#vvip lounge
vviplounge · 9 months
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vvip lounge, millionaireceoclub.com, https://www.millionaireceoclub.com
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scalingsvt8thusiast · 3 months
Skin-Deep Chapter 11
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summary: The one where you fall for Seungcheol amongst all the protests and insecurities. The one where you don't know that he's fallen for you too.
a/n: the first chapter of part 3! this will be the last and final part of Skin-deep. ❤️
Jeonghan pushed himself though the crowd, trying his best to ignore the sticky bodies that were rubbing against him. He looked up to the DJ stand and spotted Soongyoung and Seokmin trying to outdo each other with ridiculous dances while playing what sounded like a remix of Low and Lucifer. He rolled his eyes, they were probably so drunk that they forgot why they were here in the first place. 
This wasn’t a club that they frequented so it was hell trying to even get though the front door. After paying the rude bouncer 10 crips hundred dollar bills to secure their entry, Jeonghan and the other boys spread out to look for their missing friend. Clearly some of them got side tracked. 
“Jihoon!” Jeonghan shouted at a blonde man sitting by the bar. 
Jihoon, who owned half the clubs in the area, had been helping to keep tabs on Seungcheol who had been busy drinking himself to death, partying till the sun comes out and dodging all of his friend’s worried phone calls.
After a few weeks of watching Seungcheol waste his life away, Jeonghan decided that his friend needed an intervention. He still wasn't sure what caused Seungcheol’s downward spiral but Jeonghan was determined to find out tonight. 
“Hey! Cheol’s in the VIP room!” Jihoon shouted over the loud music. 
The two of them made their way up a flight of stairs and into a hallway, at the very end was a set of double doors with ‘VVIP’ engraved onto a gold plaque. Right by the doors were two massive guards turning away random strangers who were trying to enter. 
“He’s been holed up in here every night for the past week, doing nothin’ but drink.” Jihoon explained, giving Jeonghan a grim look. He nodded to one of the guards who pushed the door open. 
Jeonghan let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding as he stepped into the room. 
The volume of music inside the room rivalled that of the music downstairs. There were about 30 people in the room, all clearly either drunk or high. Some were passed out on the floor, some on the tables, some were still popping pills or snorting powder, some downing shots at the small bar.  
“Fuck.” Jihoon cursed, putting a hand to his forehead. Just thinking about the scandal this would cause made him dizzy. 
Jeonghan focused on looking for Seungcheol, weaving in between people who were either busy talking or knocking back another drink to politely let him pass. Finally he reached the back of the room where there was a booth. 
Sitting all by his lonesome was Choi Seungcheol, busy pouring himself another drink. 
Jeonghan stood in front of the able, taking in the hundreds of shot glasses and beer glasses scattered before him. He eyed his friend, lounging on the cushion with half his body barely on the seat. 
“Cheol!” Jeonghan shouted, hoping his voice carried over the loud music. He was pretty sure Seungcheol saw him coming and was ignoring him.  
“You can’t keep doing this.” Jeonghan tried again as he slid into the booth, Seungcheol opted to reply by downing a shot. 
“Cheol, let’s go come on.” Jeonghan implored. He pushed the cup away from his friend’s mouth.
“I’m not done.” Seungcheol slurred. He reached for another empty glass, wanting to pour himself another drink. 
Jeonghan sighed, clearly his friend was too drunk to even comprehend what was happening around him. 
“Cheol, come on, it’s not safe for you to be here.” Jeonghan said, pulling his friend by the arm.
Normally Jeonghan wouldn’t even dream of being able to lift Seungcheol’s weight, but tonight Seungcheol's reputation depended on it. That and he had Jihoon here to help. The both of them pulled their extremely drunk friend out of the booth and towards the door. It was a relief that Seungcheol was too drunk to resist if not it would have been another shit show. Passing through the double doors, Jihoon instructed the guards to start the clean up process
Pulling the Choi heir through a dance floor full of sweaty people was an experience Jeonghan did not want to relive. People constantly stopped them to talk and Seungcheol (drunkenly) tried to buy everyone drinks. Jeonghan, ever the polite boy, pushed pass everybody who approached them, solely focused on getting the three of them out of the club. 
Once out, the pair loaded Seungcheol as gracefully as possible into the backseat of Jihoon’s Lamborghini Urus. Trying their best to avoid any injuries in the form of limbs in between doors and head knocking. 
“I’ll meet you there, I need to round up the others.” Jeonghan said, after instructing Jihoon to bring Seungcheol home. 
“Make sure Hoshi and DK don’t burn down my club!” Jihoon shouted as he drove off.
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The boys were standing around Seungcheol’s kitchen counter, discussing their friend who was currently passed out on his couch in the living room. 
“I still don’t understand why he’s acting like this.” Seokmin said, leaning against the counter, “He asked me to bail him out of jail last week! He crashed his brand new Lambo into some guys gate!” 
“He called me up the other day to ask for some weed? I don’t even smoke weed??” Soonyoung said, sipping on a carton of milk.
“The other day he got kicked out of some club, I went to get him and let me tell you, my car still smells like vomit.” Seungkwan said, crinkling his nose. 
“I’m not letting him near another one of my clubs if he’s going to keep doing illegal shit.” Jihoon warned, typing furiously on his phone, still working on cleaning up the mess Seungcheol left at the club.  
Jeonghan was silent, trying to gather his thoughts. He still wasn’t sure what had gotten into Seungcheol. He had tried contacting you but you were unreachable.  
Just then, Joshua popped into the kitchen, greeting everyone cheerily.
“Hey! How was the club?” 
In return, he received tired looks and frustrated groans.
“Not very good I assume.” Joshua said with a nervous chuckle. 
Jeonghan gave him a weak smile. “Did you find anything?” 
“Oh!” Joshua approached the counter, “I did!” 
“While we were off saving our friend out there, Joshua here spoke to someone who works for Cheol's parents.” Jeonghan explained, putting a hand on Joshua’s shoulder. 
The boys gathered around the counter, hoping Joshua could shed some light on why their friend was so intent on destroying his life.
“So apparently, a few weeks ago, Seungcheol brought y/n to meet his parents.” Joshua started. “His parents liked her, said she was hardworking, was a good daughter. But apparently not good enough for their son.”
