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thegrunkiest · 11 months ago
Overanalyzing the Spectral Assassin Dialogue
When there's a character with scarce material to draw from for writing, I tend to read into lines a lot, despite it being very likely that It's Not That Deep.
Lucien Lachance is no exception to this; in my opinion his comments in Skyrim actually offer more hints at his character than in Oblivion (aside from being very versed and pious in the Dark Brotherhood's doctrine - that's a personal interpretation I will not shake 😌). Wes Johnson, as always with his unique voices, also gives us some flavor and nuance to think on, whether intentional or not. Here are my personal takeaways from some of his dialogue!
"An ancient city, Markarth. Built by the Dwemer, the dwarves of old. To think, an entire race... eradicated. Not even I can take credit for that feat."
This suggests to me a bit of an ego. Given this comment it's safe to say he is quite self-assured in his skills and reputation, which I suppose can be taken as a healthy confidence, too. Either or! Though I like thinking arrogance personally.
Also... the way he utters "eradicated"? Sounds wistful, almost. Perhaps he derives personal, sick pleasure in the idea, or perhaps is pleased by the fact such a large-scale notion of death and discord would surely please Sithis greatly.
"You wish to kill me? Someone has already had that honor. Hah!"
"Ha ha! I've suffered worse!"
Could be taken as simple statements - because yes, obviously, he was killed and it was brutal... but what interests me is that he's laughing about it. He's not mad nor morose over his death. Perhaps he's grown to accept the circumstances over two centuries, or sees it as a theatric close to his personal legend.
"Someone has already had that honor" is a tasty tidbit that furthers this idea; I perceive this as an ego similar to the Markarth quote. He sees it as something of an achievement to have been killed: the infamous Lucien Lachance, acclaimed Speaker of the Black Hand, epitome of what the Dark Brotherhood stood for, finally taken to the grave? Be it for false accusations - with his death, no doubt the world became just a bit safer...
"Have you heard the tale of Mathieu Bellamont, and the Great Treachery of Cheydinhal? Kill a boy's mother, and vengeance festers in the son."
The famous line. To me this actually adds on to the above quotes - it's interesting just how... indifferent he sounds about it. He words it as though he's about to read us an Edgar Allen Poe story, rather than harp about some unfortunate events that ultimately destroyed - and prematurely ended - his life. Again, perhaps he's had lifetimes to come to terms with it, but it's just compelling how he's not outright angry. Which honestly? I feel like that'd insult Bellamont more than anything.
"Ah, yes. Solitude. Seat of the High King of Skyrim. Messy business, kingslaying. Ah, but so very satisfying..."
Oh yeah. He's undoubtedly killed a king in the past; it sounds here like he's speaking from personal experience. Take that as you will. Had it been a previous High King of Skyrim, giving a motive to his stated journey through Skyrim in his youth? I'm curious if there's any lore that could align timelines and point to who he could have assassinated, even if it could be chalked up to happy coincidence.
"In my time, the Blades protected the Emperor. It would seem these Penitus Oculatus will prove equally incompetent."
"My time saw the assassination of an Emperor as well. Alas, the Dark Brotherhood did not have the honor of that kill."
He seems to somewhat revel in Uriel's assassination though confesses some... envy, perhaps?... that it was not the Brotherhood's work. He also blatantly criticises the Blade's failure (ouch, man, don't do my boy Baurus like that!) I mean, it goes without saying his allegiance lies with the Brotherhood above anyone else, and he's evil and nasty, but these quotes convince me he doesn't hold any strong political stance. Complimenting the kingslaying quote and in tune with slaying the Emperor in Skyrim. Powerful targets are just high-prized game - and an acclaimed opportunity to orchestrate Sithis's will on a grander stage.
"Yes. Kill the chef, and then steal his very identity. For that is the true death."
This is most likely just some idle ruminations. It has me thinking nonetheless. Not out of the realm of possibility that he's assumed false identities himself to get to more valuable targets, of course.
I have some wild ideas that have branched from this though. What if?... what if he's stolen identities on a personal level? Aliases, if you will. Some serial killers are notorious for it (take H.H. Holmes for example). What if Lucien Lachance isn't actually Lucien Lachance? (Okay, this one's the total crackpot theory of the bunch but it was a fun idea to throw out there)
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gargrizzled · 1 year ago
Old Brood Websites
WARNING: These are old sites. Be wary of broken links, redirections, and pop-up ads. Some of these may also contain flashing images and bright colors(or otherwise any ugly site designs that may be easily irritating); I've tried to flag any of these that are blatant out of the gate.
Children of the Brood
Bloodbath: The Brood Tribute
The Brood Sanctuary
The Brood Home Page
Brood Gallery (+ Other Galleries in Main Page!)
Brood Fanfiction
And as a bonus: An individual fansite for each Brood member!
Christian: A Taste of Darkness (FLASH WARNING)
The Edge Haven (Potential Bright Colors Warning? It's a lot of purple)
Happy (early) Halloween! Have fun exploring 🔥🧛🕶🍷🔥
I love delving into these Angelfire/Tripod/etc. sites and find it a vital part of Fandom history. If you'd like to see sites for any other specific groups or wrestlers, drop me a suggestion and I'll see what I can dig up in my spare time
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phantasm-masquerade · 1 year ago
reblog for a bigger sample size if you feel like it
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nemkero · 10 months ago
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zuko when i make him my oc (hi)
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hipstersoulgushers-art · 8 months ago
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Just thinking about the morons
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boatmediatourney · 8 months ago
🏳️‍🌈GAYEST boat media tournament🏳️‍🌈
Round 3, match 2
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(for media that might not have canonical gayness, use vibes to determine)
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overtheimaginationwall · 3 months ago
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thegrunkiest · 9 months ago
Thank you for the tag!!
