itsthelittlethings94 · 10 months
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The Pirates Are Coming 🏴‍☠️
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emrystranslates · 4 years
[Haikyuu!! Light Novel Vol. 11 Unofficial English Translation]  Michimiya's Lie
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Translator's notes: Hello! It's finally here! The first story of volume 11 of Haikyuu's light novel. Just a few reminders I guess? These are unofficial translations and I can't guarantee 100% accuracy. I tried my best to stay as accurate as possible. Feel free to point our any mistakes or comments to help improve my translations <3 Other translation notes at the end of the story. PS. It's nice to read more about Michimiya. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I did.
Where to buy the originals: Here
________________________________________________________ Even if you said it just turned 6 pm, the outside had become darker as night than it is as dusk. Lately, days are short and the wind that touches the face is cold. It was right to wear a coat when you left the house which you thought may be a little too early to wear.
By the rotary in front of the station, Michimiya Yui is finding stars in the open night sky.
“That one is Orion.” Then, where is the North Pole? Was it the one in the middle of the Big Dipper? No, that’s wrong. If she draws a line from a certain constellation, it should be there. But, what constellation was it? Ursa Major? Ursa Minor? She's sure she had memorized it back when she was in elementary.
After returning her raised head and immediately giving up on finding the North Pole, Michimiya Yui hurried back home.
Will she be able to come home before the 7 pm special program? Did she set-up the video recording in advance?
She was carelessly worrying about the television program while hurrying back home.
Then, her feet suddenly stopped.
“Eh, no way.”
Among the people who are similarly hurrying back home, Michimiya’s eyes are staring at the back of that person wearing a black jersey walking around a block ahead of her.
“What do I do? But what if, I’m wrong? No, I’m not wrong. What to do? Impossible, he is also not listening.”
Though for some reason Michimiya was muttering, she bit her lips like she'd made up her mind and looked down at the boots she’s wearing. From her boots, tights, skirt, and coat, she checked her attire from bottom to top.
“It’s okay. I’m not wearing anything weird.” As she nodded encouragingly, she fixed her bangs through the camera of her phone.
Then, slapping her cheeks with her two hands, Michimiya kicked the pavement and started running on the night road. Like she was rushing towards the court as if there was a match starting.
“Ah, what the- So it’s you Michimiya.”
The man who turned back, wearing a black jersey and holding a sports bag was, of course, Karasuno High School’s volleyball team captain, Sawamura Daichi.
Hahaha, she was told, “what the…”
Though slightly hurt by that, Michimiya without being disheartened asked Sawamura, “Why are you around here? What about today’s practice?”
“Ah, since we ended early today, I went to buy some things like my phone charger. Here.”
After showing the plastic bag from the electronics store, Sawamura continued. “I think it’s because it’s worn out but the one I’m currently using is in really bad shape. I thought that since I can also use it in Tokyo, I should probably prepare a replacement in advance. I just don’t want to panic when it happens.”
“Preparation for Spring High, huh?”
“Yeah. How about you? Where are you going, Michimiya?”
Being asked back, Michimiya hesitated just for a moment.
“Eh? Ah, I just went to hang out with Mao for a little bit. Did you know that we really ate a lot? Recently I’ve been wasting so much that my pocket money is not enough, and I certainly gained weight after retiring!” she said and laughed.
Ah-- what is she saying? She didn’t need to specifically say that she gained weight. Michimiya felt disheartened. However, Sawamura replied.
“Heeeh, Ukai-san also said the same thing before. He gained weight after he retired.”
The matter about girls’ talk of gaining and losing weight was completely ignored.
“Haha, is that so!”
Though laughing with all her might, Michimiya is feeling down.
---- Somehow, she feels like she's the only one pointlessly going around.
Sawamura who is standing before her is completely and truly the same as always. He is a person who just blurts out things like “How about we run for a bit right now?” whenever he likes and who makes a face of a typical men’s volleyball team captain. Michimiya is somehow pressed for words. She doesn't know what she should say. Maybe, “Ukai-san and I are similar then?” She can only say trivial things.
