#voltron matchup blog
bonkers-4-hatter · 8 months
Anon asked: Hey I was wondering if I could have a matchup? Voltron, Kurokos basketball and Haikyuu. I’m barely 5’5” and curvy. I weigh about 181 and I wear big sweaters, jeans, leggings, and converse a lot. I enjoy running and going outside. I’m really loud but sometimes I get super shy when I first meet someone. I have long brown hair and glasses. I almost always have earbuds in so you have to try really hard to get my attention. Anyyyyways I hope that was enough and not TOO much info. Also I love ur blog.           
I match you with:
Hunk from Voltron
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He can get your attention easily with how goofy he is. He understands why you have the earbuds on, but he just wants to put a smile on your face and he’ll act like a goofball anytime if he gets to see that beautiful smile. 
Kuroko from Kuroko No Basket
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Enjoys hearing you when you’re loud he just likes to hear you talk it makes him smile to hear you talk about your passions, your dislikes, your voice is so pretty to him he could listen for hours.
Kuroo Tetsurou from Haikyuu
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He loves how thick you are, he thinks it makes you that much cuter and he adores that you dress how you want. he wants you to be comfy and besides baggy sweaters and leggings are better to cuddle with.
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futurepurplepaladin · 6 years
When I’m With You I’m Home- Part 2
Anonymous: 11+15+73+81 for lance reuniting with an s/o he left on earth
11) “Wow, you look… amazing.”
15) ““When I’m with you, I’m home.”
73) ““Please don’t say goodbye.”
81) “Come with me.”
Phew, this took so long to write! Sorry about that! I forgot to add on the last post- this is with a fem s/o, and Im really working on writing gender neutral- Im just not used to it. So Im so sorry if this made the fic harder to read! And this DEFINTELY doesnt match the storyline from Season 7-so sorry?
Word Count: 3,468
Who: Lance x Reader
Warnings: Some cuss words in Spanish- mentions of depressio 
Hope you enjoy!!!
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(not my gif- gypsyastronaut)
“Getting busy over there LAnce?” a voice taunted in front of you; the voice was undefiable as male or female- but you recognized it at once.
“Wait is that- PIDGE?” 
You looked over Lance’s shoulder, seeing Pidge (and Hunk) walk over in almost identical lions as Lance (Pidge was green, and Hunk was yellow). They also were wearing the strange armor.
“Y/n?!?” she called excitedly, and soon as she said that both Hunk and Pidge where running over.
“Oh my god you guys, where’d you get all the weird costume?!” You laughed, hugging both individuals.
Pidge’s short, messy hair was a little longer like Lances, but she was still the same height.
Hunk look like he had gained some muscle, and his bandana looked like it could use a good wash.
“Soo…” Pidge smirked at LAnce, “you never told us you had a girlfriend!”
“And you never told us it was her- I mean- y/n!” HUnk exclaimed, trying to be very polite (per usual).
“Well….” Lance tried to explain, giving you a nervous smile.
You smiled back, saying, “We weren’t a thing… we just kinda figured it out right now.”
Hunk and Pidge looked at each other, evil smirks on their faces. You remembered those faces- that meant they were gonna screw with someone (most likely Lance). But just as Pidge opened her mouth, you felt another “whoooosh” over you that made your hair fly forward. And then a second one flew over you 5 seconds later.
“Okay- why is there different colored lions, I thought there was only a Blue one? And is Shiro and Keith in those ones?” You asked the group quickly, anxiously waiting for their answer.
“Yeah, that should be Shiro and Keith,” Hunk answered, turning towards the spot that they landed.
Lance pondered for a second- how do you know about the Lions?
He gave you a look that you knew to well that he was confused, and you realized he caught your mistake- he couldn’t know about what you did- he CANT. You quickly left him, running to go meet with Shiro and Keith to get away from any awkward questions.
“Mr. Shirogane! Mr. Shirogane is that really you?!?” You yelled, happily excited to see your favorite teacher again- until you realized you were only wearing a breathing suit and you stopped running awkwardly.
“How have you been y/n?” He asked politely, not noticing your lack of clothing.
“Uh- pretty good-“ you said thinking “He’s hairs way different…….”
Then you noticed Keith, you were standing right beside him.
He looked moody- as usual.
“Hey Keith,” you gave a small wave, and he gave a small ‘Hey.’
Hunk, Pidge, and Lance had finally reached you, standing behind you.
“Alright- somebody tell me what’s going on?” You asked your dying question quickly, afraid that they wouldn’t answer it if you didn’t ask at once. “Why is there lions? Where did you guys go? Where did YOU GET THE ARMOR?!?l
Everyone did something different- Lance looked guilty, Pidge was still smirking at you two, Hunk was staring off at the darkening sunset, Keith looked at you as if he trying to see if you were trying to backstab them, but Shiro looked at you with seriousness and sympathy.
“Y/n,” he began, “I know your confused at all this, to be honest, we are too. We can tell you the story…. but not right now.”
“WHAT?!?” You yelled in frustration. “My best friend left -“
(“Boyfriend”, Pidge snickered)
“And all my friends were said to be dead- and you can’t tell me where you guys have been for the last year and a half?!” your frustration got the better of you, and you forgot who you were yelling at- but Shiro gave a soft smile and said, “I know this is frustrating, but promise me, You will know what happened.”
“Alright….” you complied, and Keith, thinking it was the right time to talk, “Guys, it’s getting dark, we’re gonna have to go.”
“Wait-“ You swiveled quickly to look at Lance- “you can’t go!”
Your heart throbbed to think you had to leave Lance- AGAIN- after only seeing him for about 30 minutes. You would be more heart broken than the last time.
Lance hurt seeing your face- it was as if all the guilt and worry he caused a year and half before was coming all coming to surface on your face.
“Keith- Shiro- I can’t go,” he said defiantly, “this is my home- let me stay for the night- then I’ll go.” You looked at him, hope filling your eyes again, and he smiled down at you.
“Lance you can’t, we have to get back-“ Keith started, but Shiro put a hand on his shoulder, signaling him to stop, and he finished for him.
“Lance, you can stay, I don’t see the trouble in it- but please be back before 9. We do have the meeting with the Garrison tomorrow, and we all need to be there.”
“Alright,” Lanc said gleefully, and you gave him a look he could read as if you were actually talking to him- “Meeting?”
“Just something I have to do,” he looked back, and you nodded in understanding.
You watched all the paladins leave one by one, hugging each one (except Keith, who looked extremely moody and had wrapped his arms around himself- and you were also secretly angry at him for trying to get Lance to leave), and watched as the flew into the sky and into the night, like reversed shooting stars- each one a color of the rainbow.
It was now dark, the ocean turning a dangerous indigo, and the night sky was covered in stars.
“Well- what do you want to do?” you asked Lance, grabbing his hand. You realized how good it felt to put your hand in his and wondered why it took you so long to actually confess to him. You haven't felt this happy in a long time.
Lance blushed, hoping the darkness covered up the red traveling up to his cheeks- but since his armor glowed in the dark, it illuminated his face and almost made it look worse.
