gunkpup · 6 months
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💖 💖💖💖 Gyaru dog, gyaru dog 💖💖💖💖
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mellifloss · 4 months
Raise the Velvet! EN Cover
HELLO. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY. Please watch my EN cover of Raise the Velvet! Thank you!!
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raravt · 1 month
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Hey beebs! 🍋🪻 I'm opening up commissions for emotes! SIGNAL BOOSTS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED! 💕
Twitter Link: https://x.com/RaraVee_VT/status/1825740882458431760?t=eyvhfyfAnt6BmYfifv2uhg&s=19
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sleepyseraph · 10 months
If you were an atheist and there was a Christian baby who would get you into heaven but you have to then admit heaven was real and be a Christian or you can sacrifice the baby by punting it like a football into the mouth of the God of atheism thus allowing you to retain your faith in atheism, what would you do
I would grab YOU, anon by your turkey neck and dip you in a vat of honey and then in a dumpster full of lint. You then emerge from said dumpster a new entity: Fuzzman (or Fuzzma’am). All the people at school would then make fun of you, teachers and staff included. You seek refuge with your childhood friend, whom you’ve had the biggest crush on since that one time they brought you rice pudding from home when you were kids (only because they made too much). They’re hesitant to be seen with such an abhorrent mass of lint but they do it anyways out of the kindness of their heart. You take their kindness as ample opportunity to confess your feelings. They do not reciprocate. “Why would I want to spend my days with someone as fuzzy as you?” She exclaims in the middle of the cafeteria. Everyone begins laughing, pointing at you can calling you various fuzz related names. You then drop out from shear embarrassment, with no education nor job because no one wants to hire a sentient lint monster, you find yourself roaming the streets of Detroit, cold and starving. You find an abandoned homeless tent with a bonfire whose flames are just about to run out. When all hope is lost you hear the wails of what sounds like a baby, THE Christian baby. You are now faced with such dilemma yourself; toss the Christian baby into the flames to provide yourself heat, or sacrifice your lintself so the Christian baby can live another day, however as you leave this mortal coil you feel a falling sensation. As you hit the pavement of your hell you shock back into consciousness, at your keyboard. Thats right, you’re stuck in an infinite time loop that can only be broken by tossing the Christian baby into the flames. I now ask you, mortal: What would you do?
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unleadedfangs · 11 months
I would like to go on the record:
Candy Corn is actually based. So are those candy corn pumpkins.
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pumpkinpire · 8 months
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TTS Chatbat Debut! Making a cool cool overlay! Chilling out and having a good time! Join me, won't you, gourdgeous? January 16th, 7 pm EST!
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darhumwastaken · 3 months
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thewhiterabbiteve · 8 months
Tabella settimanale
Qui potete trovare la tabella settimanale attuale
Yah, se non si fosse capito, amo i conigli~
Bye bye!
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astrofilsarchives · 10 months
Gonna stream more Archon Quest in about half an hour! I feel the drama approaching in my bones…
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themackv · 2 years
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extralemonlasagna · 2 years
Me heart is like third degree burn, insensitive to pain
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vtuberconfessions · 3 months
Just realized today that a lot of people probably think I'm just a VTweeter (VTumblr...poster?) 😭😭 I'LL STREAM I PROMISE I'M JUST VERY BUSY AND STILL HAVEN'T DECIDED ON A MASCOT
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mellifloss · 5 months
Yahoo!! It's Snufkin time!!
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sleepyseraph · 11 months
notices hot VTuber
eyes bulge out, tongue follows
You’ve GYATT to be be new around here, I’m Sleepy Serizzaph, but you can call me Ohio’s Sleepiest Gooner, I don’t suppose I can show you around Skibidi Purgatorio?
Wait why are you calling the cops??
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(I wasn’t even put up to this as a bet, I don’t know why I’m like this)
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cyber-steam · 1 year
What are their opinions on mortals?
Mortals. I mean, it's half of what I am. But the pure-mortals. Not those who've got supernatural parentage. But true-blue mortal as the Summer Solistice is long. Some can be good sources of glamour for my kind. Me personally. They call it average, but I'm starting to wonder if some people are skewing that result. Because holy fuck they can be stupid. They're sure they're the smartest beings on the planet. But they're not.
So Humans are arrogant, loud, boorish, often stupid and yet can produce some of the GREATEST gems I have ever met. And that's not even counting the supernatural-touched humans at all. They're pretty cool.
Right mortals. That includes pretty much all of you to me. Sure you're stuck in time. But Your souls... they aren't the same. Even if they're stuck in your bodies. Most of the Prodigals don't reincarnate. Ghosts, you already died. Yeah... It's only Mummies that are like us. And they got that blessing FROM the fey.
So Mortals. They're Something alright.
Okay so vtumblr... really it needs a better name. We've got all sorts here now, not just vampires.
But yeah it was stupid and I'm not sure what castle means. So you get THREE for the price of ONE!
Where are they from and where do they live now?
So before I knew what I was I was born in butt-fuck nowhere Alberta. I don't like giving the details, but it might as well have been the states. Anyway, town got hit with a tornado, and the shitheads who birthed me died. I survived, more or less. Lost my arm protecting Stinky. I've lost my arm in every Chrysalis, so instigating incident go!
I took the settlement money and moved to L.A. I'd sensed the beginings of a new Freehold there in my last life and wanted to check it out. Picked up some of the packages I'd left myself in a my previous runs-through this thing we call living. And now I live right near the ocean in an old building, one of the few to survive that earthquake, near the beach that had a gas station tacked on. I adore it and it's the center of my freehold.
What is their opinion on the Camarilla?
They Smell.
Do they practice or believe in a religion? (Kindred or mortal)
I mean most gods are just supernatural beings of varying power. So I'll make deals with them, maybe, to aid myself. But actual worship? Naw. Not for me. I've been around too many times to go for that. And royalty of the fey. They can piss off and eat slag.
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pumpkinpire · 25 days
I MISSED YOU GOURDGEOUS come work alongside me and chitchat while i try to make a logo for myself!
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