#volturi guard headcanon
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upsidedownmvnson · 1 year ago
this is my other inactive fanfic blog but i was considering starting back up twilight headcanons over here 👀
Can I request a headcanon of the Volturi guards reaction to their human mate being kidnapped.
he would literally destroy entire towns to find you, so someone else has to be in charge of the rescue mission
demetri would lead the charge, felix would come and jane's responsibility would be to keep alec in check
he would be so mad, but underneath it all he's so scared
he's never had someone who loves him with such kindness, and compassion
losing you would destroy him, he would be totally hardened
the entire mission he's on edge, constantly ready to rip out throats without asking questions
when he sees you again, he won't let you go
while the other three destroy whoever took you, he'd just hold you tightly and whisper how sorry he is
he wouldn't let you out of his sight for a while
he can see where you are
it was taunting him; the agony of losing you totally hung over his head while he had to focus on his orders
but as soon as his mission is done, he's racing his way to you
anyone who stood between him and finding you would die, quickly or slowly, it didn't matter to him
his main goal would be returning you to volterra safely
his second goal would be to kill anyone who had nay hand in your kidnapping
when you're back in his arms it would feel like nothing else in the world matters
he'd be so needy for weeks
he'd always need to have his hand on you; your back, your shoulders, holding your hand - anything
and when he's away his biggest fear is that it's happening again
the sheer rage that would come over him would be terrifying
anyone got in his way they'd be dead before they knew what was happening
demetri (who would be in charge in every instance) would be scared for himself if he didn't find you quick
his biggest fear in life was losing you, it was one of the only things he had to fear
when he found you, he'd kill everyone in the place
and then he'd bring you close; if he could cry, he would be
relief would wash over him when you're safe again
and he would be ridiculously strict for a while
no leaving the castle without him, no contact with anyone on the outside world
it would stay like that for a while, because he loves you and he's scared to lose you
she would not be afraid to torture anyone for answers
demetri - once again - would lead, and jane would be on his heels
it would be so much pressure on demetri omg
she would be more nervous than she's ever been in her entire life
things don't scare her; but she's scared as hell to lose you
it was the most vulnerable anyone would ever see her
there would be no survivors and there would be a clear message displayed "mess with you, deal with jane"
and no one wanted that
she'd not keep you human for long
she had to stay at the castle
and she felt like she was going to absolutely die when demetri told her the news
he's not really the guy you want to deliver bad news
"hey buddy ol' pal... so we got a message, i don't want you to worry. but i do have to go save your mate..."
she would be a worried mess until you got back
and you'd be right by her side for days afterwards
she'd let you help her work, she's bring you on any scheme
you wouldn't leave her sight
the agony of you being in danger and her not being able to help had nearly killed her
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year ago
How they feel when they find out you're their Mate Headcanon
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She never, ever wanted a mate (and honestly, never thought she'd find hers at all, further adding onto the dislike of finding hers), all she needed was her brother (plus Demetri and Felix [which she won't admit out loud, ever]) and then you came along and changed her life, for better or worse. She still hasn't decided but y'all are working on it a little bit every day and that's all her brother could ask her (on your behalf)
Not once did he think he'd ever find his mate (or admit it to his sister that he actually wanted one [he'd never hear the end of it, something about betrayal and abandonment] he doesn't want to hear it period) and then he found you while he was out on a mission and things definitely changed for him plus the rest of the guard and got his sister to like you
He was not expecting to meet someone like you, not at all. I mean, the quiet little thing that you were, dude lost it when he put two and two together. Man, was he floored, and everyone knew it before he actually had the guts to admit it (especially when Marcus flat out mentioned your connection growing stronger during a meeting or when he did tell the big guy that you two are mates)
He was even less ready than the others. He was the last person to expect to meet his mate, especially someone who could match him, in more ways than one. For example, the first time you two met, he naturally tried to charm you only for him to be the one who was enamored, something that did not shock the other (it also didn't help when Felix teased him about it, damn them living for eternity)
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volturiprincess · 9 months ago
could you do something like the mate is not interested in any romance things and the Volturi are really romantic with them
Hello dear💙, sorry for the wait. I might of did some small changes but I still stayed on topic. I also did a combination of short one-shots and headcanon's. I was going to add Jane but I was not sure what to do for her. Hope you enjoy🫶🏼.
Mate Who Doesn't Enjoy Romantic Gentures
Warnings: language, mentions of violence (Demetri), I might of put Demetri on the spotlight (not in a good way, again I apologize, love him😅)
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Hmmm, odd, it's cloudy and perfect for a walk with my mate and yet he is nowhere to be seen. Well I guess I will have a walk on my own. As i'm walking through the long halls, I soon feel a familiar presence on my side 
“You know I don't like it when you do that”
“I know and yet you never get mad”
We walked to the gardens in silence, something about the gardens with this type or weather just makes me feel relaxed. As we arrived I felt the cold breeze of the air weave through me. As if on cue he grabbed my hand and interlocked our hands. I pulled my hand away, not that I don't mind hand holding, but I don't want this to turn romantic.
“Do I disgust you or something?”
Oh no my love, I sided eyed him while he stared at me. 
“No it's not that Cai, it's just I don't want our outing to get–um…”
“Spit it out love, no need to beat around the bush”
“I just don't want this to turn romantic okay”
“Oh? Why?”
“I just want a nice quiet evening with you”
I went over to the rose arch that I caught myself spending hours admiring each and every one. I was so focused that I didn't notice the fairy lights and the beautiful sight of my mate holding a rose out to me. I just stared at him with a blank face. What should I do? I already told him countless times that I don't like to be romanticized. But he looks so perfect right now, and the small lights make his eyes sparkle in the softest ways possible. So much for being the ruthless king, he still knows how to make a simple day feel like a chapter out of a fairytale. 
I walked away and went to another section but he grabbed my hand at the last minute.
“Don't you dare walk away”
“Caius let go”
“Not until you tell me what you want me to do”
“Your my mate, you know I love you, and i'm trying to be affectionate with you, but you are giving me nothing to work with”
He makes a point, the countless expensive jewelry, the bouquets and the most romantic trips one can only dream about. I always faked a smile when he makes such gestures, not that I don't appreciate his effort but I just don't like to be wooed like that. 