Why is that?
During middle school, she wasn’t this nervous when she was speaking to Sawamura. They even usually talked about things like their club activities, family matters, and tv programs. No, sometime in middle school until recently, she feels like there was no feeling of not knowing what she should talk about. Since when has it been like this?
“Michimiya, that’s where your house is, isn’t it? Because mine is straight ahead.”
When she lifted her face, Sawamura was pointing across the pedestrian crossing. That’s right. They will separate ways from here on. Sawamura goes straight ahead while Michimiya crosses the pedestrian crossing to the other side.  
“Bye,” Sawamura said, and he quickly walked away.
“Ah, yeah bye.”
The moment she said that and waved her hand, a wave of sadness came over her.
Though it was one of the rare times they got to go home together, somehow the time passed indistinctly. At least, if the stoplight was red then he could have waited until it turned green, but it was already green. Rather, she could have called him out. No, isn’t it nice that until here they were able to walk together and talk a little? Like this, after a few months, it’ll be graduation.
That’s right. When this winter ends it’ll be graduation, and chance meetings like this will be gone. Ah-- but even if it’s like that, saying things like “bye,” he just went straight ahead like that as usual.
Watching the back of Sawamura as he started to walk away, her chest got tighter. It’s difficult. Painful. The pain pushes tightly starting from her chest coming all the way up to her throat. It’s a reproachful green light and yet why does it flicker as if it drives her forward if she won’t cross the street. Ah, she hates it. She really hates it.
What she hates is that she's the only one who isn’t straightforward. She's weak, huh. She hates being weak. She wants to become stronger.  
Then once again, she slapped her cheeks and tried to motivate herself at that moment.
To find the way out, the pain, which had forcefully and continuously come up from her chest all the way up to her throat, had become words that popped out of her mouth.
“Yeah, what’s the matter?”
Sawamura who was called stopped just ahead and turned around.
“Eh? Ah, No…..Uhm, It’s…., E--- The, hahahaha…..”
What does she do? She's troubled. She didn’t have a purpose for stopping him.
Since the earlier “Sawamura!” was similar to a hiccup or a sneeze which selfishly came out of her mouth contrary to what she intended to do, she really didn’t have a purpose for calling him out. But, she can’t say that.
What to do? What to do? She should say something. It’s going to be weird if she doesn’t say something. Uhh….
Though Michimiya was in a hurry, when she found the bright street lamp by the road ahead, once again her hand moved before she could think. She pointed at the street lamp and said. “Ah! Uhh, Salt! Right, salt and soy sauce, then olive oil? Yup, that! Somehow it looks like they only have it at the big supermarket here. What’s that? Pickiness? My mom seems to have something like that? It’s troublesome, isn’t it?”
“Eh? Ah, is that so?”
Without noticing Michimiya’s slightly peculiar energy, Sawamura said, “Ukai-san also said something similar to that. Something about beer, I think?” He looked at the direction of the supermarket once again, “Then, we’re going in the same direction.” He ascertained. Michimiya, without knowing why,  thought “Thank you, Ukai-san!” While thanking him from the bottom of her heart, she nodded.
“Then, let’s go?”
Behind the two who started walking, the stoplight turned red.
She lied.
The fact that she easily blurted out a lie, perhaps, she is bad. What does she do?
Mom, I’m so sorry. Until now, I planned to live an honest life but from today, I have become a bad liar.
As she was apologizing to her mother, the pain Michimiya felt until a while ago was gone. Her heart, on the contrary, was refreshed, her footsteps light. Even the awkwardness when speaking to Sawamura disappeared.
“Even so, it’s finally Nationals huh? It’s really amazing. Because when you speak of Spring High, it’s just so amazing that you’ve come to not really know what it is,” Michimiya said.
“That thing is not true right? Gestalt Collapse, huh.”
