#completely forgot to mention in the actual post that is the sona reference
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you would not believe your eyes
if ten million fucked up guys
pet all your cats as you fell asleep
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(versions with white line art to make details easier to see)
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dromithecat · 1 month
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Yeah it's here!!!! My masterpiece!!! I'm so proud of this, I could actually shed a tear *snif*
So, a couple pointers:
1- Thank you for your patience, this actually took way longer than I expected and the fact that I got suddenly swamped with work did *not* help-but it's here now!! Hope you like it :D
2- If you remember the original piece I posted (the sketch) you'll notice quite the differences here and there. Can you spot them all?
3- One of the reasons this took so long is that the candies were supposed to be all generic when I suddenly remembered there were canonically halloween arcana candies I simply could *not* exclude and keep my self respect. Or the five years of my life I'll never get back from having to edit them in. *Sigh*
4-The costumes are based on the Arcana Halloween Charms. All you Lucio stans I hope you can understand that I simply couldn't in good conscience give kid Lucio the original outfit that his adult counterpart wore. His new outfit is based in his Devil-sona from Muriel's route, hope it suffices.
5- For a moment I was a little bummed about how accidentally overproduced Nadia's pumpkin was but honestly that's such a Nadia thing to happen that I can't help feeling that it fits perfectly.
6- This was very fun to make but I also kinda felt like my soul had been given in sacrifice to the digital art Gods. I'm freeeeeeeee
7-If anyone wants to repost remember to credit/tag me!!! Also if you want to edit your own Mc too just dm and i can give you the clear version with room for them.
All in all, this was fun!!! See ya around fellas ;)
Edit: Some stuff I forgot to mention:
8: there's a hidden devil's chocolate in Nadia's pumpkin as a reference to her reversed ending (give those players a reference. Players love 'em references. I know cause I'm a player)
9: Lucio's pumpkin is the only one that isn't super loyal to the original, that's bc at first I drew them all from scratch before learning how to properly reproduce them. I was planning on changing it too but I realized that I accidentally made it look like the ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) emoji which i personally find hilarious so I kept it.
10: Julian was suppossed to have a pumpkin like the rest but I thought "Julian is totally that drama queen club kid that is COMITTED to the aesthetic and would totally use a bag instead of a bucket since that's what a pirate would use...completely disregarding the fact that they tear easily and lose like half his candy on the way home" (don't worry, Portia made sure to point it out and they Hanzel and Gretel'd their way back to rescuing his pirate loot)
11-Asra got Muriel his costume since he didn't want to come wear one at first
12- Asra's bucket has licorice that both resemble's faust and his parent's snakes. He also got him bread from the baker (everyone else had 2 themed candies and I felt bad for Muriel who only got one)
13- Both Julian and Portia get Mazelinka taffies
14- Mc's bucket has all 6 themed candies that directly reference the love interests- yaaayyy references son
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skelemira · 3 years
But before I start I should say this is not my characterization, it's actually how my bestest friend @hyacinthlanes characterizes him (she's also the one who drew my pfp btwwwwww I love you Saphhhhhhhh)
Aight so these two motherhuggers are the cutest fRICKING couple you ever will see. So I actually lowkey uh forgot how they met, I don't even think I set it in stone, I think I started writing a oneshot about it and then just straight up didn't finish it lol but I think I'm gonna go with that they meet at Muffet's.
(btw when I refer to Sans and Papyrus hereforth I mean UL Snas and Paps)
So Paps has a bit of a sweet tooth, nothing major just a bit of a craving for pastries now and then, and he knows Muffet is good about not making her pastries with an ungodly amount of sugar, so he pops by every once in a while. So one time he goes to Muffet's and he sees a new waitress. Now Muffet has *never* hired somebody to help her, so that immediately caught his attention. He noticed that she was a little bit awkward, clearly new to waitressing, and a little bit clumsy every now and then, though she seemed a bit more fearful of Muffet when she made mistakes than he thought was brought on by Muffet being a spider.... Especially because Muffet seemed to be acting extra sweet to the waitress. The waitress eventually got to him, asking for his order before stopping herself and apologizing, introducing herself as Rowan and then asking for his order again.
