alexcutecolly · 6 months
For the vore ask game:
Pred who eats a whole bunch of tiny prey buffet-style so they're all churning around together in his big belly with food (non-fatally if you prefer)
hard pass | rather not | meh | neutral | ooh | yes please | absolutely delightful
Definitely in a non-fatal way, a pred stuffing themselves with prey along with food is a pretty cool idea!
I also love how well it'd fit in a foodplay scenario, for example if the pred garnished a dish and placed one or more tinies onto it, if they straight up combined food and prey like with sushi or sandwiches. Not sure how willing the prey is though, lol.
Alternatively, I also like to think that all tinies actually wanted to get nommed, so basically after being swallowed they all chill together as the pred eats some more meals until they're full ❤️ and if the pred falls asleep, everyone in their belly follows suit xD it'd just be a very cute idea imo, hehe
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gt-daboss · 4 months
Bianca and Cesar
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Its Bianca and Cesar! Two characters from @voraciousvore's story(s) Bigcorp and its sequels! despite what this picture depicts, its actually mainly a M/f story, but that doesn't mean she doesn't play any role in the story!
The story does have v0re as well as other mature themes though, so if that doesn't seem to be your thing, don't complain to me or her about it, just don't read it. Still, just because the story has vore, doesn't mean my acc will ever post vore so if it bugs you don't worry bout that!
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smallbigworld · 9 months
Heya! I'm Nika.
One of my 2024 goals is to finally start a g/t blog.
I don't talk about those interests to anyone, so I'm looking forward to this.
I plan to post my g/t writing on here as well as random thoughts and dribbles.
Here's a bit about me:
*I'm 23
*I'm autistic
*I'm South African
*I'm a dog & plant mom
*I'm a Queer woman
Let's talk about my g/t interests
*I like being tiny and the prey
*I like fluff, vore, gore, and basically anything to do with g/t
*I've never actually successfully roleplayed with anyone online but I'm open to it.
*These are some of my favorite g/t creators that have inspired me:
@rocko-newjeans @thefanciestborrower @pocket-ozwynn @terristarstrike @reborrowing @friendlyfoxpal @frolix @boiled-ginger-ale @diddlesanddoodles @vore-toast @protectivepredmom @vixen525noms @voraciousvore
There are so many others that inspired me, too. The g/t community on Tumblr is awesome, and I can't wait to be a part of it. Send me a message if you want to chat.
That's all for now, thanks for reading. 🩷
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tinycoded360 · 4 months
Firefighter part 2
Here it is! I hope you all enjoy! Tag list of those I thought would like to be tagged; if you don't want to be, just let me know, and I won't do it again. @voraciousvore @gtzel @empressxmachina
Lucy’s tiny hands trembled as she gripped the metal bars of her enclosure, her breaths shallow and uneven. She let out a huff of frustration, her eyes scanning the rodent cage that Mike had so thoughtlessly placed her in. It was no larger than a shoebox to someone of normal size, but to Lucy, it was a prison. A latched gate at the front of the cage meant to keep unwanted critters out—or, in her case, trapped.
The thick latch barely budged under her four-inch frame. She gritted her teeth, throwing her whole weight against the unyielding barrier. "Come on, come on," she grunted through clenched jaws.
With a cry of frustration, Lucy collapsed backward, wincing as her shoulder slammed against the hard floor. A dull ache radiated down her arm now. "Useless," she muttered, glaring up at the door that towered above her. She wouldn't be getting out tonight. Exhaustion crept over her as she curled up in the corner, shivering against the cold that permeated the cage.
Lucy awoke early the next morning, her back sore and muscles stiff from a night spent on the hard cage floor. She paced the confines of her tiny prison, trying to psych herself up.
"You can do this," she muttered under her breath. "Don't let him intimidate you just because he's huge."
She steeled herself, ready to give Mike a piece of her mind when he showed up. She would not be cowed or treated like a pet!
But all of Lucy's courage evaporated when the giant lumbered into the kitchen, still half-asleep and scratching his messy hair. He was just so massive compared to her four-inch frame, like a lumbering bear next to a mouse.
"Morning already?" Mike yawned loudly, oblivious to the storm brewing inside the tiny girl.
As he set about making his coffee. She stood motionless, watching Mike drop heavily into a chair, his presence dominating the small space. He wrapped his hands around the steaming mug and brought it to his lips, his gaze settling on the cage – on her.
"Damn, what's this?" Mike's voice rumbled through the room as his brow furrowed, noticing the mottled bruise coloring her shoulder.
The room seemed to lurch as Mike's hand reached towards her, the cage door swinging open with ease under his touch. "How did you even get hurt?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern and confusion.
Panic surged through Lucy as his fingers, thick as tree trunks compared to her fragile form, enclosed around her, lifting her from the cage. The world tilted, and suddenly, she was airborne, face-to-face with the giant who held her fate between his fingertips.
"Mi-Mike..." Her protest died in her throat, swallowed by the overwhelming fear of being so completely at his mercy.
Lucy's tiny body trembled as she was suspended before Mike's massive visage. His eyes were bigger than her whole head, and they studied her intently. She flinched as one thick finger gently probed her bruised arm.
"Looks like you're more breakable than I thought," Mike muttered, almost to himself. "We'll get you a proper setup soon."
The condescension in his tone was the last straw. Lucy's fear gave way to a fiery surge of defiance. "Oh, geez, don't bother, that cage right there was a five-star experience!" she spat out, each word laced with scorn. "I was cold, the floor was hard and there was nowhere to take a whiz!"
Mike's eyes widened slightly, taken aback by her outburst. He exhaled slowly, the warm puff of his breath washing over her like a polluted breeze.
"I'm sorry, that was thoughtless of me," he said gently. "After breakfast, we'll go to the pet store. You can pick out something better."
"You think I want another cage?" Lucy yelled, incensed. "I don't need a cage at all! I'm not a pet!"
Mike's expression turned somber, a shadow of doubt passing over his features. "I'm just doing what's best for you! I don't think you'll be safe if you free roam." He looked away, troubled by the situation, by her resistance, or perhaps by his own doubts about what he was doing.
Lucy's tiny chest heaved with each breath, her voice escalating to a piercing pitch that belied her minuscule stature. "No, no, no, look—I've survived 20 years without you in my life; I don't want to be locked up!"
Mike's jaw clenched, his eyes a stormy sea of frustration as they bore down into Lucy's defiant gaze. "You're being ungrateful about this; I saved your life!" His voice rumbled like distant thunder, his irritation clear, yet his ears seemed deaf to the desperate plea in her tone.
"Saving me doesn't mean you own me," Lucy shot back.
Mike's brow furrowed, a silent admission that her words struck deeper than expected. But then Mike's expression hardened, the lines of his face setting like concrete as he towered above her. "I'm done with this conversation," he declared, the finality in his tone leaving no room for argument. Without waiting for her reply, he deposited her into the pocket of his boxer shorts.
"Hey!" she protested, the fabric walls of her new prison muffling her outcry. She pushed against the cotton expanse.
Ignoring her, Mike strode across the kitchen, the motion causing Lucy to sway precariously. The scent of his soap mixed with the smell of that was undeniably Mike clung to the material.
The sizzle of bacon meeting the hot pan reached Lucy's ears, followed by the crackle of eggs as they were added to the mix.
"Keep it together, Lucy," she whispered, drawing a slow, steadying breath. Her fingers, nimble and practiced, grasped the hunting knife handle strapped to her thigh.
She inserted the blade into the cotton with surgical precision, feeling the resistance before it gave way, thread by thread. Sawing gently, she carved an escape route, mindful of Mike’s movements as he turned from the stove to retrieve something from the fridge.
The hole grew wider, a window to freedom. And then, with the grace of an acrobat, she eased herself through the gap, dangling momentarily. Her legs swung free, searching for purchase in the air.
"Here goes nothing." With a gulp, she released her hold on the torn fabric, plummeting downward in a controlled fall.
The ground rushed up to meet her, but she rolled with the impact, muscles absorbing the shock. Her triumph was short-lived; the bellow from above signaled that Mike had caught a glimpse of her daring descent.
"Lucy!" His voice boomed, laden with betrayal and concern.
She didn't hesitate, darting across the tiled floor with the speed that only desperate adrenaline could fuel. Mike's shadow loomed, his hands like clumsy cranes swooping down to snatch her back.
"Damn it, Lucy, stop!"
Her world narrowed to the safe wedge of darkness between the counter and fridge. She slipped into the crevice just as his fingers grazed her back.
