fiirstnephalem · 4 months ago
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OOC. Sima's baby brother Rue meeting Sima's fiance Wraith though, when? @painofhumanity & @rubiesintherough
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strawberista · 8 months ago
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⚅ — @rubiesintherough asked: — ⚅ ⚅ — Send "Grasp" to grasp my muse's jaw and force them to look your muse in the eye (mahia. Breaking out her rare, stern HEALER™️ voice maybe after he got hurt or smth?? ) — ⚅
Grab His Jaw
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
Being an angel who could heal himself easily, Hanekoma didn't take most injuries seriously, physical or otherwise. He had a therapist he saw when things got tough on the inside and for everything else he would just take care of himself. He didn't put much thought into the idea that he might need care from another person sometimes, especially since, at this point, the idea of looking to other people for help had been seared out of his system. He couldn't take care of others if he needed help himself, so he'd learned.
So when he'd gotten into a fight while he was out tagging, he didn't really take much care to it. He'd told himself he'd just heal his wounds later when he didn't have so much work to do and carried on, regardless of the fact that he most assuredly had broken bones and was bleeding in several places. He didn't need either of those things to function really, so he just turned off the part of himself that felt pain and carried on. Much to Mahia's horror, he had come to find, when he returned home and found her perched in front of his cafe. He'd gotten right to work getting her inside his apartment and set up, but he hadn't gotten very far with that when she started insisting he sit down and let her look at him.
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"Listen, sparrow, I'm gonna be fine I just-- urgk..!" he was sharply interrupted as Mahia jerked his head around to get a better look at the injuries on his face, and he slowly began to come to the conclusion that he really wasn't getting out of this one. "Ngh... Mahia... I'm really okay..."
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lanternlit · 2 months ago
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@rubiesintherough said: [ 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐩 ] : receiver finds the sender trapped and unable to escape from them. ( cesia / lucius )
an old meme    /    PROBABLY ACCEPTING ↷
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❝ Are you... sorry, are you locked in there? ❞
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A stupid question if there ever was one; Lucius can’t think of many voluntary reasons someone might be inhabiting a cage too tiny to properly sit up inside. Shit, he’s here to loot, not to rescue a person. He’s a crappy pirate, but he’d make a crappier hero; he should leave it and get out of this house before someone upstairs wakes up. Really, he should. Really, would be reckless and stupid to stay and try to help.
❝ Shit, ❞    he says, under his breath, glances towards the staircase before returning his gaze towards the woman. He crouches to get on eye-level.    ❝ I... Are you all right? ❞    He’s on a roll with the stupid questions, tonight.
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outlawfcrged · 4 days ago
@rubiesintherough / kiora sent a meme.
"I thought we were going to die."
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"You and me both, pal --" The words were gasped, through rapid breaths as Kay grimaced, the hand holding the still warm blaster pressing briefly against her stomach as she tried to regain a steadier pattern after their rapid retreat. Her nose crinkled, a little, after she processed what she'd said. Super smooth. "I mean, we're fine, now, obviously." An attempt at recovery, a quick glance thrown back behind them again to check that they were, actually, in the clear. "If I'd known the Empire wanted this data kept secure this badly, I definitely would've charged more." Noble? No, but then she'd never been accused of such. Practical? Sure.
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halofcrged · 11 months ago
@rubiesintherough seven sent a meme.
❛ Are you real? ❜
He'd been sat in the med bay since he had made it back to the ship - he was meant to be in route for pickup by a UNSC cruiser, but he'd purposefully rerouted the ship through slip stream to the middle of nowhere while he'd waited for the young woman to regain consciousness, and for Cortana to pick her way through all of the files that they'd gleaned from what was left of the research ship that they'd been sent to salvage. Command had told him to anticipate no survivors, and that his mission was to recover whatever date he could and scrap anything left behind to keep it from falling into enemy hands.
What he'd seen had left his stomach tight and his teeth on edge. It hadn't been readily apparent who had been conducting the experiments on the ship, or who had authorized them. The encryptions were not UNSC. The scientists had either fled and left their work behind, or been torn from the ship on its impact exiting slipstream - Cortana's sensors hadn't been able to find evidence of their remains on board or in their surrounding space. The cryo tubes of test subjects were in varying degrees of melt down or overload. The girl's was the only one that had been capable of supporting life still, but it had been a fight to resuscitate her.
