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please. help me im not even into homestuck that much but god damn if this design isnt cool as hell!!!!!!! could not help myself fr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
originally designed by wiltedsunflower on toyhouse ! volpin goes by xe/xer/they/them
[ reminder to self to ID ]
#eyestrain#**giovanni time#bright colors#**volpin guineu#oc artwork#oc art#homestuck#troll oc#rust blood
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OC: Ruffian and Volpine fly over to Victor's house
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Slightly more optimistic/light hearted spin on "Chloe thinks Maribug fucked her over" but Chloe steals the Miracle box and decides her ultimate revenge will be becoming a more iconic hero than ladybug.
"By the time I'm done, Paris will be all, Lady who?"
Of course she didn't know to steal the spellbook so she can't use unification and she only knows the names of (Being generous) Sass, Pollen, Kaalki, Trixx and depending on if its canon or rebuilt Kwami lore, the monkey or tigers names. & that assumes they were all present when she nabbed it.
On the Kwami's end the main reason they don't instantly peace out is Chloe's relatively mundane goals. IE be a better hero, and the fact at least some of them view this crisis as an opportunity.
Sass: As much respect as I have for Ladybug & Chat Noir's work, this war to reclaim Noroo has been treading water too long, maybe its time we added some new weapons to the war chest.
Trixx: I wonder how much effort it'd take to convince these kids to be genuinely heroic?
Monkey/Tiger: HAVOC!
Long story short, Chloe needs to make herself a team, or a gang, she's not sure which.
Sabrina's an obvious choice but who else does she know?
... There's Felix- Nope, no, too unreliable.
Who's the red headed chick that hates Marinette? Rosli something?
Anyway Lila gets the fox but has to re-dub herself Volpin-X, the darker, edgier version of Volpina!
If its monkey then Sabrina gets it cos she has a good throwing arm and the staff means she can avoid CQC. Otherwise she's a worker bee or getting dragged around by the ear by Kaalki.
Chloe likely prioritizes snake for the second chance theming and leadership style power. If Tiger is in play she also keeps that for raw destructive might, but if not, she keeps Kaalki for quick get-aways.
I figure even if Pollen is present Chloe wouldn't use her, because Queen Bee was hers, Chloe's, and redesigning that to obscure her ID feels... Wrong, and she may feel bad about ignoring Pollen regarding HK ad not want to make things weird.
But yeah, broad kind of chaotic spin, but thought you might find it amusing and more in line tonally with your preferences.
GOD I need to swing back and revamp forged
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Black Feathers - a poem by Paul Vincent Cannon
Image by Monica Volpin from Pixabay “Darkness covering the forest” Maria Veronica Cruz Azores Black FeathersBlack feathers in a white forest,a random solitary collection driftingblown by the winds of wrathchased by yellowed howling hellhoundsin a night when the moon covered herself,warding off the razors edgea sensed danger,dreamed enemies closeeven the gods are not safe,the dragons too have…

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Wish come true - Adrien AUGreste Day 7+8
So I'll be honest, I was a little hesitant with this chapter. It mainly came about because I wanted there to be a chance for them to take the Peacock, if to make things harder for Hawkmoth, as well as cover some events - because I totally forgot the Hero Day episodes happen at the end of s2. Side note, my time line is going to be all over the place. A lot of people during the Volpine episode pointed out that Plagg should of recognized the Peacock and the Grimoire but I believe Plagg is smart, he just does it in different ways. But when you mess with his kitten, that's when his smarts come out. Not to mention, Fu never gave Adrien the same respect he did Marinette because of some assumption that Plagg was bad. And that had to of pissed Plagg off, especially seeing how he was ready to just give up because he wasn't being respected. It's always my favourite thing in rewrite fics where the Ladybug - be it Marinette or a new holder - won't stand for their cat being pushed to the side. I was also worried about how easy things worked and how the kwami's worked to get what they wanted, so let me know what you think.
“It’s so stupid!” Adrien complained, dropping himself onto Luka’s bed. “How on earth could she think this is a good idea, put all that information about Miraculous and its connections to some secret society, not to mention how it could be connected to that missing Tibetan temple? It’s like she didn’t even think about Hawkmoth being able to see this stuff. Thank god we stopped her from posting about it. Alya is at risk of getting banned from a phone if she can’t control her urge to post everything she hears about Scarlet Bug and Catseye. How did she think she’d be helping to unmask Hawmoth if she’s handing him information?”
He looked over to Luka, who was plucking strings on his guitar, with large headphones over his ear. Noticing he was being stared at, he looked up, surprised to see Adrien.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, pushing his headphones off, the faint music of Jagged Stone spilling from it.
“I’ve been here for 5 minutes.”
“Oh. Sorry.” Luka apologised with a guilty look.
“It’s fine. I needed to vent. I kinda didn’t realise you had headphones on anyway.”
“Still, I should make it up to you. you sound upset.”
“Just Alya jumping into doing something without thinking again. I got it solved, so it’s fine. though,” Adrien shuffled closer, leaning in, “if you really want to make it up, I could think of something.”
Catching onto what Adrien meant, Luka put his guitar down and took his headphones off. “Oh? What did you have in mind?”
“I could go for a kiss.” Since the two finally had the chance to have their first kiss – and Adrien realised that kissing a person with snake bites was just as fun as a person with a tongue piercing – Adrien usually looked for any excuse to kiss Luka, who was more than happy to allow it.
