58 posts
I own a lot of band-tshirts. On this blog I will do a show and tell, one band-tshirt pr. day.
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100bandshirts · 7 years ago
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Shirt no. 46 Band: Arcade Fire
I bought this one at this year’s Roskilde Festival. I had thought about getting a t-shirt from one of the best bands on the festival, I had my eyes on Royal Blood, Red Fang, Lorde and Erasure - but either their shirts were not very pretty or boring, or the band didn’t have any. So the last day at the festival I stumpled upon this one. My wonderful girlfriend then said “you should buy it - so I can borrow it sometimes.” She hasn’t yet, but I guess she will soon. Nevertheless I really like it too - there is also a print on the back representing each song from the new album “Everything Now” - and a logo on the left sleeve. 
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
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Tshirt Legends Episode #3 - Volbeat in concert. 
So, I’m just trying to stay a little anonymous here as I was very young and unbearded, so these aren’t the greatest or most revealing shots, but I think you will notice one similarity. Exactly, my tshirt. 
I rarely wear band t-shirts when I play shows with my own band. I think I can count on one hand the ones I have played in. Let’s see: Volbeat Killswitch Engage Guns N’ Roses Kvelertak Justin Timberlake
I could.  But this Volbeat shirt is the one I wore for my bands very first shows. I had the idea that I should wear a t-shirt from a band that I like and sorta related to my own band, and at the time I wanted to be in a band like Volbeat - and since we did play a Volbeat cover in our set then Volbeat was the obvious choice. Let’s just go through the three shows one by one: Left: My band were all at the same girl’s birthday, and he mother is a big fan of rock n’ roll, so we were asked to play. At the time we had only rehearsed one cover song and “Happy Birthday” but we played for our friends and it was quite nice.  Middle: Our first official show. I say tend to say that the band was born on that day. We were on as the first band on the 2nd night, and we had hyped it, ourselves and our friends like crazy. And guess what? We SUCKED. Our singer had massive stage-fright and didn’t stick to what we rehearsed at home, our other guitarist wasn’t in tune, the sound-guy had added delay to all mics, and I thought I was the biggest rockstar on the planet - so I headbanged, crowdsurfed, played unnecessary licks and riffs between songs, threw dozens of picks into the crowd, made terrible jokes and tried to hype the audience to scream and clap without succes. And oh yeah: We played heavy metal without drums. That’s right: We didn’t have a drummer. Our friends were supportive before, during and after the show, which was nice though we did not deserve it. But it was an experience and I learned a lot from it.  Right: Exactly one year minus a day later we were in my home town at the brand new youth club/house/space. Over the spring we had recorded a demo in the worst DYI quality, so it was time to play a show with the songs, with a drummer and with a paying audience (our friends). For what it was it actually went down quite well - we didn’t play amazingly, but we played our own songs for people and they rocked out to it. 
I feel like this was more about the shows than about Volbeat. Nevertheless, I wore the same tshirt for all those shows. These days I usually wear a nice black shirt, buttoned up depends is a random, with a black thsirt or sleeveless tshirt underneath. But I am considering wearing Taylor Swift when my band plays in Copenhagen next month. We’ll see. 
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
I told Jas that I would put this on my blog. Here it is. You’re welcome Jas
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
So Taylor Swift has a holiday day-by-day sale at her webstore. I discover that she had a 3 tshirts for $15 deal. But it was a day and a half ago. 
Also, I will post more t-shirts and stories soon.
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
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Shirt no. 45 Band: Black Foxxes
I got this one yesterday. It is not the coolest design I’ve seen, but neither is it ugly. Nevertheless: I doesn’t matter. I didn’t buy this shirt because it was super-special-awesome, or just because it was cheap. I bought it because the show Black Foxxes played was so amazing, so magic, and so full of nerve and energy that the band flew straight into my top 6 of live bands! I just wanted to support them, give them my money, become a moving advert with the tshirt - they deserve it, they deserve to make it big, tour more, make more music - anything they want. 
