#voltron self insert
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kittenagent · 7 months ago
can we bring back voltron ocs 😞
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nixwriteschaos · 1 year ago
[FEATURES A FEW TRANSLATED JAPANESE (I’m still learning so I used translation in some parts instead)]
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The Blade Of Marmora’s base started to shake, pieces from the ceiling crashed down to the ground. One of the members of the Blade ran up to the assumed leader at the moment in a rush. “The Red Lion is attacking the base! It’s trying to break through!” He said in an urgent voice. The Red Lion blasts a blast of fire at the base from its mouth. Shiro, who was held by two of the Blade Of Marmora members, informed “It has a link with Keith. It knows when he’s in danger. It’s coming for him.” With a serious voice towards the assumed leader. And just then, a massive piece crashes near them, causing all of them to grunt in pain.
Shiro punches the two members away to get himself free and quickly rushes to where Keith is located with the said members on his tail. Keith was unconscious, with a pained expression on his face with bruises and scratches from the attacks he previously had gotten. He managed to wake up due to the amount of rumbling that was happening. The boy could hear the rumbling of the place but also heard running footsteps approaching him. He turned his head slightly and saw Shiro rushing to him.
He quickly got the boy on his feet, asking him if he was okay but before he could get an answer, the leader’s voice was heard from across the almost destroyed room. “Stop what you’re doing!” The voice demanded. “What are you talking about? What’s going on?” The boy asked cluelessly, the place rumbled again. “Call off the beast!” The leader demanded which Shiro ignored and said “Move out of the way! We’re leaving.” In an angered voice.
“You’re not leaving with that blade! It does not belong to you. You failed to awaken it!” The leader said to Keith. Keith, who was clueless as to what the man said, asked “What does that mean?” But a member of the Blade dismissed it and demanded Keith to give up the blade, rushing up to the boy with his own blade. Shiro quickly put Keith down and activated his robot arm, it glowed purple, and he swiftly swung it at the masked man.
Just before the fight could continue longer, Keith’s voice stopped the two. “Wait! Just take the knife.” Keith stood with stability and held the blade out with its handle aimed towards them for them to take it. The two dropped their weapons after the boy said it. “It doesn’t matter where I come from. I know who I am. We all need to work together to defeat Zarkon.” The boy said. “If that means I give up the knife, fine. Take it.” The boy said in defeat.
The blade then shined and glowed a mixture of blue and purple. It shined so brightly, it even shined the entire room. “You’ve awoken the blade!” The leader said in shock. Once it died down, the blade was no longer a blade, but a sword. “The only way this is possible is if Galra Blood runs through your veins.” The man inquired.
Out in space, the Castle, which was a ship at the moment, readied itself to attack the base. Coran started to count down. “Five.. Four.. Three.. Two.. One!” Just as they were about to attack, a transmission from the Red Lion appeared. “Princess, we’re coming back, and we’re bringing someone you should meet.” Shiro’s voice was heard from the transmission. “They’re all right!” Coran said in relief. “Yes, they did it!” Pidge sounded excitedly.
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The Red Lion went into the passageway and landed safely on the ship’s ground. The mouth of the lion opened and revealed Shiro and Keith with a new companion. The companion walked out and turned off his mask which revealed his face which to be of Galra kin. “Princess Allura, it’s good to see that the rumours are true. You’re still alive after all these years.” He bowed down to the ground while taking off his hood. “So is Zarkon. Can we consider you our ally in the fight against him?” The princess asked in a stern voice. The man responded, “Yes, but we have little time to discuss this.” As he stood up. “I just received word from our spy inside the Galra Hierarchy. They have become aware of our presence, so the timetable for our plan has been moved up.” He informed them. “How soon do we need to begin?” Shiro asked.
“Now.” Kolivan said in a stern voice.
“Pfft!-” A muffled chuckle caught the attention of everyone. They all tried to search for the source but to no avail. But Kolivan stood where he was, still facing the majority of people. “Rukari, come out now, I know that you’re here.” He called out. A groan was heard and they all looked at the Red Lion’s mouth that was still open and there came out a member of the Blade with the uniform except there was something different about him.. He had wings and a tail poking out of his suit.