“Caius? You know I love you, right?”
“Well you make it seem I'm underappreciated”
“I'm sorry I have made you feel like that, that has never been my intention, but I have told you before I just don't like romantic gestures like that”
“You have but what I don't understand is what you actually want me to do”
“One of my favorite things about you is when you and I talk about anything, whether it be about history, the arts that lead to debates, I just love talking with you, I guess you can say that’s the most romantic thing you could do for me, talk”
“So let me guess this right, talking is the way to your heart?”
“I guess you can say that, my love language is talking about what others would considered ‘boring’ “ 
“I see, I can do that, I actually enjoy are times of talk”
He gave me a small smile and pulled me into a small hug that I returned.
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Oh no, another box of roses with chocolates. And is that a note I spot? I read the note first
“My little rose, my little love, you have my heart”
Wow, I'm speechless. He always does this, I mean I appreciate what he does but I don't even know how to take this in. Don't get me wrong, I love how cute he is when he sends me stuff like this but I don't really like gestures like this. Even if I don't like this kind of stuff, I like how when I see him later on in the day he has a cheeky smile and casually asks if anything interesting happened today (as if he doesn't already know). It's his smile that warms my heart. I might not like all his romantic gestures, but his smile is all I need in my life.
Or seeing him workout and or training newborns, there's just something so satisfying yet weirdly angelic in the way he moves. Yes he's a big guy, with muscle that can crush your head instantle, and has the title of ‘the executor’, but he moves with grace in a way. When he's throwing a newborn across the room, he does it accordingly and swiftly, it's not awkward or hesitant. I know he’s been doing this for centuries but at this point it really is  like second nature to him. 
I placed the boxes on our coffee table and lay in bed, waiting for him to return from some meeting the guards had today. Soon enough he arrived with that mentioned cheeky smile and something behind his back. I raise an eyebrow at his mysterious behavior but he just sits on the edge of the bed gazing at me like I'm the only girl in the world. 
“Soooo I see you got the gifts?”
“I did” “You like them?”
Such a darling of a mate and I have to break his unbeaten heart by saying I don't. I honestly don't deserve him. He deserves someone who treats his acts of love with the same type of love, but romantic gestures don't sit straight with me with all honesty.
“I…” I twiddle my fingers in a nervous way “didn’t”
I hesitantly look at him to be faced with a dropped face, his smile gone and his eyebrows furrowed.
“You didn’t? Did I do something wrong? What is it that you don't like, it's the roses right? Gosh I knew you didn't like roses, I told Demetri you didn't but he insisted you did and the chocolates well I know you liked them you enjoy eating them in your time of the month and you eat it on a daily basis so I just thought it would work and well-”
I grabbed his hand to give it a small squeeze and well to stop his cute rambling session that made me feel guilty. He looked at me with soft eyes as I reassured him
“Felix honey, I'm going to have to stop you there, look as cliche as this might sound, its me not you”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well yes I do love roses, not to receive them actually but I could stare at them for hours to see there spirals and to draw them too, as for the chocolates I love that too, you always know which one’s I like the most but I just don't like romantic gestures”
 “You don't? Well why didn't you tell me, you know I would hate to make you feel obligated to accept my gestures or to make you uncomfortable” I really don't deserve him, he's the sweetest of the sweetest.
“I know I should of said something sooner but the thing I loved to see was your cheeky smile, the way you would smile more on the days you would leave a gift or be romantic would just make my day”
“You like my smile? Well that's something I don't hear everyday”
I felt my heart break slightly at his confession, centuries of not experiencing love and not receiving compliments on something he wears so well. I gave his hand a small kiss that he returned with his said smile.
“I'm sorry I didn't say I don't like romantic gestures, they never sat straight with me and believe me in another lifetime I would loved to be serenaded by your gestures”
“I know little rose, but what would like for me to do for you then or what are you comfortable with”
“Well never stop smiling that's for sure” his smile widen slightly at the mention “But my version of romantic is when you ramble to me about your day, how a certain newborn was a pain in the ass to you or how Demetri somehow managed to lose his footing during combat training, your absolutely a darling of mate when you ramble, one of the hundreds of reasons I love you”
“You never fail to amuse me with your words, my little love, I will take what you said to me and put into action for you, but could I, you know, maybe just give you a single rose then, maybe one that has a lot of interesting spirals?”
“That’s fine by me Fe”
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Hello!!! He's a casanova of a Vampire
Nobody just gets that name, he got it for a reason 
When you came into his life, his mission was to show you  love in every way 
Trips to secluded beaches, to the most romantic cities in the world to even trips to the Volturi’s private island 
Those are just trips, the gifts he showered you with would put Eros himself to shame 
Rose petals would be around your guy’s shared chamber, with the most expensive wine he could get his hands on and your favorite chocolates (he would do that once a week at least)
You have told him to tone it down a bit, you even mentioned even some fuzzy socks would be fine by you (according to him “Those are hardly romantic enough amore”)
After months of being romanticized in the most extravagant way by him and not really showing much enthusiasm toward his effort, he became conflicted 
Is it too much? Has he gone overboard? Talk to him already? He’s freaking out? He’s panicking internally too, oh no his walls are closing in, the world is spinning faster, he can somehow hear his unbeaten heart beating fast, all of this is happening to him and yet he shows no emotions
“Demetri? You good?”
“Fuck off Felix” (Ouch that hurt, why must he be rude to my hunk of a vampire, look at Felix’s sweet face, he does not deserve this type of attitude from his best friend)
Demetri stays in a bad mood for a while, but he sneaks in some sweet talk towards you and manages to leave little homemade gifts for you in places he knows you would find it
And yet none of that seems to work to get you to react ‘appropriately” (his thought)
He thinks you just don't want him or love him the way he loves you 
He grows more restful and his hidden sadistic side starts to creep up more often when he's training with Felix
Felix as always worries for a long term best friend, why is he like this? Never in a hundred years have I seen him so hungry to rip a newborn's head? So desperate?
It seems its just got so bad that he finally approached you 
“Is it me? Am I the problem?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well I tried everything I have known about romance and you just brush it off, you don't even genuinely like what I do, you always fake a reaction”
“I guess I was not convincing enough then?”
