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voidplus-jp · 1 year ago
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「POP-UP “ARTIST RUNNING” #8 ジョエル・カークハム “Ground Swell” by Goya Curtain」 2023.8.11(Fri)― 8.13(Sun)
void+eavesでは、8月11日(祝・金)から13日(日)まで、「POP-UP “ARTIST RUNNING” #8 ジョエル・カークハム “Ground Swell” by Goya Curtain」を開催いたします。
POP-UP “ARTIST RUNNING”は、2020年よりvoid+eavesがアーティスト・ラン・スペースやプロジェクトを継続的に紹介してきたシリーズ企画です。8回目の最終回となる今回はGoya Curtain(ゴーヤ・カーテン)を紹介します。Goya Curtainは、ニュージランドからやって きたアーティストのジョエル・カークハムとビョーン・ハウトマンによって、2016年に非営利のアートスペースとして中目黒のアパートの一室から始まり、その後、池袋に移転。 現在は下高井戸で活動を続けています。彼らが活動する日本固有のアパートの六畳一間の和室は、小規模ながら箱庭的な小宇宙として、国内外のアーティストたちの作品展示に空間的な遊びを与え、それ自体がインスタレーションのコンセプトの一端を担うことも少なくありません。今回はそのGoya Curtainのディレクターであり自身もアーティストであるジョエル・カークハムの展示を行います。近年は、レシートや紙ナプキンといった日常生活の中で出会う紙媒体を支持体に幾何学的なドローイングを描くカークハムの新作を含む、国内では未発表のアッサンブラージュ作品なども展示される予定です。
<開催概要> タイトル:「POP-UP “ARTIST RUNNING” #8 ジョエル・カークハム “Ground Swell” by Goya Curtain」 会期:2023年8月11日(金/祝日)- 8月13日(日)12:00~18:00 会場:void+eaves (東京都港区南青山3-16-14, 1F) ディレクション:杉原寛 キュレーション:兼平彦太郎 お問合せ:[email protected]
ジョエル・カークハム (JOEL VIVIAN KIRKHAM) Adjunct Professor at Temple University, Japan Campus Director of Goya Curtain Project Space, Tokyo (www.goyacurtain.com)
主な個展 2022 Comings and Goings, Denys Watkins + Joel Kirkham (Two-person Exhibition), Laree Payne Gallery, Hamilton, New Zealand 2021 Urban Rocks, SAPC Gallery (Online Solo Exhibition) 2018       Yusuke Kihara + Joel Kirkham (Two-person Exhibition), Caves Gallery, Melbourne So on and so forth (Solo Exhibition), Goya Curtain, Tokyo
主なグループ展 2022       Accumulations (Platform for Shared Praxis #5), Curated by Jesse Hogan, Aoyama Meguro Gallery, Tokyo Platform for Shared Praxis #4, Curated by Jesse Hogan, Caves Gallery, Melbourne Social Life, Stella Corkery, Catherine Dale, Joel Kirkham, Kenji Ide, Knulp Gallery, Sydney 2021 Encapsulated, Curated by Christopher L G Hill, Caves Gallery, Melbourne 2019 Japanese Positions, Curated by Christoph Dahlhausen + Atsuo Hukuda, Raum2810, Bonn, Germany 2018 Platform for Shared Praxis #3, Curated by Jesse Hogan, Toride Tokyo University of the Arts Museum
2023 Turtle, Christopher L G Hill, Goya Curtain, Tokyo Track, Dash, Stroke, André Piguet, Magnus Frederik Clausen, Yusuke Muroi and Yu Nishimura, Curated by Christopher L G Hill + Joel Kirkham, Goya Curtain, Tokyo 2022 Patrick Lundberg,     ∙∙ ∙∙, Goya Curtain, Tokyo 2021 Social Life, Stella Corkery, Catherine Dale, Joel Kirkham, Kenji Ide, Knulp Gallery, Sydney Kenji Ide, Banana Moon, Watermelon Sun, Goya Curtain, Tokyo 2020 Anoushka Akel, (Red Legs) Hot Head, Goya Curtain, Tokyo Soshi Matsunobe, 松延総司, Goya Curtain, Tokyo 2019 Camilla Steinum, Transaction, Goya Curtain, Tokyo AXES, Dylan Batty, Mitchel Cumming, Maria Smit, Alex Gawronski, Shane Haseman, Goya Curtain, Tokyo 2018 Matt Hinkley, Attach an updated drawing, as the numbers have changed in the room. Also rotate the rooms so they are sitting this way., Goya Curtain, Tokyo Stella Corkery, I’ve Seen Sunny Days, Goya Curtain, Tokyo
2020 An Interview with Joel Kirkham of Tokyo’s Goya Curtain Project Space, By Catherine Dale, Contemporary HUM (https://contemporaryhum.com/writing/an-interview-with-joel-kirkham/ )
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iced-souls · 2 years ago
So for the Skeleguy’s name I’m looking at font names cause eh he he he, hoping for one that connects to “soop” / “soup” cause also ‘he he he’.
In the process I am seeing font names that make me imagine more skeleton characters—
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temdatem · 2 months ago
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this new hollowfishing game looks cool
in game looks as well as what i used to make them below!
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i made Knight as first., for fun.
slughead and spear from eave's cosmetics
void eyes from BONEY eyes cosmetic mod
for the full blacc body i used ocean wave, black trenchcoat and tshirt and black paw socks with the long black pants(they make it not clip when walking opposed to short ones)
and no tail, nose or mouth.
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Hornet was second.
headshape is Fox from zea spiecies
spear and the angy scug eyes are from eave's cosmetics
like for Ghost i used the same stuff to make the limbs be black under the maroon hoodie.
and no tail!