“Who are you?” Shiro asked seriously, almost demanding for the answer as he held his robot arm out to attack. “Stand down, he’s harmless.” Kolivan reassured. “無害ですか? うそつき !” The boy said in an offended tone. “Stop with that- strange language.” Kolivan begged in a frustrated voice. “いいえ!にほんごです!" He said in frustration. "I apologize about him, he always speaks in that language." Kolivan apologized.
“What do you mean? It’s Japanese.” Shiro said after calming down. “Are you perhaps?-” He turned his attention over to the winged boy. “Human? I suppose so, my mother was half-human.” He explained. Kolivan just sighed, “Hikuri here is what you humans would call a “Tribreed.” His father was a pureblood Galra, whereas his mother was half human and half Avian.” Kolivan explained.
“That’s quite fascinating!” Coran complimented. The masked boy bowed out of thanks and then turned off his masking and took off his hood, revealing his purple to bluish skin with yellow sclera with violet pupils and his purple-haired mullet. “Very nice to meet you all. My name’s Haruka Masaki but codename’s Rukari.” The boy bowed down with his left arm on his backside and his right arm on his chest.
“I thought Avians were long gone?” Allura expressed her shock. “There’s only a few of us left. Most of us are half-bloods rather than purebloods.” The boy chuckled nervously. “But why would they attack Avia? From my research, you don’t have much value to their empire? No offense-” Pidge asked. “None taken. As for your question, they attacked us because we have these special feathers that help regulate gravity in big ships and such. Since they have very many ships. They destroyed my planet and captured and later killed my people for their feathers.” He explained.
“Enough of that, it’s time to get serious.” Kolivan glared at Haruka who quickly stood up straight. “Sorry sir.” Haruka apologized which made Kolivan nod in forgiveness. “I hope we can become close allies, Princess Allura.” The man bowed in respect. “I hope so too, Kolivan.” Allura kept her guard up. She couldn’t help but feel uneasy around him. Perhaps because he’s of Galra blood, the vile race that destroyed her planet and killed her people.
But if she wanted to save the universe, she would have to join forces with people she may not like.
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rayngomango-art · 2 years ago
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I’m obsessed with Voltron rn so here have my self insert.
I’m on season 5 ep 1 atm.
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the-weirdos-mind · 2 years ago
Voltron: Legendary Defender Self Insert
Name: Luna Garcia
Age: 18 (at first but gets older as the series goes on)
Appearances: Shoulder length black hair, bangs that cover her right eye, brown eyes (in certain light/clothing eyes can appear black or very light brown), black glasses, tan skin, 5’2, normally wears purple and black but can wear other glasses is she so pleases, a piercing on each ear, ears are pointed and elf like and lavender facial marks that sit inches below her eyes. Has her hair down to hide her ears and wears makeup to hide her facial marks
Personality: Shy at first but she’s a very warm and nice girl once you get to know her, can and will tell others off if the moment arises, don’t make her angry just don’t, seems lazy in some aspects but will work her butt off on something when she’s ready to work, can and will put up a fight if you challenge her to one
Backstory: Born in the Southern part of the USA and moved to the West Coast when her older sister starts attending Galaxy Garrison. She was crushed when she heard the news of the Kerberos mission, leaving her behind with their mother. She and her sister never knew their father because he was out of the picture. Their mother only saw him twice which lead to the girls. She believed that her sister was dead until Pidge contacted her about the facts. She decided to enroll in Garrison to learn the truth and find her sister. However one night leads her to another planet and learning of the galaxy’s fate. She doesn’t know she’s half Altean and has been bullied for her unusual features in the past. She covers them up, feeling insecure about them.
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vikspretty · 7 months ago
windows of opportunity
in which lance is a disaster romantic and misses every opportunity to ask you out
pairing: lance x reader
tags: fem! reader, disaster romantic lance, blue paladin lance, oblivious reader, oblivious lance too, reader isn't a paladin she just, like, helps(?), very very tiny bit of angst, happy ending, fluff, mutual pining, flirty banter, no use of y/n, lance calls reader ‘pretty’ as a nickname, cheeky little taylor swift reference if you squint.
notes: as a huge hopeless romantic, missed opportunities with a happy ending and mutual pining but thinking the other doesn't reciprocate is my obsession. i also know i said the first one would be keith but then i thought of this and it fit lance more i think.
wc: 2.3k
“Rise and shine, work hard, carve out your name, Take aim, pull the trigger, hit the bulls eye for fame, Know the value of faith, an' family, and don't you complain, Open wide, your windows of opportunity" — Kate Denson's "Windows of Opportunity”
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To say that Lance liked you was an understatement. He was obsessed. Not crazy obsessed, but obsessed in the way that you consumed his every thought.