"Please, come out. We can talk about this!"
Lucy pressed herself further into the shadows. She was no pet, no doll to be tucked away in a grown man's pocket.
"Talk? Like you listened before?" Her voice was a defiant hiss, a serpent ready to strike. "I'm not coming out."
"Lucy, I just want to—"
"Save it!"
Mike sighed heavily, "Fine, Lucy," he muttered, though his voice boomed like distant thunder. "Stay there if you want."
It wasn't until the front door closed with a finality that echoed through the empty space that she dared to move.
Creeping out from her sanctuary, Lucy's gaze landed on the plate left on the floor. It was a feast by any borrower's standards, piled high with bacon and eggs, steam still curling up from the freshly cooked meal. Her stomach growled.
"Thinks he can bribe me with breakfast," she scoffed quietly, eyes narrowing as she approached the offering with suspicion etched into her features.
Yet, as she poked at the eggs, she found no sign of tampering. Just the rich aroma of yolk and the savory tang of bacon.
"Ugh, damn it," she grumbled, giving in to her hunger. Biting into the bacon, the crunch was satisfyingly loud in her ears. Next, she tore off a piece of egg with her hands.
With her belly full, Lucy pondered her next move. Part of her wanted to flee this place and never look back. But the indignity of how Mike had treated her still burned. She wouldn't let him get away with it that easily.
No, she would stay right here, in the walls and crevices of Mike's home. She'd show him just how capable she was of caring for herself. And maybe she'd play a trick or two just to teach him a lesson about caging up borrowers.
Lucy smiled to herself. This could be fun. With that, she slipped into a nearby vent, ready to begin her new life of borrowing and pranking. Mike had no idea what was coming.
Sneaking through the vents and walls, Lucy scoped out the perfect spots to set up her new home. She located places to store food, make a cozy sleeping area, and peek into the rooms without being seen.
As she explored, Lucy daydreamed about the mischief she could cause. Filling Mike's shoes with thumbtacks would serve him right for trying to lock her up.
Lucy knew she'd have to be careful, though. Mike was aware of her presence now. He would likely set traps or try to catch her if given the chance. But Lucy was confident in her abilities. After all, she had survived on her own much longer than this giant had even known she existed.
Setting up shop here would let her prove she didn't need Mike's "help." And it would be satisfying to show him just how capable she was. With a determined grin, Lucy began making this place her new home. She was ready for this fun challenge of outsmarting the human at his own game.
Author: I imagine this turns into a friendlier version of Tom and Jerry. Lucy pulls pranks on Mike and avoids capture, and Mike tries to capture her safely. Eventually, as time passes, they become friends. Mike sees that he didn't treat her right to begin with. He feels bad, so he starts to leave peace offerings to her.
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wholegrainvore · 11 months
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my drawings of @voraciousvore's characters chef cruor and chef gore <3<3<3<3 i love these men theyre so sillys
read buckys do it now
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whumpinthepot · 1 year
Hamster Interactive Story
Hamster is a palm sized girl who is kept as a pet by a bubbly human named Ashley. Ashley is often at work during the day, leaving Hamster in her small cage for hours at a time with very little to do. Hamster gets lonely while Ashley’s gone, and wishes she could meet someone her own size so they can become real friends. Little does she know, someone is already watching her from inside the house.
Content: Giant/tiny, pet trope, cages, dehumanization, power dynamics, dubious handling (moving, dressing, posing), selective mutism, poor vision without glasses, food mention, doll house play, female cast, broken bones, negative animal encounter, ableism, being watched, blood, trapping, skin injury, loss of mobility device,
1. Caged
2. Brush
3. Hide
4. Defend
5. Sling
6. Clean
7. Vet
8. Threat
9. Eyes
10. Trapped
11. Jar
12. Decision
13. Hair
14. Questions
15. Photoshoot
Don't be scared to ask me to tag anything I missed. If anyone wants to blacklist this story I will tag it as “hamster interactive story”
My sfw Giant/tiny blog —> @gtinthepot
Tag list: @frogkingdom @verkja @whumpsday @octopus-reactivated @marvel-gt @rsitb-second-account @fallen-grace-smd @winged-wolf-s-collection-of-arts @kyp-the-spacekiwi @ilasknives @hollowgast1 @redd956 @zobodahobo @alittlewhump @blackrosesandwhump @angst-after-dark @sandygarnelle @coppercoyoti @kim-poce @mayisreallygay @smoll-stace @demondamage @vickytokio @whump-in-the-closet @shadowsnowdapple @whumpy-wyrms @re-whump @cypresscove @whumpninja @highlighterwhump @taters169 @voraciousvore
Please let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list!
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voraciousvore · 11 months
Boarding School for Giants (25/25)
1st chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/voraciousvore/731600430392639488/boarding-school-for-giants-125?source=share
------ Chapter 25 (Conclusion) ------
“I want to stay,” I repeated, “and I want you, Joey, to be my boyfriend, and Mr. Henderson, I want you to be my father.” I could scarcely believe the words came from my lips, but I felt as if an impossibly heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I realized then I didn’t care about the risks. More than anything, I wanted to be loved, to be accepted, to belong. I had a home here, with the people who cared about me: Joey, Mr. Henderson, and my new budding friendships with Stephanie and the others. 
Having held back his tears all day, Joey finally started crying, but his were tears of joy now rather than despair. Overcome, he grabbed me in his hands and planted a big kiss on my tiny frame. “Oh, Eren!” he cried. “I’m so happy!” He embraced me heartily against his chest, and I could hear his heart pumping vigorously. He had been so pent-up with stress the whole day, but now the relief was exploding out of him. 
Mr. Henderson had a more subdued but just as meaningful reaction. He restrained himself and allowed Joey to hug and kiss me as he pleased. His eyes, however, sparkled with excess moisture and the rigidity of his posture relaxed as he was granted solace. When Joey was finally finished loving on me, I walked across the desk into the waiting hands of the man who wanted to be my father, and I felt like I was home. He gently lifted me up and held me to his massive chest in a hug. I sighed with contentment. 
The next few weeks were a dream. I hung out with Joey most of the time, both in and out of school, but I was making new friends every day. Giants greeted me in the hallways, and I felt safer with people around who knew me. Drake, after being humiliated, stayed far away from me, and nobody else harassed me. Joey kept me safe and helped me when I was having trouble with my classes. I admired his intelligence, patience, and talent, and my love for him only grew with each passing day. My academic performance improved significantly with his tutoring, and my teachers treated me well. I had transformed from a rowdy brat into a respectable student. I was, for once, happy with my life and the choice I had made to stay among giants. 
Before long, the legalities surrounding my adoption were completed, and Mr. Henderson was officially my dad. I continued to attend the boarding school, but instead of living in the human dorm the plan was to move in with Mr. Henderson at his house. 
“I don’t live too far from the school,” Mr. Henderson said, as he carried me along. I was finally going to get the opportunity to see my new home. 
“Mr. Hender—I mean, Dad,” I corrected myself. “Do you usually walk to work?” 
“Usually, yes,” the giant answered. “And I’ll be more than happy to take you with me. It would be nice to have some company on the way there.” He smiled kindly, and I was more than pleased to reciprocate. 
“Here we are. Your new home, and our humble abode,” he announced. “I’ve made quite a few adjustments so you can be comfortable living in a giant home.” He gestured to a ramp constructed alongside the giant steps and a human-sized door built into the wall. He placed me on the ground so I could try out these new additions myself. I ran up the ramp as the giant walked up the steps alongside me and we both opened our respective front doors to go inside.  
The house was vast, of course, but most of the giant furniture had been outfitted with little ladders or ropes for me to climb up on. My new dad had also splurged on plenty of human appliances that were miniscule versions of his own, such as a human-sized refrigerator and microwave in the kitchen. He told me that he was able to obtain these items via his connections with the school’s supplier, an easy task since he was the principal now after all. Additionally, he had provided me with my own private bedroom and bathroom, which were contained within a confined space that to the giant was about the size of a shoebox. 
“So, what do you think, Eren? Miss Eren Henderson? Do you like it?” my giant dad asked me, after giving me a full tour of the house. He was both excited and a little nervous. He kneeled down to my level and held out his hand to me. 
I looked up at him, my eyes sparkling. “I love it!” I cried, jumping up into his hand. He lifted me up and cradled me against his gigantic body in a warm embrace. I snuggled up to him and closed my eyes. The hole in my heart that had plagued me for most of my life had finally been filled. I was home. 
