#voidling answer
usercookie2008 · 2 years
(⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) /
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So, something that's emotionally devastated me upon reading SVSSS Volume 3 is this sequence of conversation between Shen Qingqiu and Yue Qingyuan after the collapse of Maigu Ridge:
From deep within Shen Qingqiu’s mind came the sound of something tearing. In that instant, all of Yue Qingyuan’s past ardent concern, his wordless protectiveness, all kinds of scenes, all manner of details, connected within his mind like a merry-go-round, clear beyond compare. No wonder no matter how “Shen Qingqiu” dug his own grave, the sect leader never made life difficult for him and instead remained infinitely forgiving, infinitely patient. No wonder the rescuer Shen Jiu had been waiting for never returned. Yue Qingyuan, Shen Qingqiu; Yue Qi, Shen Jiu. So that’s how it was! That’s how it was! “I really…didn’t mean to not return,” said Yue Qingyuan. “Only, it really is true that the world is pitiless, and so the two of us passed each other by…”
This is obviously tragic enough on its own, but the thing that makes it so much worse is the fact that it is a direct allusion to this sequence, taking place just a short time before, where the true shape of Su Xiyan and Tianlang Jun's doomed romance was drawn out:
“This one is an outsider, so he can know nothing of your heart. But what he does know and what he did see was Benefactor Su refusing to listen to the orders of the master who’d raised her for over a decade. Even when tormented in the Water Prison, she refused to say anything, refused to trick or harm you. If not as a last resort, what mother in this world would drink that kind of poison? “It wasn’t that she didn’t care about you, but that she was without alternative. Yet the world is pitiless, and so you passed each other by…” “Tianlang-Jun’s lips seemed to tremble slightly. A long moment passed. Then he said, “Is that so?” Right after those three words, he asked again, “Truly?” “This one swears upon his life that his words contain not a single falsehood,” said Master Wu Chen. Tianlang-Jun turned his head to look at Shen Qingqiu and Yue Qingyuan. As if seeking confirmation, he asked, “Truly?” He didn’t even care whether someone was in the know; he was just asking anyone he could. Unable to say anything, Yue Qingyuan silently lowered his head. It was unclear what he thought. Shen Qingqiu deliberated over it further, then finally gave a slow nod.
And, just for another twist of the knife of poignant tragedy, MXTX didn't even stop at that. There is one more use of this line, at the very end of the Shen Jiu extras:
Yue Qingyuan shouldn't have met this kind of fate. For the purpose of attending a decades-late appointment, in order to fulfill a futile, meritless promise. The sword broken, the man dead. It shouldn't have been like this. Threads of blood unfurled, extending outward. Right before they should have converged into one, they passed each other by.
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v0id-clawz · 3 months
i saw your most recent post and could you please explain generally what your au is about?? I'm very curious
Yippie :3 I'll try my best to explain
Okay so, it's a mha au where it's a bit darker because it covers the full effect of Bakugos bullying and discrimination and stuff and a lot of headcannons and projecting lol
There's also themes of nature VS nurture and similar things, I also kept Izuku quirkless
The source materials writing kinda sucks so it's basically a rewrite with a few (or a lot) of original things
Theres also extra super natural stuff like cults and gods and stuff
Idk it's kinda hard to explain without spoiling the plot
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bewitched-bullet · 6 months
the scandal will only be over when you decide to deactivate your account 😝😘
Scandal?? What scandal? Hey, @toccata-i-voir you cheating on me with another eldritch overlord??
I've been so entrenched in the webs of this digital purgatory for so long, "deactivation" would simply allow my tendrils to bud off and grow anew. You obviously, can't handle just one of me. Just imagine if there were more.
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you would not believe your eyes
if ten million fucked up guys
pet all your cats as you fell asleep
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(versions with white line art to make details easier to see)
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utilitycaster · 1 year
top 5 DnD spells!
Guards and Wards. no one casts it because it's high level ridiculous use case but it is dear to my heart forever.
Cure Wounds
Synaptic Static
Dimension Door
Scorching Ray
(2-5 are just ones I've had the most fun casting)
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midwinterhunt · 1 year
When you cast wishes up to The Stars, your voice does not go unheard.
The Stars are made up of millions of Awarenesses, each who look out upon the universe and uplift the Desires of people. But when a Star dies, where does that Awareness go?
Starlets are the souls of stars who have lost their old bodies and have not yet claimed new ones. They do not have access to The Whole in this state, and as such are very childlike.
