#voila has something to show you 。➴ 。
madamvoila · 1 month
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cute red envelope ideas 😛😛
imma be the coolest one at the family reunion
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missydior · 4 months
I've just read 'milk & honey' and it is actually one of my favs rn i'm obsessed with ur style, please write something about the 'orange peel theory' with either charles or oscar when you can !! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
clementine ౨ৎ
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♡: you have never doubted your boyfriend’s love for you, but when your friends ask you about the ‘orange peel theory’, you feel compelled to try it.
notes: charles leclerc/reader, established relationship, fluff.
a/n: thank you so so much anon, i’m warmed that you enjoyed reading ‘milk & honey’ because i certainly loveddd writing it. i adore this theory ft. our favourite monégasque even when i wrote this in the middle of my study break ౨ৎ
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the orange peel theory: inherited from the psychological ideology surrounding one's willingness to commit acts of service for a loved one because they care ie. peeling an orange to make it more easily enjoyable.
A slow afternoon in late August – the sweet serenity of virgo season – where the skies are a mosaic of white clouds against the pale heavens, white lilies flourishing in a water glass upon the oak coffee table, a lingering aroma of a strawberry cake baked and left to set a few hours before.
After a morning of almond croissants and cappuccino at the Café de Flore, sunbathing for several hours, talking in the intimacy of lovers and walking around the familiar streets, you and your boyfriend are most content to spend the remaining hours in the peaceful ambience of home.
He is stood by the marble-polished kitchenette counter absently perusing through mail, handsome as ever: soft, brunet hair slightly tousled where he has not trimmed it recently in a manner you love; sun-kissed with the hints of subtle freckles against the bridge of his nose; white, linen shirt half-unbuttoned.
"Hm," Half lost in your own daydreams and musings, distracted from where you had previously been crocheting a gift for your mother from your comfortable seat about the plush sofa, re-watching Breakfast at Tiffany's, you wander quietly into the room.
Initially, your gaze falls to where Charles is stood, some desire to approach and bury yourself in his embrace most alluring, until eyes flicker towards the nearby porcelain bowl where recently-bought clementines sit, thoughts drifting elsewhere about the remembered conversation with your friends the week before.
When you let own settle in your grasp lightly – the Monégasque momentarily showing no sign of acknowledgement minus the ghost of a palm that comes to your lower back whilst his gaze remains on the intricate writing of a letter – there is a near-minute of lulling quietude as you merely gaze at it before sighing in supposed, audible defeat.
"Troubles, bébé?"
His voice is calm, almost a little teasing but genuinely intrigued. The endearment is enough for you to feel a slight warmth in the depth of your stomach like dancing butterflies, his eyes dancing over you momentarily, though you merely offer a gentle, vague shrug of your shoulders to begin with whilst shifting the citrus in your touch between manicured nails, "I kind of want one, but..."
Charles arches a handsome eyebrow in wordless inquiry, the paper held against the light callouses of his palm forgotten when he silently offers an opened hand that – with hitched breath and subtle uncertainty – you place the clementine upon.
He does not seem to question your demeanour or reluctance, merely working on deftly removing the thin rind before the sweet, alluring scent is all the more prominent harmony of its citrus fragrance to its nakedness before he's offering you a single segment with the beginning of a dimpled smirk, "Voila."
Flushing a little and hoping the rosiness of a blush is not perceptible along your neck or the apples of your cheeks, you merely meet his gaze through your lashes as you indulge in the sweetness of it slowly, swallowing.
Through your clothes and within your ribs, you can feel how your heart flutters a touch quicker like a sweet dove trying to flee its gilt cage.
"Thank you." Punctuated by the meeting of mouths in a slow, sensual kiss that begins chastely until he cannot quite convince himself to drawn away, the peeled clementine forgotten to the side on the marble whilst fingertips trace the curve of your waist through soft cashmere.
"Avec plaisir."
You will certainly have to notify your friends about your own experiences surrounding the recently-tried theory and its heartfelt success of a result.
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© missydior
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bomberqueen17 · 8 months
RIP to the OG
Alas! Broadway star and legend Chita Rivera has died aged 91.
My cat is named for her, and it's a funny story I feel I should share. See, in 2007 or so, Dude was working for the local alt-newsweekly (remember those?) and during the time he was there, Chita Rivera was scheduled to come to Buffalo for a show. The theatre editor was so excited about this that he insisted on having a 52-week countdown on the theatre page, which annoyed the graphic design department enormously because that page otherwise had a static header.
But it became a running joke. "ONLY FORTY-NINE WEEKS UNTIL CHITA RIVERA!"
The theatre editor was so excited he commissioned a mural of her to be painted on his dining room wall.
I'm not sure how this came about, but somehow she was offered and accepted an invitation to come to his house to dine on the night she was in town. I cannot imagine painting someone on my dining room wall and then inviting her over, but I also have never been the theatre editor in an alt-newsweekly; there are many things I have not experienced in life.
In the midst of this, that's when Dude and I got our kitten. It was like-- of course we had to name her Chita. So we did. But not just Chita. She's Chita Rivera, which confuses the vet enormously, because neither of us have the last name Rivera. "She's not related to us," Dude explained patiently to the vet receptionist, who did not find this enlightening.
Anyway-- she was apparently a wonderful guest to dinner, the show she came to do was delightful, it all went swimmingly. She apparently was not at all disconcerted by the mural of herself, which I suppose if I were a legend I might also not find that disconcerting.
And while she was there, she told them her margarita recipe. I have made this recipe on several occasions and please serve it over a lot of ice because it will kill you otherwise. It is refreshing and actually really delightful to drink. It does not taste as strong as it is. It is incredibly strong.
Lo: The Chita Margarita, in memory of the realest of them all.
Take 1 can of limeade concentrate and empty it into a pitcher. Refill the empty can with tequila, and add that to the pitcher. Now refill the empty can with cheap beer-- Corona will do, something pale-- and add that to the pitcher.
Voila! No, this cannot be scaled down. Please serve it over ice.
Rest in peace, legend!
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babsisbakery · 7 months
Kitchen miracle
Leah Williamson x dutch!reader
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“Leah, get your ass in the kitchen.” her head shoots up from her phone almost immediately. What the hell has she done this time, are her thoughts. After cautiously entering the kitchen she realises what has slipped her mind. She tried to make you breakfast but then her mum called her in the morning and she kinda forgot. So she stares at the slight mess she had made. Flour on the counter, egg shells left and right to a completely doughy mixture covered apron. A bad cook to say the least. But it's the gesture that counted. “I’m sorry my love, I totally forgot, my mum called a-” “Le what were you doing?” “Uhm tried to make you some breakfast.” It doesn't sound like a statement rather a question. “Babe, I can't be mad at you, you're too sweet for your own good.” You walk towards your girlfriend and envelope her in a tight hug. “I love you Le” with a bashful grin Leah returns the declaration. “I love you too.” After standing in each other's arms for a few minutes just enjoying the warmth of your partner, Leah speaks up, “Could you please show me how to make your favourite breakfast?”
Your head turns downwards to look into her eyes. “Of course i can, let's get to it shall we but first we should clean up this chaos love.” a giggle leaves your lips while Leah shamefully looks away. With your fingers on her chin you turn her head. “Baby there is nothing to be ashamed of.” and with leaving her time to respond you kiss her. A few moments go by, you pull away, Leah chasing your lips, unsuccessfully as you're taller than her, and you bite your lower lip as Leah’s actions are melting your heart. 
So while you are searching for the perfect playlist to start baking in the meantime Leah begins cleaning. Kitchen peace is restored pretty quickly with two people working together ideally. “Okay now I'm going to weigh everything and you take out the Pannenkoeken pan cause we are making Pannenkoekeeeeeen.” “We are making what?” “Babe you know pancakes, right?” “Of course I know what pancakes are but what in the world are Pannenkoeken?” You are amused by her confusion, her furrowed brow looks quite adorable. “It's similar to pancakes, don't question me, rather help cause I’m the one who could make something tasty.” Leah’s hand shoots to her chest acting offended but you both know she is joking.
“Step one is to mix all the dry ingredients together which means flour, salt, cinnamon and vanilla sugar.” Your girlfriend carefully combines these, eager to continue. “Now for the next step I like to whisk the eggs in a separate bowl beforehand so it's well distributed when added to the flour.” You grab an extra bowl and hand it to the defender. She does as she's told and then pours them into the dry mixture. “Well done babe. Now follows milk and a tiny bit of melted butter. And e voila.” Leah stares at you dumbfounded, “Wait that's it, we are done?” “Yeah see its pretty easy when you get the hang of it darling.” She is amazed. “But you still have to do the actual Pannenkoeken now that the ‘dough’ is ready to go.”
“I pre-heated the pan a bit for you, just have to put some butter on it and scoop the batter into the pan. Rotate the pan and wait. When the beige colour turns into a more yellowish one you flip it. Got it?” “Yeah I think I got it.” As you suspect she does it excellently. Leah gets more comfortable making them with each Pannenkoeken. While she is in her element, surprisingly, you search the cabinets for something to eat them with. Cutting up some fruit, getting out the Nutella, jam and honey plus walnuts you are all set. Two dishes are already on the counter stacked with a few Pannenkoeken. You can't believe your eyes as you turn around and find your girlfriend flipping one in the air. Luckily she catches it, serving it on your plate.
Both of you sit down on the dining table, diving in. “That was really fun my love, we should do that more often.” states Leah. A grin on your face and a satisfied stomach make you nod. “Definitely, you did an amazing job. Maybe I’ll make a chef out of you after all.” You both burst out laughing. “Good one baby, good one.”