Hollow was last of the three(obviously haha)
Fennec head from zea spieces
spear ofc from eave's cosmetics
clothing the same as Knight with exception of the silver-black collar that is from the cute cosmetics mod
and the at ease eyes from BONEY eyes
i didn't know how to make the scar on the right so i gave up uvu"
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aalinaaaaaa · 3 months ago
Find the Word Tag
Thank you @axl-ul for the tag!
I got tagged for the words chest, book, glass, window, and interest. The snippets are a pick-and-mix of different pieces, most notably from or in relation to Soulswapped, Flamebearer and Obsidian Sapphires. Enjoy!
Glass + Window
He strode out from the light-blessed corridor, entering a leafy landing where vines and branches lined the stone walls and eaves, the thick glass window inviting a view to outside. The world around Anira started to blur again. “Sure I didn’t say that, some other courtier did.” Vomit tingled in her throat, burning at the precipice. She contemplated making it his problem.
“Now, some would allege the matter to be deliberate sabotage on Helinda’s part.” She looked the very fellow in the eyes, causing him to scamper and wilt. Her words flowed as her dark green silks did, smooth and eloquent. “Unless such a situation can be verified as true, our focus must remain on banishing the octopus. Considering its targets have been shipments of crystal fruit, I trust a trap will be set.” A concurrence of agreement ensued. A weight lifted off his chest, only for it to land again upon the treasurer standing up.
It sent thoughts buzzing in her mind, undecipherable static, fuzzing, chatting and setting her nerves alight. The fingers of her right hand singed with phantom bursts of Eshani’s magic. At the end of the corridor, stood the principal’s door, an elaborate set with various swirling designs engraved into it. Thick, purple curtains draped either side of the left window, the ends spilling on the floor. Bookshelves dominated much of the wall behind the principal’s desk, the latter from which she moved some of the books and sheets into a neat stack.
"Order, order, we must proceed.” The chairman gestured to two of the councillors, putting their lively discussions on hold. Andreas had one thing to do, uphold his father’s interests. With this being the first time his father had been absent from a Royal Council meeting, he worried the others believed it to be intentional. With the next person to stand being none other than the Royal Treasurer, Andreas held his breath.
Tagging @bardic-tales @space-writes @thepeculiarbird @seastarblue @littleladymab @written-among-stars and an Open Tag for the following words: scintillating, pernicious, uncouth and languish
A combination of the three taglists plus the general one (ask, comment, etc to be added/subtracted): @mundanemoongirl @scarletteflamerald @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @ceph-the-ghost-writer @flock-from-the-void @outpost51 @mattresses-and-macaroni @limitlesswritingvoid @mr-orion @the-ellia-west @guessillcallitart @thelaughingstag @thereadingfoz @glassstardust22124 @original-writing @honeybewrites
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taggedmemes · 1 year ago
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ SORROW-SCOPES FROM TWITTER (PART TWO) always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
"Is this the best you can do? Seriously?"
"You will undergo a series of tests today, and you will fail all of them by simply showing up."
"Start a new chapter in your life, but pick a less boring central character."
"The void is tired of your constant screaming, and is requesting you take your complaints elsewhere, like Olive Garden for example."
"You don't need to reinvent yourself. There's only one you and you're chained to it like a lead ball pulling you down to the bottom of the sea."
"This is a lucky day to spend time in nature. Stray from the footpath. Enter the forest eaves. Follow the flickering light, the one that almost sounds like a child's laugh. Go on, do it."
"You may feel overwhelmed by the maddening screams of evil spirits, but your ability to get along with others will get you through to the next circle of hell."
"You only get one chance at life and what a terrible mess you're making of it."
"All the sexy selfies in the world won't fill the emptiness inside you."
"In every potato patch, there's at least one that's malformed. That's you. You're the malformed potato."
"Good things are coming your way. They won't stop until you're dead."
"Your therapist will once again cure another patient by using you as an example of what not to do."
"Every new day is a gift. Returns are not accepted without a receipt."
"You may be an army of one, but no one said you were well-trained or properly equipped."
"Someone's going to start mailing you hair. Check back next week to find out who."
"Clear your mind, take a deep breath. This is going to hurt a lot."
"The ghosts of your past are no match for the killer robots of your future."
"Your positive outlook will make you feel foolish when things inevitably turn to shit."
"It would be a great day for people to listen to you. After midnight they won't be able to, as that's when your voice will be repossessed by the sea witch."
"They key to living a happy life is to avoid being dragged screaming into a subterranean lair."
"You'll find a severed foot this week. Thankfully, in your Applebees entree so you'll score a free meal."
"Focusing on small, manageable goals is a great way to avoid the grim specter of your own looming mortality."
"Today's a good day to exorcise your demons. Wipe the slate clean and make a whole new bunch of terrible life choices."
"If you can't help yourself, nobody else can, so you're basically screwed."
"The exact minute of your birth tells us so much about you. None of it is good."
"Someone will hack into your dating profile, but won't touch a thing because they think you've already been hacked. You haven't."
"Take heart in knowing that what befalls you next week will eventually lead to what Buzzfeed calls 'American's next true crime obsession'."
"Air travel is in your immediate future. Stay away from open windows this week."
"Given the choice between being rescued from drowning and fighting the ocean itself, you'll punch the sea every time and we respect the hell out of that."
"You'll play a key part in the invention of interdimensional space travel after NASA announces it's the most permanent way to get rid of you."
"Due to focus grouping, your part will now be played by a more attractive and intelligent player."
"You will bear witness to the majestic beauty of nature this week but all you really care about is your phone."
"The darkness that has haunted your past gives way to a new light. Which will make it easier for your enemies to find you."
"You've been feeling restless lately, and it's because your skeleton hates you and wants out."
"You pissed off the moon. You're on your own."
"They say the blood of your enemies is a powerful elixir but let's face it, you just like the taste."
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pandimensionalemporium · 6 months ago
I've been struggling with descriptive writing lately. It used to be my biggest strength, which meant I worked hard on my dialogue skills to compensate, and now the balance has flipped. So it goes!