Cortana was still working on decrypting files. All he could do was wait. So wait he did.
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"Yes, ma'am," John replied, pulling the stool he'd been sitting on closer to the edge of the med bay bed. He'd stripped out of his suit down to his under amor in the best of an attempt he could make to seem less intimidating. He wasn't sure it had helped. "My name's John. Can you tell me your name?"
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dutyworn · 2 months ago
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@rubiesintherough said: send ⛓️ to find my muse bloody, bruised and restrained ( mahia )
an old meme    /    PROBABLY ACCEPTING ↷
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She’s not sure if she’s simply been  left here  to slowly waste away, or if they are trying to play mindgames with her, making her think she’s in isolation, but actually monitoring her, waiting for the right moment to interrogate her by slowly torturing her first. Trying to make her more pliable? Wren doesn’t even know what they want from her, that’s the tricky part; she has no indication on what to expect.
That, alone, has her psychologically on edge, and tensing up further when she hears someone approach. Not that she can do much but be tense, the way she’s forced on her tiptoes in the middle of the room. Heavy-duty metal cuffs secure her wrists together, the bands too tight and large to slip, extending from the smallest part of her wrist several inches along her arms; even if she could try to dislocate a thumb or break her own wrist, it doesn’t seem likely that’d help her. The cuffs are secured high above her head, likely deliberately making it so that she has to keep balancing on her tiptoes in a constant effort to try to alleviate the strain on her shoulders, arms and back. Slow torture is what it really fucking feels like; it’s hard to think with the physical strain, and Wren is barely even aware of the other injuries she’s sustained, of the dried blood down her forehead, or the bruising on her half-naked form (they had stripped her down to her underwear).
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More dazed from exhaustion than the relatively minor head injury, Wren is having difficulty knowing how to react when she recognises the woman, from the glimpses she manages, craning her neck to look at the doorway behind her.
❝ It’s you, ❞    she says, feeling a little stupid about the comment, but too tired to truly care. It’s that woman, the woman collapsed at her doorstep on her Citadel apartment a month or so ago. The woman with the wings. Wren had tried to help her, done her best to erase any evidence of... well, her unusual physique, from any security footage that might’ve caught her, afterwards; mystery or not, Mahia hadn’t appeared like a threat, and Wren hadn’t been keen on being the reason someone, a person, from some unknown humanoid species ended up enduring gods-knew-what...
But to come across her again, here?
Has she misjudged her? Is this her captor, or her saviour, returning the favour...?
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painofhumanity · 11 months ago
@rubiesintherough liked the New Muse Starter Call
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"Hi, welcome in," Luke greeted the potential customer with a warm smile from behind the counter. "I'm Luke, the owner. Are we looking for anything in particular today?" As he spoke, he came around the counter, with what looked like a small brown bear in a harness following right behind. "Also. . Hope you aren't afraid of big dogs. Tootsie's on the clock."
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drkroots · 11 months ago
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@rubiesintherough said: “So, what are you gonna do, you gonna kill me?“ ( nicholas / muse of choice )
          supernatural season 10 sentence starters
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               "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now we both know that neither of us'd have any fun with that." Even if she put in the effort, he'd rise again, so what even would the point be in trying?" Laughter escaped lips. "All I simply ask of you is a favour. Hoping that we can strike a deal?"
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potestmagice · 4 months ago
@rubiesintherough asked: ❰❰ MEDIC ❱❱ sender tends to receiver’s wounds ( mahia / anyone you'd like! )
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The dimly lit cave provided little comfort, but it was shelter from the storm raging outside. Cal sat propped against the rough stone wall, his breath laboured. His chest rose and fell unevenly as the effects of the recent battle wore him down. Blood stained his torn poncho, and deep cuts and bruises covered his body. He winced as she dabbed her wet cloth over his wounds.
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xtraterrestrials · 1 year ago
@rubiesintherough asked: “Hey, no, don’t beat yourself up. You just made a mistake.” ( howl )
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"I'm not beating myself up. I'm just... frustrated, that's all. It's such a waste of time."
