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kericyoga · 7 years ago
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#AloMermaids - Day 6 - #scorpionpose #vrchikasana ... Coming out of the shadows for this one and bringing Spidey with me! ... @aleksic_twins @aria.official @janiceliou @juliemontagu @karenmattar @aloyoga ... #yogachallenge #epictoyart #inversionjunkie #toyartistry #armbalance #actionfigure #superheropose #spidermanpose #spideysenses #toyphotography #yogafit #yogamuscles #yogaover40 #armbalance #showmewhatyougot (at Burbank, California)
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nadisyoga-blog · 9 years ago
#pinchamayurasana #scorpionpincha #vrchikasana #forearmstand #practicepracticepractice and #alliscoming Creo que la paciencia es la mejor herramienta para un practicante serio, la práctica constante nos marca el camino, pero no hay atajos para alcanzar nuestras metas, hay que vivir el día a día (y todos los días son diferentes, no hay una constante!), durante la práctica nos aparecen conflictos internos y externos que nos motivan a continuar esforzándonos, la disciplina es la fuente que nos regala el placer de sentir la transformación. Hay que vivir el proceso y sin proceso no hay libertad. Cuando siento el cuerpo pesado-practica, cuando no tenga tiempo-practica, cuando no este de humor-practica, cuando sea feriado-practica... hazlo! Desenrrolla tu mat y escucha lo que tu ser interno te pide, talves sea solamente una postura o cinco minutos de silencio, o talves logres la sere completa, aún no lo sabes! Pero no podemos quedarnos en el vacío de la indesición, porque ese vacío no nos lleva a ninguna parte, poco a poco nos borra lo logrado! Practica y todo llega!
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mrmarrho · 11 years ago
Here’s to 6 weeks of “full” recovery from my thyroid surgery! Hello #vrchikasana (scorpion pose) 💪😊 Now I have to start working on getting my toes and feet closer to my head. I'm just stoked to have finally gotten into the pose.
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kericyoga · 7 years ago
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I was practicing and teaching Anusara Yoga long before I discovered Instagram, yoga challenges, and shape making. Anusara Yoga is a hatha yoga system based on a non-dual philosophy of intrinsic goodness, the Universal Principles of Alignment, and the celebration of community. These three elements influence every aspect of my yoga practice and shape making art. It all started with yoga for me. As I refined my inner alignment, it eventually manifested as the outward physical expression in my IG squares today. ... If you are curious about Anusara Yoga, I will be co-hosting the first Anusara Yoga Instagram Challenge from August 6-10, 2018. The intention is to explore each of the five Universal Principles of Alignment for five days and expand awareness of this amazing practice! My co-hosts are @ej_merlin and @sunandmoon_asana. Flyer coming very, very soon! ... #strikeashape - Day 10 - #yogis-choice #vrchikasana #scorpionpose 🦂 ... With my co-hosts @yoga_garage @kelse_ann @frog_queenyoga ... Sponsors @chargedjewelry @soter_bentes @will2wow_jewelry @bracelets.by.lisanorthern @vibratehigherofficial @zellyadesigns ... #strikeapose #yogapose #itsallyoga #theyareallshapes #yogafun #yogafit #yogashapes #inspiredyogis #yogainspiration #yogaguy #yogaplay #yogalove #yogateacher #yogastudent #yogaphotography #yogamuscles #yogastrong #fitspo #muscle #fitspo #fitsporation #yogashorts #yogamuscles (at Los Angeles, California)
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