Starlets may often be disguised as so not be recognized by humans, often hiding in Lense Flares or Sun Beams. But they do derive Joy from taking forms that resemble animals or other creatures that elicit Whimsy.
Starlets travel among humans, quickly attaching themselves to friends and granting wishes and bringing good luck. However, Starlets are not inherently Good, it is simply their nature to give. They make friends quickly, and easily move on when they deem the time is Right. They do not choose who to give to based on what seems Fair or Needed, only on what kind of person strikes their fancy. This may be a person who is truly in need of the help, or it may just as easily be someone who is already fortunate.
Starlets play very hard, and have a perfect sense of what they enjoy. This play can sometimes be Too Hard, as they sometimes let their passion burn too bright and start wildfires. But they always make sure to go through and take care of anyone they hurt in their games.
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shadowing-k1ng · 2 years
Happiness post #800. Yayyy. Eh, thanks for sticking around for all my bullshit. Means a lot /gen.
I played kingdom hearts
I played splatoon
I watched some guy play frostpunk (I liked it, despite its depressing atmosphere)
And I had mac and cheese
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Could I request some stim headcanons for a traffic games!Etho
I remember having wings as well as being partly a shapeshifter, so I'd like it if that could be acknowledged. I'd also prefer if some of them featured moving around or involved different blocks if that makes sense-
(also I meant to add a question mark at the end of the request but it kept glitching for me for some reason :( ) - Voidling Anon
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You. Hi
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“ Sira ? ”
@ask-sira-the-clown 💕
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mxgicgremlin · 1 year
i don't know what the heck is wrong with my eyes/brain but i keep reading your url as McGremlin
Idk, but I actually kind of like that.
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usercookie2008 · 2 years
6, 18 and 22?
uhm well I'm actually not too sure as I kinda drift all over the place if you get what I mean haha TvT""
Oh yes, Quite a lot I've wanted to Animate out one of my own Alternate Multiverses and Write Comics for them and generally all sorts of things to make out of em
to say though I have also thought of maybe becoming a game designer and make games, I've already made out a world once but it got Scrapped, I still have some of the creatures I created though and Kidna hope I can actually use them one of these days
I suppose whenever I feel the motivation to do so even if a lot of those times when I do feel the motivation I am unable to do so T^T
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I come to you on my hands and knees (relevant to the topic right lol) begging for any and all info on Bane, Banites and how it all ties in with Gortash. I love you in advance. <3
Bane and His Cult
Alright, so after twelve and a half hours of research I still don’t fully feel like I have enough, but at a certain point I just need to get this out there, and if there is anything you – or anyone else – would like to see explored in more detail, please feel free to ask! 
Note: I love getting asks like this! There is such a vast quantity of Realmslore that having some sort of specific focus for my deep-dives is a huge help, and knowing the topic is of interest to others is a huge motivator. I also greatly enjoy getting to put my training as a historian to work, as there is so much to interpret and archive alike. 
As ever, these writeups will align with current 5e lore, and draw from 3.5e for additional supporting information. On rarer occasions – and always noted – I will reference 1e and 2e, but with the caveats that there is much more in those editions that is tonally dissonant with the modern conception of the Forgotten Realms, and thus generally less applicable.
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We’ll begin with one of the most recent conclusive descriptions of Bane, from the 5e Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide, an overview of the current world-state of, well, the Sword Coast: 
Bane has a simple ethos: the strong have not just the right but the duty to to rule over the weak. A tyrant who is able to seize power must do so, for not only does the tyrant benefit, but so do those under the tyrant’s rule. When a ruler succumbs to decadence, corruption, or decrepitude, a stronger and more suitable ruler will rise.  Bane is vilified in many legends. Throughout history, those who favor him have committed dark deeds in his name, but most people don’t worship Bane out of malice. Bane represents ambition and control, and those who have the former but lack the latter pray to him to give them strength. It is said that Bane favors those who exhibit drive and courage, and that he aids those who seek to become conquerors, carving kingdoms from the wilderness, and bringing order to the lawless.¹
This gives us the briefest summation of what draws people to the Cult of Bane: the desire for power and control, often deriving from a sense that they lack exactly those two things. Bane is the quintessential deity of lawful evil, which – if you’ve read any of my previous posts on the sociology of the Nine Hells – bears a striking similarity to Baator itself, the realm of lawful evil, and the place where Enver Gortash spent at least a portion of his formative years. 