“No. But Spring High is just so unreachable. Ah, I shouldn’t say that. We aimed for that after all. However, rather than 'We’ll go to Nationals' things like ‘We won against Seijou’ or ‘We won against Shiratoriza’ are more familiar. You can actually feel it ‘like woah, it’s amazing!’”
“Aah, if it’s like that, I think I can understand.”
“For me, I can’t go to Tokyo but I’ll definitely watch on tv and give my support!” Michimiya replied.
“Aah, yes please.”
“But you see, both you and Sugawara are not only doing club activities but also studying at the same time, men’s volleyball really is amazing, huh.” While they were talking about things like that, Michimiya noticed something.
If it’s something about volleyball, they could talk normally. Ah, that’s right. It’s probably after she retired from club activities that she had come to not know what to talk about. Maybe it’s because they’re not both volleyball team captains anymore. Maybe it’s wrong? She wonders what it is. No, well, she guess it’s okay since they can freely talk if it’s about volleyball. However, up to the point that she told a lie, how is it that they can only talk about volleyball?
Sawamura without noticing the complicated feelings of Michimiya who was walking beside him, like the way he is, said and laughed. “No, back in first year I did receive failing marks you see. I’m worried about how next year will be.”
Things like who will be fit to be the next captain? Or how Seijou's 2nd years would be? What kind of people will Dateko’s 1st year players be? Even here, stories of nothing but club activities continue. If Sugawara were here, he'd probably say “You’re slow!” then get angry or laugh, but luckily or unluckily, Sugawara is not here. It’s only the two of them.
Then while both of them continued talking about their club activities, the two, at last, arrived in front of the Supermarket.
“Then, I’ll go shopping now!”
After she pointed at the almost blinding bright inside of the store, Michimiya laughed and then waved her hand as if it was nothing. “Bye!”
Truthfully, they were supposed to separate by the crossing but even if it’s just around 5 minutes, it was nice that they were able to walk together a bit longer. Yes, that’s good. She shouldn’t think things like disappointment or sadness, or “It’s ends here huh.” She told herself. However, not knowing about Michimiya’s resignation, Sawamura instead of waving back said, “I’m hungry. I think I’ll also buy something.”
The apple is red and colorful while the carrot is bright orange. The radish somehow reminds her of negative things so she’ll ignore it while the cauliflower is fluffy like a puppy which makes it cute. The tofu is tightly lined up and if she looks at the Japanese pickled vegetables, surprisingly it’s beautiful as it is of various colors. How come? Was the supermarket always this sparkling? Michimiya cheerfully walks around the crowded store while holding an empty basket.
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Whenever she goes out to the supermarket for errands she does not really think of anything but today whatever she sees looks delicious and fun. “Meat!” “Steaming Hot Pot!” Even the senseless BGM is fun. The various fruits, ice cream, pasta sauce, toothbrush, flour mix. The candies which change colors, even the combinations of sorts of the small steamed buns by grandma’s house. Anyhow, to the extent that she wants to put anything inside her basket, even herself knows that her spirits are way too high.
Calm down, dear self. It’s impossible. I can’t calm down.
“Ah, this one. Someone frequently bought this for me when I was a child. So it was 20 yen.”
Sawamura said who was beside Michimiya who in turn was holding a yogurt-flavored candy.
“This is the same one as Nishinoya ate just recently.”
“Eh, for real? It probably suits him.”
“Does cheap sweets suit him? Or does it not? No, wait. It does suit him.”
Then, they looked at each other and laughed.
Crap. This is fun. Forever and ever doing it like this.
“This. My mom usually buys this but honestly, it’s bitter.”
“No way! I discovered chocomint soy milk,” Michimiya exclaimed.
“Natto snack? What do you mean?”
I wanted to exchange things like that while walking round and round but I can’t do that. The things I have to buy have been decided beforehand. Truthfully, it’s okay even if I don’t buy anything.
“Uhh, salt, where is it again? This is where flour-related products are. Uhh… ah. There it is.”
As she arrived before the shelves where the condiments are, Sawamura who followed her was shocked.