“U-um...well- I just want to see my family, I've missed them so much!” you guys walked up the beach, you leading Lance back to your belongings. The sand felt cool and soft and it reminded you of the Moon Sand you and Lance used to play with as kids.
“Yeah its been awhile….” you said airly, imagining the happy faces of the McCLains when they realized their boy had came back home, and you smiled.
After Lance admitted to missing his family, it was as if a plug had come undone and he was spilling everything in a happy, home sick voice.
“Ive missed the my family so much, and especially the food. I haven't  had actual Earth food in forever! Like tacos, and pancakes, and the Spongebob ice creams from the ice cream truck with bubble gum eyes, oh and garlic knots! Man your tia used to make the best garlic knots- does she still make them- “
“Oh mierda!” you yelped.
You stopped walking, your happy bubble being popped.
“Whats wrong?” Lance asked, confused and instantly on guard.
“MY AUNT!” she had warned you not to be out so late- and it definitely looked like past 9.
“We gotta go!”
You sprinted towards your board, Lance following suit, and you ran towards the main road.
A normal walk to your house took a few minutes, but you got there at record time.- but you felt it wasn't fast enough- she was gonna be so PISSED.
You arrived at your little house, the outside being illuminated by warm yellow light streaming out through the windows. The door was open, letting in a soft breeze and the smell of garlic filled the air.
You quietly put down your board, dreading the telling to you were gonna get- and in front of LAnce. You had gotten in trouble in front of him before, but know it was different- your relationship was different. This wouldn't be only just embarrassing- you probably just start digging your grave right after.
“Wait are those… Garlic kn-mmph!” Lanc energetically yelled, and you frantically shushed him with your hand. His eyes got wide, and you whispered, “Just- stay quiet okay- I dont know what shes gonna do if shes sees you-I just tell her super gently so she doesn't have a full blown heart attack- let me handle it.” you quickly added, “Nod if you understand.”
Lance nodded in agreement, and after you realised him from your hand, he spat on the ground.
“Next time you do that,” he whispered harshly, “make sure your hands aren't covered in sand!”
You giggled quietly, angry butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
“Stop being a baby, Feo- just wait here.”
You gave him a weak smile and quietly walked up your front steps, dread building the closer you got to the door.
You slid through, and you saw your aunt’s back in the kitchen, smoke rising as she clanged pots and pans around. You swore your aunt had eyes in the back of her head, cause just as your crouched through the doorway, she turned around quickly, giving you a glare that made you flinch.
Your aunt stopped abruptly, staring not at you but at something behind you. You felt a familiar someone near you, and you stated quietly with a smile- “I got kinda side tracked.”
You looked up at Lance, seeing his soft smile, and you smiled wider.
“Lance… is i really you?” your aunt tentatively walked towards you, clutching her heart as she walked towards him.
“Yeah, its me Tia,” Lance said weakily, as if the amount of happiness in him was sapping his energy.
Your aunt screamed in glee, and put Lance into a bone crushing hug. You laughed, knowing that your aunt saw Lance as a son- you guys were like family.
She finally put Lance on ground as he rubbed his arms to get blood flow back there. “Come come, I just finished making dinner,” you aunt said, a smile etched on her face. You both walked over, seeing the silver baking sheets covered in assorted food; Lance was right, she did make garlic knots.
“Mijo, eat, your a twig!” she said affectionately to Lance, handing him a whole pan of food.
Lance licked his lip, clearing cant waiting to eat. You were hungry as well- you hadnt eaten anything all day, and the hunger had just caught up to you. You grabbed for a bread yourself, and your aunt hit your hand with a spatula.
“Ow!” you yelped, grabbing your know throbbing hand, “What was that for!”
“You were gone for 10 HOURS! No, you can wait- not until you change into something other than THAT!” she said, aiming her spatula at you like a weapon and motioning to your bathing suit.
“Its a bathing suit, Tia” you said, “its something that your suppose to wear at the beach.”
“But you need to cover up- especially around this one,” she looked at you while pointing the spatula at LAnce, who was currently stuffing his face.
“I think she looks great,” Lance said after he swallowed a huge chunk of bread, giving a smug look at your body. You blushed, feeling that maybe it would be a good time to change- your aunt had just whacked Lance on the head with the spatula and Lance gave out a yelp.
You shook your head and laughed, going into your room.
You turned on the light, the warm glow illuminating the walls. Your room really had no concept- it was just a mess of things that your owned and liked.
In front of you was your window, opened to let in a breeze. The lacy white curtains curled lazily in the breeze. Your closet was open, relieving a mess of shoes and shirts. The far sided wall was painted with stars and constellations, that glowed in the dark. Your bed was blue, covered in pink, green, and white assorted pillows that said “Whatever” and “Shooketh” and other wierd saying you thought were funny or just cute. The walls were covered in snapshots of star constellations and Star Wars posters. Next to your bed, was another curtain- it was red, clashing with the pastel colors of your room. Yes, your room was messy and maybe a little hard on the eyes but- you liked it. It was yours.
You stepped over clothes strewn on the floor, grabbing your phone and playing hit on your favorite playlist, not noticing the quiet voices in the kitchen.
Lance had just explained to your aunt were he had been, giving her a quick run down. He didnt give her more information than he gave you- he felt it would be wrong to tell your aunt first instead of you.
“So- how has y/n and you been doin- since I….you know….” Lance asked, finishing off his 7th garlic knot.
He was worried about you- he knew you too well. The fact you guys had fought hurt him alot, but he knew it would hurt you worse.
“Ay mijo… she wasnt doing well, not at all,” she replied sadly, putting down the towel she was using to clean her hands.
“After you left, she went into a sadness. She was crazy, not the same- going around, crying, yelling at officials saying that they needed to work harder to find you. They gave her a deal and said that she could come back in the next year- how I heard she was acting, shes blessed to have a second chance”
Lance gulped dryly, noticing how dry his throat was.
“What else happened?”
Your aunt continued, “The town was just as sad as she was. Your family mijo- they were heartbroken. But y/n- you would have thought you had died. After what happened to her parents-she had already lost so much, and then losing you… I think it was too much for her.. She stayed in her room all day, never came out, and wouldnt eat. I think she barely slept. I never knew what she was doing, but that was when she put up that red curtain- I never checked what was under i. I didn't want to look into her private things…”
“A red curtain/” Lance looked up quickly, feeling more guilt washing over him. How could he do this to his family? To the girl he loved? And he never realized it?
“Si, mijo… near her bed- maybe you can talk her into showing it to you. But please-” your aunt graped LAnce’s hand with both of hers, “don't tell her I told you this. She would be so mad at me.”
“Of course,” Lance smiled sympthatically at her, patting her hands with his free one.
Lance walked into your room, seeing you lay out clothes on your already messy bed. You pulled a earbud out of your ear, smiling at him.
“Been stuffing your face?” you smirked at him.
“Ha funny- but your not wrong,” he laughed weakly, watching you sadly. How could his happy-go-lucky, sassy, beautiful y/n been depressed over him a year ago? He couldn't see it- he didn't want to see it.