“What?” Soonyoung whispered, eyes widening.
“They said something about her not being raised for their lifestyle, and how Cheol needs someone similar to him as a wife.” Joshua said, rolling his eyes. 
Seokmin’s hand was over his mouth in shock. “That’s crazy.”
“Yea but Seungcheol was having none of it, apparently he stormed out with y/n and flipped his parents off.” Joshua said, nodding his head. “Ok, maybe he didn’t flip his parents off but that’s besides the point.”
“Good on Cheol!” Soonyoung said with his fist in the air. 
“That’s not the end.” Joshua continued, “Apparently the next day, Seungcheol went back to talk to his parents again and there was a shouting match in his father’s office.”
“His father gave him an ultimatum, break up with y/n or he will make her life hell.” Joshua paused for dramatic effect. “He threatened to find her parents and put them out of business, he said he’d make sure that she would never find a job anywhere in the world.”
“That’s fucked!” Seokmin cried leaning forward, immersed in the story.
“So now they’re using her to make Seungcheol take over the business.” Joshua explained with a sad sigh, “They aren’t giving him a choice.” 
“Wait, I’m sorry.” Seungkwan, who was suspiciously quiet the whole time, finally spoke up, “His parents want to do what?”
“Bro, were you even listening, they’re gonna put her parents out of business!” Soonyoung said slowly, over-enunciating every word into Seungkwan’s ear.
“I know, you idiot.” Seungkwan said, pushing Soonyoung away. “Why do they think they can do that?” 
“It’s cause they’re rich and they think they can play with people’s lives, Kwan.” Jihoon said, peering at his friend. “Were you not here during the story?” 
“Oh my god, you guys don’t know.” It dawned on Seungkwan that he was the only person privy to this information.
“What do we not know?” Jeonghan bit out impatiently. 
“Do you all know who y/n is?” Seungkwan started. 
“Er, y/n is y/n, have you finally lost it?” Seokmin said, preparing to call an ambulance. 
Seungkwan shook his head. “Awhile ago, I followed my dad on a business trip. We were doing a house visit to one of my dad’s last remaining clients. My dad doesn’t work for just anybody right, I mean, he’s semi-retired. All he does these days is sail boats, golf-“
“Kwan, we don’t have all night.” Jihoon motioned for him to continue. 
“Right sorry. So the business trip.” Seungkwan cleared his throat and continued, “we went to this gorgeous castle in some part of England right and my god, you guys wouldn’t believe how bloody loaded these people were. My dad said that the castle was their summer home!” 
“How is this relevant?” Jeonghan said, rubbing his temples, the night finally getting to him.
“No you don’t understand,” Seungkwan spluttered. “Y/n’s dad was the client we were meeting!” 
Everybody’s eyes widened. “What?”
“My dad said that her dad was one of the world’s biggest developers with projects all around world! I heard he’s responsible for half the development of China!” Seungkwan exclaimed. “I met her at that meeting, that's how I actually knew her before uni!” 
“These people are so loaded, they could probably burn money to power an entire city and still have tons left to spare.” Seungkwan threw his hands up in the air. “That’s not all! Apparently, y/n is a double heiress. Her mother inherited one of the biggest fashion companies in the world!”
“oh my god, you mean LVMH?” Joshua blurted out. 
“YES THAT ONE!” Seungkwan cried. 
“Wait a minute, I think I know her parents!” Jeonghan said, pulling out his phone, quickly searching for a photo and showing Seungkwan.
“YES! Those are her parents! Auntie and Uncle Chwe.” 
“I didn’t even know y/n’s last name was Chwe.” Soonyoung muttered thoughtfully.  
“Not to be that person but if she’s so well off, why does she put herself through so much?” Seokmin pointed out, ignoring his friend’s idiocy.
All the boys had always felt horrible watching you run from class and to work, sometimes going to the extent of starving yourself when you couldn’t afford a meal.
“She told me she wanted to try surviving on her own in uni. Her parents didn’t mind, they’re calling it a ‘character building exercise’.” Seungkwan nodded with his arms crossed, as if he understood them. In reality, he did not. 
“Ok, great, she’s rich. Good to know.” Jihoon said, expressionless, “Back to our main problem, the drunk in the living room?”
“Don’t you see? The problem doesn’t exist!” Seungkwan beamed. “His parents think she’s not good enough? She’s literally better than them by a billion fold. His parents want to ruin her family business? Literally HOW do you ruin a business that is bigger than yours and has been running for decades?” 
Soonyoung scoffed, “His parents should be wondering if Cheol is good enough for her!”
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Seungcheol was lying on the couch in his living room. He had been awake for around half an hour. He could hear his friends having their clandestine conversation in the kitchen. Instead of joining them, he decided to stay horizontal awhile longer, appreciating the cleanliness of his ceiling. 
“You’re awake.” 
Seungcheol didn’t bother to look at Joshua. He knew his friends were just trying to help but he never asked for it, he wished they would just let him rot in peace.
“Can’t you all just leave me alone?” Seungcheol demanded.
“You’re acting like a child.” Jeonghan said, joining Joshua by the couch.
“What are you? My dad?” Seungcheol bit back.
“Cheol, I hate to say this but you’re being incredibly immature.” Joshua said in his gentle manner. 
“And you sounds like my mother.” Seungcheol said, monotonously.
“I’m tired, I’m going home.” Jihoon announced while opening the main door. “Oh and Cheol? 5 weeks ban.”
Jihoon left without another word. 
Seungcheol rolled his eyes. Jihoon was being dramatic. He owned clubs for fuck’s sake, there’s always going to be drugs and alcohol. 
“Look, we know about what happened with y/n.” 
At the mention of your name, Seungcheol felt his heart clench. 
“We can help you, Cheol.” Jeonghan begged, “If you'd just talk to us-“
“How on earth are you going to help me?” Seungcheol exploded as he sat up, adjusting himself so he was facing two of his oldest friends. 
“Let me tell you what I did.” Seungcheol seethe with anger as he began counting off. 
“I let the love of my life be bullied and disrespected by my parents! I sent her home and didn’t even apologise for what they said! I couldn’t bring myself to speak to her for days! I put her and her family in severe danger thanks to my deranged parents!”
