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faline-cat444 · 28 days ago
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A card I've been holding onto
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doobnnoob · 2 months ago
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doodle for Volfee on Toyhouse
interested in one? I’m open website+TOS | ko-fi
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alexeiadrae · 2 years ago
Mega Brand Q&A with Hajime Kanzaka, March 2023
Alas, HK says that writing the short story did not help the writer’s block for novel 18 and that there has been no progress. Below is the Q&A for March 2023. 
Q: The only thing stronger than the Sword of Light is the Hungry Bone Staff, but is the Hungry Bone Staff that Ruby Eye created more powerful than the Sword of Light? If so, when we consider the story that "Dark Star created and scattered weapons that could kill him," does this mean that Ruby Eye can defeat Dark Star by himself without using the weapons that Dark Star has prepared? However, in the case of the shards, the estimated power ratio is 1:7, and if Dark Star has taken in Volfeed, the disparity seems to be even wider, so Ruby-Eye is usually at a disadvantage.
 KANZAKA: "As to whether it is powerful or not, it depends on the user. It's the compatibility and the way you use it. If Ruby Eye is going to use it, then of course it is more powerful to use the bone staff that you are familiar with. In addition, Dark Star's 'weapon that can kill you' is not 'easy win without question,' but is at the level of 'possible.'"
 Q: What are the advantages of having the title of Mage? Is it advantageous to put it on a resume or a fishing report, or is it easier to get a loan due to higher social credibility?
 KANZAKA: "First of all, it gives you a certain degree of credibility within the Sorcerer’s Guild. Without it, it will be difficult to buy special mage materials. Also, if the title can be proven to the outside world, there is a possibility that royalty and nobility, who are knowledgeable in such fields, will give you some kind of preferential treatment.
 Q: Zelgadis wanted to defeat Rezo. And when he temporarily collaborated with Lina, he stepped in and wanted the Philosopher's Stone because even he, Rodimus, Zolf, Gourry, and Lina could not win. Have he ever thought of using his own Ra Tilt or Zolf's Dragon Slave to assassinate him in the past? Like having Zolf blow him up in the distance or far away when Rezo was relaxing in some mansion.vI think Rezo is a human, even though he has a piece of the Demon Lord in him, and if the above magic hits him directly, he would die as a stone.
Also, how did he plan to use the Philosopher's Stone to defeat Rezo?
 KANZAKA: "As for Zel, he was aiming to overthrow Rezo, but at the same time he was also aiming to become human again. Then the Philosopher's Stone, which has great magical power, appeared, and if it fell into Rezo's hands, the balance of power would completely shift to the other side. In order to prevent this, Zel had no choice but to leave at that time. Also, if Rezo had the means to turn himself back into a human, zEL would have lost it forever, so he would not have carried out the assassination in the past. Of course, there is also the aspect that Rezo was wary of it, so he never went through with it."
 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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ragingsteel666-blog · 9 months ago
"The Endless Basis"TERRA ROSA
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所謂和製様式美HM/HRと���ばれるものは、日本固有のものであり、もしかしたら後の欧米プログパワーメタルの色彩を先取りしたものかもしれない。今日においてゴシックメタルの元祖などと一部で謳われもするRAINBOWだが、ヒロイズム、リリシズムを感じさせる曲は全体のごく一部である事は、ファンなら承知の通り。イングウェイですら全部が全部そういう曲ではない。そういう要素だけ抽出しバンドコンセプトにまで昇華させた和製様式美HM/HRは、発想こそKill the Kingからであったとしても、総体としてはそれらと全くの別物なのだ。これはもっと特筆されていって然るべきことと思う。
それら全ては、ここから始まった。当時のジャパニーズプログレからも影響を受けたと思わしき、和風ヒロイズムがたまらない。情景表現豊かな歌詞も素晴らしい。勿論和製Ronnie James Dioと誉れ高い赤尾氏の卓越した歌唱、強烈なチョーキングが耳をつんざく三宅氏のギター、バンドサウンドに重厚なデコレーションを施す岡垣氏のKey…と、演奏面でも特筆しだしたらキリがない。名インスト"Fatima"はちょっとある噂を耳にしたのであまり取りざたさないほうがいいのかな。以降、VOLFEEDやMOONSTRUCK等数多くのフォロワーを生み出すことになる記念碑的名盤。
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sarkos · 1 year ago
With all the Nietzsche on the dash, I saw a Xena post which reminded me of Kevin Sorbo, which reminded me of trying to explain the Nietzscians from Andromeda to a friend.
Basically, since it was recycled Roddenberry with the bonus of giving the female computer a combination Cortana/Canal Volfeed holoform, the Nietzschiens were Khan Noonian Singhs who operated like Klingons who were named after powerful people, gods or concepts. The Party Member representative was least worst as Tyr Anasazi, but I lamented that the rest of the guys being named like Genghis Khan Marxism Leninism made them sound like Tumblr bots
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superloaderdk-blog · 6 years ago
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Thank you once again “Volfee Support Crew” We love you ❤️🙏💥 #volfee #volfeevolsomvolbeat #superloader #support #rudolph #red #nose #2 #photography #follow #rock #concert #crowd #denim # (her: Copenhagen) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtK_zNfnJbM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=t404girfvblu
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freyanistics · 3 years ago
A sly smile appears on her face as she held up the massive hat on her head.
“Forgetting something, darling?” She asks innocently.
Wanted to post my first art piece of Natasha in here. She done stole Lady D’s hat, hopefully the mistress won’t mind
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Art by my bud Volfee
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100bandshirts · 9 years ago
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Shirt no. 11 Band: Volbeat 
Ever since my first Volbeat show I’ve seen people wear these tshirts, with different colour prints depending on what year it was mad: Yellow, blue, green, red, and now violet. For a long time I really wanted one myself, because it looked more special than the regular Volbeat tshirts. This kind of shirt is only made occationally: When the bands says O.K. to the guys who makes them; A close friend of the band, and gatherer of the fan-community, which started as an online forum and is now a group on Facebook. The people there, are obsessed with Volbeat, not just fans, but totally obsessed. There’s a flow of Volbeat tattoo’s, decorations, home-made merch, playlists, etc. etc. For a lot of the members Volbeat is beyond anything else. I even remember once when people were discussing who should support Volbeat for their biggest headline show someone thought that would be the job for Metallica. I find it awesome that people can be gathered around a band and their music and get so much joy out of it. Me, I’m just a mortal fan. But when a friend of mine told me the very limited and super-special-awesome VOLFEE tshirts I had seen at every Volbeat concert were available to order again I couldn’t say no.
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