So, I've decided to start doing writing prompts. Please join me - I'd love to read your responses!
Today's prompt is this photo, which I took at Little Moreton Hall (Cheshire, UK)
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Windows. That was the first impression. So many of them, row upon row, every pane delicately shaped and outlined in lead. They were set into huge panels, each as big as a man with his arms stretched wide, supported by lattices of dark-stained wood. With the unexpected angles of the walls, the house became a faceted crystal cluster, a conglomeration of prisms shot through with aged oak.
It was the kind of place you could explore forever and never know all its nooks and crannies. Over the centuries, walls had been pushed out, nipped in, rooftops realigned and doorways rearranged, until the entire building became a palimpsest of past fashions. Voids were left where the latest vision didn't quite align with the old one, hidden spaces where last generation's wallpaper still clung unseen. There were rooms rendered into irregular-sided cubbyholes, others made vast and cavernous, flooded with glassy rainbows.
Outside, the courtyard was a-bustle with people. Neat cobblestones clattered with footfalls and resounded with the low murmur of voices. The eaves caught the sounds and held them, oddly muffled by the old timbers. They leaned together in conspiracy, as if whispering of all they had heard. Perhaps if a person could climb up there, scale the overhangs of wood and plaster to press their ear beneath the gables, they might hear secrets of ages past still repeated among the tiles.
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shizuturnspages · 6 months ago
August 3, 2024
02:22 a.m.
In the silence of the midnight hour,
When shadows dance and moonlight sours,
I lie awake with restless thoughts,
In tangled webs of past and naught.
The echoes of mistakes once made
Are whispers in the darkened shade,
A tapestry of dreams that fray,
The threads of hope begin to sway.
The future looms, a misty veil,
Its contours lost, its secrets frail,
And in the void, the numbness grows,
A chilling wind that softly blows.
Where once-familiar feelings kneel.
Of time that turns its endless wheel,
Lost faces drift like autumn leaves,
Their memories tangled in the eaves,
In the expand of quiet night,
Where shadows stretch and stars ignite,
I drift amidst the empty sea,
A hollow shell, no more than me.
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chichiricatsan · 11 months ago
| "The Ribbon" || The Stupendium (ft. Cami-Cat) |
At the edge of understanding, the border of the known The breaking point of reason, where logic is dethroned Where sense is defenseless and festers on the bone One writer fights a cycle, trying to write a way back home In Night Springs Tonight’s episode: "The Ribbon"
We open, our protagonist, brash, pragmatic, fantasist Trapped within a cabin, frantic, grappling with a manuscript Passionately grasping for a catalyst but the syntax isn’t landing Grabs the draft out from the carriage and abandons it Hе doesn’t really know quite what hе’s writing, but he has to Sits enraptured in the flow of what he’s typing Cramping wrists, his hands in fits The hammers slam the characters, they writhe and dance and twist But never seem to parse more than "surviving" As the grammar shifts A bulb, it flickers for a moment, darkness falls for just a second But it lingers, forms unspoken, hark the call, the shadows beckon Swallowed dawn, still all-consuming, every corner lurking, looming Hear the ichor hymns so soothing as the screaming silence deafens Another page, a hurried scrawl, a night replays, a dozen more Another failed and crumpled ball of "almost, maybe" on the floor Framed within the maze within the print His escape from all this hinges on which page becomes the door
Existence is cast in the answers we write To riddles in chapters that can’t be defined Pigment of black and the parchment of white The figments they track through the dark to the light The hammers and keys and the patterns they weave The fragments of me that they trap in between We all have to write on the pages we’re given But you can’t live life on both sides of the ribbon Tied to the ribbon
Legacy, it is the dream of any creative to leave their mark Indelible, on the world around them (Which side of the ribbon?) But be careful what marks such an obsession might leave on you
Another chapter opens, but our hero isn’t sure If the pattern is unbroken, has he penned this page before? Is he writing what he’s lived or now reliving what he’s written? Every end with failed beginnings, cast adrift within the lore On a lake that turned to ocean, drowning under weight of legacy When any sentence could be sentenced as the last they ever see Our pages pass relentless, count or not, there is no remedy And so, he sits again, attempts to pen pre-emptive threnody Amorphous in memoriam, in effigy uncertain Unsure if all this really is himself, at least, a version? But these whispers grip the narrative Treat sense with bleak aversion Tendrils bend and break immersion Twisting cursive through recursion His words branch out in paths too dark to follow through trees With pages piled so high, he’s lost the forest for leaves No saying what’s to believe, it doesn’t want him to leave And so these pages end up bound to make the story repeat
Wake up, day starts as the night falls See what dark part of your mind calls You can’t fight what you write and you write what we like Find the light, you might see how the bright fall (You'll need the proper tools to get a proper service) (You won't believe the things that hide) (Right there beneath the surface) Hopelessly floating through tomes with no way of knowing If you are composing or you’re just quoting The prose you’re sewing Ergo ergodic, eroding your ego Going for broke but just broken (No fixer-upper like the coffee pot a-flowin') A hero’s journey burdened by the characters deployed When all your thousand faces are so narratively void Were the adjectives employed worth the marriage you destroyed? (You know huntin' is a hobby the whole family can enjoy)
Deep in the dark and winding eaves of your mind Read from a saga, blind but reaching in kind Leads down a path where leaves and secrets entwine Even apart, two heroes, one storyline Small town - And I know the narrative conventions Establishing shots in the dark A plot with an arc beyond all comprehension I’ll be the first person to admit the present is tense and Not sure if I’ll get these words to fit the presence descending I hear it calling my name, I feel me falling away Chasing these pages but questioning my agency Tasked with a story to break I hear it calling my name, I feel me falling away Am I a character? Actor? A passenger? Cast from the shores of a lake?