Seungcheol furiously wiped away the tears flowing down his cheeks with shaky hands.
“Cheol, we-“
“I promised her-,” Seungcheol continued, not caring that he had cut Jeonghan off. “Promised that I was hers and would always be there for her. I promised that I would always make her happy.”
Seungcheol gave a empty laugh, “I’ve failed on both accounts.”
After his father’s warning, Seungcheol spent a week delaying any talks of breaking up with you. He wanted to bask in the last few moments of happiness he had with you as his girlfriend. Granted he couldn’t actually see you out of fear, he would regularly keep tabs on you. When he realised how much pain he was causing you, he couldn’t handle it and finally pulled the trigger. 
He wanted to do it over phone call but he knew once he heard your voice, it would render him powerless. So he chose the coward’s way out and broke up with you via text message. 
“So please, enlighten me!” Seungcheol fumed, “How on earth do you plan on helping me?”
Jeonghan and Joshua exchanged glances. Unsure on how to proceed from there.
“That’s what I fucking thought.” Seungcheol snarled and lied back down. 
“My God, be for-fucking real!” Seungkwan, having enough of his friend's behaviour, stomped over from the kitchen. 
Seungcheol groaned and shut his eyes tightly. He grabbed the nearest pillow and covered his face. 
“Your parents are assholes, boo-fucking-hoo.” Seungkwan fumed. “Newsflash, you think all of our parents are angels? You think I love my dad pressuring me everyday to become a lawyer?”
“No, he needs to hear this.” Seungkwan snapped at Joshua before turning his attention back to Seungcheol.
“Admitting you fucked up is one thing, but doing nothing about it is another thing. You claim that you love her so much and yet you’re not even trying to get her back? All because what?” Seungkwan waved his hands in the air. “You’re trying to protect her? What makes you think she needs your protection?” 
“You are a pathetic excuse for a man and I sincerely hope that y/n never forgives you.” Seungkwan sneered. 
“Kwan, that’s enough. I think he gets it.” Joshua said, pulling the younger man back. 
Soonyoung and Seokmin’s were hugging each other, absolutely horrified. They had never seen Seungkwan lose his shit like that.  
“Whatever, I’m leaving. Talk to me when you fucking get your shit together.” Seungkwan said grabbing his car keys.
Seungcheol could hear the door slam shut. He kept the pillow pressed on his face.
He knew Seungkwan was right. He didn’t deserve you. He couldn’t even go against his family to protect you. He was pathetic. 
Jeonghan sighed, 
“Cheol, there’s some things we need to tell you about y/n.”
a/n2: Extremely long chapter :D hope you all enjoy
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enigma-and-oasis · 1 month
Just thinking about writing a one-shot of Club Owner!Toji being this cunning yet laid-out man who decides to hit on you after staring at the tight Givenchy dress you're wearing on the dance floor and decides to take you to his VVIP lounge to have his way with you and fuck you ruthlessly raw on the leather sofa, eat you out from both your holes and your hands clasped in his as he dominates you😏😏😏😏
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Reader telling off and piquing Sammy’s interest pls
Roll up roll up, time for Samuel's degradation hours. Er... so you know how I said I don't really do NSFW? This is a little steamy. Just a touch. A tad.
This is the first time I've even tried to write NSFW, IT ALL JUST CAME OUT (that's what she said). I am so so sorry if this is completely off the mark of what you asked!
Samuel Seo x Reader: Degradation
A little NSFW
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You've been a thorn in Samuel's side for the last couple months. A VVIP along with strict instructions from Eugene to show the best Worker's hospitality.
Too bad you are at each other's throat from the moment you walk in.
"This thug is the president?"
Samuel wears one of his closed-eye smiles, especially prepared for the likes of someone like you. He lets your words wash over him, "All the better to look after you while on Worker's grounds, Y/N."
"Y/N? A bit familiar are we?"
"Sorry ma'am," he forces himself to bow.
Samuel dismisses you as another worthless rich daddy's girl, fed full with silver spoonfuls of nepotism.
"This is what you do all the time? Pointless meetings and admin?"
"That's how C-suites at my level operate. Maybe this is useful work experience for you." He eyes you lying lazily on his office sofa. He can't find any errors with his initial judgement of you.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Just that it might be useful for you to see how the way of the world works "
As the weeks fly by, your distaste for each other only grows.
"The president of the affiliates following me around like a dog. Don't you have anything better to do?" You round on him in a quiet corridor, digging your nail into his chest.
Samuel grabs a hold of your hand, "I only babysit those that are unable to take care of themselves."
Your face is inches away from his, "How dare you speak to me that way."
Samuel leans in close, murmuring in your ear, "I will speak to you however I want."
"I can't believe Eugene has partnered me with someone as useless as you,"
Samuel lowers himself to look you straight in the eye and baring his fangs, "Maybe you haven't shown your usefulness."
Each run in with you leaves him more and more heated.
Sometimes at night, Samuel would dream of ways to shut you up. Your mouth only screaming streams of unintelligble words and moans as he uses and abuses you.
In reality or fantasies, the way you look at him stays the same. Eyes full of revulsion and loathing. He prefers it that way.
You are exceptionally vexing and distracting one evening. Taking up your usual position, lounging on the office sofa as he works towards a deadline behind the desk.
You could have left a while ago, but something about making Samuel's life harder spurs you on.
"Enough, Y/N." Samuel has heard enough of your garbage. "I hear you need Workers as much as we need you."
"Excuse me?"
"So why don't you be a good little girl and behave."
Samuel watches you out of the corner of his eye, striding towards him with purpose. You slam your hands down on either side of his chair.
"Would you like to check your previous statement with Eugene? Because we sure don't need your little company."
"That's not what my sources-"
"I don't care what your sources say. If I walk away now, you and the whole of Workers is fucked."
"You should really do your due diligence." He doesn't respond. You know you've got him against the wall.
You lean close.
"You can't touch a hair on my pretty little head, President Seo." You have never addressed him this way before, but fuck if Samuel doesn't feel his body flush at how the words sound coming out of you.
"You can't touch me at all." Samuel's eyes flicker down to your lips.