Author's Note: Thanks for reading to the end! I hope you enjoyed the story, despite its flaws. Feel free to leave comments, including criticism. If you liked this story, I have a lot of other g/t and vore stories!
Writing Masterpost
This particular story has a sequel as well, but be warned: the sequel is far more "adult" in content and contains lots of vore, explicit sex scenes (including non-consensual), violence, kidnapping, torture, and in general is very gruesome (though it has a lot of fluff/ sweet moments too). It is titled "In the Belly of the Giant" and can be found here.
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pool-floatie · 6 months
Im dying yall are so sweet i just come back and see my shit got reblogged by @voraciousvore ?!?!?! are you GODDAMN kidding me ive been followeling them for so long and they seem like such a big name in the community?!?! Am Iwrong abt that? maybe, But im so fucking happy yall liked it im freakin out a bit- i work rlly hard on this stuff cause i wanna give yall gourmet writing but i still have doubts about my ability so im just so happy to have a bit of recognition 😭
Iwas worried it was gonna be too much and ppl would be mean or smth idk😭 sorry for the rant im gonna stop being insane real quick-
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alexcutecolly · 3 months
💝: I love you (platonic)
🥰: I love your blog
😇: You're one of the kindest people on this site
🧸: Soft vibes
🤩: I admire you
📜: Your fics are top tier
🖼️: Your artwork is stunning
Awwwww thank you so much pal!!! 😭😭❤️❤️ You're amazing omggg 🥺🥺❤️❤️
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alexcutecolly · 6 months
For the ask game: 🪐 and/ or 🦋 (your choice)
Hey friend! 💕
🪐: name three good things going on in your life right now
I'm happy I've started writing again, it's very satisfactory and brings so much joy, hehe
Although I should do art more often, it feels good to feel inspired again with lots of awesome ideas ❤️
I missed the feeling of community in a sfw, safe vore space, so I'm glad to be back because I've met new wonderful people and ran into good old pals from the past, it's great! ❤️
🦋: share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
These past few weeks have been rougher than usual for various reasons, but despite everything I have friends who care about me and want to see me succeed ❤️❤️ I love you guys so much 😭😭❤️❤️
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alexcutecolly · 6 months
🐰 You are too sweet to be intimidating lol
Maybe, hehe x3 I definitely prefer that over scaring people away though 💕
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alexcutecolly · 3 months
1 and 17 for the ask game :3
1: The last sentence you wrote
“Whoever you were before, in times past, it doesn’t really have to matter. What is actually of importance, is you being here now, at this very moment, despite all the odds. So, what do you say if we buried the past… together?” :)
17: Talk about your writing and editing process
First of all I start writing events and dialogue, having in mind a semi-general plot that could take different directions depending on whether more ideas flood in and they're about. I also tend to write dialogue bits down immediately so I don't forget lol.
The very first draft is usually a mess, very generic at times, but I add more specific verbs, nouns and adjectives as I play the scenes in my mind and reread the chapter/story. Sometimes I come up with new plot points so I write them as well lol.
Writing in English has never been too much of a problem for me, but it's absolutely necessary for me to find the right words for what I'm trying to convey through dialogue or descriptions, and it's not always easy at times (sometimes some beautiful metaphors or nouns don't have the same impact when adapted to the English language, so they have to be cut from the finished draft ;-;).
Also I try my best to leave a decent amount of room between paragraphs, so the chapter/short story looks less clumped and the reader can focus on specific sentences and moments. Plus I think some decent spacing can create some good suspense if done well, hehe
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voraciousvore · 11 months
Boarding School for Giants (2/25)
1st Chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/voraciousvore/731600430392639488/boarding-school-for-giants-125?source=share
------ Chapter 2 ------
My mind went numb. I couldn’t properly process or understand what my mother had just told me. Giants? I had heard of them, of course. I knew of their existence. But I had never seen one before, since they didn’t live anywhere near us. I never thought in a million years I’d ever come into contact with one for real. They seemed to exist more in fantasy than reality. And yet, here my mom was, telling me that I was now enrolled in a school full of giants. I gulped nervously. 
She opened the door with an agitated creak, as if the door hinges were rusty from disuse. Bright sunlight flooded into the darkness, momentarily blinding us. Covering my eyes with the shadow of my hand, I stepped out into the light. As my eyes slowly adjusted to the change, I saw a vast expanse of concrete that made up a giant sidewalk. Before I could feast my eyes on anything else, my mom pulled on my sleeve and guided me to some big, weirdly-shaped metal poles that were alongside the tremendous wall. 
I was confused at first, as to what I was looking at. I had no frame of reference for any of these foreign designs. Next to the poles was a big black thing as large as a van, partially obscured by black cloth that draped high into the sky, out of my vision. Upon closer inspection, I saw the object was soft like leather. It shifted slightly, as if alive, and my heart stopped. The realization hit me like a bucket of ice water. I was looking at a shoe. A gigantic shoe. I slowly, fearfully cast my eyes skyward. The metal poles were the legs of a bench. And sitting on the bench… must have been a giant. I couldn’t see him, only the great pillar of his leg, because the underside of the bench was blocking my view of the rest of him. 
“Mr. Henderson? Is that you?” my mother called up to the sky, projecting her voice as best she could. 
The giant shoe moved, and I couldn’t help but squeal in terror and gripped my mom for protection like a small child. How was she not afraid? Had she been around giants before? She seemed oblivious to my fright. The wood of the bench squeaked and a great shadow fell over us. I broke into a cold sweat as I stared up. Looming above us, hundreds of feet high, taller even than the wall of stone, was a giant man. He was dressed smartly in a black business suit and tie. He was looking down at us, standing like tiny insects on the concrete between his two massive shoes. I felt like I was going to faint. 
“Hello there,” he said in a booming sonorous voice that made me tremble. He crouched down on one knee to be closer to our level. Seeing such a gargantuan being lower himself down, seeming to grow even larger as he got closer, filled me with panic, and I nearly fell over backwards flat on my rear end. “Yes, I’m Mr. Henderson. And you must be Eren.” His eyes, a coffee-brown color, met mine and my heart seized into my throat. I couldn’t speak, couldn’t move: I was terrified. 
“She’s never been around giants before, so she’s a little shy,” my mom explained. A little shy? Was she joking? My mom directed her attention to me. “This nice giant is the vice president of your new school. We can’t drive through the giant side of town in a human car, so he’s going to take you the rest of the way to your school.” She spoke calmly, as if this was a perfectly normal thing, to hand your unsuspecting child off to a giant. I could only gape at her in horror. 
The giant laid his enormous hand flat on the ground, palm up, and invited me to climb up with an encouraging gesture of his fingers, thick and tall as trees. There was no way I was getting into his hand. My mother must have gone insane, thinking this was safe and rational. I desperately wanted to run but my legs were rooted to the spot, paralyzed in place like a tiny creature trying to avoid the attention of a monstrous predator.  
I studied the giant’s face with wild, frightened eyes. He had neatly-trimmed, light brown hair, ears that stuck out slightly on the sides of his head, a bold nose, a gentle smile with polished white teeth, and a hint of stubble on his chin. If not for his ridiculous size, I might have believed, based on his physiognomy, that he was a normal, kind, affable gentleman. But this was no ordinary man, no ordinary situation. He could easily crush me to a pulp in his huge hand if he wished. I shuddered and shrank behind my mother further. The giant’s smile faded as he realized how frightened I was. 
“Are you alright, Eren?” he asked me in that substantial, loud voice of his, that rang in my ears. My mouth went dry and I failed to make the slightest sound. 
“She’s just being dramatic. This one’s a handful, let me tell you,” my mother chuckled. I would have found her comment almost comical, if I weren’t so scared, considering I could literally fit in the giant’s hand, making me a “handful” indeed. “Just pick her up yourself. She’ll raise a fuss, but you can deal with that.” A bolt of terror shot through me at the thought of that giant hand snatching me up by force. 
His eyebrows knitted together in uncertainty. “Are you sure? I really don’t want to scare her…” 
“Yes, just do it,” my mother confirmed. She looked at me with a smirk. I realized she was enjoying this, seeing me meek and afraid, knocking me down a peg from my usual rebellious, smart-ass attitude. The wrath that lay dormant within me flared up. I couldn’t give her that satisfaction. If she could be fearless, so could I. Through my own pride and anger, I finally worked up the gumption to speak. 