The majority of the following excerpts derive from 3e, which went into far more detail on the specificities of the Faerûnian gods, including their dogmas, holy days, et cetera. One important point to note, however: any discussions of Bane’s scope of power are no longer accurate, as the time period in reference is about one hundred and twenty years before Baldur’s Gate 3 is set, at a time when Bane had just returned to life – and godhood – as nothing less than a greater god. By comparison, during Baldur’s Gate 3, he is a quasi-deity, having abandoned most of his previous godly power in exchange for the ability to directly meddle with Faerûn – forbidden to the gods by the overgod Ao – and gambling that he would be able to regain his lost power and prestige in so doing.²
The dogma of Bane – that is, the core tenets and philosophies that his followers seek to emulate – is as follows: 
Serve no one but Bane. Fear him always and make others fear him even more than you do. The Black Hand always strikes down those that stand against it in the end. Defy Bane and die — or in death find loyalty to him, for he shall compel it. Submit to the word of Bane as uttered by his ranking clergy, since true power can only be gained through service to him. Spread the dark fear of Bane. It is the doom of those who do not follow him to let power slip through their hands. Those who cross the Black Hand meet their dooms earlier and more harshly than those who worship other deities.³
Even were there nothing else to go off of, this would tell us a great deal about the group dynamics of any followers of Bane, whether established church or fragmented cult. Just as in the Hells, hierarchy is everything to proponents of lawful evil. Any cult of Bane would have a strict order to its power structure, and there would be limited – practically nonexistent – tolerance for any questioning or insubordination of that order. To the minds of Banites, such is simply the natural and superior ordering of the world. These interactions are detailed below: 
Within the church, the church hierarchy resolves internal disputes through cold and decisive thoughts, not rash and uncontrolled behavior. Bane’s clerics and worshipers try to assume positions of power in every realm so that they can turn the world over to Bane. They work subtly and patiently to divide the forces of their enemies and elevate themselves and the church’s allies over all others, although they do not fear swift and decisive violent action to help achieve their aims.³ 
The manner of tyranny that Bane holds to is similarly calculated – he is not interested in mere shows of force, but rather in insidious plots that twist and make use of existing rule of law to legitimize tyranny wherever possible. A social tide operated ostensibly within the laws of the land is far more troublesome to fight back against than a simple army.⁴ 
As far as specific ritual and day-to-day workings of the cult, some can be evidenced here, in broad strokes: 
Bane’s clerics pray for spells at midnight. They have no calendar-based holidays, and rituals are held whenever a senior cleric declares it time. Rites of Bane consist of drumming, chanting, doomful singing, and the sacrifice of intelligent beings, who are humiliated, tortured, and made to show fear before their death by flogging, slashing, or crushing.³ 
In this sense, rituals seem most likely to be used as a display of power and a test of subservience, leaving lower-ranked members of the cult at the whims of their superiors, expected – as noted previously – to attend to their commands with the same alacrity they would use were Bane himself to speak. The rites themselves are designed to reinforce and glorify the primary aspects of their god’s domain: the tyranny of forcing submission and pain from the weak. 
Faiths & Pantheons, published a year after the Campaign Setting supplement, provides a similar description of the rituals of the cult of Bane, along with some intriguing and flavorful additions (noted in bold for ease of comparison): 
Their religion recognizes no official holidays, though servants give thanks to the Black Hand before and after major battles or before a particularly important act of subterfuge. Senior clerics often declare holy days at a moment's notice, usually claiming to act upon divine inspiration granted to them in dreams. Rites include drumming, chanting, and the sacrifice of intelligent beings, usually upon an altar of black basalt or obsidian.”⁴
As, in the “present day” of Baldur’s Gate 3, Bane has lost much of his foothold on power and his Faith’s old domains, the specifics of architecture of Banite keeps are no longer quite so relevant. However, in times past, when his Faith worked far more openly and held much greater power, the philosophy of Bane was expressed through the architecture of his churches and strongholds: 
Tall, sharp-cornered stone structures featuring towers adorned with large spikes and thin windows, most Banite churches suggest the architecture of fortified keeps or small castles. Thin interior passageways lead from an austere foyer to barrackslike common chambers for the lay clergy, each sparsely decorated with tapestries depicting the symbols of Bane or inscribed with embroidered passages from important religious texts.⁴
The social capital of a Faith – a broad term used to encapsulate all followers of a single deity – is often heavily intertwined with the power of its god, a mutualistic relationship that runs in both directions. More social weight behind the Faith means its god’s name and will is conveyed to more people, some or many of whom might apportion some worship or act in alignment with that god and empower them by so doing. More power for the god means more divine actions that can bolster their own image and the reach of their clergy. At its height in the late 1300s, the Faith of Bane was one of the most prominent and powerful, with comparable might to that of a small kingdom.⁵
Something that is important to bear in mind in a setting such as the Forgotten Realms, not only polytheistic, but an environment where the gods being worshiped are demonstrably existent, is that the followers of evil gods are not likely to be obtrusive with the less savory aspects of their dogma. Not only would that, in the majority of cases, do more harm than good to their deity’s long term goals, in the words of Elminster: 
A dead foe is just that: dead, and soon to be replaced by another. An influenced foe, on the other hand, is well on the way to becoming an ally, increasing the sway of the deity.⁶
All of this aligns with what we see of the Cult of Bane and its operation in Baldur’s Gate 3. While it does not have the same sway and might behind it as it did a hundred years before, through manipulation of law and carefully applied pressure – of whatever form most likely to yield the desired results, be it threats, bribery, blackmail, or use of hostages – Gortash has enacted a steel web of delicate, ensnaring tyranny across the entire city. 