Luckily this didn't extend to during fights, but even then he would still be acutely aware of where you were at all times, making sure he could hear your voice over the comms, often talking over Coran just to flirt with you.
You were no different. Having known Lance since before joining the Garrison, your feelings for him have come and gone repetitively. Each time you'd confide in Pidge, declaring that you were over him after seeing him treat someone else the same way he treats you, claiming that he'd only ever see you as a friend, he'd do something that would make you retract anything bad you'd ever said about him.
Yours and Lance's feelings were obvious to everyone and it bewildered them how you both thought they were one sided.
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The kitchen was quiet, Hunk, Keith and Pidge holding conversation while each did their own thing: Hunk baking, Keith tracing his blade and Pidge on her computer. Peaceful.
"What if I say something and she thinks I'm weird and never talks to me again?"
Keith and Pidge immediately groaned while Hunk remained silent, watching as Lance walked past all three of them, interrupting their conversation and train of thoughts. He threw himself onto a chair at the table across from Pidge who had already gathered her things and gotten up to leave. "Nope, not dealing with this again," she said as she left.
"She already thinks you're weird, I'm surprised she still puts up with you," Keith says from the spot next to where Pidge was. Lance glared at him in response, ignoring him.
"I think you should just try. If her face when she looks at you is anything to go off, I'm pretty sure she likes you too." It was a usually useless statement that was many times returned with "You're lying," or "I would've noticed." This time however, Lance turned to face Hunk and instead said,
"I was on my way to ask her out just now but she was training with Shiro and was in a zone and I didn't wanna disrupt that cause- where are you going?" Lance cut his rant off with a question directed at Keith who was leaving the kitchen.
"To train," was all he replied with.
"So you're finally going to do it? Why are you in here then?" Hunk asked.
"Yeah I am. I'm sick of wondering if she feels the same so I'm just gonna ask. I've never had a problem with it before so why should I now?"
From there, Lance vowed to himself that he would ask you out as soon as possible. He didn't want to spend any more time not being able to call you his than he had to.
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You heard your name being called from down the corridor as you made your way to the showers. Training with Shiro was one thing, training with Shiro and Keith was another when you weren't out in the field anywhere near as often as them. It also didn't help how Keith had mentioned he had come to you two to escape Lance's apparent rambling about you. It had thrown you off and to make up for it and stop Shiro's teasing, you had put even more effort in than you normally would.
Turning around, you saw Lance running to catch up to you. Despite wanting to turn and make a run for it to the showers to avoid any embarrassment, you stopped and waited for him to meet you.
Huffing slightly, Lance met up with you and stopped to take you in. You were beautiful. Even when you were clearly sweaty and exhausted. He had to shake his head slightly to keep his thoughts from turning dirty. "Finished training?"
"Yeah, was just heading to the showers, wanna join me?" you said with a smirk, knowing that your question could be taken a couple different ways.
Recognising your signature smirk you used whenever the two of you would 'harmlessly' flirt, Lance played along. "Of course."
"Was there something you wanted to talk to me about?" Lance froze up briefly. He had wondered if Keith had overheard him say that he was going to ask you out and had opened his big mouth to you. You quietened his thoughts by following up with, "You look like you wanna say something. If its to tell me I smell, I know, Shiro and Keith are not easy opponents."
"Yeah you do stink, but I hope you kicked Keith's ass." Lance joked. "Anyway, I just wanted to ask you the best way to ask someone out." Your smile dropped for a second before replacing it with a forced one. You knew he didn't like you and he wasn't yours to lose so why should you keep someone else from experiencing what you could only dream about.
"Oh, well, it depends who it is. Personally, I like when it's done in a way that shows the person really knows me, like with trinkets or using inside jokes as a way of showing their feelings rather than just saying it. Allura though, she'd probably like to be taken somewhere nice, so when you ask her out maybe do it on a planet with a nice skyline or sunset or something." You knew it had to be Allura he was planning to ask out. He'd been flirting with her ever since you all met her. It was only a matter of time. You felt the unwanted tears build up - you had to get away, and fast. "Oh look, we're at the showers, thanks for walking with me and good luck on asking Allura, I'm sure she'll say yes." You were out of sight in seconds.