“Wow. There are a lot. Which one are you buying?”
“Eh? Ah.. uuh”
Then, what should I buy?
More than she thought there were a lot of salt, salt, salt in front of her. Michimiya is at a loss. To begin with, she doesn't know what they were using at home. For now, she will just pick the one slightly expensive and put it in the basket. Well, it doesn’t really matter whatever she gets.
Beside her, Sawamura took the same salt and muttered, “Deep-sea water salt, huh. How is the taste different from the usual salt?”
“It’s a little mild, I think? But I’m not sure. I don’t lick only salt anyways.”
“Mildness, huh? I think I understand the differences in salt. I think if it’s Shimada-san, he probably knows.”
Looking at Sawamura’s face who was looking at the package of salt so earnestly, Michimiya, without thinking, laughed.
“What is it?” Sawamura questioned.
“Eh? No, it’s nothing! I just thought that maybe I should buy another one and try to compare them.” While dodging the question, Michimiya put a bag of ordinary table salt.
“Not a master of sake but a master of salt huh.”
Then, at the next shelf, she chose the barrel-prepared natural soy sauce because it also has a slightly higher price. Continuing at the opposite shelf, she chose the organic extra virgin olive oil.
“With these, I’m done! Then, what are you buying Sawamura? Bread? Onigiri?”
“Eh? Aah, do they have yakisoba bread?”
“You like that right?”
“It’s not that I particularly like it...wait? Hmm, do I like it?”
Sawamura is thinking while making a serious face again. It’s interesting.
But, to prevent not being asked “What is it?” again, Michimiya controlled herself from laughing and walked to search for bread. Not really. There’s not one thing that is particularly interesting. We’re just shopping as usual. But, she can’t help break into a smile anyway.
Eventually, she saw that there was no yakisoba bread. Worrying about what to get between hamburger bread and chicken sandwich was also fun. Choosing the money inside her wallet which was just barely enough was also fun. Everything was fun. Everything.
She probably understood the feelings of the people in musicals who suddenly sing and dance, Michimiya thought. If she does not pay attention and consciously make a meek face, she would  to an extent carelessly skip inside the store. She can’t help that it’s just a fun, fun shopping experience.
After exiting the supermarket, Sawamura immediately started eating the hamburger bread. Based on the reasoning that the poor can’t afford manners, in front of a young high school man’s hunger, things like manners are too much.
“You’re really hungry huh.”
When Michimiya laughed, Sawamura inserted the straw into the packet of his milk coffee and strangely asked back, “Eh, there’s no need to lie right?”
Ah. My ears hurt.
It was when Michimiya looked down.
“Ah, it’s Karasuno’s volleyball team”
Suddenly, after the name of their school was called, Sawamura and Michimiya at the same time raised their heads. In front of their eyes were three men wearing blazers standing.
With a half-eaten hamburger bread in one hand, Sawamura opened his mouth.
“Ah. It’s Datekou’s Moniwa-kun and...”
That’s right. The ones who called out were Date Tech High School Volleyball team’s 3rd year students, Moniwa, Kamasaki and Sasaya.”
“Eh, people from Dateko?”
Though the two students from Karasuno were surprised with this sudden chance meeting, the students of Dateko, on the other hand do not at all express their surprise through words and instead are showing inexpressible discomposure.
If one thinks that the ex-captain Moniwa is retreating while unsteadily staggering, the former middle blocker Kamasaki stands dauntingly, with eyes open wide and barely moving. At their back, former wing spiker Sasaya calmly opened his eyes wide. Though for a short while the three were at a loss for words without even saying any greetings. Eventually they looked at each other’s dumbfounded faces and with trembling mouths, talked.
“Ha…. more than the fact that you're going to the Nationals, a man and woman walking side by side? What is this? What’s with that? Reality?”
“Wait, these two…shopping together?”
“Shopping...no way….perhaps, this is that rumored ‘Nabe-pa’?”
“Wait, Nabe-pa is an urban legend, right?”