We can even find present-day expressions of the interactions of the cult members, and find that they hold true to what their forebears experienced, further proof of the consistency of lawful evil. A personal note found on the body of a dead Banite guard at the Steel Watch Foundry calls the Black Gauntlet in charge of the Foundry Lab, Hahns Rives, a “disgrace to the Tyrant Lord”, and notes the writer’s intent to “compile a list of Rives’ shortcomings for the Overseers.”⁷ These shortcomings include: 
1. Rives failed to reprimand Polandulus for making jokes about Lord Gortash! 2. Rives missed the morning mass to Bane - twice! 3. Rives didn't punish Gondian Ofran when she missed her gyronetics quota merely because she'd lost a finger that day in the punch press.⁷
We can see evidenced here the constant scheming for position and recognition consistent with this manner of lawful evil hierarchy. Both devils and Banites orient their day-to-day lives around how to prove themselves to their superiors, while also undercutting them at any chance they have to prove their own superiority, with hopes of being raised above them. 
This is only reinforced further by another text found within the Steel Watch Foundry, Bane’s Book of Admonitions. Its text is not written out for us, but described as such:
A book of adages and precepts for Banites, providing the basic tenets of worship of the Lord of Tyranny, with suggested prayers for common situations. The heart of the book is Bane's Twelve Admonitions, a dozen rules for proper Banite conduct, with punishments specified for failure to comply. The book opens easily to a page with two of Bane's most popular admonitions, number six, the Reprimand for Leniency, and number seven, the Rebuke for False Compassion.⁸
The most likely scenario is that this book was used by the “Overseers” referenced by the anonymous Banite writing of Rives above. The exact position of the Overseers is not made clear, but from context and knowledge of Banite hierarchy, we can infer that they inhabit a place in the hierarchy above both the guard and Rives himself, and that their role is to ensure all those below them uphold the tenets of Bane at all times, never losing sight of his will. 
In that context, it makes sense that they would both have a book of specific punishments for specific infractions – rule of law, after all – and that, given the attempted report on Rives, punishments (“admonitions”) for the crimes of leniency and false compassion – and all compassion is false when your conception of the world does not allow for its existence – would be those most referenced. It would be incredibly important to the unity of the cult, as well as to Gortash’s plans, to harshly punish any observed leniency or break from Bane’s law among members of the cult.
Not only would failure to control the situation at the Foundry potentially spell failure for the schemes of Bane’s Chosen, any unpunished step out of line by members of the cult would be seen as tempting others to do the same, a trickle of dissent quickly becoming a flood. Better to ensure that all adherents live in merited fear of the consequence of failure. 
After all, it is said of Bane himself: “He has no tolerance of failure and seldom thinks twice about submitting even a loyal servant to rigorous tortures to ensure complete obedience to his demanding, regimented doctrine.”⁴
And, in an appropriately lawful hierarchy, the same rule must apply from the bottom, to the top.
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¹ Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide. 2014. p. 26.
² Descent into Avernus. 2019. p. 231
³ Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3E. 2001. pp. 237-8
⁴ Faiths & Pantheons. 2002. pp. 15-16.
⁵ Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3E. 2001. p. 93
⁶ Ed Greenwood Presents: Elminster’s Guide to the Forgotten Realms. 2012. pp. 135-6.
⁷ Rives’ Failures as a Banite. Baldur’s Gate 3. In-Game Text.