The way his face feel when you didn't even deny his accusation hurt him more than it needed to be
He was about to make a run for but you grabbed his hand 
“I didn't mean to say it like I don't appreciate what you do for me or if I love you, gosh Demetri I love you more than the ocean needs the moon”
That caught him off guard indeed, you love him that much? So then why have you been so weird with him about his gestures?
“I guess I should come clean, but I haven't really been the type to enjoy romantic gestures,  it doesn't fancy my feathers, I should of told you from the beginning but I just didn't know how”
“I see, so it was never me then, oh cariño you should of told me sooner, I would of loved to have a conversation with you about what you like and don't like, we are mates after all, I want you to talk to me about anything that comes into that pretty head of yours”
You confess you actually did like his little homemade crafts, to his paper butterflies, to his pipe cleaner rose, there was nothing romantic about them but it warmed your heart indeed 
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Look when you two became mates, it was a bit strange and a little awkward to be honest 
That phase only lasted a week and half because you soon found out he loves to read as much as you 
You bonded over books and that's what made your mate bond grow strong 
You two didn't really do your typical romantic thing, he didn't get you flowers or gifts or sweet talk you, and you loved that about him 
Sure he would casually quote cute lines from your latest read or from your favorite poetry but you were fine by that
Life was fine like that, until Demetri happened (man i'm just picking on him lately, what is my deal with him lately, sorry:)
Demetri has been watching over your guy’s relationship, mostly watches over Alec (Alec remind Demetri of a long forgotten person he knew but he couldnt put his finger on it)
He suggested to Alec to get you flowers, and to recreate some scenes from your books, one them being a little candlelight dinner on a boat with sea themed decor 
Alec at the time thought it was a great idea at first until he saw how you slightly cringed (but hid it right away) at the sight of him by the mentioned dinner
He thought maybe he got something wrong and then he started to feel awkward, he started to feel like a foolish teen all over (that was an era of his human life he wanted to forget)
So with Demetris help he got more ideas of other romantic gestures 
But the more he did more stuff for you, the more you pulled away from him slowly 
You tried to go along with it but you didn't feel comfortable, after each encounter you felt your bond with him shift, there’s awkwardness all over again, as if you were meeting for the first time 
It was like this for who knows how long, with apology gifts (all more romantic than the last one) that unfortunately didn't work  
So he came up with a better idea he went up to you with Lei of Lotus Blossoms and asked for a minute 
“Alec is it what I think it is?”
“Yea just like from the book”
“What are you trying to say”
“Well look you and I are new to this whole bond, we are still figuring things out, but I know one thing for sure is out mate bond was perfect before Demetri meddled in”
“He might of given me pointers to woo you”
“I should of known, made sense why you suddenly got all Mr.loverboy”
“Yes well I soon noticed you are not quite fond of that, now are you”
“Your assumption is true”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“I was unsure in how to tell you without hurting your feelings”
“Cara, I think I can handle the truth, and if I didnt I could of just used my ability on you” he finished that sentence off his devilish smirk that never fails to make you smile
“Wiped that smirk of Alec, now why the Lei?, gifts in our book always had a reason behind it”
“Well from what i learned from this lotus is mostly to represent rebirth or purity but for me it means I want to rewind our bond back to when we were both happy with each other”
“I would like that”
“Me too”
And from there the mate bond was rewinded and everything just clicked like together like a puzzle
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simpfordemetri · 10 months ago
Volturi reaction to reader dressing up as the Dracula for Halloween!!!
✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧
He was on duty watching the door tower to protect the Kings wifes ,and actually he was almost done ,only a few hours left
But suddenly he heard your laugh and your horrendous try of hiding it
And there you are,wearing a cape,fake fangs and fake blood coming down your mouth,as you pretended to have claws and jumping onto him while letting out a growl mixed with your laugh
And of course he catched you but he was literally shocked because his mate was finally loosing their mind and oh my god
As her brother,she has mixed reactions
To shocked,to a little smile on her face to confused again
She will explain that Dracula did in fact not exist cause she take things a bit too literally
So you have to grab her face and give her and soft peck on the lips while whispering to her to have a bit fun
Somehow you got her to call you Miss/Mister Dracula all day
Not infront of the King tho and she would love if you keep your amazing ass off of the throne room
He literally picks you up and go show all the castle how CUTE you look because you are an artwork and deserves to be put in a museum
Only Felix is allow to laugh at you when he sees you,otherwise he would throw hands with any guards
Now he wants to be Dracula too
He already have the fangs (does he)so he bet he can do better
Anddddd he loves you just for this
He is laughing his ass off and probably all the castle is hearing it
Try to put into words how ridiculous but also sweet you look but he just stutters because of the laugh
He will tease you for it for YEARS
“Maybe we have to leave you in Transilvania with the Romanian coven uhm?”
Thats what Jane said and thats why Felix throwed her across the room for the first time ever
She wants her costume too
Why didnt you bring one?Matching costumes?
Now she is pouting because why you thought it was a good idea to make this alone
No she does not care if its a just for the vibe she wants the match and wants it now
Probably ends up going out at night with you in your silly little Dracula costumes and have fun
Making out in the middle of the streets while you refuse to take out of your mouth the fake fangs
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the-dawn-star · 2 years ago
Twilight Headcanon Masterpost
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My rules can be found here. Please read if you are interested in requesting something.
Volturi Kings:
Volturi Kings x nonbinary!human!mate!reader
Volturi Kings x reader, date ideas (seperate)
Volturi Kings x reader who is in collage (seperate)
Volturi Kings x anxious!reader 
Volturi Kings x Cullen!reader (seperate) 
Volturi Kings x reader, you being turned against your will (seperate)
Volturi Kings x childish reader
Volturi Kings x Reader
Volturi Kings x affectionate!mate (seperate)
You tell that you love them for the first time (seperate)
Volturi Kings Spoiling Reader
Volturi Kings x Shapeshifting!Mate
Mate being Nervous about the Kings Wives
Not knowing the baby's dad
Coming out to the Poly!Volturi kings (seperate)
Volturi Kings x Reader who does ice skating
Volturi Kings "Would you love me if I was a worm?"