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fiirstnephalem · 3 months ago
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rubiesintherough asked: 'tell me what's wrong.' ( wraith )
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FEELING OFF was nothing uncommon for someone who struggled to sleep for periods, but this had been different from her usual feeling of being off. Worry about what it could mean had coursed through her, both throughout her shift at work and from her time at home with Wraith with her.
Truthfully, Sima knew that keeping something that bothered her from him these days was nigh-on impossible. They'd gotten to such a stage within their relationship now, where they knew when the other had something that troubled them, or they were not feeling right. No words ever needed to be spoken, their eyes gave them away usually. Luckily, it seemed Wraith had yet to pick up on it and she waited for him to go to the other room before she stood herself from the couch and took off for the bathroom.
You might think that a celestial wouldn't be able to use human tests, but they could, and Sima always kept a couple in the medicine cabinet in case she or someone else needed one. Right now, it was her that did. The moment she stepped into the bathroom, she fumbled to lock the door. Her hands began to shake as she suddenly felt the pressure of doing the test. Were they ready for this next step? Would Wraith be happy? Her mind raced with the questions as she ripped open the packet, almost dropping it into the sink.
She managed to do it though and a few moments later, she emerged again from the bathroom, looking down at the stick in her hands as she slowly made her way back to the sitting room.
Flash once. Flash twice. Flash a third time.
Her footsteps paused as she hit the room, eyes widening as she stared down at the result showing on the small digital screen in her fingers. A harsh swallow passed her throat but her gaze slowly lifted just in time to catch the tail-end of his words. " I --- I --- " What was wrong? He wanted to know? Every part of her tensed up but slowly, she turned the test over within her fingers so that the positive screen was visible to him. She was scared to be elated over the result. Scared that it might cause him to run from her. She couldn't even move from where she'd paused.
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@rubiesintherough prompts from songs on my playlist / accepting.
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thechaoticcform-archive · 1 year ago
“ Why am I here? ”
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"You are in the Summer Kingdom, lady." Oberon smiled and lead the woman deeper into the garden. "I heard you were a healer, we could use one like you in the council."
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chaosfindsaway · 8 months ago
@rubiesintherough sent [ rainfall ] sender finds receiver out alone in the rain ( nemus / aang )
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The rain just wouldn't let up today which made it all the more difficult for Aang to search for his friends. His robe was soaked; his bare head nearly freezing now from the moist chilly air. He walked on until he finally spotted someone - perhaps a villager from a place nearby.
Aang hoped that was the case. He could search for Katara and Sokka later. For now, he needed to find shelter from this downpour. Approaching the stranger, Aang smiled. "Hi! You wouldn't happen to know where I can get out of this rain, would you?"
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outlawfcrged · 5 days ago
@rubiesintherough / aedus sent a meme.
"Listen, I'm not here to cause trouble." ( aedus. he lied like a lying liar who lies. fireirb is always looking for trouble )
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"That's weird, cause the flashing neon sign hanging over your head that screams danger magnet and trouble walking seems to imply otherwise." The smirk that grazed her lips belied the dry sarcasm that tinted the words, a glance given towards the bartender, to flag them down for a drink for the newcomer. Not that she wasn't just as much a walking trouble magnet, but that's what made her run in's with Aedus all the more .... entertaining? "Been a while since you showed up to get me shot at, anything I should know?"
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strawberista · 1 year ago
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⚅— @rubiesintherough asked: —⚅ ⚅— " you're the only one i can trust. " ( cora ) —⚅
In an Hour of Need
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
"What is it, sweetheart? What happened?" Hanekoma ushered Cora in and quickly locked the door behind them. He didn't know if she was being followed in trouble or had an injury in trouble, but in either situation she probably didn't want anyone to find her like this.
There was some immediate concern considering the fact that he was at least aware she was not human. There was ever the chance someone was hunting her or, worse yet, that there was someone of the same species hunting her. The best case scenario would be that she was ill or something because he could take care of that, but he had to prepare for everything.
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"Please, have a seat," he said. "Tell me everything, okay?"
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