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
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Guest shirt #1 Guest: Ida Band: The Cure
Ida is without a doubt the biggest The Cure fan I know, and possible the biggest one in Denmark. This tshirt is from HMV in Cheltenham. I was casually walking by one day on my way to a meeting, I saw it in the window of HMV and of course I sent Ida a photo with the caption “look what HMV have at the moment”.  Three hours later I was within wi-fi again, and I saw that three minutes after I had send the picture Ida she was freaking out a little bit beacause she wanted one (sorry for keeping you waiting). So naturally I wrote back, went into HMV and bought the last size small they had left: The one on the mannequin, the one I had photgraphed with my phone earlier.  Now it is with Ida, and she wore it when we went to see The Cure in Copenhagen recently!
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
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Tshirt legends episode #2: Live on Youtube
Back in March FooN had decided to go on tour. I, as primus motor in the band, spent half a year trying to set it all up: 4 shows in 5 days ending with our two usual spirng-gigs in Copenhagen and Gilleleje. Even though I started well in advance the venues cancelled on us, broke their deals, etc. and they did last minute. So when we tried to find alternatives everything was booked or unavailable, hell I even tried to get us to play in a music school’s rehearsal space. So in the end we decided to swap one of the shows with a live-stream session from Kollective Records in Næstved together with our dear friend, sound-tech and producer Mikkel. When we arrived Murphy’s Law wasn’t done messing with us: Our drummer on the tour had to go home the day before and play another show with his other band (where he plays bass) and then meet us in Næstved. But he got sick, and it was really bad, so he had to stay home and take care of himself. Okay, so we decided to to a stripped down, laid back, session with just lightly-distorted or acostic guitar, and vocals, with time between songs to tell stories about them and ourselves as a band. So when it was livestream a lot of people were watching, way more than we expected, and this is where my tshirt plays a role. Because as you can see it’s the Agent Fresco one, so my and the head on my shirt had the same hairstyle that night. Which got two watchers to discuss man-buns while wathcing - at least that’s what I’ve been told later.  Find the livestream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ6jc0t2FIY 
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
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The Rest  - Episode 1 Harley Quinn
First, welcome to my other new feature on this blog, I simple entitled it “The Rest” as it is where I will show some of my tshirts that aren’t from bands nor music related. I won’t show you silly plain black ones, or ones from brands, but tshirts that have a print relating to something other than being clothes. 
This is my Harley Quinn tshirt I bought at Comic Con in London in may this year. I had wanted a Harley Quinn tshirt for a long time since she’s one of my favourite Batman-villains. I looked for a long time but I’m not a big fan of the classic costume, nor the Margot Robbie version, and I wasn’t a fan of the tshirts with prints of the Arkham versions. So when I found this one I got it straight away. This is also my only full-print tshirt, but I should get some more because full-print looks cool. 
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
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Tshirt legends episode #1: The Jester and the radio
This picture was taken in front of the gates to Copenhell 2013. It was uploaded to Copenhell’s facebook and instagram with the caption “Gates are about to burst open, metalheads everywhere”. As you can see I’m right in front of everyone and ready to storm in! But the most important part of this picture and its role on social media is: My In Flames tshirt. After I returned home from Copenhell two days later I had a lot of notifications on my Facebook from friends pointing out I was on Copenhell’s post. Furthermore the post had a whole bunch of shares from different In Flames fan communities (Jesterheads) from different countries: Jesterheads Italy, Jesterheads Brazil, Jesterheads UK etc. All captioning the post with: “what an awesome tshirt”, “look at this guys tshirt”, “such a cool shirt” etc. So for a while I was famous among In Flames fans worldwide.  The next cool part was October 1st, international band-tshirt day, 2014 where P6 BEAT made a contest where whoever could come up with the best story about, and picture of, their band tshirt would win their new favourite band tshirt - the P6 BEAT tshirt (see shirt no. 34). So I told them my story about being internet famous because of the tshirt I was wearing at Copenhell, and I won! 