"And I can do whatever I want." You don't miss the way his eyes rove all over you. You think of a new way to domesticate this wild dog.
"Do you feel like a big man walking around as president? With all these little ants below you?" Samuel feels himself being pulled forward as you twirl his tie around your finger.
Usually he would stop this, but tonight he finds you aggravating, maddening, intoxicating.
"Did you pick out your glasses and style your hair and wear that cologne to impress everyone around you?" His adam's apple bobs as you inhale deeply from his neck, lips almost touching.
"To show how beneath you everyone is?" Feeling the ghost of your breath sends a thrill down Samuel's spine.
"Mr. President, I don't need any of that to show my power." Your tongue darts out for a taste as he releases a shaky breath.
"Let me guess, you rose up from nothing." You walk your talons along his inner thighs, feeling the muscles twitch underneath.
"You made it here and think you can go further." Your hands finally find what they are looking for. You grab onto his hardened length and squeeze.
Samuel represses a whimper, biting his lip to stop any sounds from leaking out. This is humiliating enough as it is. But he is powerless to stop your onslaught.
"You think you have that little badge and meaningless title, and you can speak to me like an equal." Samuel starts to pant as you take his earlobe between your teeth.
Your hand is relentless. You are not gentle.
"You are insignificant. The definition of mediocrity. Pathetic." Fuck. Samuel looks at you with anger and hostility. Never in his fantasies did he think the roles would be reversed, and so goddamn exhilarating. He can't bring himself to make you stop.
"Playing dress up and pretending to be a man?" You backhand him, knocking his glasses askew. Complete desire clouds his eyes.
"When really you're just a disgusting little boy?" Your hand moves even quicker, gripping harder, and Samuel feels his body tense as he draws closer to release.
"Who can barely keep themselves together in the presence of a woman?" You give him another harsh slap, and the cool air stings his cheek.
Finally, he allows himself to groan. Your name slips out unbidden between his lips.
"You will only do as I say, move as I say, think as I say." You suddenly remove your hands and Samuel barely stops himself from whimpering at the loss of friction.
"I own you, and everything around you."
You roughly grab his face, forcing him to refocus on you.
"Now come for me."
Samuel eyes widen equally in pleasure and horror.
The realisation sinks in a split second before anything happens, but there's nothing he can do to stop himself reacting to your words.
You silence his groans with a kiss as he comes undone.
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simply-whump · 11 months
King the Land (킹더랜드) - Whump List
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Whumpee : Gu Won played by Lee jun Ho
Synopsis : King of the Land is a VVIP business lounge, a paradise catering to wealthy hoteliers. It is owned by The King Group, with hotels, distribution companies, and an airline in its portfolio. Now Goo Won has been thrown into an inheritance tug-of-war.  With his brilliant mind, innate grace, and captivating charm, he has everything but lacks common sense when dating. Cheon Sa Rang makes the world brighter with just her smile. She is thrilled to land a job at the King Hotel, where she had some of her happiest times as a child. She must now put those sweet memories away and mature quickly to face the frequent workplace prejudices and misunderstandings that come her way. (MDL)
Genres : Comedy, Romance
Warning! Possible spoilers below!
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Gu Won
Ep 1 : Falls from the treadmill, grunting in pain, accused wrongfully (Gif Set)
Ep 2 : Anxious (kinda on the edge of a panic attack), remembering bad memories
Ep 3 : Uncomfortable after being asked questions about his mom (sensitive subject), heavy breathing, small panic attack — Passes out after being scared, wakes up, scared, falls (comedic) — Drunk, slapped on the forehead
Ep 4 : None
Ep 5 : Remembering painful childhood memories, anxious
Ep 6 : Worried for someone, stuck at the bottom of a cliff, scared (comedic) — Hit with a broom, overreacts a bit
Ep 7-8: None
Ep 9 : Scared, collapses (Comedic) — Hit (Comedic)
Ep 10 : None
Ep 11 : Hit in the stomach (Semi comedic), pretends to be in pain — Hit with a pan (comedic), puts ice on his shoulder
Ep 12 : Splashed with water by a passing car — Teary-eyed, crying
Ep 13 : None
Ep 14 : Anxious, ears ringing, manages to calm himself down
Ep 15 : Shocked — Leaning on a wall, crying, shaky breathing, half-collapses on the ground
Ep 16 : None
>> More Whump Lists
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mystarmyangel · 11 months
[FULL TRANS] 230808 YoonA – ‘King The Land’ Post Drama Interview
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Q1: ‘King The Land’ ended amid hot interests. First of all, could you tell me how  you feel about it coming to an end? It was an acting project that I really put in my very best throughout the filming. That is why it feels even more special when it is wrapped up. As much as everyone worked hard, I would like to thank the viewers who loved and watched it with affection as if our hearts are connected. Also, I would like to take this opportunity to say “thank you, you worked hard” to the director, the writer, all the staff and all the actors who worked with me.
Q2: In particular, it was loved by viewers around the world and reached ‘Netflix Global Top 1’. How do you feel when you heard the news? First of all, I was very grateful when I heard the news. I was happy that many viewers around the world loved it, and I was able to realize it even more because many people around me congratulate me. While filming (Netflix) content, when asked about my bucket list, I shouted "'King the Land' Netflix Global No.1", and I was surprised and grateful that it really became a reality. When you go on Netflix, it felt good that our poster were always at no. 1 or the top few ranks on the main page.
Q3: This time, it is a romcom genre that is different from your previous drama ‘Big Mouth’ which was a noir genre, as an actress, you once again broadened the spectrum of challenge. While portraying Cheon Sarang, what are the parts that you paid the most attention to, both externally and internally? I always think about it whenever I start a new work, but this time, I wanted to show a different side of me from what I showed you before as I am challenging my first authentic romcom. On the outside, I would like to say that the transformation is that I cut bangs. I have never done a project with my bangs cut  before, so I had a lot of worries about whether or not to cut my bangs before filming, but this time, I cut my bangs because it seems to suit the loveliness of the character Cheon Sarang. From the result, I was also satisfied and I was proud that I got reactions from people me that it suits me. In terms of acting, as a hotelier, I put in a lot of thought and care in showing the professional side, romance and comedy parts in a well-balanced manner. I also reflected the details of what I learnt from actual hoteliers, the basic attitude and the serving posture, and I practiced smiling a lot just like Cheon Sarang did in the drama. I also paid attention to convey lines and actions that reveal a sense of duty and responsibility in more details. In addition to the romance and comedy parts, emphasizing teamwork and tiki-taka with the other actors, focusing on emotional delivery and facial expressions, paying attention to the tone and diction so that they can be seen as more natural and realistic reactions.