Lance stood facing the door speechless and confused. Where did Allura come into this? Why were you so quick to leave? He had only asked how to ask someone in hopes to lead up to him actually asking but instead his window of opportunity had closed before he even let it open.
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His next window was clear. He had his speech planned out, knew exactly what he wanted to say and how. Now was the perfect opportunity. You were the only one on the bridge, sat in his seat seemingly just relaxing. Why you were doing that here instead of in the lounge he didn't know but he decided to ask later.
You hadn't noticed Lance's presence until you head a "Quiznack" be muttered under his breath as he tripped over his own feet, luckily managing to catch himself. You sat up and turned to face him. "Finally falling for me, Sharp-shooter?" you joked, internally cringing at the use of the word 'finally'.
If Lance had noticed your slip up, he didn't mention it. Instead, he rounded to the front of the chair you were in and dropped to sit on the floor facing you. "You wish. No. I just wanted to talk to you about something."
"How did it go with Allura?" Truthfully, you didn't want to know, but you were sure you'd hear about it from one of them soon enough so why not get it out of the way.
"How did what go with Allura?" The confusion on his face was obvious.
"You were gonna ask her our remember? You literally asked me how to do it like two days ago." You mirrored Lance's confusion.
"Oh." Silence. "Oh! No! I wasn't planning to ask her out! I actually wanted to ask you-" his voice, which was already turning very quiet was cut off by you sitting up and squinting at the window.
"What was that?" You asked yourself aloud. Lance mistook that as a question for him.
"I said-" he was cut off again when you quickly got up and ran to the window.
"Alert everyone. Get to your lions. Now."
At that, Lance looked outside to see multiple Galra ships appearing. He groaned internally. To you the groan was about having to go out and fight. For him, the groan was because yet another window of opportunity had shut.
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Keith really just wanted to lay down. Not necessarily sleep as that had never come easy to him, but he was exhausted. Instead he had to listen to you whine about how Lance doesn't share your feelings. When he had asked why you were coming to him about this you had said that everyone who wasn't Lance was busy and she didn't want to bother them. At that moment he wished you hadn't found him sat in the lounge. As much as he cherished you as a friend, he was quite frankly sick of hearing about Lance. When there was a knock at the door of his room, of which you had followed him into and immediately flopped onto his bed mid rant, Keith rolled his eyes and opened it. He was glad it had at least got you to be quiet since you also wondered who it was.
"Hey have you seen, oh hi pretty, Keith have you seen-" Lance stopped talking. When he'd said hi, he wasn't thinking, it was natural instinct. When he realised you were laid out on Keith's bed, his brain caught up to his mouth.
You, on the other hand, were blushing. It wasn't the first time Lance was calling you pretty. In fact it's what he called you 90% of the time. But it was the timing. You had just been complaining about how he doesn't think of you except from if he has to or if you're talking with him then he calls you pretty, offhanded. You were going insane.
"What's up?" Keith asked Lance, aiming a sly smirk at you as if he could tell you were going crazy over both seeing the person who was the main character of your rant and at the name said person had called you.
"Actually I was looking for her but if you guys are busy..."
Keith took this opportunity to both get rid of you so he can lie down and also get back at you for talking his ear off. "No, no, please, take her, I'm sick of hearing about you."
Lance ignored Keith's comment, turning to you, "Can we talk?"
Your eyes went wide as you sat up, your heart immediately dropping. Had you done something wrong? Had he overheard you talking about how much you liked him? Was this the end of your guys's friendship? You'd rather have him as a friend than nothing at all. You just nodded and said bye to Keith as you left his room.
The door closed within milliseconds of you leaving the room. It was just you and Lance now. Alone. "Come on," Lance smiled and started walking to his room.
Arriving in his room, Lance's nerves began to pick up. This was his chance. Again. He promised to himself that this is it. He wasn't going to let another interruption keep him from telling you how he feels.
Being in his room alone with him was nothing new, so why did you feel so nervous. "Come sit down, pretty." Lance patted the spot next to where he had just sat on his bed. You plastered a smile on your face and sat down.