“Well, I think that’s a fair trade for what I did.” He pressed a quick peck onto Adrien’s lips, smiling when Adrien pouted at him.
“I think I deserve more than that.”
“I suppose I could be convinced.”
Adrien took no time, dragging him in by the lapels of his jacket. He tilted his head, threading a hand into the blonde hair, sure he was messing up the pins he had in them. he felt Adrien’s lips tick up into a smile when his other hand found a place on his waist
“Whoops!” Rose said loudly, causing the two to pull apart. They watched her push Luka’s sister back out and towards the door. “That room is occupied.”
“Hey,” Adrien said, using a finger to pull Luka’s face down to stare at him, “I wasn’t done getting my apology.”
“How dare I. let me make it up to you.”
While both siblings were busy with the significant other, they didn’t notice their kwami’s whispering in the corner.
“You heard him, right? It’s Feast!” Plagg said. “We need to do something.”
“Well, it’s different than last time. Alya’s video wasn’t posted.”
“Yeah, but he was still at the unveiling with Nathalie. I realise now she must have figured it out as the peacock holder but she still had to of seen the marking on its forehead.”
“Yes, but she might not be able to do anything about it. the last Hero Day pushed her into putting it on, because even with Lila’s help, he was losing. He didn’t have Lila this time and he ran off when Luka and Juleka were able to stop all the Scarlet Akumas from even affecting people.”
Tikki was right. Last Hero Day went the way it did because of Lila. For some reason, this time, Lila hadn’t ever been akumatized. There was no incident to allow the Scarlet Akumas to take the control they did. Seeing Scarlet Bug and Catseye going around, capturing them and saving others from being caught by the reminded the city that they had to believe in their heroes. He still came out, attempting to use his power he gained to get the upper hand but with the help of Rena Rouge, Caprise and Queen Bee, they had him on the ropes before he disappeared. No Sentimonster appeared to help him get away, no Sentimonster had appeared at all with any other Akumatization. The Peacock was never used.
“But it might be this time. If it is, Fu is gonna run again and before you know it, it’ll be forcing a child to take the role of Guardian. Our kids were brave then, still jumping in without their Miraculous and I have no doubt these kids will do the same, but they’re smart this time. They’re not giving in as easy to following Fu’s rule. Are you really going to tell me you wish they didn’t do the same back then?” Plagg asked.
He knew she did, that Marinette opened up and asked Chat Noir for support instead of shouldering everything by herself. That she didn’t push him away so much. Plagg had told her what Adrien was going to do during Syren. He could have done it, he should of. Maybe it would have kept the ring away from Lila if someone else had it.
“You know, more than anything, that I selfishly want something to go wrong to where Ladybird and Blacky have to switch the holders, so I can get Adrien back. But I don’t want it at the risk of him losing his happiness. Right now, he’s kissing the daylights out of Ladybird and he couldn’t be happier. He has parents who love him, a life that he has control over. I want him back, but I also want him this happy.” Plagg confessed.
“I know. Trust me, I know.” Tikki said. “I want Marinette back too but her life is so less stressful without me there. She’s happier. Even if it’s without Adrien’s love.”
Plagg let out a scoffing laugh. “Honestly, I think at that time, those two wouldn’t have worked. They still put each other on pedestals. I wondered if Adrien would ever be in a really happy relationship, since Kagami wasn’t going anywhere much. I mean, they didn’t get farther than kisses on the cheek. It’s different with Luka.”
Tikki giggled. “Marinette almost got there with him, but her feelings were too strong for Adrien. Your right, maybe after time and growing, trying to see the other like how Chat Noir and Marinette saw each other, it could have worked, but maybe not. I guess we’ll never know.”
“As happy as we were with them as our holders then, they’re happier now without us. Even if eventually, we land back with them, that’s not going to happen for a while. But to keep it from happening sooner, we can’t let Gabriel figure out Fu now and he will if Feast is released.”
“So, what do we do? If the same thing happened as last time, they’d go after it tonight and Fu would take us back then.”
Plagg thought. He hadn’t heard much since he was with Juleka but he had her taking a call from Alix. She told her about what Alya had discovered about the different heroes throughout time and the mark of the Guardians they all wore. She’d been going on about how Adrien read Alya the riot act about posting sensitive information where Hawkmoth could see it, stopping her from actually posting her video explaining her findings.
“We might have the advantage. Trixx’s kit never posted the video this time, Adrien stopped her.”
“That’s right! So, Gabriel wouldn’t see it. and if Nathalie didn’t use the Peacock, if she still hasn’t, she wouldn’t sense the amok. But they have the Grimoire, the mark of the Guardians is on it, what if they realise it’s the same?”
Plagg thought harder. There was still so much he didn’t know about Gabriel and how he came to be in possession of the items. If their final battle had involved him and not Lila, maybe he’d know more, but for right now, he was going off what he learned about Adrien’s father.
“He could, but he’s smart. Without knowing about Feast as a Sentimonster, he’s not going to risk going after it. he’ll want to do research, maybe he’ll find out about the missing temple and that’ll get him curious but we don’t know. What I do know is this, we gotta tell the kids about this. and…we got to get the Peacock.”
“How? We can’t fix it without the Grimoire and we can’t read it. plus, how do we know Lila will let Juleka inside?”
“We get Fu to read it, once the kids threaten him. Oh, come on sugar cube,” Plagg said, seeing the scandalized look she got, “they already don’t trust him. If anything, this will get him to ease up. He’s still stalling in keeping Blacky in the loop. I won’t allow him to make another Adrien out of her.”