“That won’t be necessary,” I hastily interrupted, pulling out of my cowering pose behind my mom. My voice sounded squeaky and tremulous to my own ears. I took a few shaky steps toward the giant’s hand, still resting flat on the ground. He waited patiently while I collected myself. My heart was pounding against my ribs like it was trying to break through them. I tried to steady my rapid breathing, to keep myself from hyperventilating. Licking my lips, I took the plunge. I gripped the giant’s titanic thumb for support and heaved my body up into his hand.  
His skin was surprisingly soft and warm to the touch. I scurried over to the center of his palm and made myself comfortable, as best I could. I felt very self-conscious as to how small and inferior I was compared to him, and I’m sure he could feel me quaking uncontrollably in his hand. His fingers curled inward slightly, hanging over my head, and for a terrifying moment I thought he was going to close his hand around me like a trap. Instead, he cupped me in his palm and gingerly raised up his hand, being very careful not to move too quickly. I saw him collect my bags in his other hand. The bags looked absurdly miniscule in comparison, even smaller than the tips of his fingers. He dropped them into his pants pocket. 
“Say goodbye to your mom,” the giant instructed. “You might not see her, or any other humans, for a long time.” 
I crawled over to a gap between his fingers and waved down at her, triumphant at overcoming my fear. I really showed her! I wanted to rub it in her face. She looked up at me, appearing small from so far down below, and returned the gesture with a flick of her wrist. Her eyes were watery with tears, which surprised me. Was she actually sad to see me go? She wasn’t doing this just to make me miserable? As always, I felt some regret at my vindictiveness. I watched briefly as she turned away and headed for the door in the wall where we had entered. 
“Okay, I’m going to lift you up now. Are you ready?” the giant boomed from above. I retreated to the middle of his palm so I wouldn’t fall off, and nodded, hugging my knees to my chest. Even though I had acted brave, I was still scared, and now that my confident mother wasn’t there to shield me, I felt more alone and vulnerable than ever. The gigantic platform of flesh I was sitting on shot up, making my stomach drop, as the colossus ascended to his full, incredible height. I swear I was so high up that the weather became colder and windier, and he was only holding me up level with his chest. I peered over the side of his hand and suffered a wave of vertigo at the monumental distance from the ground. I struggled not to panic. 
The giant began to walk. Although he tried his best to keep his hand steady, I still rocked queasily from the bounce in his lengthy strides. While he wasn’t moving at a fast pace by his standards, a single step of his probably equaled hundreds of human steps, so the scenery passed by quickly. Everything around us—cars, trees, buildings, other giants—was immense beyond reason and truly overwhelming. My head was spinning. I couldn’t imagine living in a giant world on such a vast scale, but this was my life now. I had no warning, no time to mentally prepare myself. Internally, I cursed my mom for not telling me sooner. 
“The school isn’t far from the dividing wall. It’s within walking distance. Well, for me at least—maybe not for you,” the giant expounded. “You’re actually our first human student.” Great. As if I didn’t feel insecure enough as it was, now I knew I’d be completely on my own. 
“We wanted to sign up more humans to join us, but we had some trouble with our recruitment efforts.” Gee, I couldn’t possibly imagine why. “Believe it or not, most humans are still afraid of giants.” Oh, really? I would’ve never guessed! I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at how oblivious he was, but of course he failed to notice my saucy gesture, since I was so tiny. I was feeling more and more insignificant by the second. 
“You’re very brave to come here, you know that?” he continued. Not like I had a choice in the matter, otherwise I’d be gone in a heartbeat. When I didn’t respond to any of his comments, the giant eventually lapsed into silence. In the distance, I saw a giant iron gate, flanked on both sides by walls of lush green hedges. As we approached, I could make out metal letters above the gate that read “Saint Christopher High School.” 
“Here we are,” the giant announced, opening the huge gate with his free hand. As expected, the campus was massive. The main building was an impressive sight, constructed of solid stone bricks, much like the wall I had passed through earlier. Sidewalks edged with grass and trees crisscrossed the ground, converging to a central plaza with a fountain in the middle. Two long narrow buildings, which I presumed were the dormitories, lined each side of the large space. Behind the school in the distance, I could see an open field, a basketball court, and a track for athletic activities and events. I wondered to myself how I would get around, with everything being so big. I would have to trek miles just to go from classroom to classroom. 
“I’ll give you a tour in a moment,” the vice principal stated as he carried me over to the main building. “First, you need to meet with the principal.” We entered through the double doors into a wide hallway lined with classrooms. As we passed by, I saw a blur of giant teachers and students. While some eyes drifted absently to the vice principal, nobody seemed to notice me, the little speck of a person riding in his hand. Perhaps that was for the best, because I imagined I didn’t look so hot, as consumed by anxiety as I was. 
We made it to the corner of the building with the administration staff. The giant knocked on the wooden door to the principal’s office. 
“Come in,” a gruff voice answered. The vice principal obeyed, bringing me into the office and setting me down on the expansive landscape of the principal’s gigantic polished mahogany desk. I stumbled slightly at the transition from squishy skin to solid wood. I couldn’t stop myself from cowering and trembling as I stared up at the new giant towering high over me. He was intimidating, to say the least, with stern features, broad shoulders, and a powerful build. He had black hair parted neatly to the side, complimented by thick eyebrows and a goatee. Just like the vice principal, he wore a black suit that suggested power and wealth. He looked down his nose at me with a severe expression. 
“You must be our new student,” he remarked in a resonating bass rumble. I managed to nod wordlessly in response. 
“This is Eren,” the vice principal clarified. 
The principal shot him a withering glare. “Right.” He looked back down at me. “I’m Principal Greenwood. Welcome to our school.” Despite his words, his impassive tone didn’t make me feel very welcome at all. “Since the school day is almost over, you’ll start your first day tomorrow, at 8 AM sharp. You’re expected to wear your school uniform, which I have for you here, during school hours.” He opened one of the drawers in his giant desk and removed a parcel of clothes that looked tiny in his roomy hands. He carelessly dropped the bundle in front of me. I peeked inside and made a face. The uniforms consisted of forest green shirts and pants, of a bland unisex design.  
The principal, seeing my reaction, set his huge hands on the desk on either side of me and leaned his hulking weight forward over me. “Is there a problem?” He radiated overwhelming menace with his immense presence. 
I swallowed hard. “N-n-no, no problem,” I squeaked.  
The giant bent down closer, his face alone dwarfing my whole being. I could feel his hot breath on my body. The wooden desk groaned under his mass. “We’re not adverse to utilizing corporal punishment at this institution. Step out of line, and you will regret it.” He straightened up, illustrating again to me just how ridiculously tall he really was. “I never wanted to enroll humans here, but the board of directors said otherwise.” He exhaled a gust of wind from enormous lungs. 
“Another thing I should mention,” he added, returning to his stony demeanor. “We don’t allow cell phones at this establishment. So you’ll need to relinquish yours to me immediately.” He held his gargantuan hand out in front of me expectantly. 
I stared at it, then up, way up, at his serious countenance. I didn’t want to give up my phone. I already felt scared and isolated, and not being able to text my friends or call the people I knew sounded like a nightmare. Despite my powerlessness in the situation, I crossed my arms. “No.” 
His dramatic eyebrows folded down in anger. Before I knew what was happening, he plucked me up off the desk between his thumb and forefinger and held me up high in the air, deliberately applying pressure between his fingers in a threatening gesture. “I won’t ask you again,” he growled, holding out his hand again. “Give it to me.” 
Now, I’m the rebellious type, and if this were a normal situation, with an authority figure of regular size, I would have resisted further and thrown a fit. However, in this case I must confess I was beyond terrified. I was terrified of giants, of their mountainous stature and strength. No human principal would lay a hand on me or threaten me with physical violence. The giant could easily send me plummeting from this height, or crush my ribcage between his fingers with a light pinch. Not only that, but he could probably act with impunity and claim it was an accident. Nobody would believe me, a disobedient teenager, over a respectable administrator. Plus, being so small in comparison, I felt my life would be inherently valued less, and viewed as inconsequential, among these great behemoths. 
Shaking violently, I reached my hand into my pocket and fumbled around for my phone. I pulled it out and surrendered it to the wide surface of his hand below. He enveloped the device in his fist and it disappeared into the drawer in his desk. He set me back down on the desk and I collapsed to my hands and knees, breathing hard and dripping with cold sweat. 