“I just wanted to put something on sorta nice, ya know? You know Auntie, shes crazy over looking presentable over guests- Im surprised she didnt care about what she was wearing when she saw you. What did she say about your suit thingie? That thing, not gonna lie, its a little wierd- What are you doing?”
You stopped abruptly as you turned to look at Lance. He was staring at your wall, your secret, private wall- the curtain was open-nobody was allowed to touch it- especially- him-
Silence filled your room. You felt guilt, shame, dread, and even fear fill up inside you.
“What are you doing?” The room felt still as you whispered those words harshly at him.
“I-just-y/n- what is this? How do you know about-”
Your “secret wall” was covered with a map and black and white pictures of the Blue Lion, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk on the day they had gone missing. All of them were quick snapshots, some fuzzy, some as clear as day- alot of them looked like they were from secruity cameras. All of them had red string going from one picture to another, sharpie circling important spots, and sticky notes.
Lance pulled one sticky note off, the words on it clearly spelled out ‘Voltron?”, as if the sticky note itself was confused on what it was.
“How do you know about this? y/n?” Lance’s starined voice hurt you, and it hit you like a pile of rocks. You were looking at your feet, feeling as if again your world had fallen around you. You had worked so hard to keep this a secret.
“Lance- I-” you began, realizing it was a lost cause to lie- he would see right through it.
You walked towards him, Lance’s eyes covered in confusion.
“The night you left- I-I followed you. I knew where you were going. Pidge had invited me to help her at night before because she would sometimes need help with her machines, but she was good at covering up her tracks. The only thing I accidentally saw was the word “Voltron.””
“So, that night, I followed, you, to make sure you didnt do anything stupid- which you did. After the explosions, I tried to follow you, but you had already were gone after I recovered from the sound. I went inside to maybe find you, see if you went inside too- I wish I didnt- cause after that you were gone.”
“I started- feeling the Garrison was doing enough to find you. I spent months telling them my story, but they did nothing. I was- failing classes, because I was going and stealing information off the Garrison.”
Lance gasped, scolding, “y/n!”
“I know, you laughed, “bad, right? Well, they found me out one day- I was printing off a picture of something- i dont know- another snapshot of the Blue Lion? I dont know- anyway, they called me in and started inerrogating me. They realized i knew too much information, and after I said that I was going to call in the government and tell them what they were hiding- the Garrison freaked out. They let me off the hook, and said I could come back whenever I could- I think they just didnt want me to sell them out.”
“So yeah- came back home- and started doing this-” you motioned to the board. “This was all I would do. I just wanted to find you Lance.” you turned to the board, facing away from him because tears were threatening to spill.
“I was lost without you.” you voice hitched, giving away the tears that were slipping away. You felt hands around you, and grabbed them like you needed them to help you stand up. You smashed into his chest, filling yourself fall part.
“God, Lance, I couldnt think, “ you cried, “I didnt know what to do with myself. Everyday- it was the same and I couldnt do it. I couldnt do it anymore. Please dont leave. Please dont say goodbye. dont go back.” you cried, grabbing his neck like your life depended on it.
Lance’s heart gave a violent throb. He had seen you cry- but never seen you breakdown. He grabbed you tighter, knowing he had to go, there was no way out of it- but he didn't want to leave you- knowing you would be this upset and depressed-
“Come with me,” he said, so quiet you were the only that could her him.
“What?” you asked, feeling you eyes itch with puffiness.
“Come with me, the Lions are stationed at the Garrison- thats where were staying at! Y/n Im so sorry I did this to you- I hate seeing you cry….”
He pulled you into another hug, and you realized how much you loved him- he cared so much about you, and how you could have ever been angry at him for leaving made you angry at yourself. But going back to the Garrison? You were scared- so many bad things had happened there, you didnt want to relieve that again…..
“I know your scared, but itll be okay, this time Ill be by your side the whole time- I promise,” he said, almost as if he was reading your mind.
You stayed quiet, still feeling uncertain.
You pulled apart from him,, dabbing your noise with the back of your hand. “Let me think about it, kay?” you asked him, giving him a smile.
“Alright,” he replied sadly, and left your room, knowing that you would make your decision soon- you never liked to dwell on things for too long. You closed the door, locking it.
The Garrison? Again? You did miss learning about space though...and you'd be able to be with Lance and your friends again…..
You sighed, thinking, “What am I gonna do?”
Lance walked out to see your aunt feverishly doing the dishes.
“Did you see it, mijo?” she asked quickly, walking towards him.
“Yeah, I did.”
“Well- what was it?” she asked fear and hope filling her eyes.
“Well, um- “ Lance started, feeling as if maybe he shouldn't be the one to tell her, he paused thinking of a way to not tell your aunt outright but not lie to her at the same time.
“Lets just say- it involves a Lion.”
And right when he said that, you had walked out, wearing something all too familiar.
You were wearing your old Garrison jacket and pants, and you had put your hair into a sleek bun.
“A blue Lion to be exact.” you smiled, looking at Lances beaming face.
Oh mierda- oh shit
Feo- ugly
Requests are open!
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glimmadora-ble · 6 years
Asks and request are open! 🌺
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As this is a brand new blog, I’m very open to requests!! Feel free to send them in~! 💕🌺
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Hiya guys! I’m starting a new xreader headcannon, reaction, and matchup blog! Feel free to send me asks with your request and I will get to them right away or as soon as possible :) just specify your request and the rules and explanations are below.
- I will happily write nsfw, and I will write about any character!
- send in your character and headcannon in the ask box and I will write a scenario in which that works!
- If I get inspired I may write a while ;P
- again, any character or characters are allowed. So is nsfw. Don’t hold back!
- just send in your idea and the character or characters you want.
- I will write the characters reactions to the scenario you design or condition you propose get creative ;)
Matchups: (my favorite!!)
- send an ask with a paragraph that defines you including as much information as possible. Please specify your gender/pronouns, sexuality, Meyer Briggs personality type, and zodiac sign.
- Ideas for other info include but are not limited to quirks, hobbies, physical appearance, favorite foods/songs/colors/shows, etc.
- I will give you a character that fits you (along with a cute lil gif of said character), the reason why I think you two would be a good fit, and headcannons of your relationship!
Send in whatever you please, always free to talk. love you guys!
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OHHHHHHHHH my god????? oh my GOD oh my god!!!!!
thank you all so so so much to everyone who’s been following our blog and to all the new followers!!! we’ve been working hard to keep up with the requests and keep them coming and it means so much that you all are still here! to the new followers, send some prompts and headcanons in!! we’re so happy you’re here!
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-Mods Akaashi, Chimi, Nana, and Lilo
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marmaligne · 3 years
✨ Hello ✨
I’m a fairly new blog that specializes in fandom or prompt-based writing!
Do’s and Don’ts are stated below, as well as rules for requesting and fandoms I write for!