Q4: In particular, Cheon Sarang was a character with independence and individuality who went through the lobby desk with only her skills and went up to VVIP Lounge ‘King the Land’, the dream of all hoteliers. In the last episode, she left King Hotel and pursued her own dream. Is there a message that you wanted to tell through the growth of Cheon Sarang? Although romance was the main content of our drama, but I also paid a lot of attention to the way ‘Cheon Sarang’ was growing as a hotelier, seeking true laughter, and I also thought that the transformation through ‘love’ and ‘saving’ each other was also a stem of our drama. Cheon Sarang was a character who sincerely thought about the hotelier's life, and she was also a character who knew how to love herself. Because she knows how to love herself like that, she was able to be a person who can hold on to her loved ones without missing them and balance between both work and love. In life, there are times when you need courage and comfort, but I hope that the choice of ‘Cheon Sarang’ building her own hotel and finding her new path, diving straight to the emotion of love, and growing up in search of true laughter can be a source of courage and comfort to the viewers.
Q5: There were a lot of famous scenes produced from ‘King The Land’ that received well responses. What are the scenes or lines that are the most memorable for you? There are many of them. First of all, the Thailand fountain scene in episode 10. I think many people like this scene and atmosphere as it is a scene beautifully expressed like that of a fairy tale or a movie. I was satisfied because I think it was captured well and also because it is a scene where we coordinated on the outfits. And the best part of tiki-taka was the drinking scene on Gapado Island in episode 3. It was a scene where Gu Won and Sarang, who growled whenever they met in the beginning, brought up a little bit about each other for the 1st time, and it is an indispensable scene because Won opens his heart to Sarang who treats him sincerely without pretense. (Sarang starts to open her heart for him in episode 5 where he took care of her and celebrate her birthday. From then on, her heart starts to open up to Won little by little). During the actual filming, there were a lot of difficulties because of the strong wind, so I think that makes it more memorable.
Also, for the emotional parts, the scene where Sarang expresses her gratitude to Won for the first time during the helicopter press conference in episode 7, when Won confessed his love for Sarang in her grandmother's room, and in episode 16, the scene where Won tried to propose but failed to do so and instead, sincerely cheered and supported Sarang's dream, and also the scene where grandma cheered for her dream & handed her bankbooks was also memorable as I was genuinely emotional right from the rehearsal onwards.
In addition, the scene of introducing Happy Hour in 3 languages in episode 1, which can show a professional side, was also good as it was one of the scenes that showed Sarang's ability to go up to 'King the Land' from the start. Also, many people told me that they were thrilled with the tablecloth scene in episode 7, where Sarang informed Gu Won on the work. I thought it was a scene where my heart as a hotelier was conveyed well. I also like it because I think it is one of the moments of 'Sarang' that led to the growth and change of 'Gu Won'
I tried to pick only a few scenes from the 16 episodes, but there are too many (Laughs).
(t/l note: thread in twitter for this portion with videos/photos: https://twitter.com/mystarmyangel/status/1688729110733045760)
Q6: ‘King The Land’ was loved by many viewers. What is the most memorable reaction or comment? Or have you ever felt the popularity of the drama? I remembered a lot of the reactions from people who put the ‘King’ word in phrases such as ‘I’m so King into it’, ‘So King precious’. These were the sincere reactions from the viewers who knew the charms of ‘King The Land’ and were enamoured with it. I also felt the popularity of the drama as the people around me called me ‘Cheon Sarang’ rather than my first name, and greeted me with ‘Hermes^^’.
Q7: The chemistry with actor Lee Junho, who plays the role of Gu Won, was also a hot topic. How was the acting chemistry between you two? In a romcom, I thought chemistry between the two was very important, but we agreed well on the highlight points and I received a lot of help from him. That's why we were able to communicate and express comfortably while filming. While rehearsing on the set, we made ad-libs according to the situation & location, or exchanged ad-libs on the spot while filming, and I think all these small details added to the fun of watching it, so I also had expectations of watching the actual broadcast.
Q8: In addition, the chemistry of six siblings with Go Won Hee as Oh Pyeonghwa, Kim Ga Eun as Kang Da Eul, Ahn Seha as Noh Sang Sik, and Kim Jae Won as Lee Rowoon, as well as the chemistry with Kim Young Ok as grandmother, were loved a lot. How is it like filming with these actors? When all six of us got together, we had so much fun filming that the energy changed, all these scenes were so precious to the extent that I felt it was such a pity that we couldn't do more scenes together. It was not easy because it was rare to shoot the entire episode 10 all at outdoor filming locations, but since we are of similar age, the atmosphere seems to have formed more naturally. And we were able to talk a lot about the scenes even during the break and fill it up with our own tiki-taka.
In particular, among the six siblings, the three musketeers were very important to Sarang, and I am grateful that being with actress Won Hee & Ga Eun made it fun both during and outside of filming, hence I was able to spend our time together even more comfortably.
And more than anything, I was really happy and grateful to be able to work Kim Young Ok seonsaengnim, who is the grandmother and the only family’s member for Sarang. Thanks to seonsaengnim's energy & guidance, I learned a lot and was able to film happily.
Q9: What does 'King the Land' means to you and what kind of drama do you want to leave for the viewers? For me, ‘King The Land’ was a work that brought me to the next level of growth, where I was able to learn and experience the joy of making 'together' while sharing worries with the director, actors, and staff on set. I hope the viewers will remember it as a drama that can make people laugh happily with their hearts fluttered, and a drama that is easy and comfortable to watch while feeling the warmth from it.
Q10: Lastly, do you have any words you wish to say to the viewers who loved ‘King The Land’? ‘King The Land’ finished its run with a full happy ending. Just like the characters in 'King the Land'  who found true happiness through solid love, who grow up amidst sincerity, I will also root for the viewers of ‘King The Land’ to sincerely love yourselves and find your true happiness.