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phantasmicfish · 1 month
Long ranty list of stuff that majorly Sucked in s4 of tua:
- number one thing I loathe is the convenient way tua got their powers back. We get this brief vignette of them without their powers in episode 1, and then by the end of the episode they conveniently find the marigold and *voila* have powers. Where were the stakes? The consequences? Show me TUA struggling to adjust to powerless life. Five annoyed that he has to use the stairs to climb a four story building. Diego failing to chop expertly w knives. Luther struggling to open jars idk give me something. Don’t just do a six year time skip and ignore the mundane!
- Adding onto ^ that I feel like it would make more sense to me if we saw TUA without their powers for maybe 3 eps in s4, and they go through a mini Journey to get them back. Instead it’s like the entire hook of the s3 finale is immediately resolved in episode 1, it annoys me to no end
- Five working for the CIA I sorta get… cuz it’s sorta what he did with The Commission. So now unmoored and powerless he’d probably go back to that lifestyle. But Five, paranoid violent genius in the room Five, not noticing the completely obvious umbrella tattoo on his bosses wrist?
- Jennifer being introduced, immediately shrugging off the fact that her entire town was murdered/a Truman Show sham, and joining Ben with basically zero questions
- Jennifer getting no character arc beyond she was born in a squid and she loves Ben
- Getting zero recognition that Reginald is an alien. Like. Hello?? You just found out your pos father is AN ALIEN! Are the siblings seriously not going to talk about this
- Also what year is s4 set in. Why do they always dial rotary phones but mention cryptocurrency? What is this universe where everybody knows Reginald and he’s colloquially referred to as “the elite?” Are Reginald and Abigail the… President and Vice President? King and Queen? Just some people who started a massive corporation and got rich?
- No mention of Grace is criminal. It would have made waaaaay more sense if the lady who played Abigail was actually played by Grace. And it would add some heart to Reginald as a character too. Otherwise, instead of secretly loving Grace his alien wife, Grace is just some woman who was alive in the 60s and Reginald made a replica robot mom of her in 2019. For some reason. Idk I feel like the puzzle pieces were all laid out and for some reason TUA writers did not assemble them
- No mention of Pogo or Ray is also incredibly disappointing. Allison betrayed her siblings in order to be with Clair AND with Ray in one universe, but he’s not even in s4. Why even included him in the end of s3 then
- Okay maybe I’m pulling a blank but who tf is Quinn? Why does he know Klaus? Why does he hate Klaus so much?
- Why does Claire know Klaus is immortal? Why is all of sudden cool w her mom having eye glowy powers? You have no questions about that Claire huh…
- It also made sense to me that Lila and Diego would hate domestic life… and to me it seemed like even introducing their kids (not one, but three) was sort of silly. We only really saw Grace at the birthday party and then it seemed like Lila and Diego would forget and then remember the kids existed at weird parts
- Five and Lila giving up searching for a way out of the subway stations six years in seemed sus. Yes, take a break/eat strawberries but why would you stop searching for a way back? You’re supposed to be the best agents in the commission so like… where did that grit/determination go
- Ben dying and being mutated with zero understanding of what was happening to him… just sucked
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mojoflower · 2 years
So You Want to Tumbl?
There are lots of newcomers here these days, and I thought I'd spell out how to begin and what it means to ‘curate your own dash’ for folks who haven't grown along with Tumblr for the past decade.
If you're coming from a platform where content is fed to you, Tumblr can seem barren and intimidating in the beginning.  But that's actually a good thing!  What it means is that you will see what you want to.  If you're in a fighting mood, go find political discourse.  If you're feeling fragile, make your dash nothing but art and nature.
How to begin?
You’ve made your blog and picked out your icon (seriously, choose an icon:  otherwise you’re indistinguishable from bots).  Feel free to be anonymous.  Most of us are, and it’s wonderful to have a place that’s not tied to your Real Life.  Here you can be a fandom freak (like me!) and no one judges you and your boss will never find out.
Now seek out tags that interest you.  For example, I was just looking through #moss because I like peace and green things and old-growth forests.  (And, apparently, beautifully naked fae-men, heh.)
Now you follow that tag (if it's a popular tag, it'll say how many followers the tag has, which is beneficial to know if you're making a post that you want to reach all its interested audience) and posts with that tag automatically fill your dash. Voila, you have begun to curate your experience!
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Do Follow:  tags; blogs in that tag that you like; people who comment on posts in the blog/tag you follow that seem like they’re up your alley.  The more people you follow, the more varied and nuanced your dash is.
Don’t Follow:  people who make comments or posts that raise your blood pressure.  Topics that upset you.  Discourse that has you arguing in your head for the rest of the day.  PLEASE avoid toxicity.  Real Life is hard enough.
How to be Social and Interact
If you want to find your tribe and interact, it’s best to start following individual blogs.  (If you follow a blog, they have an opportunity to follow you back.  Simply following a tag is a passive, one-way street.)  To Tumbl is to be in a vast cocktail party, and you need to mingle and eavesdrop to find the things that galvanize you.
How to be seen and heard
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💬Comment on posts (please always stay positive and enthusiastic:  we really try to avoid toxicity).  You can read other comments (and reblogged comments) by clicking on the notes:
🔁Reblog posts you like, both to show your support and to show other people what kind of things get you excited.  Reblogging is essential to the tumblr ecosystem, because it’s the only way posts move around and get seen.  You can also “like” posts, but that's a much more passive way to interact. Also, reblogs and your own original posts show up on your blog and prove that you're not a bot.
Create your own posts and remember that the first 20 tags you use are essential, because that’s what gets you seen (and followed) by strangers.  Tags 21-30 are good for searching and archiving on your own blog, but they don’t count on the dash.  Instructions on how to Make A Post.
Participate!  Once you find your crowd, you’ll discover that there are always things going on.  For example, in fandoms, we’ve got writing events, art events, crafting and cons.  The more you try to be involved, the more new friends you’ll discover.  Tumblr allows for such an organic community.  One person has a thought, and many others build on that thought, creating something far greater than the sum of its parts.
There is no real algorithm beyond using those first 20 tags.  This may be discouraging to folks who are used to working an algorithm, but we like it fine here, because it keeps everyone real and keeps obnoxious social climbers/capitalists out of your face.
Be patient!  Just like in real life, when you find yourself in a crowd of people you don’t know, it takes a while to form connections.  Watch and listen, and learn to read the room.  Honestly, the thing that will win you the most friends/followers is honest enthusiasm about your space.
Don’t aim for the big names to become your new buddies.  You’re more likely to find a thriving coterie among other fresh faces.  Don’t assume that because they’re small or new they have nothing to offer you.  Often, this is the fire that keeps any given corner of Tumblr going.
Tumblr Etiquette
NEVER REPOST (without explicit permission).  Reposting is when you cut and paste from someone else’s content and then make it into a brand new post under your own blog name.  That is stealing and is very condemned.  Reblogging is when you use 🔁and the OP (original poster) remains attached to their post and continues to see and be in charge of interactions.  
Reblog in addition to Liking. A post that you 'like' is static. You are not helping it to get to a broader audience. If the post or poster is something/someone you support, then REBLOG that sucker: it deserves to fly!
Reblog and add your own content.  One of the best parts of Tumblr is that you can comment on a post, or even add to it in your reblog (as long as you’re not being a dick, okay?  Or changing the topic, which is known as ‘hijacking a post’).  Here is a wonderful example of the Tumblr ecosystem at work, where someone had a thought, other people had thoughts about that thought, and then a bunch of artists jumped in.  Tumblr posts BUILD COMMUNITY, and you can be a part of that conversation.  (Do try to refrain from reblogging with vacuous comments just because you want people to notice you rather than because you actually have something to add, though.  That’s just clutter.)
The most important part of “curating your experience” is learning to Block.
You can block individual blogs, Anons, people in the comments that you find upsetting.  Here's a post on How to Block.
Block entire tags or keywords if they are triggers for you.  (Here is a post on how to do that.) 
Blocking is self-care.  It is not a platform to demonstrate to the community how much you hate someone and how they should, too.  Usually the blocked person never even knows you’ve blocked them.  If they do something egregious (like tell you or someone else to kill themselves), then ‘Report’ them.
You can block something (like #US Politics) if you can’t handle it at the moment, and then unblock it later.  Block a friend if they’re spamming something you don’t like and then unblock them later.  It’s all good!  You are in control of what shows up on your dash.
But doesn’t this mean my dash will be single-topic and boring?
The simultaneous joy and pitfall in following individuals is that MANY blogs are not single-topic.  You will be exposed to all kinds of reblogs/ideas/other people from the folks you chose to follow, and can decide for yourself if you (a) want to be involved in that topic, (b) are indifferent to that topic, or (c) want to run from it screaming.
Also, the blogs you follow will move from hobby/theme/passion over time, and you can move with them, appreciate their new topic without vibing with it, or drop them altogether.
And THIS is how you curate your dash, my friends.