"What's up? You never ask to talk, you usually just... do."
Lance let out a snort at that, giving you a pointed glance. "Oh and you don't?"
"I never said that."
The light hearted joking relaxed you - it's what you were used to between the two of you.
Your previous nerves about what Lance had to say dissipated as the two of you continued to joke together a little longer.
"Lance. You didn't come find me just to hang out. I know you. What's up?"
He had been putting it off, nerves creeping up the closer he came to confessing and so he sought comfort in your company as it was. Lance nodded and cleared his throat, turning to look in your eyes. "Every time I've tried to talk to you about this, something interrupts me: you rushing off to the showers, then the galra finding us. And then you thought I asked Allura out which is crazy because yeah she's-"
"Lance." You cut him off, not wanting to hear about how the princess of Altea was perfect and dreamy. "Come on."
"As I was going to say, before someone rudely interrupted, again-"
You laughed and stuck your tongue out at him quickly and jokingly.
"Hey! Anyway, yeah Allura is cool, I mean, she's a princess. But she isn't you." He paused, but realised how that could be taken, he continued, "I don't want Allura... I want you pretty girl. And it has taken me way too long to finally tell you. There have been so many missed windows of opportunity, and I refuse to miss any more. It's you. It's always been you, and I'm sorry I led you to believe otherwise."
You were speechless. A confession wasn't even on the list of things you had expected to come from this talk. The smile that grew on your face was unstoppable. Not trusting yourself to let out a happy squeal, you threw your arms around the man who had just told you he chooses you.
The sudden force took Lance by surprise, but he was fast to wrap his arms around your waist and fall back onto his bed, pulling you down with him. You lifted your head to look Lance in the eyes. Lance took this as his chance to finally make things official. "Will you be mine, pretty?"
The smile you didn't think could grow any wider, did. "I will always be yours, Loverboy Lance."
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notes: i low-key kinda don't like how this ended up but i tried. it's also only slightly proof-read because i wanna move on to a keith fic now. also, if you saw this before, i reposted it cause i wanted it after my masterlist stuff so its still the same just reposted. reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated. i also may make a taglist so let me know if you wanna be on it!
@cafekitsune made the dividers here!
thank you for reading!!
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deepestuniversallove · 26 days ago
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An Updated Reference for my VLD Self-insert Monika. It's for my AU version of VLD, titled "Starlight Serendipity".
Monika is a 25 year old human woman from Earth who was part of the intelligence gathering branch of the Galaxy Garrison. They were training psychic remote viewers in honing their abilities to spy on designated targets from afar by using just their mind.
Monika is an abductee of the Grey Aliens (also known as the Zeta) for many years, possibly even exhibiting some genetic tampering by them herself, due to the psychic abilities she displays (which could be a result of the human-Zeta hybridization program).
She befriends Pidge Gunderson as they meet on the top of the Galaxy Garrison building several times as Pidge is attempting to decipher signals she's been picking up from the furthest reaches of the solar system. Monika bonds with Pidge as the latter does not mock her belief in aliens (since Pidge has been picking up alien signals for a while now). Pidge was present the night when Monika was abducted by the Zeta one final time as they were taking her into space with no intention of returning her.
Monika gets recruited into Lotor’s team after Ezor and Lotor bust her out of the Zeta spaceship. She quickly bonds with Ezor due to their shared bubbly nature, and has an immediate attraction to Prince Lotor.
That crush on Lotor quickly deepens to genuine love as she sees that he's attempting to actually save the universe in his own way. Prince Lotor also seems fond of Monika, indulging in answering all her questions about the alien civilizations he encountered in his long life. He is fascinated by how openly vulnerable Monika can be, noticing that she rather prefers to spell things out directly.
Monika has a degree in Biology and can in turn tell Lotor much about Earth organisms. It fascinates her how Galra can seemingly reproduce with any alien species and wonders what the Biology behind that is.