Requests: OPEN
Will Do:
|Headcanons| |Imagines| |Reader Inserts|
|Songfics| |Poetry|
|Private Emergency Requests|
|OC Inserts| |Non-detailed Requests|
|Non-explicit romance| |Platonic Ships|
|Matchups| |SFW| |Character Ships|
Will Not Do:
|Explicit Romance| |Commissions| |Non-con|
|Trigger Writing| |NSFW| |Heavy Gore|
|P*dophilia| |Inc*st| |Overly-detailed Requests|
Fandom’s I Write For:
- Naruto
- Demon Slayer (KNY)
- Attack on Titan (SNK)
- Transformers (G1, IDW, TFP, TFA, Armada)
- Voltron: Legendary Defender
- She-Ra: Princesses of Power
- Ghibli Movies
- Nezha (not Nezha: Reborn)
- The Dragon Prince
- Haikyu!!
- Inuyasha
- Identity V
- Dead by Daylight (Hunters Only)
- Overwatch
- Star wars
- The Mandolorian
- Obey Me! Shall we date?
- The Owl House
- Others: Ask me!
1. No multi-fandom requests!
2. One request per requester please until I finish your last one!
3. Only 3 characters per request maximum!
4. No overly-detailed requests, I find it hard to write because they’re practically already written!
5. No large age gaps or differences, and aged up characters ONLY IF the person is near 18 (16+) and the person they’re shipped with is within 6 years of age! (ie. 16+ (18) char & 24 y/o)
6. Platonic relationships only between characters of significant differences or canonical parental influence/relations!
7. No explicit requests, even though I am 18 I am not comfortable with writing intense gore, NSFW content, or non-fluff!
8. **Unless a character (ex. Overlord TF, Muzan Kibutsuji KNY) has a naturally yandere-ish personality, I will not write graphic or sensitive content related to tendencies!
9. I will write emergency requests, however my time is limited due to outside factors and I might not always get to them!
10. No homophobes or racists, and no hate on my blog, this is an LGBTQ+ and skin safe blog!
✨ I hope you all have a wonderful day! ✨
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kuviras-eyeliner · 4 years
(OPEN) Rules for Requesting and Asks:
Heyo, you beautiful little bean! Before I start the rules and all that jazz:
<Hugs!> (or shoulder pats, if you don’t like them hehe)
So: Rules. Oh boy. I’m not a fan of rules-- rules feel like it’s just “blah blah blah, do this, not that, blah blah” so Imma try to make these as easy as possible for y’all who are excited to ask >:D For Julie and the Phantoms requests, please view: @reggies-eyeliner!
(alphabetical order):
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Carmen Sandiego
Harry Potter
Julie and the Phantoms (@reggies-eyeliner)
Mystic Messenger
Percy Jackson and The Olympians
She Ra and the Princess of Power
Tangled: The Series
The Chicago Typewriter
The Dragon Prince
The Legend of Korra
The Owl House
The Promised Neverland
The Umbrella Academy (I just started watching xDD)
Voltron: Legendary Defenders
1. Matchups
What I Ask of You:
Please, please, please try to keep it at one fandom per ask!!!
I’ve been doing a lot of Legend of Korra and Avatar: The Last Airbender asks, but my brain doesn’t function that way to keep at it for two fandoms. It’s hard to stay focused at two fandoms and stay with it and stay dedicated
Luckily, you can send requests for as many fandoms as you want, but my description will only be at most 50 words ^^
Yes, I have dedication issues. This is why I’m only in love with fictional characters and not real people xD!
Please try to be as respectful as possible in your ask 🥺🥺🥺
I’m not asking for you to worship me or scream at me with thank you’s, but just don’t scream at me for taking too long. Try not to curse every two words because I’m trying to keep my brain *jazz hands* holy
No, jkjk it’s just that there might be younger users reading over these xDD
Try to include:
I literally don’t care!! I want you to feel as free as possible while writing yours. Talk about anything you want. I don’t care if you speak of you and your passion for eating raw cookie dough (but same lmao), or if you hate almond milk. Just talk about whatever you want!! I’m here to make people smile and nothing else, sugarcakes! d;
What You Get in Return:
Over 500 words worth in writing per each fandom 
Yes, over 500 per fandom (it hurts like heck but it’s *throws skittles* okay)
A gif/fanart piece per fandom
You’ll get yours back either: Within 3 days, if you only requested only one fandom and you were very nice hehehehehe , three days if you wre still hecking amazing but I was busy, or it can go to AT MOST, AT MOST I PROMISE around 18 days if I’m having: an exam week, a pinned post, getting a lot of asks, or yours was really complicated and my brain exploded
At times, it may never come if *cough* TUMBLR EATS IT
I will also throw you fifty virtual hugs and skittles
And yes, every ask comes with a thousand hugs, compliments, and shoulder pats!!
A bunch of dating headcanons
If you put in your name, yes, I can customize ;D
What the person I matched you with does when you feel down
How they support you
How you support them
90 percent of it is mainly me rambling about how sweet everyone who asks is, but what can I say? Y’all are precious as heck
2. Headcanons, Imagines, Blurbs, Scenarios, Full Stories
I’ll write for any “X READER” that you request 
Literally anything
Angst, major character death, if you’re sad, I GOTCHU
Request for as many characters as you want!!
I don’t write NSFW :,) Please find another amazing blog for that
I’ll write everything else
No, like everything else ever
Okay I won’t write like a Mako x Box fanfiction but ya know
It doesn’t just have to be a character insert, it can be anything else!! I really don’t mind :]
What word count you want (or you can write that you’re chill with anything)
Your gender
Which POV you want it in
And I’ll send you what date I can get yours in!
3. Customized Asks:
I have never done this before, so this is kinda new!
Put in a lengthy and concise description of yourself-- it should be a lot more detailed than a matchup. Include your personality type, a lot about your personality, anything you want to add, but make it worth it!! Write A LOT about yourself!! Also, be sure to include your name.
Once you have the full thing, private-message me (please make sure you have an account!!) and I’ll send you my Tumblr asks email so you can send your description (or, send it in the submit form or asks, if you’re okay with it being public).
In return, I write you a reader insert with your real name (not y/n hehe) and make it customized just for you. I’ll make it perfect (or try to,) with your personality, your height, your likes, your interests, and your name so that it’s built just for you and no one else!!
The best part??
That’s right! A customized ask that goes from 3,000-10,000 words that should come within three weeks! Instead, all I ask is for some support in any way 🥺🥺🥺 It can be through reblogs, (remember: REBLOGS> LIKES d;), a simple follow or shoutout, or even just a thank you. I’m only here to make people happy!! Thank you so much if you do plan on supporting <333
3. Random Asks/Advice
Scream at me. Vent whatever you want to me. Ask me to help with your math homework. Your ELA homework. Ask for love advice. Tell me about what you did this morning. I LOVE, LOVE GETTING THESE ASKS!!
I love it when people come to me not just for asks and such, but just to tell me about their lives or to ask me quetsions!! And I bet a lot of other creators do, as well! So please support them <3
I’m sorry that this was a bit long, but if you read the full thing, HIGH FIVE >:3
Thank y’all so much!! Stay safe ^U^
To know which ones are currently in my ask box, press “keep reading!”