“What urban legend? Do you understand what we’re saying?”
“Is it bad if I don’t understand?”
“Well, of course it's not good.”
He doesn’t understand what the conversation is about. He doesn’t understand, but looking at the people he knew suddenly start a useless quarrel in front of them, Sawamura cannot stand quietly.
“No, Uhh, Sasaya-kun? Here is the front of a store, so….” As he was trying to stop the scene, the other three, who were now looking teary-eyed, glared back at him. Without thinking, he winced. At that time, the three people from Dateko gave out something like those times when Sawamura, who unifies the 1st and 2nd year problem children of Karasuno, almost lost his nerves or probably some iron wall higher than the one they face during matches.
Watching the three fighting over nabe on the road, Sawamura said, “I think they’re the type best left as is.”
“I think so, too.” Michimiya firmly nodded.
Together, these two, as captains, have come to unify their team members. On one side they are not at all dull nor late bloomers, but they fundamentally excel in assessing the situation. These two decided that this is where they should draw back from the three.
“Let’s go."
Then, the two left the three players of Dateko and started walking away from the Supermarket.
“I wonder what that was?”
“Maa, there’s a lot of things.”
After laughing, they looked at each other.
“Well, since I go this way...”
Michimiya laughed. Today, they said several goodbyes. Yet, there was no sadness like the one she felt until a moment ago. If she said any complaints about having a fun time like this, surely she’ll be punished.
“See you tomorrow.”
The two waved their hands and then, they walked onto their respective paths.
After fixing her hold on the grocery bag, carrying it with two hands instead of one, she muttered to herself.
“So heavy--”
The bag contains 2 bags of 1kg salt, 1 liter of soy sauce, and 50 ml of olive oil packed in a glass bottle. There’s no way it’s light.
After all, these are not needed. It would have been good if she had chosen lighter ones. Something like pepper or wheat or fried tofu. Either way, how will she explain to her mom the salt, soy sauce and olive oil. She can’t say the truth. With that said, she also has to say another lie.
Be that as it may, she was paying for her sins, and her mind was cloudy. At that time, a voice behind her was heard.
When she looks back, she is surprised. The person who was crossing the pedestrian is Sawamura whom she just parted with just now.
“Eh? Eh?!”
As she stood holding tightly the rustling heavy vinyl bag, Sawamura, who caught up, said,
“I forgot to say something.” His face changed to a serious one after he smiled.
When Michimiya straightened her back without thinking, Sawamura talked.
“Thank you for the protective charm you gave before.”
“Eh. Ah, yeah.”
“I’ll bring it to Spring High as well.”
After saying only that, Sawamura said, “Bye.”
Then again, he turned back and started walking.
“Ah, yeah!”
With his back facing her, replying only was the best she could do.
It’s the usual Karasuno Volleyball Team Jersey. The back of a black jersey which is more familiar than their uniform will immediately tell you it’s Sawamura. No matter how dark it is. No matter how far he is. There’s no mistaking it. Indeed, it’s a back that has the dependability of a captain.
------ Indeed a captain?
Michimiya thinks.
Was I able to show my friends and kouhai a back like that? Without being ashamed, was I able to perform and be devoted?
As soon as she thought of that, Michimiya shouted, “Wait!”
Sawamura stopped his feet and turned back. “What is it?”
Michimiya held out the heavy vinyl bag and said. “This! You see, this, today, the truth is we don’t really need it.”
“Eh? Ah, is that so?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry.”
Michimiya put her head down after saying that. Sawamura answered, as if he was slightly troubled.
“No, there’s no need to apologize, right.”
“No. It’s no good. Because….” Michimiya shakes her head.
Sawamura spoke. “It’s okay. Even if you don’t use it today, someday you’ll use it right?”
“Eh? Ah, yeah. That’s right but…”
That is true but the problem is---- As she was thinking that, Sawamura continued.
“Recently, Ukai-san said --”
“Eh? Ukai-san again?”