⁸ Bane’s Book of Admonitions. Baldur’s Gate 3. In-Game Text.
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coffeeghoulie · 1 month
May we get a little fic about Phantom demanding hugs from Swiss (both onstage and at the bows) does he just want a cuddle or is it an anxiety thing? :)
absolutely, Aeon needing cuddles coming right up. I cannot get over how much I love writing the two of them.
No warnings for this one, just fluff.
divider by @ghuleh-recs <3
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It takes a while for Aeon to come out of their shell. Skittish and scared, still adjusting to life outside of the Pit. But the moment that shell cracks, shatters into pieces, they make up for it tenfold. Turns out, being neglected of touch for years and years and years makes a sort of void, eager to be filled.
It's hard to catch Aeon alone these days. They're always clinging to one of their packmates, shyness long forgotten, curious and inquisitive. But even the most clingy ghouls need space sometimes, especially when they're living in close quarters with seven other ghouls on tour.
Swiss knows something's up when Aeon doesn't slip into his bunk with him. They curl into their own in the tightest ball they can. The privacy curtain is always drawn taut. He doesn't push it. He knows what a ghoul's first tour takes, can almost taste the constant exhaustion rolling from Aeon in waves.
They put up a front on stage, still interacting with the crowd and with their packmates, but it's almost subdued some. They don't bend as far back for Rain, drop a little slower to their knees for Dew. Aeon still wanders back to Swiss's platform at the beginning of Dance Macabre, more out of necessity than anything. They still need to retune, withdrawn or not.
Swiss crouches down when they come up to him. Offers his fist to bump instead of messing with them like he normally does. He cocks his head at the quintessence ghoul when they leave him hanging. He takes a deep breath and pops back up for his cue.
It's no surprise when Aeon flees after bows, wiping the palms of their hands on their already sweaty vest. Dew nudges his shoulder against Swiss's as they follow. "Has the voidling said anything's wrong?"
Swiss takes a deep breath, pulling his helmet off the moment he's out of sight of the audience. "Nah, but I can't sense anything really, deeply wrong," he says, wishing the venue staff weren't around, itching to drop his glamour. "I think it's just because it's the first tour. You know how I was during mine."
Dew scoffs, but there's concern and softness in his voice that he'll never really admit out loud. "Yeah, you were a fucking piece of work."
Swiss rolls his eyes. He nudges Dew back. "But Aeon's not. I- I'll check in on the bug."
Dew takes a long breath. Lets it out. "Check in on them, please."
By the time the rest of the pack gets back to the bus, Aeon's bunk curtain is drawn tight. Swiss listens, and their breathing is slow and even, and even he knows better than to wake an exhausted ghoul from whatever rest they can get.
Swiss doesn't get a chance to talk to Aeon until literally in the middle of the next Ritual. They're all so busy, running around and making sure things go smoothly.
Aeon's still a little out of it, not throwing their entire self into their blocking. Swiss keeps his eye on them the entire time, only half paying attention to his own responsibilities. Papa might take it out of his hide if he really fucks up, but that's not important right now.
Dance Macabre starts, and Aeon wanders back to the platform. This time, Swiss immediately drops to his knees. He's eye level with them this way. Swiss opens his arms, carefully drawing Aeon into an embrace and shoving their face into his shoulder. He ignores the way the goggles dig into his collarbone.
Thankfully, Aeon seems to melt into it. They don't have a lot of time until Aeon needs to head back to the front of the stage. Through the glamour, Swiss does his best to pump out a calming scent that they can breathe through the balaclava. "You alright, buggy?" he breathes, eyes glancing out over the stage.
Aeon takes a second longer to answer. "Mhm. Good. Better."
He pats their shoulder. Every part of him screams to keep them here in his arms, but their next cues are coming up. "Talk to me later, sweetheart."
Aeon nods and darts back up to stage right. Swiss smiles, dives back into the Ritual. Only a song and a half to go.
When Square Hammer finishes and the ghouls congregate for bows, Swiss takes Aeon's hand in his gently, twining their fingers together. Aeon perks up, squeezing Swiss's much bigger hand. He glances at them through the side of his goggles.
Swiss watches them as they go down and back up instead of watching the crowd. It's impossible for them to tell, really. His attention needs to be on one of his newest packmates, and he could honestly give a shit about the humans right now.
Papa dismisses them, and the pack breaks into smaller groups as they head offstage. Aeon, now that they've reluctantly let go of Cirrus's hand as she breaks off with her girls, clings to Swiss's side. He grins down at them, pointing to them like he's hamming them up to the audience. They eat it up, like they do any time he interacts with his pack, but he really doesn't care. Swiss leads them backstage, and moves to let go of them so he can take his helmet off.