The Legend of Korra:
- The Krew playing Among Us with a reader
- Bolin with a s/o who works out
- Bolin x f!reader (ft. Brotherly Mako)
- Krew x singing!reader
Avatar: The Last Airbender:
- AtLa matchup for short brown-haired girl
- The Gaang playing Among Us with a reader
- Sokka x insecure!female reader
-  Zuko x partially deaf reader
- How the Gaang would comfort you (blurbs+headcanons)
- Gaang x crying!reader (guys are you okay let me give you a hug)
- Gaang x suicidal!reader headcanons (GUYS ARE YOU OKAY)
Boku No Hero Academia:
- Kirishima x stressed out!reader (GUYS ARE YOU OKAY)
- Class 1A Among Us headcanons
- If Class 1A had TikTok headcanons
- Deku x insecure female reader (KWUDHKWUDHWUIHDUW GUYS)
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lovely--kingly · 3 years
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                            welcome to the blog!
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↬what am i all about? i’m kingly! i’m a minor, but as long as our interactions aren’t unsafe i don’t mind interacting with adults. i’m a guy, but i’m not cis: interpret that as you will- also, i lean more toward guys than i do gals, so you’ll likely find that a lot of my more self-indulgent content focuses on said guys.
↬what’s my blog all about? i write! & i write. & i write... i have a whole lot of original content but this blog is dedicated entirely to the fandom kind. you can find my list of fandoms, somewhere below. i take requests for writings like matchups, headcanons, scenarios, & even drabbles. also, just for future reference- i started this blog may 4, 2021 another little note- this blog is a sideblog, actually. i’m not yet up to sharing my main, but note that some notifs you get from me might be show under a different url, etc etc
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↬what fandoms do i write for? avatar: the last airbender - #kingly::atla boku no hero academia / my hero academia - #kingly::bnha fire emblem: three houses - #kingly::feth haikyuu!! - #kingly::hq the legend of korra - #kingly::lok stardew valley - #kingly::sv voltron: legendary defender - #kingly::vld
↬my tags? #kingly::announcements - for announcements #kingly::answers - for answered asks! whether reqs or other #kingly::drabbles - short stories! likely to jus be oneshots #kingly::headcanons - headcanons sets and lists #kingly::matchups - matchups! of you guys! with characters! #kingly::requests - works made by request! excluding matchups #kingly::scenarios - scenarios! like hcs but also drabbles & for multiple characters #kingly::q - queued posts
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↬what’s the status with requests? drabble reqs: closed headcanon reqs: closed matchup reqs: closed scenario reqs: closed how to request rules
↬do i have any other important links? masterlist setting boundaries (and kind of a dni) writing samples: drabble, headcanons, matchup, scenario
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multimatchupmadness · 7 years
Hi everyone! I’m a new matchup/headcanon blog! I made this so I can be a more integral part of the fandoms I’m apart of and to hopefully help better my writing! Plus I love matchup/headcanon blogs and wanted to make my own! Currently the fandoms I feel comfortable doing this for are: Yuri!!! on Ice, Voltron, Mystic Messenger, Haikyuu!!, and Free! I’ll also do ship related things (as long as I’m comfortable with it) If there are other things you want to know, check my rules or don’t be afraid to send an ask! Hope you enjoy your stay!! 
~ Mod Usagi
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sokkasbabygirl · 4 years
double matchup for ATLA because uh why not? (im sorry lol)
lol hi bella ~ i feel like i request WAY too much so um i’m sorry lol, i finally found your avatar blog (because i literally couldn’t before ??????) i wanted to req another double matchup for ATLA because you did SUCH an amazing job for my Voltron matchup (uwu i love my nerdy rebel boi & floofy haired Altean princess uwu), so i really wanna see what awesome shiii you come up with for ATLA.  ~ here is le information uwu: I’m a 4”10 bi girl w/ golden brown skin & long black box braids. ENFJ, Ravenpuff, Lawful Neutral, Ambivert, Aquarius. EXTREMELY sarcastic, blunt, clever, witty & empathetic. Antisocial introvert at first but extroverted w/ the right people. Either the serious leader mom friend {therapist} or crackhead. Has anxiety, insomnia, trypophobia, handles others needs before own & holds in problems. I love cheesy 80’s movies, anything related to crime, mystery, & law music (Conan Gray uwu), writing, reading, floofy animals, anime, superheroes, fashion, volleyball, soccer, basketball, & swimming! i’m lowkey such a nerd, im a sucker for forehead kisses and i love meeemes! Thanks babe! love you!!
Hey babess !!! there is no need to feel that way bc i love to answer all the requests you send :D not to mention it also lets me show off my skills to anyone else who wishes to request something from me :))
Okay so I took a bit to think about who to pair you with, but in the end
I wanna pair ya with . . . 
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【The Two Lovers】
You were born to a firebender and waterbender within a small mining village. Since your father was one of the soldiers who were in charge of said village, you were an outcast. Nearly everyone looked down on you for your Fire Nation heritage except for mother and son duo; Kai & Haru. Despite what your father represented they respected you and your mother as separate entities from him. He had never harassed, stolen or taken anything nor anyone from the village. It hadn't come out until after your father was taken that he had been plotting to liberate the village from Fire Nation rule. Kai and Haru became support pillars for both you and your mother causing Haru and yourself to become quite close. A strong friendship blossomed into love and within a year of your father being taken, Haru asked you to be his girlfriend. It was four years later that the avatar came to the village and freed the prisoner ship leading to the liberation of your village. A few months later Haru came to you on your 2 year anniversary and gave you a necklace. A traditional Water Tribe betrothal necklace. Inscribed on the light blue stone was a beautiful crescent moon above ocean waves. On the back of the stone were the symbols of the Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation and Water Tribes, indicating all the nations you were involved with. The necklace warmed your heart and just made you melt that Haru had went out of his way to complete a Water Tribe tradition for you. You happily accepted and when requested to aid Avatar Aang on the day of black sun, Haru, Tyro and yourself went to their aid. Your firebending would be useless but your waterbending was on par with masters. Despite the loss on that day, you three went home in one piece and after the end of the 100 year war, you two were wed. You helped the village grow and prosper, teaching earthbenders many firebending forms to aid them in creating new earthbending moves. You were an asset to the village and the first to show that it was heritage that defined someones bending. You were also the first to show that village that double bending was possible.
- 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐵𝑒𝓉𝓇𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓁 𝒩𝑒𝒸𝓀𝓁𝒶𝒸𝑒 𝒟𝑒𝓈𝒾𝑔𝓃 -
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It took me awhile to write the above since I had to edit a bit however it took me even longer to figure out who to pair you with a female. I thought one person butttt
I am going to pair you with . . .