“You seem to have a plan already. so, what do we do? Tell them to keep an eye at the Louvre and wait for Juleka to go in for a meeting?”
Plagg shook his head, “No, modelling is dealt with through Nathalie. He might give the orders, but Gabriel leaves all that to her. She’s just direct Juleka to location. No, we need something else to get inside. And honestly, Lila might be the thing to do just that.”
“Lila? How?”
“Well, I know you said she wouldn’t let anyone near the house, but let’s be honest, he has to be wanting something to better her standing with her classes and everyone. Maybe such as a Student UN?”
The scandalized look got even bigger. “You want to send Adrien?”
“Please tell me you’re joking.” Adrien begged, staring at Mme. Bustier and M. Monlataing, who gave him both pitying looks. “Lila Agreste is participating in Model UN? She hasn’t been to school in two weeks.”
Mme, Bustier handed him a printed email. “Headmaster Damocles sent this to me. Apparently, Mlle. Sancoeur called and asked for her to be included. He agreed and is asking she be brought up to speed.”
“Who am I supposed to pair her with?” Adrien asked, still trying to wrap his head around Lila of all people, being involved in this. Lila? The same girl who yelled and snapped at him for no reason? Same one who seemed to have a mental breakdown the last time he really saw her? He knew her dad was something and no doubt wanted her to better her image, but there was no way this wouldn’t end badly.
“leave that part to us,” M. Monlataing said. “We just need you to go drop off the paperwork for her.”
He gave the art teacher Marc had become close with a look that asked if he was well. “I can’t stand her. You want me to go over to her house and give this to her?”
“Adrien, all you need to do is just pass the paperwork to Mlle. Sancoeur. She’ll get it to Lila and the only other time you’ll have to deal with her is during the Student UN. Besides, even then it’ll be minimal with all the other students and visiting students.”
Adrien threw his head back and groaned. He didn’t want to do this! he didn’t want to deal with her. There was the spoiled rich girls he’d dealt with his whole life and then there was her.
He took the papers and left, the teachers thankfully letting him leave. If they had anything else to say, they were smart enough to let him cool off first. Nino was waiting outside the classroom, blowing bubbles as he leaned on the railing as Adrien stormed past him.
“Can’t believe this. they couldn’t send someone else or just email them to her? What did I do to be punished like this?”
“Do you want me to come with you?” the DJ called as Adrien stomped down the stairs.
“Yes! If anything, to make sure you call my mom if I’m in there too long and the police start to show up.”
Nino thankfully was quite, letting Adrien vent as they made their way to the Agreste mansion, unaware Adrien had a hitchhiker. Plagg hid inside Adrien’s bag, being sent back to when he hide inside during school hours, before he started sneaking out and getting himself and Tikki into trouble. He’d learnt his lesson and hadn’t caused a Kwamibuster, though he was sure it would still come with the science teacher’s still present theory she kept with. He listened to Adrien curse, slipping into Italian as he did and thought about the few times Adrien would get angry enough to slip into other languages. Chinese, Japanese, English. He knew more languages now that he wasn’t forced to learn them, but Italian was the one that cropped up the most. It made him happy to see Adrien exhibit more anger, to really let lose. He knew it was a risk, making Adrien go to the Mansion that had once been his prison with Lila there, but he needed an in. it felt slightly like he was using him, but he also felt confident Adrien would be ok. He wasn’t like before, willing to back down for someone else’s happiness unless threatened. He was much stronger now. He wondered if Adrien had been like this back then, if he could have escaped earlier, set out on his own, away from his father and everyone who wanted something from him and really live. It probably would have been harder, but it’d be so worth it. more than anything, he wished he could have made Adrien that happy. He just had to hope that back then, even when he messed up, that he made Adrien happy. Thinking of the thankful smile Adrien had given him back then when they played the piano, he thought it was possible.
“Mio dio, I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Adrien complained as they arrived in front of the opposing gates.
“Dude, just ring the doorbell, explain you’re here to drop off paperwork and I’m sure this shoot will open and we can be on our way. Marinette’s helping Alya with more hero research and I want to go check out this new DJ set up at the music store. I’ll buy you so many cannolis after you do this.” Nino bribed, throwing an arm over his shoulder.
“It’s cannolo, and fine. let’s get this over with.”
Inside, Gabriel sat at his desk, staring at his computer screen, his fingers pressed together. Nathalie had taken a picture of the statue that had been unveiled the day before and just as she’d pointed out, it matched the mark on the book. The book held so much about the Miraculous, but it was all coded and throughout the years he hadn’t gotten close to figuring it out. All he knew was that the mark was the mark of the Guardians, the one who protected the Miraculous. But any trace of them vanished 200 years ago so any research was sketchy and unclear. Nooroo was no help, unknowing of the language it was written in. the statue had to be important though. If only he could figure out why.
“Sir,” Nathalie started, standing in her usual spot on the other side of his desk, “we could investigate it closer. Either through a private tour or even late at night.”
“Hawkmoth seen sneaking around the Louvre? Nathalie, I’d be arrested in seconds, or at least attacked by those two do-gooders.”
“Not Hawkmoth.”