Volturi Kings meeting a descendant
Volturi Kings dancing with Reader
Volturi Kings x Reader being attracted to water
Yandere Volturi Kings x Mate!Reader
Volturi Kings x Platonic!Reader guard
Volturi Kings x Singer!Reader
Volturi Kings x Swan!Reader
Volturi Kings x Reader first time
Volturi Kings x Powerful!Reader
Volturi Kings x ProfessionalMagician!Reader
Volturi Kings x Reader who had scars
Kind of general Volturi Kings x Reader
Hurt!Reader shows up in the field
Reader likes Italian
Volturi Kings x Male!Reader
Volturi King x Clairvoyant!Male!Reader
Caius Volturi:
Badboy Caius x Reader
Caius x Reader who doesn't want to stay in Italy
Caius x Exhausted!Reader
Aro Volturi:
SWF alphabets
Aro x Sister!Reader (paltonic obv.)
Aro x Reader comfort
Alec Volturi:
Alec Volturi x Shy!Reader
Alec Volturi x Swan!Reader
Alec Volturi x cinnamon roll!Reader
part 2
Alec Volturi x Bimbo!Reader
Yandere!Alec Volturi x Reader who is in a relationship.
Demetri Volturi:
Mate!Demetri x newborn!Reader
Mate!Demetri x human!Reader
Mix of Characters:
Marcus x affectionate!Reader
Poly!Romanian coven x Reader
Garrett Denali dating hc
Volturi members x actor!Reader
Volturi guards x soulmate!Reader
Marcus affection hc
Marcus x Sister!Reader
Mix of Characters in the same post:
Characters being upset (multiple characters)
Shy!Reader x Twilight!Characters
Twilight Characters x Virgin!Reader
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child-of-the-nights · 2 years ago
Can u write sweet headcanons for Felix Volturi? Pretty please 🥰
Ask and you shall receive!
A/N: It's tragic that my boy Felix got so little screen time. Anyway, the mate can be either human or vampire in this one. Have fun!
TW: none
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Felix Volturi Sweet Headcanons
Felix is taller than the majority of people, thus it's safe to assume that he will also be taller than his mate. Having said that, I can absolutely see him comparing hand sizes with his partner as a sweet gesture.
Now, if his partner is taller than he is, he is genuinely impressed. They now hold the title of being the palazzo's tallest pair. Congratulations to them, I suppose.
On a more serious note, I believe Felix is intrigued by modern forms of entertainment. He's just fascinated about everything, whether it be watching a movie or listening to a podcast. Given his… past, he is appreciative that people have discovered other ways to enjoy gory fights without endangering the lives of actual people (ironic given that he's a vampire)
So he loves to sit with his mate to watch a favorite movie of theirs, maybe listen to their favorite podcast.
Given his old age, Felix is also highly versed in literature and a few languages. Although he would never hold himself to the same standard as his masters, he is quite educated. What I mean is that he is willing to assist his love in learning them.
CUDDLES. That's it. He loves to cuddle with his mate.
I believe that vampires get tired (mentally not physically) as well (despite what SM says) and they need to "recharge". That is why Felix enjoys wrapping his arms around his partner and burying his face in their neck. For him, that is recharging.
My favorite headcanon is that he is an extremely tender lover. His mate got scared of something? He soothes them by whispering sweet nothings into their ears. Felix also kisses their hands and palms if they worked hard that day. He essentially tries to be as delicate as possible. He behaves in this way whether his lover is human or a vampire.
Felix spends every spare moment with his beloved because, like Demetri, he is also frequently busy. When he is not with them, Felix enjoys discussing their mate with his friends (mostly Demetri). He enjoys praising them and sharing their accomplishments with others.
While staying respectful to his fellow guards, Felix occasionally amuses his s/o by gossiping. NOT about serious stuff that will damage their reputation; he just gossips about little things. (Usually with Demetri by his side). He also gossips about some of the executed vampires if his beloved is interested. (once again, not sharing private info, just silly things)
That being said, his mate can expect to befriend Demetri because they're kind of a package deal. They date one and befriend the other.
Felix is the kind of vampire man who enjoys hearing his partner talk about their interests. He enjoys hearing his lover's enthusiasm for a certain form of media, even if he personally isn't interested in it. So yes, he would listen to his mate explain the plot of their favorite show.
I imagine Felix would use old-fashioned nicknames or call his significant other by their name when referring to them. He might give his partner a nickname in their native tongue if they are from another country.
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welikeimagines-andfandoms · 9 months ago
Dating Volturi guards headcanons
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- Jane likes watching movies with you, even horror, but as soon as it’s something to do with witch burning she refuses
- Jane didn’t have much of a childhood and lived where people feared her so you always try to do more fun and wholesome things with her
- Winning her prizes in a claw machine. She pretends it’s silly but really she treasures it so much!
- Takes her a while to let her guard down but you become the one person she tells everything to
- She’s surprisingly good at braids and it’s one sweet thing she loves doing for you
- Difficult for her at first to accept she has a mate but you go slow together
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- Demetri loves camp versions of vampires, Dio is his favourite
- Always tries to find fun things for you to do together at night that isn’t just clubs and dinners. Markets, outdoor movies, camping etc.
- Lavish gifts, from perfume to jewellery and clothes
- Lots of whispered praise and hand kisses
- He gets really turned on when you start learning Italian if you don’t already know it
- Making vampire jokes and he actually loves them, makes him laugh a lot
- Staying up late together exchanging stories
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- Love the headcanon that Felix was a gladiator and honestly he would role play that in the bedroom. You’re his prize for his victories
- So many piggybacks and shoulder rides everywhere!
- He is your guard dog. From grocery shopping, to concerts, no one is hurting you
- Puts his coat around you all the time
- Loves when you steal his clothes
- Absolutely hates historical inaccuracies in movies and will let you know. Takes you twice as long to get through movies sometimes because he goes on rants
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- Loves taking you to different museum expos and telling you about his life at that time
- Alec is usually pretty quiet but once he’s comfortable with you he loves to tell you stories
- Always has to act tough but honestly loves being praised and taken care of by his partner (both sexually and not)
- Don’t ask me why but I can see Alec secretly loving old cinema, from westerns to blonde bombshells
- Keeping an eye out for old movie screenings to go to together
- Finds himself always reaching for you
- Will fight anyone in the castle who thinks you don’t belong
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ciciyup · 6 months ago
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Volturi guard X Fem! Human reader who prefers to drink animal blood headcanons.