“Yeah. Somehow, when he went along to do his family’s shopping, he was asked to line up several times to buy this bread called “Only 1 Loaf of Bread” from one of the famous stores. They have to eat it before it goes bad so everyday, every meal he continues to buy the bread and with that, it was really tiring.”
Bread? What is he talking about? Michimiya was doubtful but Sawamura’s face was serious all throughout so in the meantime she’ll keep listening.
“If you compared that to the bread, the salt and the soy sauce isn’t so bad.”
“Ah, yeah. Maybe it’s because it doesn’t get moldy?”
So, that’s it. That’s what the story was about, huh. Will it get molds? Will it not get molds? Is it good to talk about mold? Salt certainly does not get molds but…
At that time, her head was full of things about mold.
Sawamura spoke again, “Then, tell me how the Deep-sea water salt tastes like.”
“Hey, salt master. Earlier, you said that it might taste mild but on the contrary, without putting unnecessary things, there is a possibility that it’ll have a sharp taste, right?”
Being lured by Sawamura’s serious face all throughout, Michimiya forgot about molds and pondered.
“You’re right. Yeah, I’ll try it once I get home.”
“Well then, tomorrow, please let me know.”
After saying that and smiling, Sawamura said, “bye,” and once again turned on his heel.
“Yeah! Tomorrow!” She cheerfully called out and waved her hand.
She saw his back walk across the street and watched it grow smaller and smaller as he moved farther away. It was when he finally turned at the corner and disappeared from her sight that Michimiya released her breath.
“Tomorrow, huh.”
As she said that, she held her cheeks with her two hands.
Hot, I’m sure my face has become bright red. Good thing it is dark, she thought. Since I’m absolutely making a weird face.
As she breathed in the perfectly clear winter air with all her might, Michimiya looked up at the night sky.
“So Tomorrow!”
She breathes out all her feelings together with a frosty breath. Then she faced front and started walking. Holding the heavy and precious package, she embraced in heart her small, small promise with Sawamura.
Salt, it’s okay to just taste it as is but maybe she should try making an onigiri and compare? There's also the option of dipping boiled egg to it and eating it.
As she is thinking about things like that, she starts to run before she knows it.
Just by running, it feels like tomorrow will come faster.
Some Translation Notes:
Gestalt Collapse: ゲシュタルト崩壊 (Gestalt Collapse) is a term in Japanese which describes the phenomenon of a complex character breaking down into its component parts in one's mind and losing its meaning if one stares at it for a short while. Source: http://www.antimoon.com/forum/t8706.htm (Will try to find a more reliable source)
"Not a master of sake but a master of salt huh.” The original line is 効き酒ならぬ、効き塩 (Kikisake naranu kikishio) An alternative translation is "It's tasting salt instead of tasting sake"
Nabe - Hot Pot
Kouhai - Lower classmen
Nabe-pa - Short-term for Nabe Party
Natto - Fermented Soybeans
Tsukemono - Japanese Pickled Vegetables
一斤限り Ikkinkagiri Is the Japanese name of the bread the Ukai-san bought. There's no official translation for the name yet so I did my best to translate in English. 一斤 ikkin means loaf of bread while 限り means limit/only/degree.