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                   𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢
【The Warriors】
You have been with Kyoshi since the beginning. You were abandoned on the same pier as she and were rescued by Kelsang with her. You are an waterbender abandoned by your nomadic tribe after your abilities were discovered. A waterbender had not been born in your tribe for centuries and you were considered a curse due to being born after your mother had an affair with an Air Nomad. She was forced yo abandon you when this was discovered when you were 6 and she became an outcast of the tribe. Around the age of 13, you began to develop feelings for the Warrior and she you but neither confessed until the age of 17. At the age of 17 Kyoshi found she was the Avatar and you quickly became her Waterbending teacher. Your mother had left you a priceless waterbending scroll that was only known within your tribe. You taught Kyoshi these moves and she excelled. At 18, you confessed to her and she gladly accepted you as her girlfriend. You became the first Waterbender to train as a Kyoshi Warrior and the first Kyoshi Warrior to excell and beat Kyoshi in hand-to-hand combat. You gained respect from the others and you were accepted as Avatar Kyoshi's girlfriend. At 20, you gave Kyoshi a Betrothal Necklace. You had fashioned the traditional necklace in a untraditional way by making it Green to represent the Earth Kingdom. It represented your love for her and by proxy had hints of gold within that had been melted down from a ring you had been left by your mother. She meant more to you than the ring and you showed her this by including the gold from said ring in the necklace. You gave it to her on your 2 year anniversary and she graciously accepted. She wore the necklace with pride, most did not notice it at first since it looked so natural with her usual wear but once they had, you were held in even higher regard as the Avatar's Betrothed. You married her at 23 and adopted a young girl at 24. You two were pivotal parts of Kyoshi Island and seen as the highest standing members of the Island which your daughter soon became apart of when she was old enough to talk.
- 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐵𝑒𝓉𝓇𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓁 𝒩𝑒𝒸𝓀𝓁𝒶𝒸𝑒 𝒟𝑒𝓈𝒾𝑔𝓃 -
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 Here you go sweetheart !! @bisexualmattholtstan​ I hope you like this as much as me :)) I absolutely LOVED writing this ^^
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bonkers-4-hatter · 3 years
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I posted 123 times in 2021
75 posts created (61%)
48 posts reblogged (39%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.6 posts.
I added 160 tags in 2021
#q - 20 posts
#matchup - 19 posts
#x reader insert - 18 posts
#queue - 18 posts
#matchups - 17 posts
#reader insert - 17 posts
#masterlist - 14 posts
#headcanons - 13 posts
#scenarios - 12 posts
#chubby reader insert - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 33 characters
#voltron: defender of the universe
My Top Posts in 2021
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🎄Holiday Prompt: "This is the best gift you could’ve given me.”
Character: Howl  /   Fandom: Howl’s Moving Castle
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See the full post
55 notes • Posted 2021-12-23 04:08:31 GMT
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Prince Lotor X !Chubby !Gender Neutral Reader - Jeepers Creepers 🗡️
“NOOO!!!” The scream of the actress made you jump as the slasher on the screen found her in her pitiful hiding spot as the music intensified with each stab of his knife. Cringing at the gory sight, you huddled more into Lotor who wasn’t phased at the scene playing on the screen.
His warm hand smoothed over your back giving you some comfort. You wanted to do some cute Halloween activities with Lotor and show him one of Earth’s holidays and what some people do during that time. 
You’ve already taken him to a pumpkin patch, carved pumpkins which he greatly enjoyed and even made homemade spice cookies and apple cider, both of which Lotor really loved and kept asking for more. Seeing him have fun doing these activities warmed your heart and having him be so carefree was a nice change. Another intense part made you jump even closer to Lotor who only chuckled at your actions.
“Starlight, we can turn it off if it scares you so bad.” Leaning your head on his shoulder, you shook your head. “I’m fine, I’m just a bit jumpy is all.” Laughing at your words, he gave your temple a kiss. “A bit jumpy is an understatement my cosmos, you’re practically in my lap, unless that was your plan all along.” There was a playful tone in his voice, but it still made you heat up at the words. 
“N-no, I just wanted to watch spooky movies with you like everyone does during halloween.” Grinning at your flustered state, Lotor snaked his arm around your waist and pulled you straight onto his lap, the horror movie being forgotten for the time being. Since you were mostly turned to your side, you were pulled in a way that made you straddle him, knees on either side of him and full weight on him. 
“Well, the movies are nice, but there’s something else I’d like to watch.” Lotor’s hands traveled up and down the contours of your back, down to your bottom and even around to grip your hips a bit emitting a small moan from you. 
You could feel heat not only rise on your face, but other places. He always had this effect on you no matter what and he knows it too, cocky bastard. Glaring at the growing smirk on his face, he damn well knew it too.
“Are you trying to imitate one of those slasher characters?” Large hands dragged themselves down the length of your legs, sending shivers up your spine at the sensation. “If you are starlight, you’re not intimidating in the least. In fact, you’re absolutely adorable with that enraged look on your face.” Huffing out in frustration, he just chuckled at our defeat before capturing your pouting lips in a kiss.
With the movie being completely forgotten, the only sounds that accompanied the ragged breathing and breathless moans of your guys’ activities was the ominous music playing on loop in the ending credits of the film.
60 notes • Posted 2021-10-08 07:05:39 GMT
Complete Masterlist
This is my blogs complete Masterlist. Just find the fandom you’re looking for and click to see what scenarios, headcanons, and stories are there to choose from. Happy reading lovelies!
⇸ Bendy and the Ink Machine
⇸ Disney
⇸ Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
⇸ Once Upon a Time 
⇸ Avatar the Last Airbender 
⇸ The Umbrella Academy 
⇸ Yuri On Ice
⇸ My Hero Academia
⇸ Trigun
⇸ Dragon Ball Z / Super 
⇸ One Punch Man
⇸ Harry Potter 
⇸ The Magnificent Seven 
⇸ All Out
⇸ Howl’s Moving Castle
⇸ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 
⇸ Leverage 
⇸ Undertale 
⇸ DC
⇸ Haikyuu
⇸ Voltron 
⇸ Yu-Gi-Oh
⇸ Naruto 
⇸ Black Butler 
⇸ Kuroko No Basket 
⇸ Marvel 
⇸ Hetalia 
⇸ Supernatural 
See the full post
62 notes • Posted 2021-07-04 06:14:41 GMT
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Steve Harrington X !Chubby Reader - Pumpkin Patch Delight 🎃
“This one’s it!” Dustin picked up his prized pumpkin, a giant grin on his face. Giving him a thumbs up, you smiled at the happiness the boy was emitting especially after all the craziness of the past year, having some sort of normalcy was needed.
Steve and yourself wanted to take the kids to the pumpkin patch since it was that time of year
and who doesn’t like pumpkin picking and carving? Looking over the patch you can see all the kids analyzing and picking their pumpkins. No worries of the upside down, government takeovers nor the unexplained, just kids having fun.
“Babe!” Head turning to your boyfriend, who was waving you over frantically with what looked like two identical pumpkins in his hands. Crossing the rows of pumpkins and vines you made your way over to Steve.
“Here, identical pumpkins for my pumpkin.” Snorting at the comment, you grabbed one of the pumpkins and examined it before looking at the one in his hands and sure enough, they were identical.
“You’re such a dork Steve, but you’re right! They are identical!” You stared at Steve as he smiled at his pumpkin. It was great to see him happy too, he’s been through so much too.
“Why’d you want to get identical pumpkins?”
Placing his in the wagon the pumpkin patch provided, he grabbed yours too and sat it next to his, giving them a final pat before turning his attention to you.