Summary: Their human partner tells them that they want to feed on animal blood instead of human blood. How would they act?
━━━━━━✧ 🦢 ✧━━━━━━
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Demetri Volturi
Even though Demetri is a loyal member of the Volturi, not to mention essential to them, being with you and having such strong ties changed everything. Of course, he would know what it meant and the big change, no vampire there was vegetarian, if that's what you mean, he knew that the leaders played a role there too, but he would still show a lot of understanding towards your wishes.
Although he would feel worried for your safety; drinking animal blood might be less satisfying for you, not to mention it could make you more vulnerable in dangerous situations. That little beeping would be in Demetri's head constantly. Demetri just wants to make sure that you are well enough so that he can protect you in critical moments where he can't be there. He trusts you, he does completely, he knows that once you leave your mortality behind you will become stronger, and yet the worry would still be with him for quite a while.
He would try to find solutions, he doesn't want to interfere with your wishes, on the contrary, Demetri wants to fulfill each one of them, but he also wants you to be safe, so he would try to balance your wishes with the expectations of the Volturi. Sometimes having internal debates between his loyalty to his own and supporting you. It is known that the Volturi do not usually tolerate deviations from their rules, which makes Demetri find himself in a complex position when thinking about the possibility that your request is rejected and you suffer from having to feed on something you do not want.
He wants to understand you, to know your reasons, that is why he decides to have a talk with you where both could talk properly and negotiate the best for both. Taking your hands in his while he kisses them, wanting to support you in everything he can, because he is still kind to you, as kind as he had always been. He just wants to reach an agreement where your safety and his position within the Volturi are not put at risk.
He would be very understanding with you, in addition to his strong desire to want to find a solution, even after you went ahead sure of your decision, Demetri would accept it without any annoyance, just hoping for the best. Deciding that the best thing would be to seek permission from his leaders for you to continue on your own path.
His body seemed to have taken a huge weight off his shoulders when the answer finally came and everyone accepted. Maybe it wasn't simply out of kindness, it seemed more because of Aro's own greed, who seemed delighted with all this. Maybe because there was no one in his clan who was vegetarian and it would be a good way to study it and see the effects it would have on a vampire. Whatever the case, the vote had been yes so Demetri could come back to you with good news.
And as the days passed and the time of your transformation drew closer, Demetri hoped that everything would go well, having his complete trust in you. He knew that you could do well and if that was what you wanted, to drink animal blood so as not to kill humans, he would agree. Even if you later regretted it and decided to go back on your decision, he would always support you.
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Felix Volturi
Drinking human blood is an integral part of his identity and Felix's way of life so your preference to drink animal blood would be something that would challenge his beliefs and customs.
Initially, Felix might feel confused and even a little frustrated. He might question your decision, worried about how this might affect your strength and ability to protect yourself. In his clan and most vampires in general, drinking human blood is seen as a source of power and vitality, while drinking animal blood is seen as a weaker option.
However, due to his great loyalty and love for you, Felix would go out of his way to understand and accept your choice. If you were happy, then so would he. He would just be worried, he wanted you to be out of reach in case he couldn't protect you, because if something were to happen to you he wouldn't forgive himself.
He would support you and try to make sure that once you were turned you were safe and well fed, he knew it would also be difficult for you to adapt to a new way of life overnight. Maybe he tried to get you to agree with him to drink some bags of human blood without having to catch any humans, at least in your first days as a neophyte to get stronger, but if that didn't work and you didn't want to then Felix would support you and not force you to do anything and would even bring you all the bags of animal blood he could get.
Felix had always admired you in every way, as a partner and as a person, but after your revelation more than ever. Admiring your willpower and your compassion for choosing a diet that avoided harming humans.
On the other hand, he would also face a dilemma because of the Volturi and their strict rules about blood consumption, no vampire there was vegetarian, so Felix feared that what you wanted could not be fulfilled. Imagining you depressed while having to feed on something that would cause you pain would break his heart. Even though you would no longer be mortal, Felix knew and you had made it very clear to him that you did not want to kill or hurt another human being, so while blood might be quite satisfying and essential to you, it would not feel the best after having taken a life.
Perhaps some time close to your transformation, Felix would come over to speak to the leaders, giving them some solid arguments highlighting the benefits of you being a vegetarian vampire, as well as proving all his loyalty in the last time so that they would trust you. It would all have been worth it if they then approved it, so when they finally do, Felix feels a great internal relief, giving his gratitude to the leaders while assuring them that this exception would not be taken lightly and he would be careful.
Feeling better when he sees your happiness at hearing the words come out of your mouth. Even though it was a different diet and something he was not used to, if you were okay, then Felix would be by your side to support you and take care of your well-being.
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Jane Volturi (platonic)
Known for her cruelty and loyalty to the Volturi, Jane values strength and tradition, and drinking human blood was an essential part of that tradition. You wanting to drink animal blood would make Jane see it as a sign of weakness and lack of commitment to the Volturi values.
She loves and appreciates you, but this could cause her to react with disdain and disapproval, trying to persuade you to change your mind, nothing to do with violence or using her special gift, in fact, she would try to reason with you and explain why you should feed on human blood and how beneficial it would be for you. If even after listening to her you went ahead with your idea, it would only make Jane more frustrated, it's not like she was known for her patience or understanding, so it's likely that she would be harsh and unsympathetic at least at first.
The fact that Aro gave this a thumbs up was only because he surely had a plan in mind seeing the benefit that drinking animal blood could bring. Her decision could be one of strategy and exploring new dynamics seeing such a vampire in her clan. Still, Jane trusts her judgment and if Aro was okay with it, then she might accept it a bit more, albeit with some discomfort.
However, if you stood your ground the whole time, Jane might reach a point of final resignation with constant feeling of discontent. Of course, she supports you, but she wouldn’t fully accept your choice. There could be some tension for some time due to this fundamental difference. She just wants you to be okay, taking a more protective attitude once you were transformed, making sure you don’t put yourself in danger due to your current diet.