“Do you have any questions for me before I dismiss you?” the principal asked, as if nothing had happened. Maybe from his perspective, picking me up and collecting my phone was nothing. I had a lot of questions, but I was too frightened and out of breath to talk. My heart was beating as fast as hummingbird wings and I felt lightheaded. 
When I didn’t say anything, the principal motioned to his second-in-command to take me away. The vice principal scooped me up in his hands and walked out, holding me up to his chest. I pressed up against the fabric of his suit and huddled into a ball, trembling uncontrollably. 
3rd Chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/voraciousvore/731601127503708160/boarding-school-for-giants-325?source=share
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voraciousvore · 11 months
Boarding School for Giants (3/25)
Start from the beginning: https://www.tumblr.com/voraciousvore/731600430392639488/boarding-school-for-giants-125?source=share
------ Chapter 3 ------
The vice principal remained silent for a while. He walked around outside in the schoolyard for a long time, cradling me in his capacious hands, until I finally started to calm down and stopped shaking. 
“Are you alright?” he asked gently. I could feel his voluminous voice filling his chest as he spoke. 
“Yeah,” I mumbled, and rubbed my face with my hands to compose myself. “Sorry about that.” 
“You have nothing to be sorry about,” he replied softly. “I understand how scary it is, to be around giants for the first time. I assure you, no harm will come to you here. You’re safe.” I appreciated his efforts to comfort me, but I didn’t believe his words, even if he was being genuine. Even if none of the giants intentionally harmed me, which was a dubious assumption to start with, I had become painfully aware of how easy it would be for one of them, simply by virtue of their great size, to accidentally drop me or smash me. Just the thought of navigating the floor of the school, surrounded by gigantic clomping feet that could crush me like a bug, filled me with dread. 
“How am I supposed to get around this place, when everything is so big?” I questioned the giant man, looking up at his face with wide eyes. 
“Oh, right. An astute question. We will actually provide you with a bicycle that you can ride all over campus, including indoors. It'll be far more expedient that trying to walk everywhere with those tiny little legs of yours.” He let out a good-natured chuckle and looked down at me with a kind smile. “Would you like a tour of the school now? I’m sure knowing where everything is will make your first day much easier.” 
“Yes, I’d appreciate that,” I answered timidly. The giant started walking back towards the central plaza. The students had finished their classes and were pouring out of the main building, so the vice principal waited until foot traffic died down before entering the stone structure. He showed me the now empty classrooms, which other than the giant scale of them were fairly typical, with the exception of a row of human-sized desks elevated on a shelf along the wall, with a staircase to reach them and a bike rack underneath. I had to admit, the design was surprisingly clever. At least while in class I wouldn’t be sitting on a desk on the floor, where somebody could accidentally step on me. 
Next, we checked out the cafeteria, which had a separate human section of tables tucked away in the corner. Mr. Henderson explained to me that the cafeteria workers would prepare my meals and leave them in a discreet designated area for me, which was a platform near the floor adjacent to the serving area for the giants. Since for now I was the only human student in the entire school, he told me that it wouldn’t be practical to have a full serving area for humans, and I would be given prepackaged meals in brown paper bags. Fair enough I suppose. Having suffered a mild degree of food insecurity as a child, I wasn’t picky. Food was food. 
We passed by the bathrooms, and I was very grateful to see there were entirely separate, private facilities specifically designed for human accessibility. We also popped into the library, which had a modest selection of literature for humans to read on one of the bottom shelves. The giant then carried me back toward the administration offices, where I had met the principal. Reminded of the unpleasant interaction, I shivered and gripped one of the giant’s thick fingers in my hands. In response, he curled his fingers around me protectively. The principal was still in his office, focused on paperwork. He looked angry. I sank down lower into the giant’s hand, hoping I wouldn’t be seen. 
Keeping his voice low, so as not to disturb his boss, the vice principal said to me, “This is my office over here, at the end of the hall. If you need anything, don’t be afraid to come see me.” He held me up to his eye level and gazed at me intently. “I really mean that. Okay?” 
I looked back into his expressive brown eyes. They were full of warmth, just like a cup of coffee. “Okay,” I echoed quietly. He smiled, and his eyes lit up. He brought his hand back down to his prodigious torso and continued the tour. I swayed back and forth in his hands with every lengthy stride. 
We went back outside. By now, the sun was starting to sink down into the horizon, casting long shadows and bathing the earth in the bright, ethereal light of late afternoon. Streaks of orange and pink clouds ornamented the firmament. A mild, warm breeze ruffled my hair. The feeling was lovely, and almost made me forget how messed up my life had become. Almost. 
Mr. Henderson was a tall man, even for a giant, not to mention a figure of authority on campus, so he drew attention wherever he went. There were some giant students hanging around in the courtyard around the school, and most of them at least glanced at him as he passed by. Some of them, if they happened to spot my miniscule figure in his hand, looked me over as well. Their reactions were mixed: some confused, some curious, some disdainful. I didn’t like the attention: It scared me. At my old school, I had been a troublemaker and an outsider—some might go so far as to label me a “loser”—and therefore I was the natural target for some nasty bullies. Here, being the only human at a school populated by giants, I couldn’t avoid being an outsider even if I tried to blend in. I really didn’t want to think about the sort of horrors a bully who was a giant could inflict on me. 
We made our way to the athletic area behind the school. The school sponsored several sports and extracurricular activities, so the field was crowded with giant students playing football and soccer. Several students were jogging and sprinting on the track, and others took advantage of the basketball court to play with their friends. While I had never been the type of girl to be involved in sports, I was a little sad that I was by default excluded from joining my giant classmates in any sort of outdoor activity, lest I be unwittingly squashed underfoot. 
“Our school has a rich tradition of fostering athletic prowess,” Mr. Henderson recited, as if he were reading from a brochure. “Although, I’m sorry to say, you won’t be able to play.” He winced. Clearly, he cared about the wellbeing of his students, and didn’t like the idea of a student being excluded from social activities simply by virtue of her physical stature.  
“I should also mention, you’ve been formally excused from attending PE class, so some of your schooldays will be shorter than the rest. We figured you’d get plenty of exercise just from traversing our giant-sized campus.” He was right about that, and I certainly wasn’t going to complain. I hated PE, and less time in school was an added bonus. 
The giant was now skirting the edge of the campus, alongside the tremendous hedges and the buildings housing all the students. I felt some apprehension. How would I handle living and sleeping in a space full of giants? It didn’t sound safe or practical. Fortunately, though I didn’t voice my concerns, they were swiftly addressed. 
“We have a separate dormitory built for humans that you’ll be staying in,” the giant commented. “However, the dormitory for girls has yet to be constructed, so your building is located next to the housing for the giant boys. I hope you don’t mind. I suppose our board of directors assumed we would be getting male students first. On the plus side, you’ll have the whole building to yourself, being the only human. Here it is.” 
I crawled over to the edge of his huge hand to get a glimpse of my new home. The human dormitory, in terms of style and construction, looked identical to the giant dorms, but was positively puny by comparison. The roof didn’t even reach the giant’s knee. From my vantage point in the giant’s hand, the whole structure looked like a dollhouse that the giant could kick over and stomp into rubble if he were so inclined. I wasn’t particularly fond of that mental image, especially considering I would be living inside the building. 
The giant lowered his hulking mass into a crouch, moving slowly to avoid knocking me over, and placed his hand on the concrete so I could dismount. Relieved to be in control of myself again, I slid off his hand and onto my own two feet. I took in my surroundings from the ground. Everything looked so much larger. The monumental buildings seemed to stretch upwards into infinity. The grass along the sidewalks turned into a forest. The human dormitory next to me, which I thought looked like a toy from the giant’s hand, transformed before my eyes into a full-sized structure. I looked up at the giant who towered over me. 
“Here’s your bike,” he remarked, pointing to the bike rack. He spun the front wheel playfully with his index finger. I had to admit, the bike was nice. It was a street bike of a simple design, very plain, painted blue, but still of a decent quality. 
“Do you have any questions or concerns for me before I leave?” the giant asked. My mind went blank and I couldn’t think of a single thing. I was still overwhelmed with all the new developments that had transpired over the course of a single day. Just this morning, I had been at home, oblivious, having never seen a giant in my entire life. And now I was living among them, surrounded on all sides by a world not designed for me. I shook my head. 
“Alright then. It was a pleasure meeting you, Eren. Good luck on your first day tomorrow,” the giant concluded. He dug into his pocket and pulled out my bags, setting them down next to me on the pavement. Then, he raised himself up off the ground and stood up to his full, incredible height. I couldn’t help but gawk at the colossus that loomed high into the sky. He was so tall, I was surprised his head didn’t touch the clouds. He regarded me, the pathetic little creature dwarfed by his gigantic shoe, for a long moment with a pensive expression, then turned away and strode off, his footsteps sending tremors through the ground as he went. 