“I thought we could do the whole his and hers thing, but with pumpkins, ya know?”
He was trying to be cool about it, but you knew what he was trying to say and it was honestly adorable. Ever since you both started dating,
Steve showed you off to everyone and wanted to do all the couple things with you.
“His and hers pumpkins sound like a great idea Steve, I love it.” Wrapping your soft arms around
his middle, you reached up to kiss his cheek. “W-well, anything for you (Y/N), you know that.”
You could see the red tint appear on his cheeks which you always thought were adorable. He would still get flustered when you kissed him, touched him, and showed him any affection really.
“You missed.” Giving him a quick tilt of your head, he just laughed and cupped your round
cheeks and captured your lips in a chaste kiss. Oh, that’s what he meant by missed. Still cupping your now heated cheeks, he stroked the soft skin as you both had a nice moment in the patch, the nice breeze helping with the natural heat between you two, but of course when you look after these specific children, you’re bound to get interrupted.
“Really guys?” Breaking apart, Steve still had his arms around your soft middle, rubbing the material of your cardigan covered back while glaring at Lucas who interrupted you both. Max
shook her head and shoved Lucas a bit. “Oh shut it, I think they’re cute.”
“We can’t take you guys anywhere.” Dustin came over as well, his own pumpkin in hand as he rolled his eyes at the PDA Steve and yourself were showing.
Scoffing, Steve didn’t miss a beat. “Remember who drove you all here, damn brats.”
You chuckled at his comeback. You enjoyed seeing him interact with the kids and their banter. He really did care for them.
“We remember, we love (Y/N) for driving all of us here.”
Will piped up with his witty comeback making you bust out laughing as Steve had the most betrayed look on his face.
The group shared a laugh. Figuring Steve endured enough, you spoke to the group. “Okay guys, let’s get in line, we still have to drive back and start carving all these pumpkins.”
With all of them gone and in line, you gestured for Steve to turn to you. With a pout still on his face, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down for another kiss, this one
just a little more heated, your tongue tracing his bottom lip asking for entrance. Granting you access, his hands traveled down to your backside before going back up to thread into your hair.
Breaking the kiss due to lack of air, he just kept running his fingers through your hair.
“Did I tell you I love you today?” His voice gets a bit huskier clearly affected by your kiss.
See the full post
77 notes • Posted 2021-10-05 08:06:58 GMT
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Howl X !Chubby !Gender Neutral Reader - Candlelight Glow 🕯️
Howl could be romantic when he wanted to be and as you walked downstairs, the sight before you backed up that claim. A nice, gentle fire crackled in the fireplace, a blanket smoothed out and carefully placed in front of the glowing embers. 
Wine glasses and a wine bottle at the ready and various pillows scattered around the picnic area and of course, lit candles spread all over, the soft glowing wicks giving a cozy and romantic feeling. A feeling that was very much wanted now that Fall had arrived, the air starting to get cold much to your discomfort. 
“There you are sweetheart,” The low rumble of his voice erupted your thoughts as he practically glided out of the kitchen, wine opener in hand and a large smile on his face as his eyes scanned you up and down taking in your appearance. “I was about to come get you, but it looks like you beat me to it.” Sending you a wink, he ushered you to the blanket.
Sitting down on the soft blanket, Howl sat beside you as he popped open the cork of the wine bottle glasses being filled with the sweet white liquid.
”This is a nice surprise .” Your eyes lingered on all the candles that were lit around the room. The romantic atmosphere makes you feel a bit giddy as he hands you the half-full wine glass. Clinking your glasses together, he took a sip before answering with a, “You deserve this and more (Y/N), even with all of these candles, their light doesn’t hold a fraction of the glow that you emit.”
You felt heat rush to your round cheeks, his genuine words catching you off guard for a moment. Now, Howl did say sweet things to you on the daily, but this was something entirely different. He was being open with you, telling you what he sees in you. 
Setting the glass down, you grabbed his hand, just holding it in yours. “I love you, Howl. Your words, your actions, your whole being lights up my world, it would be terribly dull without you.” Kissing the top of his hand, you could make out a slight tint of red on his cheeks as the glow of the candlelight highlighted his face.
Howl sat his glass down too, cupping your cheek with his free hand, thumb grazing the soft, supple skin as he just observed you. “I thought the wine would be the only thing to heat me up tonight, seems I misjudged.” 
You felt his hot breath fanning your face as he leaned closer, eyes lingering on your slightly parted lips as they looked even more delicious in this moment. Not being able to wait, you leaned the rest of the way to finally capture his lips in yours. 
Even though this was something you both did all the time, this time it was fueled by unspoken lust and wanting as his hands traveled down the expanse of your plush arms, onto your sides, making sure to smooth over each perfect roll and dip of your body before ending with a firm grip of your hips.
Pulling back, you tried to catch your breath, both of your chests heaving up and down, half lidded eyes moving up and down each other's bodies. 
“I wanted this to be a nice romantic night, but you look so tempting right now (Y/N), shall we finish our wine and continue what we started in our room?” Hands slid down the expanse of your legs, hands massaging your plush thighs as he waited for your response. 
Placing a hand on his knee, you smiled. “This is romantic Howl, we can finish what we started right here, the setting, the mood, you, all of this is romantic; now please kiss me again before I go mad.” Chuckling at your eagerness, he happily captured your swollen lips as your romantic endeavor continued by the glow of the romantic candlelight. 
147 notes • Posted 2021-10-10 10:05:11 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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futurepurplepaladin · 6 years
Match up please? I’m a 5’8 straight female, with chest length light brown hair and amber eyes, I’m super competitive, and I play a ton of sports,I’m cold to people I don’t know or who annoy me, but I’m bubbly once we are friends, I’m a HUGE conspiracy theorist, I have thicker thighs and 2 dogs, I have anxiety and a fear of people I care about leaving me. I’m stubborn and a hot head, I’m also a good listener, and give pretty good advice,thanks doll!!!
Hey girlie! I ship you with
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“Competitive” is Keith’s MIDDLE NAME
Your competitive plus you play sports- that will keep you guys training with each other day and night
When Lance kept flirting with you and you gave him the cold shoulder, he was super relieved
You and Keith would stay up for hours talking about conspiracy theories
Would binge watch Shane Dawson videos and Shiro would tell you guys at 3 o’clock in the morning to go asleep
Shiro: “Guys- its 3 in the morning- please go to sleep”
You: *in sleep deprived gibber  “Its 3 in the morning! Thats the devils hour- thats a sign! Illuminati confirmed!
Keith: “Yup.” *chugs a Monster
2 dogs? COsmo now has buddddddies!
You guys would talk and let the dogs play
BUt one time Cosmo disappeared with both your dogs and you spent 2 hours trying to find them
Definitely not fun
Keith has the same fear of people leaving him, so he would never do it to you
And if he did he'd feel terrible
Sometimes your both hot-head stubbornness personalities would clash
BUt you both would get over it pretty quickly
WIth Keiths duty as leader of Voltron, hes got VERY high levels of stress
Like on a scale of 1-10 its a 15
So having advice on what to do helps him relax a bit
Hope you liked this! Everything (except matchups) are open!