“No!” this was a conversation that had been had multiple times since Hero Day, when he’d nearly been beaten by that superhero team. He had Nathalie, but her power boost could only do so much. He’d managed to disappear before they really defeated them only to find that Nathalie had taken the Peacock Miraculous ready to use it. “The Miraculous is broken, has been since Emile got it. I watched my wife get weaker and weaker with each use, getting dizzy until she was placed in the chamber below. You really think I’d let you put yourself at risk like that?”
“But sir!”
“Lady Nathalie?” Nooroo poked out from behind Gabriel’s chair. “I know you want to help but you have to listen. You could die if you use it too much. Duusu couldn’t stop it from hurting Lady Emile. Master can’t bring you both back if something were to happen. You’re a better help fully functioning and able to be akumatized. What would happen if you got a spell during then and Master had to pull back, even if he was right there?”
“He wouldn’t-”
Gabriel stood up, sending the chair back slightly. “Do you really think I wouldn’t? that I’d choose your health over anything else? Emile is the way she is because of the Miraculous. I won’t have it do that to someone else I care for. And if Nooroo is right, it will be worse and faster acting. You’re a better help to me healthy and in control.”
Nooroo took in Nathalie’s faintly red face as she looked down. he felt bad playing them like this, but with what he knew, he knew he could change things. His friends couldn’t save him and it led to Lila winning. This time, he had to try and save himself. He understood his master’s wish, but he also remembered what his Lady wanted and if he wanted to keep his promise from all those years ago, he needed to fix the game in his favour. Hawkmoth needed to be stopped from gaining more power.
“Of course, sir. I apologise for thinking such a thing.”
Gabriel cleared his throat, his neck turning slightly red himself as he pulled his chair in and sat down. “Yes, well. you have a point though. I can’t leave the house however, to many people will gawk. It would be better to akumatize you and send you in. perhaps I can do like I did with Vanisher to keep you invisible, but we’ll need a way to have your phone with you without it becoming national news of a floating phone.”
Before anything else could be discussed, the doorbell rang. Both pulled up the video feed from the front gate, sharing surprised looks at the person standing in front of the camera. What was Adrien Rossi doing there?
Opening the camera, Nathalie opened the mic on her iPad. “Yes? What is it?”
“Hi. I’m Adrien Rossi. I’m in class with Lila?”
“We know who you are Mr. Rossi. Why are you here now?”
“Right. Um, Mme. Bustier got your email about Lila joining the Model UN, so I’m just here to drop off the paperwork.” He explained, lifting a small stack of paper.
They shared looks again. Lila joining Model UN? An email sent to state that?
“Sir?” she asked, muting the mic.
“I leave all school things to you. this is the first I’m hearing about this.”
Unmuting the mic, Nathalie asked, “We have no record of this.”
“Uh? Are you sure? I have a copy of the email the headmaster sent her.”
They watched the feed as the young teen dug around his bag and pulled out another sheet of paper, holding it up to the camera. Nathalie examined it, zooming into the parts that listed the emails.
“That is the headmaster’s email. Could it be possible it was hacked?”
“To send my daughter to Model UN?” Gabriel asked sarcastically. They both knew it sounded like a long shot. “Have him come in. she needs to go back to school and better her standing. Perhaps this will help.”
Nodding, she unmuted the mic again. “Please come in so we can discuss this. just you.” she said, seeing the other person behind him. Nino Lahiffe, he DJed the show Style Queen had attacked.
“Oh, no. I was just dropping this off.” He seemed distressed at the idea of coming inside.
“I’m afraid I must insist.”
They watched his head tip back, the mic just picking up his groaning. Clearly, he didn’t want to come inside. They couldn’t hear what Nino had said to him as he stood back far enough but eventually, the blonde turned to the camera again and agreed. She had Gorilla lead him into the atelier. The two took him in, his muscle shirt almost exposing him had it not been for the crop top he wore underneath it, the flannel wrapped around his waist. His wrists were covered in many bracelets, many handmade and his scuffed sneakers squeaked slightly as he shifted his weight. His bag rattled with bells, most hanging from the many pins on display.
“Mr. Rossi, a pleasure to meet you in person.” Gabriel said, walking out from his desk to stand in front of him.
Looking at the two and glancing at the picture that hung up, Nathalie could almost believe they were father and son. While the boy shared similarities in looks with Emile, there was something about the way the two stood that screamed something. But she knew that wasn’t possible. Lila was their only child, gaining the red-haired gene through her father’s side and her green eyes from her mother, though her tanned skin didn’t fit fully. it had confused the couple not long after she was born that they even did a paternity test just to be sure they didn’t receive the wrong child, but she was 100% biologically theirs.
“So, what’s this about a Model UN my daughter is in?”
Adrien handed the email over. “I was just told after class that the headmaster was told by your assistant that you wanted Lila to join. I’ll be frank and tell you it’s a horrible idea because no one wants to work with her.”
“I seem to remember you not getting along with my daughter.” He said, taking the email.
A blonde eyebrow lifted, “She insulted my mother and I on my first day with no explanation. Trust me, we aren’t becoming friends anytime soon.”
He had guts, Nathalie will give him that.
“So, how is it you came to be the one to deliver this news if you don’t get along?”
“I’m heading the Student UN, so I was given the task. I was just told to give it to your secretary.”
“Except this is the first we’re hearing of this. Nathalie hasn’t heard anything about this, especially since she hasn’t been to school recently.”