***Install New XKit extension.  It’ll make your life easier!
***Here's the Tumblr Help Center, where you can learn more details.
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salaciousdoll · 9 months
꒷︶ ̇ ̟ ෆ ‿︵‿ The Salacious Exploits ‿︵‿ ෆ ̟ ̇ ︶꒷
•┈୨Chapter III୧┈•
•┈୨please be advised to the warning before continuing୧┈•: smut, angst, fluff, ditzy/Bimbo reader, Hyperfemine reader, Jean being a tease plus he’s a soft lover boy, Eren is a lover boy here, oc is just like you in a way, DARK CONTENT!, TABOO! Student x teacher, Power imbalances, Age gap, reader is in her early 20s and they are in their 30s and 40s, could be considered a foursome(?), oral receiving( m and f), reader hates school, perv Erwin( for just a bit), ooc for everyone( maybe), lazy day for reader, Hange goes by they/their/she/her pronouns here, sloppy top( snot, tears, spit bubbles), fingering and pussy eating, daddy kink because it’s used two times, I headcannon that Levi is a messy pussy eater, pet names( sweetheart, ditzy brat, pretty girl, etc.), Choso appears at the end, do note that this is not gonna be a story with smut and smut only, it has angst, plot, and fluff as well( minor for the fluff ngl), please tell me if I’m missing something…
WC: 6.7k
゚•┈୨ Song for this Chapter୧┈•゚。: Love Language by Sza
ෆ ‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿ ෆ ̟ ̇ ┈•゚Note from salaciousdoll: Hi Hi babiesss, I loved and hated writing this chapter( there’s no in between) but I hope you all enjoy reading this. Note to not solve your daddy issues like this in real life because it is not healthy and appropriate for you. I do not condone this in real life. Keep that in mind as you read this story, love y’all🎀
Characters in this chapter: Erwin s., Levi A., Miche Z., Hange Z., Choso K., and intro to my oc
Minors do not interact, 18+
Masterlist Taglist Previous Chapter Next Chapter
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Previously on Salacious Exploits…
Erwin's eyes widened and he was about to speak but you pulled off already leaving him distraught. You are a student and he didn’t even know that. Hell how could he when you two don’t know each other. He just hoped that you weren’t his student or a student in high school. He didn’t want a repeat or case.
Meanwhile, Eren, Armin, and Reiner were looking for you, hell even Mikasa and the other girls were wondering where you went and hoped you didn’t get snatched or something. Jean was the only one who knew where you were at but he just didn’t know your name. He’ll find out soon.
Oh there was a horny and crazy storm coming your way as you made your way to your house with a small smile on your face. The drinks that the girls brought were still on the table as they called you. Guess you were lying about wanting to drink.
Waking up with half of your silk bonnet/scarf off was not the mood, that’s how you knew today wasn’t gonna be a great day. It was now time for school and you spent the last two days girl-blogging, taking care of yourself, eating, and sleeping. You didn’t want to go to any more parties your past friends invited you to since you were now back to square one, feeling bad for yourself and thinking about your actions.
You were hesitant to get up for classes today, so you clicked snoozed on your phone to get more rest. When the blaring sound of your favorite song blasted again 8 minutes later, you wanted to scream into your pillow. You stretched and yawned prior to placing your sleep eye-mask on your dresser by your desk with your jewelry, sunglasses, and makeup products were at. You made your way over to your closet to pick out your outfit for the day.
You decided to choose something for your mood for today but still kept it cute enough to get stares. You chose a pink crop top that showed a little of your belly and a few of your rolls as well— it had white letters on it spelling out, “ A Ditzy Princess”. With that top, you pulled out your dark blue jeans and pink leg warmers to top it off. Your white Air Force ones with pink custom mid soles and outer soles were perfect to go with your outfit. And now you just added your white jacket you got from a tracksuit on top and voila, your lazy outfit for today.
Or you could do any outfit you like, just make it pink and you got a deal, pink is your signature color as of now, so with every outfit you pick, you always add some pink in it. That’s why, today is a lazy day for you. You dressed lazy but in the end you still put that pink on. In your mind, you kept saying “lazy but make it pretty”.
You felt like today was going to be a lazy day, so you decided to dress the least effort you would ever dress, just for today. After setting your clothes out, you freshen yourself up for school, not knowing that you’re running a little behind already.
Transitioning to school was surpingly calm for you or at least your music made you calm. Once you put on the necklace and your little white purse with a little mocha from sanrio accessory hanging off it and pink ribbons you tied at the end of the handles, you were set.
Now you were trying to find a park, which wasn’t too nerve wrecking this time. Before you got out your car, you grabbed your perfume to spray yourself with it, your perfume were always expensive with a little mix of cheap( bath and body works, etc.) and you didn’t even use all of them, especially the ones stacked in your perfume stands on the other desk beside your bed.
You got out and grabbed your little purse with your pink tote bag from “my mum made it” brand. The pink, pillow tote was filled with everything you needed for classes. Your laptop, pencils, pens, highlighters, books. And in your small white purse was the necessities you needed, your makeup, lipgloss, wallet, and a small hello kitty bow mirror. You then grabbed your pink Stanley Tumbler and grabbed your printed out schedule— the only productive thing you did over the weekend.
Your eyes widened once you realize the time of the clock compared to when your first class started. You stomped your feet, “ Shit, well fuck it. I’m already here anyways.”
You really hope the professor wasn’t the man you had sex with since his name is similar to his and on top of it, you hope this professor wasn’t worst than Levi and Nanami out together— specifically when it comes to tardiness for his class.
You walked to the class and stopped at the door, preparing yourself for eyes all over you. It wasn’t like you weren’t used to it, it’s just today is not your day! Or so you think….
You placed your hand on the door but before you could even twist it, your phone ring loud and clear. You wanted to slap yourself for not turning your ringer off when you got up this morning. You only rode silent mode off when you sleep, sadly you forgot to turn it back on. Immediately fetching it from your purse, you shut it off with a low whisper, “ Fuck.”
You sincerely wanted to curse out whoever decided to call you, right now of all times too. You knew he heard it because you heard movement stop in the class automatically. You were about to turn around, but you bumped right into someone else’s body. You looked at the person and saw the bartender from the bar smirking at you while Eren was beside him giving you a replica of his smirk. Only then, you saw eren with a phone up to his ear. He called you and you were about to tell him off, but of course, the door open.
“ Are you three coming in to my class or gonna stand out here, if you are— I suggest you exit the building since you’re planning to ditch this class. I don’t have time for such behavior interrupting my class.”, You heard his deep voice and automatically felt every bone in your body freeze.
You stayed staring at Jean who held a deep eye contact contest with you, almost like he knew what happened with you two and you hope he didn’t, until he spoke, “ I apologize, Professor Smith. We just arrived right now and she was just standing here. I think she was confused, so we asked for her schedule just to find out this was the right class for her.”
You mentally thanked him, still not turning around. You feared seeing his face and you never feared something like this so why now? It was confusing you.
Eren walked past you, stopping to stand behind you almost blocking Erwin from your view as he stared at the bright eyed man who had his arms crossed and one eyebrow raised, “ Sorry, sir, it won’t happen again.”
Jean grabbed your tote bag from your left hand and held the hand he grabbed it from. You turned around and followed him into the class, your mind still wrapped up that your first teacher you fucked was just standing in front of you, well behind you since you didn’t turn around until Jean grabbed your hand to walk past Mr.Smith and into the classroom.
Eren didn’t like that Jean was holding your hand and reached to grab your right hand as your white purse sat on that shoulder. Everyone eyed the three of you with curiosity and wonder. You knew rumors were about to spread just because of this and somehow that didn’t bother you in the slightest, in fact you craved the attention because you were what your father’s other wife called you in front of him once, “ a attention Whore”
You could take a guess and say these two are pretty popular especially with the way people were staring at you as you sat between them in class or was it because of your outfit or hair, Yeah! That’s it. That’s the reason, at least that’s what your mind think.
You took out a notebook and pencil before turning your full attention on the man that kept eye contact with you as you slipped the condom on his big dick with your mouth. You smiled at the memory prior to keeping focus on what he was saying or trying to.
“ Before that interruption happened, did anyone have any questions—if not now, then you can email questions to me. Now let’s get started in the bc era.”, Mr.smith says while writing down 1000 bc on the board. You wanted to cry because History was so damn boring and as soon as he started talking even more, you started dozing off.
“ What do you all know about the era before 500 BCE, give me facts of what you do know about that time or what you’ve learned about that time? Hmm, shout them out if you want, only just this once I’ll allow you all to shout out answers.”, Mr.Smith declares sternly. Gosh, the way nobody even bothered to whisper or talk during his statements before shows you that he’s strict, strict. Sucks for you.
“ I know it’s the classical era in world history.”, A boy shouted from the back of the classroom. Mr.smith smiled a bit, “ Correct, give me more!”
One girl with orange hair shouted from the second to last row, “ the era with the Roman Empire, Ming dynasty, and more. That’s unfortunately all I remember.”
Professor Smith still gave Petra some words that brightened up her expression for not remembering much about the era before 500 BCE. He didn’t expect anyone to remember much because too much information could make you forget a lot of things so he understood.
Erwin wanted you to shout out an answer so bad just so he could stare at you without getting caught openly staring at you. He still had you in the back of his mind and needed to have you again but now he can’t. He turned to the next person and heard them shout out an answer. Your class knew more than he expected.
By the time, everyone was done shouting, you were done for, luckily you snuck your sunglasses on while they were shouting out answers and whilst he was jotting down everyone’s answer. You had your hand on your face and your head leaned on your hand as you napped with your sunglasses on. Eren kept nudging you with a very low whisper of “ Pay attention”, “stay up”, or “ get up sleepyhead ”. Jean kept poking you and you still dozed off right after fighting them off.
Suddenly, you snapped yourself out of sleep, when you were leaning your head on Eren’s shoulder, due to the sound of Professor Smith’s voice. You all had to turn to the people around you to discuss a passage you had no idea y’all were reading.
Eren playfully nudged you with his shoulder, “ Seee, you should’ve stayed up like we said otherwise you wouldn’t be looking like a loss puppy right now.”
“A cute one too.”, Jean says underneath his breathe thinking you didn’t hear it and you didn’t, well some of it. The only word you heard him loud and clear on was cute as he reached to hand you a sticky note with everything you talked about on it. You smiled at him as you took the sticky note, noting the way he looked away once you made eye contact with him. God, the blush was sweet and comical on his face. You wanted to stare more but right now you had to write down what’s on the sticky note. Awww, the fact that he was taking notes for you too is just too sweet. Yeah, you’re gonna be great friends with him.
You smiled at him and then at Eren prior to Erwin calling the class focus back to him because of his baritone voice bouncing off the walls.