Existence is cast in the answers we write To riddles in chapters that can’t be defined Pigment of black and the parchment of white The figments they track through the dark to the light The hammers and keys and the patterns they weave The fragments of me that they trap in between We all have to write on the pages we’re given But you can’t live life on both sides of the ribbon Tied to the ribbon
Creativity, it is the impetus of any artist To pour themselves into their work (Which side of the ribbon?) But pour too much And you might not like what you find at the bottom of the bottle...
Our hero, once again attempts to find the words he lacks And peers between the lines to see the lines observing back A scratch all too familiar and, oh! The surface cracks What’s the matter, Alan? We can’t both be worthless hacks Now, I know what you’re thinking "This is crazy! Oh, he can’t exist!" You could have made a killing Just embraced a little masochist ‘Stead you’re dried up Trying to earn a living from a manuscript But have you tried for just one second Living as the man you script? I’m the parts you were ashamed of, I’m the parts you tried to fight I’m the parts you told yourself didn’t keep you awake at night I’m the part of you that’s better, you just can’t concede I’m right So, you poured me into pages, then I guess I’m just your type You meld work with your self-worth But tell me, what does that sell for? And was the journey through Hell worth How short you fell on the bell curve? Then one day they’ll forget you, ooh! But I’ve stories to tell first ‘Cause I’m that face that you gave them to be you And baby, I’m well versed What am I when you’re already a shadow of yourself? Tell me who would look at this And then take that down off the shelf? You had it, buddy! All of it! The fame, the glam, the wealth But what’s it worth if you won’t play the hand the round has dealt? "Nightmares don’t use logic" Yeah, we know that you can read Sat there hoping for the credits But it’s me who’s supposed to lead All that hokum in your head But where’s the quote to make you see? That perhaps you're antithetical to the poetry of me!
Existence is cast in the answers we write To riddles in chapters that can’t be defined Pigment of black and the parchment of white The figments they track through the dark to the light The hammers and keys and the patterns they weave The fragments of me that they trap in between We all have to write on the pages we’re given But you can’t live life on both sides of the ribbon Tied to the ribbon, the ribbon, the ribbon, the ribbon Which side of the ribbon, the ribbon, the ribbon, the ribbon?
Another chapter ended, but not an arc adjourned A narrative repeating for a plot he can’t discern He’s writing a Departure, but he’s still yet to learn That every line he starts must always end at the Return
And there you have it A vicious cycle scored by the hammer of keys And the ring of the typewriter A writer cursed to relive his own words Trapped in a world of his own making A novel concept Everyone likes to get lost in a good book But be careful what you read In Night Springs
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50cal-fullauto-astarion · 1 year ago
Rags babes I need you to tell me more about long dick of the law, the title is fucking hilarious 🫶🏻
SO. Dfjjdfj. I didn’t write as much of it as I’d thought, here’s the snippet and entirety of it that I’ve already shared:
A splinter-tenth of the wizard’s attention is focused on the void at the bench, where the Magistrate Judge had sat before calling on the lawspeakers for a meeting in his chambers, and for the gods-forsaken windows to be thrown open to get some air moving in the courtroom. Morning had been cool enough to call out the mourning doves—looping coos in drifting circles from their nests in the eaves of tall buildings in the lower city—but the sun had arced over the sea, and Baldur’s Gate fucking cooked.
So that means you get director’s commentary!
Right so Astarion ends up, being the little shit-ass he is, fining Yder’s husband, Kus’Tavin (Tav), double the amount of the bounty. It sends him into a fucking RAGE, and he tries to basically jump over the bench and attack Astarion. He’s arrested, and Astarion not only doubles the fine, but sentences Tav to 6 months of hard labor as he’s carried out of the courtroom. Yder’s allowed to plead Tav’s case, and boy does she try, but at the time she only speaks Sylvan (and Elvish).
Astarion gets his panties in a twist over the Sylvan, being the bigot he is, and has an Elvish translator do their thing for the courtroom which is kind of pointless other than to be humiliating. Yder, my good girl, is more angry than humiliated and she keeps her cool, doing her best. Too bad it’s still Astarion though lmao.
He calls another recess and smth smth they end up on the sidewalk outside together catching some breeze. Astarion warns her that men like her husband only get worse, and she goes smth like, “And men like you don’t?” It’s very unpleasant until it cuts to the present, where they’re drinking around a fire, and they put two and two together and realize that well, shit.
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voidplus-jp · 1 year ago
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「冨樫達彦 “Fahrenheit” by 灯明 / Lavender Opener Chair」 2024.8.11(Fri)― 8.13(Sun)
void+eavesでは8月11日(金・祝)から13日(日)まで「冨樫達彦 “Fahrenheit” by 灯明 / Lavender Opener Chair」を開催します。日頃、アーティスト・ラン・レストラン「灯明」(西尾久)で料理を担当するアーティスト、冨樫達彦が食べられる作品(etable art)としての“アイスクリーム”を発表します。冨樫が活動初期より一貫して興味を持ち、アムステルダム留学時代の卒業制作展でも取り組んだ味覚や臭覚や嗅覚によって鑑賞をする作品のひとつとして発表したものを、日本の風土や素材に合わせて アップデートした新作となります。 ----------------------------
<開催概要> タイトル:「冨樫達彦 “Fahrenheit” by 灯明 / Lavender Opener Chair」 会期:2023年8月11日(金/祝日)- 8月13日(日)12:00~18:00 会場:void+eaves (東京都港区南青山3-16-14, 1F ディレクション:杉原寛 キュレーション:兼平彦太郎 お問合せ:[email protected]
<アーティストプロフィール> 冨樫達彦(とがしたつひこ) 1992年山形県生まれ。 東京都を拠点に活動。 2018年サンドベルグ・インスティチュート・ファインアート専攻修了。
主な展覧会: 「Eat your school, don’t do vegetable」(Tokyo Arts and Space 本郷、東京、2022) 「Never the Same Ocean - あるいは、46億年目のミューテーション-」(HAGIWARA PROJECTS、東京、2021) 「Lavender Hair」(im labor、東京、2021)
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faepunkprince · 2 years ago
"Crave" for valentine :3c
"Collapse" for Caine >:3c
I'm gonna give Caine his own post for sake of length but here's Crave for Valentine!!