Over time, Jane might show more tolerance and patience, albeit with reservations. Her affection towards you would make her accept the situation… In her own way. With disapproval sometimes. Despite everything, Jane would still love and protect you, especially if the leaders had already given their approval. And if anyone were to say something, well, let's just say that Jane's patience isn't always there to save someone.
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Alec Volturi (platonic)
Unlike his sister, Alec would act more moderately. Although he shares loyalty to the Volturi and their traditions, he is generally calm and thoughtful.
Initially, he might show surprise and some curiosity. He might want to understand the reasons behind your choice and assess the implications. Alec would not be as impulsive or harsh, so his approach would be more analytical.
Alec might express his doubts and concerns about your safety, as being a vegetarian vampire would be seen as a less powerful choice and more so if you belonged to the Volturi. He would make an effort to understand you and, due to his more understanding nature, he would likely accept your decision and support it if he sees that it is firm and well-founded, albeit with certain reservations. By being a bit more understanding he might adapt to this new dynamic, prioritizing your safety and happiness, as well as reminding you to stay well-fed.
Alec is loyal and respects Aro and the leaders' decisions a lot, so if they were to accept this he would feel more relieved, although he would also wonder if it could affect your decision within the Volturi in any way. But the backing of the leaders would surely give him more confidence. He would feel safer in supporting you without fear of repercussions. Alec is not stupid, he would know for himself that the positive vote would have been only because Aro surely had some plan in mind, he would not do it simply as a good gesture. Still, as long as you were not in any danger and it made you happy, then he would be more than willing to go along with it, especially if it did not endanger the safety or interests of the coven.
He could admire and respect your willpower a little, knowing that it would not be easy, he could even help get you some bags of blood for when you woke up from your transformation. He would certainly take it better than Jane, learning to accept and support the difference, trying to make you understand that he understands and values you. During missions he would probably remain as usual and just as efficient, although he could be more attentive and vigilant in case any threats that could affect you arise. Alec just wants you to be safe.
━━━━━━✧ 🦢 ✧━━━━━━
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volturivault · 5 months ago
Volturi Hug Headcanons and Ratings
Felix: When his large arms wrap around you, you WILL feel safe. Is the type to pick you up/spin you around sometimes. Smells woodsy and will hug you whenever you want, no questions asked. 10/10 and yes I am biased
Demetri: The type that slides his hands along you slowly when he goes in for the hug or lets go. Always smells amazing. However he is not a fan of PDA and the most you will get in public is a hand placed on your lower back or a side hug. 9/10
Alec: Long, heartfelt hugs at the end of the day. He's not clingy - you're clingy. Will also hug you when you're feeling down, mostly because he doesn't know what to say. 7/10
Jane: Quick, tight hugs. Will somehow pour days of emotions into hugs that last mere seconds. She will make you feel like the small one mostly because she always catches you off guard. 6/10
Aro: Will be eerily perfect due to his gift. He'll be able to sense what the perfect hand placement, arm pressure, and hug length will be. However there is no soul or warmth in it. 8/10 (begrudgingly)
Caius: Makes you feel weird for even asking. Despite his reluctance, the man is a hugging force of nature. Will pull you into him forcefully and hold onto you longer than he would if he really hated it, while burying his nose in your hair. 5/10 for being a cunt about it
Marcus: Can you even call it a hug if it almost always turns into a multiple hour long cuddle sesh? He needs it so bad. Please hug him and never let go. Very respectful until you try to leave, at which point he WILL cling and guilt trip you. 4/10 why can't you just be normal
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indecisive-capricorn · 1 year ago
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Harry Potter
draco lucius malfoy:
headcanons to yandere draco malfoy x reader.
you despised draco malfoy more than anyone, but the same couldn't be said about his feelings towards you. but how will he handle these feelings as they slowly grow darker as the years go by?
tom marvolo riddle
official (jealous tom riddle x reader) 🔞
another wizard has taken an interest in you, but tom will make sure that everyone knows you're his.
headcanons to dating yandere tom riddle
a chance to experience what dating tom riddle is like, even when it's against your will to do just that.
bucky barnes:
headcanons to yandere bucky barnes x pregnant reader.
it's already bad enough that you got kidnapped by an obsessed bucky barnes, but how will he react when he finds out you're pregnant? And how will he treat you throughout your pregnancy?
miguel o'hara:
headcanons to miguel o'hara x pregnant reader.
getting pregnant is one thing, but how will your beloved partner, miguel o'hara, react to it when he finds out? and how will he be like throughout your pregnancy?
weekend mornings (miguel o'hara x pregnant reader).
after waking up, you got a little worried when you couldn't find miguel beside you.
priorities (miguel o'hara x wife reader)
miguel got injured after a mission and you insist for your stubborn husband to go to the medical center.
small headcanons to miguel o'hara after pregnant wife reader gives birth
what is miguel like after you had given birth to your beautiful baby?
steve rogers:
headcanons to getting married and going on a honey with yandere steve rogers. 🔞
after being forced to get married to a heavily obsessed and insanely in love steve rogers, you will have to go through the honeymoon he planned specially to get you to stay with him forever.
Hunger Games
coriolanus snow:
arranged marriage with coriolanus snow 🔞
how will coriolanus treat you, his wife, in an arranged marriage?
One Piece
portgas d ace:
headcanons to yandere portgas d ace x reader.
although portgas d ace could hardly find any treasure in the land of wano, he had found something far more priceless than any jewel in the world.
the cullens:
yandere cullens family reactions to you attempting to escape.
you tried to run away from your kidnapper lover but your attempt failed and now you have to face the consequences of your actions. problem is, how will your beloved yandere react to it and what are the punishments that lie ahead for you?
volturi clan:
yandere volturi guards reactions to you attempting to escape.
you tried to run away from your kidnapper lover but your attempt failed and now you have to face the consequences of your actions. problem is, how will your beloved yandere react to it and what are the punishments that lie ahead for you?
yandere series:
headcanons to yandere husband x reader
when your yandere husband is a sweet yet possessive soul, who's devoted to loving, protecting, and keeping you all to himself no matter what.