"Nope, don't, don't let go," Aeon says, wrapping their own arms around his waist like they're daring him to even try. "I- I need it."
Swiss hooks his arm around their upper arms, pulling them hard into his side so the side of their helmet rests on his shoulder. "Then I won't let go," he says, turning to press a kiss to the dome of their helmet. There's a smear of grease paint and black lipstick on the plastic when he pulls away. "Not until we have to get changed, okay?"
Aeon hums in approval. They let him lead him back to the dressing rooms, claiming spots in the far corner where the rest of the pack is unlikely to bother them too much. They quickly shower and change, and Swiss hands them one of his own hoodies. He's taller and broader enough that they drown in the fabric. Aeon nuzzles into it, and Swiss feels a pang of possessive pride settle in his chest.
The rest of the pack is still cleaning up as he leads Aeon out of the venue and back to the bus. They chuff happily, tucked against his side until Swiss guides them in front of him to climb the stairs. The two of them make their way single file to the bunks, and like a gentleman, Swiss helps Aeon into his own bunk, following close behind and shutting the curtain behind them.
It's a bit of a scramble for them to adjust themselves into the way they usually lay; Swiss on his back, Aeon on their stomach on top of him. Once they're settled, Swiss runs long fingers through their hair, pushing black and white off of their forehead.
"You wanna talk, sweetheart?" he says, chuffing softly as he kisses their forehead.
Aeon shrugs. "Got a little overwhelmed for a couple days," they hum, blinking slowly as they settle on top of him. "Thought I needed a little space. But that just ended up making things worse."
Swiss kicks up a purr, wrapping an arm tight around the small of their back. "Anything you need, bug, ask it and I'm your ghoul."
Aeon grins, mismatched eyes and crooked teeth gleaming in the dim light. "Lucifer, you make me really happy."
He keeps carding through their hair, guiding them up to press a soft kiss to their cheek. "Oh, bug, me too."
Aeon's tail winds around Swiss's as they lay back down, tucking their head under Swiss's chin. All's right, his body rumbling with a purr underneath them. Aeon chuffs and shuts their eyes, a long day finally over.
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 2 months
End-native species(like voidlings) grew up with the Void surrounding them like a thin veil. Because of this, they're more resistant to the Void's isolating and maddening effects, in the event of banishment.
So EX was able to stay surprisingly sane throughout 3 years of banishment, but Hels started to go a bit stir-crazy after a month.
Also, the void is meant to keep it's prisoners charges alone and devoid of all their senses. People trapped there do not find eachother, no matter how hard they try. It simply does not happen.
..So how is it that those two just stumbled across one another?
EX is resistant to the isolating effects of the void. I think you've answered your own question.
Perhaps it can't quite keep a desperate and lonely voidling away from the one person he could possibly interact with.
-Mod Mleem
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 months
My God Ray have you seen the leaks for the latest JJK chapter? I'M SCREAMING??
Alright alright, so, Spoilers ahead in case you haven't and want to avoid this ask (or in case you do answer and your voidlings want to avoid spoilers)
Also it makes me laugh so much that Sukuna is beefing with his 15/16 years old nephew, but honestly? Peak uncle energy, if my sister had a kid I'd be beefing with them 24/7 as well ngl
BUT ALSO YUJI HITTING SOMETHING LIKE 8 CONSECUTIVE BLACK FLASHES? BREAKING NANAMI'S RECORD?? AND INO USING NANAMI'S WEAPON AND ACTUALLY HITTING SUKUNA??? I just know that Nanamin is watching them from the Afterlife and is feeling so damn proud of his kids 😭😭😭
AND we don't have a break next week! I'm so hyped!! GEGE KEEP COOKING 🗣🗣🗣
OH god yeah I follow the leaks every week and this week was wild. For a bit there we thought the Sukuna-Yuji Twin Theory had been confirmed and I was just like YESSS Sukuna's beef was just the Cain Instinct all along!!
But then they dropped that it was a translation error and said it was Jin instead but either way it makes it 1000% more hilarious how much Sukuna just fucking can't stand Yuji.
Spent the whole chapter scared for Ino though, can't lie. I don't trust Gege not to kill him or Choso every time they on page.
But yes yes yes Itadori "Left, Right, Good-fucking-night" Yuji is back in the house with all those Black Flashes and it was glorious
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