衣食足りて礼節を知る[ishoku tarite reisetsu wo shiru]:the poor can't afford manners can also be translated as only when basic needs for living are met can people spare the effort to be polite
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mythuna · 6 years
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tavriska child and troll miss swift, hm, interesting 
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babiiej3-blog · 5 years
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I draw this a long time ago when I had the time in the world lol 😆& was watching the anime Inuyasha #Inuyasha #kikyo #volume11 #pencil #sketchbook #backthen #inuyashafan #fanart #book #anime #classics #blackandwhite #japanese #international #sketchbook #artist #blackandwhite https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpvu83nlDi8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rc7y5njoc1gw
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itsariehill · 4 years
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I am so this person. I will also restart it if you start talking. I will restart it if I missed my favorite part. I will restart it for the stylizing part of the bridge I can't seem to get out of my head. Either way, be prepared to listen to that one song 4,631,150,789 times until all conditions are perfect and I got everything right. #ariehillbooks #music #songs #appreciation #turnup #turnitup #turnuptheheat #turnupthevolume #crankitup #volume11 #sing #loud #repeat #feelinggood #myfavoritepart #dontmissit #beltit #playitagainsam #toomuch #whatstoomuch #the #song #in #my #head https://www.instagram.com/p/CDO2IyrhZ_8/?igshid=1qjndm7yvn3n1
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volume11magazine · 7 years
Album Review: Awake by Illenium
by: Colin Wood 
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Nick Miller, better known as “Illenium” is an electronic music artist hailing from Denver, Colorado. He started producing electronic music a little over three years ago and has since then taken the world by storm. He has created a signature style of “melodic bass” that not only captivates the listener, but touches upon the rawest parts of the emotional spectrum. He released his sophomore album Awake on September 21, 2017.
This 13 track emotional ride has a theme of experiencing heartbreak with many of the track names pointing to a detaching of love. With songs like “Fractures”, “Crawl Outta Love”, and “Feel Good” blowing up mainstream electronic music charts, Illenium may have found the key in creating songs that pull on our heart-strings. “Let You Go” is arguably the saddest track on the album and my personal favourite. The emotionally draining vocals from “Ember Island” are truly something to behold and it’s just an all-around moving song.
Awake is an example of Illenium’s ability to create a chilling sound that excels beyond a song and into an emotion-driven experience. From start to finish, this album tells a story about love and the overpowering feeling that is to lose it. This is definitely one artist you don’t want to miss out on.
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SLAYER Reign In Blood 07/10/1986 O vocalista VITOR RODRIGUES* comenta o álbum aniversariante do dia com muita informação e mostrando sempre seu ponto de vista. *SIGA VITOR RODRIGUES NO INSTAGRAM AINDA HOJE!!! @slayerbandofficial #Slayer #ReignInBlood #AngelOfDeath #RainingBlood #Thrash #Metal #ProgramaVolume11 #VitorRodriguesOfficial #Volume11 (em São Paulo)
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motaedu · 6 years
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#Dresden #njs #dresdnerneujahrssingen #probe #volume11 #ensaio #rehearsal (Dresden, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsIVVtcg9DE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t3v8le2e14m1
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emrystranslates · 4 years
[New Project] Haikyuu Light Novel Volume 11 Translation
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As I said earlier in the week, I obtained  an ebook of volume 11 of Haikyuu’s light novels. I thought some people might be interested in reading them so I’ve decided to translate each story. I’m still trying to find the best platform for it but I’ll putting up my translations here in the meanwhile.
I plan to post it story by story so please bear with me if it takes time for me to upload my translations. Also I can’t guarantee 100% accurate and correct translation, particularly with proper names, but I’m doing extra research so that translate it as accurate as possible. I don’t really mind it if you do help me by pointing out some mistakes or mistranslations. Comments on how to improve my writing and all is welcome too. I’d all gladly take it into consideration! (though please say it nicely)  The first story will be posted on Sunday! 
That’s all for now!  Thank you! You can message me anytime!  Twitter: https://twitter.com/EmyrsTranslate Curious Cat: https://curiouscat.qa/EmrysTranslations
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tsuri-chan · 6 years
Detective Conan Volume 11
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Included cases:
File 101: Snowy Mountain Cabin Case (end)
File 102-104: TV Station Murder Case
File 105-107: Coffee Shop Case
File 108-110: Mist Tengu Case
Bonus material:
Detective Picture Book: Ellery Queen
Eri Kisaki
Favorite case: Coffee Shop Case
Least favorite case: It’s a hard choice, because all of them are great, but I’d pick the TV Station Murder Case
9/10 tv shows
There were stronger volumes and there will be stronger volumes, however, I still like these cases a lot.