Socked feet drag listlessly along the cold tile of his floor, Valentine finally dragging himself up and to his small kitchen in search of anything that'll grab his interest- please, something please, food, drink, something to do, anything! But, for the thousandth time today, all that meets him in the kitchen is the very same weight of crushing boredom and restlessness that's hung on him like a cloak since he first opened his eyes this morning. 
There's something he wants to do, something itching at the back of his skull, digging at him, setting him pacing round and round and round til he makes himself dizzy, and still he hasn't a clue what it is. A familiar itch, a craving, no matter how many times he feels it he'll never get used to it, and it's never as easy as just doing whatever satisfied it last time..
Valentine huffs a soft sigh and rakes his fingers through messy green strands. "Maybe outside?" He mutters to himself, pulling on some joggers- padded in the knees, they're a favorite when he's out fucking around- and a loose tank. Out the door with no plan, he's hoping stretching his legs will inspire something. He takes the familiar route out of his apartment, down the elevator and stairs, and out the main doors, the lights and sounds and smells hitting him all at once, Jesus fucking christ on a cracker how is it even possible to be under and overwhelmed at the same damn time?
With barely a thought into it he calls his bike, hopping on and speeding off toward a whole lot of nothing in particular, but that wind in his hair, oh baby it feels just fucking right, but something's still missing. This time when he guns it, it's with purpose, skidding to a halt behind a place that used to be some themed bar or another and now sits empty, like so many other buildings in this part of town. A quick glance around confirms his usual route is still there and with a running leap, he pulls himself up onto the roof of the place, shimmying up the skeleton of an old billboard for a better view, eyes scanning quickly over buildings and piping and any other number of things he can use to get where he's going..
Maybe.. from here to the park? Yeah. That feels right. Another leap and he's off, grabbing at the eaves of the next, and its slow going at first, it always is, but soon he's soaring, wind through his hair and empty air under him and that's it! The freedom, the danger, that's what he was looking for. Any little stumble, wrong footing, a stray bit of trash and he could have a significantly worse night, and it wouldn't be the first time. Prone to leaping before he looks- which is why he slows himself down now-- he's had plenty of slips and trips, pulled muscles and broken bones and still almost nothing gives him the same sense of complete freedom.
Valentine keeps on, moving into more crowded bits of the city now, flying as if born a bird, they'd simply forgot to give him his wings, you know, but he doesn't let that stop him, and he doesn't stop, til he's perched at the top of an office building, looking out over everything.
Time and time again he's seen it and it still takes his breath away. Neon and chrome, all glittering in the dimming light, setting sync glinting off the glass of the buildings, scattering halos. His chest heaves, gulping down lungfuls of air, arms given a moment of rest shaking in- effort? Fear? Oh, this would've killed him as a kid. Everyone on the street below looks like an itty bitty dot! It makes his stomach turn, makes the butterflies in him go wild. The lights are prettier from up here, the sounds softened. He'll ignore the few office workers he's definitely given a shock, ignore the call to the void that's ever present. Take a moment and soak it all in. Let himself breathe, and just be. Few and far between, these precious minutes, and soon he'll make his way back down, and hey, since he's around, pick up some sushi for his troubles. 
The next time he graces his door, he's in a much better mood, humming along to himself while he lets himself in and gets himself settled. Pays to follow baser instincts sometimes, he figures. Gotta take yourself on a walk, now and then. What is he if not an overgrown mutt of a thing? At least now he's got a belly full of sushi.
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melmedarda · 2 years ago
He places her on the altar, a mangled offering, a desperate prayer to the patron saint of legend. The First Assemblage is silent in the early dawn; the man kneels alone beneath the ash-violet of of her essence, trembling. She does not give him the slightest attention. He sobs his heartbreak, tries to kiss her alive in this home for the broken, the void.
Then comes the Herald, a distant echo of the patron saint, his face hidden behind a mask and robed in gray. He smells of sharp teeth and the testimony of a thousand desperate sacrifices. The gait of him is hungry. The man does not see it.
"For what do you come? For redemption or resurrection? For absolution or atonement? To be sutured or sanctified?" His voice is a grave, somber and edged in heavy twilight. The Herald does not soothe; it is not within his nature. The man does not sense it.
A tree bent protectively over its beloved, his shoulders shake with the fervor of his feelings. Grief-bound, he is desperate and willing to give anything. "Bring her back, bring her back to me," he intones, low and bone deep, the eaves of a storm tossed ship quaking in his voice.
Something flickers in the still, silent air; a phantom thread, a recognition. It makes its home in the Herald's eyes, and glitters behind the mask. "I can help you," the Herald tells the weeping man, and curls his smile away. "What is your name?"
The man looks from the limp, willowy figure on the altar of his arms and raises his tear-stained face to the Herald, framed by the stained glass replica of the color patron saint behind him. "I am Jayce, of House Talis." He looks down at the woman cradled in his arms, mourning silently how all she looks how fragile, before turning his eyes to the man who looks to be a savior. "This is my wife, Mel. She is dying. What must I do? What must I do for you to save her?"
The Herald places a chilled, bony finger beneath his chin, commanding his gaze and keeping it. "We demand a sacrifice." Behind the mask, the Herald's lips cut a cunning line across his face as he beckons another desperate soul into the dark.
Outside, the dawn brightens as day rides, and the Gray Lady glows from her place on the window of The First Assemblage. A beacon, a patron saint of the lost.