He brought out all the charm he could, and by the end of the conversation he had even coaxed a giggle out of her. It wasn't even much of a giggle, and she quickly stifled it, but he knew in that moment he would do anything to hear her full blown laugh. (In a completely platonic way, dw there is no jealousy. Though perhaps it might go a different way in an au 👀👀👀)
He went home and Sans noticed he was much more upbeat than normal. Usually when he went to Muffet's he was happy but he would go straight for a 5 mile jog to "burn off the sugar", but this time Paps just went into the kitchen to start prepping for dinner, humming merrily.
Eventually Sans pried it out of Paps about the new waitress and how adorable she was, and you just KNOW Sans is a sucker for adorable things so he decided to pay Muffet a visit (though he would definitely get Grillby's after to "atone").
Yeah so uh it took a couple of weeks for him to get around to going to Muffet's, not that he was dreading it, he just takes his sweet time to do something he says he's gonna do.
He steps one foot into Muffet's and curses under his breath.
Because he sees Rowan tentatively confident, making a joke with Muffet as she wiped down a table, and the ensuing giggle had a burst of magic zip through him, apparently so much that Muffet paused in her laughter, her gaze going to him and raising one eyebrow.
(I really just ended up writing a whole thing huh XDDD)
He saw a glimpse of that confident radiance peeking through the walls that seemed to be slowly crumbling and he became resolved to break them down, if just to see what was hiding behind them.
It started with him trying out various comedy routines as she took his order, anything to hear that giggle again (oh my stars she likes *puns*), and it eventually turned to flirting (her blush is *adorable* and he loves it more than anything) which eventually turned to him asking her out. She said yes <3 (obviously lol) and they started going out.
So obviously my boi Sans has some trauma, we hc him here as asexual, but I mean either way being forced to be in constant heat is gonna have some nasty consequences even if you weren't asexual, plus he feels like in other people's eyes he's been reduced to just sex, plus a lot of other stuff that I'm not going to mention bc that's Saph's territory lol (Btw forgot to mention Rowan is panro-ace like me <3 bc self indulgence XDDD)
So having a girlfriend who is also asexual and doesn't *at all* expect sex or even really want it most of the time if at all and who's basically like a best friend but also romantic is just. Exactly what he needs. Their dates are just the cutest and they both understand the other has trauma so when one has days where the "air is heavy" (basically days where it's hard to move or hard to breathe, like the air is too heavy to move through etc) the other is just there for them. ANYWAY they're too cute your honor
So eventually they move in together, think cottagecore and you've got basically Rowan and Oberon's house, they're adorable and their home is so cozy.
There are so many little moments that are just adorable I can't even think of them all but eventually they get married.
I love. Their wedding okay.
Like have you seen that post of a couple that invited their friends to a party they said was a costume party but it was actually their wedding? Yeah that's them. Except the people know it's a wedding, they just can wear whatever the heck the want, the wackier the better. Their wedding is outdoors and full of shenanigans and laughs and I don't quite remember who I had officiate, it might've been Grillby or my friend's sona, but ik Muffet was the maid of honor.
Tho since they shared so many friends it wasn't really a split situation, the wedding parties were all just kind of mixed together. Rowan was barefoot and it was by the edge of a forest so it was very nature-y (Rowan gardens like a LOT I mentioned it like offhand in the last post).
Super super cute.
Sans' favourite food is apple pie. Why? Because Rowan smells like apples. (Or it's her scones bc goshDANG they are good).
Rowan's favourite color is the purple of Sans' eyelights.
Sans (with Papyrus' help) builds Rowan a greenhouse with floating pink magic lights and it's the most romantic fricking place ever.
When their relationship is first starting to get serious, they plant a tree together (a Rowan tree aha). (If/when they have kids, the kids would play underneath that tree).
Sans' favourite colour is the red of Rowan's hair (it looks pink in the picture but it's kind of a pinkish red, like a pink lady apple).
Rowan and Papyrus have such a good relationship with each other man. Like when Paps finds out Rowan is drinking **EVERCLEAR** every night he is like absolutely Not you uncultured swine (affectionate) and so he starts up a Wine Night with her. Every Thursday he brings a new wine for them to try while maybe doing a puzzle or just chatting or baking or something. Together they become wine connoisseurs (bro I spelled that right the first time without autocorrect look at me go)
Ok I'm rambling at this point but uh yes <3 you're also free to ask me random questions about these two if you'd like!!!! Thank you so much for the ask Hyper beloved <333333 literally Saph is like almost the whole reason UL Sans is my husband now lol.
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