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requests are open. recommend a good bottle. any kind of message is always a delight. :)
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volterran-wine · 1 year ago
Blood, Wine & Cupcakes || Terror Trio
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒: “Could I request some headcanons for the terror trios(Corn, Afton and Santiago) friendship? -🔮”
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For those of you who are new here; The Terror Trio consists of Corin, Santiago and Afton, over the years they have become quite a chaotic group of friends that have earned them the nickname. Like the Demetri and Felix one; I have decided to pick out a couple of special memories for this trio.
!𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒! Some mild angst.
𝐀𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
When Santiago joined the guard Afton and Corin had already developed somewhat of a friendship through Chelsea; but it was Santiago who added the right ingredient to form the legendary 'Terror Trio'. He added his own sort of exuberance to The Volturi had not see in quite a few years.
It is no secret that Corin has a tendency to use Santiago and Afton as her guinea pigs in terms of cooking, baking and wine making. She has accidentally poisoned them over a hundred times.
Once upon a time Afton and Santiago had to help Corin sneak out to meet a dashing vampiric lady that had visited Volterra, Caius still does not know what transpired.
Sometimes they spirit away Elizabeth and Gustav, only to return them in some ridiculous outfit they have found online. Heidi finds it quite endearing while Demetri is offended every time.
Corin and Santiago always help Afton pick out anniversary presents for Chelsea, some of the gifts she has appreciated the most have been suggested by Santiago surprisingly enough.
Corin and Santiago ask for ridiculously difficult things to acquire from Afton for their big birthdays, usually it involves Afton having to use his gift to stage a proper heist; he has yet to disappoint his dearest friends.
In the last couple of years Afton and Corin has subtly been championing for Santiago to finally receive a dark grey cloak; symbolising that he is a permanent fixture within The Volturi. Caius is fond of this idea but Aro and Marcus are not quite convinced yet. Athenodora would gladly award him a cloak but Sulpicia is also on the fence.
At one point Corin had a pet-parrot named Caius II, who in fact was acquired on the same trip that Caius recruited Santiago. This parrot did help Santiago and Corin initially bond since he knew how to best care for the bird (They also taught the poor bird a whole slew of foul things to say).
On the last Sunday of every month the three of them bake blood-cupcakes together, trying out different recipes. Corin always brings them to her father and siblings, Afton shares them with Chelsea and Santiago hands them out to the rest of the transitionary guard.
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upsidedownmvnson · 2 years ago
self reblog from my other side blog, if any of yall enjoy twilight ❤️
twilight headcanon masterlist
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*** means smutty
volturi guard:
newborn!reader doesn't have a power
human!reader angry cries during a fight
human!reader wants to make a sex tape***
human!reader meets their mate for the first time
reader is musically talented
human!reader is sexually frustrated***
it's their human!mate's birthday
human!reader gets hurt by another guard
newborn!reader is easily excitable
reader wants to celebrate holidays
human!reader defends their honour
human!reader wearing revealing clothes
demetri having a short & soft mate
human!reader caught changing
heidi volturi headcanons
cuddling & hugging
human!reader gets hurt and guard can't stop it
seeing newborn!reader in action for the first time
newborn!reader gets jealous and attacks another vampire
first time with newborn!reader***
human!reader sending sexy texts***
human!reader flashing them in public***
human!reader catches guard changing***
human!reader is secretaries relative
human!reader rollerblading around castle
human!reader insecure about their looks
felix while human!reader is on their period
newborn!reader struggling to control their strength
first time with human!reader***
human!reader wants to be on top during sex***
human!reader plays a cheating prank
reader is insecure about relationship
reader's ex tries to kiss them in front of the guard
reader moans someone else's name during sex with demetri***
human!reader wants guard to feed off them
shy!reader wanting to take relationship slowly
reader is demetri's mate and struggles with physical affection
reader is like cat valentine
aro wants them to have a hybrid mate
human!reader sleeps naked
human!reader cuts themself to save the guard
human!reader is on their period
lower guard flirting with reader and mate finds out
lower guard bullies reader when mate isn't around
human!reader uses corny pick up lines on mate
felix's mate is the older sibling of jane & alec
human!reader put their panties in mate's pocket***
human!reader wants to play chase
human!reader gets cat called by lower guard
human!reader seduces mate***
human!reader talks about ex and mate gets jealous
human!reader wearing provocative halloween costume
someone walks in on an intimate moment***
another guard shows sexual interest in reader
human!reader bragging about mate
human!reader is threatened by another guard
vampire!reader has a high sex drive
human!reader pranks other guards
overprotective felix
human!reader grieving over a family member
human!reader gets drunk
hybrid!reader mates the volturi
human!reader pickpockets guard
newborn!reader was turned by carlisle
human!reader wants their first time with the guard
mate trying to get the attention of human!reader
newborn!reader is a lil too strong
meeting the first time during new moon
another guard shows interest in the reader
human!reader almost dying but getting turned in time
human!reader is sassy
human!reader is bratty & easily jealous
human!reader dresses up like mate and runs around the castle
human!reader is very affectionate
newborn!reader can't control their thirst
demetri is overprotective over emotional human!reader
reader has separation anxiety
general headcanons for alec, demetri, felix & jane
human!reader is an instagram influencer
shopping together
human!reader says i love you for the first time
demetri x independent reader
human!reader is kidnapped
demetri x anxious reader
telling them you're not wearing panties
heidi's mate struggling with self-esteem
the kings:
general headcanons
wolf pack:
imprint!reader falls for another guy
protective seth clearwater
you're pregnant
the cullens:
mate!reader playing minecraft with them
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zapreportsblog · 2 years ago
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curiosity killed the cat or mermaid in this case
the hybrids aunt
our little fairy
the flame that burns for you
please don’t take our sunshine away
headcanons for how each of the Volturi members might react to being around a kind, selfless, and sympathetic human
here for a good time not a long time
the star of the show
from the darkness the light exposes itself
i think im over being your girlfriend
tho shall not flirt with our sister
you are of interest to me
ranking the yandere volturi members (the kings + guards) by their level of obsession
hidden away from preying eyes
what is volturi's thought regarding to turning their mate into a vampire
yandere demetri volturi headcanon
you’re our soulmate darling
family ties
how the volturi would react to a yandere member
threes a crowd
christmas fun
the hybrids aunt
warm bodies
threes a crowd
the doctor knows best
i need a juice box
here for a good time not a long time
snowbound savior
snowbound savior
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volturiprincess · 10 months ago
How would caius and demetri deal with a jealous partner?