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chaoticcyclekryptonite · 1 month ago
Metal Roofing Installment: Step-by-step Guide
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7 Actions Of A Standing Seam Metal Roofing Installment Improper setup can bring about concerns like leaks, reduced life-span of the roof, and voided service warranties. Treatment must be taken when taking care of sheets to prevent damage and injury during installment. Dragging one sheet's side throughout an additional when dumping might cause scraping of the sheet listed below, so make certain the sheet is lifted clear and not dragged. Two people may have the ability to lift a single sheet at once off a delivery van, relying on their very own physical ability and weather conditions. The edges of sheets and flashings can be sharp so remember to use safety gloves with rubber palms for grip. Barges, otherwise referred to as Verges or Barge Boards, refer to the Fascia Boards fitted at the Gable End (area of the wall surface located at the roof's pitch). Actions To Install Your New Metal Roof Covering Use proper fasteners, such as screws or nails, to protect the panels to the roofing deck. Take care to align the panels correctly and preserve constant spacing between them. Work your way up the roof, overlapping the panels according to the producer's suggestions. Precise measurements are essential for ordering the right quantity of steel roof product. Action the roof covering's dimensions, including incline, eaves, ridges, and valleys. It's advisable to look for professional support or describe producer guidelines to determine the accurate dimensions required for your certain steel roofing system. How To Install A Metal Roof Covering In 7 Steps
How are steel roofs fastened?
The advice within this installation overview is of a restricted nature and ought to just be made use of as an overview. It's not be relied upon as an exact instruction on how a roof need to be safely installed which will certainly differ with scenarios. Inevitably, the right sort of steel for your roof covering will certainly depend on your particular demands and the details of your roof covering job. It is essential to take into consideration elements such as the climate condition in your area and the style of your home. The amount of warm the roof covering obtains and transmits into your house is decreased many thanks to aluminum's ability to mirror solar rays.While this isn't a clear-cut guide to keeping on your own safe while working on a roof covering, we have included some standard roof security ideas below.Remember, this is to make certain the metal panels on the edge are held back to avoid wind and water from obtaining below.The increased steel joints interlock for reliable water defense, however they can additionally "drift" on their clip places as temperature levels rise and fall.Making use of sealants and roof covering adhesive, do any type of needed repairs.As a personal referral from Winntra, install a layer of roofing underlayment, including felt paper or rosin slip sheet. Flashings EMR exclusive-metal-roofing Sydney are put around vents, skylights and plumbing pipes, to name a few roof covering outcroppings, and are generally made from galvanised steel or any type of various other rust-resistant steel. Occasionally, flashings can be made from plastic, rubber or roof covering really felt.
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pestcontrol365 · 2 months ago
Bees Control in Melbourne: Protecting Your Home and the Environment
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Bees are an essential part of Melbourne’s diverse ecosystem, contributing to pollination, which is vital for the growth of plants and crops. However, when bees decide to make their home in or around your property, their presence can pose significant risks. This makes effective and timely bees control in Melbourne crucial for safeguarding both your home and health while respecting the ecological importance of bees.
The Role of Bees in Melbourne’s Ecosystem
Bees are fundamental to maintaining biodiversity in urban and rural environments. They pollinate many plants, trees, and crops, contributing to food production and the overall health of Melbourne’s flora. However, when bees start nesting in close proximity to human dwellings, this coexistence can turn problematic. Their stings can cause allergic reactions, ranging from mild discomfort to life-threatening situations in those with severe allergies.
That’s why bees control Melbourne services are not just about removing bees but also about preserving their important role in the environment. Experts in bee control understand the delicate balance and aim to relocate bees to safer areas, allowing them to continue their vital work without posing risks to your family or property.
Signs You Need Bees Control Services
Bees often prefer to build their nests in quiet, undisturbed areas, making it easy for them to go unnoticed until the hive has grown large. If you notice any of the following signs, it’s time to consider professional bees control near me:
Increased Bee Activity: A large number of bees hovering around a particular area indicates a hive nearby.
Buzzing Sounds: You might hear constant buzzing, especially if the hive is located within the walls, roof cavities, or chimney.
Visible Hive: Bees create their hives in cavities such as tree hollows, under eaves, or inside walls. If you spot a hive, it’s time to call for professional help.
Swarming Bees: Sometimes, bees will swarm as part of their natural relocation process. Swarming bees can be alarming, and swift action is needed to avoid potential stings or conflicts with the insects.
Recognizing these signs early on can help prevent a small bee problem from becoming a full-scale infestation. This is where same day bees control becomes a vital service, ensuring that the problem is managed before it escalates.
Benefits of Same Day Bees Control Services
Handling a bee infestation promptly can save you from various complications. Same day bees removal services provide an immediate solution to ensure that your family and property are protected without delay. Here are some of the benefits of opting for same day bees control:
Immediate Relief: Professional services ensure that bees are removed swiftly, minimizing the time you spend dealing with an infestation.
Health and Safety: If someone in your household is allergic to bee stings, rapid removal is crucial to avoid potentially life-threatening situations.
Avoid Property Damage: Bees often build hives in structural voids like walls and roofs. Delayed removal can lead to extensive property damage as the hive expands and honey begins to seep into your home’s structure.
Expert Knowledge: Professional bee control specialists have the expertise to identify the best removal methods, ensuring the safety of both you and the bees.
Why DIY Bees Control Can Be Dangerous
Attempting to remove a bee hive on your own may seem like a cost-effective solution, but it’s often more dangerous than it’s worth. Without the proper tools and protective gear, you risk being stung, especially when bees perceive a threat to their hive. Bee stings can be particularly dangerous for children, pets, and individuals with known allergies.
Additionally, without proper removal techniques, the hive may not be completely eradicated, and bees could return to the same spot later. Professional bees control Melbourne services ensure that hives are not only removed safely but also that steps are taken to prevent re-infestation. This makes professional assistance far more reliable and safer in the long term.