Adrien also handed him the stack he’d been holding before, crossing his arms and rocking on his feet. He didn’t say much, but Gabriel got the point. Such rudeness would usually gain a reaction from him and it would be so easy to akumatize the teen in front of him but he knew his current mood stemmed from his daughter, still locked in her room upstairs. Since she’d started modelling, he’d been having to give passes on people’s reaction to her behaviour.
Plagg slowly peeked out of Adrien’s bag, watching the designer pace slightly as he read the papers. He glanced at Nathalie, who stood next to Adrien. She was sharp, rarely missed a thing so he was going to have to be careful. The plan was risky for getting them out of the room, out of the house really. It had barely worked the first time he went against Style Queen. It tended to get out of control and this was one of those times he needed it to be in control. But he needed to wait until they were distracted for him to get out. It was weird though, seeing Adrien in this same room that was so full of hurt and dismissal and acting like a regular teen. It was fulfilling.
Adrien took in the mosaic picture that hung up. “Is that your wife? Emile Graham de Vanily?” at the designer’s look, Adrien shrugged. “I saw Solitude. She was really amazing.”
“It’s quite hard to get that movie. There’s only one DVD copy.”
“When my mama was restationed in Italy for a few months, there was a film festival in Sicily she took me to as a gift for missing the chance to see Jagged Stone. They were featuring private production studios and Graham Films was one of them. it was my favourite movie of the night. the opening scene always resonated with me for some reason.”
As everyone focused on the painting, Plagg darted out and into a nearby plant. Nathalie did turn her head at the sound but seeing nothing, she brushed it off.
“Yes. She was quite amazing in it. now, this seems like it would be a good fit for my daughter. If I can guarantee she’ll be on her best behaviour, will you accept her? I’d also be willing to make a donation towards anything needed for the event.”
Adrien frowned but sighed. “The donation might not be necessary. The Italian Embassy as well as a few others are sending supplies. There’s also a possibility of the actual UN sending something as well, that’s still up in the air. But yes, if she can keep her comments to herself, she should be fine.”
Just then, the whole house shook, leaving them scrambling for balance.
“What’s going on?” Adrien asked.
“An earthquake?” Nathalie questioned, looking as everything shook around them, spotting a few cracks appearing in the walls. “We need to evacuate, quickly!”
“But-” Gabriel started, looking at the painting, knowing about the things behind it. the people behind it.
“Sir now!” Nathalie ordered, grabbing Adrien and leading him to the door, Gabriel following after. Gorilla met them halfway, gesturing to the door before heading up the stairs to Lila. The shaking slowly came to a stop once outside in the driveway, standing in the centre away from anything. A few trees outside the residence were tilted, phone lines and wires drooping as well. it was silent of creatures though nearby car alarms blared. “Are you alright?” she asked Adrien, who was looking past the gate for Nino. One of the gate sides had tilted off its post, leaving room that Nino was squeezing through. “Be careful!” she called to him.
Gorilla came out, looking behind him, stopping when no one followed. Gaberiel started back towards the house when Lila finally came out. Her hair was out and she was dressed in a hastily thrown on dress and her eyes narrowed at the sight of Adrien and Nino, who came running over.
“What is he doing here?” she demanded.
“Lila, where were you?”
She ignored her father, instead glaring at Adrien who rolled his eyes and turned his back on her.
Back inside the office, Plagg waited from the table he’d knocked the vase from to get Lila to come by the office. It was a risk; on the chance she could take advantage and take something but she seemed to think better of it. getting into the safe was risky without the code, seeing how it was still hanging. But if things went how he planned and Gabriel realised it was missing, he’d have to suspect people who weren’t with him and Lila took the longest to leave.
He turned, letting out an elated cry at the sight of Nooroo. He slammed into the purple kwami, holding on as tight as possible. He was sure he’d be with Gabriel; he wasn’t expecting to see him.
“You’re ok! I mean, you’re still with him, but you’re ok!”
“I didn’t think I’d see you this time.”
“I’m sorry! I should have known! I was right here and I didn’t even notice.” He started to apologize, pulling away. “Only when Adrien found the crypt and his mom did, I realise. But he needed to get out before his dad found him and he was my kitten and I had to.”
“I know! I was down there. I had to tell Master what Adrien had found. Maybe if I didn’t, he wouldn’t have gotten Lila akumatized again to get the Miraculous. He was so sure she’d answer his call to the letter, he couldn’t waste time when Adrien knew. He had to make the wish to make things better.”
“Seeing him hurt like that…it killed me. Killed me more watching her knock him around after she knocked him out but I got her in the end. She hasn’t shown up as an akuma. How?”
Nooroo gave a slight smirk. “Me. If I was going to be controlled by him again, I was going to have him play by my rules. I convinced him that she wouldn’t listen if he did. She practically did the work for me with how she acts. She still hasn’t learned no one will play to her rules.”
Plagg gave his own smirk. “Well, she does think she has Adrien’s life. She thinks it automatically means respect and people believing in you. that wasn’t his name, that was all him.”
“You don’t belong to him, do you? wait, don’t answer that. I almost forgot you can’t tell me anyway. It doesn’t matter. He’s happy now, right?” Plagg nodded. “Then that’s all that matters. Now why are you here? I know you, you’re impulsive but you wouldn’t risk this with Lila so close by. Is this about Feast?”
“Its release gave him information about Fu, helped him focus on tracking him down. the kids don’t have the Grimoire, it never left the mansion so Fu never got it. only met the kids because Tikki got sick again. I’m not gonna let him run again and make him force guardianship onto a kid again.”