“ You all have a minute until this class ends, but I want you to carry your thoughts to the next class we have because you’re gonna need it.”, Erwin says and as he says it, it’s like he makes eye contact with you and you didn’t like what he was implying. Erwin dismissed the class and everyone started to get up, you were the first one to pack up.
“ { reader’s last name}, can you stay behind a bit? I would like to speak with you.”, Erwin asks as he uncuffed his links to his light blue button up shirt. You wanted the earth to open up a black hole to suck you into.
Jean snickered and patted your low back before leaning to whisper in your ear, “ Good Luck, marshmallow. Try not to slip and fall, okay?” You looked at him with confusion and he only laughed before walking out with Eren who put both of his thumbs up in action of encouragement for you.
Jean chuckled at his teasing joke he made as he walked out meanwhile you were slowly trudging your way down the stairs to Erwin desk. There was one last person walking down the stairs and out the door. Erwin waited until that person cleared out afore looking up at you from where he was sitting and cleared his throat, “ first you come to my class late and now you slept through my entire lesson. We’re gonna talk about the elephant in the room this moment because you lied to me. So you've disappointed me three times today, { reader’s last name }. Hope the next class has improvement from you, wouldn’t want to exile you from this class…You may leave now.”
He fucking frustrated you to no ends and you were ready to leave, yet you needed to say your piece first. You were only frustrated because he said he was disappointed in you, “ That’s not what you said when I was taking your dick, in fact, you said I was proud of you, what changed Mr.Smith.” You had no idea where this surge of confidence came from since you didn’t even want to face the man when he caught you in the hallway earlier. Fucking mind. Always speaking. Never stop talking.
Erwin’s jaw slacked a bit before he clenched it, “ Let this be the last time you mention that { reader’s last name}, it was a mistake on my part. If I had known that you were my stud-”
You walked closer and around the desk to him, only standing a few inches from him as he still faced the chairs in the classroom, “ You would’ve what? Hmm. Not tell me how much of a good girl I was, not tell me how I’m doing so well taking your dick... no, no, that’s not it. You would have told me not to squeeze my pu-”
Erwin grabbed your wrist and yanked you to him in between his thick thighs, “ Don’t. Don’t be unprofessional right now. You’re being really unprofessional and I would only stoop to your level if I engage even more into this conversation we’re having.”
Your feelings was hurt a little because why he acting like your being unprofessional right now as if he wasn’t balls deep in you. I guess the difference is off or on the clock right? Whatever.
You snatched your wrist from him and rolled your eyes, “ You have the nerve.” You grabbed your stuff before pausing, “ One last time.” Your smile on your face was devious and you had a plan in the back of those pretty eyes of yours, he was interested to find out what.
Erwin stared at you with his head tilted a bit in confusion, “ One last time for what?”
You turned to him and dropped your purse back on the desk, “ One last wave of pleasure from me and then we’ll never speak of this again, hell I won’t even acknowledge you as a one night stand, better yet, I’ll only be professional with you, professional only.”
Erwin clenched his hands together and leaned back on the chair with his blonde hair coming out of place because of this stressful decision, a foolish decision he was about to make. He thought about the consequence before anything. What would happen if your parents find out? What would they sa— Zip. That was the sound of a zipper being pulled down and he snapped his head up to see your sweater being zipped down showing your belly top like you had when you arrived in his classroom. He noticed you zipped it up when you were about to take a nap, why he noticed? It’s because he noticed everything you did. He felt himself intrigued by you even when he’s not supposed to be.
“ Let me thank you for giving me the best sex I’ve had since freshman year of college.”, You say as you dropped to your knees on the cold tile floor. Looking up at him through your lashes was everything he needed to let you unzip his pants all on your own. He knew he shouldn’t have folded that easily, but he was just reminded of the time your warm lips slide the condom on his cock.
Your plushy lips were glossy and your hands were making its way into his gray slacks. You then stopped and dragged his chair with your body as you slid under his desk. You were surprised your entire body fit under his desk. Afterwards, you licked your lips and took his dick out his slacks, smirking at how red the tip was. His pre cum oozed down his cock meaning he was hard for a long time. His cock felt so heavy on your hands, you straightened his dick up and held it with two hands staring at him with humor in your eyes, so fucking huge and I took all of this. Hmmph. Your dick is wide too, almost as wide as my wrist.” He pulsed in your hand when you started to whisper against his cock all while beginning to stroke him, “ This will be our last time, professor smith. Don’t cum too fast or I’m gonna milk you dry. I don’t have until 11:45 for my next class and it’s now..” you checked your phone, “ it’s now 9:50, got tons of minutes with you.”
There was a sudden knock on your door and you squeezed his dick inside of your hands, not too roughly though, “ Act like I’m not even here, m’kay?”
Erwin cursed under his breath, “ alright.” He then tapped his fingers on the desk and yelled, “ Come in.”
Hange opened the door with a big slam following, due to the door hitting the wall, “ Helloooooooo, Erwinnn.” You froze before blowing on his tip causing him to scoot closer to the desk. Once he did you spit on his dick and at the same time he coughed into his hand to hide the noise you made.
You wanted to laugh at him shaking his leg with anticipation dancing around him. You wrapped your lips around him when you heard Mr.Ackerman voice next and then another voice you hadn’t heard at all. A voice so deep that it went straight to your pussy. Your pussy was so wet and it was starting to hurt a little.
“ Erwin, long time no see. How’s luck on finding out who the woman is?”, Miche asks in curiosity as he sat in the chair in front of Erwin.
Levi could see that Erwin looked constipated, his expression giving it away. You, on the other hand, was now sucking on the tip of his dick. Your glossy lips wrapped around the tip of his cock was everything he wanted to see, but he couldn’t right now since his focus was on Hange and Miche blabbering off, more like they are blabbering to Miche about the girl he mentioned to them. If only they knew the girl they were referring to was underneath his desk sucking him off.
Levi squinted his eyes, “ Yeah, where is she?”
Erwin stared at Levi until you suddenly slid your mouth over the majority of his cock, taking him deep into your mouth without a gag reflex. Erwin didn’t mean to roll his eyes in the back of his head, but your mouth felt too good taking him in.
You wanted to moan so bad or even touch yourself. You hated that you couldn’t because otherwise your body would have to move back and when you did, you would’ve bumped into the desk.
You popped his cock out your mouth, using your right hand to stroke him and your mouth to trace your tongue up and down the side of his dick causing Erwin to release a shaky breath, “Couldn’t find her, so I don’t know right now.”
Levi walked closer to the desk inspecting Erwin by holding eye contact with the blue eyed blonde as he kept feeling your mouth try to take all of his dick inside of it before releasing yourself from his cock, you were teasing and he hated it. He needed to fuck your throat. So bad.
“ Erwin, What student left their bags here? I'm very surprised you didn’t tell one of your other students to find them in order to get their stuff back. Shame shame shame, you’re losing your touch, Erwin.”, Miche taunt while walking behind him to write on the green chalk board like he always does when they visit his classroom not seeing you underneath the table yet.
Hange let out a big laugh, “ Awh come on Miche, cut Erwin slack. You betcha he’s going to either find the person himself or wait until the next class, I mean that’s what I would do.” They shrug their shoulders and kick their feet up on the seat next to them.
You were stuck and the only thing you tried not to do is blow your cover. The sucking noises were low as you engulfed his dick in your mouth. Bobbing your head up and down— locking your jaw around his dick making him close his eyes, loosen his tie next, “ W-what can I say. Changed man always has tricks up his sleeves to increase the momentum of change.”
“ Don’t start with your quotes, Erwin. Let’s face the music now. You didn’t change because of my suspicion.”, Levi says with his hands in his pocket. He narrowed his eyes at Erwin whose hands were drumming against the desk fast.
“ Because of your own suspicion, I didn’t change what , that’s what you’re implying . You underestimate me, Levi.”, Erwin says through gritted teeth. His mind was becoming foggy because you were rolling your head as you took his cock in and out of your throat. Your hands twisted and stroked the part that you couldn’t fit in your mouth. It was beginning to be too much for him.
Miche heard the little sucking noises and squatted down to sniff the air and when he did, he turned to lock eyes with your teary eyes. A smirk made its way to his face as he stared at you still sucking his friend like you were starving. You never stopped what you were doing when you made eye contact with the grey eyes Miche possessed. A pro if he must say. You, on the other hand, thought the feeling of being caught turned you on even more and you were sure that you were feeling wet spots on your pants. Your slick felt like it was seeping through your underwear and blending into your jeans.
“ Fuck.”, Erwin whispered as he reached down to pet your head as a sign in saying good job and you adored it especially with an extra pair of eyes staring you down. Miche felt himself get aroused because of the lascivious scene in front of him.
“ You might as well face fuck the girl already. You’re getting your shitty sweat all over yourself and the desk. How unsanitary, Erwin.”, Levi says before kicking the desk to prove his point and he did especially when he heard a loud choking sound underneath the desk.
“ Looks like you caught me in act, Levi. Always so sharp with intuition. Fuck, she’s a goddamn pro at this— too bad this is our last time, isn’t that right, sweetheart?”, Erwin says, patting your head as he holds you down with his cock lodged in your throat.
You breathed through your nose trying to find an escape to oxygen because your mouth was too full letting no oxygen out or in. The taste of his dick was ordinary and rich at the same time. His smell was filled with his natural musk mixed with Tom Ford cologne. Your spit was starting to build up on his length, crowding bubbles at your hands wrapped around the base of his cock. Your nails looked so cute wrapped around him as Miche watched as you tried not to throw up on his dick from how glossy your eyes were and how runny your nose was.
You tried to nod your head but that resulted in you loudly gagging on his dick causing Hange to widen their eyes in excitement, “ Erwinnnn, you’re such a corruptor, what happened to the innocent Erwin I use to know… wherever he is— keep him locked awayyy.”