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guillotinedangel · 6 years
Can I have a match up please? I’m a 5’1 bisexual girl with medium blonde hair and grey blue eyes. I love helping people and making people smile. It’s my dream to travel some day. I’m very nice and I try my best to always be polite. I love history. I flirt with almost everyone but once I start to like someone so just can’t function. I try my hardest with everything I do and I’m very optimistic. I give good advice, but I wouldn’t mind to be given good advice for once. Thank you!
I ship you with Lotor!
Okay, now maybe you are not much alike.
But hey, opposites attract.
Especially hot opposites.
At first you just wanted to help Lotor, making him feel welcome to the Team Voltron.
But ofc he is a PRINCE. 
So his charm knows no limits.
You love to travel? Get ready to know every single corner of the universe.
“Baby, this is going to take us a life-time.”
“Is that a proposal?”
You are as diplomatic as him, so perfect match to be ambassadors.
Get ready to hear a lot about garlan history.
The only thing he can’t really stand is your flirting the poor thing gets jealous because, let’s face it, you are gorgeous.
Best advice in the galaxy.
Vrepit sa, my Empress.
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multi-fandom-asks · 5 years
Hello, may I request a male ( to be matched with) matchup from ATLA and Voltron, please & thank you. I hope the length is alright, if not send me a message in the chat box and let me know. I’m putting it in a link to the tumblr blog with my personality description, I hope it works . LINK - The first part is shortintrovertships (.) tumblr(.) (com) (without the parentheses). You can take as much time as you need to, I don’t mind being patient & waiting.
hello! the link worked fine and your post was super helpful!! thank you for taking the time to write it :)
first off, your Voltron match...I ship you with Keith!
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you and Keith share a lot of similarities in my opinion, and I feel like you two could bond over your sheltered, quiet childhood
Keith has matured a lot, and you have as well as you’ve grown, but the two of you still struggle with being emotionally vulnerable. It’d take some time to figure out each other’s triggers, signs of distress, and how you both deal with turmoil but you’d learn.
you mention a contentment with being protected and I definitely believe Keith would happily fill that role. No one can touch you or hurt you when you’ve got Keith as your squeeze.
you also strike me as the kind of person who’d love living in a comfy home, with a small study filled with books, a cozy living room with mementos scattered about, and just a warm aura to it. You and Keith would be happy together, and eventually would wed, with Kosmo, and maybe a kid or two when you’re both ready.
overall, Keith would help you come out of your shell and you would help him do the same - I truly believe you two would have a wonderful life together
Now, your Avatar match up...I ship you with Sokka!
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I feel like Sokka would love how talkative and excitable you can be. He’d be eager to see you grow more comfortable with sharing your opinion and telling jokes.
Sokka is canonically a really sweet boyfriend and he would always make sure you knew you could speak your mind around him; he’s struggled with similar insecurities so he understands.
he also doesn’t mind that you cling to him, especially whenever you’re anxious. It makes him feel...not prideful...but worthy, I guess? Just special that you feel safe around him and that means a lot to him.
he may have trouble with getting you to open up or feel better when you shut down emotionally; but damn it he’ll do his best! It takes some time for him to learn your methods of dealing with anxiety or distress but he’ll get there eventually (like Keith, he’s grown a lot)
also I headcanon that Sokka loves rainy, cloudy days. It reminds him of home. And your love for that kind of weather is endearing to him. The two of you could totally play in the rain together!
I hope you enjoyed this!! Thank you again for your personality description; it was fun reading through it and seeing which character would complement you best.
- mod Aoi 🌺
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Hi, friend! Can you do a match-up for me? I'm 16 years old russian, chubby, height 170 cm. Always wear my glasses, short wavy black hair and grey-blue eyes. I can sing, play the ukulele and piano. Musicals and games trash; I'm just love to talk about my faves from games or sending memes with them, heh. Most of the time I'm kind, but I have short temper and I can get flustered easily. I'm pretty sensitive too. Hope it's not too much, have a nice day/night!
Thank you for my first matchup! I ship you with... Drum roll please... Lance!
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I think you guys could really connect.
- He would enjoy teasing you with little pickup lines when you get flustered. All in good nature of course.
- He would love your musical talent because not only is talent very attractive to him, but music was an important part of his life growing up.
- lance would think your extra weight is adorable and would be very ready to defend you if anyone were rude to you for it.
- he would be very protective of you even though lance doesn't seem like a protections guy, he would definitely be like that with you.
- the only times when things are rough is when you both lose your temper. It ends up in petty fights but you always make it up to eachother ;)
- You always lose your glasses now because lance constantly wants to try them on and pretend to be sophisticated.
- He would totally start to watch any musicals you watch and play any games you love just so you guys can talk about them
- He would totally want to song with you while teaching you how to dance and would ask you to sing him to sleep sometimes.
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pidgesbabygirl · 4 years
Hiyah everyone !! I decided I should introduce myself and specify who I write for in the series VLD :))
My name is Faebella but I prefer Bella, I am 23 and write fanfiction, preferences, imagines, headcanon's and much much more for all the fandoms I am in. I am not going to lie, my favorite character from VLD is seriously Pidge as to why my handle is literally 'pidgesbabygirl' and my name is Pidgesexual :00. This particular blog is going to be dedicated to Voltron: Legendary Defender and in the future I will make another blog for the rest of my fandoms ^^. I am currently studying to become a CNM [ Certified Nurse Midwife ] and I work part-time as a papers organizer. This pandemic has left both me and my young daughter, Nojiko back home with my parents which isn't the best situation however we are making the most of it. I recently got back into the VLD fandom when my daughter began watching it and became literally obsessed with our half-galran sweetheart, Keith. Having not watched the show since being pregnant with Nojiko I decided to indulge her and watch with her and quickly fell straight back into the fandom. Now here I am desperately wishing to write all about our dear fandom VLD. 
Humans I write for:
- Lance McClain
- Katie "Pidge" Holt
- Hunk Garrett
- Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane
- Matthew Holt
- Samuel Holt
- James Griffin
- Ina Leifsdottir
- Ryan Kinkade
- Nadia Rizavi
Galra I write for:
- King/Lord/Emperor/Emperor Zarkon
- Acxa
- Krolia
- Ezor
- Zethrid
- Narti
-Empress Honerva/High Priestess Haggar
- Commander Sendak
- Haxus
- Commander Prorok
- Lieutenant/Commander Thance
- Commander Throk
Altean's I write for:
- Princess Allura
- Coran
- Romelle
- King Alfor the Great
Hybrid's I write for:
- Keith Kogane
- Prince/Emperor Lotor
Above are all the specific characters I will write for, if you do not see a character on here that you wish to request about them or anything of the sort, please specify in your request :)
I would also like to say that if you don't say you only wish to be matched with Paladin's during a matchup or if you dont say you don't want to be matched with any villains, there is a possibility that you will be matched with the villains.
** Please specify your age and sexuality when requesting matchups since I don't like matching minors with adults :3 
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