I exhaled a shaky breath. Even though he had been kind and gentle towards me, the giant had still aroused a primordial fear from deep inside me. As if to cement that notion, the earth beneath my feet began to quake as some giant students strolled toward their dorms, and I hurried inside the human building with my bags before any of them could spot me. The floor, the walls, even the ceiling rattled as the group of giants ambled by. They were talking to each other as they walked, and their loud deep voices filled the air and made it vibrate. I cringed and hugged myself tightly with my arms in a feeble attempt to calm myself down. Eventually the footsteps faded into the distance. There was no way I was going to make it through this nightmare. I felt a rising panic threatening to break through my chest. 
Trying to force down these overpowering emotions, I distracted myself by scrutinizing my new home. The first thing I noticed was a manila envelope that was on the floor inside the entryway. Since none of the giants could fit in the building, I assumed one of them must have opened the door and tossed the envelope inside for me. I opened the envelope. It contained a packet of papers that included my class schedule, some general introductory information about the school, a promotional pamphlet, and a contact list with emails and phone numbers with all the teachers and staff. My stomach tightened as I realized I didn’t have my phone or a computer. I couldn’t contact anyone; I was alone. 
I held in my feelings, close to bursting, and continued to explore. There was a communal space that was furnished with some used couches and a scratched-up coffee table. A mini kitchen area contained a counter, sink, microwave, fridge, and a cheap plastic table with chairs. Tucked away in a corner was an ancient washer and dryer set. The bathroom resembled a public restroom with toilets and showers. The beds were lined up all in one room, so I suppose if there were other students there wouldn’t be much privacy. I had it all to myself though. My stranded, lonely self. At least I had my own space to hide away from the giants if the whole experience became unbearable. 
I wondered to myself how the giants got all the furniture inside. Did they hire a human crew to construct the building and bring everything in? I wasn’t sure how often, if at all, humans crossed the barrier into giant society. I surveyed the walls and ceiling and noticed an odd seam running along the edges on top. The seam outlined all the rooms in the building, except for one section that was instead a set of monstrous hinges. The mystery was solved. The roof was removable. I wasn’t safe here either. At any time, one of the giants could remove the roof, reach in, and snatch me up. 
The light outside faded until the darkness of night took over. I could hear giant crickets screeching outside, a little bit too loud to be pleasant. I was hungry, but the absolute last thing I wanted to do was go out among the giants and trek the formidable distance to the dining hall. I was too anxious to even consider it. Instead, I had a cigarette for dinner. I smoked inside, because I didn’t give a damn. I had less than a single pack left, so I was going to be forced to quit smoking soon. I doubted I could just sneak out and buy human-sized packs like I did back home. 
Could I even leave the campus safely, or was I effectively trapped here? Only time would tell. Cold reality was hitting me hard. I was slipping into fear and despair. I felt horrible, being so small and alone and isolated. My empty belly churned. I prepared for bed. I was emotionally drained and exhausted. I laid down in one of the beds, curled up into a tight ball, and struggled not to cry at my misfortune. 
Next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/voraciousvore/731601992457306112/boarding-school-for-giants-425?source=share
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voraciousvore · 11 months
Boarding School for Giants (5/25)
First chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/voraciousvore/731600430392639488/boarding-school-for-giants-125?source=share
------ Chapter 5 ------
It took me a long, long time to finally stop crying. Mr. Henderson held me in his hands the entire time. He took me inside his office and closed the door so I could have some privacy. He took a rag, moistened it with water, and did his best to wipe off all the yogurt and spit. I’d still need a shower later. He held me with his hands in his lap and stroked me gently with his thumb to help calm me down, murmuring words of comfort. My sobs eventually died down to hiccups and spasms in my diaphragm. 
“What happened?” he inquired softly, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. I sniffled and looked up at him rising above me. He wore a look of deep concern and sympathy on his features. At least he didn’t hate me like the others. With his magnanimous heart, he genuinely cared. In spite of the hell I had been through, I felt a warmth in my chest I hadn’t felt in a very long time, almost as if the hole corroding my soul from the loss of my father had been filled. 
“One of the giant teenagers was bullying me. He threw me into his yogurt and then put me in his mouth. I was so scared, I thought he was going to swallow me,” I recounted with a grimace. “He called me a ‘disgusting, lowly human.’ I don’t understand what I did to deserve such hate.” My eyes watered at the memory.  
“That’s terrible. I’m so, so sorry,” the giant said, continuing to pet me with his thumb to soothe my pain.
“And even before that, I was having such a horrible day. Everybody acted like I didn’t exist. I felt like I wasn’t a real person. I didn’t have any textbooks for my classes, and nobody was feeding me. I haven’t eaten anything today, except some of that disgusting yogurt by force.” I flinched and hugged my stomach with my arms, still feeling a little sick from the emptiness. I never wanted to eat yogurt again, or be anywhere near it. 
“There wasn’t any food for you?” Mr. Henderson asked. He looked deeply disturbed by all my experiences that I had unloaded on him. I shook my head despondently. “Here, eat some of this,” he insisted, giving me a sliver of chicken from the tray of food he brought over from the lunchroom. I gratefully accepted, scarfing down the meat like I was starving. He fed me a few oversized grains of rice and followed them up with another morsel of chicken until I couldn’t eat any more. I was relieved to finally have a full belly. 
“I’ll talk with the kitchen staff and make sure they have meals ready for you,” the giant assured me. “And I’ll talk to your teachers, and bring your textbooks over to your dorm first thing in the morning. Alright?” 
“Okay,” I agreed, sniffling. “Thank you.” 
“Now, I need to know. Who was the student who was bullying you?” 
“I don’t know his name. He had green eyes, freckles, and red hair.” As I described him, I winced at the recollection of that monster standing over me, grinning with those huge teeth. 
Mr. Henderson stroked his chin as he ruminated. “I don’t know who you’re talking about. But when I find out, he will regret it.” His face hardened as his eyes stared off into the distance. He was lost in thought for a moment before snapping out of it and gazing down at me. “If you see him again, let me know right away.” I nodded. I hoped I would never run into him again, but a repeat encounter was highly likely, since we inhabited the same campus. I knew from experience bullies enjoyed stalking and harassing their prey, and I wouldn’t be left alone for long. 
The giant cocked his head as he leaned over me. “By the way, did you want to contact your mother? Let her know what happened?” 
“No,” I answered bluntly. “She would just yell at me and tell me it’s my fault for getting kicked out of school.” 
“Oh.” He looked sad. I got the impression he wanted to say something, but didn’t want to pry. I appreciated his discretion. He knew I had been through enough today. 
“Can you… walk me back to my dorm?” I asked. I was fatigued and didn’t want to have to traverse the long distance back on my own. 
“Of course,” the giant agreed warmly. He stood up, still holding me in his hand, and circled around his desk to leave his office. As he walked, he added, “Are you going to be okay? Do I need to worry about you?” 
“I’ll be fine,” I assured him, wiping my eyes. “I’m tough, and I’ve dealt with a lot in my life. It’ll take more than a little bullying to keep me down.” I gave him a weak smile. I don’t know if I really believed my own words, but I didn’t want him to worry about me. I’m sure he had more important things to deal with at his job than a teenager going through a crisis. 
As the vice principal walked through the halls of the school, I noticed the classrooms were empty. The school day must have finished while I had been crying. I hadn’t noticed the bell, perhaps because I had been so distraught at the time. I doubted I’d be in any trouble for skipping my last class. Heck, the previous two teachers didn’t even know I existed, so what difference did it make anyway? 
We passed the cafeteria, and I remembered something important. “My bike! It’s still in the cafeteria,” I informed the giant. He strolled into the room over to the human section. Yet again, I was amazed how different everything looked from a giant’s perspective. The human tables presented as nothing more than tiny plastic squares from this height. The giant bent down and delicately picked up the bike with his thumb and forefinger. He slipped the bike in his pants pocket and walked back out. 
Down the hall, I spied the principal coming towards us. He strode forward with power and purpose, confident in his formidable strength and stature. He was an imposing figure with his broad chest and hardy limbs. As he passed by us, already sporting a sullen expression, he spotted me shrinking down into the vice principal’s hand and glowered. The implication was crystal clear: I didn’t belong at this school. Dejected, I sank down further into the curve of the giant’s palm. 