“You need them both? The Peacock and the book?”
“I’ll return the Grimoire, but we’ll need to keep the Peacock. The extra boost it gave him, he can’t have it.”
Nooroo looked worried. “But, if you remove the feather, it’ll reverse everything, the Temple will return, along with the Guardians. What if they reappear sooner to take you back?”
“Those old farts listen to us. They’ll listen even more once they realise a wish has been made. It’s a risk, might make him want to find out more but if it can keep him from Fu a bit longer, it’ll be worth it. come on, if they can stop him faster, isn’t that what you want?” Plagg asked.
“I want to stop hurting people.” Nooroo admitted. “I can tell you how to fix it if you want to do it before dealing with Feast, but it’s expensive without Gaberiel’s connections.”
“Fu will deal with that later. Can you help me get what I need?”
Nooroo looked to where the main camera was. It wouldn’t catch them, but it would catch a floating book and broach. Plagg was right though. Finding Fu had made Gabreil stronger and if they could stop it this time, it would be a godsend. He took Plagg in, looking at the more serious and focused than he ever had before.
“You’ve changed. I know we both have, but I wasn’t expecting this.”
Plagg looked wistful. “If I had it my way, I’d have my kitten no matter what. But even though this wish changed everything, he’s happier than he’s ever been and I’m not going to let him lose that.”
“Not without you. I saw how he needed you then. He might be a different happy, but I don’t think he’d ever be happier than when he was with you. I felt his emotions go from sad to happy in moments, even feeling happiness mixed with frustration that always seemed familiar amongst your holders. You made him happier than you could ever know. Come on, I’ll get the picture off and the safe open, you mess with the camera up there.”
“Late last night at the Louvre, the Tibetan Statue that was said to be connected to a missing temple came to life. Security cameras caught the statue crumble to pieces before a blue creature came crawling out. It seemed to struggle with something, even attempting to run away when it burst into bubbles, leaving only a staff. The familiar figure of Scarlet Bug was then seen breaking the staff, capturing an item that escaped. People are now questioning if Hawkmoth had managed to Akumatize that statue or if the statue itself had always been an akumatized item. In other news, in the same area the statue was said to of been found, a temple has reappeared in perfect condition after it disappeared nearly 200 years ago. We’ve been unable to approach the temple as the Chinese Government who has control over the country refuse to allow entry to the mountain it is on. it begs the question of its reappearance being connected to the same possible akuma Scarlet Bug was seen dealing with the night before.”
Fu watched the news cast on his phone, biting his lip. When he’d seen the news of the unveiling, his heart stopped. His biggest mistake, there for the world to see. He looked up at Luka, who stood leaning against the wall glaring at him.
“I know I caused a mess.”
“I get why it happened. really, I do. You were put into the worst situation and you reacted with what you could. But you messed up and then you ran from it. be honest, would you have run again?”
Plagg was with Luka instead of Tikki, looking at him like he knew all the answers. He looked at him in a way that reminded him that Plagg was a god.
“You do not entrust two school age kids with a powerful object, turn your back on one of them for the stupidest reason and then try to run when it gets hard. Do you want to make it up to the Guardians for what you did? Make up for losing the Butterfly and Peacock, which my sister – the same girl you refuse to allow to learn about the things she can do – used last night to fix your mistake by the way.”
“Where did you find it?”
“I didn’t find it, Plagg did.”
“And I’m not gonna say where. You have a habit of keeping secrets when you shouldn’t from us cats so we get to keep secrets now.”
“Hawkmoth must have had it! you must tell me.”
He stopped at the sight of Plagg’s eyes glowing. “I don’t have to tell you anything. You answer to the Kwami, not the other way around. I let you underestimate me because I couldn’t be bothered, but you’ve hurt my kittens before and I’m not going to let you do it again. So, things are going to work differently now. Luka?”
“We have all the pages from the Grimoire. The Kwami only know certain things, like Wyazz knowing the powerup spells and Plagg knowing how to fix the Peacock. You are going to teach us, both of us, how to read it. you aren’t going to keep secrets. If we need you, you have to answer. We’re the ones you sent to go fight a mess you made, so you don’t make final decisions, not anymore. And if the Guardians come, you will explain what you did and convince them to help us. Remind them that their ways made the mess and if they want it fixed, it’s gotta to change. Including how you treat my sister. If it wasn’t for Plagg, there’s a chance Hawkmoth could have gotten to Feast. So, stop looking down at him.”
“Don’t worry.” Plagg reassured, a smirk on his face worthy of a God of Chaos. “he knows better now.”
“You really didn’t have to scare him.” Tikki said, looking down at Juleka, who was still laying in bed but with her female friends and girlfriend around, including Kagami. The whole class came to visit and were taking turns.
“Yes, I did. Thanks to him, two of my kittens have gone through things that could have been avoided. I know, I know, if he didn’t mess up, I wouldn’t have met Adrien. And yeah, Fu didn’t make Adrien’s dad the way he was but his obsession with the Miraculous didn’t help.” He looked over to the side of the room where Luka was leaning against the wall on his side, Adrien leaning against him. He was talking softly to Luka who still had the same worried look he had when Juleka dropped her Peacock transformation, coughing and complaining of a dizzy head. And he thought seeing Adrien collapse after using Cataclysm and Black Hole was scary. Adrien had seen Nathalie and his mother do it and his concern was brushed off. Watching him with Luka now, he knew Adrien wouldn’t brush the worry off.