Erwin tuned them out when your tongue swiped left and right on the underside of his cock meaning you wanted more, “ She can’t talk right now, but she knows how proud I am of her. She’s pleasuring me like her life depends on it just from one mink little praise. Shit!” It’s like they were so used to this from the way they spoke to each other, usually other teachers would tell a teacher doing this off or make some sort of deal to keep it a secret like they did at your other school when girls and guys used to sleep with the janitor, security guards, etc. you never wanted to be apart of that so what changed now? Hmmm.
Erwin wanted to know how else you would fold to his praises and words of encouragement you desperately succumb to. Crazily enough, he wanted to know more about you. How did your infatuation with older men even start— he hoped it wasn’t bad, otherwise he’ll feel more bad than he does now. Erwin didn’t have to worry though, your childhood was great until your father’s abandonment so now you seek comfort in older men and sometimes women.
He suddenly yanked your head back resulting in you coughing with big pretty tears sliding down your beautiful eyes filled with trauma and lust. He somehow wanted to comfort you and fuck you because of how powerless you was under his touch. You're sensitive and weak for him like his sub used to be before she went on to Nile. Granted you looked nothing like her but you shared similar qualities with her. In fact, he’ll say that he loved staring at you because of how pretty and extravagant you were.
Erwin was about to say something to you with his hard, wet cock in front of your face, but Levi grabbed you from under the table, you complied with him and got up. Once you were up your were pushed on Erwin desk, your back hit the surface of his desk with Levi standing between your legs, “ Knew you were a little slut who couldn’t wait to be fucked by your superiors. Such a shame I had high hopes that you wouldn’t be like any other girl at this school— seems like I was wrong about you.”
He unzipped your pants and you sat up reaching for his wrist as you looked him in the eyes. You surprisingly wasn’t hurt by his comment just too turned on, “ I want all of you. I ca- I can’t hold on. I need you to touch me.” You sounded so desperate and you didn’t care, you needed your nut and you need it now. Levi looked at you with a deadpan look before leaning closer to your face, “ Isn’t that what I’m trying to do?! Don’t interrupt me any more unless you want me to stop, you ditzy little brat.”
Hange came up from the side and placed her hands on your boobs, squeezing the left one, “ Even her boobs are pretty and full. She’s the one.” Hange was talking to them about you to your face and you didn’t understand what they were referring to by being the one but judging by Miche’s smirk on his face prior to him twisting your nipples earning a whimper from you; you could say that’s it’s something good and salacious.
Levi made a tsk sound before motioning Miche to lift your body up so he could slip your jeans down revealing your pink and cheetah-print panties. Erwin got up to walk to the door— locking it and pulling down the blinds. He made his way back to the four of you to see Miche holding your legs up and together with both hands as your panties showed a puddle imprinted in them, “ Dammit, doll, if you would’ve told me you needed my cock inside of you; you could’ve said it. I would’ve gladly split you open with my cock as you wished.”
You moan when you feel Levi’s fingers stroke up and down your wet, pussy print making you squirm and throw your head back on Miche whilst holding on to Hange’s arm. “ Uhnn, I want more, need daddy’s fingers inside of me, wanna feel something.”
They couldn’t tell if your last sentence was about this scenario right now or something else. Something else bigger than right now. For you, it was right now and in general. You wanted their love and attention, desperately for right now because after this you gotta head to Hange’s class— having to pretend that she just didn’t see you getting fingered by her colleague and your teacher.
Levi then slipped your panties to the side, a string of wetness disconnecting as he pulled them to the side. He couldn’t believe how wet you were, it was like seeing a new discovery: fascination heavy on his mind and behind his eyes. His blue-gray eyes took in the way your pussy looked so fat while your legs were held up by Miche. The more your legs are pressed together, the more juicy it looks. “ Shit.”, Levi rasped out as he used two fingers to open up the slit of your pussy showing your pulsing clit.
Erwin wishes he could see what Levi is seeing but he can’t because your pussy was facing Levi and Erwin saw nothing but the side of your body and facial expressions. Miche, however, was loving the view he had on your pussy. He had no problem holding your legs up no matter how much you think they weigh, the problem is he didn’t know how long before he burst through his pants at the sound of your whimpers, facial expressions, the smell of your pussy, and the sight of your pussy. God, you were something special.
Hange licked their lips at the sight of your plump pussy and hard nipples, how voluptuous and ravishing of you. Too bad, they had to go prepare for they first class of the day, which is your next class. Fuck, this the only time they hated being a professor, can’t get enough time to see you cum. They clap their hands together, startling you in the process, making your body jump and Levi’s finger bump into your clit. You harshly bite into your lip at the tenacious feeling along your clit.
“ I’ll see you guys and gals later, gotta prepare for my first class, see ya!”, Hange yells as they exit the door leaving you with three hyenas ready to sink their teeth in you.
“ Levi, are you gonna play with her pussy properly or do I have to do it? I’m more than welcome to teach you just like I taught you other things.”, Miche says with gruffness in his voice. You almost came to his voice right then and there but had to stop yourself from embarrassing yourself.
“ Fuck off, you giant mammoth. She’s mine for right now, you can have your fun another time, besides I know how to make women cum, you don’t.”, Levi says to Miche before pushing one finger in. The movement made you grip onto the table, letting out a pornographic moan, “ aahhnn, wan’ mor- augh!”
Miche pushed his finger deep inside of your mouth and you choked on it before sucking on it. Your body felt so warm against his abs as he sat behind you on the desk holding your tired legs up with one arm now. He used his other hand that was in your mouth to move in and out causing his finger to move in that motion, “ good girls like you deserve to have something stuffed inside of their mouths, don’t you think?”
His voice gave you butterflies everytime you heard it even if he only spoke a few times. Levi huffed and pushed a second finger in you, hearing the squelching noises your pussy was making, “ Shit, pretty girl, your pussy is sucking my finger in. You're a mess too, a mess I don’t like so I’m gonna clean it up for you, properly too. wanna know how you taste, can I?”
You hurried to nod your head and as soon as you did, Levi got on his knees and slid his tongue over your pulsing clit. Your head flew back in bliss not realizing that Erwin was holding your hand.
“ Mmuhhh, Mr.Ack- hahhnnn.”, You moaned as his other hand held open your pussy lips to suck on your clit. Levi’s fingers started to move inside of you at the same time his lips wrapped sweetly around your clit sucking on it gently. He was in love with the taste of your pussy because it tasted so natural and good at the same time. His face was getting wet and he loved it. He’s a messy pussy eater that claims he is cleaning the pussy, such a fraud. At least that’s what Miche thought as he stared down at Levi devouring your pussy by flicking his tongue over your clit fast and gentle—just like his fingers.
Miche shoved two more fingers in your mouth with hushed whispers in your ear, “ You can take more right? Could shove all my fingers inside of your slutty mouth since I saw you take a monster like Erwin, but three would do for right now.” He pressed a kiss to your ear before trailing down his kisses to you neck.
Erwin interrupted Miche with his voice, “ Don’t leave any marks on her, Miche, need her to be tidy as possible when she leaves her. We can’t have too much suspicion.”
“ mmmgh, such a pretty pussy.”, Every word Levi moaned into your pussy was muffled and incoherent. They created the right vibrations you needed as you choked on Miche’s finger moving in and out of your mouth faster. Spit was spilling out of the corner of your mouth, dripping down to your chin and onto your pretty pink crop top.
The slurping sounds of Levi sucking on your pussy was enough to send you over and you came on his face right as he curled his fingers inside of you hitting your g spot repeatedly, “ fu-uhhhhhh, fuck I’m cummin’ M’cummin daddy.” Your hips lifted up and down riding out your orgasm on his face as your now muffled screams tears into the air.
Erwin's eyes held excitement as a small smile braced his face, “ Your moans never cease to amaze me, I love hearing them, but you have to get to class in a few.” He was mainly talking to you but the other two heard and agreed with him in their minds.
Levi watched as you brought your legs out of Miche’s grip and shakily sat up facing him with a fucked out expression on your face, drool was leaking down your mouth and Levi quickly licked it up, out of impulse. They all helped you with getting dressed and looking presentable as you looked dazed out.
You needed more. More praise. More sex. More Love. More knowledge. More everything.
“ What a show, Mr.Smith. Got the new girl wrapped around your fingers already?”, Choso asks as he stands at the threshold of the door.
They all snapped their heads to Choso with bewildered looks meanwhile you were still trying to get yourself together mentally because that was elite pussy eating, something you needed for a long time.
“ Come on, Choso. You should know she got him wrapped around her pretty fingers. He’s too much of a sap to get people under his finger with just two meetings like Levi over here.”, Miche says poking fun at Erwin.
You finally snapped out of your daze when Levi pulled you up, helping you out put your sweater on. You don’t know where his strength came from but it was eerie. You shyly moved away from him and made sure you fixed your hairstyle before grabbing your stuff and trying to walk out the door as fast as you can since Choso already moved away from the door when Miche spoke.
“ Not so fast, miss { reader’s last name}. You forgot this purse.”, Choso says, holding out your small white purse. Your legs were still shaking a bit as you turned around to see all of their eyes analyzing you head to toe while Choso brought your purse to you. The anxiety was through the roof as you felt their intense stares on you even when they already saw your pussy.
You reached for it as he neared you, “ Th-”
Choso smiled at you with a close lip smile and his eyes closed, “ Such a pretty purse you got, fits you princess.”
You mentally squealed inside of your head at his nickname and cleared your throat, “ Thank you, Mr.Kamo.”
He handed you the purse with his fingers touching your hand and lingering there before moving to speak back with the men behind him.