Princess Allura is the biggest thorn in Monika's eyes. She loathes the Princess for her foolishness and inability to actually be a level-headed diplomat, seeing all too often how the Princess is ruled by volatile emotions rather than reason. Though there's also jealousy involved - Monika knows that Allura is the "dream girl" of Prince Lotor, as he told her the tales of the Princess he surely could have married if the tragic events of Voltron's creation hadn't happened 10,000 years ago. The re-appearance of Princess Allura make Monika's biggest fears a reality as Lotor attempts to pursue the Princess romantically. This causes Monika and Lotor to drift apart, though Monika vows to still love Lotor and if Allura makes him happy, so be it. His happiness is the most important to Monika, as she genuinely loves Lotor.
Monika displays undying loyalty towards Lotor, even being willing to sacrifice her own life for his sake, should it be needed. She would rather die than ever betray him.
Though she sees herself as weak, she is rather enduring and resilient. Monika draws a lot, having a habit of drawing out her fantasies about Lotor on paper, though she also uses drawing to record her visions that she gains during remote viewing sessions. Her other hobby is crocheting - she even has made herself a secret Lotor plush toy to cuddle with.
Monika has two psychic enhancer crystals permanently attached to her skull. These were obtained from planet Veluria to help Monika with focusing and increase the range of her psychic spying ability. Her psychic energy has a water-like quality to it and is further enhanced near bodies of water or a sensory deprivation tank. A favorite saying known to psychics from the Galaxy Garrison is actually Shiro's tag line "Patience yields focus".
Despite hating Zetas for all the abductions and experiments they performed on her, Monika bonds with Myutsu (a Half-Zeta) and comes to see him as a brother. Narti is also a close friend, and they can communicate with each other easily through telepathy.
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samuraiviolets · 1 month ago
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lilcatastrophe · 10 months ago
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maroon paladin Akira reporting for duty 🫡
vld sonas are taking over and i am here to play my part, let’s go gang 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼
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chibi-pix · 3 months ago
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Holy crow, has it really been over a year since I've drawn this insert of a character? Well then. By chance I came across this WIP from around that time and decided to actually finish it. So! Here I am! With my information dealing insert conversing with Keith; judging by the mullet, this is before the start of VF. Damn, this version for me looks cool.
Anyway! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Commissions are open and available on my Ko-fi. Until next time!
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pastelricky · 3 months ago
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samsloves · 1 year ago
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cute lil pastel family!! 💜🩷
(screenshot redraw of sorts from the old sailor moon anime
(🏳️‍⚧️ insert, in purple, uses thet/them pronouns
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nixwriteschaos · 1 year ago
Introductions! Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender TW: NONE Contents: Self insert! Summary: A new acquaintance.
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jankydem · 9 months ago
im bored,, and tired,, so take these artworks that I rather never posted, posted before but wanna post again bc im lazy, or just.. stuff .
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audrepie · 2 days ago
My Ko-Fi is all set up! (yessiree i figured it out)
𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚 Here are some things you need to know before commissioning me! 𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚
Will NOT Do:
♡ Strictly no NSFW of any kind. I can do blood, but no detailed injuries of any kind.
♡ Extremely detailed characters.
♡ Offensive themes.
♡ Portraits.
♡ Detailed backgrounds. I'm talking interiors and exteriors, sceneries, etc.
♡ Furries
♡ Anything that isn't human/humanoid.
♡ Any cest of any kind
Will DO:
♡ OC's ♡ Ship art (can be Self-insert/OC insert or your two favorite characters together)
♡ Simple backgrounds.
♡ Anthropomorphic
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vikspretty · 7 months ago
boil over
in which your assignment is getting too much for you to handle but keith is there to help you out
pairing: keith x reader
tags: fem! reader, college au!, established relationship, keith is a biker (yum), very fluffy, no use of y/n, reader gets a bit short with keith. keith is a sweetheart, slight angst.
notes: finally writing for keith. its sadly much shorter than i wanted but i spent ages looking for what to write for him because i wasn't sure what i was in the mood for. i had already made notes on season 7 episode 6 where they get like lost in space but then when it came to writing i hated the idea so now we have a college au. he's so pretty in this scene!!!
wc: 839
"Buck and Wild, Swing to be free, Your hands just can't keep ahold of me." — Kate Denson's "Boil Over"
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The sound of a motorbike pulling up dragged you out of your train of thought. If this was any other time, you would have jumped out of your seat to meet your boyfriend at the door. Today, however, was not one of those days.
You had a huge assignment to do for college, and even though you had plenty of time to get it done, you prided yourself in having things completed as soon as physically possible. This assignment was deciding to not let you commit to it. Everything you would type out would be deleted pretty much immediately.