I am thankful towards all the people who loved and supported ‘King The Land’ and Cheon Sarang, this gives me a lot of strength, and I want to say thank you. Thank you so much foo loving ‘King The Land’ and Cheon Sarang all this time. And I would be back with the movie ‘2 O’Clock Date’ by director Lee Sang Geun, whom I have worked with in ‘EXIT’, so please show a lot of interest in it as well.
Source: Sports Chosun Trans: mystarmyangel
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lintasbatasindonesia · 3 months
Dandim 1009/Tanah Laut Ikuti Zoom Meeting Rakor Tim Pengendalian Inflasi Daerah Dengan Kemendagri
  Pelaihari – Komandan Distrik Militer (Dandim) 1009/Tanah Laut Korem 101/Antasari Kodam VI/Mulawarman Letkol Inf Indar Irawan, S.E., M.Han., menghadiri Zoom Meeting Rapat Koordinasi (Rakor)Tim Pengendalian Inflasi Daerah (TPID), bertempat di Ruang VVIP Lounge Lantai II, Kantor Bupati Tala, Jln. A. Syaerani, Kel. Angsau, Kec. Pelaihari, Kab. Tanah Laut, Senin (18/03/2024).  Rakor TPID ini…
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traffic07booster0786 · 5 months
Fast track airport assistance
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With AirportAssist.com, the world's largest and official airport assistance network, you can ensure your travel is comfortable, expedited and convenient. We provide a swift and hassle-free passage through 1156 airports in 195 countries. We provide airport assistance and concierge services at arrival, departure, transfer and transit. This is includes - fast track, meet and greet, baggage assistance, porter service, lounge access and limousine (airport pick up & drop) services for royalty, VVIPs, VIPs, CIPs, business executives, diplomats, families travelling with infants, elderly travellers, and travellers with special needs & language assistance.
We offer services that will help you have a seamless experience through the airport; from the time you step in till you are ready to leave. These services enable you to save time that would have otherwise been spent waiting in long lines, finding your way through major airports, or trying to overcome the language barrier. Travel the way that you deserve to - in comfort.
Our representative will wait with the name board to meet you at the curb, at the meeting point decided within the terminal building or at the passenger bridge if in transfer. (Meeting points vary according to specific airports.)
Our professional staff will keep the boarding pass ready where possible or assist you during the check-in procedure at check-in counter, without having to wait in airport lines. Our representative will be with you to ensure you receive assistance with seat selection, baggage transactions and boarding.
Porter service includes collecting luggage from your vehicle to the check-in counter. Please notify the number of baggage while making the booking. (An extra fee may apply for porter service at certain airports.)
In order to avoid lines at passport control and custom clearance (where applicable), our professional representative will walk you through the fast track process. Each airport varies depending on the specific rules of airports, airlines and countries.
Tokyo Airport Assistance (TYO) offers the finest professional, personalized airport assistance for passengers in Tokyo International Airport, both pre-scheduled and in emergencies. Our business to business (B2B) services also provides aircraft ground handling service for charters in Tokyo International Airport. The Tokyo Airport is one of the busiest airports in Asia and is popular known as Tokyo Haneda Airport.One of the best things about the Tokyo Airport is the Tokyo Airport Assistance. Our professional representative assists elderly, women with infants, children traveling alone and disabled passengers. Our services extend to protecting the privacy of CEOs, celebrities, business executives, and VIPs. We offer airport limousine service, airport concierge, airport red carpet, and airport private transfer too.
Heathrow Airport Assistance (LHR) offers the finest professional and personalized airport assistance in Londonheathrow, both pre-scheduled and in emergencies. Travelling alone or with your family, on a business trip with your colleagues or on a holiday with your friends, we will make sure you are well looked after. Our trained representatives will make your airport experience comfortable, convenient and time saving. We shall expedite the airport procedures while you relax. From fast-track clearance through arrivals or departures, to helping with transfers and baggage, we ensure a swift and hassle-free passage through the Londonheathrow airport. Our Services includes Meet and Greet at the Airport, Airport Transfer, Check-in assistance, Fast Track, Airport Lounge Access, Immigration Assistance, Baggage Assistance, Airport parking, Medical Assistance while travelling and many other such services at the airports worldwide. Check our full service list. You name it and we offer it.
Visit here: https://airportassist.com/
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glamowelltours · 7 months
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Glamowell Tours: VIP Lounge
Our elite VIP lounge can host the biggest of celebrities without any hassles. With the well thought VIP room it is now our responsibility to host your VVIPS with the utmost hospitality. The VVIPs can book the lounge well in advance & avail benefits.
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qudachuk · 10 months
From motorcades to VVIP lounges, my trips abroad to report on Rishi Sunak's foreign visits aren't typical.
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soulrocker96 · 1 year
King the Land දේශයේ රජු
Title: 킹더랜드 / King the LandGenre: Romance, ComedyEpisodes: 16Broadcast network: JTBCBroadcast period: 2023-Jun-17 to 2023-Aug-06Air time: Saturday & Sunday 22:30 KST Heir Goo Won cannot stand fake smiles. When he meets Cheon Sa Rang, her sincere smile is at the ready. The pair seek to create happy moments where they can smile brightly at each other. King of the Land is a VVIP business lounge, a…
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fgcz · 1 year
I'm not sure how I feel about this one?
In season 1 I was mostly confused, maybe because of the translation, (absolutely no hate meant towards anyone who translates, I appreciate all the effort that's made!), but it was sometimes very hard to follow or sentences were very confusing.
I do like that for once BDSM was pictured in a better light (not saying it was perfect). Not a bunch of bullshit and borderline abuse excused by being "bdsm".
Season 2 was better. Less drama between the main couple. Now it was Yuda and Sooeon that were being dramatic, but I didn't feel as invested in them so it was fine.
Season 3....... The first half of Season 3 made me consider dropping the whole thing. It's probably just my personal taste but the drama was just exhausting. Their BDSM dynamic is clearly working really well, their communication in daily life on the other hand... Everything gets better in the end, including their communication.