“It’ll be ok. You said Nooroo was playing him?” Tikki reassured.
“Yeah, but he’s smart and Lila…”
“Until we’re certain, all we can do is protect them, just like we always do. And if things go wrong, we’ll be ready.”
They would be, they had to be.
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minor antagonists; How do I think it should look?
I'm not going to talk about Gabriel or Nathalie. however, I wanted to talk about how I think characters like Chloe, Lila, and Felix should be on the show and interact with the main characters. This can be considered as rewriting. as you like.

Chloe Bourgeois; appears from the first season. And she is portrayed as a mean girl from a rich family. (canon) and ok until her failed redemption ark didn't appear: Chloe is the daughter of a politician (Andre) and a fashion critic (Audrey). She was raised baked by butlers and maids because her father was busy. when he appeared, he rewarded her with expensive gifts. Chloe knew her mother only from television and tried to impress by imitating her. (that's why she had no friends except for Adrien, others used for money) Chloe doesn't see Adrien as a romantic interest but as a friend, as she sees someone around him she is a typical bully/mean girl. She is always next to Sabrina. he does not see her as a friend but as a squire. And Sabrina sees her as a friend and role model (dress style etc) Generally from the canon, I love her episodes like queen wasp, showing that she learns from mistakes and tries to be good even though she is still mean. Redemption Ark, although it is sometimes mean (it has conflicts); Status: Anti-Hero ( Sympathetic villain)
Lila; Rossi

about Lila. I'll tell you about the boy when the episode of Volpin appeared, I thought it would be another super hero, but it turned out to be a villain. What if she was a superhero (traitor), I'll explain my idea to you. Lila Rossi is an exchange student from Italy. She is naturally pleasant and everyone believes her (charming and empathetic.) Everyone succumbs to her lies, but unlike the original, she uses such a range that is achievable (e.g. she does not lie that there was a must for Jaged but she was at every of his concerts, etc.) notes in in her diary lies to remember what she said so as not to make a mess. It is unknown where she got the fox miraculous, but she is the one who craves attention as Volpina claims she is stronger. Using your powers to your advantage. He makes a deal with the moth lord (You'll help me get the Miraculous and you'll be the hero) Lila agreed. In school life, however, she watched over her thirst for attention and fame as Vopina leads to the finals 3 and 4. Lila/Volpina manipulates Chloe into akuminizing for her parents. and Until Ladybug and Chat Noir lose all Miraculous.
status; As Lila Rossi (false donor)
Status as Volpina ; False donor Traitor
Felix Fanthon/Graham de Vanily

I love Felix. and may surprise you since it first appears (although the model could have been modified more). She's the perfect "bad" person to develop Adrien's personality. He hates his uncle (Gabriel) and wants to reclaim his family's breasts and the Peacock Miraculous for his mother. (I'll take a little from SentiAdrien/felix theories) The boy is close to his mother but cold to the rest, Amelie thinks it's because of the death of his father and sister (yes in my au Felix had a younger sister named Diana) The character of Felix, even as he pretends to be Adrien, tries to make him realize something, but Adrien does not understand what allows him to guess over time. Felix reluctantly joins Gabriel (as well as Nathalie and Lila) to help with the Miraculous but gave him the condition that he will give him the Peacock Miraculous. And thanks to him and Lilie, Gabriel manages to get the rest of the Miraculous (not counting the ladybug and the black cat) While there is a ball organized by Gabriel, Felix shows up. When Argos transforms and makes a Sentimonster (moon) which he calls her Diana (may be in the form of his sister) with her help she gets rid of the adults. And here comes a conversation with him with Adrien and Kagami. Thanks to this, Adrien understands and tries to help his brother after his sister's despair, to which Felix says that he has three people to protect (His mother / Amelie, Adrien and Diana ( sentimonster))
Status; Anti Hero
these are my ideas, an outline of what I would do with them. And uses it for the concept of a comic book with them.
#chloe bourgeois#lila rossi#felix fathom#felix graham de vanily#miraculous writing salt#miraculous salt#miraculous concept to re writing
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I made the Hope Greatsword from Monster Hunter Wilds!
I made the Hope Greatsword from Monster Hunter Wilds! https://ift.tt/IQGZzYq Submitted March 01, 2025 at 01:27PM by volpin https://ift.tt/t4GzT9h via /r/gaming
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Week 4

Fixed the back of the staff. I need the battery pack to be accessible. It's not the prettiest, but I'm fine with it like this. It's held in place by magnets.

Started on one of the props for my skit for LBM. I want to cosplay a certain version of Ryuko (not for LBM but hopefully later this year), that's why I'm trying to make the scissor blade look as polished as possible. Volpin props made a crazy good one and I'm looking at photos of it while working on my version.
Once the layers of foam are glued the one thing left to do is dremel the hell out of it. But as I want this to look really smooth I can only work on it in daylight.

My night project was another sword! When it got too dark for scissor blade I made Mitsuri's whip katana from scraps and a cheap flat pvc ....thing which has the perfect floppiness.

On Sunday I finally remembered box cutters exist and carved some excess off the blade. This saved me approximately 2 hrs of dremeling and set me on a good path for the next week.
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La Señora Macbeth, de Griselda Gambaro, regresó, de la mano de Gustavo Volpin, al Teatro Azul de la Avenida Corrientes
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all blessed, and non blessed under aetherian gods.