You sighed as you heard the door close behind you. You took out your hello kitty bow compact mirror to look at yourself in the mirror— smiling to yourself. You re-applied your lipgloss and mascara, now noticing a girl in front of you with her hands on her hips. She had on a pretty short skirt and a tank top to compliment her Prada heels. So there was another person at this school that had your sense of fashion. Maybe you could be friends with her. She smiled at you and you smiled at her. Hopefully, you’ll see her again and maybe you could learn her name. You walked past her and waved, she waved back with a wide smile on her face. A friendly pretty girl just the way you liked it. In contrast to your thoughts, you didn’t realize her smile turned into a frown when your back was turned. You’ll be a fine piece in her game.
You continued walking without a care or suspicion attached to you meanwhile she glared at you before walking into Mr.Smith’s class to get her daily fuck from him and the others in the room. She’ll worry about you later.
Walking out the building to your next class, you continued to your next class which is in five minutes and you had a 2 minute walk to it. This is the part of college you hate: classes, walks, and time. Why can’t you live your life as a pretty rich girl like you did before, curse your stupid father. The man you hated with a passion and needed him to hurt. Hurt just like you and you could only do that if you beat him at his career path and dubious ways. He’ll get his karma for making you this way soon, after all you’re doing all of this to spite and get rid of his words in your head playing in a loop. You’ll find a way to have everything playing in your hands even if you tire yourself out of every last drop of energy you possess.
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゚•┈Tagging: @chosoist @honeybleed @simpingfor-wakasa @ebonydumbslut, @jamaicanqueenaa @neesieiumz @bluupen @zealousblkgirl @babyzzlove @toxicangelsweets @bxrbie1 @haitanifxn @Sinsexual1 @tina2a @angelshub
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゚•┈© all right reserved to salaciousdoll, she does not give permission to steal, plagiarize, and translate.
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dawnoftime22 · 10 months
moments to never forget.
| T.S
Warnings: None!
Summary: It's your birthday, and Taylor has many plans up her sleeve. She gives you surprises one after another simply in one day, and it becomes the most special birthday you've had yet.
Word Count: 2.9k
Category: Fluff! All fluff!!
A/N: GUESSSS WHO'S BIRTHDAY IT IS??? MINE!!! happy birthday to me :DD so take this as a birthday special <33 I really really hope you'll love this because its one of my most fav fic I've written so far <3
| Started on 01/12/2023, 5:53 PM |
| Finished on 01/12/2023, 11:13 PM |
Masterlist | T.S Masterlist
“Oh, all I'd ever do for you, and you only.”
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|——————————— ⸆⸉ ———————————|
It was a peaceful day. You were sat on the couch in the living room with Taylor, knowing today is your birthday, but you never really did much on it, except get a cake really.
"You know, I have something to show you." She says naturally, but with a mysterious tone in her voice. You piqued up slightly in her embrace at the sentence, curiosity taking over your features.
"What is it?" You ask as she moves to get you off of her and stand up, wanting you to follow with her from her hands tugging on yours.
"You'll see." Her voice was cheeky, her eyes following her smile. You get dragged over to the bedroom, making you all the more curious.
She sits you down on the bed before going off to the closet, where all her clothes are located. She opens it, and you gasp.
Your mouth was open at the set of cardigans in her wardrobe that you knew weren't there before. They were beautiful, and the side of the arms had little stitched in stars in them. You close your mouth as you took in the scene before you. Was this real or a dream? You didn't even know. You were about to ask her to pinch you.
They only weren't there before because Taylor had some of them stored in another house, and she didn't have a piece of each and every one yet, surprisingly, until her team sent her ones she didn't have yet, completing her collection.
"Which one do you want?" She asks softly, her hands waving over to them as a gesture of 'voila'. Her eyebrows raised with a smile on her lips.
"Tay, I love them all, I can't just choose one." Your shoulders slumped with your words, your mind thinking Taylor was asking you to choose only one that you could wear or add to your own wardrobe. Technically you could just steal hers, but that wasn't in your flow of thoughts with the shock, and how your mind was currently focused on her question.
"Well, you can have them all, darling, but right now which one do you wanna wear?" Her sentence comes out with a small giggle that vibrates within her ribs and echoes out to your ears, and you were about to melt into a pool of puddle on the wooden floor with all the love you had for her.
"You choose," you say quietly, not able to make a decision. She hums, half expecting you to have said that, perhaps. The blonde turns her head to look at the closet, her fingers brushing against the soft fabrics of the cardigans, and her eyes were extremely focused.
"How about this one?" Taylor reaches her hand out to one of the hangers, grabbing one of the seven cardigans from her collection. She chose simply on whichever she thought you'd love most, and she never fails in doing so.
You grab the hanger as she gives it to you, your eyes shining at the sight. You delicately take off the cardigan and put your arms in the arm holes, wearing it. It smoothly goes over your shoulders and went off to your other arm as you fully had it on you.
Taylor smiles, her eyes looking over the sight of you wearing something of hers. Well, she has before, considering you stole her hoodies and clothes, but this was especially different. Her own merch.
"You look lovely," she whispers, her voice endearing as ever. A slight red tint appears on your face, and she tries her hardest to get a clear picture of it in her head to store away and remember for years later to come.
"It's warm. It feels like whenever you hug me." You move your arms as if to hug yourself slightly, the comfortable fabric making itself feel like home upon you.
"Well, I'm warmer, but I'm glad it's comfortable." You giggle at her sentence, but she wasn't wrong. Although she is warmer, the cardigan fits you perfectly, and it's soft against the skin of your arms.
She closes the closet doors and walks over to you, putting her arms out to hug you and sit on your lap. She places her arms around your body that was layered in a shirt and the cardigan.
"Are you warm enough?" She asks playfully as she puts her cheek against your shoulder, looking up at you adorably, her blonde hair spilling over your shoulder. You swore you were gonna die happily right then and there.
"You're basically gonna make me melt from all the warmth." You're lucky the room was cold enough for it all to be cozy, and oh so perfect of a temperature.
She giggles, and then gets off of you, standing up and taking your hand into hers, tugging you to follow along.
"Where are we going now?" You ask curiously, your arm pushing you up and your legs straightening to a standing position to follow her. Your hands were intertwined with each other like a perfect puzzle piece.
"Someplace you'll love." She says, grabbing her keys out her pocket and going to the living room, making her way to the front door.
Once she opens the door, the sun was greeting high above the clouds somewhere, but it wasn't awfully sunny. She closes and turns the key into the door behind you. The sky shows a nice and gentle weather, no gray clouds.
The car beeped in the distance to your left, making you turn your head towards it. Taylor tilts her head while she walks to the car, as if to signal you that she was done making sure the house was all safe and locked.
You trail behind her, watching her get in the driver seat to turn on the engine. You thought she'd stay there and close the door, but she goes over to the passenger side and opens yours for you.
A dopey smile was on your face, her small gestures of love being everything to you. You went ahead and walked by her to go sit in the seat. She checks that you're fully in the vehicle before she closes the door.
When Taylor got in and clicked her seatbelt on along with you, she settles her hands on the steering wheel, driving off to the main road and start the journey to your destination, wherever that may be.
You got comfortable, unknowing whether it'll be a short one, or a long one. Before doing so, you turn on the radio and adjust the volume so it'll be good background music. You smile when you hear your favorite song playing.
Her eyes went to watch you every now and then, your head nodding along to the music and some lyrics coming out your mouth. She was so in love with you and everything about you.
When it went on to being half an hour in the car, you had settled down in your seat, watching the trees pass by and looking at the view outside. It seems you were going up a few mountains, and you couldn't wait to see what she had planned.
Taylor was smiling adorably as she drove. The sun was setting already, the two of you having left the house in the evening, and it left an iridescent line on her face, the rearview mirror reflecting the sun.
This was a precious day and a precious moment. You stare at her, admiring her for a second before pulling out your phone, your teeth catching your lip as you took a picture of her.
She notices you in the corner of her eyes, and her smile grew wider with a soft look. "I saw that," she says, knowing you loved to take pictures of her before she sees. But you didn't just take it for that reason.
"There's a rainbow on your face." You point out, and she looks into the mirror, her eyes brightening at the many colors of light visiting her cheek down to her neck. It was as if you were to travel upon a rainbow and find a stash of gold, to which, she practically is one. But she's more valuable and special than a simple pot of gold. Oh, so much more.
"I guess it's true how they say I have a bit of magic running through me." She focuses back on the road ahead of her, joking about the fans to you. You shake your head with a small laugh, but almost agreeing with her and the people who's talked about it. Far too many coincidences with the plane matching her lyrics, and mother nature following her with strikes of lightning.
Soon enough, you arrive, and it was a place somewhere on the side of the road, but there was a small path that could be seen at an angle. You follow Taylor's lead when she got out and locked the car, the wind breezing gently through your hair as you moved.
The sun had gone down by now, and the sky was dark, but the pathway had small lamps lighting up the way. You wondered if that was Taylor's doing, or perhaps they had already been there and this was a spot some people visit.
But it was her doing. She found this place a while ago, and no one else had taken it thus far. It was hers, and your spot now. The grass was green, and there were beautiful trees with leaves flowing and smoothly falling down here and there.
Taylor eventually stops walking, and you see a small picnic set up below an apple tree. She smiles your way, and your lips reflected hers. You couldn't have found anyone better.
She goes to sit down on the fabric, beside her a basket with some food. You sit down with her, shuffling to sit in between her legs with your back against her front.
It was a place where not much light pollution covered the place. You stare up at the night sky. It glimmered with stars, brightly glowing along with the gibbious moon high up the sky. You could see venus and saturn somewhere.
The sight shined off to your eyes, and hers stared down to them, admiring the speechless but happy look on your face. You were staring at the stars, she was staring at you.
You had your hands resting in your own lap, and she went off to the basket to grab a container that has a a slice of cheesecake. One that was delicious, and one from your favorite shop.
There was a small birthday candle, and the blonde gently places it atop the cake, lighting it up with a lighter.
She grabs a fork, opening the lid and handing the fork to you. You didn't see it until she waved it slightly, making you look down. A small gasp makes it way out your mouth when you realize what was on the picnic blanket just beside you.