“Why do so many giants here seem to hate me?” I questioned Mr. Henderson.  
He seemed uncomfortable with the question, and hesitated before finally answering, “Some giants—not all, but a significant number—believe that humans are an inferior race of people, unfit to associate with giants and destined for subservience. They see themselves as better, superior beings, fit to dominate the lower orders.” He looked down at me sadly. “It’s a dangerous ideology. Those who believe it want to destroy the protective wall separating our societies and violently subjugate humans with an iron fist. I hope to quash these erroneous beliefs by integrating humans and giants together, and teaching the younger generations to be kind and understanding to humans.” 
He stepped outside into the rays of the setting sun and continued, “You may feel insignificant, but your presence here is far more important than you realize.” 
I processed what he said with some apprehension. I hadn’t come here to change hearts and minds or be a champion for humanity. I hadn’t even been aware of such a struggle. Just being around giants filled me with terror. The responsibility weighed on me heavily. On the other hand, I had to admit I was comforted by the notion that I had a purpose, that I wasn’t insignificant after all. Additionally, I naturally possessed a fiery spirit: I wasn’t the type to give up. Not that I had much of a choice, considering I had basically been abandoned here. 
“I should mention as well, it’s not normal for a giant to eat a human, even for the giants who view humans as inferior. They also see humans as… unclean. It would be the equivalent of a human eating a cockroach,” the giant explained to me. I felt somewhat relieved to hear that tidbit of information, at least. 
“Of course, I’m not saying you’re like a cockroach! Not at all! But eating a human is considered among us to be uncivilized and barbaric. It’s illegal too, like murder.” Ah, and of course murders never happen, right? Because they’re against the law? While I saw the obvious flaw in his logic, I didn’t say anything out loud. He was trying to make me feel better, and he was literally the only one on this whole campus so far who was kind to me. I didn’t want to disrespect or alienate a nice man like him with my usual contrarian sassiness. 
He escorted me over in hushed tranquility to the human dormitory. I leaned back into the cushion of his hand and enjoyed the soft warmth of his skin. I wished I could just close my eyes and make it all go away. I was bone tired. I was almost lulled into slumber’s sweet embrace with the rhythm of his steps. The journey ended all too soon, however, and the giant set me carefully down on the pavement. He took my bike out of his pocket and placed it neatly in the bike rack, then straightened himself back up. I stared up at the colossus extending high into the sky with wide eyes. Even with the time I had spent with him, I still marveled at just how big and tall he was. 
“I’ll meet you back here early in the morning with your books, alright? And if you’d like, I’ll even take you to the cafeteria in the morning, and confirm that you get breakfast,” he reassured me, tilting his head to the side. 
“Okay,” I called up to him. He gave a curt nod to acknowledge he heard my puny voice and then left. I watched him as he lumbered off, until his lofty figure was no longer visible. Sighing, I turned around and returned to my new home. I was glad I was the only one who lived there, because I knew I was a mess, and I wanted to be alone. I stripped off my filthy, sticky clothes and threw them in the washing machine. I didn’t bother to start laundry now, since I had multiple clean uniforms I could wear in the interim. I jumped into the shower and vigorously scrubbed all the foul slime off my skin and out of my tangled hair. The hot water felt amazing. I was so glad to finally be clean, and not stink like the inside of someone’s disgusting mouth. 
I dried off, put on my pajamas, brushed out the knots in my hair, and laid down in my bed. I was too tired to reflect on the events of the day. It wasn’t even night yet and I was ready to sleep. The light from the windows was just beginning to soften. I curled up and rapidly faded out of consciousness. 
Since I went to sleep so early, I woke up just as the sun cracked at dawn. Still groggy, I stumbled out of bed and went straight for the bathroom. I started brushing my teeth when I felt the rumble of giant footsteps approaching. The earthquakes increased in intensity until whoever was stomping around was right outside the building. Was Mr. Henderson here already? I recalled he said he’d be early, but I didn’t realize he meant this early. I wasn’t ready yet. I hastily spit into the sink, wiped off my mouth, and went to look out the nearest window. 
There was nothing on that side of the building, so I went to another window, expecting to be greeted by the giant’s distinctive formal black shoes standing outside. Instead, I saw a giant pair of worn sneakers crusted with dirt. I froze. Those shoes seemed vaguely familiar, but I had come across tons of shoes just yesterday and I wasn’t able to recollect where I had seen them before. I felt uneasy. Something wasn’t right about this. But as long as I stayed inside my little fortress, I’d be safe... right? 
With a resounding thump, the giant outside, whoever he was, got down on his knees. I heard shuffling and banging as his hands explored the exterior of the building. I saw his fingers brush against the windows. He must be trying to get inside. Based on the fact that he hadn’t made an effort to call out to me or get my attention, I doubted there were innocent intentions involved here. Did he know the roof could be lifted open? A wave of panic hit me. I needed to hide, fast. But where? There was nowhere to go. If the entire top of the building was removed, everything inside would be clearly exposed and visible. 
My worst fears suddenly morphed into reality as I heard a loud click, and the roof started to fold open with a groan. I had no time to think. I dived under one of the beds and scrunched up into a ball, to be as inconspicuous as possible. My heart pounded fast and hard. I felt the cool morning air from outside sweep into the room. 
“Where are you, little human? I know you’re in here!” a giant voice boomed, dripping with malice. I saw an enormous hand drop down and fumble with the furniture, searching for me. The fingers tossed aside the beds like they were nothing more than toys. The hand began methodically flipping over each bed, moving closer to my position. I broke into a cold sweat. I would be discovered, and there was nothing I could do about it. I was powerless. The hand reached my hiding spot, and flicked the bed out of the way, revealing my presence. 
“Aha!” the booming voice shouted in triumph. I made an attempt to dart away, but the massive hand closed around me completely, trapping me within the hollow of the giant’s fist. “Gotcha!” 
Next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/voraciousvore/731602809307496448/boarding-school-for-giants-625?source=share
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voraciousvore · 11 months
Boarding School for Giants (4/25)
First chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/voraciousvore/731600430392639488/boarding-school-for-giants-125?source=share
Content Warning: This chapter contains mouthplay and bullying
------ Chapter 4 ------
My whiny belly woke me up as it complained for breakfast. I sighed and forced myself out of bed. I figured it was better to get an early start on my first day. The last thing I wanted was to be late to class, to be the new kid with all the giants staring down at me. I tested out my new school uniform. To my surprise, the cloth was comfortable and loose-fitting. Maybe wearing a uniform wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
Once I was ready, I steadied myself and hesitantly stepped outside, after checking to make sure no giants were nearby. The world was bathed in the soft blue light of early dawn as the sun began to rise from its slumber. Morning dew sparkled in the grass forest. I hopped on my bike and headed out. There was a slight chill in the air, but the coolness felt pleasant on my skin. I quickly became lost in the labyrinth of sidewalks. Seeing everything from the ground as opposed to the sky confused my sense of direction. I spied the main building off in the distance, towering into the heavens, but I couldn’t cut through the tall grass directly to reach it. 
Eventually I found my way to the courtyard, a boundless open space with a gigantic fountain in the middle that made an Olympic swimming pool look like a cup of water. Some giants were milling about, waiting for class to start, and I went out of my way to avoid them and stay out of sight if I could. The double doors that made up the entrance to the school were propped open, so I was able to get inside without incident. 
Biking through the hallways was a little more dicey. While the hallways felt extremely wide and long to me, as a human, the giants were also absolutely massive and filled the space, leaving little room for me to freely pass by. Even worse, most of them were oblivious to my existence, and stomped right into my path of travel. I weaved through the maze of giant shoes and legs until I made it to the cafeteria, gasping for breath and roiling with trepidation at the dreadful thought of being stepped on. 
Breakfast smelled amazing. I could almost taste the heavenly aroma of bacon, sausage, eggs, and biscuits. My stomach grumbled. I dismounted my bike and snuck past the queue of colossal giants waiting to be fed. I couldn’t help but feel puny and insignificant. I wasn’t able to see people’s faces without craning my neck back and staring far above. I would probably become more acquainted with people’s shoes than their faces. Nobody seemed to notice me, the skittish little creature scrambling across the floor. Even if I screamed, I doubted I would be heard over the clamorous roar of giant voices. 
