#keith koganex reader
futurepurplepaladin · 6 years
Match up please? I’m a 5’8 straight female, with chest length light brown hair and amber eyes, I’m super competitive, and I play a ton of sports,I’m cold to people I don’t know or who annoy me, but I’m bubbly once we are friends, I’m a HUGE conspiracy theorist, I have thicker thighs and 2 dogs, I have anxiety and a fear of people I care about leaving me. I’m stubborn and a hot head, I’m also a good listener, and give pretty good advice,thanks doll!!!
Hey girlie! I ship you with
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“Competitive” is Keith’s MIDDLE NAME
Your competitive plus you play sports- that will keep you guys training with each other day and night
When Lance kept flirting with you and you gave him the cold shoulder, he was super relieved
You and Keith would stay up for hours talking about conspiracy theories
Would binge watch Shane Dawson videos and Shiro would tell you guys at 3 o’clock in the morning to go asleep
Shiro: “Guys- its 3 in the morning- please go to sleep”
You: *in sleep deprived gibber  “Its 3 in the morning! Thats the devils hour- thats a sign! Illuminati confirmed!
Keith: “Yup.” *chugs a Monster
2 dogs? COsmo now has buddddddies!
You guys would talk and let the dogs play
BUt one time Cosmo disappeared with both your dogs and you spent 2 hours trying to find them
Definitely not fun
Keith has the same fear of people leaving him, so he would never do it to you
And if he did he'd feel terrible
Sometimes your both hot-head stubbornness personalities would clash
BUt you both would get over it pretty quickly
WIth Keiths duty as leader of Voltron, hes got VERY high levels of stress
Like on a scale of 1-10 its a 15
So having advice on what to do helps him relax a bit
Hope you liked this! Everything (except matchups) are open!
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