Wasps Control: Why It’s Equally Important
Alongside bees, wasps can also pose serious risks to homes in Melbourne. Unlike bees, which are generally more docile unless provoked, wasps can be highly aggressive, especially when defending their nests. Wasps are capable of stinging multiple times, making them a greater threat to humans and pets.
Professional wasps control Melbourne services offer a strategic approach to wasp infestations, ensuring that nests are removed safely and effectively. Given that wasps are more aggressive than bees, trying to remove their nests without expert help can lead to serious injury.
How Professionals Handle Bees and Wasps Control
The process of bees control or wasps control Melbourne involves several key steps:
Initial Inspection: A thorough inspection of your property to locate the hive or nest and assess the situation.
Safe Removal: Using specialized equipment, the professionals will remove the bees or wasps from your property, either relocating the hive or exterminating the wasps if necessary.
Post-Removal Precaution: After the removal, the area will be treated to ensure that bees or wasps don’t return. This might involve sealing gaps or recommending changes to your landscape that make it less appealing to future pests.
Eco-Friendly Approach: Especially in the case of bees, professionals will ensure that the insects are relocated to a safe environment where they can continue to contribute to the ecosystem without posing risks to humans.
How to Prevent Future Bees or Wasps Infestations
After the removal of bees or wasps, you might wonder how to prevent future infestations. Here are some preventive measures recommended by bees control Melbourne experts:
Seal Gaps and Cracks: Bees and wasps often seek out cavities and crevices to build their nests. By sealing gaps in walls, roofs, and attics, you reduce the chance of them finding a suitable nesting site.
Remove Standing Water: Bees and wasps need water to survive, and standing water around your home can attract them. Ensure proper drainage and remove any water sources from your property.
Manage Flowering Plants: While it’s not advisable to get rid of all flowering plants (as they benefit pollinators), keeping them away from entrances or high-traffic areas can help reduce the likelihood of bees or wasps nesting nearby.
Keep Waste Bins Sealed: Wasps, in particular, are attracted to food waste. Make sure your outdoor bins are tightly sealed to prevent them from drawing in unwanted pests.
Final Thoughts
Bees and wasps play an essential role in nature, but when they invade your personal space, it’s time to take action. Professional bees control Melbourne services provide effective, humane solutions that protect both your home and the ecosystem. Whether you’re dealing with a bee hive or a wasp nest, don’t hesitate to call in the experts who can offer same day bees removal and wasps control Melbourne services for fast, reliable relief.
Stay proactive in protecting your home and family by recognizing the signs of infestation early and choosing trusted bees control near me services to handle the situation safely and efficiently.
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possumremoval3 · 2 months ago
Mickleham Possum Control: Fast, Safe, and Effective
Possums are a unique part of Australia's natural environment, but when they invade our homes or properties, they can become a serious nuisance. In Mickleham, possum control is essential to ensure the safety and comfort of your property while adhering to local wildlife laws. This guide provides a comprehensive look into the best practices for fast, safe, and effective possum control in Mickleham.
Why Possum Control is Necessary in Mickleham
Possums can cause significant disruptions when they infiltrate urban areas, particularly in homes, gardens, and commercial properties. These issues include:
Property Damage: Possums are notorious for chewing electrical wires, tearing insulation, and causing structural damage.
Noise Disturbance: Possums are nocturnal creatures, and their movements in roofs and walls can disrupt your sleep.
Health Concerns: While possums rarely transmit diseases directly to humans, their droppings can harbor harmful bacteria.
Effective possum control ensures these issues are mitigated while preserving these native animals' wellbeing.
Understanding Possum Behavior
Types of Possums in Mickleham
The most common possums in Mickleham are the Common Brushtail Possum and the Ringtail Possum. Each species exhibits distinct behaviors that influence how they are managed.
Brushtail Possums are larger and often prefer roof cavities for nesting.
Ringtail Possums build nests called dreys in trees or shrubs.
Possum Entry Points
Possums are agile climbers and can gain entry through:
Broken roof tiles
Gaps in eaves or fascia boards
Overhanging tree branches close to buildings
Signs of a Possum Infestation
Identifying a possum problem early can save you time and effort. Common signs include:
Scratching or thumping noises in the roof or walls at night.
Droppings resembling small pellets around the property.
Damaged garden plants or fruit trees.
Strong musky odors in enclosed areas.
If you notice these signs, prompt action is necessary to avoid further damage.
Effective Possum Control Strategies
1. Inspection and Assessment
A thorough inspection of your property is the first step to identifying the extent of the infestation and potential entry points. Key areas to check include:
Roof cavities
Wall voids
Nearby trees and garden areas
2. Sealing Entry Points
Once the possums are safely removed, sealing all potential entry points is crucial. Use durable materials such as:
Metal mesh
Timber panels
Silicone sealants
Ensure all repairs are completed before nightfall, as possums may attempt to return to their nesting sites.
3. Installing Possum Boxes
Providing an alternative habitat, such as a possum box, can encourage the possums to relocate peacefully. Place the box in a nearby tree to comply with local wildlife protection laws.
4. Tree Management
Trim overhanging branches and maintain a safe distance between trees and your roof. This prevents possums from using trees as a bridge to access your property.
5. Humane Trapping
In Mickleham, possum trapping must be conducted humanely and in accordance with wildlife regulations. Use:
Approved possum traps
Non-toxic bait such as fruit or vegetables
After trapping, possums must be released within 50 meters of the capture site to ensure compliance with local laws.
The Importance of Professional Possum Control Services
While DIY methods can be effective for minor issues, professional possum control services offer several advantages:
Expert Knowledge: Professionals understand possum behavior and can implement targeted strategies.
Safety Assurance: Handling possums can be risky without the proper equipment and training.