With a groan, you deleted the last paragraph you had typed out. There were spelling mistakes throughout it and it didn't read right. Anymore force put into your backspace key and you're sure it would break.
Keith couldn't wait to see you. You had been asleep when he left in the morning for work at the Garrison and you hadn't picked up any of his calls all day. He was aware of your assignment and knew how you got when they became difficult and so made a pit stop on his way home.
Greeting Kosmo at the door, Keith placed his helmet and keys down, toeing off his boots simultaneously. "Hey buddy. Where is my pretty girl?" He asked Kosmo. As if the wolf could understand, he immediately got up and started off towards the living room.
Upon entering, Keith saw you sat with your back to the arm rest, computer in your lap and a multitude of notebooks splayed out on your coffee table. A half empty mug of coffee also sat closest to you on the table, but Keith assumed this to be cold as it normally ended up to be when you would become so engrossed in your work.
Kosmo walked up to your side, partially blocking your view of your notebooks. You were yet to notice your boyfriend's presence in the room despite you realising that he will be home now.
"Kosmo, honey, please move," you pleaded. You were finally beginning to form a thought that could lead you on your next point you wanted to make but by the time Kosmo had moved, you had lost it.
You let out another groan. Louder this time, accompanied by you shutting you laptop and putting your head down.
"Hey baby, you okay?"
The voice made you jump, and instead of soothing you like Keith had intended it to, it only angered you.
"Do I look okay, Keith?" You snapped. You had sat up now, laptop still in your lap.
What you hadn't noticed but Keith had was your hands. They were curled up above your laptop but were shaking. At this realisation, Keith was quick to move your notebooks neatly into a pile, placing the bag of food he had in his hand on the free space on the coffee table.
"I’m struggling with this assignment and I know I have time but I want it done now and nothing I write is good enough and then- What are you doing? I need those!"
Still not saying anything, Keith kneeled in front of you, taking your laptop and moving that to the table too. He then grabbled your hands, holding them tightly.
"Look at me, darling."
You didn't hear his words, too busy rambling in a mumble about how you need to get back to work so you could get it done. Keith realised this when your eyes didn't even flick to Kosmo who had not rested his head in place of where your laptop previously was. At this you would usually let out a coo and stroke his head. Instead you were staring at your books on the table. Knowing you wouldn't listen to him any other way, Keith placed his index and his thumb under your chin to move you to face him.
When you made eye contact with Keith's sympathetic gaze, your eyes started to well up. Suddenly the stress and guilt overwhelmed you and you broke down.
Rather than trying to shush you or get you to stop crying, Keith leaned up to hug you. This was what you needed. You had been over working yourself and it was finally catching up to you.
The familiarity of Keith's smell and his warmth was soothing to you. "Keith, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" Your voice was croaky and broken as your tears refused to stop just yet.
"I know, darling, I know."
You pulled away to look him in the eyes. You didn't know what to say or do and so you said the only thing you did know. "I love you."
"I love you most. So much so that I brought you some food."
To this you let out a quiet giggle and hugged him again.
"It's okay to be overwhelmed. You're putting way too much pressure on yourself for something that you have so much time for. I'm here for you, and so is Kosmo. You are not alone. Now, how about, we eat? And then we can find a way to distract you for a while. How does that sound?"
Taking note of the insinuation, you just nodded, throwing yourself to him for a kiss.
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this is so much shorter and rushed than i wanted it to be but i really struggled with finding a good idea to use for him so this is really disappointing. im gonna try make the next one a little longer but its not gonna be a voltron fic i fear. onto kate denson’s final perk though!
@cafekitsune made the dividers here!
thank you for reading!!
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deepestuniversallove · 8 days ago
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Team Sincline - Psychics
A Team picture of the three psychics of "Team Sincline", aka Lotor's Team.
We have Narti, who is blind but can see through the eyes of Kova, Lotor's cat, and is able to manipulate others through physical touch.
Myutsu uses psychic abilities for combat, and can also control people, but through direct eye contact.
Monika is the resident "Remote viewer", she can spy on designated targets from afar using just her mind. Essentially, she is functioning a lot like Haggar does for Zarkon,by getting visions and information through them. Monika is also Myutsu's pupil.
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