Sorry it took a while dear😅 but here it is
Warning: Theres some mention of smut
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Oh this dear casanova would be amused by the situation 
He hates to see you upset 
But what makes this situation amusing to him is he did not know you can get jealous, I mean why would you be jealous? Your his girl after all 
He has told you about being mates and how you are his forever, he even said he would never look at another women or man in anyway 
But when you get jealous, he will drop everything he was doing and take the day off to make sure you know you are loved/ the only one
He will shower you with kisses
But his favorite thing to do to make you feel better is, worshiping you, slow sex is his go to 
He will make sure in between kisses he will tell you how much he loves you, how there is no need for this behavior because you are HIS darling ❤️
After that he will make sure to ‘baby’ you to make you feel like his special girl even if you already feel like that on a daily basis 
He gets a bit more touchy with you to make it up and to make you forget you were ever jealous for the upcoming days
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He would be so smug about it 
The first couple of times he dealt with you being jealous it resulted in arguments and he soon he realized why you were acting like this 
He reassured you he only loves you and there is no need for jealousy 
Like sure he was shock to find out you were jealous but he secretly liked how you got angry and how your eye slightly twitch (more like it turned him on)
There was a rogue vampire one time  that was brought in by the guards and that vampire had the audacity to flirt with your mate in front of you 
“Well I wish I was caught sooner so I could witness such beauty” while looking at him
The anger that instantly fueled you would put Caius anger issues to shame, you wanted to rip that Vampire into pieces 
To mess with you, he didn't get mad at the Vampires comment, on the contrary he smirked, he freaking smirked
Not even thinking twice you were instantly in front of the Vampire and ripped the head off with Felix and Demetri ripping the arms off 
The silence in the throne room was so quiet that Alec’s mist couldn't even compare 
Nobody said anything but you left mumbling “Clean this up”, everyone was like this 🧍
Caius will tell you his true intentions of that situation but that would only make you more angry
He will make it up to you by seducing you slowly and then before you know it your on your back on the bed letting Caius make it up 
Also to be honest I bet he would get you jealous just to have rough sex, such a kinky king (hehe that rhymes)
Even if he knows you can get quite jealous and possessive of him, he likes to see you like this because once again it turns him on
He won't do it often but when he needs some spice in his life he knows how to push your buttons 
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simpfordemetri · 9 months ago
Hi honey <3 Can you make a reaction from the guard when his partner makes friends very easily with other clans and was affectionate? Like being close friends with Benjamin or Kate and Tanya when in some situation they visit the Vulturis and reader jumps on them to hug them.
A bit short but lets be honest,vampires are possesive creatures so the headcanons of this are almost the same cause none of them are okay with this.💗
✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧
I dont really know how to make this long
Just no,you are his and he doesnt share,affection is ONLY for him
You want to make friends with them and talk friendly?Thats fine,he will let you be FOR A WHILE ,cause your time is also his
But dont you ever think about hug them,kiss them on the cheek or worst,jump in their arms
He will throw a big tantrum because in his eyes thats something he wouldnt do to you,so why are you doing it to him?He sees it as an attack to his feelings
Same,the twins are not too different and we all know it.so what were you thinking?
However,she wont throw a tantrum ,she will literally use her power on whoever you are hugging
And you best wish not to be hugging someone like Kate because that girl will throw hands
Expect silent treatment and cold looks,no begging from your part will make her forgive you anytime soon ,as her brother,in her eyes this is betrayal and there is no other way to think about it
Is the most accepting one,as long as he has more quality time and affection than them is fine.
However he will get suspicious if he sees you giving a big amount of affection cause lets be real
Thats not okay?
If its a welcome hug ,etc… is fine
But constant hugs or cuddles to your friends?He will stop you but he is gentle while doing so
He has to be there all the time,you want to spend time with them?Fine but he is there because why not?
Affection to your friends…If its a very long hug you will hear him growling and his expression stern while looking at you
He will scold you if you push his limits
Cause at the end of the day all of them are vampires and do not forget their possessiveness okay
While she doesnt tends to be a jealous person,she is insecure
She thinks no one else but her deserves your touch
She will be more discretely about it
A hand on your waist at all times so you cant scape her grip
That way you are not able to let go and hug anyone,are you?
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year ago
Twilight Master List
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The Cold Ones
Olympic Coven
How they feel when they find out you're Mates Headcanon // Ao3: How they feel when they find out you're Mates Headcanon
Summary: How the Cullens feel when they meet their one and only, meant to be, forever person
Volturi Guard
How they feel when they find out you're Mates Headcanon // Ao3: How they feel when they find out you're Mates Headcanon
Summary: How the Volturi Guard feel when they meet their one and only, meant to be, forever person
Living and Dealing with your Mate // Ao3: Living and Dealing with your Mate
Summary: Not so much the ups and downs of being the guards mate... More like how they react when you stay at the castle
Felix Volturi
Old Age and Fated Bonds // Ao3: Old Age and Fated Bonds
Summary: You join Alice and Bella on their adventure to Italy but when things go sideways, but not fully because it's actually better for you compared to the others. Being mated to the Volturi's executioner is interesting. It helps that you two can share the same kinds of meals and not worry about getting hurt. Plus, a feeding during your first day at the castle was... interesting and steamy, to say the least.
Paul Lahote Master List
Jacob "Jake" Black
Jealousy and Pack Scoulding's // Ao3: Jealousy and Pack Scoulding's *Requested*
Summary: You're, in a way, the new girl amongst the pack, in a non-shifter way. Jake was sent to school to pick you up before Sam got another wild hair up his- Jake was nice enough to say yes even though you talk to his pack more than him. Thankfully Sam sent him and he could easily stop the fight from going further. Emily on the other hand, not as thankful because you were still in a fight, and fighting is never the answer.
Uley Pack
How they feel when they find out you're their Imprint Headcanon // Ao3: How they feel when they find out you're their Imprint Headcanon
Summary: How the Uley (*cough* and Black pack *cough*) pack members feel when they meet their one and only, meant to be, forever person aka their imprint
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