AVIANS, categorically all aetherborn with wings and their defining red sclera
WYVERN, half dragons
KIRIN/QILIN, divine guardians of the gate. Huge inspo from terrocotta soldiers
GRYFFIN, any big cat (liger, lion, tiger ect) but with wings
all blessed, and non blessed under the infernal gods.
SWINEHAUS, is the name for the of the royal highborns and the subjects within the end. They all take on pig-like attributes
LICH, wither skeletons.
MAGMAREN, lava people/magmas.
HOGLIN, hog folk
PIGLIN, fucked up experiments.
ERUPTION, dragons of the volcano (they currently reside in the overworld, but they hail from the nether)
BASILISK, very very mean snake dragons.
all blessed, and non blessed under the goddess pandora.
ABYSSALS, enchanters
ENDERMEN, cursed abyssals
DOCTORS, mysterious outlanders that travel between realms
AETERNAL, star children
ENDER DRAGONS, dragons of death
AIDO-HWEDO, the cosmic dragon
THE AZAZEL, the shadow dragons
All blessed, and non blessed under the eden gods.
MEIF’WA/FELINE, cat folk
MOOBLOOM, mooshroom+moobloom cow
X’OLO, axolotl
RAMME, sheep
PIXY, pixies/fairies
PILLAGERS, the cursed
ARACHNOID, spider and scorpion
LEPRUS, bunny
EN’AC, bugs
ERUDITE, children of chimera
ANOLITH, creepers
VIPERN, snake
CHIMERA, abomination dragons for each element
All blessed, and non blessed under the gods of thule.
SHARK, shark.
NAUTILAN, nautilus
SELKIE, fish folk
SIREN, more humanoid like mermaid
SHELDREN, any shellfish-esque
GIANTS, giants.
WHALEIN, whales
ALLUVIAL, deep dark ocean animals including rays, squid, octopi and anything with bioluminescence
LEVIATHANS, dragon children of thule
HYDRA, the two headed dragon
All mesmur beings that hail from twilight origins.
PHANTOM, night vampires
SCULK, divine rot
SCOLOPENDRA, centipede
SHRIEK, twilight snakes
THE FOUR WINDS, the four hornless dragons
**TO NOTE, corpse walkers do not count for their own race.
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I've also seen volpettino for little fox in italian, but I don't know if it's right..I think volpetto is my fave.
If you're curious: In my name deciding I wanted my name to either be little Zorua or little fox in Italian (my hc is that volo is Italian & he names me after I was raised by hisuian zoruark in the alabaster icelands) -ino or -etto are masc Italian diminuitives. I haven't researched if Italian is kinda like Spanish where in spanish there's like a push to have -e as an additional gender neutral ending to words so I didn't do Zoruine, Zoruette, Volpine, or Volpette (would be pronounced like Italian e, not 'in/een' or 'ett') but once I start to look into gender neutrality into Italian, I might change it! Volpetto for now tho :D

various pkmn doodles with pkmn sonas
#i jsut thought would volo even though what a fox is in a pokemon context but zorua IS known as the tricky fox pokemon in the pokedex...#& i guess that makes sense cuz there are multiple fox pokemon#so yeah okay theres like a classification for fox pokemon#but the why would finizen/palafin be the dolphin pokemon when theyre the only dolphin...#why make a classification for one pokemon (including its evolution)#that just. IS the dolphin#but i guess if you count them as separate theres two#since species can change over evolution...remoraid.......#autistic ass fight in my head over thks but yeah#i love all of the ones that end in -e but it wohld piss me off if people pronounced them wrong in their head or out loud because then they#sound ugly HELP#4.5.24#my text#my art
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Annnnnd guess what I actually drew Eugene!! I call him Volpin in this Au.
I like to think he’s more feminine, and comfortable in his own skin that way. And he loves karaoke and singing, I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules (Only Girl by Rihanna is his jam, hes a drama queen)
He’s a pretty boi.
#look at the floof around his neck!#such floof#much soft#tangled eugene#eugene fitzherbert#flynn rider#rapunzel#hes also pan#volpin#fox miraculous#trixx#miraculous au#tangled#tangled the series#rapunzel’s tangled adventure#feminine eugene
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Reins of the Llothien Prowler
Fox from World of Warcraft
Fully posable handmade Art Doll. Length ~45cm
#World of Warcraft#warcraft#WoW#legion#volpin#Fox#foxy#orange#red#Worldofwarcraft#art doll#toy#collection toy#handmade#amazing craft#craft#mount#legion mount#llotien#suramar
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Most flamboyant and most elegant? (They're two very different things)
volpin i suppose
spinel can be pretty flamboyant too ig
i suppose most elegant in appearance and the way they carry themselves would be tiffany stone
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❤️ YouTube @ Ninja Misty's Ninja Nook and @ DorkNinjaGaming 🏡 Twitter @ Ninja_Misty 💕 🐰 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #happy #geeky #picoftheday #momocon #gamer #volpin #nerdy #geekgirl #trex #instagood #profile #gamerlife #cosplay #girlgamer #gamergirl #girlswhostream #nerd #marriottcarpet #twitch #instagramhub #dragoncon #beautiful #instagamer #blogger #vlog #cute #love #photooftheday #pic #momocon2022 (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeJS4YTOmKn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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At last...
Is it bad that I kinda want to make him an IC companion for someone...? I know it’s probably pretty common but even still... I love him haha
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