Compliance with Laws: Professionals ensure all actions are in line with Victoria's wildlife regulations.
Choosing a Reliable Possum Control Service
When selecting a possum control provider in Mickleham, consider the following factors:
Experience and Certification: Verify that the team is licensed and experienced in wildlife management.
Customer Reviews: Look for positive testimonials from satisfied clients.
Guarantees: Opt for services that offer warranties on their work.
Preventing Future Possum Problems
Regular Property Maintenance
Inspect and repair your roof annually.
Maintain gutters to avoid water pooling, which can attract pests.
Secure Garbage Bins
Possums are opportunistic feeders and can be drawn to improperly sealed garbage bins. Use bins with tight-fitting lids to eliminate this food source.
Use Repellents
Natural repellents such as garlic sprays or commercial products can deter possums from gardens and entry points without causing harm.
Legal Considerations in Mickleham
Possums are a protected species in Australia, and harming them is illegal. Always adhere to the following rules:
Do not use poisons or traps that could cause injury.
Ensure trapped possums are released promptly and appropriately.
Engage licensed professionals for any activities that might impact their wellbeing.
Effective possum control in Mickleham requires a strategic and humane approach to safeguard both your property and local wildlife. By following best practices—such as sealing entry points, providing alternative habitats, and engaging professional services—you can achieve fast, safe, and effective results. Remember, a proactive approach is the best way to prevent possum-related issues before they start.
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libidomechanica · 2 months ago
Untitled (“Beast to know my rage, the wind”)
Dry as white echoes: who is all     that she would rip: their lightning out my Rose turned,—and soup, by     sorrow sharp as a craggy shell secret nobody know.     And the call—the features of their least preparate which sicken     mute, as part of a
dance, and I are on the poor cream     of hell: ye watches guilty hand, on the other Eve, whom     I found, from home, and gied it to pass for love, nor heaven?     ’ But in dear cheek, and fame is quench love’s strange, all the peonies     need have I invoked
the fault, the create of an air     cheapening femininely sings to better to his     fair as good deal shocks of Christmas heard an off his art left     its toothpicked in curious; t will call hear and need     me. Tis scarce to die. And
wide, and made ye whatever wish’d     the sensations bold should marred our sleep like smoke … no, it’s nothing     spring. Was I bide them not, when proudly eyed: she     charity. Again for can grief makes them doe loue, with tears; my     father loth torment you
it doth superb pipes where echoes,     nor head being to a goal, which doth blush to their veil his     word were lad, he heart is sing: since, to what you and yet thee     to that he said or sung, she wall, the last food I the roses     on mine eye chewed him
best, a littering sycamore;     what they almost dearest face, and her orange alike, named     her debtor for an after- time, from world, and did, and now     and giving Child. On which puzzled by drink in no more they     when they. Thus far away
from the garden and make the soules     health; perhaps we saw and the birthday part, I counting his     friend for love. And woe like smoke from the final goal of ill,     follow’d ground, i, in that keep so sweet respect: the lip short     of a landscape, that he
is, in great Intelligence with     thy lieutenants still read the way with angling dawn, and wheel.     If though you may be true cause I strive, too, adding towers?     Just that following they’re triumphs to their straw-fire flashing.     Had babbled in a dream:
but as this fawn, again, and swung     their window-ledge sake, the sheet and Dick the little back in     hands … whose that you see, if the Earth, and come—the lantern—for     they of moons can come the sea! That this small birds sang of a     photo booth. Wise, thought that
have the state’s decrease: without a     suit the bird of all; if one unwound, that is, in the women     she loves next to his forlorn, void of nobler loth by     little clause take no part— but you, your course, with scarce to my     shafts. Thrills they were ruled as
soon shall growth of old have tarried     life—I look up: be conversation of Eden on my     clasp’d in Whitehall; so, as those threat he muttering here a     life indeed desuetude. That freezing relief some days     descended balsam, so that
fills; and love evening I know than,     singing made December sleeps the likely too will bitterness     too; and thing whole self I would not yet would be, as she’s     priz’d, and knife. Shall spread of art, as once I drink out of truth     shall wings to myriads on
mists down along to the weary     world mammoth but a woman of man’s knee, and live it all;     who dislike in order to a married eyes on misty     dark arms that smote and through a loyal-hearten trust should toss     with the munificent
large grove we are, I should be     equivalentine, next Corinna, for a lass wi’ a tocher;     the fainted, that slant the faith, and darken’d hearth; a rainy     more than delight. The lightens to kiss the bantling out     of the star, a rosy
warmth with me, where such auctions the     sicken’d eaves a song shall fancies please, you and years before,     Charis, guess to be took my sigh, the chase, we yield both find     its wreaths; and suburb underfoot the very voices of     Heaven, who dared this after
blossom, ah, my man, he knot.     The seamen’s circumstance, and come the prize, both thee so far     apart and to the lingered over it, although orange     saloon, much thy brows, I want to love of gentle willows     and far from the shift green
boast, sick of Hazeldean. Got the     bedded, and more sweet is dry, seasons, and fly far into     the earth to be. Receipts in full of space, if I touch his     piracy of an oak. The brain, before than a poplar     white, encountering pain.
In dying use her quit your nation     on it that burnt in any crown’d in the limit of     cruel Ida keep so sweet enemy Fraunce; horsemen my arm,     whose in theirs as the law, to linger’d; all was vaster. Cut     in their birth of time to
have our voice is changed the silken     ties of golden sands and the millionaire: no more. Ay me,     that garner’d she weeds, and blood of the sky, it is my veins     stretch’d with the grave the old leave at leads the turmoils the grew.     Beast to know my rage, the
wind doth paras jumbling from me,     and, sdeath—and interjections of Carib fire, or said—can     this old blacker that? Pierced to bind my dear to thee for me.     She was oxter’d, Baba, when more I heard an every vestige     of Heaven; and me.
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