Disturbed by this thought, I finally made it to the deserted human section of the cafeteria and walked over to the platform where my breakfast was supposed to be. There was nothing. I stood there awkwardly, looked around, scratched my head. I waited for a while, to see if maybe the lunch ladies were just running late, but nobody came. The giant students were starting to leave the cafeteria to go to their respective classrooms. I didn’t want to be late, so I rushed over to my bike and left for my first class of the day. I’d come back for lunch, I guess. I could make it until then. 
Luckily for me, my first class was just across the hall, so I didn’t have to dodge too many giant shoes to get there. I parked my bike, went up the stairs, claimed a desk, and waited for class to start. Other students stomped in, shaking the human desks slightly, chatting noisily and laughing with their friends. I sat motionless, drooping down in my seat, grateful to be ignored. I stuffed down the fear that was rising inside me at seeing so many giant people in one place. 
The teacher, a heavyset middle-aged woman, marched in and started class. First period was math. Ugh. I struggled to pay attention with my hungry belly as she droned on. She wrote a jumble of numbers and letters and symbols on the chalkboard that I couldn’t make heads or tails of. She directed the students to open their textbooks to a certain page and ran through some sample problems, calling on students as the lesson progressed. I glanced around at the other students as they focused on their work. I was never issued any textbooks. Was I supposed to have one? I was tempted to ask the teacher, but the thought of drawing attention to myself gave me a stab of fear. Furthermore, the giantess didn’t acknowledge me or look my way at all, as if she didn’t know I was there. I became increasingly baffled and anxious as the lesson dragged on. 
Finally, the bell rang. From the schedule I had been given, I knew I had ten minutes to get to my next class. However, the stampede of giants rushing out the door and through the halls would make such a feat difficult and dangerous. I collected my bike and waited for an opening, my heart palpitating fast. I dived into the sea of legs and shoes and pedaled like my life depended on it—which it did, because one wrong move would instantly turn me into a red stain on the bottom of someone’s shoe.  
Somehow, miraculously, I survived and got to class with only seconds to spare. Second period was English, and the experience was roughly the same as my first class. The teacher discussed some reading material I hadn’t read and assigned homework to read a passage from a textbook I didn’t have. I had trouble focusing with how hungry I was. The giants in the room failed to notice me, just like before, although I realized if somebody was looking my way I might not see them, since their heads were so high up above my plane of vision. 
The bell sounded off again, signaling the start of lunch. I didn’t have to rush this time, so I waited until the foot traffic had died down before going back to the cafeteria. I was disappointed to find, yet again, no meal waiting for me to pick up. I wasn’t sure what to do. I sat down at one of the tables to wait a little while. Lunch was a full hour, so maybe the food just wasn’t ready yet. I watched, alone, as the gargantuan students around me talked with their friends, laughed, and ate their meals. I considered raising a fuss with the giant kitchen staff, but I was far too intimidated to even try. 
As most of the giants finished eating and left, the lunchroom started to gradually empty out. I tried to work up the courage to ask for food, but I felt myself drowning in a soup of terror, anxiety, distress, and pain. I became aware that one of the giants was staring at me. He was a tall, pale, lanky giant with freckles, wavy red hair that almost reached his shoulders, and green eyes. I tried to avoid glancing at him but his stare never faltered. He stood up, holding his tray of half-eaten food, and began prowling towards me. I started to panic. I didn’t know what to do. He squatted down to get closer to my level and I almost fell out of my chair. 
“Well, what do we have here?” the giant teen queried with a sneer. His tone was snarky, not friendly. “You didn’t get any food, did you? Are you hungry?” He flashed his teeth in an icy smile. I noticed his canines seemed larger than they should be, even when taking into consideration his gigantic size. 
I knew he had been observing me, sitting here in the lunch area with no food, so I couldn’t deny the veracity of his assertion. “Y-y-yes,” I stuttered. My body quivered against my will. 
He set his tray down in front of me. “You’re free to take some of my food, if you’d like.” I froze up. I was hungry, but not that hungry. His smile deepened, but his eyebrows arched down in anger. Before I could react, he reached out his hand and ensnared me in his fist. I yelped and fought against his grip, but my struggles were in vain. He grinned wider, showing off more of his giant teeth. 
“Here, have some yogurt,” he jeered. He dropped me headfirst into his yogurt cup with a plop. The yogurt filled my mouth and nose and I couldn’t breathe. I flailed about until my head resurfaced, gasping for air. The thick, creamy substance clung to my hair and skin. I was thoroughly disgusted. 
The giant laughed cruelly and dipped a plastic spoon into the cup, lifting me out with the utensil. I was small enough to fit comfortably into the curved end of the spoon. I hoped desperately he was done teasing me and would end there, but to my horror he raised me up to his lips. 
“No,” I whimpered. “You wouldn’t… please don’t…” 
He showed off his immense teeth, gleaming with moisture. “Oh, but I would!” He gleefully opened his mouth and slipped the spoon inside. I belted out an unholy wail as his cavernous mouth closed around me, trapping me in hot, humid darkness. He slurped me off the spoon and sucked the yogurt off my body. His huge meaty tongue explored my tiny frame, rubbing against me and squeezing me against his teeth. I was quickly saturated with saliva. He forced me in between his molars and pressed his rows of teeth together, as if he were going to bite down and crush me, but didn’t actually chew me up. 
I was petrified. Would he swallow me? Did giants eat humans? I had naively assumed they wouldn’t, considering they had made a school for us to commingle, but I realized there was nothing physically stopping them from doing so. I was small enough to easily slide down his throat into his stomach, like a dollop of yogurt. He wouldn’t even need to chew. I screamed and scratched at the flesh and teeth smothering me, but there was nothing I could do. I was helpless. 
Thankfully, he spat me back out into the yogurt cup and laughed derisively. I coughed and sucked in mouthfuls of clean air. He glared down at me, shivering and covered in fluid, with the upmost scorn and contempt. 
“Disgusting, lowly human,” he snarled. “You don’t deserve to be here with us superior giants, you filthy little shrimp.” He tossed the cup carelessly to the ground and stomped off. The cup had tipped on its side, and I stayed where I had fallen in a puddle of yogurt. The bell rang for class, but that was far from my mind. The cafeteria grew quiet since mostly everyone had left.  
I didn’t bother getting up. I felt worse than I ever had in my entire life. I was garbage; I deserved to be laying here in garbage. I almost wished that giant had just eaten me, so I’d be dead and I wouldn’t have to be here anymore. Nobody would miss me anyways. Dad had abandoned me, and now Mom had dumped me here to get rid of me. Apparently none of the students or teachers cared if I was here or not, I was too inferior to be noticed, and if they did see me they hated me. I sobbed, great big heaving sobs that wracked my whole body. 
In the distance, I heard voices. I absolutely did not want to be discovered in this pathetic, lowly state. I tried to quiet my sobs, but by now the dam had burst and I couldn’t stop the flood of tears: They poured out of me with howls and moans and heaving, shuddering breaths. The pain even became physical, a sharp stabbing pain in my chest. I was broken beyond belief. I just couldn’t take it anymore. 
“I know I’m a little late, but is there any food left?” a deep voice rumbled. “Oh, thank you! I appreciate it!” I recognized that voice. Mr. Henderson, the vice principal. I felt another pang in my chest. My devastated heart felt like it was going to explode. Again, I attempted in vain to cease my wailing, but somehow it managed to grow louder instead, as if a wild animal was clawing its way out of me. 
“Do you hear something?” 
I was desperate to not be found, but by now I was completely out of control. The floor vibrated with approaching heavy footsteps. A familiar giant black shoe thumped down near the entrance to the cup. My breath caught in my throat for a moment, followed by chest spasms and another uncontrollable sob. A shadow fell over me and the walls of the plastic cup compressed with pressure from giant fingers. I felt a wave of nausea as the cup was thrust hundreds of feet into the air. I screwed my eyes shut. I didn’t want to look, didn’t want to be seen. I pleaded silently to for him to just leave me alone. But it was too late: I couldn’t hide now. I was exposed and powerless. 
“Wha… Eren?! What are you doing in there?” his enormous voice boomed. I looked up through my tears at his shocked face, so huge and close, and continued to sob violently. I felt so ashamed. I was a disaster. A mess of tangled emotions flickered across his face—confusion, horror, sadness, anger. I turned away in shame and cringed, still crying. Giant fingers wrapped around me and gently removed me from the cup. Despite how filthy I was, he enveloped me in his hand and carried me away. 
Next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/voraciousvore/731602374492340224/boarding-school-for-giants-525?source=share
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