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AEROSMITH - Toys In The Attic (08/04/1975) @aerosmith @aerosmithwhitford @steventyler.aerosmith @iamstevent #Aerosmith #ToysInTheAttic #StevenTyler #JoePerry #hardrock #VitorRodrigues #volume11 (em Morumbi - São Paulo)
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phills0n · 7 years
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Ein bisschen Blues und trotzdem gute Laune :) #proberaum #klavier #bass #blues #standards #musik #musikmachen #proben #volume11 #chillen (hier: Volume11Dresden)
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yunicorn-corn · 6 years
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volume11 review 
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programavolume11 · 4 years
SAXON Innocence Is No Excuse (24/06/1985) @saxon.official @paulsaxonquinn @vitorrodriguesofficial @programavolume11 @rockinrio @kazagastao #Saxon #Saxonband #InnocenceIsNoExcuse #BrokenHeroes #RockinAgain #CallOfTheWild #RockNRollGypsy #BiffByford #PaulQuinn #GrahanOliver #SteveDawson #NigelGlocker #VitorRodriguesOfficial #volume11 #programavolume11 #music #metal #NWOBHM #FollowMe #rock #rockinrio #kazagastao https://www.instagram.com/p/CB0dPGHAzJX/?igshid=1ptbfgyv23v72
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deniskhenry · 7 years
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One Punch Man - Volume 11 (Paninni-Planet Mangá de Novembro/Dezembro-2017 Bimestral com 174 Páginas) Argumento por One Arte por Yusuke Murata Golpe 56: Bem de Frente ao golpe 61: Dark Force. Extra: esquadrão de luta ... A Paninni me entregou com atraso, mas fazer o que né 📂📚📖⏳📷👓📖 . . #Paninni #AcervoPessoal #Coleção #Colecionador #HQs #Acervo #PlanetMangá #OnePunchMan #Geeks #Assinatura #Saitama #Mangá #Leitura #YusukeMurata #One #Volume11 (em São Paulo, Brazil)
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volume11magazine · 7 years
Get to Know - Ronnie
Ronnie is this year’s Assistant Editor! Growing up listening to country music, shes stuck to her roots but grown into more of an Alternative and Punk type of music fan. There’s few songs that she could have on repeat for the rest of her life without getting tired of. Check them out in her playlist below!
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Face Like Thunder by The Japanese House - The Japanese House was the first Alternative group I really fell in love with. Thanks to an old friend who introduced me to their music, I instantly fell in love with this track and the story it tells.
Archie, Marry Me by Alvvays - This song talks about the type of love everyone longs for, including me - it’s surreal. I’ll never be able to get over how it makes me want to dance at the same time as wanting to chill out.
Everything You Are by Ed Sheeran - Being self-taught on the guitar, this is the first song I ever learned to cover on the guitar. Along with the song being an all time favourite, it represents a milestone in my life.
Looking Up by Paramore - I’ve been a hardcore Paramore fan since 2006. The band, and this song in particular, introduced me to my obsession with Pop Punk. 
Good Grief by Bastille - Not to mention the fact that Bastille is THE BEST live act I have ever seen, this song has the power to put me in the best mood possible. It’ll never get old. 
My Stupid Mouth by John Mayer - I love John Mayer and we’re getting married. Period. 
Old Eden by Honeywater - I’d like to mention the fact that this is the most beautiful song I’ve ever heard. The lyrics are honest and heartbreaking. I’ve never been so in love with a song before. 
I’m In by Keith Urban - I grew up listening to country music. Keith Urban and other country artists were the soundtrack of my childhood. This song reminds me of all the car rides with my Dad, how we would sing along to every song together, and the love I have for him. 
I Hope This Comes Back to Haunt You by Neck Deep - To this day, there isn’t another song that I jam out to as hard to as this one. My obsession with Neck Deep and their music continues to grow each and every day. 
 Prove You Wrong by He is We - He is We is my songwriting inspiration. Their music is what inspired me to be a songwriter/musician, and I have so much appreciation for this particular song and the way it was put together.
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