"Tay, you didn't have to do all this." You say, your voice barely above a whisper from the surprise of how much she's been doing for you just in one day. And she planned all of it by herself. You look at her over your shoulder, your eyes full of emotions.
"But I wanted to. And you deserve every inch of it," she says, so very softly. Her free hand reaches up to caress your cheek with her thumb gently. She then lays a light kiss on your lips, her eyes holding only care and her embrace only holding safety.
Your lips turned upwards, and you gently take the fork from her hand, going off to grab the cheese cake container.
"Make a wish." She whispers gently. You stay quiet for a second, before blowing out the candle. Her face has a smile as she watches you.
"You're not gonna tell me what you wished for are you?" Taylor asks as you dig your fork into the cake, taking a small size before putting it in your mouth.
"Nope. It won't come true if I do." But in honest truth, the wish was her. To be with her forever and always.
The cake melted in your mouth. It was sweet, but not awfully sweet. Just the right amount, as it always had been. Taylor watches your movement from behind as she held you.
You then take another piece, but you didn't put it in your mouth. Instead, you lean back slightly and turn, putting the piece of cheese cake in the air, just near her mouth.
Her eyes flickered down to it, then back to your face. She opens her mouth and eats it, humming with the delicious taste filling her mouth.
She grabs another fork from the basket, wanting to share with you. You let her by putting the plastic container beside the both of you once more, turning back around to rest against her and stare up at the sky.
As the cheese cake was being finished, and the crickets made sound somewhere in the trees, she had thoughts floating in her mind, her eyes wandering over to you every now and then rather than the cake, or the sky.
"Okay, I have one last thing for you today." She spoke up softly, and you look at her, curiosity filling you as you wondered what else she could possibly have in store.
"What is it?" You ask, eager at this point from the sleepiness that might be coming onto you, and how she's been going at you with surprises left and right today. But it is a special day, after all.
"Can't tell you yet. Close your eyes first." She whispered near your ear as if to give off a mysterious tone.
"It better not be a snake like last time." You said as you closed your eyes and raised a brow. She had her mouth open in an act of getting offended even though you couldn't see.
"No! It's your birthday, silly. Of course I'm not gonna scare you." You can hear her smile in her voice, and some movement somewhere near you. She looks at you closely, making sure you had your eyes fully closed.
You then feel one of your arms being tugged up slightly to be put in the air at the same height as your chest, your palm facing upwards. A what felt like a box, with a soft exterior was then placed on your hand.
"Okay, you can open your eyes," she says, and the both of you were filled with anticipation. Hers, of your reaction, and you, of what you're gonna see when you open your eyes. When you did, it was a beautiful black box in your hand with a shiny metal latch.
"You better not have gotten me something far too expensive." Your eyes went off to hers, and she has a smile growing on her face once more.
"Just a reasonable price for something special," was all that she replied with, and you couldn't really say anything much to that, and so, your hand goes off to get the latch and open the lid, revealing a metal necklace that has a heart in the shape of how she draws it, and her initials on the sides of the heart. There are also small charms at the side of your favorite albums of her, not far off from the center of the necklace.
"Taylor. You did not." Your voice was in pure shock, knowing this was definitely custom-made. You had talked before about a necklace that should have certain charms that you would love to see together. But there wasn't one that really existed like that specifically, so you never thought of ever getting it. But she managed to get one specifically for you, and only one exists in the world.
"Yes, I did." She looked down at you, seeing how your hands very gently touched the chain and charms on it, loving that you were awestruck, and also absolutely in love with her.
"Happy birthday, baby." She kisses your cheek softly, hugging you and squeezing slightly from behind. Even a squirrel perhaps that isn't yet sleeping, is looking at the two of you from above a nearby tree, seeing the love you held dear.
"Thank you, Tay." You whisper, your free hand that wasn't holding the box going off to take her hand that was around your stomach in yours, giving it a gentle squeeze as she did with your body earlier.
"Help me put it on?" You ask, looking at her. She was looking at you with a soft gaze, like a fawn looking at someone.
"Of course," she replies, taking ahold of the necklace with a gentle grip to not let it fall, and clasping it around your neck, checking it was on properly.
"You look gorgeous," she says, her voice filled with honesty. Her eyes were all focused on you and the necklace on your neck.
"Do you like it?" She asks as if with hope for you to love it, but she already knew the answer to come, she just wanted to hear it coming from your own mouth than her head.
"I love it!!" Taylor adored the pure joy on your face, every second with you making her love you even more somehow, if possible.
The rest of the night was spent with adoration and love, and you sleeping in the car on the ride back home, with her staring at you at some red lights.
It's a whole day of memories to remember, and you aren't ever gonna forget it.
taglist <3 - join here! :]
@dmenby3100 @wandsmxmff @simp-erformarvelwomen
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bumblebeecc · 1 year
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Boho Babe: Woven Whims Cane Double Bed Separated and Recolored
So I recently discovered my own CC on Pinterest after years of not making any. And that, combined with the cute furniture that came with the newest EP, made me decide to start creating again! Mainly for myself, but I figured someone out there might want to use these as well.
I loved the Woven Whims Cane Double Bed, but I needed more options. So I separated the frames and mattresses, made the pillow on the headrest white, and recolored them in some cute neutral boho patterns. And voila! I hope someone can get some use out of it. If not, at least I learned some new things! I hope to separate and recolor the rest of the EP's beds soon.
Some important info:
You will need Growing Together for this to show up.
The frames come in a pretty eclectic variety of colors. I tried to match the general palette of the other Growing Together items, as well as a few basic woods that I could see myself using in my games.
The bedding patterns are from BrandiLeaDesigns on Etsy.
Everything has been play-tested, but if I missed something/messed up on something, I'm very sorry!
Frame: Dropbox
Mattress: Dropbox
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teecupangel · 6 months
Ooh idea: pigeon!Desmond again, but instead of a single immortal pigeon, he just reincarnates over and over again. But not in a ‘he lays the egg that will be the next Desmond’ way, just a ‘he dies and somewhere a new pigeon is born and voila Desmond!’ way. Altaïr would probably figure out that it was the same spirit/soul but I wonder how long it would take Ezio?
The original pigeon Desmond idea for those curious.
I’m so glad you specified ‘reborn as a random pigeon somewhere else’ because my brain immediately went ‘if not an egg, how about the new pigeon bursting out of the old pigeon’s chest ala chest burster lol’
For this one, we’ll have Desmond have the same age expectancy as a pigeon and be reborn as a chick somewhere else. This way, his ancestor will have the time to grieve over the death of their pigeon. When Desmond returns to them, enough time has passed that they wouldn’t mind having another dedicated messenger pigeon.
Altaïr would notice it early on because he grew up with Desmond. He’s used to Desmond’s habits and quirks as a pigeon. And the Levantine Brotherhood kept using messenger pigeons so Altaïr has been exposed to a lot of them. Desmond had always been strange compared to them and it showed. Would he realize it as soon as they met? No. It’ll take him a couple of weeks. The most glaring thing is that his latest pigeon liked to rest on the same shoulder as Desmond did and made the same cooing sound whenever he was trying to get Altaïr to rest for a bit.
For Ezio though. Let’s make it more traumatic. Messenger pigeons aren’t a regular occurrence for Ezio but Petruccio has a ‘pet’ pigeon who liked to fly towards him and chill with him whenever Petruccio was resting or had to do something else.
So Desmond’s first death in Italia is actually during the time the Auditores are being arrested. He tried to protect Petruccio but ends up being hit hard. When Ezio returned, Desmond actually dies in his hands.
He gets reborn and has to deal with the whole ‘growing up as a pigeon’ thing again. By the time he returns to Ezio, Ezio’s already in Monteriggioni, training with his uncle’s mercenaries, and he becomes one of the many messenger pigeons the Brotherhood uses.
(Not to be mistaken by the messenger pigeons the Medici uses. Desmond hates being mistaken as one of them)
Ezio would probably realize Desmond keeps being reborn around the time he’s in Roma. As the mentor, he gets more messenger pigeons than he did before and he gets used to them, figuring out their specific quirks and habits.
Desmond’s habits remained the same and it takes Ezio a bit of time before he remembered why Desmond’s habits felt… nostalgic.
It’s because Desmond acts the same as he did when he was just Petruccio’s pet pigeon.
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madamvoila · 28 days
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@hiimricky13 on reddit
most realistic minecraft texture pack
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nerdygaymormon · 29 days
so how do you feel now that the prophet is saying transgenderism is false and not to be tolerated at church? you need to deal with REAL genders, not made up ones
Let me address your idea about real and false genders.
Let's talk about money. There is nothing about paper money that inherently gives it value other than we all agree that it has value. We assign value to the paper and that makes it a social construct. Yes, it's made up, but it's also real. Money has real value in our world and has real impacts on our lives.
Language is another example of a social construct. We agree that certain sounds mean certain things and voila, we now have a language. Nothing in the sounds innately means "lion" or "paper" or "moon," which is why we spend many years teaching language to children. Language is made up but it's also real.
Gender is similar. What it means to be a man or a woman, all the traits and qualities we as a society assign as masculine or feminine, that's a social construct. Gender is real in that we agree to it, it has real world consequences. Entire systems of privilege and oppression have been built around the concept of gender. Same is true for race, ethnicity, beauty standards, social class, and so on.
Just as the value and meaning of money can change, like how we can use credit cards or crypto, and language evolves and changes (try reading Shakespeare or the original King James Bible and see how well you understand English from the past), our concept of what gender is can change, and we can change the systems build around gender. We can dismantle patriarchy, misogyny and sexism.