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
Future plans
So, I just posted my last band-tshirt in my collection (for now). What’s going to happen next?
Well, I wil keep posting tshirts, and stories about tshirts, and other stuff about tshirts. I have the idea of doing a series of posts with tshirts that are not from bands but still represents something other than a brand, for example I own a beautiful tshirt with Harley Quinn on it. I will also bring some guests along with their tshirts and their stories. And I will start a series of post I have entitled “tshirt legends” where I post a picture of me wearing the tshirt at a special concert or event and go into detail about the concert, or the event and why I wore that tshirt, and why it was awesome. 
So yes, it is not over. I like posting to this blog, and even though I didn’t reach 100 tshirts at all I will still be tshirt nerdy and hopefully bring smiles to whoever is reading along! 
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
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Shirt no. 44 Band: KVELERTAK
This is my favourite tshirt. Kvelertak. That owl is beyond awesome, the logo is brilliant, the band is amazing, it has been on front-row-crowd pictures from several concerts, I’ve worn this while playing live with FooN. I LOVE THIS TSHIRT. I love Kvelertak. And they will be in an episode of “tshirt legends”. 
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
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Shirt no. 44 Band: ??? 
This is it. Unless I have some long forgotten shirts this one is the last one for now. My favourite t-shirt, both in terms of design and the band that is represents. And it will be revealed...tomorrow!
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
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Shirt no. 43 Band: In Flames
This was my favourite tshirt for a very long time. I bought it when In Flames had it up for a limited time, and I loved the design. It actually started as a joke on the band’s facebook page, because one of their big hits is called “Take this life” - so they just posted a extra life mushroom with the caption, and fans demanded a tshirt. The band then gave the mushroom a makeover to look like their jesterhead logo and made it available for online order for a limited time. As mentioned before this tshirt made me internet famous, and helped me win another tshirt. But I will save that story for an episode of “tshirt legends” (coming soon to this blog) because there’s a another picture and a long story that deserves to stand alone.
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
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Shirt no. 42 Band: Agent Fresco
This is one of my favourite tshirts. It is definetly my favourite white one. There’s something strong about the print with the face bursting into fire in a dark black n white. The print is from the cover of the single “See Hell” which is my favourite Agent Fresco song.  Also Agent Fresco is one of my favourite bands at the moment, so that’s a bonus. I managed to buy this tshirt at the merch table just before their show in London back in november 2015. I wear it alot, it goes very well with my collection of plaid shirts.
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
I have a confession to make.  I don’t own 100 tshirts. I own about 50, give or take, I still have a few in the to-be-uploaded pile. Which is still a lot, but still far from 100. I might reach 100 one day, and I will keep this blog updated with new tshirts I get my hands on. But between those I might do other band-tshirt related things as well. I might bring other people and their tshirts along, I might show other merchandice, and I might do other stories about some of the tshirts I have. How does “shirt origins” or “tshirt legends” sound? I believe I could put up more concert pictures similar to the Scarred By Beauty / Copenhell one. I’m really enjoying blogging, but I’m not gonna make it to 100 just yet. In october I will see Highasakite and The Cure live so maybe there will be new tshirts. Until then, look forward for the last couple of tshirts in this round as we are moving into my all-time favourites! 
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100bandshirts · 8 years ago
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Shirt no. 41 Artist: Justin Timberlake
I am a HUUUUUUGE fan of Justin Timberlake. Just ask anyone who know me. So I am also a huge fan of this tshirt, which I bought just before I queued up for the concert at Parken in Copenhagen in may 2014, fancy as I was I had a ticket for the Golden Circle.  I have worn this tshirt on stage while playing concerts with my own band - both because of the irony in wearing a pop-tshirt to a hard rock gig, but also to be my own rebellious self where I break the clichés. So if you ever catch FooN live, maybe you’ll see me in a Justin Timberlake shirt, or Taylor Swift! 
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