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com – Selesainya pembangunan kawasan MICE Desa Golo Mori, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur bakal  menambah daya tarik wisata. Diperkirakan, pergerakan arus wisata yang akan masuk semakin deras karena adanya fasilitas Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition (MICE). Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) yang menginisiasi pembangunan MICE Golo Mori berharap nantinya mampu menjamu berbagai pertemuan internasional. Hal ini merujuk pada industri pariwisata yang fokus pada penyelenggaraan berbagai jenis acara. Seperti pertemuan, insentif, konvensi, dan pameran. BACA JUGA: Traveling ke Danau Sano Nggoang, Danau Vulkanik Terluas dan Terdalam di NTT Sebagai kawasan berstandar internasional yang mampu menjamu berbagai pertemuan internasional, kedepannya MICE ini dilengkapi dengan berbagai fasilitas. Diantaranya, convention hall, VVIP lobby, VVIP lounge, media center, amphitheater, observation deck, beach club dan dermaga kayu. Direktur Operasi ITDC Troy Reza Warokka menuturkan lokasi site yang saat ini dibangun berhadapan langsung dengan Pulau Rinca. Dimana, kawasan ini  termasuk ke dalam Taman Nasional Komodo yang merupakan situs warisan dunia UNESCO. BACA JUGA: Terpesona Keindahan Pasir Timbul Taka Belang Sikka NTT Retreat Session KTT ASEAN “Luas kawasan milik ITDC itu keseluruhan lahan ada 20 Ha. Dengan kapasitas 500 sampai 400 pax. Viewnya langsung perbukitan, laut, indah sekali,” ujarnya dalam Media Gathering di Jakarta, Selasa lalu. Kawasan yang akan menjadi venue untuk retreat session KTT ASEAN. Atau ASEAN SUMMIT ke-42 di Labuan Bajo pada Mei 2023 ini pun telah dirancang menjadi pariwisata berkelanjutan terintegrasi sedemikian rupa. "Di sini, sejumlah fasilitas turut ditawarkan, mulai dari hotel dan resort berbintang. Kami juga menyediakan penyeberangan. Lalu  pusat penelitian dan wisata edukasi komodo, penyeberangan hingga fasilitas penunjang wisata lainnya," ungkapnya. BACA JUGA: NTT Optimis Bisa Menarik 1 Juta Wisatawan, Gelar Berbagai Festival Troy menambahkan saat ini konektivitas di Kawasan MICE Desa Golo Mori terbantu oleh adanya akses jalan sepanjang 25 km dari Labuan Bajo. Tak hanya itu, jaringan telekomunikasi 4G hingga 5G pun sudah hadir, sehingga ini diharapkan bisa meningkatkan dampak positif, utamanya pada ekonomi masyarakat lokal. Magnet Pariwisata Di sisi lain, Direktur Utama ITDC Ari Respati mengatakan pengembangan kawasan Golo Mori sebagai destinasi MICE mampu menjadi magnet pariwisata baru di Indonesia Timur. “Kami optimistis dapat membangun fasilitas-fasilitas di Golo Mori dengan kualitas berstandar internasional, sehingga dapat menjamu event-event kelas dunia,” ujarnya. BACA JUGA: Air Terjun Mauhalek di Belu NTT yang Elok dan Memukau Sebagai informasi, Golo Mori telah menjadi proyek ketiga. Pertama, pengembangan The Nusa Dua Bali untuk berbagai kegiatan MICE berskala international. Seperti APEC 2013, Bali Democratic Forum, Miss World 2013 dan IMF – World Bank Annual Meeting 2018 dan Presindensi G20 tahun 2022 Kedua, Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Mandalika atau The Mandalika di Lombok NTB dengan sirkuit internasionalnya. Dimana, bisa  menjadi tuan rumah penyelenggaraan event balap motor internasional MotoGP dan World Superbike. “Progres pembangunan kawasan MICE Golo Mori sudah 100 persen. Dan siap digunakan untuk kegiatan MICE yang dilengkapi dengan keindahan pemandangan di kawasan dan fasilitas penunjang di dalamnya,” pungkas Ari Respati. *** Sumber: Bisnis.com
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mystarmyangel · 1 year
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[TRANS] 230612 #KingTheLand Cheon Sarang's character introduction
Cheon Sarang Lim YoonA Smile Queen who doesn’t want to smile | King Hotel’s excellent hotelier
Sarang, who first entered King Hotel as a one-month trainee. From the lobby desk to the VVIP lounge ‘King The Land’, which is the dream place for all hoteliers, she has survived like this for seven years.
The beach hotel that she went for the first time and also the last time with her mother. For young Sarang, it was a dream place and the happiest time for her. Hence, Sarang chose this hotel. She wishes to present the happy feelings she felt that day to others as well. She wanted to be a hotelier, and she wanted to work at the King Hotel, even if it’s just once.
Everyone expected that Sarang who graduated from two years college will be laid off soon. But with her refreshing smile and outstanding abilities, she became King Hotel’s excellent employee the year before. Last year, she was selected as the friendly employee, and this year she becomes the employee PR model as well as the face of the hotel.
Then, she met Gu Won. He is the director of King Hotel and will be the successor of the King Group in the future. She was caught up in a bad relationship with Won since the first day of his practical training, and she is once again entangled in a bad relationship with him on the first day of his inauguration. Sarang does not has any desire to climb up the social status. As a hotelier, she just loves her job and just want to put in her best in the job. Because Sarang’s personality is like this, she of course won’t be obedient towards Won as well.
When he approaches her with sharp edges, Sarang treated him back with sharp edges as well. Just like strong waves meeting rough stones, they are clattering each time they meet. Both of them have different backgrounds and have different mindsets as well. But as they continue to bump into each other, the more they become rounder (stones) for each other (attraction towards each other)
For the first time for Sarang who has never desires for anything, there is a person that she desires for now.
Source: King the Land's official site Trans: mystarmyangel
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[TRANS] 230612 #KingTheLand Gu Won's character introduction
Gu Won Lee Junho A man who despises laughter | The new director of King Hotel
Inborn aura, cold charisma, a smart brain, and chic charm He even has the title as the successor of the King Group. He has everything, but there’s only one thing he doesn’t have, the answer to that day of his mother’s sudden disappearance. Even though he looks like he has abundance of things, but he lacks one thing, love cells.