By telling people they were assigned a gender and can't stray from it no matter if it doesn't work for them, that they must adhere to all the rules about a gender they didn't choose and which has negative consequences for them, that's a problem. Transitioning reduces gender dysphoria and related conditions, like anxiety and depression. Studies show long-term mental health benefits and a higher quality of life for trans people who transition. The benefits of gender-affirming health care for everyone, not just trans people, is tremendous.
The dramatic improvement in health and quality of life is why every major medical association supports gender-affirming care for transgender and nonbinary people, to not do so would be irresponsible because of the harm caused by restricting such care.
One of the brilliant beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that the gospel of Jesus Christ embraces all truth. Another wonderful teaching is that we can tell whether something is good or bad by the fruit it produces. Another feature of this church is having prophets and apostles who can make changes. It's hard to change but the fruit of the church's policies about queer people is evident and the truth being provided by science about queer people needs to be embraced.
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kryannoy · 11 months
see me in a bodysuit
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genre: nsfw, smut characters: sub!lyney x dom!reader summary: he rides up the leg thingy in a teasing manner to show off more skin while smirking, ended up being fucked warning: dry humping, nipple sucking, cumming in pants
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Lyney wants to surprise you. Now, he always does surprises because after all, he is a magician. But this and that aren't the same. Those are for his audience including you, but this is something he wants to do for you and only you.
He has practiced on this trick of changing clothes in the blink of an eye. It is a tricky move for the Great Magician Lyney, it was a walk in the park.
He has prepared the perfect outfit to show off to his audience, which is you, who is already seated on the couch of your lovely home, waiting for him to start his performance.
He begins with a few card tricks as a warm up. One, two and on the third card trick he flipped the card around and voila! He is now in his little skimpy black bodysuit. He gives you a wink and a bow to end his performance. You couldn't help but to whistle out at him teasingly. You're already eyeing him from top to bottom. His thigh high socks and garter are still on, he only replaced the suit.
You usher him to come closer and he obeys. "Impressive," you compliment. His grin is still on his face.
Your left hand grabbed onto his plush thigh and gave it a squeeze before hooking a finger into it, pulling and letting it snap back in place, ensuring you make eye contact the whole time.
He turns his hips a little bit more towards you and pulls the bottom of his bodysuit upwards to show off more of his skin. Not going to lie, you got turned on by that; him acting like horny slut. You spank him one time before pulling both leg holes upwards until his ass is exposed. Lyney lets out a moan, grabbing onto your shoulders for support. He's already hard and it's visible through his bodysuit.
He moans more when squeeze his ass again. The pout on his face is adorable. He wants you to touch his aching cock but you keep squeezing his ass and thigh. Lyney had enough, he sits on your lap so he can grind on you himself.
"Please! Touch me down there," he whines into your ear, hips bucking into you.
You decided to indulge him without any further teasing since he has prepared a magic show all for you. Your hand reaches down to his cock and he begins to rut even more. Your other hand goes behind him and moves the panty aside to touch his hole.
Lyney whimpers as he buries his face into your neck. You put more pressure onto his hole and purposely not putting it inside. You can tell he was trying to maneuver his hips so your finger will slip inside but of course you're not going to let that happen. So, you scrunched the panty and held it up like a wedgie, using that to handle him better. It creates a delicious tightness around his cock yet allows him to friction on his hole. You guided him to continue grinding down on you.
He was whining like a little bitch in heat and moaning so loud as if he purposely wants to let everyone know he's being fucked so good.
His movements became faster and sloppier, chasing his own euphoria, back arching so deliciously that his nipples were poking. You bend down and sucked on his nipple through the bodysuit while pumping his swollen cock. He lets out a high pitched moan that surely will be heard by your neighbors.
"I'm close, so close!" Lyney warns but only seconds then, white cum spurts out through the fabric, staining the bodysuit and a bit on your hand. He came so much it drizzled down to your pants. You give him some time to catch his breath before laying him down on the couch.
"Oh, we're not done yet."
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dmsr-art · 5 days
What are your thoughts on plex? Does it work well for you?
I LOVE PLEX!!!! it has worked incredibly well for me. im mad i waited so long to set it up bc I've known about it for YEARS but i always thought it was really complicated to use so i never bothered (it's not). prior to this if i wanted to watch something i downloaded on my bedroom or living room tv i would chromecast it (often laggy, usually pissed me off) or put the file on a flashdrive and plug that into my xbox to watch (worked but had to deal with transferring file and xbox's clunky media player). i also tried using microsoft's built in casting from my laptop to my fire stick but the quality always looked like SHIT.
so i got fed up and finally sat down to read about how to set up a plex server (if anyone reading this has been thinking about doing it i literally just googled "how to set up plex server" and read a couple reddit threads to get the gist). i got it all up and running over the course of an evening. i can access it on my bedroom normie tv via my fire stick or in the living room thru my smart tv. i just have to make sure my pc is on and voila! (i don't use a dedicated pc that's on 24/7 for plex but just my own personal gaming pc)
the plex support articles have been soooo helpful too, like i downloaded all of DBZ abridged and wanted to add it to my server but it wasn't showing up in my library and then i realized it was bc the files weren't following the proper naming conventions so i was able to look up what to do and renamed all the files and then boom it showed up with the matching metadata. GRAHHH I LOVE PLEX!!
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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Wanda falls in love and gets attached really fast considering what happened with her past and all. And when she falls in love, she falls HARD. She'll find herself getting attached to you really quickly
Wanda loves the way you look so... badass and rebellic, she thinks the style suits you and often she'll be wearing similar like clothes to your just so she can impress you. She likes how ambitious you are but at the same time she doesn't want you flying too high since she knows if you become too successful in life, people are gonna start thinking of ways to harm you. And when you show her your soft side, believe it or not she actually pinched your cheeks and called you adorable. She loves that you'll only show your soft side to her and behave like a badass in front of the others, it's one of the moments she'll never forget and she'll cherish every single second spent with you
She likes being partnered with you on missions and even if you aren't an Avenger, she'll find random excuses just so she can talk to you saying that she either has patrol or something or she's tracking someone down and all that
Her powers are really useful when it comes to finding out your likes/ dislikes and if you like someone else other than her. She'll use her powers to read your mind sometimes and she'll try getting rid of any obstacles and hurdles that are in the way of your love. No one would ever believe the sweet caring kind ole' Wanda to be a yandere. That's exactly how she masks her yandere tendencies to you. And I have a feeling she'll pretend to have a breakdown just so you can comfort her. She will resort to EVERY single sneaky trick she knows just so she can spend time with you
As a yandere she'll be obsessive and manipulative
After the death of her brother, she can't afford to lose another loved one and see them suffer so... voila, she'll kidnap you. You won't be able to escape from her since she'll have the escape routes destroyed or concealed with her powers. She wants to have you for herself and ONLY herself and she looks forward to marrying you. And maybe having a few kids and being a nice little happy family
She'll explode with happiness when you offer to model for her, she thinks you look so cute and adorable in whatever you wear really. Heck, she'll even model with you. She'll be like the protective mother bear but I wish I can say the same when she deals with rivals since she'll just use her powers to either drive them to insanity or scare them off. Insanity is the best medicine to use against her rivals who try taking you away from her
In conclusion, she'll treat you like the angel you are. Just make sure no one tries taking you away from her or you don't try escaping since she WILL manipulate even your feelings and mind to get you to stay with her. She will do whatever it takes to get you to stay with her, even if she has to try erasing your memories
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crithaus · 2 years
Been seeing so many tweets abt it and I wanna get back on yonder soap box for a second cuz I have my own musings
I had always wondered if Vax would show up when Vex was drowning in Dalen's Closet and then when he didn't I wondered why and mused that barring the above table reasons of this being a game with set rules and Matt can't just deus ex machina their way outta all their scraps, that below table the Deal Vax had already made with RQ for Vex's safety was all the flexing she would allow him to do and then voila Vex comes back anyhow, and I think it's important to note that as Vex was dying Liam slipped out of Derrig's character, something he doesn't do much, and into Vaxbrain ("We had a deal, Matt.") to Express how unhappy he was that Vex was drowning and the deal he'd made was being routed and I think that's proof enough that Vax would if allowed absolutely come down there and rescue his family from any and all scrapes if he was able to,
Now with this latest episode, We saw Otohan bedecked Paragon's Call with RQ's symbols, we know Otohan has the poison that prevents you from being rezzed which is an affront to RQ's domain and position if I've ever heard one, we know the attack on Kiki was on purpose and possibly to get RQ's attention, get her looking and all, and this whole situation with Ludinus is the biggest threat yet faced to all the gods and all their domains,
And that's why she let Vax through the gates this time, just in time to wrest that permadeath dagger away from the heart of the love of his life. I don't think Vax could have been there without the requisite chips falling where they did, without RQ letting him, I think the thought that he busted through all of those gates unprompted and w/o permission is a little disingenuous because Vax would want to do that for any and every one of his family members every day all the time forever, but it makes perfect sense that as the Raven Queen's champion he would be sent down to stop Ludinus from freeing Predathos and it makes perfect sense for Vax to veer off from his official business, to shirk his responsibility and use the opportunity given to go to her, to do such a grand and meaningful gesture for his one true love, and tl sound so unclouded and present while doing so, I mean
This is Vax we're talking about. The guy who looked death (death herself both times y'know, Otohan and her dagger and RQ, two sides of a coin or something) right in the eye, twice, clutching his girls to him and telling that nigh all powerful entity to fuck right off cuz they can't have these girls he loves more than life? Peak Vax behavior. To know he's been watching Keyleth for so long finally seized his moment to help her, and did so with gusto? True love. The purest kind, the Vax-iest kind. Not even death can stop his love for her, for Vex, for Vox Machina.
And I think after this all is over they need to renegotiate the terms of Vax's service so he can stay back past the gates with the rest of his family cuz RQ is a stingy bitch and should have been MUCH laxer with gate-crossing privileges, I mean Vax has more than earned it now
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