I'm breaking the rules but I'm not comfortable even creating a picture of myself, so I chose my original world OC that's very close to my heart and the closest thing I have to a "persona". My boi Tamrace!
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Last song: One-Eyed Willy by Shotgun Willy (EXPLICIT WARNING)
I've been obsessed with this song since my coworker showed it to me 😔
Tagging whoever sees this and wants to try!
@elevenelvenswords cheers for the tag <3 <3
Make yourself in this picrew and post the last song you listened to.
Last song: Ghosts by 10 Years
And here’s me:
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Tagging @alackofghosts, @andtheirlovewasrenewed, @sauron-kraut, @lvsifer, @saintstars, @mostvaliantandmostpround, if you fancy giving this a go (no pressure!)
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wesleysniperking · 7 months ago
Perona v Usopp: Why it was Usopp’s fight and no one else’s
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I’ve been thinking about the fight Usopp had with Perona, and some people say Robin could have taken her on. For a while, I couldn't think of an argument against that, especially since I know Oda gave this fight to Usopp for a reason. The thing is, given Robin’s morbid jokes and devastating backstory, we might think that Robin would have what it takes to take down Perona head-on without much of a problem. But we have to consider how Franky, Zoro, and Sanji couldn’t stand Perona’s negative ghosts.
We can certainly say that Robin is just as confident and strong as those three, and may even go head-to-head with Sanji when it comes to sad backstories. Yet, fans might be looking at the hurdle the wrong way. The reason why Usopp was meant to fight Perona and withstand the negativity is because Franky, Zoro, Sanji, and Robin are confident in their abilities. They never question themselves based on their intellect and worthiness, and their challenges and the effort they must exert is something Usopp thinks is above his jurisdiction due to his lack of belief in himself. At that point, Usopp was the master of negative self-talk, and he felt like a failure. He’s not a "monster" like the others, and he's way younger than Robin.
Based on the fact that Robin’s self-awareness and strength goes hand in hand with the three “monsters” who were deeply affected by Perona’s negativity despite their hurdles and dark backstories, would she have been able to take Perona down? I genuinely don’t think so. I'm not trying to put Robin down. She’s awesome and fabulous, but just as Zoro taking on Kuma is his own thing and Robin taking on Black Maria is her own thing, then why can’t that be the same for Usopp taking on Perona? Perona’s criteria of negativity was something that no one else in the crew could fight besides Usopp because Usopp’s negativity is truly his own. No one can beat up Usopp better than Usopp can. So, yeah, Perona’s ghosts aren’t defeating him anytime soon.
She's in his Rogue Gallery for a reason.
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thegrunkiest · 8 months ago
For you! I received this from a mutual and am pulling you in on the fun of you haven't received one already!
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
Thank you for the ask, Unironically! 😊 My 5 favs:
Blood Brothers - A pro wrestling fic
Despite what it may seem due to my long hiatus, I still consider this fic my baby; I've poured my heart into what is currently public and am enamored still with the plans I have for it. I consider it the closest in quality to a professional work that I've achieved so far. I've learned so much while writing it 💗
2. Feel For You - A TES fic
This is a fic dear to my heart; a concept I had struggled for years to convey in the way I want it to. I'm not a dedicated shipper so to make a work I'm satisfied with about my ultimate OTP makes me happy. I'm also ecstatic by the reception I've received for it!
3. Temper - A Pokémon fic
This is my greatest personal example of a success story with 'pantsing' or writing a fic in one go, with minimal revision. I first wrote this on a tiny notepad! I'm also happy with how I wrote Guzma's character, considering that when I wrote the fic, Pokémon Sun and Moon were fresh and I had yet to play it.
4. No Pain In The Void - A TES fic.
Above all the types of relationships I write for Lucien, the ones closest to me are the familial relationship between him and the Shadowscales, as well as a complex headcanon between Lucien and Mathieu. This is by far my best portrayal of a retrospective of these relationships.
5. Feliz Navi-Dead - A pro wrestling fic
Believe it or not, this fic had me getting into the Christmas spirit for the first time in years. I feel like I captured a perfect blend of emotions, and finally got to explore more of the familial dynamic I headcanon for Gangrel, Luna and Christian. It felt like a true Christmas special.
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gargrizzled · 1 year ago
Diving into the pits on the futile hunt for
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afilmbykirkk · 1 year ago
Desiblrs entire motto in one picture rn
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wakeywakeyjakey · 7 months ago
I LOVE BruHarvey/TwoBats but I struggle to get into reading it because it feels like 90% of the fanfiction for this ship is Bruce trying to reform him, “fix” him, cure him, etc. It’s Bruce being like “it’s okay, even though half of you is an evil monster I still love the other half!” It’s definitely because I have DID myself but like—where’s the TwoBats where Bruce actually loves and accepts Harv? Is committed to ALL parts of him, not just the part he deems good? I’d much rather read about Bruce’s journey to understand and love him on a deeper level (+ that journey with mental health/DID awareness) than read about him trying to get rid of Harv once and for all.
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justtkatt · 4 months ago
Constantly arguing about bullshit but they actually deeply love and care for each other IS MY FAVORITE DYNAMIC IM GONNA HURL
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deathberi · 1 year ago
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EMMA & DRAKEN | Tokyo Revengers   ↳  #40  run out of patience
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jadedrebelteen · 4 months ago
"kill them with kindness" wrong. YOLO WOOOOOO🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣��🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣
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