One day, his mother disappeared. Not even a photo was left behind, leaving without a single trace. Young Gu Won cried while looking for his mother, but the nanny, the housekeeper, the cook, the gardener, the driver etc, everyone looked at Won with a smile. Since that day, he hated smiling faces.
Right now, he can’t even remember how his mother looks like. Even though his father wanted Gu Won and his sister, Hwa Ran to compete to become the successor, Gu Won did not think of going back and continue to stay in England.
Then one day, an unidentified mail arrived. It was a personnel record card of his mother who worked at the King Hotel a long time ago. Who sent it... what is the reason for sending it... Won decided to head back to King Hotel, the place where all the misfortunes began. In search of a position that is high in position and doesn’t need to work much, he chose to be the director.
From the first day he arrived at the hotel, he met a strange employee. Her name is Cheon Sarang. Sarang arms herself with a fake smile which is what Gu Wo hated most. Even her personality is the disobedient type. However... not sure from which point onwards, Sarang’s smiling face starts to get into Won’s head.
Source: King the Land's official site Trans: mystarmyangel
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xaviersons · 1 year
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CONTINENTAL COOK CATEGORY & OTHER DETAILS Country - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Job Title - Continental Cook (Male) No. 15 Restaurant VVIP OB Lounge Diploma / or not can apply Experience - 3 Years Must speak English Age Limit - Up to 35 Duty Time - 8 Hrs OTHER COMPANY REGULATIONS SALARY-2000 SR (Rs. 44000/- INR) + OVER TIME Weekly OFF FREE - Accommodation / Food /Transportation/ Medical/Insurance etc. 2 Year Visa (Renewable) Any Country Candidates can apply billboard Advertainments Powered by XAVIERSONS ® Group +91 98956 38002 [email protected] www.xaviersons.com (at Saudi Arabia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0HkgcIxf1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thehungrykat1 · 2 years
Arcana Lounge is the Newest and Trendiest Bar in Greenhills
I just found a new secret hideaway where my friends and I can enjoy craft cocktails and sumptuous bar chows in a hip and trendy venue any time of the day. Best of all, it’s located right at the heart of Greenhills in San Juan so there’s no need to go to Bonifacio Global City, Makati, or any of the big five-star hotels to have this luxurious experience.
Arcana Lounge is a new bar and lounge which can be found at the second level of the Promenade in Greenhills. While there are many restaurants along this side of Greenhills, Arcana Lounge is the only real bar in this area so guests now have a new place to visit for daytime drinking and happy hour promotions whether it be a weekday or a weekend.
The cozy furniture and decors inside Arcana Lounge actually look like it is located inside a five star hotel. It is open daily from 10:00am to 12:00mn, so you can start your drinking and eating even in the morning.
There is a DJ Booth in the center and weekends here tend to get very busy. However, if you want to enjoy a quiet and more relaxing daytime drinking with friends, come here during the afternoons, especially with their happy hour promotions.
They have an al fresco dining area right outside if you prefer a safer outdoor dining environment.
Arcana Lounge also offers two private VIP rooms which can accommodate 8-10 persons each for a minimum P15,000 consumable amount. These rooms can also be combined to accommodate up to 20 persons. There’s actually another hidden VVIP room that is so secret, we are not even allowed to show it here.
The main attraction at Arcana Lounge is, of course, the bar. Their resident mixologist comes all the way from Myanmar and he expertly prepared all our cocktails that afternoon.
The best time to visit Arcana is during their Happy Hour from 3:00pm to 7:00pm daily and from 10:00pm to 12:00mn on Sundays to Thursdays. That’s a lot of time to drink and enjoy all their specialty cocktails and beverages. All beers have a 2+1 promotion during this period while their cocktails are all priced at only P199 each.
We wanted to try several of their Signature Cocktails so we started with the Arcana Twister (P420). This colorful and refreshing cocktail comes with Ketel One vodka, Bacardi Carta Blanca Rum, Jose Cuervo Reposado, pineapple, orange, coconut cream, and grenadine served on a tall glass.
Next is the very pretty Violet Sour (P420) with its Tanqueray London Dry Gin infused with blue pea, Giffard Parfait Amour, lemon, sugar, and egg white.
Another option is the Malt (P420). This beer cocktail comes with a combination of Monkey Shoulder Blended malt whisky, lemon, and stout syrup topped with Fever Tree Ginger Beer.
One of my favorites that afternoon was the Empress (P450). This has strawberry yogurt mixed with Tanqueray London Dry Gin, Giffard Peche Liqueur, lemon, sugar, and Angostura bitters served on the rocks. It’s like a yogurt drink turned into a cocktail.
Arcana Lounge also serves Forgotten Classics like the Sazerac (P600). This powerful concoction comes with Rittenhouse Rye Whiskey, La Fee Absinthe Parisienne, and Peychaud’s bitters served on a rock glass. Remember, guests can enjoy all these cocktails for only P199 each during Happy Hour.
You don’t have to let the cocktails get lonely because Arcana Lounge offers some great Bar Chows to go along with them. They recently launched their New Menu which includes the Sisig Rolls (P455). These are savory pork belly sisig wrapped in rice paper then served with spiced coconut vinegar and Sriracha Mayo dips. It’s the perfect umami bite that’s sure to satisfy your mid-drinking cravings.
I really liked the Salt & Pepper Calamari (P395) with its crispy baby squid rings served with lemon aioli sauce and lemon wedge. I can eat these all day.
We also munched on the Gourmet Nachos (P455) with its slow cooked chili con carne topped with sour creme and homemade cheese sauce. Lastly, the Red Pizza (P375) is a grilled pizza with bacon, pepperoni, salami, and homemade marinara sauce topped with cheese.
Arcana Lounge is definitely our new go-to venue for daytime drinking whenever we are in the Greenhills area. Their daily happy hour promotions makes it a great place to unwind after a long day at the office. We haven’t tried their dinner menu yet, but I heard that they have steak, so we will just have to go back another time to sample more of their culinary offerings.
Arcana Lounge
2/F, Outdoor Promenade, Greenhills, San Juan
(0920) 987-7997
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